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t s c


T h is

b ook

is designed

to meet

the needs o f

those who

desire to becom e acquainted with the A ssyrian language but

who cannot easily have access to oral instruction.

I t is be

lieved that this class is not a sm all one and that it will rapidly

The A ssyrian remains are so rich in the m ost valuable

materials that the language is no lon ger a luxury to be enjoyed

by the few , but has becom e a necessity to the specialist in
Semitic history, religion and linguistics.

T h e points o f con

tact with the H ebrew language and literature in particular are

so numerous and o f


interesting character that no O ld

Testam ent exegete can ignore the results o f A ssyrian study.

T w o great obstacles have stood in the way o f those who desire
to becom e acquainted with the language, the lack o f suitable
books fo r beginners and the large demand m ade on the mem
ory fo r the acquisition o f the cuneiform signs.



Indeed, apart

signs which


thiB, the


I t is the task

the chief


is not very difficult.

But fo r this, one who is fairly well acquainted with H ebrew ,

might read ordinary prose A ssyrian with much less labor than
it costs to learn H ebrew .

That is, A ssyrian written in Hebrew

or in Latin letters, is one o f the easiest o f the Sem itic lan


N o student, o f course, can ever be an independent

worker unless he also acquires the cuneiform signs, and that

fo r the reason that the values o f many o f the signs are vari

But supposing the signs to be correctly transliterated,

it is possible to have a good acquaintance with the language

without learning an}' o f the signs.

It is true o f the Assyrian

as o f all languages, that it lies not in the characters which



represent the sounds, but in the sounds them selves.

ognition o f this

fa c t constitutes

A ssyria n M anual.


the ch ie f

T h e rec

peculiarity o f the

author has learned b y

several years'

experience in teaching, that the best begin n in g is m ade b y the

use o f transliterated texts.

the m ost


gram m atical

T h u s b y the tim e the student has


sm all

cu n eiform

vocabu lary

structure o f



sign s,

b egin s

lan gu age.



has already


E a ch




direction increases his interest in the stud} and lightens the

task o f

com m itting the signs to m em ory.

S om e person s will


content them selves w ithout the sign s.

T h ose who

have m ore

tim e, o r -w h o wish to b e in depen den t o f tran sliteration s made

b y others, will n ot fa il to acquire the sig n s, h ow ev er irksom e
the task m ay b e.
T h e central feature o f the A ssyria n M anual is the collec



tex ts,

p a ges

1 -5 2 .


origin als


these tex ts are nearty all fo u n d in volu m es I an d V o f The

C uneiform In scrip tion s o f W e ste rn A s ia , an d the suspended
figures represent in each case the
can be readily con su lted.

lin e,



the original

T h e re is perh aps n o m ore satisfac

tory m ethod o f learning the cu n eiform

inscriptions with the aid o f

sign s than b y reading

tran sliteration s.

served that in the transliterated te x ts

I t is to b e ob

in this b o o k w ords in

smaller type represent d eterm in a tives, w o rd s d iv id e d into syl

lables represent su ch as are w ritten syllabically,* an d those not
so d ivid ed represent such as are w ritten b y an id e o g r a m ; cf.

x x v -x x v i.

Id e o g ra m s


w h ose

rea d in g

d ou bt have been in d ica ted b y b o ld -fa o e ty p e .

have also been

w ords ideograph ically w ritten an d a lso



G ro u p s o f signs

som etim es thus in d ica te d , som e

turn ou t to b e id eogra m s and oth ers s y lla b le s.

o f w hich may

the case of

in th e g lo ssa ry , I have

undertaken to indicate the lenerth o f th e v o w e ls, th ou eh I have

not in ail cases d on e so .
decision m ust
tex ts selected,

in m any

ca ses

e x ce p tin g

fall within w hat m igh t b e

th o se


ca lled


u p on

N a b o n id u s

c la s s ic

a n a log y .


and C yrus, all

A ssy ria n



F or the transliterated texts the cbiX>nological order has been

follow ed , ex cep t that it seem ed desirable to place the trans
lated passage, with which the student should first begin (p p .
4 2 -4 9 ), near

the cuneiform

original (p p . 5 3 -5 7 ).

Pages 50

and 51 are intended for study im m ediately after the foregoin g

section , while page 52, w hich is not in ch ron ological order, is
placed where it is because its contents are essentially unlike
those o f the other transliterated texts.

T h e system o f trans-

1iteration adopted here is essentially that in use am ong Germ an

students o f

A ssyria n .

In the case o f w ords containing the

signs k i (k i) or ra (fra ), I have generally written k i, fra, these

being the m ost frequent values o f the signs.

T h e student must

therefore bear in mind that fr som etim es corresponds to a p.

T he te x ts have not been divided into sentences and para
graphs as fu lly as m ight have been d on e.

T h e A ssyria n , it

must be rem em bered, indicates but rarely such divisions.

T h e selection o f cu n eiform texts, besides the original o f the
E gyptian Cam paign, had special reference to the intrinsic inter
est o f the passages ch osen .
exceptin g a

It is believed that these passages,

few difficult w ord s, w ill be within

the reach o f

those w ho have m astered the syllabic signs (p p . x iii-x v i) and

som e pages o f the transliterated texts.
T h e n otes

(p p . 6 5 -9 4 ) are n ot intended as a com m entary,

but on ly as b rie f

suggestions to aid

the student s progress.

T h ey are fu llest on the passage fo r beginners (p p . 4 2 -4 9 ).


has not seemed necessary

to com m ent in each case on words
o f whose m eaning I

am in dou bt, that d ou bt having already

been sufficiently expressed in the transliteration o r in the g lo s


N otes on


5 3 -5 7

have n ot been

those on pp. 4 2 -4 9 cover this passage.

before them
I have in

are to the

outline o f


T h e references with

gram m ar

the notes rarelv divided

given ,

(p p . x x v - x l v ) .

into syllables

the w ords

com m ented on , because the student know s from the transliteram

tion in each case whether a w ord is an ideogram or


N or




A ssyrian words quoted in the com m ents.





P R E FA C E .


etym ological
hare been twice entered.

Jn the case o f weak stems* there are,

o f course, many instances in which a doubt exists about one or

more letters.

In such cases the provisional stein indicated by

ebrew letters is only intended to aid in using the glossary.

Progress in the study will undoubtedly make many corrections
in any attempt to assign to each word its tri-literal stem.


first word in b old -fa ce type after the Hebrew letters is iu the
case o f verbs the infinitive o f the form I 1 (Q u l), the Hebrew
letters, how ever, being regarded ns sufficient in cases where 1
was in doubt as to the A ssyrian form o f the infinitive.

In the

case o f other words than verbs the word in bold-faoo type rep
resents the absolute form o f the noun, etc.
which are follow ed

Only those forms

by a reference to page and lino actually

occnr in this collection o f texts.

The division o f the word into

syllables is the same as explained above.

W ords for which I

have n o definition are follow ed by five dots ( ............ ).

tried to


the references com plete

I have

in the oaso o f words

occurring but few times, but this course did not seem necessary
in the case o f those which occu r with great frequency.
A list o f the proper names which occur in tbo texts has not
been added, because in a book fo r beginners such a list does
not seem to me necessary.
T b e list o f signs includes
phonogram s

(p p . x i i i - x v i ) ,

ideogram s (p p . x v iii-x x iv )
(p p .

5 3 -6 4 ) and

an alm ost complete list o f the


with a full list of the



in the originals on which

texts (p p . 1 -5 2 ) are based.



the transliterated

In case o f the texts written in

Babylonian characters (p p . 23, 24, 354 1 ), the Assyrian form of

the sign is given.

A com plete list o f phonetic values is not

yet possible, but the one here given

practical purposes.

is sufficiently full for all

com plete set o f ideograms and ideo

graphic values is also im possible and lies outside o f the scope

o f this book .

The signs are arranged in the order o f com

plexity, reference being bad in each case to the first wedge or


w edges on the left o f the sign.

Thus zu, N o. 5 , though com

posed o f m ore w edges than is, N o . 135, com es before it, because
zu begins with only one horizontal w edge, while is begins with
tw o.

T he order is first those signs beginning with horizontal

w edges, then those with oblique w edges, afterw ards those with
the double wedge and lastly those with perpendicular w edges.
These groups are further subdivided on the basis o f the num
ber o f w edges with which each sign begins.

otd lin e o f gram m ar (p p . x x v - x l v )

bare sketch, yet


gram m ar

it is believed



that the



intended as a

im portant
referen ce




given fo r nearly every w ord quoted as an illustration, and so

far as possible the reference is to

texts in this b o o k .

T he

student can thus easily turn to the passage and see the w ord





treatm ent

2 5 -3 2 , an attem pt has been



w eak


m ade to refer existin g form s

to the original form s from w hich they com e, though it must


adm itted



m ost




no lon ger in use when the language entered on

form s



T h e plan to be pursued in the use o f this b o o k will depend
on on e s m ethods o f study.
would recom m end


gram m ar tw o or three

F or those w ho have no teacher I

follow in g
tim es.

plan :
T h en

R ead the outline o f


several tim es the

E gyptian Cam paigns with the translation (p p . 4 2 -5 1 ).









equivalents will present them selves.


in connection


M uch

m any H ebrew

Then g o over the same

with the notes and glossary, lookin g

np all the gram m atical references.

to m em ory each day a few o f

A t the same time com m it

the m ost com m on phonogram s

(p p . x v i-x v ii), and practise those learned, by w riting them and









A fte r


E gyptian Cam paigns the selection beginning on page 21 may

be studied, then the one on page 27, after this the S}Tian Cam
paign o f Sennacherib, pp. 1 0 -1 2 .

T he student may then read

the rem aining selections in order, the m ost difficult being those



of Nabonidu9 and Cyrus (pp. 35-41), the difficulty in the latter

case being largely due to the fragmentary condition of the orig

So soon as the Egyptian Campaign has been mastered in

transliteration, or even before, the student may turn his atten

tion to the original, pp. 53-57.

He should make himself so

familiar with this that he could write out a transliteration, or

could reproduce the original from the transliteration.

When he

has done this, it is probable that he could make vqry good

headway with the remaining cuneiform selections, pp. 57-64.
In reading these he will turn to the list of signs for any sylla
ble or ideogram which may be unknown.

But his acquaintance

with the structure of the language, gained from reading trans

literated texts, will generally enable him to decide whether a
sign is syllable or ideogram.

It is desirable to make constant

reference to the original in reading the other selections also,

and thus to gain familiarity with the signs,

Long before the

student has accomplished all that is here marked out, he will be

delighted to find that, if he is tolerably familiar with the list of
signs, he will be in position to translate with a good deal of
confidence untransliterated historical texts.

For practice it is

particularly desirable to have volume V of 44 The Cuneiform

Inscriptions o f Western Asia.*
To the published works o f my co-laborers in Assyrian I am
under obligations for many suggestions as to reading and mean
ing of words.

I have not thought it necessary iu each case to

cumber the notes by an acknowledgment.

The cases may be

few where I have assigned to words meanings which have not

been assigned by some predecessor.

But besides the acknowl

edgments made in the notes I desire here to express in partic

ular my obligations to the works o f Prof. Friedrich Delitzsch.
The Schrifttafel in Prof. Delitzseh's Assyrische Lesestiicke, ed. 8,
is the most valuable collection o f cuneiform signs which has yet
The printers, Messrs. J. S. C shing & Co., have brought
to the mechanical execution o f the hook that good taste aud
faithfulness which characterize all their work.

If the book shall



supply the need which seem s to me to ex ist, and shall m ake it

possible m ore easily than heretofore to possess on eself o f the
rich treasures



A ssyrian

language, I



am ply

rewarded fo r all the time and labor which its preparation has
D. G. LYO X.


r in

b b r e v ia t io n s

L is t


S ig n s



. . X lll-X V l

Selected phonograms

.. xvi-xvii


......... xvii

Ideogram s................


O utline


G r a m m a r .............................................................. xxv-xlv

1. The lan gu age.................................................................. x x y


The written character.................................................... xxv


Ideogram s....................................................................... xxv




5. Determinatives, Phonetic complements...................... xxvi

6. On reading cuneiform inscriptions............................... xxvi
7 . Phonic material.............................................................. xxvii

Phonic changes ...................................................xxvii-xxix

9. Personal pronouns ................................................. xxix-xxx


Demonstrative pronouns.............................................. xxxi


Relative pronoun........................................................... xxxi


Interrogative pronouns................................................ xxxii


Indirect interrogative and indefinite pronouns.........xxxii


Reflexive pronoun..........................................


Noun form ation................................................. xxxii-xxxiii


Inflection.......................................................... xxxiii-xxxiv




Conjunctions................................................................. xxxv


A dverbs..........................................................................xxxv




21. Verb stem s....................................................... xxxvi-xxxvii

22. Tense and m o o d ............................................ xxxvii-xxxviii
23. Inflection of the strong v erb ................................ xxxix-xl
24. Remarks on the paradigm................................................ *1


r in

f 25. The weak v e r b ..................................................

26. Verb initial 3 .................................................................xll
27. Verb* initial guttural.................................
28. Verba middle guttural........................................... . . . .xlii
22. Verba dual guttural................................
t III!
80. Verba initial 1 o r ' .................................................xliii-xlir
31. Verba middle 1 or ........................................................ xlir
82. Verba final 1 or * ............................................................xlir
33. Quadriliteral verbs .................................................xlirxlv

T ransliterated T e x t s ..................................................................... 1-52

Uglathpileser I. Three Campaigns........................................1-4
Asaurnazirpal. Standard Inacription...................................... 5-6
Shalmaneser EL Genealogy, Three Campaigns, Tribute
of J e h u .............................................................................. 7-8
Sargon. Conquests, Restoration of Calah.............................2-10
Sennacherib. Syrian Campaign, Tribute of Hezekiah . . . . 10-12
Campaign against Elam ................................................. 13-14
Campaign against B abylon........................................... 14-17
Destruction of Babylon...................................................17-18

Campaign against Sidon................................ 18-10


Youth and Accession to the Throne.......... 10-20

Campaign against Tyre, Submission of Gyges of

Lydia.......................................................................... 21-23
Account of Temple Restorations.................................. 23-24
War against SamaUumukin of Babylon....................... 24-27
Arabian Campaign.......................................................... 27-34

Temple Restorations in Haran and Sippar.. .35-30

Cyrus. Capture of Babylon, Restoration of Gods to their

Temples.......................................................................... 30-41
Assurbanipal. Two Egyptian Campaigns and Hunting
Inscription (with translations) ......................................42-51
Iltars Descent to Hades...................................................... 52

C uneiform T e

x ts

.......................................................................... 53-64

Assurbanipals First Egyptian Campaign............................ 53-57

Account of the D eluge..........................................................57-62
Fragment of a Creation Tablet.................................................. 62
From Istars Descent to Hades.............................................63-64

N otes

on the

T e x t s .................................................................... 65-94

G l o s s a r t .........................................................................................95-138


Asb., A tb . Bm., A urb. S m .: History o Assurbanipal, by Georg

Smith. London, 1871.
B oh ,: Hohltun-Inscription of Darius, III R 39-40.
B usspsnlm on: Babylonische Busspsalmen, by Heinrich Zimmern
Leipzig, 1885,
D., NR., B ,: short Achoemenian inscriptions, published by Paul Haupt
in Bezolds Die Achmenideninschriften. Leipzig, 1882.
Lay., L a y a rd : Inscriptions in the Cuneiform Character, by A. H.
Layard. London, 1851.
Leaeat.8: Assyrische Lesestcke, ed. 3, by Friedrich Delitzsch. Leipzig,
P aradlea: W o lag das Paradies?, by Friedrich Delitzsch. Leipzig,
K A T *: Dio Keilinschriften und das Alte Testament, ed. 2, by Eberhard
Schrder. Giessen, 1883.
K h o r s : Grande Inscription du Palais de Khorsabad, by J. Oppert and
J. Menant. Paris, 1863.
N lm ro d e p o o : Das Babylonische Nimrodepos, by Paul Haupt. Leipzig,
Pinohe T e x ts : Texts in the Babylonian Wedge-Writing, by T. G.
Pinches. London, 1882.
R : Tho Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, by Sir Henry Rawlinson and others.
5 vols.
London, 1861-1884.
Tho number
before R indicates the vol., the numbers after R indicate page and
lino. Thus IV R 9, 6 a means vol. IV, p. 9,1. 6, col. 1.
S\ S b, B#: The Syllabaries in Delitzschs Assyr. Lesest.8
B argon t e x t e : Keilsohr if ttexte Sargons, by D. G. Lyon. Leipzig, 1883.
Bargon CyL, Sargon S t.: The Cylinder-Inscription and Bull-Insoription in Lyons Sargon texte.
B trsssm .: Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der Assyrischen und Akkadischen
Wrter, etc., by J. N. Strassmaier. Leipzig, 1882-1886.
T iglathplleaer: Die Inschriften Tiglathpilesers I, by Wilhelm Lot*.
Leipzig, 1880.
Z K F .: Zeitschrift fr Keilschriftforschung, by Carl Bezold and others.
Leipzig, 1884-1886.
dot., determ .: determinative. id. (pi. id s.) : ideogram. perm .: per
mansive. e t.: stem. v a r .: variant. The other abbreviations will
be familiar.


W n , old

m -^ X s t im s


b ee

3 t^ 'r r u L q tk k)

& ^

b id L U , ).

* **/

* *i &

*a, k d

a'- * a L d (t,4j

Zu JSee

* T 5 a ,<ui(k,i
k iU ( / )

31 $ K UL, a i ( 11)
I tv d r ty
T n u L it-t), i d
37. /T o v eu .

5*ia^ sV n
8**:>**<r to A ,

& * * 7 Ir = A t i a |

>-f{& - lia A c i, fa
5 7 ^ lV s.t.
5 * * f& * 5 * > fW ? - * f [ .

d a l, tc J ,
ia l.
C f .^ 4 ^ .
fn u n t

& A, fu u l( l
fa* b u l { i l ) ,



37 M l = *4 , 56 .26
3 *.*^ t =6:.

l-C tj $ t l .


d v m , tv m ..
* + W ~ M A 31

iS. o t y SU *., f u l .

fa d , l d l t J

1 0 -* * ? --m l

^ ^ f = + *% ,N o S .

u d W d jd d tb f i
* f- l o A , IrO e,
fu U , OTULSiS).

ll * m l u l , jv d /a H * ,
H .t+ f- a/Tl.
I S tQ lk tb .
iL 't$ S / r u u i(k ,k ).

HS***- OLU*

fu n ,

hum, bum,

& > * ?g S u A so-a - M f * - , fajB/fl*,

t f.X A tu fr (b h Id ^ tS f-d A l, iuJL,
tu A .

7/.^faAVt, bout,
itJ fflk J L

t.b h
ftfU f,(k ,k )-

id .

20 *ff -la,

^ *T , %

, HW


r fffto n

L (b k \

r fS m a J i

kK, jfM f
l i t * ' CU*l> h u h
S tie l, SUA,

97UL(L(i; t)
57 MjomL(t, i)fjaJ.
(i,h t^uurrt,
bum ,, kam
S3. > & cUmt.tom},
v /iu st i. .

r ,# b n u .

^ 3 iu \ < m ,< *

eu , H 1


* ! .

T U tl.

dcui, to A .
7 i.* 3 fe ia fi(K h ) ,
73VW, M c l .fa .

7L p cLalik ), la ir
(fa, ta lr(fi).
19.XXH n z o J r ib )


P K o r u r Q ^ U tn r iS .

/. M


U f< k k )

t3 & r r ,

& rrf



p$5 iann


* m ,t i p s

IX . t ) , S ii

4 . i z .'

, , a p * r f f t 3 n r =6*..
^ .
S S fB W t d u


d . i) i



Sam, sa/m,

({l), h i m .

O M ./ .

8t.t$[ a,cL(4, i).


lltt3 .cU # m ,.
u / m , Vb-.

s -c .

V .& lf 'tf* .

v m

= ^ r r -u .

p w

V iE im -

66S' / 4

A a l(ft ).

fts L n .

4 < fc 4 (S ,$ ) ,



d (k


>SI- m

fip ni,tod,Stl
t P f= S 3 F > ./*


' m


^vV o

A k)


dm., tan,
., lam..

A ln (*)
t$ A


(fib iU iji),

< u L s,a .o J .

f& S*, s 't m ..

orfnji), Id

4 l i ,

56A, J ,


K m A X , k a l,

3T is, anil.

& & 5 A , Soa.,

h , H r * , tfj

k u s f r i f i ) , k iU i


o n c s c s j)1

djJLj aaJr(/?ij

d u n , tu h ,


U (it),h

s ir 4 .



iZ ^

4 U(hfat,


A t.

53. ^ 3 toua (.h k ) ,

d c j j ., t a b

SaA ( k H b

ta k ,c L u J i.

* v ^ = p S i* K
SS. ^

3tfd a M tk h t* *
03- P ^ f i p



#JHF S i l ( f i ) .

^ c d .

k d a n .

a /S '


M .& t f i U , L ii

1 5 9 . 0 ' p f c ia , 4 :

i iS .t f W S.S), Q is-

& 1,

'i <


ft. &gicL(i, 4

I0U r t f f m e , ^ ', 4 i ,


/J7. ^

S fj T sc-cft),


/ p A M

^ io f, - f e u k t h


io % zg $ d iu ,,

tio.t&l * * * ( * . V>
4 ia ,u s .Q )-

u A ifa
tt-m o J i.

< A i

ixA( t

p H T f U r f .* ),


I&3 * ^ * * 1 W

fU A



fchffnJjAsU rn,s.

f f U , k ic U U x
b u L lt J )

ftft A -fa , fa t iS x .
a a ^ f h ,,i,tt,:< :

fa l(ft), -u
(fa t-lu l,

|#.4&JKT 'ty ju t.

: cli, ii, al,


JT .
V \ axvnt, QUA.
y 4uvl, ZoJLlt

i i.


os Arff m .

fa * ., fvu i
^yOA, '{yL*.,

n itu ld i),

nun, TnJLOk,uft.

I .Y d Z .

{El oivn

10 L . A f e . - ~ .



< t-fK jfUi>.

s jfL,/V o m
'ixd if*), s ih fq .

clum, Sul,

!07. jt&& S'M'tJ'

iU )/ td k h
k u id 4 $ ^ -

lo i J g f


ty fa U d J ),

* * . < L b.

*< *> $)

fuufal i), SuA

l l o .4 t & < m u A .

fa n

l?** OTZ/U/l, 7 l i { .

h ?T

in ^ o iu c S ,


3. <*?*3



A!l 6

7. ^ < 3 7


* < 1 lu U jtfb A m
U ^ L h i* ..

"-* W k a A .

7-4^ ' t o ,

* r / is (f).

%aoLiit), &-,
fiat, fuA.lcUy,
ttA, Musis').

i .& 'm i -
qm I .A u


" fa c .fa j.

*sa V W , s
{ i l l ft).

'fa it , 9 0 m .
2-2fl VH 014071,7VUOTI

fm> t d ,

cs ), a m


JU4 <7?m 5'

ia y iU (fi}.

J437 fawn.

237- JSTzh.jtfo. 276.

a<SB f iJu/rrv^



W <4-

to o n . a m ,.

* f '2 ja l(jtb $ cJ (to,

iS .^ fa > m ,fta o L


4. <W T, <JSf
fa fy .
ttftF =

7*z. .

M & itU .

a# =

W f ! A ils J l


r, j a M ^
tu *.
4 u p rM fe ^ f.4 v

& (A, W r,<

A33.4^- fc, - m ,

J*1 '

WJ. & t v / ' . 4 t-

fJ tc T itm s u v r r v e .


7 /jfo f i t .

/u, eUiifu t l S t f i ) ,


* m U .

am u^t.

7 3 \ H B r u it 4 h
l* * W U ffi u ,
a t# t,

w rS m u .

k ill.
* V

* * T W a * .*
,,fl I H x . u
i,r ^

'U vm , -faum,


i l U .1 ( s, S )

w n St f ( k A ,

u I s it

ic t ( k k K

h ia t k , 4t).


* * '* . f i c i

377. J H out, '


I H f Sh , lu m



V 5*

t i & g 'H V K

It. V f* ,'

* * t S c L * r n


Q t L t c k d , P -h tr n x n f'L a / r n .i
(U n it * n * * i J U

* * ru

tR v n .

4 "< r c

j f .



n t fr a..

4F- /^

h^ t

H-f- a /

p tf

/* "


X* * T ,a/fl

F$fc a,*. a $ . *

p^ .u 4 ,L L ft
PfTTP= -m r * ^ -

*ir< fc.

t f..

< J *ta


PA a ^ t .
& ..

fr ^ A ,



c s-

i f


s -c .

fly *

g f c .

'm ^ , .

ft- / m i

* SU,.

s s r ^ .

4 # : cL . it.




w k

n ir e ^

* w

* R <4. A ,J i.

A lf


*7^ 7 W .


A M K *b& 4

p f f a ^ . ^ ,

-tv / r u i

A ^

PU* is, i $.

* * * "* -* U


uU ni.u


*/-& < . /*
y K li* . < * 4

]S lk t

x to-


& diA rfrLvnjoC totrt'S.


JB& fc.

If a ,

lV l

J h f^ -


S b & lkA /rrufootw **s.

( J^rr* naA^uL *

ftltuuL */. tfin*, *W .J

f- .ttlL : ^ rI^*

M T Jt&wz rn*vm Ar<A.

* ? r &All\
C U isfut -OTlffYitAi,.

<$3 -hi : j^AauCJL. t tsrwn t y ,

k a A h a A u , : S&/1

4 -

F 77t : 'TizasSCAiAimt.

't^ T T ff >*F *(--* hj 'TUA/tn^tA.,

frvw m A+>i,.
77l4/lLL Um^TTUiA
clA ? tM ,

fv cru ^ is.

jt -

fivmaJL cunvryuU^ {* *d-

i sJ'CTie*.

J-4, c

lF 84C : ih iiL , V ira v ti.

'koA fu d u . : veS S -ti, fid t
(X/DtaA u . :
fiCaiaJLt fauA*., jw rfiJjL .
'V o n tu . :
SclcU l : 'rn ,ow n toA srL

: ^ W l. jrj/ufflt^ ThOtMA-S,


v< s

Cl 9-u a,3 O ttrv^S


HT Jm a M * : "to/m A ,
f i t * * + s-w n : 7iu/m&e*>

Vf}3 'fcd/iu.. sA e*m.,

[*ff4 'n u n iu . ;


(^ c fz jr y u Q s r r ts

i/7L4b :



* > 7 'ia s fy & 'l-tL S -c U U tr .

O Z C bL d. TfrbC :

<2 7 p j f w - w - J&

f y f f i T J l f ^ iu n v u L \ C a m J .
ik J u fA #


p + f f f c g f Q ^jxS-C C ; ( r t & m , CL& jS*.

^ H ^ T

'T T L C u s k u - S ' k o n

S u v & cL : t r



j^ u f y * 2 A t : icrtcK y iU ^ ; CiS-

j/ r t& v u L j-e .

S u L fo u . : f r t r a jL J Q i'4 '& L

(o P++Y+S

ft ffiT

V U L /ku.

5 /. F


S O 'S ^ K -

VH oaJ


9 7 lA A ,cU i\ '

f C c * - ; js ta J tu - : f i v u j 'n ,,
f l * * * ' o f A J t c y t ; $ CL
jw -c L & n ,c L c u

^.>rar=HF^r/3^ y ^ u

fty C b f/ U A . ; L cL ^

t + f -



oJ u jU l

; s & u w r tt; $

frlaJjt., 'iru* n j

> t f - t r J J O / rv& 'h cL - h a x L .
10. * + f-

> f-

LS& ^



,- /

/ ie-

j ^ Q :iU .& y^O L

SV^r sV.'i i itWK S^.-1-tf.

u rn.


S -fo u c L tr u r ,;,.
la - * t - < f - 4 ^ a / itC ^ U C : 'O tO T V .


* & , ^

oa.A u .

s 4 u . e e

u rU oL

^ B M F T r H * > fl fcffT

' 'r n .m .iA .

M . e^K

k c'K iL

r f

-& t_ou $ i> .

cL l s l u

*) : y a u t )

u s s 'u . : f r u n v ( L o jt i f f K %
/ V.

y fs fu S L

jf-S S U A * .

30. * 0 1 SiAM.} f . $4A.tu- : GjLcJttiJi

j4 s s u a >

3 I-* & V

J I s s 'u

J +

^ W

IS. Oyjjjf

^ S

ssu A.

: 4

s s ^

s f jL J i A l j C r f/ K W O H u t;

{vrvtvvL : ytxrrtkj
I t

S a j d u .:

'rrvozitfc, tsv-idr

( o f & th lX I / M ) flis & C L

it r

: 'it r < / n .iiA ..




a. /m*.Co0Vl5 /m

5tfnu. -htAut.
*W . P ^ ~ O ^yfyO L : '& vtrt^ iA ^ /riaJw L

4lITS^(m. ) OZfrfvtlAAAl >

btASYH. 'trtr**& f

t OZ(L$m l

fito o tiL c jt
m + 4 v tM -'. + r i + m y .


x ix

tlAU : S-C.^aL

fci& tcL \ a^vxLmiSS.

'l&Afrul! hr sjvuJij
^Yl-tnitiVYl; OlrtLci/nu.: ic
(jIA*.; frvrnu: Tiamu^.

&. *-< -iffvrwL : ZtruL ; 0

Icioync : -&<rrlL; waA-izc cxunoZt stuonn. .
**4 l t o-d. Q i

H *< u ttu .: eUx#>n v a in ,

72a/&: f rtl ?7-c/r.

IjaZm. i.U : Z eiZ Z Z t,.

tf. fjy o ia ^ t ii i Z * fi
H tyT ^ kaln t Jtt.exL.
fE ^ T
: 4r ^
ZlsAu L - 4ivnu. :

M jlCUjAM- ' f i f f l /w e .
,$iuA- .
n ^ L 4 U u .Z Z g U t k erts eJJo

1*112*4<3U;*Xu M

& A '

4i-CLma, tk i 5 ^
iSa jn^nt-i/jU.
37. * err*

ffHSf fatyuL\lAli4 aortHfnl

$%')*$- j 4 vU a, .ff-td ' jith tA . .

VtrmA.tA, atH toL

v , ifr*

f p s ClZiZu : ^CL.'ktMi

^ 517$

]T J & + 3 M ^ :

fctJKJEfT&n.: n L S n t.

titf+ Z v/ u .. er\


9U. 2^- Zoi; m ft, un.tZiovZ.


' n i f A k a : fT M V ut.

^ . ffr H r

ITPtybjL jC : sftVoLs ^4l*r& K .

*f~ ^-<srr *if l frrj-c/oL.

aZheMu.: ZulJma. .
HK scum M a.- Z i f t Z u u itL .

4* * W , H W s m ^ ; fa & t


i f oLsfony.

JstaA.: acrd^SS JshpX.

iritif clisfu*.. 'nen-ey.

'fo-sa.du: m ilk, Zwnk\
a f a. SlUrcA,.
iv b -.

pflTy ^ s v n m tic *su n J tn r.

Eapt *^fy jvtfyrfu Sa&aft

-u t h 4 * -soZ/Lcvfi, anrtAi?i&v.
fl.rffffit ciaJ&L-. elm .
: 4, kvn.il gfi/athvnQ.

lialu.. 7UY^U^
cl aZjLruAr^
**%{4taAnu 'tu m
tU t/bkim *..

r*f tjp f sVWIk: ZitllceZrssf

J c t ju r fi*

^ su



fc ^ M O a

' -A e s jC ; eLSeU <

* *1
p f f T T ^ J ^ 4 -d fa u s t\ 0\enAtU
r lj1 i

/u lcUv .

FfJfcf dT AiiMAcloLl 4xtA^LWftf

: At,d+i,.
AfT4jtf isOAJU. ; icr flA'trsfi**'.

J t fW ie n u

tl-X m

OriAnrL, f v C l r t .

X u /it /
le u k n w

)^ ^ ^ 0 7 lA / fr fu C :9 * --


r f fo * fw u ,

ft ^ tA / C tu i s 4 u 4 ,$ t

toX*%'siML> tb fi)& & *,

U f u r y t , O s cW H 'S t 'j
O . fy ito w n .

M f A + .U -Uu, ;

AsCL/fl^U.: 4b
W-tPT^Hy stcUAfi.
'ha/k^etAc: stcJv.

ff1 fft& %

k u fb x / u L t ie m l,



fr # t;

o n * rt\ -

4 -f/ i.s < r f

: A trtv lt,.

I r r o ty '

8. H ^ T ^iSUu. t / ul .
* & X ^ t t o U u .o n e m t k M .
W. p Q g J


ti 'ttiR W a M i
*flTTch lfa ju i: tcu& tair

t .

* s r m * f d t i . oM**- 'htvMfois

99 5

p : Qi I cL

l j


o U zu : ^

O tsh u . : t *

4 U lt .
fy< r

X ^ a n rn U U j c id . ?
S d A A u : 'k u n y .
^ f e v r r iv u L : A lt ; n s

L pL .

M W v u d i.

s /^




*ii7r i/iAui} jtumd*mui.

^Ep SutyMLj SoJlMl: SlnjJUj

:C lW

ftl/uc, cUUil : tJuZd. Sem


^ t 3 f e l JwrlSJlu. ;2W*uf
a s iM u d v L A iw i,

^Ep4vn- n/C; q/LCvnJLsffyi'

a/du. Itim l

\(L cJ J L C l4 ltv i

tr t^ L M iir i W i ! ; .

H i j ff a f i .J l - sZa a j M u.
/lt tn n iJ A L *+rv64J


t o d u iu : c o v h f K%

S oA 4^

O r e l tfcW U C .

f f r f j f ' i/U /C : flO A s fa .




; ^ 4^ ^^4rW

cU l s 4

huAtMvyUL :

: oMeneLx fJ#r,

kirnJ. r f fl# 4


<]f j f ^ **"#>


$ 'M iL .p A . =/v* 6
F ~ f J -4 & /S M .
AjfuJH. : & cL, OTl*iiM.,*&&.9 v tc.4 c twdUL

tfff-t+ m a jj. iuU otitrv

E ft # * 4 i a ktm ji r f vm -d j
-y A u ftt-gfU i,
i A jA l -. fijnA^Hton*
'fin est..
ISVcfiL: sfuiurvL.

f*4; 4uAl. Lei.

^kcU lu: ^UlA.CL

E S p & p * * # . ^LUUul.

5f h

W i n M ut/i: ~*m fvU .

tfltl JfJ<1: <prdL cf-cL.

& iXA*4i

ST* = tfrrr*,/^./.

tfuL M u(iA4i>nt<l


4 vn - -4vhl, t f Aft f i

'. {fc fc fiflw u t .* ^

/ lu-G tU iu.

7T p
qutuUL m *rt.
H f* *mUn. . 'Yn&riJtffi.it*.
w is 6ai\
foh / L ttu t.

ft ,, {A 4 f a * ' tlt+ u j .

: -fa a n ,.

p- f l t e l t i :

ft -t 'ft .


*ff$ #

d k im A * { tttn u L .
fuviA U . terYim uvv-sL

S a 0rmuiiimnMu. . A<nt4

- t^S, No. f t

r-H f ft p 'n u s A u . j r d f t .

ftt.' feamxL, stcU.j rn n

iDl- ZffSH:

u rm i.

\i0 fcSw- fcf ^tjj1U ftfiyfi+ fm itj.

VU .>-*f
$*ffUL4 ;

n ie. {w trtA ,, t e * r f a .

OUL&Ul : tcua-A130- p ^ T cL&ui - 4a.sJhruj
^ ^ 4 la / e ic m iudst) 4ul& U tu. -. W lU st

! W r L ta 4 u rtriU , :'4iM rfL~

\ .tf\ Q jefu L : r%

f f g fu U u A L l: SvnttuAAy.

Aaal nana * f *T Jltfrfk..

4rteff+ -@ t t*j

IW .

tA oten,
X'lL44L pa**.

fom.AAd4~: yrddtu $
'fa&jbu. fuoteoL
Ujhmu.'. fvn jvo, fto .

4&h*4u. : Alf/ry^
1tfei4- tim -d & 4 < 4 ..
haAfuUU, : flfit, irtSt-J[
^^PI siereati: fv*A$4:
^ ^ ^ L ockm U
WTt cvrn*n*4it
ft tfTP SiM jU A : S+^u-+*4
Q 7ltJS& n4*+"

f& fvrruUl VMLtiUAOtS


^ *0^


,olu.: 4am.d rfhhcul

MouS&oUl : 4rAtA.eL, CofxfolAJLi k i tttC cp^JW*.


< /o (jt0 l M V rrlS -

^ r tr v ij;

o tlS ^ U


A PfTfr ifugu : 4zrr-iL.


; s c u d u . : O T V *u m t< u m ,.

fS l

d J t.

f A*ff S u e : uririoL
Al^ff R ,c w + n :
j^cLU c : ^<r

^ .< L '.r-V \ ,iJ u M L

P ^ f. ^

- T

l A

- A

i/ Y T lkkA U L : 5 ^ v m

t . a s jjL t u t i

'n&otu. : -tAoJiuL

f f f ^A/UAO^L .

k n u L ^ iv J L .



JuLhu,: olcstwnf.
P f y f f l f iu s fa : far&st .

tft, <

il i-<4

/x. /0 T =~T, /Vo *




tu ia / w - J - t .

N o *7L.

% CLt m l ;



S -c fw A c u to r y x .

Hl H S

( 4

& rn A A W

M . 4 M f j s< fn .

y f f *~ ycU tlt : dtorru m ..

A n ztA ^ L


H>f v y

: s u n ; fi< L $ L :

M rJ U riL ) flA / U L : 5 C t ^ n -


/< /.

G j^ A r r u r f.
*T 6 & rrv iiL i S U 71 ; S t t T r v A S

S < - c . bnaxLrur


4 z a .s / u ) - i - c u r j ,.

f$ tt n n u :


/Amtu: t u

*f- S tfiMXU tzfifvtA

& r a ,s u >

cn *X .

ffta / iA k :
n jB fs $ > m ik

pu m M u


4^J Q u r f u L : S A t o u fu t * .
J t f j f s n i d c c : S tL C A ifit* J

i {lAi-twurfiisS.
f p y U A hU .: f i f Z t .
M & yS d a A a A :^

tfF U i'T H t : *<U ,.


flA V L S * .
( t f )

^U l s ^ U i 4 * * r.

^fTT A d v Ci "tl&AAJt
^ST ^<Vrta -&kt, k/>.

( 73S0-) if s d -Z it: sa Z d u *..

4 ^

ft& jd fr n u :

usnt^riiunM .,

^fe f )

uffTVVzd/n&ii i oA/rny.


g if* * .
^ ffP 4 ^

fvu u n u sthiJL

A 4zLSSatii: t^tdctjAurwth,.

g v k k a n v liA i.

y jr ir t A / y in

4B ^R2T sJtt/Jrn, 4*nei

*+f~A A UA, j r e t AgSiM ,,

4 j^ -

l t o .j j

4 ^ * ''

4Rff v n u

+ y*'

4 < lu rY iA rn 'S .

** i

^ ^

cLcumAu. : QA&tijuf ^
VTootta, ; OtQrnUAttL:

o io a A

*u .

tT J F tfM a w u L

Sirfk-i CLSA4L: jy/cuOt,.

JiaAcLsk t unw/i
fBtt SLofudu. I -toHrtA, ;
fafo/du.: toio^A, fia*t.
'kaffw-Jj : sii\rtA{i
> .f S T
* f A^fxetitint.
' $L to .la ta d i/ c .
M t : A U tiL d r .
4fi>Yl&'fu(A.CL?U: a M .
'kcusflOL 3. > *f
JfjtaA,: jja-djUss J_
V 4 a v iu : A on # .

Jfcf h.C & th - onoy*tL T tst.


I tM

S a n U tti: ^ Y n ijA tj^ d tM ^ o

sa/m fi:iM isd.

I f = % , V /??.

tfjns' muuL <$***

,'^ ra r j> *J M u .n g
Y o .^ -.a iit.ff^


W-X<id fa .
nruurt-, curia.-.
~for, (A^dc,
T W I tstin : envt
r~ srVCL&L: ter trUlA*.
jWtfTie AunuibuuL.
jn/uAad SAspt..
^pt S W tM fa .

$B fJ S S U u f



s'cttL : Azr^*V

* * u d t(tu i] ) .

QsfuicL S ^ stin , i iHL

j/^u/yv; r77U??l7yUL. : w*4.
PffT i h i ; eeth U aQ
h m -h i-fa
<l<r<tcUss f l .

^ rti /4/U\

: tAHry+^Ky^
u rv f* 3SIL : tduJTlJL


lliU & i: tU U y> / n * * v

IiS. w>- 4.H. Q m : j r / g ^

iM fuA/UtSSU : tUotfJL' oU-


***> -h a tttt. ; ttej^ tro tt .

con -^ cta ry^ t., a tcL .

tAnd, ('fz&uTt).
SuJrnu. : fita**., lum&t.
^ oUmiL ; jUoifrJL.
$<*AAsfu{. t r d u vyt.
^ tllu .'fL d tjn n .em u L .

cl tiuyvd.

w rrtLi A adijni h^s^i -


*! *

: d u u ie t

JITtu tiu tfa .:

Y '+ 'U l .

$ &

tk-eok +4*

f f V ~ yu *M u i t& vnu.-huiAtA..

'teM U M i: 4~*k.
trvl. a f
6*m ou/- :
m o n th ^ A n n tn tfrrritfcfci i^ a u c w * ti
'17 cU u xt s-Zfln.
. ff4U & A7nctu


>07.Jfc du. Zjr t<.j tiW *-'

p y ^ f m if* : h lo n .


<jfobioJU i/ uS

Rw ff{Hl

P 3 T '6 a J i& a ju L i t A - v k * ^ I

J & lH U jU u :c U ^
\ | f o fi-t t L : $ 4 m

4+\ , C+h. U l v


'r r v U . H /t t -

u k n u

tu t.

fr 'H h U


a/ ' ^
* tu r tv r u i.

o v w m t+ A J ,

su U t l

ir tlS U


W M t a m L l SCCU.
otuA l

/ t *

: tn r tA s fi ffM r y

>'/ *

$a kd n u

U t$ tk *

5A 4n#

- -lr tr d .


> tn
k k ^ jL

ffJSFm M .: s & to m , 4 tvL

^ ^ 4

,w 7

a u

kuttitiU; t u * *
^ B 'h ^ A .- . a ^ n j U u .
PuA&iu. : &ufiAta

Vtm* 0 7 ta^khnuK


-4-SUA, : W

rfiiu /

'fyeM u
V J jf


ify tt

tc U

s c t^ tii


^ I 4 u.L fu-ss ts*\

tfW * S M W *

l4 o i4 A 4 n

fc .* i */

6 T io -x i^ a i.

'trvT L

*f* f f

**j+ k

: uU oL ,

-* V

f i u , * l b v u i s$ tr > u


s t * .

O lu / m eJ L S



UfJi &n


tstjiA tS S tJ -:

1 >

fflJV- z z o o


4 r-

tr= 4<4

3 o

T7T - J
^ f =


s 10

< r ~ n

i< 4 , P

= 7<?

= 1000

\ fftfr --2 o o o



1 4

f4 4 = 0

s /<J<5

/ f f 6 .


1. The language.

Assyrian is the language of that great Semitic

empire of the Mesopotamian valley, which came to an end with the

capture of Babylon by Cyrus in 538 b .c .

This language has been pre

served in inscriptions carved on stone and metals and stamped on


The oldest known specimens are from the time of Sorgon I,

whose date is given as about 8800 b . c . (cf. 87 ).

The written language

continued in use through the Persian and Greek periods till after the
beginning of our era, particularly for recording commercial transactions.
The most flourishing literary period was the time of the lost Assyrian
dynasty, 722-600 B.c.

The language, with very slight dialectical differ

ences, was the same in Babylonia as in Assyria.

Such a difference is

the Babylonian preference for a softer pronunciation, as (btiu 88s1 for

{pu to make, gala 36n for jrdlu hand, irzitu for irfitu earth.


Assyrian belongs to what is known as the northern group of Semitic

languages, including Hebrew, Aramaic, etc.
2. The written character.

The Assyrian language, which is

read from left to right, is written in wedges, whence the name cuneiform
(Lat. cuneus, a wedge, and form a), the common designation of this
kind of writing.

This character, which was employed by various other

peoples besides the Babylonians and Assyrians, is believed to have

been of non-Semitic invention.

The Persians used a simplified form,

which they reduced to an alphabet.

3. Ideogram s.

Cuneiform writing was originally picture writing,

each sign representing an object or idea.

Thus a circle was the sun,

four lines crossing at a point, a star, and five horizontal lines, a hand.
It was perhaps owing to the difficulty of tracing on soft clay that the
curves and straight lines developed into wedges.

In the cuneiform

signs os we now have them the original picture is in most cases no

longer discernible.

Signs representing objects and ideas are called

Some ideograms have several significations, but in many


O U T L IN E O F G R A M M A B .

oases a rotation between the several meanings is evident

Thus the

sign for mouth represents the verb to speak, and the sign for booty
represents also the verb to capture.

4. Phonograms.

A second stage in the development was the

use o f some of the cuneiform signs to represent syllables.

may be called phonograms.

Such signs

The syllabic or phonographic value comes

directly from the name o f the object represented by the ideogram.

Thus the same sign stands for riu head as an id., and for rii as i
phonogram ; the id. ktu hand gives the phon. kat.

Some signs hive

several syllabic values, but in such cases there is generally one mat
frequently used, and practice w ill soon teach which of several values
the reader should select.

In transliterating it is customary to divide

into syllables words written by phonograms, as ak-Su-ud I captured

and to write without division words written ideographically, as aldui
O f the several hundred phonograms there are many of rare occurrence,
while there are about a hundred which are used perhaps more thin
all the others com bined.

M ost Assyrian writing is a union of ideograms

and phonogram s in proportions which vary greatly.

Ordinarily the

few er the ideograms, the easier the reading.



Assyrian is greatly helped b y the fact that certain of the ideograms

are generally used to show to what class o f objects the words they
accom pany belong.

Such signs are called determinatives, and are used

w ith names o f gods, men, women, animals, countries, rivers, etc. The
name itself may be written syllabically or ideographically.
the determinatives precede the words which they define.

Most of
In trans

literating, determinatives are usually indicated by difference of type.

A phonetic complement is a syllable used after an id., to show how the
word represented b y the id. term inated.

Thus if the id. for to capture

be follow ed b y the phonogram ud} we should have to read some for

o f the verb term inating in ud, as iU ud , takiud , ak$ud.

6. On reading cuneiform inscription*.

In reading a text to

the original the first task is to group the signs into words and the
words into clauses.

Besides the aid given b y determinatives and phon-

complements, the student finds great help in a knowledge of the gr*10*

matical forms.

T h e connectives and pronom inal suffixes show

terminations o f w ords.

It i

a w ord at the end o f a line.

extrem ely

IX vu

crowded the end of a line.

In choosing between several syllabic

ralues of a sign, that one is generally preferable which will giro a

iri-literal stem to the word under examination.

7. P h on ic m aterial

vowels a, i, u, , {, <2.

1. T o w n s .

The language contains the

W e may suppose that the rowels e and o also

existed, but the Assyrians seem not to have employed special signs
for these sounds.

Some students believe that they did have separate

signs for e-syllables , but it is clear from an examination of the cunei

form texts that the signs for i and those supposed to represent e are
used interchangeably.

The marks over the vowels, os u, u, i, l, eta., in

the transliterated texts (p. 1-52), represent neither accent nor difference
o f sound, bnt simply a difference of sign.

In order to mark a vowel

os long the Assyrians repeated the vowel sign, os la-a = Id, pxt-u = p,
but ordinarily the length of a vowel is not indicated at all.

Such a

repetition os lu-ul does not mark a vowel, as long.

2. Consonants. The consonants are 3, J, T, r, n. Q> 3, h, D, }, D, 0,

X. p *1 P. n, or as transliterated b, g, d, z, J, t, L, l, m, n, s, p , f, fc
r, S, t. The n corresponds to the Arabic strong n, the weak n being
lost in Assyrian. All the other gutturals (R, n, y) and also ) and '
have been lost. In characterizing word stems the symbol K is however
used to represent the lost gutturals, K, = K, K, = n. K, = weak n,
K, - weak y , k, = strong y . These lost gutturals are frequently indi
cated by in transliteration.

The Assyrian has a sign which stands

for any one o f the lost gutturals in connection with a vowel.


original presence o f a guttural, especially of K , is seen in many

words in the change of an original a to t, these gutturals preferring
the i vowel ( 8 .1 ), as niribu entrance for naribu, st. 3*\p.

The presence

o f on original 1 or ' may also be seen by the influence of the consonants

on the vowels, as uitb I sat = a ) iib, idi I knew = a'day.

The Assyrians

do not Beem to have had the fricated forms of the letters 2, J, % D,

), p, nor to have distinguished between \o and tf.
8. P h on io changes.

1. V o w e l s .

The change o f a to i under

the influence o f a guttural is very frequent, as tti I ascended for ali

a. I bared tbli view when I published X ellichrifttexte Sargons, J. C. Hlnrlche,

Leipzig, 1883, but renewed Investigation biu led to a change of opinion. 1 have collected
conaiderable material on the abject which I hope iome day to publlab.

O U T L IN E O F G R A 3 Q U & ,

X X V 111

r(mu grace Heb. orn. We hare ^
^5 wiser.,;< h ^
tural t instead of the normal a, as mn-dumrpit
x i .r</,
casts down, u-iik-ni-fa o26 for u-fai-nt-fj he
_7 ;>k
short a or is common, as 6i7/u queen = JCuirv. mb j >.*
The diphthongs 01 and a ' have become * i n i 1 r^ ry-r
721 I sat = a)fib, i 5Se I had = a 'it. Vowel ccutra**,-L.,:jr
as ukin 10 I placed = ulam'n,
2. Consonants, a. Sibilantj. A sibilant (z. *, jl #\ 5
(i.e. not followed by a vowel) before a dental f 2. %
as manzaltu 5015 position = manz>iztu, ruiT* 3 overflew = -V ^
4810 clothing = lubuStu. Here belongs perhape
trie C* u
cf. Heb. D'^!
The same change often takes plate wLen /
another sibilant, as ulziz 229 I stationed = tzxz ^f/rr 7
ufanziz, a/sd 1527 I cried oat alsd.
Ib t
r ii

X 4X 3 =

*- v
Ubnat-iu, ulabbi-su 48u I clothed him =
-X r .tf /
ito j the preceding letter may be assimilated and may
as in ulabbi-su (cf. &.).
Dentals. Vowelless dentals (d, f, t~) are often :
fc i
^f| 4
following sibilant or dental, sometimes falling*
as kakka-su 1823 his head = kakkad-su (cf. a) = kalkai-fu.
his life (i.e. him alive) = baltt-su = bahul-fu, kiiu -4* bcorr = kp*
= kifid-tu, nubattu 31 celebration (?) = nubat-tu.

After a vowelless sibilant (z, s, s, f) t in reflexive verb item* 1$ *1^

times assimilated to the sibilant, as issabat 13s he took = tebet usiibir
5213 she speaks = iztakkar.
T often becomes d after vowelless m, and t after voweHes h w
tmdu 724 sea = tdmtu, amdahis 4* I contended = amtaku, oitrbJ l
approached = aktanb (cf. 8. 1).
c. M .

Vowelless m before dentals ([d, f, f), k or / frequently becceei

nt as ytndu 14 span = ?imdu, lifantil 3714 may he prolong = li t % fxZ

mundahju 24 soldier = mumtahisu (cf. 8. 1, and b above),
favor = durnku, tinSu 2819 his design = timfu st. CTC. janJ R
fifty - hamJa.


In rare cases after change of m to n assiunlaritn to &

following letter takes place, as attahar I R 22, 88 I received =

By a process of dissimilation vowelless m sometime occurs mr-ext
of a doubled letter in order to mark an accented syllable, as mcml* 3,^
they will name = inabb = indbu, inamdinu 33 they were gimg =


In irumjma 23

he entered and = iruiyma a vowelless b has been

assimilated to m.
d. N .

Vowelless n is usually assimilated to a following letter, as

akJcit 8 I cut down = antis, a lii 4214 I lifted = anil, limuttu 39 evil
= limun-tu.

Occasional exceptions occur, os uSanjir 31 I caused to

keep, mandattu 1037 gift.

After assimilation the n often falls away, as

mdddtu 8s gift = mandantu, aids 7s7 I cut down = antis.


only a partial assimilation takes place, the n becoming m, as ambi

Sargon Cyl. 68 I named = anbi, namba'u 81s4 spring = nanba'u.


ulam tir 27 he made hostile = uiantird) there seems to be a case of

An initial n is lost in imperatives I i (cf. 21), as izizi 52 stay =
nizizi, ufur protect = nufur (e.g. in the proper name Nabium-kudum-ufur
I R 6 5 ,1 ), tit lift u p = niit cf. i-ia-an-ni V R 21, 24 lift me up.
e. Gutturals and 1.

A guttural instead o f being lost is sometimes

assimilated to a following or preceding letter, as allik 1** I went =

a n lit, innabit 10 he vanished = inhabit.

Similarly in the reflexive

stems of verbs initial 1 the 1 is assimilated to the following t, as attaiab

59 I sit down = aMaidb.



9. Personal pronouns. 1. Separable pronouns.

o. A s subject.
1. c. anku
2. m. atta
2. f. attl
attina (T)
8. m. S
3. f. it
Illustrations: a-na-ku ID17 (sometimes written ana-ku, as I R 17, 84
var.); atta 1 4 ; at-ti V R 25, 80; S 12 ; JJ V R 6,110: anini Strassm.
No. 492 a-ni-ni ni-il-la-ka we will g o ; attunu Strassm. No. 923; Snu
V R 4, 121; Una III R 40, 100.
b. A s object (with force of Acc., Dat., etc., me, to me, as for me, etc.).


m . ktu, k&ti, kSa

M iunu



k&ti, k&Si
m . SdSu







y&tu, yati, ySi, a-a-Si





Illustrations: yatu Strassm. N o. 3357, ydti 22n , ydSi 248, a-a4i V U o,

4 v a r.; kdtu I V R 9, 60 a, k$a I V R 50 col. I 1 0 ; SdSu l l 10.

2. P ronominal

su ffix e s .
x o u n til*

tw o.






-n i

- a

- k

- k

4 *i

4 u, 4

4 m, 4

4 a, 4

4 t, 4

1. c.
0% m .


- n



i n



4 u n (u ),




t iu b a l .


- S

i n

i S

(? )

- S

t i

4 m a,

t i

i n

t i i

, , -

i n

t i

, -

- S

i n

i t i

i i

The nominal suffixes and ya are appended to forms ending in i,

while a is appended to form s ending in a or u, rarely to forms ending
in t, as b-ti-a 517.

The first consonant o f the suffixes is frequently

doubled when appended to form s ending in a vowel, thus giving -annt,

-akka, etc. The suffixes, nominal and verbal, o f the 1st and 2nd
persons pi. are comparatively rare. For the 3rd m. pi. -dun, 4 unu ore
the prevailing forms with nouns and Sunddi with verbs. The verbal
suffixes generally express the direct object, but often also the indirect
o b je ct

1) N om in al: libbi 42u m y heart, frati-ya 4214 my hands,

abra 2310 my father; ummn-ka 1422 thy arm y; Sum-ki 5224 thy name;
kakkvriu 9* his weapon, napSatuS 141# his life ; sihirti-Sa l 22 its extent;
put-ni 0124 our side, biri-inni 6124 our m id st; libbi-kun I R 9, 19 of your
heart, libbi-kunu IV R 52 N o. 1, 2 ; mahar-Sun 10u before them, Sarrni

Sunu l 2 their kings, libba-Sunti 4611 their heart; bdbi-Sin Sargon St

74 their gates, kli-Sina 514 all o f them.
2) V erbal: umaira-ni I R 12, 52 he sent me, umaSSiranni 27*1 he
forsook me, uSibu-inni 202* they seated m e; iSannan-ka IV R 26, 67
he rivals thee, tuSannakka Assurb. Sm. 125, 63 she addresses thee;

iSassu-ki IV R 29, 58b he calls to thee; ishup-Su 48M it cast him down,
uSatlimu-S 5022 he granted to him, ura-aSSu 1111 I carried h im ; uSarrih'&i
620 I made it pow erful; ikarrabanndSi 6124 he blesses us, itbuhu-kun&Si
IV R 52 N o. 1, 4 ; alka-Sunti l 18 I took them, dku-Suntu III R 89,49
kill them, inadin-SunSi I I R 11, 27 b he gives them ; iSt(n*i-Sin&tim 4011
he provided for them.

10. Dem onstrative pronouns.

There are four demonstrative

item s, the n, the f, the i and the g steins.

1. anniL, this, this one (gen. anni, acc. a rind, pL anntdi, annftu; fern,
annifu, gen. annfti, acc. anm/a, pi. annti, anndlu, anriUi, annifu).
Illustrations: an-nu-u Sar-a-ni m

R 15 col. 1 25 this one is our king,

fl-m i an-ni-i V R 6, 2 o f this d a y ; iarrttni an-nu-ti 401 these kings, annu-tu Strassm. N o. 540: Sutta an-ni-tu 22M this vision, W lutti an-ni-ti
Y R 5, 102 upon this vision ; ip-Si-i-ti an-na-a-ti 26** these deeds, an-naa-tu matti II I R SO, 40 these are the countries, an-ni-ti maittti N R. 8
these countries, matti an-ni-tu N R . 25 these countries.
2. ullH that, that one, the former (gen. ulli, acc. ull, pL ullti,
ullittu) .
Illustrations: tna tur-ri ul-iu-u S. 9 on that hill(T), ul-iu ul-la 84*
from that (tim e) = from o f o ld ; -m( ul-lu-u-ti 274 former days, tabba-nuru ul-lu-u-tu D . 15 those buildings.
8. iatu, S'ati, Stu, StUi ( = 3 pers. stem

tu etc.) that one, the

same one (pi. S'atunu, StUunu; fern. SVati, pL M atina, Satina).

Illustrations: ala Su-a-ta ak-Sud 4n that city I captured, Si-pir Su-a-ti
24M that building, ala Sa-a-tu . . . aS-ru-up I R 10, 34 that city I burned;
na-gi-i Su-a-tu-nu Khors. 71 those provinces, SarrQmi Sa-tu-nu I R 13,10
those kin gs: ina Satti-ma Si-a-ti Lay. 80, 50 in that same year; matQti
Sura-ti-na I I R 67, 28 the same countries, ii-gur-ra-a-tu Sa-ti-na I R 16, 53
the same towers (?).
So, also, the simpler forms (given above as 3 pers. pronouns), as alu
S 61* that city, sometimes strengthened by the pronominal elements ti,
tina, as abulti Binflti I R 56 cob V I 10 these gates, matti BinQtina I R
12, 82 these countries.
4. ag this, this one, belongs chiefly to the Persian period,

ag Beh.

4, pi. agandtu Beh. 106, aganti IV R 52, 87; fern. agQta Beh. 10, pL
aganXtu Beh. 8.
and annu.

The adverb agannu, aganna here, is composed of ag

For aganna cf. Pinches Texts 7, 7 (in a report sent by an

officer to Sargon) and Assurb. Sm. 125, 63 a-gan-na lu ai-ba-ta here shalt
thou remain.
11. R ela tiv e pronoun.

The relative pronoun is the indeclinable

So, used for all persons, genders and numbers, as l 4*1.

The relative is

frequently used for the one who, whoever, as Sargon Cyl. 76 Sa ipiit
lyuti-ya unakkaru whoever shall change the work of my hand.

As a

weakened relative Sa is much used to express the genitive relation, as

bamti Sa Sadi l u heights of the mountains.

As anticipative of a pro-

O U T L IN E O F G R A M M A R .


nominal suffix 5a often occurs, as 5a . . . kakku-5u 0 whose weapon,

5a . . . abikta-Su 42&4 whose defeat.

Tlio relative is frequently omitted,

as tdbtu ipussunti 4610 the good which I had done to them, a5ar ikaHadu
172 wherever they catch them.

Those form s o f the verb regularly ter

minating in a consonant take in relative sentences the vowel termination

u or a, as ak5udu 427 I captured, azkura 201 I mentioned.
holds in cases -where the relative is omitted,

This usage

as ultu . . . imidu 21

after I had subdued ( = ultu timi 5a . . . imidu, from the day when . . . I
subdued), ultu ipSiti annati ttippu5u 227 after I had done these things.
12. Interrogative pronouns : mannu who ?, mind what ? (gen.
mini, acc. mind).

Illustrations: ina 5ami man-nu $iru IV R 9, 54 in

heaven who is exalted?, mind ikul inni I I R 56, 10 what has my lord
eaten?, ina Hi mini 32M w herefore?

ammini 037 wherefore? (=ana

mini) .

Indirect interrogative and indefinite pronouns: mannu

whoever, manman, mamman, mamma, manma, manama, manamma1maman

any one, any one at a l l ; manma, mimma anything at all, whatever,
Illu stration s: mannu atta 8914 whoever thou be, ana mahar mamman

Id illikamma I I R 67, 26 into the presence o f no one did he come, 5a . . .

mamma Id i&lpupu I R 15, 20 which no one had planted, manama 5arru
37s8 any king, apal Id maman I R 18, 70 son o f a nobody; manma ia
ina matati xtipuSa Layard 00, 72 whatever I had done in the countries,
mimma 5um5u 1220 whatever its name, cf. mi-im-ma 5u-um-5u I R 53
col. I I 32.

14. Reflexive pronoun.

T o express the reflexive idea the pro

nom inal suffixes are attached to the w ord ramdnu self, as i-muk ra-man-

i-5u 22s7 the pow er o f him self, ra-*nan-5u im-nu 228 he reckoned himself,
5a ra-man-5u i5~ku-nu 2818 w ho had appointed himself (as king).
15. Noun formation.

1. S im ple stem .

M any nouns present, of

course, only the sim ple stem consonants, w ith large variety in the
sequence o f vowels, as dandnu 3480 m ight, ga5X5u 3382 stake, faruru 37*
brilliance, Sdninu 219 rival, ki5adu 1015 neck, Ifurddu 21 warrior; and
the segholates, as malku 97 prince, Siknu 2480 appointee, dunlyu 46Mfavor.
T he segholate form ation is a favorite one from stems initial \ as biliu
1027 tribute Aram . ^

st. Sai, 5ubtu 0W abode H eb. rg tf st. 3tsn, 5uttu



8514 dream Heb. rutf st. ]en, rijrfri 30 plant Heb. p-r at. pi), fiiu 0
exit Heb. j-\kv st. Ki.
2. R eduplicated stem.

Tbe reduplication may affect the second

letter, or the third letter, or the whole stem: as habbilu 14u bad,
kullultu 12* shame; agammu 14u marsh, fcuiahhu 6117 famine; dandannu
7 all-powerful, ^al^altu 3010 hunger.

(It must be borne in mind that

the doubling o f a letter is also often purely orthographic.)

3. F ormative


Many other nouns are made by formative

elements, prefixed, inserted or appended,

most frequent being m, n, and t.

a. Prefixes: K, m, n, i, f, the

Illustrations: K, ifribu 2417 prayer;

m, manzazu 32 position, ma^artu 3134 guard = manfartu, mfabu 28

abode st. 3E71, muSpalu 6 depth, mUaru 4011 righteousness st. *iisr*;
n, namkvru 11B possession, nabnitu 717 offspring, narQmu 20 favorite
st. DRa*l, nimiku 30 wisdom st. pK, niibil 30*1 sufficiency; /, iupiuku
I It 12, 54 steep, Sturu 7* powerful st. m i ; t, iamharu l 4 battle, (arnirtu
l l 28 vicinity st. IDKi, tahlubu 3022 roof, tiniiitu 19s* mankind st. tMKu
talittu 20 birth = ta l lid-tu, tidiiku 818 slaughter st. Ijn.
b. In fix:

t after the

first radical, as bitfoallu 819 riding-horse,

gitmalu 7s mature, mithufu 12 battle, kitrubu 1210 attack, iipxiu Sargon

Cyl. 34 wise st. SR.
c. A ffixes: (written a-a) making gentilio nouns, di (the fern. t
appended to the stem in d) making abstract nouns, and 3n.


tions : a, As-du-da-a-a 11* the Ashdodite ; <U, nirarutu 212 help, Sarrdtu
204 royalty, btu 12* dominion; On, Jpurbnu I I R 38 11 offering,
brnu Sargon Cyl. 32 robber st. 1K3, thnnu 8 camp st. DE7K*.

16. Inflection. 1. G ender. Masculine nouns have no distinc

tive ending. Feminines are made by the termination t, as iarratu 52
queen from Sarru king, Salimtu 41 peace. Some feminines are without
the distinguishing t, as ummu 7 mother, fnu 37u eye, girru 10 way,
campaign, imuhu 50 power st. pnx.

2. Number. The dual, terminating in d, is little used, except in

the names of objects occurring in pairs, and even here not always, as
i-na IV R 48, 6 eyes, but also i-m 3711 eyes.
Plurals masc. are made in d, S, 8ni (8nu), dli (d/u), the most frequent
being t and 8n i; as 77Jtdfar6d 712 those who enlarge, iadi 0* mountains,
Jfipftni 427 governors, amitti 32* men.

Occasionally plurals are found,

both masc. and fem., which have lost the vowel terminations, as malik
231B kings, kibrt 5* regions (fem.).
Plurals fem. are made in 8/t, id, some feminines, however, not differ-


O U T L IN E O F G R A M M A R .

in g in form from m asculines; s napttUi IT 1 from naptit* life, girri^ ^

from girru road, (muli 0 48 powers, iddn Sargou Cyl. -4 ferret
In adjectives and participles plurals masc. are made in Jo ^
plurals fern, in fUi


29,<2S victorious, fin e




jtrd/i 38 lofty.
3. C a se .

The terminations u, i, a correspond to the ncm^

, as in classic Arabic, as noiu. ta-r*, ces. hr*

(dat., loc., etc.) and

acc. tarra; but the distinction is not always consistently observe! ^

frarranu 1387 way (a cc.), dannu 2317 m ighty (gen .), IM a 11* heart (no*.).
A fter prepositions the form in i is generally used, unless the conn :<
also in the construct state, in which case the final vowel would
regularly om itted, as ina nit l'ti-ya 237 at the lifting up of my hiri*.
fo r te

T o noun form s term inating in a vow el one sometimes finds ir *
appended, which is generally known as the tjiimtnaiion, as laZvm 1J5
fear, karanam I R 65 col. I
4. C onstruct sta te .


wine, tmtim


sea .1

In the construct state the first of the tv:

nouns loses its final vowel and the second is used in the genitive, k

ni bilti l 8 bearer o f tribute, mtfc narkabti


ialmt Jcurdi l 11 corpses o f the warriors.

Sometimes the form h i

passage of the chinos

instead o f the form w ithout a final vowel is used in the construct stia.


syllabic, as arad 258 from ardu servant, uzun 52* from uznu ear, cimiri3
from gimru totality.

In fem inine segholates the original a vowel of

fem inine returns, as naptat 267 from nap it tu life, gimrat 71 from giwr*
totality, irat

9 18

from irtu breast.

The construct o f nouns from srers

generally loses the final consonant, as ta r 3 6 from tarnt kirg

The construct form o f the noun is very com m on before suifixes, ^

mt-su 424 for mta-tu his land, kt-su 5 18 his hand, ummdibka 14fi
army, tubatsu 1818 its d w ellin g; libnCU-su 3618 its bricks (
17. N u m erals.



Some o f the numerals occur very rarely written

O f the cardinals whose pronunciation is known to n*

1 = iilin 0 U (c f. H eb.

1 0 = 1 1 ); 2 = iind IT R 7 col I- 1:

3 = talatt\ V R 12, 34, ialalti Sc 124, tdalti I V R

64 a ; 4 = i**a -

This m seems to be Identical with tbe pronominal enclitic mo ($ 1$', and
exist in Hebrew and Babean, but, whatever Its origin and original function, tbe nimm***
bas become in Assyrian a petrifaction, without perceptible influence on the meaning ei **
word with which It occurs.


fern, irbittu 35*; 5 = fcamilti II R 62n ( 8 2 a ; the masc. form hamiJ

is seen in the word for fifteen); 7 = tiba I I R 19,14 fern, bi/ti IY R 2
col. Y 31; 8 = tamnu (so one may conclude from the name of the 8th
month Arahsamnu Delitzsch Lesest.* p. 9 2 ); 10 = iiiril I I R 02, 50;
15 = hamtiiiril ib. 40; 20 = Orft ib. 48; 30 = Mailt ib. 47; 40 = irbaa ib.
40; 50 = hani ib. 45 ( 8. 2 c) ; 60 = iuiu ib. 44; 000 = n(r V R 18, 23;
3600 = iar Sc 79, the last three names being derived from the sexa
gesimal system which existed beside the decimal system o f counting.
The ordinals known to me are 1st mafrr 42l ; 2nd ian IY R 5, 15;
3rd ialiu 101* fern, ialultu 35**; 4th rib 00*; 5th ftaiiu IY R 5, 22 ( &
2 c ) ; 0th iiiiu I Y R 5, 24; 7th tib SO**.

XR C on ju n ction s.

The connectives are A, joining single words,

os 1*, or introducing paragr&plis, as 11*, and ma, joining sentences, as

l u.

Ma is always attached to the end o f the first sentence.


ma is attached to a word not as a connective, but as an emphatic demon

strative, as uiabriiuma 22u he caused him to see; in other cases it makes
its word more indefinite, as ya-xan-ma 1* any one at all.
Other frequent conjunctions are adi 37 while, during, aiiu 22**
(= ana + iu ) because, in order to, iilu and ultu 21* after, from the
time when, H 141* as, when, surely.
Lit or H is a particle of wishing or of asseveration prefixed to verbs.
Its vowel frequently unites with the initial vowel of the verb, ns lu-iar-di
l 1* I caused to flow = lit + uiardt
19. Adverbs.

A ny noun or adjective, sing, or ph, may form an

adv. terminating in #, as damkCf, 411* graciously, from dandpi grace.

One sometimes meets the form in if preceded by a preposition os ana
ma'dii S1S very much.

Such usage seems to show that the adverb in ii

was originally only a shortened form of the demonstrative iu or Sa

appended to the noun form in i.
1. A dverbs


m anner .

Nearly all the adverbs in ii denote

manner, as miiirii 2** righteously, abubnii 7 like deluges.


adverbs expressing manner are Ham 03* thus, mft I R 21, 50, and
umma 22la thus (introducing oratio recta).

Adverbs of affirmation and

negation are lit 1* verily, lb 8, ul 1* and 40 (written a-a) n ot

2. A dverbs

of time

: ullb of old, ininna 20* now, itimali, timali

yesterday (VtoJ^), arka 14* and arMnu 20* after, afterwards, mad



when ?, adi matt IV R 20, 54 a how long ? ( T O '"!#) wiatima ever, it

any time, 1(1 matima

pana, panama before.

2 1 never,

A dverbs of p l a g e : a^annti Beh. 12 aganna Assurb. Sm. 125,63

here, kilallan 3310 around, about, xlii 024 above, Saplii 02* below.

20. Prepositions: adi 394 l l 80 as far as, together with, ana 32* to,
unto, against, etc., arki 259 507 after, behind, ili

6 19

over, above, upon,

more than, to, against, (Uamu l l 20 before, in front of, ina


in, with,

by, at the time of, iitu 22 out of, from, itti l 9 with, against, ultu O^l
out of, from, balu I R 35 No. 2,

without, bint 308 between, gadu 17

together with, Id Sargon Cyl. 51 and kdma 521 like, according to, kum 29u
instead of, lapan 14ia before, in front of, m ajor 3D9 before, in front of,
fir 15 upon, against.
In such expressions as ina xli above, ultu kirib out of, ina mahar in
front of, the words (lx, kirib} mahar preserve their original nominal force.
On the form of the noun after prepositions cf. 16. 3.
Instead of a preposition and noun one often meets a form of the
noun in u without a preposition, as mtuiiun 1716 to their country=

ana mUi-iuny Hp-a 1026 to my foot = ana Mpi-ya, aluSSu Sargon Cyl. 32
out of his city = iitu ali-iu.

21. Verb stems.

The Assyrian verb has four primary, four

secondary and two tertiary stems, the secondary and tertiary being
formed from the primary by the aid of the syllables ta and tan, according
to the following scheme:

P R IX A R T .


1 2 Ie'al

I I I Pa'el

II 2 Ifta'al



I 3 Iflane}al

D ll


m 2



IV 2 Ittafal (= Inta/al)


Ittana/al (= Intanafal)

W ith the verb iaknu to set, place, establish, this scheme would
give in the 3rd sing, of the second impf. (
1 1 iSkun
I I 1 uSakkin

I 2 iitakin


I 3 iitanakin

I I 2 uitakkin

III 1 uSaSJcin


IV 1 iSSakin (= inia kin)

I V 2 ittaikin



a. I ihonld suppose that the language had also the stems H 3 and m 8, tut Xt**1
let no examples of them. The sterna IV 2-3 are rare.


1. The use of the numerals to represent the various stems has been
found to be very convenient.

Observe that the formative syllables to,

tan oome immediately after the first consonant of the various stems,
and therefore before the first radical in the stems III and IV, i.e. in
stems with formative prefixes.
2. Besides these ten stems, one occasionally meets a stem III-II,
a Shafel of a Pnel, as uihammit IS18 I caused to hasten, usrappii I R 7
N o. F . 18 I made brood.

The stem III-II is particularly frequent

with the verbs mal to be full and rab to be large.

3. Such forms as upahir 203, variant for upahhir he collected, are
only orthographically different from regular Pa'el forms.

On the other

hand, the doubling o f a consonant seems in many cases to be intended

to mark an accented syllable, as iialtaru 24 for ataru 1 1 he shall
4. In meaning I 1 is the simple stem (Heb. Qal), II 1 intensive,
causative or (when I 1 is intransitive) transitive (Heb. Piel), III 1
causative (H eb. llifil), IY 1 passive, rarely reflexive (Heb. N ifol).
The stems with ta, tan have reflexive force, being sometimes equivalent
to a Greek middle voice, but are often used interchangeably with the
primary stems.
Illustrations: 1 1 ikiud 3n he captured, I 2 iffabat 1327 (= iftabat 8.
2 5) he took, I 3 tanapara 22 he was sending, II 1 urakkis 21*
I erected, II 2 uktin 6017 (= uktawwin 7. 2 ; 8. 1 st. p j) I arranged,
III 1 uSafbit G18 I caused to work, H I 2 ultaipiru 0# (= uitaipiru 8. 2 a)
he ruled, IY 1 Hiakin 2310 it was established, IY 2 littapraS IV R 4, 2 b
(= li + intapraS) may he fly, IV 3 ittanabrik IV R 3, 4 a it lightens.
22. Tense and m ood , a

Fach stem has two forms of the

Imperfect, a Permansive, an Imperative, an Infinitive, and a Participle.


The mark of the first impf. I 1 is the vowel a after the first

radical and a (rarely u or t) after the second radical, as ikaSiadu 17a

(= ikaiadu 21. 3) they were catching, adabuba 2018 I was planning,
inakimu I R 16, 08 he will heap up.

The second impf. 1 1 has no vowel

after first radical, while the second radical has u, a, or i, as ikiud 381
he captured, ifbat 25 he took, iddin GO8 (= indin) it gave.

In the other

stems the two imperfects are distinguished by the vowel after the second
radical, this vowel being generally a in the first and i in the second

a. Although these terms are objectionable In speaking of the verb la Semitic language*,
they are here retained because we have no convenient substitutes for them.




im p f.; as I I 1 urasapu 17a ( = urasaapu 21. 3 ) they were piercing (fir*,

im p f.), urassip 251 he pierced (second im pf.).

The office o f the im pf., in general, is to mark an action as fc.

choatiye, continuing, repeated.

The first im pf, expresses continuous action whether in past, pTesat
or future time, as iriammam

6 8 lfl

he was thundering, xbannadi 61* U

tzannan Delitzsch Lesest .1 103, 80 var. they will rain si



I accom plished, ifbat l a they took, allik l 22 I went.
B oth form s o f the im pf, are em ployed in expressing wish, but the
second im pf is m ost used, as lisaJjrni I R 16, 24 may they tum(=j
-f icahardni,

. 1 ), liitur 24w m ay he w rite ( = li + t&ur).

In prohih

tion the first im pf, is used, as Id tanaSa 52 21 do not lift up, la tajad



16 b do not fear, ana ili Sanima la tatakkil I R 35 No. 2, li

do n ot trust in any other god (b u t N abu ).


T he permansive differs in form from the im pf, in that it has to

preform at ives, the pronom inal elements (shortened forms of the personal
pronouns) being placed after the verb stem .

The 3rd pers. sing, and pi

o f the permansive is w ithout such pronom inal addition, the t in 3rd

fern. sing, being the same as in nouns.
T he permansive has generally intransitive meaning, and denotes
continuance o f a state or quality.

It m ay have other vowels in the stem

I I besides those given in the paradigm ( 2 3 ), as Sthin, Sakun.*

Illustrations o f the perm ansive: aSbd 52 they dwell, Sapuh 52u it*


fabt 1516 they held, Sitkunu 1514 it was situated, muih

1624 they were left, purruk 26s1 they were barred, ku I R 9,5?
I had.

A sim ilar form ation to the perm ansive 0 is the union of pronoun


noun or adjective, as iarraku , bilaku, karrad aka, dannaku I R 17,32. $


a. Some tudent cell the flrat impf, a present, a future, a second sorlat, while <*
name the second lmpf. a preterite, sn Imperfect, a first aorlst. The terms present,
preterite, aorlst, are all objectionable. The terms first and second lmpf., applied here
Assyrian verb, so far as I am aware, for the first time, may be somewhat long, but W
recognise the essential unity of the two forms. I have called that form first lmpf.
suppose to have been first developed.
b. Cl. two papers on the permansive by Mr. T. G. Pinches in the Proceeding d
Boclety of Biblical Archaeology for Nov. 1882 and Jan. 1884.
c. This Is possibly Identical with the permansive, a subject which I leave bei f
out discussion.


x x x ix

23. Inflection of the strong orb, laklnu, to establish.

I 1 Fe'al.
1 st

So. 3. m, iiakan . . . .
3. f .


2. m. taiakan
2. f .


II 1 FaaL

III 1 ShaCeL

viakkan . . . . uiaikan . . . .

IT 1 NlfaL

. . . tuiakkan . . . . tuiakkan . . . .


. . . tuiakkan . . . . tuSaikan . . . .


. . . tulakkani . . . tuiaikant

. . . taiiakant

1. c. aiakan. . . . uiakkan . . . . uiaikan . . . . ailakan

P l . 3. m. ilak a n (n i) . ulakkanti(ni) . ufaiA:anA(nt) . tJaA*an6(m)

3. f .

iSakand(ni) . uiaWana(ni_) . uiaikand(ni)

. iiiakand(ni)

2. m. talakan. . . tuiakkan . . . fufajfcan

. . . tallakan

2. f .

talakan . . . tusakkand . . . fuiaiiana

. . . taiiakand

1. c.

niiakan . . . nuiakkan . . . nuiaSkan.

. . . ntffaAan

2nd So.3. m. uFfctm.............uiakkin . . . . uiaikin.............. USakin

3. f. iaikun . . . . tuiakkin . . . . tuialkin . . . . tailakin
2. m. taikun . . . .
2. f.

tuiakkin . . . . tuiaikin . . . . tailakin

taikuni. . . tulakkini. . . . tuialkini. . . . taiiakint

1. c. alkun............. uiakkin . . . . uiaikin . . . . aitakin

P l . 3. m. iikun(ni) . . uiajbtinfl(ni) . vialkin(nt) . illakin(ni)
3. f. il^und(nt). . tiicubtind(ni) . ttfaHrnd(ri) . Uiakin(ni')
2. m. ta lk und. . .

. tu iakkin

. . . tu ia ik in

. . . ta lla k in

2. f. talkun . .

. tuiakkin

. . . tuiaikin. . . . (allakin

1. c. nilkun . . . . nuiakkin . . . . nuiaiib'n . . . . niiiakin

Perm. So. 3. m. ia ttn ............ lukkun.............. iuikun..............naikun
3. f. Jafcnaf(a) . . iukkunat. . . . /uifcunaf. . . . naikunat
2. in. JaArnfa . .

. iukkunata . . . iuikunta . . . naikunata

2. m. Saknti. . . . lukkunti

. . . iuikunti

. . . aalhmti

1. c. aknk(u) . . u&'un&t(u). . iuiitundi'(u). . nuffandA^u)

P l . 3. m. 8akn(ni) . . /tijbjtun(ni) . . AuiA'un(ni) . . naJAun(nt)
3. f. saAnd . . . .

iuiAruna . . . .



2. m. lakntunu . . iukkui\lunu. . $u.M-un/unu. . naikundtunu

2. f. Sakndtina[t) lukkuntinatf) iulkuntinatf) nalkuntinaO)
1. c. Saknni . . . iuArjbunatii . . . iuikunni . . . naJlunni
Im pv. So. 2. m. lukun . . . . iuiAnn............iu ik in ..............naikin
2. f. lukuni . . . .

lukkini..............luikini................ naikini

P l . 2. m. Jufcunfi. . . . lukkinb . . . . i ulkind . . . . naikin

2. f. lukun. . . . iuIAnnd . . . . iuikin . . . . naJAina


AFaA-dnu. . . . JuArArunu . . . . iuiAtmu . . . . naiA-nu



P e a l.


Sg . m. $ak(i)nu . . .


Pa* e l.


S lia f e l.


1 NifaL

muakkinu .. . muSaSkinu . . . muSSakinu

f . Saknatu . . . .

muSakkinatu. . mu$a$kinatu. . muSSakinatu

P l . m. Saknti . . . .

muSakkinuti. . muSaSkinuti . . muSSakinuti

f. Saknti . . . .

muSakkinati. . muSaSkinali . . muSSakinati

I f t e &l.

Sg . 3. m. iStakan . .


3. f . taStakan. .



I f t a a l.




I ll




I s h ta fa l.


3 Iftan c'al.

Sg . 3. m. takin . . . . uStakkin . . . . uStaSkin . . . . iStanakin

2n d
Im pf.

f. taStakin

. . . .



. . .

tuStaSkin .


. . .



Perm . Sg . 3. m. Sitkun............ putafcfcim]. . .

Im pv. Sg . 2. m. Sit(a)kan . . . Sutakkan . . . . SutaSkin . . . . [$t/abhh]


Sitkunu . . . . Sutakkunu . . . SutaSkunu



Sg . m. muStak(i)nu . muStakkinu . . mu$ta$kinu . . [mtdfaHinu]

mutak(i)natu muStakkinatu


24. R em ark s on the paradigm .



In stems II and III the

vowel of the preformatives in the two imperfects is u. In steins I and

IV the original a vowel has been thinned to i in the third person (except
fem. sing.) and in the

1 st

2. In the second impf. I

radical is u.

pers. pL

the vowel found oftenest after the second


criminately with the various classes of verbs (transitive, intransitive,


Some verbs fluctuate between two vowels; for instance, the

verb fabatu to take, generally has a, as 36s2, but sometimes u, as

I R 18, 67 var.
3. In the stems I I and I I I one frequently finds i for the normal a

* 1) as lkirin 2U (= l -f ukarrin) I heaped up.

Similarly in impv*

I I 1 instead of the form Sukkin one occasionally meets the form iakkin.


The termination tint in the pi. sometimes appears as tint*, as

ikipnu 87 they entrusted.

6. The verb terminations u, a (rarely t, as 401), in relative sentences
( 11), are perhaps a remnant of an original nsage in which all verb
forms had a vowel termination.

Even in sentences not relative those

forms of the verb which regularly end in a consonant are sometimes

found with final a, as uialbina Sargon CyL 59 I caused to mould bricks.
6. By constructio ad sensum a masculine form of the verb often
occurs with a feminine subject, as

ikiud 3* my hand captured.

7. Besides the form fukvn of the impv. I 1 the forms iakan and
iikin also occur.
25. The w e a k verb.
tain 1,

The inflection of verbs whose stems con

J or a guttural (except h), presents no differences from the

inflection of the strong verb that are not easily understood by a knowl
edge of the phonic principles of the language; thus ibil IT17 he prevailed
= ibpal ( 7. 2 ; a 1 ; 2 2 .1 ) like iw ( 23), whin l I placed=
ukain = uka 11 in ( 7. 2 ; a 1) like uiaikin.

Since the weak letters are

lost in Assyrian, the problem in any given case is to determine what

the weak letter really is.

The problem becomes more difficult when the

stem contains two weak letters, but the principles remain the same, as
t*i 1* I waited = uka f = t*I-aii*n like vJakkin.

For the determination

of weak letters reference to the cognate languages is often of prime

Verbs containing

A (strong n) and those whose second and third

radicals are alike are not weak in Assyrian, as idbub 29*1 he planned
st. dababu, ihsus 14 he reflected st. hasdsu.
26. V erba in itial j.

The assimilation of vowelless n (as abbid 21

I destroyed = anbul') and subsequent loss of the assimilated letter (as

abul 6 ) have already been noted ( & 2 <f), and also the striking pecu
liarity of this class of verbs, the loss of n in the impv. I 1 ( 8. 2 <f).
27. V erbs initial guttural.

Stem I I :

In the 1st imp/, the

second radical is regularly doubled, as ikknl 014 he eats = iKakal, imnujr

5824 he sees, in nah 2414 it shall decay, irruba 21* I shall enter, dlak 3t*14.
(The verb aldku to go, doubles the second radical even in the 2nd impf.,
as allik l n I went.)

Occasionally the vowel following the first radical

is preserved, os i-ab-ba-iu 24 he will destroy. In the 2nd imp/ the

guttural falls away, and a in the first syllable becomes i, as imb 38
1 entered = a H,rub, imid 10** I placed. inuA tiu it decayed.

The strong



preference o f the guttural fo r the i vow el (

. 1 ) often makes a 1^

and a 3rd pers. sing, indistinguishable, as ill 7M I ascended



It seems that Ki and H% d o n ot change an a vowel immediately
before or after them to t, w hile Xr*Ka regularly do (but not without
exceptions), as Hi abut 1614 I destroyed, ahuz 20 72 I took, amur 3721 1 saw,

tarur 2810 thou didst curse, arku 4181 to be lon g, afcizu V R 3, 123
seizin g; H%abuk 17n I carried off, allik l 22 and alik

aldku 1328 to go, liku

6 18

8 28

I went, alik 031go,

o i n g ; Ka i$(n 57u 1 collected; Hi (bir 2* l

crossed, (tir 382 I spared, xli 7 s8 I ascended, (mid 1021 I placed, ifir 107
I laid u p ; K* (puS

I m ade, irub 7 s2 I entered, iptii 35u make, (rub

enter, xribu 37 to enter, iribu 526 entering.

Stems 1 2 , 1 3 : ittallaka 4016 = i n talaka he was marching (Ki), itd

601= i y ta li' a it ascended ( * ), itimid 602= a y ta m id I directed (R|),


= a y tatik I m a r c h e d ^ ) , ittanallakd 16u = irUanalak they

were running to and fro.

I n te n siv e

stem :

ubbit 35 11 = uHabbit he destroyed (Kt), ubbib 271=

uTiabbib I adorned (Ht), uddf 2416= uv\addiS he renewed (K,), ulli 24s
= u p alii' I m ade h igh (Hi), uppiS 632 = j juppiS do, make ( ,).

C a u s a t iv e

stem :

uSahizz 2818 = uSaHJiiz they took, kindled (K,),

uSakil 26s4 I caused to eat, uSalik 35u he caused to go ( k,), uSUi 5720
= u S ayli' I caused to g o up ( 4) , uHrib 10 17 = uSa y rib I caused to enter

(Hs), Suzub 2 ** = Suyzub to rescue (K4) , uSti 57w = u&tayli' I caused to

g o up.

F o r oth er exam ples c f. uSik 2 M, uSipiS 12.

The form uialif 10u

I caused to rejoice (K*), instead o f uSilif is m ade on the analogy of verbs

initial Hx. *

S tem I V 1 : in n a b it 10 * * = i n H a b i t he vanished ( 8. 2 e) st. dbatu,

in n a m r u 9 18 he was seen st. ")DK, in n a m d u 37 6 they are established st. iDJh


28. Verba



(written ii-a-lu


iS Hala he asked,

(w ritten

(w ritten i8-ta-na-a-a-lum ) th ey were enquiring

mimmation, w h ich occu rs

cf. 16. 3 ), u S a 'il l l 27 th ey ca lled ou t = u S a H H il . H*

ir'vib 64* she

raged, u la i t u Sargon C yl. 22 (w ritten u - l a - i - t u ) he burnt = ula nnitu,

u m a 'ir ib . 74

I sent = tm a nn tr, u S n a 'il 2 14 I cast down = idfoarm#

( I H - I I ) . K#.


(w ritte n

it seeks = i$a y a 1 u ( T)

(re la tiv e sentence,

possession = i b y a l u , o fi'a 418 I sou g h t =



a fl 3011

ibtlu 9 he acquired

a (?), iS tV i 40 he sought,



29. V erba final guttural,




: Ist impf, tftd 68

they come = iba 1a K fl like iiakand, tanaXa 52s* thou shalt lift up =
lanaia K like taiakan; 2nd impf, ufi 26 he went out = n ft k ( 8 .1 )
like iikun, nihtd 32s* we have sinned = nibtiHu, aili 42 I lifted =
aniiH; perm, maid 2C they were full = malH ; impv. i-li 35 carry up
= ni K; part. naftfi 5 naming = nafttKu, ndS 1* (catr.) bearing.
O ther

stem s

: imtali (I 2) 01* it was filled, like iitakin, attabi ( 1 2)

10* I named = antabi K, i&ira (1 2 ) 157 he invited = ilftari Ka ( 8 .1 ;

24. 5 ); umalli (II 1) 17 I filled = umalli R, umdall (I I 2) 32s they
filled = umtaUixd ( 8 .2 ft); uiifi (III 1) 217 I caused to go out =
uSa ^ K (cf. 3 0 ), if (I II 1 irapv.) 04u bring out = lu ijK a, multaftt
(H I 2) 2015 sinner, rebel = muiftahtiKu ( 8 .1 , 2 a).

1st impf, tapattd 5216 thou Bhalt open = tapata K,a; 2nd impf, alfi

2 = allfi K alkd 0 = a/fciKa

I took, dpti 10* = aptiK* apt 01 =

aptiK,a I opened; impv. pild 52 =pifR ,a open.


S im p l e


1st impf, ijraftfti 52 he was speaking = tjraftaK,

iiimmi 24 he will hear = iSama K*; 2nd impf, ahri 18 I dug = ahri K,
idd 2 he knew = i'd a \^u ( 11), itb 24 he advanced = itbati+a; perm,
libni 1511 they were advanced = taby^dni.

stem s:

altimi (I 2) IV R 52 No. 1, 5 I heard = aStamiK*;

utabi (I I 1) 0 I made lo w = tdaftftitt, uadddni ( I I I ) 30u they made

known = u ' addiy^ni,

uriti (I I 1) 621 I erected = uratti Ki ( 8. 1 ;

21. 3 ); utaddd (H 2) 58s4 they recognize one another = u tadda h*d

\ like uStakkand; uSapd (III 1) 84

I magnified = uia)piHt a, uiatbd

(I I I 1) 30* I caused to come = uiatbi K a.

30. V erb a in itia l i or

In some cases there seems to be a

mingling of forms from verbs initial 1 and i n i t i a l b u t in general the

two classes are distinct.

The vowels u, a orri + 1 give u, except in

Shafel where a +1 gives f or a.

influence on the vowel.

Initial 1 before a falls away without

The vowel a before or after ' regularly be

comes i.
1. I nitial 1.

Stem 1 1 : dbal 16* I was bringing = a l abed.; vbila 21T

he brought = i\bila; bil Delitzsch Lesest* 107, 229 bring, but tirtf Haupt
Nimrodepos 10, 40 take st. m i, aidftu 40 to dwell = 1aidbu; dlidu 20T
one who begets, alittu 598 = 1alidtu one who bears. Stem I 2 : ittihsu 591

they fled = iUahisd ( 8. 1, 2 e), attaSab 59 I was seating myself =

aUaSab. Stem II 1 : ullada 59* I cause to hear = ui allada, mu'allidat

62T causing

uSa 1bila, uSifi 217 I caused to go out = uJalfiR, uSiiib 10s7 I caused to

to hear = muiqllidat. Stem III 1 : uiibila 21* he sent =


O U T L IN E O F G R A M M A R .

a l t * uSa)Sib, uSapd 84M I m agnified = u ia lp il^ a ,

uSaSib I II 15,


1 caused to sit=M$al&, uSatir 39 I caused to abound = win wir,

6411 bring out = ui,nKa, SuSib 6411 cause to sit = iiiM>, mutiiib


one who causes to inhabit = muSa) Sib. Stem I I I 2 : uStiiib (121 they
caused to dwell = u$ta ) Sibil.

n it ia l

Stem I 1 : idd 23 he knew = *' da Hiu, inijfd 32lthtty

sucked i'm iru, iSt 58 I had = a ySi, iSa 18M they had = i ' i, Stein
I I 1: u'addni 3611 they made know n = u *addni. Stem II 2: ulnddd
6 8 *

they reoognize one another = u ' tadda K a. Stem III

: uiQir 25**

ho stroked (the ground with his beard) = uSa' Sir, muSinty&ti 82w those
who give su ck . Stem I I I 2 : uStiSSira 24s4 I made straight ~ uito'Jirfl,

Suttiur 20** it prospered (perm .) = Suta' Sur.

31. V e r b s m id d le

2 0 11

or \

Stem I 1 : iSdt l l 14 he draws = iM)a/,

they subdue = ina 1 aril, itarri 6014 fo r itari he goes to and fro(T)

) ar(?), iSammd 326 for iSm they appoint = iSa' amd; aduJc l l 4 I killod
= ad)uky itibu 71 it pleased = it 1 tbu, afrit 20 14 I saw = a 'if, anir 88M

subdued = an ' ir, iSimd 354 they appointed = iS' im; frtSa 14* hasten

= } ' iSa; d&ku 42 to kill = da 1 &ku. Stem I 2 : imtt 14 he died =

imtayut. Stem I I 1 : uJcin 394 I placed = tifcaiw'n, muSim 7 one who

appoints = muSa im. Stem I I 2 : uktin 6017 I placed = ukta)) in, u/dr
641T he restored = uttailtr st.

32. V e rb a final

o r \ Stem 1 1 : abakki 59 I was weeping

st. bak, ibaSSi 3524 he shall be st. baSd, atam 35 30 I was speaking at,

tam, ibanna 61 he makes st. band; abni

6 14

I built, adlet 421 I mustered,

.almt l l 17 I 8 un*ounded, addi 181 and add 36a I placed st. nad, alcft 10u
and akfcd 50*6 I sacrificed, arSi 361 and arS 3 81 I granted, amnd 1
I reckoned, akmd 13w I burned, lifrdd 636 m ay it rejoice; bakd 50u they
weep, nadd 4128 it is established; dik 1423 muster (im p v.); bdnd
maker, rS 144 possessor (cstr.). Stem I 2 :
st. nakd, irtaSi 404 he granted, artidx



attald 6015 I sacrificed

I pursued. Stem II 1: u,ia//t

22 I besought, ualla 25* he besought, utammi 4 1 I caused to swear.

Stem I I I 1 : uSabri 2211 he caused to see, uSalmi 33a I encircled, tdardd

16 I caused to flow, uSarma 39 I caused to inhabit, tdfarJd 22* lie
gra n ted ; Sunna 85w cause to inhabit. Stem I V 1 : ibband 02w tliey
were created, innadt 23 he was cast dow n .

Q u a d rilitera l v e r b s .


quadriliteral verbs are fow in

number, but some o f them are o f frequent occurrence, as

to crosa,


transgress, rebel,


"nflt? to Bpread out.

x lv

to flee, escape, YintP to be narrow, contracted,

Illustrations: appalkit 1* I crossed (IV 1), ippalki

24a he rebelled, uiapalkat 52u I will destroy (I II 1 ); ippariid l 17

they fled (I V 1), ittanapraiSidu 8414 he fled (TV 3, relative sentence);
ui^arir 59u it contracted; iuparruru I E 15, 58 it was spread out.



TIGLATH PILESER I (c. 11*20-1100 B.C.).

Cam paign against

2I-na ar-ru iarrfl-ti-ya X X M amfluti^ a *an,Mu3-kaa-yapi V Sarraj^ui-u-nu 64s& L San^-tf *Al-zi

65 tJkWuPu-ru-kuz-zi na-a-aS bilti wu ma-da-at-tf s i
uA-ur bfli-ya is-ba-tu-ni 67sarru ya-uin-ma i-na tam5 ha-ri
irat-su-nu ^la-a u-ni-hu.
a-ua da-na-ni-s-nu it-kaV
lu-ma ur-du-ni main Kum-mu-hi
I-na tukul-ti
w 70is-ba-tu.

u A-S ur bfli-ya 71
nark abatis um-ma-na-tf-ya luptf-hir 73arka-a ul u-ki. tada Ka-si-ya-ra 73lkiL nam-ra-fi
lu-ii ap-pal-kit. 74 It-ti X X M sabi pi muk-tab-Ii-su-nu
10 7 6 y Sanap/-ni-su-im i-na mdtu Kum-mu-hi 75la ai-ta-naan a-bi-ik-ta-B-nu lu as-kun sal-ma-at ku-ra-di-sii-nu
78i-na mit-liu-us tu-sd-ri ki-ma ra-hi-si ^lu-ki-mir dAmi^5u-nn hur-ri 80 ba-ma-a-tf sd adi-i lu-sardi -1kakkadip*sii-ini lu-na-ki-aa i-da-at ^ala^ni-Sii-nu ki-ma ka-ri-f
15 lu-sf-pi-ik 83sal-1u-su-nu bu-id-a-iii-nu nam-kur4u-nu
84a-na la-a mi-na lu-Sf-sa-a. VI M *si-tf-it um-ma-Jiatf-su-nu sd i-na pa-an Wi#wkakkip*-ya ip*par4i-Ju sipi/nya 07is-ba-tu al-ka-su-nu-u-ti-uia ^a-na lumpi ma--ya
8l)I-na -mi-s-nia a-na
Kum-mu-hi la-a iua-gi-ii
80sd bilta it nm-da-ta a-na wA-sur blli-ya Mk-lu-u lu
rn-ttuKuiu-mu-lu ^a-na si-hu--*d lu ak-iud
wgal-la-em-nu bu-Jd-Mi-nu nam-kur-gd-nu M u-oi-^a-a a a
a. 1 K tl

T 1G L A T H P IL E S E U I.

ni-Sti-nu i-na iS&t-ipi 10*laS-ru-up ab-bul aV-kur.

2nuMuKum-mu-hi SA i-na (***a)pa-an <f*kakkijji-yu
pAr-Si-du a-na aZuSf-ri-iS-Si 4SA padanf;>j am-nni-a-tl ^
naDiklat 6lu i-bf-ru ala a-na dan-nu-ti-Su-nu o|u
5 iS-ku-nu ttunarkabAtipi u ku-ra-di-yapi 7la al-ki Sada-u
mar-sa gir-ri-ti-Su-nu 8pa-aS-ka-ab-tf i-na ag-gdl-lat (r{pl
dlu ah-si hu-la a-na ml-tf-ik 10 narkab&ti;>/-ya um
ma-na-tf-ya lu-tl-ib 11nam Diklat lu 1-bir z<-ri-3( lauli
dan-nu-ti-Su-nu ak-Su-ud 13s&bi Px muk-tab-li-Su-nu i-i\a
10 ki-rib hur-Sa-ni 14ki-ma Sut-ma-Si lu u-nii-si 16dftmij>z-Su-nu
an*Diklat it ba-mat Sadi-i 16lu-Sar-di. I-na -mi-3u-roa
um-ma-na-at 17nuMaKur-tMjz SA a-na Su-zu-ub 18it ni-raru-ut-ti SA mdtuKum-mu-hi
30matuKum-mu-hi-ma ki-ma Su-bl lu uS-na-il 21pa-gar muk15 tab-li-Su-nu a-na gu-ru-na-ti 22i-na gi-Sal-lat Sadi-i lu-ki-riin ^Sal-mat ku-rara-di-Su-nu juiruNa-a-ml 24a-na 4Diklat
lu u-Sf-si.
Campaign against the Nairi

uakrutijp/ Sfirni-nu ^gi-mir k&l Sarr&nipz.

ti 46SA il&nipz rabuti^z SA i-na kib-rat arba'-i 47ml-SI-riS
la i-Su-u49a-na m&tatpz Sarrapz-ni ni-su-tl 60SA a-ah tAmti
25 1-li-ni-ti 61SA ka-na-SA la i-du-u 52au A-Sur bu u-raa-i-rani-ma al-lik.

^Tu-ud-di mar-su-tl ni-ri-bi-ti MSup-84-

ka-a-tl SA i-na mah-ra Sarru ya-um-ma llb-ba-Su-nu la

i-du-u Mar-hi it-lu-ti du-ur-gi 57d la-ad pi-tu-ti u-Si-ti-ik


l a d t 1-la-ma



lad tl-hi-iS

60 lad t {-ra-b<-H

Tar-hu-na ^lo^cTir-ka-hu-li i<*aKi-is-ra 61iadtTar-h&'

<l> ifu inserted by scribal error, due to presence o f ifu after pa-*0*
One copy correctly omits. 6 . I R om . c. I R m l
d -d . I R err*




iada 1-lu-la

02iada H
63w ttw a-aS-ta-ra-f iada drhi-8drra
iada Mi-li-at-ru-ni 64iadaSu-li-an-zi tada Nu-ba-na-a-sf

66 iadof-1-bf X V I Sadipi
dan-nu-ti Mfkla

ifu narkabti-ya it mar-sa 67i-na ag-gdl-lat frfpi la ah-si

5 68 u-ru-mi isipi Sadi-i lu ak-ki-is 69ti-tur-ra-a-ti a-na mf-ti-ik
70um-ma-na-a-tl-yapi lu li-t{-ib. n i*iruPu-rat-ta f-bir Sar
trtiUu Nim-mi 72Sar mdtu Tu-nu-M Sar mdtu Tu-a-li ^Sar^uKida-ri Sar miwutJ'-zu-la 74 Sar matu Un-za-mu-ni Sar matu An-di-abf 75Sar matu Pi-la-ki-ni Sar matu A-ur-gi-ni 76Sar matu Ku-li10 bar-zi-ni Sar matu Pi-ni-bir-ni 77Sar matu Hi-mu-a
Sar rmiiuPa-iW
tf-ri 78 Sar matuTf-i-ra-am Sar matu u-ru-ri-a 79 Sar juwuA-ba-fni Sar matu A-da-f-ni90Sar matu Ki-ri-ni Sar matu Al-ba-ya 81 Sar
naftilJ-gi-na Sar MuNa-za-bi-ya 82 Sar matu A-bar-si-u-ni Sar
matuDa-ya-f-ni naphar X X III SarrEnipi m&t&tipi Na-i-ri
15 84i-na ki-rib m&t&tip^-nu-ma <junarkabfi,tip*-Su-nu 86 umma-na-tf-Su-nu ul-tak-si-ru-raa 86a-na 1-piS kabli u ta-ha-zi
87lu it-bu-ni. I-na Su-mur ^ukakkipi-ya Miz-zu-tf as-nika-Su-nu-ti 89Sd-gal-ti um-ma-na-tl-S-nu rapStipi ki-ma
uRamn 91lu aS-ku-un. Sal-ma-at ku-ra-di-Su-nu

20 92i-na slri ba-ma-at Sadi-i it i-dnrat "al&pHii-Su-nu ki-ma

Sut-ma-Si 94lu-mi-si II Su-Si tfu narkabdtipi-Su-nu "ha-lap-ta
i-na ki-rib tam-ha-ri
w I S-Si Sarrpi-ni
Na-i-ri ardi Sd, a-na 98ni-ra-ru-ti-Sti-nu il-li-ku-ni "i-na mulm ul-li-ya a-di t&mti 100f-li-ni-ti lu ar-di-Su-nu-ti 101ma-ha25 zi-Su-nu rabtipi ak-Sud 131 Sal-la-eu-nu bu-Sd-Su-nu namkur-Su-nu 2u-Sl-sa-a al&nipi-Su-nu i-na iSfLtipi 3aS-ru-up abbul ak-kur 4 a-na tili it kar-mi u-tir su-gul-lat mimsisipi
rapSpi-ti 6pa-ri-f a-ga-lipi it mar-Sit 7kir-M-tf-Su-nu a-na
la ma-ni-f 8u-tir-ra.

Nap-har SarrdpHii 9m&tdti Na-i-ri bal-tu-su-nu k aa-ti

10ik-Sud a-na Sarrpi-ni Sd-tu-nu n ri-f-ma ar-SdrSu-nu-ti-ma
12na-piS-ta-Su-nu f-tf-ir Sal-lu-su-nu 13 ka-mu-su-nu i-na
ma-har SamaS bfli-ya 14ap-tu-ur-ma ma-mi-it ildnipi-ya
16rabtipi a-na ar-kat mipi a-na -ura 16sa-a-ti a-na ardua. Om. by error in I R.

T I G L A T H r iL E S E R

u t-tl

-tam -m i-S ti-nu-ti

17m u iip j

18a-ua li-tu -u t-ti a a -b a t 191 M


n a b -n i-it


I I C *< s i s i p j I I M


20 ina-da-nt-tn i-n a m u h -h i-M -n u a-k u n 21a-na m tatijrfu.

n u -m ag-gfr-g -n u -ti.

3. Cam paign against th e K um anl (I R 13, 82-14, 21).


82I-n a -m i-S-m a k l-la t

* d t u

K u -m a -n i-i 83fL a-na ri-su-ut

ffuMuMu-us-ri iS-Sa-ak-nu 84 n a p -h a r m&t&tipi-Su-nu lu id-kuni-ina 85 a-na f-piS k a b li ta-h a-zi 86lu iz-zi-zu-ni-ma i-na
Su-m ur i?w k a k k f;i/-ya 87iz -z u -tf i t - t i 6 X X M um-ma-na-tisu -n u 8RrapS&tipf i-n a gada T a -la lu am -da-hi-is 89a-bi-ik-ta10 S-nii lu -u


iada H a-ru-sa

^ k i-sir-S ii-n u

Sd pa-an

gab-Sd lu-pi-ri-ir 91a-di

mdtu M u -u s-ri

92 ab-ku-su-nu lu ar-

d u -u d Sal-m a-at 93 ku -ra-di-S u -n u i-n a gi-sal-lat Sadi-i wkim a Su-u-bi lu

-nri-si 95dam ipz-S-nu hur-ri ba-ma-a-tf

Sa Sadi-i 06lu-Sar-di m a-ha-zi-3u-nu

rab tip j 97ak-sud i-na

iSatip/ aS-ru-up 98a b -b u l a k -k u r a-na tili kar-m f cu-tir.c


fl/wwH u-nu-sa

a li

dan -n u -ti-S u -n u

100ki-raa til a-bu-M

aS-hu-up 14 1it-ti um -m a-na-a-tf-Su-nu gab-Sd-a-ti 2i-na ali

Sadi-i sam -riS lu am -d a-h
i-is 3 a-bi-ik-ta-S-nu lu-u aS-kun
4 su b i
pi m u k-ta
b -li-S u -n u i-na k i-rib hur-Sa-ni 5ki-ma Su-bf
20 uS-na-il k a k k a d ip /- -n u 6k i-m a zi-ir-k i u-ni-ki-is 7dmiph
8-nu h
w u r-ri ba-m a-a-tl Sa Sadi-i 8lu-Sar-di ala su-a-tu
ak-Sud 9ildnipi-Su-nu as r/-sd-a
10u-Sf-sa-a ala

i-n a

bu-Sd-Su-nu nam-kur-Su-nu

is tip j aS-ru-up

11 I I I


ra b tip i Sd i-na a -g r-ri 12ra-aS-bu si-M r-ti ali- 13ab-bul


a k -k u r a-na tili k a r-m i 14u -tir abnfp*

s i-p a

i-ua muh-

hi-Su 15az-ru b ir ik sip a rri f-pu-uS 16ki-Si-ti mftt&ti Sd i-nft

cili-y a * b fli-y a 17ak-Sd-du a la S-a-tu a-na la sa-ba-tf 18u


a-giir-ri i-na

m uh-hi-Su

i-n a

m uh
-h i
w ^


b ir ik



bita S
S d -a -tu -n u

21 i-na lfb -b i u-Si-si-ib.

a. I R tL b. One copy om. c-c. One copy and I B om'

rf. I R erroneously pa.
Var. ilu A -iu r.



Standard Inscription (Layard 1).

1lkal mASSur-nasir-apli Sangi ASSur ni-Sit <zBfl u ouAdar

na-ra-am uuA-nim u zzuDargan karSti-uS ilnipz rabutipz Sarru
dan-nu Sar kiSSati Sar wuASSur apal Tukulti-Adar Sarri
rabi-f 2Sarri dan-ni Sar kiSSati Sar *ASSur apal RamAn5 nirari Sar kiSSati Sar vuuu ASSur-ma it-lu kar-du Sa ina
tukul-ti ASSur bfli-Su ittallarku-ma ina mal-kipz Sa kib-rat
irbit-ta Sa-nin-Su 8la-a iSu-u amiiu rii tab-ra-a-ti la a-di-ru
tukunti f-du-u gab-Su Sa ma-hi-ra la-a iu- Sarm muSak-niS la kan-S-tf-Su Sa nap-har kiS-Sat niSipz 4i-pi-lu
10 zikaru dan-nu mu-kab-bi-ia kiSad a-a-bi-Su dara-iS kul-lat
nakrtipi mu-pa-ri-ru ki-is-ri mul-tar-hi Sarru Sa ina
tukul-ti ilAnipz rabutipz 5bflfp*-Su ittalla-ku-ma mfl.tfi.tipi
kAli-Si-na kAt-su takSu-ud hur-Sa-ni kflli-Su-nu i-pi-lu-ma
bi-lat-su-nu im-hu-ru

Sa-kin li-i-tl 6Hi kflli-Si15 na mfl.tfl.tipz.

f-nu-ma ASSur bflu narbu-u Sumi-ya mu-Sar-bu-ti SarrAti-a ijukakka-Su la pa-da-a a-na i-da-at bfl-ti-a lu- itmuh 7ummfl,nfl,tpz matu Lu-ul-lu-mi- rapSAtipi ina ki-rib
tam-ha-ri ina <#ukakkipi lu -Sam-kft. Ina ri-su-ti Sa
20 Sa-maS 8u au Ram An ilflni pi tik-li-a ummflnfltpz mfitti
Na-i-ri mdxuKil-hi
motu -ba-ri-1 u azuNi-rib
zzuRamAn ra-hi-si fli-Su-nu aS-gu-um Sarru Sa iStu i-birtan naruDikdat a-di ioda Lab-na-na u tAmti rabi-tf mdtuLaki-f ana si-hir-ti-Sa mazuSu-hi a-di aZuRa-pi-ki ana Sfpipz-Su
25 u-Sik-ni-Sa 10iStu rfS i-ni ndruSu-ub-na-at a-di zi*-raar-tf
takSu-ud iStu ioda ni-rib Sa
Kfr-ru-ri a-di

mdiu Kfr-za-ni iStu 1-bir-tan narwZa-ba Supali a-di u ozTilba-a-ri Sa fl-la-an uwuZa-ban iStu aiu Til-Sa-ab-ta-ni a-di
aiu Til-Sa-za-ab-da-ni oZuHi-ri-mu

3 0 Sa vuuu Kar-du-ni-aS ana mi-is-ri u mAti-ya u-tir iStu lodania. From Layard and from photographs.

AJiH W ti* A Z I H P A I An

rib Sa iwuu B a -b i-tf a-di mnt* 11aS-mar ariia niSipj miti-a

am -nu.

Ina m k i k U p t Aa a-pi-lu-Ai-na-ni mnS&k-nu-tl-ya


u r-du -ti

na-a-du pa-lfh


A A41j r-n an ir-apli

ilan ipi rabtJtip*

13 rubu-

<j-A(irn-gal-lu ik-du ka-Sid

5 aln i u hur-Sa-ni p a d gim -ri-A u-nu

Aar billpi-f mu-la-it

ik-au-tf a-pi-ir Sa-lutn-m a-tl la a-di-ru

14tu k u n ti ur-8a-nu

la pa-du-u m u -rib a -n u n -tf Aar ta-n a-d a-tf a m i t u n u sa-lu-lu

k ib r tip i Sarru Sa k i-b it


uS-h4rn-ma-tu Sadipri u

tam atip* Sa ina k i-it-ru -u b ,jr'b fl(i-ti-S u

10 la p a -d u -tf iStu

SarrpHii ik-du-ti

ai-it a*t>arn-Si a-di i-rib

uSam-Si pa-a

iSt-fn -Sa-aS-kin.
aiu K al-h
Sa m i/u$ul-m a-nu-aSrid Sar ipuMuASlSar
w u m ah-ra-a

16ru b a-lik pa-ni-a fpu-uS alu S- f-na-ah-m a is-lal. Alu

S- ana is-Su-ti ab -n i.

N iSipi kiS it-ti k ti-y a Sa infU&tipi

15 Sa a-pi-lu-Si-na-ni Sa md/uSu-hi m u u La-ki-1 ana si-hfr-ti-Sa

17a/uMuS-ku Sa ni-bir-ti naruPurat m*tuZa-mu-a ana pad

gim-ri-Sa matuBifc-A-di-ni u m^uHat-ti u Sa mLu-bar-na
mAtuPa-ti-na-a-a al-ka-a ina lfb-bi -Sa-aa-bit. Tilu la-bi-ru
lu ti-na-ki-ir a-di ^fli mfpj lu -Sa-pil IC X X tik-pi ina
20 muS-pa-li lu u-tarbL Ikal i?uf-ri-ni ikal ^uSurmfni ikal
tfudap-ra-ni ikal iuurkarinipi ikal ^mis-kan-ni ikal
ifubu-ut-ni u i^tar(?)-pi- i a~na S-bat Sarr-ti-a 19ana
m u l-ta- i-it b fld -ti-a Sa d a -ra -a -tf in a lfb -b i ad-di.

S a d ip ^ u t m ti pi Sa abnu p i-li pisi-1 u a&mipa-ru-ti

25 fpu-uS
si-k a t

in a

b b n ip /-a


k a r-ri

sip a rrip /

^ a l-m f-S i.

^ u S urm fni


K aspip*



^ D a la tip j


ifu d a p -ra -n i <*uinis-kan-ni in a bbnipi-Sa u-ri-

h u ra rip f a n a k ip j sip a rrip i

parzillipi kiSit-ti

k fiti-y a Sa m at a t i pi Sa a -p i-lu -S i-n a -n i a-n a m a- a-diS al-ka-a

30 in a llb -b i u -k in .


m. SHALMANESER II. (858-824 B.C.).

1. Genealogy; First Campaign (Layard 87

1uAS2ur bflu rabu-d sar gim-rat ailftnipj Tabdtipi <iA-nu

gar ui-gi-gi 8 a-nun-na-ki ubfl mt&ti uB 4si-i-ru
a-bu ilnipi ba-nu- 6 [kla-ma *]I-a gar apst mu-Sim
gfmtipj 8 [flu Sin] gar a-gi-1 ga-ku-u nam-ri-ri7[cuRamfLn]
5 gig-ru gd-tu-ru bfl higal-li uSa-mag 8dn gami-f irsi-ti
mu-ma-i-ir gim-ri 9[aMarduk] abkal ilnipi bfl tf-rii-ti uAdar kar-du
10[gar au ] igigipi cua-nun-na-ki
iln dan-dan-nu Nirgal 11[git]-ma-lu gar tam-ha-ri
uNusku na-gi ifuhatti flli-tf 12ilu mul-ta-lu Bflit hi-ir-ti
10 i/uBfl ummi ilnipi18[rabuti]pi ulgtar rig-ti gami-1 irsit ga paras kar-du-tf guk-lu-lat 14[ilnijpi rabtipi mu-gimu gfrntip* mu-gar-bu-u garr-ti-ya. 15[m u] Sul-ma-nuag&rid gar kig-sat nigipi rubu-d Sangi Aggur garrn dan-nu
16gar kul-lat kib-rat irbit-ta ugam-g kig-gat nigiptmurlfl tl-du-u 17ka-lig mt&ti apal nAggur-nasir-apli gangu
si-i-ru ga gangdt-su fli ilnipi 18i-tl-bu-ma mfl.tS.ti naphar-gi-na a-na gfpf-gd d-gik-ni-gu 19nab-ni-tu flli-tu. ga
mTukul-ti-u Adar 20ga kdl-lat za-i-ri-gu i-ni-ru-ma 21igpu-nu a-bu-ba-ni-ig.


^I-na gur-rat garr-ti-ya ga ina jukussi 23garru-ti rabi-ig

d-gi-bu ^narkabtipj 24rnnmnti-ya ad-ki ina Jodani-ri-bf
ga motu Si-mf-si 25iru-ub aiu A-ri-du ali dan-nu-ti-gu 28ga
mNi-in-ni akgu-ud. I-na igt-fn pali-ya 27[na] Purat ina
mi-li-ga f-bir a-na tam-di ga gl-nri ugain-gi 28al-li-ik
fpukakkipt-ya ina tam-di u-lil Hm*nikuipj a-na ilnip*-ya
as-bat. A-na gadi-1 fadoHa-nm-a-ni f-li ^fjugti-urpi ifu f-rini ifu burgi a-kis. A-na 81gada Lal-la-ar Mi sa-lam garrti-ya ina lfb-bi u-gi-ziz.

a. Selections 1 and 2 are prepared from photographs and from a

cast of the original, known as the obelisk inscription," now in the
British Museum.


2. Campaign against Damascus.0

64. . . In a V I p a li-y a a-na alpj-n i Sa Si-di ndruBarli-hi
ak -tl-rib m G i-am -in u klpa-S u -n u
lru -u b

67 nAru P u r a t in a

id u -k u

56 a-na aiu Til-

m i-li-Sa 1-bir 68ma-da-tu

Sa Sarr/rf-ni Sa md/u H a t-ti 69 [k li]-S u -n u am-hur.



m u A d d u -id -r i


60[S a r] matu D im aSki m Ir-hu-li-na

matu A -m at-a-a a-di Sarrpt-ni

61 Sa matu H
a t-ti a-hat

a-na Im uk&nipi a-ha-miS 62it-ta k -lu -m a a-na 1-piS kabli u

tahazi 63 a-na irti-y a it-b u -n i.
b lli-y a

64 it-ti-Su-nu

am -d& h-hi-is

10 65ifu n arkab&ti pj-Su-nu



In a k i-b it ASSur bfli rabi


bit-hal-la-S u-nu

66 X X M V C

sfib lp j




ti-du-ki-Su-nu ina

<*ukakklpz u-Sam -klt.

3. Western Campaign; Tribute of Jehu (III R 5, No. 6).&

*In a


m H a-za--ilu



Sanitu na Purat 21-bir.

Sa matu D im a S k i 8a-na gi-biS um rafinti^u

4 it>-ta-kil-ma

um m ntipz-Su

0 tada Sa-ni-ru




aS-kun X V T M

6 a-na

Sadi-1 7Sa

m a-a-diS


p u -u t ladaLab-na-na a-na


am -d&h-hi-is


10sfibfp* ti-d u -k i-S u in a ifukakkijjj n u-Sam-

k it IM IC X X I

%fu n ark abtipf-S u

12I V C L X X


20 lu-Su it-ti uS-ma-ni-Su 18l-kim -S u a-na u-zu-ub 14napS&tijrfSu 1-li arki-5u a r-tl-d i 15in a

oZwDi-maS-ki ali Sarr-ti-iSu

1-slr-Su 16<ftikirpj-Su a k -k is.

A -d i Sadi-l 17 matuHa-u-ra-ni

a-lik al&pi-ni



m a -n i a -b l a -k u r 19ina i&tipi

aSru-up Sal-la-su-nu 20a-n a la m arni aS-lu-la.



22Sa rlS ta m -d i

^ iu a llb -b i aS-kup.

a -lik

In a u -m l-S u -m a

25 matu S i-du -n a-a-a


21A -di Sadi-1


24m a-da-tu

w Y a -u -a

26 apal




am -hur.
a. See note a, page 7. b. Also Delitzsch Assyr. Lesestcke, ed. 2
p. 08.



SARGON (722-705 B.C.).

Conquests; Restoration of Calah (Layard33).<*

Jikal mSarru-klnu Sa-ak-nu uBll nisakku auA-Sur niSit ni uA-niin i/uB(l Sarru dan-nu Sar kiSSafci Sar
uuASSurH Sar kib-rat arba-i mi-gir ilnipj rabtija 3riu
ki-l-nu Sa uA-Sur au Marduk ut-tu-Su-ma zi-kir Su-mi-Su
u-Sl-su-u a-na ri-Sl-l-tl 3zi-ka-ru dan-nu ha-lib na-mur-ra-tl
S a-na Sum-kut na-ki-ri S-ut-bu-u f*ukakku-Su 4it-lu kardu Sa ul-tu u-um b(-lu-ti-Su mal-ku gab-ri-Su la ib-su-ma mu
w Sa-ni-na la i-S- mtti kli-Si-na ultu si-it

a-di 1-rib uSam-Si i-bf-lu-ma ul-taS-pi-ru ba-u-lat uBll6mu-a-ru bu-bu-lu S 1-mu-ka-an si-ra-a-tl aula iS-ru-ku-us
i^ukakku la mah-ri uS-tib-bu i-du-uS-Su 7rubu na-i-du
S ina ri-bit Dur-ili u it-ti m tiu Hum-ba-ni-ga-as Sar
matu I-lam-ti in-nam-ru-ma iS-ku-nu th-ta-Su
matu Y a--du Sa a-Sar-Su ru--ku na-si-ih m<MuHa-am-martl
S tou Ya-u-bi-i-di ma-lik-Su-nu ik-Su-du ktu-au muni-i i-rat matu Ka-ak-mi-1 amUunakri lim-ni mu-ta-ki-in
matu Man-na-a-a dal-hu--tl mu-tib lfb-bi mti-Su mu-rappiS mi-fiir matu AaSur 10mal-ku pit-ku-du Su-us-kal la-a
ma-gi-ri S TOPi-si-ri Sar matu Hat-ti kt-su ik-Su-du-ma
lli atu Gar-ga-mis ali-Su iS-ku-nu amUuzikarn-Su u na-si-ih
aiu Si-nu-uh-ti
S mKi-ak-ki Sar uuuTa-ba-li a-na ali-su
ASSurw ub-lam-ma matu Mu-us-ki 1-mid-du ab-Sa-an-[Su]
12ka-Sid matu Man-ua-a-a mmKar-al-lu 6 matu Paddi-ri mutir gi-mil-li mdti-Su mu-Sim-klt matuMada-a-a ru-ku-u-tl
ardi matu uSam-Si(?).
18I-na -mi-S-ma ikal budup-ra-ni S a/ Kal-ha Sd
toASSur-nasir-apli rubu a-lik pa-ni-ya i-na pa-na 1-pu-Sii
14S biti Su-a-tu uS-Su-Su ul dun-nu-nu-u-ma lli du-un-ni
kak-ka-ri ki-air Sadi-i ul Sur-Suda iSda-a-Su 15i-na ra-a-di







___________ ___________ __________ ___________________________

a. The transliterated text is from my copy of the original, a slab in
|the British Museum. b. Layard. My copy omits.




Sam i-f

a n -h u -ta

tir-raa ir-m u -u

la -b i-r u -ta

rik -su -su

il-lik -m a Si-pit-su ip-pa-


u -m a-sl-m a


a k -8 u -u d .
5 a d i-i

H i abnu p i-i-li d a n -n i tim -n ii-i

z a k -ri

n s-p u -u k .

5 a r-sip -S a k -lil.

17I3 tu

18K a -sa d a la p f-n i sa usunic?) <u kakkfp/-ya

amiiun ak ru ti/> i a s-k u -n u

i-r i-i lu -li-i u -n ial-li-S u .

in a

k i-r ib -s u

i-sir-m a a-na

19 a N fr g a l vuRam n ilnip/ a-i-

b u -u t aiu K a l-h a a-n a

lfb -b i

a k -ri-m a

g -m a h -h i rabtipj

ard&nipz m a -ru -ti k u r-gi iffurupi us-tur u^urupi 20issuripz


Sam i-i

m u t-ta p -riS - -ti

21I-n a

-n n -S -m a

22 k i- it-ti


kiS ad

i-n a


b it

ni-gu-t a-

ki -sa -li-is.

n a -k a m -tf

II M I C gun X X IV

m a-n a h u ra si
r a b i-ti

a k -k i

m a-h a r-S u -u n

k u n -m a k a -b a t-ti n is ip j mtu A


a -d i tah-lu-bi-Su

B b z i-i-k i a-n a n iu l-ta - i-ti-y a ina Sumfli

bbi-S u a p -ti.
s fli


ki-m a si-pik


S-a-ti X I

raa-na kaspi ina

m P i-si-ri Sar aiu G a r-g a -m is S matu Hat*

na P u -r a t-ti

s, k a -ti

ik -su -d u

ina llb-bi

u -5 i-rib .


SENNACHERIB (705-682 B.C.).

S y ria n C a m p a ig n ; T rib u te o f H ezek ia h (I R 38, 34-39,

34 I-n a


g ir -r i-y a

a -n a

lu 6



35 m L u -li-i Sar aiu S i-d u -u n -n i p l-h i mi-1 a m -m i 36bi-lu-ti-ya

20 is-h u -p u -S u -n ia a -n a r u -u k -k i 37 k a b a l ta m -tim in-na-bit-ma
n ia ta -su
sih ru

1-m id.

^ a Z uS i-d u -u n -n u

^ z u B it-z i-it-ti
aZuA k-zi-bi

d u ra p f-n i
25 S u b -b a t
ik -n u -S u


aiu Z a -r i-ip -tu

aiu A k -k u -u

r i-i-ti




b ili-y a

mT u
b a a -lu

45ili-S u -u n u -i-5 ib -m a b ilt u

aiu Si-du-un-nu

aiu M a -h a l-li-b a 40aiu -

n ia s^ -k i-ti

^vuA SSur

44 f-p u -u -a .

r a b u -u



b it-tu k -la d-ti-Su rais -h u -p u -3 u -n u ti-ntf

n a z^uknssi


ru a n -d a -a t-tu b i-lu -ti-y a 46Sat-

ti-6am la b a -a t-lu u -k fn si-ru -uS -S u .

a. See also Delitzseh, Assyr. Lesestcke, ed. 2, pp. 100-103. b. I ^

ki. c. I nu. d. I R ad;



47d mMi-in-hi-im-mu aimSam-si-mu-ru-na-a-a 48Tu-ba~

V lu aiuSi-du-un-na-a-a 49*Ab-di-li-i-ti n/uA-ru-da-a-a

Mmtf-ru-nril-ki aiu Gu-ub-la-a-a 61mMi-ti-in-ti aiuAs-du-daa-a 52mPu-du-ilu mdiuBitn* Am-raa-na-a-a Kam-mu-su5

na-at-bi matuMa-a-ba-a-a 64u Malik-ram-mu mam-duum-ma-a-a MgarrdpHii matuAharri ka-li-gu-un gi-di-i

66 gad-lu-ti ta-mar-ta-gu-nu ka-bit-tu a-di buSJ 67a-na
mah-ri-ya i-gu-nim-ma ig-gi-ku gfpf-ya. 58tT Si-id-karQ
gar aiu Is-ka-al-lu-na 69yd la ik-nu-gu a-na ni-ri-ya il&ni pi

10 bit abi-gu ga-a-gu aggat-su aplipi-gu bindti pt&u. ahipt-gu

zir bit abi-gu 81as-su-ha-am-ma a-na mdiuAggurw u-ra-aggu. C2mSami-lu-dd-ri apal Ru-kib-ti garri-gu-nu rnahW

ru-u 68fli nigipi aiuIs-ka-al-lu-na ag-kun-ma na-dan bilti

64kat-ri-f bf-lu-ti-ya f-mid-su-ma i-sa-at nb-Sa-n-ni. 65I-na

mf-ti-ik gir-ri-ya aiuBffc-Da-gun-na 68aiuYa-ap-pu-u oiBana-a-a-bar-ka aiuA-zu-ru 67aldpi-ni gd mSi-id-ka-a ad a-na

gfpi-ya 68 dr-hig la ik-nu-gu al-mf akgu-ud ag-lu-la gal-lasun.
am Sakkanakki pi am rubti pi nigfpi aiuAm-kar-

20 ru-na 70gd mPa-di-i garra-gu-nu Ml a-di-f ma-mit 71gd

maiAggurw bi-ri-tu parzilli id-du-ma a-na mHa-za-ld-ya-u

72matu Ya--da-a-a id-di-nu-gu nak-rig a-na an8il-li f-sir-su
^ip-lah lib-ba-gu-un garrd pi-ni matuMu-su-ri 74msdbi pi
25 75 f-mu-ki

ifu narkabdti Pi imirusisfpi gd gar matuMf-luh-hi

la ni-bi ik-tf-ru-nim-ma
il-li-ku 78ri-su-us-su-un.

I-na ta-mir-ti aiuAl-ta-ku-u 77fl-la-mu-u-a si-id-ru git-ku-nu

ti-ga-j-lu 78i*kakkipi-gu-un.


I-na tukul-ti Aggur bfli-




mnubfl i*narkabdtipi u aplfpi garri maiumu-su-ra-a-a

30 81a-di fimubfl ifunarkabati Pi gd gar matuMf-luh-hi bal-tusu-un i-na kabal
ik-gu-da kdta-a-a

ku-u aiTa-am-na-a al-mf akgu-ud ag-lu-la gal-la-sun.

331 A-na aiuAm-kar-ru-na ak-rib-ma amiiugakkanakkipi

2amrubtipi gd hi-it-tu u-gab-gu-u a-duk-ma 3i-na di-maa. I R td.




a-tf si-hir-ri ali a-lul pag-ri-Su-un 4apli p i ali i-piS an-ni

hab-la-ti 5a-na sal-la-ti am-nu si-it-tu-tf-Su-nu 6la ba-n(
ki-ti-ti kul-lul-ti 4 a-ra-an-Su-nu 7la ib-- u-Suriu un

Pa-di-i *sarra-u-nu ul-tu ki-rib

5 9u-sf-sa-am-ma i-na


aiu Ur-sa-li-im-mu

kussi bf-lu-ti fli-Su-un 10u-Sf-Sib-ma

man-da-at-tu bf-lu-ti-ya n u-kfn si-ru-uS-Su. tf mHa-zaki-a-ii 13Mate Ya-u-da-a-a 4 la ik-nu-Su a-na ni-n-ya
13 X L V I



bit-durni pj alftni^

sihrtip i 1454 li-mf-ti-Su-nu 4 ni-ba la i--u 16i-na Sub

10 bu-us a-ram-mf kft-ru-ub -pi-i16mit-hu-su zu-uk Sfpi
bfl-i nik-si

lab-ban-na-tf 17al-mf aku-ud. IICMICL


ni5ip i sihru rabu zikaru zinniSu

i s im iru s\sip i


im fri p i dm gam mall p* alpipi 18 si-f-ni 4 la ni-bi ul-tu




15 kinia issuri ku-up-pi ki-rib

ti-su f-sir-su

aiu hal-sup i

aiu Ur-sa-li-im-mu

m ati-Su


21ali arru-

fli-Su ^u-rak-kis-ma a-si-f abulli

ali-su u-tir-ra 23ik-ki-bu-u.

k i-r ib


Alanipf-Su 84 a-lu-la ul-tu

a-na m M i-ti-in-ti Sar o/As*

^ a b -tu k -m a



27l-li bUti mah-

m a n -d a -a t-tu

S u -u

m H a -za -k i-a -u

30 p u l-h i

amilu tT r-bi

h u -p U -S u -m a



m f-la m -m f bf-lu-ti-ya is-

amilu s b ip ^ u


U r-sa-li
b u -m a ir-S- b f-la -a -ti 84 it-ti


k asp i

n i-s ik -ti

36 g u -u h -li


gun hurasi VIIIC

d a g -g a s-si abm an-gug-mi

r a b tip i ^ ifw irsip S in n i (fu k u ssf pi n i-m f-d i Sinni maftk

pfri ^Sin piri **uuS i^urkarina minima Sum-Sii ni-sir-t

30 k a -b it-tu


b in a tip i-S u

/ z i k r i t i pi


am uM

39/ l i b pi a-na k i-r ib N i n a a li b f-lu -ti-y a 40arki-y a

la m -m a a-n a n a -d a n m a n -d a -a t-ti 41 f-piS ardu--ti & f
ra rak -bu -S u .

a. Var. us. b. I R bab.


Campaign against Slam (I


R 40, 43-41, 4).

48I-na sibi-l gir-ri-ya o*ASSur In-ni -tk-kil-an-ni-ma

44a-na w^uflam ti lu al-lik.

<*< BitnaHa-Vi-ri 45aiuRa-

sa-a alpHii S, mi-sir MUaASSurM 40S, i-na tar-si abi-ya

amuI-la-mu-u 1-ki-mu da-na-niS 47i-na ml-ti-ik gir-ri-ya
5 akud-ma aS-lu-la Sal-la-snn.

48amiiuSbipi Su-lu-ti-ya u-Si-

rib ki-rib-Su-un 48a-na mi-sir d*ASSur h u-tir-rarn-ma

Mk&t amiiu rab-o/M hal-su
aiuD un-n i-u SaraaS

Dr-iliw um-nu.




oiuDu-ru aiuDan-nat*-m Su-la-a-a waJu5 i-li-ib-tu ojuBit-mA10 su-si aiuKar-m Mu-ba*Sa 64aiuBit-gi-is-si aiuBit- Kat-pa-la-ni
oiuBit-mlm-bi-ya MoJoHa-ma-nu a&iBit-mAr-ra-bi niuBuru-tu 66aiuDi-in-tu S Su-la-a-a aiuDi-in-tu 57S mUuTor-



H u r-ri-aS-] a-ki-1




a2uTil-"lJ-bu-ri ^duHaram-ra-nu aiNaL5 di-tu a-di al&ni pi Sa ni-ri-bi 60S oiuBlt-mBu-na-ki aiuTi1cuHu-um-bi aiuDi-in-tu 61S mDu-ml-ilu oi*Bit-mtf-bi-ya
aiu Ba-al-ti-li-Sir 63aiu Ta-gab-li-Sir aiu a-na-ki-da-a-ti 98aiuMasu-tu-Sap-li-tu
aiu Sa-ar-hu-di-f-ri
aiu A-lum-S~tar(?)-bit
64aiu Bit- AM pKddi-na aiu Il-tl-d-ba X X X IV alni pi dan10 nu-ti86a-di al&pMii sihrdti Pi S li-ml-ti-Su-nu 66S ni-ba la
i-S- al-ral akSu-ud aS-lu-la Sal-la-sun ^ab-bul ak-kur
i-na iSti ak-mu. 68Ku-tur na-ak-mu-ti-Su-nu kima imbari
kab-ti ^pa-an Sami-1 rap-Su-ti u-Sak-tim. IS-ml-ma kiSit-ti ^alnipj-Su mKu dut-u Na-hu-un-du am/zui-la-mu-
15 im-kut-su 71ha-at-tum si-it-ti al&ni pj-Su a-na dan-na-ti
aiu Ma-dak-tl ali Sarru-ti-Su 1-zib-ma 78a-na
aiu Ha-i-da-la S ki-rib Sad-di-i rkti pi 74is-sa-bat harra-nu. A-na a^uMa-dak-tl ali Sarrd-ti-Su 76a-la-ku ak-bi
dan-nu 76f-ru-ba-am-ma Sa-mu-tum
w tam-tl-ri

30 ma-at-tum u-Sa-az-ni-na ^zunnl pi Sa zunnl Pi Sal-gu naah-li na-ad-bak 78Sad-di-i a-du-ra pa-an ni-ri-ya u-tir-ma
79a-na N in as-sa-bat
har-ra-nu. I-na -ml-S-ma 80i-na

a. I R i t


k i-b it

a A SSur

u n -d i

b fli-y a





u r -r u -b i

im -tu -u t.

t l-f-m {



m il-k i

m U m -m a -a n -m f-n a -n u

r k i-S u

a h u -S u

d u b -b u -u s -s u - i,0&

k u s s i- S u u -S ib -m a .

3. Campaign against B a b y lo n ( I B 41, 5-42, 24).

S a m n i-f g i r - r i - y a a r k a m -z u -b i is -s i-b u -m a

5 I -n a

B a b iliw

g a llig

b a -S u -n u

a -n a

[h a b ]-lu m

p a -a n


p ih t

11 a - m


9 Sa

10 aiu

d a -m f

a l - m f-S -m a

n i-ip -r i-ti

n S -z u -b u


i- -u


b a b -b i-lu


b ir -k i



- S a d - g i- lu

in -n a -b it .

16 u

17 amiiu B



u -S f-s u -n i



14 La-pa-an
15 K i-i


l - t u main I la m t i i-h i-

1 8 u -S i-S i-b u -S u

p a - n i- S u .

bu rasa

fS r ft ip i-S u -n u

u -s i-k a .

a b ili h pi a-na la

b i- lu - u t m uSum iri

B i t m a k k n r i S I-sag UB

u Zir-bani-tum

a -n a m U m -m a-an-rai-na-

nu S a r matu I l a m t i S l a i-S u - 22 - i - m u m il-k i -Sf-bi u h -h ir

lu-uS da-a-t:
24a-na Babili hi-Sam-ma i-da-a-ni i-zi-iz-ma 25tu-kuldta-ni* lu at-ta. &- amiiu I-la-m u-u 26S i-na a-lak gir-riya mah-ri-ti S kWullamti 27alnipi-Su ak-Sud-du-ma
-tir-ru a-na kar-ml ^lib-bu-uS ul ih-su-us da-a-tu inibur-Su-nu-ti-ma ^ummntipi-Su karas-su u-pa-hir-raa
if.tnarkabtipj <#usu-um-bi 30i-Su-ra mirsis! pi <m(rupari
is-ni-ka si-in-di-Su. 31matuPar-su-aS matuAn-za-an maiuPs-


matu i l - l l - D l


" amiiu

IRba. 6. IR ba. c. IRomits. d. I R nw. I !*'

/. I R r i


si-ru -u S -S u ip-hu-ru-

n a p -3 a -t u

matu I l a m t i

a -n a

i-n a < # u k u ssi

ip -[tu ]-m a

Sa [ i n a ]

amiiu Kal-d-a-a

aa-r a -[d u

S a m -m a k i - r i b t i - a n - n a i - r u - u b .

A k k a d iw

ik -p u -u d lib.

L a -h i-r i

h a b - l a - t i s i-r u -u S -S u b a -S i-i

s i-m a 6-tf-S u

7 u - d i- lu

n -ag a m - m f u - r i - d u - m a u -S a b -S u -u si-h u

n i-tu m

k il-ti

a b u llip i a li

tu k u n ti.

12 k i - r i b

h a t-ti

f-p iS

d u n -n a -m u -u

am iiu b f l

m u n -n a b -tu

lim -n u -ti

8 aptf pl




88aj D u-u m-mu-ku



Mapal muMarduk-apla-iddi-na matuBitrmA-di-ni miuBltr

mA-muk-ka-na 86matu B it- il-la-na

ak-ki a&tLa-hi-ru


86am P u -k u -du


5 amuHa-la-tu amiiu Ru-u-u-a m amiiu -bu-lum amUuMa-la-hu

amDa-mu-nu sih-rurabu-u
iT 38amizuHi-in-da-ru
^ik-tf-ra ifc-ti-Su gi-ib-u-su-un u-ru-uh 40m<uuAkkadi isba-tu-nim-raa a-na Babilin tf-bu-ni ^a-di Sii-zu-bi
amttu Kal-dd-a-a dar B abili 42a-na a-ha-miS ik-ru-bu-ma
10 pu-hur-Su-nu in-nin-du 43ki-ma ti-bu-ut a-ri-bi ma-a-di 3d
pa-an mfirti 44mit-ha*ri a-na f-pi tuk-ma-ti tf-bu-u-ni
43si-ru-u-a. Ipr&ti fpf-u-nu kima iinbari kab-ti 463d
dun-ni f-ri-ya-a-ti pa-an Sami-f rap-Su-ti 47ka-ti-im fl-lamu-u-a i-na aiu Ha-lu-li-f 48sd ki-Sad ndruDiklut sit-ku-nu
15 si-dir-ta 49pa-an ma-ki-ya sab-tu-ma ti-Sa-i-lu fjukakkip/Su-un.
A-na-ku a-na uASSur Sin cSamaS BA aNabd
Nfrgal 51Itar 3d N ind cI3tar Sd aiuArba-ili ildnipj
ti-ik-li-ya 62 a-na ka-Sa-di amiiu nakri dan-ni am-hur-u-nu20 ti-ma su-pi-l-a ur-ru-hiS iS-nm-u il-li-ku Mri-su-ti. Laaba-biS an-na-dir-ma at-tal-bi-Sa 56si-ri-ya-ara hu-li-ya-am
si-mat si-il-tf 56a-pi-ra ra-Sd-u-a. I-na ^narkabat tahaziya sir-ti 57sa-pi-na-at zari-i-ri i-na ug-gat lib-bi-ya 58ar-takab ha-an-tiS
kaStu dan-na-tum 69sd ASSur -Sat-li25 ma i-na kdtift-ya as-bat. 60if Kut-ta-hu pa-ri-i nap-sa-tf
at-inuh rit-tu-u-a. 01Si-ir gi-mir um-ma-na-a-ti na-ki-ri
lim-nu-ti ^zar-biS ldh-mf-iS al-sa-a kfraa Ramdn ascgu-um. 68I-na ki-bit au ASSur bill rabi bfli-ya a-na Sid-di
pu-tf Mkima ti-ib mf-hi-f 3um-ri a-na amiiunakri a-zi-ik.
30 68I-na <fukakkipj ASSur bfli-ya ti-ib tahazi-ya iz-zi
i-rat-su-un a-ni-i-ma suh-hur-ta-8u-nu
^aS-kun urumanat
w w
na-ki-ri i-na us-si mul-mul-li ^u-Sa-kir-ma gim-ri
ami/upagripf-Su-nu u-pal-li-Sa 89tamcn-zi-zi-iS.
mHu-um-ba-an-un-da-Sa mtfna-gi-ru 70sd sur

a. I R acL b. I R lib. c. I R is.




miiu Ilaniti ti it-luin pit-ku-du

71 tu -k u lM a -S u
S ib -b i

h u ra si

r a b u - 6

a -d i

S it-k u -n u

um m DtM u

o f^ iu r a b t i^ u
i-n a

S ir a ir ip /




ru -u s -s i-i r u k -k u -s a rifc-ti-S u -u n 74k i-m a S u -u -ri ina-ru-ti &

5 n a -d u -u S u m -m a n -n u 76u r -r u -h i u -b a l- u -n u -ti-in a a&ku-na
t& h -ta - u -u n .

76K i-s a -d a -t f-s u -u u

t f n a p -& a -tt u -n u
& a-m u-tum

-n a k -k is as-li-i "ak-ra-

-p & r -r i-'i g u - -iS 78k im a m flig a W iU

s i-m a -n i

n n u i-n i-3 u -n u

7 4 a r-d a -a si-ir ir-

ai-ti a -d i-il-tf 00 la a s -m u -t i m u r -n i-is -k i s i-in it-ti ru-ku-pi-ya

1 0 81 i-n a

d a -m f-S -n u

g a b -S -t i

i-S a l-lu -


^ a r k a b a t t a h a z i-y a sa -p i-n a -a fc r a g -g i
k i-m a

ri-ifc-m u -k u

m a -S a -ru -u S .

u r -k i-ti w -m a l-la -a

s fr a

si-n i da-rmi

^ P a g -r i


s a -a p -s a -p a -tf


42 1 u p il-t& 4 u -u n a -b u -u t k i-m a b i-n i ki-Sf- 2si-m a-ni u-na*

13 a k -k is

k a -ti-S u -u n

rit-ti-S u -n u a in -h
u r.
fiu -u u

8 im ir f p / a s -p i h u r a s i k a sp i(?) ib-bi h
4 I -n a n a m -s a -r i z a k -t u -t i hu-za-an-uiv

-p a r -r i- i 6p a t r i p i 5 ib - b i h u r a s i k a s p i a kablati^

d u -n u f-k iru .
S i-it-ti
2 0 Ta p a l

o u r a b tip * -5 u -n u

ifu M a r d u k -a p la -id d i-n a

a -d i

m a u Nabfi-Sum-i-kun

la -p a -a n

* ip -la -h u id -k u - i-da-t> u -u n b a l-t u -s u -u n


8 i-n a kabal tarn-

h a -ri

it-m u -h a

k t a -a -a .

> N a r k a b t ip / 10a -d i <unisisiV

S i-n a


k ft -r u -u b

t a -h a -z i

in a

d i-k u -in a

b flu - i-n a

m u 5 -S -ra -n ia

25 ta-na-al-la-ka mit-ha-ri J3-tir-ra.

li-ku Mda-ak-S6-nu ap-ru-us. jj

k U k

d a n -n i

11 ra-ki-bu^i-io

12 ra-m a-nu-u-iSin


I I kas-bu mi-il*

U m -m a-an-m i-na-ca


h l/


'ID W v
li-f 17zu-inur-3ii-un is-hu-up/
ru-rua wa-na &-zu-ub iiapfe&tij*-u-nu pag-ri um-ma-n*
tMu-nu ii-da-i4u ii-ti-ku
ki-i SA ad-mi summatU?'
k4u-di i-tar-ra-ku lib-bu-Su-un ^Si-na-tf-Su-un -za-ra-ka
ki-rib <f*narkabtUij>i-Su-nu 21 u-ma-Sf-ru ni-su-S-un. A-b*
ranla-di-lu-nu ^narkab&tip/ ^rwsisi/hya

I K mu.~ i , I R juI iLa pa. c. I R tux.




ki-Su-un 2amiin-na-rib(*)-u-nu 2a a-na nap-2a-a-ti 6-bu-u

a-gar i-kag-ga-du -ra-sa-pu i-na <,ukakki.
4. D estruction o f Babylon (III R 14, 34-53).


84. . . I-na gatti-gam-ma it-ti hia-ri

n&ri g-a-tu 2d ah-ru-ti

it-ti nUm-ma-an-m f-n a-nu 36gar KMuilamti gar Babili

5 a-di Sarr&jjMii ma-a-du-ti 2d Sadi-i tain-tim 2d ri-su-tigu-nu i-na ta-mir-ti aiu Ha-lu-li-1 ^ag-ta-kan si-dir-ta. I-na
ki-bit A22ur bfli rabi-f bfli-ya ki-i ^kut-ta-hi gara-ri i-na

llb-bi-Su-nu al-lik-ma si-kip-ti umm&nfiti pi-gu-nu ^aS-kun

pu-hur-Su-nu u-sap-pi-ih-m a u-par-ri-ir fi-lat-su-un.
amiluRabtipi Sar ma/ullaniti a-di muNabu-2um-i2ku-un
apal mu Marduk-apla-iddi-na ^gar iwuuKdr-tfuDun-yd-dg
bal-tu-su-un ki-rib tam-ha-ri ik--da k&ta-a-a. Sar
matu Ilamti ki gar Babili mur-ba-gu tahazi-ya dan-ui
89is-hup-gu-nu-ti-ma ki-rib ^narkabdtipi-gu-nu n-roaS-Sf-ru
ni-gd-a-gu-un. A-na gu-zu-ub nap-ga-ti-gu-nu ma-tu-u2-2uun in-nab-tu-ma 40la i-tu-ru-ni. Ar-kig man-di-ma *aSinahipi-irba gar rumuAgguru ag-gig i-bll-ma a-na vuuIlamti
i-Sak-ka-nu ta-a-a-ar-tu. 41Hat-tu pu-luh-tu fli uuwullamti
ka-li-gu-un it-ta-bi-ik-ma mfit-su-nu u-ma2-2f-ru-ma a-na
g-zu-ub nap-ga-tf-gu-nu ki-i nagri iffum ^ad-da-a mar-su
in-nin-du-ma ki-i 2d6 is-su-ri ku3-2u-di i -tar-ra-[ku] libbu-gu-un a-di u-mi gi-tim-ti-2u-nu tu-du 43la ip-tu-ma
la 1-pu-gu ta-ha-zu.
I-na gani-i harrani-ya a-na B abili 2d a-na ka-ga-di
[25 u-sa-am-mf-ru-gu

^al-lik-ma ki-ma ti-ib mf-hi-f

a-zik-ina ki-ma im-ba-ri as-hu-up-gu ala ni-i-ti al-mf-ma i-na

45b-ti na-pal-ka-ti ala(?> [gu-a-tu ak-]2ud [2a] nisi?
gu sihra raba-a la 1-zib-ma amiiupagripf-3u-nu ri-bit ali
40u-mal-li. mSu-zu-bu gar B abili ga-du kim-ti-5u [as30 bat] bal-tu-su-un a-na ki-rib m&ti-ya u-bil-gu. 47Makkur
ali gu-a-tu a-bu-uk hurasu abnipz ni-sik-ti buSa makkuru

a. I ll R i t 6. I ll R a-na. c. I ll R at.


a-na k fit
-tir-ru .

n iS ip i-ya

a m -n i-i-m a

a -n a

i-d i


48Ilfi,nipi a-Sib lib -b i- u k t n iS ip i-ya ik-S-su-nu-

ti-m a -S ab-bi-ru -m a

[b u s r s u -n u ]

m a k k u r-S u -n u il-ku-ni.

iuK am aii u firla il& nipi 49S& o i u l k a l l a t i p i S miiu Marduk-



IV C X V III San&tipi ul-tu Babili * u-Sl-sa-am-ma a-na

oiulkalltipi a-na aS-ri-Su-nu u-tir-Su-nu-ti.
Ala bitati pi 81ul-tu uS81-Su a-di tah-lu-bi-u ab-bul
10 ak-kur
Dru Sal-hu-u
bittpj ilanipi
I i-na iSfrti ak-mu.

z ik -k u r-ra t lib it t i u ipr& ti m a -la b a - u -u 52 as-suh-ma a-na
ndru A -ra -a b
^ -ti

a d -d i.

In a

b u -su r

a li

ah -ri-l-m a ir-si-is-su i-n a m l pi a s -p u -u n .

u -a -tu hi-ra0-a-ti
S i-k ln ^uS-Sl-Su

u -b a l-lik -m a H i 4 a -b u -b u n a -p a l-k a -ta -S u u-a-tir.

A lU

15 ah
-rat u -m l ka k-k a r a li S u -a-tu b b it& t p i il n ip z 54 la nmr

Si i-na ma-a-mi uS-h&m-miKsu-ma ag-da-mar u-sal-li.

V I.

ESARH ADDON (681-668 B .C .).

Campaign against Bidon (I R 45 col. I 9-53).

9Ka-Sid oiuSi-du-un-ni 8a ina kabal tam-tim 10sa-pi*nu

gi-mir da-fid-ml-Su Udra-Su Su-bat-eu as-suh-ma 12kirib tam-tim

ad-di-i-ma 18a-Sar maS-k&n-i-Su u-hal-lik.

20 14mAb-di-mil-ku-ut-ti Sarra-Su 18Sa la-pa-an j,ukakkip^8

16ina kabal
tam-tim in-nab-tu 17ki-ma nu-u-ni ul-t ki-rib





inakkur-Su hurasu kaspu abnipi a-kar-tu "maSak p'rl

Sin piri uiiSu .juurkarina 21jtulu-bul-ti birmi u kiti mim8
25 Sum-S 22in-sir-ti





NiSipi-Su rapStipi Sa ni-ba la i-Sa-a 28alpiPi si-i-'

imirtpi 26a-bu-ka a-na ki-rib

mdiuASSurw 27u-pa-hir-4

n i R id .






Sarrnipi man*H at-ti 28 a-hi tam-tim ka-li-5u-hu 29ina

[aS-ri] Sa-nim-ma ala u-5f-piS-ma 30o* [Dfir-mouAsSur]ahi-iddi-na afc-ta-bi ni-bit-su. 81Niai^ hu-bu-ut i,uka5tiya 5a Sadi-i 82 tam-tim si-it Cu5am-5i 83ina lfb-bi u-5f-5i-ib
84amiiu 5u-par-5ak-ya

<mttpihfi.ta fli-5u-nu a5-kun.

85tT m Sa-an-du-ar-ri ^Sar a/uKun-di a/Si-zu-u

87amiiunakru ak-su la pa-lih bf-lu-ti-ya 3854 ilanip* u-mas5fr-u-ma 89a-na Sadi-i mar-su-ti it-ta-kil 40u Ab-di-milku-ut-ti 5ar aiui-du-ni 41a-na ri-su-ti-5u ia-kun-ma ^Sum
Hnipi rabfttijrf a-na a-ha-mis iz-kur-u-ma 43a-na f-mu-ki-un it-t4k-lu.

^A-na-ku a-na A55ur bfli-ya at-ta-kil-

ma 45ki-ma is-su-ri
ul-tu ki-rib 5adi-i48a-bar-su-ma ak-ki-sa

47A5-5u da-na-an euA55ur bfli-ya ^niSipj kul-

lum 6-mi-im-ma 49kakkadiPim

Sa-an-du-ar-ri 60 Ab-di-mi#
il-ku-ut-ti 61ina ki-5a-di amiiurabdtipi-5u-un a-lul-ma it-ti
amf/ulib pf zikaru(T) u zinniSu 63ina ri-bit Niufi f-tl-it-ti-ik.


A SSU R B A N IPA L (668-c. 626 B.C.).

1. Y outh and A ccession to the Throne (V K. 1, 1-51).

1A-na-ku mUuA55ur-bni-apli bi-nu-tu uA55ur u v/uBflit

2apal-5arruti rabu-u 54 bit ri-du-u-ti 354 <?uA55ur u a*Sin
bfl agf ul-tu mipj ruktiPi 4ni-bit 5um-5u iz-ku-ru a-na
5arru-u-ti 5 ina libbi ummi-5u ib-nu-u a-na riu-ut
matu u A55urw.

6uSama5 auRamfi,n u ouI5tar ina purussf-

5u-nu ki-f-ni 7ik-bu- f-pi Sarru-ti-ya.

8 t*uA55ur-ahi-

iddi-na 5ar matu uA55ur u abu ba-nu-u-a 9a-mat ih*A55ur

u uBflit il&nipz ti-ik-li-f-5u it-ta-i-id 1054 ik-bu-u-Su f-pi5

11Ina ar$ufi.ru arah ut-a bfl tf-ni-5f-f-ti Kumu

Xlljtoro umu magiru si-gar 54 aGu-la 13ina f-pi5 pi-i

mut-tal-li 1454 <zA55ur B flit Sin uSamaS u* Raman
15uBfl uNab tfuIStar 5a Ninfiw 10uu5ar-rat kid-mu-ri
a. I R f t 6. Yar. lu.







v A . a r

* * X ir e l

bu-u w\\pah* luv mki *.

sihra u rabS

a -s ir

nrkiMiu 'Sandtn


f-pi- a-di-f
rik-sa-a-ti. 23 Iu a
,hidfitij*i ri-Sa-a <f tAUub i A bix ndu-u-ti 14pa-ru-nak-ki6 f I
tim r -k n *

S a m t M t



M r t.

** "

S n ixih i ^ ir b a abi abi a-li-di-ya

^apaH-Sarribtri Sambia t-pu-Su ina lib-bi-Su ^a-Sar

abu kbni-u-a ki-rib-Su a-al-du 28irV.
10 bu-u bpu-Su bf-lut
ASSur* gi-inir ma-al-ki ir-du-u
kiin-t -rap*pbSu *'i^tHru nbSiW u sa*-la-t 31 a-naku mUwASSur-bfinistpli ki-rib4Ui a-hu-uz ni-mbki-'' aNab
^kul-lat dup-Sar-nwHi Sa gi-mir uru-ma-ni 83ma-la baS- alw.i-Sn-mi a44t 54abtna-ad Sa-li-i tSM kasti ru-kub
15 <m<msiaf ifNnarkabti ^wnid-Stt a-Sa-a-tl 33ina ki-bit ilnipi
rabfitij Sa nz-kn-ra nbbit-suu *a-tia-bn-ba ta-nit-ta-Su-un
ik-bu-u 1-pi Sarnbti-ya s: ta-niu -ri-f-ti-Su-un -sad-gi-lu
pa-nu-ini 88ki *-mu-ust btap-pa-lu fn-ni-ti-ya i-na*-ru gari-ya "zi-kn-ru kainiu na-rant * A Sur u IStar M<li-ib>I
20 li-pi4Sarru-u-ti a-na-ku. 41Ul-tu AsSur Sin Samal
wRainfi.n Bfl Nabu tiIS-tav Sa Ninw Sar-rat
kid-mu-ri 43IS-tar Sa Arba'-ili w Adar wNfrgal 5
uNusku 44ta-biS ti-i-i-bu-iu-ni ina *kussi abi bfini-ya i
46Ramfin zunnf^-S -maS-Si-ra I-a -pat-ti-ra nakbijrf- i
25 Su 46V ana-* ammati Sf*am iS-ku ina ab-nam-ni-Su 47f-ri-ik
S-bl-tu parab ana^ ammati 48iSfir(?) disuw na-pa-f^
anirba 4#kaHHwm -Sah-na-pu gi-pa-ru 50sip-pa-a-ti >u*
um-mu-ha in-bu blu Sii-tf-Sur ina ta-lit-ti 6Iina pali-J8
Sfiku(f) duh-du ina Sanfitipt-ya ku-um-mu-ru higaWura.

1 >




2. Campaign against T yre; Submission of Gygoa of Lydia

(Y R 2, 49-126).

49Ina Sal-Si gir-ri-ya fli B o-a-lia Sar *MiSur-ri60a-Sib

kabal tam-tim lu-u al-lik6 614c a-mat Sarr-ti-ya la is-


su-ru la iS-mu-u 2i-kir d3ap-tf d-ya.

63aiaHal-su V


u-rak-kis 63in a tam-tim na-ba-li gir-ri-f-ti-Su -sab-bit


nap-Sat-su-nu u-si-ik -kar-ri a-na <funiri-ya -Sak-niis-^-su-nu-ti. Bintu si-it lfb-bi-Su bin&tp/ ahipj-Su
67a-na f-piS /ittu--ti u-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ya.


mil-ki apal-u Sa ma-tf-ma ti-amat la f-bi-ra iS-tf-niS

-Sf-bi-la a-na f-piS ard-ti-ya binat-eu bin&tp/ ahipH$u

10 fllit-ti tir-ha-ti ina-'a-as-si am-hur-Su wri-f-mu ar4-8u-ma



apla si-it lfb-bi-Su d-tir-ma a^-din-Su. Ya-ki-in-lu-u Sar

nwuuA-ru-ad-da a-Sib kabal tam-tim M54 a-na Sarr&nipj
abipi-ya la kan-Su ik-nu-Sa a-na if*niri-ya binat-su ifc-fci
nu-dun-ni-f ma-a-di a-na f-piS /ittu-u-ti a-na Ninfl,
15 ^d-bfl-am-raa u-na-aS-Si-ka Sfpf-ya.
08mMu-gal-1u Sar matu Tab-ali Sa ifc-ti Sarr&nipi abipj-ya
69id-bu-bu da-za-a-ti 70bi-ih-tu si-it lfb-bi-Su it-ti tir-ha-ti
71ma-a-as-si a-na f-piS /ittu-u-ti a-na Nin&w 72u-bfl-am-ma
d-na-aS-Sfk Sfpi-ya. 78fli* Mu-gal-li imirusisipj rabutip*
I 20 74man-da-at-td Sat-ti-Sam-ma u-kfn sir-uS-Su.
da-Sar-mf matu Hi-lak-ka-a-a 78S4 a-na Sarr&nipj abf^ya la
ik-nu-Su 77la i-Sd-tu
ab-Sa-an-Su-un 78bintu si-it


it-ti nu-dun-ni-f ma-a-di 79a-na f-piS /ittu-u-ti a-na Nin&H

d-bfl-am-ma u-na-aS-Sfk Sfpi-ya.*
81Ul-tu in Y a-ki-in-lu-u Sar matvA tru-ad-da f-mf-du mtaSu 82mA-zi-ba-W-al mA-bi-ba-V-al A-du-ni-ba-V-al
mSa-parti-ba-al Pu-di-ba-al Ba-V-al-ya-Su-bu wBa-aal-ha-nu-nu
mBa-a-^-al-ma-lu-ku mA-bi-mil-ki Ahi*-mil-ki
aplipj Ya-ki-in-lu-u a-Sib kabal tam-tim ul-tu kabal

a. Yar. al. b. V R lak. c. Var. s i-in . d-d. Var. IsptL

t. Not nin (V R ). / . Yar. omits. g. Var. ad. A. Var. 1-11.
i. V R has one wedge too many. j . Yar. omits. h. Var. A-fci.

/ V*5

A S S U R B A N IP A L .



tam-tim 1-lu-nim-ina it-ti ta-mar-ti-Ku-nn Ua-blt-tl u.

m A 7,i-l)u - ii n|
"a-na Sarru-u-ti m/ttu
aJ-kun-Ju, f
A-bi-ba-a-al mA-du-ni-ba-al mSa-pa-^i-ba-al Ibu. v
ba-al *Ba-'a-al-ya-S-bu mBa-a-al-ha-nu-nu "Ha-Vsvl. i
ma-lu-ku mA-bi-inil-ki mA-hi-mil-ki 08lu-bdl-fcl hlr-mi A-lab*
biS Sitnirpi hurasi d-rak-ki-sa 04rit-t,{-(-Su-un ina nmh-ri-y k
Gu-ug-gu Sar rouLu-ud-di nn-gu-u Sa ni-bir-ti t&mti
S Sarr&nipi abip/-ya la iS-mu-d *zi-kir*
Sum-Su 97ni-bit cSumi-ya ina Sutti d-Sub-ri-Su-ma Aur
ilu ba-nu-u-a "um -m a Sipf mu ASSur-b&ni-apli Sar
sa-bat-ma "in a zi-kir Sum-Su ku-SA-ud
W$tU%I u
amiiu nakrutipi-ka.
100 - rau Sutta an-ni-t i-mu-ru
1 0 1 a-na
Sa-a-nl Sul-mf-ya Sutta
amiiud rak-bu d-Su iS-p
an-ui-tu Sa i-niu-ru 102ina k&ti amUuallaki-Su iS-pur-atu-uift
d-Sa-an-na-a ya-a-ti. 108Ul-td llb-bi -ml Sa is-biv-t S(pt
Sarr-ti-ya 104amiiu Gi-mir-ra-a-a mu-dal-''-li-pu niSij>i nifiti
u 106Sa la ip-tal-la-hu ablpi-ya at-tu-u-a la is-ba-tii
106Sfpi Sarru-ti-ya ik-Sd-ud. 107Ina tukul-ti uASSur u r
auIStar ilnipz bllfpi-ya ultu^ lfb-bi
amiiuGi-mir-ra-a-a Sa ik-Su-du II amiiu kfp&nipi 100ina i/usi*

* JJt.





is-si iS-ka-ti parzilli bi-ri-ti parzilli d-tain-mf-ih-ma 110it-ti

ta-mar-ti-Su ka-bit-td u-Si-bi-la a-di mah-ri-ya.
111amiiuRak-bu-Su Sa a-na Sa-a-al Sul-ml-ya ka-n-ft-an
iS-ta-nap-pa-ra 112u-Sar-Sa-a ba-ti-il-tu ^aS-Su* Sa a-niat
luASSur ili b&ni-ya 113la is-su-ru a-na f-rauk ra-man-W11
1141-mu-ki-M-Su a-na kitit-ta-kil-ma ig-bu-uS lb-bu.
ri m Tu *-Sa-mf-il-ki Sar maiuMu-sur 116S is-lu-d it*n(f
30 bfl-ti-ya iS-pur-ma.
uASSur u ulStar um-ma pa-an
a. Var. omits.
b-b. Var. zik-rl
<l-d. Var. ra-kb-ti (III R 19, 12).
da-aL g. Var. ul-tu. h. Var. tL t


aS-inf--ma i w d -s ftl* ^
nakri-Su pa-g^11
b -tt

Var. iarr-tl-ya k*
e. Ill R 19, 12 ra.
t. Var. omits.j - Var. r"
c -c .

Var. T.



li-na-di-ma 117liS-Sd-u-ni nlr-pad-du 6pt-Su.

Ki-i Sa a-na

ttuASSur am-hu-ruc iS-limd-ma 118pa-an amnakri-Su pagar-Su in-nardi-ma i3-3u-u-ni nlr-pad-du6pi-Su 118amiiuGimir-a-a Sa ina ni-bit Sumi-ya Sa-pal-Su ik-bu-su 120it-bunim-ma is-pu-nu gi-mir m&ti-Su.
Arki-Su apal-Su u-Sib ina ^kussi-Su 121ip-Sit /limuttim Sa ina ni-iS kti-ya il&nipi tik-li-ya m ina pa-an abi

bni-Su u-Sab-ri-ku ina k&ti amiiuallaki-Su iS-pur-am-raa

12ai^-ba-ta Spl Samt-ti-ya um-ma Sarru Sa ilu i-du-u-Su


at-ta m abu-u-a ta-ru-ur-ma /lirauttu i3-8a-kfn ina pa-ni-

Su 126ya-a-ti ardu pa-lih-ka kur-ban-ni-i-ma lo-Su-ta abSa-an-ka.

3. Aooount of Temple Restorations (V R 62).


ur-bfi.ni-apl i Sarru rab Sarru dan-nu Sar kiSSati

Sar nuwuASSur Sar kib-rat irbit-ti 2Sar Sarrfinipi rub la Sana-an Sa ina a-mat ilnipi ti-ik-li-Su ul-tu tara-tim 1-lit aa-di
tam-tim Sap-lit i-b-lu-ma gi-mir ma-lik u-Sak-niS Sl-pu-uS-Su
4apal mUuASSur-abi-idcli-n a Sarru rab Sarru dan-nu Sar
kiSSati Sar nuuuASSur Sakkanakku Tin-tirw 5Sar afumri
u Akkadiw mu-Sl-Sib Tin-tirw f-piS i-sag-ili Bmu-ud-diS
lS-ri--ti kul-lat ma-ha-zi
Sa ina lci-rib-Si-na iS-tdk-kan
7 sat-tuk-ki-Si-na batrlu-tu u-ki-nu bin-bini
muSin-abipt-irba Sarru rab. 8Sarru dan-nu Sar kiSSati
Sar msfuASSur a-na-ku-ma.
Ina pali-f-a bflu rab uMarduk ina ri-Sa-a-ti 8a-na
Tin-tirw i-ru-um-ma ina i-sag-ili Sa darra-ti Su-bat-u
10Sat-tuk-ki i-sag-ili u il&nipj Tin-tirw -kfn.
Ki-tin-nu-tu Tin-tirw 11ak-^ur aS-Su dau-nu arna fnSi la
ha-ba-li cuSamaS-Sum-ukin ahu ta-li-mf 12a-na Sarru-u-ut
Tin-tirw ap-kfd Si-plr i-sag-ili la ka-ta-a wu-Sak-lil.
Ina kaspi buraai ni-sik-ti abnfpi i-sag-ili az-nun-ma
14ki-ma Si-tir bu-ru-mu -nam-mir i-ku-a Sa iSa. Var. adds In. b. Var. da. c. Var. ra. d. Yar. 11 e. Yar

A 8 S R B A N IP A L .


ri-f-ti ka-li-Si-na 16hi-bfl-ta-Si-na u -sal-lim i-H kul-lat

ha-zi u-Sat-ri-si salu(t)-lum .


i-b a b b a r-ra

Sa k i-rib Sipparh-

. .

itaaraaS b llu rabd b i-y a Sa la-ba-ri 17il-lik-u-m a i.^u

5 in-nab-tu aS-ra-ti-Su aS-ti-i in a

ki-m a


Si-pi r


a [la c?)]
u l-li

a-na Sat(?j ^

] 19d n u ra b u ilfin ip i b flu rabu bfli. '

ip-Sf-ti-ya dam -ka-a-ti ha-diS lip -[p a -lis-m a ] 20a-na ya.a>
m u ASSur-b&ni-apli Sar

matu ASS ur ru b

pa-lih-Su Ual

10 -m i rkdtipi Sl-bi-1 [lit-tu -ti] 21tu -u b Siri u hu-ud lft^j
li-Sim Si-ma-ti u Sa m wuSamaS-Sum-ukin 22Sar Tin-tit^
ahi ta -lim -y a

u -m l-S u

li-r i-k u

liS -b i bu- a-a-ri

28Ina ab-rat d-ral ru b d ar-k u -u Sa in a -m i pali-u ft.

15 p ir S-a-ti in-na-hu-ma 24 an-hu-us-su lu-ud-diS Su-mi it-ti
Suin-Su liS-tur m u-sar-u-a li-m u r-fm a ]

lik -^ f


^SainaS i-Sim-ml.


m u-sar-l-Su

25 kisalla lip-Su-ug


Su-m f Sat-ru it Sum ta-lim-ya

ni-kil-ti 27 i-pa-aS-Si-tu Su-m l

20 i-Sat-ta-ru mu-ear-ti-a


it-ti Sum-Su ]a

28i-ab-ba-tu-m a it-ti mu-sar-i-u la

i-Sak-ka-nu Sam aS bfl. i-la -ti u

Sap-la-ti 29ag-gi-i lik-

rim-mf-Su-ma Sum-Su zir-Su in a m t ti li-hal-lik.

W a r against am aium ukin o f B a b y lo n ( Y R 3,128






a d -k i





25 Sipparw B abiliw B&r-sip w K u tfw 181 Sa-a-su ga-du mund&h-si-l-Su


f-si-ir-m a

182u -s


138K i-rib ali u sfri in a la raf-ni aS-tk-ka-na abikta-u.

184Si-it-tu-u-ti ina lip i-it Hu D ib b a -ra


30 Si-kfn kti-ya
arna kit-ri-Su

135 su-un-ku bu-bu-ti

130 mU m -m an-i-gaS

187 Sa da-a-a-tu



im -hu-ru-Su-m a

4*1 T am -m arri-td



b it .






2Sa-a-5u ga-du kim-ti-Su u-rasa-sip ina fpukakkipz. sArka

mTam-ma-ri-tu Sa arki lUra-man-i-gaS 4u-Si-bu ina
i^ukussi mazullamti/w la i3-a-lu6 Su-lum Sarru-ti-ya 6a-na
ri-su-t miZuamaS-Sum-ukin ahi cnak-ric 7il-lik-am-ma

5 a-na mit-hu-si umm&n&ti-ya 8ur-ri-ha fyukakkipz-Su.

9Ina su-up-pi-1 Sa z/uASSur u ulStar u-sap-pu-u 10unrfnin-ni-ya il-ku-u iS-mu- zi-kir Saptl-ya.

n mIn-da-bi-gaS

arad-su sir-uS-Su ip-pal-kit'-ma 12ina tahazi afri iS-ku-na


mTam-ma-ri-tu 13Sar mamilaniti Sa lli ni-kia

.0 kakkadi
mTf-um-man 14mi-ri^-ih-tu
15sd ik-ki-su
i i

a-hu-ur^-ru-u ummftn&ti-ya 16um-ma i-nak-ki-sn-u kakkadi

Sar fjKj/uflamtiiw 17ki-rib mdti-Su ina puhur umm&nti-u
18Sa-ni-yafc-a-nu ik-bi Um-man-i-gaS 19ki-l4 -na-aS-Sik
kak-ka-ru 20ina pa-an amfzaallakipz Sa muASSur-bfi.ni-apli
15 Sar mtuuASSur jw.
21lli a-ma-a-ti an-na-a-tf Sa il-zi-nu 22UuASSur u ulStar
l^-ri-hu-Su-nm 23mTam-ma-ri-tu ahipi-Su kin-nu-Su zir bit

abi-Su 24it-ti L X X X Y rubutipz a-li-kut i-di-l-Su ^la-pa-an

mln-da-bi-gaS in-nab-tu-nim-ma 20mi-ra-nu-uS-Su-un ina
20 lli libbi^z-Su-nu 27ib-3i-lu-nim-ma il-lik-u-ni a-di Nin&w.
28mTam-ma-ri-tu Slpi Sarru-ti-ya -na-aS-Slk-raa 29kak-ka-ru
-Sl-Sir ina zik-ni-Su. 80Man^-za-az ^ma^-Sa-ri-ya isbat-ma 31a-na 1-piS ard-ti-ya ra-man-Su im-nu-ma ^aS-Su
i-piS di-ni-Su a-lak ri-su-ti-Su 83ina ki-bifc iiuASSur u
25 uuIStar u-sal-la-a bllu-u-ti.

34Ina mah-ri-ya i-zi-zu-u-rna

^i-dal-la-lu kur-di ilnipf-ya dan-nu-ti 303d il-li-ku ri-suu-ti. ^A-na-ku mUuASSur-bdni-apli llb-bu rap-Su ^la
ik-ki-inu pa-si-su hi-to-a-tf
00a-na mTam-ma-ri-tu
ri-l-mu ar-Si-Su-nm 40Sa-a-Su ga-du zir bit abi-3u ki-rib
3o \kalli-ya 41ul-ziz-su-nu-ti.
Ina -ml-Su ni3ij>z Akkadiw 42Sd it-ti mIbainaS-Sumukin iS-Sak-nu 40ik-pu-du limufc-t ni-ip-ri-l-t ia-bat-aua. Var. ra. b~b. Var. al. c-c. Var. la ld-l-uu. d. Not dan
V. ki-tu. / . Not lk (V 1t). g. Var. omit . A. Var. 'a.
*. Var. i . J. Var. ma. k. Var. mau.




44A -na bu-ri-Su-nu siri pi aplipi-gu-nu bin&tipigu.

45i-ku-1 u

ik-su-su ku-ru-us-su.

i.Ram u aB fl
kid-m u-ri
5 oN usku

4Uuu Assur

U S a m a S

uN ab 47ulStar ga N in a uSar-rat

4- iiu Lstar



m ah-ri-ya


50 Saraas-sum-ukin

aiu A rb a -ili


uA dar



i-na-ru ga-ri-ya

nak-ri ga i-gi-ra-an-ni 51ina

m i-klt igati a-ri-ri id-du-gu-ma 62-hal-li-ku nap-sat-su.


n iipi ga ariia

muama-Sum-ukin Mahi nak-ri

u-sak-pi-du K ip-gl-l-tu an-ni-tu lim ut-tu 1-pu-su 56s i mi10 ta-tu ip-la-hu nap-sat-su-un pa-nu-ug-gu-un 67tl-kir(t)-u-ma

m aam ag-gum -ukin

59gd la-pa-an





^ blli-gu -n u la im-ku-tu ina isati


ilanipt rabutipi


Sa la

su-un-kl6 bu-bu-tic
m ar-kid-i-tu


na-par-su-di 62is-hu-up-

15 gu-nu-ti 1-du u l ip-par-gid ^m ul-tdh-tu u l ti-si ina kati-ya

im-nu-u ktu *-u-a 64if nark ab ti pi

ga-ga-da-di uusa-sil-li

/zik-ri-l-ti-gu ^naakkur ikalli-gu -b-u-ni a-di mah-ri-ya.

66inuiu Sabi pi

sa-a-tu-uu gil-la-tti pi-i-gu-nu

67Sa ina fli

a A ssu r ili-ya gil-la-tu. ik-bu-u 68 ya-a-ti rubu pa-lih-Su

20 ik-pu-du-u-ni lim ut-t 69^pi-i/-Su-nu ag-lu-uk abikta-Su-nu

70Si-it-ti nigipi bal-tu-sun ina ugldi ulamassi

71gd au Sin-ahi pi-irba abi abi bni-ya ina llb-bi is-pu-nu

^ i-n in -n a a-na-ku ina ki-is-pi-gu 73nigipi ga-a-tu-nu ina
llb -b i as-pu-un.

74oiripi-Su-nu nu-uk-ku-su-u-ti 75u-Sa-kil

25 kalbanipi sahipi zi-i-bi i^ u r o 76nagri i$$w m p i issuripi Sami-i


nnipi ap-si-i
77 U l-tu



llb -b i ilni p ir a b u tip i


b llip i-ya



pagripi niSipi Sa

fluDibba-ra u-sam -kl-tu

80 it ga ina su -u n -klh
bu-bu-ti is

30 ku-nu


81 ri-hi-it u-kul-ti kalbdni p i gahipi Si

s k ipi pur-ru-ku m a-lu-u ri-ba-a-ti 83nlr-pad-dupi-su-nu-ti


86 Ina gi-pir i-gib-bu-ti parakkipj-

a. V TL om its pi. l . Y a r . k u . c. Y a r . tti. d. N ot k u (V R)

ar. Ifa-ttL f-f. V a r. l i i a n
g. Y a r . i. h. Y a r . k i . i. Yar. omits




su-nu ub-bi-ib 87ul-li-la su-ul-li-f-Su-mi lu-u-u-ti.


Su-nu zi-nu-u-ti 7uistaratipf-Sii-nu




ina t&k-rib-ti u Sigu libbi ku-mal.

90 Safc-tuk-ki-Su-un Sa

ki-ma Sa u-nn ul-lu-u-ti01ina Sal-mi u-tir-ma u-kin.

Si-it-ti aplipz Babiliw Kdtiw Sippar 93S& ina Sib-ti

Sak-bi-ti il ni-ip-ri-i-ti w i-si-tu-u-ni ri-i-in u ar-Si-Su-nu-ti
"ba-lat na-piS-ti-Su-nu ak-bi 90ki-rib Babiliw u-Si-Sib-Sunu-ti.


matu Akkadi

ga-du nuWuKal-du0

motu A-

ra-mu m&t tani-tira "Sfl miiu aniaS-Sum-ukin ik-tir-u-ina

10 00a-na iSt-n pi-i -tir-ru 100a-na pa-0ra-as0 ra-ma-ni-Su-nu
ik-ki-ru it-fci-ya 101ina ki rf-bit zzASSur u fluBilit u il&uipz
rabutipz tik-li-ya 102a-na pad gim-ri-Su-nu ak-bu-U3
103ijunr {/ ASSnr Sa is-lu-u i-mid-su-nu-ti. 104amiiuSakntipz

Si-kin k&ti-ya 105aS-tdk-ka-na i-li-Su-un.

15 100di-kapz gi-cni-ic rfSi(r)j)Z z/uASSur u uBflit 107b il&nipz
mdtuiiu ASS urn

u-kin air-uS-Su-un. 108Bil-tu man-da-at-tu

bilu-ti-ya 109Sat-ti-Sam-ma la na-par-ka-a -mid-su-mi-ti.

5. A ra b ia n Cam paign (Y E, 7, 82-10, 39).

Cause of the War. 82Ina IX-i gir-ri-ya ad-ki mnm&nfi.tiya. 83Sir m-a-a-ti-i Sar m<KuA-ri-bi 84uS-ti-is-Si-ra liar20 ra-nu 85S& ina a-di-va ili-tu-u 80tdbtu i-nu-Su-uS la is-suru-raa 87is-la-a f?unir bilu-u-ti-ya 88SL uASSur i-mi-du-uS/
i-Su-tu ab-sa-a-ni. 60A-na Sa-a-al Sul-mi-ya Sipi-Su ip-ruus-ma ik-la-a ta-mar-ti man-da-at-ta-Su ka-bit-tu. 91Ki-i
mazullarnti-ina da-bab sur-ra-a-ti "mazitAkkncli iS-m--ma
25 93la is-su-ra a-di-ya. 94Ya-a-ti miiu ASSur-bni-apli Sarru
Sangu lu 95ri-i-Su mut-nin-nu-u "bi-nu-ut kti uASsur
u-maS-Sir-an-ni-ma 97a-na mA-bi-ya-ti-i mA-a-rau apli
mTi-i^-ri 08i-inu-ki id-din-Su-nu-ti 99a-na ri-su-tu mZu&amaSSum-ukin 100alii nak-ri iS-pur-am-ma 101iS-ta-kan pi-i-Su.
30 102NiSipz matu A-ri-bi it-ti-Su u-sam-kir-raa 103ih-ta-nab-ba-ta


a. Var. di. b. Yar. ru. c-c. Yar. raa__ d. Not ku (V R).

e-e. Yar. nu-u. f . Yar. u. y. Yar. 'i.



hu-bu-ut niSfp: 104S A SSur a IStar u ilnipj rabti,

106id-din-u*ni ri-si-na t-pi-Si 106 -m al-lu- ktu 6-u-a.
F lig h t o f Udti, son o f B ir-D a d d a , to the Ndbatheans__

107Tna k i-b it ASSur u Hu Itar um m nti-ya 108ina gi-ra-a

5 atu A-sa-ar-au
ina oiutT-du-mi 110ina

ni-rib aiu Ya-ab-ru-du ina aiu B it-m A m -m a-ni 111ina na-gi-i

Sa aiu Ha--ri-i-na

112ina ^ u M u -W b a



m ina aiuH a-ar-gi-i ina na-gi-f 114S, aiuSu-bi-ti di-ik-ta-Su

116ma-a-at-tu a-duk.

116 Ina la m f-ni aS-kun abikta-Su.

10 117NiSipj mdtu A -ri-bi m a-la it-ti-Su it-bu-u-ni 118u-ra-as-sip

ina if kakkxpi. 119tr S- la-pa-an *>kakkipj ASSur dannu-ti 120ip-par-Sid-ma in-na-bit a-na ru-ki-i-ti.

121 Bit-sin



m iSti -Sa-hi-iz-zu





15 134f-di-i-u in-na-bit a-na


N a-ba-a-a-ti.

C apture o f U dti , son o f H a za el. 8>1mlJ-a-a-ti-i apal

Ha-za-ilu 2apal ahi abi Sa m-a-a-tf-i apal mBir-ij Dadda

8S ra-man-Su iS-ku-nu 4a-na Sarru-u-ti m<s<uA-ri-bi 5ASSur
Sar ilnipi Sadu-u rabu- 6tl-fn-Su u-Sa-an-ni-ma 7il-li-ka
20 a-di mah-ri-ya.

8A -n a ku l-lu m ta-n it-ti A SSur 9 it ilniPi

rabti pi bilipi-ya 10an-nu k ab-tu f-m id-su-m a u iySi-ga-ru


u it-ti a-ai k a lb i a r-k u-us-Su-ra a




C apture o f A m m u la d i, the K e d a r e n e . 15 tT Su-u iAm-

25 m u-la-di Sar matu K i-id-ri 16it-ba-am -m a a-na mit-bu-us-si


Sarrni pi mdtu A h a r n
S in
N in

17S Uu ASSur

pi18u-Sad-gi-lu pa-nu-u-a.

R arn n


19In a

" B ll

kid-m u -ri



tu k u l-ti ASSur

N a b u

IS ta r

IStar Sa


30 22 Ad.ar N frg a l N u s k u 23abikta-Su aS-kuu.


bal-tu-us-su it-ti /A -d i-y a -a ^aSSat m -a-a-ti-i Sar motu A-rib i 28ia-ba-tu-nim -m a -bfl-u -n i a-di m ah-ri-ya.

27Ina ki-bit

il tiiPi rabtipj b 0 p t-y a 28 u l-li k a lb i aS-kun-Su-ma ^u-Saan-sir-Su S i-ga-ru.

a. Var. in d. Var. Ipa-tn. c. Var. iar-rat.



Submission o f Arabian generals, Abiyati and Amu .

30Ina ki-bit Assur Istar u il&nijji rabutipr bflipi-ya

31Sd mA-bi-ya-tf-i mA-a-mu apli mTf-i-ri 32 a-na ri-su-utu m Sanms-Sum-ukin abi nak-ri 33a-na f-rib Babiliw
5 il-li-ku 34ri-si-f-su a-duk abikta-Su a-kun. 35Si-it-tu-ti a
ki-rib Babiliw f-ru-bu 36ina su-un-kf
* hu-Sah-hi
v v
Sir a-ha-mi8. 33A-na u-zu-ub napiS-tim-u-nu 39ul-tu ldrib Babiliw -su-nim-ma 40muf-mu-ki-ya a ina fli
m Uu amaS-sum-ukin ak-nu 41 sa-ni-ya-a-nu abikta-Su i10 ku-nu-ma 42Sii-u f-diS ip-par-Sid-ma 43a-na 8u-zu-ub napiStim-Su is-ba-tu Slpi-ya.
Abiyati appointed king o f Arabia. 44Ri-f-mu ar-i-Su-ma 45a-di-f ni-iS ilnipj rabtipi u-aa-as-klr-Su-raa 46kuum mtJ-a-a-tf-i apal mHa-za-ilu 47a-na sarru-u-ti matuA-ri-bi
15 as-kun-Su.
Abiyati's conspiracy with the Nabathcans.40tf u-u
ifc-ti matuNa-ba-a-a-ta-a-a 49pi-i-Su iS-kun-ma 50ni-iS ilnij
rabutipi la ip-lah-ma lih-taba-ba-ta hu-bu-ut mi-sir
20 Submission o f Nathan the Nabathean. 52Ina tukul-ti
ASSur Sin bamas Ramn 53B Nab Istar
Sd Nin, 54HuSar-rat kid-mu-ri IStar s& a/Arba-ili
MAdar Nirgal Nusku GmNa-at-nu sar m^wNa-baa-a-ti 57s& a-sar-su m-u-ku
58Sd mTT-a-a-ti-'i ina mah-ri-Su

25 in-nab-tu 59iS-mi-f-ma da-na-an Assur sd u-tdk-kil-an&-ni
00Sd* ma-tf-f-ma a-na sarrnij abi^-ya 01amallak-su la
is-pu-ra 62la is-a-a-lu Su-lum sami-ti-Su-un 63ina pu-luh-ti
tmkakkij Assur ka-si-du-u-ti 04is-sa-an-ka-am-ma iS-aa-la su-lum sarru-ti-ya.
30 Revolt o f A biyati and Nathan .65tTmA-bi-ya-tf-i apal
mTi-i-f-ri ccla ba-sis
67la na-sir
ma-mit ilani^z

ra b ti08da-bab sur-ra-a-tl it-ti-ya id-bu-ub-ma 69pi-i-Su

it-ti mNa-at-ni70Sar matuNa-ba-a-a-ti iS-kun-ma 71aml-muki-Su-nu id-ku-u-ni 72a-na ti-ib limut-tim a-na mi-sir-ya.

a. Yar.

t a -n a b .

b. Yar.


A S S U R B A N IP A L .


M arch q f A s s y r ia n a rm y fr o m

N i n e v e h 7nIna U!>blt

UvASSur S in uama uR am n 74 B ll Nabrt Utui' ^

Nindw 76UuSar-rat kid-m u-ri u lS tar S. A rb a -ili
uNlrgal uNuslcu 77ummfi,nfi,ti-ya ad-ki.
5 78uS-tl-18-Sl-ra har-ra-nu.

82 1-til-l u-ti

S ir mA-bl-yiu(,'|

79anD ik ta t u mru Puruttn w|int

mlli-Si-na gab-Si Sal-mlS lu -u 1-bi-ru.




81Ir-du- r-{jl rii-


08 ilj-tul-lu-bn

Vwki&tipj Sa su-lul-Si-na rap-Su 84b i-rit i$ipi rabOtipj g|.


88<fugltin-gir(T) Pi har-ra-an

<? id-di-l-ti

m 1-tf-iWi-lju

10 8al-mi-iS.

87mdiuMa a-Sar su-um -m l k8.l-k8.l-ti 88fill i^ur


i-Sa-a-u ki-rib-Su ^mirupuriinfpi pablti pi wla


ir-tl- i-ti ina llb -b i

wali na-ram

91I C

u Ia-tar


kak-ka-ru ultu Ninftw

hi-rat u B ll " a r k i m-n-n-t(-i fiiir

mn<uA -ri-bi 94 mA -b i-ya -tl-i 8a it-ti amiiu 1-mu-k i 98muuNil15 ba-a-a-ta-a-a il-li-ka 96ir-du-u il-li-k u .
Ina orjusim&ni arah <iuSin ^ a p li riS-6tu -u 8 a-fio-ri-du
S. iiuBil " d o m

X X V fcm Sa da-hu
8a uB f-lit Bubiliw

09ka-bit-ti il&nipi rabdtipi 100u l-t luHa-da-at-ta-a at-tumuS.

101Ina aiuLa-ri-ib-da b lt-d u ri S. abnuiitpi 1Mina (li

20 gu-ub-ba-a-ni 8a m lpi 103at-ta-ad-di uS-man-ni. 104 Ummllnllti*

ya mlpj a-na ma-ti-ti-Su-nu ih-pu-m a 105ir-du-d il-li-ku
-m l a-Sar k k l-k l-ti 107a-di aiu H

bi-rit aiuYa-ar-ki 108 aiu A -za-al-la ina m&tuMaS aS-ru ru*





25 Sami-1 la i-Sak-ka-nu kin -n u .


110 i$ur

lu A b ik ti mUuI-sa-am-ml-'i

112amUulz-da 8a <zuA-tar-sa-m a-a-a-in 113 matuNa-ba-a-a-ta-a-


U4NiSipi im lrlp i imirugammallpi slnl iuhu-bu-

us-su-nu ina la m l-ni ah-bu-ta.

n a y H I kas-bu kak-ka-ru U7umm&nfi.ti-ya lu-u it-tal-la*
30 ku Sal-tiS 1188al-ml-i8 lu i-tu-ru-nim -m a 119ina aiuA-znriil-li
lu i8-tu-u m l pi niS-bi-1.
aiuK u-ra-si-ti


120 U ltu llb -b i aiu A-za-al-la U1


mkl-kl-ti ir-du-u il-li-ku.


a-8ar su-unW1

^amiiuA-lu 8a uA-tar-sa*

o. Var. air. b-b. Var. ti-L



ma-a-a-in 9,1 amiiuKld-ra-a-a Sa mtJ'-a-a-tl-i 2apal mBiri/ul)addaa Sar ma*uA-ri-bi al-mf. 3Il&nipz-Su umma-Su
bflta-Su aSSafc-su 4kin-nu-Su niSfpi-Su matu Ki-id-ri ka-la-mu
6iminp{ <m<rugammallpj u si-l-ni Gma-la ina tukul-ti
5 uASSur u ulStar 7bllipz-ya ik-S-da kdta-a-a 8har-ra-an
ma^6Di-maS-ka u-a-aa-ki-na Sl-pu-us-Su-un.
9Ina arAuabi arah kakkab kaSti 10ma-rafc fluSin ka-rit-tu
nmu III kam nu-bat-t Sa Sar il&nipi uMarduk 12ul-t
aiuDi-maS-ka afc-tu-muS. 13VI kas-bu kak-ka-ru mu-Si-tu
10 ka-la-Sa 14ar-di-l-ma al-lik a-di aiu Hul-hu-li-ti.
iarfHu-uk-ku-ri-na Sadu- mar-su 10amflua-lu Sd mA-bi-yatl-i apal mTf-i-ri 17 matu Kld-ra-a-a ak-S-ud 18abikta-u
as-kun aS-lu-la Sal-lat-su.
Capture of Abiyati and Amu. ]mA-bi-ya-tl-i mA-a15 ain-mu 20apli m Tl-i-ri ina ki-bifc uASSur u ulStar blli>zva 21ina kabal


22Kdtf u Slpi bi-ri-tu parzilli ad-di-Su-nu-ti. 23It-ti Sal-lat

m&ti-Su-un 24al-ka-as-Su-nu-ti a-na mufluASSurh.
Flight of the Rebels. ^Mun-nab-ti Sd la-pa-an
20 zjukakkipz-ya in-nab-tu 20ip-la-hu-ma is-ba-tu jatfoHu-ukku-ru-na Sadu-u mar-su. 27Ina aiuMa-an-ha-ab-bi o/uAppa-ru 28aiuT1-nu-ku-ri aiuSa-a-a-ii-ra-an ^aZuMar-ka-na-a
aiuSa-da-tl-in ^ozuln-zi-kar-ml azTa-a-na-a azuIr-ra-a-na
31a-Sar kup-pi nam-ba-i Sa miPi ma-la ba-Su-u 82masar&tipi
25 ina muh-hi u-Sa-an-sir-ma ^mipi bal&t napiS-tim-Su-nu
ak-su(?) 34maS-ti-tu u-Sa-kir a-na pi-i-Su-un 35ina su-um-ml
kdl-kdl-ti iS-ku-nu na-piS-tf.
80Si-it-tu-u-ti rn/rugammalipz ru-ku-Si-su-nu u-Sal-li-ku
37a-na su-um-ml-Su-nu iS-ta-at-tu-u damipz u mlpz par(?)-Su.
30 88d ki-rib Sadi-1 1-lu-u 39l-ru-bu 1-hu-zu mar-ki-tu 40l-du
ul ip-par-Sid mul-tdh-tu ul u-si ina kati-ya 41a-Sar mar-kiti-Su-nu kati
ik-Su-us-su-nu-ti. ^NiSipZ zikaru u zinnisu
imfn/>z imZrugaranialppz alpipz u si-l-ni43ina la ml-ni aS-lu-la
a-na matu Uu A Ssurw.


a. Yar. Da-ad-da. b. Var. alu. c. Yar. ina ka-ti.

A S S U R B A N IP A L .


S ale o f b ooty an d sla ves in A s s y r i a . 44Nap-har

ya Sa ASSur id-di-na ka-la-inu 45a-na si-hir-ti-Sa um-dai

lu-u a-na pad gim-ri-Sa.

46imtru Gammali pi ki-ma

47 A .

u-zari-iz a-na niSipz mtu

5 ka-bal-ti m&ti-ya mirgammali pi ana tQ i tu kas-pi40i-Sammu ina b&b ma-hi-ri.

^Su-utcn-mu ina ni-id-ni amiiuxa

ina ha-pi-1 51amiiu zikar-fukiri ina ki-Si-Su 3a u-kin Kunda-na-ha-ru imintgammalipi a-ml-lu-ti.
, son o f

F lig h t o f

, a n d his army.

10 68m"-a-a-tl-i a-di amiiu umm&nati-3u 6434 a-di-ya la is-su-ru

6534 la-pa-an <fkakki iiA33ur blli-ya 66ip-par-3i-du-ma

in-nab-tu-ni ma-har-Su-nu 67u-3am-kl t-su-nu-ti uDibba-ra


ina bi-ri-3u-nu i3-3arkln-ma 69a-na

bu-ri-Su-nu 1-ku-lu Sir aplipi-3u.-nu. 60Ina ar-ra-a^ti ma-la
15 ina a-di-l-3u-nu Sat-ra 61ina bit-ti i-si-mu-Su-nu-ti uA33ur

<iuSin tiuSamaS ^uRamn iiuBll zuNabd. uI3tar M

Nin 4 w ^uSar-rat kid-mu-ri <iuI3tar 34 Arba-iliw 64tiuAdar
uNlrgal iiuNusku.


su-hi-ru gd-aur lu-num

86ina Hi Y II ta-a-an mu-31-ni-ka-a-tl 1-ni-ku-u-ma 073i-is-pu

20 la ti-Sab-bu-u ka-ra-Si-Su-nu.
L a m en t o f the A r a b ia n fu g itiv e s . ^NiSipz mtuA-ri-bi

i3t-ln a-na iSt-ln 69iS-ta-na-a-a-l um a-ha-mi3

70um-ma ina
lli ini-ni-1

ki-i ip-31-l-tu an-ni-tti. limut-tu

n im-hu-ru

mdtuA -6ru-bu6 3 um-ma a3-3u a-di-1 rabtipz 34 UuA33ur

25 la

ni-is-su-ru 73ni-ih-tu-ii ina tbti m u A33ur-b4ni-apli

745arri na-ram llb-bi iiuBH.

A s s y r ia n a rm y a id ed b y th e g od s. 76uBflit ri-im-tu

iiuBll ml-i-tuc 70ka-dir(t)-ti i-l$i-a-ti 7734 it-ti iiuA-nim u

iiuBll Sit-lu-ta-at man-za-zu 78u-na-kib amunakrutipz-ya
30 ina karnati pi-Sa gaS-ra-a-tl 79flu13tar a-3i-bat oiuArba-ili

i34ti lit-bu-Sat ml-lam-ml na-3a-da-tad 81lli matuA-ri-bi

i-za-an-nun nab-li 82uDibba-ra kar-du a-nun-tu ku-us-surma 834-ra-as-si-pa ga-ri-ya 84Hu Adar kut-ta-hu kar-ra-du


unknow n

d - d . Y a r . a t.

id e o g r a m . b -b .

V a r.

x i-b i. c.

V a r.




rabu-u apal Bll 85ina us-si-2u zak-ti u-par-ri-i napiS-tira

omWunakrfttipFjra 80Nusku sukkallu na-i-du mu-2a-pu-u
bflu-u-ti 872d ina ki-bifc A22ur Bilit ka-rit-t ub-lit
[tahazi] 88idi-a-a il-lik-raa is-su-ra arru-u-ti ^mi-ih-rit
5 umindn&fci-ya is-bat-nm u-2am-ki-ta ga-ri-ya.
Revolt o f the Arabians against Udti, son o f Bir-Dadda.

"Ti-bu-ut ^ukakkijjf uA22ur u I2tar 91ilnipi

rabutipz billpz-ya 922d,* ina f-pis tabazi il-li-ku ri-su-ti
93umm&ndtipz sd mU-a-a-ti-i Mi2-mu-u-ma ili-Su ip-pal-ki10 tu. ^Su-u ip-lah-ma ul-tu biti in-nab-tu u-sa-am-raa.
Capture o f Udti.^Ina tukul-ti uuA22ur Sin ubamaS
uRainUn 98t7Bil zzuNabu 12tar 2a Nin&x-i 90zz2ar-rat
kid-mu-ri I2tar 2a azArba-ili 100uAdar Nfrgal
Nusku 301k&tu ik-2u-us-su-ma 302u-ra-a2a-2u a-na
15 i7uwuA22urw.
303Ina ni-i2 katf-ya 2a a-na ka-sad amzznakrutipz-ya
104am-da-ah-ha-ru ina ki-bit uA22ur u zuBilit 105ina
ifUhu-ut-ni-i nia-2i-ri si-bit kati-ya 1002ira(?) mi-si-2u aplu-u2 107ina la-ah ini-2u at-ta-di sir-ri-t. 108Ul-li kalbi
20 ad-di-2u-ma 309ina abulli si-it 2am-2i 2a kabal a/oNin
1102d ni-rib ma2-nak-ti ad-na-a-ti na-bu-u zi-kir-2a mu-2aan-sir-2u <;2i-ga-ru. 112A-na da-ldl ta-nit-ti zzA22ur
I2tar 313ii ilanipz rabutipz bilipz-ya 334ri-i-mu ar-2i-2u-ma
u-bal-lit nap-2at-su.
Return march to Nineveh. U5Iiia ta-a-a-ar-ti-ya aztJ2u-u 1102d ina a-hi tam-tim na-da-ta 2ii-bat-su ak-2u-ud.
317Ni2ipz zuTJ-2u-u 2a a-na am iiu pihfttipz-su-nu la sa-an-ku
11Bla i-nara-di-nu man-da-at-tu 119na-dan md-ti-su-un a-duk.



^Ina lib-bi ni2ipz la kan-2u-u-ti 2ib-tu a2-kun. 321Ildnipz2u-nu ni2ipz-2u-nu a2-lu-la a-na m o tu iiu A22ur*i. 322Ni2ipz
aiu Ak-ku-u la kan-2u-ti a-nir.
amiiu Pagripz-2u-nu ina
<jga-si-2i a-lul 324si-hir-ti ali u-2al-mi. 12Si-it-tu-ti-2u-nu
al-ka-a a-na viatu7A22urw. 320A-na ki&-sir ak-sur-m

a. Yar. a. b. Rot ku (Y R).

ABM I>It ItA H11 AI j.

127 fli


m a- a-da-n -ti

188 8a

A SSur i.j^v

F la y in g

o f A rn u y b r o th e r

apal w T l-i-ri 9it-ti


A b iy a t i.

m A -bi-ya-K - i ahi-8u

5 u m iu n ti-ya i-pu-Su ta h a z u

1 0 ,1

>nA-a mu

3i-zi-zu-ma it,ti

4 in a k abal tam-ha-ri bal-

tu-us-su ina k ti a s-b a t 6in a N in fu z a li-b ilu -u -ti-y a maSak68u a8-hu-ut.


G ra n d d e m o n str a tio n in th e te m p le s o f N in ev eh . 5mUm-

man-al-das Sar m<uIlamti h


ul-tu ul-la A33ur u

10 ultar bipz-ya 8ik-bu-u a-na i-piS ardu-u-ti-ya 9ina ki-bit

ilu-ti-8u-nu sir-tu Sa la in-nin-nu-u 10ark-nu int-su iliu ip-pal-kit-ma 11la-pa-an kit(t)-bar-tiard&nipz-8us4u-Sabu-u lli-8u 121-d.i-i-u ip-par-S id-m a is-ba-ta 8adu-u.


tu 8adi-l bit mar-ki-ti-Su 14a-Sar it-ta-nap-raS-8i-du 15ki-ma

15 surdu if sum



al-ka-a3-8u a-na

17mTam-ina-ri-tu mPa-a-l

matuiiuAMnv ki.


1886, arki a-ha-miS l-pu-3u bl-lt Uttllamtiw 1986 iua 1-muk i 7uA88ur u izu IS tar b ip z-y a 20-8ak-ni-8a a-na wuniri-ya

8ar matu A -r i-b i 2286, in a k i-b it iZwASsur u

20 u ls ta r abikta-8u aS-ku-nu

24u l-tu


23 u l-tu

mfi,ti-Su al-ka-Su a-ua

n a -d a n (t)d

i-ftrunik&nipi 1-lu-u

25ina I-b a r-b a r 8u -bat b ilu -ti-8 u -u n ^ m a -h a r zwBit ummi


ilnipz rabutipz ^ h i-ir -tu n a -ra m -ti A S S u r ^l-pu-su a-di

ilauipz I-id -k i-id ^ n i r t>8a-Sae-d a ^ -d i u-8a-as-bit-su-nu-ti
25 30a-di b b i-k u r i8 -d u -d u in a S a p liti-ya 81al-bi-in ap-pi atta -i-id ilu -u s-su -u n 82u-8a-pa-a dan -n u -u s-su -u n ina puhur
um m &n&ti-ya


^ u B ll u N a b u

u A 3 8 u r

S in

IS ta r 36 N in& w

uSam aS


35m 8ar-rat kid-mu-ri

iZuIStar 86 A r b a -iliw 30 <zuA d ar N ir g a l iuNusku 36 la

30 kan -8u -ti-ya 37-8ak-n i-S u a-n a >uniri-ya 38ina li-i-ti u dana-a-ni 39-Sa-zi-zu-in-ni s ir om<Zun a k ru ti pz-ya.

Var. ta-ha-zu. b. Var. ma-iak. c. Yar. ti. d. VK Ba&

Var. iad.
f .Not i (V R).




Vm .

NABONIDUS (555-538 B.C.).

T em ple R eatorationa in Haran and Sippar (Y R 64).

1A-na-ku Na-bi-um-na-i-id Sarru ra-bu-u Sarru

dan-nn 2Sar kis-sa-ti Sar Tin-tirw sar kib-ra-a-ti ir-bit-ti
8za-ni-in I-sag-ili I-zi-da 4Sd Sin Nin-gal i-ua libbi
um-mi-Su 5a-na Si-ma-at Sarru-u-tu i-Si-mu Si-ma-at-su
5 capal mliuNabu-balat-su-ik-bi rabu 1-im-ku pa-li-ih ildni
rabti 7a-na-ku.
8I-hul-hul bit Sin Sd ki-rib juHar-ra-nu 9Sd ul-tu
u-mu sa-a-ti
Sin bllu ra-bu- 10Su-ba-afc tu-ub

ra-inu- ki-ri-ib-Su 11x-li ali u biti sa-a-Sti lib-bu-us i-zu10 uz-ma 12amiiuSab-man-da u-sat-ba-am-raa bita Su-a-tim
ub-bi-it-ma 13u-sAlik-Su kar-mu-tu. I-na pa-li-l-a ki-i-nim
14B11 bllu rabu-u i-na na-ra-am Sarru-u-ti-ya 15a-na ali
u biti Sa-a-su is-li-mu ir-Su-u ta-a-a-ri.
16I-na ri-ls Sarru-u-ti-ya dararti u-Sab-ru--in-ni 17Su-ut-ti.
15 18Marduk bllu rab Sin na-an-na-ri Sami-1 irsitim 19iz-zi-zu ki-lal-la-an. Marduk i-ta-ma-a it-ti-ya:
20i7uNabu-ndid sar Tin-tirw i-na nirusisi ru-ku-bi-ka
21i-Si libnatijjz I-hul-hul 1-pu-us-ma 7Sin bllu rabu-u
22i-na ki-ir-bi-Su su-ur-ma-a Su-ba-at-su.
20 a-ta-ma-a a-na bll ilanipz Marduk: 24Bita Su-a-tim
Sd tdk-bu-u 1-pi-su 25amiiu Sab-man-da sa-hi-ir-sum-ma puug-gu-lu l-mu-ga-a-Su. 26Marduk-ma i-ta-ma-a it-ti-ya:
amiiu Sab-man-da Sa tdk-bu-u ^Sd-a-su matu-Su sarrauipi
a-lik i-di-Su ul i-ba-aS-Si.
28I-na Sd-lu-ul-ti Satti i-na ka-Sa-du 22u-Sat-bu-niS-Summa mKu-ra-aS sar viatu An-za-an arad-su sa-ah-ri 30i-na
um-ma-ni-su i-su-tu amiiu Sab-man-da rap-Sa-a-ti 31u-sap-piih. ^mlS-tu-ml-gu Sar amiiu Sab-man-da is-bat-ma ka-muut-su a-na mati-Su ^il-kl.
^A-mat bllu rabu-u Marduk Sin na-an-na-ri
Sami-1 irsi-tim 35Sa ki-bi-it-su-nu la in-nin-nu-u a-na
c o i. i .



ki-bi-ti-2u-nu sir-ti 86ap-la-ah ak-ku-ud na-kut-ti ar-Sf-f-ma

tul-lu-hu 37pa-nu--a.

88La f-gi la a-2f-it a-hi la ad-da

u-2afc-ba-am-ma 39um-ma-ni-y a rap-Sa-a-ti ul-tu m<uuHa-azza -ti40pa-ad matuMi-sir 41tam-tim f-li-ti a-bar-ti ndruPuratti
5 a-di tam-tim ^gap-li-ti 43 Sarrnipj rubtip* akkanakkfPi
um-ma-ni-ya rap-2a-a-ti 4424 Sin SarnaS ul-tar
bflipi-f-a ya-ti ^i-ki-pu-nu


ISin bfli-ya a-lik i-di-ya


mu A22 ur-ba-an-apli

f-pi-2u I-hul-hul bit


oZuHar-ra-nu Sa

2ar nnwtiASSurw ^apal


10 ahi-iddina 2ar uMuASSurw rub a-lik mah-ri-ya 49i-pu-8u.

60I-na arhi Sa-al-ma i-na u-mi n&di 2a i-na bi-ri 61u-ad-duni uama uRam&n 62i-na ni-mf-ku UuI-a u uuMarduk
ina pi llli ik-u-tu 63i-na 2i-ip-ri Libittu bfl uS-Sd
libnatipj coi.n. 1i-na kaspi hurasi abni ni-sik-ti Su-ku-ru-tu
15 hi-bi2-ti tfUki2ti 2 rikkipz i^uIrini i-na hi-da-a-ti ri-Sa-a-ti
3f-li tf-mf-fn-na 24 muu A22ur-ba-an-apli 2ar kmuASSuth
424 tf-mf-fn-na mSul-man-a24rid apal mA22ur-na-sir-apli
i-mu-ru 5 u2-2u-2u ad-di-ma u-kfn lib-na-at-su. I-na kurunni
karani 2amni di2pi 62al-la-ar-2A am-ha-as-ma ab-lu-ul ta*

20 ra-ah-hu-u2.

71-li 2a 2arranipi ab-bi-f-a fp-2f-ti-2u u-dan-

nin-ma 8u-nak-ki-lu 2i-bi-ir-2u.

I-kur 2u-a-tim ul-tu ti-

mf-fn-2u 9 a-di tah-lu-bi-2u f-f2-2i-i2 ab-ni-ma u-2a-ak-li-il


10t>uGu2ur ^ufrini si-ru-tu ta-ar-bi-it jodaHa

rna-na 11u-24-at-ri-is si-ru-u2-2u.

25 i-ri-is-si-na


iyuDal&tipz <#ufrini 12^

u-ra-at-ta-a i-na b&bipj-2u.


hurasu igartipi-2u u-2al-bi2-ma 4-2a-an-bi-it 2a-a2-2a-ni-&

14Ri-i-mu za-ha-U-f ib-bi mu-nak-kib ga-ri-ya 16ka-at-ri-iS
u2-zi-iz i-na ad-ma-ni-2u.
in a-a-bi-ya

16II ulah-mu f2-ma-ru-4 sa-pi-

17i-na b4b si-it u2am-2i imittu uroflu

30 -2av-2i-id.


Sin Nin-gal

uNusku Sa-dar-nun

na 19bfli-pj-f-a ul-tu -an-na ali Sarru--ti-ya "as-ba

at-ina i-na hi-da-a-ti h ri-2a-a-ti 21Su-ba-at tu-ub hbki-ir-ba-24 -Sf-Si-ib.

miNik&ni taS-ri-ih-ti ib ^ b ij^ K



gu-nu ak-kf-ma ^u-sam-hi-ir kad-ra-a-a. I-hul-hul ri-igturn u-mal-li-ma ^/uHar-ra-an a-ua pa-ad gi-im-ri-gu
^ki-ma si-it arhi u-nam-mi-ir sd-ru-ru-gu.

^uSin Sar ildnipz sa gami-f irsi-tim ga ul-la-nu-ug-gii

5 ^alu mdtu la in-nam-du-ti la i-tur-ru as-ru-us-g ^a-na

bit s-bat la-li-f-ka i-na f-ri-bi-ka ^damik-tim



ali biti ga-a-g lis-ga-ki-in gap-tu-uk-ka. 00IIdnip/ a-gibu-tu gd gami-f it irsi-tim ^li-ik-ta-ra-bu bit f/uSin a-bi
ba-ni-gu-un. 32Ya-ti iiuXabu-ndid gar Tin-tir mu-gak-lil
biti gu-a-tim 83Sin gar ildnipz ga gami-f irsi-tim i-na
ni-i i-ni-su damkatip/ ^ha-di-ig lip-pal-sa-an-ni-ma dr-higam-ma i-na ni-ip-hi u ri-ba 35li-dam-mi-ik it-ta-tu-u-a
umipz-ya li-sa-ri-ik 30sandtipz-ya li-ga-an-ti-il lu-ki-in pa-luu-a a"ami7una-ak-ru-ti-ya lik-g-ud amiiuza-ma-ni-ya li-ga-amleft 88li-is-pu-un ga-ri-ya. i/uNin-gal ummi ildni rabti
39i-na ma-har nuSin na-ra-mi-su li-ik-ba-a ba-ni-ti. 40uamag
-/ulg-tar si-it libbi-gu na-am-ra 41a-na i/uSin a-bi ba-nigu-nu li-ik-bu-u
42zzNusku sukkallu si-i-ri

su-pi-f-a li-ig-mf-f-ma 43li-is-ba-at a-bu-tu.

Mu-sa-ru-u si-ti-ir su-um 44sa miiuAsaur-ba-an-apli gar
mtuAggur ki a-mu-ur-ma 45la u-nak-ki-ir kisallaa ap-gu-ug
kirmnikani ak-kf 40it-ti mu-sa-ri-f-a ag-kun-ma u-tf-ir agru-ug-gu.
47A-na i/uamag da-a-a-nu sd gami-f il irsi-tim 48I-babbarra bit-su ga ki-rib Sipparw 49ga mNabu-kudurri-usur garni
mah-ri i-pu-gu-ma 60tf-mf-fn-su la-ba-ri u-ba-i-u la i-mu-ru
61bita g-a-tim i-pu-us-ma i-na XLV ganatipz 2sd biti
su-a-tim i-ku-pu i-ga-ru-su ak-ku-ud as-hu-ut na-kut-ti
ar-sf-f-ina tul-lu-hu pa-nu-u-a. 54A-di t7uamag ul-tu kiir-bi-su u-gf-su-u 55ii-gf-gi-bu i-na biti sa-nim-ma bita
gu-a-tim ad-ki-f-ma 56tf-mf-fn-su la-bi-ri u-ba-i-ma XYIII
animat ga-ga-ri 57u-gap-pi-il-ma tf-mf-fn-na mNa-ramiiuS'm apal mSaiTu-kfnu 58sd HIMIIC gandtip/ ma-na-ma
sarru a-lik mah-ri-ya la i-mu-ru 597uSamas bflu rabu-u





a. O r s a m n i.


i-babbar-ra bit





ya-a-Si i-na ar&utiSrlti i-na arhi Sal-mu i-na dmi mag^j

61 S i-na bi-ri d-ad-du-ni amaS d uRamftn i-na kaspi
hurasi abni ni-sik-ti Su-ku-ru-tu bi-biS-ti <#ukiSti 68rikkt.,
a ifu Irini ina hi-da-a-ti d ri-Sa-a-ti l-li tl-ml-ln-na mNa.
ra-am-uSin apal mSarru-klnu ubanu la a-si-i ubanu la
l-ri-bi d-kln lib-na-at-su.

coi. m . 1Y M ifufrini dan-nu-tu a-na su-lu-li-Su u-Satri-is 2<fdaldtipj <*uIrini si-ra-a-ti as-kup-pu u nu-ku-li-i
10 8i-na bblj-Sd


4I-babbar-ra a-di t

a ii'

azag-ga zik-kur-ra-ti-Su 51-ls-Si-iS 1-pu-uS-ma d-Sak-lil &


6Ga-tim uSamaS blli-ya

i-na h

ri-Sa-a-ti 7Sd-ba-at tu-ub


ki-ii ba-Sd ti-Sf-Si-ib.

ir Sd-um Sa mNa-ra-am-u Sin6

15 a-mu-ur-ma

9la d-nak-ki-ir kisalla

apal mg
ap-Sd-uS Kmnikftni

ak-kl 10it-ti mu-sar-ri-l-a aS-ku-un-ma d-tl-ir aS-ru-uS-Sd


Sami-1 irsi-tim nu-r ilni!

ab-bi-l-Sdc 12si-it llb-bi S Hu Sin d cuNin-gal 18a-na ibabbar-ra


na-ra-mi-ka i-na

1-ri-bi-ka 14parakku-ka

20 da-ru-d i-na ra-mi-l-ka 16ya-ti uNab-n&id Sar Tin-tim

rubd za-ni-in-ka 18mu-ti-ib llb-bi-ka 1-bi-iS ku-um-mi-ka
si-i-ri 17lp-Sl-tu-d-a damk&tipi hardi-iS na-ap-li-is d-ma 18mi-Sam-ma i-na ni-ip-hi d ri-ba i-na Sa-ma-mi d ga-ga-ri
19du-um-mi-ik it-ta-tu-d-a un-nin-ni-ya li-kl-l-ma 20mu-gu-ur
25 ta-as-li-ti <#uhatti d Si-bir-ri ki-i-nim 21Sa tu-Sat-mi-hu ka

tu-d-a lu-bi-11 a-na du-d-ri da-a-ri.

22A-na au A-nu-ni-tum bllit tahazi na-Sa-ta ifukati i
iS-pa-ti 28mu-Sal-li-ma-at ki-bi-it uBll a-bi-Sd Msa-pi-naat omunarak-ru mu-hal-li-ka-at ra-ag-gu 25a-li-ka-at mah-ri
30 S ilftni 28S i-na sit

d Irib SamSi d-dam-ma-ku

it-ta-tu--a 27i-ul-bar btt-su Sa i-na Sipparw u A-mwiipa-m mrga-al-ti-burula . V ar. b u .

k a ? d. Y R

c. Scribal e r r o r
S ig n f o r S in o m itte d in Y R .
m a , Bcribal error.
e . S c r ib a l e rro r fo r Sin?

P S B A . 1882, p . 0, P in c h e s seem s t o h a v e re a d V C.




ya-S Sar Tin-tirx-* ^apal mKudurri-f/uB Sarru ma-na-ma

la i-pu-su 30tf-mf-fn-Su la-bi-ri ah-tu-ut-ma a-hi-it ab-ri-f-ma
81f-li tf-mf-fn-na m -ga-Sal-ti-bur-ya-as apal mKudurriuBfl 32us-Su-Su ad-di-ma u-ki-in lib-na-at-su ^bita sa5 a-su fs-SiS f-pu-ua u-Sak-lil Si-bi-ir-au.
^uA-nu-ni-tum bfJit tabazi mu-Sal-li-mat ki-bit nuBfl6
a-bi-Su ^sa-pi-na-at amUuna-ak-ru mu-hal-li-ka-at rag-gu. 36ali-ka-at mah-ri
Sa ilnipz
^ u-Sar-ma-a S-ba-at-su ^sat-tuk-ku
nin-da-bi-f f-li sa mah-ri
u-Sa-tf-ir-ma ^u-kfn ma-har-su.
10 At-ta rtuA-nu-ni-tum bflti rabi-ti 3Da-na biti Su-a-tim
ha-di-iS i-na f-ri-bi-ka 40fp-Sf-tu-u-a damkfitip/ ha-di-iS naap-li-si-ma 41&r-hi-Sam-ma i-na sit SamSi u frib SamSi
^a-na uSin a-bi a-li-di-ka Su-uk-ri-ba damik-tim.
43Man-nu at-ta Sa uSin SaraaS a-na Sarru-u-tu
15 i-nam-bu-su-ma 44i-na pa-li-f-Su bitu S-a-tim in-na-hu-ma
fs-SiS ib-bu-su 45mu-sa-ru-u Si-tir Su-mi-ya li-mur-ma la
u-nak-ka-ar ^kisalla lip-s-us kirmnik&ni li-ik-kf 47it-ti
mu-sa-ru-u Si-tir Su-mi-Su liS-kun-ma lu-tir aS-ru-us-Su
48uamaS uA-nu-ni-tum su-pu-u-Su li-is-mu-u 49li-im20 gu-ra ki-bit-su i-da-a-Su lil-li-ku li-Sa-am-kf-ta gac-ri-su
u-mi-Sam-ma a-na iVuSin 51a-bi ba-ni-Su-un da-mi-ik-ta-Su


Capture o f B abylpn , R e s to ra tio n o f G o d s t o th eir T em p les (V It 35).<*

7Sat-tuk-ku u-Sab-ti-li u-la- ____e [is]-tdk-ka-an ki-rib

ma-ha-zi pa-la-ha uMarduk Sar il&nipz . . -Sf-a katu-uS-sii
25 8li-mu-ut-ti ali-Su . . -nu(?) ip-pu-uS u-mi-Sd-am___ pi-Su

i-na ab-Sd-a-ni la ta-ab-su-tu Sal-hu-tim

kul-latsi-in a-na ta-zi-im-ti-si-na iiubfl ilani pi iz-zi-iS i-gu-ugma(f). . . . ki-su-r-S-un. U&nipz a-Si-ib lfb-bi-Su-nu i-zi-bu

V R k i.

b. Scribal error for

S in ?

c. Y R


d. From a

barrel-cylinder found at Babylon. The first six lines and the last ten
(36-45), as published in Y R, are so fragmentary as to be unintelligible.
e. The dots mark lacunae in the text.

OY i n s .


ad-ma-an-S-u 10i-nn ug-gu-l I



4 in-na-du-

\\M-rUbi wm kl.rji, x.

li tui-ubtu inirt wvp-hur


u fl

niW h wAW u-ri .

Akkadiw SA i-mu-ii SA-lum-ta-uS itau-bi-iv ku- . . . .pj ^ .

5 Si ta-a-a-ra kul-lat nm-ta-u-ta ku-ll-SUim

[m a] 12i-t(-'i-f-ma imwil-ki iSn-m bl-bfl Ub-bi SA
ma-ah ka-tu-u-Su mKu-ra-oS Siu* i* A u-A-ui it-ta-bi ni-biit-su a-na ma-li-ku-tim kul-la-ta im p-bar i/.-zak-m Ijat-su^
18mdtu Ku-ti-i gi-m ir um-mun nian-da -kn-un-ni-SA a*na f.
10 pi-su.

Niipj sal-innt kakkadi SA -SA-nk-Si-du ka-tn-R-Sn

Mi-na ki-it-tim A ini-Su-ru iS-tf-ni-'i-f-Si-im-a-tim. <;. Mnrduk

bu rab ta-ru- niSfpf-Su i p-Af-f-t i SA-nin-Su ka-a-tn
llb-ba-s i-SA-ra ha-di-iS ip-pa-li-ia.
15A-na ali-S B abilipm u-la-uk-SA ik-bi li-SA-us-bi-it-su-niR
15 har-ra-nu T in -tir.


Ki-nia ib-ri A tap-pi-f it-tal-la-ka i-tln-

10Um-ma-ni-Su rap-SA-u-tiin SA ki-ma mM nftri Ir

u-ta-ad-du-A ni-ba-Su-un ^.kaklet>>/-S-nu an-an-du-ma i-SAat-ti-ha


17Ba-1 u kab-li A ta-ba-zi u-i-ri-ba-a




Babili piw

20 mu Nab-n&id Sarru la pa-li-hi-


i-na ivp-Sd

\Vma-uHa-u ka-tu-uy


18Nisipi Tin-tirw ka-li-Su-nu nap-bar mntuSA-inl-ri u

A kkadi jw ru-bi-1

A Sak-kan-nak-ka

SA-pal-Su ik-roi-sa

u-na-aS-i-ku Si-pu-us-u ih-du-u a-na Sarvu-u-ti-u im-mi-ru


10Bi-1 u SA, i-na tu-kul-ti

SA A-bal-li-tu

25 mi-tu-ta-an i-na pu-u8 -ku A pa-ki-i ig-mi-lu kul-la-ta-an

ta-bi-i ik-ta-ar-ra-bu-Su iS-tam-mn-ru zi-ki-ir-Su.

^A -na-ku mKu-ra-aS Sar kiS-Sut Sarru rab Sarru ilannu Sar T in -tir Sar mdfw-ml-ri il A k-ka-di-i Sar kib-ra-ft-ti
ir-bi-it-tim ^apal mKa-am-bu-zi-ya Sarru rab Sar aiuAn30 Sfiran bin-bini mKu-ra-aS Sarru rab Sar luAn-Stam Mbbal-bal mi-iS-pi-iS Sarru rab Sur </ An-SA-un ziru daru-A SA Sarru-A-tu SA iruBd u wuNab ir-a-nm pa-la-aSA a-na tu-ub lib-bi-Su-nu ih-Si-ba [ri u]-nt-su,
I-nu-ma a-[na k i-]r ib 6 T in-tirw f-ru-bu sa-li-mi-iS







ul-si b ri-Sd-a-tim i-na ileal ma-al-ki ar-raa-a Su-bat bi-lutim Marduk bilu rabu lib-bi ri-it-pa-Su Sd apli[pz Sa]
Tin-tirw u . . . -an-ni-ma u-rai-Sain a-Si-i-a pa-la-ah(?)-su
24um-ma-ni-yn rap-Sd-a-tim i-na ki-rib Tin-tirw i-Sd-at-ti-ha
5 Su-ul-ma-niS nap-bar

[m atu um iri

u ] Akkadiw dim(?)-gal

. . . . -tim nl u-Sar-si 25ki-rib Babiliw u kul-lat ma-ba-zi-Su

i-na Sd-li-im-tim as-ti-i-i

aplipz Tin-tir[w ] . . . ma-la

lib . . . -ma ab-sa-a-ni la si-ma-ti-Su-nu Su-bat-su(?) 20anhu-ut-su-un u-pa-as-si-ba u-sd-ap-ti-ir sa-ar-ma-su-nu.


A-na ip-Si-i-ti [an-na-ti] Marduk bilu rabu-u ih-di-ima 27a-na }ra-a-ti mKu-ra-as sarri pa-li-ib-Su u mKa-arn-buzi-ya apli si-it lib-bi[-ya b ] ana(?) nap-[bar(?)] um-ma-ni-ya
ik-ru-ub-ma i-na Sa-lim-tim nm-bar-Su&
(?) ta

bi-is ni-it-ta [-at-ti-ik.

I-na kibiti-Su] sir-ti nap-har Sarr&ni

15 a-Si-ib parakkij,; 29Sd ka-li-iS kib-ra-a-ta i-tu tam-tim i-litim a-di tam-tim sap-li-tim a-si-ib kul[-lat mdtdti] Sarrdnipz
mdtu A-liar-ri-i

a-si-ib su-ta-ri ka-li-Su-im 30bi-la t-su-nu ka-

bi-ifc-tim u-bi-lu-nim-ma ki-ir-ba

Su-an-naw u-na-as-Si-ku


IS-tu . . . . - a n




matuAb-nu-nak aiu Za-am-ba-an aiu Mi-tur-nu Dur-iluw a-di

pa-ad m
<2Jyu-ti-i ma-ba[-zi Sa i-bir-]ti aruDiklat Sd is-tu
ab-na-ma na-du-u Su-bat-su-un ^ilnipz a-si-ib lib-bi-Su-nu
a-na aS-ri-Sii-nu u-tir-ma u-sar-ma-a Su-bat dara-a-ta. Kul25 lat nisipz-su-nu u-pa-ah-bi-ra-am-ma ii-ti-ir da-dd-mi-su-un.
83tl ildni pi matu Su-mi-ri b Akkadi ja Sd mau Nabu-naid
a-na ug-ga-tim bil ildnipz u-Si-ri-bi a-na ki-rib Su-an-nan
i-na ki-bi-ti Marduk bilu rabu i-na Sd-li-im-tim 34i-na
maS-fca-ki-Su-nu u-si-Si-ib Su-ba-at tu-ub lib-bi. Kul-la-ta
30 ildnipz sd u-si-ri-bi a-na ki-ir-bi ma-ha-zi-Su-im 35u-mi-Sd-am

ma-har B il b N abu sd a-ra-ku umipz-va li-ta-niu-u


lit-taz-ka-ru a-ma-a-ta du-un-ki-ya b a-na M arduk bili-ya

li-ik-bu-u Sd

m Ku-ra-aS

Sarru pa-li-bi-ka u mKa-am-bu-zi-ya

a. Y 11 ad. b. Y 11 S. c. An unknown ideogram.





i V

Egyptian Campaign

621-na m ah-ri-i g ir-ri-y a~n *M **M 4an u ,wM(.|ui,.

ha lu-u al-lik.

63*. Tar-ku-u 2r **w*Mu-fur u


5424 i u A2sur-ahi-iddina 2av *** wv. A22nr n hu Im-mMi

65abikta-2u is-ku-nu-ma i-bt-lu mAt-$\) h 2vVu Tnr4wi
5 56da-na-an uA22ur *12tar u ilani.w ralnitip bfltVyn


A -p a -k i-d w ab

k i-rib

M n u-u -a 59a-na da-a-ki ha-ha-a-tt



i\ t-kim



60Sir-u2-2u-un i-ru-um-ma xi-2ib ki-rib ^Mf-im-pi

10 61ali sa abu bnu-u-a ik-2n-du-ma a-na mi-fir .mntt* ASurti

u-tir-rub .

62Al-la-kn ha-an-tu in ki-rib NiiuVw il-lik-rtiu*

ina 63u-sa-an-na-a ya-a-ti.

Ili ip-Si-i-ti an-na-a-ti Mlib-bi f-gug-ma ia^ta-ru-uh kabit-ti.

15 i-tu.

65As-si kti-va \Wal-H .v* A 22ur u tf*12tar aur*

66Ad-ki-1 amUul-mu-ki-va
2a ASur u

u lta r

67 -m al-lii-u

k 4 tu *-u -a .

A -na

*** Mu-smr u

mtu K u-u-si 68 u2-ti-l-Si-ra har-ra-nu.

In a m f-ti-ik gir-ri-ya 69 X X o^m 11 Sarr&nipi 2a a-hi tarntim

kabal tam -tim u na-ba-li *aril&ni|* da-gil pn-ni-ya

20 ta-mar-ta-Su-nu


-na-a2-si-ku sipi-ya.


m ah-ri-ya


^barr&ui/J 2a-a-t A-nu u-di f-mu-ki*




u na-ba-li itrti

ummn&ti-ya 74ur-hu pa-da-nn A-a-as-bit-su-nu-ti. 78A-na

na-ra-ru-u-ti *ha-niat(?) 2a Sarr&ni^ mti* Ui-pn-n-ni 70
25 ki-rib imuMu-sur ardpi-ni da-gil

pa-ni-ya mvruJw*

ar-di-i-ma al-lik a-di aiu Kar-i7B4ni f-ti.

a . V a r. k i-m u . b. V a r . r a . c . V a r. ti.
om its. f . V a r. B a -n i.

</, Var. Ifa-tu,





A S S U E B A N IP A L .






Pirat Egyptian Campaign ( V R 1 , 52-2, 27).


62In m y first expedition (lit. the first my expedition)




to Makan and Milnhha I went.

Tark king o f Egypt

and o f Cush 54who Esarhaddon, king o f Assyria, my

father (lit. the


m y begetter) 66his overthrow

5 accomplished and took possession o f his country, and he


Tarkfi the might o f ASSur, o f IStar and o f the gods


great my lords forgot and 67trusted to the power o f



Against the kings, governors, whom within

Egypt appointed my father (lit. the father my begetter),

10 to kill, to





E gypt

he came.

Against them he entered and dw elt in Memphis, 61a

city which m y father had captured and to the territory


of Assyria had added.

62A courier sw ift into the midst

of Nineveh came and inform ed me.


A t (lit. upon) deeds these 64m y heart was enraged

and was angry m y liver.

I lifted m y hands, I be

sought ASSur and IStar of A ssyria (lit. the Assyrian).


I mustered my forces noble [w ith ] which ASSur and

IStar 67had filled m y hand.

T o E gypt and Cush I

20 directed (lit. made straight) the way.

In the progress o f m y expedition tw enty two kings
of the side o f the sea, the m idst o f the sea and the
land, 70servants subject to me (lit. beholding my face)
their present heavy 71into m y presence brought (lit.
25 bore) and kissed

m y feet.

72 Kings



with their forces, their ships, 78by sea and by land

with my troops 74the road, the way, I caused them to
take (i.e. to m arch).

75F or the help, the aid o f the

kings, the governors, 76w ho [w ere] in E gypt, servants

30 subject to me (lit. beholding m y fa ce) 77quickly I set
out and came to Kar-Banit.




78mTar-ku- ar m/HuMu-anr u m.a Ku-u-i kia-rib oiuMfim-pi 79a-lak gir-ri-ya i-raf-i-ma a-na f-pi kabli *ukakkijj
tahazi in a6 m ah-ri-ya



id-ka-a m*.? suibi w tahazi-u.


61Ina tukul-ti uAur a Bfl


tfuNnh ilni^a rnbtipj

5 bfliphja 8aa-li-kut idf-ya ina tabazi siri rap-i a-ku-na

abikti uinmfi,nfi,ti-u.

83m1"ar-lcu-u ina ki-rib juMi-im-pi

is-hu-pu-u-ma il-li-ka0 nlah-, hu-ur*, ^'mi-lam-im arru-uti-ya ik-tu-mu-u-ma 885(1 u-$a-'i-i-nu-in-ni iluipi -par(t)
10 ami irsiti.


ti-ina-ir-ina a-na 5-zu-ub

napi-tim-u 88iu-na-bit a-na ki-rib aiu Ni-'i.

89Ala -a-tu

aa-bat umm&n&ti-ya u-f-rib u-i-ib i-na lib-bi.


ar a; Mf-im-pi u aiuSa-a-a

91 arru-lu-d&-ri

ar oiuSi-'i-nu

15 02biPi-a-an-hu-ru

ar iiuNa-at-hu-
ar aiu Pi-ap-t

94mBu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-i-pi ar aiu Ha-ut-hi-ri-bi



aiu Hi-ni-in-i

96biP u-tu-bi-ti


aiu Za-'a-nu

20 97m-na-mu-nu

ar aiuNa-at-hu-


ar atu Zab e -nu-xi-ti


ar aiu Pi-^-in-di-di


ar o/uPu-i-ru


ar aiuPu-nu-bu

25 102mBu-uk-ku-na-an-ni-i-pi ar aiuAh-ni
ar aiuP i-h


ar oiuPi-sap-di-^a-a*'


ar aiuPa-ah-nu-ti


ar aiuSi-y a-a-u-tu

30 107inLa-ml-in-t

ar aiuHi-mu-ni


ar oiuTa-a-a-ni


ar aiuNi-i

Not ku ( V II). b. V a r. a-na. c. Var. kn. dd. Var. >1( ^

17, 87). e. So m R 17,100. V R has Tam . Var. B i r $ '

n o rtL

A S S U R B A N IP A L .


^Tarkd, king o f E gypt and of Cush, in Memphis

79[o f] the march o f m y expedition heard and to make
fight, arms 80and battle, in front o f me (lit. my fron t)
he mustered the men o f his battle (i.e. his soldiers).
81By the help o f ASur, Bel, Nabu, the gods great, my
lords, 82marching [a t j m y sides, in a battle o f the plain
wide I accomplished the overthrow o f his troops. ^Tark
in the midst o f Memphis heard o f the defeat o f his
troops, 84the brilliance o f Aur and o f IStar cast him
down and he went forward, 85the lustre o f n y royalty
covered him 88 [withJ which had favored me the gods
rulersc?) o f heaven and earth.

^M em phis he left and to

save his life ^he fle d .(lit . vanished) to the midst o f


80That city I took, m y troops I caused to enter,

I caused to remain therein (lit. in the heart).

^ N ech o

king o f Memphis and o f Sais


king o f Sinu


king o f Nathfl


king o f PiSaptu


king o f Athribis

N ahki

king o f HininSi


king o f Zanu


king o f Nathfl


king o f Zabnuti


king o f Mendes


king o f PuSiru


king o f Punubu


king o f A h n i


king o f Pihattihurunpiki


king o f Pisapdift


king o f Pahnuti

king of Siy&utu


king o f Him uni


king o f Tfini


king o f Thebes


110 Sarr&ni pi nn-nu-ti amiiu pih& tipi amiiu ki-pa-a-ni Sd ki-rib

matu M u-sur 111 ti-pa-ki-du a b u ba-nu-u-a a la-pa-an ti-bu-ut

m Tar-ku-u na pi-klt-ta-u-un ti-ma-Si-ru im -lu-u sira U8tir-m a a-Sar pi-kit-ti-Su-un

5 n u -ti.

in a ma-k&n-i-Su-un ap-kid-su-

114f^ iu M u -su

ariia i -SA-ti as-bat.

115M asar&tipi i-li a -tni pa-ni

u-dan-nin-rna -rak-ki-sa 116rik-sa-a-tl.

It-ti hu-ub-ti roa-

a-di Sal-la-ti 117k a -b it-ti al-m l a-tu-ra a-na Ninw.

118A rk & a-nu Sarr&nipt an -n u-ti m a-la ap-ki-du ina a-di-ya

10 ih-tu-u 119la is-su-ru m a-m it il&nipt rab ti pi tbtu i-pu-usl|

su-nu-ti im-Su-ma 120lib-ba-Su-nu-ti ik -pu -u d /liraut-tu dab a b -ti sur-ra-a-ti id-bu-bu-m a 121 m i-lik la ku-8ir(?) im 6-li-ku
ra-m an-Su-un u m -m a : mT ar-k u -u m u l-tu ki-rib mat Musur i-na-sah-u-m a at-tu-ui a-Sa-ba-ni m i-i-nu.

^ I - li Tar-

15 ku -u Sar matu K u-u-si a-na a-kan a-di-i u sa-li-mi ^u-ma



u m -m a : Su-lum -m u-u 126ina bi-

ri-in -n i liS-Sa-kin-ma n i-in -dag c -ga-ra a-ha-mi 126m&t a-biin-na-a ni-zu-uz-m a a-a ib-ba-si ina b i-ri-in d-ni Sa-nu-uffl*
m a bi-lu m .
20 ti-ya


127A -n a um m nt matu nu ASSur * 1-muk b-




128i-ti-ni-i-u a-inat

lim u t-tim .

a-m a-a-tl*

amiturak-bi-i- u-un
130i-m u-ru




Sip-ra-a-ti-Su-nu is-bat-u-nim-i8

ip-it sur-ra-a-tl e-Su-un.

k W rn i

an-nu tf'

25 is-bat-u-nim -m a 131ina bi-ri-ti p a rzilli iS-ka-ti parzilli -ta8'

m f-hu k&ti u Sipi.

182M a-m it ouASSur Sar il&nipi ik-Su-3"

su-nu-ti-m a Sa ih-tu-u ina a-di-i 138il&nipi rabtipi tb^

kLtu3?-Su-n t-ba-i-i-m a Sa i-pu-us -su-nu-ti 184du-un-k0,

a. Vur. ar-ka-a. b. Var. mi c. Yar. i t d. Var. omits.

t i . f . Var. ta-ab-ti. g. Var. lf a -t u i. A. Var. iu .

A S S U B A N IP A L .


110kings these, prefects, governors, whom in Egypt111had

appointed my father, who before the approach of Tarkfi
113their appointment left, filled the plain, 113I brought
back and [to] the place of their appointment in their
5 stations I appointed them. 114Egypt, Cush, which my
father had conquered, anew (lit. to newness) I seized.
115Guards more than before (lit. upon those of the days
before) I strengthened and I bound 116bonds. With
plunder much, booty 117heavy, peacefully I returned to
10 Nineveh.
mAfterwards kings these, as many as I had appointed,
against my compact sinned, 110did not keep the oath of
the gods great, the good I had done them forgot
and 120their heart made a plan of evil, a device of
15 seditions they devised and ma counsel not becoming(?)
they counseled [with] themselves, saying: Tarkfi ^out
of the midst of Egypt they drive (lit. wrench) and as for
us our dwelling is numbered. 123To Tarku king of Cush
for the establishment of compacts and alliance 124they
20 sent their messengers, saying: An alliance 125between
us let be established and let us favor each other, 126the
country of this side we will strengthen and not shall
there be amongst us another lord. ^Against the troops
of Assyria, the force of my lordship, which for their
25 assistance I had stationed, m they devised a plot (lit.
word) of evil.
My generals things these 129heard, their messengers
together with their dispatches they caught and ^saw
the work of their seditions. Kings these they seized and
30 131in bonds of iron, fetters of iron, bound hands and feet
132The oath of ASSur, king of the gods, captured them,
who had sinned against the compacts 133of the gods great,
the good of whose hands I had sought and had done
them 134favor.

A S S R B A N IP A L .


t f niSipi <rfuSa-a-a oiu P i -in -d i-d i <uuSib- a-nu 2-1 s j .^

a lin ip i m a-la it-ti-u-nu Sak-nu ik -p u -d u lim ut-t 2mhra

u rab ina iyukakkipj u -sam -ki-tu .

b u ina lib -b i.

I-d u a-m l-lum 0 la k j.

3am .iuPagripj-8u-nu i-lu -lu ina <fuga4i4i.

5 4MaSak [-Su-nu Sa iS ]-b u -tu u -b a l-li-b u d d r ali.




5oarrn i pi



lim u t^ -tu



nm m nt nUttu ilu A Ssur k% bal-tu -u s-su -n u 7a-na Nin&w a-di

m ab-ri-ya

u -bll-u -n i.

ri-i-m u ar-Si-5u-ma
10 m ah-ri

8A -u a
u -b a l-lit



m N i-ku-u

u ltu

as-k u n .


9A -di-l fli Sa

10L u-bul-tu bir-mi

u-lab-bi-su-m a al-lu hWu rasi


Simir pi bu rasi u-rak-ki-sa 12 rit-tl-l-S u.

P atar parzilli Sib-

b i Sa ih-zu-5u bu rasu 13n i-b it Sum i-ya ina m uh-hi aS-tur-ma


a d e-din-Su.
15 r u -k u b

14juN arkabatipi imiru sisipz imiru park* a-na

b flu -ti-S n

a -k is -s u .

15amu u - par - Saki pi-ya

om<ipibS,tipi a-na kit-rirSu it-ti-Su aS-pur.

16A-ar abu

bnu-u-a ina oiuSa-a-a a-na Sarru-u-ti ip-kld^ -du -u s3 17a-na

m a-kn-i-su -tir-su.

tT m uN abu-Si-zib-anA-ni apal-Su

18a-na aiu H a-at-ha-ri-ba a p -k id .

T& btum * damik-tu 19Mi

20 8a abi bfcni^-ya u-Sa-tir-m a 1-pu-us-su.

20mT ar-k u -u a-8ar in -n a b -tu ra-Sub-bat ^ukakki u ASsur

b fli-y a 21is-hu-up-Su-m a il-lik Sim at mu-8i-8n.


m U r-da-m a-ni-i apal m Sa-ba-ku-u u-Sib ina t?ukussi Sarrfiti-8u.

25 hi-ra

iuN i-i aiu-nu a-na dan-nu-ti-Su i8-kun u-pah11-lat-su.


24A -n a
S. k i-rib


m it-h u -si

umm&n&ti-ya aplipi

aiuM i-im -p i id-ka-a ka-bal4u.

i-si-ir-m a



27amiiu Allaku ha-an-tu



Var. B i. b . Yar. S a . c. Var. lu . d . Yar. li-mut. e . Var. a

Var. k i. g . Var. lu . A. Var. a. i. Var. ta-ab-tum ___ j . Var. ba-ni.


\ 1



And the people of Sais, of Mendes, of Sianu *1and of

the rest of the cities, as many as with them were arrayed
[and] made a plan of evil, 2small and great with
weapons they overthrew. One man they did not leave
5 therein. 8Their corpses they hung up on stakes. 4[With
their] skins [which] they stripped off they covered the
wall of the city.
5Kings these, who evil devised 6against the troops of
Assyria, alive (lit. their life) 7to Nineveh unto my
10 presence they brought. 8To Necho out of their midst
favor I granted him and spared (lit. caused to live) his
life. 9Compacts more than before (lit. upon those of
before) I increased and with him I established. 10[In]
clothing birmi I clothed him and a chain of gold,
15 11insignia of his royalty, I gave him (lit. made for him),
rings of gold I bound 12[on] his hands. An iron girdledagger (lit. a dagger of iron of the girdle), which its
hilt [was] of gold, 13the naming of my name thereon I
wrote and gave to him. 14Chariots, horses, asses(t), for
20 the riding of his lordship I presented him. My generals,
prefects, for his assistance with him I sent. Where my
father in Sais to royalty had appointed him 17to his
station I restored him. And Nabu-8izibanni, his son, to
Athribis I appointed. Good, favor, more than that of
25 my father, I increased and did to him.
Tark, where he had fled, the might of the weapon
of Asur my lord 21cast him down and he went [to]
the fate of his night. Afterwards Urdamani, son of
Sabakfl, sat on the throne of his royalty. 23Thebes, On,
30 his strength (lit. unto his might) he made, he assembled
his army. 24To fight my troops, native Assyrians (lit.
sons of Assyria), who [were] in Memphis, he mustered
his troops. People those he besieged and he seized
their exit. 27A courier swift to Nineveh came and in35 formed me.


A S S 1' K B A N l PA L.

2. S eco n d E g y p tia n Cam paign (V R 2, 28-48).

28 In a II-I g ir-ri-y a a-na .tr M u -su r u m.vKu-u-si u-t(

IS-SI-ra har-ra-nu.

29 mU r-da-nm -ni-i a-lak gir-ri-ya

m a 30& ak -bu -su m i-sir a.itM u -su r.

ntMI-im-pi u-maj.

Sir-ma 31a-na -zu -u b napi-tin\-u in-na-bit a-na ki-rib

5 aittNi- i.

" a rr& n ip j amOupih&tijti * ki-pa-a-ni Sa ki-rib

matuM u -su r aS-ku-nu ^ in a irti-y a

as-si-ku Sfpi'-ya.
85 a l-lik

il-li-ku--nim-ma ti-na-

34A r k i * U r-da-m a-ni-f har-ra-nu as-bat

a-di oiuN i- i a li dan -n u -ti-S .

86T i-ib tahazi-ya

dan -n i 1-m ur-m a atu N i-i -maS-5ir 37 in-na-bit a-na a/uKi-ip10 k i-p i.

A la S-a-t a-na si-hir-ti-u " i n a tukul-ti tuASSur

u iiuIStar ik-Su-da k& ta-a-a.

"K a sp u

hurasu ni-sik-ti

ab n i pt b u s ikalli-S u m a-la ba-Su-u 40lu -bu l-ti bir-ml kitji

imirusisipirab tipi niSipt z ik -ru u zin-ni 41II <judim-ffii
sir ti pi p i-t ik 6 za-ha-li-I ib -b i 422A U M V C gun ki-lal-Su15 n u xnan-za-az b b l-k u r ^ u l-tu man-za-al-ti-u-nu as-suhV

ma al-ka-a a-na matuiiu ASSuvjk.

la ml-ni aS-lu-la

wal-la-t ka-bit-t ina

ul-tu. ki-rib atNi-'i 461-li nuwuMu-sur

m<uKu-u-si ^fsukakkJpj-ya -am-ri-ir-ma aS-ta-kan li-i-tu.

47It-ti ka-ti ma-li-ti Sal-mlS a-tu-ra 48a-na Ninfi, ali b20 ti-ya.

3. H u n tin g In scrip tio n ( I R 7, No. IX A ).0

^ -n a -k u mfZuAsur-b&in-upli Sar kiSSati 5ar mntu7uASurh

8a u A s u r izuBit i-m u -k i pi-ra-a-ti a-at-li-mu-u. Nfji
sa a d -d u -k u <fiiinid-pa-a-iiu iz-zi-t Sa tiuIStar bl-lit tahfttf
8lli-8u -im az-ku-up m uh-hu-ru f-li-u-nu -nia-hir karana
25 ak-ka-a

Var. ra. 6. Var. ti-ilf. c. Accompanying a bas-relief inwhich

the king is pouring out wine over slain lions.


2. S e co n d E gyptian Campaign (V K 2, 23-48).

28In my second expedition to Egypt and Cash I

directed the way.

a Urdamani the march of my expedi

tion heard and 80that I had trodden the territory of


Memphis he left and 81to save his life he fled

5 to Thebes. 83The kings, prefects, governors, whom in

Egypt I had established, wto meet me (lit. into my front)
came and kissed ray feet. 84After Urdamani the road I
took, 851 went to Thebes, the city of his might. ^The
approach of my mighty battle he saw and Thebes he
10 left, 87he fled to Kipkipi. That city to its whole extent
(lit. to its circumference) 88by the help of ASSur and of
IStar captured my hands. 80Silver, gold, nlailfti, stones,
possession of his palace, as much as there w as,40clothing
birmi, kit, horses great, people male and female, 41two

15 columns(T) lofty, a work of za^all metal bright, ^which

two thousand five hundred gun [was] their weight,
stationed at (lit. seat o f) the gate of a temple, 48from
their position I wrenched and took to Assyria.. ^Booty
heavy without measure I carried off from the midst of
20 Thebes. 46Over Egypt and Cush 48my weapons I caused
to march and I established authority (lit. might). 47With
a hand full peacefully I returned 48to Nineveh the city
of my lordship.
3. Hunting Inscription (I R 7, No. I X A ).

*1 [am] Assurbanipal, king of hosts, king of Assyria,


who ASSur, Beltis powers exalted 2gave to him.


lions which I killed the bow strong of IStar, queen of

battle, 8over them I erected, a prayer over them I pre
sented, wine I poured out over them.


A S S U K B A N IP A L .

lita r's D escent to Hades.

(Delitzsch Assyr. Lesest.* p. 110; IY R 31.)
A -na m4ti IS, t&rat kak-ka-ri i-ti-[i]
u IStar

binat Sin -zu-un-a [i-kun]

i-kun-ma binat Sin -zu-un-[a

a-na b it l-ti-l 6-bat6 tulr-kal-la

5 a-na biti 4 1-ri-bu-u la a-su-
a-na char-ra-nic
a-na biti 4 *l-ri-bu-su zu-um-mu-u nu--ra
a-Sar ip r4 ti/ bu-bu-us-^su-nu^ a-kal-Asu-nuA ti-it-tu'
nu-u-ru-* u l*

im-ma-riP ina 1-tu-ti aS-ba

10 lab-Su^ma kima' mis-su-rim su-bat k 4pn-pi

lli jttdalti u i?wsikkuri sa-pu-uh ip-ru.
ulstar a-na b4b m&ti 14 t4rat ina ka-Sa-di-Sa
a-na amttuklpi ba-a-bi a-ma-tum iz-zak-kar
amttu k lpi ml-1 pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka

15 pi-ta-a ba-ab-ka-m a lu-ru-ba a-na-ku

um-ma la ta-pat-ta-a ba-a-bu la ir-ru-ba a-na-ku

w w

a-m ah -h a-as si-ip -p u -m a u -2 a -p a l-k a t

u d a l4 ti pi

- l-ll-la -a m i-tu -ti a k il tip i b a l-tu -ti

20 lli b a l-tu -ti i-m a - a -d u m i-tu -ti.

am Klpu pa-a-8u i-pu-uS-ma i-kab-bi

iz-zak-ka-ra a-na rabl-ti nul-tar
i-zi-zi bl-ll-ti la ta-na-4-a-i
lu -u l-lik u m -k i lu -8a-an -n i a-na ar-ra-ti


. - 1,1


i YftT

a-a. Yar.
b-b. Var. mu-ftab.c-c. Var. ^arrani
iu. e -e . Var. a-i-bu. f Var. ip-ru. g - g . Var. ai-na-ma.
ii-na. u Var. ti.j . Var. ra. Jfc. Var. la. L Var. 6a.H* *
iaauri. n. Var. kap.

b v m jiA z y n




AssuzAtmifiaJs AiAsi iyy^i-tuvn. -Aunnjijuj/rv.
<y fl ln~z,l. JjumtSituzSJ. *St*nz3*&U^ M-rt?



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* a r flr ifif


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* f

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1, 1. Surru, st. Sard, inf. II 1, whence the final u although cstr.,

like Sukkun.-----MuSkya and Sarr&ni are subjects of itkalj urdni
(= urid&ni 8 . 1 ; 3 0 ) and ifbat; la 1. 2 is subj. of ijbat&ni; Alzi and
Purukuzzi are objects o f ifbatuni; nal is port 1 1 referring to A. and P.
The clause beginning with Sami 1. 4 is parallel to the one beginning
with Sa 1. 2 ; translate: whose breast no king had overcome in battle.
7. ummdndtiya.

The suff. belongs also to narkabti.

When the

same suff. belongs to several words it is generally expressed only with

the last word, cf. 26. -----lupiihir = l + upiahhir 24.3. 8. ui 25.
9. muktabli part. I 1 st. jro&d/u B. 2 b. 10. altanan st. fandnu
8. 2 a .-----12. rfyifi part. 1 1, the destroyer, from rahapt to overflow,
either Raman as storm-god, or the storm itself.---- lkimir = Id + ukammir
st. kamaru to cast dow n.-----dami is the direct obj. and hurri and bamati
are indirect obj. o f luSardi.
a corpse Heb.

The sign for d&mu represents also pagru

and so Lotz renders here, but that mnirM unnecessary

tautology in this passage, and does not give so good a manning in other
places in this inscription where the id. occurs. 15. iallasunu 8. 2 c, b.
10. lSif 2 9 ; 3 0 .-----17. ipparSidd 3 3 . 20. fimiiuma that
day, time,

dmi + demon. Su + ma 18. 21. mdta mandanta,

Bt. naddnu.
2, 1. sitti, etc., render: the rest of K., who . . . had fled, crossed over
to S., e t c .-----3. padant pi. o f padanu cf. on 42a . ammdti fem. pi.,
opposite of annti these; padani amm&ti those regions, the other side.
4. dannti strength, stronghold, abstr. noun. 5. kuradiya; cf. on
l 7. 7. ahsl 1st pers. sing, second impf. I 1 of a verb with weak 3rd
radical.-----hula bad, supply Sada.----- 8. ltib = l&+ utawidb. 10. umifi,
form like ukimir l 12. -----12. Suzub 27. 14. uSnail 28. payor
cstr. of payru, used collectively.---- 15. ana gwmn&ti lkirin (= l +

The syllables gu and ki have also the values fcu and ja, and

the Btem in both these words may be p p to heap up; yurundfi from



is like tujfmti from tufyuntu battle, or libndti from libittu brick.

18. kibrdi 16. 2.--- 8a 1. 20, 21, 22 (before ildni) is in each case
gen. sign 11, 8a before tna 1. 22 refers to Tiglathpileser rather than
to the gods. 23. muni/xa (part. II 1 st. HO), 8nina are objects of
25. (linitu fern, of Uinu upper, formation like surklnu 6018
libation, the same as the formation in dn 15. 3 c.
L 22-25: (me) who ... ruled righteously .., Assur the lord sent me
and I went. 28. u8(tik III. 1 27.
5. uruwt, either a part of a tree or a
species of tree. 18. Sagalti, rihilti 8. 2 a; 16. 4. 21. halapta
fem. acc., in appos. with narkabdti, may also bo read 1jalabta> st. halbu
to be covered. 28. kirbltl the interior (of the cities), fem. pi.
29. utirra = utira = utawwira.
30. a/t = i'tt/i 9. 2. 34. ardutti



2. litutiy abstr. noun from litu hostage. 24. raSbd perm. I 1.

26. azru I scattered (stones over the devastated cities), cf. 2 Kings
3, 19.
birik. The double id. here is so rendered IV R 3, 3. 4; birik
siparri may be an emblem of victory, composed of copper plates, engraved
with symbols of lightning. The 8dtunu 1. 20 treats the birik sipam as
a plural. After destroying the city the king makes a birik siparri,
whereon he writes a decree never to build the city nor to construct its
wall again (cf. Jos. 6, 26), and places the birik siparri in a house made
for the purpose on the old ruins.
5, 1. 8angi priest. For the reading cf. Sb 243. Cf. 715 where
the son of our king applies the title to his father, and V R 6, 40
where we find the pi. written 8a<in-gi-i = Sangi. 2. kaSu8 favorite
title of this king, I R 17, 21 b(l bill ka8u8u 8ar Sairani; cf. also
5. itlu; the titles here return to Assurnazirpal.
I R 26, 127.
6. ittallaku 27.--- 7. nt tabrdti shepherd (= king) of U A word
written the same way occurs in accounts of building operations, as
Sargon St. 79 ana tabrdti uSalik I caused it to advance to t.
11. m u lta r h i = m u S ta r ih i 8. 2 a, name for the enemies of the king.
14. fdbit liti receiver of hostages.
16. xnuma = inu time (masc.)
+ may st.
whence Heb. n# = roy.--- 17. tfrnuj he caused to hold,
he presented. The verb tamdhu means generally simply to hold, seize.
22. tli8unuy construction according to real gender, though the gram
matical gender of ummdndt is fem. aSgum; cf. Isa. 5, 29, where the
Assyrians are represented as a lion roaring over its prey; cf. also 1527.
iarru refers to Assurnazirpal.--- 27. (birtdn} formation in dn from




6, 3. urduti obeisance, or urdtUi obeisance unto me. The usual form

for obeisance is ardutu, as 2P ; cf. urhu 423 and arJju 223 way. uputu,
an unusual form for {putti 27; on the expression cf. 2P ipit ardti.
4. utumgallu, composed of utu or utum-f gallu the large utu, apparently
a loan word Sb 125, like ikallu (i.e. i -f*gallu) the large house, palace.
From such passages as II R 19, G2 the u. appears to be some wild beast:

kakku 3a lima u. Salamta ikkalu wreapon which devours a corpse like

an u.; cf. also IV R 20 No. 3, 15.---- 0. aplr part. I 1 cstr., may be
intrans. like labit, hlib, the one clothed with t. urtanu syn. of kasutu
Lotz Tiglathpileser p. 89, 21.---- 7. iandddti pi. of lanitlu st. *TtO.----alulu for alul cstr. shadow, protection.---- 8. 3a kibit, etc., the command
of whose mouth causes mountains and countries to tremble.----10. p
itiin SuSkunu to establish one Avord, to bring into agreement, p takanu
to enter into an agreement, as 2917i!52. Cf. Sargontexte p. 78. 12. On
Sulmnu-atrid = Sulman is leader, Heb.
cf. Schrader in ZKF.
II 197.---- 13. {put without the usual final u in rel. sentence 11;
so also 1.11 uSaSkin.---- 18. utasbit I caused to work.-----20. ikal; the
repetition o f this Avord is peculiar, for there seems to have been but
one palace built, 1. 25.---- 25. utiziz III 1, st. nazdzu.-----20. I surrounded it with a sikat karri of copper. Cf. sikkat kaspi ibbi a sikkat of
bright silver I It 47 col. VI S.
7, 2. igigi the spirits of heaven.-----bil mdtati is a title applied to
various deities, as II R 57, 21 to Adar. Here it belongs to Bil and so
also I R 9, 4.---- 3. abu ildni is likewise applied to various gods. ----kdlama, supplied from I R 27, 9.----4. Sin, supplied from I R 27, 4,

irSu bil agt the Avise, the lord o f the

croAvn, cf. also I R 9, 5. Raman, supplied from I R 27, 6, where R.
is called gitru katkatti ilani the mighty, the all-poAverful one of the gods
(katkattu like dandaiinu 15. 2 ).---- 5. bil higalli, title of R. as god
of the Aveather; higalli a loan-AVord.---- 0. Marduk, supplied from I It
27,-5 Marduk ab-ak-lu bil tiriti.---- abkal cstr. of abkallu; so one may
read from the similarity of id. here and in V R 13, 35; abaklu I R 27, o
would then bo only orthographically different from abkallu. bil tiriti
lord of laA\s(?), syn. of md Avise, hassu wise, etc., V R 13, 3S-42.
7. tar igigi; Adar is called kardu in I R 27, G but not tar igigi. The
reading igigi for the id. nun-gal comes from a comparison of 1. 2 above,
where Anu is called tar i-gi-gi, with III R 7, 1, Avhere the same god is
called tar nun-gal.---- 8. gitmalu, so I R 27, S. On the formation cf.
15. 3 b.---- 9. multalu for muttalu. The latter form occurs I R 59, 7a;
where the M oon-god is called

Go, 4 a as a title of Nebuchadnezzar, IV R 2G, 31 as title of a deity,


NOTES ON 79- 9 25.

and the feminine muStaltu is applied to a goddess IV R 7, 13. In the

last two cases the word renders a double id., whose signs may mean
heart + strength. Instead of multalu the parallel passage I R 27, 7
reads mutallu (= mutalu), as does also I R 17,5. muStalu, multalu, mutallu
seem to come from the same stem, perhaps from a stem
to be
strong (?); mutalu (?) = muXtalin u would be part. 12 and muStalu (multal)
= rou&aK ft n u part. Ill 2 from this stem. Another possibility is to
regard mutallu as coming from a different st. and to derive muStalu, mul
talu from SNiW
, as I have done in the glossary.--- 11. ilni, supplied from
I R 27,11. muSim pi. in 6, part. II 1. 14. SamSu the sun of all
peoples, title of Shalmaneser.--- 22. dannti-Su Sa Ninni his stronghold,
namely of N., the suff. Su anticipating the name N., a usage so familiar
in Aramaic.
24. tmdi Sa Sulmi SamSi = the Mediterranean sea.
25. ulil, 271 ullil
27. ill
28. uSiziz cf. on 26.
fuller record III
ramniSunu Giammu bilaSunu i-du-ku with their own weapons thtey killed
G. their lord. Lines 1-4 are only brief notes of the campaign, and G.
was murdered by his own subjects.--- 6. A m atd 15. 3 c.----9. amdahhi
z=am tahis.--- 21.
2 7 .--- 22. isirSu 2 7 .----26. Surra the Tyrian.
9. 4. Sa . .. uttSu whom they appointed; utt= uxattin.
Sumi = fame.
6. Sa .. . Sutb kakkuSu whose weapon was caused to
advance; Sutb perm III 1.
7. m bilti = day of accession to the
throne.--- tW, subj. is malku.
8. iS, subj. is Sa 1. 7. 9. muarti,
noun of the form Jcuradu, perhaps from st.
10. Sa... Ia
iSrukuS to whom la gave.--- 11. adorned (?) his hand with an irresistible
weapon, uStibbu = uSta i^bibu III 2 with loss
13. innamru
IV 1 he was seen = he contended st. iCKi.
20. ali-Su. the suff. refers to Pisiri.
Sa 1. 19. For zikar, cstr. of zikaru, the original has the sign uS, well
22. ubla = uba
3 0 . --- imiddu imidu 27 has two acc., Muski the indirect
abSan the direct acc.--- 23. mutlr gimilli, cf. I R 17, 21 mutir gimilli
abiSu, III R 3, 19 muttr gimil ASSur, I R 22, 118 ana tri gimilli (var.
gimilim) Sa-Ammiba'la alik. The verb gamalu means to finish, to reward,
to give, and the noun gimillu completion, recompense, gift; gimillu turru
(II 1 from nifi) means to return recompense, to avenge. 25. SamSi,
doubtful reading owing to damaged condition of the slab. Perhaps we
should read mdtu An-di-a, a country elsewhere mentioned by Saigon,

NOTES ON 9 -11.


cf. Delitzsch Paradies p. 100. 27. ipuSu, cf. O1*10. 28. dunnun
perm. II 1 they were made strong. 20. Suriudu perm. III. 1 they
were established.
10, 1. It went to decay (and) ruin. 2. aSariu, etc., cf. I R 15, 70
kakkarSu umlsi libnasu aksud; libnasu or libnasu may stand for libnatsu,
libnatsu its bricks; libnasu aksud I reached its libnatu, (the old founda
tion (?)).---- 5. hub ziki a gate of zii, private entrance (f). 0. The
booty of the cities to which my weapons went forth (?). ujrum is written
by the id. which is explained Sb 84 as of to go out, inf. 1 1. 8. Iri
might also be read bitri, which might be gen. from a noun bilrd fulness,
completion, made with formative t, like gitmalu, Sitmuru, etc. An
adjective bitr large, fatted, from the same stern we meet in the pi.
form bitruti I R 05, 27 b; Khors. 108, in both cases applied to animals
offered in sacrifice.---- luti pearls (!), jewels (T), Arab, lu'lu'. lull or
fall 87 is often mentioned in accounts of embellishing palaces and tem
ples. ---- Nirgal, god of war and of the chase. The name is frequently
written with the same ids. as here; as I R 20, 25. 27; 24, 52; III R 7
col. I 44; 8, 70. 00.---- 9. ana Ubbi akri I invoked therein. We should
expect ina libbi. The meaning is I went in and invoked. gumahlu
oxen; composed of g = alpu ox Sb 06 and mdhliu syn. of rabd.---10. ardni. The meaning tame sheep for the double id. here, composed
of the sign for sheep kirru + the sign for servant ardu, is clear. But
how to read the name is uncertain. In the very similar passage Khors.
168 Sargon offers in sacrifice gmahhi bitruti $u--( maruti kurgi ustur
fatted oxen, fatted Sut, etc. It will thus be seen that Sul corresponds
to the signs for tame sheep, and perhaps we should read in our passage
Su'i. i.e. Heb. ruv.
11, 1. 8a. We expect in 1.7 tamarta avxhur of (=from) Minhimmu,
etc., I received tribute, a sentence like that ou p. S23"23, or III R 7, 41.
This is perhaps the form which the sentence had in the writers mind
when he began it and his change to the expression tamarta iSSuni was
the more easy because of the many intervening names. 5. Malikrammu. The reading Malik for the name of the deity represented by
the signs a-a is very doubtful. This deity occurs frequently associated
with SamaS.---- 0. Sidi Sadlti, in appos. with Sarrni or with Abarn.----11. uraSSu 25; 30; 32; 9 .2 .----14. katn. The dental might also
be read d. With Schrader KAT.2 295 I regard the t as formative and
the st. as jnu to bow, bend, the katr thus being a token of submission.
19. Sakkanakki, cf. Sargontexte p. 79. 20. adi, cf. ou 40 .
mamil Sa. The gen. relation is doubly indicated, by the cstr. form and



22. nakri3 . . . tsiriu, a parenthetical clause, ho (i.e. Hezekiah)

by 8a.
in a hostile manner confined him (i.o. Pad!) in a dungeon. ana fillip
literally: into a dungeon, fillu = shadow, darkness; and an rnay be
cstr. of anu receptacle, vessel, so that an flilli vessel of darkness =
dungeon, cf. Delitzsch Lesest." XYI.--- 23. libba&un, nom. 1 6 .3 , the
sufE. referring to the names in 1. 10.
25. i^tirni I 2 they invited.
The subj. is the people of Ekron, and the obj. the kings of Egypt.
20. 8arri mufurd the Egyptian king,
risussun = ana riti8un 20 .
not the king of Egypt.
12, 1. sihirti ali around the city.
3. 8a, etc., whose sin had no
existence, i.e. who had not sinned.--- 0-11. Difficult military terms
describing the means by which the cities were taken*, labbandii might
be read kalbandti.
10. ap the
11. almi. Obj. is aldni, etc., 1. 8.
one coming out, part I 1.--- 24. Urbl, etc. It is not certain whether
Urbl is subj. of irS 1. 26 (so apparently Delitzsch Lesest.8XY) or obj.
of uSibila 1. 31. In the latter case, which seems to me more probable,
we must construe: The Arabians . . . whom ... he brought into Jeru
salem and (to whom) he gave wages (?), he sent behind me to Nineveh
1. 31, along with gold, etc. 1. 26, and his daughters, etc. 1. 30.
13, 4. Ilam u the Elamite, subj. of ik iin u .--- 5. Suldti has perhaps
the same meaning as Saltu which in V R 11, 11 is the reading for the
signs meaning royalty.
7. kt = ina kdti.
25. imkutsu; su = Su
is indirect obj. of im kut; subject of the verb is fcattum. 28. I com
manded the march, a month of rain, a mighty hurricane (?) took place,
the heavens rained greatly, rains upon rains and snow, I avoided the
streams, the outflow(?) of the mountains.
6. After Suzub had revolted, the Babylonians, wicked demons,
bolted the city gates, etc. issifyu = istafyu I 2, the ma not connective.
8-11. Suzubu . . . iru8$u ipjiur = $ir . ipftur they assembled about
. The epithets between Suzubu 1. 8 and $tru83u 1. 11 are all descriptive
of Suzub.--- 13. nitum. For this reading, not $altum, I am indebted to
a note by Prof. Haupt in the Andover Review V 545, who renders
cordon (of warriors). In 1726 we have ala nlti almi I surrounded
the city with ritti, and in V R 19, 21 nitum 8a lamt, i.e. nitum used of
surrounding, besieging. I know neither the etymology nor the meaning
of nitu. It may be a feminine word from a stem whose 2nd and 3rd
radicals are weak (like litu 5018, mltu S228), perhaps from the same st.
as the verb forms a-niJ-i 1581, m u-ni-i 915, so that nitu would mean
destruction (?), destructive war
14. When slander ... arose,
22. da'dtu bribe.
he hastened from Elam, etc.

NOTES ON 1421-16*.


twenty tw o fortresses kl da'tti iddinSu as a bribe (abstr.) be gave

15, T. gibSsun = gibSutSun their mass = they united.-----0. T o S. the
Chaldean, kin g o f B., they came together and their masses were arranged.
innind, I V 1 st.

is pi. because puhru is a collective n ou n .-----

10. Like the advance o f numerous locusts over the face of the land.
-----12. imbari heavy wind, storm ; t. 3a dunni iriydti a wind storm o f
powerful heavy clouds (T).

dunni cstr. before iriydti, or the latter an adj.

agreeing with the form er.

W ith the use o f dunni for clouds we m ight

compare the use o f H eb. p n u f.----- 13. Tho face o f the broad heavens
was covered with the dust from their feet, e tc .-----14. Sitkunu, perm. I 2.
The subj. is Sa] translate: which was situated on the bank o f the Tigris.
Cf. Sargon St. 2 0 : 3a . . . Sitkunat 3ubatsun whose abode was situated.
15. They had taken position in battle array (im m ediately) in front
of me.

maSki skin, then self, analogous to Heb.

etc.; cf. Khors. 4 0 :

Di*U.----- 20. Iabbi3,

ina uggat libbiya ummanat A33ur gabSdti adlama

labd)i3 an-na-dir-ma ana kaSdd mdldli Satina aStakan p a n iy a .-----21. siri-ya-am hu-li-ya-am.

T he m eaning o f both words is clear from the

connection and that o f si-ri-ya-am from the Heb. jin p .

to be in each case the pronom . sufF.

The ya seems

The am might be an id., but its

well-known value rimu w ild ox seems well nigh impossible here.


most plausible explanation seems to me to be that m (shortened from

mo) is the mimmation.

W e meet both form s ma and m after nouns,

as A33ur-ma 56, tdmtim 4219, and ma is not rare after verbal pronom.
suffixes, as uSabriSuma A33ur 2211 Assur showed to him.

In such petri

fied forms as SattiSam 1027 we have the mimmation attached to a nominal

suffix, and the words under exam ination seem to be of the same class.
If this conjecture be correct, the words for coat o f mail and helmet
would be siru and hulu respectively.----- 25. kuttabu or tartahu; meaning
uncertain, most probably spear, ja v e lin .-----20. ritlu'a = ina ritliya.-----28. ana Siddi u pu ti on flank and fr o n t (H a u p t).-----32. uSakir;
form I I 1 defectively written from Sakdru or III 1 from a st. initial
weak, like uSakil I fed, uSaSib I caused to dwell.
read uSakir, I I I 1 from st. i p i . ----- 33. tamziziS.

Possibly we should

Tho syllable lam may

also bo read par, bar, e t c .----- 34. nagiru guide, leader.

Cf. Zeitschr. f.

Aegypt. Spr. 1878 p . 59.

16, 2. tukultaSu rab his ch ief support, reliance.-----3a palru, etc.,
whose golden girdle-daggers were put in place. 3. a?pi seems to be a
pi. adj. belonging to Simiri.

I t may come from rpjN* meaning to be

double, to join, though wo should expect i$pu instead of a?pu on account


NOTES ON 1 6 81 9 18.

of the guttural.--- 4. 8at etc., which were placed in bonds. 8. wiunni

utensils, weapons, pi. of munnu, probably for 7nuKtnu, like pufyru, Aram.
|K0. Translate: their banners and weapons I caused to flow over the
broad land.--- 9. la asmti The sibilant may be s, z or f. Render;
my horses swam without asmti (?), etc. asmti is most probably an
abstract noun.
10. Nari8 like the riVer god, adv. from a proper
10-12. 8a . . . ma8arus = ina ma8ari 8a narkabat on the m. of
the chariot clave (lit. were poured out) blood and filth. The var.
man8aru 2522 indicates that the st. is na8aru.
14. simanij etc., as
trophies I cut off their hands.
23. 8a . . . rakibu8in whose riders;
the suff. here, in bilu8ina and in ramanu88in refers to narkabati.
25. As far as two kasbu I commanded to kill them. A kasbu was as
measure of time two hours and also as measure of distance the space
travelled in two hours.--- 31. Id 8a, etc., just like a young dove cap
tured, cf. 1721.
1 7 , 1. munnarib8unu their fugitives, those of them who were con
cealing themselves. The st. may be
whence Heb. :nn< ambush.
In form m. is part. IY 1, like munnabtu a fugitive.--- 3. In the same
year with the digging, etc.
6. a8takan sidirta I placed the battle
array = I fought.
15. ni8a; mistake (?) for nia, cf. 16M,
matu88un 20.--- 16. man-di-ma. It is not clear whether these signs
are to be taken as syllables or as ids. But the connection seems to
demand a meaning like: it was reported (i.e. in Elam). The report
follows: S. king of A. has mightily prevailed and they will return to
Elam.--- 27. bilti is perhaps a scribal error for btlSi 12u. napalkati
may be divided napal Jjcati. With these obscure terms we must compare
IR 24, 53: ina Ml-8i na-pi-li a-a-bi-ti ala akta8ad and I R 26, 111; ina
bil-8i iu a-pi-ti u ni-pi-Si ala ak8ud.
1 8 , 1. They turned into their own hands = they took for them
5. ana tarsi in the time /of.--- 12.
cstr. of buru interior,
secret place. Cf. Ill R 4, 57: she bore me ina buri in secret; Khors.
41: He fled from his city and dwelt ina burat 8adi marsi in the secret
15. mu88t, inf. II 1. Cf. 427-80.
places of the steep mountain.
16. agdamar = agtamar, a change similar to that of t to t after
usallis completely (?), or like an usallu.--- 17. k&8id agrees with Esarhaddon, whose name occurs in an earlier line.--- 27. upahirma I collected
also. The obj. follows.
1 9 , 13. In order to show the peoples the might of Assur my lord,
I bound the heads of S. and A. about the necks of their chiefs, and
with male and female musicians I marched through the streets of

N O TE S ON 1 9 123*.


Cf. 2S20. ----- IT. binxitu.


The usual form in such a connection

would ho bint.-----18. Ja . . . JurnJu whose name A., etc. named for

royalty.----- 20. ina {pis p i muttalli in executing the exalted command.

20, 3. fo r m y confirm ation os prince regent and afterwards as king over
A ssyria.----- G. parunakki and markas Sarriiti are in appos. to bit riduti.
. 7. Ja . . . ina libbi^u w h erein .----- 9. aldu ho was bom , perm. I 1,
st. ib l.

C f. Ivliors. 150, where the same form o f the word is used o f

the g o d s .----- 10. gimir, etc., begat all the princes, enlarged the fam ily.
-----13. dup-Sarruti tablet o f w riting, tablet-writing, scien ce.------ummani
means both people and a r t .----- 14. ahzi contents.

Initial vowel m ay

be a, i, or u .----- 15-20. B y the com m and o f the great gods whose name
I mentioned, whose m ajesty I m editate on, etc., I am the manly, the
bold, e t c .----- 25. F ive ells the grain grew in its stalk (t), the length o f
the ear (w as) five sixths o f an ell, with abundant grass (?) and thriv
ing (t) corn the fields (?) flourished (?) continually, the pppat-reeds thrived,
there was fruit, the cattle prospered in bearing, during m y reign there
was plenty, excess, in my years abundance was spread abroad.
21, 7. ittuti (?) concubinage.

T h e meaning o f the sign rendered here

by ittu is established, and the sign frequently has the value ittu, as V R
50, G3. 05, but it is uncertain h ow the word for concubine -was pro
nounced.-----10. tirhali ma-a-as-si means apparently the same as nudunni
ma'di a large d o w r y ; cf. 1. 14, 17, 23.
from a st. DNO*

ma-a-as-si may stand for madsi

tirhati has the form of a feminine n ou n .-----14. nudunnt,

gen. o f nudunnu, also written nudund.-----25. A fter I had subdued the

land of Y ., etc.
22, 8. ulziz, st. nazuzu 8. 2 a . -----11. uSabriSuma; ma not con
nective; subj. is ASSur.----- 13. ,<?aZia( 2 4 . 7 . ------ 14. lim = ina umi Ja
on the day w h e n .----- 15. iSpuru is in the rel. sentence.------ Jutta is obj.
of uSannd.-----17. F rom the very day w h en .------10. attil st. n jX (? ).-----22. (ti.sjjt seems to be a general term fo r b o n d ; cf. also V R 3, 59; Khors.
112.-----25. JadZ Sulmi to ask after the peace = to salute.------26. uJarJu
he granted.

T he indirect o b j. is rakbu, and the direct batillu cessation,

T he

sense is, he d id not send his messenger.-----aJJu Ja

23, 1. linadi var. linnadi = ll + innadi I V 1 .-----liSSdni, st. naJil.-----mrpaddu.

The pronunciation is uncertain but the meaning bones,

skeleton, is assured; cf. 2G31; Y R 3, 04.

According to V R 0 ,7 0 -7 4

Assurbanipal destroys the graves o f the kings o f Elam and carries the
skeletons to A s s y ria .----- 2. tilim it was accomplished, it happened.-----0. ipSit limultim = (the account o f) the evil work, obj. o f iipura.-----


NOTES ON 2 3 72 4 19.

in the face of = on the person of (?).---- 8.

in 1
The stem may have initial b or p , final k or . From baraku we should
have the meaning: they caused to lighten. Perhaps we should read
u8apri1dt and compare Heb.
to break, to act violently.--- 10. Myfather
thou didst curse.
11. kurbannima = kurub-anni-ma 9. 2; 18.
11. Ia8uta abSanka let me bear thy yoke, cf. II1427w. IdSuta = lit or lx
f a8uta st. D1W. The contraction to la is unusual. Cf. lidlik 224=
l 4 - allik.
13. This passage has a good translation in Hebraica for
Jan., 1886. -18. Tin-tir. These two signs, meaning life Sb 153 and
forest Y R 26, 11, form a double id. for Babylon.--- 19. muSib one
who caused to be inhabited. Esarhaddon is so called because he rebuilt
Babylon I R 50 after its destruction by his predecessor 189"16.
25. irumma 8 . 2 c.--- 27. kitinntu law(?) st. JD, formative /. Cf.
Sargon Cyl. 5: ksir kitinntu A88ur batiltu . The clause beginning
with a88u may close the sentence or may begin the new sentence.
Translate: in order that the strong might not do injury to the weak.
Cf. Sargon Cyl. 50: ana nar kitti it mi8ari SutiSur la IVi la habal InSi
to preserve justice and right, to lead the powerless, not to injure the
weak.--- 31. like Sitir burumu I made (it) bright. The comparison of
the adornments in the shrines with the brilliancy of the heavenly bodies
is very common, as 378; I R 15, 93. 100; 54 col. Ill 12-14. In 3616
SaSSaniS is used, which may mean like marble or like suns (for SamifantJc?), cf. SaSSiS I R 52 No. 3 col. I 29). We hence look for some
name for the heavens or stars in itir burumu = the variegated writing(?),
figures (?). Delitzsch Lesest.8 glossary renders Sitru by Zodiac.
h-ku-a might be taken as obj. of unammir, though it more probably goes
with what follows. Render: I restored the damages of Ikua and of all
the shrines.
1. Over all the cities I cast my protection (?). Cf. Sargon Cyl. 6:
Sa Ui Harrana sallaSu itrusu.--- 3. 7-babbarra . . . aSrtiSu = aSrdt }
ana Satti; cf. II R 66, 17: ana Sat-ti (var,
6. ulli II 1 27; 32.
Sa-at-ti) BUit. This citation confirms the correctness of the reading
Sat-ti in our passage. In the brackets the name of the Sun-god is to
be supplied.--- 7. danu rabu one of the most frequent titles of baraas,
whose name has here been lost. It is rare that an adj. comes im
mediately after a noun in the cstr. Perhaps the scribe by mistake
omitted 8a before ilani.--- 9. balat, 8ibl, tub and hud are all objects of
litim 1. 11.--- 11. Ii8im Simati may he appoint as my portion, fate.
12. May his days be long, may he be satisfied with joys. 16. kisalto'
For this reading of the id. cf. S* 5. col. IV 15; IIR 66,16.17:
7. ina pan

NOTES ON 24lfl25w.


(var. ki-sal) bit IStar . . . urabbl Cf. also III It 2, 5G; I R 44, 82. From
these passages the k. is evidently some part or appurtenance of a temple
or palace. It has been variously rendered, floor, platform, altar. The
sign corresponding to the word k. occurs in the passages transliterated
in this book five times, four times with paSSu and one time 36u as an
id. for oil Samnu. With paSSu it frequently occurs elsewhere in the
same connection as here, in directions to future princes who should find
inscribed documents during temple and palace restorations, as Lay. 04,
64; I R 42, 69; 47, 08 (puSuS impv.). Instead of the sign under exam
ination we find in similar connection "with paSSu in I R 16, 48. 57 the
sign m, which is an id. for Samnu oil, e.g. IV R 2G, 47. 48. The
Assyrian translation of this last passage is: with oil (Saman) of the
kurki bird .. . anoint ( puSuS) for seven times the body of that man. A
comparison of all these passages makes it probable that one should read
this id. as Samnu whenever it occurs with paSdSu and that we should
always render Samnu paSSu to anoint with oil.----18. Sa Sumi Satru
whoever my name (which is) written.----22. llhallik= li + uhallik.---25. mundahxi 8. 2 b, c.---- 29. iSkunu napiStu they accomplished (their)
life = they perished.
25, 10. mirihtu, obj. of ikbu, seems to be from the same st. as irihu
1.17.----11. ahuru.; unknown to me except here. It may be a prep.
or the subj. of ikkisu. If the st. be
the ahuru might be the rear,
the stragglers, the camp-followers. The sense seems to be as follows:
Tam.,.. . who concerning the decapitation of T. had spoken in blame (?)
(which the ahdru of my armies had cut off) saying: They cut off the
head of T. . . ., within his country in the midst of his troops; a second
time said: And U. surely kissed the ground, etc. For the understand
ing of this obscure passage, it must be observed that TJramanigas and
Tarnmaritu were brothers, sons of a former king of Elam, and that
they fled before Tiumman to Assyria. On the subjection of Elam and
decapitation of Tf., Assurbanipal appointed Urn. as king of the land
and made Tam. ruler over another district V R 3, 3G-49. Urn. was
induced, however, by Assurbanipals brother, who was governor at
Babylon 2328, to join in a general insurrection against Assyria 2421; V R
3, 07-105. Tam. rebelled against his brother Urn., killed him, succeeded
to the throne of Elam 25L2 and then likewise joined in the great
coalition against Assurbanipal 254. His subject, Indabigas, defeated
him in battle 258, whereupon he fled again with all his family to
Nineveh 2510'20. ---- 16. ilzinu st. Sazunu (?).-----19. mirnuSSun = ina
miraniSun in their fear (?). mirnu from NT would be made like miSaru

NOTES ON 2 5 19-2 8 * .

iO11righteousness from >', with addition of the formative termination

an, Cf. V R5, 112 : Ummanaldas king of Elam mi-ra-nu-u$-$u innabiima
isbata $ad&, In Lay. 63, 14 the m irdnu is some kind of an animal: H
kim a mi-ra-n-ni sahri kirib ikalliya irb , but this must be a different word.
Perhaps m, should be construed in our passage with innabtunimma as in
TR5, 112, quoted above, the ma being taken here not as a connective,
tna . . . ihsilni being then regarded as parenthetical, describing the
state of the fugitives mind.--- 23. au, etc., to espouse his cause (lit
to do his judgment), to come to his aid, etc.--- 25. izizu st. nazdzu.
subj. is Tam., his brothers, etc.--- 27. la ka$ir (or kdsir) ikkim u ; either
id kdsir is one title and ikkim u another, or ik . is obj. of kdsir. If the lat
ter, the expression may mean not binding the captive, st. xkimu to seize.
26, 2. iksus kurussu. ik(g, k)susil, 3rd pers. pi. of the second impf.
kurussu, occurs V R 32, 56. 57 as part of a canal (nartabi) and of a door
(dalti).--- 8. The people whom I had entrusted to S...., (who) com
mitted these evil deeds, who feared death (their lives being precious in
their sight) and (who) . . . did not fall into the fire, who before the
dagger . . . fled (and) took refuge, the net. . . cast them down.
10. tikiru or tikiru st.
(?), whose lives were precious in their sight(!).
------16. imn kdtiia they delivered into my hand; subj. seems to be
the gods mentioned in 1. 2-5. a-a-da-di and sa-sil-ii are two kinds
of vehicles or chariots, but the reading of the signs is uncertain. With
this passage cf. I R 8 No. 1, where a similar list of objects of booty
taken from Samassuinukin is given.--- 18. Sillatuy cf. Heb.

22. Cf. 18.

We have here two terms from the Assyrian cultus, names of
two acts of devotion or two kinds of hymn or of prayer. The two occur
together in Y R 22, 42-49 along with words for sighing, weeping,
wailing, etc. The id. which I have rendered by Sig is composed of
the sign for water -f the sign for eye. The signs following
a part of the description of the ig; cf. Zimmern Busspsalmen p. 1
10. for the separation of themselves (= for their independence from
my yoke(?)).--- 14. bi-gid-da, id. for some official. Reading of the
unknown perhaps pihatu satrap. Delitzsch suggests nasiku prince
- 23. Like Elam, he heard of the seditious device of
Akkad.--- 26. mulninnu , frequent title applied by the kings to themselves, meaning unknown. Cf. Lay. 63, 2: I R 59 col. I 16.
30. uiam kir 8 . 2 d .
28, 1. $a . . . risina ipiSi = the exercise of whose dominion, obj*
of iddinni. ri sina = rft-Sina 8. 2 a, b. 4. wnmnti. This

K O TE S ON 28*31*.


word is without government as the sentence stands. The scribe perhaps

intended to say the soldiers killed, but be changed his construction Mid
wrote aduk 1. 0.-----13. zirtardti might also be read kultarati, and is
written with the other sign kul in Botta Monument de Ninive IV 89, 10.
The verbs in 1. 13 are perhaps impersonal, they kindled a fire, etc., i.eM
the Assyrian troops.-----19. Sar ilni cf. 31*.----- t(nSu ulanm he (Assur)
changed his (Ufttis) timu.

The word timu st. aj? means counsel,

wisdom, understanding 144-21, and also information, news. The mean

ing here seems to be that the deity defeated the counsel, design of U.
So also in the account of the war between Marduk and the dragon:
Ti-amat annita ina SimiSa . . . tiSanni tinSa Ti'amat when she heard this
. . . changed her plan, Delitzsch Lesest. 08,4. 5. It is not impossible that
the verb Sanu in our passage is to be taken in the same sense as in 42w.
Cf. also Kliors. 152: Mitn wTho had not submitted to the kings, my
predecessors, and Id uSann tinSu had not reported news of himself. The
expression in our passage may mean that Assur made known U.s design.
illika he came, perhaps as a captive.---- 20. ana kullum, etc., in order
to manifest the majesty of A., etc., cf. 1913. ---- 21. annu sL pK, made
like dannu.---- 22. a-si is most likely an id. for some kind of beast.
I It 45, 4. 5 b names asi along with dogs and Sahi (another kind of beast).
uSan$irSu I caused to keep him, had him kept.---- 23. nirib maSnakti
adnuti entrance to m. a., name of one of the gates of Nineveh, cf. 33n.
The reading maS is assured by a fragment of a cylinder iu the "Wolfe
Expedition collection.
29, 3. Sa A b. . . . ripiSu of Ab. his helpers = the troops of Ab. The
singular suff. is used with rifi because Abiyati was the chief of the two
generals.---- 24. Cf. 2S15. Translate: into whose presence, etc.----25. ma not connective.---- 20. Sa refers to Natnu.
30, 7. ill they ascended, 2nd impf. I 2, st. (Id.-----ihtallubu =
ihtalubu, st. halubu, they were covered (by the forests).---- 18. atlumuS
I set out= aKtumuS(l). ------ 19. blt-duri fortress. It was made of some
kind of tone represented by the sign Sit.---- 21. ihpu or ihbu. The
meaning depends on whether Sunu refers to the Assyrians or to the
Arabians. If to the former, then ihpu must mean they drew, provided
themselves with; if to the latter, then it must mean that the Assyrians
destroyed the cisterns, so that the Arabians might have no water left, cf.
3121-27. 24. aSar = aSru S a.---- 33. a-lu, an id. or possibly a tribal

31, 3. bilta. The id. so rendered has according to V It 30, 64 also

the value ahaltu = ahdtu sister. That meaning would suit very well


NOTES ON 3 1 * -3 2

here.--- 7. kakkab kaSti star of the bow, Sagittarius, name for the
goddess of war or of the planet which represented this goddess.
9. muitu. The night was chosen for the march, because of the mid
12. akSud I reached, encountered.
summer heat.
26. akiu. If
akms and seems
I cut off.--- uSakir or uSakir I made costly, caused to be scarce(?), st.
29. mi parSu,
^pl, like ttfai
cf. Heb. Bha.
filled subj. is the people and animals.
--- 3. ana, etc., may be connected with what follows rather than with
what precedes.--- 5. ana, etc., by half shekels. The id. tuy= $iklut is
iSammu = iSayamu they
repeated to express the distributive idea,
6. bab mdhiri gate
appointed, priced; impersonal use of the verb.
The difficult lines 6-8 record the sale of camels
of sale, market-place.
and slaves. The same account is given from two other inscriptions in
Smith Asb. 275 and 286. Both of these passages omit -u $a urkin and
the second has before habt (written ha-bi-4) the sign for vessel, pot
karpatu. We seem thus to have here three classes of purchasers, the
$utmu, x and the gardener, who pay for camels and men in different
ways, one with a nidnu, one with a hapu and the gardener with his iiiu.
For the id. for gardener or forester, lit. servant of the forest, cf. also
III R 48, 49 5; IV 48, 20 b. a uJcin = as I appointed. 15. bitii
= bid (?) house. With one perpendicular wedge less the word would be
kitti righteousness, ina Jcitti righteously. In favor of bit-ti is 3310.
imSuniUi they put upon them (their fate). The subj. is the gods
following.--- 18. bakru, perhaps the young camel, Arab. bukr. gvrsur is
a double id., gi1 being used as det. = alpu ox Sb96, while ur is id. for
pru Sb 157; Y R 51, 53 b, according to Delitzsch a young buffalo,
Lesest.8 29. lu-num is likewise a double id., lu representing farru
lamb II R 6, 1, while lu + num also = kirru II R 6, 3; cf. IIR 44,12,
lu being used as determ. The meaning seems to be that these young
animals sucked (inikti) their dams (muSinikati) more than seven times
without finding milk enough to satisfy themselves. So Haupt. This is
intended to give a picture of the extremity in which the Arabians found
Arab. lcirL
young animals could not satisfy their stomachs
23. Wherefore have the Arabians received such a hard
So the fugitives ask one another. With


NOTES ON 32a*-35.
aliu because, etc.

C f. Jer. 22, 8. 0 . -----28. mUu = m'lu/ cf. the m&sc.

fonn w<2 Sargon Cyl. 3 0 .----- kadirti ilti, k. o f the goddesses.

A similar

title is garitti ( karidti) ilti warrior of the goddesses, applied to Istor

V R 33, col. 1 0 ; cf. 33*.

Is dir in our passage not a scribal error for

the similar sign rid, rit t ----- 20. Sitlutat manzazu she rules enthroned,
subj. is Ja; Sitlutat perm. I 2, manzazu seat, adverbial acc.

CL in the

account o f creation manzaz B il u la ukin itliiu Delitzsch Lesest.* 94, 8.

31. (w ho) is clothed


fire and raised aloft in brilliance.-----

82. anuniu kuffur w ho destroys (t) opposition,

kuyfur or kuffur perm.

I I 1 from l^af&ru to collect, bind, then to remove, destroy, a usage like

Heb. fpK to collect, and also to take aw ay.-----33. kuttahu, cf. on 13316.
33, 9. tJmu.

Subj. is vmmnuti and obj. is tibl.-----10. bid, cf. 32u .

After bid the relative Ja is to be understood.-----16. Ja . . . amdahharu

when I prayed.

A variant omits ina kibit 1. 17.

W ith this omission

Asaor and B flit are the direct obj. o f amdahharu.-----18. The obscure
lines 18, 19 seem to record the mutilation o f Uftti's body.

The means

used is a hutniL, which is described b y the adj. or part, maSiri; fibit

\hCvja the holding o f m y hands = held by m y hands = with my own

The verb is apluS, the o b j. being the two words before i t

sign rendered Sira is a com m on id. fo r flesh, H eb.

be some part o f the b od y .


mtyu seems to

T he sign before m ty may be in the cstr.

relation, the flesh o f his mfju, or it may be a d e t and mifi may be p L ----19. ina lah, etc., into the lah o f his eye I cast firritu, apparently putting
out of the eyes; lah ini eye-ball (?).

Instead o f lah iniiu we might read

lahSiSu.-----22. ana, etc., to manifest the majesty o f A., etc.-----28. inamdin

CL 2 c .-----29. A m ong the unsubmissive inhabitants (o f Us) Sibtu
aJkun I made a slaughter.

32. I caused (the corpses) to encircle the

whole city.
34, 1. ildSa st. E rp .----- 4. Before itti supply Ja, which is subj. o f
izizu and ipuSu.----- 0. afbat.


capture is recorded 311V18. ------

8-10. The capture o f Ummanaldas took place at an earlier tim e.

16. Tam., Pa af and Um . here and U. L 19 are objects of uSafbit 1. 24.
After offering sacrifices 21, and perform ing the ordinances 23, Assurbanipal harnesses these captive kings to his triumphal car 24, is drawn
by them to the temple door 25, there prostrates himself 25, exalts the
divinity and magnifies the m ight of the gods 20-29, who had subdued
the unsubmissive to his yoke 30, and had established him in authority
and power above his enemies 31.
35. This inscription gives accounts of three restorations of temples,
as follow s: 1) temple o f Sin 3 5 -3 7 , 23 ; 2) templo of Samas 37, 24-38,


KOTES ON 3 8 -3 8 * ,

26; 8) temple of Anunit 38,27-39,13. In detail the content ares

royal titles 1-6, destruction of temple of Sin 7-18, direction in a yiaion
to rebuild it 14-24, capture of Astyages 25-20, collection of workmen
30-36, 10, account of the restoration 11-80, return of the gods 81-37,8,
prayer to Sin and other gods 4-10, discovery of a record of Assurbanipal

20-23; restoration of temple of Samas, including the discovery of avery
ancient document 24-38, 16, prayer to Samas 17-26; restoration of
temple of Anunit 27-39, 5, re-establishment of the sacrifices 6-9, prayer
to Anunit 10-13; appeal to royal successors 16-22. A good translation
and commentary are given by Johannes Latrille in ZKF. II281-262,
335-359, III 25-38.
9. izuz st. middle 1, like aduk ll84. The word
zazu means to be in commotion, to be enraged. Latrille makes the st.
initial guttural. The form would be the same.
10. Sab-manda. One
may also read Ummdn-manda which has the same meaning, the nation
or troops of the Medes. In 40the name occurs written urn-wan man-da
without the det. amilu. Sab is cstr. of $abu warrior, soldier. 13. islimd
The name of Sin may be omitted by scribal oversight. Or
more probably the name of Marduk is omitted, and the sign here for
18. tdri return = forgiveness.--- 18. t#t impv. II,
Bfl ought to be Sin.
21. sahir perm, or part. I 1, the S. surround it. pugguli
perm. I I 1.--- 24. ul ibaSSi he shall be no more.----25. They (Mardiik
and Sin(T), or impersonally, the people, courtiers) caused him (=the
Median people) to advance (= make an expedition) and Cyrus, king of
Anzan, his small (= unimportant) servant, etc. This makes Cyrus
subject to the Medes, which seems to me more likely than to suppose
arad-su a scribal mistake for arad-sunu and understand that Cyrus was
a worshipper of Marduk and Sin.--- 27. iftu, masc. pi. of iu. The
meaning small, few is assured by V R 11, 50, where the id. for small is
read i-u. Delitzsch thinks that
wall is from the same st. as t\w,
Baers Liber Ezechielis xi.--- 28. IStumxgu = Astyages. kamtsu = him
36, 1. akkud. Cf. 37M. The inf. nakdu occurs II R 25, 73; VB
16, 77, part of the sign which it explains being in both cases the id.
which represents the idea of lying down. In V R 7, 31 we read: ikkud
libbaSu irs nakuttu, Asb. Sin. 293 : Nadnu iplahma irSd nakuttu and V B
55, 23: ma\li$ aplah nikitti arSi. A comparison erf these passages shows
that ikkud, ikkud libbu and iplah are expressions of similar import*
Lataille believes the st. to be malfdtu to fall, and reads akkut for am^
like atldfoar for amtaftar 8. 2 c , --- nakutti arSl seems to mean about th
same as akkud. 2. tulluj}u pan'a my face was perm. I I 1. Latrill

NOTES ON 3 6 * -3 7 .


reads dulluhu from st. dal&hu to disturb, and this is perhaps to be pre

W ith L 1, 2 cf. Dan. 4, 10; 5, 0 .-----(g i; cf. Arab, agaa to flee.

aAl Id add I d id not lay m y side ( = myself) down; expression of

great activity.
6. rubdti.

So I E 16, 20 ana (piSi ahi Id addd (reL sentence).

Instead o f this reading, with pL in dti, it is better to read

ruii; cf. 40 rv-bi-{.----- 11. nddi, gen. o f nadu exalted.

graphic value o f the sign i cf. S* 126.

For this ideo

mi nddi, a high day, is perhaps

a festival d ay; cf. 38s mi magirL-----13. ina pi iHi ilftd by the brilliant
command (w hich) they g a v e; cf. 19* ina ipii p i muttalli.

The signs

here are ha = p u mouth, word, command I I R 39, 1, azag = tf/u brilliant

Sk 110.

Latrille combines the signs differently and perhaps better.

Comparing V R 51, 44. 45 b, where the signs ha azag ik are rendered by

a-ii-pu (or 5u), he regards these signs in our passage as forming one id,
the u-tu being phon. compl.
aid of priests. ----- 19. amhaf.

He reads ina aiipdtu and renders by the

The connection seems to demand for this

verb the meaning to sprinkle o r smear.

So also V R 10, 84.

is the same st. which we meet in Ps. 68, 24.

Perhaps it

The verb seems to be the

Bame as the very com m on verb mahdfu to strike, smite.-----21. unakkilu I

constructed skilfully.

A final u in the sing., even outside of rel. sent.,

occasionally occu rs.----- 22. xiiiS {d iii st. ETTK,.----- 25. iris-tina = iriiiina.-----20. igardti.

For the id. igaru cf. V R 25, 38; for making the

pi. in dti cf. I R 15, 99.

The two signs mean house + brick, and are the

common id. for wall, side, also called lnu Y R 11, 50.

Cf. 1 Kings 6,

22. 28. mar = H eb. SiptfJn (?); cf. Baers Liber Ezechieli* p. X H .----34. talrihti s t Sarafyu; niifdni t. large sacrificial lambs, or sacrificial
lambs in abundance.
37, 1. riStdm; adj. with mimmation, made from the fem. rittu, like
mdhru former from mahru, st. t?m .

1-hulhul riitm 1. the former,

i.e. as it form erly w a s .-----3. fit arhi the beginning of the month,
the new m oon.

Possibly a r ji is here used figuratively for m oon.

4. ulldnuSiu = ina uU uniiutf), during his separation (?) i.e. during the
period of Sins a n g er.----- 5. during whose separation (from the city)
the city and land were not established (and who) had not returned to
his place,

ulldnu is form ation in an from ull; innamd seems to be

IV 1 from nop.

Latrille renders la, etc., Mwho since eternity (?) had

not taken his abode in city and land, nor turned to his place.


seems to derive innamd from nadQ, the m being taken as compensation

for the sharpening o f the syllable.-----7. iaptukka 20. 12. ittdt.
In I R 61, 25 a Sin is called mudammih iddtuja the one who favors my

Hence it appears that the two expressions dwnmu\ru ittdt and


NOTES ON 3 7 la39<i8,

have the same meaning.--- 18. liKantil 8. 2 c, sfc. mafdlu.

The verb might also be read Iteandil and be derived from Sadulu to be
broad, extensive, whence the adj. $adlu l l 7 10. The form would then
be II 1 with dissolution of the doubling.----10. baniti. The st. ia
band to shine; cf. Zimmern's Bab. Busspsalmen 87. baniti means bril
liant, gracious words, like dam iktim 1. 18.--- 19. llfbat abtu may he
accept (my) wish, petition.--- 25. Sarru m a h n a former king, final i for
fi, or we may read $ar m ahri king of the former times. 27. ipui I
constructed, here = restored.--- ina in the space of.---- Sa bili, etc., the
walls of that house had decayed.--- 28. akku d , etc.; cf. on 361.
29. ad i while.--- 31. labiri, acc. in i.---- 34. Sa is omitted after rabu as
in 247.
38, 2. ySi may be regarded as introducing a new sentence or as
repeating the pronom. suffix for the sake of emphasis.--- ttiriti, nameof
the seventh month. The id. is ku in Babylonian. A calendar in the
collection of the Wolfe expedition leaves no doubt that we are to read
tiSritu In that calendar the ku corresponds to the seventh month the
other mouths being indicated by the same ids. as in DelitzschLesest.1
p. 92.--- 0. ubanu, etc., a fingers (width) not projecting, a fingers
(width) not being depressed = exactly level.--- 9. askuppu st. sakpu.
17-20. Prayer to Samas. O Samas, . .. when thou enterest into 1.,...
when thou inliabitest thy lasting sanctuary, joyfully favor (1.22) me
(1.20), Nabonidus, etc.--- 24. Wd%impv. I 1.----31. bit-suy masc. suff.,
though referring to a goddess. Such usage is not rare in the later
39, 9. nindabi, cf. Heb. rn^J.--- 23. The outline of the Cyrus passage
is as follows: (Nabonidus) neglects the worship of Marduk, whichenrages
tliis deity 39, 23-28; he gathers the gods into Babylon 40,1; Mardukin
seeking a righteous prince for a ruler, finds Cyrus, to whom he causes
the nations to submit 5-13; march of Cyrus against Babylon 14-18;
entry into the city and capture of Nabonidus 18-20; rejoicings in
Babylon at the overthrow of N. 21-24; genealogy of Cyrus 27-33; Cyrus
restores the worship of Marduk (?) 41, 3; Marduk in his joy blesses
Cyrus 10-13; Western kings bring tribute to Babylon and kiss the feet
of Cyrus 14-19; restoration to their homes of the gods which N. had
brought to Babylon 20-24; restoration of captive peoples 25; restoration
of the gods of Sumer and Akkad 26-29; desire that the gods whohad
been restored might daily pray for Cyrus before Bfl and Nabu
might *[>eak to Marduk in behalf of Cyrus and Cambyses his son 30-^*
--- utabtHi 24, 5. The subject is evidently Nabonidus, who

dummuku idati


N OTES ON 3 9 - 4 0 .

more favorable to the worship o f the sun and the moon than to the
worship o f M&rduk, cf. pages 85-30. 24. paldha the reverence (?) of
20. abini.


first im pf., subj. apparently Nabonidus.

T he usual m eaning yoke, as l l 14, does not seem to suit

tabStu is perhaps from the same s t uhalliJp, subj. still Nabo

nidus (?). kullatsin all o f them .

The antecedent o f the suffix is lost.

It seems to have been people or countries.-----27. ana at their lamenta

tion. -----bil ilani = M arduk.
40, 1. in anger that he had brought (them ) into Suanna.

This was

a part o f B abylon .----- 4. tmfi they spoke (?), st. riDK; or perhaps the s t
is n oy and the m eaning they resembled.

This verb riDj? to resemble

and to cause to resemble is discussed by Zimmern Busspsalmen, p.

09, and takes after it regularly an adverb in if or the prep. Lima.
iriaii tara he granted retu rn .----- 5. ihlt i&r! cf. 39a.

to me d o u b t f u l .

The fti after ibri

I f c e r t a i n l y in th e o r ig in a l, i t r e fe r s most lik e ly

to Cyrus b y an ticipation .-----0. malki iiaru, a title o f Cyrus; cf. Isa.

41, 2.

The translation o f the Isaiah passage is doubtf uL.-----bibil libbi

wish of the heart = one w ho corresponds to the wish of another, one who
is after anothers own h e a rt.----- fa, etc., whose hand he holds,
might be in form first im pf, o f I 2 or I V 1.


Cf. Isa. 45, 1 .-----7. ittabi

nibltsu, cL Isa. 45, 3. 4 . ----- 8. ana, etc., cf. Isa. 41, 2 . ------izzakra =
iziakira he named, appointed.
fu-[tim4fu], cf. 1DW.

Instead o f fcai-tu perhaps we should read

T he on ly sign which is distinct is the first one and

that has both values kat and fu .-----0. urnman manda, best to be taken
as a proper name or os a title o f the Medes, cf. 3510 and note.----ukanniia, subj. is M a rd u k ; suff. in StpiSu refers to Cyrus, c f . Isa. 45,1.
11. iitinVi he looked after, provided for.
12. tar.

On suff. cf. 9. 2 .-----

This w ord seems to be a p a rt o f a s t with final radical weak

and to be a title o f M a rd u k .----- m'JT-fu.


The suff. may refer to M. or to

T h e sign read Sa may be resolved into iu + ui (uf,

ad) and it is possible that we should read ipfi/i-fu u/(uf-ud)-ntn-fu, but

the connection is obscure to m e .-----13. The subj. of ippalis is Marduk;
tiara belongs perhaps to kta as w ell as to lilb a . 17. utaddu they know
(impers.), s t I I 2 fro m id<L----- fandd, perm. 1 1, their weapons were ar
ranged. iSattiha, cf. also 414, meaning uncertain, to march (t), to4 spread
out (T). 18. Subj. o f uHriba is M arduk. 20. N. who did not reverence
him (= M arduk) he delivered into his hand (ie . hand of Cyrus).
22. SapalSa under h im , i.e. under C yrus.-----23. immiru st. namaru; for
a similar figure c f. Ps. 34, 0 . -----24-26. This sentence is an ascription
of praise to M arduk, w ho is the bilu, lord.

After tukulti we expect iu

NOTES ON 402*42 s.


not Je, w ho b y his aid caused the dead to live, (w h o ) helps (f) all (t) in
difficulty and fea x(?), w h o blesses h im

greatly and makes his name

pow erfu l (i.e. the nam e o f C y ru s).

41, 3. I lo o t e d after his w orsh ip (?), i.e . the w orship o f Mftrduk.
The narration is m ade in the first person after 4084.

bZbraia = Sa kli Sa kibrta.

22. ia


16. Sa kblii

20. iStu f r o m ; the correlative is adi 1. 21.

Subatsun is a paren th etical sen ten ce. ----23. abnama seems

to mean old en tim e .----- 25. T h e restoration o f the Jews (Ezra 1) was
one act in a general p o licy o f C y ru s .----- 27. C f. 401.
rod s

29. May all

31. ifl, etc.,

in beh alf o f lo n g life fo r m e .----- 33. Sa either introduces the oratio recta
here o r is anticipative o f a suffix to a noun w hich is lost.

The sentence

does n ot stop at apluSu, b u t w h at follow s in the next line is too muti

lated to b e read.

A few signs and w ords are preserved at the end of

ten oth er lines, b u t there is to o little to be o f value.

com pleteness these signs m ay here be added.

F or the sake of

L . 36 ( V R 3 5 ): mtti(l)

bch&fi-na Sii-ub-ti ni-ih-tim u-Si-Si-ib / 1. 3 7 : u s(?H u r i$$urfpi u tu-ta-ripi;

L 3 8 : ~nch$u durun-nu-nim

ki; L 4 1 :

; 1. 3 9 : u Si-pi-ir-Su; 1. 40: -un SiHin-na

1. 4 2 : -n a / 1. 4 3 : -ri-\ (? ); 1 .4 4 : -dm; 1.45: ma(?)-a-hm.

L . 37 in this addition contains perhaps a reference to sacrifices; c f. 1010

and w ith tutari H eb .


4 2 , 1. Mahri first, {
T h e usual place o f the
W hen, how ever, mahr:
its nonn, as 6U 1426.

m eaning the form er, it follows

gim ya

suffix ya 9. 2, st. gararu to

2. M,

particle o f asseveration, IS,

allik I w ent aT\lik 27, 2nd impf.

22. 1.

Sarru king.

3. Sa . . .

abiktahi w hose defeat. 1 1
bany = bani'u 7. 2 ; 8 . 1 ; 3 2 , -f pron om . suffix 9. 2 . -----4. abikta-

iu his overth
abaku to turn,
iSkunu he accom plished, 2nd im pf. 22
from Saknuy final u in relative sentence 11
and sentences 18.

u he took possession, = ibyalu 7. 2 ; 28,


mt-su his country 8. 2 a, o b j. o f tW/u,=

mata-Su 16. 4 .----- and, now 1 8 , H eb. j . ------ S 9 .1 a, Heb. KffT

Hard pi. of ilu
rabiUi pi. o f rab 1 6 . 2 .----- MIX pi. o f Mlu 16. 2
bayalu 7. 2 ; on ya cf. 9. 2.
itlakil he trusted, st. takalu. The

NOTES ON 4a-17.


12 or IV 1 ( 2 1 ; 2 3 ), more probably the latter, cf. natkU I R 85 No. 2.

12, impv. IV 1.

The verb tak&lu is construed with the prepositions ana,

xli or with the simple a cc.-----finufc power, st. poK to be deep, profound,
cstr. of (muJfu 16. 3, 4 . -----ramuni-Iu himself, gen. 16. 8 of the
reflexive pronoun 14, + pron. suff.; Gnuf ramniiu = his own power.
iarr&ni 16. 2 .-----7. kipni governors, pi. of kipu 16.2, s t Jrfpu
= fcaidpu to entrust, appoint, in appos. with larrdni. /a 11, obj. of
upakidu.---- kirib, cstr. o f kirbu midst 20, Heb. anp. upakidu he
appointed, = upakkidu II 1 21. 3, s t pa^du, rel. sentence 11.
8. ana in order to 20, used like Heb.
to kill, st.

dki, gen. of the inf. daku

3 1 .-----fcabdti, gen. of the inf. fcabdtu. (kirn, cstr. of the

inf. Ikimu to seize, = akamu s t DDtt 2 7 . 0. illika he came, cf. aUik

1 .2 ; on final a cf. 24. 5 .-----firuiiun against th$m = tii firUun 20,
st 1KV.---- irumma ho entered and = (rubma 8. 2 c; 27. uiib he
dwelt 30, s t 3 Bn, Heb. acK -----10. ali city, Heb. t7T|k, in appos. with
Mimpi.---- mifir cstr. of mifru territory 1 6 .4 . 11. utirru he added
= utlru, the r doubled to mark the preceding vowel as long, = utaunciruj
st Tin to tum (intrans.), I I 1 to turn back, restore, add, 31. allaku
courier = *allaku., 15. 2, s t aldku to go. bantu swift = hamtu 8 .2 c,
st Jamdfu to quiver, be s w ift -----illikamma he came and = illika-ma;
when the connective ma or a pronominal suffix beginning with a
consonant is appended to a word ending in a vowel the m or the
consonant o f the suffix is very often doubled, cf. 9. 2. 12. tiiann&
he related, inform ed => uSanni'a, s t nj to be double, II 1 to make
double, repeat-----ydti me 9 .1 6 .----- 13. ipfUi deeds, pi. of ipiitu 16.
2, st. iptiu to do, make 2 7 .-----annttd these 1 0 .1 . KbUt my heart
9.2. igug it was enraged, st. agdgu 27. iffanify it was angry
s infant}} IV 1 st. fardhu.-----kabitA my liver 9 .2 , s t kabtu, cf. Heb.

1^) liver.

The liver as w ell as the heart was regarded as a seat of the

emotions. 14. aSii = aniitt, 2 6 ; 29, Heb.

of #ku fem. 16. 2.
p. 145.

\dA hands, pi.

P rof. Delitzsch regards the s t as mp Lesest*

If this etym ology be correct, kdtu may be part. 1 1 = fdlifu the


L ifting up the hands is frequently mentioned in connection

with praying. ufolll I besought, I I 1, s t falu 32, Aram. kSy .

aiiuritu, fem. ndj. agreeing with Ktar, 16. 8, may mean of Assyria, or
of the city Assur, or it may mean the one who brings prosperity, cf.
Heb. iriK, n c/K .

15. adki I mustered 32. Gnu# firdH 16* 2.

10. umall= umalliKid I I 1, s t maid to be full; to fill ones hands

= to deliver to one, cf. Heb. T~ri^t

#hfi-a, pi. in fi 16. 2, +

prou. suff. 9. 2. 17. uiliiSira = uita'iira, 2nd impf. H I 2 from n r

NOTES ON 4 2 1744s.

to be straight 30; on final vowel cf. 24. 6.--- fta r r a n u , form in u

used as ace, 16. 3.--- IS. mib cstr., formative m 15. 3, st. p/%.
ban (s an), determinative after numbers and measures. When there
are tens and units, an is placed between them, as here. ia1 genitive
sign 1 1 .
aki side, form in i used as cstr. 16. 4; cf. ah 2s4.
td m :im sea, fe m ., g en itiv e, w ith m im m ation

T h e fo rm s tCamat. tamdu

$ 8. 2 b also oc
19. Ifabal
tdmtim the midst of the sea, i.e. the islands; Ipabal, cstr. of fyablu.
rddnt, pi. of ardu st. TV, Heb. T V .--- dgil, cstr., part. 11 st. daglu to
see, whence Heb.
a banner. Participles referring to a preceding
pi. noun are often used in the sing.--- pani, gen. of pan, Heb.
d a g X u pand = to be subject to, III 1 to make subject to, to commit to
a person
20. tamarta present, obj. of iSSdni, cf. on the formation
15. 3, st. HVD, II 1 to send.--- Snimma = inJiKifim-ma 25; cf.
on Uiikamma 1. 11.--- 21. Satunu 10. 3.----22. ilippi, pi. of ilippu
ship, Aram.
--- tot, gen. of ittu side, used as prep., Heb. riK.
23. ummandti, pi. of ummanu people, army, troops, written um-ma-na-a-ti
15 The pi. uromdnt also occurs; st.
--- urfiu road, acc. in u,
secondary obj. of u$Q$bit, Heb. nih.--- padanu way, road, region, same
government as urhu, written as an.id. 2s; cf. II R 38, 28 c. d. uiafbitsun*4% III 1 from fabdtu to take, seize, whence
bundles Ruth 2,
16; the meaning to work, as G18, is secondary; on sunti for Sunti cf.
8. 2 a; 9. 2.--- 24. nararti help, abstract noun 15. 3 c, st. nararu.
ha-mat (!), may also be read Jia-lat, fea-nat, etc., or the two signs may
be an id. They occur in II R 39, 4 e. f. in a list of apparent synonyms
which includes hatQnu to help (whence jjnh father-in-law), nararu to
help, rifu a helper, and dlik tappilli a helper.--- 25. /urruhiS swiftly
19. 1 , st. ardhu to be swift, whence II 1 urriha 256 I caused to hasten.
26. ardt I set out, marched = ardi' 32.
44, 2. alaky cstr. of inf. alaku 27. iSmi = Umax* 8.1; 29
ipU, cstr. inf. 27 = NapdSu 8.1.--- kabli, kakki, tahazi are genitives after
3. idkd = idki'a.--- fbi, pi. of $bu, cf. Heb. K2Y.--- 4. tukulti,
form in instead of the vowelless form for the cstr. 16. 4.---5. alilct,
cstr. pi. of the part. I 1 of alaku 16. 2.--- idt hands, sides, gen. after
alikti cf. Heb. T . --- 7. iimd = iSm a^a 7. 2; 24. 5.--- tahtt, formative
t 15, 3 a.----- namriri st. namdru to shine 15. 2, subj. of ishupu. If
the word is pi., as it seems to be, we should read namriri.---8. mahhur.
Zimmern, Busspsalmen, p. 70, suggests the reading mahhutiS, the sign ur
having also the value tii. This would give a regular adverbial formation
$ 19, though the meaning of m a ^ u or mafutu is unknown. The var.

NOTES ON 44*46M.


n III II IT, 87 is not in the way of Zimmerns Teading, for the text is
evidently damaged. In reading mahhur and translating forward, I have
connected the word with the st. mdharu to be in front of. 0. ifaum.
second impf. pi. of katamu to cover, overwhelm. The subj. milamml is
treated as pi., as is also often the case with the words for fire iJati, joy
hidti, and the metals.---- Ja may have as antecedent mxlammi or Sarrti,
or the first personal pronoun understood. In the latter case the con
struction would be the same as 2s3 where Ja . . . ultallitu means (me) who
ruled. Ja + the suffixal inni in our passage would then mean me whom.
upat'ntl, 3rd pi. of second impf. I I 1 of
28.----Jtipar(f) might
also be read Supir, Su-ut, etc. It is of frequent occurrence and seems in
many places to be a preposition.---- 10. umaSSir I I 1 is used both in the
sense of leaving, abandoning, as here, and in the sense of releasing 44
sending away GO8. I have not observed any cases of the form I I .
Suzub to cause to remain, to restore, inf. cstr. Ill 1, st.
to leave,
form SuSkunu 25.---- 10. napiStim, on mimmation cf. 16. 3. tnna&if
= inhabit 8.2 e.---- 12. uSirib, form uSaSkin, st.
27; uStiib, same
form, st.
30.---- ina libbi therein.-----13. Mimpi. On the list of
cities following cf. Delitzschs Paradies, p. 314.
46, 1. anndti 10. 1.---- pihti, pi. of pihtu, lord of a district (origin
ally the district itself, as seen in the expression bil pihti 14u), Heb.
nna cstr. nn3, st.
to close, enclose.----2. upakidu = upakkidu
11; 21. 3.---- lapan = ,13L, the only form in which the preposition la is
preserved in Assyr.---- tibut, cstr. of abstr. noun, st. tibd to advance.
3. pikitta = pikidta 8. 2 b.---- imlu like umaSiird has as subj. Ja in 1. 2.
utir = utawwir, obj. is Sarrani.---- 4. maSkani 15.3 a.---- apkidsunilti = apkidSunuti.---- G. fSti = {diUi st. EHKj.----- ma$aruli, st. nagaru.
fimi, pi. of umu, Heb. Di. ---- 7. vxa'di, gen. of adj. madu, also written
mudu, cf. Heb. "litip.---- 8. Salm 19. 1.-----atura = atwura.-----9. mala
as many as, lit. fulness, st.
takes verbal form in ti like the relative
Sa. adi pi. of add, noun of the form arhu, ardu, st. perhaps id to
know or adu to appoint. In 3215 the adi are written documents.
10. i$$uru 2 6 .---- ipussunilli = i'puS-Sunuti 8. 2 a.-----11. ikpud it
planned, devised. Note the parallelism between ikpud limutlu and
dababti surrdti idbubu,---- 12. The reading ku-Str is very doubtful.
14. inasahd, 3rd pi. of first impf. 1 1, they drive or were driving, cf. 441*13.
nasdhu is the regular word for violently removing a people and trans
porting them to another country.---- attni is composed of the stem att
and the pronom. suffix m.---- aSabani our dwelling, our continuance,
inf. 11 + pronom. suif. m .---- minu. In translating numbered, I have

NOTES ON 4 6 144 8 4.



connected (Id word with the stem PIJDto count, number. 15. umair f!
10. rakbl} pi. in i 16. 2 .--- birinni = biri-ni between iwit.
rp3 to bind, whence biritu pi. birUi 46M bond, Heb. rn 3, and birtu
midst, as prep, birit 30between.
17. liiiakin = liniakin = /i + iniakin
18; 22 . 2 .--- nindaggara = nimtagara st. magdru 8. 2 b9c; 21. 3 ;
24. 6. ----afiamii, a frequent word denoting the reciprocal relation, as S7
(mu\dni ahamii each other's forces, ana ahamii 15 unto each other 19.
afttnna oji side + anna 10 . 1 .
18. nizuz 27. d, Heb. %
$ 1 9 .1 . i b b a i i , only orthographically different from i b a i i i 35Mhe shall
be, first impf. I 1 from b a ii 2.----ia n u m m a = ia n + ma 18. 20. kitri.
The first syllable might also be read kit, sih, etc. Some such meaning
as aid or alliance is demanded by the connection in which the word
often occurs, cf. 2218 24B1. If we should read lcitru we might compare
the Aram. ^j? to bind.
uizizu == uianzizu, with assimilation and loss
of n and the vowel before it, cf. 8. 2 d ; 8. 1 ; 1 1 . iitinC =
iitanayi\ like iitanakinf 2 1 . 1 , t(n for tan under the influence of the
guttural y . --- amdt, cstr. of amdtu st. riDK, used like Heb. nrr for thing,
as 40*.--- 21. limuttim, gen. with mimmation of limuttu = limuntu.
22. bupar-iaft: the explanation of the word is doubtful, but the mean
ing generals is assured; cf. Khors. 120 : V II iupar-iaJa-ya adi ummandtiiunu . . . aipur seven of my generals with their armies I sent. The
iupar-iafru is also often appointed as governor of a conquered province,
os ID1. --- 23. rakbiiun their riders, messengers, i.e. the messengers of
the conspiring vassals.--- iipratiiunu their missives, i.e. either of the
vassals or of the couriers.--- 24. surrti. cf. Heb. - T to be obstinate.
25. ii^dtij pi. of a sing, iikatu like iarratu, or iiiktu like nipiitiL, st
pBTK* to bind, cf. Heb. ptfn. 26. mamitu = ma Kma' tu word, oath,
ikius for ikiud 8. 2 b. The verb kaiadu means
ban, malediction.
first to reach, overtake, and then to capture. We might render here the
ban of Assur . . . overtook them. The construction of lines 27 and 28
obscure ma
also render, into whose hands I had brought good
I had done favor.
be understood before jhh, ubai would be I I 1 for uba ni K. The trans
lation: I had sought, connects ubai with the verb rtK2.---28. dunku
f 8 .2 c.
48, 2. i t t i i u n u : the suffix refers either to the vassals or to the cities
6ais. etc. iakny perm. I 1 .
n rw

well without the



ilu ia


juld read

their skins they stripped off, they covered the

NOTES ON 48*50s1.


city wall, cf. 347. ---- 0. iltlnV fi, cf. on 46. 7. baltfltsunu= /jalt&tlunu their
life, i.e. them alive 8 . 2 b.-----8. ubilni 1 1 st. abalu 30. 10. uiatir
= tifoWtr 3 0 .-----lubuliu 8. 2 a.------birmC, cf. Heb. D*Dl"l3.----11. ulabbisu = ulabbii-iu 8. 2 a .---- 12. iimir.
cf. 63a -with 641.

For the reading Simir

These passages show that the iimiri were worn on

the hands and the feet.

The ideogram means to bind.

The ring may

be called limiru from some stone with which it was ornamented, cf.
Heb. Tpri diam ond.-----riUi; etymology obscure.

Meaning hand or

some part o f the hand clear from many passages. 13. la ihzulu whose
hilt, st. TflXi to seize.

The syl. ih might also be read ah or uA. niblt

lumi-ya means no more than lumi-ya.-----15. rukub bttti lordly equipage.

afasu = akii-lu st. ETp.-----10. alar, cstr. of aim place, = ina airi la.
So also in 1. 2 1 .-----21. innabtu = inHxabitu IV 1, relative sentence.
22. Simat muli fate o f night, dark fate, death; cf. 711 muJim iim&ti
fixers of destinies.-----24. dannti, abatr., gen. 23. (llatsu = (llat-Iu,
cf. Heb. S 'n .-----28. fabal, cstr. of fabln face to face, opposite and so
middle, fight, etc.

By a figure o f speech the word for fight is here

applied to the troop s.-----27. tsir st. "iDKi- muffa, acc., st. R|jf%
50, 8. tib, cstr. o f tibu = tib'u st. K3D, like pit from pitu s t K,r0 and
hit from hitu st.


kata'a, dual + suffix 9. 2.

ikluda, pi. fern. 1 1. \:ta-a-a pronounced

The first a is phonetic complement 5.

Cf. i-da-a-a var. i-da-a-iu m y (his) hands Delitzsch Lesest* 100, 275.
12. kit: so this id. is read, I I R 44, 7.
a kind of garment, possibly the Heb.

The kitxl is often mentioned os

---- 13. dimmi, pi. of dimmu;

often occurs meaning column, cf. Sargoutexte p. 81.

According to V R

10,101 Assurbanipal erected lofty dimmi in front of his palace.


the meaning m aybe obelisk .-----14. Zahati, gen. of zahalii, some metal
much used in architecture, etc., for ornamental purposes; as I R 54, 59
rtmi dalat bbi ina zahali namrii abannim the bulls of the entrances of the
gates I made in a brilliant manner of zahali metal; also I I S 67, 79 the
mitir zahali with a covering o f zahali; and V R 6, 23. ibbi, gen. of
ibbu-= 'ibbu, adj. o f the form giiru strong. gun; so the id. is read
Sk869, but the Assyrian word for talent is broken away in this syllabary.
15. \-kur is a double ideogram meaning house (1) of the mountain
(kur), so called because temples were constructed onelevations. manzalti
8. 2 a .-----18. uSamrir III 1 from marru to pass over, Arabic marra.
Cf. V R 3, 50 ultu kakH A ilu r u Iltar (li llamti uiamrim aStakkanu
dan&nu u litu after I had caused the weapons of A. and of I. to march
over Elam and had established might and authority. litu, fern, noun
from m tiS.-----21.

kiliatu, noun of

doubtful etymology.

I have

I hO T E S


regarded it as a collective noun from st. kanSu to assemble.


Lesest. derives it from kaSSu and renders it by might____22, m'$i

for this reading of the id . cf. Delitzsch Lesest.8 135,13. 14. 23. adduku
= a d w u k u X I ; 3 1 . ----- 24 . m uhhuru , something presented, an offering
or prayer st. m a h a ru . ----- u m ah ir 2 1 . 3.
5 2 , 1 . m ti lei t ra t land without return, H ades.----- 2. iizna akanu
= to direct one s atten tion .----- 12. ina kasdiSa on her arrival, cf. GO7.
------1 3 .

iz z a k k a r = izla k a r 8 . 2 b ; 21. 3 .------ 15. lruba = l + int&a,

second im p f. I 1, let m e enter,

anku is emphatic.-----16. irruba for

a Karuba like oSafcana.----- 18. uSapalkat 3 3 .----- 19, u$l = u&xKja'a,

lik e u S a S k a n . ------m ituti the dead.------ a k ili i; the ideogram here means
to eat.

T ra n sla te : eating (and) liv in g .----- 20. ima'adu they shall be

n u m e ro u s.------23. izizi for nizizt, impv. I 1 .------ tanaSaSSi = tana$a-$i

2 2 .2 ;

9 . 2.

T h e suffix refers to daltu 1. 17 as its antecedent.

lu llik = I + a llik 2 2 . 2 . ----- luSanni = lu *f uJanni like u$a$kin.

5 7 f 10. Translations of the story of the Deluge may be found in

S m ith s Chaldean Account of Genesis and in Schraders Keilinschriften
und das A lte Testam ent, ed. 2.

Lines 571589 record the entrance into

th e h ip .------i-iu-u I had, cf. H eb. ttfl.------ x-fi-inrSi I collected it, st. pttV,
on Si c f. 9 . 2 . ----- 18. zir, cstr. of ziru = zir u seed, Heb. jpi.* 19. uJH
-li2 7 . ------a - (?).

"We expect

or a-na iifc&i and one of these

expressions, no doubt, stood in the te x t.----- kimti family, immediate kins

m en st.


. - sa -la t.

The reading lat and not

certain b y m any passages in which the word is written

In the contract-tablets
c f.

nat, etc., is m

(or ti).

kim tu is often assoc

also 2 0 u , where

niHutuis perhaps scr

etym ology o f sa la tu is uncertain, but it perhaps means near, near kins

m en. ------2 0 . b u l cattle, cstr.
------ a p li
sons o f art.

The st. may be middle l or final guttural.

u m -m a-a-n i the artists, mechanics who had built

So also I I R 67, 70 in an account of building a palace:

ffim ir a p li u m m an i hassti.

In V R 13, 36-42 apal

is represented

by the same ids. as im ku wise, m ud knowing, hassu reflective, etc.


a -d a n -n a , ob j. of U -ku-na.

The connection here, but especially 58,

seems to me to favor the meaning decree, command.

to appoint, define, and adannu or

The st may be

may be that which is

appointed, therefore either a decree or a set time.

Cf. Khors. 117:

u.furiit a -d a n -n i ikJudaJium m a illika uruh mti the ban of adanni overtook

him and he went the rood of death.

3 0 . 1.
comp I.

iz z a k ir

iztalcir 8 . 2

what the ku kru said, without the usual

um m u,



also 1. 4. ----- uSaznannu (1. 4 tSaznana); the subj. is Sarntu and the
obj. kibuti.----2. pi-hit impv. 1 1 . -----3. ty-ri-da. Cf. Haupts Nimrodepos
10, 47: ina SalSi vri ina ikli a-dan-ni ik-ri-du-ni on the third day in the
appointed (?) field they arrived (?). It is doubtful -whether the st. begins
with <7, k, or h, and also whether in our passage the word means the
set time arrived, or the command became strong, loud. 5. The first
sign is the numeral four.---- mi is phon. compl. to umi. at-ladal 12
st. natlu to look, here to look in entreaty.----The suff. Su refers to the
Sun-god 5721. ----0. dmu a day = one day. The mu is phon. compl.
i-tap-lu-si, inf. TV 2 st. paldsu. The peculiarity of inf. IV 2 is the loss of
the n, as in impv. 1 1 of verbs initial n; cf. 26. 8. ana, a var. has
a-na.----The pilots name is Bu-zu-ur-kur-gal, the sign ilu before kur-gal
being a determinative. The signs kur-gal may mean great mountain,
Assyr. Sad rab, a title applied to Assur 2Sia. ---- malahi seaman, pilot,
i.e. the man who has to do with the motion of the ship, composed of
the sign md = ship Sb 283 + the sign Iah (= du + du, du aluku to go
V 1111, 1) Delitzsch Lesest.8 p. 17. Cf. Heb. nbn. 9. Ikalla or lita
rdba, the large house, structure = the ship.---- Lines 5S10-G07 record the
progress of the Deluge and the landing of the ship. 10. m-Siri-inanamri water of dawn at break of day, name of a mythological female
character.---- 11. i-Sid, cstr. of iSdu.-----ga-lim-Lum, fem. adj. with mimmation.----12. lib-bi-Sa. The sufi. refers to ur-pa-tum.-----ir-tam-ma-amma = irtamamma st. ramdmu.----14. gu-za-lal-m = guzalali throne
bearers; guza = kussu throne II B, 10, 9, and lal = naSil to lift, bear V II
11, 48. The
is pi. sign.---- mdtum land, valley, here in contrast to
Sadu. tar-guldi, or gug-gul-li. The first sign seems according to II It
30, 21 to have also the value gug. The same word occurs Sb 2S4. targul-li is cstr. to Dihbara and subj. of i-na-as-sah. 10. midh-ri, read
mihri streams, canals. The st. may be hiru to dig. PI. of mihru is
mihrati, as mi-ih-ra-at mx-i canals of -water I It 62 col. VI 1; 63 col. VII
01. 17. di-pa-ra-a-ti, pi. of dipdru flame, torch (1). ln II R 44, 6. 7
the word di-pn-a-rum, whose id. is partly effaced, follows the word nu-murum, which explains the id. for fire. 19. i-ba--u they come in, attain
unto; subj. is Sumurrdssu his violence = Sumurrti-su, 20. i-tu-ti, cf.
529. 22. i-zi-kam(?)-ma it (they) blew st. p'I(i); subj. is lost.
23. hib-li battle or troop.----24. im-mar 27.---- u-(a-ad-da-a 112 st.
JH', used reciprocally of recognizing one another; subj. is nisi. A new
sentence begins with ina.---- 25. tVilni, pi. expressed by repeating the
id. ip-tal-hu I 2.
59, 1. it-ti-ih-su
= ittahs
tJ 8. 2 e . ---- Tho heavens of Anu are the



KOTES OK 59*-60.

heavens where Anu

his line compare IT

thundering of Kamin

ana Sami itxUl, ilni $a irfitim ana irptim itirbu

rab-$u are perm.

pi.--- 3.

b im -fiu -n u

= tSast9 1st. impf., st. Sasu to speak, cry

4. ttrnam-bi u-nab-bi II 1.
iltu sirtu or iUu rabltu, title of
Ktar, cf. 60a.
ta-bat rig-ma good of word, kind.
5. ud (?)-mw
6. limuttu. The fem. det. is often used, as here, before fem.
(? ).
8. ana huldu-uk with reference to the destruction of.
9. ulda-da = uwallada, first impf. II 1; cf. mu-al-U-da-at 6*27; m'-u-u is
13. kat-ma, fem. pi. per]
12 . aS-ru st; *Hjn.
aS-bi st. 3BT1.
16. i-na ka-Sa-a-di on (its) arrival, at
14. ur-ra = fira st. UK.
a-bu-bu, subj. of i-nu-uh
dawn ; cf. 607.--- it-ta-rik st. tarku.
i-huldu storm, evil (hul)
L 18.
17. ha-a-a-al-ti, cf. Heb. Vn. wind (im).--- 19. appa-al-sa IV 1 st. palsu.---- sa-kin kudu making a
voice, crying aloud. 20. kul-lat all of.--- 2 1 . Ivmu u-ri-bi pag-rat
it-laldu like beams of wood(?) the corpses floated about.--- 22. ud-da,
id. for urru light II R 47, 60.--- dr ap-pi wall of the face = cheek.
a-bak-ki = abaki.--- 25. hat-tu fear,
23. uk-tam-mi-is II 2 st. kamsu.
something fearful, in appos. with
60, 1. Twelve measures high a district arose.--- 2. idi-mid he (I)
placed, directed
4. The last sign in linei
here all of L 3 after Ni-sir
narrate the sending
sacrifice, 21, 22 the rainbow (?), 61, 1-2 1 Bfls anger and pacification,
21-62, 3 translation of the hero and his wife.--- in 1 st. asu.
summatu, with post-determinative for bird.u-maS-sir I released, sent forth.
9. i-pa-aSdum-ma = ibaSur-ma.--- is-scih-ra = istahra = istahira 8.2 5.
14. ik-kal he eats.--- i-Sa-ah-hi, first impf. 1 1, cf. Heb. nnfcf.---- idar-ri
= itari() st. Iin (?).--- 15. lirSi-si; obj. is the animals, etc., which were
in the ship.--- at-ta-ki ni-ka-a I sacrificed a sacrifice.----16. sur-ki-nu
libation, st. sardku; cf. Sargon Cyl. 60: sirku as-ru-ku.--- 17. 7 and 7
karpatu pot, is determinative; a-da-gur is here the name
by sevens.
IS. at-ta-bak
uk-tin II 2 st. kanu.
of the vessels used in sacrifice.
I poured out, arranged.-20. zu-um-bi-i = zubbi, cf. Heb. 30T. bit
nikani lord of sacrifices, priest.--- 21 . ul-tu ul-la-nu-um-ma from afar,
ma emphatic.--- ka-Sa-di-$u her approach; the reference is to Istar,
although the suffix is masc.--- 22. JcaSati (?) bows, arches (?). The sign
mmis so much like the sign ban, which represents kaStu a bow, that one
23. ilni
$u-hi-su (?).
may suppose that a scribal error has occurred.
an-ntHt, obj. of am-8u--- lu-u = lu by, particle of swearing; by the
uknu stone of my neck, I will not forget.


N O T E S ON 6 1 -6 3 ,


5. t(-b( he drew near, su b ject follow s.

original has * b efore t(.

K A T .* p . 60 says that the

I n this case we m ight read Hi-mid st. *TDp or

Ui-ziz st. n azazu .------lib-ba-ti, etc,, he was filled w ith libbdti against the
gods (an d) the igigi.

T h e m eaning o f libb&ti is uncertain.

25-27 m y m essenger . . . tna

CL V R 7,

lib-ba-a-H u-ma--ir with fulness o f

libb&ti I s e n t.----- 6 . H as anyone com e out alive?

L et not a man escape

(live) from the d e stru ctio n .----- 7. ka-ga, read t\abbi, cL 647. ------8. W h o
except la ? , e t c .----- a-ma-tu w ord, thing, o b j. o f i-ba-na.

The ob j. is

repeated fo r em phasis in H .----- 9. and la know s also all m agic la-la


11. abhalj c f . V R 51, 41, where the signs nun-m{ are read

db-kaUu, and n ote on 7#. ----- 12. ki~i ki-i = f t f t when, since, repetition
for em phasis.----- 18. T h e sinner b ore his sin, the wrong-doer bore his

bi-il hi-ti-i possessor o f sin, sin n er.----- 14. ru-um-mf m ay

be impv. H 1 from ram to release, o b j. being those who had not been
destroyed; cf. Zim m erns Busspsalm en p . 9 1 .----- 15. niiu lion, com posed
of the signs fo r d og an d large, c f. D elitzschs Lesest* 1 3 5 ,1 3 .1 4 .
16. barbaru, ib. 1 1 .1 2 .

T h e fou r plagues w hich are to take the place

of the Deluge in d im in ish in g the hum an race are lions, jackals, fam ine
and pestilence.----- 19. T h e g o d la seems here to equivocate.------20. A d ra-f}a-sis; apparently the nam e or a title o f an attendant on la .

Or it

may be a title o f the hero o f th e D eluge, whose name is to be read m ost

probably Pir-napiStim scion o f life 612* ; cf. Zim m erns Busspsalmen p. 26.
21. mi-lik-Su mV-ku h is understanding (becam e) understanding = he
became appeased, i.e . the g od B f l.----- 22. ul-ti-la-an-ni he lifted me up,
st. .-----23. uX-talpmi-i? he p ressed ; o b j. follow s, subj. is B fl.
24. pu-ul-ni our side, st. p it .----- i-kar-ra-ban-na-ii ikarab-annaii 9 . 2.
25. t-na pa-na, etc., b efore, in past tim e, Fir-napi&tim (w as) a man
(= was hum an).
62, 1 . f-mu-u, st. n o p t o b e lik e and to cause to be like, cf. note on

T ranslate: th ey sh all b e like the gods, exalted.----- 8 . il-tfL they

took, st. lilfdL.----- 5. read [tr ff}-/u 7n .------ 8. mUSu-nu their waters, Le. o f
Apsd and T i-a ra a t.----- 10. Itt-pu-u, perm . I l l 1 st. p ir (T).----- 1 1 . zukhnru, perm . I I 1, su b j. ilni 1. 1 0 .----- Si-ma-iu is o b j. o f a verb broken
away, whose form w as perhaps perm . I I or I I 1 o f fdmu, cf. 7*u 35.

15. T he gods are Sar and K i-s a r.----- 18. The god is A&sur.
63, 1 . a-likj im p v. I 1 o f a la lu .

Between the part o f this story

transliterated on p . 52 and the part given here are twelve mutilated

lines, in w hich the porter reports Istars arrival, and the answer o f the
queen of the u n derw orld b e g in s.----- pi-ta-aSSi open for her.----- 2 . up-piis-si = uppiS-Si 8 . 2 a d o u n to h e r.----- 4. ir-bi, fern. sing. im pv. 1 1, st.

(rtbu. Ktu,

K O TES O K 63*6 4 .

a famous burial-city, seems here to have its name applied

to the underworld. The word is subj. of the following verb, part of
which is lost.--- 5. Palace of the land without return = the occupants
of that palace, or its attendants.
6. tirrWa-fi, II 2 for um-taf-pi} from
a st. ma$u; meaning uncertain, perhaps to come upon, to approach,
commands = such are the commands of B.--- 18. 8ib-bu belt, girdle.
64, 2. vrbat 8upil-ti is the garment of the pudenda, the garment v
next to the person.
ig-tu ul-la-nu-um-ma = from that (very time),
6. Between this meeting of
time when, so soon
Istar with Nin-ki-gal and the return 1. 7-23, the original relates that
Ninkigal ordered her servant Kam-tar to take Istar and plague her with
diseases; that owing to Istars absence from her throne the sexes, both
man and beast, lost interest in each other; and that the god la sent a
special messenger to the underworld in order to secure the release of
Istar. After a curse against this special messenger, Ninkigal orders
Namtar to take Istar out of the underworld.--- 9. ma-ha-a# ikal kitti
destroy the palace of justice. The gi-na might also be taken as au adj.
kitta = kinta, lasting, eternal, agreeing with xkalla.--- 10. Before za
IV R has u, which I suppose to be due to scribal error. The verb in
this line is evidently impv., like mahas 1. 9, 8u-$a-a, 8u-8ib 1. 11, su-luh and
li-ka 1.12. With 1.13 comes the change of construction to the imperfect,
il-lik, im-ha-as, u-za--i, ete. I do not know what the st. is nor where the
with the guttural
word ends; it
za(a)--i-nat ii-za(sa)--i-na might be respectively impv. and second impf.
I I 1 , 24. 3. 5, from a st. |K? or JNY. If the final letter of the st. be
>nes. i-Zu is id. for
i-na the threshold
12 . I8tar mi balti
h-Si-ma li-ka-a8-8i [iftu maK] -ri-ya sprinkle
take her [from] my [presence].


Ki=beb. N, ,=71, Ka^Hi (weakn), K=K-y K without a number maybe any

one of theso five gutturals.Final p represents a 1 o r o r In some cate* perhaps Ki*
Somo of the words not defined. are Ideograms.
IKiKt Id a one i-du 26153130483; idiS alone x-diS 2910 Si-Su he alone
28 3413; Idfit a royal title, the one, the first i-du-u 59.
Sk,K1 alu city G13 ali 2 8 -Su 4 74 ala 2 4 -Su 4019 aldni 65 alanipi 12* -Su 10n
-Su-nu 320 alpi-ni 81 -Su-nu 1 .

3Ki abu father 1 9 209423'7*104G2,5 48 abu 73 (cstr.) abu-u-a 2310 obi

207-2323726 28n 4 8 -ya 133 -Su l l 10-11251839 abi 378-17 3D13-51 -Su 38
397 ablpi-ya 21 13,16*51 22 10,19 29 abdi-i-ct 36 -Su 3S,a; abu name of
the fifth m onth o f the Babylonian-ABsyrian year arfruabi 317.
TUKi ab tu w ish a-burtu 3719.
abu bu


a-bu-bu 1814 59'14,18Gl**w a b u b i 4 18 a-bu-ba Gl*18

-am-ma 58 -ni-iS 719.

MVt, abhbu to b e brigh t, brillian t I I I ub-bi-ib (= u-abbi-ib} I made
bright, adorned 271; xxS-tibbu (H I 2) D11; fb b u bright, pure ib-bi
1G3G37iS4 5014.
pK j abk u to turn, defeat, carry off, drive off abu-uk 1731 a-iu-fca 1817;
a b ik tu


-ti 3 0 44 -ta-Su 8" 2437 25 289'30 2 9 31 34 424

-ta-Su-un l l *8 -fa-Su-nu 892 6 abi-ik-ta-Su-nu l u i* 1*) abktu defeat

ab-ku-su-nu (= abkut-Sunu) 4n .
SddK a b k a llu leader abkal 7a Gl11.
SnK, ab u llu city gate abulli 12162833 abullipi 147.
pKi abnu atone abni 3G14384 abnipi 4 173118 23 5 0 ; ubanu tip,
finger, peak 3S0M* uban 81B.
p a b -n a -m a .......... 41.
pit ab-n am -n i-S u .......... 2 0 .
GVtj ib ru frien d ib-ri 4 0 .
*l3Vti Ibiru to cross x-bi-ra ho crossed 21a ( bir 2s 36774S3*13 f-if-m 2* ibi-ru
30; abartu , ib ir tu passage, beyond ( 1) abar-ti SG4 [f-dir-]fi 41
{bir-tan 52 7*, n ib irtu passage nibir-ti 6 22*.



tOK. abItuu yoke aM t-a-ni 11 27 39* 41* ab-Sa-cn-ka 23u -[#u] 9

Su-un 2 1 ; ta b i tu ..........

-t 9**.

BOK (biftu Babylonian for (pu to do, make.

rOKt abttu to perish, destroy I I I destroy IV

I to vanish, flee uab-ba-tu

24 a-bu-ut 16 ; ubbi-it (= u-'abbit) 3511; inna-bit (= in-'Orbit) 10
14 28,lt44 0*- in-nab-tu 17 18 24s29 31 33 48 inmab-lu-ni
82 m'm-ma 2 mun-nab-tu 1411 -ti (pL) 31.
KilK, to flee 0 ), deoline (t) x-gi 36*.
UK ag&gu to be powerful, angry t-gu-ug 39 {-gu
ug-gat 15 ug-ga-ii 40 -tim 41; ag-gxS 17 ag
UK tiuigigl 61* iiuigigipl V

7JK aggullatu axe (*)



OIK, agammu pond, marsh ndrua-gam-mi 14 .

"UK agurru fire-baked brick a-gur-ri 4M
T1K igtru (t) to enclose igaru a wall i-ga-ru-Su 37 igaratipt-Su 36.
T1TK a-da-gur 60 name or kind of sacrificial vessel.

i f u i d d l t l ................


'TK adl as far as, while, together with a-di 3 11 37 5862,

StK Idfiu to bar, bolt
u-di-lu(II i) 147.
DTKt admu the young, offspring ad-mi 16.
D1K ud (t)-mu race (t), generation (t) 59s.
DTK admtnu dwelling-place ad-ma-ni-Su 36
u-un 401.
adannu command a-dan-nu 58s -na
JTK adn&td

VtK addru
iS 4 u r d

IlKt turn day 59 ur-ra 59u.

izfbu to leave, to cause to remain i- z ib 1728 (1 st pers.) 1326(3rd
pers.) i-zt-ftu 39w (-z i-b u 48s; S u rzu ru b (III I inf.) 2 12 82016301716*20
nw imiltii-da....... 30*.
TTKt ixizu to be strong, make strong m-zu-uz 4018 i-zi-iz (impv.) 14 ;
izzu strong iz~zi 15s0 iz-zurti 31748 iz-zi-tu 5023; iz-zi-iS 327.
|TKt uanu ear, design, intention urzu-un-$a 223 uzni-ya 6310 -8a 63964.
nKi afeu brother 23 26 -8u 14* a-hu 582* ahi 241225*26827 281729*
iu 84* a-ha-8u 58a* aMpi-8u ll 1021692517; a-^a-mifi one another 8T



HK, afcu, fern, afratu side a-aj 2M a-hi 10* 33* 36* 42 a~f\at


na-a this side 46n .

TTIK, afeAxn to seize, take, acquire a-hu+tz 20 4-Ju-zu 26 3 1 * ; u-ia-$t-

iz-zu 28 ; a^zn contents afy-zi-lu^nu 20u ; ifesu hilt ft-cu-lu 48 ;

tmfcaau battle 34 ta^a-zu 17 ta^azi 2 8 25 33*-* 38 30* 4 4 50*

-ya 15 *3010u-* 17 50* -iu 44* -iu-nu 8 ta-ha-zi 3 4T18 40 -ya 16*.

DfW afram ii c f. nK,.

pR afrfnnft cf. nR,.
inn abrft in front o f (?) a-J}u-ur-ru-u 2511; a^rata the future aJ^-rat
18 24 .
nOK i$, ft tu darkness i-fi-p] 52l U id 52* <-{u-ti 52* [58*].
IBRi i^lru to spare (di-ir 3 idi-ir 40 .
K, ft not a-a 46 60* * 61w *** a-a-ma 50*.
% a-a-um-ma (= u + ma) anyone ? interrogative 61*.
S'm ftba enemy a-a-bi-ya 36* -iu 51#.
Sj'K, Ikallu


\kal 51 411 63* 64*-

\kalli-ya 25

-lu 12 50

Vcalla 58*.
Vk fllatu power, army (l-lat-su 48* -$u-un 17*.
pt* Inu eye, fountain (ni 0* -iu 33 (-ni 5* i-ni-lu 37 .
n'K! ftru second m onth o f the Babylonian-Assyrian year arfiuru 10*.
22 H

lk k ib u .......... ilc-ki-burui 1217.

*DR lk d u stronger) ik-du 6* ik-dudi 6*.

SdR, akftlu to eat ik-kal ( i-a-kal) 60 i-ku-lu 26* 29* 32 aktipi 52 ;
u-ia-kil 26 ; akftlu, u k u ltu food a-kal-iu-nu 52* u-kul-li 26 .

EDM ik k lm u wise (?) ik-ki-m u 25*.

MR, fk lm u to seize, rob i-kim 16 (1st p en .) 42* (inf. cstr.) -lu 8* -iunu 8 {-ki-m u 18*.

|3R ukn crystal abnuukn 60*.

MR 1-kur temple \-kur 34 36 60 .
4r amilu a-lu a class of attendants, or a tribal name, *adu 30* 31u.
Sr, ilu god 7 22 23* Ui 22* -ya 4* ildni 58* 50*T-U ilanipi 2* 50*-
60 ** -ya 3* -Su 31* -iu-nu 4 ; iltu goddess ida-adi 32*; llfttu
divinity il-ti-iu-nu 34u ild-us-MU-un 34*.
hSr, fl to be high, ascend idi 7*,XI (1st sing.) 8* (3rd sing.) Uu-u 34n
( l .s .) 31s0 (3. p.) idam-ma 58u 61n (3. s.) Uu-nim-ma 22l; i-tida-a
601 i-tx-lu-u 50l Uildu-u 30T mui-taldi 10*; uldi (I I I ) 24; udidi
( n i i) 57 udidlda-a 52 ; uididi 57 (1. s.) 61* (3. s.) uldida-anni 61*; fl fern, flltru. upper idit 23 (didi 20* 36* dim 41 (dadi
things in heaven 24!1; tnitu upper (di-nidi 2* di 3s*; fi-la-an
above 5*; [l]-lli above 62*; ill over, above, upon, more than, to, at,



against 61071858235922'2460lfl20-8 u 1218338411* -S v ru n 1027 d fu -n u 6

\ 4 i 4G
8,14 -$ u 218 -S u r u n 2714 -$ u -n u 5024.
ull that, distant u l- lu - u 595 u l- h jr ii- t i 274 u l- la 34 -n u -u m -m a G
614645 u l-la -n u -u $ -$ u 374.
^Sk* alku to go il-lak (= i-ha-lak) 58105916 il-la-ka 5924 ilrla-ku 818U
aUik l 22226508 al-li-ik 724 a-lik (= al-lik)
23-23 illik 10l4822GO8-10-18
63s6418 il-li-ka 28w3015429448611 il-lik-am-ma 254421148il-lik-u 244
(3rd sing.) il-li-ku ll 251520 -ni 323 -u-ni 213 -Urnim-ma 221 O lil-li-ku
3920 -ni GO25 Zu-t/MiJfc 5224 a-Zi (impv.) G3l 64* a4' (part,) Gja85M
adi-kut 16282518445 a-li-ka-at (fern, sing.) 3820397 alku (inf.) a-la-ku
1328 a-lak 1424442502 a-la-ak-Su 4014; ittalla-ku (12) 5812 it-tal-larka
4015-ku 3029; it-ta-na-al-la-ka (13) 1624; u-Sa-lik-Su (III 1) 85nj allaku
a courier 4828 al-la-ku 4211 allak-Su 2926 allaki-Su 2210238 allaktpi
2514; alaktu a way a-lak-ta-a 526; milliku distance mi-il-li-ku 1025.
SSi ul not l 8928-29142*262615bi93131bit 35244165295824bit 6O3'0'11*140110.
allu to bind, hang up a - lu l 12119153332 i- lu - lu 48*; ullu a collar
u l - l i 28s33319; allu a chain a l- lu 48u.
S^Ki allu to be bright, clean I I 1 to make bright u - lil 725 u l-li-la 271;
fllu fem. t t l i t u brilliant l u 2726 U li 3613 M i- lu 717 i l l i - t i 7.
D*7Ki fllam u before, in front of il- la - m u - u - a l l 261513.
*1^#! alpu ox a l p i p i 421213.
ilippu ship 602 i l i p p i 5719582,7,B6121 i l i p p a 603616 ip p ip i-S u -n u 42w.
J'Sk* flfau to rejoice, exult u - S a - li- is 1012; ulsu joy u l- i 411.
hSk ultu out of, from, after, since 9822216412 u l- t u 976021614.
HDK to speak i-m u -u 404; amtu word, command, affair, thing a-m a-tu
618 -tu m 5213 -ta 648 a -m a t 1923231535304620 a -m a -a -ti 25lfl -ti 4G22
HDK* fm to be like, to equal i-mu-u 621.
"UDK imbaru black cloud, storm imbari 13221512 im-ba-ri 1720.
1DK* Imidu to place, subdue i-mid 10216113M* -su 11142821 -su-nurti 2713,1T
i-mx-du 2125 -uS 2721 i-mid-du 922; i-ti-mid (12) 602; in-nin-du (=*in*im-du IY 1) 15101721 in-nam-duru 375; nimidu station ni-mi-di 12*8
(kussi nimidi stationary throne).
SnDK imfeullu evil wind, storm im-hul-lu 5918.
^OK ammaku instead of, in place of am-ma-ku 6116-18.
SdK amu man, human being, officer, tribe 616 a-mi-lum 488 amildtipl
l 1 a-mUvAi 328 -tum 6125.
DDK ammti yon side am-ma-a-ti 23.
DDK umftmn beast, cattle u-ma-am 62330245720.



DDK, nnunu mother ummi 7 84* 37 -iu 19 um-mi-iu 35* umma-Iu 31*;
im m a ta cubit ammati 20** ammal 37.
ammtnl cf. I*
JOK, qm m inn pi. ummdni, ummnti people, army um-man 40* -La 14*
um-ma-ni 2 0 " -ya 36M 4l 11* -iu 3 5 n 40" um-ma-a-ni 57" ummund/ya 7 -iu 16* ummun/ip/ 33* -iu 814-" ummno/ 15 umm<iM(i/p{ 5

um-ma-na-t(-ya l 7 -iu-nu 1

u iim ih h u M

'/ i 15* ti-yapi3* -d-iu-nu 4,T

um-ma-na-at 2 ,*>u .

pDKi fmilfu to be deep fmulfu depth, power, Army

l-mu-lfi 2* -iu-un ID1* -* 11*27 .'H" 50" -iu-nu 42"

-ya 20* 4 2 "

-iu-nu 2 0 "

{-mv-ki-i-iu 22"

22 42* 13

C-mu-ya-a-iu 35"

(mulfnipi 8T f-mu-jra-an D "; n lm flfa wisdom nwn(-(ru 30*1 -4i 20 ;

imlfu wine i-im lfu 35*.

*10K, amftru to nee im-mnr ( i-'a-mar) 58" im-ma-ru 52* a-mu-ur 37" 38"
i-mur 00" 01* -if 04* f-mur 50* i-fnu-ru 30"37*J4 f /nu-ru 22U-*43M
li-mur 2 4 " 3 9 " ; in-nantru (IV I - in-'amru) 9 " ; tim irtu environs
ta-mir-ti 11*17*.
noK amAru to be fu ll a-rotr 14u.

1DK. im fnx ans im fripi 1 2 " 18* 30 31-*

{TDK am ftiu (?) to set out, depart at-tu-mul 30 31*.

jK a-an determ inative after number and measures 42 (cf. la-a-an).

JK ln n u lord fn-ni 131; In n ltn lordship (?) in-ni-li-ya 20.
jK ana to, unto, in order to, at, for, on account of, against 32*59*
a-na 29s* 411042 00*; am m fnl (= an am fn t) why?
a l i a (= a n a iu ) in order to, because ai-iu 18" 19 22* 23 25"
82** 01*.

JK Ina in, with, by, at the time of, during 21* 58* i-na l 1.
JK* fnu time i-nu-ma at the time when 5" 40 0241*.
niKi unfttu utensils u -nu-ut 810.
3jKi inbu fruit in-bu 20 .
DilJK abnu an-gug-mf a kind of stone 12".
3I3K lnzabtu(?) ear-ring in-za-ba-t( 03*,o04.
niKi anfi^u to decay in-na-hu 24" 39" {-na-ah 0"; an&fitu decay an-huta 101 an-hu-ut-su-im 41* an-hu-us-su 24".
^3Kt anftku I (personal pronoun) a-na-itu 14" -ma 28" -um-ma 59*.
^K, anaku lead anakipi 0".
J3K annft fem. anrixtu this an-nu-ti (pi.) 4010O*44 -t{ 40** an-ni-iu 22li"
20*82 [an-no-ti] 4110 an-na-a-li 26 42 -t{ 25 40*.
J3K fnlnna now (-ntn-na 20 -ma 01 02l.
JIM to resist in-nin-nu-u 341135s1; anuntu resistance a-uun-iu 82 -tf 0T.



pKt tmninnu &sigh un-nitt-ni-ya 253824.

ptt anuu guilt, punishment an-nu 2Sn an-nt 12 1.
pK annu favor cm-wi 2.
^Jtt anunnaki the spirits of earth (contrasted with igigi, spirits of
heaven) a*mtJt-fia- 7XT58lT5116411*15.
appu face <ip p i 34* -ya 59K,a4.
ttrjtti nii people, mankind ni-tfti-u 599m3ipj l 1801iM*i -ya 181*25961s
^t* IT*71S**31*401*
33304125; tiniditu the human race,
mankind ftnWi-W 1959*; aiiatu woman, wife Su 621aSSat 28*1
-*u ll 1031**
WM\ Inlu weak mSi 23n.
natt, atta thou 14* 23l391*146111.
rutt(?) att (a stem to which the pronominal suffixes are attached in
order to express the pronoun as the object of thought) at-tu-u-a as
for me 22,f aWuni as for us 46u.
Dtt a-ai....... 28**.
Sott aalu a lamb (?) aWi-iJ (adv.) 16*.
Sott uaallu.......adv. usal-liS 1816.
QOtt asmti. . . . . (adj. mas. pi. or abstract gen.) as-mu-ti 169.
*>Dtt aaftru(?) to surround, besiege, overlay (si-ir 24*4827
12l f*u\?u 8 .


nnDK us-tur

aplipi 57*5910


b k




SarrUtu prince




Sott apftlu to subdue i-pi-lu 59*15 a-pi4u-i-na-ni 021629; (-tap-pa-lu 201.

*]Dtt appu cf, ptfe.
natti apftru to cover, clothe a-pi-ir (part.) 66 a?0tt4 lpru dust ip-ru 52u pi. iprti 151218u 52.
se iMurSu (1st impf.) 391; (pu-u8 (1st
ussu [= uSSu) 4820 -us-sti-nti-ft 4610 i-puSu 34
-ti$ 27* (puS (3rd pers.) 617,10 (pu-uS 61B t-pu-u 372764Tippu-uS 39*
(puSu 9n20 i-pu-Su 6022 ipu-Su (pi.) 172 i-purus(var, Su^u-nu-ti
46* u-pu^u (= (purSu) 0 {-puruS (impv.) 3518; ipiSu (inf.) 35
Si 28* (piS 3lf fpt-flF 204; (piS (part.) 1212319 (-bi-iS 3821; Ui-ippuup-pt-w-st
u-^-ptJ (in i) 19*24; ipfiltu deed ipSU-tu 2032* -ft 2
42l* ipSUi-ya 24 (p-Stii-Su 30* ip-SUu-u-a 38**3911 t><M
ifu pi. iftu few, small t-fu-fu 327.



pti lau wood, tree ifipi 8* SO*.

(TKa lnu to collect, take, seize, inhale i-fi4n4i 57 ** 6717'1* tp-fiu
60 w*.
*|3fK R fp u ......... af-pi 10** .
|3fK* u *fu arrow uf-fi 15** 4u 881.
iffra to enclose, lay up (-fir 10T.
UTK(T) if f urn bird iffuri 12u if-fu-ri 17 iffur 30* iffiiripi 10 20*.
^pK* flflu field, territory (# a 8* tfil 1*.
|'pK alffa, Ufau strong ajf-fv ID7 ifru-t( 6*.
31pK Ufxibu cf. 31 p.
IK urru cf. IlKi.
^IKi irtu breast irti-ya 8* 50* OS114a 63* 64* i-rat 0* -lu-tm 15 -*u-nu Is.
niK ir bronze Cripj 2* 34 l-n'-l 10*.
niK* (?) Iriyftti heavy clouds i-ri-ya-a-ti 15 .
31Hi aribu locust a-ri-bi I510.

31K* Irfbu to enter ir-ru-ba 52 lu-rubu 62 ; lru-ub (1st pern) 7*

i-ru-ub 587 l-ru-um-ma 42* i-nirum-ma 28* Lrubu 40s4 (-ruba-am-ma
18*; (-ru-tii (3rd Bing.) 14 ; i-rubu (pi.) 20*; Lru-ub (impv.) 58*
ir-bi 68* 64l ; i-ribu4u (part.) 62*17; iribu (inf.) entrance Lribi 38T
-lea 87* 38* 3911 Lrib 810 (irib iamSi = sunset) 0*; u-fL-nb (1st pen.)

101713* -ri-bi 41* u4i-rib (3rd pers.) 18* 4 i 63**u 64* -ribi 40
bu 12* -ba-ai 4011; niribu entrance, pass n-ri-4 18* nirt 5* 28*
33* nirrirbi 7* ni-ribU i 2* (fern. pL).
31K* a iib u raven a-ri-bi 0Ollils.
31K uribu beam o f wood (?) u-ri-bi 59*.
31K arba'u, irb ittu cf. K*31.
niH frf& u..........i-ri-fyubu 2517; m iri^tu . . . . . mi-ribh-iu 25*.
niKi arftfcu to hasten ur-riba (II i) 25*; ar-fcil hastily, promptly l l 17;
ur-ru-^ii hastily 14s 15* ur-ru-hi-ii 42*.
niKt urfcu, arfcu way, road ur-hu 42* nr-Ji 30* uru-uh 157 arbi 2* (pL).
pH, arku to be long a-ra-ku 41s1 (in f.) Lri-ik 20* li-ri-ku 24*; ur-ri-ku
(II I) 62 ; li4a-ri-ik (H I i ) 371*.
p3lK urkarina a species o f tree 12* 18* urkarinipt 6*.
IK arammu wall (!) a-ram-mi 1210.
DiK unxmu trunk o f a tree (!) xt-ru-mi 8*.
pKt frinu cedar frini 80* i-ri-ni 6* Inna 60*.
pK arnu sin, w rong ara-an4u~nu 12*.
*]iKi urpatu cloud ur-pa-tum 58u.
p K , irsitu earth irfi-tum [02*] irfiti 44* irfk i 7* 4l 710 -Hm 35 63 041
ir-fi-ti 10* ir^fi-is-su (its site) 18u.



OKi arfcru to curse ta-rv-ur 2310; arratu a curse ar-ra-adi 82,4j

consuming (?) a-ri-ri 26us.
ynK* iriu bed irtfpi 12 **.
BOK iriftu odor t-ri^a 60lfW* i-ri-issi-na (== i-ri-i#dfi-na) 80M.
lann uritnu strong, mighty urdfa-nu 6*.


BWi ifttti lire 18 iSatipi 2\

iftibbtu princehood, royalty i-8ib-bu-ti 26M.

iftdu foundation, horizon i-Sid 5811 iS-da-a-8u 9*.
IlflTK uftfl a kind of tree 12 s 1824.
Dl^Kj uftmftnu camp u&-man-ni 3020 u$-ma-ni-$u 820.
SlIDPR uftum-gallu..........u-Sum-gal-lu 6*.

iDb*# Iftmar a kind of metal fc-ma-ru-u 3628.

liptu conjuring, magical power $ip-ti 61.
iftpatu quiver -padi 38M
pffKa iipatu bond
aftfturitu of Aftsur (title of Istar) aSSur-i-tu 4214.
ItflTKi aftru place ai-rti 22103023(on 5912 cf. up?) -u-u (= ina aSriHu) 37&
88l3918 oi-ri [192] Su-nu 184P4 a-Sar 10a417*18120a801^ ai
ginn 3414 434 431e.1152 ^ u 9141022924
WK* Iftlru to collect Wu-ra 1428.
Iftirtu pi. (rt shrine iS-ri-ldi 2381 i8-rirl-ti 23a0 -$u-un 20lT tSrC/ip^Su-nu 1450.
aftirtu pi. aSrati shrine a-ra-ti-$u 245.
THPKj aiaridu leader adta-ri-du 3016.
(PfiPti liitu cf.
; aatu cf. Wife
tS^&TKi uftft foundation u-u361SS u 9M3618394 u S M -8 u 18uMfWu10418w.
rUJfK ifttu out of, from 5 f-te 5811645.
r\m (?) aifttf....... a-$a-a-tl 2015.
|WR*ifttn one t4n 6U7M271032 604636417; -tf-ntt together,
quickly 21628.
1fttar goddess Uuttartipi-Sv^nu 27a.
nn atta cf. niKi; att cf. rOKnr\K utt (II 1) to appoint ut-tu-Su 94; ittu side it-ti with, against
( at the side of) 1 -ya 2711 -&u 817 -$a 59u
ll 28 dftwiu 8;
ltttu concubinage ittu-u-ti 217*14*18*23.
br\Hi ltlu high, exalted it-lu 559it-lum 161 it-lu-ti 228.
pH* Itflpu to march, walk i-ri-fcu 16; ni-itda^tdUlf] (1 2) 4114 Ul-ib
ti-ifc 191 l-t(-it-ti-hu 30; Ur(-ti-ik 228; mltllfu march, progress
mUi-ty 311 1344218 ml-ti-ik 27.
nmt ittu pi. ittdtu work (?), possession (?) it-ta-tu-u-a 3713382481.



nK3 to seek u-ia-i 3731 -u 37= -i 4G19.
SXiD b ilu to prevail, take possession of, rule i-7AZ 17n i-lri-lu 03231* 40
hbbi- 3830; b u lord 2* -3i-na 1G Qubilu 35 MAu 40- bi-lum lGiS
bili 8B -ya 1* 247 -3u 56 -3u-nu 26" Ml 7sGO amttu Ml 11 14.
ub 7J35203937 bi-U 01s" MHpt-{ 6s -a 3G7'33 blpHja 22" -3u 5 ;
b iltu lady bti 3010 bilta-Su 313 bilit 3S2739s biAit 50 UuMAit 333
bl-il-ti 52 63 Gl*; b fl tu dominion Mlu-ti-a 5 G -ya 22 -iu <?
-Su-un 34 bilu-u-ti 25 333 -ya 27** 34 MAu-li 12J -ya 10 -!u 07
MAu-tim 411 bxAut 2010 bi-lu-iM 14; b a u lti subjects ba-uAat O.

1N3 bru to seize, draw out a-bar-3u 18 19 34.

IK,3 bu'ru pride, joy bu-a-a-ri 24.
33 bbu gate, door ba-a-bu 52 -bi 52 587 bdbi-Su 10 baba G3" lab 105
-ha 582 ba-ab-ka 52UG3* -Su G33 babipi-iu 30 bbunipi-Sa Gn.
33 bubutu hunger, food bu-bu-li 24s82G1123 bu-bu-us-su-nu 52.
*733 biblu wish bi-bil 40n; bubulu . . . . . bu-bu-lu 010.
1,13 cmWubf-gid-dapi ideogram for some high official 27u.
H,13 b'u to come i-ba-a-u 58; u-ba-a-u 5S23.
bl3 blu cattle 2029 bu-ul 5720.
Sr\3 bithallu riding-horse bit-hal-lu-Su 8 -la-Su-nu 8.
b3 batlu to cease u-Sab-ti-li 39; batlu cessation (as adj. stopped)
ba-atAu 1028 bat-lu-tu 2321; batiltu cessation ba-ti-il-tu 22.
J3 butnu pistacia tree bu-ut-ni G22.
IV3 bjtu house 3915 blti 028 bit-ti 32 bita l 29 bit 10 bit makkuri treasure
house 14 bit ridti harem 19 bit-su 37 bitatipi IS9 bitdtpi 1SI0>;
bit-duri stronghold 30 bit-drpi-ni 1023 bit-duranipi 12s; bit-pin
tent 28; bit-luklati barracks (T) bit-tukAa-ti-su 102.
7133 baktt to weep a-bak-ki 59 ba-ku-u 5911; bikitu weeping bi-kiAi'59.
133 b a k ru ......... ba-ak-ru 32.
71*73 bald without ba-lu 40.
*73 baltu to live ib-lut Gl6; u-bal-Ut
Ai-tu 102i; baltu life
life bal-turus-su
6412* baldl21931 baAat277;' baltdtu

34s- -un 31 -nu 487 bal-tu-sun 2G21 -su-un 11MIG211712-30 -su-nu 3;



baltu alive, living bal-tu-ti 5220.

ballu to pour over (?) ab-lu-ul 3G.
bflSu some instrument or method of attack bil-Si 12u.
biltu, bilti Cf. *731.
biltu some weapon of offense (!) btt-ti 17T7.
bamtu height ba-mat 2U ba-ma-at 320 ba-ma-a-U1 4,M1.



p binu a son bin-bini grandson 23*140s0 W-m sons (= seeds) 1**:

bintu daughter 216w bi-in-tu 2117 binat 52** -*u 21* &*&>*/*
ll 1012s0 -iu-nu 26l
HJ3 banfit to do, make, build, create, beget Wan-no*^ 61* ab-mi
ib-nu-u 19* banu-u-a 20 5a-nu-u 7s -a 19 bani-ya 2033 -i%
f 2-jr %>
ni-u~tm37 -8u-nu 3717 5a-m 12; tMa*[nu] 62 - 62u; binfttc
creature bi-nu-tu 1917 bi-nu-ut 27M; nabnttu offspring
ba-ni-ti....... 3718.
busnx midst (T), interior (t) 6u-$tir 18l*.
7V>5 biru midst bi-ri-in-ni 4616,1861fc bi-viSu-nu 32ls48; birtu midst
bi-rit between 308,28; biritu bond bi-ri-iu llal 31lT -<i 22s 46s.
JVO burff food burri-Surnu 26l 3214.
"HD bard to look, see ab-ri-l 39* ib-ri-{-$u 405; u-$ab-ri^um-ma 61r 4wma 22u Ur8ab-rur-in~ni 35u; biru a vision bi-ri 36u38*; tab-raa-ti....... 57.
"0*0 barbaru jackal 6116.
brftIra....... uSab-ri-ku 238.
birku....... bir-ki 14.
birmu a kind of clothing birmi 1824 bir-mi 22*4810511; bu-ramn....... 23S1.
p*U bir^u lightning birik 426*2.
gna burSu cypress tyuburaJfi 727.
bai to be i-ba-aS-H 3o24 i-pa-aS-Sum-ma 60*u ib-ba-i 46ls
Suru 3024; tMu 97 -u 12s; 5a-Si-i 1415 ba-Sthu 18u20 3124oO12;
u-Sab-Surv ll541412341*; buift possession 5u$i ll 7 &u-#Hhlu 58*
buSd 17s1501*
18s] bu~a-u-nu 1 3s54** bu^ta-a^u-nu 1.
Sm bailu to boil ib-Si-lurninwna 25*.
Snro bitfeaiiu cf. Sna.
pro batlfu to cut off ab-tulf 12 u; ib-ba-ti-ik 61u.

U gu-u-ii.......adv. 16T.
33J gubbu pit, cistern gu-ub-ba-a-ni 30*.
"I3J gabru a rival gabri-Su 9T.
t?3J gabu to be strong, massive ig-bu-uS 22K; gabfiu strong, massive
gab-Su 5 gab-Si 167 gab-ia 470 gab-Su-ti 161# gab-Sa-a-ti 417; gibiu
mass girbiX 8M; gibitu mass gi-ib-3iwu-un 157.
3JJ gag Babyl. for falfbaru ground, earth ga-ga-ri 37 38.



VU gadu with, together with ga-du 17 24* 251- 27*.

gnwdalu throne-bearer gu-za-ialipt 6S14.

4rU guJjl some article of tribute gu-uh-ii 12 .

V y gallu a demon gallipi 14 .
jTDl gtt-mahhu large oxen g-mah-hi (pi.) 10*.
Vai gamAlu to finish, reward, give ig-mi-lu 40 ; gimillu gift gi-mildi
914 (turru gimilli to avenge); gitmalu mature, strong [jt/]-ma-/u 7*.
joj gammaln camel gammallpi 12ls 30 314**-3382*A*.

1 D1 gamru to be finished, to finish (trans.) ag-da-mar IS1*; glmru all,

totality gim-ri 7 Sa G1T -lu-un 027 -Ju-nu 61 gi-im-ri-iu 37s gi-mir 2
gim-rat 71.
p gun ideogram for talent 101S,M12 * 504.
p ginu (= kinu) full, proper (T) gi-ni-i 27.

1D1 g ip a ru ......... gi-pa-ru 20 -ra 62.

p fl gissu a kind of tree (?) gi-if-fi 30.
IX1 g -sur......... 32l.
m i gar to be hostile, resist t-gi-ra-an-ni 20*; gftrft enemy ga-ri-ya 20u
26 32 33s 36 87 Su 89 .
p j guruntu a heap gu-ru-na-ti 2 .
TU garftru to go, ru n ; girru way, road, expedition gi-ra-a 284 gir-riya 10114*4 gif-ri-i-ti-Su 214 gir-ri-t(-Su-nu 2.
St!11 gilallatu peak (?) gi-!al-lat 2 4n.

1 E?1 gal&ru to be strong, powerful; galru strong gaS-ra-a-ti 32 ;

gUru strong g-ru 75; guiru beam gu-Surpi 7 yulur (pi.) 36 .
m il g a itiu Btake ga-Si-Si 33 484.
jnera iju giitin -gir (?) pi ideogram for a kind of vine (?) 3(f.
nm gfttu BabyL for fctu hand ga-tim 30M38 .
Snru gitm alu cf. Sd i .
ntn datu bribe (!) da-a-tu 14 - da-'a-adu 24 .
M l dab&bu to meditate, plan a-da-bu-ba ( 1st impf.) 201; id-bu-ub
29 id-bu-bu 2117 4012; dab&bu, dababtu plan, device da-bab 27
29 da-bab-ti 46u.
^31 nadbaku outflow (?) na-ad-bak 13 .
031 dubbus a younger brother (?) dub-bu-us-su-u 144.
S ll dagftlu to see da-gil 421-*5; III I to cause to see, commit, entrust
u-5ad-gi-lu 141B201728 .
DU dag-gaa-si some article of tribute 12 .
till dadm u a dwelling da-ad-mi 40* -lu-un 41 da-ad-mi-Su 18.



dudintl (fern, p i.) some part of attire, worn on the breast du-dina-ti ea1
5-1 6420.
dku to bill a-duk ll 3428*29s33 idu-ku (3. pi.) 8* ad-du-ku
5023; da-a-ki 428 da-ak-Xu-nu 16 ; dikn killed di-ku 1674; diktu
slaughter di-ik-ta-Xu 288; tidku slaughter ti-du-ki-Su S1*-Xu-nu Su.
*111 dru a wall 1810 dura-Xu 4 1818 c/flr48559liM (fr appi = cheek)
drdnipi 12* (bit-drdnipi = strongholds) -Xu-nu 4.
nn dazti wars (?) da-za-a-ti 2117.
m dahu festival (?) da-hu 3017.
im du^du abundance duh-du 20.
J*1 dnu a judge 247 da-a-a-nu 37 dan 75; dinu judgment di-ntXu 25 .
17*1 dliu to tread down da-a-iX 510 u-da-i-Xu 16S1.
yi di-kapi ideogram for sacrifice (?) 2715.
7*01 dak to tear dowrn, cast down ad-kid 37S1.
m i dak to collect, muster ad-ki 72124 2718304 a d -k i-i 4215 id-ka-a S15
444ga* id-ku-u 1011 id-ku-ni 46 id-ku-u-ni 29s4; di-ka-a (impv.) 14.
Si daltu door dal-tum 5217 dalti 52n daldtipi 6 36343S*5218.
nSl dalhu disturbed dal-hu-u-ti 917.
SSi dalfiLlu to manifest (?), exalt (?) i-dal-la-lu 25 da-lal 33.
rjSl dalftpu II I to weaken (?) mu-dal-li-pu 2218.
K^l dimu a tear di-ma-a-a 5924.
m i dmu blood da-mu 1611 da-mi 1411-Xu-nu 16l damipi 31 -Xu-nu l11.
m i dimmu a column (?) ifUdim-mi 5013; dimtu stake di-ma-a-ti 11s4.
S;oi dim(?)-gal.......415.
damku to favor, be gracious u-dam -m a-ku 3S50 li-dam-mi-ik 3717;
du-um-mi-ik 3834; dunku (for dum ku) favor du-un-ku 46 -ki-ya
41*3; damilftu favor damik-tu 481* -tim 378'193913 da-mi-ik-tadu
3911; damku gracious, favorable dam ktipi 1224 dam katipi 37n38
3911 dam-ka-a-ti 248; da-am-ki-iX graciously 4115.
D31 dun-na-mu-u.......14*.
;;i dannu to be strong, mighty u-dan-nin 36 467 -nt-na 205; dun*
r<u-fiu-n 91*; dun-nu-un 12; dannu might, strength da-nn-nk*ti
nt* V da-na-a-ni 34 da-na-an 1913; dunnu strength, mass dun-ni
15 du-un~niQ*\ dannu mighty dan-nu 2,82337 -ni 54 dan-nu-tu
38* ri 10 -ti 3* dan-na-tum (fern.) 1534; dannatu strong-hold
dan-na-ti 13 ; daxmtu might dan-nu-ti-Xu 7 -Xu-nu 24 dannu-us-tu-un 34 ; da-na-niX with might 134; dan-dan-nu al
mighty 7*.
JCi midpin u a bow m id - p a -a - n u 50 .



t|m duppu -writing tablet dup-iarru tablet writer dup-iar-ru-u-tt

tablet-writing 20u.
nm dapranu, dupraxm juniper dap-ra-ni Qn r dup-ra-ni 0*.

diparu pi. dipar&ti torch, flame di-pa-ra-a-ti 5Sn.


dAr everlasting da-ru-u 38 40s1 da-a-ri 38* dr-ti 3511 dam-a-ta

4P* da-ra-ii 23* da-ra-a-tt 6* ; drft eternity du-tt-ri 38 ; da-rii

forever 6014.
i*n dtxrgu way, path du-ur-gi 2*.
K,2H d ilu grass (?) 20*.
d iip u honey diipi 36u.

1 u and (connecting nouns) P, (connecting sentences) 61*, now,

because IP 20 59* 6P , introducing oratio recta (like umma) 25 .
Sll ab&lu to bring u-bal-iurnu-ti 104; u-6i7-iu 17* u-ii-Za 2P u-bU-amma 21u uWam-ma 9M u-iWu (sing.) 18* u4n'l-u~ni 20 u-tWu-m'nma 41w; u-8i-bi-la 2P -lam-ma 12u tt-ii-bi-lu-ui 14n ; biltu tribute

b-tu 2711 bilti P

bilta l n bi4al-au-nu 514; bilftti wages (T)

bida-a-ii 12*.
Dm (?) a^&au to flee it-ti-ihsu 591.
iSl alAdu to bear, to beget o-oWu 20* a-li-di-ya 20T-hx 39 adit-li 50*;
ulda-da 59* mu-al-li-da-at 627; talittu birth laAil-ti 20 ; litttttn
progeny [ZtWu-Zi] 2410.
K<01 to increase, magnify u-Sa-pa-a, 34* mu-ia-pu-u 33s.
asft to go out u-fi 2614 8P l 61* u-fa-am-ma 33 u-fu-u 171 ufni (?)
1018 u-pu-nim-ma. 298; a-fu-u 52s a-fi-i 38* a-fi-{ 1218; u-it-fi 2lI20w
Q08,nu,u 0417-23

42 3* 04 lu-Si-fa-a l 18 u-ii-ju-u (sing.) ST*

u-i(-fa-am-ma 125 u-ii-u-u (pL) 95 u-i(-fu-ni 14 ; iu-fa-a (impv.)

64u ; situ exit, (fit SamSi = sunrise) fit 38* 39u fi-it 6102P (f t
libbi = offsp rin g); afttu exit, eternity ja-a-ii 3*35*; mftsu exit
mu-uf-fa-iu-un 24* 48r ; m is u ...........mi-fi4u 33 ; ntsu excrement
ni-fu-Surun 16 (cf. ni-Sa-a 17 ).
''pi alfAru to be costly, precious fi-tir(?)-u 26w; a^rn fem. afctrtu costly
a-lfar-tu 18M ak-ra-ti 16*; ilfuru costly iu-lpt-nt-tu 36u 384.
arft to lead, carry twa-a8-8u l l u 3314.
arftdu to descend

u-ri-du 64s (sing.) 14u

urdu-ni P ;


servant 2311 arad-su 25 35* ardanipi 42u -iu 34 ardapt-ni 42 ;

aradn a low fellow amUu a-ra-[du] 1410; ardfttu, urdfltu servitude,

ardu-u-ti 12

-ut-t( 3s4 ard-twja 21* ardu-u-ti-ya 3410

ur-du-ti 6s ; hirruardu a tame sheep timiardanipi 10l#.



rni ar|iu month 142 arhi 36u378382 ar-fyi-Sam-ma monthly 37U39M

arah 1321923016317.
^V ark later, future, the rear ar-ku-u 2414 arka-a l8; arkatu end,
future ar-kat 3M; ark i prep, after, behind 252507 -ya 1281 -iu 821
14 -u-un 1684; arka, ark n u adv. after, afterwards arka 14251
arka-nu 20434u 464S22; ar-k i afterwards 1716.
pV u rip tu grass ur-ki-ti 1618.
abu to sit, dwell u-i-bu (1st sing.) 7a u-Sib (3rd sing.) 1423
4294823 u-Si-bu 252; a-8a-ba-ni (inf. + suff.) 4614; a-i&(perm.) 62a
52; a-Sib (part.) 182212 a-Sirib 328 o-M5912 a-8i-bu-tu 377
a-$i-bu-ut 108 a-ti-bat (fern, sing.) 3280; at-ta-$ab 59s8; u-ti-Hb 10s7
1264412 6416 -u-nu-ti 277 VrM-$i-ib 4803818 u-ti-$i-bu 3780 (sing.)
1417(pi.) -m-m 2028;
m abu
unatu, guttu
J u t t a 2 2 14*16.

bowed down a$-ru 5912; tSaru destruction tu-a-ri l12.

atru to abound u-Sa-tir 1814 4810*20 u-q-t{-ir 39; Sturu powerful


u-tu-ru 76.

HXr....... u-za--i 6414 za--i 6410.

TKT zzu to be distributed (?) u-za-i-iz 324.
33T zumbu (= zubbu) fly zu-um-bi-% 6020.
1 U zgu....... i-zi-gam-ma 822.
TU zzu to be agitated, enraged i-zu-uz 35.
Sn? zaalu a kind of metal za-ha4i-i 36s75014.
|T? zlju to blow, storm a-zik 1726 a-zi-ik 1529; zku storm zu-uk 1210;
ziku ventilation (?) z\ %^Ci 10 .
Vf zru to resist za'iru enemy za-i-i-ri 1528 za-i-ri-8u 718.
*QI zakru to name, mention az-ku-ra 2018 iz-ku-ru 191iz-kur-u 1910;
zak-rat 626; izzak-ar 617,10 iz-zak-kar 52M648 -ka-ra S222 lit-taz-ka-ru
4182; izzak
iz-zak-ra 40s;
fame, command zi-kir 94 Sa 3321 zi-ki-ir-u 4026.
VDT zik a ru . z ik r u



DDT zumm



p j u m u m enemy za-ma^ni-ya 87u.

sum m body zu-um-ri-ya 64* -ia 64* zu-mur-lu-un 16*.
sind angry, enraged zi-nu-u-ti 27*.
|jj sanAnu to adorn, fill oz-nun 23*; zaninu adornment za-nin 20n ;
za-ni-in (part.) 35* -ha 38*1.
jjf sanAnu to rain i-za-an-nun 82**; uJa-az-ruyna 58* u-io-ania-an-nu
581 u-ta-az-ni-na 13*; sum m rain zunntpi 13",a -lu20M.
jyjj sinziiiu female 12 19 81

zin-nii 50 ; alnnlitu woman, wife

zin-nii-H 61*.
ipi zUpnu beard zi^-ni-lu 25*.
j|pj sa^Apu to erect az-Jfu-up 50".
^pi zaifAra to be pointed,
zalf-ri 104;

project upward* aalpn sharp, high

zUplpurratu summit, tower zit-kurral 60 (aing.)

-ra-ii-ht 38u zVf-lfur-rat 1811 (pi.).

ppj salfttr sharp zaJp-ti S31 zaJp-tu-ti 16 .
IQIT airfi to sow, scatter, produce

azrru 4* za-ruJu-un 62'; lira

seed 4 0 zir 1 1 2517 57 -in 24*.

IT wuratu tent ifuza-ra-ii-Sn-un 16*.

3*)T ssaxAbu to flow u-za-ra-bu 16*; zarbii violently (?) 15.

pni sir Ifa heap (?) zi-ir-fyi 4.
m il zirtaru tent zir-ta-ra-u-ti 28*.

San feabAlu to injure ba-ba-li 23; feabiltu injury, evil bab-la-li 12*
61u fcab-lat-[jni] 61u ; b ib iltu damage bHil-iaJi-na 241; babbilu,
bablu evil, bad ftdb-bi-lu 1411 [babyium 14*.
03n b lb iitu product (?) fyi-bii-ti 38 88*.
nan Ijabtu to plunder, spoil aft-bu-ta 30 ha-ba-a-ii 42*; &4abba-ta
29 ; ih-ta-ndb-ba-ta 2 7 " ; feubtu booty Ju-u-ft' 47 budm-ut 19* 2S1
29 hu-bu-us-su-nu 80.
Sin ^igallu abundance ftigal-lum 20 -K 7 .
m n ^add to rejoice ih-di-{ 41 li-ify-du (sing.) 68* Vyduru 40; bQdu
joy bu-ud 2 4 " ;

^IcLtltn joy hidadpi 20* JWa-a-fi 36 * 38**12;

b a -d ii joyfu lly 22* ba-di-ii 8711.

Sin bulu bad Jiu-la 27.
pin b*)fu to embrace i-hi-lfu-u 62*.
|m b uxannu arm fyu-za-an-ni-iu-nu 161*.
Ajn ba^d to sin iA-Ju-u 2 7 " (sing.) 48lft (pi.) ni-ih-tu-u 32*; multab$u
sinner, rebel mul-tcd}-{u 26* 8 1 "; bi$0, b^tt"
in 61 bi-ti-tu 11* bi-ttii 12 bi-ia-a-ti 25*.

lu ~ia~a~




fcatfttu to grave, dig ah-tu-ut 39a; fcattu s

fttu to look, see a-hi-it 201439a i-fyi-it 40.
Vn fcftltu army ha-a-cwil-ii 5917
TH feirtu spouse AiVr-/u 3491 Ai
grn &Aiu to h&steu i-hi-Sam-ma
:^ n fcalftbu 1
covered A0-/1A 95; ih-tal-lu-bu 307; urhal-li-bu 48*j
ta^lubu roof tdh-lu-bi-$a 10418g3622; a -la p -ta ...... 3a.
]*Vn fealau fortress hal-fupi 1216218 amilurab-aiuhcil-fu commander of a
fortress 137.
pSn fealJfu to perish II i to destroy u-hal-lik 1814,19 -li-ik 39 /t-Aafl i t 24 u-hal-li-ku 267; hul-lu-uk 59; mu-bal-li-ka-at 38 397.
Don &amfttu to quiver, hasten u-ha-am-ma-tu 5818; uS-ham-ma-tu 68
uS-ham-mit-su IS1; antu (= hamtu) swift Jia-an-tu 42u48
fca-an-tift 152458 fci-it-mu-tii swiftly 1725.
IPDn feaftiu (= hamJu) fifth
non fcamatu aid ha-mat (?) 42.
*]jn fcanftpu to thrive (?) u-$ah-na-pu 2037.
HH feaa.......aA-si 2734.
Don ^aaftsu to reflect, plan ah-su-sa-am-ma 6024 ifcsu-us 14 Jia-sis 29n.
K*0n feipfi to break, destroy ih-pu 3021.
K)n feap....... ha-pi-i 327.
IVM1 feir to dig ah-ri-i 1818 ah-ru-u 178 Jt-ri (inf.) 17s; feirftu ditch,
canal hi-ra-a-ti IS12.
pn fearranu way, road fcar-ra-nu 1327 har-ra-ni 52 Jiarrani-ya 17M
har-ra-an 30.
pn ^uraau gold 1781 hura$i 10146411*16 hurasipi 28 Jurapa 14195717.
Yin &urru a gorge Aur-n 1 **4.1*21. For u$harir cf. *nnt0.
Bnn feurftu wooded mountain hur-Sa-ni 2104lg51866 Aur-Sa-a-ni 307.
nrn fcaiftfcu to desire, need ih-Si-ha 4088; Jiuiahhu famine Ju-iaA-u
Cl17 -hi 29.
nnn tat defeat, destruction tah-ti-( 447 tah-ta-Su 918 -iu-un 16.
oonn feitmutu cf. oon.
pn i#feutn some kind of weapon (t) Ju-uZ-m-t 3318.
nnn hattu fear hat-tu 1718 ha-at-tum 1325 hat-ti 1414 hat-tu 59 (adj.(9
ID %xx ideogram for iitfu

shekel 32*4<

DK^D tlmu understanding, news, desigi

iu 28 .

I ll


$fb<i to be low u^a-bi (II i) 8* .

2*o $ibu to be good, pleasing i-ti-bu 7 ; u-lt-ib 3* lu4tib 2* mu-fH 0

mu-ti-ib 3 8 ; *bu good, joy lurub 24 35 36; ttbu good (<Hibi
3 6*(n om .) {Sba 3 *6 0; $tbtu good (nonn) 27 46 \ablum 43
Itoti 824 6 ta-db-ti 29 ta-bat 594; {a-bii 20 tabi-U 40*41

^3 udu way, road tu-du 17 tu-ud-di 2 (pi.).


day filth (i-it-tu 52* ti-it-fi 501*.

rjiO ifu t*rp the ladanum tree tar-pi-i 6.

g jta fflm a (= ydu + ma) any, any one ya-um-ma 1 2 ; y lli, y ltl
(= ya + pronom inal stems ii, ti) me, to me, u for me ya-a-ii 24*

88* 0 1 ya-ti 80* 87* 88 ya-a-ti 22 23 28 27* 41 4248.

T idu hand, side, power, might i-du-ui-iu 9

idi-a-a 83* -iu 16*

i-di 181 -ya 80* -iu 85 idi-ya 44* i-di-i-iu 25 i-da-iu-un 16 i-daa-ni 14* i-da-a-iu 89; i-da-at (cstr. pL) 1 3 5 .
id to know \-di-{ 01* i-du-u 2* (sing.) 2* (pL) -iu 23*; tbad-dtHii
(II i ) 30 38*; tirta-ad-da-a (II 2) 58 -du-u 40 .
(!) adl compacts, agreements, ordinances a-di 34* -ya 32 a-di-i 11*
Su~nu 3 2 (here written agreements). The stem may be K,n.
or mu day 19 -mu 2 2 (= in a fimi la) 85* (=-um) 58* (=one
day (?)) 5 9 00* mi 38* -mi 17 36 58 -iu-ma 1 (= that day,
then) b-m( 181* 22 (Ixbbi bm( the very day) 24 (pi.) -Iu 24 -iu-ma

8* -ma 00* -um (cstr.) 8 mipi 3 00 62 -ya 37; ft-miiam

daily 41* Sa-am 39 -iam-ma 88 39 .
|D im ittu the right (hand) 30.
pr to suck (-ni-lpu-u 3 2 ; mu-ii-ni-ka-a-H (III 1) 32.
tU9' to sprout, come into being (?) iu-pu-u 62 ui-ta-pu-u 62.
ner U to be, have i-ii (1st pers.) 58* iiu-u 5U (3rd sing.) t-lu-u

57M4u 5717,1 ( 1 st aing.) 9 9 14- (3rd sing.) 12*13 i-ia-a 18*.

1 ET iiftru to be straight, erect, to thrive ifar(t) 20*; u-ii-iir (III 1)
25; ui-H-ti-H-ra (I I I 2) 24* 27 30*42 50*; Iu^#ur20; uiluru
innocence ui-Sur-Su-un 12; liaru upright i-ia-ru 40* i-Sa-ra 40;
m iiaru righteousness mi-ia-ru 40 ; m i-il-rii righteously 2*.

3KO kibtu (T) ruin, destruction ki-ba-a-ti 58H
KiOD k ibitu cf. t o p .
D33 kabflau to tread, tread down ak-bu-us 27 akbu-su 50* ikbusu 23*;
mu-kab-bi-is 510; iuk-bu-us 12*.



kibratu pi. kibrati region kib-rat 218 kib-ra-a-ii 3525925 ktinra-a-ta

4115 kibrtipi 6.
133 kitbartu....... kit(1)-bar-ti 3412.
r o 3 kabtu fem. kabittu heavy, honored kab-tu 28a kab-ti 1328-ti 151
ka-bit-tu ll 7 -ti 221 ka-bi-it-tim 4117; kabattn, kabittu liver ka-batti 1012 ka-bit-ti 4218.
1D13 kidmuru name of a temple kid-mu-ri 1928.
113 kadru a present kad-ra-a-a 371.
kadirtu....... ka-dir(1)-ti 32M.
D O kum instead of, in place of ku-um 29M
knu to be fixed, established u-kfn (II 1 = ukawwin) 102823M36u
u-kin 680 u-ki-in 394 u-kin 327 (3rd sing.) u-ki-nu 2321 lu-ki-in 37u;
uk-tin (II 2 = uktawwin) 6017; kinu firm, faithful ki-i-nu 94 -ni 2a
ki-i-nim 35u3825; k ittu right, justice kitti 642,18 ki-it-tim 40u;
kitinntu right (T), custom (T) ki-tin-nu-tu 23s7; kn continually,
regularly ka-a-a-an 202722M.
kipu cf. rpp.
kl, kim a like, according to, at the time of, when, surely ki-i
141416i23127s8597,106022ki-i ki-i 6112 ki-i 2518; kxma ^21 kima
l 12 58 59a&17*21 6020621632; klam thus, so Ici-a-am 6381114i7-
ifu kakku a weapon 911 -$u 9 kakki 1026 kakka-Su 517 kakldpi 5W
-ya l 17 Su 256 Su-un ll 27 -Su-nu 4017.
kakkabu star kakkab 317.
133 kukru a voice (?) ku-uk-ru 581
kal to refuse, withhold ik-la-a 2728 ik-lu-u l21*
K 1S 3
nS3 kal to cease, be finished ik-la 5910; kftln all, totality kli-Sunu 518 -Si-na 518 kal 212 [kla-md] 78 ka-li-8u-un 11 -Su-nu 191
57 ^i-na 241 ka-la 571961 Sa 3110 ka-la-mu (=ka-la-ma) 81*32*
ka-la-ma 5718; ka-ltt completely 715 ka-li-i8 4116 (here = ka-liSi-na (?)).
3S3 kalbu a dog kalbi 2822,883312 592 kalb&nipi 2626,80.
SS3 kalftlu to be complete u-Sak-lil 10823 38^ 398 u4a-ak4i-il 36
iuk-lu-lat 711 mu-Sak-lil 37tt; kullatu totality knUat 465920 -stin
39s kul-la-ta (kullat) 40841w; kul-la-ta-an all(T) 4025; kilalu
totality (of weight, value) ki-lal-$u-nu 5014; ki-lal-la-an around,
about 3518.
kalftmu to see I I 1 to show u-kal-lim-an-ni 381 kul-lum 2820 kvllum-mi-im-ma 191#.
kam determinative after numerals 1923017.



ITO3 k am tl to b in d , enclose ktum nu enclosure, dwelling piece fo-ummi-ka 88a ; kam&tm wall ka-ma-a-ti 59J; kaxnhtu bondage ka-muui-tu 3 5 *

ka-mu-su-nu 3U ; k im ti......... ki-mu-u-a 2 0 ; kim tu a

fam ily kim-tu 20 11 kim-ii-ya 57* -iu 17* 251.

*703 k u -m a l...........27*.
003 kam ftau to bow ik-mi-ta 40*.
103 kam ftru to be cast down, spread abroad lu-ki-mir ( - lu + u-kammir) l 1* kurum-mu-ru 20* .
*p3 kmppu a w in g kap-pi 5210.
S7J3 kan& iu to subm it ik-nu-ia 21

ik-nuJu (lin g.) 11 * 127 21 10*

(p i.) 1 1 ; kan-iu 2 1 * kan-Su-ti 33n ~ya 34* -ii-iu 5* kan-iu-u-ii 33*;

ka-na-ia 2 * ;

u-ka-an-ni-ia 40*; u-iak-nii 2311 -ni-ia 34 -ni-twu-

nthti 21* -ni-iu 3 4 VrSik-ni-ia 5 * -iu 7 mxiridk-nxi 5* 0*.

B03 k iiia t a assem bly, totality

kiiiati 5* kii-ia-ti 35* kii-iat 5* 40*

( kii-ia-ti).
K,03 knaau throne kussi 7 * 0411*1* -iu 14* kiuri pi 12*.
303 k aabn a measure equal to two hours o f time, or the space traveled
in two hours kas-bu 10 30*- 31*.
SD3 k iaallu floor, platform , altar (!) kitalla 241187n 38 39.
003 k aaftau ..........ik-su-su 26*.
*|D3 kaapu silver 1 8 kaspi 1014 kas-pi 32* kaspa 1 4 5 7 kaipipi 6*.
rjD3 k ia p u .......... ki-is-pi-iu 2 6 .
*|D3 k u p p u fountain kup-pi 3 1 .
103 k ia u r u ...........kistirttr-fu-un 30*.
p f 3 kuaau hurricane (I), waterspout (!) 13*.

1X3 kaaftru, k is ru c f. IX p.
7113 ifu kix a park kin. 327 kiript-Su 8 .
IH3 k a r .......... ka-ri-i l 14.
Kil3 kir. to be low , b ow u-kar-ri 21 *; katrft submission (!) kat-ri-( l l 14
1 2 ; k a -a t-r l-ii 3 6 *.
313 karftbn to b e gracious, bless i-kar-ra-ban-na-ii 61s* tfc-ru-ui 41
kur-ban-ni-i 23u ; ik-ta-ar-ra-bu-iu 40* li-ik-ta-ra-bu 37*.
3*13 k irb u cf. 31p.
113 k u r-g i if turn p i.......... 1010.
013 k arflm u to overthrow (T) lik-rim-miiu 2 4 *; karm u ruin, desola

kar-mi 3 * 4

kar-m i 4 1 4 ;

karm tu desolation kar-mu-

tu 3 5 .
J13 karanu, k u ru n n u w ine karani 3 6 karana 5034 kurunni 3.
|13 karnu to heap up lu-ki-ri-in (= lu + u-kar-ri-in) 2.
013 k u m a a u .......... ku-ru-us-su 26s.



*p3 karpatu a pot 0O17.

113 karru....... kar-ri 62.
ttl3 karaiu camp, host karaSa-ka 1422 karassu 1427 ka-ra-8i-8urnu 32*
KP13 karaftu destruction (?) ka-rarSi 61&e.
NtO kiiil encumbers (?) ki8-8i-i 1614.
HW3 kai to cut off(?) ak-$u{l) 312; ki-8i-8u....... 327.
rW3 kiitu forest fcwfi 31384 ki8atipi3Q*.
ItflO kaftdu to approach, reach, capture i-ka8-8a-du 172 ak8ud 136
akSiirud 7s8 ak-8ud l 22 ak-Su-ud 29108 ak-8u-du 4*1 ak-8ud-du 1426
takSurud 518,26 ik-8ud 381 ik-8u-ud 2220 ik-8u-us-su 33^4 -su-nu-ti 3182
4620 ik^SurSUrnvrti 182 ik-Su-da l l 81 ik-8urdu 915 lik-8u-ud 3714; ku8u-ud 2218; ka-Sid 218 ka-8i-duru-ti 29s8; ka-8a-du 3520 ka-8a-di 1519
-Ju 6021614 -8a 5212 ka-8a-a-di 5910607 ka-8ad 1063316; u-Sa-ak-Si-du
4010; kifiittu booty ki8it-ti 614*28 JK-JiMt 10161328ki-8i-ti 420; kufifiudu
captured ku8-Su-di 16821721.
IttO kiSadu neck, bank (of a stream) Jci8adi-ya 602863lg -8a 63126421
ki-8a-di 1916 kiSad 510101ki-8ad 1514 ki-8a-da-ti-8urnu 16.
1BO ku-Sir (?)........4612.
kauu powerful ka-8u-u8 52.
tpgQ ki&atu cf.
nr\3 kitu a kind of garment kiti 1824 kitpi 5012.
13H3 kitbartu cf, 133DH3 kat&mu to cover, overwhelm ik-tu-mu-8u 449 kat-ma 5918 ka-ti-im
1518; u-8ak-tim 1328.
IfO kitru aid, alliance kit-ri 2220 -8u 2481481-8u-nu 4620.
ir \3 katr cf. *03nro kittu, kitlnntu cf. [13-

HiS 14 not, without la 820612la (written nu) 52163 Za-a 1.

HKi ^ lu u strong (?) l u - -v r U r ti 271; lltn strength, authority l i - t i u 5018
li-i-t{ 514 -ti 3480; 1 a bull lid 1629; multaitu greatness, majesty
mul-ta-i-ti-ya 10 mul-ta-i-it 28.
14tu to burn mu-la-it 6.
31? amttulibpj ideogram for musicians (?) 12ao191/lib ^ lS 81.
labbu a lion la-ab-bid like a lion 1520.
331? lib b u heart, midst, womb, loins lib-bu 22s8 -u8 359 lib-bu-u8 ^
lib-bu-iu-un16 libbi 19* 35 -Su 3717 lib-bi-ya 1528 4 ^
(lib-bi ritpaiu large hearted) 42 (my heart) [58s] 58T6121 [J^41 ~ka 88 -Su 18s -Sa 58 -ivrnu 17 lib-ba-Su-un 11s* -Jw*nU**


Ifb-ba-iu 4 0

-lu-riu 2

offspring li-ib-li-pi 20 ;


-Ju-nu-ti 4 6 Ubbi pt-ixt^nu 25*; liblibn

lfb -b a l-b a l great-grandson, descendant

4 0 * ; lib -b a -U 61s (fem . o f libbu, or error for /iW<v#u (T)).

p *7 labHnu to cast dow n (th e face in derotion), to make bricks
M i-in 34 ; lib lt t u ( = libin-tu) pi. libnti brick libitti 18 lUmatipi

35 3 6 lib-na-alsu 8 0 387 39* lib-na-iu 10*; labban n itl (fem. pL,

or kai&anndtf) som e k in d o f w&r engines or instruments lab-banna-t( 12 .
Q1? labiru, lab& ra old

la-bi-ru 6

-ri 37n 30* /a-W-ru-[fi] 63* la-bari

87* -rii (a d y .) 24*; la b irfttn old age, decay la-bi-rt*-/a 101.

eoS lmbftiu to dress, b e clad, put on lab-iu 62 (perm .); atAal-bi-ia 15
lil-bu-Sat 3 2 ; u-lab-bii 22* u-lab-bi-tu 4 8 ; u-ial-bU 36*; lubultu
(= lubxiS-iu) cloth in g lu-bvl-tu 4810 -ii 18 22* BO11.
V? 1ft particle o f w ish in g and asseveration lu 1 lu-u 1* 00* (by, in
an oath?) 62L2.
BlS ll$u hostage li-i-ti 51* ; li^fttu hostageship li-tu-ut-ii 4*.
vh la^u fron t (?) la-ah 3 3 (la-al) ini-iu, or la-ah-Ii-iu (1)).

DnS la^m u lion la b -m l-itt lik e a lion 1 5 *; Qulah-mu lion colossus 36*.
V ? lilftti pi. evening li-lora-ti 581*.

nSS lalft, l u l f t ...........la-lU -ka 87 lu-lU 10*.

bS lam ft to surround, enclose, besiege al-m< l l 17** 12 13 17* 31*
-!u 1 4 -Si 628; u-Sal-mi 3 3 * ; lim ltu environs li-mi-ii-iu-nu 12 13*.
I dS laxnftdu to learn al^ma-ad 201*.
|qS lim nu bad, w ick ed lim-ni 01# lim-nu-ti 1471 5 *; lim uttu ( - limantu) evil (fem . a d j. and n ou n ) 2 3 limut-tu t v * 26* 32* 4 6 48*>
li-mu-ut-ti 8 9 * limut-tim 23 2 9 4 0 limuUa 508*7.
Oulamaaaa b u ll colossus lamassi 26.
lu -n u m ...........821.
jfiS lap an (= la + p a n ) b efore, in fron t of la-pa-an 14 16* 18* 25 26
2 8 8 1 3 2 3 4 46a.
lapfltn to turn (in tra n s.) il-pu-ut 6 1 ; lipitu overthrow lipi-it 24.
lilfft to take ol-lfi 2 al-lpa-a 0 3 3 50 al-^a-Su 34* d-fr-aM u
8 4 Su-nu-ti 31ls

al-^a-Su-nu-u-ti 1 il-tf 35 il-ku 18 U-lfCHtS-ii

6 4 -ku-u 257 -fr n i 18 il-jv-in-ni 62 li-tf-l 38


u ttfttu c f. iVi*

b ma and 1, also emphatic enclitic 2 8 518 22* 28* 27*
85* 46
*^0 mft'n fm. mltu victor mi-i-iu 32*.

U J U U d S A K lT .

t-ma-a-</u 52; ma'adu much, many

ma-a-di 1510211* 467 ma-a-dudi 17* ma-a-atdu 28* ma-at-tum
ma-'a-dcHi-H 341: mu'udu much mu-WW 18**: ma-a-dii
a-aa-ai ma an
mini son mirtu daughter mdnpj 41 ma-rat 31T.
a*ru II I to send u-ma-t-tr lM u-mQ-'i-ra-ni 2s* u-wio-t-f-ru 46;
muma'iru niler, general mu-ma-'i-ir 7* 161; muam ruler (?)
mu-'-a-ru 9*; tamartu present, gift ta-mor-o 27 -iv 22** -iu-nu 221
ta-mar-tadiJMMk ll 7 42.
U0 magiru to be favorable, to favor li-im-gu-ra 39 mu-gu-ur 38s*;
ni-in-dag-ga-ra, (- nimtagara) 417; magiru favorable 19 movin38a
mn-gun 19 (masc. pi.) ; m igru
m ldpinu
dp in u cf. ]X
J A T O ml
10 mfk pL mi, mami water mW 40l*5214 mtjrf 6 181*30,2II131
606411 -iu-nu 02* ma-a-mt 181$.
yiD m ifu to press, hinder, stop(T) i-mtfu 27*.
icno mulu, m u iltu night mu-ii-iu 48 mu-ii-fu 31* mu-Sa-adi 5914.
fUD m itu to die imdu~ut (= imtawut I 2) 14*; m ltu one dead m

H V3



m ltfttu

nno mlfc heavy sliower, storm mt-Au-u 5916 miA id 1517.

nno du^ q the top part muh-hi 431 48 -iu 4 -iu-nu 4*.
tno mafcamucity ma-ha<i 2324*39[41] -iu 41*-iu-tin41-iu-nu3*414.
yno mafcifu to shatter, fight a-mahAa-aj 521T,l im-ha-a? 64 maam-dah-hi-if 89,17 im-dahfu 5917;
mundahil au soldier mun-dah-fi-i-iu 24; mit^usu fight, battle
mil-Au-fu 12 -fi 25*48 -up-fi 28 mitAu~uf 1.

mafcisu...........ara-Aa-oj 3 6 .

MflD ma^ira to be in front of, to receive, to offer (prayer or sacrifice

to the gods) amAur 84 161* -iu 2110 Audiudi 15 amAu-ru 23*
imAurAu-u-ma 281* Au-nudi 14 imAu-ru 51* (sing.) -iu 24 im
Aihtu 32 (pL); arn-do-oA-Aa-ru I prayed (T 2 = amtakoru) 331T;
(I 3) they were receiving 327; u-maAir (II 1) 50U;
udamAtdr 37l ; ma^ru front maAri, mahar front, before moA-ri 9U
39*58 -*<i 11*36 [64] Au 29 ro<i-Aar 3 59*7 -iu 39* -iu-un W l
-iu-fiw 323d* ma^rft fem. mahrltu former, first maA-rv~u llu
wwA-riST ma\-riV42* wrnA-ra 2 maA-ra-a 6 atoA-rWi 1214*V
mf^irtu front mi-iA-ril 33*; mlhiru a rival ma-A-ra 51; mahlro
a j^rtce moAi*ri 32*; mu^uro prayer (or sacrifice cn) muMu-n*
M*; mafcfcuur forward 44*; tamtam battle tamAa-ri
7*U Id 173134*; mltfcarii together
15 1.



nr13 miferu stream (?) m i-# -ri 58 .

LpjfjD xn atilu to exten d (intrans.) li-la-an-ti-il 37 .
nt)3 m antra to rain tam $lru rain tam-ii-ri 13*.
m flam m n lustre mi-lam-mi 10 12*32 44*.
* $ 2

m ak ku ru

treasure, possession 17

makkuri 14 (Mi m akhri

treasure h ou se) makkur 17 2617 -iu 18 -iu-nu 18*; namkura

possession nam-kur-3u-nu l u>* 3 a64B.
maid to b e fu ll, to fill (trans.) im-lu-u 43*; ma-ht-u 26 (perm .);
u-maUi 17 37* -3u 10* u-mal-li 14* (3rd per.) u*naUa* 10
u-ma-al-la-a 40 59

u-mal-lu-u 28s 4218; im-la-ii 01*; um-dal-lu-u

(I I a) 32*; m ala fulness, as many as ma-la 18 20 28 314 32

41T46* 48* 50 ; m flu overflow mfli 107 -li-na 80* m -U-ia 7 8*;
maid fem . m atitu fu ll ma-li-ti 50 .

mala^u seam an, p ilo t omilumalahi 58*.

^70 malftku to take counsel im-li-ku 46 ; im-tal-ku 01* tam-la-lik 01 ;

xnilku advice, reason, understanding mil-ku 61 mil-ki 14*a milik 46 -#u 61 ; m alku prince mal-ku 97* ma-al-ki 40* 411 ma-lik
(= mallA pL ) 23 ma-lik-iu-nu 9 (sing.) mal-kipi 5* ma-al-ki (pL)
20 ; m alikdtu roya lty ma-K-ifcu-iun 40*.

}Vd mllllku cf.

W?0 mulmullu spear mul-mul-li 15** -ya 8.
nVo multaitu cf. HKiS*

DnnSo multabt cf* HiBn.

SnSn muitaiu cf. Ski .
DD mummu queen (title of Tiamat, synonym of biltv.) mtHim-mu 027.
DO mlmma cf. ijd .

HDD mamttu cf. rtOK.

ruo mand to count, reckon am-ni-i 181 am-nu 6* 121 187 -iu-nu-ti 1
tm-nu (sing.) 25 tm-nu-u 01* (sing.) 26 (p i.); mlnu numbered
mi-i-nu 4014; m and, m ind number ma-ni 8** ma-ni-i 3 mini

24 28* 30 31 5017 mi-na 1 ; mand mins ma-na 10 *.

*133 man-da (fo r tnadda (?)) the Medes(T) 40*.
*133 m an -d i-m a...........17 .

*133 mandattu, mddfttu cf. p i.

133 mannu who?, whoever man-nu 39 man-nu-um-ma ( = mannu +ma)
61*; mind what? m i-ni-i 82; manama anyone ma-na-ma 37 89l
02 ; mlmma (=* minma) anything 12 18 [57 ] 57141T,U 58.

cf. TM.
p0 mannu arms, utensils mun-ni-iu-nu 16*. St. ]HiD(?).

H3o mansaxu, m anaaltu

3*1)3 mun-na-rib (?)-Iu -n u .......... 171.



HDD m ia to w ash, clean se u-ma-si ( = umasst) 10*.

J3DD i^ n in iak an n u p a lm tree mis-kan-ni 6 2127.
*?DD m u s a r ta b le t, in s cr ip tio n

mu-sa-ru-u 3720 391*18 musa-ri-i-a 87M

mu-sar-u-a 24120 mu-sar-{-8u 2 4 17,20 mu-sar-ri-x-a 381.

Y D m fu, miau c f. kvi .

HVD m a a (?) I I I

to ca st d o w n (? )

u-mi-fi 2 10418 l\wm\-i 3a ; um-ta-pi

( I I 2 ) 639,1211821642.
IXD m is r u

re g io n , te r r ito r y

mi-i$-ri 580

mi-ir 918 138,8 2918 4210 50s

-t/a 29 s4.
main m u a u rft (a d j.) E g y p tia n mu-^urra-a-a 112.
n a m s a r u sw ord nam-a-ri 161 ( p i . ) .
m a a a rtn c f.

m alpA tn to fa ll im-kut-su 1326 im-ku-tu 26u ; im-ta-kut 59M;

fnt 519 8niB su-nu-ti 3212 UrSam-kC-ta 336 -tu 2620 (s in g .) 488 (p i,)

li-Sa-am-kit 8714 -ki-ta 3920 Sum-kut 9 mu-Sim-ltft 9s4; miljpta fall (T)
m t-fft 267.

m a rh fa t, fa tte d ma-ru-ti 1010164.

n^D m ir n u b ittern ess (?) mi-ra-nu-uS-Su-un 2519.

D m u r b a iu c f . M l *
m o

m irifctu c f. m K .

IpD m a r k lt n c f. rQ *l.
DDID xn ark aau c f . M l .
pOl^lD m u rn ia lfiu h orse mur-ni-is-ki 169.
m a rsu

d ifficu lt

mar-u 1720 S I1121 mar-a 2 34 mar-$u-t( 2M -ft*

198; n a m ra a u d ifficu lty n e m -ra -fi l 8.

m a rd x u to m a rch u-Sam-ri-ir 5018.
BHo m a r u it u ru in , d estru ction ma-ru-u$-tu 2814.
tsno m a r it t u c f. n tsn .

?WD maft to forget am-8i 6028,24 im-H 42 im-8u 46u.

ntPD mai I I I to feel, touch mu8-Si 1816.
3WD mttabu cf. 3 t?1 .
i|m m aiku skin maSak 12281828

34 [-iu-nu] 48B ma$-ki-ya 151

(my skin = my self (?)).

p #n maikanu cf. per.
^)m mainaktu st.
SfitsrD muipalu cf. Sff*

mailfitu cf. n p ff.

>m maiftru II i to leave, release, send u-maS-Hr 608*10,12 -to-nu-ft* 44

u-mai-Hr 4410 60*9

-an-ni 27s7

u-wiadkf-ra 2024 u-mai-Kr-u 19T

-If-ru IO* 88 1714-19 46* mu8-ifu-ra (perm.) 1624.



*190 m eiern some part o f a chariot

ma-la-ru-uX 10

if* na-ia-ri-ya

(var. m an-ia-ri-ya) 25M.

Ip o m a lfr u .......... m

- i i - r i


193 xnilam , m g fr ii cf. 19*.

J190 m a itftn c f. n ri9.

m a ita k tu c f. ^n9.

KfiO m l tu land, country 87* 58* 4u 35* ma-a-tum S1411 mti 52163* 64*
-a 61 -ya 5 * -fu 9 3 5 -Ju-tm 31 mala 61 -Xu 10* 21* m-ti 15*
-ya 1 -Xu-un 1 2 * mat 27* m&t-tu 12* -tu-nu 17 ma-tu-ui-iu-un

ana m&ti-Sun) maloti 8 * mltipi 814 -iu-nu 3 ma-icw-ta

40* mdtdtpi 2 .
|Tino m it^ u fu c f. p in .
inno m itfcaril c f. m o .
TO matfm a ( - mad + ma) ever, at any time ma-ti-aa 21*.
pno m ftflfu c f. pn.

[no m utninnft pious (?), reverent (?) mut-nin-nu-u 27*. St njK* (?).

m o (?) to destroy (?) a -n i-i 1 5 * ; m u-ni-i (I I r ) 9*.
1)0 n td u to be high, exalted at-ta-i-id 34* xt-ta-i-id 19*; n&'idu,
n id u exalted

n a-i-d u 9U 33* tta-a-du 64; tanittu pi. (anadatx

exaltation, m ajesty ta^nxt-ii 2 8 * 33* tarnit-ta4u-un 20 t<Hui-d**C 6*.

Vk j n tlu to lie dow n I I I - I I to cast down ui-na- 2144*.
1KJ n iru pL nrti stream nari 17* 401* n&rtipi 0211; cN lri-U like
the stream -god 1610.
9KJ nUu lion l n tpi 50*.
Ki3J nab to speak, say, name, appoint vnambu4u (nam for nab) 89u
na-bu-u 516(p a rt.) 3 3 * (perm .) 02*; at-ta-bi 19* xt-ta-bi 40T; u-nambi 59*; n ib u num ber ni-bi 11* n5a 12* -iu-un 4017; nfbltn name
ni-bit 1 9 -su 19* -sun 20M ni-bi-it-sv 40T.
Kt3) nam bau spring (o f w ater) nam-ba-i 31.
023 nabfttu to shine, be bright u-ia-an-bi-it 36*; nubattu celebra
tion (?), festival (?) nu-bat-tu 81s (= nuAaWu).
Sai nabftlu

to destroy

ab-bul 21 3 * 41* 13* 189 a-bul 8 * ; nablu

destruction nab-li 32.

Sai nabalu dry land na-baJi 2144 2 * .
p i n abn itu c f. m 3 .
13) n lb irtu cf. "OK*.

PU) nigfitu joy, rejoicing ni-gu-tu 10*.

U) nagft province, district na-gu-u 22* 0Ol na-gi-( 2811.
1)) naglra leader cmilu na-gi-ru 15.


GLOSS A li I .

rru nadft to lay, cast, throw a d - d i - i IS19 a d - d i 6*1812361B394 -u 33

8 u -n u 4 i 311
7 a d - d a 362 i d - d u l l 21 -ti 267 n a - d u - u (perm.) 164128
n a -d a -ta (perm.) 33; a t - t a - d i 331
9 a t - t a - a d - d i 2630; in - n a - d i 23s
in -n a-du~ u 40 li- n a - d i (var. li- in - n a - d i ) 231.
nindab sacrificial offering n in - d a - b i- i 39.
nadbaku cf. Tpi.
pj nadfinu to give i- n a m - d i- n u 33s a d - d i n 12 -S u 4814 a - d in - S u 2111
id - d in 60-8 u -m trti 27s8 i d - d i - n a 322 id - d i- n u - S u ll2
2 id - d in - u - n i 282;
n a -d a n ll18^ 21
2S328; a t - t a - d in 589; nudunnu dowry, gift n u d u n -n i-{ 21U
2; mandantu m a n d a tt u , m a d d a tt u , m a d a ttu , mdtu
gift, tribute m a n - d a - a t- tu 1027120,21 - t i 1282 -ta -$ u 27 m a -d a -a t4 i 1
-ta 4
m a -d a -tu 84 a la.
pj nidnu....... n i- i d - n i 32.
TO nadru to rage, be furious a n - n a - d i r (IV i) 1521.
HU nfeu to become quiet i- n u - u h 5918; u - n i - i h 272 u -n i-h u l5 u - n i- v ih u 2
27; muni^u a superior m u - n i- h a 2s897.
JU nuu a fish r iiln i 5910 n n i p i 26 n u - u - n i 181.
T1 nfiru light n u - u - r u 529 - r a 527 n u - u r 3817.
TO nazfizu to take position, stand iz - z a - a z 6124 i- z i- z u (sing.) 344
iz - z i- z u (pi.) 351
0 i z - z i - z u - n i 47 i - z i - z u - u 2S26; t-z i-z i (impv.) 52s;
u -H -z iz 72
8 -zi-tz 626 u S - z i- iz 36" u S - z i- z u (sing.) 4620 u l-z iz -s u -n u -ti
2225 u - $ a - z i- z u - in - n i 341; manzazu, manzaltu position, seat
m a n -z a -z u 322
9609,u m a n - z a - a z 2225016 m a n - z a - a l- ti- S u - n u 5015.
DO nazmu to weep, wail tazimtu wailing t a - z i- im - t i- S i- n a 39s7.
Sro na^lu brook n a - a h - li 1380.
natftlu to look, entreat a t - t a - t a l 58.
TJ nfiru to subjugate i- n a - r u 2018265 a - n ir 331 i- n i- r u 718; ntru
a yoke n tr i-y a 216 n i- r i- y a ll9 n i r 22".
TO nak&du to cast, lay, to fall down, to fall prostrate (?) a b k u u d 36137
; nakuttu the act of prostrating oneself (?) n a -k u t4 i
Soj nakftlu to be cunning, skilled u - n a k - k i - lu 3621; nikiltu craft,
cunning n i- k - t i 2419.
DD1 nakftmu III to heap up nakmu, nakamtu treasure n a k -m u 18

n a -k a m -H 101
n a - k a - m a - a 4 i 26.
021 nakfisu to cut, cut off, cut down i - n a k - k i - s u - u 25u a k -k i-is 36
ak-Jds 8
a k - k i- s a 18191 a - k is 797 i k - k i - s u (sing.) 2510; u -n a kk is 16 u rn a -a k-Jcis 161
4 u - n a - k is 1618 u - n i - k i - i s 420 lu - n a - k is a 114i
nukkusu cut off n u - u k - k u - s u - u - t i 26*j niksu act of cutting off
n ik -n 12n n i- k is 259261

13 )


nakru to be hostile, to rebel ik-ki-ru 27u ; II r to change (?) iwioiv

ka-ar 3917 u^nak-ki-ir 3738 u~na-ki-ir 611; u-iam -lir 27*; nakrn

enemy, hostile 197 na-ak-ru 38* 397 nakri 01* IS1*-* -#u 22 23*
nak-ri 25426* nakrbtipi 2M5U107 -ya 32 -la 22* ruyabru^yya

8714; nakira enemy na-ki-ri 0*15*; nak-rU 11*.


nukuiu part of a door, hinge (?) nu-ku-ii-i 38*.

nambau cf. K*3).
nimldu cf. tok*.
namknru cf. 1D.
namaaru cf. lyo.
nlmflfu cf. pDK.
namflru to be bright, to shine, to be joyful im-mi-rv 40*; unam-mir 23 -mi-ir 37*; namra bright nam-ru 58* na-am-ra
371T; namri(r)rn brilliance nam-ri-ri 74447 ruirihri-ir-riJu-nu 58u ;
namurratu brilliance na-mur-m-ti 0*.
pD) namraau cf. p o .
31) ) nindab cf. 3D.
1)) nannarn (= nanharu st. IK,) (?)) illuminator na-an-na-ri 35u *.
K*0J nifld distant ni-su-ti 2 (p i.).

nD) naaftb to wrench away, carry off i-na-in-sah 58 i-na-tah-u 4614

as-suh 18*1* 50l* assv-ha-am-ma l l u na-ti-ih 0U.
^0) niaakku prince 91; naaikkn prince arnUunasik-ka-ni 10.
pD) nialktn precious stones (?) ni-silf-ti 121723* 361138450u.
nfl) nipfen ascent, rise (of the heavenly bodies) m-ip-fri 871238*.
infl) napfcaru cf. infl.
pbfi) napal^atu cf. pSfl.
ID) niprttn cf. Kill.
}UJ) naparku cf. p fl.
93) napSu to expand, breathe, thrive na-pa-ai 20*; napiltn pi.
napSti life na-piS-tu 24*26* -ti 31 -ti 61
VP napiStim 381 -Su 291044u 504 -Su-nu 29T31* na-piS-ta-Su-nu 3 nap-SatuS 1414 nap-Sat-su 207 S32448 -su-un 26w -xu-n 211 napStipi 5711
-Su 8 -u-nu 16 nap-Sa-ti 15* -Ju-nu 167171W0 nap-Sa-a-ti 17;
nappau a window nap-pa-Sa 59.
K3f) nlsn c f. K,Y1.

*13f) naaru to keep, guard, observe if-fwa 27* 83* -ru (sing.) 21*22*
if-fur-u 27 ni-if-furu 32 ip-fu-ru (pi.) 321046w na-fir 29; u-Saan-fir 31* -Su 28- 33; nasim observance na-pr 20*; masartu
watch, guard mafartUipi 31s446*; nifirtu treasure, possession
ni-firtu 12 -ti 18*.



npj nalf to pour out, sacrifice a*>i 1011 ak-ki

afcHi 5026
lik-k{ 2417
3917; at-ta-ki GO16; nilfu a sacrifice kirrunika 2417
nHa-a 60 ni^dni G
O20 mi nijrini 3G84G72238 39 kirruniJfnipi
720 3421.

DpJ naifbu II i to pierce u-na-fcib 8220 mu-nak-Jcib 3G27; nalfbu canal

nakbipi-Su 2024.
DpJ nakmtu cf. nDp.
npi naifru to devastate ak-fcur 213**418,2613211810 a-kur 8s8.
DU an nirba a species of grain 2027.
For niribu cf.
MU narkabtu cf. Ml.
DU narmu cf. DK3U
1DU nir-pad-dupi bones, skeleton -vfu2318 -8u-nu-ti 2681.
YVl narartu, nirartu aid, help na-ra-ru-u-fi 42s4 ni^ra-ru-ut-ti 212
m-ra-ru-ft-u-nti S28.
na& to lift up fa-nflha-a-i 52s8 aHi 4214 a8-a-a 4M
i$-$u-u 5S17 iWtt-ti-ni 238 iSSu-nim-ma ll 84220 li$-$u-u-ni 231; i-dfi
(impv.) 3518; na-a-a-<a (perm.) 3281; na-a-Si 608 na-$i 7621 waa-a$ l 8 na-$a-ta 38s7; niSu elevation m-t$ 2372918>17331037u; niiltu
elevation, favorite ni-&it 51 91.
KBU niS people cf. tsUKi*
gpj nifi (perhaps error for m$<2) distant, remote (?) ni-Su-tu 20u.
KW) ni excrement ntfa-a-fti-tin 1715 (parallel passage ni-fu 1688).
nifib cf. lO&*
pM na&ku to kiss iS-Si-ku ll8; u-na-aS-ty 21 2*2* -Si-ka 21
-t-u 22a40284118422150.
HM nairu eagle naSriiffuru 1720 naSri^uru pi 2620.
r\J nitn....... ni-tum 1418 m-i-fi 1726. St. HK) (?).

aib seventh sibu-u G42,28 si-bu-u 5910 si&WIS1 siba-a GO7.
DDD sabsu angry, enraged sab-sa-a-ti 272.
SlD sugullatu herd surgul-lat 3s7.
UD si-gar festival (?) 19M.
HD siru, sidirtu order, array si-id-ru ll 28 si-dir-ta 15l176.
DID atom II 1 to adorn u-si-im-Si 026; simtu adornment, insignia
si-ma-ti 2321
418 si-ma-t\-$u 1417 si-mat 152248u; simnu
trophy, insignia si-ma-ni 168*14; simfinu third month of the Bab.Assyr. year arbusimdni 801.
DID alaft horse siH 20 85 sistpl 3 42 11 12 14 21 48 50
-ya 16 -ii^na 16.



plD *k n I I i to bring low, oppreu u-tUf 21* u-sija 14u ; iftlpi

road, street sfipi 28.
nno *<*(?) to rebel -xi-Ju (1 2) 14; al^ft rebellion t-v 14 .
r|no aafcApu to cast down at-hu-up-iu 17* ti-fcup-iu-nv-ti 1714 ii^w-up
10 -iu 4 8 -iu-nu-ti 20 ts-Jupu^u 10*12*44 -iiwm-ri 10*.
"IflD aafeAxu to turn, return, surround io#-ir-*rwna 35D sa-aJi-ra 40*;
issafy-ra ( - istafrira) 00*-1114; twa-Awr 404; aifcixtn enclosure, wall,

4 4 a l 2 5* 0 x^ir-< 12 33 -#u 50 -/a 32;

ub&arta enclosure, discomfiture xu^-JuNa-fu-nu 15; si^ru a

band, troop s$-ru 15; au&iru.........xu-Ai-ru S2U.
rpD a lk a tu ..........si-kat 6 .
Sdo an kkalla messenger, servant 33 371 sukkalli-Ia 64.
tpo aakApu to cast dow n; aUdptu defeat ti-kip-ti 17; asknppu
threshold as-kup-pu 38 askuppipi 04.
*DD aaktru to speak u-ia-<u-kXr4u 29u.
TDD aikkuru a bolt sib-ku-ru 5217 {futikhtri 52u.
H^D aalatu near (?) (fern, adj.) sa-la-iu 20 sa-lal-ya 571* (my near kin),
n^D alft to lift up, cast off is-ia-a 27* iWu-u 22* 27u.
n^D aullft street (?) su-ul-ii-{-iu-nu 271.
n*7D aalfifeu to sprinkle ia4ujpii 04 su-iuJpli 04 .
D^O aalftmu to turn, be favorable it-ii-mu 35*; aalimn, anlnmmu
favor, treaty, alliance aa-li-m( 46u tu-hcm-mu-u 46u ; sa-li-mi-ii
graciously 40*4.
ODD aummatu <fturu a dove (?) 60 tummata 60* summati 16*1.
IID ainuntu 1 ffuru a swallow 60 tinunla 60*.
pjD aanlpu to bind, press, submit <u-ni-faiu-nu-ti 31T -ni-a 14
sa-an-Jpu 3 3 ; is-aa-anrka-am-ma (IY 1) 29; sanlpi want, famine
tu-un-lfu 2 4 82 su-un-tf 26 29.
KBD aip to pray u-sap-pu-u 25 (sing.); aupfl, snppft prayer xu-puu-Su 39 su-pi-i-a 15 87 su-vp-ptt 25.
nJDD aapft&u to overthrow usap-pi-ih 17* 85.
jUD aapftnu to cover, overpower, cast i-sap-pcm-nu 59u iu-pu-un 18*
26 ts-pu-nu (sing.) 20* li-is-pu-un 871* u-pu-nu (pL) 23* ja-pt-nu
18 sa-pi-in 36 sa-pi-na-at 15* 10 88 89T.
f)DD aapsapfitf extremities, limbs sa-apsa-pa-li 16u.
tjflD aippu threshold si-ip-pu 52u.
*1J)D aaparu net sa-par 26.
*1B0 alparru copper siparri 4a siparripi 6***
YlD aurdft ^furu ow l 84.
'HD ai-ri-ya-am coat o f mail 15.



Dno aarm u.......... sa-arwa-Su-nu 41.

pnD Barlfu to pour out; surkinu libation
no surratu opposition, sedition
u n 46s*.


s u r -r a -a -ti

Bittu, sititu the rest, remainder

l 121

s i- it - t u - t i


S u -n u

- J c iS i- n a

s i- it - t i


si-it-tu ~ u ~ ti


s a t-tu k -k u

- t i 2 7**.2 9 **


332 -*i'-ti-nu 122

Battukku daily sacrifice

601 -nt 6025611.

s u r - k i- n u


-liS u -




-k iS u r u n



nno Butaru . . . . .

s u -ta -r i


KD oftnupapi ideogram for a kind of stone 641<U4.
SlD pagftlu to be great

p u - u g - g u - lu

HID pagru body, corpse


a m i lu p a g r i p i

p a -g a r



22*1232 p a g ^ r i (pi.) 161*80 -^u-wn

228 -iu-nu 15 1728331484 p a g - r a t (pi. fern.) 5921.

mD pad indulgent, sparing

pD padtnu way, road

p a -d u -u

p a -d a -n u

67 p a - d a - a 517 p a - d u r ti 610.

4220 p a d a n i p i 2.

p mouth, word, speech, command



27 2917*2


p i

312 -u-nu 2618*20


p a -a

6 p i - i lM2710

610 -*u 5221 017*10

-ia 647.
Kn) pi&ft to close pi-$i (impy.) 582 pi-hi-i 58; ap-ti-foi 587; pi^fttu
district, governor of a district, satrap amilu pifeta 196 pifyat 1410
amihipihtipi 46148150 -$u-nu 33s7.

nnfi pafeftru to assemble, come together ip-hu-ru 14u ; ip-taft-ru 00 ;

u-pah-hir 202 -hi-ra 4824 u-pa-ah-hi-ra-am-7na 412 u-pa-fyir 14271877;

pu-uh-fcir (impv.) 1422; lup-i{-fxir l 7; pu^ru totality pujur 25u34a
pu-hurSu-nu 151017;

napharu totality naphar 314 nap-jar 3*

Si-na 716.


pu-u^-ri-i-ti (?)......... 59M.

noD patru to open, sever, release

ti- ir


3 *; u - p a U x - r a 2024; u-ia-ap-

101; patru dagger 162 p a t a r 26124812 p a t r ip i 1617.

ip - p a - t ir

Tfi pfidu side, limit

a p - tu - u r



V ofoutplta a kind of stone

p i- li

p a -a d


624 p i - i - l i 10 .

n*D pirn elephant pin ^ ^ ^ l S 2124 (iinpin* = ivory).

rOD pak fear

p a - k i- i


nDJD pakfidu cf. ipj.

iSo Plft reign, year of reign pa-lu-u-a 371* pali-ya 7s*8120s*


pali-i-a 23** p a 4 U v 35 -fu 391* pa-la-a-iu 40



l-p&361 i>-Za 11 29 83 iWa'-u

16 20 31* pa-la-fya 89 pa-la-afy(l)-4u 41* pa-li-fri-ka 41** 4u 40>



pa-lfy 64 pa-lih 107 pa-lfy-ka 23 4u 24*25 pa4i-% 85* 4u 41;

ip-tal-la-hu 2 2 ip-tal-fcu 58; pulfcu fear pul-hi 10 12; pulufctu
fear pu4u$-tu 1 7 ~ti 20 -ta 68*; pa-al-fci-ii reverently 35.
IV I to cross, transgress, rebel ap-palrkit 1* ip-pal-kit 24 25* 34
-Jci-tu 83*; III I u-ia-pal-kat I will break to pieces 52.
paldau I Y i to look, look upon, favor ap-pa-lii 22*

50 ap-

pa-alsa 6 0 ip-pa-li-i* 40 lip\pa4it] 24* lip-pal-ta-cn-ni 37;

na-ap-li-is (im pv.) 38 -li-si 30 i-tap-lu~ri (IV 2 inf.) 58*.
p*7 palflLlfu (or balfai) to destroy uapallfatu destruction na-pal-^aia-iu 1814 na-pal-lfa-ti 17 (some implement or mode of attack).
p^D palA iu to scatter, break in pieces ap-tu-ui 33; u-pal-Ma 15.
rufl pan face, front, presence pa-nu-u-a 20 28 38* 37 pa-nu-ui-iutm 26 4034 pa-ni 38 464 -o 0 -ya 0 4 2 -H 03* 4u 14 23
4a 64* pa-na the past 0 61* pa-an l ir2*13*; punu face(t) puna-Su 58*.

ODD pasftsu to forgive p a sisu 25.

KD pif white p isi-( 6.
Ip3 palfAdu to visit, inspect, entrust, appoint ap-lfid, 23 48 -*u<
nihti 464 ap-ki-du 46* (sing.) ip-fid-diwJ 48 (sing.); u-pa-kidu
427 46a;

pilpittn appointment pi-fit-ti-iwn 40* -ta4u-un 40*;

pitlpudu thoughtful, provident pit-Jpjrdu 0 161.

KID to cut off, destroy pa-ri-i 15; u-par-ri-i IO7,17 331; niprttu
destruction (f), famine (T) ni-ip-ri-i-tu 25 -ti 274 np-rid 14.

parft mule (t), ox (t) imiruparipi 12 14 48 pa-ri-i 3.

abnu par a kind of stone pa-ru-ti 6.
parab five sixths 20.
parzillu iron parzilli 11 22* parzUlipi 6.

}*ia parftku to separate, bar, hem purvu-ku 26a (I I I perm.); parakku

enclosed space, sanctuary -ka 38 parakkipi 41 -fu-nu 26.
KD1B napark cessation na-par-ka-a 2717.
m a purim u w ild ass imirupvrimXpi 30.
pnB paru n akku enclosure (?) pa-ru-nak-ki 20*.

DIB parftau to divide, cut, decide, hinder ipru-us 27 pa-ra-as 27;

u-par-ri-is 32*; purtuau decision, decree purusstiu-nu 19; piriatu
decision, decree, oracle pi-ris-ti 61-.
pD parAbu to command ap-niritf 16; parse command paraf 7
partipi 63a 4 a 03*4 * 64H

TIB parftru to break to pieces u-parri-ir 17* lu-pi-ri-ir 4 mu-pcniru 5.

EHB p a riti entrails (f), filth, excrement par4u 1031*.
BHB parftiu IY i to fly mut-tap-r-u-H (IV 2) 10.



na-par-Surdi 2614(inf.); it4a-napra$-i-du
rw D

pai cf. HW.


pailfu strong, steep, difficult




ap-SuruS 3721381lip-tw

K * n fl

106 ap-ii 5922 ap-ta-a 6119 tp-ta

aMi 68* tp-p] 1419 ip-tu 1722; pf-ta-a (impv.) 52^15 pi-ta-atMi
putu opening, entrance, side purut 810pu-ut-ni 6124
pitd open pi-tvrti 2M.
patlpi to build, make pitku a work pi-tik 5014.
pit^udu cf. ipa.

to be good, favorable u-$a- i-i-nu-in-ni 449; sfnu good i-ni 16u.
7 i-i-ni 1218182314,88328.
JK iV sinn sheep and goats (ni 302
alru the top, back; lofty, exalted; upon, against fi-i-ru 7110
iriri 371838s2 jt-ru-u-a 1512 finwS-Su 10281214^ 3624 -Swn 1222
tr 24s827193043481 -uWu 21202481258 -uS-Surun 27142 ftir lo2
168 firtipi 5014 i-rurtu 3628 ir-tu 34n piWi* 15283G14114 i-ra4( 220
p-nwi-ri 38 5022 -rf 910421.
IRtf isiru a plain 32024s72583024445720** ?i'ra 1G18468
sbu man, soldier abipi 129 amiluobipl H2813261844-$u 1224.
IW *
sabttu gazelle abitipi 3011.
m v
iguBumbu a kind of wagon u-um-bi 1428.
abnuaab-^1^ pearls (?), necklace (?) 6312,186421.
sabitu to seize, take, embrace, build, work a-bat 427281525[1720]
ra v
343812441246507 a?-flKrt 36s2
2223332860 6122 -*u-nu-*i
23934 48s7 liri?-ba-at 3719 i>-a-*u l6,18221929u 3120
i-ba-tihni l4-nim-ma 1572882i-bat~Vrnimrma 4628,26a-bat (impv.) 2218
tab-tu (perm.) 151 a-bit 514 $a-ba-t{ 4127; a-a-bat (= a-ta-bat) 1382
ip-pa-fort 1327; Vrfab-bit 214311-5i-a 24s; u-$a-a-bit 618 -su-nurti 3424
4228-bi-itsu 4014; sibtu seizure fi-bit 3318; subtu garment, clothing
tu-bat 521064**17.

?u-fci........ ?u-$t%fo(?) 6022.

aaftru to be small u-sa-ah-hir 1220

611; ai^ru, sa^ru small ihru 10221212 ^ra 1728202482 fi^rtipl
1213 *a-a$-ri 35



filtu battle fi-U-ti 15.

fa l to beg, entreat u-fal-li 22104214 u-fal-la-a 25*; taflttn prayer
ta-af-li-ti 88*.
V ff falA ln to fall, sink if-lal 6*.

fa llllu to cover aalula shadow, protection talu(iyltm 24s fa-i\t4u

G7; aululu shadow, cover, roof fu-lu-li-Iu 88* fu-lul-H-na 30*; fillu
shadow on fil-li dungeon 11 (an = receptacle).

0*7* $alm u im age fa-lam 7 8.

O^y fa lm u fem . lalimiu black ga-lim-tum 58u fd-mai 40M.
HjDX aum m u thirst fu-um-mi SO14 81 -iti-nu 81*.
IDS sam kdu to arrange, harness fa-an-du 4017 (perm.) fa-mid-tu 2 0 *;
sim du, sin du, fim lttu span fi-in-diriu 14* fi-mit-li 16*.
fa m lr u I I I to plan u-fa-am-mi-ru-iu 17*.
rp( fi-p a a kind o f stone (!) 4*.
tjmf fip p a tu a k in d o f reed fip-pa-a-H 20*.
Iffif if ? u m b ird cf. "\YK.

rent fu $ a sprout (!) fu-fa-a 62*.

mfif fls fu bon d ifu fi-if-fi 22.


fa r in a

to be angry if-fa-ru-ufy 42u.


s ir r it u .........fir-ri-tu 88*.


fu t m u .........ju-ti(?)-m u 82*.

K*3p Jfdb to say, speak, announce, inform, call, command i^abi 617>u
i-fab-bi 52 847 ak-bi 12* 18* 277 59 ak-bu-u 59 ta^-bu-u 35*
ilf-bi 251*4014 ijp-ba-a 4 8 * ik-bu-u 2510 (sing.) li-i^-ba-a 371 t-5ti-u
19 (p i.) 201,17 2 0 * 8410 -iu 19M li-ik-bu-u 37u 3 9 4 1 ";


com m and ki-bit 6 -su 89 ki-bi-it 38* -au-nu 35 [In6ih-Ju] 41M

ki-bi-ti 41 -Su-nu 381.
Sap Ifablu to m eet m ulftablTl (1 2) warrior mu^-tab-li-lu-nu 1*2*14
4 ; Ipablu figh t fabli 2 3lfl 47 S7 44s oWi 40* 58* jraWa 59 *
lfa-bal-iu 48 ; Ifa b lu m idst kabal 10 ll*1; Ifabaltu midst, waist
Ipa-bal-ti 82 lcablatipi-ya 6819 -ia 63u 64* -lu-nu 1617.
Tip I I 1 to w ait u-fci 1.

Sip Iffilu voice ku-lu 5919.

*]1p Ij&pu to decay, fa ll i-ku-pu 24* 87*.
*Pp IfApu to entrust i-ki-pu-nu S7; amtfulffpu keeper, chief, governor

50a 031.aT.1o.1a 1a 19.1a 64 1dpi 521114 tfpa-Su-nu 81 auO u^nipt 22*

amilu ki-p a -a -n i 4 2 * 46150 amiluhi+pa-a-ni 427.



Hip Iffttu to give ik-urtu 8818.

Jfutru smoke &u-$ur 18M.
p*p Iffl&u to give, present a-fcis-su 481 t-Jfci-fa 341.
V?p Ifullultu shame, disgrace 1$ul-lul-ti 12*.
lfallfaltu hunger kal-1$aUti 8010>2i8a3127.
nop ^am to burn ak-mu 13w1810 t{:-mu-u 2818; nalfxntu conflagra
tion na-alp-mu-ti-$u-nu 1322.
yop ^amftBU to press together II 2 to crouch ul-tam-mi-i$ 928; in 2
to press together u$-tak-mi-i 6128.
Ifand re
Ifinnu 1
entrust (?)
tjfjp Ifuppu cage ku-up-pi 1215.
Ifasflru to bind, collect, devise ak-$ur 23s733s8ik-$u-ru 2011ra*
i-ru 316; kifliru
possession kx-?ir 33M; Ifisru might ki-i?-ri 5U ki-$ir 9a -Su-nu 410.
ipp kalflfadu kadkadu) head \akkadi 25101140 -ya 637 -to 6364
fca*-fca-su 182*19 kakkadipi 1914 -Su-nu l1*^20kak-ka-ru 25^a 30 3! -ri 92852*
Ifalflfaru ground,
kak-kar 18163022.
Kilp IfarCt
ru-nim-ma ll26.
S u -U k

3918; Ifirbu midst ki-ir-bi 4180 3519 kir-bi-8u-un 1214 K-ir6a 4118 -$u 36w K-rift midst, within (used after prepositions or
12i 1628 ki-it-ru-ub 6; talfribtu prayer tak-rib-ti 27; ikribu
prayer ik-riM [-v] 2417.
Ifardu to be strong ik-ri-da 58s; kardu fern, karittu strong,
warrior kar-du 5*779 20 321*82 kar-du-d 711 ka-rit-tu 31733*;
Ifarradu, Ifurdu strong, warrior kar-ra-du 32s8 ku-ra-du 61mU
ku-ra-di 2a 617 -yapi 2 -ifu-nu lu 3 4121612 ku-ra-a-di-$u-nu 21
Ifurdu might ur-dt 22.
Ifarau horn kamatipi-$a 3280.
Ifararu decrease ka-rwra 6018.
Ifaitu bow 15s4 kaiti lla420M31738aT -ya 19 kaSaAi{f)pl 60M
(arches of the rainbow (?)).





npp If&tft completed lfa-ta-a 23*.

npp Ifttu hand S314 %t ( - ma fcd/i) 13 Jo/ imhi 26*

0* +0-

lu 30M %atui-iu-un 46* Jfa-iu-n-a 38* J[a-tv-uI4u 407** Ifati 22*

23* 31 j:&ti-ya 014 \a-ii 3 10 60* -ya 61* Jw n 16* *a-e4i 40*
W 1 8 -*u 5 ^ * 9 Ijfdia-a-a 11 16 17*31*50* \MwAu 40
kaTi 27* 31 3446* -ya 3 3 * 42* 63* 4a 63* 64.
npp Ifuttajm spear Jfut-ta-^u 16* 82"

jW*n r fu to p a stu re, sh ep h erd , ru le ir-^ n i 30 ; riu shepherd, ruler 0*
anUurVu 67 amilurC i 57 ;

ri' tu dom inion rCu-ut 10* <u [4 0 *]

rCHrsirna 28a ; r lt u pastu rage, fo o d ri-i-ti 10*.

ra&bu to b e a n g ry , ra g e ir--ub 64*.
3H|1 r lb itu p la ce, squ are, street ri-bii 9 * 17* 19 ri-fonj-ri 26.
TK,*1 rftdu storm ra-a-d i 9 * .
OKil rlm u w ild o x ri-i-m u 3 6 * .
DR,*l r lm u to p ity , lo v e
narftm u

ir-a-m u 4 0 ; rlm u grace ri-i-mu 21 25* 27*

ri-x-ma 8 ;

rlm u fem . rimiu beloved ri-im4u 3 2 * ;

fe m . narcimtu love, favorite

na-ra-mi-ka 38*

4u 37*

na-ram 2 0 * 8 0 8 2 * na-ra-am 5* 85* no-rtun-ti 34*.

ptVl rfUpu fa r ru-u-fcu 914 2 2 rktipi 13 [62*] ru-u-u-tf 9 * -ti 30*;
rftlfu, ra lflp u , r ljit u distance ruJci 62* ru-u-ki 62a ru-uk-ki 10*
ru-lci-i-ti 2 8 .
r l i u h ead

ra-Su-u-a 1 5 * ;

r liu head, summit, chief ri-(4u 27*

ri-{4 i-i4 u 24* r tf 5 * (r tf {-n i = fountain head) 8* ri-Q 3514 rftl (!) pi
271B; r l i t u p i. riSiti sum m it ri4\4-ii 9s; rlitft first, chief, farmer
r-tu-u 3 0 62 ri--tum 871 rii-ti 7 .
riifttu re jo icin g s ri4a-a-ti 2 3 * 3 6 * 38** -ti 20* -dm 411.
arbai fe m . irbittu fo u r arba'-i 2 9 irb-ti 23 trfcWi 35s irtt+ttim 4 0 irbit-ta 57 714; r ib fourth ribu-u 63* 64* ri-ba-a 60*.
Ki31 rib a d eclin e, sunset ri-ba 3 7 * 88*.
713*1 ra b to b e grea t, becom e large ir-bu-u 20 6 2 ; mu4ar4o-u 5* 7 * ;
ra b large 1 2 rabu-u 71 ra-bu-u 351* raM 8* 58* rabi-i 54 rab6 20s
raba-a 1728 036*7 ra-ba-a 6 4 * rabli 35* rabtipi 2 01 amllurab^tipi
1 7 4 u 16a 4u -u n 1 9 4u-nu 1 6 rabUi 10*39 52
rdbatipi 00M;
ru b

rabx-ti 5*

amilu rab-oju &al-au commander of a fortress 137;

p rin ce 6 Du

rubu-u 6*

ru-bi-( 40* (pi.)

rubiltipi 25

amilu rubbtipi l l 4 ; r a b i-ii 7 ; tarbltu product ta-ar-bi-it 36.

rab& su to lie d ow n rab-fu (perm .) 59*.

U J L iU A K Y .

I no


stroke, blow mur-ba-Su 16281718.

raggu bad, wicked rag-gu 897 ra-ag-gu 3820 rag-gi 16u.
rigrnu word, ory rig-ma 594.
rig-gir idoograra for some kind of wood 6018.



8 murd(-du-u 714; II I to join u-rad-di 1222342; III i to cause

to flow uJar-di 81 u-Sar-da-a 168 lurSar-di li*21141121; ridtu
cohabitation (id/ ridti harem) ridu-u-ti 20 ri-du-u-ti 191B.
Ill radgdu to pursue ar-du-ud 411 ra-da-di-$u-nu 1684.
3H rtbu II I to extinguish mu-rib 67.
^11 rifu helper ri-ft-tVu 296; ristu help ri-u-tu 25427s8 ri-pu-tf 61
ri-fudi in5
33 dfu 1925s4 -$u-nu 176 ri-fu-u-tu 298 -ti 2526 ri-^u-u/ 4
ri-fu-ur-ju-tm ll2.
nni(?)rifcttu consumption, destruction ri-pi-it 2680.
|TI1 rafcsu to overflow ra-(}i-$i lu 5212} rijiiltu overflow ri-Jf-t7tii


8 .

mar-ki-i-tu 2618 mar-ki-tu 3180 mar-ki-ti-Su 3414

-iu-nu 31
rakftbu to mount, ride ar-ta-kab 1528; rkibu, rakbu courier,
messenger ra-ki-bu-H-in 1628rak-bu-Su 12882216*26rak-bi-i-Su-un 4610*23;
rukubu, riding, chariot, equipage ru-ku-pi-ya 16 rurku-bi-ka 3517
ru-kub 20144815; narkabtu chariot narkabti 2016 -ya 34 narkabat
15w16u narkabtipi l72 -ya 27 -u 819 -Surnu 316.
rlk iltu slander ri-kil-ti 1414.
rakgsu to bind, erect ar-ku-us-Su 28s2; u-rak-kis 1216214 -kisa 227
46748ia ruk-ku-sa 164; riksu bond, support rik-su-u 102 riksa-a-tl
20467; markaau enclosure, retreat mar-kas 207.
rukuttu possession ru-ku-Si-Su-nu 3128.
ram to dwell, inhabit ar-ma-a 411 ir-m( 23s ra-mu-u 35 ra-mi{-ka 3820; u-$ar-ma-a 3984124 8u-ur-ma-a 351
ram to settle, fall tr-mu-u 102.





HOI ru-um -m l.........6114.


to pour out ri-it-mu-ku 1612(12 perm, blood and filth

clave to the chariot).
001 ram Amu to speak, thunder ir-tam-ma-am-ma 5812.
{01 ram8nu self ra-ma-nu-u-3in 1624 ra-man-i-Su 22s742 ra-ma-ni^
nu 18l 2710 ra-man-iu 252818 -u-un 4618.
*{01 raaipu I I I to thrust through u-rasa-pu 172 u-ras-sip 251 u-ra-<*s
sip 28w -si-pa 32
ram lk u



u^rappi-iu 20u mu-rap-pif 0,T;

rapSu broad rap-Su 2v (libbu rapiu large-hearted) 30* rap-Si 44*
rapSpi-ti 328 rap-5u-ti 1328151* rapitipi 3U rap-ia-a-li 35a -fim 4016;
ritpaSu broad ri-it-pa-Su 412.
raapu to jo in , bu ild ar-pp 42010* ra-fa-pi 4s*.

tfSP rapSu to b e widespread, numerous


ppi rik k u plant, arom atic plant riffip i 3GU3S4. St pi).

HEH raStL to possess, grant, perm it ar-Jf-i 30137* ar-sWuSl11^;)2^ 3 ! ^


-Su-u^ma 2912 -5u-nu-ti 27* ar-Sa-3u-nu-ti 3*1 ir-fu-u 12M33U ra-af 14*;
ir-ta-8i 404; u-Sar-Si 41 tt-3ar-3a-a 22M; m aiiitu possession marSit 3.
raSbu to be m igh ty ra-aX-bu 424; raiubtu might, majesty rcSubbat 1024 4821.

TBH radu I I I i to establish, found u-Sar-Si-id 3610 Sur-Su-da Oa (perm.).

PUH ruS genuine

ru-u3-3i-i 1G4.

K,m rit I I I to erect, establish u-ra-aHi 3810 u-ra-at-la-a 3GM u-ri-ti fl27.
psm ritpaSu cf. t?*n.

pm rittu hand (?) rit-tu-u-a 152* rii-i{-{-3u 48u -iu-tm 22T rit-ti-iu-un IQ4

-Su-nu 16lfl.

W Sa relative pronoun who, which, whoever, and genitive particle

l al8 32a411041B; when 720; that, quod 50*.
HKd? to see, seek, look after, devise i-Sa-a-u 30u a-Sx-i-a 41* !(-i 02*
(perm.) ; aS-lx-i 245 a3-t(-i-( 417 uf-ii-i-i 40; iS-ti-ni-i-(-Ji-na-a-iim
4011 iS-ti-ni-i-u
bKit? alu to ask, request iS-a-a-la 29M \S-a-a-lu 2027 iS-a-lu 25s 3a-

*a-al 22m25 27s2; muStalu, multalu provident, prudent mul-talu 7; i3-la-na-a-a-lum 32M; u-Sa-i-lu l l 271515.
IKi^ fiiru flesh, kinsman Sir 273214 firi 2410 fira (?) 33u finpi 201
-Su-nu 2624.
IK,l? Bru w ind, storm Sa-a-ru 5915 Sdripi GO15.
PK,ty Situ (?) to flee, to refuse (?) a-5x-xt 362 iVi-fu-u-ro 26 27.
3P u b u ...........3u-b( 2 14 41B Su-u-bx 418.
K,217 lb to b e satisfied, have enough

liS-b1 2412; u-Sabbu-u (III)


fb, n i b sufficiency, satisfaction Si-bi-i 2410 niS-bi-i 30s1.


Sibbu g ird le Sib-bu G31&196 i19 5 iW 16il74813.

MU' ibtu staff, scepter, stroke, slaughter Sib-tu 333 Stb-ti 27s.
*73t7 Subultu ear o f gra in Su-bul-tu 20M.
MU' Sabru to b rea k to pieces a-Sab-bir 5217,* u-Sab-bi-ru IS*; 11him
weapon, m ace (?) Si-bir-ri 38,


G L08SA B Y .

libra Babylonian for iipru work ii-hi-ir-iu

3n o&*
rOBT iubtn cf.
H117 iig prayer 27*.
0117 kagmu to cry out, roar aJ-gu-um 515.
*US7 Sigru cage ifut-ya-ru 28*433.
17117 lagaltu destruction ia-gal-ti 3.
mi7 iad mountain iadu~u 28 31u 5S2460**** iod-t l1*19*(pL) 6011
iadi-( 418 Sada-a 2* iad-da-a IT50 /adt^ 3* iad \ pt* 6^* $ad-di-i
T117 laddu to draw, drag -du-du 34*; iiddu border, coast ii-di 81
8i-di-{ 11* Juf-tft 15.
TU7 kadfldu to love, compassionate (!) iu~du-ud 61.
V?17 iadlu fern. Sadiltu broad, extended iaddudi ll7 <tdi-il-4i 16*.
U7 he, it, that one iu-u 6141213*14*16*2S**2916331042<
68859le; filu he, him, himself, that one la-adu ll1012 24
25I 288035*la28 377 394; gflatu, Sdtn pL iatunu this, that Jua-tu 42127 9
is* * * 44u 5010 tu-adi 10 24*
3510*2036 371028* 3910'* Ja-adu-nu 4 26** 42 4S27 a-funu 3*1.
bull deity tluSidi 26*.
2127s la-u-ta

X (=lu -+ adufa) 23*.

^117 ftlpa foot
1024119 {-pu-u-su 23164021 -ui-sti-tin 31s fijpi
1210 H fi-iu 40 ii'pi 22* -ya 11s63 d u 71T-/a 63* 64 du-nu 15*
iipipi-ya l 17 du 524; fcfptu base(?) ti-p-su 101; Sttpu batteringram(!) Su-pi-i 1210.
pH7 ll^u abundance 20.
1U7 ru ox iu-u-ri 164.
JT17 iazftnu to lie (?), boast (?) iV-zwiu 251*.
tw kau a kind of wild beast SaMpi 26**.
nni7 iafc to swim ida-ah-hi 6014.
OTW iajifttu to strip, flay a$-hu-ut 347
*jni7 iaJjpu to overthrow (= sahdpu) ai-u-tip 417.
TM"H7 to be narrow, contracted ui-Ao-ri-ir 59*.
rnBf i ahtu to bow, cast oneself down aS-hu-ut 37.
ntH7 iatajiu to march (!) ida~atdi-ha 4017414.
^817 iatkru to write idatda-ru 24 aSdur 48 aldu-ur 4 W-ff<r
laf-ru (perm.) 24 iat-ra 32; ftitru writing Sidir 23s13916,1
iidtir 87 3814.
'V f I f u grain, crop Swim 20.

q' 5?


Smu to fix , appoint i-.?am-mu 32* li-Hm 24u Mt-mu 33* -lu-ntHi
8215; mu-Sim 73 mu-Si-mu 711; Slmata, Siaitu, lltim tu fate, destiny
Si-ma-tu G2n

Si-ma-ti 24n

ii-im-ti-Su I t 2 Jlmat 483 fi-ma-at 35*

-sti 354 Simalipi 74,12 Si-lim-ti-Iu-nu 17n.

Sindti urine i-na-ff-?u-tm 1G82.
33 Sakbitu overthrow (?) Sak-bi-ti 27*.
piy gaknu to Bet, lay, make, appoint, establish, accomplish i-iak-kanu 24213025171B aS-kun l 11601* -?u 22828a M2048U ai-Jhi-unS1
aS-ku-na IG6 446 ai-tu-nu 10T 34M 50* faf-[iun] Gl12 taS-ku-nn
Gll-18 iS-kun 817 [52238 (JaHnu uznu> to resolve) il-fcu-na 25*
-nam-ma 5721 iS-ku-nu 913 (sing.) Gl2 liS-kun 241T30u U-ku-nu (pi.) 2s
24s9 220 29 3127 Sak-nu (perm.) 20 482*, ia-kin 5 la-tin 50u ;
Sa-kan 4G15; aS-ta-kan l l 2317s 50la al-ta-kan G* aS-tak-ka-na 242T2714
iS-ta-kan 2720 iS-tak-kan 2320 [tf]-faJt-4*a-<m39a Sit-ku-nu (perm.) 11M
1514 IG3; u-Sa-aS-kin G11 -ki-na 31; iS-ia-kin 23w3218 lii-Sa-kin 461T
Gl17 -ki-in 377 iS-Sak-nu 2502 i$-3a-ak-nu 4*; iaknu governor Ja-aknu 01 amiluSakntipi 27u amttulat-nu-fi-ya G2; ilkna work, ap
pointee Si-kin 181B24802711} maSkanu station maJ-Jtan-t-fu 1SW
4818 -Su-un 4G4; Bakkanakku governor 231* Sakkanakkipi 368
amiluSakkanakkipi l l 12-3 Sak-ka-nak-ka 4022.
*DK? fiakru (also sakru) to speak, swear (?) promise (?) u-ia-ai-klrSu-nu-ti 205.
Sakru......... u-Sa-kir 1502312*.
KjS Said to cast, shoot (the bow) Sa-li-i 2014.
TlSt? (?) Suldtu royalty Su-lu-ti-ya 13s.
nS Said to float, swim i-Sal-lu-u 1G10 u-Sal-lu 50n.
nS Sillatu wickedness (?) blasphemy (?) Sil-la-tu 2618>u.
iSl? Salgu snow Sal-gu 1380.
Salhd wall, rampart Sal-hu-u 1810; al-bu-tim . . . . . 3D25.
Siy altu to rule Sit-lu-ta-at 3222; III 2 ul-tal-li-iu 2a ; ial-tli vic
toriously 30M.
Sallu to plunder, carry away aS-luba 824 l l 17-82121T135,21 IS25
31118233005017. gallatu booty Sal-la4u 5Qlfl -d 124G8 SaUal 3117

-su 31la Sal-la-sun l l 13522 -su*nu 1U3 3a 8i4; ialldtu captivity

SaUu-su-nu 382; Sal-la-tiS as booty 1214,
Saldm u

to b o w hole, well, completed, executed iS4im-ma 23a;

u-Sal-lim 241 mu-Sal-li-ma-at 3S23 -mat 39; 5almu favorable, peace

Sal-mu 382 Sa-al-mu 3Gn

Sal-ml 274; Salimtu peace Sa-Um-tim 4118

Sa-li-im-tim 417-28; Sulm u peace, greeting, rest, sunset Su-lum 25a


Sul_m { 7 2i

,ya nouns 072a. ju lm in ii, ia lm il peacefully




Su~ul-ma-niS 41 Sal-miS 3046s5019 -mi-iS 3010 -mi-iS 3080; ialamtu

corpse Sa-lam-ta-aS 40* Sal-mat 21-ma-at l11319412.
ialummatu........Sa-lum-ma-ti 6.
Sallfu to cut, cut out aS-lu-uk 2620; II I to rip open u-Sal-li-ku 3128.
iallaru a wall Sal-la-ar-Su 3619.


ialfiu, Salultu third

Sal-Su 63u Sal-Si 1018211 Sal-Sa 606419 Sa-lu-

ul-ti 326.

fiuitu cf. rhw.

UW iumu name Surma 62-11 Stwni 2416,18,19 Sumi-ya 51 Su-mi-ya 3918
-Su 943918 Sum 199 -Su 1229 -ki 224 Su-um 37203814.

KDt^ ilm to hear i-Sim-mi 2418 aS-mi-i 2280 iS-mx 1 3 * 50*91* iS-mti 27M
442 iS-mi-i 2026 iS-ma-a 447 iS^mu-u 21* (sing.) li-iS-mx-i 3719 iS-mu-u
1520(pi.) 221025733946 li-iS-mu-u 3919.
umflu the left 329 Sumtti 106.
HOW iummnu bond, fetter Sum-man-nu 16.
Hot? fiam pi. Sami, Sammu, Samtu heaven Sami 4410 Sami-i 76151#
581119,24 5 Q1 Sa-ma-mu 624 Sa-ma-mi 38s8 Sa^mu-tu 581
*4 -tum 1329168,
amhu to thrive Stirum-mu-fta 2027.
Summa if Sum-ma 521
Samnu eighth Samni-i 14
iam n u oil Sam-ni 3619.
Summannu cf. not?.
amru to be great, powerful, violent iS-tam-ma-ru 402
; iamru
violent Sam-ri 1529177; umru, ium urratu violence Su-mur 31748
Su-mur-ra-as-su 5819; am-ri violently 418.
*\ow i im iru a ring Simirpi 22748126321*22 Si-mir 6418 Siminpi 168,1
4SamSi 3880uuSamrSi 610724; mtuuSamWOW fiamu the sun nuSam-Su 71
Si(i) the extreme east(?) 9s5.

iu tm a d u ....... Sut-ma-Si 210 -Si 321.

to be different II i to change, defeat (T) u-Sa-an-ni 28Mj

ianum m a another Sa-nu-um-ma 4618 Sa-nim-ma 1923780; iattu
pi. Sanati year Satti 3S26 Sattf)-ti 24Santipi 1873727,88388a -ya 2029
3718 Sanpt-ti l 2; 8attU am (m a) yearly Sat-ti-Sam 1027 Satti-Sam-ma
17(= that year) Sat-ti-Sam-ma 21202717.
land to be double II i to repeat, inform u-ia-an-na-a 22174212
lu-Sa-an-ni 224; ianltu repetition, time 8M; 8and second iani-i 1714
Sana-a 604636418; 8anidnu a second time Sa-ni-ya-a-nu 251829
angu priest 27 -u 715 Sangi 51 7U] iangfltu priesthood
SangiU-su 71
mainaktu . . . . . maS-nak-ti 2833a.

7\:w Sand

7U V




j32? Sannu to contend with, to rival Sa-rman 23 j SSLninu rival

Sa-ni-nu 219 -no 2280a Za-nin-Zu 574012; al-la-na-an l w.
|JE7 Sinnti tooth Zinni 1228iu Sin 12a 1854 (Sinpin = ivory).
JU2? Sunatu cf. |2?l.
HOI? aa to call, cry out, speak i-lU-si HO* al-sa-a (= aZ-sa-a) 1527.
tpE? Siapu milk Si-is-pu 3213.
rj{y saptu lip, command Sap-lu-uk-ka 377 Zapli-ya 27 Zap-ti-ya 21*
Zap-ta-Zu-nu 591B.
n32? Biptu cf.
1132? Baphu to spread Sa-pu-uh 52u.
;j32? apku to pour out, heap up aS-pu-uk 104; lu-Zl-pi-ik 1; tipkn
mass 5i-pik 103.
Sat? Saplu to be low, deep u-Zap-pi-il 3782 u-Za-pil 013; 8aplu fem.
Saplitu lower, under Zap-li-Zu-nu GO18 Za-pal-Su 234 10" Zapliti-ya 3-t25
Sap-li-ti 3G5 -tim 1118 Sap-lit 20* 2315 Sap-la-ti 24n (= things on
earth) ; Bupiltu lower part, pudenda Supil-ti 01-&17 -ta-Zu-un 1014;
upal the lower Supali o27; muSpalu depth muZ-pa-UQa ; SapliB below 626.
|B2? Sapnu to cover, overpower, cast ti-pu-nu 713. Cf. |3D.
122? sapru to send, rule aZ-pur IS13 iZ-pur 22M iZ-pu-ra 122921 iZpur-am-ma 22102382723 iZ-pu-ru 2215; iZ-ta-nap-pa-ra 22M; ul-taZ-piru 0; Sipru, fiipirt mission, letter, work Zi-ip-ri 3G1S Zi-pir 23s
24&14.192083 Zip-ra-a-ti-Zu-nu 4G23; 5u-par(?)....... M59n.
p2?132? BuparBaku officer, general Zu-par-Zak-ya. 195 Zu-par-Zakippya
p2?22? SupSuku cf. pB?3.
{7XV i?MSa-Bil-li a kind of chariot 2G18.
Hp2? Bak to drink makitu drink maZ-ki-ti 1024.
Hp2? Bak to be high iZ-ku 2025; Sak high Za-ku-u 74 Za-ku-u-U307.
^p2? Sakpu to erect, set up aZ-kup S26.
1 p2? Bkuru cf. Ip).
7112? Surru, Surratu beginning Sur-ru l 1 Sur-ral 720; orjutiritu month
Tishri tiZrlti 382.
ni2? Sarhn to be strong, powerful u-Zar-rih-Zi G25; mul-iar-hi 511;
taSrihtu power taZ-ri-ih-ti 30w.
{012? Surmfnu cypress ipufyrmwi G23,27.
*{12? Sarpu to burn (trans.) aZru-up 824 aZ-ru-up 2132fl41*2*.

p12? Barku to give, present iZ-ru-ku-uZ 910.

.112? Sarru to be bright, shine; Sarurii brilliance Za-rv-ru-Zu 37*;
Sarru king l 4 Sarri 5* *Zu-nu l l 12 Zarra-Su 1820 -Sti-nu l l 20 Zar 38



San'ni 4114 Sarrnipi 219 Sarrpi-ni 224 -$u-nu l 2; Sarratu queen

224 u$arrat 28s9 uSar-rat 1928 2021268292230832173312

3428; arrtu royalty $arr-tu 204 8arru-u-tu 354 Sarr-ti 720 -a 516
22825 -ya l1 -iu 821 -$u-un 2D27 -Ju-nu 41 Sai'ru-u-ti IO20 -ya 3512
4028 8arru-u-ut 2328.
BW Siu sixth
24M #Ma 606; Sufiu sixty
bw Sfiu cf. iiy.
BW ani adv. like marble (?) Sa-ctif-Sa-ni-iS 3628.
TTBW isu a-Sa-da-di a kind of chariot 26163424.
SoBW SuSkal....... Su-ui-kal 918.
rw dbnuSitpi ideogram for a kind of stone 3019.
HW Sat to drink iS-tu-u 3081; -ta-at-tvru 3129; maStftn drink maiti-tu 3128 mal-ti-ti-Su-nu 3021.
mafitaku chamber, dwelling-place ma$-ta-ki-$u~nu 4129.

JW fiitim tu cf. DW.

int? Sturu


flfW Suttu cf. JB?1.

ideogram for some costly stone 6318-196419.
DK*n tmtu, ti'amtu sea 5918,25 tmti 224324528229 tam-ti 86 tam-tim 1020
1761817 tam-di T24*26826 tam-ta-am-ma 5910 tmtipi 69,24 ta-ma-ta 5919
ti-amat 218627.
KiDH tib to come, approach it-ba-a 2480 it-ba-am-ma 2S25 lit-ba-am-ma
6116,16,18 it-bu-ni 31788it-bu-nim-ma 234 it-bu-Vrni 2810 ti-bi 615 ti-buni 158 ti-bu-u-ni 15n; u-Sat-ba-am-wia 3o8 (1st pers.) 3510(3rd pers.)
u-$at-bu-ni$-8hm-ma 3a25 u-ut-bu-u 96; tibu approach ti-ib 1529,80;
tibtu approach ti-bu-ut 1510337462.
Ipn tabku to pour out, heap up at-ta-bak 6C18 it-ta-bi-ik 1710.
Sun tablu to take away iHorbal 636*9'12-16*18*21642 ta-at-bal 637*10'18-18'19'22
nan tabrtl....... St.#n*o (?).
BOH tabtu....... ta-aWu-fu 3926. St. BaK(?).
ipn tidku cf. nn.
nn tru to turn, return i-tar-ri 60 a-tu-ra 46s5019 i-tur 59s i-tu-ra 5920
i-tu-ram-ma 608,10 i-tur-rv 37 i-tu-ru-ni 171 -nim-ma 30s0 ta-a-a-ri
35 ta-a-a-ra 40; u-tir (II i) 32T415.26 5 1381 gin 2741M46
iu 48
-iu-nu-ti 18 u-tl-ir 37M38 41s u-tir-ra 3s912 IQ2
Urtir-ramrma 13 u-tir-ru 14s27 42u lurtir 39 u-tir-ru (pi.) 18s

d b n u tu .



mu-iir 023; ut-tl-ir-ii 0417"** ut-tir-ru S20; ttrtn return la-a-a-<xr-tv

1713 -ti-ya 33

tarat 52Lla 63* 64* ta-a-o-rat 32*; titurra bridge

ti-tur-ra-a-li 3s.

Din taxim tu cf. on .

mn tafeaxu cf. mHi.
b n n ta ^ ia b u cf. aSn.
nnn ta&ta cf. n n n .

ta k ilu

to trust

il-tak-lu 87 10u ;

il-ka-lu 1; at-ta-kil 10 iWn-W 6U 10* 22* 12*

u-tak-kil-an-ni 1312 9 *;

tiklu confidence, help,

helper tik-li-a 520 -ya 237 27u ti-ik-li-ya 15u -iu 23u Ih W h -u 10 ;
tu k u ltu confidence, reliance, aid tukul- 1 2213* tu-kutii 40Mtu-kul-la-Xu 162 tu-kul-ta-ni 14*.
rpn tik p u some measure o f length tik-pi 0*.
Sn tilu heap, m ound, h ill 01S tili 3214U>* til 416.
TiSn talA Jiu.......... tul-lu-hu 3Ga37*.
DSn talfim u I I I i

to give u-Sat-li-ma 15

u-iat-li-mu-uS 5 0 ; t&linra

brother ta-li-mi 2 3 * ta-iim-ya 241113.

nbn tm littu

cf. T71.

non tam to speak, swear a-ta-ma-a 33* i-ta-ma-a 331* 33* li-ta-mu-w
4131; u-iam-mi-Xu-nu-ti 4l .
lion t a m (? )-z i-z i-ii.......... 15 .
non tam ft^u to hold, seize, present at-muh 15* it-mutj 31T il-tnu-ha 10 ;
it-ta-ma-ah 40*;

u-tam-mi-ih 22

lu-ti-mt-ih 3* u-tam-mi-hu 4 0 *;

tu-3at-mi-hu 3 8 *.
^non tam fcaru cf. n n n .
*lBon tftm^lru cf. nt3D|Dn tfm ln u

m em orial tablet, foundation stone ti-mnn-na 30u n 37**

38s 3D3 t(-m!-{n-Xu 3Q213 7 * 3139a tim-mi-in-Su 103.

non tm irtu cf. "iCKiJ tam artu cf.
|n ta-a-an determ inative after numbers and measures 32 u 601 (cf.
Din tln iiltu c f. BfjK,.
Wn tanittu. cf. IN ).
*]Dn ta p p helper tap-pi-! 4018.
Kpn tilfu attack (?) ti-ik 10l .
Dpn tu lfu m tu ( tukuntu) battle tu\unti 53 6* 14* tuk-ma-ti 15.
jpn tak fin u to be firm , safe mu-ta-tf-in (II i) 0U.
3*ipn ta lfr ib tu cf. m p .
Hin t a r .......... ta-ru-u 40ia.
Hin t l r l t l .......... ti-ri-x-U 7*.


G L088ABY.

am tarbltu cf. na->.

Vjnn targullu........tar-ffui-ii 58 .
mn tara{}u enclosure (?>, wall() ta-ra-ah-hu-u 3619.
nm tlrfcatu gift, dowry tir-ha-ti 2110-17.
<pn tarku to yield, shrink back i-tar-ra-ku 1682[1721] ; i/-[ta}rl- 5&w
ym tarftau to direct, lay, place u-Sa-at-ri-is 36s4 u-at-ri-i$ 38s u-fatri-fi 24*; tarau direction, time tar-$i 13818.
*Wn tiaru cf. *>En; tiirltu cf. HIE?.


titurni cL



xxvii line 25 read K xxviii 44 21 tt

xxxii 44 38 H
xxxviii 44 14 tt
xlv 44 2 a
87 44 5 << \kallu, i.
67 44 17 u
71 44 18 tt
84 44 21 it
-n n .
85 44 36 t t
8 44 16 tt
: 4 44
6 tt
wherefore ?
101 44 27 tt
122 44 2 a
123 44 3 t t
123 44 10 u
135 44 11 tt

k s

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