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Hadoop Administration

What does Hadoop mean?


"The name my kid gave a stuffed yellow elephant. Short, relatively easy to
spell and pronounce, meaningless and not used elsewhere: those are my
naming criteria. Kids are good at generating such. Googol is a kid's term."

Doug Cutting, Hadoop Project Creator

First Day:

Session I:

Introduction to the course

Introduction to Big Data and Hadoop

Session II:

Session III:


Session IV:


Outline #2
Second Day:

Session I:

Installation and configuration of the Hadoop in a pseudo-

distributed mode

Session II:

Running MapReduce jobs on the Hadoop cluster

Session III:

Hadoop ecosystem tools: Pig, Hive, Sqoop, HBase, Flume,


Session IV:

Supporting tools: Hue, Cloudera Manager

Big Data future: Impala, Tez, Spark, NoSQL

Outline #3
Third Day:

Session I:

Hadoop cluster planning

Session II:
Hadoop cluster installation and configuration

Session III:

Hadoop cluster installation and configuration

Session IV:

Case Studies

Certification and Surveys

First Day - Session I



"I think there is a world market for maybe

five computers"

Thomas Watson, IBM, 1943.

How big are the data we are talking about?

Foundations of Big Data"


What is Hadoop?
Apache project for storing and processing large data sets

Open-source implementation of Google Big Data solutions



HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)

YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator)


Data processing paradigms (MapReduce, Spark, Impala,

Tez, etc.)

Ecosystem tools (Pig, Hive, Sqoop, HBase, etc.)

Written in Java

Virtualization vs clustering

Data storage evolution

1956 - HDD (Hard Disk Drive), now up to 6 TB

1983 - SDD (Solid State Drive), now up to 16 TB

1984 - NFS (Network File System), first NAS (Network Attached

Storage) implementation

1987 - RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), now up to ~100


1993 - Disk Arrays, now up to ~200 disks

1994 - Fibre-channel, first SAN (Storage Area Network) implementation

2003 - GFS (Google File System), first Big Data implementation

Big Data and Hadoop evolution

2003 - GFS (Google File System) publication, available here

2004 - Google MapReduce publication, available here

2005 - Hadoop project founded

2006 - Google BigTable publication, available here

2008 - First Hadoop implementation

2010 - Google Dremel publication, available here

2010 - First HBase implementation

2012 - Apache Hadoop YARN project founded

2013 - Cloudera releases Impala

2014 - Apache releases Spark

Hadoop distributions
Apache Hadoop, http://hadoop.apache.org/

CDH (Cloudera Distribution including apache

Hadoop), http://www.cloudera.com/

HDP (Hortonworks Data Platform), http://hortonworks.com/

M3, M5 and M7, http://www.mapr.com/

Amazon Elastic
MapReduce, https://aws.amazon.com/elasticmapreduce/

BigInsights Enterprise Edition, http://www.ibm.com/

Intel Distribution for Apache Hadoop, http://hadoop.intel.com/

And more ...

Hadoop automated deploymen tools

Cloudera Manager, https://www.cloudera.com/products/cloudera-

Apache Ambari, https://ambari.apache.org/

MapR Control
System, http://doc.mapr.com/display/MapR/MapR+Control+System

VMware Big Data Platform, https://www.vmware.com/products/big-


OpenStack Sahara, https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Sahara

Amazon Elastic
MapReduce, https://aws.amazon.com/elasticmapreduce/

HDInsight, https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/hdinsight/

Hadoop on Google Cloud

Platform, https://cloud.google.com/hadoop/

Who uses Hadoop?


Where is it all going?

At this point we have all the tools to start changing the future:

capability of storing and processing any amount of data

tools for storing and processing both structured and unstructured


tools for batch and interactive data processing

Big Data paradigm has matured

BigData future:

search engines

scientific analysis

trends prediction

business intelligence

artificial intelligence


E. Sammer. "Hadoop Operations". O'Reilly, 1st edition

T. White. "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide". O'Reilly, 4th edition





Apache Hadoop project website: http://hadoop.apache.org/

website: http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/home.ht

Hortonworks website: http://hortonworks.com/

MapR website: http://www.mapr.com/


Introduction to the lab

Lab components:

Laptop with Windows 8

Virtual Machine with CentOS 7.2 on VirtualBox:

Hadoop instance in a pseudo-distributed mode

Hadoop ecosystem tools

terminal for connecting to the GCE

GCE (Google Compute Engine) cloud-based IaaS platform

Hadoop cluster

VirtualBox 64-bit version (click here to download)

VM name: Hadoop Administration

Credentials: terminal / terminal (use root account)

Snapshots (top right corner)

Press right "Control" key to release

GUI: https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/

Project ID: check after logging in in the "My First Project" lap

Connect the VM to the GCE:

sudo /opt/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud auth login

follow on-screen instructions

sudo /opt/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud config set project [Project

sudo /opt/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud components update

sudo /opt/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud config list

First Day - Session II



Goals and motivation

Very large files:

file sizes larger than tens of terabytes

filesystem sizes larger than tens of petabytes

Streaming data access:

write-once, read-many-times approach

optimized for batch processing

Fault tolerance:
data replication

metadata high availability


commodity hardware

horizontal scalability


components failures are common

auto-healing feature

Support for MapReduce data processing paradigm

FUSE (Filesystem in USErspace)

Non POSIX-compliant
filesystem (http://standards.ieee.org/findstds/standard/1003.1-

Block abstraction:

block size: 64 MB

block replication factor: 3


support for file sizes larger than disk sizes

segregation of data and metadata

data durability

Lab Exercise 1.2.1


responsible for storing and retrieving data

many per cluster


responsible for storing and retrieving metadata

responsible for maintaining a database of data locations

1 active per cluster

Secondary namenode:

responsible for checkpointing metadata

1 active per cluster

Stored in a form of blocks on datanodes

Blocks are files on datanodes' local filesystem

Reported periodically to the namenode in a form of block


Durability and parallel processing thanks to replication

Stored in a form of files on the namenode:

fsimage_[transaction ID] - complete snapshot of the filesystem

metadata up to specified transaction

edits_inprogress_[transaction ID] - incremental modifications

made to the metadata since specified transaction

Contain information on HDFS filesystem's structure and

Copied and served from the namenode's RAM

Don't confuse metadata with the database of data locations!

Lab Exercise 1.2.2

Metadata checkpointing
When does it occur?

every hour

edits file reaches 64 MB

How does it work?

T. White. "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide"

Read path
1. A client opens a file by calling the "open()" method on the
"FileSystem" object

2. The client calls the namenode to return a sorted list of

datanodes for the first batch of blocks in the file
3. The client connects to the first datanode from the list

4. The client streams the data block from the datanode

5. The client closes the connection to the datanode

6. The client repeats steps 3-5 for the next block or steps 2-5 for
the next batch of blocks, or closes the file when copied

Read path #2

T. White. "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide"

Data read preferences

Determines the closest datanode to the client

The distance is based on the theoretical network bandwidth

and latency:

0 - the same node

2 - the same rack

4 - the same data center

6 - different data centers

Rack Topology feature has to be configured prior

Write path
1. A client creates a file by calling the "create()" method on the
"DistributedFileSystem" object

2. The client calls the namenode to create the file with no blocks
in the filesystem namespace

3. The client calls the namenode to return a list of datanodes to

store replicas of a batch data blocks

4. The client connects to the first datanode from the list

5. The client streams the data block to the datanode

6. The datanode connects to the the second datanode from the

list, streams the data block, and so on

7. The datanodes acknowledge the receiving of the data block

8. The client repeats steps 4-5 for the next blocks or steps 3-5 for
the next batch of blocks, or closes the file when written

9. The client notifies the namenode that the file is written

Write path #2

T. White. "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide"

Data write preferences

1st copy - on the client (if running datanode daemon) or on randomly
selected non-overloaded datanode

2nd copy - on a datanode in a different rack in the same data center

3rd copy - on randomly selected non-overloaded datanode in the

same rack

4th and further copies - on randomly selected non-overloaded


Namenode High Availability

Namenode - SPOF (Single Point Of Failure)

Manual namenode recovery process may take up to 30 minutes

Namenode HA feature available since 0.23 release

High Availability type: active / standby

Based on: QJM (Quorum Journal Manager) and ZooKeeper

Failover type: manual or automatic with ZKFC (ZooKeeper Failover


STONITH (Shot The Other Node In The Head)

Fencing methods

Secondary namenode functionality moved to the standby


Namenode High Availability #2


Journal Node
Relatively lightweight

Usually collocated on the machines running namenode or

resource manager daemons

Changes to the "edits" file must be written to a majority of

journal nodes

Usually deployed in 3, 5, 7, 9, etc.

Namenode Federation
Namenode memory limitations

Namenode federation feature available since 0.23 release

Horizontal scalability

Filesystem partitioning


Federation of HA pairs

Lab Exercise 1.2.3

Lab Exercise 1.2.4

Namenode Federation #2

E. Sammer. "Hadoop Operations"

Underlying interface:

Java API - native Hadoop access method

Additional interfaces:

C interface

HTTP interface


[path] - local HDFS filesystem

file://[path] - local HDFS filesystem

hdfs://[namenode]/[path] - remote HDFS filesystem

http://[namenode]/[path] - HTTP

viewfs://[path] - ViewFS

Java interface
Reminder: Hadoop is written in Java

Destined to Hadoop developers rather than Hadoop


Based on the "FileSystem" class

Reading data:

by streaming from Hadoop URIs

by using Hadoop API

Writing data:

by streaming to Hadoop URIs

by appending to files

Command-line interface
Shell-like commands

All begin with the "hdfs" keyword

No current working directory

Example: Overriding the replication factor:

hdfs dfs -setrep [RF] [file]

All commands available here

Base commands
hdfs dfs -mkdir [URI] - creates a directory

hdfs dfs -rm [URI] - removes the file

hdfs dfs -rmr [URI] - removes the directory

hdfs dfs -cat [URI] - displays a content of the file

hdfs dfs -ls [URI] - displays a content of the directory

hdfs dfs -cp [source URI] [destination URI] - copies the file or the

hdfs dfs -mv [source URI] [destination URI] - moves the file or the

hdfs dfs -du [URI] - displays a size of the file or the directory

Base commands #2
hdfs dfs -chmod [mode] [URI] - changes permissions of the file or
the directory

hdfs dfs -chown [owner] [URI] - changes the owner of the file or the

hdfs dfs -chgrp [group] [URI] - changes the owner group of the file
or the directory
hdfs dfs -put [source path] [destination URI] - uploads the data
into HDFS

hdfs dfs -getmerge [source directory] [destination file] -

merges files from directory into a single file

hadoop archive -archiveName [name] [source URI]*

[destination URI] - creates a Hadoop archive

hadoop fsck [URI] - performs an HDFS filesystem check

hadoop version - displays a Hadoop version

HTTP interface
HDFS HTTP ports:

50070 - namenode

50075 - datanode

50090 - secondary namenode

Access methods:


via proxy


HDFS is a user-space filesystem

HDFS is a non-POSIX-compliant filesystem

Fuse-DFS module

Allows HDFS to be mounted under the Linux FHS (Filesystem

Hierarchy Standard)

Allows Unix tools to be used against the HDFS

Documentation: src/contrib/fuse-dfs

Count quotas vs space quotas:

count quotas - limit a number of files inside of the HDFS directory

space quotas - limit a post-replication disk space utilization of the

HDFS directory

Setting quotas:

hadoop dfsadmin -setQuota [count] [path]

hadoop dfsadmin -setSpaceQuota [size] [path]

Removing quotas:

hadoop dfsadmin -clrQuota [path]

hadoop dfsadmin -clrSpaceQuota [path]

Viewing quotas:

hadoop fs -count -q [path]

Low-latency data access:

tens of milliseconds

alternatives: HBase, Cassandra

Lots of small files

limited by namenode's physical memory

inefficient storage utilization due to large block size

Multiple writers, arbitrary file modifications:

single writer
append operations only

First Day - Session III



Legacy architecture
Historically, there had been only one data processing paradigm
for Hadoop - MapReduce

Hadoop with MRv1 architecture consisted of two core

components: HDFS and MapReduce

MapReduce component was responsible for cluster resources

management and MapReduce jobs execution

As other data processing paradigms have become available,

Hadoop with MRv2 (YARN) was developed

Goals and motivation

Segregation of services:
single MapReduce service for resource and job management

separate YARN services for resource and job management



MapReduce framework hits scalability limitations in clusters

consisting of 5000 nodes

YARN framework doesnt hit scalability limitations in clusters

consisting of 40000 nodes


MapReduce framework is capable of executing MapReduce jobs


YARN framework is capable of executing any jobs


responsible for cluster resources management

consists of a scheduler and an application manager component

1 active per cluster


responsible for node resources management, jobs execution and

tasks execution

provides containers abstraction

many per cluster


responsible for serving information about completed jobs

1 active per cluster



YARN job stages

1. A client retrieves an application ID from the resource manager

2. The client calculates input splits and writes the job resources (e.g. jar
file) into HDFS

3. The client submits the job by calling the submitApplication() method on

the resource manager

4. The resource manager allocates a container for the job execution

purpose and launches the application master process inside the

5. The application master process initializes the job and retrieves job
resources from HDFS

6. The application master process requests the resource manager for

containers allocation
7. The resource manager allocates containers for tasks execution purpose

8. The application master process requests node managers to launch

JVMs inside the allocated containers

9. Containers retrieve job resources and data from HDFS

10. Containers periodically report progress and status updates to the

application master process

11. The client periodically polls the application master process for
progress and status updates

YARN job stages #2


ResourceManager high availability

ResourceManager - SPOF

High Availability type: active / passive

Based on: ZooKeeper

Failover type: manual or automatic with ZKFC

ZFCK daemon embedded in the ResourceManager code

Fencing methods

Resources configuration
Allocated resources:

physical memory

virtual cores

Resources configuration (yarn-site.xml):

yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb - available
memory in megabytes

yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores - available number

of virtual cores

yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb - minimum allocated

memory in megabytes

yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-vcores - minimum
number of allocated virtual cores

yarn.scheduler.increment-allocation-mb - increment
memory in megabytes into which the request is rounded up

yarn.scheduler.increment-allocation-vcores - increment
number of virtual cores into which the request is rounded up

Lab Exercise 1.3.1

First Day - Session IV


Goals and motivation

Automatic parallelism and distribution of work:

developers are required to only write simple map and reduce


distribution and parallelism are handled by the MapReduce


Data locality:

computation operations are performed on data local to the

computing node

data transfer over the network is reduced to an absolute


Fault tolerance:
jobs high availability

tasks distribution


horizontal scalability

Fully automated parallel data processing paradigm

Jobs abstraction as an atomic unit

Jobs operate on key-value pairs

Job components:

map tasks

reduce tasks


simplicity of development

fast data processing times

MapReduce by analogy
Lab Exercise 1.4.1

Input splits vs HDFS blocks


Sample data

1 1 1995 82.4
1 2 1995 75.1
1 3 1995 73.7
1 4 1995 77.1
1 5 1995 79.5
1 6 1995 71.3
1 7 1995 71.4
1 8 1995 75.2
1 9 1995 66.3
1 10 1995 61.8

Sample map function


use strict;
my %results;
while (<>)
$_ =~ m/.*(\d{4}).*\s(\d+\.\d+)/;
push (@{$results{$1}}, $2);
foreach my $year (sort keys %results)
print "$year: ";
foreach my $temperature (@{$results{$year}})
print "$temperature ";
print "\n";

Function output:

year: temperature1 temperature2 ...

Sample reduce function


use List::Util qw(max);
use strict;
my %results;
while (<>)
$_ =~ m/(\d{4})\:\s(.*)/;
my @temperatures = split(' ', $2);
@{$results{$1}} = @temperatures;
foreach my $year (sort keys %results)
my $temperature = max(@{$results{$year}});
print "$year: $temperature\n";

Function output:

year: temperature

Schufle and sort phase

Map task in details
Map function:

takes key-value pair

returns key-value pair

Input key-value pair: file - input split

Output key-value pair: defined by the map function

Output key-value pairs are sorted by the key

Partitioner assigns each key-value pair to a partition

Reduce task in details

Reduce function:

takes key-value pair

returns key-value pair

Input key-value pair: returned by the map function

Output key-value pair: final result

Input is received in the shuffle and sort phase

Each reducer is assigned to one or more partitions

Reducer starts copying the data from partitions as soon as

they are written

Combine function
Executed by the map task

Executed just after the map function

Most often the same as the reduce function

Lab Exercise 1.4.2

Java MapReduce
MapReduce jobs are written in Java

org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce namespace:

Mapper class and map() function

Reducer class and reduce() function

MapReduce jobs are executed by the hadoop program

Sample Java MapReduce job available here [[1]]

Sample Java MapReduce job execution:

hadoop [MapReduce program path] [input data path] [output data path]

Uses hadoop-streaming.jar class

Supports all languages capable of reading from the stdin and

writing to the stdout

Sample streaming MapReduce job execution:

hadoop jar [hadoop-streaming.jar path] \

-input [input data path] \
-output [output data path] \
-mapper [map function path] \
-reducer [reduce function path] \
-combiner [combiner function path] \
-file [attached files path]

Supports all languages capable of reading from and writing to
network sockets

Mostly applicable for C and C++ languages

Sample piped MapReduce job execution:

hadoop pipes \
-D hadoop.pipes.java.recordreader=true
-D hadoop.pipes.java.recordwriter=true
-input [input data path] \
-output [output data path] \
-program [MapReduce program path]
-file [attached files path]

If one woman can have a baby in nine months, nine women should
be able to have a baby in one month.

Batch processing system:

MapReduce jobs run on the order of minutes or hours

no support for low-latency data access


optimized for full table scan operations

no support for data access optimization

Too low-level:

raw data processing functions

alternatives: Pig, Hive

Not all algorithms can be parallelised:

algorithms with shared state

algorithms with dependent variables

Second Day - Session I

Pseudo-distributed mode


Hadoop installation in pseudo-distributed


Lab Exercise 2.1.1

Lab Exercise 2.1.2

Lab Exercise 2.1.3

Lab Exercise 2.1.4

Second Day - Session II

Running MapReduce jobs


Running MapReduce jobs in

pseudo-distributed mode

Lab Exercise 2.2.1

Lab Exercise 2.2.2

Lab Exercise 2.2.3

Lab Exercise 2.2.4

Lab Exercise 2.2.5

Lab Exercise 2.2.6

Second Day - Session III

Hadoop ecosystem


Pig - Goals and motivation

Developed by Yachoo

Simplicity of development:

however, MapReduce programs themselves are simple, designing

complex regular expressions may be challenging and time

Pig offers much reacher data structures for pattern matching


Length and clarity of the source code:

MapReduce programs are usually long and comprehensible

Pig programs are usually short and understandable

Simplicity of execution:
MapReduce programs require compiling, packaging and

Pig programs can be executed ad-hoc from an interactive shell

Pig - Design
Pig components:

Pig Latin - scripting language for data flows

each program is made up of series of transformations

applied to the input data

each transformation is made up of series of MapReduce

jobs run on the input data

Pig Latin programs execution environment:

launched from a single JVM

execution distributed over the Hadoop cluster

Pig - relational operators

LOAD - loads the data from a filesystem or other storage into a relation

STORE - saves the relation to a filesystem or other storage

DUMP - prints the relation to the console

FILTER - removes unwanted rows from the relation

DISTINCT - removes duplicate rows from the relation

SAMPLE - selects a random sample from the relation

JOIN - joins two or more relations

GROUP - groups the data in a single relation

ORDER - sorts the relation by one or more fields

LIMIT - limits the size of the relation to a maximum number of tuples

and more

Pig - mathematical and logical operators

literal - constant / variable

$n - n-th column

x + y / x - y - addition / substraction

x * y / x / y - multiplication / division

x == y / x != y - equals / not equals

x > y / x < y - greater then / less then

x >= y / x <= y - greater or equal then / less or equal then

x matches y - pattern matching with regular expressions

x is null - is null

x is not null - is not null

x or y - logical or

x and y - logical and

not x - logical negation

Pig - types
int - 32-bit signed integer

long - 64-bit signed integer

float - 32-bit floating-point number

double - 64-bit floating-point number

chararray - character array in UTF-16 format

bytearray - byte array

tuple - sequence of fields of any type

map - set of key-value pairs:

key - character array

value - any type

Pig - Exercises
Lab Exercise 2.3.1

Hive - Goals and Motivation

Developed by Facebook

Data structurization:

HDFS stores data in an unstructured format

Hive stores data in a structured format

SQL interface:

HDFS does not provide the SQL interface

Hive provides an SQL-like interface

Hive - Design

stores Hive metadata

RDBMS database:

embedded: Derby
local: MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.

remote: MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.


used to read data by accepting queries and translating them to a

series of MapReduce jobs

used to write data by uploading them into HDFS and updating

the Metastore






Hive - Data Types

TINYINT - 1-byte signed integer

SMALLINT - 2-byte signed integer

INT - 4-byte signed integer

BIGINT - 8-byte signed integer

FLOAT - 4-byte floating-point number

D0UBLE - 8-byte floating-point number

BOOLEAN - true/false value

STRING - character string

BINARY - byte array

MAP - an unordered collection of key-value pairs

Hive - SQL vs HiveQL

Feature SQL HiveQL


Transactions Supported Not Supported

Indexes Supported Not supported

Latency Sub-second Minutes

Multitable inserts Partially supported Supported

Create table as
Partially supported Supported

Views Updatable Read-only

Hive - Exercises
Lab Exercise 2.3.2

Sqoop - Goals and Motivation

Cooperation with RDBMS:

RDBMS are widely used for data storing purpose

need for importing / exporting data from RDBMS to HDFS and

vice versa

Data import / export flexibility:

manual data import / export using HDFS CLI, Pig or Hive

automatic data import / export using Sqoop

Sqoop - Design
JDBC - used to connect to the RDBMS

SQL - used to retrieve / populate data from / to RDBMS

MapReduce - used to retrieve / populate data from / to HDFS

Sqoop Code Generator - used to create table-specific class to hold

records extracted from the table

Sqoop - Import process

T. White. "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide"

Sqoop - Export process

T. White. "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide"

Sqoop - Exercises
Lab Exercise 2.3.3

HBase - Goals and Motivation

Designed by Google (BigTable)

Developed by Apache

Interactive queries:

MapReduce, Pig and Hive are batch processing frameworks

HBase is a real-time processing framework

Data structurization:

HDFS stores data in an unstructured format

HBase stores data in a semi-structured format

HBase - Design
Runs on the top of HDFS

Used to be concidered a core Hadoop component

Key-value NoSQL database

Columnar storage

Metadata stored in the -ROOT- and .META. tables

Data can be accessed interactively or using MapReduce

HBase - Architecture
Tables are distributed across the cluster

Tables are automatically partitioned horizontally into regions

Tables consist of rows and columns

Table cells are versionde (by a timestamp by default)

Table cell type is an uninterpreted array of bytes

Table rows are sorted by the row key which is the table's primary key

Table columns are grouped into column families

Table column families must be defined on the table creation stage

Table columns can be added on the fly if the column family exists

HBase - Exercises
Lab Exercise 2.3.4

Flume - Goals and motivation

Streaming data:

HDFS does not have any built-in mechanisms for handling

streaming data flows

Flume is designed to collect, aggregate and move streaming

data flows into HDFS

Data queueing:

When writing directly to HDFS data are lost during spike periods

Flume is designed to buffer data during spike periods

Guarantee of data delivery:

Flume is designed to guarantee a delivery of the data by using a

single-hop message delivery semantics

Flume - Design
What is Flume? Flume is a frontend to HDFS

Event - unit of data that Flume can transport

Flow - movement of the events from a point of origin to their final


Client - an interface implementation that operates at the point of

origin of the events

Agent - an independent process that hosts flume components such as

sources, channels and sinks

Source - an interface implementation that can consume the events

delivered to it and deliver them to channels

Channel - a transient store for the events, which are delivered by the
sources and removed by sinks

Sink - an interface implementation that can remove the events from

the channel and transmit them further
Flume - Design #2


Flume - Closer look

Flume sources:

Avro, HTTP, Syslog, etc.


Sink types:

regular - transmit the event to another agent

terminal - transmit the event to its final destination

Flow pipeline:

from one source to one destination

from multiple sources to one destination

from one source to multiple destinations

from multiple sources to multiple destinations

Oozie - Goals and motivation

Hadoop jobs execution:
Hadoop clients execute Hadoop jobs from CLI
using hadoop command

Oozie provides web-based GUI for Hadoop jobs definition and


Hadoop jobs management:

Hadoop doesn't provide any built-in mechanism for jobs

management (e.g. forks, merges, decisions, etc.)

Oozie provides Hadoop jobs management feature based on a

control dependency DAG

Oozie - Design
What is Oozie? Oozie is a frontend to Hadoop jobs

Oozie - workflow scheduling system

Oozie workflow

control flow nodes:

define the beginning and the end of the workflow

provide a mechanism of controlling the workflow execution


action nodes:

are mechanisms by which the workflow triggers an

execution of Hadoop jobs

supported job types include Java MapReduce, Pig, Hive,

Sqoop and more

Oozie - Web GUI


Second Day - Session IV

Supporting tools and Big Data


Hue - Goals and motivation
Hadoop cluster management:

each Hadoop component is managed independently

Hue provides centralized Hadoop components management tool

Hadoop components are mostly managed from the CLI

Hue provides web-based GUI for Hadoop components


Open Source:

other cluster management tools (i.e. Cloudera Manager) are

payable and closed

Hue is free of charge and an open-source tool

Hue - Design
What is Hue? Hue is a frontend to Hadoop components

Hue components:

Hue server - web application's container

Hue database - web application's data

Hue UI - web user interface application

REST API - for communication with Hadoop components

Supported browsers:

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox 17+

Internet Explorer 9+
Safari 5+

Lab Exercise 2.4.1

Hue - Design #2


Cloudera Manager - Goals and motivation

Hadoop cluster deployment and configuration:

Hadoop components need to be deployed and configured


Cloudera Manager provides an automatic deployment and

configuration of Hadoop components

Hadoop cluster management:

each Hadoop component is managed independently

Cloudera Manager provides a centralized Hadoop components

management tool

Hadoop components are mostly managed from the CLI

Cloudera Manager provides a web-based GUI for Hadoop

components management

Cloudera Manager - Design

What is Cloudera Manager? Cloudera Manager is a frontend to
Hadoop components

Cloudera Manager versions:

Express - deployment, configuration, management, monitoring

and diagnostics

Enterprise - advanced management features and support

Cloudera Manager components:

Cloudera Manager Server - web application's container and core

Cloudera Manager engine

Cloudera Manager Database - web application's data and

monitoring information

Admin Console - web user interface application

Agent - installed on every component in the cluster

REST API - for communication with Agents

Lab Exercise 2.4.2

Lab Exercise 2.4.3

Lab Exercise 2.4.4

Cloudera Manager - Design #2


Impala - Goals and Motivation

Designed by Google (Dremel)

Developed by Cloudera

Interactive queries:

MapReduce, Pig and Hive are batch processing frameworks

Impala is a real-time processing framework

Data structurization:

HDFS stores data in an unstructured format

HBase and Cassandra store data in a semi-structured format

Impala stores data in a structured format

SQL interface:

HDFS does not provide the SQL interface

HBase and Cassandra do not provide the SQL interface by default

Impala provides the SQL interface

Impala - Design
Runs on the top of HDFS or HBase

Columnar storage

Uses Hive metastore

Implements SQL tables and queries



web GUI



Impala - Daemons
Impala Daemon:

performs read and write operations

accepts queries and returns query results

parallelizes queries and distributes the work

Impala Statestore:

checks health of the Impala Daemons

reports detected failures to other nodes in the cluster

Impala Catalog Server:

relays metadata changes to all nodes in the cluster

Tez - Goals and Motivation

Interactive queries:
MapReduce is a batch processing framework

Tez is a real-time processing framework

Job types:

MapReduce is destined for key-value-based data processing

Tez is destined for DAG-based data processing

Tez - Design


Fast and general engine for large-scale data processing.

Runs programs up to 100x faster than Hadoop MapReduce in

memory, or 10x faster on disk.

Supports applications written in Java, Scala, Python, R.

Combines SQL, streaming, and complex analytics.

Runs on Hadoop, Mesos, standalone, or in the cloud.

Can access diverse data sources including HDFS, Cassandra,

HBase, and S3.

"Not only SQL" database"

key-value store concept

fast and easy


MongoDB, https://www.mongodb.org/

Redis, http://redis.io/

Couchbase, http://www.couchbase.com/

Third Day - Session I

Hadoop cluster planning


Picking up a distribution
license cost

open / closed source

Hadoop version

available features

supported OS types

ease of deployment



Hadoop releases


Release notes: http://hadoop.apache.org/releases.html

Why CDH?
Open source

Stable (always based on stable Hadoop releases)

Wide range of available features

Support for RHEL, SUSE and Debian

Easy to deploy

Very well integrated

Very well supported

Hardware selection



storage IO

storage capacity

storage resilience

network bandwidth

network resilience

hardware resilience

Hardware selection #2
Master nodes:


resource managers
secondary namenode

Worker nodes

Network devices

Supporting nodes

Namenode hardware selection

CPU: quad-core 2.6 GHz

RAM: 24-96 GB DDR3 (1 GB per 1 million of blocks)

Storage IO: SAS / SATA II

Storage capacity: less than 1 TB

Storage resilience: RAID

Network bandwidth: 2 Gb/s

Network resilience: LACP

Hardware resilience: non-commodity hardware

ResourceManager hardware selection

CPU: quad-core 2.6 GHz

RAM: 24-96 GB DDR3 (unpredictable)

Storage IO: SAS / SATA II

Storage capacity: less than 1 TB

Storage resilience: RAID

Network bandwidth: 2 Gb/s

Network resilience: LACP

Hardware resilience: non-commodity hardware

Secondary namenode hardware selection

Almost always identical to namenode

The same requirements for RAM, storage capacity and desired

resilience level

Very often used as a replacement hardware in case of

namenode failure

Worker hardware selection

CPU: 2 * 6 core 2.9 GHz

RAM: 64-96 GB DDR3

Storage IO: SAS / SATA II

Storage capacity: 24-36 TB JBOD

Storage resilience: none

Network bandwidth: 1-10 Gb/s

Network resilience: none

Hardware resilience: commodity hardware

Network devices hardware selection

Downlink bandwidth: 1-10 Gb/s

Uplink bandwidth: 10 Gb/s

Computing resources: vendor-specific

Resilience: by network topology

Supporting nodes hardware selection

Backup system

Monitoring system

Security system

Logging system

Cluster growth planning


replication factor: 3 by default

temporary data: 20-30% of the worker storage space

data growth: based on trends analysis

the amount of data being analised: based on cluster


usual task RAM requirements: 2-4 GB

Lab Exercise 3.1.1

Lab Exercise 3.1.2

Network topologies
Hadoop East/West traffic flow design

Network topologies:



Inter data center replication

Lab Exercise 3.1.3

Leaf topology
E. Sammer. "Hadoop Operations"

Spine topology

E. Sammer. "Hadoop Operations"

Blades, SANs, RAIDs and virtualization

Blades considerations:

Hadoop is designed to work on the commodity hardware

Hadoop cluster scales out rather than up

SANs considerations:

Hadoop is designed for processing local data

HDFS is distributed and shared by design

RAIDs considerations:

Hadoop is designed to provide data durability

RAID introduces additional limitations and overhead

Virtualization considerations:

Hadoop worker nodes don't benefit from virtualization

Hadoop is a clustering solution which is the opposite to


Hadoop directories

Directory Linux path

Hadoop install directory /usr/* no

defined by an
Namenode metadata directory yes

Secondary namenode metadata defined by an

directory administrator

defined by an
Datanode data directory yes

defined by an
MapReduce local directory no

Hadoop log directory /var/log/* yes

Hadoop pid directory /var/run/hadoop no

Hadoop temp directory /tmp no

LVM (Logical Volume Manager) - HDFS killer


extent-based design

burn-in time




Lab Exercise 3.1.4

Fourth Day - Session II and III

Hadoop cluster installation and


Underpinning software

JDK (Java Development Kit)

Additional software:

Cron daemon

NTP client

SSH server

MTA (Mail Transport Agent)

RSYNC tool

NMAP tool

Hadoop installation
Should be performed as the root user

Installation instructions are distribution-dependent

Installation types:

manual installation

automated installation

Installation sources:



source code

Hadoop package content

/etc/hadoop - configuration files

/etc/rc.d/init.d - SYSV init scripts for Hadoop daemons

/usr/bin - executables

/usr/include/hadoop - C++ header files for Hadoop pipes

/usr/lib - C libraries

/usr/libexec - miscellaneous files used by various libraries and scripts

/usr/sbin - administrator scripts

/usr/share/doc/hadoop - License, NOTICE and README files

CDH-specific additions
Binaries for Hadoop Ecosystem

Use of alternatives system for Hadoop configuration directory:


Default nofile and nonproc limits:


Hadoop configuration
hadoop-env.sh - environmental variables

core-site.xml - all daemons

hdfs-site.xml - HDFS daemons

mapred-site.xml - MapReduce daemons

log4j.properties - logging information

masters (optional) - list of servers which run secondary namenode

slaves (optional) - list of servers which run datanode and tasktracker

fail-scheduler.xml (optional) - fair scheduler configuration and


capacity-scheduler.xml (optional) - capacity scheduler configuration

and properties

dfs.include (optional) - list of servers permitted to connect to the


dfs.exclude (optional) - list of servers denied to connect to the


hadoop-policy.xml - user / group permissions for RPC functions


mapred-queue-acl.xml - user / group permissions for jobs


Hadoop XML files structure

<?xml version="1.0"?>
(<final>{true | false}</final>)

Hadoop configuration
Parameter: fs.defaultFS

Configuration file: core-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the default filesystem used by clients

Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: NN, SNN, DN, RM, NM, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: io.file.buffer.size

Configuration file: core-site.xml

Purpose: specifies a size of the IO buffer

Guidline: 64 KB

Format: integer

Used by: NN, SNN, DN, JT, TT, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: fs.trash.interval

Configuration file: core-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the amount of time (in minutes) the file is retained
in the .Trash directory

Format: integer

Used by: NN, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: ha.zookeeper.quorum

Configuration file: core-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the list of ZKFCs for automatic jobtracker failover


Format: comma separated list of hostname:port pairs

Used by: JT




Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.name.dir

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies where the namenode should store a copy of the

HDFS metadata

Format: comma separated list of Hadoop URLs

Used by: NN


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.data.dir

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies where the datanode should store HDFS data

Format: comma separated list of Hadoop URLs

Used by: DN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: fs.checkpoint.dir

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies where the secondary namenode should store HDFS


Format: comma separated list of Hadoop URLs

Used by: SNN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.permissions.supergroup

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies a group permitted to perform all HDFS filesystem

Format: string

Used by: NN, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.balance.bandwidthPerSec

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the maximum allowed bandwidth for HDFS

balancing operations

Format: integer

Used by: DN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.blocksize

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the HDFS block size of newly created files

Guideline: 64 MB
Format: integer

Used by: clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.datanode.du.reserved

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the disk space reserved for MapReduce temporary


Guideline: 20-30% of the datanode disk space

Format: integer

Used by: DN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.namenode.handler.count

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the number of concurrent namenode handlers

Guideline: natural logarithm of the number of cluster nodes, times 20,

as a whole number
Format: integer

Used by: NN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.datanode.failed.volumes.tolerated

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the number of datanode disks that are permitted to

die before failing the entire datanode

Format: integer

Used by: DN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.hosts

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the location of dfs.hosts file

Format: Linux path

Used by: NN


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.hosts.exclude

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the location of dfs.hosts.exclude file

Format: Linux path

Used by: NN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.nameservices

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies virtual namenode names used for the namenode

HA and federation purpose

Format: comma separated strings

Used by: NN, clients


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.ha.namenodes.[nameservice]

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies logical namenode names used for the namenode

HA purpose

Format: comma separated strings

Used by: DN, NN, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.namenode.rpc-address.[nameservice].[namenode]

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies namenode RPC address used for the namenode HA


Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: DN, NN, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.namenode.http-address.[nameservice].[namenode]
Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies namenode HTTP address used for the namenode

HA purpose

Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: DN, NN, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: topology.script.file.name

Configuration file: core-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the location of a script for rack-awareness purpose

Format: Linux path

Used by: NN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.namenode.shared.edits.dir

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the location of shared directory on QJM with

namenode metadata for namenode HA purpose
Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: NN, clients




Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.client.failover.proxy.provider.[nameservice]

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the class used for locating active namenode for
namenode HA purpose

Format: Java class

Used by: DN, clients




Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.ha.fencing.methods

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the fencing methods for namenode HA purpose

Format: new line-separated list of Linux paths

Used by: NN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: dfs.ha.automatic-failover.enabled

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies whether the automatic namenode failover is

enabled or not

Format: 'true' / 'false'

Used by: NN, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: ha.zookeeper.quorum

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the list of ZKFCs for automatic namenode failover


Format: comma separated list of hostname:port pairs

Used by: NN


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: fs.viewfs.mounttable.default.link.[path]

Configuration file: hdfs-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the mount point of the namenode or namenode

cluster for namenode federation purpose

Format: Hadoop URL or namenode cluster virtual name

Used by: NN



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.hostname

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the location of resource manager

Format: hostname:port

Used by: RM, NM, clients


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies where the resource manager and node manager

should store application temporary data

Format: comma separated list of Hadoop URLs

Used by: RM, NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies memory in megabytes available for allocation for

the applications

Format: integer

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.nodemanager.resource.cpu-vcores
Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies virtual cores available for allocation for the


Format: integer

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-mb

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies minimum amount of memory in megabytes

allocated for the applications

Format: integer

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.scheduler.minimum-allocation-vcores

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies minimum number of virtual cores allocated for the

Format: integer

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.scheduler.increment-allocation-mb

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies increment amount of memory in megabytes for

allocation for the applications

Format: integer

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.scheduler.increment-allocation-vcores

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies incremental number of virtual cores for allocation

for the applications

Format: integer

Used by: NM


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.task.io.sort.mb

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the size of the circular in-memory buffer used to

store MapReduce temporary data

Guideline: ~10% of the JVM heap size

Format: integer (MB)

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.task.io.sort.factor

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the number of files to merge at once

Guideline: 64 for 1 GB JVM heap size

Format: integer

Used by: NM


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.map.output.compress

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies whether the output of the map tasks should be

compressed or not

Format: 'true' / 'false'

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.map.output.compress.codec

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the codec used for map tasks output compression

Format: Java class

Used by: NM


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.type

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies whether the compression should be applied to the

values only, key-value pairs or not at all

Format: 'RECORD' / 'BLOCK' / 'NONE'

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.parallelcopies

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the number of threads started in parallel to fetch

the output from map tasks

Guideline: natural logarithm of the size of the cluster, times four, as a

whole number

Format: integer

Used by: NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.job.reduces

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the number of reduce tasks to use for the

MapReduce jobs

Format: integer

Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.shuffle.max.threads

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the number of threads started in parallel to serve

the output of map tasks

Format: integer

Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: mapreduce.job.reduce.slowstart.completedmaps

Configuration file: mapred-site.xml

Purpose: specifies when to start allocating reducers as the number of
complete map tasks grows

Format: float

Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm-ids

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies logical resource manager names used for resource

manager HA purpose

Format: comma separated strings

Used by: RM, NM, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.ha.id

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies preferred resource manager for an active unit

Format: string
Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.address.[resourcemanager]

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies resource manager RPC address

Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: RM, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.address.

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies resource manager RPC address for Scheduler


Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: RM, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.admin.address.[resourcemanager]

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies resource manager RPC address used for the

resource manager HA purpose

Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: RM, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.resource-tracker.address.

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies resource manager RPC address for Resource

Tracker service

Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: RM, NM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address.

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies resource manager address for web UI and REST API

Format: Hadoop URL

Used by: RM, clients



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.ha.fencer

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the fencing methods for resourcemanager HA


Format: new-line-separated list of Linux paths

Used by: RM


Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.ha.auto-failover.enabled

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: enables automatic failover in resource manager HA pair

Format: boolean

Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.recovery.enabled

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: enables job recovery on resource manager restart or during

the failover

Format: boolean

Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.ha.auto-failover.port

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies ZKFC port

Format: integer

Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: enables resource manager HA feature

Format: boolean value

Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.store.class

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies storage for resource manager internal state

Format: string

Used by: RM



Hadoop configuration
Parameter: yarn.resourcemanager.cluster-id

Configuration file: yarn-site.xml

Purpose: specifies the logical name of YARN cluster

Format: string

Used by: RM, NM, clients



Hadoop configuration - exercises

Lab Exercise 3.2.1

Lab Exercise 3.2.2

Lab Exercise 3.2.3

Lab Exercise 3.3.1

Lab Exercise 3.3.2

Lab Exercise 3.3.3

Lab Exercise 3.3.4

Lab Exercise 3.3.5

Lab Exercise 3.3.6

Lab Exercise 3.3.7

Lab Exercise 3.3.8

Lab Exercise 3.3.9

Third Day - Session IV

Case Studies, Certification and



Certification and Surveys

Congratulations on completing the course!
Official Cloudera certification authority:


Visit http://www.nobleprog.com for other courses

Surveys: http://www.nobleprog.pl/te

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