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Prom Class Will and Testament Speech

Good evening soon-to-be ladies and gentlemen, teachers, and beloved school principal. Weve
all had an astonishing school year full of mistakes, misunderstandings, laughs, smiles, and other
flotsam and jetsam. There have been many times when we had wished that all time would slow
down to a stop, the reason being for that particular moment not to pass us by, that we could
relish in the endless gaiety of lifes delectations. However, every beginning has its end, every
alpha has its omega, every delight has its downfall; and as it is, every freshman will eventually
reach his or her senior year. We, the seniors, used to be amateur freshmen. After four years of
mishaps and many, many other experiences, we have developed into the seniors that we are
now. But soon we will be in grade 12, a new perspective of a senior high life. Next school year,
you, the juniors, will be called seniors, too, which will mean great opportunities,
responsibilities, and challenges will be bestowed onto your shoulders and into your hands for
you to mold and shape as you see fit.

On todays occasion, the JS Prom 2017, we, the seniors, will be sharing and placing on your, the
juniors, shoulders the task of sustaining the name of the senior class. We know you will perform
this task well, as each batch has their own unique identity. We have the utmost confidence in
you. In this will, we entrust to you our assets; here, we pass them on to you.

If the Chicago Bulls have Michael Jordan, and the Lakers have Magic Johnson, then the seniors
have their own basketball MVPs, specifically mentioning
____________________________________________________. With their phantom-like
footwork and les parfoises stances no one can predict their must move on the court. They leave
their sweaty jerseys to all of the male juniors:
When boredom strikes during class hours, everyone tries to keep himself or herself from falling
asleep, with a few notable exceptions. Proving that their prowess allow them sleep through
multiple rackets, clamors, and chaos,
_______________________________________________________________, the experts in
the art of sleeping leave their sleeping pillows to
_________________________________________, as well as their sleeping trophies to

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then more than a million pictures would have already
been developed by
________________________________________________________________. With their
generosity in sharing their knowledge at random times, they leave their last chatters, filters, and
selfies to the juniors: ___________________________.
They can dress up in the most sassiest styles possible, and if there are anyone who takes more
care of their looks than these girls, those people would be having facial surgery.
__________________________________________, leaves their ability to beautify are passed
on to another lovers of beauty:

The babies are now ladies? That is the question, because though smart yet lady-like, they still
have to grow up. Pretty and K-Dot, they will always be our baby girls the crme de la crme,
______________________________________, who leaves their prudent, pretty, and
astounding looks to the female juniors:
The Voice stars of the school, with their golden voices,
______________________________________________________________ bequeath their
24-karat vocal cords to ________________________________.

The dancing prowess of ________________________________________________are passed

on to the juniors:
_____________________________________________________________________. and
________________________________ skill in handling guitar and other musical instruments to

More Than Words could not apply to these ladies to be mentioned. They could talk nonstop for
hours. The Queens of Talk,
______________________________________________________________, pass on their
scepters of immortal words to

With every Pinoy movie, theres always a love team: Kathniel (Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel
Padilla), LizQuen (Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil), JaDine (James Reid and Nadine Lustre). But
among the seniors, we have our very own
______________________________________________________________, whose skinny
love never fails to amaze us. These love teams are delighted to pass on their chemistry and
history to ___________________________________________________ of the juniors.
As fun as hearing echoes in wide spaces is, its even more fun to have a live echo repeating
after your words wherever you go, and even adding a joke or two here and there. Famed
comedians ___________________________________, passes on their talents to make
everything so much funnier to both

Given to __________________________________________ the ever-ready-to-help attitude of

________________________________________________________. The humble attitude of
_________________________________________________ to

The class of uniforms is an eclectic whorl of Technicolor. But another world of kaleidoscopes
exists, just not in the way you expect it to be. Youll see the people who follow this dress code
most in a secluded office giving the same, old reasons repeatedly. Motley-clothed
_______________________________________ hand over their no-uniform clothing style to

Dont you ever get both annoyed and amazed with people who eat as much food as a vacuum
cleaner can suck up dust, yet never gain weight? The seniors have their very own food vacuum,
although they aren't as lightweight as they were before.
__________________________________________ donates all their food to

Pinoy number one problem: height. But at a 57 stature and above,

_____________________________________________________have nothing to worry about.
They would be delighted to pass on their towering stature to the juniors, males and females alike
: ______________________________________________________ and hopefully partly to
the rest of the seniors as well!

We, the seniors, would like to share and pass on our big hearts to you juniors, for we have every
intention and desire to help you in your progress any way we can, whether it be big or small,
extravagant or subtle.
Juniors, we are handling down to you these assets for a more successful year to come. On
behalf of the seniors, allow me to express my thanks and deepest appreciations to the people
who have helped us become who we are today, and who have helped us reach this high a
height of the ever-ascending stepping stones of life.
Thank you Teachers:
_______ for always encouraging us to do our best and give 110% at everything we do and have
to do.

Thank you juniors for always sharing your smiles when times seem bleak. Keep up the good
work both in educational and social aspects.

Soon, we may be walking different paths, probably away from one another. We are soon to be at
a crossroads. We will soon be required to choose which road to take, which yellow brick road to
reach a beautiful, glittering Emerald City. We can only dream, hope, and pray that one day, fate
will decide for all of us to meet again at the right place, time, and situation. Thank you, and once
again, good evening to you all.

JS Prom (Closing Remarks)

My heart is filled with mixed emotions as we come to the close of this

momentous event.

We express thanks to each one who joined this memorable night including our

parents, teachers, guests, friends and classmates who helped us in making this event a

successful one.
Now before we leave, I know, like me and everyone in this occasion had a

wonderful time celebrating this prom with all of your friends and classmates. And I hope

this event will leave good memories and happiness in your hearts. To everyone, drive

home safe later.

So before I end this up, I wanna say, "Happy Hearts Day", everyone! Let's

continue the night with a smile in our faces and joy in our hearts. THANK YOU!

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