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On Jmestmtnt dedsion ofin,t s lor

). 111-.:omc lt\'el of an in\cstor is an impotcm factor. wbicb affectS portfolio of th~ invcslor.
).. 44 per cent of investors arc prderrcd to in\cst in longlenu avenues wbc1'c as 34 per cent of
invc:Hors arc preferred 10 in,..cst in both long term and shorHcrm avenue$.
). 36 lltrccnt o f the investors arc ptcfcrrcd to invest in monthly and 26% Of investors prdcrrtd to
invc:'t in <tUa11crly basis.
;. S2 per cent of lhc invcstors are invesling on the basis of .sdf~analy~ i s .
;- Businc.ss paper is nn hu port:mt source of study for the uwc~tor. Aptlrt from this, b usmcss
th:annels and web s:i1c-s arc ~o me other important sources of Sludy ..
,. Return on in\'CSimcnt :md risk involved is most imporlant factor ft1r the inVcl'IOr before taking
any invcstm.~nl dccasaon.s .
Return o n invt'stmcnt and credit rt1ting an: two important facto~ for thDi>t' inve-stor who are
interc~tc-d to invcs1 in Bond~!Dcbc n turc.

~ Past record, davtdend record and fu ture grow1h of the linn are the impOrtan t factor for those
inveslors who nrc. interested to inwst an equity.
~ Higher income level groups and risk taking in'lt-storS are preferred to invest in equity rather than
any other in\'tsuncnt avenues.
~ Middle age group investors arc prdcrrcd to invest in equity. where as the old age group imcs1ors
arc preferred 10 invest in bank deposit or any other type of tax saving bonds.
s-. l ower income level groups are not preferred to take risk and thc:y choose bank deposits. post
office savings and insurance as a better investment o ption. They a lso look i'or tax Sil\'ing
inv<:slment a\enues.
~ 6~% of iiWC$10rs in\'estnH,"nl pauern will effect if any changes in th\! market so market
movement is vc1y impo rtant factor in changing of' invcsuncnt Jl3Hcrn

I.R.I.H. E, Hassan Pa ge 69

Investment pattern of
Investors on different products

Gcn... l-ally those i1wcstors who arc invested in equity. arc pctsonttlly f'o llow th~: stock market
(1-equcndy i.e. in daily basis. But those who ;.li'C invested in mutual fu nds arc watch s tock rniLt ktt
weekly or fon nightly.
Investors of HtuSIIII au: pkfcrred to invest more in cquuy.
In lia<~sau. imc~ l oD tare more aware about \'l:ltiou.s i nvc~tmc n t lt\ CRUtj and 1hc ri.')k as:~ociatcd

with thnt

On thr ProdurH d ur"ltts of .~-\sil C. Mt>bta l nHllilntt>nl lnlnnntdlattJ l.fd

As-al C MC'hl;t; ln"'""''mcnt lnumncda:at~s ltd is lndaa's tugcst 1nd old~~~ OP $C'ruc~. -.hich is
customer fncndly and 11 h (R"C' from an) mtiappropnallon, SC'"'.mdal>

Asat C. Mehta ln\'cstmcnt lnl."mncdtates Ltd pro' iding "ide range of producb and sen 1Ccs for
U'IHStmcnt but all the pa'Oducts and .krvaces of Asll C. ~h~hta h1Htlmcnl lntcaTmc:daatc.s Ltd is

not aware to lhe chenI


). Bcll1' analysis tools should be used to make bcttcl' predictions.

~ ll is recornncndcd that investor~( dcdsion should be based on thdr broker advkc.
~ Risk and return should be evaluated be: fore making an investment dccb.ion.
}.- There should be a regular sms updates 10 the mvc:sto~ reg~rding their invc:S1mcnt,
-- 1'hosc investors who want to avoid risk should invest in treasury n ote.:~ or high-rated municipal
htlnds a nd debentures etc.
, Client awarcneu program has to be c:onductcd by Since the mtent and web ba.<;ed communication
L-. getting popular Asit C. Mehta should updutc web S-ite frequen tly a nd provide in iOrmation up 10

~ Asit C. Mehta Investment Jntcmncdiatc:s Ltd d icnts g ive more p reference to invest in equity and
second preference is <:ommodlty. So Asit C. Mehta Jm cstment ln1emueduues Ltd Should adds
more product.s/servic<."s like c.~quJty research. furures ond options to anrnct more mvtstors.
)> Since the investors expect better producu/sc:rvicts fltun Asit C. Mt-hto. it sboutd provide. more
\'alue added services like Gold Bees. ETFs (Exchange Traded funds) etc.
) As inves:tors invc:..[ment dectston is based on the smdy of diffetcnt source~~ Asn C. Mehta
should start ghing advcn i sen~enl in busincs~ newspaper and ltt business magazine:.
). Most of the investor's portfolio is diversified so 1hcrc is huge scope in various new scrvic:.cs. So
Asic C. t-'1c:hua should come: with new intc:nuc:diaries services like add more mutual funds.
lJo. As it C. Mehta s hould expand 11.S bus1ncss by scning up of nc:w branches in vanous 1>la.:(,."s where
they have lot of dicnL.

o Prrttl SJn:,h. 'lllt~Jfmtnl Mat~ugrmrnt''(swity ana(su and port(vlw WJunagc-m~nl). 11

Rc\oiscd Ed1110n: 2009. 11m1al.a)a Pubh.shing House. Nc:\\ 01:'lhi, pac~ no 12.13.
o V.K . Bhalla, ''hn>rstmrnl Monogf'fiJI'III-.(SMiril) unolysis "'"' portjulm tnollag,unt), 16
Rn1scd ti.d111on, S Ctund & Comp3R) Lid. New Dclh1, p.:agr no J , l6.17.
o Pra.u na1 Chaadrt , /nt.t'Jftff('lf/ Anal]sis and Pnrifol~a Mmeug,.mmt 2nd Ed1110n, Tata
McGmw lltll Pubhuhon Company l 1mited. Nc" Odh1, page no; 27,JI .l2Jl.
o V.A AVIdhtnl. "S~currl/('s Anull.w and Portfolto JJanagt'nrt-nt ", 9 Rc"utd Edttion. Himalaya

Publis hing Hou'le, Nc"" Ddh1. page no. 14.1 5.49.50.

Web sites

-. W\\ .nscmd1a com

"'W\\ .~mdta com
\\ \\~ ..il<bLCOnt

WW~ .IR\odlftiCRIJ.(Oin

~'Wv. .gooekcom

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