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Clays and Clay Minerals, Vol. 32, No. 3, 161-166, 1984.


Department of Marine Science, University of South Florida
140 7th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701

Abstract- Chemical activity diagraoas, prepared to illustrate the properties expected if mixed-layer mont-
morillonite/illiteis regarded as a solid solution, are compared to those derived from a treatment of these
materials as a mixture of two phases. If the system is a solid solution, the coexisting aqueous solution
should range from higher dissolved silica contents in the presence of kaolinite and a montmorilloniteend
member to lower dissolved silica in the presence of kaolinite and an illiticend member. Silica concentration
in the aqueous solution might vary by a factor of as much as six. If the system is two phase, the silica
content of a solution in equilibrium with kaolinite and both phases would be fixed at a given T and P,
as would a solution equilibrated with both phases and K-feldspar. In the absence of a third phase, silica
in equilibrium with both phases should be nearly constant, but increase with increasing ratio of K+/H+
in solution. Available data on coexisting aqueous solutions apparently are more nearly consistent with
two phases than with a solid solution.
Key Words--Chemical activity diagram, Illite, Mixed layer, Montmorillonite, Phase, Solid solution,

INTRODUCTION strong solutions that it is usually described as "fixed

potassium." Illitic layers have a total interlayer charge
The genesis and phase relations of mixed-layer
montmorillonite/illite clays have been the subjects of of - 0 . 8 0 to - 0 . 8 2 per formula weight (Hower and
much research and comparable controversy over the Mowatt, 1966). Most of the charge stems from replace-
last 20 years. The following aspects of genesis, taken ment oftetrahedral silicon by trivalent cations, chiefly
AI 3
chiefly from the works of Hower and his colleagues
(Hower and Mowatt, 1966; Perry and Hower, 1970; In nature, a typical layer of montmorillonite is con-
Hower et al., 1976), seem to be generally accepted. verted to a typical layer of illite by a reaction such as
the one below:
I l l i t e / m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e interlayered materials are
composed of two discrete species; one is montmoril-
K+o.33(mll.aoFe3+o.z3Mg2+o.27)(mlo.o6Si3.940 1o(OH)2
lonite with low interlayer charge. Its inteflayers are
hydrated by at least two layers of water molecules and
have interlayer spacings at unit water activity of 15 + 0.47KA1Si3Os
or more. Most of the negative charge of montmoril- feldspar
lonites is attributable to substitution of divalent cations
= K+o.so(A1LsoFe3+o.23Mg2+o.27)(Alo.53Si3.47)O~o(OH)2
in octahedral positions; in some montmorillonites there
is no substitution of other ions for silicon in tetrahedral
positions and hence no resultant tetrahedrally based + 1.88SIO2.
negative charge. Cations exchange freely in the hy- quartz
drated inteflayers of montmorillonites; exchange ener-
gies for divalent cations are usually less than 1 kJ per In the above reaction, no change in the composition
formula weight (Garrels and Tardy, 1982). Energies for of the octahedral layer takes place in the conversion
exchange between smaller, hydrated ions, such as Na +, of montmorillonite to illite. This is true in m a n y nat-
and larger, slightly hydrated ions, such as Cs +, may be ural assemblages; the extensive data of Hower and Mo-
as large as 3 kJ, but the overall selectivity among cat- watt (1966) show no trends of octahedral composition
ions by hydrated inteflayers is so slight that mont- with increasing percentage of mixed-layer illite. Thus,
morillonite interlayers characteristically are occupied the change to illite layers does not require octahedral
simultaneously by several cations in significant per- change. Other investigators (e.g., Inoue et al., 1978)
centages (> 10%). have noted octahedral compositional changes accom-
The second species, illite, is made up of layers in- panying the formation of illite layers. In the ongoing
terstratified with the montmorillonite layers and formed discussion only the simpler case of constant octahedral
by diagenetic alteration of original montmorillonite composition will be considered.
layers. Illite layers have a 10-/~ spacing. The interlayers The conversion of a single, isolated montmorillonite
are dry and are occupied almost exclusively by K The layer to an illite layer would clearly be a phase change--
K + is exchangeable, but so slowly and only by such there are marked structural differences between them.
Copyright 9 1984, The Clay Minerals Society 161
162 Garrels Clays and Clay Minerals

The basic question, discussed clearly by Zen (1962), is KAIMg Si4 01 o(OH)2 /~,
whether interlayering o f two phases on an essentially
molecular scale should be considered one phase or two.
The question resolves as to whether, in an intimate
mixture, there is so much interaction between the sub-
stances that t h e properties o f the constituent phases \\
are modified strongly. The phase rule can be applied / \
in devising tests to distinguish a two-phase mixture
and a one-phase solid solution. A two-phase system
/ '\
restricts the composition of a coexisting aqueous so- C

lution in equilibrium with it more than does a solid

solution. The ensuing discussion attempts to determine \
the characteristics of aqueous solutions coexisting with
interlayered montmorillonite/illite that might permit /~/ w ~ ~9
resolution o f the controversy.

As indicated above, the data o f Hower and Mowatt AI2Si4010 (OH)2 KAI2AISi3010 (OH)2
(1966) consist o f a large number of analyses of mixed- PYROPHYLLITE MUSCOVITE
layer montmorillonite/illites. Also, they constitute a
Figure 1. Compositions ofmontmoriUonite and mixed-lay-
system for which no change in octahedral composition er montmorillonite/illites. Open circles are data for mixed-
is required to change a montmorillonite into an illite. layer minerals from Hower and Mowatt (1966), triangles are
Figure 1 is an adaptation o f Hower and Mowatt's Fig- mixed-layer compositions, and inverted triangles are mont-
ure 10 with a few analyses added from Tardy and Fritz morillonite compositions from Tardy and Fritz 0981). Ar-
rows indicate presumed direction of compositional change of
(1981). The bulk compositions o f the mixed-layer original montmorillonite to illite.
montmorillonite/illites are described by Hower and
Mowatt in terms o f the components, KA13Si301o(OH)2,
KAIMgSi4Olo(OH)2, and A12Si40~0(OH)2. E n d - m e m -
ber minerals with these compositions are typically component o f montmorillonite composition and the
muscovite, celadonite, and pyrophyllite. Consequent- e n d - m e m b e r component of illite composition pre-
ly, the components will be identified as mus, cel, and sented here permit representation o f phase relations in
pyr. The compositions shown can be bounded by a the system K20-AI203-SiO2-H20. This simplification
d e a r l y defined trapezoid A B C D and represent, at one permits discussion o f the problem o f one or two phases
extreme of interpretation, a mixture o f the minerals for the montmorillonite/illite system, without being so
celadonite, pyrophyllite, and muscovite, and at the oth- simple that it has no relation to nature. The iron con-
er extreme a limited but continuous s o l i d solution o f tent of the mixed-layer minerals of Hower and Mowatt
the components cel, mus, and pyr, (1966) is fairly constant, as is the magnesium content.
In the interpretation given here, based on the genesis The important differences between montmorillonite and
of mixed-layer minerals, "true" montmorillonites have illite involve K20, A1203, SiO2, and H20.
compositions lying along the line AB and are solid
solutions of cel and pyr, with a small component o f THEORETICAL MONTMORILLONITE
mus. Illite layers lie along the line CD and are char- A N D ILLITE
acterized by a total negative charge o f the silicate The idealized smectite for which free energy o f for-
framework o f - 0 . 8 per formula weight. The solid ar- mation values are c o m m o n l y cited in the literature is
rows on the diagram indicate that for the data chosen, one that has only AI in the octahedral positions, and
the change from montmorillonite to illite takes place low substitution of A1 for Si in tetrahedral positions.
at a constant eel. Minerals with compositions along AB The composition most commonly cited is:
show no evidence o f mixed layering. Therefore it is
assumed that they are solid solutions o f p y r and eel. Ko.a3(A12)(Alo.33Si3.67)Olo(OH)2
The next question is whether the continuous range (e.g., Helgeson and Mackenzie, 1970).
o f compositions between AB and CD are mixtures o f A negative charge o f 0.33 for the silicate framework
phases with compositions close to AB and CD, or a is certainly reasonable, but the data o f Hower and Mo-
single-phase solid solution over the compositional range watt show that the negative charge ofmontmorillonites
AB -* CD. To simplify the complex chemistry o f m o n t - stems chiefly from substitutions in the octahedral layer,
morillonites and iUites, a theoretical montmorillonite rather than in the tetrahedral layer. Furthermore, the
and a theoretical illite can be created. The e n d - m e m b e r theoretical occupancy of the octahedral layer by exactly
Vol. 32, No. 3, 1 9 8 4 Montmorillonite/illitestability diagrams 163



1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0



K20/AI203 ~ ~ ~ ~

1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0


Figure 2. Mole ratio plots of the major phases that occur with mixed-layer montmorillonite/illite minerals in the system
K20-AIEO3-SiOz-H20. Figure 2A shows compositional relations i f montmori]lonite and illite are considered to be a single
mineral phase exhibiting solid solution. Figure 2B shows the relations if they are considered to be two discrete mineral phases.
The tie lines reflect commonly observed associations.

two cations is rarely observed. Usually there are more Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia 22092, personal
than two, sometimes fewer. At any rate, it seemed more communication, 1981). The chief change that might
reasonable to create a montmorillonite with 1.9 A13 be made would be a restriction of the coexistence of
in the octahedral layer, with a vacancy of 0.1 ions equal kaolinite and montmorillonite/illitesolid solution, but
to 0.3 charge units, creating a negative charge on the the nature of the geometry of the system and the m a n y
silicate framework with its origin in the octahedral lay- reports of kaolinite occurrences with mixed-layer min-
er, rather than in the tetrahedral layer. The resultant erals would make it difficult to change the tie lines
composition is Ko.3(mll.9)(Si4)Olo(OH)2. drastically.
To make the illite layers, this montmorillonite com-
position is changed by substituting 0.5 A13+for 0.5 Si4+ ION A C T I V I T Y D I A G R A M S C O M P A R I N G
in the t e t r a h e d r a l p o s i t i o n s , giving a f o r m u l a M O N T M O R I L L O N I T E A N D ILLITE AS
The composition diagrams can be converted into ion
activity diagrams by geometric procedures described
by Korzhinski (1959). These procedures do not specify
K/O-A1203-SiO2-H20 numerical values for the logarithm of the ratio of (aK+/
Figures 2A and 2B show compositional relations in all+)2 used as the ordinate in Figures 3 and 4, nor for
the system K20-AlzO3-SiO2-H20 for the major phases the logarithm of the activity of dissolved silica, shown
that occur with mixed-layer montmorillonite/illite as the abscissa. The numerical values have been ob-
minerals. The plot is the classical mole ratio plot used tained from thermodynamic data on the minerals in-
by Korzhinski (1959). In Figure 2B it is assumed that volved. Values for the theoretical montmorillonite and
only phases of fixed composition are involved; the tie illite proposed here are constrained by the geometry
lines reflect commonly observed associations. of the system. For example, quartz + kaolinite +
In Figure 2A it is assumed that the illite and mont- mixed-layer clay is a c o m m o n association in sedimen-
morillonite components form a continuous solid so- tary rocks, as is the K-feldspar + mixed-layer associ-
lution. The tie lines have been drawn in an attempt to ation. The free energy of formation values used here
conform with the suggestions of J. J. Hemley (U.S. for the various species involved are given in Table 1.
164 Garrels Clays and Clay Minerals

,2 ......
~ ! ~- ,~ 0 ...............
10- ~r lO

o ~ _ ,


7- e,~ LooI l

,. %,%,.,~

2 I . i i ' i 9 2;- 6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1

LOG asio2 LOG asio 2

Figure 3. Ion activity diagram derived from the relation- Figure 4. Ion activity diagram similar to Figure 3, but il-
ships in Figure 2 and the thermodynamic data listed in Table lustrating the relations to be expected if montmorillonite and
1. The figure illustrates the general relations between solids illite behave as two discrete phases.
and aqueous solution to be expected if montmorillonite and
illite form a continuous solid solution. The symbols plotted
on the diagram are from a compilation of water analyses of
solutions in contact with clays by Aagaard and Helgeson (1983).
mineral containing a large percentage o f the mont-
morillonite component, to low values if it is associated
with a mixed-layer mineral containing a large per-
centage o f the illite component. K-feldspar should oc-
Montmorillonite/illite as solid solution
cur with the high illite-component species at high ratios
Figure 3 illustrates the general relations between sol- o f K + / H + in the aqueous solution. A K-feldspar + high
ids and aqueous solution to be expected if m o n t m o - montmoriUonite-component, mixed-layer mineral may
rillonite/illite is a continuous solid solution. Kaolinite well be precluded by the requirement of very high dis-
should coexist with a wide range o f solid solution com- solved silica content.
positions, and the dissolved silica in equlibrium with The various symbols plotted on the diagram are tak-
the kaolinite association should decrease from high en from a compilation o f water analyses of solutions
values, if kaolinite is associated with a mixed-layer in contact with clays compiled by Aagaard and Helge-
son (1983). The low aK./ai~+ values fall nicely on the
k a o l i n i t e + m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e - r i c h , solid s o l u t i o n
boundary, but at higher ratios o f aK the analyses
Table 1. Gibbs energies of formation used to construct the drift across the field o f the solid solution. Aagaard and
activity-activity diagrams. Helgeson (1983) stated that no compositions are avail-
Gf' Gd
able in the literature for waters that are known to co-
Species or mineral (kcaVmole) (kcal/mole) exist with illite.
K+ -67.52 Montmorillonite and Elite as two phases
H20 -56.68
SiO2(aq) -- 1 9 9 . 3 Figure 4 shows the phase relations expected if the
KA1Si308 - 894.44 theoretical montmorillonite and illite are discrete phas-
KA13SiaOI0(OH)2 - 1338.6 es. For phases o f fixed composition, boundaries be-
A12Si40~o(OH)2 -1258.7
A12Si2Os(OH)4 -908.07 tween phases on diagrams utilizing logarithms of ac-
Ko.sAll.9(Alo.sSi3.5)O,o(OH)2 -1307.77 tivities are straight lines. As above, the analytical data
Ko.3A1L9Si40,o(OH)2 -1267.46 from Aagaard and Helgeson (1983) seem in h ar m o n y
AI(OH)3 -276.96 with this interpretation o f mixed-layer montmorillon-
Values from Robie et al. (1978). ite/illite as a two-phase system. Low values o f the log-
2 Values derived from Figures 3 and 4. arithm of (aK+/an+) are consistent with equilibrium be-
Vol. 32, No. 3, 1984 Montmorillonite/illite stability diagrams 165

tween kaolinite and m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e . Higher values o f ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

the logarithm o f (aK+/an+) are consistent with a phase
This w o r k was p e r f o r m e d with the support o f N S F
b o u n d a r y between illite and montmorillonite, and there
G r a n t # E A R - 8 1 0 7 7 3 6 . I a m deeply indebted to the
is a suggestion that high values o f the l o g a r i t h m o f (aK+/
late J o h n H o w e r , u p o n w h o s e w o r k I h a v e based this
an+) lie on the K-feldspar-illite b o u n d a r y .
discussion; to D e n n i s D. Eberl, w h o g a v e m e m a n y
DISCUSSION references a n d helpful criticism; and to J o h n Julian
H e m l e y , who, as usual, concisely i l l u m i n a t e d m y orig-
T h e solution c o m p o s i t i o n s shown on Figures 3 and
inal errors, and w h o m a y yet find more. Terri W o o d s
4 fit the two-phase system better than they fit solid
assisted in the preparation o f the manuscript.
solution relations. T h e minerals listed in the legend as
being present in the waters agree well with the phase REFERENCES
relations o f Figure 4, except for those represented by
Aagaard, P. and Helgeson, H. C. (1983) Activity/compo-
open triangles. It w o u l d be interesting to l o o k carefully sition relations among silicates and aqueous solutions II.
for m i x e d - l a y e r minerals in the m i n e r a l s exposed to Chemical and thermodynamic consequences of ideal mix-
the open-triangle solutions. T h e evidence f r o m the water ing of atoms among energetically equivalent sites in mont-
c o m p o s i t i o n s is m o r e consistent with the two-phase, morillonites, illites, and mixed layer clays: Clays & Clay
Minerals 31, 207-217.
m i x e d - l a y e r Concept than with c o n t i n u o u s solid solu- Garrels, R. M. and Tardy, Y. (1982) Bom-Haber cycles for
tion, but it is certainly not definitive. In a m u l t i m i n e r a l - interlayer cations of micas: in Proc. 7th Int. Clay Conf.,
ic clay system, w h i c h minerals d o m i n a t e the solution Bologna and Pavia, 1981, H. Van Olphen and F. Veniale,
compositions? eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 423-440.
Helgeson, H. C. and Mackenzie, F. T. (1970) Silicate-sea-
Figures 3 and 4 can be used to devise tests o f the
water equilibria in the ocean system: Deep-Sea Research
alternate hypotheses o f solid solution or two phases 17, 877-892.
for m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e / i l l i t e , m i x e d - l a y e r minerals. I f the Hower, J., Eslinger, E. V., Hower, M. E., and Perry, E. A.
solid solution interpretation is correct, as shown in (1976) Mechanism ofburial metamorphism ofargillaceous
Figure 3, e q u i l i b r a t i o n o f kaolinite with m i x e d - l a y e r sediment: mineralogical and chemical evidence: Geol. Soc.
Amer. Bull. 87, 725-737.
minerals should yield progressively lower dissolved- Hower, J. andMowatt, T.C. (1966) The mineralogy ofillites
silica values with increasing illite c o m p o n e n t , with per- and mixed-layer illite/montmorillonites: Amer. Mineral. 51,
haps a six-fold range o f silica c o n c e n t r a t i o n f r o m high 825-854.
m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e - c o m p o n e n t to high illite-component. Inoue, A., Minato, H., and Utada, M. (1978) Mineralogical
O n the o t h e r hand, if m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e and illite are properties and occurrence of illite/montmorillonite mixed
layer minerals formed from Miocene volcanic glass in Waga-
two phases, as s h o w n in Figure 4, the degrees o f free- Omono District: Clay Science 5, 123-136.
d o m o f the a q u e o u s solution are reduced by one, and Korzhinski, D. S. (1959) Physiochemical Basis for the Anal-
i f kaolinite is in e q u i l i b r i u m with a m i x e d - l a y e r m i n - ysis of the Paragenesis of Minerals: English translation,
eral, the dissolved silica in the a q u e o u s solution should Consultants Bureau, New York, 142 pp.
Perry, E. and Hower, J. (1970) Burial diagenesis in Gulf
be fixed. Similarly, a solution in e q u i l i b r i u m with Coast pelitic sediments: Clays & Clay Minerals 18, 165-
K-feldspar, an illite phase, and a m o n t m o r i l l o n i t e phase 177.
also should h a v e a fixed e q u i l i b r i u m c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f Robie, R. A., Hemingway, B. S., and Fisher, J. R. (1978)
silica. F u r t h e r m o r e , the (ax(+/am) ratio for kaolinite + Thermodynamic properties of minerals and related sub-
m i x e d - l a y e r phase e q u i l i b r i u m should be fixed (all at stances at 298.15K and 1 bar (105 pascals) pressure and at
higher temperatures: U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull. 1452, 456 pp.
constant t e m p e r a t u r e and pressure), as should that for Tardy, Y. and Fritz, B. (1981) An ideal solid solution model
K-feldspar + m i x e d - l a y e r phase equilibrium. for calculating solubility of clay minerals: Clay Miner. 16,
A t the m o m e n t , the e x p e r i m e n t a l difficulties o f per- 361-373.
forming the tests suggested a b o v e are formidable, but Zen, E-An (1962) Problem of the thermodynamic status of
the mixed-layer minerals: Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 26,
l o n g - t e r m e x p e r i m e n t s designed to m e e t the tests m i g h t 1055-1067.
resolve the p r o b l e m .
(Received 23 May 1983; accepted 10 October 1983)


.rIHCbC RHaYpaMMaMHnoYlyqeHHbIMHjUI~I3THXMaTepHa.rioB, pacCMaTpHBaeMbIXKaK CMeCl,~ayx Oa3. EC.rIH
3Ta CnCTeMapaccMaTpI,IBaeTC~iKaK Taep~bIIYlpaCTBOp, OXHRaeTC$1,qTO cocyI~eCTByIOnIH~IBO,/IHBIIY[pacTBop
qJIeHa. KOHI~eHTpaII~IKpeMHe3eMaB BO~HbIXpaCTBOpax MO)KeTH3MeH~ITbC~I~az~e s meCTb paa. EC~IH3Ta
CHCTeMapacCMaTpHBaeTc~ KaK CMeCb1lByx qba3, Tor~a co~epmaHne KpeMHe3eMaB paCTBOpeB COCTO~IHI4H
paaHOBeCH~ C Kao.IIHHHTOMH ~ByM~[~aaaMrl 6y~eT HeH3MeHflIOIKHMC~IHpH RaHHbIXTeMnepaType g ~aB-
JIeHRR, TaK KaK paCTBOp a paBHoaecHHC KByM~IOa3aMn H K-qbe.rtb~uInaTOM. B OTCyTCTBI,II'ITpeTbe~ qba31,t,
co~ep~aHHe KpeMHe3eMa a paBHoBecHHC ]IByM~I~3fl3aMH 6y~eT rIOqTH nOCTOgHHOe,HO yBegnq~aaeTca c
yBe.rlHqeHHeMOTHOmeHH~IK + B pacTBope. ~OCTynHbIe ,/~aI-IHblerio cocyRIecTByIomtIMBO.,~HI~IMpacT1
166 Garrels Clays and Clay Minerals

BOpaM, nO-art~tIMOMy, I;IBJI~IIOTC~I6o~ee coraacytomnMnCn B cay~ae ~ y x qba3, qeM 13 cayqae TBep~oro

pacTBopa. [E.G.]

Resiimee--Chemische Aktivit~itsdiagramme, die hergestellt wurden, um die Eigenschaften, die man er-
wartet, wenn man Montmorillonit/Illit-Wechsellagerungenals feste L6sungen betrachtet, zu beschreiben,
werden mit denen vergleichen, die man erh~ilt, wenn man diese Substanzen als eine Mischung aus zwei
Phasen behandelt. Wenn das System eine feste L6sung ist, dann sollte die koexistierende w~ssrige L6sung
yon h6heren gel6sten SiO2-Gehalten in der Gegenwart yon Kaolinit und einem Montmorillonit-Endglied
bis zu niedrigeren gel6sten SiO2-Gehalten in der Gegenwart yon Kaolinit und einem illitischen Endglied
reichen. Die SiO2-Konzentration in der w~ssrigen L6sung kann bis zu einem Faktor von sechs variieren.
Wenn das System als aus zwei Phasen bestehend betrachtet wird, dann w ~ e der SiO2-Gehalt einer Lt~sung
im Gleichgewicht mit Kaolinit, und beide Phasen w~tren bei einem gegebenen T und P fixiert, wie auch
eine/_.6sung mit beiden Phasen und K-Feldspat ins Gleichgewicht gebracht w~ire. In Abwesenheit einer
dritten Phase sollte das SiOz, das im Gleichgewicht mit beiden Phasen ist, nahezu konstant sein, aber
mit wachsendem K+/H+-Verh~ltnis in der L6sung ansteigen. Die zur Verf'tigung stehenden Daten i~ber
koexistierende w~issrige L6sungen stimmen offensichtlich eher mit der Annahme yon zwei Phasen als mit
der Annahme einer festen L6sung fiberein. [U.W.]

R6sum6--Des diagrammes d'activit6 chimique, pr6par6s pour illustrer les propri6t6s attendues si une
montmorillonite/illite ~i couches m61ang6es est consid6r6e comme une solution solide, sont compar6s
ceux d6riv6s d'un traitement de ces mat6riaux e n t a n t que m61ange de deux phases. Si le syst~me est une
solution solide, la solution aqueuse coexistante devrait s'6tager de contenus en silice dissoute plus 61ev6s
en la pr6sence de kaolinite et d'un membre final de montmorillonite,/l des contenus en silice dissoute
moins 61ev6s en pr6sence de kaolinite et de l'illite comme membre final. La concentration en silice dans
la solution aqueuse peut varier d'un facteur aussi 61ev6 que six. Si le syst~me est ~tdeux phases, le contenu
en silice d'une solution en 6quilibre avecla kaolinite et les deux phases serait fix6 ~t des T et P donn6es,
comme le serait une solution equilibr6e avec les deux phases et du feldspar-K. En l'absence d'une troisi~me
phase, la silice en 6quilibre avec les deux phases devrait ~tre presque constante, mais devrait augmenter
proportionnellement ~ la proportion croissante de K+/H + en solution. Les donn6es sur les solutions
coexistantes sont apparemment plus consistantes avec deux phases qu'avec une solution solide. [D.J.]

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