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Article appeared Friday, February 3rd, 2017 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (462) yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

Have you ever experienced the emotion of panic? To answer the question, it may help to review
the definition of panic. Panic is a sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause; that
produces hysterical or irrational behavior {1}. So what may cause one to panic and what kind of
behavior may ensue? The article on Panic Attacks and Panic Disorders {2} suggests that panic
may be caused by a situation where one feels endangered and unable to escape. One may feel
cornered, with no escape, no one to listen, rescue or help could one suddenly feel death
approaching? It is important to note that the behavior that follows may be hysterical and/or

Whatever the inducement to panic be; is panicking logical? Does panic demonstrate belief in
God? In other words, should one who believes in God panic? Panicking assumes either that
there is no God or that He will not help or come to the rescue. The following Verse from the Holy
Quran cites two instances which constitute disbelief.

17.83 Yet when We bestow Our favors on man he (the disbeliever) turns away and
becomes remote on his side (instead of coming to Us) and when evil seizes him
he gives himself up to despair!
Despairing implies a complete loss or absence of hope. If God has created us, is there any
reason why He would not come to our rescue? It is He who creates the opportunities and tests
thus identifying those who believe from those who dont!
Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, "We believe" and that they will not
be tested? We did test those before them and Allah will certainly know those who are
true from those who are false. [29.2 29.3]

The second instance of proof of disbelief is when we do not thank Him for the blessings that He
has given or when He rescues us from trouble.
When trouble touches a man he cries to Us (in all postures) lying down on his side or
sitting or standing. But when We have solved his trouble he passes on his way as if he
had never cried to Us for a trouble that touched him! Thus do the deeds of transgressors
seem fair in their eyes! [10.12]

When in trouble, given our unique personality, we pray to Him in a variety of ways and
instances. Yet, when He solves the problem, we overlook to thank Him or credit something else
for getting us out of trouble this is an example of transgression or demonstration of disbelief!

17.84 Say, "Everyone acts according to his own disposition: but your Lord
knows best who it is that is best guided on the Way."
Praying to God when in trouble, or when we need something badly is not classified as
demonstration of faith as in our desperation we may call on others things as well clutching at
any straw. Intelligently recognizing who has solved the problem or given us what we needed is
classified as belief. Tests of belief are individual, just as we will have to justify our intentions and
deeds [34.3].
And your creation or your resurrection is in no wise but as an individual soul: for Allah is
He Who hears and sees (all things). [31.28]
God is the only reality everything else is created by Him. He gave humans intelligence to
discover and recognize His Signs. Once we recognize His reality, we can only be in awe of the
things that He is constantly doing for us.
No just estimate have they made of Allah such as is due to Him: on the Day of
Judgment the whole of the earth will be but His grip and the heavens will be rolled up in
His right hand: Glory to Him! High is He above the Partners they attribute to Him!

Using our intelligence we should be able to work out that all decisions and blessings are from
Allah having done so, we must learn to situate all other things that we feel have power over
our life. All other things are created and blessings from Him our existence, safety, progress
and success all depend on Him. All daily activities, all analysis, all thoughts and reflections to
work out the reality of life is closely monitored by Him and recorded [18.49].
In whatever business you may be in and whatever portion you may be reciting from the
Qur'an and whatever deed you (mankind) may be doing We are Witnesses thereof when
you are deeply engrossed in the activity nor is hidden from your Lord (so much as) the
weight of an atom in the entire earth or in the heavens. And not the least and not the
greatest of these things but are recorded in a clear Record. [10.61]

The knowledge we have been given, the ability to link knowledge and understand, the
opportunities each will be given, the tests to separate those who are grateful from those who are
arrogant towards Him, the opportunities to work out the truth and help others understand the
truth are all designed and written in a Book.
Nor is there aught of the Unseen in heaven or earth but is (recorded) in a clear record.
Verily this Qur'an does explain to the Children of Israel most of the matters in which they
disagree. And it certainly is a Guide and a Mercy to those who believe. [27.75 27.77]

17.85 They ask you (O, Muhammad) concerning the Spirit (of Revelation). Reply,
"The Spirit (comes) by the command of my Lord: of knowledge it is only a little
that is communicated to you (O men, from the Mother of the Book)
Say the Holy Spirit (Angel Gabriel) has brought the revelation from your Lord in truth
(just as he did during the time of earlier prophets [2.97]) in order to strengthen those who
believe and as a guide and Glad Tidings to Muslims. [16.102]

The Revealed parts from the Mother of the Book (preserved as the Holy Quran) have been
given as a Mercy to mankind and needs to be studied deeply to understand creation, its
purpose and the tests created.
Those to whom We have sent the book study it as it should be studied; they are the
ones that believe in it; those who reject faith in it the loss is their own. [2.121]

17.86 If it were Our Will We could take away that which We have sent you by
inspiration: then would you find none to plead your affair in that matter as against
If we do not study the content and the meaning of the Holy Quran, Allah can just as easily
withdraw it just as easily as He Revealed it through Angel Gabriel as punishment.
{1} http://www.dictionary.com/browse/panic
{2} https://www.helpguide.org/articles/anxiety/panic-attacks-and-panic-disorders.htm

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