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February 1, 2017




Ladies and Gentlemen,

I know there are concerns regarding Russian aggression in the Ukraine, and Americas
response. If it has not become apparent to you by now, let me explicitly say that intervention
becomes less likely by the day. While you may think it is because you have not spent what our
president deemed your fair share, it is not the whole story. The real reason is on January 20,
2017 we stopped being a democracy and a people who championed democratic values and
ideals. Based on the global reaction, I would think you would agree.
Our plan going forward is to turn further inward as we retool our economy and military to
protect our interests. While you may think this includes you, it only includes some of you.
Over the next few years, the Russians will reestablish their satellite states in Eastern Europe a
hard line will be drawn through Central Europe like in the Cold War. Only this time, we will
have open trade and business with Russia and her new satellite states. There may be some
outcry here in the States, but I doubt it.
For you see, the American people could not even stop tyranny in their own country. They lack
the wherewithal to stop us from seizing power. They are still woefully trying to win an
election they lost in November. By the time they realize what has happened, the last
semblances of a republic will be destroyed.
The question now is, do you have fortitude to lead the forces of democracy when its champion
has started to fall? Will the German people continue to be paralyzed by the sins of previous
generations? Britain, will you continue to leave the continent to their own devices or are you
capable of marshaling the forces of your former territories to check naked aggression? Perhaps
the real question is are the lives of men and women who lived in the old Warsaw Pact Satellites
so cheap you can abandon them? Every day that passes with naked aggression unchecked
normalizes a new status quo, and emboldens the aggressor. However, you already know this.
The continent still bears the scars of inactions. Every day that passes allows us another day to
convince the American people that we should withdraw from NATO. Should our hand be
forced before that day, we would have to act or face consequences at home. Do you have the
courage and fortitude to lead before its too late? We are not sure you do, and the Russians are
counting on a failure to act.

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