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PT 2 B: Case Analysis

By RST 9 of Diligence
Justin Cruz
Raiko Jacinto
Danielle Bantug
Morene San Luis

A. A widows peak (S) is dominant over straight hairline (s). Given that the
mother has a heterozygous gene pair for the widows peak and the father
has a staright line
i. What is the genotype of the mother? (SS)
ii. What is the genotype of the father? (ss)
iii. How many kinds of gametes can the mother produce? 2 kinds (S,s)
iv. How many kinds of gametes can the father produce? 1 kind (s)
v. Perform a cross using a Punnet Square:
s s
S Ss Ss
s ss ss

B. In rabbits, black hair color (B) is dominant to brown color (b). Short hair
(H) is dominant to long hair (h) . A cross between a homozygous black,
long haired male rabbit and a brown, homozygous short-haired female
was made
i. What is the genotype of the male and female? Male:BBhh
ii. What would be the phenotype of the F1 generation? Male
homozygous black short hair Female: homozygous long brown hair.
iii. If one of the F1 rabbits reproduced with a brown, long haired rabbit,
what would be the phenotypic ratio of the offspring? All black short
C. A bald woman marries a non-bald man. Given that hair loss is a sex-
influenced trait, where B is for baldness and b is for non-bald character
i. What is the genotype of the woman? Bb
ii. What is the genotype of the man? Bb
iii. If they have children, what will be the genotype of the daughter? BB
iv. If they have children, what will be the genotype of the son? bb
v. Will any of the daughters be bald? Yes because the bald
characteristic is more dominant
vi. Will any of the sons be non-bald? Yes because the non bald
characteristic is dominant than the bald characteristic
vii. Perform a cross using a Punnet Square to prove your answers:
B b
b Bb bb
D. A b Bb bb normal daughter of a man with
hemophilia, a recessive sex-linked trait,
marries a man who is normal for the
PT 2 B: Case Analysis
By RST 9 of Diligence
Justin Cruz
Raiko Jacinto
Danielle Bantug
Morene San Luis

trait. What is the probability that the couples daughter will become
hemophiliac? Their son?
i. The probability of a daughter having hemophilia is zero
ii. About 50% of male children would have hemophilia

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