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Multiplex Paper Biochip for

Acute Kidney Injury

Group 31
Presented by
Benjamin Huang
Estimated people affected annually by AKI

Of diagnoses result in death, depending on severity

Estimated increase in cost of care due to AKI
Changes to Project

Resource-Limited Design Timeline Team Responsibility

Biochip Output
Sensitivity &
Design Alternatives
AuNR Length





Pugh Chart
Chosen Solution

-3D print template -Limited time for project

-Relatively simple -Difficult fabrication
fabrication after designing -Higher cost
-Low Cost -Shorter testing time
-Longer testing time

Item Quantity Cost Source

Precision X-Acto 2 $11.78 Washington
Knife University
X-Acto #11 100 $19.44 Amazon
Replacement Marketplace
Total Cost: $31.22
Figure sources listed in notes of each slide.
General sources for information:
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