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Anlisis de la prevalencia de Trastorno de Estrs Postraumtico,

eventos asociados e identificacin de la triada sintomtica en una

muestra clnica de la regin del Maule.
Bravo, P*., Schott, S**., Fuentes, G., Iribarren, C., Salgado, C., Duque, G., y Valladares, F.,
Centro de Psicologa Aplicada, rea Clnica. Universidad de Talca.


Las personas constantemente estn expuestas a fuentes de estresores con alto contenido traumtico. Sin embargo se ha estudiado
que quienes desarrollaran TEPT bordearan el 10% de la poblacin expuesta a dichos estresores, por lo tanto es un fenmeno que no
suele originarse por el solo hecho de estar expuesto a un evento de aquellas caractersticas, pues el riesgo de desarrollar TEPT se ha
visto relacionado con mltiples factores, tales como sexo, edad, tipo de evento gatillador, experiencias tempranas de maltrato, entre
otros. El cuadro de TEPT, consiste en una perturbacin psicolgica que puede desarrollarse a partir de la experimentacin de
cualquier situacin amenazante para la vida y/o integridad (fsica o psicolgica), tanto propia como de otras personas significativas.
Dicho fenmeno esta compuesto por una trada sintomtica, asociado a conductas de re- experimentacin, evitacin e

Figura 1: Grfico de presencia de TEPT

Presencia de TEPT
Identificar la prevalencia de Trastorno de Estrs
Postraumtico, eventos asociados al cuadro y la triada .
sintomtica en una muestra clnica de adultos de la regin del
Maule. Todo ello con el fin de orientar la pertinencia de la
intervencin teraputica a la identificacin del principal Ausencia TEPT
conjunto de sntomas a la base. Presencia TEPT


La muestra estudiada corresponde a 80 pacientes adultos.
Presencia de TEPT en Mujeres Presencia de TEPT en Hombres
De los cuales el 81,25% (n=65) son del sexo femenino y, el
18,75% (n=15) del sexo masculino. 45% (n=36) en
tratamiento y un 55% (n=44) de alta teraputica. 14% 13%

Seleccin mediante muestreo no probabilstico por


Tipo de investigacin
No experimental, transaccional, de alcance descriptivo. 86% 87%

Para medir el Trastorno de Estrs postraumtico se
utiliz en instrumento Postraumatic Stress Disorder Triada Sintomtica de TEPT
Checklist (PCL) y para medir los eventos asociados se 5,00

utiliz el instrumento Life Events Checklist (LEC).




La variable de Trastorno de estrs

postraumtico se operacionaliza a
TEPT travs de la presencia o ausencia del

fenmeno. 2,50

La triada sintomtica incluye al 2,00

Triada criterio B (Reexperimentacin),

Cluster B Cluster C Cluster D

sintomtica criterio C (Evitacin) y criterio D

(Hiperactivacin) Eventos prevalentes

Se operacionaliza mediante un Maltrato

Eventos listado de eventos potencialmente Abuso sexual
asociados traumticos. Muertes repentinas


Los resultados indican que existe una alta prevalencia de A partir de los resultados hallados, es posible concluir que en
personas que han sufrido un evento altamente traumtico y esta muestra clnica el fenmeno del TEPT se presenta con
adems han experimentado un trastornos de estrs una alta prevalencia. Adicionalmente es posible identificar que
postraumtico. existe una prevalencia mayor en mujeres que en hombres, tal
como concluyen las investigaciones al respecto.
Adems el criterio C de Evitacin presenta una mayor Por otro lado es importante destacar que ahy mayor
prevalencia como estrategia frente al TEPT. prevalencia de la estrategia de evitacin dentro del trastorno,
pudiendo relacionarse con la utilidad funcional de evitar
Finalmente los eventos con mayor prevalencia son maltrato (en rememorar voluntariamente y as evitar las emociones
sus distintas tipologas) con prevalencia en abuso sexual, especificas del evento, pues la mayora de las personas de esta
fallecimientos de seres queridos de manera repentina y muestra se presenta con un alto nivel funcional en el rea
finalmente accidentes automovilsticos. laboral, siendo profesionales, tcnico profesionales, personas
con oficio y estudiantes de educacin superior.


Este proyecto ha sido financiado gracias a los aportes del

proyecto Bicentenario en curso.
Analysis of the Postraumatic stress disorder prevalence, asociated
events and identification of the symptomatic tryad in a clinical
sample of the Maule region.
Bravo, P*., Schott, S**., Fuentes, G., Iribarren, C., Salgado, C., Duque, G., y Valladares, F.,
Centro de Psicologa Aplicada, Clinical rea. Universidad de Talca.


The people are constantly exposed to stress sources with high traumatic content. However it has been studied that those who
develop PTSD are around 10% of the population, thus it is a phenomenon that usually does not arise from the mere fact of being
exposed to an event with such features, because the risk of developing PTSD has been related to other factors, such as gender, age,
type of trigger event, and early abusive experiences. PTSD consists in a psychological disturbance that might develop from the
experience of any threatening situation against their life and/or their integrity (physical or psychological), both for themself or a
significant other. This phenomenon it is composed by a symptomatic tryad, asociated to: re-experiencing, avoidance behaviours and

Figure 1: Chart of the presence of PTSD

PTSD Presence
To identify the prevalence of the Postraumatic Stress Disorder,
associated events and the symptomatic tryad in a clinical .
sample of adults from the Maule region. All of this with the
aim to orient the approach of the therapeutic intervention
targeting the main symptoms cluster. Ausencia TEPT
Presencia TEPT


The studied sample corresponds to 80 adult patients. T
81,25% (n=65) are female and, 18,75% (n=15) are male. PTSD Presence in Women PTSD Presence in Men
45% (n=36) are in treatment, and 55% (n=44) finished
the therapy . 14% 13%

Selection through a convinience sampling not


Research Design
Not experimental, transactional, descriptive scope. 86% 87%

To measure the postraumatic stress, the postraumatic
Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL) instrument was used, PTSD Symptomatic Tryad
and to measure the asociated events the Life Events 5,00

Checklist (LEC) instrument was used.




The Postraumatic stress disorder

variable is operationalized through
PTSD the presence or absence of the

phenomenon. 2,50

The symptomatic tryad includes 2,00

Symptomatic criterion B (Re-experiencing),

Cluster B Cluster C Cluster D

Tryad criterion C (Avoidance) and criterion

D (Hyperarousal). Prevalent Events

Associated It is operationalized through a list of Sexual Abuse
Events potentially traumatic events.
Sudden Deaths


The results indicate that there is a high prevalence of people From the results found, it is possible to conclude that in this
who have suffered a highly traumatic event and have clinical sample PTSD is highly prevalent. Additionally, there
experienced postraumatic stress disorder. is a higher prevalence in women than men as other research
Furthermore the criterion C of Avoidance shows a higher On the other hand, it is important to highlight that there is a
frequency as a symptom of PTSD. higher prevalence of the avoidance strategy in the disorder,
which might hypothetically be related to a functional coping
Finally, the events with higher frequency are abuse (in all its strategy of avoiding voluntary recall and in this way to avoid
forms but highest in sexual abuse), deaths of loved ones in a the specific emotions related to the event. Thus, permitting
sudden way and, lastly, car accidents. most preople in this sample to have a high functional level in
their jobs or activities, being as they are professionals,
professional technicians, people with a trade, and college


This project has been financed by the funds of the Bicentenary

project in course.

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