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Pride Product Approval Form

Submitted to Product Approval Committee

Name Megan Lindstrom

Date (s) submitted 10.12.2016

Research Topic / Area of Study Life of an EMT

Connection to research paper The connection will be that I am going to experience the
life that s0meone in this profession would live everyday. I
will then use my research on the topic to design a lesson
plan to teach young students in the Lower School about

Goal of product / what problem The end goal is to understand the daily life of an EMT and
or need solved or addressed how they run calls. It is also to present this to others and
educate them on safety.

Estimated time to complete It is going to take about 24-48 hours to do what they
would consider a shift. Then I am going to sit with my
mentor and talk about what happened on that shift. Then
it will take me a couple of hours to design a lesson plan
and my PowerPoint on what I learned.

People who will assist (if My mentor is going to help, but there will be other
applicable) members of his team showing me stuff as well. Also all of
the people who need emergency help. For the the design
of the lesson, I will need Mrs. Pagliughi. I also will need
her help to set up to line-up my presentations in the
Lower School.

Estimated cost / investment For the mentor hours there is not going to be a cost to
me, but once I take my EMT there will be my school
expense, textbooks, and everything else needed for class.
There will also be the purchase of uniforms and all of the
other things that I need for the daily job.

What will judges see at They will see what I do when I get a call, the steps to take
presentation? (evidence of work to make sure that help is on the way, the procedure of the
and development) call and assisting the patient. They will also see the
Make sure you are specific. lesson plan I designed, a video of my delivery of the
lesson, and hopefully the actual EMT with me in the video
fielding and questions that I may not know the answer to.
This will be in the PowerPoint.

Personal stretch (area of growth) I will grow with my people skills. I am a very personable
person and so I am going to have to make sure I dont get
connected to the people and that I have to maintain the
confidentiality of the people/scene. I also will have to
work on my ability to make tight deadlines.

Product Description: I am going to come up with a detailed lesson plan to teach younger
children what to do in certain states of emergency such as wearing seat belts, what to do
when choking, basic traffic crossing procedures, and fire safety. I will also show a
powerpoint of my experiences with the EMTs to the kids and PRIDE judges.

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