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This cartoon with the Mexican American .

wall made of and is dividing
the into two parts. On the , we can see a man
in the and from his
, we can that he is .It
that he for a long time
because he is . Hebe ,
and . The country the fence is the USA as
by the banner (the American flag) and a
that reads US Borders Keep OUT which have been
on the fence by the US . Moreover , we can
out in the as as a
Mc Donalds in the of the desert . Those two
elements are American symbolizing both
and financial .
In the middle of the , what appears to be a
officer in of checking peoples ID
in order to Mexicans , is actually a at
a Mc Donalds ( at a drive-thru window) .
the one hand , the cartoonist wants to the fact that
many Mexican people have made the decision to to the
United States in recent years , whether or in
of a better life and in to have their
of what they believe to be the American . As too
many Mexicans want to the border, the USA has decided to
a border with barbed wires so as to illegal

On the other , what is being here is the fact

that the US are willing to sell their , their products to
Mexican people but they let them cross . They want to
take of the Mexican money letting Mexicans
crossing the border.

cross deals highlight

prevent build sweating walking criticized make
deduce seems placed suggested placed keep must immigrate has
wont economical thirsty customs illegally exhausted advantage border
fence authorities brick
land left
goods sand judging sombrero Mexican
hungry beyond skyscrapers background middle sign symbols
placard papers
share counter search
dream crossings hand cashier
barbed wires at first sight without moreover well charge out legally
order on over

cross deals highlight

prevent build sweating walking criticized make
deduce seems placed suggested placed keep must immigrate has
wont economical thirsty customs illegally exhausted advantage border
fence authorities brick
land left
goods sand judging sombrero Mexican
hungry beyond skyscrapers background middle sign symbols
placard papers
share counter search
dream crossings hand cashier
barbed wires at first sight without moreover well charge out legally
order on over

cross deals highlight

prevent build sweating walking criticized make
deduce seems placed suggested placed keep must immigrate has
wont economical thirsty customs illegally exhausted advantage border
fence authorities brick
land left
goods sand judging sombrero Mexican
hungry beyond skyscrapers background middle sign symbols
placard papers
share counter search
dream crossings hand cashier
barbed wires at first sight without moreover well charge out legally
order on over

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