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Back to Basics: Psychic Development A to

Afterlife: (or life after death) A generic term referring to a
continuation of existence, typically spiritual and experiential,
beyond this world, or after death.
Akashic Records: (Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "sky",
"space" or "aether") Said to be a collection of mystical knowledge
that is stored in the aether; i.e. on a non-physical plane of existence.
The concept is common in some New Age religious groups.
Aura: An invisible emanation or field of energy believed radiating
from a person or object.
Chakra: In Hinduism and its spiritual systems of yoga and in some
related eastern cultures, as well as in some segments of the New Age
movementand to some degree the distinctly different New
Thought movementa chakra is thought to be an energy node in
the human body.
Channeling: The act of having spirits enter or possess one's body
in order to speak and act through one as practiced in many cultures
and religions.
This collective word phrase includes any or all types of psychic
sensitivity corresponding to the senses: seeing, hearing, feeling,
smelling, tasting, touching. Clair Senses in psychic terms are
translated: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairscent,
clairtangency, and clairgustance. Additional gifts are clairempathy
and channeling.
Clairvoyant (clear vision) -- To reach into another vibrational
frequency and visually perceive "within the mind's eye" something
existing in that realm. A clairvoyant is one who receives
extrasensory impressions, and symbols in the form of "inner sight"
or mental images which are perceived without the aid of the
physical eyes and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and
space. These impressions are more easily perceived in an alpha state
and during meditation, though many clairvoyants can obtain visual
information regarding the past, present and future in a variety of
Clairaudience (clear audio /hearing) -- To perceive sounds or words
and extrasensory noise, from sources broadcast from spiritual or
ethereal realm, in the form of "inner ear" or mental tone which are
perceived without the aid of the physical ear and beyond the
limitations of ordinary time and space. These tones and vibrations
are more easily perceived in an alpha state and during meditation,
though many clairaudients can obtain verbal and sound-related
information regarding the past, present and future in a variety of
environments. Most Channelers (also known as Mediums) work
with both clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Clairsentience (clear sensation or feeling) - To perceive information
by a "feeling" within the whole body, without any outer stimuli
related to the feeling or information. (Also see clairempathy)
Clairscent (clear smelling) To smell a fragrance/odor of substance
or food which is not in one's surroundings. These odors are
perceived without the aid of the physical nose and beyond the
limitations of ordinary time and space.

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Development Group

Back to Basics: Psychic Development A to

Clairtangency (clear touching) -- More commonly known as
psychometry. To handle an object or touch an area and perceive
through the palms of one's hands information about the article or
its owner or history that was not previously known by the
Clairgustance (clear tasting) -- To taste a substance without putting
anything in one's mouth. It is claimed that those who possess this
ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the
spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.
Clairempathy (clear emotion) An Empath is a person who can
psychically tune in to the emotional experience of a person, place or
animal. Clairempathy is a type of telepathy to sense or feel within
one's self, the attitude, emotion or ailment of another person or
entity. Empaths tune into the vibrations and "feel" the tones of the
Consciousness: A quality of the mind generally regarded to
comprise qualities such as subjectivity, self-awareness, sentience,
sapience, and the ability to perceive the relationship between
oneself and one's environment. Many philosophers divide
consciousness into phenomenal consciousness which is experience
itself and access consciousness which is the processing of the things
in experience.
Evidence: Messages containing proof of contact with an existing
spirit or soul. Evidence can be descriptions of events or
circumstances that were specific to the deceased in question.
Integrity: Comprises the personal inner sense of "wholeness"
deriving from honesty and consistent uprightness of character. The
etymology of the word relates it to the Latin adjective integer
(whole, complete). Evaluators, of course, usually assess integrity
from some point of view, such as that of a given ethical tradition or
in the context of an ethical relationship.
Karma: (Sanskrit: from the root kri, "to do", meaning deed) or
Kamma (Pali: meaning action, effect, destiny) A term in several
Indian religions that comprises the entire cycle of cause and effect.
Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done and is currently
doing. The effects of those deeds actively create present and future
experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life. In
religions that incorporate reincarnation, karma extends through
one's present life and all past and future lives as well.
Mediumship: Is the ability of human instruments to attune
themselves through their inherent Psychic facility to the vibrations
of the spirit people and through peculiar chemical properties of
their physical bodies to produce the ectoplasm necessary for the
manifestation of physical phenomena. In mental phenomena the
intelligence is conveyed entirely through the mind of the medium.
The phenomenon of Spiritualism involves the psychic powers of a
medium and the directing powers of spirit intelligences. Spirit
communication requires the co - operative efforts of these two
factors and under suitable conditions, communications can take
Metaphysics: (Greek words meta = after/beyond and physics =
nature) A branch of philosophy concerned with the study of "first
principles" and "being" (ontology). The study of phenomena that lie
outside the purview of know physical phenomena.

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Development Group

Back to Basics: Psychic Development A to

Mind's eye: (or third eye) A phrase used to refer to one's ability to
"see" things (such as visions) with the mind. This is, essentially, a
reference to imagination and memory, although it can have
religious or occult connotations.
New Age: Describes a broad movement of late twentieth century
and contemporary Western culture characterized by an individual
eclectic approach to spiritual exploration. It has some attributes of a
new, emerging religion but is currently a loose network of spiritual
seekers, teachers, healers and other participants. The name "New
Age" also refers to the market segment in which goods and services
are sold to people in the movement.
Parapsychology: The study of the evidence involving phenomena
where a person seems to affect or to gain information about
something through a means not currently explainable within the
framework of mainstream, conventional science. Proponents of the
existence of these phenomena usually consider them to be a product
of unexplained mental abilities.
Physical Phenomena: Is the simplest and most primitive form of
physical phenomena. It's special characteristic is that the effects
produced can be perceived by the physical senses so that witnesses
have no doubts and those with materialistic views of life which
prevent them from accepting survival evidence have become
convinced that discarnate spirit are able to manifest and thereby
provide indisputable evidence of life after so-called death.
Plane (cosmology): In metaphysics and esoteric cosmology, a
plane of existence (sometimes called simply a plane, dimension,
vibrating plane, or an inner, invisible, spiritual, supraphysical world
or egg) is a theoretical region of space and/or consciousness beyond
the known physical universe, or the region containing the universe
itself. Many esoteric teachings (e.g., theosophy and rosicrucianism)
propound the idea of a whole series of subtle planes or worlds or
dimensions which, from a center, interpenetrate themselves and the
physical planet in which we live, the solar systems, and all the
physical structures of the universe. Psychometry: The ability to
discover facts about an event or person by touching inanimate
objects associated with them.
Reincarnation: As a doctrine or mystical belief, holds the notion
that one's 'Spirit' ('Soul' depending on interpretation), 'Higher or
True Self', 'Divine Spark', 'I' or 'Ego' (not to be confused with the
ego as defined by psychology) or critical parts of these returns to the
material world after physical death to be reborn in a new body. The
natural process is considered integrative of all experiences from
each lifetime. A new personality feature, with the associated
character, is developed during each life in the physical world, based
upon past integrated experience and new acquired experiences.
Some Reincarnation theories express that usually rebirth is made
each time in alternated female and male type of bodies. Also that
there is interaction between pre-determinism of certain experiences
or lessons intended to happen during the physical life, and the free-
will action of the individual as they live that life.
Religion: Sometimes used interchangeably with faith or belief
systemis commonly defined as belief concerning the supernatural,
sacred, or divine; and the moral codes, practices, values, institutions
and rituals associated with such belief. In its broadest sense some
have defined it as the sum total of answers given to explain
humankind's relationship with the universe. In the course of the
development of religion, it has taken many forms in various cultures
and individuals.

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Development Group

Back to Basics: Psychic Development A to

Seance: A meeting at which spiritualists attempt to receive
messages from the spirits of the dead, 2- a meeting of a society. a
meeting at which spiritualists attempt to receive messages from the
spirits of the dead 2. a meeting of a society. Word Origin, from
French, literally: a sitting, from Old French seoir to sit, from Latin
sedere, a sitting
Soul: The soul, according to many religious and philosophical
traditions, is the ethereal substance spirit (Hebrew:rooah or
nefesh) particular to a unique living being. Such traditions often
consider the soul both immortal and innately aware of its immortal
nature, as well as the true basis for sentience in each living being.
The concept of the soul has strong links with notions of an afterlife,
but opinions may vary wildly, even within a given religion, as to
what happens to the soul after death. Many within these religions
and philosophies see the soul as immaterial, while others consider it
possibly material.
Soul Rescue: A session where participants reach out to
Earthbound spirits and assist them in crossing over to the next
plane of existence.
Spirit: The English word spirit comes from the Latin spiritus,
meaning breath. In religion and spirituality, the respiration of the
human being has for obvious reasons been strongly linked with the
very occurrence of life. A similar significance has been attributed to
human blood. Spirit has thus evolved to denote that which separates
a living body from a corpse, but can be used metaphorically (she
performed the piece with spirit or she put up a spirited defence)
where it is a synonym for such words as 'vivacity'.
Spiritualism: Is the Science, Philosophy and Religion of
continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of
communication through mediumship with those who live in the
spiritual plane. Spiritualism is a rational religion for a materialistic
world. It will bring back a sense of spiritual values. Spiritualism
affirms that man survives the change called death and that his spirit
maintains a continuous existence in a spiritual world, which
surrounds and interpenetrates our material world, the truth of this
assertion being scientifically proven through communication with
the spirit through mediumship. Spiritualism strives to understand
and to comply with the Physical, Mental and Spiritual Laws of
Nature, which are the Laws of God.
Spirituality: In a narrow sense, is a concern with matters of the
spirit, however that may be defined; but it is also a wide term with
many available readings. It may include belief in supernatural
powers, as in religion, but the emphasis is on personal experience. It
may be an expression for life perceived as higher, more complex or
more integrated with one's worldview, as contrasted with the merely

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Development Group

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