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[1] Cheeke, J. David N, Fundamental and Applications of Ultrasonic Waves. Boca

Raton: CRC Press LLC, 2002.
[2] Leighton, T.G, R.C.P. Evans, The Detection by Sonar of Difficult Targets
(Including Centimetre-scale Plastic Objects and Optical Fibres) Buried in Saturated
Sediment, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton,
[3] Kinsler, Lawrence E. Fundamentals of Acoustics, hal. 435
[4] Cheeke, J. David N. Fundamentals and Applications of Ultrasonic Waves, table 3.1
[5] Lurton, Xavier. An Introduction to Underwater Acoustics: Principle and
Applications, hal 12-13,36-37, 20-24
[6] Medwin, Herman, dkk. Sounds in the Sea: From Ocean Acoustics to Acoustical
Oceanography, 61
[7] James E. Barger Sonar Systems. Handbook of acoustics (edited by Malcolm j.
crocker, Auburn University, 1998)
[8] Roy Edgar Hansen Introduction to sonar. Course materiel to INF-GEO4310.
University of Oslo, Autumn, 2011.
Pustaka Gambar
Gambar 2.1 Principles of Underwater Sound, Third Edition, Robert J. Urick,
McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983, p. 111

Gambar 2.2 Lurton, Xavier. An Introduction to Underwater Acoustics: Principle and

Applications, hal 15
Pustakan Tabel
Tabel 2.1 http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/speed-sound-d_519.html (20 maret,
Tabel 2.2 Lurton, Xavier. An Introduction to Underwater Acoustics: Principle and
Applications, hal 24

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