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1.1 Introduction

Marketing deals with identifying and meeting human and social needs. One of the
shortest definitions of Marketing is Meeting needs profitably. When eBay recognized
that people were unable to locate some of the items they desired most and created an
online auction clearing house as when IDEA noticed that people wanted good furniture of
a substantially lower price and created knock-down furniture.

Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating,

communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relations
in ways that benefit the organization and its stoke holders.

Four Basic Features of Modern Marketing

Modern marketing is consumer oriented.

Modern marketing starts and ends with the consumer.

Modern marketing precedes and succeeds production.

Modem marketing is the guiding element of business.

Importance of marketing:

A high level of marketing activity is a prerequisite for a high level economic

activity. It has been aptly remarked. "Nothing happens until somebody sells something.
At present the urgency is for increased marketing and not merely for increase in
production. This alone shows the importance of marketing as a potential force that
commands high significance for society as a whole.

What Is a Brand?

Perhaps the most distinctive skill of professional marketers is their ability to create,
maintain, protect and enhance brands. Marketers say that "branding is the art and
cornerstone of marketing.

The American Marketing Association defines a brand as follows:

A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to

identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them
from those of competitors.

In essence, a brand identifies the seller or maker. It can be a name, trademark, logo, or
other symbol. Under trademark law, the seller is granted exclusive rights to the use of the
brand name in perpetuinity. Brands differ from other assets such as patents and
copyrights, which have expiration dates.

A brand is essentially seller's promise to deliver a specific set of features, benefits, and
services consistently to the buyers. The brands convey a warranty of quality. But a brand
is an even more complex symbol.

It can convey up to six levels of meaning:

1. Attributes: A brand brings to mind certain attributes. Mercedes suggests expensive,

well-built, well-engineered, durable, high-prestige automobiles.

2. Benefits: Attributes must be translated into functional and emotional benefits. The
attribute "durable" could translate into functional benefit "I won't have to buy another
car for several years". The attribute "expensive" translates into the emotional benefit the
car makes me feel important and admires.'

3. Values: The brand also says something about the producer's values Mercedes stands
for high performance, safety and prestige.

4. Culture: The brand may represent a certain culture. The Mercedes represents
German culture: organized, efficient, high quality.

5. Personality: The brand can project a certain personality. Mercedes may suggest a no-
nonsense boss (person), a reigning lion (animal), or an austere place (object).

6. User: The brand suggests the kind of consumer who buys or uses the product. We
would expect to see a 55-year-old top executive behind the wheel of a Mercedes, not a
20-year-old secretary.

If a company treats a brand only as a name, it misses the point. The branding challenge is
to develop a deep set of positive associations for the brand. Marketers must decide at
which level(s) to anchor the brand's identity. One mistake would be to promote only
attributes. First, the buyer is not as interested in attributes as in benefits. Second,
competitors can easily copy attributes. Third, the current attributes may become less
desirable later.

Promoting the brand only on one benefit can also be risky. Suppose Mercedes touts its
main benefit as "high performance". Then several competitive brands emerge with high
performance as compared to other benefits. Mercedes needs the freedom to maneuver
into a new benefit positioning.

The most enduring meanings of a brand are its values, culture, and personality. They
define the brand's essence, The Mercedes stands for high technology, performance and
success. Mercedes must project this in. its brand strategy. Mercedes must resist marketing
an inexpensive car bearing the name; doing so would dilute the value and personality.
Mercedes has built up over the years.

Brand Awareness

Brand, the hip, catches all word of the New Economy. It suggested all a company needed
succeed was awareness. Image, as they say, was everything. Pat Harpell saw it up close
as the CEO of Harpell Inc., an integrated marketing firm in Maynard, Massachusetts.
Over the past few years, many entrepreneurs have called on her to create branding
programs, and she could see that old-fashioned branding strategies had gone astray.
Thats not a branding program; that's a logo." she says. "Basic business principles fell

Branding turned into a game of being seen for the sake of being seen, without giving
consumers a reason to buy.

What ultimately fell apart was the connection between companies and consumers.
Branding turned into a game of being seen for the sake of being seen, without giving
consumers reason to buy. "There's been a tremendous abuse of branding," says Jeff
Dufresne, managing director of Brand Storm, a brand-consulting group in Cincinnati. "I
think people got confused and thought branding was just throwing some ill-conceived
advertising out there to gain awareness."

With the dotcom fallout, companies are relearning the basic lessons of what makes a
successful brand-mainly that you can't live on image only. Eyeballs don't equal sales, and
logos don't create loyalty. Consumers want to know what you are all about and why they
should trust you enough to purchase your product. This will never change, no matter
how much technology alters our lives.

Branding has become a monologue instead of a dialogue.

Entrepreneurs need to leave their ivory office towers and talk to people.

Its that dialogue that's beer, missing lately, Koehn says, and it's essential to any branding
strategy. Branding has become a monologue instead of a dialogue. Entrepreneurs need to
leave their ivory office towers and talk to people. They need to be responsive to their
customers. They have to make sure their branding messages are understood by everyone

inside the company. Over the last few years. People didn't realize how hard branding
really is. Koehn says. But its rewards are equal to is-s difficulty.

Harpell recently studied a group of new companies to see how ingrained their branding
messages were inside those companies. She found that many employees weren't aware of
their companies' branding messages at all. There were no brand connection, no teaching
of employees and no communicating with consumers, Harpell says.

The web's problems, too. When management and technology consulting firm Accenture
and technology research company Online Insight surveyed 2000 online consumers last
year, they found that a lot of the givens about the web that marketers operate under are
false. While most of the marketing is aimed at youth, the average online shopper is 35 to
44. Entrepreneurs also assumed that advertisements drew consumers to their sites while
customers survey veiled on search engines. And the low prices companies touted weren't
what customers were looking for; they wanted satisfying customer encounter that was
Fast and convenient.

"Branding is about more than the sock puppet. It's about the total customer experience,"
says Kelly Dixon, co-author of the study and director of e-branding at Accenture in
Chicago. "Companies haven't focused on the entire package."

Consumers developed a love-hate relationship with late-'90s branding strategies.

Observes David Schumann, consumer psychologist and associate dean at the University
of Tennessee in Knoxville. On one hand, seeing logos invade every inch of public space
has left U.S consumers over-exposed to branding. On the other hand, consumers are
paying attention, if only briefly, to discover whether you'll reveal that one clear benefit
your product or service offers that'll make them try it. The problem is this "one clear
benefit" has been missing in plenty of branding campaigns, and Schumann sees
companies facing the fallout: consumers sticking with the products they've trusted for a
long time instead of taking a chance on products they don't really understand. When the
value proposition is missing, Schumann says, risk-averse consumers will go with what
they know.

Brand Awareness:

In developing brand, it is important to design communication messages that

reflect the brand's unique value for specific audiences. Med stat helps healthcare
providers strengthen their brand awareness efforts with those customers likely to use their
service as well as determine the most effective media for communicating their brand
value to the target audience based on lifestyle and media preference.


The act of creating public awareness of a specific brand in order to maximize its
recognition, successful brand awareness strategies should define a company's uniqueness
and set it apart from competitors". Quite simply, if potential customers do not know about
a company, they will not purchase from it. Therefore, one of the preeminent goals of any
business should be to build brand awareness, albeit, in cost-effective manner as possible.

Consumers tend to make purchasing decisions based on peer recommendations and direct
experience, as well as traditional advertising methods. This is why it is necessary to build
brand awareness strategies out by instilling trust among consumers. Thus trust must be
achieved through credibility, rather than just a catchy advertising campaign. Promotional
marketing involving a one-to-one component is proving increasingly effective at building
trust and acquiring new customers.

Online brand awareness strategies are used frequently, albeit with differing levels of
success. These online brand awareness strategies can include the use of advertising
including banners, sponsorships, and email/newsletter advertising, online PR, affiliate
marketing, etc.

1.2 Objective of the Study

The main objective of any business is to acquire larger market share ,or higher percentage
of sales in the Industry, This could be only achieved by building a higher percentage of
brand loyal customers.

Any company can survive through the stiff competition of the market if it has brand loyal
customer. Today many major companies in the market have brand loyal customers and
they adopt many strategies to maintain and improve their branded equity. Without
creating a proper Brand awareness they cannot build brand image.

The primary objective of the project is to study the customers brand awareness
towards Honda Motors

The study has been conducted with the following secondary objectives in mind:-

To judge the awareness level of the prospect customer.

To judge in which way they have developed the awareness.
To judge which promotional tool is effective to increase the awareness level

among the people.

To see whether brand awareness influences the buying behavior or not.

1.3 Literature Review

Uvaisuvi KSB, Calicut conducted a study on Brand Awareness, with special reference to
Maruti Ritz at Indus Motors in his study he tried to find out the influence of Brand
Awareness on buying behaviour and through his extensive analysis concluded that brand
awareness has a real and significant influence on the buying behaviour of the customers.

Madukar N conducted a study on Brand Awareness towards Santro Hyndai from AYS
Hyndai in the city of Visakhapatnam in his study he concluded that the brand awareness
of santro Hyndai was quite high and the brand was facing a tough competition from other
small car industries like Maruti, ford etc.

Farquhar (1989) considers that building a strong brand within consumers minds means
creating a positive brand evaluation, an accessible brand attitude, and a consistent brand
image, the accessible brand attitude actually referring to what the others term as

Brand Identity:

Brand Identity includes brand names, logos, positioning, brand associations, and
brand personality, brand toons etc. A good brand name gives a good first impression and
evokes positive associations with the brand. A positioning statement tells what business
the company is in, what benefits it provides and why it is better than the completion?
Brand personality adds emotion, culture and myth to brand identity by the use of a
famous spokesperson (Bill Cosby-Jello), a character (Pink Panther), an animal (the
Merrill lynch bull) etc.

Brand associations are the attributes that costumer thinks of when they hear or see
the brand name. McDonalds television are a series of one brand association after another,
starting in yellow arches in the low right corner of the screen and following with
associations of Big Mac, Ronald MacDonald, kids, happy meal, food quality etc. The first
step in creating a brand for your company is branding workshop.

How Do We Determine Our Brand Identity?

Brand has been called the most powerful idea in commercial world, yet few
companies create a brand identity. Do you want your companys brand identity created
for you by competitors and unhappy customers? Of course not. Our advice to executives
is to research their customers and find the top ranked reasons that the customers buy their
product rather than their competitors. Then, pound that message in every ad, in every
news release, in communications with employees and in every sales call or media
interview. By continuous repetition of messages customer will think of your product and
then buy it.

Tools for Building Brand Identity:

Brand builders use a set of tools to strengthen and project the brand image; Strong
brands typically exhibit an owned word, a slogan, a color, a symbol, and set of stories.

Owned Word:

A strong brand name should trigger another word, a favorable one. Here is the list
of brands that own a word:


Many companies successfully added a slogan or tagline to their brand name which
is repeated in every ad they use. Here are some well-known brands slogans, which people
on the street may easily recall or recognize:


British Airways The worlds favorite airline

Ford Quality is our number one job

LIC Jeevan ke saath bhi jeevan ke baad bhi


It helps for a company or a brand to use a consistent set of color to and in the
brand recognition. Caterpillar paints all its construction equipments yellow. Yellow is the
color of Kodak film. IBM uses blue in its publications, and IBM is called Big Blues.

Symbols and Logos:

Companies would be wise to adapt a symbol or logo to use in their

communications. Many companies hire a well-known spokesperson, hoping that his or
her quality transfer to the brand. Nike uses Michael Jordon who has worldwide
recognition and likableness, to advertise its shoes. Sporting goods manufacturers sign
contracts with top athletes to serve as their symbols, even naming the product after them.

Cartoons and Animations:

A less expensive approach is to develop a character, animated, to etch the brands

image into customers mind. The advertising agency Leo Burnett has successfully created
a number of memorable animated characters. Here are some well known brand cartoons
which people may recognize:

Company Cartoon or Animation

ICICI Prudential Chintamani
Amul Butter Utterly Butterly Girl
McDonalds Ronald
All Out mosquito Repellent Louis
Pillsbury Doughboy
7 Up Fido Dido


Still another approach is to choose an object to represent a company or brand. The

travelers insurance company uses an umbrella, suggesting that buying insurance is
equivalent to having an umbrella available when it rains. The prudential insurance
company features the rock of Gibraltar, suggesting that buying an insurance is equivalent
to owing a peace of rock which is of course, solid ad dependable. Companies have
developed many logos or abstracts, which are easily remembered by people. Even the
way the brand name is written makes a brand recognizable and memorable.

Brand Effectiveness:

With an increase in global competition, branding has become a source of

competitive advantage. In rapidly evolving market for consumer, and industrial products
and services, the source of next generation competency will be branding. In this briefing
we demonstrate how to calculate the brand strength, the price premium associated with
the products categories, and type of customers attracted to the Premium Products.
Marketers who match their brand with customers needs will have a sustainable
competitive advantage.

Measuring Brand Effectiveness:

There are many metrics to measure the potential of and actual effectiveness of brands.
The simplest way is to apply the concept of what we call the 4 Ds of Branding;
differentiation, distinctiveness, defendable, digit-able.

Distinctiveness: your brand should be distinct when compared to

your competitors and to all spoken and visual communications to
which your target audiences will be exposed. The more unique and
distinct your communications, the wider the filed of effective
competitive strength it will have. There are simple means to apply to
test the distinctiveness of your brand.

Differentiation: the brand strategy and brand assets must set youre
offering apart and clearly articulate the specific positioning intent of
your offering.

Defendable: you will be investing in creating your brand assets and in

all cases your brand must have proprietary strength to keep others
from using close approximations. This applies to your trade names and
other proprietary words as well as to your logos, symbols and other
visual assets.

Digit-able: in most businesses there is strong and growing element of

electronic communications and commerce that dictate all brand assets
be leveraged effectively in tactile and electronics form. This goes for all
brand assets.

Much of the brand managers work is to build a brand image. But its job doesnt stop
there. The rand manager needs to make sure that brand experience matches the brand
image. Much can go wrong. A fine brand of canned soup described in a full page color ad
may be found in dented and dusty condition in the bottom shelf of a supermarket. The ad
describing a gracious hotel chain is belied by the behavior of a surly concierge.

Building brand therefore calls for more than brand image building. It calls for
managing every brand contact that customer might have with brand. Since all the
employees, distributors and dealers can affect brand experience.

Brand and Reputation:

A brand exists in the mind, or not at all. The mind it exists in may be that of a
customer, a potential customer, an interested observer, a disinterested observer... or
almost anybody.

Awareness of a brand may be irrelevant to any purchasing decision that an

individual may make. People are aware of the Mercedes car brand, but cannot envisage
any circumstance under which they would (could!) buy a Mercedes. They are aware of
Marlboro (and scores of other cigarette brands) but as a non-smoker they will never
convert their awareness into purchase. Male with no children are not targeted by Pampers
or Huggies but still are aware of the brands.

People wear many hats. But are or not a potential customer. People may be an
employee, an investor, a citizen, a husband and so on. They hate McDonalds hamburgers
but might love their stock market record and therefore be a potential customer for their
stock. They will never buy a Boeing 777 but might be impressed by the aircraft and favor
an airline that flies them. They have no idea what an Intel chip is, but might be persuaded
that it is a good thing to have in my PC and therefore buy a computer from a company
that uses them.

Brand Aware argues that there is no difference between "Brand" and "Reputation".
Some conventional wisdoms state that customers buy brands, but that investors buy
reputations. Those potential employees join companies because of their reputation, that
the media and other "stakeholders" judge a company on its reputation in some way as a

distinct concept from its brand. This part argues that such distinctions are fallacious for
all companies, but especially for single brand companies such as a McDonalds, a Coca-
Cola, a Compaq or a Shell. These companies reputations are part and parcel of their
brand. Their brands are their reputation.


Company Profile


Type Private company

Founded 20 August 1999 in Manesar Gurgaon,

Haryana, India
Headquarters Haryana, India
Mr. Shinji Aoyama, President and
Key people
Products Motorcycles, Scooters
Parent Honda Motor Company, Limited
Website HMSI

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, Private Limited (HMSI) is the wholly owned
Indian subsidiary of Honda Motor Company, Limited, Japan. Founded in 1999, it was the
fourth Honda automotive venture in India, after Honda, Kinetic Honda Motor Ltd and
Honda Siel Cars India Limited.

The entry of Honda into the Indian market as HMSI began with the launch of the Honda
Activa, a 100 cc scooter. A slightly modified trendier version of the Activa was soon
launched, as the Honda Dio. Honda Eterno was launched thereafter to add to the portfolio
of HMSI's scooters.

The factory

The HMSI factory is built on a plot of 52 acres (210,000 m2) at Manesar, Gurgaon district
of Haryana. Construction of the factory began on 14 December 1999 and was completed
in January 2001. The initial production capacity was 100,000 scooters per year, which is

currently 6,00,000 scooters. The motorcycle production capacity is 10,00,000 per annum.
The initial investment was Rs. 215 crores and has now grown to 800 crores.

ISO 14001

HMSI got ISO 14001 certification in December, 2002. HMSI plans to use the PDCA
cycle for its envi.ronmental management system.

Honda has always wanted to pass on the beautiful natural environment to the next
generation, and will continue its environment conservation activities, meeting the high
goals that it has set independently.

Developing green vehicles

At Honda we are striving towards developing zero emission at all our vehicles. We are
the first company in Japan to meet the most recent exhaust emission regulations. To
reduce the environment burden of four stroke engines, we have developed a unique
exhaust air injection system and a programmed fuel injections (PGM-F1) (PGM-F1)
system , which is currently in use in the HONDA VFR motorcycles. On the other hand,
the Giorno Crear is the new generation, environment friendly 50 cc scooters that is highly
fuel efficient.

Eco Friendly Policy

Hondas production facilities across the world also activity pursue energy efficient
methods and prevent water pollution by reducing industrial waste. Honda has taken
aggressive initiative to reduce the environmental impact of its manufacturing operations

by implementing its concept of the green factory.HMSItoo is actively working
towards establishing an environment management system.

HMSI Environmental Policy

As responsible members of society and industry, Honda Motorcycle and Scooters India
Pvt. Ltd. (HMSI), recognize that well being of humans and conservation of earth's
environment is important.
HMSI got ISO 14001 certification in Dec. 2002, which is committed to achieve,
environmental excellence in all its industrial activities.

HMSI will establish its environmental management system following PDCA cycle and
continuously work to make it more effective. The policy will be well disseminated to our
employees as well as to the public at large.

HMSI Environment Initiative

ISO 14001 Policy

Conserving environment through preventing pollution at its source of generation and

strengthening our existing pollution control system.

Promoting conservation of resources such as energy, water, oil and grease and other
raw materials, by reusing, recycling and minimizing the waste generation.

Complying with all applicable legal/regulatory requirements and strive to go beyond

wherever possible.

Regular monitoring and reviewing of environmental objectives and targets.

Increasing environment awareness and competence amongst our employees and encourage
vendors & dealers to adopt EMS.

started by Honda is a step further in the direction of conservation of the environment. The
"Green Dealer Concept" would not only help in proper and efficient use of resources such
as water, electricity, paper etc. by constantly monitoring and improving the existing systems
thus doing lots of cost cutting but also reducing the polluting activities to minimum.
Increasing environment awareness amongst the employees and the general public is also
feature of this unique concept.

Worldwide Honda & Environment.

Chart 2.01

Enhancing safety on the roads is one of Honda's
top priorities. We firmly believe that the realization
of a comfortable and an enjoyable mobile society
depends on the mutual trust that automobile
manufacturers like us, share with the consumers and
society. At Honda, we use a three prong approach,
based on preventing accidents from happening in
the first place, minimizing injury in the unlikely
event of an accident and our Driving Safety
Promotion operations.
Honda's safety philosophy emphasizes the
development of appropriate technologies for its
products, so as to ultimately achieve maximum
riding comfort for its customers. Honda was the
The Honda RIDING
first manufacturer in Japan to develop and apply the
TRAINER anti-lock brake system. Educating the world, Honda
is actively involved with driving education across
the world for promoting traffic safety.

The Honda Riding Trainer is a state-of-the-art, compact, computer driven machine that
puts riders in real life road traffic situations through a wide variety of options. The Riding
Trainer can reproduce various traffic situations that occur on roads, offering the user a
safe way to experience hazardous situations. Further, users can repeatedly play back and
view from various angles the dangers concealed in road traffic and the processes leading
to accidents and hazardous situations, confirming them with their own eyes. The Trainer
therefore allows users to deepen their understanding of safety and functions as an
effective training tool for hazard prediction for all riders from beginners to advanced
riders. It also gives beginners a chance to practice clutching and other motorcycle

operations before riding an actual motorcycle. Till date we have 125 Riding Trainer
across India

Cutting-edge technology and the spirit of Honda

Our fundamental design philosophy seeks to maximize space and comfort for people, while
minimizing the space required for mechanical components. With this aim in mind, Honda's
R&D activities include product-specific development and fundamental research.
Let's talk about few of the advanced technologies that we have:

Combi Break System

Generally, it is not easy to control a 2-wheeler while braking during emergencies and bad
road conditions. This system not only allows easy & simultaneous operation of the front &
rear brake but also provides optimal braking performance. Once the left side brake lever is
pressed, the system distributes the appropriate braking power between the front and rear
wheels, which assures complete safety for the rider.


The compact, efficient & oil pressure controlled Hondamatic Transmission is the
world's first fully automatic transmission system, which delivers a dynamic
combination of torque & excellent accelerator response for a constant and superior
driving experience. The transmission is being used in Honda's all terrain vehicles.
Honda is working hard to introduce this Hondamatic in two-wheelers.

Fuel Injection System

Honda's fuel injection technology is designed to realise ideal combustion, which results in
delivering maximum power output, greatly improved fuel efficiency and yet be environment-


Honda Bikes and Scooter

Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt. Ltd. (HMSI), the fully owned subsidiary of
Honda Motor Company of Japan. Honda Company came to the Indian shores in 2004
with the launch of the sleek Honda Unicorn. Honda followed up its success with
motorbikes by groundbreaking scooters like the Honda Activa, which has owners all over
the country beaming with pride and pleasure.

Honda Bikes India, in order to differentiate them from Honda products are going high on
innovative technology. Honda bikes and Honda scooters today are sure to provide you
with something different from the average two-wheeler on the road. Honda bikes needs to
do that to compete against its own collaboration, Honda, and build its separate market
share. So right now, Honda consumers have everything going for them.

Honda's bikes in India have fuel injection technology which is designed to realize ideal
combustion, which results in delivering maximum power output, greatly improved fuel
efficiency and yet be environment-friendly. Honda Bikes India has been well received in
the market and has created new benchmarks in their respective categories.

Honda Motor Cycles
Honda Shine

Shine (Spoke Wheel) (15 cc)

An inspiring piece in the 125 cc motorcycle segment, the Honda Shine delivers excellent
power, superior technology, and awesome looks. New bikes have showroom prices of
around Rs. 40,400 and on-road prices of around Rs. 45,600 at Ahmedabad. Currently,
Delhi has the lowest, and Mumbai the highest on-road price for Honda Shine (Spoke
Wheel). Honda Shine (Spoke Wheel) bike prices vary upon the two-wheeler dealer's

Shine (Alloy Wheel) (125 cc)

This bike sets new benchmarks in the 125 cc segment by its engine efficiency, aesthetics,
and low maintenance cost. New bikes in this series have a showroom price ranging from
around Rs. 47,000 to around Rs. 53,000 inclusive of all charges like insurance, octroi,

RTO, etc. Honda Shine (Alloy Wheel) prices vary with the two-wheeler dealer's location.
Currently, Delhi has the lowest, and Mumbai the highest on-road price for Honda Shine
(Alloy Wheel). Honda Shine (Alloy Wheel) bike prices vary upon the two-wheeler
dealer's location.

Honda Unicorn

Unicorn (Spoke Wheel) (150 cc)

Honda Unicorn (Spoke Wheel) is the first motorcycle developed by Honda Motorcycle
and Scooters India Pvt. Ltd. At the showroom, this bike costs around Rs. 55,000 with an
on-road price of around Rs. 61,500. This includes standard ancillary charges also.
Currently, Delhi has the lowest, and Bangalore the highest on-road price for Honda
Unicorn (Spoke Wheel). Honda Unicorn (Spoke Wheel) bike prices vary upon the two-
wheeler dealer's location.

Unicorn (Alloy Wheel) (150 cc)

This bike is marked for its cutting-edge technology, adequate power, and mono
suspension at the rear. The Unicorn (Alloy Wheel) is now available at a showroom price
of around Rs. 60,000 with an on road price of around Rs. 63,700 including supplementary
charges. Currently, Delhi has the lowest, and Bangalore the highest on-road price for

Honda Unicorn (Alloy Wheel). Honda Unicorn (Alloy Wheel) bike prices vary upon the
two-wheeler dealer's location.


Honda Eterno

Eterno (150 cc)

India's first 150cc scooter, Honda Eterno has revolutionized the concept of scooters in its
segment. New scooter has showroom prices of around Rs. 35,800 and on-road prices of
around Rs. 40,500 at Ahmadabad. Currently, Delhi has the lowest, and Bangalore the
highest on-road price for Honda Eterno. Honda Eterno scooter prices vary upon the two-
wheeler dealer's location.

Honda Dio

Dio (100 cc)
The Honda Dio is named after Dionysian' or Cupid, the Greek god of love and son of
Venus. New bikes in this series have a showroom price ranging from around Rs. 37,000
to around Rs. 42,000 inclusive of all charges like insurance, octroi, RTO, etc. Currently,

Honda Activa

Activa (100 cc)

Honda Activa is a family two-wheeler and features a higher load carrying capacity than
similar scooters. At the showroom, this scooter costs around Rs. 38,000 with an on-road
price of around Rs. 43,000. Currently, Delhi has the lowest, and Mumbai the highest on-
road price for Honda Activa. Honda Activa scooter prices vary upon the two-wheeler
dealer's location.

Honda two wheelers, in order to differentiate themselves from Honda products are going
high on innovative technology. Honda motorbikes and Honda scooters today are sure to
provide you with something different from the average two-wheeler on the road. Honda
needs to do that to compete against its own collaboration, Honda, and build its separate
market share. So right now, Honda consumers have everything going for them.

Figure 7 Prices of different Honda Vehicles

Honda Dio 38,540

Honda Eterno 41,290

Honda Activa 42,758

Honda Shine (Spoke Wheel) 43,464

Honda Activa 43,895

Honda Aviator 44,925

Honda Aviator 50,080

Honda Shine (Alloy Wheel) 50,846

Honda Stunner CBF Self Drum Alloy 51,598

Honda Stunner CBF Self Disc Alloy 54,167

Honda Unicorn (Spoke Wheel) 60,663

Honda Unicorn (Alloy Wheel) 61,951

The history of the Honda brand is nothing more than the history of our challenges and
achievements in creating values, invariably ahead of our time. It is also the history of the
dreams of each of our associates that have come true and have been shared by people
around the world.

Chart 2.02
History of Honda


Research Methodology

Sources of data collection

Primary Data:-

Primary data has been collected through questionnaires. The questionnaire was mostly
related to the brand awareness towards Honda Motors on different feature such as the
model, price, effectiveness of the brand etc.

Secondary Data:-

Secondary data has been taken from bellow sources:

1. Reports

2. Pamphlets

3. Advertisement

4. Newspapers

5. Internet

Primary data was collected through questionnaires

Sample size : 30
Sample area : New Delhi
Sample method : Random sampling method


The sample of 30 has been chosen randomly, the people residing are considered as
the population for the study.

Sample Size:-

The sample size of 30 is selected randomly. The study requires on in depth survey
and keen observation in collecting data regarding the brand awareness levels of Honda

Sampling Technique:-

Only simple random sampling technique is adopted in selection the sample. In this
technique, each and every unit of the population has on equal opportunity of being
selected in the sample

Duration of Study:-

The study was carried out for a period of two months, from 20, June 2012 to 15
July 2012


Suggestion is based on the given information.

Due to the large number of employee it was not possible to collect all the
information from each.
The time period is limited to know the entire process.
We cannot draw effective conclusion as it is continuous process.
The area of survey was limited to some particular areas.


Data Analysis and


1. Have you heard about Honda Motors?

Table 4.01

Frequency Percentage

YES 24 86%
NO 6 14%

Graph 4.01

Interpretation- The project undertaken to know the brand awareness level of Honda
Motors was conducted in an around Delhi with the sample size of 30 through
questionnaire when the respondent were ask about whether they had heard about Honda
Motors or not 24 people out of 30 responded that they had heard about the product and
the rest 6 people had not heard about the product.

2. Where have you heard about it?

Table 4.02
Frequency Percentage
Television 6 25%
Hoardings 9 38%

Newspapers & 5 20%
Friends & Relatives 3 13%
Others 1 4%

Graph 4.02

Interpretation - Since out of the total 30 sample chosen only 24 people had heard about
the product so therefore this question was analyzed taking this 24 people and when these
people were asked about where they had heard about the brand 6 out of 24 that is 25%
people responded that they came to know about the brand through Television, 38%
people said they came to know about the brand through hoardings, 20% people
respondent that they came to know about the brand through newspapers and magazines
and 13 % people through Friends & relatives and the rest 4% through other sources.

3. How often have you heard or seen it?

Table 4.03

Graph 4.03

Frequency Percentage
Many Times 6 25%
Often 8 33%
Sometimes 10 42%

Interpretation- When the sample was asked about how often have they heard or seen the
product 6 out of 24 that is 25% people responded that they have heard about or seen the
product many times, 33% people that is 8 out of 24 people said they have often heard
about the product, 10 out of 24 people that is 42% of the total sample respondent that
they have heard or seen the brand sometime.

4. Have you done the test drive?

Table 4.04

Frequency Percentage
Yes 6
Frequency 25%
No 18 75%
Yes 4 17%
No 8 33%
Not Decided 12 50%
Graph 4.04

Interpretation - When the sample was asked about whether they have done the test drive
or not it was found that only 6 people out of 24 that is 25% of the total sample had
actually done the test drive and the rest 18 people or 75% of the people had not test
driven any product Honda Motors which proved that the people who had taken test drive
in an around Delhi are very less.

5. Do you wish to purchase any model of Honda Motors?

Table 4.05

Graph 4.05

Interpretation - When the sample was asked about their wish to purchase the product
17% of the total sample that is 4 people replied that they wish to purchase the product,
33% that is 8 people said they do not wish to purchase the product and 50% replied that
they have not decided anything regarding the product, after the analysis we came to know
that the people who wished to purchase the product is very nominal.

6. Why do you want to purchase this brand?

Table 4.06
Mileage 4
Price 3
Comfort 4
Style 4
Others 2

Graph 4.06

Interpretation When those 4 people who wanted to buy this brand was asked reasons;
all of them choose Honda for Mileage, comfort, style but 3 of them opted this for price.

7. Do you recall the advertisement of Honda?

Table 4.07

Graph 4.07

Frequency Percentage
Yes 16 67%
No 3 12%
Not Sure 5 21%

Interpretation - When the sample was asked whether they recall the advertisement of
Honda 16 people out of 24 people that is 67% replied that they know the ad and 12% of
the sample that is 3 people said they do not know the ad and 21% were not sure.

8. What is the main think you can recall from that advertising?

Table 4.08

Frequency Percentage
Spacious 7 43%
Interiors 4 25%
Style 3 19%
Comfort 2 13%

Graph 4.08

Interpretation - This question was answered by only those respondent who could recall
the advertising of Honda motors, this included 16 people and after the analysis it was
found that the respondent remembered different variables such as its Style, Comfort,
glamour, its appearance, its features and many other things.
9. How Do You Feel The Pricing Of The Honda?

Table 4.09
Excellent 12 50%
Good 6 25%
Satisfactory 4 16%
Unsatisfactory 2 9%

Graph 4.09

Interpretation - When the sample was asked that who likes the pricing of Honda 50%
said the pricing of Honda was excellent, 25% said it was good, 16% said that the pricing
of Honda was satisfactory and 9% said it was unsatisfactory.

10. Would you like to recommend this brand to others?

Table 4.10
Yes 16 67%
No 5 21%
Not Sure 3 12%

Graph 4.10

Interpretation - When the people were asked whether they would recommend this
product to others 24 people that is 67% replied they would recommend this product to
others, 21% replied in a negative way, 12% that is 24 people said they were not sure.



Some of the major findings are as follows:

The awareness level of Honda motors is quite high.

The promotional strategy of Honda motors is effective in the form of electronic media
and mass media

Most of the customers are aware of advertising campaign that is being conducted by
Honda motors.

Brand awareness has a real and visible impact in the buying behaviour of the people.

Though the customers are having good awareness levels regarding the product they
are not in a frame of mind to purchase it because of various reasons.

The scale of advertising to promote Honda motors is not satisfactory and has to
implement the various medium to offer advertising of the product.


Accomplishing this project on brand awareness was an excellent and knowledge gaining
experience for me. Despite small sample size for questionnaire this project helped me to
know the view of customer and common people towards the brand awareness of Honda

Brands are now a central feature of consumer marketing, they are important in building
long-term relationships with the consumer, irrespective of the type of market. Their
importance is now also being recognized in other markets including service and
industrial. Investing in a brand builds consumer confidence and loyalty and allows for
brand stretching. It requires a consistent and long-term strategy. Only a few brands have
emerged as truly global.

In conclusion I would say that the brand (Honda motors) is quite known to people. Honda
motors have built its brand awareness among a relatively large number of people. The
customers are aware largely of the product with the help of Television and Hoardings and
the product still has a way to increase its advertising channels to reach the relatively large
number of people.



Suggestions are done on the basis of finding and analysis of data collected through

In order to promote sale in highly competitive auto market attractive schemes

such as cash discount, complementary gift, lucky draws, etc. can be given to the

Customers should be contacted at a regular interval through phone calls and free
servicing of the bikes to ask them if they are facing any problems with the bikes
as because post sale with the customers may be very important to maintain
customers satisfaction.

Advertising plays a very important role n increasing the awareness and in

reminding the customer about the products and services offered by Honda motors.
Hence advertisement about the firm and its products and services must be aired on
local T.V channels as well as in newspapers and magazines.

Since the people tends to forget the advertising of a particular product a reminder
message has to be enforced in a regular interval and in a proper media which
would reach a large number of potential customers.

As from the inference we can see that the most important criteria for selection of
the bike is its performance which includes price, mileage, speed, braking
efficiency, maintenance, etc. There would be definite increase in the sale of the
bike if this point would be looked into and improved.

As from the inference we can see that the most important criteria for selection of the bike
is its performance which includes price, mileage, speed, braking efficiency, maintenance,
etc. There would be definite increase in the sale of the bike if this point would be looked
into and improved.



Marketing Research - Kothari, C.R.: Training methodology, 3rd edition, 1997, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi

Marketing Management- Kotler, Philip: Marketing Management European Edition,

illustrated, reprint, 2009, Prentice Hall

Marketing Management- Ramaswamy, V.S & Namakumari, S., Marketing Management

(3 Edition) : Planning, Implementation And Control, 2002, Macmillan India,






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