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Table of Contents

Cloud Fundamentals
Design resilient applications
Reference Architectures
Run VM workloads in Azure
Connect your on-premises network to Azure
Protect the Cloud Boundary in Azure
Manage identity in Azure
Web application architectures for Azure App Service
Best Practices for Cloud Applications
API design guidance
API implementation guidance
Autoscaling guidance
Availability checklist
Background jobs guidance
Azure Paired Regions
Caching guidance
Content Delivery Network guidance
Data partitioning guidance
Monitoring and diagnostics guidance
Microsoft cloud services and network security
Patterns for designing Azure Resource Manager templates
Recommended naming conventions for Azure resources
Security considerations for Azure Resource Manager
Sharing state in Azure Resource Manager templates
Retry general guidance
Retry service specific guidance
Scalability checklist
Scenario Guides
Elasticsearch on Azure Guidance
Identity management for multitenant applications
Designing resilient applications for Azure
1/17/2017 24 min to read Edit on GitHub

In a distributed system, failures will happen. Hardware can fail. The network can have transient failures. Rarely, an
entire service or region may experience a disruption, but even those must be planned for.
Building a reliable application in the cloud is different than building a reliable application in an enterprise setting.
While historically you may have purchased higher-end hardware to scale up, in a cloud environment you must
scale out instead of up. Costs for cloud environments are kept low through the use of commodity hardware.
Instead of focusing on preventing failures and optimizing "mean time between failures," in this new environment
the focus shifts to "mean time to restore." The goal is to minimize the impact from a failure.
This article gives an overview of how to build resilient applications in Microsoft Azure. It starts with a definition of
the term resiliency and related concepts. Then it describes a process for achieving resiliency, using a structured
approach over the life of an application, from design and implementation, to deployment and operations.

What is resiliency?
Resiliency is the ability to recover from failures and continue to function. It's not about avoiding failures, but
responding to failures in a way that avoids downtime or data loss. The goal of resiliency is to return the application
to a fully functioning state after a failure.
Two important aspects of resiliency are high availability and disaster recovery.
High availability (HA) is the ability of the application to keep running in a healthy state, without significant
downtime. By "healthy state," we mean the application is responsive, and users can connect to the application
and interact with it.
Disaster recovery (DR) is the ability to recover from rare but major incidents: Non-transient, wide-scale
failures, such as service disruption that affects an entire region. Disaster recovery includes data backup and
archiving, and may include manual interventions, such as restoring a database from backup.
One way to think about HA versus DR is that DR starts when the impact of a fault exceeds the ability of the HA
design to handle it. For example, putting several VMs behind a load balancer will provide availability if one VM fails,
but not if they all fail at the same time.
When you design an application to be resilient, you have to understand your availability requirements. How much
downtime is acceptable? This is partly a function of cost. How much will potential downtime cost your business?
How much should you invest in making the application highly available? You also have to define what it means for
the application to be available. For example, is the application "down" if a customer can submit an order but the
system cannot process it in the normal timeframe?
Another common term is business continuity (BC), which is the ability to perform essential business functions
during and after a disaster. BC covers the entire operation of the business, including physical facilities, people,
communications, transportation, and IT. In this article, we are just focused on cloud applications, but resilience
planning must be done in the context of overall BC requirements.

Process to achieve resiliency

Resiliency is not an add-on. It must be designed into the system and put into operational practice. Here is a general
model to follow:
1. Define your availability requirements, based on business needs
2. Design the application for resiliency. Start with an architecture that follows proven practices, and then identify
the possible failure points in that architecture.
3. Implement strategies to detect and recover from failures.
4. Test the implementation by simulating faults and triggering forced failovers.
5. Deploy the application into production using a reliable, repeatable process.
6. Monitor the application to detect failures. By monitoring the system, you can gauge the health of the
application and respond to incidents if necessary.
7. Respond if there are incidents that require manual interventions.
In the remainder of this article, we discuss each of these steps in more detail.

Defining your resiliency requirements

Resiliency planning starts with business requirements. Here are some approaches for thinking about resiliency in
those terms.
Decompose by workload
Many cloud solutions consist of multiple application workloads. The term "workload" in this context means a
discrete capability or computing task, which can be logically separated from other tasks, in terms of business logic
and data storage requirements. For example, an e-commerce app might include the following workloads:
Browse and search a product catalog.
Create and track orders.
View recommendations.
These workloads might have different requirements for availability, scalability, data consistency, disaster recovery,
and so forth. Again, these are business decisions.
Also think about usage patterns. Are there certain critical periods when the system must be available? For example,
a tax-filing service can't go down right before the filing deadline; a video streaming service must stay up during a
big sports event; and so on. During the critical periods, you might have redundant deployments across several
regions, so the application could fail over if one region failed. However, a multi-region deployment is more
expensive, so during less critical times, you might run the application in a single region.
Two important metrics to consider are the recovery time objective and recovery point objective:
Recovery time objective (RTO) is the maximum acceptable time that an application can be unavailable after
an incident. If your RTO is 90 minutes, you must be able to restore the application to a running state within 90
minutes from the start of a disaster. If you have a very low RTO, you might keep a second deployment
continually running on standby, to protect against a regional outage.
Recovery point objective (RPO) is the maximum duration of data loss that is acceptable during a disaster. For
example, if you store data in a single database, with no replication to other databases, and perform hourly
backups, you could lose up to an hour of data.
RTO and RPO are business requirements. Another common metric is mean time to recover (MTTR), which is the
average time that it takes to restore the application after a failure. MTTR is an empirical fact about a system. If MTTR
exceeds the RTO, then a failure in the system will cause an unacceptable business disruption, because it won't be
possible to restore the system within the defined RTO.
In Azure, the Service Level Agreement (SLA) describes Microsofts commitments for uptime and connectivity. If the
SLA for a particular service is 99.9%, it means you should expect the service to be available 99.9% of the time.
The Azure SLA also includes provisions for obtaining a service credit if the SLA is not met, along with specific definitions of
"availability" for each service. That aspect of the SLA acts as an enforcement policy.

You should define your own target SLAs for each workload in your solution. An SLA makes it possible to reason
about the architecture, and whether the architecture meets the business requirements. For example, if a workload
requires 99.99% uptime, but depends on a service with a 99.9% SLA, that service cannot be a single-point of failure
in the system. One remedy is to have a fallback path in case the service fails, or take other measures to recover
from a failure in that service.
The following table shows the potential cumulative downtime for various SLA levels.


99% 1.68 hours 7.2 hours 3.65 days

99.9% 10.1 minutes 43.2 minutes 8.76 hours

99.95% 5 minutes 21.6 minutes 4.38 hours

99.99% 1.01 minutes 4.32 minutes 52.56 minutes

99.999% 6 seconds 25.9 seconds 5.26 minutes

Of course, higher availability is better, everything else being equal. But as you strive for more 9s, the cost and
complexity to achieve that level of availability grows. An uptime of 99.99% translates to about 5 minutes of total
downtime per month. Is it worth the additional complexity and cost to reach five 9s? The answer depends on the
business requirements.
Here are some other considerations when defining an SLA:
To achieve four 9's (99.99%), you probably can't rely on manual intervention to recover from failures. The
application must be self-diagnosing and self-healing.
Beyond four 9's, it is challenging to detect outages quickly enough to meet the SLA.
Think about the time window that your SLA is measured against. The smaller the window, the tighter the
tolerances. It probably doesn't make sense to define your SLA in terms of hourly or daily uptime.
Composite SLAs
Consider an App Service web app that writes to Azure SQL Database. At the time of this writing, these Azure
services have the following SLAs:
App Service Web Apps = 99.95%
SQL Database = 99.99%

What is the maximum downtime you would expect for this application? If either service fails, the whole application
fails. In general, the probability of each service failing is independent, so the composite SLA for this application is
99.95% x 99.99% = 99.94%. That's lower than the individual SLAs, which isn't surprising, because an application
that relies on multiple services has more potential failure points.
On the other hand, you can improve the composite SLA by creating independent fallback paths. For example, if SQL
Database is unavailable, put transactions into a queue, to be processed later.

With this design, the application is still available even if it can't connect to the database. However, it fails if the
database and the queue both fail at the same time. The expected percentage of time for a simultaneous failure is
0.0001 0.001, so the composite SLA for this combined path is
Database OR queue = 1.0 (0.0001 0.001) = 99.99999%
The total composite SLA is:
Web app AND (database OR queue) = 99.95% 99.99999% = ~99.95%
But there are tradeoffs to this approach. The application logic is more complex, you are paying for the queue, and
there may be data consistency issues to consider.
SLA for multi-region deployments. Another HA technique is to deploy the application in more than one region,
and use Azure Traffic Manager to fail over if the application fails in one region. For a two-region deployment, the
composite SLA is calculated as follows.
Let N be the composite SLA for the application deployed in one region. The expected chance that the application
will fail in both regions at the same time is (1 N) (1 N). Therefore,
Combined SLA for both regions = 1 (1 N)(1 N) = N + (1 N)N
Finally, you must factor in the SLA for Traffic Manager. As of when this article was written, the SLA for Traffic
Manager SLA is 99.99%.
Composite SLA = 99.99% (combined SLA for both regions)
A further detail is that failing over is not instantaneous, which can result in some downtime during a failover. See
Traffic Manager endpoint monitoring and failover.
The calculated SLA number is a useful baseline, but it doesn't tell the whole story about availability. Often, an
application can degrade gracefully when a non-critical path fails. Consider an application that shows a catalog of
books. If the application can't retrieve the thumbnail image for the cover, it might show a placeholder image. In that
case, failing to get the image does not reduce the application's uptime, although it affects the user experience.

Designing for resiliency

During the design phase, you should perform a failure mode analysis (FMA). The goal of an FMA is to identify
possible points of failure, and define how the application will respond to those failures.
How will the application detect this type of failure?
How will the application respond to this type of failure?
How will you log and monitor this type of failure?
For more information about the FMA process, with specific recommendations for Azure, see Azure resiliency
guidance: Failure mode analysis.
Example of identifying failure modes and detection strategy
Failure point: Call to an external web service / API.


Service is unavailable HTTP 5xx

Throttling HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests)

Authentication HTTP 401 (Unauthorized)

Slow response Request times out

Resiliency strategies
This section provides a survey of some common resiliency strategies. Most of these are not limited to a particular
technology. The descriptions in this section are meant to summarize the general idea behind each technique, with
links to further reading.
Retry transient failures
Transient failures can be caused by momentary loss of network connectivity, a dropped database connection, or a
timeout when a service is busy. Often, a transient failure can be resolved simply by retrying the request. For many
Azure services, the client SDK implements automatic retries, in a way that is transparent to the caller; see Retry
service specific guidance.
Each retry attempt adds to the total latency. Also, too many failed requests can cause a bottleneck, as pending
requests accumulate in the queue. These blocked requests might hold critical system resources such as memory,
threads, database connections, and so on, which can cause cascading failures. To avoid this, increase the delay
between each retry attempt, and limit the total number of failed requests.

For more information, see Retry Pattern.

Load balance across instances
For scalability, a cloud application should be able to scale out by adding more instances. This approach also
improves resiliency, because unhealthy instances can be taken out of rotation.
For example:
Put two or more VMs behind a load balancer. The load balancer distributes traffic to all the VMs. See Running
multiple VMs on Azure for scalability and availability.
Scale out an Azure App Service app to multiple instances. App Service automatically load balances across
instances. See Basic web application.
Use Azure Traffic Manager to distribute traffic across a set of endpoints.
Replicate data
Replicating data is a general strategy for handling non-transient failures in a data store. Many storage technologies
provide built-in replication, including Azure SQL Database, DocumentDB, and Apache Cassandra.
It's important consider both the read and write paths. Depending on the storage technology, you might have
multiple writable replicas, or a single writable replica and multiple read-only replicas.
For highest availability, replicas can be placed in multiple regions. However, this increases the latency to replicate
the data. Typically, replicating across regions is done asynchronously, which implies an eventual consistency model
and potential data loss if a replica fails.
Degrade gracefully
If a service fails and there is no failover path, the application may be able to degrade gracefully, in a way that still
provides an acceptable user experience. For example:
Put a work item on a queue, to be executed later.
Return an estimated value
Use locally cached data.
Show the user an error message. (This option is better than having the application stop responding to requests.)
Throttle high-volume users
Sometimes a small number of users create excessive load. That can have an impact on other users, reducing the
overall availability of your application.
When a single client makes an excessive number of requests, the application might throttle the client for a certain
period of time. During the throttling period, the application refuses some or all of the requests from that client
(depending on the exact throttling strategy). The threshold for throttling might depend on the customer's service
Throttling does not imply the client was necessarily acting maliciously. It just means the client exceeded their
service quota. In some cases, a consumer might consistently exceed their quota or otherwise behave badly. In that
case, you might go further and block the user. Typically, this is done by blocking an API key or an IP address range.
For more information, see Throttling Pattern.
Use a circuit breaker
The Circuit Breaker pattern can prevent an application from repeatedly trying an operation that is likely to fail. The
analogy is to a physical circuit breaker, a switch that interrupts the flow of current when a circuit is overloaded.
The circuit breaker wraps calls to a service. It has three states:
Closed. This is the normal state. The circuit breaker sends requests to the service, and a counter tracks the
number of recent failures. If the failure count exceeds a threshold within a given time period, the circuit breaker
switches to the Open state.
Open. In this state, the circuit breaker immediately fails all requests, without calling the service. The application
should use a mitigation path, such as reading data from a replica or simply returning an error to the user. When
the circuit breaker switches to Open, it starts a timer. When the timer expires, the circuit breaker switches to the
Half-open state.
Half-open. In this state, the circuit breaker lets a limited number of requests go through to the service. If they
succeed, the service is assumed to be recovered, and the circuit breaker switches back to the Closed state.
Otherwise, it reverts to the Open state. The Half-Open state prevents a recovering service from suddenly being
inundated with requests.
For more information, see Circuit Breaker Pattern.
Use load leveling to smooth out spikes in traffic
Applications may experience sudden spikes in traffic, which can overwhelm services on the backend. If a backend
service cannot respond to requests quickly enough, it may cause requests to queue (back up), or cause the service
to throttle the application.
To avoid this, you can use a queue as a buffer. When there is a new work item, instead of calling the backend
service immediately, the application queues a work item to run asynchronously. The queue acts as a buffer that
smooths out peaks in the load.
For more information, see Queue-Based Load Leveling Pattern.
Isolate critical resources
Failures in one subsystem can sometimes cascade, causing failures in other parts of the application. This can
happen if a failure causes some resources, such as threads or sockets, not to get freed in a timely manner, leading
to resource exhaustion.
To avoid this, you can partition a system into isolated groups, so that a failure in one partition does not bring down
the entire system. This technique is sometimes called the Bulkhead pattern.
Partition a database -- for example, by tenant -- and assign a separate pool of web server instances for each
Use separate thread pools to isolate calls to different services. This helps to prevent cascading failures if one of
the services fails. For an example, see the Netflix Hystrix library.
Use containers to limit the resources available to a particular subsystem.

Apply compensating transactions

A compensating transaction is a transaction that undoes the effects of another completed transaction.
In a distributed system, it can be very difficult to achieve strong transactional consistency. Compensating
transactions are a way to achieve consistency by using a series of smaller, individual transactions that can be
undone at each step.
For example, to book a trip, a customer might reserve a car, a hotel room, and a flight. If any of these steps fails, the
entire operation fails. Instead of trying to use a single distributed transaction for the entire operation, you can
define a compensating transaction for each step. For example, to undo a car reservation, you cancel the reservation.
In order to complete the whole operation, a coordinator executes each step. If any step fails, the coordinator applies
compensating transactions to undo any steps that were completed.
For more information, see Compensating Transaction Pattern.

Testing for resiliency

Generally, you can't test resiliency in the same way that you test application functionality (by running unit tests and
so on). Instead, you must test how the end-to-end workload performs under failure conditions, which by definition
don't happen all of the time.
Testing is part of an iterative process. Test the application, measure the outcome, analyze and fix any failures that
result, and repeat the process.
Fault injection testing. Test the resiliency of the system to failures, either by triggering actual failures or by
simulating them. Here are some common failure scenarios to test:
Shut down VM instances.
Crash processes.
Expire certificates.
Change access keys.
Shut down the DNS service on domain controllers.
Limit available system resources, such as RAM or number of threads.
Unmount disks.
Redeploy a VM.
Measure the recovery times and verify they meet your business requirements. Test combinations of failure modes,
as well. Make sure that failures don't cascade, and are handled in an isolated way.
This is another reason why it's important to analyze possible failure points during the design phase. The results of
that analysis should be inputs into your test plan.
Load testing. Load test the application using a tool such as Visual Studio Team Services or Apache JMeter Load
testing is crucial for identifying failures that only happen under load, such as the backend database being
overwhelmed or service throttling. Test for peak load, using production data, or synthetic data that is as close to
production data as possible. The goal is to see how the application behaves under real-world conditions.

Resilient deployment
Once an application is deployed to production, updates are a possible source of errors. In the worst case, a bad
update can cause downtime. To avoid this, the deployment process must be predictable and repeatable.
Deployment includes provisioning Azure resources, deploying application code, and applying configuration
settings. An update may involve all three, or a subset.
The crucial point is that manual deployments are prone to error. Therefore, it's recommended to have an
automated, idempotent process that you can run on demand, and re-run if something fails.
Use Resource Manager templates to automate provisioning of Azure resources.
Use Azure Automation Desired State Configuration (DSC) to configure VMs.
Use an automated deployment process for application code.
Two concepts related to resilient deployment are infrastructure as code and immutable infrastructure.
Infrastructure as code is the practice of using code to provision and configure infrastructure. Infrastructure as
code may use a declarative approach or an imperative approach (or a combination of both). Resource Manager
templates are an example of a declarative approach. PowerShell scripts are an example of an imperative
Immutable infrastructure is the principle that you shouldnt modify infrastructure after its deployed to
production. Otherwise, you can get into a state where ad hoc changes have been applied, so its hard to know
exactly what changed, and hard to reason about the system.
Another question is how to roll out an application update. We recommend techniques such as blue-green
deployment or canary releases, which push updates in highly controlled way to minimize possible impacts from a
bad deployment.
Blue-green deployment is a technique where you deploy an update into a separate production environment
from the live application. After you validate the deployment, switch the traffic routing to the updated version.
For example, Azure App Service Web Apps enables this with staging slots.
Canary releases are similar to blue-green deployment. Instead of switching all traffic to the updated version, you
roll out the update to a small percentage of users, by routing a portion of the traffic to the new deployment. If
there is a problem, back off and revert to the old deployment. Otherwise, route more traffic to the new version,
until it gets 100% of traffic.
Whatever approach you take, make sure that you can roll back to the last-known good-deployment, in case the
new version is not functioning. Also, if errors occur, it must be possible to tell from the application logs which
version caused the error.

Monitoring and diagnostics

Monitoring and diagnostics are crucial for resiliency. If something fails, you need to know that it failed, and you
need insights into the cause of the failure.
Monitoring a large-scale distributed system poses a significant challenge. Think about an application that runs on a
few dozen VMs -- it's not practical to log into each VM, one at a time, and look through log files, trying to
troubleshoot a problem. Moreover, the number of VM instances is probably not static. VMs get added and removed
as the application scales in and out, and occasionally an instance may fail and need to be reprovisioned. In addition,
a typical cloud application might use multiple data stores (Azure storage, SQL Database, DocumentDB, Redis
cache), and a single user action may span multiple subsystems.
You can think of the monitoring and diagnostics process as a pipeline with several distinct stages:

Instrumentation. The raw data for monitoring and diagnostics comes from a variety of sources, including
application logs, web server logs, OS performance counters, database logs, and diagnostics built into the Azure
platform. Most Azure services have a diagnostics feature that you can use to figure out the cause of problems.
Collection and storage. The raw instrumentation data can be held in a variety of locations and with varying
formats (application trace logs, performace counters, IIS logs). These disparate sources are collected,
consolidated, and put into reliable storage.
Analysis and diagnosis. After the data is consolidated, it can be analyzed, in order to troubleshoot issues and
provide an overall view of the health of the application.
Visualization and alerts. In this stage, telemetry data is presented in such a way that an operator can quickly
spot trends or problems. Example include dashboards or email alerts.
Monitoring is different than failure detection. For example, your application might detect a transient error and retry,
resulting in no downtime. But it should also log the retry operation, so that you can monitor the error rate, in order
to get an overall picture of the application health.
Application logs are an important source of diagnostics data. Here are some best practices for application logging:
Log in production. Otherwise, you lose insight at the very times when you need it the most.
Log events at service boundaries. Include a correlation ID that flows across service boundaries. If transaction X
flows through multiple services and one of them fails, the correlation ID will help you pinpoint why the
transaction failed.
Use semantic logging, also called structured logging. Unstructured logs make it hard to automate the
consumption and analysis of the log data, which is needed at cloud scale.
Use asynchronous logging. Otherwise, the logging system itself can cause the application to fail, by causing
requests to back up, as they block waiting to write a logging event.
Application logging is not the same as auditing. Auditing may be done for compliance or regulatory reasons. As
such, audit records must be complete, and it's not acceptible to drop any while processing transactions. If an
application requires auditing, this should be kept separate from diagnostics logging.
For more information about monitoring and diagnostics, see Monitoring and diagnostics guidance.

Manual failure responses

Previous sections have focused on automated recovery strategies, which are critical for high availability. However,
sometimes manual intervention is needed.
Alerts. Monitor your application for warning signs that may require pro-active intervention. For example, if you
see that SQL Database or DocumentDB consistently throttles your application, you might need to increase your
database capacity or optimize your queries. In this example, even though the application might handle the
throttling errors transparently, your telemetry should still raise an alert, so that you can follow up.
Manual failover. Some systems cannot fail over automatically, and require a manual failover.
Operational readiness testing. If your application fails over to a secondary region, you should perform an
operational readiness test before you fail back to the primary region. The test should verify that the primary
region is healthy and ready to receive traffic again.
Data consistency check. If a failure happens in a data store, there may be data inconsistencies when the store
becomes available again, especially if the data was replicated.
Restoring from backup. For example, if SQL Database experiences a regional outage, you can geo-restore the
database from the latest backup.
Document and test your disaster recovery plan. Include written procedures for any manual steps, such as manual
failover, restoring data from backups, and so forth.

This article looked at resiliency from a holistic perspective, emphasizing some of the unique challenges of the cloud.
These include the distributed nature of cloud computing, the use of commodity hardware, and the presence of
transience network faults.
Here are the major points to take away from this article:
Resiliency leads to higher availability, and lower mean time to recover from failures.
Achieving resiliency in the cloud requires a different set of techniques from traditional on-premises solutions.
Resiliency does not happen by accident. It must be designed and built in from the start.
Resiliency touches every part of the application lifecycle, from planning and coding to operations.
Test and monitor!

Next steps
Resiliency checklist contains a recommendations that will help you plan for a variety of failure modes that could
Failure mode analysis (FMA) is a process for building resiliency into a system, by identifying possible failure
points. As a starting point for your FMA process, this article contains a catalog of potential failure modes and
their mitigations.
You can find additional resources here: Azure resiliency technical guidance
Azure resiliency guidance: Resiliency checklist
1/17/2017 27 min to read Edit on GitHub

Designing your application for resiliency requires planning for and mitigating a variety of failure modes that could
occur. Review the items in this checklist against your application design to make it more resilient.

Define your customer's availability requirements. Your customer will have availability requirements for the
components in your application and this will affect your application's design. Get agreement from your
customer for the availability targets of each piece of your application, otherwise your design may not meet the
customer's expectations. For more information, see the Defining your resiliency requirements section of the
Designing resilient applications for Azure document.

Failure Mode Analysis

Perform a failure mode analysis (FMA) for your application. FMA is a process for building resiliency
into an application early in the design stage. The goals of an FMA include:
Identify what types of failures an application might experience.
Capture the potential effects and impact of each type of failure on the application.
Identify recovery strategies.
For more information, see Designing resilient applications for Azure: Failure mode analysis.

Deploy multiple instances of services. Services will inevitably fail, and if your application depends on a
single instance of a service it will inevitably fail also. To provision multiple instances for Azure App Service, select
an App Service Plan that offers multiple instances. For Azure Cloud Services, configure each of your roles to use
multiple instances. For Azure Virtual Machines (VMs), ensure that your VM architecture includes more than one
VM and that each VM is included in an availability set.
Use a load balancer to distribute requests. A load balancer distributes your application's requests to healthy
service instances by removing unhealthy instances from rotation. If your service uses Azure App Service or
Azure Cloud Services, it is already load balanced for you. However, if your application uses Azure VMs, you will
need to provision a load balancer. See the Azure Load Balancer overview for more details.
Configure Azure Application Gateways to use multiple instances. Depending on your application's
requirements, an Azure Application Gateway may be better suited to distributing requests to your application's
services. However, single instances of the Application Gateway service are not guaranteed by an SLA so it's
possible that your application could fail if the Application Gateway instance fails. Provision more than one
medium or larger Application Gateway instance to guarantee availability of the service under the terms of the
Use Availability Sets for each application tier. Placing your instances in an availability set provides a higher
Consider deploying your application across multiple regions. If your application is deployed to a single
region, in the rare event the entire region becomes unavailable, your application will also be unavailable. This
may be unacceptable under the terms of your application's SLA. If so, consider deploying your application and
its services across multiple regions. A multi-region deployment can use an active-active pattern (distributing
requests across multiple active instances) or an active-passive pattern (keeping a "warm" instance in reserve, in
case the primary instance fails). We recommend that you deploy multiple instances of your application's
services across regional pairs. For more information, see Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR):
Azure Paired Regions.
Implement resiliency patterns for remote operations where appropriate. If your application depends on
communication between remote services, the communication path will inevitably fail. If there are multiple
failures, the remaining healthy instances of your application's services could be overwhelmed with requests.
There are several patterns useful for dealing with common failures including the timeout pattern, the retry
pattern, the circuit breaker pattern, and others. For more information, see Designing resilient applications for
Use autoscaling to respond to increases in load. If your application is not configured to scale out
automatically as load increases, it's possible that your application's services will fail if they become saturated
with user requests. For more details, see the following:
General: Scalability checklist
Azure App Service: Scale instance count manually or automatically
Cloud Services: How to auto scale a cloud service
Virtual Machines: Automatic scaling and virtual machine scale sets
Implement asynchronous operations whenever possible. Synchronous operations can monopolize
resources and block other operations while the caller waits for the process to complete. Design each part of your
application to allow for asynchronous operations whenever possible. For more information on how to
implement asynchronous programming in C#, see Asynchronous Programming with async and await.
Use Azure Traffic Manager to route your application's traffic to different regions. Azure Traffic Manager
performs load balancing at the DNS level and can route traffic to different regions based on the traffic routing
method you specify and the health of your application's endpoints.
Configure and test health probes for your load balancers and traffic managers. Ensure that your
health logic checks the critical parts of the system and responds appropriately to health probes.
The health probes for Azure Traffic Manager and Azure Load Balancer serve a specific function. For Traffic
Manager, the health probe determines whether to fail over to another region. For a load balancer, it
determines whether to remove a VM from rotation.
For a Traffic Manager probe, your health endpoint should check any critical dependencies that are
deployed within the same region, and whose failure should trigger a failover to another region.
For a load balancer, the health endpoint should report the health of the VM. Don't include other tiers or
external services. Otherwise, a failure that occurs outside the VM will cause the load balancer to remove
the VM from rotation.
For guidance on implementing health monitoring in your application, see Health Endpoint Monitoring
Monitor third-party services. If your application has dependencies on third-party services, identify where and
how these third-party services can fail and what effect those failures will have on your application. A third-party
service may not include monitoring and diagnostics, so it's important to log your invocations of them and
correlate them with your application's health and diagnostic logging using a unique identifier. For more
information on best practices for monitoring and diagnostics, see the Monitoring and Diagnostics guidance
Ensure that any third-party service you consume provides an SLA. If your application depends on a third-
party service, but the third party provides no guarantee of availability in the form of an SLA, your application's
availability also cannot be guaranteed. Your SLA is only as good as the least available component of your

Data management
Understand the replication methods for your application's data sources. Your application data will be
stored in different data sources and have different availability requirements. Evaluate the replication methods
for each type of data storage in Azure, including Azure Storage Replication and SQL Database Active Geo-
Replication to ensure that your application's data requirements are satisfied.
Ensure that no single user account has access to both production and backup data. Your data backups
are compromised if one single user account has permission to write to both production and backup sources. A
malicious user could purposely delete all your data, while a regular user could accidentally delete it. Design your
application to limit the permissions of each user account so that only the users that require write access have
write access and it's only to either production or backup, but not both.
Document your data source fail over and fail back process and test it. In the case where your data source
fails catastrophically, a human operator will have to follow a set of documented instructions to fail over to a new
data source. If the documented steps have errors, an operator will not be able to successfully follow them and
fail over the resource. Regularly test the instruction steps to verify that an operator following them is able to
successfully fail over and fail back the data source.
Validate your data backups. Regularly verify that your backup data is what you expect by running a script to
validate data integrity, schema, and queries. There's no point having a backup if it's not useful to restore your
data sources. Log and report any inconsistencies so the backup service can be repaired.
Consider using a storage account type that is geo-redundant. Data stored in an Azure Storage account
is always replicated locally. However, there are multiple replication strategies to choose from when a Storage
Account is provisioned. Select Azure Read-Access Geo Redundant Storage (RA-GRS) to protect your
application data against the rare case when an entire region becomes unavailable.

For VMs, do not rely on RA-GRS replication to restore the VM disks (VHD files). Instead, use Azure Backup.

Implement monitoring and alerting best practices in your application. Without proper monitoring,
diagnostics, and alerting, there is no way to detect failures in your application and alert an operator to fix them.
For more information on best practices, see the Monitoring and Diagnostics guidance document.
Measure remote call statistics and make the information available to the application team. If you don't
track and report remote call statistics in real time and provide an easy way to review this information, the
operations team will not have an instantaneous view into the health of your application. And if you only
measure average remote call time, you will not have enough information to reveal issues in the services.
Summarize remote call metrics such as latency, throughput, and errors in the 99 and 95 percentiles. Perform
statistical analysis on the metrics to uncover errors that occur within each percentile.
Track the number of transient exceptions and retries over an appropriate timeframe. If you don't track
and monitor transient exceptions and retry attempts over time, it's possible that an issue or failure could be
hidden by your application's retry logic. That is, if your monitoring and logging only shows success or failure of
an operation, the fact that the operation had to be retried multiple times due to exceptions will be hidden. A
trend of increasing exceptions over time indicates that the service is having an issue and may fail. For more
information, see Retry service specific guidance.
Implement an early warning system that alerts an operator. Identify the key performance indicators of
your application's health, such as transient exceptions and remote call latency, and set appropriate threshold
values for each of them. Send an alert to operations when the threshold value is reached. Set these thresholds at
levels that identify issues before they become critical and require a recovery response.
Document the release process for your application. Without detailed release process documentation, an
operator might deploy a bad update or improperly configure settings for your application. Clearly define and
document your release process, and ensure that it's available to the entire operations team. Best practices for
resilient deployment of your application are detailed in the resilient deployment section of the Resiliency
Guidance document.
Ensure that more than one person on the team is trained to monitor the application and perform any
manual recovery steps. If you only have a single operator on the team who can monitor the application and
kick off recovery steps, that person becomes a single point of failure. Train multiple individuals on detection and
recovery and make sure there is always at least one active at any time.
Automate your application's deployment process. If your operations staff is required to manually deploy
your application, human error can cause the deployment to fail. For more information on best practices for
automating application deployment, see the resilient deployment section of the Resiliency Guidance document.
Design your release process to maximize application availability. If your release process requires services
to go offline during deployment, your application will be unavailable until they come back online. Use the
blue/green or canary release deployment technique to deploy your application to production. Both of these
techniques involve deploying your release code alongside production code so users of release code can be
redirected to production code in the event of a failure. For more information, see the resilient deployment
section of the Resiliency Guidance document.
Log and audit your application's deployments. If you use staged deployment techniques such as
blue/green or canary releases there will be more than one version of your application running in production. If a
problem should occur, it's critical to determine which version of your application is causing a problem.
Implement a robust logging strategy to capture as much version-specific information as possible.
Ensure that your application does not run up against Azure subscription limits. Azure subscriptions have
limits on certain resource types, such as number of resource groups, number of cores, and number of storage
accounts. If your application requirements exceed Azure subscription limits, create another Azure subscription
and provision sufficient resources there.
Ensure that your application does not run up against per-service limits. Individual Azure services
have consumption limits for example, limits on storage, throughput, number of connections, requests per
second, and other metrics. Your application will fail if it attempts to use resources beyond these limits. This
will result in service throttling and possible downtime for affected users.
Depending on the specific service and your application requirements, you can often avoid these limits by
scaling up (for example, choosing another pricing tier) or scaling out (adding new instances).
Design your application's storage requirements to fall within Azure storage scalability and
performance targets. Azure storage is designed to function within predefined scalability and performance
targets, so design your application to utilize storage within those targets. If you exceed these targets your
application will experience storage throttling. To fix this, provision additional Storage Accounts. If you run up
against the Storage Account limit, provision additional Azure Subscriptions and then provision additional
Storage Accounts there. For more information, see Azure Storage Scalability and Performance Targets.
Select the right VM size for your application. Measure the actual CPU, memory, disk, and I/O of your VMs in
production and verify that the VM size you've selected is sufficient. If not, your application may experience
capacity issues as the VMs approach their limits. VM sizes are described in detail in the Sizes for virtual
machines in Azure document.
Determine if your application's workload is stable or fluctuating over time. If your workload fluctuates
over time, use Azure VM scale sets to automatically scale the number of VM instances. Otherwise, you will have
to manually increase or decrease the number of VMs. For more information, see the Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Select the right service tier for Azure SQL Database. If your application uses Azure SQL Database, ensure
that you have selected the appropriate service tier. If you select a tier that is not able to handle your application's
database transaction unit (DTU) requirements, your data use will be throttled. For more information on selecting
the correct service plan, see the SQL Database options and performance: Understand what's available in each
service tier document.
Have a rollback plan for deployment. It's possible that your application deployment could fail and cause
your application to become unavailable. Design a rollback process to go back to a last known good version and
minimize downtime. See the resilient deployment section of the Resiliency Guidance document for more
Create a process for interacting with Azure support. If the process for contacting Azure support is not set
before the need to contact support arises, downtime will be prolonged as the support process is navigated for
the first time. Include the process for contacting support and escalating issues as part of your application's
resiliency from the outset.
Ensure that your application doesn't use more than the maximum number of storage accounts per
subscription. Azure allows a maximum of 200 storage accounts per subscription. If your application requires
more storage accounts than are currently available in your subscription, you will have to create a new
subscription and create additional storage accounts there. For more information, see Azure subscription and
service limits, quotas, and constraints.
Ensure that your application doesn't exceed the scalability targets for virtual machine disks. An Azure
IaaS VM supports attaching a number of data disks depending on several factors, including the VM size and type
of storage account. If your application exceeds the scalability targets for virtual machine disks, provision
additional storage accounts and create the virtual machine disks there. For more information, see Azure Storage
Scalability and Performance Targets

Perform failover and failback testing for your application. If you haven't fully tested failover and failback,
you can't be certain that the dependent services in your application come back up in a synchronized manner
during disaster recovery. Ensure that your application's dependent services failover and fail back in the correct
Perform fault-injection testing for your application. Your application can fail for many different reasons,
such as certificate expiration, exhaustion of system resources in a VM, or storage failures. Test your application
in an environment as close as possible to production, by simulating or triggering real failures. For example,
delete certificates, artificially consume system resources, or delete a storage source. Verify your application's
ability to recover from all types of faults, alone and in combination. Check that failures are not propagating or
cascading through your system.
Run tests in production using both synthetic and real user data. Test and production are rarely identical,
so it's important to use blue/green or a canary deployment and test your application in production. This allows
you to test your application in production under real load and ensure it will function as expected when fully

Implement application-level protection against distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. Azure
services are protected against DDos attacks at the network layer. However, Azure cannot protect against
application-layer attacks, because it is difficult to distinguish between true user requests from malicious user
requests. For more information on how to protect against application-layer DDoS attacks, see the "Protecting
against DDoS" section of Microsoft Azure Network Security (PDF download).
Implement the principle of least privilege for access to the application's resources. The default for
access to the application's resources should be as restrictive as possible. Grant higher level permissions on an
approval basis. Granting overly permissive access to your application's resources by default can result in
someone purposely or accidentally deleting resources. Azure provides role-based access control to manage user
privileges, but it's important to verify least privilege permissions for other resources that have their own
permissions systems such as SQL Server.

Log telemetry data while the application is running in the production environment. Capture robust
telemetry information while the application is running in the production environment or you will not have
sufficient information to diagnose the cause of issues while it's actively serving users. More information is
available in the logging best practices is available in the Monitoring and Diagnostics guidance document.
Implement logging using an asynchronous pattern. If logging operations are synchronous, they might
block your application code. Ensure that your logging operations are implemented as asynchronous operations.
Correlate log data across service boundaries. In a typical n-tier application, a user request may traverse
several service boundaries. For example, a user request typically originates in the web tier and is passed to the
business tier and finally persisted in the data tier. In more complex scenarios, a user request may be distributed
to many different services and data stores. Ensure that your logging system correlates calls across service
boundaries so you can track the request throughout your application.

Azure Resources
Use Azure Resource Manager templates to provision resources. Resource Manager templates make it
easier to automate deployments via PowerShell or the Azure CLI, which leads to a more reliable deployment
process. For more information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.
Give resources meaningful names. Giving resources meaningful names makes it easier to locate a specific
resource and understand its role. For more information, see Recommended naming conventions for Azure
Use role-based access control (RBAC). Use RBAC to control access to the Azure resources that you deploy.
RBAC lets you assign authorization roles to members of your DevOps team, to prevent accidental deletion or
changes to deployed resources. For more information, see Get started with access management in the Azure
Use resource locks for critical resources, such as VMs. Resource locks prevent an operator from accidentally
deleting a resource. For more information, see Lock resources with Azure Resource Manager
Regional pairs. When deploying to two regions, choose regions from the same regional pair. In the event of a
broad outage, recovery of one region is prioritized out of every pair. Some services such as Geo-Redundant
Storage provide automatic replication to the paired region. For more information, see Business continuity and
disaster recovery (BCDR): Azure Paired Regions
Organize resource groups by function and lifecycle. In general, a resource group should contain resources
that share the same lifecycle. This makes it easier to manage deployments, delete test deployments, and assign
access rights, reducing the chance that a production deployment is accidentally deleted or modified. Create
separate resource groups for production, development, and test environments. In a multi-region deployment,
put resources for each region into separate resource groups. This makes it easier to redeploy one region without
affecting the other region(s).

Azure Services
The following checklist items apply to specific services in Azure.
App Service
Use Standard or Premium tier. These tiers support staging slots and automated backups. For more
information, see Azure App Service plans in-depth overview
Avoid scaling up or down. Instead, select a tier and instance size that meet your performance requirements
under typical load, and then scale out the instances to handle changes in traffic volume. Scaling up and down
may trigger an application restart.
Store configuration as app settings. Use app settings to hold configuration settings as app settings. Define
the settings in your Resource Manager templates, or using PowerShell, so that you can apply them as part of an
automated deployment / update process, which is more reliable. For more information, see Configure web apps
in Azure App Service.
Create separate App Service plans for production and test. Don't use slots on your production deployment
for testing. All apps within the same App Service plan share the same VM instances. If you put production and
test deployments in the same plan, it can negatively affect the production deployment. For example, load tests
might degrade the live production site. By putting test deployments into a separate plan, you isolate them from
the production version.
Separate web apps from web APIs. If your solution has both a web front-end and a web API, consider
decomposing them into separate App Service apps. This design makes it easier to decompose the solution by
workload. You can run the web app and the API in separate App Service plans, so they can be scaled
independently. If you don't need that level of scalability at first, you can deploy the apps into the same plan, and
move them into separate plans later, if needed.
Avoid using the App Service backup feature to back up Azure SQL databases. Instead, use SQL Database
automated backups. App Service backup exports the database to a SQL .bacpac file, which costs DTUs.
Deploy to a staging slot. Create a deployment slot for staging. Deploy application updates to the staging slot,
and verify the deployment before swapping it into production. This reduces the chance of a bad update in
production. It also ensures that all instances are warmed up before being swapped into production. Many
applications have a significant warmup and cold-start time. For more information, see Set up staging
environments for web apps in Azure App Service.
Create a deployment slot to hold the last-known-good (LKG) deployment. When you deploy an update
to production, move the previous production deployment into the LKG slot. This makes it easier to roll back a
bad deployment. If you discover a problem later, you can quickly revert to the LKG version. For more
information, see Azure reference architecture: Basic web application.
Enable diagnostics logging, including application logging and web server logging. Logging is important for
monitoring and diagnostics. See Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App Service
Log to blob storage. This makes it easier to collect and analyze the data.
Create a separate storage account for logs. Don't use the same storage account for logs and application
data. This helps to prevent logging from reducing application performance.
Monitor performance. Use a performance monitoring service such as New Relic or Application Insights to
monitor application performance and behavior under load. Performance monitoring gives you real-time insight
into the application. It enables you to diagnose issues and perform root-cause analysis of failures.
Application Gateway
Provision at least two instances. Deploy Application Gateway with at least two instances. A single instance is
a single point of failure. Use two or more instances for redundancy and scalability. In order to qualify for the
SLA, you must provision two or more medium or larger instances.
Azure Search
Provision more than one replica. Use at least two replicas for read high-availability, or three for read-write
Configure indexers for multi-region deployments. If you have a multi-region deployment, consider
your options for continuity in indexing.
If the data source is geo-replicated, point each indexer of each regional Azure Search service to its local
data source replica.
If the data source is not geo-replicated, point multiple indexers at the same data source, so that Azure
Search services in multiple regions continuously and independently index from the data source. For more
information, see Azure Search performance and optimization considerations.
Azure Storage
For application data, use read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS). RA-GRS storage replicates the
data to a secondary region, and provides read-only access from the secondary region. If there is a storage
outage in the primary region, the application can read the data from the secondary region. For more
information, see Azure Storage replication.
For VM disks, use Premium Storage For more information, see Premium Storage: High-Performance Storage
for Azure Virtual Machine Workloads.
For Queue storage, create a backup queue in another region. For Queue storage, a read-only replica has
limited use, because you can't queue or dequeue items. Instead, create a backup queue in a storage account in
another region. If there is a storage outage, the application can use the backup queue, until the primary region
becomes available again. That way, the application can still process new requests.
Replicate the database across regions. With a multi-region account, your DocumentDB database has one
write region and multiple read regions. If there is a failure in the write region, you can read from another replica.
The Client SDK handles this automatically. You can also fail over the write region to another region. For more
information, see Distribute data globally with DocumentDB.
SQL Database
Use Standard or Premium tier. These tiers provide a longer point-in-time restore period (35 days). For more
information, see SQL Database options and performance.
Enable SQL Database auditing. Auditing can be used to diagnose malicious attacks or human error. For more
information, see Get started with SQL database auditing.
Use Active Geo-Replication Use Active Geo-Replication to create a readable secondary in a different region. If
your primary database fails, or simply needs to be taken offline, perform a manual failover to the secondary
database. Until you fail over, the secondary database remains read-only. For more information, see SQL
Database Active Geo-Replication.
Use sharding. Consider using sharding to partition the database horizontally. Sharding can provide fault
isolation. For more information, see Scaling out with Azure SQL Database.
Use point-in-time restore to recover from human error. Point-in-time restore returns your database to an
earlier point in time. For more information, see Recover an Azure SQL database using automated database
Use geo-restore to recover from a service outage. Geo-restore restores a database from a geo-redundant
backup. For more information, see Recover an Azure SQL database using automated database backups.
SQL Server (running in a VM )
Replicate the database. Use SQL Server Always On Availability Groups to replicate the database. Provides
high availability if one SQL Server instance fails. For more information, see More information...
Back up the database. If you are already using Azure Backup to back up your VMs, consider using Azure
Backup for SQL Server workloads using DPM. With this approach, there is one backup administrator role for the
organization and a unified recovery procedure for VMs and SQL Server. Otherwise, use SQL Server Managed
Backup to Microsoft Azure.
Traffic Manager
Perform manual failback. After a Traffic Manager failover, perform manual failback, rather than automatically
failing back. Before failing back, verify that all application subsystems are healthy. Otherwise, you can create a
situation where the application flips back and forth between data centers. For more information, see Running
VMs in multiple regions.
Create a health probe endpoint. Create a custom endpoint that reports on the overall health of the
application. This enables Traffic Manager to fail over if any critical path fails, not just the front end. The endpoint
should return an HTTP error code if any critical dependency is unhealthy or unreachable. Don't report errors for
non-critical services, however. Otherwise, the health probe might trigger failover when it's not needed, creating
false positives. For more information, see Traffic Manager endpoint monitoring and failover.
Virtual Machines
Avoid running a production workload on a single VM. A single VM deployment is not resilient to planned
or unplanned maintenance. Instead, put multiple VMs in an availability set or VM scale set, with a load balancer
in front.
Specify the availability set when you provision the VM. Currently, there is no way to add a Resource
Manager VM to an availability set after the VM is provisioned. When you add a new VM to an existing
availability set, make sure to create a NIC for the VM, and add the NIC to the back-end address pool on the load
balancer. Otherwise, the load balancer won't route network traffic to that VM.
Put each application tier into a separate Availability Set. In an N-tier application, don't put VMs from
different tiers into the same availability set. VMs in an availability set are placed across fault domains (FDs) and
update domains (UD). However, to get the redundancy benefit of FDs and UDs, every VM in the availability set
must be able to handle the same client requests.
Choose the right VM size based on performance requirements. When moving an existing workload to
Azure, start with the VM size that's the closest match to your on-premises servers. Then measure the
performance of your actual workload with respect to CPU, memory, and disk IOPS, and adjust the size if needed.
This helps to ensure the application behaves as expected in a cloud environment. Also, if you need multiple NICs,
be aware of the NIC limit for each size.
Use premium storage for VHDs. Azure Premium Storage provides high-performance, low-latency disk
support. For more information, see Premium Storage: High-Performance Storage for Azure Virtual Machine
Workloads Choose a VM size that supports premium storage.
Create a separate storage account for each VM. Place the VHDs for one VM into a separate storage account.
This helps to avoid hitting the IOPS limits for storage accounts. For more information, see Azure Storage
Scalability and Performance Targets. However, if you are deploying a large number of VMs, be aware of the per-
subscription limit for storage accounts. See Storage limits.
Create a separate storage account for diagnostic logs. Don't write diagnostic logs to the same storage
account as the VHDs, to avoid having the diagnostic logging affect the IOPS for the VM disks. A standard locally
redundant storage (LRS) account is sufficient for diagnostic logs.
Install applications on a data disk, not the OS disk. Otherwise, you may reach the disk size limit.
Use Azure Backup to back up VMs. Backups protect against accidental data loss. For more information, see
Protect Azure VMs with a recovery services vault.
Enable diagnostic logs, including basic health metrics, infrastructure logs, and boot diagnostics. Boot
diagnostics can help you diagnose a boot failure if your VM gets into a non-bootable state. For more
information, see Overview of Azure Diagnostic Logs.
Use the AzureLogCollector extension. (Windows VMs only.) This extension aggregates Azure platform logs
and uploads them to Azure storage, without the operator remotely logging into the VM. For more information,
see AzureLogCollector Extension.
Virtual Network
To whitelist or block public IP addresses, add an NSG to the subnet. Block access from malicious users, or
allow access only from users who have privilege to access the application.
Create a custom health probe. Load Balancer Health Probes can test either HTTP or TCP. If a VM runs an HTTP
server, the HTTP probe is a better indicator of health status than a TCP probe. For an HTTP probe, use a custom
endpoint that reports the overall health of the application, including all critical dependencies. For more
information, see Azure Load Balancer overview.
Don't block the health probe. The Load Balancer Health probe is sent from a known IP address, Don't block traffic to or from this IP in any firewall policies or network security group (NSG)
rules. Blocking the health probe would cause the load balancer to remove the VM from rotation.
Enable Load Balancer logging. The logs show how many VMs on the back-end are not receiving network
traffic due to failed probe responses. For more information, see Log analytics for Azure Load Balancer.
Azure resiliency guidance: Failure mode analysis
1/17/2017 17 min to read Edit on GitHub

Failure mode analysis (FMA) is a process for building resiliency into a system, by identifying possible failure points
in the system. The FMA should be part of the architecture and design phases, so that you can build failure recovery
into the system from the beginning.
Here is the general process to conduct an FMA:
1. Identify all of the components in the system. Include external dependencies, such as as identity providers, third-
party services, and so on.
2. For each component, identify potential failures that could occur. A single component may have more than one
failure mode. For example, you should consider read failures and write failures separately, because the impact
and possible mitigations will be different.
3. Rate each failure mode according to its overall risk. Consider these factors:
What is the likelihood of the failure. Is it relatively common? Extrememly rare? You don't need exact
numbers; the purpose is to help rank the priority.
What is the impact on the application, in terms of availability, data loss, monetary cost, and business
4. For each failure mode, determine how the application will respond and recover. Consider tradeoffs in cost and
application complexity.
As a starting point for your FMA process, this article contains a catalog of potential failure modes and their
mitigations. The catalog is organized by technology or Azure service, plus a general category for application-level
design. The catalog is not exhaustive, but covers many of the core Azure services.

App Service
App Service app shuts down.
Detection. Possible causes:
Expected shutdown
An operator shuts down the application; for example, using the Azure portal.
The app was unloaded because it was idle. (Only if the Always On setting is disabled.)
Unexpected shutdown
The app crashes.
An App Service VM instance becomes unavailable.
Application_End logging will catch the app domain shutdown (soft process crash) and is the only way to catch the
application domain shutdowns.
If the shutdown was expected, use the application's shutdown event to shut down gracefully. For example, in
ASP.NET, use the Application_End method.
If the application was unloaded while idle, it is automatically restarted on the next request. However, you will
incur the "cold start" cost.
To prevent the application from being unloaded while idle, enable the Always On setting in the web app. See
Configure web apps in Azure App Service.
To prevent an operator from shutting down the app, set a resource lock with ReadOnly level. See Lock
resources with Azure Resource Manager.
If the app crashes or an App Service VM becomes unavailable, App Service automatically restarts the app.
Diagnostics. Application logs and web server logs. See Enable diagnostics logging for web apps in Azure App
A particular user repeatedly makes bad requests or overloads the system.
Detection. Authenticate users and include user ID in application logs.
Use Azure API Management to throttle requests from the user. See Advanced request throttling with Azure API
Block the user.
Diagnostics. Log all authentication requests.
A bad update was deployed.
Detection. Monitor the application health through the Azure Portal (see Monitor Azure web app performance) or
implement the health endpoint monitoring pattern.
Recovery. Use multiple deployment slots and roll back to the last-known-good deployment. For more
information, see Basic web application reference architecture.

Azure Active Directory

OpenID Connect (OIDC ) authentication fails.
Detection. Possible failure modes include:
1. Azure AD is not available, or cannot be reached due to a network problem. Redirection to the authentication
endpoint fails, and the OIDC middleware throws an exception.
2. Azure AD tenant does not exist. Redirection to the authentication endpoint returns an HTTP error code, and the
OIDC middleware throws an exception.
3. User cannot authenticate. No detection strategy is necessary; Azure AD handles login failures.
1. Catch unhandled exceptions from the middleware.
2. Handle AuthenticationFailed events.
3. Redirect the user to an error page.
4. User retries.

Azure Search
Writing data to Azure Search fails.
Detection. Catch Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException errors.
The Search .NET SDK automatically retries after transient failures. Any exceptions thrown by the client SDK should
be treated as non-transient errors.
The default retry policy uses exponential back-off. To use a different retry policy, call SetRetryPolicy on the
SearchIndexClient or SearchServiceClient class. For more information, see Automatic Retries.
Diagnostics. Use Search Traffic Analytics.
Reading data from Azure Search fails.
Detection. Catch Microsoft.Rest.Azure.CloudException errors.
The Search .NET SDK automatically retries after transient failures. Any exceptions thrown by the client SDK should
be treated as non-transient errors.
The default retry policy uses exponential back-off. To use a different retry policy, call SetRetryPolicy on the
SearchIndexClient or SearchServiceClient class. For more information, see Automatic Retries.

Diagnostics. Use Search Traffic Analytics.

Reading or writing to a node fails.
Detection. Catch the exception. For .NET clients, this will typically be System.Web.HttpException . Other client may
have other exception types. For more information, see Cassandra error handling done right.
Each Cassandra client has its own retry policies and capabilities. For more information, see Cassandra error
handling done right.
Use a rack-aware deployment, with data nodes distributed across the fault domains.
Deploy to multiple regions with local quorum consistency. If a non-transient failure occurs, fail over to another
Diagnostics. Application logs

Cloud Service
Web or worker roles are unexpectedlybeing shut down.
Detection. The RoleEnvironment.Stopping event is fired.
Recovery. Override the RoleEntryPoint.OnStop method to gracefully clean up. For more information, see The
Right Way to Handle Azure OnStop Events (blog).

Reading data from DocumentDB fails.
Detection. Catch System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException or Microsoft.Azure.Documents.DocumentClientException .
The SDK automatically retries failed attempts. To set the number of retries and the maximum wait time,
configure ConnectionPolicy.RetryOptions . Exceptions that the client raises are either beyond the retry policy or
are not transient errors.
If DocumentDB throttles the client, it returns an HTTP 429 error. Check the status code in the
DocumentClientException . If you are getting error 429 consistently, consider increasing the throughput value of
the DocumentDB collection.
Replicate the DocumentDB database across two or more regions. All replicas are readable. Using the client
SDKs, specify the PreferredLocations parameter. This is an ordered list of Azure regions. All reads will be sent
to the first available region in the list. If the request fails, the client will try the other regions in the list, in order.
For more information, see Developing with multi-region DocumentDB accounts.
Diagnostics. Log all errors on the client side.
Writing data to DocumentDB fails.
Detection. Catch System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException or Microsoft.Azure.Documents.DocumentClientException .
The SDK automatically retries failed attempts. To set the number of retries and the maximum wait time,
configure ConnectionPolicy.RetryOptions . Exceptions that the client raises are either beyond the retry policy or
are not transient errors.
If DocumentDB throttles the client, it returns an HTTP 429 error. Check the status code in the
DocumentClientException . If you are getting error 429 consistently, consider increasing the throughput value of
the DocumentDB collection.
Replicate the DocumentDB database across two or more regions. If the primary region fails, another region will
be promoted to write. You can also trigger a failover manually. The SDK does automatic discovery and routing,
so application code continues to work after a failover. During the failover period (typically minutes), write
operations will have higher latency, as the SDK finds the new write region. For more information, see
Developing with multi-region DocumentDB accounts.
As a fallback, persist the document to a backup queue, and process the queue later.
Diagnostics. Log all errors on the client side.

Reading data from Elasticsearch fails.
Detection. Catch the appropriate exception for the particular Elasticsearch client being used.
Use a retry mechanism. Each client has its own retry policies.
Deploy multiple Elasticsearch nodes and use replication for high availability.
For more information, see Running Elasticsearch on Azure.
Diagnostics. You can use monitoring tools for Elasticsearch, or log all errors on the client side with the payload.
See the 'Monitoring' section in Running Elasticsearch on Azure.
Writing data to Elasticsearch fails.
Detection. Catch the appropriate exception for the particular Elasticsearch client being used.
Use a retry mechanism. Each client has its own retry policies.
If the application can tolerate a reduced consistency level, consider writing with write_consistency setting of
quorum .

For more information, see Running Elasticsearch on Azure.

Diagnostics. You can use monitoring tools for Elasticsearch, or log all errors on the client side with the payload.
See the 'Monitoring' section in Running Elasticsearch on Azure.

Queue storage
Writing a message to Azure Queue storage fails consistently.
Detection. After N retry attempts, the write operation still fails.
Store the data in a local cache, and forward the writes to storage later, when the service becomes available.
Create a secondary queue, and write to that queue if the primary queue is unavailable.
Diagnostics. Use storage metrics.
The application cannot process a particular message from the queue.
Detection. Application specific. For example, the message contains invalid data, or the business logic fails for
some reason.
Move the message to a separate queue. Run a separate process to examine the messages in that queue.
Consider using Azure Service Bus Messaging queues, which provides a dead-letter queue functionality for this

If you are using Storage queues with WebJobs, the WebJobs SDK provides built-in poison message handling. See How to use
Azure queue storage with the WebJobs SDK.

Diagnostics. Use application logging.

Redis Cache
Reading from the cache fails.
Detection. Catch StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException .
1. Retry on transient failures. Azure Redis cache supports built-in retry through See Redis Cache retry guidelines.
2. Treat non-transient failures as a cache miss, and fall back to the original data source.
Diagnostics. Use Redis Cache diagnostics.
Writing to the cache fails.
Detection. Catch StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException .
1. Retry on transient failures. Azure Redis cache supports built-in retry through See Redis Cache retry guidelines.
2. If the error is non-transient, ignore it and let other transactions write to the cache later.
Diagnostics. Use Redis Cache diagnostics.

SQL Database
Cannot connect to the database in the primary region.
Detection. Connection fails.
Prerequisite: The database must be configured for active geo-replication. See SQL Database Active Geo-
For queries, read from a secondary replica.
For inserts and updates, manually fail over to a secondary replica. See Initiate a planned or unplanned failover
for Azure SQL Database.
The replica uses a different connection string, so you will need to update the connection string in your application.
Client runs out of connections in the connection pool.
Detection. Catch System.InvalidOperationException errors.
Retry the operation.
As a mitigation plan, isolate the connection pools for each use case, so that one use case can't dominate all the
Increase the maximum connection pools.
Diagnostics. Application logs.
Database connection limit is reached.
Detection. Azure SQL Database limits the number of concurrent workers, logins, and sessions. The limits depend
on the service tier. For more information, see Azure SQL Database resource limits.
To detect these errors, catch System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException and check the value of SqlException.Number for
the SQL error code. For a list of relevant error codes, see SQL error codes for SQL Database client applications:
Database connection error and other issues.
Recovery. These errors are considered transient, so retrying may resolve the issue. If you consistently hit these
errors, consider scaling the database.
Diagnostics. - The sys.event_log query returns successful database connections, connection failures, and
Create an alert rule for failed connections.
Enable SQL Database auditing and check for failed logins.

Service Bus Messaging

Reading a message from a Service Bus queue fails.
Detection. Catch exceptions from the client SDK. The base class for Service Bus exceptions is MessagingException.
If the error is transient, the IsTransient property is true.
For more information, see Service Bus messaging exceptions.
1. Retry on transient failures. See Service Bus retry guidelines.
2. Messages that cannot be delivered to any receiver are placed in a dead-letter queue. Use this queue to see
which messages could not be received. There is no automatic cleanup of the dead-letter queue. Messages
remain there until you explicitly retrieve them. See Overview of Service Bus dead-letter queues.
Writing a message to a Service Bus queue fails.
Detection. Catch exceptions from the client SDK. The base class for Service Bus exceptions is MessagingException.
If the error is transient, the IsTransient property is true.
For more information, see Service Bus messaging exceptions.
1. The Service Bus client automatically retries after transient errors. By default, it uses exponential back-off. After
the maximum retry count or maximum timeout period, the client throws an exception. For more information,
see Service Bus retry guidelines.
2. If the queue quota is exceeded, the client throws QuotaExceededException. The exception message gives more
details. Drain some messages from the queue before retrying, and consider using the Circuit Breaker pattern to
avoid continued retries while the quota is exceeded. Also, make sure the BrokeredMessage.TimeToLive property
is not set too high.
3. Within a region, resiliency can be improved by using partitioned queues or topics. A non-partitioned queue or
topic is assigned to one messaging store. If this messaging store is unavailable, all operations on that queue or
topic will fail. A partitioned queue or topic is partitioned across multiple messaging stores.
4. For additional resiliency, create two Service Bus namespaces in different regions, and replicate the
messages. You can use either active replication or passive replication.
Active replication: The client sends every message to both queues. The receiver listens on both queues.
Tag messages with a unique identifier, so the client can discard duplicate messages.
Passive replication: The client sends the message to one queue. If there is an error, the client falls
back to the other queue. The receiver listens on both queues. This approach reduces the number of
duplicate messages that are sent. However, the receiver must still handle duplicate messages.
For more information, see GeoReplication sample and Best practices for insulating applications
against Service Bus outages and disasters.
Duplicate message.
Detection. Examine the MessageId and DeliveryCount properties of the message.
If possible, design your message processing operations to be idempotent. Otherwise, store message IDs of
messages that are already processed, and check the ID before processing a message.
Enable duplicate detection, by creating the queue with RequiresDuplicateDetection set to true. With this
setting, Service Bus automatically deletes any message that is sent with the same MessageId as a previous
message. Note the following:
This setting prevents duplicate messages from being put into the queue. It doesn't prevent a receiver
from processing the same message more than once.
Duplicate detection has a time window. If a duplicate is sent beyond this window, it won't be detected.
Diagnostics. Log duplicated messages.
The application cannot process a particular message from the queue.
Detection. Application specific. For example, the message contains invalid data, or the business logic fails for
some reason.
There are two failure modes to consider.
The receiver detects the failure. In this case, move the message to the dead-letter queue. Later, run a separate
process to examine the messages in the dead-letter queue.
The receiver fails in the middle of processing the message for example, due to an unhandled exception. To
handle this case, use PeekLock mode. In this mode, if the lock expires, the message becomes available to other
receivers. If the message exceeds the maximum delivery count or the time-to-live, the message is automatically
moved to the dead-letter queue.
For more information, see Overview of Service Bus dead-letter queues.
Diagnostics. Whenever the application moves a message to the dead-letter queue, write an event to the
application logs.

Service Fabric
A request to a service fails.
Detection. The service returns an error.
Locate a proxy again ( ServiceProxy or ActorProxy ) and call the service/actor method again.
Stateful service. Wrap operations on reliable collections in a transaction. If there is an error, the transaction
will be rolled back. The request, if pulled from a queue, will be processed again.
Stateless service. If the service persists data to an external store, all operations need to be idempotent.
Diagnostics. Application log
Service Fabric node is shut down.
Detection. A cancellation token is passed to the service's RunAsync method. Service Fabric cancels the task before
shutting down the node.
Recovery. Use the cancellation token to detect shutdown. When Service Fabric requests cancellation, finish any
work and exit RunAsync as quickly as possible.
Diagnostics. Application logs

Writing data to Azure Storage fails
Detection. The client receives errors when writing.
1. Retry the operation, to recover from transient failures. The retry policy in the client SDK handles this
2. Implement the Circuit Breaker pattern to avoid overwhelming storage.
3. If N retry attempts fail, perform a graceful fallback. For example:
Store the data in a local cache, and forward the writes to storage later, when the service becomes
If the write action was in a transactional scope, compensate the transaction.
Diagnostics. Use storage metrics.
Reading data from Azure Storage fails.
Detection. The client receives errors when reading.
1. Retry the operation, to recover from transient failures. The retry policy in the client SDK handles this
2. For RA-GRS storage, if reading from the primary endpoint fails, try reading from the secondary endpoint. The
client SDK can handle this automatically. See Azure Storage replication.
3. If N retry attempts fail, take a fallback action to degrade gracefully. For example, if a product image can't be
retrieved from storage, show a generic placeholder image.
Diagnostics. Use storage metrics.

Virtual Machine
Connection to a backend VM fails.
Detection. Network connection errors.
Deploy at least two backend VMs in an availability set, behind a load balancer.
If the connection error is transient, sometimes TCP will successfully retry sending the message.
Implement a retry policy in the application.
For persistent or non-transient errors, implement the Circuit Breaker pattern.
If the calling VM exceeds its network egress limit, the outbound queue will fill up. If the outbound queue is
consistently full, consider scaling out.
Diagnostics. Log events at service boundaries.
VM instance becomes unavailable or unhealthy.
Detection. Configure a Load Balancer health probe that signals whether the VM instance is healthy. The probe
should check whether critical functions are responding correctly.
Recovery. For each application tier, put multiple VM instances into the same availability set, and place a load
balancer in front of the VMs. If the health probe fails, the Load Balancer stops sending new connections to the
unhealthy instance.
Diagnostics. - Use Load Balancer log analytics.
Configure your monitoring system to monitor all of the health monitoring endpoints.
Operator accidentally shuts down a VM.
Detection. N/A
Recovery. Set a resource lock with ReadOnly level. See Lock resources with Azure Resource Manager.
Diagnostics. Use Azure Activity Logs.

Continuous job stops running when the SCM host is idle.
Detection. Pass a cancellation token to the WebJob function. For more information, see Graceful shutdown.
Recovery. Enable the Always On setting in the web app. For more information, see Run Background tasks with

Application design
Application can't handle a spike in incoming requests.
Detection. Depends on the application. Typical symptoms:
The website starts returning HTTP 5xx error codes.
Dependent services, such as database or storage, start to throttle requests. Look for HTTP errors such as HTTP
429 (Too Many Requests), depending on the service.
HTTP queue length grows.
Scale out to handle increased load.
Mitigate failures to avoid having cascading failures disrupt the entire application. Mitigation strategies
Implement the Throttling Pattern to avoid overwhelming backend systems.
Use queue-based load leveling to buffer requests and process them at an appropriate pace.
Prioritize certain clients. For example, if the application has free and paid tiers, throttle customers on the
free tier, but not paid customers. See Priority queue pattern.
Diagnostics. Use App Service diagnostic logging. Use a service such as Azure Log Analytics, Application Insights,
or New Relic to help understand the diagnostic logs.
One of the operations in a workflow or distributed transaction fails.
Detection. After N retry attempts, it still fails.
As a mitigation plan, implement the Scheduler Agent Supervisor pattern to manage the entire workflow.
Don't retry on timeouts. There is a low success rate for this error.
Queue work, in order to retry later.
Diagnostics. Log all operations (successful and failed), including compensating actions. Use correlation IDs, so
that you can track all operations within the same transaction.
A call to a remote service fails.
Detection. HTTP error code.
1. Retry on transient failures.
2. If the call fails after N attempts, take a fallback action. (Application specific.)
3. Implement the Circuit Breaker pattern to avoid cascading failures.
Diagnostics. Log all remote call failures.

Next steps
For more information about the FMA process, see Resilience by design for cloud services (PDF download).
Disaster recovery for applications built on Microsoft
1/17/2017 34 min to read Edit on GitHub

Whereas high availability is about temporary failure management, disaster recovery (DR) is about the catastrophic
loss of application functionality. For example, consider the scenario where a region goes down. In this case, you
need to have a plan to run your application or access your data outside the Azure region. Execution of this plan
involves people, processes, and supporting applications that allow the system to function. The business and
technology owners who define the system's operational mode for a disaster also determine the level of
functionality for the service during a disaster. The level of functionality can take a few forms: completely
unavailable, partially available (degraded functionality or delayed processing), or fully available.

Azure disaster recovery features

As with availability considerations, Azure has resiliency technical guidance that's designed to support disaster
recovery. There is also a relationship between some of the availability features of Azure and disaster recovery. For
example, the management of roles across fault domains increases the availability of an application. Without that
management, an unhandled hardware failure would become a disaster scenario. So the correct application of
availability features and strategies is an important part of disaster-proofing your application. However, this article
goes beyond general availability issues to more serious (and rarer) disaster events.

Multiple datacenter regions

Azure maintains datacenters in many regions around the world. This infrastructure supports several disaster
recovery scenarios, such as the system-provided geo-replication of Azure Storage to secondary regions. It also
means that you can easily and inexpensively deploy a cloud service to multiple locations around the world.
Compare this with the cost and difficulty of running your own datacenters in multiple regions. Deploying data and
services to multiple regions helps protect your application from major outages in a single region.

Azure Traffic Manager

When a region-specific failure occurs, you must redirect traffic to services or deployments in another region. You
can do this routing manually, but it's more efficient to use an automated process. Azure Traffic Manager is
designed for this task. You can use it to automatically manage the failover of user traffic to another region in case
the primary region fails. Because traffic management is an important part of the overall strategy, it's important to
understand the basics of Traffic Manager.
In the following diagram, users connect to a URL that's specified for Traffic Manager
(http://myATMURL.trafficmanager.net) and that abstracts the actual site URLs (http://app1URL.cloudapp.net
and http://app2URL.cloudapp.net). Based on how you configure the criteria for when to route users, users will
be sent to the correct actual site when the policy dictates. The policy options are round-robin, performance, or
failover. For the sake of this article, we will be concerned with only the failover option.
When you're configuring Traffic Manager, you provide a new Traffic Manager DNS prefix. This is the URL prefix that
you'll provide to your users to access your service. Traffic Manager now abstracts load balancing one level up and
not at the region level. The Traffic Manager DNS maps to a CNAME for all the deployments that it manages.
Within Traffic Manager, you specify the priority of the deployments that users will be routed to when failure occurs.
Traffic Manager monitors the endpoints of the deployments and notes when the primary deployment fails. At
failure, Traffic Manager analyzes the prioritized list of deployments and routes users to the next one on the list.
Although Traffic Manager decides where to go in a failover, you can decide whether your failover domain is
dormant or active while you're not in failover mode. That functionality has nothing to do with Azure Traffic
Manager. Traffic Manager detects a failure in the primary site and rolls over to the failover site. Traffic Manager
rolls over regardless of whether that site is currently serving users or not.
For more information on how Azure Traffic Manager works, refer to:
Traffic Manager overview
Configure failover routing method

Azure disaster scenarios

The following sections cover several different types of disaster scenarios. Region-wide service disruptions are not
the only cause of application-wide failures. Poor design or administration errors can also lead to outages. It's
important to consider the possible causes of a failure during both the design and testing phases of your recovery
plan. A good plan takes advantage of Azure features and augments them with application-specific strategies. The
chosen response is dictated by the importance of the application, the recovery point objective (RPO), and the
recovery time objective (RTO).
Application failure
Azure Traffic Manager automatically handles failures that result from the underlying hardware or operating system
software in the host virtual machine. Azure creates a new instance of the role on a functioning server and adds it to
the load-balancer rotation. If the number of role instances is greater than one, Azure shifts processing to the other
running role instances while replacing the failed node.
There are serious application errors that happen independently of any hardware or operating system failures. The
application might fail due to the catastrophic exceptions caused by bad logic or data integrity issues. You must
incorporate enough telemetry into the code so that a monitoring system can detect failure conditions and notify an
application administrator. An administrator who has full knowledge of the disaster recovery processes can make a
decision to invoke a failover process. Alternatively, an administrator can simply accept an availability outage to
resolve the critical errors.
Data corruption
Azure automatically stores your Azure SQL Database and Azure Storage data three times redundantly within
different fault domains in the same region. If you use geo-replication, the data is stored three additional times in a
different region. However, if your users or your application corrupts that data in the primary copy, the data quickly
replicates to the other copies. Unfortunately, this results in three copies of corrupt data.
To manage potential corruption of your data, you have two options. First, you can manage a custom backup
strategy. You can store your backups in Azure or on-premises, depending on your business requirements or
governance regulations. Another option is to use the new point-in-time restore option for recovering a SQL
database. For more information, see the section on data strategies for disaster recovery.
Network outage
When parts of the Azure network are inaccessible, you might not be able to get to your application or data. If one or
more role instances are unavailable due to network issues, Azure uses the remaining available instances of your
application. If your application cant access its data because of an Azure network outage, you can potentially run in
degraded mode locally by using cached data. You need to architect the disaster recovery strategy for running in
degraded mode in your application. For some applications, this might not be practical.
Another option is to store data in an alternate location until connectivity is restored. If degraded mode is not an
option, the remaining options are application downtime or failover to an alternate region. The design of an
application running in degraded mode is as much a business decision as a technical one. This is discussed further in
the section on degraded application functionality.
Failure of a dependent service
Azure provides many services that can experience periodic downtime. Consider Azure Redis Cache as an example.
This multi-tenant service provides caching capabilities to your application. It's important to consider what happens
in your application if the dependent service is unavailable. In many ways, this scenario is similar to the network
outage scenario. However, considering each service independently results in potential improvements to your
overall plan.
Azure Redis Cache provides caching to your application from within your cloud service deployment, which
provides disaster recovery benefits. First, the service now runs on roles that are local to your deployment.
Therefore, you're better able to monitor and manage the status of the cache as part of your overall management
processes for the cloud service. This type of caching also exposes new features. One of the new features is high
availability for cached data. This helps to preserve cached data if a single node fails by maintaining duplicate copies
on other nodes.
Note that high availability decreases throughput and increases latency because of the updating of the secondary
copy on writes. It also doubles the amount of memory that's used for each item, so plan for that. This specific
example demonstrates that each dependent service might have capabilities that improve your overall availability
and resistance to catastrophic failures.
With each dependent service, you should understand the implications of a service disruption. In the caching
example, it might be possible to access the data directly from a database until you restore your cache. This would
be a degraded mode in terms of performance but would provide full functionality with regard to data.
Region-wide service disruption
The previous failures have primarily been failures that can be managed within the same Azure region. However,
you must also prepare for the possibility that there is a service disruption of the entire region. If a region-wide
service disruption occurs, the locally redundant copies of your data are not available. If you have enabled geo-
replication, there are three additional copies of your blobs and tables in a different region. If Microsoft declares the
region lost, Azure remaps all of the DNS entries to the geo-replicated region.

Be aware that you don't have any control over this process, and it will occur only for region-wide service disruption. Because
of this, you must rely on other application-specific backup strategies to achieve the highest level of availability. For more
information, see the section on data strategies for disaster recovery.
Azure -wide service disruption
In disaster planning, you must consider the entire range of possible disasters. One of the most severe service
disruptions would involve all Azure regions simultaneously. As with other service disruptions, you might decide
that you'll take the risk of temporary downtime in that event. Widespread service disruptions that span regions
should be much rarer than isolated service disruptions that involve dependent services or single regions.
However, for some mission-critical applications, you might decide that there must be a backup plan for this
scenario as well. The plan for this event might include failing over to services in an alternative cloud or a hybrid on-
premises and cloud solution.
Degraded application functionality
A well-designed application typically uses a collection of modules that communicate with each other though the
implementation of loosely coupled information-interchange patterns. A DR-friendly application requires separation
of tasks at the module level. This is to prevent the disruption of a dependent service from bringing down the entire
application. For example, consider a web commerce application for Company Y. The following modules might
constitute the application:
Product Catalog allows users to browse products.
Shopping Cart allows users to add/remove products in their shopping cart.
Order Status shows the shipping status of user orders.
Order Submission finalizes the shopping session by submitting the order with payment.
Order Processing validates the order for data integrity and performs a quantity availability check.
When a dependent of a module in this application goes down, how does the module function until that part
recovers? A well-architected system implements isolation boundaries through separation of tasks both at design
time and at runtime. You can categorize every failure as recoverable and non-recoverable. Non-recoverable errors
will take down the module, but you can mitigate a recoverable error through alternatives. As discussed in the high-
availability section, you can hide some problems from users by handling faults and taking alternate actions. During
a more serious service disruption, the application might be completely unavailable. However, a third option is to
continue servicing users in degraded mode.
For instance, if the database for hosting orders goes down, the Order Processing module loses its ability to process
sales transactions. Depending on the architecture, it might be hard or impossible for the Order Submission and
Order Processing parts of the application to continue. If the application is not designed to handle this scenario, the
entire application might go offline.
However, in this same scenario, it's possible that the product data is stored in a different location. In that case, the
Product Catalog module can still be used for viewing products. In degraded mode, the application continues to be
available to users for available functionality like viewing the product catalog. Other parts of the application,
however, are unavailable, such as ordering or inventory queries.
Another variation of degraded mode centers on performance rather than capabilities. For example, consider a
scenario where the product catalog is being cached through Azure Redis Cache. If caching becomes unavailable, the
application might go directly to the server storage to retrieve product catalog information. But this access might be
slower than the cached version. Because of this, the application performance is degraded until the caching service is
fully restored.
Deciding how much of an application will continue to function in degraded mode is both a business decision and a
technical decision. The application must also decide how to inform the users of the temporary problems. In this
example, the application might allow viewing products and even adding them to a shopping cart. However, when
the user attempts to make a purchase, the application notifies the user that the sales module is temporarily
inaccessible. It isn't ideal for the customer, but it does prevent an application-wide service disruption.

Data strategies for disaster recovery

Handling data correctly is the hardest area to get right in any disaster recovery plan. Restoring data is also the part
of the recovery process that typically takes the most time. Different choices in degradation modes result in difficult
challenges for data recovery from failure and consistency after failure.
One of the factors is the need to restore or maintain a copy of the applications data. You will use this data for
reference and transactional purposes at a secondary site. An on-premises setting requires an expensive and lengthy
planning process to implement a multiple-region disaster recovery strategy. Conveniently, most cloud providers,
including Azure, readily allow the deployment of applications to multiple regions. These regions are geographically
distributed in such a way that multiple-region service disruption should be extremely rare. The strategy for
handling data across regions is one of the contributing factors for the success of any disaster recovery plan.
The following sections discuss disaster recovery techniques related to data backups, reference data, and
transactional data.
Backup and restore
Regular backups of application data can support some disaster recovery scenarios. Different storage resources
require different techniques.
For the Basic, Standard, and Premium SQL Database tiers, you can take advantage of point-in-time restore to
recover your database. For more information, see Overview: Cloud business continuity and database disaster
recovery with SQL Database. Another option is to use Active Geo-Replication for SQL Database. This automatically
replicates database changes to secondary databases in the same Azure region or even in a different Azure region.
This provides a potential alternative to some of the more manual data synchronization techniques presented in this
article. For more information, see Overview: SQL Database Active Geo-Replication.
You can also use a more manual approach for backup and restore. Use the DATABASE COPY command to create a
copy of the database. You must use this command to get a backup with transactional consistency. You can also use
the import/export service of Azure SQL Database. This supports exporting databases to BACPAC files that are
stored in Azure Blob storage.
The built-in redundancy of Azure Storage creates two replicas of the backup file in the same region. However, the
frequency of running the backup process determines your RPO, which is the amount of data you might lose in
disaster scenarios. For example, imagine that you perform a backup at the top of the hour, and a disaster occurs
two minutes before the top of the hour. You lose 58 minutes of data that happened after the last backup was
performed. Also, to protect against a region-wide service disruption, you should copy the BACPAC files to an
alternate region. You then have the option of restoring those backups in the alternate region. For more details, see
Overview: Cloud business continuity and database disaster recovery with SQL Database.
For Azure Storage, you can develop your own custom backup process or use one of many third-party backup tools.
Note that most application designs have additional complexities where storage resources reference each other. For
example, consider a SQL database that has a column that links to a blob in Azure Storage. If the backups do not
happen simultaneously, the database might have the pointer to a blob that was not backed up before the failure.
The application or disaster recovery plan must implement processes to handle this inconsistency after a recovery.
Reference data pattern for disaster recovery
Reference data is read-only data that supports application functionality. It typically does not change frequently.
Although backup and restore is one method to handle region-wide service disruptions, the RTO is relatively long.
When you deploy the application to a secondary region, some strategies can improve the RTO for reference data.
Because reference data changes infrequently, you can improve the RTO by maintaining a permanent copy of the
reference data in the secondary region. This eliminates the time required to restore backups in the event of a
disaster. To meet the multiple-region disaster recovery requirements, you must deploy the application and the
reference data together in multiple regions. As mentioned in Reference data pattern for high availability, you can
deploy reference data to the role itself, to external storage, or to a combination of both.
The reference data deployment model within compute nodes implicitly satisfies the disaster recovery requirements.
Reference data deployment to SQL Database requires that you deploy a copy of the reference data to each region.
The same strategy applies to Azure Storage. You must deploy a copy of any reference data that's stored in Azure
Storage to the primary and secondary regions.

You must implement your own application-specific backup routines for all data, including reference data. Geo-
replicated copies across regions are used only in a region-wide service disruption. To prevent extended downtime,
deploy the mission-critical parts of the applications data to the secondary region. For an example of this topology,
see the active-passive model.
Transactional data pattern for disaster recovery
Implementation of a fully functional disaster mode strategy requires asynchronous replication of the transactional
data to the secondary region. The practical time windows within which the replication can occur will determine the
RPO characteristics of the application. You might still recover the data that was lost from the primary region during
the replication window. You might also be able to merge with the secondary region later.
The following architecture examples provide some ideas on different ways of handling transactional data in a
failover scenario. It's important to note that these examples are not exhaustive. For example, intermediate storage
locations such as queues might be replaced with Azure SQL Database. The queues themselves might be either
Azure Storage or Azure Service Bus queues (see Azure queues and Service Bus queues--compared and contrasted).
Server storage destinations might also vary, such as Azure tables instead of SQL Database. In addition, worker roles
might be inserted as intermediaries in various steps. The important thing is not to emulate these architectures
exactly, but to consider various alternatives in the recovery of transactional data and related modules.
Replication of transactional data in preparation for disaster recovery
Consider an application that uses Azure Storage queues to hold transactional data. This allows worker roles to
process the transactional data to the server database in a decoupled architecture. This requires the transactions to
use some form of temporary caching if the front-end roles require the immediate query of that data. Depending on
the level of data-loss tolerance, you might choose to replicate the queues, the database, or all of the storage
resources. With only database replication, if the primary region goes down, you can still recover the data in the
queues when the primary region comes back.
The following diagram shows an architecture where the server database is synchronized across regions.
The biggest challenge to implementing this architecture is the replication strategy between regions. The Azure SQL
Data Sync service enables this type of replication. However, the service is still in preview and is not recommended
for production environments. For more information, see Overview: Cloud business continuity and database disaster
recovery with SQL Database. For production applications, you must invest in a third-party solution or create your
own replication logic in code. Depending on the architecture, the replication might be bidirectional, which is also
more complex.
One potential implementation might make use of the intermediate queue in the previous example. The worker role
that processes the data to the final storage destination might make the change in both the primary region and the
secondary region. These are not trivial tasks, and complete guidance for replication code is beyond the scope of this
article. The important point is that a lot of your time and testing should focus on how you replicate your data to the
secondary region. Additional processing and testing can help ensure that the failover and recovery processes
correctly handle any possible data inconsistencies or duplicate transactions.

Most of this paper focuses on platform as a service (PaaS). However, additional replication and availability options for hybrid
applications use Azure Virtual Machines. These hybrid applications use infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to host SQL Server on
virtual machines in Azure. This allows traditional availability approaches in SQL Server, such as AlwaysOn Availability Groups
or Log Shipping. Some techniques, such as AlwaysOn, work only between on-premises SQL Server instances and Azure
virtual machines. For more information, see High availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines.

Degraded application mode for transaction capture

Consider a second architecture that operates in degraded mode. The application on the secondary region
deactivates all the functionality, such as reporting, business intelligence (BI), or draining queues. It accepts only the
most important types of transactional workflows, as defined by business requirements. The system captures the
transactions and writes them to queues. The system might postpone processing the data during the initial stage of
the service disruption. If the system on the primary region is reactivated within the expected time window, the
worker roles in the primary region can drain the queues. This process eliminates the need for database merging. If
the primary region service disruption goes beyond the tolerable window, the application can start processing the
In this scenario, the database on the secondary contains incremental transactional data that must be merged after
the primary is reactivated. The following diagram shows this strategy for temporarily storing transactional data
until the primary region is restored.
For more discussion of data management techniques for resilient Azure applications, see Failsafe: Guidance for
Resilient Cloud Architectures.

Deployment topologies for disaster recovery

You must prepare mission-critical applications for the possibility of a region-wide service disruption. You do this by
incorporating a multiple-region deployment strategy into the operational planning.
Multiple-region deployments might involve IT-pro processes to publish the application and reference data to the
secondary region after a disaster. If the application requires instant failover, the deployment process might involve
an active/passive setup or an active/active setup. This type of deployment has existing instances of the application
running in the alternate region. A routing tool such as Azure Traffic Manager provides load-balancing services at
the DNS level. It can detect service disruptions and route the users to different regions when needed.
Part of a successful Azure disaster recovery is architecting that recovery into the solution from the start. The cloud
provides additional options for recovering from failures during a disaster that are not available in a traditional
hosting provider. Specifically, you can dynamically and quickly allocate resources to a different region. Therefore,
you wont pay a lot for idle resources while you're waiting for a failure to occur.
The following sections cover different deployment topologies for disaster recovery. Typically, there's a tradeoff in
increased cost or complexity for additional availability.
Single -region deployment
A single-region deployment is not really a disaster recovery topology, but is meant to contrast with the other
architectures. Single-region deployments are common for applications in Azure. However, this type of deployment
is not a serious contender for a disaster recovery plan.
The following diagram depicts an application running in a single Azure region. Azure Traffic Manager and the use
of fault and upgrade domains increase availability of the application within the region.
Here, it's apparent that the database is a single point of failure. Even though Azure replicates the data across
different fault domains to internal replicas, this all occurs in the same region. The application cannot withstand a
catastrophic failure. If the region goes down, all of the fault domains go down--including all service instances and
storage resources.
For all but the least critical applications, you must devise a plan to deploy your applications across multiple regions.
You should also consider RTO and cost constraints in considering which deployment topology to use.
Lets take a look now at specific patterns to support failover across different regions. These examples all use two
regions to describe the process.
Redeployment to a secondary Azure region
In the pattern of redeployment to a secondary region, only the primary region has applications and databases
running. The secondary region is not set up for an automatic failover. So when a disaster occurs, you must spin up
all the parts of the service in the new region. This includes uploading a cloud service to Azure, deploying the cloud
service, restoring the data, and changing DNS to reroute the traffic.
Although this is the most affordable of the multiple-region options, it has the worst RTO characteristics. In this
model, the service package and database backups are stored either on-premises or in the Azure Blob storage
instance of the secondary region. However, you must deploy a new service and restore the data before it resumes
operation. Even if you fully automate the data transfer from backup storage, spinning up the new database
environment consumes a lot of time. Moving data from the backup disk storage to the empty database on the
secondary region is the most expensive part of the restore process. You must do this, however, to bring the new
database to an operational state because it isn't replicated.
The best approach is to store the service packages in Blob storage in the secondary region. This eliminates the need
to upload the package to Azure, which is what happens when you deploy from an on-premises development
machine. You can quickly deploy the service packages to a new cloud service from Blob storage by using
PowerShell scripts.
This option is practical only for non-critical applications that can tolerate a high RTO. For instance, this might work
for an application that can be down for several hours but should be running again within 24 hours.
Active -passive
The active-passive pattern is the choice that many companies favor. This pattern provides improvements to the
RTO with a relatively small increase in cost over the redeployment pattern. In this scenario, there is again a primary
and a secondary Azure region. All of the traffic goes to the active deployment on the primary region. The secondary
region is better prepared for disaster recovery because the database is running on both regions. Additionally, a
synchronization mechanism is in place between them. This standby approach can involve two variations: a
database-only approach or a complete deployment in the secondary region.
Database only
In the first variation of the active-passive pattern, only the primary region has a deployed cloud service application.
However, unlike the redeployment pattern, both regions are synchronized with the contents of the database. (For
more information, see the section on transactional data pattern for disaster recovery.) When a disaster occurs, there
are fewer activation requirements. You start the application in the secondary region, change connection strings to
the new database, and change the DNS entries to reroute traffic.
Like the redeployment pattern, you should have already stored the service packages in Azure Blob storage in the
secondary region for faster deployment. Unlike the redeployment pattern, you dont incur the majority of the
overhead that database restore operation requires. The database is ready and running. This saves a significant
amount of time, making this an affordable DR pattern. It's also the most popular DR pattern.
Full replica
In the second variation of the active-passive pattern, both the primary region and the secondary region have a full
deployment. This deployment includes the cloud services and a synchronized database. However, only the primary
region is actively handling network requests from the users. The secondary region becomes active only when the
primary region experiences a service disruption. In that case, all new network requests route to the secondary
region. Azure Traffic Manager can manage this failover automatically.
Failover occurs faster than the database-only variation because the services are already deployed. This pattern
provides a very low RTO. The secondary failover region must be ready to go immediately after failure of the
primary region.
Along with a quicker response time, this pattern has the advantage of pre-allocating and deploying backup
services. You dont have to worry about a region not having the space to allocate new instances in a disaster. This is
important if your secondary Azure region is nearing capacity. There is no guarantee (service-level agreement) that
you will instantly be able to deploy a number of new cloud services in any region.
For the fastest response time with this model, you must have similar scale (number of role instances) in the
primary and secondary regions. Despite the advantages, paying for unused compute instances is costly, and this
might not be the most prudent financial choice. Because of this, it's more common to use a slightly scaled-down
version of cloud services on the secondary region. Then you can quickly fail over and scale out the secondary
deployment if necessary. You should automate the failover process so that after the primary region is inaccessible,
you activate additional instances, depending on the load. This might involve the use of an autoscaling mechanism
like virtual machine scale sets.
The following diagram shows the model where the primary and secondary regions contain a fully deployed cloud
service in an active-passive pattern.
Active -active
By now, youre probably figuring out the evolution of the patterns: decreasing the RTO increases costs and
complexity. The active-active solution actually breaks this tendency with regard to cost.
In an active-active pattern, the cloud services and database are fully deployed in both regions. Unlike the active-
passive model, both regions receive user traffic. This option yields the quickest recovery time. The services are
already scaled to handle a portion of the load at each region. DNS is already enabled to use the secondary region.
There's additional complexity in determining how to route users to the appropriate region. Round-robin scheduling
might be possible. It's more likely that certain users would use a specific region where the primary copy of their
data resides.
In case of failover, simply disable DNS to the primary region. This routes all traffic to the secondary region.
Even in this model, there are some variations. For example, the following diagram shows a model where the
primary region owns the master copy of the database. The cloud services in both regions write to that primary
database. The secondary deployment can read from the primary or replicated database. Replication in this example
happens one way.

There is a downside to the active-active architecture in the preceding diagram. The second region must access the
database in the first region because the master copy resides there. Performance significantly drops off when you
access data from outside a region. In cross-region database calls, you should consider some type of batching
strategy to improve the performance of these calls. For more information, see How to use batching to improve SQL
Database application performance.
An alternative architecture might involve each region accessing its own database directly. In that model, some type
of bidirectional replication is required to synchronize the databases in each region.
In the active-active pattern, you might not need as many instances on the primary region as you would in the
active-passive pattern. If you have 10 instances on the primary region in an active-passive architecture, you might
need only 5 in each region in an active-active architecture. Both regions now share the load. This might be a cost
savings over the active-passive pattern if you keep a warm standby on the passive region with 10 instances waiting
for failover.
Realize that until you restore the primary region, the secondary region might receive a sudden surge of new users.
If there are 10,000 users on each server when the primary region experiences a service disruption, the secondary
region suddenly has to handle 20,000 users. Monitoring rules on the secondary region must detect this increase
and double the instances in the secondary region. For more information on this, see the section on failure

Hybrid on-premises and cloud solution

One additional strategy for disaster recovery is to architect a hybrid application that runs on-premises and in the
cloud. Depending on the application, the primary region might be either location. Consider the previous
architectures and imagine the primary or secondary region as an on-premises location.
There are some challenges in these hybrid architectures. First, most of this article has addressed PaaS architecture
patterns. Typical PaaS applications in Azure rely on Azure-specific constructs such as roles, cloud services, and
Traffic Manager. To create an on-premises solution for this type of PaaS application would require a significantly
different architecture. This might not be feasible from a management or cost perspective.
However, a hybrid solution for disaster recovery has fewer challenges for traditional architectures that have simply
moved to the cloud. This is true of architectures that use IaaS. IaaS applications use virtual machines in the cloud
that can have direct on-premises equivalents. You can also use virtual networks to connect machines in the cloud
with on-premises network resources. This opens up several possibilities that are not possible with PaaS-only
applications. For example, SQL Server can take advantage of disaster recovery solutions such as AlwaysOn
Availability Groups and database mirroring. For details, see High availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server
in Azure virtual machines.
IaaS solutions also provide an easier path for on-premises applications to use Azure as the failover option. You
might have a fully functioning application in an existing on-premises region. However, what if you lack the
resources to maintain a geographically separate region for failover? You might decide to use virtual machines and
virtual networks to get your application running in Azure. In that case, define processes that synchronize data to the
cloud. The Azure deployment then becomes the secondary region to use for failover. The primary region remains
the on-premises application. For more information about IaaS architectures and capabilities, see the Virtual
Machines documentation.

Alternative cloud
There are situations where even the robustness of the Microsoft Cloud might not meet internal compliance rules or
policies that your organization requires. Even the best preparation and design to implement backup systems during
a disaster fall short if there's a global service disruption of a cloud service provider.
Youll want to compare availability requirements with the cost and complexity of increased availability. Perform a
risk analysis, and define the RTO and RPO for your solution. If your application cannot tolerate any downtime, it
might make sense for you to consider using another cloud solution. Unless the entire Internet goes down, another
cloud solution might still be available if Azure becomes globally inaccessible.
As with the hybrid scenario, the failover deployments in the previous disaster recovery architectures can also exist
within another cloud solution. Alternative cloud DR sites should be used only for solutions whose RTO allows very
little, if any, downtime. Note that a solution that uses a DR site outside Azure will require more work to configure,
develop, deploy, and maintain. It's also more difficult to implement best practices in a cross-cloud architecture.
Although cloud platforms have similar high-level concepts, the APIs and architectures are different.
If you decide to split your DR among different platforms, it would make sense to architect abstraction layers in the
design of the solution. If you do this, you wont need to develop and maintain two different versions of the same
application for different cloud platforms in case of disaster. As with the hybrid scenario, the use of Azure Virtual
Machines or Azure Container Service might be easier in these cases than the use of cloud-specific PaaS designs.

Some of the patterns that we just discussed require quick activation of offline deployments as well as restoration of
specific parts of a system. Automation, or scripting, supports the ability to activate resources on demand and
deploy solutions rapidly. In this article, DR-related automation is equated with Azure PowerShell, but the Service
Management REST API is also an option.
Developing scripts helps to manage the parts of DR that Azure does not transparently handle. This has the benefit
of producing consistent results each time, which minimizes the chance of human error. Having predefined DR
scripts also reduces the time to rebuild a system and its constituent parts in the midst of a disaster. You dont want
to try to manually figure out how to restore your site while it's down and losing money every minute.
After you create the scripts, test them repeatedly from start to finish. After you verify their basic functionality, make
sure that you test them in disaster simulation. This helps uncover flaws in the scripts or processes.
A best practice with automation is to create a repository of PowerShell scripts or command-line interface (CLI)
scripts for Azure disaster recovery. Clearly mark and categorize them for easy lookup. Designate one person to
manage the repository and versioning of the scripts. Document them well with explanations of parameters and
examples of script use. Also ensure that you keep this documentation in sync with your Azure deployments. This
underscores the purpose of having one person in charge of all parts of the repository.

Failure detection
To correctly handle problems with availability and disaster recovery, you must be able to detect and diagnose
failures. You should do advanced server and deployment monitoring so you can quickly know when a system or its
parts are suddenly down. Monitoring tools that look at the overall health of the cloud service and its dependencies
can perform part of this work. One Microsoft tool is System Center 2016. Third-party tools can also provide
monitoring capabilities. Most monitoring solutions track key performance counters and service availability.
Although these tools are vital, they do not replace the need to plan for fault detection and reporting within a cloud
service. You must plan to properly use Azure Diagnostics. Custom performance counters or event-log entries can
also be part of the overall strategy. This provides more data during failures to quickly diagnose the problem and
restore full capabilities. It also provides additional metrics that the monitoring tools can use to determine
application health. For more information, see Enabling Azure Diagnostics in Azure Cloud Services. For a discussion
of how to plan for an overall health model, see Failsafe: Guidance for Resilient Cloud Architectures.

Disaster simulation
Simulation testing involves creating small real-life situations on the work floor to observe how the team members
react. Simulations also show how effective the solutions are in the recovery plan. Carry out simulations in such a
way that the created scenarios don't disrupt actual business while still feeling like real situations.
Consider architecting a type of switchboard in the application to manually simulate availability issues. For
instance, through a soft switch, trigger database access exceptions for an ordering module by causing it to
malfunction. You can take similar lightweight approaches for other modules at the network interface level.
The simulation highlights any issues that were inadequately addressed. The simulated scenarios must be
completely controllable. This means that, even if the recovery plan seems to be failing, you can restore the situation
back to normal without causing any significant damage. Its also important that you inform higher-level
management about when and how the simulation exercises will be executed. This plan should include information
on the time or resources that might become unproductive while the simulation test is running. When you're
subjecting your disaster recovery plan to a test, it's also important to define how success will be measured.
There are several other techniques that you can use to test disaster recovery plans. However, most of them are
simply altered versions of these basic techniques. The main motive behind this testing is to evaluate how feasible
and how workable the recovery plan is. Disaster recovery testing focuses on the details to discover holes in the
basic recovery plan.

Next steps
This article is part of a series of articles focused on disaster recovery and high availability for applications built on
Microsoft Azure. The previous article in this series is High availability for applications built on Microsoft Azure.
Disaster recovery and high availability for
applications built on Microsoft Azure
1/17/2017 12 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article focuses on high availability for applications running in Azure. An overall strategy for high availability
also includes the aspect of disaster recovery. Planning for failures and disasters in the cloud requires you to
recognize the failures quickly. You then implement a strategy that matches your tolerance for the applications
downtime. Additionally, you have to consider the extent of data loss the application can tolerate without causing
adverse business consequences as it is restored.
Most companies say they are prepared for temporary and large-scale failures. However, before you answer that
question for yourself, does your company rehearse these failures? Do you test the recovery of databases to ensure
you have the correct processes in place? Probably not. Thats because successful disaster recovery starts with lots
of planning and architecting to implement these processes. Just like many other non-functional requirements, such
as security, disaster recovery rarely gets the up-front analysis and time allocation it requires. Also, most companies
dont have the budget for geographically distributed regions with redundant capacity. Consequently, even mission
critical applications are frequently excluded from proper disaster recovery planning.
Cloud platforms, such as Azure, provide geographically dispersed regions around the world. These platforms also
provide capabilities that support availability and a variety of disaster recovery scenarios. Now, every mission critical
cloud application can be given due consideration for disaster proofing of the system. Azure has resiliency and
disaster recovery built in to many of its services. You must study these platform features carefully, and supplement
with application strategies.
This article outlines the necessary architecture steps you must take to disaster-proof an Azure deployment. Then
you can implement the larger business continuity process. A business continuity plan is a roadmap for continuing
operations under adverse conditions. This could be a failure with technology, such as a downed service, or a natural
disaster, such as a storm or power outage. Application resiliency for disasters is only a subset of the larger disaster
recovery process, as described in this NIST document: Contingency Planning Guide for Information Technology
The following sections define different levels of failures, techniques to deal with them, and architectures that
support these techniques. This information provides input to your disaster recovery processes and procedures, to
ensure your disaster recovery strategy works correctly and efficiently.

Characteristics of resilient cloud applications

A well architected application can withstand capability failures at a tactical level, and it can also tolerate strategic
system-wide failures at the region level. The following sections define the terminology referenced throughout the
document to describe various aspects of resilient cloud services.
High availability
A highly available cloud application implements strategies to absorb the outage of dependencies, like the managed
services offered by the cloud platform. Despite possible failures of the cloud platforms capabilities, this approach
permits the application to continue to exhibit the expected functional and non-functional systemic characteristics.
This is covered in-depth in the Channel 9 video series, Failsafe: Guidance for Resilient Cloud Architectures.
When you implement the application, you must consider the probability of a capability outage. Additionally,
consider the impact an outage will have on the application from the business perspective, before diving deep into
the implementation strategies. Without due consideration to the business impact and the probability of hitting the
risk condition, the implementation can be expensive and potentially unnecessary.
Consider an automotive analogy for high availability. Even quality parts and superior engineering does not prevent
occasional failures. For example, when your car gets a flat tire, the car still runs, but it is operating with degraded
functionality. If you planned for this potential occurrence, you can use one of those thin-rimmed spare tires until
you reach a repair shop. Although the spare tire does not permit fast speeds, you can still operate the vehicle until
you replace the tire. Similarly, a cloud service that plans for potential loss of capabilities can prevent a relatively
minor problem from bringing down the entire application. This is true even if the cloud service must run with
degraded functionality.
There are a few key characteristics of highly available cloud services: availability, scalability, and fault tolerance.
Although these characteristics are interrelated, it is important to understand each, and how they contribute to the
overall availability of the solution.
An available application considers the availability of its underlying infrastructure and dependent services. Available
applications remove single points of failure through redundancy and resilient design. When you broaden the scope
to consider availability in Azure, it is important to understand the concept of the effective availability of the
platform. Effective availability considers the Service Level Agreements (SLA) of each dependent service, and their
cumulative effect on the total system availability.
System availability is the measure of the percentage of a time window the system will be able to operate. For
example, the availability SLA of at least two instances of a web or worker role in Azure is 99.95 percent (out of 100
percent). It does not measure the performance or functionality of the services running on those roles. However, the
effective availability of your cloud service is also affected by the various SLAs of the other dependent services. The
more moving parts within the system, the more care you must take to ensure the application can resiliently meet
the availability requirements of its end users.
Consider the following SLAs for an Azure service that uses Azure services: Compute, Azure SQL Database, and
Azure Storage.



Compute 99.95% 21.6 minutes

SQL Database 99.99% 4.3 minutes

Storage 99.90% 43.2 minutes

You must plan for all services to potentially go down at different times. In this simplified example, the total number
of minutes per month that the application could be down is 108 minutes. A 30-day month has a total of 43,200
minutes. 108 minutes is .25 percent of the total number of minutes in a 30-day month (43,200 minutes). This gives
you an effective availability of 99.75 percent for the cloud service.
However, using availability techniques described in this paper can improve this. For example, if you design your
application to continue running when the SQL Database is unavailable, you can remove that from the equation.
This might mean that the application runs with reduced capabilities, so there are also business requirements to
consider. For a complete list of Azure SLAs, see Service Level Agreements.
Scalability directly affects availability. An application that fails under increased load is no longer available. Scalable
applications are able to meet increased demand with consistent results, in acceptable time windows. When a
system is scalable, it scales horizontally or vertically to manage increases in load while maintaining consistent
performance. In basic terms, horizontal scaling adds more machines of the same size (processor, memory, and
bandwidth), while vertical scaling increases the size of the existing machines. For Azure, you have vertical scaling
options for selecting various machine sizes for compute. However, changing the machine size requires a re-
deployment. Therefore, the most flexible solutions are designed for horizontal scaling. This is especially true for
compute, because you can easily increase the number of running instances of any web or worker role. These
additional instances handle increased traffic through the Azure Web portal, PowerShell scripts, or code. Base this
decision on increases in specific monitored metrics. In this scenario, user performance or metrics do not suffer a
noticeable drop under load. Typically, the web and worker roles store any state externally. This allows for flexible
load balancing and graceful handling of any changes to instance counts. Horizontal scaling also works well with
services, such as Azure Storage, which do not provide tiered options for vertical scaling.
Cloud deployments should be seen as a collection of scale-units. This allows the application to be elastic in
servicing the throughput needs of end users. The scale units are easier to visualize at the web and application
server level. This is because Azure already provides stateless compute nodes through web and worker roles.
Adding more compute scale-units to the deployment will not cause any application state management side effects,
because compute scale-units are stateless. A storage scale-unit is responsible for managing a partition of data
(structured or unstructured). Examples of storage scale-units include Azure Table partition, Azure Blob container,
and Azure SQL Database. Even the usage of multiple Azure Storage accounts has a direct impact on the application
scalability. You must design a highly scalable cloud service to incorporate multiple storage scale-units. For instance,
if an application uses relational data, partition the data across several SQL databases. Doing so allows the storage
to keep up with the elastic compute scale-unit model. Similarly, Azure Storage allows data partitioning schemes
that require deliberate designs to meet the throughput needs of the compute layer. For a list of best practices for
designing scalable cloud services, see Best Practices for the Design of Large-Scale Services on Azure Cloud
Fault tolerance
Applications should assume that every dependent cloud capability can and will go down at some point in time. A
fault tolerant application detects and maneuvers around failed elements, to continue and return the correct results
within a specific timeframe. For transient error conditions, a fault tolerant system will employ a retry policy. For
more serious faults, the application can detect problems and fail over to alternative hardware or contingency plans
until the failure is corrected. A reliable application can properly manage the failure of one or more parts, and
continue operating properly. Fault tolerant applications can use one or more design strategies, such as redundancy,
replication, or degraded functionality.

Disaster recovery
A cloud deployment might cease to function due to a systemic outage of the dependent services or the underlying
infrastructure. Under such conditions, a business continuity plan triggers the disaster recovery process. This
process typically involves both operations personnel and automated procedures in order to reactivate the
application in an available region. This requires the transfer of application users, data, and services to the new
region. It also involves the use of backup media or ongoing replication.
Consider the previous analogy that compared high availability to the ability to recover from a flat tire through the
use of a spare. In contrast, disaster recovery involves the steps taken after a car crash, where the car is no longer
operational. In that case, the best solution is to find an efficient way to change cars, by calling a travel service or a
friend. In this scenario, there is likely going to be a longer delay in getting back on the road. There is also more
complexity in repairing and returning to the original vehicle. In the same way, disaster recovery to another region is
a complex task that typically involves some downtime and potential loss of data. To better understand and evaluate
disaster recovery strategies, it is important to define two terms: recovery time objective (RTO) and recovery point
objective (RPO).
Recovery time objective
The RTO is the maximum amount of time allocated for restoring application functionality. This is based on business
requirements, and it is related to the importance of the application. Critical business applications require a low RTO.
Recovery point objective
The RPO is the acceptable time window of lost data due to the recovery process. For example, if the RPO is one
hour, you must completely back up or replicate the data at least every hour. Once you bring up the application in
an alternate region, the backup data may be missing up to an hour of data. Like RTO, critical applications target a
much smaller RPO.

Lets summarize the key points that have been covered in this article (and its related articles on high availability
and disaster recovery for Azure applications). This summary will act as a checklist of items you should consider for
your own availability and disaster recovery planning. These are best practices that have been useful for customers
seeking to get serious about implementing a successful solution.
1. Conduct a risk assessment for each application, because each can have different requirements. Some
applications are more critical than others and would justify the extra cost to architect them for disaster recovery.
2. Use this information to define the RTO and RPO for each application.
3. Design for failure, starting with the application architecture.
4. Implement best practices for high availability, while balancing cost, complexity, and risk.
5. Implement disaster recovery plans and processes.
Consider failures that span the module level all the way to a complete cloud outage.
Establish backup strategies for all reference and transactional data.
Choose a multi-site disaster recovery architecture.
6. Define a specific owner for disaster recovery processes, automation, and testing. The owner should manage and
own the entire process.
7. Document the processes so they are easily repeatable. Although there is one owner, multiple people should be
able to understand and follow the processes in an emergency.
8. Train the staff to implement the process.
9. Use regular disaster simulations for both training and validation of the process.

When hardware or applications fail within Azure, the techniques and strategies for managing them are different
than when failure occurs on on-premises systems. The main reason for this is that cloud solutions typically have
more dependencies on infrastructure that is distributed across an Azure region, and managed as separate services.
You must deal with partial failures using high availability techniques. To manage more severe failures, possibly due
to a disaster event, use disaster recovery strategies.
Azure detects and handles many failures, but there are many types of failures that require application-specific
strategies. You must actively prepare for and manage the failures of applications, services, and data.
When creating your applications availability and disaster recovery plan, consider the business consequences of the
applications failure. Defining the processes, policies, and procedures to restore critical systems after a catastrophic
event takes time, planning, and commitment. And once you establish the plans, you cannot stop there. You must
regularly analyze, test, and continually improve the plans based on your application portfolio, business needs, and
the technologies available to you. Azure provides new capabilities and raises new challenges to creating robust
applications that withstand failures.

Additional resources
High availability for applications built on Microsoft Azure
Disaster recovery for applications built on Microsoft Azure
Azure resiliency technical guidance
Overview: Cloud business continuity and database disaster recovery with SQL Database
High availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines
Failsafe: Guidance for resilient cloud architectures
Best Practices for the design of large-scale services on Azure Cloud Services

Next steps
This article is part of a series of articles focused on disaster recovery and high availability for Azure applications.
The next article in this series is High availability for applications built on Microsoft Azure.
High availability for applications built on Microsoft
1/17/2017 13 min to read Edit on GitHub

A highly available application absorbs fluctuations in availability, load, and temporary failures in the dependent
services and hardware. The application continues to operate at an acceptable user and systemic response level, as
defined by business requirements or application service-level agreements (SLAs).

Azure high-availability features

Azure has many built-in platform features that support highly available applications. This section describes some
of those key features. For a more comprehensive analysis of the platform, see Azure resiliency technical guidance.
Fabric controller
The Azure fabric controller provisions and monitors the condition of the Azure compute instances. The fabric
controller checks the status of the hardware and software of the host and guest machine instances. When it
detects a failure, it enforces SLAs by automatically relocating the VM instances. The concept of fault and upgrade
domains further supports the compute SLA.
When multiple Cloud Service role instances are deployed, Azure deploys these instances to different fault
domains. A fault domain boundary is basically a different hardware rack in the same region. Fault domains reduce
the probability that a localized hardware failure will interrupt the service of an application. You cannot manage the
number of fault domains that are allocated to your worker or web roles. The fabric controller uses dedicated
resources that are separate from Azure-hosted applications. It has 100 percent uptime because it serves as the
nucleus of the Azure system. It monitors and manages role instances across fault domains.
The following diagram shows Azure shared resources that the fabric controller deploys and manages across
different fault domains.

Upgrade domains are similar to fault domains in function, but they support upgrades rather than failures. An
upgrade domain is a logical unit of instance separation that determines which instances in a particular service will
be upgraded at a point in time. By default, for your hosted service deployment, five upgrade domains are defined.
However, you can change that value in the service definition file. For example, assume that you have eight
instances of your web role. There will be two instances in three upgrade domains and two instances in one
upgrade domain. Azure defines the update sequence, but it's based on the number of upgrade domains. For more
information on upgrade domains, see Update a cloud service.
Features in other services
In addition to the platform features that support high compute availability, Azure embeds high-availability
features into its other services. For example, Azure Storage maintains three replicas of all blob, table, and queue
data. It also allows the option of geo-replication to store backups of blobs and tables in a secondary region. The
Azure Content Delivery Network allows blobs to be cached around the world for both redundancy and scalability.
Azure SQL Database maintains multiple replicas as well.
In addition to the Resiliency technical guidance series of articles, see the Best Practices for the Design of Large-
Scale Services on Azure Cloud Services paper. These papers provide a deeper discussion of the Azure platform
availability features.
Although Azure provides multiple features that support high availability, it's important to understand their
For compute, Azure guarantees that your roles are available and running, but it does not know if your
application is running or overloaded.
For Azure SQL Database, data is replicated synchronously within the region. You can choose active geo-
replication, which allows up to four additional database copies in the same region (or different regions). These
database replicas are not point-in-time backups. SQL databases do provide point-in-time backup capabilities.
To learn more about SQL Database point-in-time capabilities, read Azure SQL Database Point in Time Restore.
For Azure Storage, table and blob data is replicated by default to an alternate region. However, you cannot
access the replicas until Microsoft chooses to fail over to the alternate site. A region failover occurs only in the
case of a prolonged region-wide service disruption, and there is no SLA for geo-failover time. It's also
important to note that any data corruption quickly spreads to the replicas.
For these reasons, you must supplement the platform availability features with application-specific availability
features. Application-specific availability features include the blob snapshot feature to create point-in-time
backups of blob data.
Availability sets for Azure Virtual Machines
The majority of this article focuses on cloud services, which use a platform as a service (PaaS) model. However,
there are also specific availability features for Azure Virtual Machines, which uses an infrastructure as a service
(IaaS) model. To achieve high availability with Virtual Machines, you must use availability sets. An availability set
serves a similar function to fault and upgrade domains. Within an availability set, Azure positions the virtual
machines in a way that prevents localized hardware faults and maintenance activities from bringing down all of
the machines in that group. Availability sets are required to achieve the Azure SLA for the availability of Virtual
The following diagram provides a representation of two availability sets that group web and SQL Server virtual
machines, respectively.
In the preceding diagram, SQL Server is installed and running on virtual machines. This is different from the previous
discussion of Azure SQL Database, which provides a database as a managed service.

Application strategies for high availability

Most application strategies for high availability involve either redundancy or the removal of hard dependencies
between application components. Application design should support fault tolerance during sporadic downtime of
Azure or third-party services. The following sections describe application patterns for increasing the availability of
your cloud services.
Asynchronous communication and durable queues
Consider asynchronous communication between loosely coupled services to increase availability in Azure
applications. In this pattern, write messages to either storage queues or Azure Service Bus queues for later
processing. When you write the message to the queue, control immediately returns to the sender of the message.
Another tier of the application handles the message processing, typically implemented as a worker role. If the
worker role goes down, the messages accumulate in the queue until the processing service is restored. As long as
the queue is available, there is no direct dependency between the front-end sender and the message processor.
This eliminates the requirement for synchronous service calls that can be a throughput bottleneck in distributed
A variation of this uses Azure Storage (blobs, tables, queues) or Service Bus queues as a failover location for failed
database calls. For example, a synchronous call within an application to another service (such as Azure SQL
Database) fails repeatedly. You might be able to serialize that data into durable storage. At some later point when
the service or database is back online, the application can re-submit the request from storage. The difference in
this model is that the intermediate location is not a constant part of the application workflow. It is used only in
failure scenarios.
In both scenarios, asynchronous communication and intermediate storage prevent a downed back-end service
from bringing down the entire application. Queues serve as a logical intermediary. For more guidance on
choosing the correct queuing service, see Azure queues and Azure Service Bus queues--compared and contrasted.
Fault detection and retry logic
A key point in highly available application design is to use retry logic within code to gracefully handle a service
that is temporarily down. The Transient Fault Handling Application Block, developed by the Microsoft Patterns and
Practices team, assists application developers in this process. The word transient means a temporary condition
that lasts only for a relatively short time. In the context of this article, handling transient failures is part of
developing a highly available application. Examples of transient conditions include intermittent network errors and
lost database connections.
The Transient Fault Handling Application Block is a simplified way for you to handle failures within your code in a
graceful manner. You can use it to improve the availability of your applications by adding robust transient fault-
handling logic. In most cases, retry logic handles the brief interruption and reconnects the sender and receiver
after one or more failed attempts. A successful retry attempt typically goes unnoticed to application users.
Developers have three options for managing their retry logic: incremental, fixed interval, and exponential.
Incremental waits longer before each retry in an increasing linear fashion (for example, 1, 2, 3, and 4 seconds).
Fixed interval waits the same amount of time between each retry (for example, 2 seconds). For a more random
option, the exponential back-off waits longer between retries. However, it uses exponential behavior (for example,
2, 4, 8, and 16 seconds).
The high-level strategy within your code is:
1. Define your retry strategy and policy.
2. Try the operation that might result in a transient fault.
3. If transient fault occurs, invoke the retry policy.
4. If all retries fail, catch a final exception.
Test your retry logic in simulated failures to ensure that retries on successive operations do not result in an
unanticipated lengthy delay. Do this before deciding to fail the overall task.
Reference data pattern for high availability
Reference data is the read-only data of an application. This data provides the business context within which the
application generates transactional data during the course of a business operation. Transactional data is a point-
in-time function of the reference data. Therefore, its integrity depends on the snapshot of the reference data at the
time of the transaction. This is a somewhat loose definition, but it should suffice for our purpose here.
Reference data in the context of an application is necessary for the functioning of the application. The respective
applications create and maintain reference data; master data management (MDM) systems often perform this
function. These systems are responsible for the life cycle of the reference data. Examples of reference data include
product catalog, employee master, parts master, and equipment master. Reference data can also originate from
outside the organization, for example, postal codes or tax rates. Strategies for increasing the availability of
reference data are typically less difficult than those for transactional data. Reference data has the advantage of
being mostly immutable.
You can make Azure web and worker roles that consume reference data autonomous at runtime by deploying the
reference data along with the application. If the size of the local storage allows such a deployment, this is an ideal
state. Embedded databases (SQL, NoSQL) or XML files deployed to a local file system will help with the autonomy
of Azure compute scale units. However, you should have a mechanism to update the data in each role without
requiring redeployment. To do this, place any updates to the reference data to a cloud storage endpoint (for
example, Azure Blob storage or SQL Database). Add code to each role that downloads the data updates into the
compute nodes at role startup. Alternatively, add code that allows an administrator to perform a forced download
into the role instances.
To increase availability, the roles should also contain a set of reference data in case storage is down. This enables
the roles to start with a basic set of reference data until the storage resource becomes available for the updates.

One consideration for this pattern is the deployment and startup speed for your roles. If you are deploying or
downloading large amounts of reference data on startup, this can increase the amount of time it takes to spin up
new deployments or role instances. This might be an acceptable tradeoff for the autonomy of having the reference
data immediately available on each role rather than depending on external storage services.
Transactional data pattern for high availability
Transactional data is the data that the application generates in a business context. Transactional data is a
combination of the set of business processes that the application implements and the reference data that supports
these processes. Examples of transactional data can include orders, advanced shipping notices, invoices, and
customer relationship management (CRM) opportunities. The transactional data thus generated will be fed to
external systems for record keeping or for further processing.
Keep in mind that reference data can change within the systems that are responsible for this data. For this reason,
transactional data must save the point-in-time reference data context so that it has minimal external dependencies
for its semantic consistency. For example, consider the removal of a product from the catalog a few months after
an order is fulfilled. The best practice is to embed as much reference data context as feasible into the transaction.
This preserves the semantics associated with the transaction, even if the reference data changes after the
transaction is captured.
As mentioned previously, architectures that use loose coupling and asynchronous communication lend
themselves to higher levels of availability. This holds true for transactional data as well, but the implementation is
more complex. Traditional transactional notions typically rely on the database for guaranteeing the transaction.
When you introduce intermediate layers, the application code must correctly handle the data at various layers to
ensure sufficient consistency and durability.
The following sequence describes a workflow that separates the capture of transactional data from its processing:
1. Web compute node: Present reference data.
2. External storage: Save intermediate transactional data.
3. Web compute node: Complete the end-user transaction.
4. Web compute node: Send the completed transactional data, along with the reference data context, to
temporary durable storage that is guaranteed to give a predictable response.
5. Web compute node: Signal the end-user completion of the transaction.
6. Background compute node: Extract the transactional data, post-process it if necessary, and send it to its final
storage location in the current system.
The following diagram shows one possible implementation of this design in an Azure-hosted cloud service.

The dashed arrows in the preceding diagram indicate asynchronous processing. The front-end web role is not
aware of this asynchronous processing. This leads to the storage of the transaction at its final destination with
reference to the current system. Due to the latency that this asynchronous model introduces, the transactional
data is not immediately available for query. Therefore, each unit of the transactional data needs to be saved in a
cache or a user session to meet the immediate UI needs.
The web role is autonomous from the rest of the infrastructure. Its availability profile is a combination of the web
role and the Azure queue and not the entire infrastructure. In addition to high availability, this approach allows the
web role to scale horizontally, independently of the back-end storage. This high-availability model can have an
impact on the economics of operations. Additional components like Azure queues and worker roles can affect
monthly usage costs.
Note that the previous diagram shows one implementation of this decoupled approach to transactional data.
There are many other possible implementations. The following list provides some alternatives:
A worker role might be placed between the web role and the storage queue.
A Service Bus queue can be used instead of an Azure Storage queue.
The final destination might be Azure Storage or a different database provider.
Azure Cache can be used at the web layer to provide the immediate caching requirements after the transaction.
Scalability patterns
It's important to note that the scalability of the cloud service directly affects availability. If increased load causes
your service to be unresponsive, the user impression is that the application is down. Follow best practices for
scalability based on your expected application load and future expectations. The highest scale involves many
considerations, such as the use of single versus multiple storage accounts, sharing across multiple databases, and
caching strategies. For an in-depth look at these patterns, see Best Practices for the Design of Large-Scale Services
on Azure Cloud Services.

Next steps
This article is part of a series of articles focused on disaster recovery and high availability for applications built on
Microsoft Azure. The next article in this series is Disaster recovery for applications built on Microsoft Azure.
High availability checklist
1/17/2017 10 min to read Edit on GitHub

One of the great benefits of using Azure is the ability to increase the availability (and scalability) of your
applications with the help of the cloud. To make sure you are making the most of those options, the checklist below
is meant to help you with some of the key infrastructure basics to ensuring that your applications are resilient.

Most of the suggestions below are things that can be implemented at any time in your application and thus are great for
"quick fixes". The best long-term solution often involves an application design that is built for the cloud. For a checklist on
these (more design oriented areas, please read our Availability checklist.

Are you using Traffic Manager in front of your resources?

Using Traffic Manager helps you route internet traffic across Azure regions, or Azure and on-premises locations.
You can do this for a number of reasons including latency and availability. If you would like to find out more
information on how to use Traffic Manager to increase your resiliency and spread your traffic to multiple regions,
read Running VMs in multiple datacenters on Azure for high availability.
What happens if you don't use Traffic Manager? If you aren't using Traffic Manager in front of your
application, you are limited to a single region for your resources. This limits your scale, increases latency to users
that are not close to your chosen region, and lowers your protection in the case of a region-wide service disruption.
Have you avoided using a single virtual machine for any role?
Good design avoids any single point of failure. This is important in all service design (on-premises or in the cloud)
but is especially useful in the cloud as you can increase scalability and resiliency though scaling out (adding virtual
machines) instead of scaling up (using a more powerful virtual machine). If you would like to find out more
information on scalable application design, read High availability for applications built on Microsoft Azure.
What happens if you have a single virtual machine for a role? A single machine is a single point of failure and
is not available for the Azure Virtual Machine Service Level Agreement. In the best cases, your application will run
just fine but this is not a resilient design, is not covered by the Azure Virtual Machine SLA, and any single point of
failure increases the chance of downtime if something fails.
Are you using a load balancer in front of your application's internet-facing VMs?
Load balancers allow you to spread the incoming traffic to your application across an arbitrary number of
machines. You can add/remove machines from your load balancer at any time, which works well with Virtual
Machines (and also with auto-scaling with Virtual Machine Scale Sets) to allow you to easily handle increases in
traffic or VM failures. If you want to know more about load balancers, please read the Azure Load Balancer
overview and Running multiple VMs on Azure for scalability and availability.
What happens if you are not using a load balancer in front of your internet-facing VMs? Without a load
balancer you will not be able to scale out (add more virtual machines) and your only option will be to scale up
(increase the size of your web-facing virtual machine). You will also face a single point of failure with that virtual
machine. You will also need to write DNS code to notice if you have lost an internet-facing machine and re-map
your DNS entry to the new machine you start to take its place.
Are you using availability sets for your stateless application and web servers?
Putting your machines in the same application tier in an availability set makes your VMs eligible for the Azure VM
SLA. Being part of an availability set also ensures that your machines are put into different update domains (i.e.
different host machines that are patched at different times) and fault domains (i.e. host machines that share a
common power source and network switch). Without being in an availability set, your VMs could be located on the
same host machine and thus there might be a single point of failure that is not visible to you. If you would like to
find out more information about increasing the availability of your VMs using availability sets, please read Manage
the availability of virtual machines.
What happens if you don't use an availability set with your stateless applications and web servers? Not
using an availability set means that you aren't able to take advantage of the Azure VM SLA. It also means that
machines in that layer of your application could all go offline if there is an update on the host machine (the machine
that hosts the VMs you are using), or a common hardware failure.
Are you using Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS ) for your stateless application or web servers?
A good scalable and resilient design uses VMSS to make sure that you can grow/shrink the number of machines in
a tier of your application (such as your web tier). VMSS allows you to define how your application tier scales
(adding or removing servers based on criteria you choose). If you would like to find out more information on how
to use Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets to increase your resiliency to traffic spikes, read Virtual Machine Scale Sets
What happens if you don't us a Virtual Machine Scale Set with my stateless application of web server?
Without a VMSS, you limit your ability to scale without limits and to optimize your use of resources. A design that
lacks VMSS has an upper scaling limit that will have to be handled with additional code (or manually). This lack of a
VMSS also means that your application can not easily add and remove machines (regardless of scale) to help you
handle large spikes of traffic (such as during a promotion or if your site/app/product goes viral).
Are you using premium storage and separate storage accounts for each of your virtual machines?
It is a best practice to use premium storage for your production virtual machines. In addition, you should make sure
that you use a separate storage account for each virtual machine (this is true for small-scale deployments. For
larger deployments you can re-use storage accounts for multiple machines but there is a balancing that needs to be
done to ensure you are balanced across update domains and across tiers of your application). If you would like to
find out more information on Azure Storage performance and scalability, read Microsoft Azure Storage
Performance and Scalability Checklist.
What happens if you don't use separate storage accounts for each virtual machine? A storage account, like
many other resources is a single point of failure. Although there are many protections and resiliency features of
Azure Storage, a single point of failure is never a good design. For instance, if access rights get corrupted to that
account, a storage limit is hit, or an IOPS limit is reached, all virtual machines using that storage account are
impacted. Additionally, if there is a service disruption that impacts a storage stamp that includes that particular
storage account you could have multiple virtual machines impacted.
Are you using a load balancer or a queue between each tier of your application?
Using load balancers or queues between each tier of your application enables you to scale each tier of your
application easily and independently. You should choose between these technologies based on your latency,
complexity, and distribution (i.e. how widely you are distributing your app) needs. In general, queues tend to have
higher latency and add complexity but benefit you at being more resilient and allowing you to distribute your
application over larger areas (such as across regions). If you would like to find out more information on how to use
internal load balancers or queues, please read Internal Load balancer Overview and Azure Queues and Service Bus
queues - compared and contrasted.
What happens if you don't use a load balancer or queue between each tier of your application? Without a
load balancer, or queue, between each tier of your application it is difficult to scale your application up or down and
distribute its load across multiple machines. Not doing this can lead to over, or under provisioning your resources
and a risk of downtime, or poor user experience, if you have unexpected changes in traffic or system failures.
Are your SQL Databases using active geo -replication?
Active Geo-Replication enables you to configure up to 4 readable secondary databases in the same, or different,
regions. Secondary databases are available in the case of a service disruption or the inability to connect to the
primary database. If you want to know more about SQL Database active geo-replication, please read Overview: SQL
Database Active Geo-Replication.
What happens if you don't use active geo-replication with your SQL databases? Without active geo-
replication, if your primary database ever goes offline (planned maintenance, service disruption, hardware failure,
etc.) your application database will be offline until you can bring your primary database back online in a healthy
Are you using a cache (Azure Redis Cache ) in front of your databases?
If your application has a high database load where most of the database calls are reads, you can increase the speed
of your application and decrease the load on your database by implementing a caching layer in front of your
database to offload these read operations. You can increase the speed of your application and decrease your
database load (thus increasing the scale it can handle) by placing a caching layer in front of your database. If you
would like to learn more about the Azure Redis cache, please read Caching guidance.
What happens if you don't use a cache in front of your database? If your database machine is powerful
enough to handle the traffic load you put on it then your application will respond as normal, though this may mean
that at lower load you will be paying for a database machine that is more expensive than necessary. If your
database machine is not powerful enough to handle your load then you will start to experience poor user
experience with your application (latency, timeouts, and possibly service downtime).
Have you contacted Microsoft Azure Support if you are expecting a high scale event?
Azure support can help you increase your service limits to deal with planned high traffic events (like new product
launches or special holidays). Azure Support may also be able to help you connect with experts who can help you
review your design with your account team and help you find the best solution to meet your high scale event
needs. If you would like to find out more information on how to contact Azure support, please read the Azure
Support FAQs.
What happens if you don't contact Azure Support for a high-scale event? If you dont communicate, or plan
for, a high traffic event, you risk hitting certain Azure services limits and thus creating a poor user experience (or
worse, downtime) during your event. Architectural reviews and communicating ahead of surges can help mitigate
these risks.
Are you using a Content Delivery Network (Azure CDN ) in front of your web-facing storage blobs and static
Using a CDN helps you take load off your servers by caching your content in the CDN POP/edge locations that are
located around the world. You can do this to decrease latency, increase scalability, decrease server load, and as part
of a strategy for protection from denial of service(DOS) attacks. If you would like to find out more information on
how to use Azure CDN to increase your resiliency and decrease your customer latency, read Overview of the Azure
Content Delivery Network (CDN).
What happens if you don't use a CDN? If you aren't using a CDN then all of your customer traffic comes directly
to your resources. This means that you will see higher loads on your servers which decreases their scalability.
Additionally, your customers may experience higher latencies as CDNs offer locations around the world that are
likely closer to your customers.

Next steps:
If you would like to read more about how to design your applications for high availability, please read High
availability for applications built on Microsoft Azure.
Microsoft Azure service resiliency guidance
1/17/2017 1 min to read Edit on GitHub

Microsoft Azure is designed to provide you with the resources you need, when you need them. As part of good
design and operational practices, you should know both how to architect your use of Azure services to achieve high
availability as well as what to do if your application is impacted by a service disruption. To aid you in this process,
this document contains links to disaster recovery guidance as well as design guidance for various Azure services.

Disaster recovery guidance

The disaster recovery guidance links below are can provide you with the information you need to help you get your
application back online quickly if you are impacted by an Azure service disruption. These links were created to help
you answer the question, "I'm being impacted by an Azure service disruption, what can I do?"

Design guidance
The design guidance links below are design and architectural guidance that has been created to help you
understand how best to use each Azure service in a way that maximizes your application's uptime. These links were
created to help you answer the question "How do I make sure that a bug, hardware failure, service disruption, or
other failure won't impact the overall availability of my application?" If there is no specific guidance for the service
you are currently looking for, the High availability for applications built on Microsoft Azure article may have
additional information that can help you in your design.

Service guidance

Cloud Services link Not Available

Key Vault link Not Available

Storage link Not Available

SQL Databases link link

Virtual Machines link Not Available

Virtual Network link Not Available

Next steps
If you are looking for guidance that focuses more broadly on systems and solutions, please read Disaster recovery
and high availability for applications built on Microsoft Azure.
Azure resiliency technical guidance: recovery from
data corruption or accidental deletion
1/17/2017 4 min to read Edit on GitHub

Part of a robust business continuity plan is having a plan if your data gets corrupted or accidentally deleted. The
following is information about recovery after data has been corrupted or accidentally deleted, due to application
errors or operator error.

Virtual Machines
To protect your Azure Virtual Machines (sometimes called infrastructure-as-a-service VMs) from application errors
or accidental deletion, use Azure Backup. Azure Backup enables the creation of backups that are consistent across
multiple VM disks. In addition, the Backup Vault can be replicated across regions to provide recovery from region

Note that while Azure Storage provides data resiliency through automated replicas, this does not prevent your
application code (or developers/users) from corrupting data through accidental or unintended deletion, update, and
so on. Maintaining data fidelity in the face of application or user error requires more advanced techniques, such as
copying the data to a secondary storage location with an audit log. Developers can take advantage of the blob
snapshot capability, which can create read-only point-in-time snapshots of blob contents. This can be used as the
basis of a data-fidelity solution for Azure Storage blobs.
Blob and Table Storage Backup
While blobs and tables are highly durable, they always represent the current state of the data. Recovery from
unwanted modification or deletion of data may require restoring data to a previous state. This can be achieved by
taking advantage of the capabilities provided by Azure to store and retain point-in-time copies.
For Azure Blobs, you can perform point-in-time backups using the blob snapshot feature. For each snapshot, you
are only charged for the storage required to store the differences within the blob since the last snapshot state. The
snapshots are dependent on the existence of the original blob they are based on, so a copy operation to another
blob or even another storage account is advisable. This ensures that backup data is properly protected against
accidental deletion. For Azure Tables, you can make point-in-time copies to a different table or to Azure Blobs. More
detailed guidance and examples of performing application-level backups of tables and blobs can be found here:
Protecting Your Tables Against Application Errors
Protecting Your Blobs Against Application Errors

There are several business continuity (backup, restore) options available for Azure SQL Database. Databases can be
copied by using the Database Copy functionality, or by exporting and importing a SQL Server bacpac file. Database
Copy provides transactionally consistent results, while a bacpac (through the import/export service) does not. Both
of these options run as queue-based services within the data center, and they do not currently provide a time-to-
completion SLA.
The database copy and import/export options place a significant degree of load on the source database. They can trigger
resource contention or throttling events.

SQL Database Backup

Point-in-time backups for Microsoft Azure SQL Database are achieved by copying your Azure SQL database. You
can use this command to create a transactionally consistent copy of a database on the same logical database server
or to a different server. In either case, the database copy is fully functional and completely independent of the
source database. Each copy you create represents a point-in-time recovery option. You can recover the database
state completely by renaming the new database with the source database name. Alternatively, you can recover a
specific subset of data from the new database by using Transact-SQL queries. For additional details about SQL
Database, see Overview of business continuity with Azure SQL Database.
SQL Server on Virtual Machines Backup
For SQL Server used with Azure infrastructure as a service virtual machines (often called IaaS or IaaS VMs), there
are two options: traditional backups and log shipping. Using traditional backups enables you to restore to a specific
point in time, but the recovery process is slow. Restoring traditional backups requires starting with an initial full
backup, and then applying any backups taken after that. The second option is to configure a log shipping session to
delay the restore of log backups (for example, by two hours). This provides a window to recover from errors made
on the primary.

Other Azure platform services

Some Azure platform services store information in a user-controlled storage account or Azure SQL Database. If the
account or storage resource is deleted or corrupted, this could cause serious errors with the service. In these cases,
it is important to maintain backups that would enable you to re-create these resources if they were deleted or
For Azure Web Sites and Azure Mobile Services, you must backup and maintain the associated databases. For Azure
Media Service and Virtual Machines, you must maintain the associated Azure Storage account and all resources in
that account. For example, for Virtual Machines, you must back up and manage the VM disks in Azure blob storage.

Checklists for data corruption or accidental deletion

Virtual Machines checklist
1. Review the Virtual Machines section of this document.
2. Back up and maintain the VM disks with Azure Backup (or your own backup system by using Azure blob storage
and VHD snapshots).

Storage checklist
1. Review the Storage section of this document.
2. Regularly back up critical storage resources.
3. Consider using the snapshot feature for blobs.

Database checklist
1. Review the Database section of this document.
2. Create point-in-time backups by using the Database Copy command.
SQL Server on Virtual Machines Backup checklist
1. Review the SQL Server on Virtual Machines Backup section of this document.
2. Use traditional backup and restore techniques.
3. Create a delayed log shipping session.

Web Apps checklist

1. Back up and maintain the associated database, if any.

Media Services checklist

1. Back up and maintain the associated storage resources.

More information
For more information about backup and restore features in Azure, see Storage, backup and recovery scenarios.

Next steps
This article is part of a series focused on Azure resiliency technical guidance. If you are looking for more resiliency,
disaster recovery, and high availability resources, see the Azure resiliency technical guidance additional resources.
Azure resiliency technical guidance: Recovery from
local failures in Azure
1/17/2017 14 min to read Edit on GitHub

There are two primary threats to application availability:

The failure of devices, such as drives and servers
The exhaustion of critical resources, such as compute under peak load conditions
Azure provides a combination of resource management, elasticity, load balancing, and partitioning to enable high
availability under these circumstances. Some of these features are performed automatically for all Azure services.
However, in some cases, the application developer must do some additional work to benefit from them.

Cloud Services
Azure Cloud Services consists of collections of one or more web or worker roles. One or more instances of a role
can run concurrently. The configuration determines the number of instances. Role instances are monitored and
managed through a component called the fabric controller. The fabric controller detects and responds to both
software and hardware failures automatically.
Every role instance runs in its own virtual machine (VM) and communicates with its fabric controller through a
guest agent. The guest agent collects resource and node metrics, including VM usage, status, logs, resource usage,
exceptions, and failure conditions. The fabric controller queries the guest agent at configurable intervals, and it
restarts the VM if the guest agent fails to respond. In the event of hardware failure, the associated fabric controller
moves all affected role instances to a new hardware node and reconfigures the network to route traffic there.
To benefit from these features, developers should ensure that all service roles avoid storing state on the role
instances. Instead, all persistent data should be accessed from durable storage, such as Azure Storage or Azure SQL
Database. This allows any roles to handle requests. It also means that role instances can go down at any time
without creating inconsistencies in the transient or persistent state of the service.
The requirement to store state externally to the roles has several implications. It implies, for example, that all related
changes to an Azure Storage table should be changed in a single entity-group transaction, if possible. Of course, it
isn't always possible to make all changes in a single transaction. You must take special care to ensure that role
instance failures do not cause problems when they interrupt long-running operations that span two or more
updates to the persistent state of the service. If another role attempts to retry such an operation, it should anticipate
and handle the case where the work was partially completed.
For example, consider a service that partitions data across multiple stores. If a worker role goes down while it's
relocating a shard, the relocation of the shard might not finish. Or the relocation might be repeated from its
inception by a different worker role, potentially causing orphaned data or data corruption. To prevent problems,
long-running operations must be one or both of the following:
Idempotent: Repeatable without side effects. To be idempotent, a long-running operation should have the same
effect no matter how many times it's executed, even when it's interrupted during execution.
Incrementally restartable: Able to continue from the most recent point of failure. To be incrementally restartable,
a long-running operation should consist of a sequence of smaller atomic operations. It should also record its
progress in durable storage, so that each subsequent invocation picks up where its predecessor stopped.
Finally, all long-running operations should be invoked repeatedly until they succeed. For example, a provisioning
operation might be placed in an Azure queue, and then removed from the queue by a worker role only when it
succeeds. Garbage collection might be necessary to clean up data that interrupted operations create.
The initial number of instances running for each role is determined in each roles configuration. Administrators
should initially configure each role to run with two or more instances based on expected load. But you can easily
scale role instances up or down as usage patterns change. You can do this manually in the Azure portal, or you can
automate the process by using Windows PowerShell, the Service Management API, or third-party tools. For more
information, see How to autoscale an application.
The Azure fabric controller uses two types of partitions:
An update domain is used to upgrade a services role instances in groups. Azure deploys service instances into
multiple update domains. For an in-place update, the fabric controller brings down all the instances in one
update domain, updates them, and then restarts them before moving to the next update domain. This approach
prevents the entire service from being unavailable during the update process.
A fault domain defines potential points of hardware or network failure. For any role that has more than one
instance, the fabric controller ensures that the instances are distributed across multiple fault domains, to prevent
isolated hardware failures from disrupting service. Fault domains govern all exposure to server and cluster
The Azure service-level agreement (SLA) guarantees that when two or more web role instances are deployed to
different fault and upgrade domains, they'll have external connectivity at least 99.95 percent of the time. Unlike
update domains, there's no way to control the number of fault domains. Azure automatically allocates fault
domains and distributes role instances across them. At least the first two instances of every role are placed in
different fault and upgrade domains to ensure that any role with at least two instances will satisfy the SLA. This is
represented in the following diagram.

Load balancing
All inbound traffic to a web role passes through a stateless load balancer, which distributes client requests among
the role instances. Individual role instances do not have public IP addresses, and they are not directly addressable
from the Internet. Web roles are stateless so that any client request can be routed to any role instance. A
StatusCheck event is raised every 15 seconds. You can use this to indicate whether the role is ready to receive
traffic, or whether it's busy and should be taken out of the load-balancer rotation.

Virtual Machines
Azure Virtual Machines differs from platform as a service (PaaS) compute roles in several respects in relation to
high availability. In some instances, you must do additional work to ensure high availability.
Disk durability
Unlike PaaS role instances, data stored on virtual machine drives is persistent even when the virtual machine is
relocated. Azure virtual machines use VM disks that exist as blobs in Azure Storage. Because of the availability
characteristics of Azure Storage, the data stored on a virtual machines drives is also highly available.
Note that drive D (in Windows VMs) is the exception to this rule. Drive D is actually physical storage on the rack
server that hosts the VM, and its data will be lost if the VM is recycled. Drive D is intended for temporary storage
only. In Linux, Azure usually (but not always) exposes the local temporary disk as /dev/sdb block device. It is often
mounted by the Azure Linux Agent as /mnt/resource or /mnt mount points (configurable via /etc/waagent.conf).
Azure natively understands the tiers in a PaaS application (web role and worker role) and thus can properly
distribute them across fault and update domains. In contrast, the tiers in an infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
application must be manually defined through availability sets. Availability sets are required for an SLA under IaaS.

In the preceding diagram, the Internet Information Services (IIS) tier (which works as a web app tier) and the SQL
tier (which works as a data tier) are assigned to different availability sets. This ensures that all instances of each tier
have hardware redundancy by distributing virtual machines across fault domains, and that entire tiers are not taken
down during an update.
Load balancing
If the VMs should have traffic distributed across them, you must group the VMs in an application and load balance
across a specific TCP or UDP endpoint. For more information, see Load balancing virtual machines. If the VMs
receive input from another source (for example, a queuing mechanism), a load balancer is not required. The load
balancer uses a basic health check to determine whether traffic should be sent to the node. It's also possible to
create your own probes to implement application-specific health metrics that determine whether the VM should
receive traffic.

Azure Storage is the baseline durable data service for Azure. It provides blob, table, queue, and VM disk storage. It
uses a combination of replication and resource management to provide high availability within a single datacenter.
The Azure Storage availability SLA guarantees that at least 99.9 percent of the time:
Correctly formatted requests to add, update, read, and delete data will be successfully and correctly processed.
Storage accounts will have connectivity to the Internet gateway.
Azure Storage facilitates data durability by maintaining multiple copies of all data on different drives across fully
independent physical storage subsystems within the region. Data is replicated synchronously, and all copies are
committed before the write is acknowledged. Azure Storage is strongly consistent, meaning that reads are
guaranteed to reflect the most recent writes. In addition, copies of data are continually scanned to detect and repair
bit rot, an often overlooked threat to the integrity of stored data.
Services benefit from replication just by using Azure Storage. The service developer doesn't need to do additional
work to recover from a local failure.
Resource management
Storage accounts created after May 2014, can grow to up to 500 TB (the previous maximum was 200 TB). If
additional space is required, applications must be designed to use multiple storage accounts.
Virtual machine disks
A virtual machines disk is stored as a page blob in Azure Storage, giving it all the same durability and scalability
properties as Blob storage. This design makes the data on a virtual machines disk persistent, even if the server
running the VM fails and the VM must be restarted on another server.

SQL Database
Azure SQL Database provides database as a service. It allows applications to quickly provision, insert data into, and
query relational databases. It provides many of the familiar SQL Server features and functionality, while abstracting
the burden of hardware, configuration, patching, and resiliency.

Azure SQL Database does not provide one-to-one feature parity with SQL Server. It's intended to fulfill a different set of
requirements--one that's uniquely suited to cloud applications (elastic scale, database as a service to reduce maintenance
costs, and so on). For more information, see Choose a cloud SQL Server option: Azure SQL (PaaS) Database or SQL Server on
Azure VMs (IaaS).

Azure SQL Database provides built-in resiliency to node-level failure. All writes into a database are automatically
replicated to two or more background nodes through a quorum commit technique. (The primary and at least one
secondary must confirm that the activity is written to the transaction log before the transaction is deemed
successful and returns.) In the case of node failure, the database automatically fails over to one of the secondary
replicas. This causes a transient connection interruption for client applications. For this reason, all Azure SQL
Database clients must implement some form of transient connection handling. For more information, see Retry
service specific guidance.
Resource management
Each database, when created, is configured with an upper size limit. The currently available maximum size is 1 TB
(size limits vary based on your service tier, see service tiers and performance levels of Azure SQL Databases. When
a database hits its upper size limit, it rejects additional INSERT or UPDATE commands. (Querying and deleting data
is still possible.)
Within a database, Azure SQL Database uses a fabric to manage resources. However, instead of a fabric controller, it
uses a ring topology to detect failures. Every replica in a cluster has two neighbors and is responsible for detecting
when they go down. When a replica goes down, its neighbors trigger a reconfiguration agent to re-create it on
another machine. Engine throttling is provided to ensure that a logical server doesn't use too many resources on a
machine or exceed the machines physical limits.
If the application requires more than the 1 TB database limit, it must implement a scale-out approach. You scale out
with Azure SQL Database by manually partitioning, also known as sharding, data across multiple SQL databases.
This scale-out approach provides the opportunity to achieve nearly linear cost growth with scale. Elastic growth or
capacity on demand can grow with incremental costs as needed because databases are billed based on the average
actual size used per day, not based on maximum possible size.

SQL Server on Virtual Machines

By installing SQL Server (version 2014 or later) on Azure Virtual Machines, you can take advantage of the
traditional availability features of SQL Server. These features include AlwaysOn Availability Groups and database
mirroring. Note that Azure VMs, storage, and networking have different operational characteristics than an on-
premises, non-virtualized IT infrastructure. A successful implementation of a high availability/disaster recovery
(HA/DR) SQL Server solution in Azure requires that you understand these differences and design your solution to
accommodate them.
High-availability nodes in an availability set
When you implement a high-availability solution in Azure, you can use the availability set in Azure to place the
high-availability nodes into separate fault domains and upgrade domains. To be clear, the availability set is an
Azure concept. It's a best practice that you should follow to make sure that your databases are indeed highly
available, whether you're using AlwaysOn Availability Groups, database mirroring, or something else. If you don't
follow this best practice, you might be under the false assumption that your system is highly available. But in
reality, your nodes can all fail simultaneously because they happen to be placed in the same fault domain in the
Azure region.
This recommendation is not as applicable with log shipping. As a disaster recovery feature, you should ensure that
the servers are running in separate Azure regions. By definition, these regions are separate fault domains.
For Azure Cloud Services VMs deployed through the classic portal to be in the same availability set, you must
deploy them in the same Cloud Service. VMs deployed through Azure Resource Manager (the current portal) do
not have this limitation. For classic portal deployed VMs in Azure Cloud Service, only nodes in the same Cloud
Service can participate in the same availability set. In addition, the Cloud Services VMs should be in the same virtual
network to ensure that they maintain their IPs even after service healing. This avoids DNS update disruptions.
Azure -only: High-availability solutions
You can have a high-availability solution for your SQL Server databases in Azure by using AlwaysOn Availability
Groups or database mirroring.
The following diagram demonstrates the architecture of AlwaysOn Availability Groups running on Azure Virtual
Machines. This diagram was taken from the in-depth article on this subject, High availability and disaster recovery
for SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines.

You can also automatically provision an AlwaysOn Availability Groups deployment end-to-end on Azure VMs by
using the AlwaysOn template in the Azure portal. For more information, see SQL Server AlwaysOn Offering in
Microsoft Azure Portal Gallery.
The following diagram demonstrates the use of database mirroring on Azure Virtual Machines. It was also taken
from the in-depth topic High availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines.
Both architectures require a domain controller. However, with database mirroring, it's possible to use server certificates to
eliminate the need for a domain controller.

Other Azure platform services

Applications that are built on Azure benefit from platform capabilities to recover from local failures. In some cases,
you can take specific actions to increase availability for your specific scenario.
Service Bus
To mitigate against a temporary outage of Azure Service Bus, consider creating a durable client-side queue. This
temporarily uses an alternate, local storage mechanism to store messages that cannot be added to the Service Bus
queue. The application can decide how to handle the temporarily stored messages after the service is restored. For
more information, see Best practices for performance improvements using Service Bus brokered messaging and
Service Bus (disaster recovery).
The data that's associated with Azure HDInsight is stored by default in Azure Blob storage. Azure Storage specifies
high-availability and durability properties for Blob storage. The multiple-node processing that's associated with
Hadoop MapReduce jobs occurs on a transient Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) that is provisioned when
HDInsight needs it. Results from a MapReduce job are also stored by default in Azure Blob storage, so that the
processed data is durable and remains highly available after the Hadoop cluster is deprovisioned. For more
information, see HDInsight (disaster recovery).

Checklists for local failures

Cloud Services
1. Review the Cloud Services section of this document.
2. Configure at least two instances for each role.
3. Persist state in durable storage, not on role instances.
4. Correctly handle the StatusCheck event.
5. Wrap related changes in transactions when possible.
6. Verify that worker role tasks are idempotent and restartable.
7. Continue to invoke operations until they succeed.
8. Consider autoscaling strategies.
Virtual Machines
1. Review the Virtual Machines section of this document.
2. Do not use drive D for persistent storage.
3. Group machines in a service tier into an availability set.
4. Configure load balancing and optional probes.
1. Review the Storage section of this document.
2. Use multiple storage accounts when data or bandwidth exceeds quotas.
SQL Database
1. Review the SQL Database section of this document.
2. Implement a retry policy to handle transient errors.
3. Use partitioning/sharding as a scale-out strategy.
SQL Server on Virtual Machines
1. Review the SQL Server on Virtual Machines section of this document.
2. Follow the previous recommendations for Virtual Machines.
3. Use SQL Server high availability features, such as AlwaysOn.
Service Bus
1. Review the Service Bus section of this document.
2. Consider creating a durable client-side queue as a backup.
1. Review the HDInsight section of this document.
2. No additional availability steps are required for local failures.

Next steps
This article is part of a series focused on Azure resiliency technical guidance. The next article in this series is
Recovery from a region-wide service disruption.
Azure resiliency technical guidance: recovery from a
region-wide service disruption
1/17/2017 13 min to read Edit on GitHub

Azure is divided physically and logically into units called regions. A region consists of one or more datacenters in
close proximity. At the time of this writing, Azure has twenty-four regions around the world.
Under rare circumstances, it is possible that facilities in an entire region can become inaccessible, for example due
to network failures. Or facilities can be lost entirely, for example due to a natural disaster. This section explains the
capabilities of Azure for creating applications that are distributed across regions. Such distribution helps to
minimize the possibility that a failure in one region could affect other regions.

Cloud services
Resource management
You can distribute compute instances across regions by creating a separate cloud service in each target region, and
then publishing the deployment package to each cloud service. However, note that distributing traffic across cloud
services in different regions must be implemented by the application developer or with a traffic management
Determining the number of spare role instances to deploy in advance for disaster recovery is an important aspect
of capacity planning. Having a full-scale secondary deployment ensures that capacity is already available when
needed; however, this effectively doubles the cost. A common pattern is to have a small, secondary deployment,
just large enough to run critical services. This small secondary deployment is a good idea, both to reserve capacity,
and for testing the configuration of the secondary environment.

The subscription quota is not a capacity guarantee. The quota is simply a credit limit. To guarantee capacity, the required
number of roles must be defined in the service model, and the roles must be deployed.

Load Balancing
To load balance traffic across regions requires a traffic management solution. Azure provides Azure Traffic
Manager. You can also take advantage of third-party services that provide similar traffic management capabilities.
Many alternative strategies are available for implementing distributed compute across regions. These must be
tailored to the specific business requirements and circumstances of the application. At a high level, the approaches
can be divided into the following categories:
Redeploy on disaster: In this approach the application is redeployed from scratch at the time of disaster. This
is appropriate for non-critical applications that dont require a guaranteed recovery time.
Warm Spare (Active/Passive): A secondary hosted service is created in an alternate region, and roles are
deployed to guarantee minimal capacity; however, the roles dont receive production traffic. This approach is
useful for applications that have not been designed to distribute traffic across regions.
Hot Spare (Active/Active): The application is designed to receive production load in multiple regions. The
cloud services in each region might be configured for higher capacity than required for disaster recovery
purposes. Alternatively, the cloud services might scale out as necessary at the time of a disaster and failover.
This approach requires substantial investment in application design, but it has significant benefits. These include
low and guaranteed recovery time, continuous testing of all recovery locations, and efficient usage of capacity.
A complete discussion of distributed design is outside the scope of this document. For further information, see
Disaster Recovery and High Availability for Azure Applications.

Virtual Machines
Recovery of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) virtual machines (VMs) is similar to platform as a service (PaaS)
compute recovery in many respects. There are important differences, however, due to the fact that an IaaS VM
consists of both the VM and the VM disk.
Use Azure Backup to create cross region backups that are application consistent. Azure Backup enables
customers to create application consistent backups across multiple VM disks, and support replication of backups
across regions. You can do this by choosing to geo-replicate the backup vault at the time of creation. Note that
replication of the backup vault must be configured at the time of creation. It can't be set later. If a region is lost,
Microsoft will make the backups available to customers. Customers will be able to restore to any of their
configured restore points.
Separate the data disk from the operating system disk. An important consideration for IaaS VMs is that
you cannot change the operating system disk without re-creating the VM. This is not a problem if your recovery
strategy is to redeploy after disaster. However, it might be a problem if you are using the Warm Spare approach
to reserve capacity. To implement this properly, you must have the correct operating system disk deployed to
both the primary and secondary locations, and the application data must be stored on a separate drive. If
possible, use a standard operating system configuration that can be provided on both locations. After a failover,
you must then attach the data drive to your existing IaaS VMs in the secondary DC. Use AzCopy to copy
snapshots of the data disk(s) to a remote site.
Be aware of potential consistency issues after a geo-failover of multiple VM Disks. VM Disks are
implemented as Azure Storage blobs, and have the same geo-replication characteristic. Unless Azure Backup is
used, there are no guarantees of consistency across disks, because geo-replication is asynchronous and
replicates independently. Individual VM disks are guaranteed to be in a crash consistent state after a geo-
failover, but not consistent across disks. This could cause problems in some cases (for example, in the case of
disk striping).

Recovery by using Geo -Redundant Storage of blob, table, queue and VM disk storage
In Azure, blobs, tables, queues, and VM disks are all geo-replicated by default. This is referred to as Geo-Redundant
Storage (GRS). GRS replicates storage data to a paired datacenter hundreds of miles apart within a specific
geographic region. GRS is designed to provide additional durability in case there is a major datacenter disaster.
Microsoft controls when failover occurs, and failover is limited to major disasters in which the original primary
location is deemed unrecoverable in a reasonable amount of time. Under some scenarios, this can be several days.
Data is typically replicated within a few minutes, although synchronization interval is not yet covered by a service
level agreement.
In the event of a geo-failover, there will be no change to how the account is accessed (the URL and account key will
not change). The storage account will, however, be in a different region after failover. This could impact applications
that require regional affinity with their storage account. Even for services and applications that do not require a
storage account in the same datacenter, the cross-datacenter latency and bandwidth charges might be compelling
reasons to move traffic to the failover region temporarily. This could factor into an overall disaster recovery
In addition to automatic failover provided by GRS, Azure has introduced a service that gives you read access to the
copy of your data in the secondary storage location. This is called Read-Access Geo-Redundant Storage (RA-GRS).
For more information about both GRS and RA-GRS storage, see Azure Storage replication.
Geo -Replication region mappings:
It is important to know where your data is geo-replicated, in order to know where to deploy the other instances of
your data that require regional affinity with your storage. The following table shows the primary and secondary
location pairings:


North Central US South Central US

South Central US North Central US

East US West US

West US East US

US East 2 Central US

Central US US East 2

North Europe West Europe

West Europe North Europe

South East Asia East Asia

East Asia South East Asia

East China North China

North China East China

Japan East Japan West

Japan West Japan East

Brazil South South Central US

Australia East Australia Southeast

Australia Southeast Australia East

Canada East Canada Central

Canada Central Canada East

West US 2 West Central US

Geo -Replication pricing:

Geo-replication is included in current pricing for Azure Storage. This is called Geo-Redundant Storage (GRS). If you
do not want your data geo-replicated you can disable geo-replication for your account. This is called Locally
Redundant Storage, and it is charged at a discounted price compared to GRS.
Determining if a geo -failover has occurred
If a geo-failover occurs, this will be posted to the Azure Service Health Dashboard. Applications can implement an
automated means of detecting this, however, by monitoring the geo-region for their storage account. This can be
used to trigger other recovery operations, such as activation of compute resources in the geo-region where their
storage moved to. You can perform a query for this from the service management API, by using Get Storage
Account Properties. The relevant properties are:


VM disks and geo -failover

As discussed in the section on VM disks, there are no guarantees for data consistency across VM disks after a
failover. To ensure correctness of backups, a backup product such as Data Protection Manager should be used to
back up and restore application data.

SQL Database
Azure SQL Database provides two types of recovery: Geo-Restore and Active Geo-Replication.
Geo-Restore is also available with Basic, Standard, and Premium databases. It provides the default recovery option
when the database is unavailable because of an incident in the region where your database is hosted. Similar to
Point-In-Time Restore, Geo-Restore relies on database backups in geo-redundant Azure storage. It restores from
the geo-replicated backup copy, and therefore is resilient to the storage outages in the primary region. For more
details, see Restore an Azure SQL Database or failover to a secondary.
Active Geo-Replication
Active Geo-Replication is available for all database tiers. Its designed for applications that have more aggressive
recovery requirements than Geo-Restore can offer. Using Active Geo-Replication, you can create up to four
readable secondaries on servers in different regions. You can initiate failover to any of the secondaries. In addition,
Active Geo-Replication can be used to support the application upgrade or relocation scenarios, as well as load
balancing for read-only workloads. For details, see configure Geo-Replication and to fail over to the secondary
database. Refer to Design an application for cloud disaster recovery using Active Geo-Replication in SQL Database
and Managing rolling upgrades of cloud applications using SQL Database Active Geo-Replication for details on
how to design and implement applications and applications upgrade without downtime.
SQL Server on Virtual Machines
A variety of options are available for recovery and high availability for SQL Server 2012 (and later) running in
Azure Virtual Machines. For more information, see High availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server in Azure
Virtual Machines.

Other Azure platform services

When attempting to run your cloud service in multiple Azure regions, you must consider the implications for each
of your dependencies. In the following sections, the service-specific guidance assumes that you must use the same
Azure service in an alternate Azure datacenter. This involves both configuration and data-replication tasks.
In some cases, these steps can help to mitigate a service-specific outage rather than an entire datacenter event. From the
application perspective, a service-specific outage might be just as limiting and would require temporarily migrating the service
to an alternate Azure region.

Service Bus
Azure Service Bus uses a unique namespace that does not span Azure regions. So the first requirement is to setup
the necessary service bus namespaces in the alternate region. However, there are also considerations for the
durability of the queued messages. There are several strategies for replicating messages across Azure regions. For
the details on these replication strategies and other disaster recovery strategies, see Best practices for insulating
applications against Service Bus outages and disasters. For other availability considerations, see Service Bus
App Service
To migrate an Azure App Service application, such as Web Apps or Mobile Apps, to a secondary Azure region, you
must have a backup of the website available for publishing. If the outage does not involve the entire Azure
datacenter, it might be possible to use FTP to download a recent backup of the site content. Then create a new app
in the alternate region, unless you have previously done this to reserve capacity. Publish the site to the new region,
and make any necessary configuration changes. These changes could include database connection strings or other
region-specific settings. If necessary, add the sites SSL certificate and change the DNS CNAME record so that the
custom domain name points to the redeployed Azure Web App URL.
The data associated with HDInsight is stored by default in Azure Blob Storage. HDInsight requires that a Hadoop
cluster processing MapReduce jobs must be co-located in the same region as the storage account that contains the
data being analyzed. Provided you use the geo-replication feature available to Azure Storage, you can access your
data in the secondary region where the data was replicated if for some reason the primary region is no longer
available. You can create a new Hadoop cluster in the region where the data has been replicated and continue
processing it. For other availability considerations, see HDInsight (Availability).
SQL Reporting
At this time, recovering from the loss of an Azure region requires multiple SQL Reporting instances in different
Azure regions. These SQL Reporting instances should access the same data, and that data should have its own
recovery plan in the event of a disaster. You can also maintain external backup copies of the RDL file for each
Media Services
Azure Media Services has a different recovery approach for encoding and streaming. Typically, streaming is more
critical during a regional outage. To prepare for this, you should have a Media Services account in two different
Azure regions. The encoded content should be located in both regions. During a failure, you can redirect the
streaming traffic to the alternate region. Encoding can be performed in any Azure region. If encoding is time-
sensitive, for example during live event processing, you must be prepared to submit jobs to an alternate datacenter
during failures.
Virtual network
Configuration files provide the quickest way to set up a virtual network in an alternate Azure region. After
configuring the virtual network in the primary Azure region, export the virtual network settings for the current
network to a network configuration file. In the event of an outage in the primary region, restore the virtual network
from the stored configuration file. Then configure other cloud services, virtual machines, or cross-premises settings
to work with the new virtual network.
Checklists for disaster recovery
Cloud Services checklist
1. Review the Cloud Services section of this document.
2. Create a cross-region disaster recovery strategy.
3. Understand trade-offs in reserving capacity in alternate regions.
4. Use traffic routing tools, such as Azure Traffic Manager.

Virtual Machines checklist

1. Review the Virtual Machines section of this document.
2. Use Azure Backup to create application consistent backups across regions.

Storage checklist
1. Review the Storage section of this document.
2. Do not disable geo-replication of storage resources.
3. Understand alternate region for geo-replication in the event of failover.
4. Create custom backup strategies for user-controlled failover strategies.

SQL Database checklist

1. Review the SQL Database section of this document.
2. Use Geo-Restore or Geo-Replication as appropriate.

SQL Server on Virtual Machines checklist

1. Review the SQL Server on Virtual Machines section of this document.
2. Use cross-region AlwaysOn Availability Groups or database mirroring.
3. Alternately use backup and restore to blob storage.

Service Bus checklist

1. Review the Service Bus section of this document.
2. Configure a Service Bus namespace in an alternate region.
3. Consider custom replication strategies for messages across regions.

App Service checklist

1. Review the App Service section of this document.
2. Maintain site backups outside of the primary region.
3. If outage is partial, attempt to retrieve current site with FTP.
4. Plan to deploy the site to new or existing site in an alternate region.
5. Plan configuration changes for both application and DNS CNAME records.

HDInsight checklist
1. Review the HDInsight section of this document.
2. Create a new Hadoop cluster in the region with replicated data.
SQL Reporting checklist
1. Review the SQL Reporting section of this document.
2. Maintain an alternate SQL Reporting instance in a different region.
3. Maintain a separate plan to replicate the target to that region.

Media Services checklist

1. Review the Media Services section of this document.
2. Create a Media Services account in an alternate region.
3. Encode the same content in both regions to support streaming failover.
4. Submit encoding jobs to an alternate region in the event of a service disruption.

Virtual Network checklist

1. Review the Virtual Network section of this document.
2. Use exported virtual network settings to re-create it in another region.

Next steps
This article is part of a series focused on Azure resiliency technical guidance. The next article in this series focuses
on recovery from an on-premises datacenter to Azure.
Azure resiliency technical guidance: Recovery from
on-premises to Azure
1/17/2017 3 min to read Edit on GitHub

Azure provides a comprehensive set of services for enabling the extension of an on-premises datacenter to Azure
for high availability and disaster recovery purposes:
Networking: With a virtual private network, you securely extend your on-premises network to the cloud.
Compute: Customers using Hyper-V on-premises can lift and shift existing virtual machines (VMs) to Azure.
Storage: StorSimple extends your file system to Azure Storage. The Azure Backup service provides backup for
files and SQL databases to Azure Storage.
Database replication: With SQL Server 2014 (or later) Availability Groups, you can implement high availability
and disaster recovery for your on-premises data.

You can use Azure Virtual Network to create a logically isolated section in Azure and securely connect it to your on-
premises datacenter or a single client machine by using an IPsec connection. With Virtual Network, you can take
advantage of the scalable, on-demand infrastructure in Azure while providing connectivity to data and applications
on-premises, including systems running on Windows Server, mainframes, and UNIX. See Azure networking
documentation for more information.

If you're using Hyper-V on-premises, you can lift and shift existing virtual machines to Azure and service
providers running Windows Server 2012 (or later), without making changes to the VM or converting VM formats.
For more information, see About disks and VHDs for Azure virtual machines.

Azure Site Recovery

If you want disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS), Azure provides Azure Site Recovery. Azure Site Recovery offers
comprehensive protection for VMware, Hyper-V, and physical servers. With Azure Site Recovery, you can use
another on-premises server or Azure as your recovery site. For more information on Azure Site Recovery, see the
Azure Site Recovery documentation.

There are several options for using Azure as a backup site for on-premises data.
StorSimple securely and transparently integrates cloud storage for on-premises applications. It also offers a single
appliance that delivers high-performance tiered local and cloud storage, live archiving, cloud-based data protection,
and disaster recovery. For more information, see the StorSimple product page.
Azure Backup
Azure Backup enables cloud backups by using the familiar backup tools in Windows Server 2012 (or later),
Windows Server 2012 Essentials (or later), and System Center 2012 Data Protection Manager (or later). These tools
provide a workflow for backup management that is independent of the storage location of the backups, whether a
local disk or Azure Storage. After data is backed up to the cloud, authorized users can easily recover backups to any
With incremental backups, only changes to files are transferred to the cloud. This helps to efficiently use storage
space, reduce bandwidth consumption, and support point-in-time recovery of multiple versions of the data. You
can also choose to use additional features, such as data retention policies, data compression, and data transfer
throttling. Using Azure as the backup location has the obvious advantage that the backups are automatically
offsite. This eliminates the extra requirements to secure and protect on-site backup media.
For more information, see What is Azure Backup? and Configure Azure Backup for DPM data.

You can have a disaster recovery solution for your SQL Server databases in a hybrid-IT environment by using
AlwaysOn Availability Groups, database mirroring, log shipping, and backup and restore with Azure Blob storage.
All of these solutions use SQL Server running on Azure Virtual Machines.
AlwaysOn Availability Groups can be used in a hybrid-IT environment where database replicas exist both on-
premises and in the cloud. This is shown in the following diagram.

Database mirroring can also span on-premises servers and the cloud in a certificate-based setup. The following
diagram illustrates this concept.

Log shipping can be used to synchronize an on-premises database with a SQL Server database in an Azure virtual

Finally, you can back up an on-premises database directly to Azure Blob storage.
For more information, see High availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server in Azure virtual machines and
Backup and restore for SQL Server in Azure virtual machines.

Checklists for on-premises recovery in Microsoft Azure

1. Review the Networking section of this document.
2. Use Virtual Network to securely connect on-premises to the cloud.
1. Review the Compute section of this document.
2. Relocate VMs between Hyper-V and Azure.
1. Review the Storage section of this document.
2. Take advantage of StorSimple services for using cloud storage.
3. Use the Azure Backup service.
1. Review the Database section of this document.
2. Consider using SQL Server on Azure VMs as the backup.
3. Set up AlwaysOn Availability Groups.
4. Configure certificate-based database mirroring.
5. Use log shipping.
6. Back up on-premises databases to Azure Blob storage.

Next steps
This article is part of a series focused on Azure resiliency technical guidance. The next article in this series is
Recovery from data corruption or accidental deletion.
Azure resiliency technical guidance
1/17/2017 3 min to read Edit on GitHub

Meeting high availability and disaster recovery requirements requires two types of knowledge:
Detailed technical understanding of a cloud platforms capabilities
Knowledge of how to properly architect a distributed service
This series of articles covers the former: the capabilities and limitations of the Azure platform with respect to
resiliency (sometimes called business continuity). If you're interested in the latter, please see the article series
focused on disaster recovery and high availability for Azure applications. Although this article series touches on
architecture and design patterns, that's not the focus of the series. For design guidance, you can consult the
material in the Additional resources section.
The information is organized into the following articles:
Recovery from local failures. Physical hardware (for example, drives, servers, and network devices) can fail.
Resources can be exhausted when load spikes. This article describes the capabilities that Azure provides to
maintain high availability under these conditions.
Recovery from an Azure region-wide service disruption. Widespread failures are rare, but they are
theoretically possible. Entire regions can become isolated due to network failures, or they can be physically
damaged from natural disasters. This article explains how to use Azure to create applications that span
geographically diverse regions.
Recovery from on-premises to Azure. The cloud significantly alters the economics of disaster recovery,
enabling organizations to use Azure to establish a second site for recovery. You can do this at a fraction of the
cost of building and maintaining a secondary datacenter. This article explains the capabilities that Azure
provides for extending an on-premises datacenter to the cloud.
Recovery from data corruption or accidental deletion. Applications can have bugs that corrupt data. Operators
can incorrectly delete important data. This article explains what Azure provides for backing up data and
restoring to a previous point it time.

Additional resources
Disaster recovery and high availability for applications built on Microsoft Azure. This article is a detailed
overview of availability and disaster recovery. It covers the challenge of manual replication for reference and
transactional data. The final sections provide summaries of different types of disaster recovery topologies that
span Azure regions for the highest level of availability.
High-availability checklist. This article is a list of features, services, and designs that can help you increase the
resiliency and availability of your application.
Microsoft Azure service resiliency guidance. This article is an index of Azure services and provides links to both
disaster recovery guidance and design guidance.
Overview: Cloud business continuity and database disaster recovery with SQL Database. This article provides
Azure SQL Database techniques for availability. It primarily centers on backup and restore strategies. If you
use Azure SQL Database in your cloud service, you should review this paper and its related resources.
High availability and disaster recovery for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines. This article discusses
availability options that you can explore when you use infrastructure as a service (IaaS) to host your database
services. It discusses AlwaysOn Availability Groups, database mirroring, log shipping, and backup/restore.
Several tutorials show how to use these techniques.
Best practices for designing large-scale services on Azure Cloud Services. This article focuses on developing
highly scalable cloud architectures. Many of the techniques that you employ to improve scalability also
improve availability. Also, if your application can't scale under increased load, scalability becomes an
availability issue.
Backup and restore for SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines. This article provides technical guidance on how
to back up and restore Microsoft SQL Server running on Azure Virtual Machines.
Failsafe: Guidance for resilient cloud architectures. This article provides guidance for building resilient cloud
architectures, guidance for implementing those architectures on Microsoft technologies, and recipes for
implementing these architectures for specific scenarios.
Technical case study: Using cloud technologies to improve disaster recovery. This case study shows how
Microsoft IT used Azure to improve disaster recovery.

Next steps
This article is part of a series focused on technical guidance for Azure resiliency. If you're interested in reading
other articles in this series, you can start with Recovery from local failures.
Architectures for running VM workloads in Azure
1/17/2017 2 min to read Edit on GitHub

Running a virtual machine (VM) in Azure involves more moving parts than just the VM itself. Other considerations
include networking, load balancers, network security groups (NSGs), and redundancy within a region or across
multiple regions.
The patterns & practices group has created a set of reference architectures to address these considerations. Each
reference architecture includes:
Recommendations and best practices.
Considerations for availability, security, scalability, and manageability.
An Azure Resource Manager template that you can modify and deploy.
The reference architectures in this series are designed to build on each other, starting from deploying a single VM,
then moving to multiple VMs behind a load balancer, VMs running N-tier applications, and finally multi-region

Running a single VM
This reference architecture contains a set of baseline recommendations for running any Windows or Linux VM in

This architecture is the basis for the other architectures in this series. It is important to understand the concepts here, even if
you are not deploying a single VM by itself.
Not recommended for mission-critical systems. Instead, it is recommended to put two or more VMs in an
availability set. The next architecture demonstrates this approach.
For detailed information, see Running a Windows VM on Azure and Running a Linux VM on Azure.

Running multiple VMs behind a load balancer

To improve availability and scalability, deploy several VMs in an availability set and use a load balancer to distribute
traffic across them.
Provides improved availability and scalability.
This architecture is a building block for running N-tier applications on Azure, as shown in the next architecture.
For detailed information, see Running multiple VMs on Azure for scalability and availability.

Running N-tier workloads

This architecture shows best practices for running an N-tier application on VMs in Azure.
The VMs for each tier are placed in separate availability sets. Within a tier, load balancers distribute traffic across
the VMs. At the data tier, the database is replicated for higher availability.
For detailed information, see:
Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure. This architecture uses SQL Server Always On
Availability Groups.
Running Linux VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure. This architecture uses Apache Cassandra.

Running multi-region workloads

An application deployed to a single region could become unavailable if an incident occurs within that region. For
mission-critical applications, consider deploying to more than one region.
This architecture show how to deploy a multi-region N-tier application in an active/passive configuration. During
normal operation, Azure Traffic Manager routes traffic to the primary region. If the primary region becomes
unavailable, Traffic Manager fails over to the secondary region.
Benefits of deploying to multiple regions:
High availability.
Protection against regional outages.
Increased complexity and cost.
Failover and failback may require some manual steps, such as failing over the database and checking database
For detailed information, see:
Running Windows VMs in multiple regions for high availability. This architecture uses SQL Server Always On
Availability Groups.
Running Linux VMs in multiple regions for high availability. This architecture uses Apache Cassandra.

Next steps
The resources below explain how to implement the architectures described in this article.
Running a Windows VM on Azure
Running a Linux VM on Azure
Running multiple VMs on Azure for scalability and availability
Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure
Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure
Running Windows VMs in multiple regions for high availability
Running Linux VMs in multiple regions for high availability
Running a Linux VM on Azure
1/17/2017 10 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article outlines a set of proven practices for running a Linux virtual machine (VM) on Azure, paying attention
to scalability, availability, manageability, and security. Azure supports running various popular Linux distributions,
including CentOS, Debian, Red Hat Enterprise, Ubuntu, and FreeBSD. For more information, see Azure and Linux.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This article uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

We don't recommend using a single VM for mission critical workloads, because it creates a single point of failure.
For higher availability, deploy multiple VMs in an availability set. For more information, see Running multiple VMs
on Azure.

Architecture diagram
Provisioning a VM in Azure involves more moving parts than just the VM itself. There are compute, networking,
and storage elements that you need to consider.

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Compute - single VM" page.
Resource group. A resource group is a container that holds related resources. Create a resource group to hold
the resources for this VM.
VM. You can provision a VM from a list of published images or from a virtual hard disk (VHD) file that you
upload to Azure Blob storage.
OS disk. The OS disk is a VHD stored in Azure Storage. That means it persists even if the host machine goes
down. The OS disk is /dev/sda1 .
Temporary disk. The VM is created with a temporary disk. This disk is stored on a physical drive on the host
machine. It is not saved in Azure Storage, and might be deleted during reboots and other VM lifecycle events.
Use this disk only for temporary data, such as page or swap files. The temporary disk is /dev/sdb1 and is
mounted at /mnt/resource or /mnt .
Data disks. A data disk is a persistent VHD used for application data. Data disks are stored in Azure Storage,
like the OS disk.
Virtual network (VNet) and subnet. Every VM in Azure is deployed into a VNet that is further divided into
Public IP address. A public IP address is needed to communicate with the VMfor example over SSH.
Network interface (NIC). The NIC enables the VM to communicate with the virtual network.
Network security group (NSG). The NSG is used to allow/deny network traffic to the subnet. You can
associate an NSG with an individual NIC or with a subnet. If you associate it with a subnet, the NSG rules apply
to all VMs in that subnet.
Diagnostics. Diagnostic logging is crucial for managing and troubleshooting the VM.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
VM recommendations
Azure offers many different virtual machine sizes, but we recommend the DS- and GS-series because these
machine sizes support Premium Storage. Select one of these machine sizes unless you have a specialized workload
such as high-performance computing. For details, see virtual machine sizes.
If you are moving an existing workload to Azure, start with the VM size that's the closest match to your on-
premises servers. Then measure the performance of your actual workload with respect to CPU, memory, and disk
input/output operations per second (IOPS), and adjust the size if needed. If you require multiple NICs for your VM,
be aware that the maximum number of NICs is a function of the VM size.
When you provision the VM and other resources, you must specify a region. Generally, choose a region closest to
your internal users or customers. However, not all VM sizes may be available in all region. For details, see Services
by region. To list the VM sizes available in a given region, run the following Azure command-line interface (CLI)

azure vm sizes --location <location>

For information about choosing a published VM image, see Select Linux VM images with the Azure CLI.
Disk and storage recommendations
For best disk I/O performance, we recommend Premium Storage, which stores data on solid-state drives (SSDs).
Cost is based on the size of the provisioned disk. IOPS and throughput (that is, data transfer rate) also depend on
disk size, so when you provision a disk, consider all three factors (capacity, IOPS, and throughput).
Create separate Azure storage accounts for each VM to hold the virtual hard disks (VHDs) in order to avoid hitting
the IOPS limits for storage accounts.
Add one or more data disks. When you create a VHD, it is unformatted. Log in to the VM to format the disk. In the
Linux shell, data disks are displayed as /dev/sdc , /dev/sdd , and so on. You can run lsblk to list the block
devices, including the disks. To use a data disk, create a partition and file system, and mount the disk. For example:

# Create a partition.
sudo fdisk /dev/sdc # Enter 'n' to partition, 'w' to write the change.

# Create a file system.

sudo mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdc1

# Mount the drive.

sudo mkdir /data1
sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /data1

If you have a large number of data disks, be aware of the total I/O limits of the storage account. For more
information, see virtual machine disk limits.
When you add a data disk, a logical unit number (LUN) ID is assigned to the disk. Optionally, you can specify the
LUN ID for example, if you're replacing a disk and want to retain the same LUN ID, or you have an application
that looks for a specific LUN ID. However, remember that LUN IDs must be unique for each disk.
You may want to change the I/O scheduler to optimize for performance on SSDs, because the disks for VMs with
premium storage accounts are SSDs. A common recommendation is to use the NOOP scheduler for SSDs, but you
should use a tool such as iostat to monitor disk I/O performance for your particular workload.
For best performance, create a separate storage account to hold diagnostic logs. A standard locally redundant
storage (LRS) account is sufficient for diagnostic logs.
Network recommendations
The public IP address can be dynamic or static. The default is dynamic.
Reserve a static IP address if you need a fixed IP address that won't change for example, if you need to create
an A record in DNS, or need the IP address to be added to a safe list.
You can also create a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the IP address. You can then register a CNAME
record in DNS that points to the FQDN. For more information, see create a fully qualified domain name in the
Azure portal.
All NSGs contain a set of default rules, including a rule that blocks all inbound Internet traffic. The default rules
cannot be deleted, but other rules can override them. To enable Internet traffic, create rules that allow inbound
traffic to specific ports for example, port 80 for HTTP.
To enable SSH, add a rule to the NSG that allows inbound traffic to TCP port 22.

Scalability considerations
To scale up or down, change the VM size.
To scale out horizontally, put two or more VMs into an availability set behind a load balancer. For details, see
running multiple VMs on Azure.

Availability considerations
For higher availabiility, deploy multiple VMs in an availability set. This also provides a higher service level
agreement (SLA).
Your VM may be affected by planned maintenance or unplanned maintenance. You can use VM reboot logs to
determine whether a VM reboot was caused by planned maintenance.
VHDs are stored in Azure storage, and Azure storage is replicated for durability and availability.
To protect against accidental data loss during normal operations (for example, because of user error), you should
also implement point-in-time backups, using blob snapshots or another tool.

Manageability considerations
Resource groups. Put tightly coupled resources that share the same life cycle into the same resource group.
Resource groups allow you to deploy and monitor resources as a group, and roll up billing costs by resource
group. You can also delete resources as a set, which is very useful for test deployments. Give resources meaningful
names. That makes it easier to locate a specific resource and understand its role. See Recommended Naming
Conventions for Azure Resources.
SSH. Before you create a Linux VM, generate a 2048-bit RSA public-private key pair. Use the public key file when
you create the VM. For more information, see How to Use SSH with Linux and Mac on Azure.
VM diagnostics. Enable monitoring and diagnostics, including basic health metrics, diagnostics infrastructure
logs, and boot diagnostics. Boot diagnostics can help you diagnose boot failure if your VM gets into a nonbootable
state. For more information, see Enable monitoring and diagnostics.
The following CLI command enables diagnostics:

azure vm enable-diag <resource-group> <vm-name>

Stopping a VM. Azure makes a distinction between "stopped" and "deallocated" states. You are charged when the
VM status is stopped, but not when the VM is deallocated.
Use the following CLI command to deallocate a VM:
azure vm deallocate <resource-group> <vm-name>

In the Azure portal, the Stop button deallocates the VM. However, if you shut down through the OS while logged
in, the VM is stopped but not deallocated, so you will still be charged.
Deleting a VM. If you delete a VM, the VHDs are not deleted. That means you can safely delete the VM without
losing data. However, you will still be charged for storage. To delete the VHD, delete the file from Blob storage.
To prevent accidental deletion, use a resource lock to lock the entire resource group or lock individual resources,
such as the VM.

Security considerations
Automate OS updates by using the OSPatching VM extension. Install this extension when you provision the VM.
You can specify how often to install patches and whether to reboot after patching.
Use role-based access control (RBAC) to control access to the Azure resources that you deploy. RBAC lets you
assign authorization roles to members of your DevOps team. For example, the Reader role can view Azure
resources but not create, manage, or delete them. Some roles are specific to particular Azure resource types. For
example, the Virtual Machine Contributor role can restart or deallocate a VM, reset the administrator password,
create a VM, and so forth. Other built-in RBAC roles that might be useful for this reference architecture include
DevTest Labs User and Network Contributor.
A user can be assigned to multiple roles, and you can create custom roles for even more fine-grained permissions.

RBAC does not limit the actions that a user logged into a VM can perform. Those permissions are determined by the
account type on the guest OS.

Use audit logs to see provisioning actions and other VM events.

Consider Azure Disk Encryption if you need to encrypt the OS and data disks.

Solution deployment
A deployment for this reference architecture is available on GitHub. It includes a VNet, NSG, and a single VM. To
deploy the architecture, follow these steps:
1. Right click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window."

2. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, you must enter values for some of the settings:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-single-vm-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Select linux in the Os Type drop down box.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click on the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.
4. The parameter files include a hard-coded administrator user name and password, and it is strongly
recommended that you immediately change both. Click on the VM named ra-single-vm0 in the Azure portal.
Then, click on Reset password in the Support + troubleshooting section. Select Reset password in the
Mode dropdown box, then select a new User name and Password. Click the Update button to persist the new
user name and password.

Next steps
For higher availability, deploy two or more VMs behind a load balancer. For more information, see Running
multiple VMs on Azure.
Running a Windows VM on Azure
1/17/2017 10 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article outlines a set of proven practices for running a Windows virtual machine (VM) on Azure, paying
attention to scalability, availability, manageability, and security.

Azure has two different deployment models: Azure Resource Manager and classic. This article uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

We don't recommend using a single VM for mission critical workloads, because it creates a single point of failure.
For higher availability, deploy multiple VMs in an availability set. For more information, see Running multiple VMs
on Azure.

Architecture diagram
Provisioning a VM in Azure involves more moving parts than just the VM itself. There are compute, networking,
and storage elements.

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Compute - single VM" page.
Resource group. A resource group is a container that holds related resources. Create a resource group to hold
the resources for this VM.
VM. You can provision a VM from a list of published images or from a virtual hard disk (VHD) file that you
upload to Azure Blob storage.
OS disk. The OS disk is a VHD stored in Azure Storage. That means it persists even if the host machine goes
Temporary disk. The VM is created with a temporary disk (the D: drive on Windows). This disk is stored on a
physical drive on the host machine. It is not saved in Azure Storage, and might be deleted during reboots and
other VM lifecycle events. Use this disk only for temporary data, such as page or swap files.
Data disks. A data disk is a persistent VHD used for application data. Data disks are stored in Azure Storage,
like the OS disk.
Virtual network (VNet) and subnet. Every VM in Azure is deployed into a VNet that is further divided into
Public IP address. A public IP address is needed to communicate with the VMfor example over remote
desktop (RDP).
Network interface (NIC). The NIC enables the VM to communicate with the virtual network.
Network security group (NSG). The NSG is used to allow/deny network traffic to the subnet. You can
associate an NSG with an individual NIC or with a subnet. If you associate it with a subnet, the NSG rules apply
to all VMs in that subnet.
Diagnostics. Diagnostic logging is crucial for managing and troubleshooting the VM.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
VM recommendations
Azure offers many different virtual machine sizes, but we recommend the DS- and GS-series because these
machine sizes support Premium Storage. Select one of these machine sizes unless you have a specialized
workload such as high-performance computing. For details, see virtual machine sizes.
If you are moving an existing workload to Azure, start with the VM size that's the closest match to your on-
premises servers. Then measure the performance of your actual workload with respect to CPU, memory, and disk
input/output operations per second (IOPS), and adjust the size if needed. If you require multiple NICs for your VM,
be aware that the maximum number of NICs is a function of the VM size.
When you provision the VM and other resources, you must specify a region. Generally, choose a region closest to
your internal users or customers. However, not all VM sizes may be available in all regions. For details, see services
by region. To see a list of the VM sizes available in a given region, run the following Azure command-line interface
(CLI) command:

azure vm sizes --location <location>

For information about choosing a published VM image, see Navigate and select Windows virtual machine images
in Azure with Powershell or CLI.
Disk and storage recommendations
For best disk I/O performance, we recommend Premium Storage, which stores data on solid state drives (SSDs).
Cost is based on the size of the provisioned disk. IOPS and throughput also depend on disk size, so when you
provision a disk, consider all three factors (capacity, IOPS, and throughput).
Create separate Azure storage accounts for each VM to hold the virtual hard disks (VHDs) in order to avoid hitting
the IOPS limits for storage accounts.
Add one or more data disks. When you create a new VHD, it is unformatted. Log into the VM to format the disk. If
you have a large number of data disks, be aware of the total I/O limits of the storage account. For more
information, see virtual machine disk limits.
When possible, install applications on a data disk, not the OS disk. However, some legacy applications might need
to install components on the C: drive. In that case, you can resize the OS disk using PowerShell.
For best performance, create a separate storage account to hold diagnostic logs. A standard locally redundant
storage (LRS) account is sufficient for diagnostic logs.
Network recommendations
The public IP address can be dynamic or static. The default is dynamic.
Reserve a static IP address if you need a fixed IP address that won't change for example, if you need to
create an A record in DNS, or need the IP address to be added to a safe list.
You can also create a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the IP address. You can then register a CNAME
record in DNS that points to the FQDN. For more information, see create a fully qualified domain name in the
Azure portal.
All NSGs contain a set of default rules, including a rule that blocks all inbound Internet traffic. The default rules
cannot be deleted, but other rules can override them. To enable Internet traffic, create rules that allow inbound
traffic to specific ports for example, port 80 for HTTP.
To enable RDP, add an NSG rule that allows inbound traffic to TCP port 3389.

Scalability considerations
You can scale a VM up or down by changing the VM size. To scale out horizontally, put two or more VMs into an
availability set behind a load balancer. For details, see Running multiple VMs on Azure for scalability and

Availability considerations
For higher availabiility, deploy multiple VMs in an availability set. This also provides a higher service level
agreement (SLA).
Your VM may be affected by planned maintenance or unplanned maintenance. You can use VM reboot logs to
determine whether a VM reboot was caused by planned maintenance.
VHDs are stored in Azure storage, and Azure storage is replicated for durability and availability.
To protect against accidental data loss during normal operations (for example, because of user error), you should
also implement point-in-time backups, using blob snapshots or another tool.

Manageability considerations
Resource groups. Put tightly-coupled resources that share the same life cycle into the same resource group.
Resource groups allow you to deploy and monitor resources as a group and roll up billing costs by resource
group. You can also delete resources as a set, which is very useful for test deployments. Give resources meaningful
names. That makes it easier to locate a specific resource and understand its role. See Recommended Naming
Conventions for Azure Resources.
VM diagnostics. Enable monitoring and diagnostics, including basic health metrics, diagnostics infrastructure
logs, and boot diagnostics. Boot diagnostics can help you diagnose a boot failure if your VM gets into a
nonbootable state. For more information, see Enable monitoring and diagnostics. Use the Azure Log Collection
extension to collect Azure platform logs and upload them to Azure storage.
The following CLI command enables diagnostics:

azure vm enable-diag <resource-group> <vm-name>

Stopping a VM. Azure makes a distinction between "stopped" and "deallocated" states. You are charged when the
VM status is stopped, but not when the VM is deallocated.
Use the following CLI command to deallocate a VM:

azure vm deallocate <resource-group> <vm-name>

In the Azure portal, the Stop button deallocates the VM. However, if you shut down through the OS while logged
in, the VM is stopped but not deallocated, so you will still be charged.
Deleting a VM. If you delete a VM, the VHDs are not deleted. That means you can safely delete the VM without
losing data. However, you will still be charged for storage. To delete the VHD, delete the file from Blob storage.
To prevent accidental deletion, use a resource lock to lock the entire resource group or lock individual resources,
such as the VM.

Security considerations
Use Azure Security Center to get a central view of the security state of your Azure resources. Security Center
monitors potential security issues and provides a comprehensive picture of the security health of your
deployment. Security Center is configured per Azure subscription. Enable security data collection as described in
Use Security Center. When data collection is enabled, Security Center automatically scans any VMs created under
that subscription.
Patch management. If enabled, Security Center checks whether security and critical updates are missing. Use
Group Policy settings on the VM to enable automatic system updates.
Antimalware. If enabled, Security Center checks whether antimalware software is installed. You can also use
Security Center to install antimalware software from inside the Azure portal.
Operations. Use role-based access control (RBAC) to control access to the Azure resources that you deploy. RBAC
lets you assign authorization roles to members of your DevOps team. For example, the Reader role can view Azure
resources but not create, manage, or delete them. Some roles are specific to particular Azure resource types. For
example, the Virtual Machine Contributor role can restart or deallocate a VM, reset the administrator password,
create a new VM, and so forth. Other built-in RBAC roles that might be useful for this reference architecture
include DevTest Labs User and Network Contributor. A user can be assigned to multiple roles, and you can create
custom roles for even more fine-grained permissions.

RBAC does not limit the actions that a user logged into a VM can perform. Those permissions are determined by the
account type on the guest OS.

To reset the local administrator password, run the vm reset-access Azure CLI command.

azure vm reset-access -u <user> -p <new-password> <resource-group> <vm-name>

Use audit logs to see provisioning actions and other VM events.

Data encryption. Consider Azure Disk Encryption if you need to encrypt the OS and data disks.

Solution deployment
A deployment for this reference architecture is available on GitHub. It includes a VNet, NSG, and a single VM. To
deploy the architecture, follow these steps:
1. Right click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window."

2. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, you must enter values for some of the settings:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-single-vm-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Select windows in the Os Type drop down box.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click on the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.
4. The parameter files include a hard-coded administrator user name and password, and it is strongly
recommended that you immediately change both. Click on the VM named ra-single-vm0 in the Azure portal.
Then, click on Reset password in the Support + troubleshooting blade. Select Reset password in the Mode
dropdown box, then select a new User name and Password. Click the Update button to persist the new user
name and password.
For information on additional ways to deploy this reference architecture, see the readme file in the guidance-
single-vm] Github folder.

Customize the deployment

If you need to change the deployment to match your needs, follow the instructions in the readme.

Next steps
For higher availability, deploy two or more VMs behind a load balancer. For more information, see Running
multiple VMs on Azure.
Running multiple VMs on Azure for scalability and
1/17/2017 9 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article outlines a set of proven practices for running multiple virtual machine (VM) instances behind a load
balancer, to improve availability and scalability.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This article uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

In this reference architecture, the workload is distributed across the VM instances. There is a single public IP
address, and Internet traffic is distributed to the VMs using a load balancer. This architecture can be used for a
single-tier application, such as a stateless web application or storage cluster. It is also a building block for N-tier
This article builds on Running a VM on Azure. The recommendations in that article also apply to this architecture.

Architecture diagram
VMs in Azure require supporting networking and storage resources.

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Compute - multi VM" page.
The architecture has the following components:
Availability set. The availability set contains the VMs. This makes the VMs eligible for a higher service level
agreement (SLA).
Virtual network (VNet) and subnet. Every VM in Azure is deployed into a VNet that is further divided into
Azure Load Balancer. The load balancer distributes incoming Internet requests to the VM instances. The load
balancer includes some related resources:
Public IP address. A public IP address is needed for the load balancer to receive Internet traffic.
Front-end configuration. Associates the public IP address with the load balancer.
Back-end address pool. Contains the network interfaces (NICs) for the VMs that will receive the
incoming traffic.
Load balancer rules. Used to distribute network traffic among all the VMs in the back-end address pool.
Network address translation (NAT) rules. Used to route traffic to a specific VM. For example, to enable
remote desktop protocol (RDP) to the VMs, create a separate NAT rule for each VM.
Network interfaces (NICs). Each VM has a NIC to connect to the network.
Storage. Storage accounts hold the VM images and other file-related resources, such as VM diagnostic data
captured by Azure.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
Availability set recommendations
For better availability, create at least two VMs in the availability set. The Azure load balancer also requires that
load-balanced VMs belong to the same availability set.
Each Azure subscription has default limits in place, including a maximum number of VMs per region. You can
increase the limit by filing a support request. For more information, see Azure subscription and service limits,
quotas, and constraints.
Network recommendations
Place the VMs within the same subnet. Do not expose the VMs directly to the Internet, but instead give each VM a
private IP address. Clients connect using the public IP address of the load balancer.
Load balancer recommendations
Add all VMs in the availability set to the back-end address pool of the load balancer.
Define load balancer rules to direct network traffic to the VMs. For example, to enable HTTP traffic, create a rule
that maps port 80 from the front-end configuration to port 80 on the back-end address pool. When a client
sends an HTTP request to port 80, the load balancer selects a back-end IP address by using a hashing algorithm
that includes the source IP address. In that way, client requests are distributed across all the VMs.
To route traffic to a specific VM, use NAT rules. For example, to enable RDP to the VMs, create a separate NAT
rule for each VM. Each rule should map a distinct port number to port 3389, the default port for RDP. For
example, use port 50001 for "VM1," port 50002 for "VM2," and so on. Assign the NAT rules to the NICs on the
Storage account recommendations
Create separate Azure storage accounts for each VM to hold the virtual hard disks (VHDs), in order to avoid
hitting the input/output operations per second (IOPS) limits for storage accounts.
Create one storage account for diagnostic logs. This storage account can be shared by all the VMs.
Scalability considerations
To scale out, provision additional VMs and put them in the load balancer's back-end address pool.

When you add a new VM to an availability set, make sure to create a NIC for the VM, and add the NIC to the back-end
address pool on the load balancer. Otherwise, Internet traffic won't be routed to the new VM.

VM scale sets
Another option for scaling is to use a virtual machine scale set. VM scale sets help you to deploy and manage a
set of identical VMs. Scale sets support autoscaling based on performance metrics. As the load on the VMs
increases, additional VMs are automatically added to the load balancer. Consider scale sets if you need to quickly
scale out VMs, or need to autoscale.
Currently, scale sets do not support data disks. The options for storing data are Azure File storage, the OS drive,
the temp drive, or an external store such as Azure Storage.
By default, scale sets use "overprovisioning," which means the scale set initially provisions more VMs than you
ask for, then deletes the extra VMs. This improves the overall success rate when provisioning the VMs. We
recommend no more than 20 VMs per storage account with overprovisioning enabled, or no more than 40 VMs
with overprovisioning disabled.
There are two basic ways to configure VMs deployed in a scale set:
Use extensions to configure the VM after it is provisioned. With this approach, new VM instances may take
longer to start up than a VM with no extensions.
Create a custom image. This option may be quicker to deploy. However, it requires you to keep the image
up to date. A scale set built on a custom image must create all OS disk VHDs within one storage account.
For additional considerations, see Designing VM Scale Sets For Scale.

When using any autoscale solution, test it with production-level work loads well in advance.

Availability considerations
The availability set makes your application more resilient to both planned and unplanned maintenance events.
Planned maintenance occurs when Microsoft updates the underlying platform, sometimes causing VMs to be
restarted. Azure makes sure the VMs in an availability set are not all restarted at the same time. At least one is
kept running while others are restarting.
Unplanned maintenance happens if there is a hardware failure. Azure makes sure that VMs in an availability
set are provisioned across more than one server rack. This helps to reduce the impact of hardware failures,
network outages, power interruptions, and so on.
For more information, see Manage the availability of virtual machines. The following video also has a good
overview of availability sets: How Do I Configure an Availability Set to Scale VMs.
Make sure to configure the availability set when you provision the VM. Currently, there is no way to add a Resource
Manager VM to an availability set after the VM is provisioned.

The load balancer uses health probes to monitor the availability of VM instances. If a probe cannot reach an
instance within a timeout period, the load balancer stops sending traffic to that VM. However, the load balancer
will continue to probe, and if the VM becomes available again, the load balancer resumes sending traffic to that
Here are some recommendations on load balancer health probes:
Probes can test either HTTP or TCP. If your VMs run an HTTP server, create an HTTP probe. Otherwise create a
TCP probe.
For an HTTP probe, specify the path to an HTTP endpoint. The probe checks for an HTTP 200 response from
this path. This can be the root path ("/"), or a health-monitoring endpoint that implements some custom logic
to check the health of the application. The endpoint must allow anonymous HTTP requests.
The probe is sent from a known IP address, Make sure you don't block traffic to or from this IP
in any firewall policies or network security group (NSG) rules.
Use health probe logs to view the status of the health probes. Enable logging in the Azure portal for each load
balancer. Logs are written to Azure Blob storage. The logs show how many VMs on the back end are not
receiving network traffic due to failed probe responses.

Manageability considerations
With multiple VMs, it is important to automate processes so they are reliable and repeatable. You can use Azure
Automation to automate deployment, OS patching, and other tasks. Azure Automation is an automation service
based on Windows Powershell that can be used for this. Example automation scripts are available from the
Runbook Gallery on TechNet.

Security considerations
Virtual networks are a traffic isolation boundary in Azure. VMs in one VNet cannot communicate directly to VMs
in a different VNet. VMs within the same VNet can communicate, unless you create network security groups
(NSGs) to restrict traffic. For more information, see Microsoft cloud services and network security.
For incoming Internet traffic, the load balancer rules define which traffic can reach the back end. However, load
balancer rules don't support IP safe lists, so if you want to add certain public IP addresses to a safe list, add an
NSG to the subnet.

Solution deployment
A deployment for this reference architecture is available on GitHub. It includes a VNet, NSG, load balancer, and
two VMs. It can be deployed with either Windows or Linux VMs. To deploy the architecture, follow these steps:
1. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

2. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, you must enter values for some of the settings:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create new and enter
ra-multi-vm-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Select either windows or linux in the Os Type drop down box.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.
4. The parameter files include a hard-coded administrator user name and password, and it is strongly
recommended that you immediately change both. Click the VM named ra-multi-vm1 in the Azure portal.
Then, click Reset password in the Support + troubleshooting blade. Select Reset password in the Mode
dropdown box, then select a new User name and Password. Click the Update button to save the new user
name and password. Repeat for the VM named ra-multi-vm2 .

Next steps
Placing several VMs behind a load balancer is a building block for creating multi-tier architectures. For more
information, see Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure and Running Linux VMs for an N-tier
architecture on Azure
Running Linux VMs for an N-tier architecture on
1/17/2017 8 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article outlines a set of proven practices for running Linux virtual machines (VMs) for an application with an
N-tier architecture. It builds on the article Running multiple VMs on Azure.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This article uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

Architecture diagram
There are many ways to implement an N-tier architecture. For the most part, the differences shouldn't matter for
the purposes of these recommendations. This article describes a typical 3-tier web application:
Web tier. Handles incoming HTTP requests. Responses are returned through this tier.
Business tier. Implements business processes and other functional logic for the system.
Database tier. Provides persistent data storage, using Apache Cassandra for high availability.

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download at the Microsoft download
center. This diagram is on the "Compute - multi tier (Linux)" page.

Availability sets. Create an availability set for each tier, and provision at least two VMs in each tier. This is
required to reach the availability SLA for VMs.
Subnets. Create a separate subnet for each tier. Specify the address range and subnet mask using CIDR
Load balancers. Use an Internet-facing load balancer to distribute incoming Internet traffic to the web tier,
and an internal load balancer to distribute network traffic from the web tier to the business tier.
Jumpbox. Also called a bastion host. A secure VM on the network that administrators use to connect to the
other VMs. The jumpbox has an NSG that allows remote traffic only from public IP addresses on a safe list. The
NSG should permit secure shell (SSH) traffic.
Monitoring. Monitoring software such as Nagios, Zabbix, or Icinga can give you insight into response time,
VM uptime, and the overall health of your system. Install the monitoring software on a VM that's placed in a
separate management subnet.
NSGs. Use network security groups (NSGs) to restrict network traffic within the VNet. For example, in the 3-tier
architecture shown here, the database tier does not accept traffic from the web front end, only from the
business tier and the management subnet.
Apache Cassandra database. Provides high availability at the data tier, by enabling replication and failover.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
VNet / Subnets
When you create the VNet, determine how many IP addresses your resources in each subnet require. Specify a
subnet mask and a VNet address range large enough for the required IP addresses using CIDR notation. Use an
address space that falls within the standard private IP address blocks, which are,, and
Choose an address range that does not overlap with your on-premises network, in case you need to set up a
gateway between the VNet and your on-premises network later. Once you create the VNet, you can't change the
address range.
Design subnets with functionality and security requirements in mind. All VMs within the same tier or role should
go into the same subnet, which can be a security boundary. For more information about designing VNets and
subnets, see Plan and design Azure Virtual Networks.
For each subnet, specify the address space for the subnet in CIDR notation. For example, '' creates a
range of 256 IP addresses. VMs can use 251 of these; five are reserved. Make sure the address ranges don't
overlap across subnets. See the Virtual Network FAQ.
Network security groups
Use NSG rules to restrict traffic between tiers. For example, in the 3-tier architecture shown above, the web tier
does not communicate directly with the database tier. To enforce this, the database tier should block incoming
traffic from the web tier subnet.
1. Create an NSG and associate it to the database tier subnet.
2. Add a rule that denies all inbound traffic from the VNet. (Use the VIRTUAL_NETWORK tag in the rule.)
3. Add a rule with a higher priority that allows inbound traffic from the business tier subnet. This rule overrides
the previous rule, and allows the business tier to talk to the database tier.
4. Add a rule that allows inbound traffic from within the database tier subnet itself. This rule allows
communication between VMs in the database tier, which is needed for database replication and failover.
5. Add a rule that allows SSH traffic from the jumpbox subnet. This rule lets administrators connect to the
database tier from the jumpbox.
An NSG has default rules that allow any inbound traffic from within the VNet. These rules can't be deleted, but you
can override them by creating higher-priority rules.

Load balancers
The external load balancer distributes Internet traffic to the web tier. Create a public IP address for this load
balancer. See Creating an Internet-facing load balancer.
The internal load balancer distributes network traffic from the web tier to the business tier. To give this load
balancer a private IP address, create a frontend IP configuration and associate it with the subnet for the business
tier. See Get started creating an Internal load balancer.
We recommend DataStax Enterprise for production use, but these recommendations apply to any Cassandra
edition. For more information on running DataStax in Azure, see DataStax Enterprise Deployment Guide for Azure.
Put the VMs for a Cassandra cluster in an availability set to ensure that the Cassandra replicas are distributed
across multiple fault domains and upgrade domains. For more information about fault domains and upgrade
domains, see Manage the availability of virtual machines.
Configure three fault domains (the maximum) per availability set and 18 upgrade domains per availability set. This
provides the maximum number of upgrade domains that can still be distributed evenly across the fault domains.
Configure nodes in rack-aware mode. Map fault domains to racks in the cassandra-rackdc.properties file.
You don't need a load balancer in front of the cluster. The client connects directly to a node in the cluster.
The jumpbox will have minimal performance requirements, so select a small VM size for the jumpbox such as
Standard A1.
Create a public IP address for the jumpbox. Place the jumpbox in the same VNet as the other VMs, but in a
separate management subnet.
Do not allow SSH access from the public Internet to the VMs that run the application workload. Instead, all SSH
access to these VMs must come through the jumpbox. An administrator logs into the jumpbox, and then logs into
the other VM from the jumpbox. The jumpbox allows SSH traffic from the Internet, but only from known, safe IP
To secure the jumpbox, create an NSG and apply it to the jumpbox subnet. Add an NSG rule that allows SSH
connections only from a safe set of public IP addresses. The NSG can be attached either to the subnet or to the
jumpbox NIC. In this case, we recommend attaching it to the NIC, so SSH traffic is permitted only to the jumpbox,
even if you add other VMs to the same subnet.
Configure the NSGs for the other subnets to allow SSH traffic from the management subnet.

Availability considerations
Put each tier or VM role into a separate availability set.
At the database tier, having multiple VMs does not automatically translate into a highly available database. For a
relational database, you will typically need to use replication and failover to achieve high availability.
If you need higher availability than the Azure SLA for VMs provides, replicate the application across two regions
and use Azure Traffic Manager for failover. For more information, see Running Linux VMs in multiple regions for
high availability.
Security considerations
Consider adding a network virtual appliance (NVA) to create a DMZ between the public Internet and the Azure
virtual network. NVA is a generic term for a virtual appliance that can perform network-related tasks such as
firewall, packet inspection, auditing, and custom routing. For more information, see Implementing a DMZ between
Azure and the Internet.

Scalability considerations
The load balancers distribute network traffic to the web and business tiers. Scale horizontally by adding new VM
instances. Note that you can scale the web and business tiers independently, based on load. To reduce possible
complications caused by the need to maintain client affinity, the VMs in the web tier should be stateless. The VMs
hosting the business logic should also be stateless.

Manageability considerations
Simplify management of the entire system by using centralized administration tools such as Azure Automation,
Microsoft Operations Management Suite, Chef, or Puppet. These tools can consolidate diagnostic and health
information captured from multiple VMs to provide an overall view of the system.

Solution Deployment
A deployment for this reference architecture is available on GitHub. The reference architecture is deployed in three
stages. To deploy the architecture, follow these steps:
1. Right click the button below and select "open in new tab" or "open in new window."

2. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, enter the follow values:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-ntier-sql-network-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click on the Purchase button.
3. Check Azure portal notification for a message the deployment is complete.
4. The parameter files include a hard-coded administrator user names and passwords, and it is strongly
recommended that you immediately change both on all the VMs. Click on each VM in the Azure portal then
click on Reset password in the Support + troubleshooting blade. Select Reset password in the Mode
dropdown box, then select a new User name and Password. Click the Update button to persist the new user
name and password.

Next steps
To achieve high availability for this reference architecture, deploy to multiple regions.
Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on
1/17/2017 11 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article outlines a set of proven practices for running Windows virtual machines (VMs) for an application with
an N-tier architecture. It builds on the article Running multiple VMs on Azure.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This article uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

Architecture diagram
There are many ways to implement an N-tier architecture. For the most part, the differences shouldn't matter for
the purposes of these recommendations. This article describes a typical 3-tier web application:
Web tier. Handles incoming HTTP requests. Responses are returned through this tier.
Business tier. Implements business processes and other functional logic for the system.
Database tier. Provides persistent data storage, using SQL Server Always On Availability Groups for high

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Compute - multi tier (Windows)" page.
Availability sets. Create an availability set for each tier, and provision at least two VMs in each tier.
Subnets. Create a separate subnet for each tier. Specify the address range and subnet mask using CIDR
Load balancers. Use an Internet-facing load balancer to distribute incoming Internet traffic to the web tier,
and an internal load balancer to distribute network traffic from the web tier to the business tier.
Jumpbox. Also called a bastion host. A secure VM on the network that administrators use to connect to the
other VMs. The jumpbox has an NSG that allows remote traffic only from public IP addresses on a safe list.
The NSG should permit remote desktop (RDP) traffic.
Monitoring. Monitoring software such as Nagios, Zabbix, or Icinga can give you insight into response time,
VM uptime, and the overall health of your system. Install the monitoring software on a VM that's placed in a
separate management subnet.
NSGs. Use network security groups (NSGs) to restrict network traffic within the VNet. For example, in the 3-
tier architecture shown here, the database tier does not accept traffic from the web front end, only from the
business tier and the management subnet.
SQL Server Always On Availability Group. Provides high availability at the data tier, by enabling replication
and failover.
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) Servers. Prior to Windows Server 2016, SQL Server Always On
Availability Groups must be joined to a domain. This is because Availability Groups depend on Windows
Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) technology. Windows Server 2016 introduces the ability to create a Failover
Cluster without Active Directory, in which case the AD DS servers are not required for this architecture. For
more information, see What's new in Failover Clustering in Windows Server 2016.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
VNet / Subnets
When you create the VNet, determine how many IP addresses your resources in each subnet require. Specify a
subnet mask and a VNet address range large enough for the required IP addresses, using CIDR notation. Use an
address space that falls within the standard private IP address blocks, which are,, and
Choose an address range that does not overlap with your on-premises network, in case you need to set up a
gateway between the VNet and your on-premise network later. Once you create the VNet, you can't change the
address range.
Design subnets with functionality and security requirements in mind. All VMs within the same tier or role should
go into the same subnet, which can be a security boundary. For more information about designing VNets and
subnets, see Plan and design Azure Virtual Networks.
For each subnet, specify the address space for the subnet in CIDR notation. For example, '' creates a
range of 256 IP addresses. VMs can use 251 of these; five are reserved. Make sure the address ranges don't
overlap across subnets. See the Virtual Network FAQ.
Network security groups
Use NSG rules to restrict traffic between tiers. For example, in the 3-tier architecture shown above, the web tier
does not communicate directly with the database tier. To enforce this, the database tier should block incoming
traffic from the web tier subnet.
1. Create an NSG and associate it to the database tier subnet.
2. Add a rule that denies all inbound traffic from the VNet. (Use the VIRTUAL_NETWORK tag in the rule.)
3. Add a rule with a higher priority that allows inbound traffic from the business tier subnet. This rule overrides
the previous rule, and allows the business tier to talk to the database tier.
4. Add a rule that allows inbound traffic from within the database tier subnet itself. This rule allows
communication between VMs in the database tier, which is needed for database replication and failover.
5. Add a rule that allows RDP traffic from the jumpbox subnet. This rule lets administrators connect to the
database tier from the jumpbox.

An NSG has default rules that allow any inbound traffic from within the VNet. These rules can't be deleted, but you
can override them by creating higher priority rules.

Load balancers
The external load balancer distributes Internet traffic to the web tier. Create a public IP address for this load
balancer. See Creating an Internet-facing load balancer.
The internal load balancer distributes network traffic from the web tier to the business tier. To give this load
balancer a private IP address, create a frontend IP configuration and associate it with the subnet for the business
tier. See Get started creating an Internal load balancer.
SQL Server Always On Availability Groups
We recommend Always On Availability Groups for SQL Server high availability. Prior to Windows Server 2016,
Always On Availability Groups require a domain controller, and all nodes in the availability group must be in the
same AD domain.
Other tiers connect to the database through an availability group listener. The listener enables a SQL client to
connect without knowing the name of the physical instance of SQL Server. VMs that access the database must be
joined to the domain. The client (in this case, another tier) uses DNS to resolve the listener's virtual network name
into IP addresses.
Configure the SQL Server Always On Availability Group as follows:
1. Create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster, a SQL Server Always On Availability Group, and
a primary replica. For more information, see Getting Started with Always On Availability Groups.
2. Create an internal load balancer with a static private IP address.
3. Create an availability group listener, and map the listener's DNS name to the IP address of an internal load
4. Create a load balancer rule for the SQL Server listening port (TCP port 1433 by default). The load balancer
rule must enable floating IP, also called Direct Server Return. This causes the VM to reply directly to the
client, which enables a direct connection to the primary replica.

When floating IP is enabled, the front-end port number must be the same as the back-end port number in the
load balancer rule.

When a SQL client tries to connect, the load balancer routes the connection request to the primary replica. If there
is a failover to another replica, the load balancer automatically routes subsequent requests to a new primary
replica. For more information, see Configure an ILB listener for SQL Server Always On Availability Groups.
During a failover, existing client connections are closed. After the failover completes, new connections will be
routed to the new primary replica.
If your application makes significantly more reads than writes, you can offload some of the read-only queries to a
secondary replica. See Using a Listener to Connect to a Read-Only Secondary Replica (Read-Only Routing).
Test your deployment by forcing a manual failover of the availability group.
The jumpbox will have minimal performance requirements, so select a small VM size for the jumpbox such as
Standard A1.
Create a public IP address for the jumpbox. Place the jumpbox in the same VNet as the other VMs, but in a
separate management subnet.
Do not allow RDP access from the public Internet to the VMs that run the application workload. Instead, all RDP
access to these VMs must come through the jumpbox. An administrator logs into the jumpbox, and then logs into
the other VM from the jumpbox. The jumpbox allows RDP traffic from the Internet, but only from known, safe IP
To secure the jumpbox, create an NSG and apply it to the jumpbox subnet. Add an NSG rule that allows RDP
connections only from a safe set of public IP addresses. The NSG can be attached either to the subnet or to the
jumpbox NIC. In this case, we recommend attaching it to the NIC, so RDP traffic is permitted only to the jumpbox,
even if you add other VMs to the same subnet.
Configure the NSGs for the other subnets to allow RDP traffic from the management subnet.

Availability considerations
At the database tier, having multiple VMs does not automatically translate into a highly available database. For a
relational database, you will typically need to use replication and failover to achieve high availability. For SQL
Server, we recommend using Always On Availability Groups.
If you need higher availability than the Azure SLA for VMs provides, replicate the application across two regions
and use Azure Traffic Manager for failover. For more information, see Running Windows VMs in multiple regions
for high availability.

Security considerations
Encrypt sensitive data at rest and use Azure Key Vault to manage the database encryption keys. Key Vault can
store encryption keys in hardware security modules (HSMs). For more information, see Configure Azure Key
Vault Integration for SQL Server on Azure VMs It's also recommended to store application secrets, such as
database connection strings, in Key Vault.
Consider adding a network virtual appliance (NVA) to create a DMZ between the Internet and the Azure virtual
network. NVA is a generic term for a virtual appliance that can perform network-related tasks, such as firewall,
packet inspection, auditing, and custom routing. For more information, see Implementing a DMZ between Azure
and the Internet.

Scalability considerations
The load balancers distribute network traffic to the web and business tiers. Scale horizontally by adding new VM
instances. Note that you can scale the web and business tiers independently, based on load. To reduce possible
complications caused by the need to maintain client affinity, the VMs in the web tier should be stateless. The VMs
hosting the business logic should also be stateless.

Manageability considerations
Simplify management of the entire system by using centralized administration tools such as Azure Automation,
Microsoft Operations Management Suite, Chef, or Puppet. These tools can consolidate diagnostic and health
information captured from multiple VMs to provide an overall view of the system.

Solution deployment
A deployment for this reference architecture is available on GitHub. The reference architecture is deployed in
three stages. To deploy the architecture, follow these steps:
1. Right click the button below and select "open in new tab" or "open in new window" to begin the first stage of
the deployment.

2. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, enter the follow values:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-ntier-sql-network-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click on the Purchase button.
3. Check Azure portal notification for a message that the first stage of the deployment is complete.
4. Right click the button below and select "open in new tab" or "open in new window" to begin the second stage
of the deployment.

5. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, enter the follow values:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-ntier-sql-workload-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click on the Purchase button.
6. Check Azure portal notification for a message that the second stage of deployment is complete.
7. Right click the button below and select "open in new tab" or "open in new window" to begin the third stage of
the deployment.

8. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, enter the follow values:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Use Existing and enter
ra-ntier-sql-network-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click on the Purchase button.
9. Check Azure portal notification for a message that the third stage of the deployment is complete.
10. The parameter files include a hard-coded administrator user names and passwords, and it is strongly
recommended that you immediately change both on all the VMs. Click on each VM in the Azure portal then
click on Reset password in the Support + troubleshooting blade. Select Reset password in the Mode
dropdown box, then select a new User name and Password. Click the Update button to save the new user
name and password.

Next steps
To achieve high availability for this reference architecture, deploy to multiple regions. For more information, see
Running Windows VMs in multiple regions for high availability.
Running Linux VMs in multiple regions for high
1/17/2017 7 min to read Edit on GitHub

In this article, we recommend a set of practices to run Linux virtual machines (VMs) in multiple Azure regions to
achieve high availability and a robust disaster recovery infrastructure.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This article uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

A multi-region architecture can provide higher availability than deploying to a single region. If a regional outage
affects the primary region, you can use Traffic Manager to fail over to the secondary region. This architecture can
also help if an individual subsystem of the application fails.
There are several general approaches to achieving high availability across regions:
Active/passive with hot standby. Traffic goes to one region, while the other waits on hot standby. Hot standby
means the VMs in the secondary region are allocated and running at all times.
Active/passive with cold standby. Traffic goes to one region, while the other waits on cold standby. Cold
standby means the VMs in the secondary region are not allocated until needed for failover. This approach costs
less to run, but will generally take longer to come online during a failure.
Active/active. Both regions are active, and requests are load balanced between them. If one region becomes
unavailable, it is taken out of rotation.
This reference architecture focuses on active/passive with hot standby, using Traffic Manager for failover. Note
that you could deploy a small number of VMs for hot standby and then scale out as needed.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram builds on the architecture shown in Running Linux VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure.

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Compute - multi region (Linux)" page.
Primary and secondary regions. Use two regions to achieve higher availability. One is the primary
region.The other region is for failover.
Azure Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager routes incoming requests to one of the regions. During normal
operations, it routes requests to the primary region. If that region becomes unavailable, Traffic Manager fails
over to the secondary region. For more information, see the section Traffic Manager configuration.
Resource groups. Create separate resource groups for the primary region, the secondary region, and for
Traffic Manager. This gives you the flexibility to manage each region as a single collection of resources. For
example, you could redeploy one region, without taking down the other one. Link the resource groups, so that
you can run a query to list all the resources for the application.
VNets. Create a separate VNet for each region. Make sure the address spaces do not overlap.
Apache Cassandra. Deploy Cassandra in data centers across Azure regions for high availability. Within each
region, nodes are configured in rack-aware mode with fault and upgrade domains, for resiliency inside the

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
Regional pairing
Each Azure region is paired with another region within the same geography. In general, choose regions from the
same regional pair (for example, East US 2 and US Central). Benefits of doing so include:
If there is a broad outage, recovery of at least one region out of every pair is prioritized.
Planned Azure system updates are rolled out to paired regions sequentially, to minimize possible downtime.
Pairs reside within the same geography, to meet data residency requirements.
However, make sure that both regions support all of the Azure services needed for your application (see Services
by region). For more information about regional pairs, see Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR):
Azure Paired Regions.
Traffic Manager configuration
Consider the following points when configuring Traffic Manager:
Routing. Traffic Manager supports several routing algorithms. For the scenario described in this article, use
priority routing (formerly called failover routing). With this setting, Traffic Manager sends all requests to the
primary region, unless the primary region becomes unreachable. At that point, it automatically fails over to the
secondary region. See Configure Failover routing method.
Health probe. Traffic Manager uses an HTTP (or HTTPS) probe to monitor the availability of each region. The
probe checks for an HTTP 200 response for a specified URL path. As a best practice, create an endpoint that
reports the overall health of the application, and use this endpoint for the health probe. Otherwise, the probe
might report a healthy endpoint when critical parts of the application are actually failing. For more information,
see Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern.
When Traffic Manager fails over there is a period of time when clients cannot reach the application. The duration is
affected by the following factors:
The health probe must detect that the primary region has become unreachable.
DNS servers must update the cached DNS records for the IP address, which depends on the DNS time-to-live
(TTL). The default TTL is 300 seconds (5 minutes), but you can configure this value when you create the Traffic
Manager profile.
For details, see About Traffic Manager Monitoring.
If Traffic Manager fails over, we recommend performing a manual failback rather than implementing an automatic
failback. Otherwise, you can create a situation where the application flips back and forth between regions. Verify
that all application subsystems are healthy before failing back.
Note that Traffic Manager automatically fails back by default. To prevent this, manually lower the priority of the
primary region after a failover event. For example, suppose the primary region is priority 1 and the secondary is
priority 2. After a failover, set the primary region to priority 3, to prevent automatic failback. When you are ready
to switch back, update the priority to 1.
The following Azure CLI command updates the priority:

azure network traffic-manager endpoint set --resource-group <resource-group> --profile-name <profile>

--name <traffic-manager-name> --type AzureEndpoints --priority 3

Another approach is to temporarily disable the endpoint until you are ready to fail back:

azure network traffic-manager endpoint set --resource-group <resource-group> --profile-name <profile>

--name <traffic-manager-name> --type AzureEndpoints --status Disabled

Depending on the cause of a failover, you might need to redeploy the resources within a region. Before failing
back, perform an operational readiness test. The test should verify things like:
VMs are configured correctly. (All required software is installed, IIS is running, and so on.)
Application subsystems are healthy.
Functional testing. (For example, the database tier is reachable from the web tier.)
Cassandra deployment across multiple regions
Cassandra data centers are a group of related data nodes that are configured together within a cluster for
replication and workload segregation.
We recommend DataStax Enterprise for production use. For more information on running DataStax in Azure, see
DataStax Enterprise Deployment Guide for Azure. The following general recommendations apply to any Cassandra
Assign a public IP address to each node. This enables the clusters to communicate across regions using the
Azure backbone infrastructure, providing high throughput at low cost.
Secure nodes using the appropriate firewall and network security group (NSG) configurations, allowing traffic
only to and from known hosts, including clients and other cluster nodes. Note that Cassandra uses different
ports for communication, OpsCenter, Spark, and so forth. For port usage in Cassandra, see Configuring firewall
port access.
Use SSL encryption for all client-to-node and node-to-node communications.
Within a region, follow the guidelines in Cassandra recommendations.

Availability considerations
With a complex N-tier app, you may not need to replicate the entire application in the secondary region. Instead,
you might just replicate a critical subsystem that is needed to support business continuity.
Traffic Manager is a possible failure point in the system. If the Traffic Manager service fails, clients cannot access
your application during the downtime. Review the Traffic Manager SLA, and determine whether using Traffic
Manager alone meets your business requirements for high availability. If not, consider adding another traffic
management solution as a failback. If the Azure Traffic Manager service fails, change your CNAME records in DNS
to point to the other traffic management service. (This step must be performed manually, and your application will
be unavailable until the DNS changes are propagated.)
For the Cassandra cluster, the failover scenarios to consider depend on the consistency levels used by the
application, as well as the number of replicas used. For consistency levels and usage in Cassandra, see Configuring
data consistency and Cassandra: How many nodes are talked to with Quorum? Data availability in Cassandra is
determined by the consistency level used by the application and the replication mechanism. For replication in
Cassandra, see Data Replication in NoSQL Databases Explained.

Manageability considerations
When you update your deployment, update one region at a time to reduce the chance of a global failure from an
incorrect configuration or an error in the application.
Test the resiliency of the system to failures. Here are some common failure scenarios to test:
Shut down VM instances.
Pressure resources such as CPU and memory.
Disconnect/delay network.
Crash processes.
Expire certificates.
Simulate hardware faults.
Shut down the DNS service on the domain controllers.
Measure the recovery times and verify they meet your business requirements. Test combinations of failure modes,
as well.

Next steps
This series has focused on pure cloud deployments. Enterprise scenarios often require a hybrid network,
connecting an on-premises network with an Azure virtual network. To learn how to build such a hybrid network,
see Implementing a Hybrid Network Architecture with Azure and On-premises VPN.
Running Windows VMs in multiple regions for high
1/17/2017 9 min to read Edit on GitHub

In this article, we recommend a set of practices to run Windows virtual machines (VMs) in multiple Azure regions
to achieve availability and a robust disaster recovery infrastructure.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This article uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

A multi-region architecture can provide higher availability than deploying to a single region. If a regional outage
affects the primary region, you can use Traffic Manager to fail over to the secondary region. This architecture can
also help if an individual subsystem of the application fails.
There are several general approaches to achieving high availability across regions:
Active/passive with hot standby. Traffic goes to one region, while the other waits on hot standby. Hot standby
means the VMs in the secondary region are allocated and running at all times.
Active/passive with cold standby. Traffic goes to one region, while the other waits on cold standby. Cold
standby means the VMs in the secondary region are not allocated until needed for failover. This approach
costs less to run, but will generally take longer to come online during a failure.
Active/active. Both regions are active, and requests are load balanced between them. If one region becomes
unavailable, it is taken out of rotation.
This reference architecture focuses on active/passive with hot standby, using Traffic Manager for failover. Note
that you could deploy a small number of VMs for hot standby and then scale out as needed.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram builds on the architecture shown in Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download at the Microsoft download
center. This diagram is on the "Compute - multi region (Windows)" page.
Primary and secondary regions. Use two regions to achieve higher availability. One is the primary region.
The other region is for failover.
Azure Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager routes incoming requests to one of the regions. During normal
operations, it routes requests to the primary region. If that region becomes unavailable, Traffic Manager fails
over to the secondary region. For more information, see the section Traffic Manager configuration.
Resource groups. Create separate resource groups for the primary region, the secondary region, and for
Traffic Manager. This gives you the flexibility to manage each region as a single collection of resources. For
example, you could redeploy one region, without taking down the other one. Link the resource groups, so that
you can run a query to list all the resources for the application.
VNets. Create a separate VNet for each region. Make sure the address spaces do not overlap.
SQL Server Always On Availability Group. If you are using SQL Server, we recommend SQL Always On
Availability Groups for high availability. Create a single availability group that includes the SQL Server
instances in both regions. For more information, see the section SQL Server Always On configuration.

Also consider Azure SQL Database, which provides a relational database as a cloud service. With SQL Database, you
don't need to configure an availability group or manage failover.

VPN Gateways. Create a VPN gateway in each VNet, and configure a VNet-to-VNet connection, to enable
network traffic between the two VNets. This is required for the SQL Always On Availability Group.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
Regional pairing
Each Azure region is paired with another region within the same geography. In general, choose regions from the
same regional pair (for example, East US 2 and US Central). Benefits of doing so include:
If there is a broad outage, recovery of at least one region out of every pair is prioritized.
Planned Azure system updates are rolled out to paired regions sequentially, to minimize possible downtime.
Pairs reside within the same geography, to meet data residency requirements.
However, make sure that both regions support all of the Azure services needed for your application (see Services
by region). For more information about regional pairs, see Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR):
Azure Paired Regions.
Traffic Manager configuration
Consider the following points when configuring Traffic Manager:
Routing. Traffic Manager supports several routing algorithms. For the scenario described in this article, use
priority routing (formerly called failover routing). With this setting, Traffic Manager sends all requests to the
primary region, unless the primary region becomes unreachable. At that point, it automatically fails over to the
secondary region. See Configure Failover routing method.
Health probe. Traffic Manager uses an HTTP (or HTTPS) probe to monitor the availability of each region. The
probe checks for an HTTP 200 response for a specified URL path. As a best practice, create an endpoint that
reports the overall health of the application, and use this endpoint for the health probe. Otherwise, the probe
might report a healthy endpoint when critical parts of the application are actually failing. For more
information, see Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern.
When Traffic Manager fails over there is a period of time when clients cannot reach the application. The duration
is affected by the following factors:
The health probe must detect that the primary region has become unreachable.
DNS servers must update the cached DNS records for the IP address, which depends on the DNS time-to-live
(TTL). The default TTL is 300 seconds (5 minutes), but you can configure this value when you create the Traffic
Manager profile.
For details, see About Traffic Manager Monitoring.
If Traffic Manager fails over, we recommend performing a manual failback rather than implementing an
automatic failback. Otherwise, you can create a situation where the application flips back and forth between
regions. Verify that all application subsystems are healthy before failing back.
Note that Traffic Manager automatically fails back by default. To prevent this, manually lower the priority of the
primary region after a failover event. For example, suppose the primary region is priority 1 and the secondary is
priority 2. After a failover, set the primary region to priority 3, to prevent automatic failback. When you are ready
to switch back, update the priority to 1.
The following Azure CLI command updates the priority:

azure network traffic-manager endpoint set --resource-group <resource-group> --profile-name <profile>

--name <traffic-manager-name> --type AzureEndpoints --priority 3

Another approach is to temporarily disable the endpoint until you are ready to fail back:

azure network traffic-manager endpoint set --resource-group <resource-group> --profile-name <profile>

--name <traffic-manager-name> --type AzureEndpoints --status Disabled

Depending on the cause of a failover, you might need to redeploy the resources within a region. Before failing
back, perform an operational readiness test. The test should verify things like:
VMs are configured correctly. (All required software is installed, IIS is running, and so on.)
Application subsystems are healthy.
Functional testing. (For example, the database tier is reachable from the web tier.)
SQL Server Always On configuration
Prior to Windows Server 2016, SQL Server Always On Availability Groups require a domain controller, and all
nodes in the availability group must be in the same Active Directory (AD) domain.
To configure the availability group:
At a minimum, place two domain controllers in each region.
Give each domain controller a static IP address.
Create a VNet-to-VNet connection to enable communication between the VNets.
For each VNet, add the IP addresses of the domain controllers (from both regions) to the DNS server list.
You can use the following CLI command. For more information, see Manage DNS servers used by a virtual
network (VNet).

azure network vnet set --resource-group dc01-rg --name dc01-vnet --dns-servers


Create a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster that includes the SQL Server instances in both
Create a SQL Server Always On Availability Group that includes the SQL Server instances in both the
primary and secondary regions. See Extending Always On Availability Group to Remote Azure Datacenter
(PowerShell) for the steps.
Put the primary replica in the primary region.
Put one or more secondary replicas in the primary region. Configure these to use synchronous commit
with automatic failover.
Put one or more secondary replicas in the secondary region. Configure these to use asynchronous
commit, for performance reasons. (Otherwise, all SQL transactions have to wait on a round trip over
the network to the secondary region.)
Asynchronous commit replicas do not support automatic failover.

For more information, see Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure.

Availability considerations
With a complex N-tier app, you may not need to replicate the entire application in the secondary region. Instead,
you might just replicate a critical subsystem that is needed to support business continuity.
Traffic Manager is a possible failure point in the system. If the Traffic Manager service fails, clients cannot access
your application during the downtime. Review the Traffic Manager SLA, and determine whether using Traffic
Manager alone meets your business requirements for high availability. If not, consider adding another traffic
management solution as a failback. If the Azure Traffic Manager service fails, change your CNAME records in DNS
to point to the other traffic management service. (This step must be performed manually, and your application
will be unavailable until the DNS changes are propagated.)
For the SQL Server cluster, there are two failover scenarios to consider:
All of the SQL replicas in the primary region fail. For example, this could happen during a regional outage.
In that case, you must manually fail over the SQL availability group, even though Traffic Manager
automatically fails over on the front end. Follow the steps in Perform a Forced Manual Failover of a SQL
Server Availability Group, which describes how to perform a forced failover by using SQL Server
Management Studio, Transact-SQL, or PowerShell in SQL Server 2016.

With forced failover, there is a risk of data loss. Once the primary region is back online, take a snapshot of the
database and use tablediff to find the differences.

Traffic Manager fails over to the secondary region, but the primary SQL replica is still available. For
example, the front-end tier might fail, without affecting the SQL VMs. In that case, Internet traffic is routed
to the secondary region, and that region can still connect to the primary SQL replica. However, there will be
increased latency, because the SQL connections are going across regions. In this situation, you should
perform a manual failover as follows:
1. Temporarily switch a SQL replica in the secondary region to synchronous commit. This ensures there
won't be data loss during the failover.
2. Fail over to that SQL replica.
3. When you fail back to the primary region, restore the asynchronous commit setting.

Manageability considerations
When you update your deployment, update one region at a time to reduce the chance of a global failure from an
incorrect configuration or an error in the application.
Test the resiliency of the system to failures. Here are some common failure scenarios to test:
Shut down VM instances.
Pressure resources such as CPU and memory.
Disconnect/delay network.
Crash processes.
Expire certificates.
Simulate hardware faults.
Shut down the DNS service on the domain controllers.
Measure the recovery times and verify they meet your business requirements. Test combinations of failure
modes, as well.

Next steps
This series has focused on pure cloud deployments. Enterprise scenarios often require a hybrid network,
connecting an on-premises network with an Azure virtual network. To learn how to build such a hybrid network,
see Implementing a Hybrid Network Architecture with Azure and On-premises VPN.
Connecting your on-premises network to Azure
1/17/2017 3 min to read Edit on GitHub

Many organizations have an existing on-premises infrastructure that they wish to integrate with Azure. This enables
organizations to migrate existing applications to the cloud, and also to take advantage of the scalability, availability,
security, and other enterprise features that Azure offers for new applications. The key part of this scenario is
understanding how to establish a secure and robust network connection between your organization and Azure.
The patterns & practices group has created a set of reference architectures to address these scenarios. Each
reference architecture demonstrates one approach to creating hybrid networks with Azure, and includes:
Recommendations and best practices.
Considerations for availability, security, scalability, and manageability.
An Azure Resource Manager template that you can modify and deploy.
This article gives a summary of each reference architecture, and helps you to decide which solution will best meet
your needs.

Using a virtual private network connection

You can use Azure VPN Gateway to create a virtual private network (VPN) connection for sending network traffic
between Azure virtual networks and on-premises locations. The network traffic flows between the on-premises
network and an Azure Virtual Network (VNet) through an IPSec VPN tunnel.

This architecture is suitable for hybrid applications where the traffic between on-premises hardware and the cloud
is likely to be light, or it is beneficial to trade slightly extended latency for the flexibility and processing power of the
Simple to configure.
Requires an on-premises VPN device.
Although Microsoft guarantee 99.9% availability for each VPN Gateway, this SLA only covers the VPN gateway,
and not your network connection to the gateway.
A VPN connection over Azure VPN Gateway currently supports a maximum of 200 Mbps bandwidth. You may
need to partition your Azure virtual network across multiple VPN connections if you expect to exceed this
For detailed information about this architecture, see Implementing a Hybrid Network Architecture with Azure and
On-premises VPN.

Using an Azure ExpressRoute connection

ExpressRoute connections are high bandwidth network connections that use a private dedicated link made through
a third-party connectivity provider. The private connection extends your on-premises network into Azure providing
access to your own IaaS infrastructure in Azure, public endpoints used in PaaS services, and Office365 SaaS

This architecture is suitable for hybrid applications with the following characteristics:
Applications running large-scale, mission-critical workloads that require a high degree of scalability.
Large-scale backup and restore facilities for data that must be saved off-site.
Handling Big Data workloads.
Using Azure as a disaster-recovery site.
Benefits of using an ExpressRoute connections:
Much higher bandwidth available; up to 10 Gbps depending on the connectivity provider.
Supports dynamic scaling of bandwidth to help reduce costs during periods of lower demand. However, not all
connectivity providers have this option.
May allow your organization direct access to national clouds, depending on the connectivity provider.
99.9% availability SLA across the entire connection.
Considerations for using an ExpressRoute connection:
Can be complex to set up. Creating an ExpressRoute connection requires working with a third-party connectivity
provider. The provider is responsible for provisioning the network connection.
Requires high bandwidth routers on-premises.
For detailed information about this architecture, see Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure

Using Azure VPN Gateway to provide a failover connection for Azure

Any network can suffer outages. If you are running mission critical services in Azure, you will require a fallback
position , possibly with reduced bandwidth. For example, you can provide a VPN connection alongside an
ExpressRoute circuit. Under normal circumstances, the traffic flows between the on-premises network and an Azure
virtual network through the ExpressRoute connection. If there is a loss of connectivity in the ExpressRoute circuit,
traffic will be routed through an IPSec VPN tunnel instead.

Benefits of using a failover VPN connection:

High availability in the event of an ExpressRoute circuit failure, although the fallback connection is on a lower
bandwidth network.
Considerations for using a failover VPN connection:
Complex to configure. You need to set up both a VPN connection and an ExpressRoute circuit.
Requires redundant hardware (VPN appliances), and a redundant Azure VPN Gateway connection for which you
pay charges.
For detailed information about this architecture, see Implementing a highly available hybrid network architecture.

Next steps
The resources below explain how to implement the architectures described in this article.
Implementing a Hybrid Network Architecture with Azure and On-premises VPN
Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure ExpressRoute
Implementing a highly available hybrid network architecture
Implementing a hybrid network architecture with
Azure ExpressRoute
1/17/2017 13 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article describes best practices for connecting an on-premises network to virtual networks on Azure using
Azure ExpressRoute. ExpressRoute connections are made using a private, dedicated connection through a third-
party connectivity provider. The private connection extends your on-premises network into Azure, providing
access to your own IaaS infrastructure in Azure, public endpoints used in PaaS services, and Office365 SaaS
services. This article focuses on using ExpressRoute to connect to a single Azure virtual network (VNet).

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This article uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

Typical uses for this architecture include:

Hybrid applications where workloads are distributed between an on-premises network and Azure.
Applications running large-scale, mission-critical workloads that require a high degree of scalability.
Large-scale backup and restore facilities for data that must be saved off-site.
Handling big data workloads.
Using Azure as a disaster-recovery site.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the important components in this architecture:

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Hybrid network - ER" page.
On-premises corporate network. A private local-area network running within an organization.
ExpressRoute circuit. A layer 2 or layer 3 circuit supplied by the connectivity provider that joins the on-
premises network with Azure through the edge routers. The circuit uses the hardware infrastructure
managed by the connectivity provider.
Local edge routers. Routers that connect the on-premises network to the circuit managed by the provider.
Depending on how your connection is provisioned, you may need to provide the public IP addresses used
by the routers.
Microsoft edge routers. Two routers in an active-active highly available configuration. These routers
enable a connectivity provider to connect their circuits directly to their datacenter. Depending on how your
connection is provisioned, you may need to provide the public IP addresses used by the routers.
Azure virtual networks (VNets). Each VNet resides in a single Azure region, and can host multiple
application tiers. Application tiers can be segmented using subnets in each VNet.
Azure public services. Azure services that can be used within a hybrid application. These services are also
available over the Internet, but accessing them using an ExpressRoute circuit provides low latency and more
predictable performance, because traffic does not go through the Internet. Connections are performed
using public peering, with addresses that are either owned by your organization or supplied by your
connectivity provider.
Office 365 services. The publicly available Office 365 applications and services provided by Microsoft.
Connections are performed using Microsoft peering, with addresses that are either owned by your
organization or supplied by your connectivity provider.

You can also connect directly to Microsoft CRM Online through Microsoft peering.

Connectivity providers (not shown). Companies that provide a connection either using layer 2 or layer 3
connectivity between your datacenter and an Azure datacenter.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
Connectivity providers
Select a suitable ExpressRoute connectivity provider for your location. To get a list of connectivity providers
available at your location, use the following Azure PowerShell command:


ExpressRoute connectivity providers connect your datacenter to Microsoft in the following ways:
Co-located at a cloud exchange. If you're co-located in a facility with a cloud exchange, you can order virtual
cross-connections to Azure through the co-location providers Ethernet exchange. Co-location providers can
offer either layer 2 cross-connections, or managed layer 3 cross-connections between your infrastructure in the
co-location facility and Azure.
Point-to-point Ethernet connections. You can connect your on-premises datacenters/offices to Azure
through point-to-point Ethernet links. Point-to-point Ethernet providers can offer layer 2 connections, or
managed layer 3 connections between your site and Azure.
Any-to-any (IPVPN) networks. You can integrate your wide area network (WAN) with Azure. Internet
protocol virtual private network (IPVPN) providers (typically a multiprotocol label switching VPN) offer any-to-
any connectivity between your branch offices and datacenters. Azure can be interconnected to your WAN to
make it look just like any other branch office. WAN providers typically offer managed layer 3 connectivity.
For more information about connectivity providers, see the ExpressRoute introduction.
ExpressRoute circuit
Ensure that your organization has met the ExpressRoute prerequisite requirements for connecting to Azure.
If you haven't already done so, add a subnet named GatewaySubnet to your Azure VNet and create an
ExpressRoute virtual network gateway using the Azure VPN gateway service. For more information about this
process, see ExpressRoute workflows for circuit provisioning and circuit states.
Create an ExpressRoute circuit as follows:
1. Run the following PowerShell command:

New-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name <<circuit-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-group>> -Location

<<location>> -SkuTier <<sku-tier>> -SkuFamily <<sku-family>> -ServiceProviderName <<service-provider-
name>> -PeeringLocation <<peering-location>> -BandwidthInMbps <<bandwidth-in-mbps>>

2. Send the ServiceKey for the new circuit to the service provider.
3. Wait for the provider to provision the circuit. To verify the provisioning state of a circuit, run the following
PowerShell command:

Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name <<circuit-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-group>>

The Provisioning state field in the Service Provider section of the output will change from
NotProvisioned to Provisioned when the circuit is ready.
If you're using a layer 3 connection, the provider should configure and manage routing for you. You provide the
information necessary to enable the provider to implement the appropriate routes.

4. If you're using a layer 2 connection:

a. Reserve two /30 subnets composed of valid public IP addresses for each type of peering you want to
implement. These /30 subnets will be used to provide IP addresses for the routers used for the
circuit. If you are implementing private, public, and Microsoft peering, you'll need 6 /30 subnets with
valid public IP addresses.
b. Configure routing for the ExpressRoute circuit. Run the following PowerShell commands for each
type of peering you want to configure (private, public, and Microsoft). For more information, see
Create and modify routing for an ExpressRoute circuit.

Set-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuitPeeringConfig -Name <<peering-name>> -Circuit <<circuit-name>> -

PeeringType <<peering-type>> -PeerASN <<peer-asn>> -PrimaryPeerAddressPrefix <<primary-peer-
address-prefix>> -SecondaryPeerAddressPrefix <<secondary-peer-address-prefix>> -VlanId <<vlan-

Set-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -ExpressRouteCircuit <<circuit-name>>

c. Reserve another pool of valid public IP addresses to use for network address translation (NAT) for
public and Microsoft peering. It is recommended to have a different pool for each peering. Specify
the pool to your connectivity provider, so they can configure border gateway protocol (BGP)
advertisements for those ranges.
5. Run the following PowerShell commands to link your private VNet(s) to the ExpressRoute circuit. For more
information,see Link a virtual network to an ExpressRoute circuit.

$circuit = Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name <<circuit-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-group>>

$gw = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name <<gateway-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-group>>
New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name <<connection-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-
group>> -Location <<location> -VirtualNetworkGateway1 $gw -PeerId $circuit.Id -ConnectionType

You can connect multiple VNets located in different regions to the same ExpressRoute circuit, as long as all VNets
and the ExpressRoute circuit are located within the same geopolitical region.
If a previously functioning ExpressRoute circuit now fails to connect, in the absence of any configuration changes
on-premises or within your private VNet, you may need to contact the connectivity provider and work with them
to correct the issue. Use the following Powershell commands to verify that the ExpressRoute circuit has been

Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name <<circuit-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-group>>

The output of this command shows several properties for your circuit, including ProvisioningState ,
CircuitProvisioningState , and ServiceProviderProvisioningState as shown below.
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Sku : {
"Name": "Standard_MeteredData",
"Tier": "Standard",
"Family": "MeteredData"
CircuitProvisioningState : Enabled
ServiceProviderProvisioningState : NotProvisioned

If the ProvisioningState is not set to Succeeded after you tried to create a new circuit, remove the circuit by using
the command below and try to create it again.

Remove-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name <<circuit-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-group>>

If your provider had already provisioned the circuit, and the ProvisioningState is set to Failed , or the
CircuitProvisioningState is not Enabled , contact your provider for further assistance.

Scalability considerations
ExpressRoute circuits provide a high bandwidth path between networks. Generally, the higher the bandwidth the
greater the cost.
ExpressRoute offers two pricing plans to customers, a metered plan and an unlimited data plan. Charges vary
according to circuit bandwidth. Available bandwidth will likely vary from provider to provider. Use the
Get-AzureRmExpressRouteServiceProvider cmdlet to see the providers available in your region and the bandwidths
that they offer.
A single ExpressRoute circuit can support a certain number of peerings and VNet links. See ExpressRoute limits for
more information.
For an extra charge, the ExpressRoute Premium add-on provides some additional capability:
Increased route limits for public and private peering.
Increased number of VNet links per ExpressRoute circuit.
Global connectivity for services.
See ExpressRoute pricing for details.
ExpressRoute circuits are designed to allow temporary network bursts up to two times the bandwidth limit that
you procured for no additional cost. This is achieved by using redundant links. However, not all connectivity
providers support this feature. Verify that your connectivity provider enables this feature before depending on it.
Although some providers allow you to change your bandwidth, make sure you pick an initial bandwidth that
surpasses your needs and provides room for growth. If you need to increase bandwidth in the future, you are left
with two options:
Increase the bandwidth. You should avoid this option as much as possible, and not all providers allow you
to increase bandwidth dynamically. But if a bandwidth increase is needed, check with your provider to verify
they support changing ExpressRoute bandwidth properties via Powershell commands. If they do, run the
commands below.

$ckt = Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name <<circuit-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-group>>

$ckt.ServiceProviderProperties.BandwidthInMbps = <<bandwidth-in-mbps>>
Set-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -ExpressRouteCircuit $ckt

You can increase the bandwidth without loss of connectivity. Downgrading the bandwidth will result in
disruption in connectivity, because you must delete the circuit and recreate it with the new configuration.
Change your pricing plan and/or upgrade to Premium. To do so, run the following commands. The
Sku.Tier property can be Standard or Premium ; the Sku.Name property can be MeteredData or
UnlimitedData .

$ckt = Get-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -Name <<circuit-name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource-group>>

$ckt.Sku.Tier = "Premium"
$ckt.Sku.Family = "MeteredData"
$ckt.Sku.Name = "Premium_MeteredData"

Set-AzureRmExpressRouteCircuit -ExpressRouteCircuit $ckt

Make sure the Sku.Name property matches the Sku.Tier and Sku.Family . If you change the family and tier, but
not the name, your connection will be disabled.

You can upgrade the SKU without disruption, but you cannot switch from the unlimited pricing plan to
metered. When downgrading the SKU, your bandwidth consumption must remain within the default limit of
the standard SKU.

Availability considerations
ExpressRoute does not support router redundancy protocols such as hot standby routing protocol (HSRP) and
virtual router redundancy protocol (VRRP) to implement high availability. Instead, it uses a redundant pair of BGP
sessions per peering. To facilitate highly-available connections to your network, Azure provisions you with two
redundant ports on two routers (part of the Microsoft edge) in an active-active configuration.
By default, BGP sessions use an idle timeout value of 60 seconds. If a session times out three times (180 seconds
total), the router is marked as unavailable, and all traffic is redirected to the remaining router. This 180-second
timeout might be too long for critical applications. If so, you can change your BGP time-out settings on the on-
premises router to a smaller value.
You can configure high availability for your Azure connection in different ways, depending on the type of provider
you use, and the number of ExpressRoute circuits and virtual network gateway connections you're willing to
configure. The following summarizes your availability options:
If you're using a layer 2 connection, deploy redundant routers in your on-premises network in an active-
active configuration. Connect the primary circuit to one router, and the secondary circuit to the other. This
will give you a highly available connection at both ends of the connection. This is necessary if you require
the ExpressRoute service level agreement (SLA). See SLA for Azure ExpressRoute for details.
The following diagram shows a configuration with redundant on-premises routers connected to the
primary and secondary circuits. Each circuit handles the traffic for a public peering and a private peering
(each peering is designated a pair of /30 address spaces, as described in the previous section).
If you're using a layer 3 connection, verify that it provides redundant BGP sessions that handle availability
for you.
Connect the VNet to multiple ExpressRoute circuits, supplied by different service providers. This strategy
provides additional high-availability and disaster recovery capabilities.
Configure a site-to-site VPN as a failover path for ExpressRoute. This is only applicable to private peering.
For Azure and Office 365 services, the Internet is the only failover path.

Manageability considerations
You can use the Azure Connectivity Toolkit (AzureCT) to monitor connectivity between your on-premises
datacenter and Azure.

Security considerations
You can configure security options for your Azure connection in different ways, depending on your security
concerns and compliance needs.
ExpressRoute operates in layer 3. Threats in the application layer can be prevented by using a network security
appliance that restricts traffic to legitimate resources. Additionally, ExpressRoute connections using public peering
can only be initiated from on-premises. This prevents a rogue service from accessing and compromising on-
premises data from the Internet.
To maximize security, add network security appliances between the on-premises network and the provider edge
routers. This will help to restrict the inflow of unauthorized traffic from the VNet:

For auditing or compliance purposes, it may be necessary to prohibit direct access from components running in
the VNet to the Internet and implement forced tunneling. In this situation, Internet traffic should be redirected back
through a proxy running on-premises where it can be audited. The proxy can be configured to block unauthorized
traffic flowing out, and filter potentially malicious inbound traffic.

To maximize security, do not enable a public IP address for your VMs, and use NSGs to ensure that these VMs
aren't publicly accessible. VMs should only be available using the internal IP address. These addresses can be
made accessible through the ExpressRoute network, enabling on-premises DevOps staff to perform configuration
or maintenance.
If you must expose management endpoints for VMs to an external network, use NSGs or access control lists to
restrict the visibility of these ports to a whitelist of IP addresses or networks.

By default, Azure VMs deployed through the Azure portal include a public IP address that provides login access.

Solution deployment
If you have an existing on-premises infrastructure already configured with a suitable network appliance, you can
deploy the reference architecture by following these steps:
1. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

2. Wait for the link to open in the Azure portal, then follow these steps:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-hybrid-er-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.
4. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":
5. Wait for the link to open in the Azure portal, then follow these steps:
Select Use existing in the Resource group section and enter ra-hybrid-er-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
6. Wait for the deployment to complete.

Next steps
See Implementing a highly available hybrid network architecture for information about increasing the
availability of a hybrid network based on ExpressRoute by failing over to a VPN connection.
Implementing a hybrid network architecture with
Azure and on-premises VPN
1/17/2017 18 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article outlines a set of practices for extending an on-premises network onto Azure using a site-to-site virtual
private network (VPN). The traffic flows between the on-premises network and an Azure Virtual Network (VNet)
through an IPSec VPN tunnel.
This architecture is suitable for hybrid applications with the following characteristics:
Parts of the application run on-premises while others run in Azure.
The traffic between on-premises hardware and the cloud is likely to be light, or it is beneficial to trade slightly
extended latency for the flexibility and processing power of the cloud.
The extended network constitutes a closed system. There is no direct path from the Internet to the Azure VNet.
Users connect to the on-premises network to use the services hosted in Azure. The bridge between the on-
premises network and the services running in Azure is transparent to users.
Examples of scenarios that fit this profile include:
Line-of-business applications used within an organization, where part of the functionality has been migrated to
the cloud.
Development, test, or lab workloads.

Azure has two different deployment models: Azure Resource Manager and classic. This blueprint uses Resource Manager,
which Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the components in this architecture:

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Hybrid network - VPN" page.
On-premises network. A private local-area network running within an organization.
VPN appliance. A device or service that provides external connectivity to the on-premises network. The
VPN appliance may be a hardware device, or it can be a software solution such as the Routing and Remote
Access Service (RRAS) in Windows Server 2012.

For a list of supported VPN appliances and information on configuring them to connect to an Azure VPN gateway,
see the instructions for the selected device in the article About VPN devices for Site-to-Site VPN Gateway

Virtual network (VNet). The cloud application and the components for the Azure VPN gateway reside in
the same VNet.
Azure VPN gateway. The VPN gateway service enables you to connect the VNet to the on-premises
network through a VPN appliance. For more information, see Connect an on-premises network to a
Microsoft Azure virtual network. The VPN gateway includes the following elements:
Virtual network gateway. A resource that provides a virtual VPN appliance for the VNet. It is
responsible for routing traffic from the on-premises network to the VNet.
Local network gateway. An abstraction of the on-premises VPN appliance. Network traffic from the
cloud application to the on-premises network is routed through this gateway.
Connection. The connection has properties that specify the connection type (IPSec) and the key shared
with the on-premises VPN appliance to encrypt traffic.
Gateway subnet. The virtual network gateway is held in its own subnet, which is subject to various
requirements, described in the Recommendations section below.
Cloud application. The application hosted in Azure. It might include multiple tiers, with multiple subnets
connected through Azure load balancers. The traffic in each subnet may be subject to rules defined by
using Network Security Groups (NSGs). For more information, see Getting started with Microsoft Azure

This article does not focus on the application infrastructure. See Running an N-tier architecture on Azure for detailed
Internal load balancer. Network traffic from the VPN gateway is routed to the cloud application through
an internal load balancer. The load balancer is located in the front-end subnet of the application.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
VNet and gateway subnet
Create an Azure VNet with an address space large enough for all of your required resources. Ensure that the VNet
address space has sufficient room for growth if additional VMs are likely to be needed in the future. The address
space of the VNet must not overlap with the on-premises network. For example, the diagram above uses the
address space for the VNet.
Create a subnet named GatewaySubnet, with an address range of /27. This subnet is required by the virtual
network gateway. Allocating 32 addresses to this subnet will help to prevent reaching gateway size limitations in
the future. Also, avoid placing this subnet in the middle of the address space. A good practice is to set the address
space for the gateway subnet at the upper end of the VNet address space. The example shown in the diagram uses Here is a quick procedure to calculate the CIDR:
1. Set the variable bits in the address space of the VNet to 1, up to the bits being used by the gateway subnet,
then set the remaining bits to 0.
2. Convert the resulting bits to decimal and express it as an address space with the prefix length set to the size of
the gateway subnet.
For example, for a VNet with an IP address range of, applying step #1 above becomes
10.20.0b11111111.0b11100000. Converting that to decimal and expressing it as an address space yields

Do not deploy any VMs to the gateway subnet. Also, do not assign an NSG to this subnet, as it will cause the gateway to
stop functioning.

Virtual network gateway

Allocate a public IP address for the virtual network gateway.
Create the virtual network gateway in the gateway subnet and assign it the newly allocated public IP address. Use
the gateway type that most closely matches your requirements and that is enabled by your VPN appliance:
Create a policy-based gateway if you need to closely control how requests are routed based on policy
criteria such as address prefixes. Policy-based gateways use static routing, and only work with site-to-site
Create a route-based gateway if you connect to the on-premises network using RRAS, support multi-site or
cross-region connections, or implement VNet-to-VNet connections (including routes that traverse multiple
VNets). Route-based gateways use dynamic routing to direct traffic between networks. They can tolerate
failures in the network path better than static routes because they can try alternative routes. Route-based
gateways can also reduce the management overhead because routes might not need to be updated
manually when network addresses change.
For a list of supported VPN appliances, see About VPN devices for Site-to-Site VPN Gateway connections.
After the gateway has been created, you cannot change between gateway types without deleting and re-creating the

Select the Azure VPN gateway SKU that most closely matches your throughput requirements. Azure VPN gateway
is available in three SKUs shown in the following table.


Basic 100 Mbps 10

Standard 100 Mbps 10

High Performance 200 Mbps 30

The Basic SKU is not compatible with Azure ExpressRoute. You can change the SKU after the gateway has been created.

You are charged based on the amount of time that the gateway is provisioned and available. See VPN Gateway
Create routing rules for the gateway subnet that direct incoming application traffic from the gateway to the
internal load balancer, rather than allowing requests to pass directly to the application VMs.
On-premises network connection
Create a local network gateway. Specify the public IP address of the on-premises VPN appliance, and the address
space of the on-premises network. Note that the on-premises VPN appliance must have a public IP address that
can be accessed by the local network gateway in Azure VPN Gateway. The VPN device cannot be located behind a
network address translation (NAT) device.
Create a site-to-site connection for the virtual network gateway and the local network gateway. Select the site-to-
site (IPSec) connection type, and specify the shared key. Site-to-site encryption with the Azure VPN gateway is
based on the IPSec protocol, using preshared keys for authentication. You specify the key when you create the
Azure VPN gateway. You must configure the VPN appliance running on-premises with the same key. Other
authentication mechanisms are not currently supported.
Ensure that the on-premises routing infrastructure is configured to forward requests intended for addresses in the
Azure VNet to the VPN device.
Open any ports required by the cloud application in the on-premises network.
Test the connection to verify that:
The on-premises VPN appliance correctly routes traffic to the cloud application through the Azure VPN
The VNet correctly routes traffic back to the on-premises network.
Prohibited traffic in both directions is blocked correctly.

Scalability considerations
You can achieve limited vertical scalability by moving from the Basic or Standard VPN Gateway SKUs to the High
Performance VPN SKU.
For VNets that expect a large volume of VPN traffic, consider distributing the different workloads into separate
smaller VNets and configuring a VPN gateway for each of them.
You can partition the VNet either horizontally or vertically. To partition horizontally, move some VM instances
from each tier into subnets of the new VNet. The result is that each VNet has the same structure and functionality.
To partition vertically, redesign each tier to divide the functionality into different logical areas (such as handling
orders, invoicing, customer account management, and so on). Each functional area can then be placed in its own
Replicating an on-premises Active Directory domain controller in the VNet, and implementing DNS in the VNet,
can help to reduce some of the security-related and administrative traffic flowing from on-premises to the cloud.
For more information, see Extending Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to Azure.

Availability considerations
If you need to ensure that the on-premises network remains available to the Azure VPN gateway, implement a
failover cluster for the on-premises VPN gateway.
If your organization has multiple on-premises sites, create multi-site connections to one or more Azure VNets.
This approach requires dynamic (route-based) routing, so make sure that the on-premises VPN gateway supports
this feature.
For details about service level agreements, see SLA for VPN Gateway.

Manageability considerations
Monitor diagnostic information from on-premises VPN appliances. This process depends on the features provided
by the VPN appliance. For example, if you are using the Routing and Remote Access Service on Windows Server
2012, RRAS logging.
Use Azure VPN gateway diagnostics to capture information about connectivity issues. These logs can be used to
track information such as the source and destinations of connection requests, which protocol was used, and how
the connection was established (or why the attempt failed).
Monitor the operational logs of the Azure VPN gateway using the audit logs available in the Azure portal. Separate
logs are available for the local network gateway, the Azure network gateway, and the connection. This information
can be used to track any changes made to the gateway, and can be useful if a previously functioning gateway
stops working for some reason.
Monitor connectivity, and track connectivity failure events. You can use a monitoring package such as Nagios to
capture and report this information.

Security considerations
Generate a different shared key for each VPN gateway. Use a strong shared key to help resist brute-force attacks.

Currently, you cannot use Azure Key Vault to preshare keys for the Azure VPN gateway.

Ensure that the on-premises VPN appliance uses an encryption method that is compatible with the Azure VPN
gateway. For policy-based routing, the Azure VPN gateway supports the AES256, AES128, and 3DES encryption
algorithms. Route-based gateways support AES256 and 3DES.
If your on-premises VPN appliance is on a perimeter network (DMZ) that has a firewall between the perimeter
network and the Internet, you might have to configure additional firewall rules to allow the site-to-site VPN
If the application in the VNet sends data to the Internet, consider implementing forced tunneling to route all
Internet-bound traffic through the on-premises network. This approach enables you to audit outgoing requests
made by the application from the on-premises infrastructure.
Forced tunneling can impact connectivity to Azure services (the Storage Service, for example) and the Windows license

For general information on troubleshooting common VPN-related errors, see Troubleshooting common VPN
related errors.
The following recommendations are useful for determining if your on-premises VPN appliance is functioning
Check any log files generated by the VPN appliance for errors or failures.
This will help you determine if the VPN appliance is functioning correctly. The location of this information
will vary according to your appliance. For example, if you are using RRAS on Windows Server 2012, you
can use the following PowerShell command to display error event information for the RRAS service:

Get-EventLog -LogName System -EntryType Error -Source RemoteAccess | Format-List -Property *

The Message property of each entry provides a description of the error. Some common examples are:

- Inability to connect, possibly due to an incorrect IP address specified for the Azure VPN gateway
in the RRAS VPN network interface configuration.

EventID : 20111
MachineName : on-prem-vm
Data : {41, 3, 0, 0}
Index : 14231
Category : (0)
CategoryNumber : 0
EntryType : Error
Message : RoutingDomainID- {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}: A demand dial
connection to the remote
interface AzureGateway on port VPN2-4 was successfully initiated but failed to
successfully because of the following error: The network connection between
your computer and
the VPN server could not be established because the remote server is not
responding. This could
be because one of the network devices (for example, firewalls, NAT, routers, and
so on) between your computer
and the remote server is not configured to allow VPN connections. Please contact
Administrator or your service provider to determine which device may be causing
the problem.
Source : RemoteAccess
ReplacementStrings : {{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, AzureGateway, VPN2-4, The network
connection between
your computer and the VPN server could not be established because the remote
server is not
responding. This could be because one of the network devices (for example,
firewalls, NAT, routers, and so on)
between your computer and the remote server is not configured to allow VPN
connections. Please
contact your Administrator or your service provider to determine which device
may be causing the
InstanceId : 20111
TimeGenerated : 3/18/2016 1:26:02 PM
TimeGenerated : 3/18/2016 1:26:02 PM
TimeWritten : 3/18/2016 1:26:02 PM
UserName :
Site :
Container :

- The wrong shared key being specified in the RRAS VPN network interface configuration.

EventID : 20111
MachineName : on-prem-vm
Data : {233, 53, 0, 0}
Index : 14245
Category : (0)
CategoryNumber : 0
EntryType : Error
Message : RoutingDomainID- {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}: A demand dial
connection to the remote
interface AzureGateway on port VPN2-4 was successfully initiated but failed to
successfully because of the following error: Internet key exchange (IKE)
authentication credentials are unacceptable.

Source : RemoteAccess
ReplacementStrings : {{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}, AzureGateway, VPN2-4, IKE
authentication credentials are
InstanceId : 20111
TimeGenerated : 3/18/2016 1:34:22 PM
TimeWritten : 3/18/2016 1:34:22 PM
UserName :
Site :
Container :

You can also obtain event log information about attempts to connect through the RRAS service using the
following PowerShell command:

Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source RasClient | Format-List -Property *

In the event of a failure to connect, this log will contain errors that look similar to the following:

EventID : 20227
MachineName : on-prem-vm
Data : {}
Index : 4203
Category : (0)
CategoryNumber : 0
EntryType : Error
Message : CoId={B4000371-A67F-452F-AA4C-3125AA9CFC78}: The user SYSTEM dialed a connection
AzureGateway that has failed. The error code returned on failure is 809.
Source : RasClient
ReplacementStrings : {{B4000371-A67F-452F-AA4C-3125AA9CFC78}, SYSTEM, AzureGateway, 809}
InstanceId : 20227
TimeGenerated : 3/18/2016 1:29:21 PM
TimeWritten : 3/18/2016 1:29:21 PM
UserName :
Site :
Container :

Verify connectivity and routing across the VPN gateway.

The VPN appliance may not be correctly routing traffic through the Azure VPN Gateway. Use a tool such as
PsPing to verify connectivity and routing across the VPN gateway. For example, to test connectivity from an
on-premises machine to a web server located on the VNet, run the following command (replacing
<<web-server-address>> with the address of the web server):

PsPing -t <<web-server-address>>:80

If the on-premises machine can route traffic to the web server, you should see output similar to the

D:\PSTools>psping -t

PsPing v2.01 - PsPing - ping, latency, bandwidth measurement utility

Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

TCP connect to

Infinite iterations (warmup 1) connecting test:
Connecting to (warmup): 6.21ms
Connecting to 3.79ms
Connecting to 3.44ms
Connecting to 4.81ms

Sent = 3, Received = 3, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Minimum = 3.44ms, Maximum = 4.81ms, Average = 4.01ms

If the on-premises machine cannot communicate with the specified destination, you will see messages like

D:\PSTools>psping -t

PsPing v2.01 - PsPing - ping, latency, bandwidth measurement utility

Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Mark Russinovich
Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com

TCP connect to

Infinite iterations (warmup 1) connecting test:
Connecting to (warmup): This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Connecting to This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Connecting to This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Connecting to This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Connecting to
Sent = 3, Received = 0, Lost = 3 (100% loss),
Minimum = 0.00ms, Maximum = 0.00ms, Average = 0.00ms

Verify that the on-premises firewall allows VPN traffic to pass and that the correct ports are
Verify that the on-premises VPN appliance uses an encryption method that is compatible with
the Azure VPN gateway. For policy-based routing, the Azure VPN gateway supports the AES256, AES128,
and 3DES encryption algorithms. Route-based gateways support AES256 and 3DES.
The following recommendations are useful for determining if there is a problem with the Azure VPN gateway:
Examine Azure VPN gateway diagnostic logs for potential issues.
Verify that the Azure VPN gateway and on-premises VPN appliance are configured with the same
shared authentication key.
You can view the shared key stored by the Azure VPN gateway using the following Azure CLI command:
azure network vpn-connection shared-key show <<resource-group>> <<vpn-connection-name>>

Use the command appropriate for your on-premises VPN appliance to show the shared key configured for
that appliance.
Verify that the GatewaySubnet subnet holding the Azure VPN gateway is not associated with an NSG.
You can view the subnet details using the following Azure CLI command:

azure network vnet subnet show -g <<resource-group>> -e <<vnet-name>> -n GatewaySubnet

Ensure there is no data field named Network Security Group id. The following example shows the results
for an instance of the GatewaySubnet that has an assigned NSG (VPN-Gateway-Group). This can prevent
the gateway from working correctly if there are any rules defined for this NSG.

C:\>azure network vnet subnet show -g profx-prod-rg -e profx-vnet -n GatewaySubnet

info: Executing command network vnet subnet show
+ Looking up virtual network "profx-vnet"
+ Looking up the subnet "GatewaySubnet"
data: Id : /subscriptions/########-####-####-####-
data: Name : GatewaySubnet
data: Provisioning state : Succeeded
data: Address prefix :
data: Network Security Group id : /subscriptions/########-####-####-####-
info: network vnet subnet show command OK

Verify that the virtual machines in the Azure VNet are configured to permit traffic coming in
from outside the VNet.
Check any NSG rules associated with subnets containing these virtual machines. You can view all NSG rules
using the following Azure CLI command:

azure network nsg show -g <<resource-group>> -n <<nsg-name>>

Verify that the Azure VPN gateway is connected.

You can use the following Azure PowerShell command to check the current status of the Azure VPN
connection. The <<connection-name>> parameter is the name of the Azure VPN connection that links the
virtual network gateway and the local gateway.

Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name <<connection-name>> - ResourceGroupName <<resource-


The following snippets highlight the output generated if the gateway is connected (the first example), and
disconnected (the second example):
PS C:\> Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name profx-gateway-connection -ResourceGroupName

AuthorizationKey :
VirtualNetworkGateway1 : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.PSVirtualNetworkGateway
VirtualNetworkGateway2 :
LocalNetworkGateway2 : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.PSLocalNetworkGateway
Peer :
ConnectionType : IPsec
RoutingWeight : 0
SharedKey : ####################################
ConnectionStatus : Connected
EgressBytesTransferred : 55254803
IngressBytesTransferred : 32227221
ProvisioningState : Succeeded

PS C:\> Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGatewayConnection -Name profx-gateway-connection2 -ResourceGroupName


AuthorizationKey :
VirtualNetworkGateway1 : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.PSVirtualNetworkGateway
VirtualNetworkGateway2 :
LocalNetworkGateway2 : Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Network.Models.PSLocalNetworkGateway
Peer :
ConnectionType : IPsec
RoutingWeight : 0
SharedKey : ####################################
ConnectionStatus : NotConnected
EgressBytesTransferred : 0
IngressBytesTransferred : 0
ProvisioningState : Succeeded

The following recommendations are useful for determining if there is an issue with Host VM configuration,
network bandwidth utilization, or application performance:
Verify that the firewall in the guest operating system running on the Azure VMs in the subnet is
configured correctly to allow permitted traffic from the on-premises IP ranges.
Verify that the volume of traffic is not close to the limit of the bandwidth available to the Azure
VPN gateway.
How to verify this depends on the VPN appliance running on-premises. For example, if you are using RRAS
on Windows Server 2012, you can use Performance Monitor to track the volume of data being received
and transmitted over the VPN connection. Using the RAS Total object, select the Bytes Received/Sec and
Bytes Transmitted/Sec counters:
You should compare the results with the bandwidth available to the VPN gateway (100 Mbps for the Basic
and Standard SKUs, and 200 Mbps for the High Performance SKU):

Verify that you have deployed the right number and size of VMs for your application load.
Determine if any of the virtual machines in the Azure VNet are running slowly. If so, they may be
overloaded, there may be too few to handle the load, or the load-balancers may not be configured
correctly. To determine this, capture and analyze diagnostic information. You can examine the results using
the Azure portal, but many third-party tools are also available that can provide detailed insights into the
performance data.
Verify that the application is making efficient use of cloud resources.
Instrument application code running on each VM to determine whether applications are making the best
use of resources. You can use tools such as Application Insights.

Solution deployment
If you have an existing on-premises infrastructure already configured with a VPN appliance, you can deploy the
reference architecture by following these steps:
1. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

2. Wait for the link to open in the Azure portal, then follow these steps:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-hybrid-vpn-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.

Next steps
Once you have your Azure VPN gateway functioning correctly, you can expand your Azure architecture in the
following ways:
Extending Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to Azure
Guidelines for deploying Windows Server Active Directory on Azure VMs.
Creating a DNS server in a VNet.
Configuring and managing DNS in a VNet.
Using on-premises Stormshield network security appliances across a VPN.
Implementing a Hybrid Network Architecture with Azure ExpressRoute.
Implementing a highly available hybrid network
1/17/2017 5 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article describes how to connect an on-premises network to an Azure virtual network (VNet) using
ExpressRoute, with a site-to-site virtual private network (VPN) as a failover connection.
Traffic flows between the on-premises network and the Azure VNet through an ExpressRoute connection.
ExpressRoute connections are made using a private dedicated connection through a third-party connectivity
provider. If there is a loss of connectivity in the ExpressRoute circuit, traffic will be routed through an IPSec VPN
Note that if the ExpressRoute circuit is unavailable, the VPN route will only handle private peering connections.
Public peering and Microsoft peering connections will pass over the Internet.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This blueprint uses Resource Manager, which
Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

Typical use cases for this architecture include:

Hybrid applications where workloads are distributed between an on-premises network and Azure.
Applications running large-scale, mission-critical workloads that require a high degree of scalability.
Large-scale backup and restore facilities for data that must be saved off-site.
Handling big data workloads.
Using Azure as a disaster-recovery site.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the important components in this architecture:

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Hybrid network - ER-VPN" page.
On-premises network. A private local-area network running within an organization.
VPN appliance. A device or service that provides external connectivity to the on-premises network. The
VPN appliance may be a hardware device, or it can be a software solution such as the Routing and Remote
Access Service (RRAS) in Windows Server 2012.

For a list of supported VPN appliances and information on configuring selected VPN appliances for connecting to
Azure, see About VPN devices for Site-to-Site VPN Gateway connections.

ExpressRoute circuit. A layer 2 or layer 3 circuit supplied by the connectivity provider that joins the on-
premises network with Azure through the edge routers. The circuit uses the hardware infrastructure
managed by the connectivity provider.
ExpressRoute virtual network gateway. The ExpressRoute virtual network gateway enables the VNet to
connect to the ExpressRoute circuit used for connectivity with your on-premises network.
VPN virtual network gateway. The VPN virtual network gateway enables the VNet to connect to the VPN
appliance in the on-premises network. The VPN virtual network gateway is configured to accept requests
from the on-premises network only through the VPN appliance. For more information, see Connect an on-
premises network to a Microsoft Azure virtual network.
VPN connection. The connection has properties that specify the connection type (IPSec) and the key
shared with the on-premises VPN appliance to encrypt traffic.
Azure Virtual Network (VNet). Each VNet resides in a single Azure region, and can host multiple
application tiers. Application tiers can be segmented using subnets in each VNet.
Gateway subnet. The virtual network gateways are held in the same subnet.
Cloud application. The application hosted in Azure. It might include multiple tiers, with multiple subnets
connected through Azure load balancers. The traffic in each subnet may be subject to rules defined using
network security groups(NSGs). For more information, see Getting started with Microsoft Azure security.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
VNet and GatewaySubnet
Create the ExpressRoute virtual network gateway and the VPN virtual network gateway in the same VNet. This
means that they should share the same subnet named GatewaySubnet.
If the VNet already includes a subnet named GatewaySubnet, ensure that it has a /27 or larger address space. If
the existing subnet is too small, use the following PowerShell command to remove the subnet:

$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name <yourvnetname> -ResourceGroupName <yourresourcegroup>

Remove-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name GatewaySubnet -VirtualNetwork $vnet

If the VNet does not contain a subnet named GatewaySubnet, create a new one using the following Powershell

$vnet = Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name <yourvnetname> -ResourceGroupName <yourresourcegroup>

Add-AzureRmVirtualNetworkSubnetConfig -Name "GatewaySubnet" -VirtualNetwork $vnet -AddressPrefix
$vnet = Set-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -VirtualNetwork $vnet

VPN and ExpressRoute gateways

Verify that your organization meets the ExpressRoute prerequisite requirements for connecting to Azure.
If you already have a VPN virtual network gateway in your Azure VNet, use the following Powershell command to
remove it:

Remove-AzureRmVirtualNetworkGateway -Name <yourgatewayname> -ResourceGroupName <yourresourcegroup>

Follow the instructions in Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure ExpressRoute to establish your
ExpressRoute connection.
Follow the instructions in Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure and On-premises VPN to
establish your VPN virtual network gateway connection.
After you have established the virtual network gateway connections, test the environment as follows:
1. Make sure you can connect from your on-premises network to your Azure VNet.
2. Contact your provider to stop ExpressRoute connectivity for testing.
3. Verify that you can still connect from your on-premises network to your Azure VNet using the VPN virtual
network gateway connection.
4. Contact your provider to reestablish ExpressRoute connectivity.

For ExpressRoute considerations, see the Implementing a Hybrid Network Architecture with Azure ExpressRoute
For site-to-site VPN considerations, see the Implementing a Hybrid Network Architecture with Azure and On-
premises VPN guidance.
For general Azure security considerations, see Microsoft cloud services and network security.

Solution Deployment
If you have an existing on-premises infrastructure already configured with a suitable network appliance, you can
deploy the reference architecture by following these steps:
1. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":
2. Wait for the link to open in the Azure portal, then follow these steps:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-hybrid-vpn-er-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.
4. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

5. Wait for the link to open in the Azure portal, then enter then follow these steps:
Select Use existing in the Resource group section and enter ra-hybrid-vpn-er-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
Protecting the cloud boundary in Azure
1/17/2017 1 min to read Edit on GitHub

An on-premises network can be connected to a virtual network in Azure by using an Azure VPN gateway. The
network boundary between these two environments can expose areas of weakness in terms of security, and it is
necessary to protect this boundary to block unauthorized requests. Similar protection is required for applications
running on VMs in Azure that are exposed to the public Internet.
The patterns & practices group has created a set of reference architectures to address these scenarios. Each
reference architecture demonstrates one approach to protecting the network boundary, and includes:
Recommendations and best practices.
Considerations for availability, security, scalability, and manageability.
An Azure Resource Manager template that you can modify and deploy.

Using a DMZ between Azure and on-premises datacenters

This architecture shows how to create a DMZ (also known as a perimeter network) to filter traffic between Azure
and your on-premises network. The DMZ consists of a set of network virtual appliances (NVAs) that can perform
tasks such as acting as a firewall, inspecting network packets, and denying access to suspicious requests. These
NVAs are implemented as Azure VMs.

For detailed information about this architecture, see Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture in Azure.

Using a DMZ between Azure and the Internet

This architecture builds on the previous one, but adds a second DMZ to filter traffic between Azure and the Internet.
For detailed information about this architecture, see Implementing a DMZ between Azure and the Internet.

Next steps
The resources below explain how to implement the architectures described in this article.
Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture in Azure
Implementing a DMZ between Azure and the Internet
Implementing a DMZ between Azure and your on-
premises datacenter
1/17/2017 11 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article describes best practices for implementing a secure hybrid network that extends an on-premises
network to Azure. This reference architecture implements a DMZ (also called a perimeter network) between an
on-premises network and an Azure virtual network. The DMZ includes highly available network virtual appliances
(NVAs) that implement security functionality such as firewalls and packet inspection. All outgoing traffic from the
VNet is force-tunneled to the Internet through the on-premises network, so that it can be audited.
This architecture requires a connection to your on-premises datacenter, using either a VPN gateway or an
ExpressRoute connection.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This reference architecture uses Resource
Manager, which Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

Typical uses for this architecture include:

Hybrid applications where workloads run partly on-premises and partly in Azure.
Infrastructure that requires granular control over traffic entering an Azure VNet from an on-premises
Applications that must audit outgoing traffic. This is often a regulatory requirement of many commercial
systems and can help to prevent public disclosure of private information.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the important components in this architecture:

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "DMZ - Private" page.
On-premises network. A private local-area network implemented in an organization.
Azure virtual network (VNet). The VNet hosts the application and other resources running in Azure.
Gateway. The gateway provides connectivity between the routers in the on-premises network and the VNet.
Network virtual appliance (NVA). NVA is a generic term that describes a VM performing tasks such as
allowing or denying access as a firewall, optimizing wide area network (WAN) operations (including network
compression), custom routing, or other network functionality.
Web tier, business tier, and data tier subnets. Subnets hosting the VMs and services that implement an
example 3-tier application running in the cloud. See Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on
Azure for more information.
User defined routes (UDR). User defined routes define the flow of IP traffic within Azure VNets.

Depending on the requirements of your VPN connection, you can configure Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes
instead of using UDRs to implement the forwarding rules that direct traffic back through the on-premises network.

Management subnet. This subnet contains VMs that implement management and monitoring
capabilities for the components running in the VNet.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
Access control recommendations
Use Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) to manage the resources in your application. Consider creating the
following custom roles:
A DevOps role with permissions to administer the infrastructure for the application, deploy the application
components, and monitor and restart VMs.
A centralized IT administrator role to manage and monitor network resources.
A security IT administrator role to manage secure network resources such as the NVAs.
The DevOps and IT administrator roles should not have access to the NVA resources. This should be restricted to
the security IT administrator role.
Resource group recommendations
Azure resources such as VMs, VNets, and load balancers can be easily managed by grouping them together into
resource groups. Assign RBAC roles to each resource group to restrict access.
We recommend creating the following resource groups:
A resource group containing the subnets (excluding the VMs), NSGs, and the gateway resources for
connecting to the on-premises network. Assign the centralized IT administrator role to this resource group.
A resource group containing the VMs for the NVAs (including the load balancer), the jumpbox and other
management VMs, and the UDR for the gateway subnet that forces all traffic through the NVAs. Assign the
security IT administrator role to this resource group.
Separate resource groups for each application tier that contain the load balancer and VMs. Note that this
resource group shouldn't include the subnets for each tier. Assign the DevOps role to this resource group.
Virtual network gateway recommendations
On-premises traffic passes to the VNet through a virtual network gateway. We recommend an Azure VPN
gateway or an Azure ExpressRoute gateway.
NVA recommendations
NVAs provide different services for managing and monitoring network traffic. The Azure Marketplace offers
several third-party vendor NVAs, including:
Barracuda Web Application Firewall and Barracuda NextGen Firewall
Cohesive Networks VNS3 Firewall/Router/VPN
Fortinet FortiGate-VM
SecureSphere Web Application Firewall
DenyAll Web Application Firewall
Check Point vSEC
Kemp LoadMaster Load Balancer ADC Content Switch
If none of these third-party NVAs meet your requirements, you can create a custom NVA using VMs. As an
example of creating custom NVAs, the solution deployment for this reference architecture implements the
following functionality:
Traffic is routed using IP forwarding on the NVA network interfaces (NICs).
Traffic is permitted to pass through the NVA only if it is appropriate to do so. Each NVA VM in the reference
architecture is a simple Linux router. Inbound traffic arrives on network interface eth0, and outbound traffic
matches rules defined by custom scripts dispatched through network interface eth1.
The NVAs can only be configured from the management subnet.
Traffic routed to the management subnet does not pass through the NVAs. Otherwise, if the NVAs fail, there
would be no route to the management subnet to fix them.
The VMs for the NVA are placed in an availability set behind a load balancer. The UDR in the gateway subnet
directs NVA requests to the load balancer.
Include a layer-7 NVA to terminate application connections at the NVA level and maintain affinity with the
backend tiers. This guarantees symmetric connectivity, in which response traffic from the backend tiers returns
through the NVA.
Another option to consider is connecting multiple NVAs in series, with each NVA performing a specialized
security task. This allows each security function to be managed on a per-NVA basis. For example, an NVA
implementing a firewall could be placed in series with an NVA running identity services. The tradeoff for ease of
management is the addition of extra network hops that may increase latency, so ensure that this doesn't affect
your application's performance.
NSG recommendations
The VPN gateway exposes a public IP address for the connection to the on-premises network. We recommend
creating a network security group (NSG) for the inbound NVA subnet, with rules to block all traffic not originating
from the on-premises network.
We also recommend NSGs for each subnet to provide a second level of protection against inbound traffic
bypassing an incorrectly configured or disabled NVA. For example, the web tier subnet in the reference
architecture implements an NSG with a rule to ignore all requests other than those received from the on-
premises network ( or the VNet, and another rule that ignores all requests not made on port 80.
Internet access recommendations
Force-tunnel all outbound Internet traffic through your on-premises network using the site-to-site VPN tunnel,
and route to the Internet using network address translation (NAT). This prevents accidental leakage of any
confidential information stored in your data tier and allows inspection and auditing of all outgoing traffic.
Don't completely block Internet traffic from the application tiers, as this will prevent these tiers from using Azure PaaS
services that rely on public IP addresses, such as VM diagnostics logging, downloading of VM extensions, and other
functionality. Azure diagnostics also requires that components can read and write to an Azure Storage account.

Verify that outbound internet traffic is force-tunneled correctly. If you're using a VPN connection with the routing
and remote access service on an on-premises server, use a tool such as WireShark or Microsoft Message
Management subnet recommendations
The management subnet contains a jumpbox that performs management and monitoring functionality. Restrict
execution of all secure management tasks to the jumpbox.
Do not create a public IP address for the jumpbox. Instead, create one route to access the jumpbox through the
incoming gateway. Create NSG rules so the management subnet only responds to requests from the allowed

Scalability considerations
The reference architecture uses a load balancer to direct on-premises network traffic to a pool of NVA devices,
which route the traffic. The NVAs are placed in an availability set. This design allows you to monitor the
throughput of the NVAs over time and add NVA devices in response to increases in load.
The standard SKU VPN gateway supports sustained throughput of up to 100 Mbps. The High Performance SKU
provides up to 200 Mbps. For higher bandwidths, consider upgrading to an ExpressRoute gateway. ExpressRoute
provides up to 10 Gbps bandwidth with lower latency than a VPN connection.
For more information about the scalability of Azure gateways, see the scalability consideration section in
Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure and on-premises VPN and Implementing a hybrid
network architecture with Azure ExpressRoute.

Availability considerations
As mentioned, the reference architecture uses a pool of NVA devices behind a load balancer. The load balancer
uses a health probe to monitor each NVA and will remove any unresponsive NVAs from the pool.
If you're using Azure ExpressRoute to provide connectivity between the VNet and on-premises network, configure
a VPN gateway to provide failover if the ExpressRoute connection becomes unavailable.
For specific information on maintaining availability for VPN and ExpressRoute connections, see the availability
considerations in Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure and on-premises VPN and
Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure ExpressRoute.

Manageability considerations
All application and resource monitoring should be performed by the jumpbox in the management subnet.
Depending on your application requirements, you may need additional monitoring resources in the management
subnet. If so, these resources should be accessed through the jumpbox.
If gateway connectivity from your on-premises network to Azure is down, you can still reach the jumpbox by
deploying a public IP address, adding it to the jumpbox, and remoting in from the internet.
Each tier's subnet in the reference architecture is protected by NSG rules. You may need to create a rule to open
port 3389 for remote desktop protocol (RDP) access on Windows VMs or port 22 for secure shell (SSH) access on
Linux VMs. Other management and monitoring tools may require rules to open additional ports.
If you're using ExpressRoute to provide the connectivity between your on-premises datacenter and Azure, use the
Azure Connectivity Toolkit (AzureCT) to monitor and troubleshoot connection issues.
You can find additional information specifically aimed at monitoring and managing VPN and ExpressRoute
connections in the articles Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure and on-premises VPN and
Implementing a hybrid network architecture with Azure ExpressRoute.

Security considerations
This reference architecture implements multiple levels of security.
Routing all on-premises user requests through the NVA
The UDR in the gateway subnet blocks all user requests other than those received from on-premises. The UDR
passes allowed requests to the NVAs in the private DMZ subnet, and these requests are passed on to the
application if they are allowed by the NVA rules. You can add other routes to the UDR, but make sure they don't
inadvertently bypass the NVAs or block administrative traffic intended for the management subnet.
The load balancer in front of the NVAs also acts as a security device by ignoring traffic on ports that are not open
in the load balancing rules. The load balancers in the reference architecture only listen for HTTP requests on port
80 and HTTPS requests on port 443. Document any additional rules that you add to the load balancers, and
monitor traffic to ensure there are no security issues.
Using NSGs to block/pass traffic between application tiers
Traffic between tiers is restricted by using NSGs. The business tier blocks all traffic that doesn't originate in the
web tier, and the data tier blocks all traffic that doesn't originate in the business tier. If you have a requirement to
expand the NSG rules to allow broader access to these tiers, weigh these requirements against the security risks.
Each new inbound pathway represents an opportunity for accidental or purposeful data leakage or application
DevOps access
Use RBAC to restrict the operations that DevOps can perform on each tier. When granting permissions, use the
principle of least privilege. Log all administrative operations and perform regular audits to ensure any
configuration changes were planned.

Solution deployment
A deployment for a reference architecture that implements these recommendations is available on GitHub. The
reference architecture can be deployed by following the directions below:
1. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

2. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, you must enter values for some of the settings:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-private-dmz-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.
4. The parameter files include hard-coded administrator user name and password for all VMs, and it is strongly
recommended that you immediately change both. For each VM in the deployment, select it in the Azure portal
and then click Reset password in the Support + troubleshooting blade. Select Reset password in the
Mode drop down box, then select a new User name and Password. Click the Update button to save.

Next steps
Learn how to implement a DMZ between Azure and the Internet.
Learn how to implement a highly available hybrid network architecture.
For more information about managing network security with Azure, see Microsoft cloud services and network
For detailed information about protecting resources in Azure, see Getting started with Microsoft Azure
For additional details on addressing security concerns across an Azure gateway connection, see Implementing
a hybrid network architecture with Azure and on-premises VPN and Implementing a hybrid network
architecture with Azure ExpressRoute. >
Implementing a DMZ between Azure and the
1/17/2017 6 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article describes best practices for implementing a secure hybrid network that extends your on-premises
network and also accepts Internet traffic to Azure.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This reference architecture uses Resource
Manager, which Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

This reference architecture extends the architecture described in Implementing a DMZ between Azure and your
on-premises datacenter. This reference architecture adds a public DMZ that handles Internet traffic, in addition to
the private DMZ that handles traffic from the on-premises network
Typical uses for this architecture include:
Hybrid applications where workloads run partly on-premises and partly in Azure.
Azure infrastructure that routes incoming traffic from on-premises and the Internet.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the important components in this architecture:

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "DMZ - Public" page.
To enable Internet traffic to Azure, the architecture includes the following components:
Public IP address (PIP). The IP address of the public endpoint. External users connected to the Internet can
access the system through this address.
Network virtual appliance (NVA). This architecture includes a separate pool of NVAs for traffic originating
on the Internet.
Azure load balancer. All incoming requests from the Internet pass through the load balancer and are
distributed to the NVAs in the public DMZ.
Public DMZ inbound subnet. This subnet accepts requests from the Azure load balancer. Incoming requests
are passed to one of the NVAs in the public DMZ.
Public DMZ outbound subnet. Requests that are approved by the NVA pass through this subnet to the
internal load balancer for the web tier.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
NVA recommendations
Use one set of NVAs for traffic originating on the Internet, and another for traffic originating on-premises. Using
only one set of NVAs for both is a security risk, because it provides no security perimeter between the two sets of
network traffic. Using separate NVAs reduces the complexity of checking security rules, and makes it clear which
rules correspond to each incoming network request. One set of NVAs implements rules for Internet traffic only,
while another set of NVAs implement rules for on-premises traffic only.
Include a layer-7 NVA to terminate application connections at the NVA level and maintain compatibility with the
backend tiers. This guarantees symmetric connectivity where response traffic from the backend tiers returns
through the NVA.
Public load balancer recommendations
For scalability and availability, deploy the public DMZ NVAs in an availability set and use an Internet facing load
balancer to distribute Internet requests across the NVAs in the availability set.
Configure the load balancer to accept requests only on the ports necessary for Internet traffic. For example,
restrict inbound HTTP requests to port 80 and inbound HTTPS requests to port 443.

Scalability considerations
Even if your architecture initially requires a single NVA in the public DMZ, we recommend putting a load balancer
in front of the public DMZ from the beginning. That will make it easier to scale to multiple NVAs in the future, if

Availability considerations
The Internet facing load balancer requires each NVA in the public DMZ inbound subnet to implement a health
probe. A health probe that fails to respond on this endpoint is considered to be unavailable, and the load balancer
will direct requests to other NVAs in the same availability set. Note that if all NVAs fail to respond, your
application will fail, so it's important to have monitoring configured to alert DevOps when the number of healthy
NVA instances falls below a defined threshold.

Manageability considerations
All monitoring and management for the NVAs in the public DMZ should be be performed by the jumpbox in the
management subnet. As discussed in Implementing a DMZ between Azure and your on-premises datacenter,
define a single network route from the on-premises network through the gateway to the jumpbox, in order to
restrict access.
If gateway connectivity from your on-premises network to Azure is down, you can still reach the jumpbox by
deploying a public IP address, adding it to the jumpbox, and logging in from the Internet.

Security considerations
This reference architecture implements multiple levels of security:
The Internet facing load balancer directs requests to the NVAs in the inbound public DMZ subnet, and only on
the ports necessary for the application.
The NSG rules for the inbound and outbound public DMZ subnets prevent the NVAs from being
compromised, by blocking requests that fall outside of the NSG rules.
The NAT routing configuration for the NVAs directs incoming requests on port 80 and port 443 to the web
tier load balancer, but ignores requests on all other ports.
You should log all incoming requests on all ports. Regularly audit the logs, paying attention to requests that fall
outside of expected parameters, as these may indicate intrusion attempts.

Solution deployment
A deployment for a reference architecture that implements these recommendations is available on GitHub. The
reference architecture can be deployed either with Windows or Linux VMs by following the directions below:
1. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

2. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, you must enter values for some of the settings:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-public-dmz-network-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Select the Os Type from the drop down box, windows or linux.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.
4. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

5. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, you must enter values for some of the settings:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-public-dmz-wl-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
6. Wait for the deployment to complete.
7. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

8. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, you must enter values for some of the settings:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Use Existing and enter
ra-public-dmz-network-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
9. Wait for the deployment to complete.
10. The parameter files include hard-coded administrator user name and password for all VMs, and it is strongly
recommended that you immediately change both. For each VM in the deployment, select it in the Azure portal
and then click Reset password in the Support + troubleshooting blade. Select Reset password in the
Mode drop down box, then select a new User name and Password. Click the Update button to save.
Extending on-premises identity to Azure
1/17/2017 4 min to read Edit on GitHub

In most enterprise systems based on Windows, you will use Active Directory (AD) to provide identity management
services to your applications. When you extend your network infrastructure to the cloud you have some important
decisions to make concerning how to manage identity. Should you expand your on-premises domains to
incorporate VMs in the cloud? Should you create new domains in the cloud? Should you implement your own
forest in the cloud or use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)?
The patterns & practices group has created a set of reference architectures to address these scenarios. Each
reference architecture demonstrates one approach to managing on-premises identities in Azure, and includes:
Recommendations and best practices.
Considerations for availability, security, scalability, and manageability.
An Azure Resource Manager template that you can modify and deploy.
This article gives a summary of each reference architecture, and helps you to decide which solution will best meet
your needs.

Using Azure Active Directory

You can use Azure AD to create a domain in Azure and link it to an on-premises AD domain. Azure AD enables you
to configure single sign-on for users running applications accessed through the cloud.

Azure AD is a straightforward way to implement a security domain in Azure. It is used by many Microsoft
applications, such as Microsoft Office 365.
There is no need to maintain an Active Directory infrastructure in the cloud. Azure AD is entirely managed and
maintained by Microsoft.
Azure AD provides the same identity information that is available on-premises.
Authentication can happen in Azure, reducing the need for external applications and users to contact the on-
premises domain.
Identity services are limited to users and groups. There is no ability to authenticate service and computer
You must configure connectivity with your on-premises domain to keep the Azure AD directory synchronized.
You are responsible for publishing applications that users can access in the cloud through Azure AD.
For detailed information about this architecture, see Implementing Azure Active Directory.

Using Active Directory in Azure joined to an on-premises forest

An organization might need to use features that are provided by AD Domain Services (AD DS) but are not currently
implemented by Azure AD. You can host AD DS on-premises, but in a hybrid scenario where elements of an
application are located in Azure, it can be more efficient to replicate this functionality and the AD repository to the
cloud. This approach can help reduce the latency caused by sending authentication and local authorization requests
from the cloud back to AD DS running on-premises.

This approach requires that you create your own domain in the cloud and join it to the on-premises forest. You
create VMs to host the AD DS services.
Provides the ability to authenticate user, service, and computer accounts on-premises and in the cloud.
Provides access to the same identity information that is available on-premises.
There is no need to manage a separate AD forest; the domain in the cloud can belong to the on-premises forest.
You can apply group policy defined by on-premises Group Policy Objects to the domain in the cloud.
You must deploy and manage your own AD DS servers and domain in the cloud.
There may be some synchronization latency between the domain servers in the cloud and the servers running
For detailed information about this architecture, see Extending Active Directory Directory Services (AD DS) to Azure.

Using Active Directory in Azure with a separate forest

An organization that runs Active Directory (AD) on-premises might have a forest comprising many different
domains. You can use domains to provide isolation between functional areas that must be kept separate, possibly
for security reasons, but you can share information between domains by establishing trust relationships.

An organization that utilizes separate domains can take advantage of Azure by relocating one or more of these
domains into a separate forest in the cloud. Alternatively, an organization might wish to keep all cloud resources
logically distinct from those held on-premises, and store information about cloud resources in their own directory,
as part of a forest also held in the cloud.
You can implement on-premises identities and separate Azure-only identities.
There is no need to replicate from the on-premises AD forest to Azure.
Authentication for on-premises identities in the cloud performs extra network hops to the on-premises AD
You must deploy your own AD DS servers and forest in the cloud, and establish the appropriate trust
relationships between forests.
For detailed information about this architecture, see Creating a Active Directory Directory Services (AD DS)
resource forest in Azure.

Using Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) with Azure

AD FS can run on-premises, but in a hybrid scenario where applications are located in Azure, it can be more
efficient to implement this functionality in the cloud.
This architecture is especially useful for:
Solutions that utilize federated authorization to expose web applications to partner organizations.
Systems that support access from web browsers running outside of the organizational firewall.
Systems that enable users to access to web applications by connecting from authorized external devices such as
remote computers, notebooks, and other mobile devices.
You can leverage claims-aware applications.
It provides the ability to trust external partners for authentication.
It provides compatibility with large set of authentication protocols.
You must deploy your own AD DS, AD FS, and AD FS Web Application Proxy servers in the cloud.
This architecture can be complex to configure.
For detailed information about this architecture, see Implementing Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in

Next steps
The resources below explain how to implement the architectures described in this article.
Implementing Azure Active Directory
Extending Active Directory Directory Services (AD DS) to Azure
Creating a Active Directory Directory Services (AD DS) resource forest in Azure
Implementing Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in Azure
Integrating on-premises Active Directory domains
with Azure Active Directory
1/17/2017 18 min to read Edit on GitHub

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud based multi-tenant directory and identity service. This article describes
best practices for integrating on-premises Active Directory domains and forests with Azure AD to provide cloud-
based identity authentication.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This reference architecture uses Resource
Manager, which Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

Many organizations use Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to authenticate identities associated with users,
computers, applications, or other resources that are included in a security boundary. Directory and identity services
are typically hosted on-premises, but if your application is hosted partly on-premises and partly in Azure, there
may be latency sending authentication requests from Azure back to on-premises. Implementing directory and
identity services in Azure can reduce this latency.
Azure provides two solutions for implementing directory and identity services in Azure:
Use Azure AD to create an Active Directory domain in the cloud and connect it to your on-premises Active
Directory domain. Azure AD Connect integrates your on-premises directories with Azure AD.
The Azure AD directory is not an extension of an on-premises directory. Rather, it's a copy that contains the
same objects and identities. Changes made to these items on-premises are copied to Azure AD, but changes
made in Azure AD are not replicated back to the on-premises domain.
You can also use Azure AD without using an on-premises directory. In this case, Azure AD acts as the
primary source of all identity information, rather than containing data replicated from an on-premises
Extend your existing on-premises Active Directory infrastructure to Azure, by deploying a VM in Azure that
runs AD DS as a domain controller. This architecture is more common when the on-premises network and
the Azure virtual network (VNet) are connected by a VPN or ExpressRoute connection.
This article describes the first option, an on-premises network synchronizing with Azure AD. For information about
the second option, see Extending Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to Azure.
Typical uses for this reference architecture include:
Web applications deployed in Azure that provide access to remote users who belong to your organization.
Implementing self-service capabilities for end-users, such as resetting their passwords, and delegating group
management. Note that this requires Azure AD Premium edition.
Architectures in which the on-premises network and the application's Azure VNet are not connected using a
VPN tunnel or ExpressRoute circuit.
Azure AD currently supports user authentication only. Some applications and services, such as SQL Server, may require
computer authentication, in which case this solution is not appropriate.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the important components in this architecture. This article focuses on the
interaction between the Azure AD tenant and the Azure VNet. For more information on the web, business, and data
tiers, see Running VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure:

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Identity - Azure AD" page.

For simplicity, this diagram only shows the connections directly related to Azure AD, and does not show protocol-related
traffic that may occur as part of authentication and identity federation. For example, a web application may redirect the web
browser to authenticate the request through Azure AD. Once authenticated, the request can be passed back to the web
application, with the appropriate identity information.

Azure AD tenant. An instance of Azure AD created by your organization. It acts as a directory service for cloud
applications by storing objects copied from the on-premises Active Directory and provides identity services.
Web tier subnet. This subnet holds VMs that run a web application. Azure AD can act as an identity broker for
this application.
On-premises AD DS server. An on-premise directory and identity service. The AD DS directory can be
synchronized with Azure AD to enable it to authenticate on-premise users.
Azure AD Connect sync server. An on-premises computer that runs the Azure AD Connect sync service.
This service synchronizes information held in the on-premises Active Directory to Azure AD. For example, if
you provision or deprovision groups and users on-premises, these changes propagate to Azure AD.
For security reasons, Azure AD stores user's passwords as a hash. If a user requires a password reset, this must be
performed on-premises and the new hash must be sent to Azure AD. Azure AD Premium editions include features
that can automate this task to enable users to reset their own passwords.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
Azure AD Connect sync service
The Azure AD Connect sync service ensures that identity information stored in the cloud is consistent with that held
on-premises. You install this service using the Azure AD Connect software.
Before implementing Azure AD Connect sync, determine the synchronization requirements of your organization.
For example, what to synchronize, from which domains, and how frequently. For more information, see Determine
directory synchronization requirements.
You can run the Azure AD Connect sync service on a VM or a computer hosted on-premises. Depending on the
volatility of the information in your Active Directory directory, the load on the Azure AD Connect sync service is
unlikely to be high after the initial synchronization with Azure AD. Running the service on a VM makes it easier to
scale the server if needed. Monitor the activity on the VM as described in the Monitoring considerations section to
determine whether scaling is necessary.
If you have multiple on-premises domains in a forest, we recommend storing and synchronizing information for
the entire forest to a single Azure AD tenant. Filter information for identities that occur in more than one domain,
so that each identity appears only once in Azure AD, rather than being duplicated. Duplication can lead to
inconsistencies when data is synchronized. For more information, see the Topology section below.
Use filtering so that only necessary data is stored in Azure AD. For example, your organization might not want to
store information about inactive accounts in Azure AD. Filtering can be group-based, domain-based, organization
unit (OU)-based, or attribute-based. You can combine filters to generate more complex rules. For example, you
could synchronize objects held in a domain that have a specific value in a selected attribute. For detailed
information, see Azure AD Connect sync: Configure Filtering.
To implement high availability for the AD Connect sync service, run a secondary staging server. For more
information, see the Topology recommendations section.
Security recommendations
User password management. The Azure AD Premium editions support password writeback, enabling your on-
premises users to perform self-service password resets from within the Azure portal. This feature should only be
enabled after reviewing your organization's password security policy. For example, you can restrict which users can
change their passwords, and you can tailor the password management experience. For more information, see
Customizing Password Management to fit your organization's needs.
Protect on-premises applications that can be accessed externally. Use the Azure AD Application Proxy to
provide controlled access to on-premises web applications for external users through Azure AD. Only users that
have valid credentials in your Azure directory have permission to use the application. For more information, see
the article Enable Application Proxy in the Azure portal.
Actively monitor Azure AD for signs of suspicious activity. Consider using Azure AD Premium P2 edition,
which includes Azure AD Identity Protection. Identity Protection uses adaptive machine learning algorithms and
heuristics to detect anomalies and risk events that may indicate that an identity has been compromised. For
example, it can detect potentially unusual activity such as irregular sign-in activities, sign-ins from unknown
sources or from IP addresses with suspicious activity, or sign-ins from devices that may be infected. Using this
data, Identity Protection generates reports and alerts that enables you to investigate these risk events and take
appropriate action. For more information, see Azure Active Directory Identity Protection.
You can use the reporting feature of Azure AD in the Azure portal to monitor security-related activities occurring in
your system. For more information about using these reports, see Azure Active Directory Reporting Guide.
Topology recommendations
Configure Azure AD Connect to implement a topology that most closely matches the requirements of your
organization. Topologies that Azure AD Connect supports include the following:
Single forest, single Azure AD directory. In this topology, Azure AD Connect synchronizes objects and
identity information from one or more domains in a single on-premises forest into a single Azure AD tenant.
This is the default topology implemented by the express installation of Azure AD Connect.

Don't use multiple Azure AD Connect sync servers to connect different domains in the same on-premises forest to
the same Azure AD tenant, unless you are running a server in staging mode, described below.

Multiple forests, single Azure AD directory. In this topology, Azure AD Connect synchronizes objects and
identity information from multiple forests into a single Azure AD tenant. Use this topology if your
organization has more than one on-premises forest. You can consolidate identity information so that each
unique user is represented once in the Azure AD directory, even if the same user exists in more than one
forest. All forests use the same Azure AD Connect sync server. The Azure AD Connect sync server does not
have to be part of any domain, but it must be reachable from all forests.

In this topology, don't use separate Azure AD Connect sync servers to connect each on-premises forest to a single
Azure AD tenant. This can result in duplicated identity information in Azure AD if users are present in more than one

Multiple forests, separate topologies. This topology merges identity information from separate forests
into a single Azure AD tenant, treating all forests as separate entities. This topology is useful if you are
combining forests from different organizations and the identity information for each user is held in only one

If the global address lists (GAL) in each forest are synchronized, a user in one forest may be present in another as a
contact. This can occur if your organization has implemented GALSync with Forefront Identity manager 2010 or
Microsoft Identity Manager 2016. In this scenario, you can specify that users should be identified by their Mail
attribute. You can also match identities using the ObjectSID and msExchMasterAccountSID attributes. This is useful if
you have one or more resource forests with disabled accounts.

Staging server. In this configuration, you run a second instance of the Azure AD Connect sync server in
parallel with the first. This structure supports scenarios such as:
High availability.
Testing and deploying a new configuration of the Azure AD Connect sync server.
Introducing a new server and decommissioning an old configuration.
In these scenarios, the second instance runs in staging mode. The server records imported objects
and synchronization data in its database, but does not pass the data to Azure AD. If you disable
staging mode, the server starts writing data to Azure AD, and also starts performing password write-
backs into the on-premises directories where appropriate. For more information, see Azure AD
Connect sync: Operational tasks and considerations.
Multiple Azure AD directories. It is recommended that you create a single Azure AD directory for an
organization, but there may be situations where you need to partition information across separate Azure AD
directories. In this case, avoid synchronization and password write-back issues by ensuring that each object
from the on-premises forest appears in only one Azure AD directory. To implement this scenario, configure
separate Azure AD Connect sync servers for each Azure AD directory, and use filtering so that each Azure
AD Connect sync server operates on a mutually exclusive set of objects.
For more information about these topologies, see Topologies for Azure AD Connect.
User authentication
By default, the Azure AD Connect sync server configures password synchronization between the on-premises
domain and Azure AD, and the Azure AD service assumes that users authenticate by providing the same password
that they use on-premises. For many organizations, this is appropriate, but you should consider your
organization's existing policies and infrastructure. For example:
The security policy of your organization might prohibit synchronizing password hashes to the cloud.
You might require that users experience seamless single sign-on (SSO) when accessing cloud resources from
domain-joined machines on the corporate network.
Your organization might already have Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) or a third party federation
provider deployed. You can configure Azure AD to use this infrastructure to implement authentication and SSO
rather than by using password information held in the cloud.
For more information, see Azure AD Connect User Sign on options.
Azure AD application proxy
Use Azure AD to provide access to on-premises applications.
Expose your on-premises web applications using application proxy connectors managed by the Azure AD
application proxy component. The application proxy connector opens an outbound network connection to the
Azure AD application proxy, and remote users' requests are routed back from Azure AD through this connection to
the web apps. This removes the need to open inbound ports in the on-premises firewall and reduces the attack
surface exposed by your organization.
For more information, see Publish applications using Azure AD Application proxy.
Object synchronization
Azure AD Connect's default configuration synchronizes objects from your local Active Directory directory based on
the rules specified in the article Azure AD Connect sync: Understanding the default configuration. Objects that
satisfy these rules are synchronized while all other objects are ignored. Some example rules:
User objects must have a unique sourceAnchor attribute and the accountEnabled attribute must be populated.
User objects must have a sAMAccountName attribute and cannot start with the text Azure AD_ or MSOL_.
Azure AD Connect applies several rules to User, Contact, Group, ForeignSecurityPrincipal, and Computer objects.
Use the Synchronization Rules Editor installed with Azure AD Connect if you need to modify the default set of rules.
For more information, see Azure AD Connect sync: Understanding the default configuration).
You can also define your own filters to limit the objects to be synchronized by domain or OU. Alternatively, you can
implement more complex custom filtering such as that described in Azure AD Connect sync: Configure Filtering.
Health monitoring is performed by the following agents installed on-premises:
Azure AD Connect installs an agent that captures information about synchronization operations. Use the Azure
AD Connect Health blade in the Azure portal to monitor its health and performance. For more information, see
Using Azure AD Connect Health for sync.
To monitor the health of the AD DS domains and directories from Azure, install the Azure AD Connect Health
for AD DS agent on a machine within the on-premises domain. Use the Azure Active Directory Connect Health
blade in the Azure portal for health monitoring. For more information, see Using Azure AD Connect Health with
Install the Azure AD Connect Health for AD FS agent to monitor the health of services running on on-premises,
and use the Azure Active Directory Connect Health blade in the Azure portal to monitor AD FS. For more
information, see Using Azure AD Connect Health with AD FS
For more information on installing the AD Connect Health agents and their requirements, see Azure AD Connect
Health Agent Installation.

Scalability considerations
The Azure AD service supports scalability based on replicas, with a single primary replica that handles write
operations plus multiple read-only secondary replicas. Azure AD transparently redirects attempted writes made
against secondary replicas to the primary replica and provides eventual consistency. All changes made to the
primary replica are propagated to the secondary replicas. This architecture scales well because most operations
against Azure AD are reads rather than writes. For more information, see Azure AD: Under the hood of our geo-
redundant, highly available, distributed cloud directory.
For the Azure AD Connect sync server, determine how many objects you are likely to synchronize from your local
directory. If you have less than 100,000 objects, you can use the default SQL Server Express LocalDB software
provided with Azure AD Connect. If you have a larger number of objects, you should install a production version of
SQL Server and perform a custom installation of Azure AD Connect, specifying that it should use an existing
instance of SQL Server.

Availability considerations
The Azure AD service is geo-distributed and runs in multiple data centers spread around the world with automated
failover. If a data center becomes unavailable, Azure AD ensures that your directory data is available for instance
access in at least two more regionally dispersed data centers.

The service level agreement (SLA) for Azure AD Basic and Premium services guarantees at least 99.9% availability. There is no
SLA for the Free tier of Azure AD. For more information, see SLA for Azure Active Directory.

Consider provisioning a second instance of Azure AD Connect sync server in staging mode to increase availability,
as discussed in the topology recommendations section.
If you are not using the SQL Server Express LocalDB instance that comes with Azure AD Connect, consider using
SQL clustering to achieve high availability. Solutions such as mirroring and Always On are not supported by Azure
AD Connect.
For additional considerations about achieving high availability of the Azure AD Connect sync server and also how
to recover after a failure, see Azure AD Connect sync: Operational tasks and considerations - Disaster Recovery.

Manageability considerations
There are two aspects to managing Azure AD:
Administering Azure AD in the cloud.
Maintaining the Azure AD Connect sync servers.
Azure AD provides the following options for managing domains and directories in the cloud:
Azure Active Directory PowerShell Module. Use this module if you need to script common Azure AD
administrative tasks such as user management, domain management, and configuring single sign-on.
Azure AD management blade in the Azure portal. This blade provides an interactive management view of
the directory, and enables you to control and configure most aspects of Azure AD.
Azure AD Connect installs the following tools to maintain Azure AD Connect sync services from your on-premises
Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect console. This tool enables you to modify the configuration of the
Azure AD Sync server, customize how synchronization occurs, enable or disable staging mode, and switch the
user sign-in mode. Note that you can enable Active Directory FS sign-in using your on-premises infrastructure.
Synchronization Service Manager. Use the Operations tab in this tool to manage the synchronization
process and detect whether any parts of the process have failed. You can trigger synchronizations manually
using this tool. The Connectors tab enables you to control the connections for the domains that the
synchronization engine is attached to.
Synchronization Rules Editor. Use this tool to customize the way objects are transformed when they are
copied between an on-premises directory and Azure AD. This tool enables you to specify additional attributes
and objects for synchronization, then executes filters to determine which objects should or should not be
synchronized. For more information, see the Synchronization Rule Editor section in the document Azure AD
Connect sync: Understanding the default configuration.
For more information and tips for managing Azure AD Connect, see Azure AD Connect sync: Best practices for
changing the default configuration.

Security considerations
Use conditional access control to deny authentication requests from unexpected sources:
Trigger Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) if a user attempts to connect from a nontrusted location
such as across the Internet instead of a trusted network.
Use the device platform type of the user (iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Windows) to determine access
policy to applications and features.
Record the enabled/disabled state of users' devices, and incorporate this information into the access policy
checks. For example, if a user's phone is lost or stolen it should be recorded as disabled to prevent it from
being used to gain access.
Control user access to resources based on group membership. Use Azure AD dynamic membership rules to
simplify group administration. For a brief overview of how this works, see Introduction to Dynamic
Memberships for Groups.
Use conditional access risk policies with Azure AD Identity Protection to provide advanced protection based
on unusual sign-in activities or other events.
For more information, see Azure Active Directory conditional access.

Solution deployment
A deployment for a reference architecture that implements these recommendations and considerations is available
on GitHub. This reference architecture deploys a simulated on-premise network in Azure that you can use to test
and experiment. The reference architecture can be deployed with either with Windows or Linux VMs by following
the directions below:
1. Right-click the button below and select either "Open link in new tab" or "Open link in new window":

2. Once the link has opened in the Azure portal, you must enter values for some of the settings:
The Resource group name is already defined in the parameter file, so select Create New and enter
ra-aad-onpremise-rg in the text box.
Select the region from the Location drop down box.
Do not edit the Template Root Uri or the Parameter Root Uri text boxes.
Select windows or linux in the Os Type the drop down box.
Review the terms and conditions, then click the I agree to the terms and conditions stated above
Click the Purchase button.
3. Wait for the deployment to complete.
4. The parameter files include a hard-coded administrator user names and passwords, and it is strongly
recommended that you immediately change both on all the VMs. Click each VM in the Azure Portal then click on
Reset password in the Support + troubleshooting blade. Select Reset password in the Mode drop down
box, then select a new User name and Password. Click the Update button to persist the new user name and

Next steps
Learn the best practices for extending your on-premises ADDS domain to Azure.
Learn the best practices for creating an ADDS resource forest in Azure.
Extending Active Directory Domain Services (AD
DS) to Azure
1/17/2017 8 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article describes best practices for extending your Active Directory environment to Azure to provide
distributed authentication services using Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). This architecture extends the
architectures described in Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture in Azure and Implementing a
secure hybrid network architecture with Internet access in Azure.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This reference architecture uses Resource
Manager, which Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

AD DS is used to authenticate user, computer, application, or other identities that are included in a security
domain. It can be hosted on-premises, but if your application is hosted partly on-premises and partly in Azure, it
may be more efficient to replicate this functionality in Azure. This can reduce the latency caused by sending
authentication and local authorization requests from the cloud back to AD DS running on-premises.
There are two ways to host your directory services in Azure:
Use Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to create an Active Directory domain, using Azure AD Connect to
integrate your on-premises AD directories with Azure AD. This approach is described in Integrating on-
premises Active Directory domains with Azure AD.
Extend your existing on-premises Active Directory infrastructure to Azure by deploying a VM that runs AD
DS as a domain controller. Depending on your security requirements, the AD installation in the cloud can
be part of the same domain as that held on-premises, a new domain within a shared forest, or a separate
This article describes the second option, extending an on-premises infrastructure by deploying an AD DS domain
controller to Azure, with both using the same domain.
This architecture is commonly used when the on-premises network and the Azure virtual network are connected
by a VPN or ExpressRoute connection. This architecture also supports bidirectional replication, meaning changes
can be made either on-premises or in the cloud, and both sources will be kept consistent. Typical uses for this
architecture include hybrid applications in which functionality is distributed between on-premises and Azure, and
applications and services that perform authentication using Active Directory.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the important components in this architecture.

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Identity - ADDS (same domain)" page.
On-premises network. The on-premises network includes local Active Directory servers that can perform
authentication and authorization for components located on-premises.
Active Directory servers. These are domain controllers implementing directory services (AD DS) running as
VMs in the cloud. These servers can provide authentication of components running in your Azure virtual
Active Directory subnet. The AD DS servers are hosted in a separate subnet. Network security group (NSG)
rules protect the AD DS servers and provide a firewall against traffic from unexpected sources.
Azure Gateway and Active Directory synchronization. The Azure gateway provides a connection between
the on-premises network and the Azure VNet. This can be a VPN connection or Azure ExpressRoute. All
synchronization requests between the Active Directory servers in the cloud and on-premises pass through the
gateway. User-defined routes (UDRs) handle routing for on-premises traffic that passes to Azure. Traffic to
and from the Active Directory servers does not pass through the network virtual appliances (NVAs) used in
this scenario.
For more information about the parts of the architecture that are not related to AD DS, read Implementing a
secure hybrid network architecture with Internet access in Azure.
For more information about configuring UDRs and the NVAs, see Implementing a secure hybrid network
architecture in Azure.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
VM recommendations
Determine your VM size requirements based on the expected volume of authentication requests. Use the
specifications of the machines hosting AD DS on premises as a starting point, and match them with the Azure VM
sizes. Once deployed, monitor utilization and scale up or down based on the actual load on the VMs. For more
information about sizing AD DS domain controllers, see Capacity Planning for Active Directory Domain Services.
Create a separate virtual data disk for storing the database, logs, and SYSVOL for Active Directory. Do not store
these items on the same disk as the operating system. Note that by default, data disks that are attached to a VM
use write-through caching. However, this form of caching can conflict with the requirements of AD DS. For this
reason, set the Host Cache Preference setting on the data disk to None. For more information, see Placement of
the Windows Server AD DS database and SYSVOL.
Deploy at least two VMs running AD DS as domain controllers and add them to an availability set.
Networking recommendations
Configure the VM network interface (NIC) for each AD DS server with a static private IP address for full domain
name service (DNS) support. For more information, see How to set a static private IP address in the Azure portal.

Do not configure the VM NIC for any AD DS with a public IP address. See Security considerations for more details.

The Active Directory subnet NSG requires rules to permit incoming traffic from on-premises. For detailed
information on the ports used by AD DS, see Active Directory and Active Directory Domain Services Port
Requirements. Also, ensure the UDR tables do not route AD DS traffic through the NVAs used in this architecture.
Active Directory site
In AD DS, a site represents a physical location, network, or collection of devices. AD DS sites are used to manage
AD DS database replication by grouping together AD DS objects that are located close to one another and are
connected by a high speed network. AD DS includes logic to select the best strategy for replacating the AD DS
database between sites.
We recommend that you create an AD DS site including the subnets defined for your application in Azure. Then,
configure a site link between your on-premises AD DS sites, and AD DS will automatically perform the most
efficent database replication possible. Note that this database replication requires little beyond the initial
Active Directory operations masters
The operations masters role can be assigned to AD DS domain controllers to support consistency checking
between instances of replicated AD DS databases. There are five operations master roles: schema master, domain
naming master, relative identifier master, primary domain controller master emulator, and infrastructure master.
For more information about these roles, see What are Operations Masters?.
We recommend you do not assign operations masters roles to the domain controllers deployed in Azure.
Monitor the resources of the domain controller VMs as well as the AD DS Services and create a plan to quickly
correct any problems. For more information, see Monitoring Active Directory. You can also install tools such as
Microsoft Systems Center on the monitoring server (see the architecture diagram) to help perform these tasks.

Scalability considerations
AD DS is designed for scalability. You don't need to configure a load balancer or traffic controller to direct
requests to AD DS domain controllers. The only scalability consideration is to configure the VMs running AD DS
with the correct size for your network load requirements, monitor the load on the VMs, and scale up or down as

Availability considerations
Deploy the VMs running AD DS into an availability set. Also, consider assigning the role of standby operations
master to at least one server, and possibly more depending on your requirements. A standby operations master
is an active copy of the operations master that can be used in place of the primary operations masters server
during fail over.
Manageability considerations
Perform regular AD DS backups. Don't simply copy the VHD files of domain controllers instead of performing
regular backups, because the AD DS database file on the VHD may not be in a consistent state when it's copied,
making it impossible to restart the database.
Do not shut down a domain controller VM using Azure portal. Instead, shut down and restart from the guest
operating system. Shuting down through the portal causes the VM to be deallocated, which resets both the
VM-GenerationID and the invocationID of the Active Directory repository. This discards the AD DS relative
identifier (RID) pool and marks SYSVOL as nonauthoritative, and may require reconfiguration of the domain

Security considerations
AD DS servers provide authentication services and are an attractive target for attacks. To secure them, prevent
direct Internet connectivity by placing the AD DS servers in a separate subnet with an NSG acting as a firewall.
Close all ports on the AD DS servers except those necessary for authentication, authorization, and server
synchronization. For more information, see Active Directory and Active Directory Domain Services Port
Consider implementing an additional security perimeter around servers with a pair of subnets and NVAs, as
described in Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture with Internet access in Azure.
Use either BitLocker or Azure disk encryption to encrypt the disk hosting the AD DS database.

Solution deployment
A solution is available on Github to deploy this reference architecture. You will need the latest version of the
Azure CLI to run the Powershell script that deploys the solution. To deploy the reference architecture, follow these
1. Download or clone the solution folder from Github to your local machine.
2. Open the Azure CLI and navigate to the local solution folder.
3. Run the following command:

.\Deploy-ReferenceArchitecture.ps1 <subscription id> <location> <mode>

Replace <subscription id> with your Azure subscription ID. For <location> , specify an Azure region, such
as eastus or westus . The <mode> parameter controls the granularity of the deployment, and can be one
of the following values:
Onpremise : deploys the simulated on-premises environment.
Infrastructure : deploys the VNet infrastructure and jump box in Azure.
CreateVpn : deploys the Azure virtual network gateway and connects it to the simulated on-premises
AzureADDS : deploys the VMs acting as AD DS servers, deploys Active Directory to these VMs, and
deploys the domain in Azure.
Workload : deploys the public and private DMZs and the workload tier.
All : deploys all of the preceding deployments. This is the recommended option if If you do not
have an existing on-premises network but you want to deploy the complete reference
architecture described above for testing or evaluation.
4. Wait for the deployment to complete. If you are deploying the All deployment, it will take several hours.
Next steps
Learn the best practices for creating an AD DS resource forest in Azure.
Learn the best practices for creating an Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) infrastructure in Azure.
Creating an Active Directory Domain Services (AD
DS) resource forest in Azure
1/17/2017 7 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article describes how to create an Active Directory domain in Azure that is separate from, but trusted by,
domains in your on-premises forest.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This reference architecture uses Resource
Manager, which Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) is a distributed database service that stores identity information about
users, devices, and other resources in a hierarchical structure. The top node in the hierarchical structure is known
as a forest. A forest contains domains, and domains contain other types of objects.
You can use AD DS to create trust relationships between top level forest objects, in order to provide
interoperability between domains. That is, logons in one domain can be trusted to provide access to resources in
other domains.
This reference architecture shows how to create an AD DS forest in Azure with a one-way outgoing trust
relationship with an on-premises domain. The forest in Azure contains a domain that does not exist on-premises,
but because of the trust relationship, logons made against on-premises domains can be trusted for access to
resources in the separate Azure domain.
Typical uses for this architecture include maintaining security separation for objects and identities held in the
cloud, and migrating individual domains from on-premises to the cloud.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the important components in this architecture.

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Identity - AADS (resource forest)" page.
On-premises network. The on-premises network contains its own Active Directory forest and domains.
Active Directory servers. These are domain controllers implementing domain services running as VMs in the
cloud. These servers host a forest containing one or more domains, separate from those located on-premises.
One-way trust relationship. The example in the diagram shows a one-way trust from the domain in Azure to
the on-premises domain. This relationship enables on-premises users to access resources in the domain in
Azure, but not the other way around. It is possible to create a two-way trust if cloud users also require access to
on-premises resources.
Active Directory subnet. The AD DS servers are hosted in a separate subnet. Network security group (NSG)
rules protect the AD DS servers and provide a firewall against traffic from unexpected sources.
Azure gateway. The Azure gateway provides a connection between the on-premises network and the Azure
VNet. This can be a VPN connection or Azure ExpressRoute. For more information, see Implementing a secure
hybrid network architecture in Azure.

For specific recommendations on implementing Active Directory in Azure, see the following articles:
Extending Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to Azure.
Guidelines for Deploying Windows Server Active Directory on Azure Virtual Machines.
The on-premises domains are contained within a different forest from the domains in the cloud. To enable
authentication of on-premises users in the cloud, the domains in Azure must trust the logon domain in the on-
premises forest. Similarly, if the cloud provides a logon domain for external users, it may be necessary for the on-
premises forest to trust the cloud domain.
You can establish trusts at the forest level by creating forest trusts, or at the domain level by creating external
trusts. A forest level trust creates a relationship between all domains in two forests. An external domain level trust
only creates a relationship between two specified domains. You should only create external domain level trusts
between domains in different forests.
Trusts can be unidirectional (one-way) or bidirectional (two-way):
A one-way trust enables users in one domain or forest (known as the incoming domain or forest) to access the
resources held in another (the outgoing domain or forest).
A two-way trust enables users in either domain or forest to access resources held in the other.
The following table summarizes trust configurations for some simple scenarios:


On-premises users require access to One-way, incoming One-way, outgoing

resources in the cloud, but not vice

Users in the cloud require access to One-way, outgoing One-way, incoming

resources located on-premises, but not
vice versa

Users in the cloud and on-premises Two-way, incoming and outgoing Two-way, incoming and outgoing
both requires access to resources held
in the cloud and on-premises

Scalability considerations
Active Directory is automatically scalable for domain controllers that are part of the same domain. Requests are
distributed across all controllers within a domain. You can add another domain controller, and it synchronizes
automatically with the domain. Do not configure a separate load balancer to direct traffic to controllers within the
domain. Ensure that all domain controllers have sufficient memory and storage resources to handle the domain
database. Make all domain controller VMs the same size.

Availability considerations
Provision at least two domain controllers for each domain. This enables automatic replication between servers.
Create an availability set for the VMs acting as Active Directory servers handling each domain. Put at least two
servers in this availability set.
Also, consider designating one or more servers in each domain as standby operations masters in case connectivity
to a server acting as a flexible single master operation (FSMO) role fails.

Manageability considerations
For information about management and monitoring considerations, see Extending Active Directory to Azure.
For additional information, see Monitoring Active Directory. You can install tools such as Microsoft Systems Center
on a monitoring server in the management subnet to help perform these tasks.

Security considerations
Forest level trusts are transitive. If you establish a forest level trust between an on-premises forest and a forest in
the cloud, this trust is extended to other new domains created in either forest. If you use domains to provide
separation for security purposes, consider creating trusts at the domain level only. Domain level trusts are non-
For Active Directory-specific security considerations, see the security considerations section in Extending Active
Directory to Azure.

Solution deployment
A solution is available on Github to deploy this reference architecture. You will need the latest version of the Azure
CLI to run the Powershell script that deploys the solution. To deploy the reference architecture, follow these steps:
1. Download or clone the solution folder from Github to your local machine.
2. Open the Azure CLI and navigate to the local solution folder.
3. Run the following command:

.\Deploy-ReferenceArchitecture.ps1 <subscription id> <location> <mode>

Replace <subscription id> with your Azure subscription ID.

For <location> , specify an Azure region, such as eastus or westus .
The <mode> parameter controls the granularity of the deployment, and can be one of the following values:
: deploys the simulated on-premises environment.
Infrastructure : deploys the VNet infrastructure and jump box in Azure.
CreateVpn : deploys the Azure virtual network gateway and connects it to the simulated on-premises
AzureADDS : deploys the VMs acting as Active Directory DS servers, deploys Active Directory to these
VMs, and deploys the domain in Azure.
WebTier : deploys the web tier VMs and load balancer.
Prepare : deploys all of the preceding deployments. This is the recommended option if If you do
not have an existing on-premises network but you want to deploy the complete reference
architecture described above for testing or evaluation.
Workload : deploys the business and data tier VMs and load balancers. Note that these VMs are not
included in the Prepare deployment.
4. Wait for the deployment to complete. If you are deploying the Prepare deployment, it will take several
5. If you are using the simulated on-premises configuration, configure the incoming trust relationship:
a. Connect to the jump box (ra-adtrust-mgmt-vm1 in the ra-adtrust-security-rg resource group). Log in as
testuser with password AweS0me@PW.
b. On the jump box open an RDP session on the first VM in the contoso.com domain (the on-premises
domain). This VM has the IP address The username is contoso\testuser with password
c. Download the incoming-trust.ps1 script and run it to create the incoming trust from the
treyresearch.com domain.
6. If you are using your own on-premises infrastructure:
a. Download the incoming-trust.ps1 script.
b. Edit the script and replace the value of the $TrustedDomainName variable with the name of your own
c. Run the script.
7. From the jump-box, connect to the first VM in the treyresearch.com domain (the domain in the cloud). This
VM has the IP address The username is treyresearch\testuser with password AweS0me@PW.
8. Download the outgoing-trust.ps1 script and run it to create the incoming trust from the treyresearch.com
domain. If you are using your own on-premises machines, then edit the script first. Set the
$TrustedDomainName variable to the name of your on-premises domain, and specify the IP addresses of the
Active Directory DS servers for this domain in the $TrustedDomainDnsIpAddresses variable.
9. Wait a few minutes for the previous steps to complete, then connect to an on-premises VM and perform the
steps outlined in the article Verify a Trust to determine whether the trust relationship between the
contoso.com and treyresearch.com domains is correctly configured.

Next steps
Learn the best practices for extending your on-premises AD DS domain to Azure
Learn the best practices for creating an AD FS infrastructure in Azure.
Implementing Active Directory Federation Services
(AD FS) in Azure
1/17/2017 15 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article describes how to implement a secure hybrid network that extends your on-premises network to Azure
and uses Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) to perform federated authentication and authorization for
components running in Azure. This architecture extends the implementation described in Extending Active
Directory to Azure.

Azure has two different deployment models: Resource Manager and classic. This reference architecture uses Resource
Manager, which Microsoft recommends for new deployments.

AD FS can be hosted on-premises, but if your application is a hybrid in which some parts are implemented in
Azure, it may be more efficient to replicate AD FS in the cloud. Typical uses for this architecture include:
Hybrid applications where workloads run partly on-premises and partly in Azure.
Solutions that use federated authorization to expose web applications to partner organizations.
Systems that support access from web browsers running outside of the organizational firewall.
Systems that enable users to access to web applications by connecting from authorized external devices such
as remote computers, notebooks, and other mobile devices.
For more information about how AD FS works, see Active Directory Federation Services Overview. Also, the article
AD FS deployment in Azure contains a detailed step-by-step introduction to implementation.
This reference architecture focuses on passive federation, in which the federation servers decide how and when to
authenticate a user. The user provides sign in information when the application is started. This mechanism is most
commonly used by web browsers and involves a protocol that redirects the browser to a site where the user
authenticates. AD FS also supports active federation, where an application takes on responsibility for supplying
credentials without further user interaction, but that scenario is outside the scope of this architecture.

Architecture diagram
The following diagram highlights the important components in this architecture.
The diagram shows the following scenarios:
Application code from a partner organization accesses a web application hosted inside your Azure VNet.
An external, registered user with credentials stored inside Active Directory Domain Services (DS) accesses a
web application hosted inside your Azure VNet.
A user connected to your VNet using an authorized device executes a web application hosted inside your Azure

A Visio document that includes this architecture diagram is available for download from the Microsoft
download center. This diagram is on the "Identity - ADFS" page.
AD DS subnet. The AD DS servers are contained in their own subnet with network security group (NSG)
rules acting as a firewall.
AD DS servers. Domain controllers running as VMs in Azure. These servers provide authentication of local
identities within the domain.
AD FS subnet. The AD FS servers are located within their own subnet with NSG rules acting as a firewall.
AD FS servers. The AD FS servers provide federated authorization and authentication. In this architecture,
they perform the following tasks:
Receiving security tokens containing claims made by a partner federation server on behalf of a
partner user. AD FS verifies that the tokens are valid before passing the claims to the web application
running in Azure to authorize requests.
The web application running in Azure is the relying party. The partner federation server must issue
claims that are understood by the web application. The partner federation servers are referred to as
account partners, because they submit access requests on behalf of authenticated accounts in the
partner organization. The AD FS servers are called resource partners because they provide access to
resources (the web application).
Authenticating and authorizing incoming requests from external users running a web browser or
device that needs access to web applications, by using AD DS and the Active Directory Device
Registration Service.
The AD FS servers are configured as a farm accessed through an Azure load balancer. This implementation
improves availability and scalability. The AD FS servers are not exposed directly to the Internet. All Internet
traffic is filtered through AD FS web application proxy servers and a DMZ (also referred to as a perimeter
AD FS proxy subnet. The AD FS proxy servers can be contained within their own subnet, with NSG rules
providing protection. The servers in this subnet are exposed to the Internet through a set of network virtual
appliances that provide a firewall between your Azure virtual network and the Internet.
AD FS web application proxy (WAP) servers. These VMs act as AD FS servers for incoming requests
from partner organizations and external devices. The WAP servers act as a filter, shielding the AD FS servers
from direct access from the Internet. As with the AD FS servers, deploying the WAP servers in a farm with
load balancing gives you greater availability and scalability than deploying a collection of stand-alone

For detailed information about installing WAP servers, see Install and Configure the Web Application Proxy Server

Partner organization. A partner organization running a web application that requests access to a web
application running in Azure. The federation server at the partner organization authenticates requests
locally, and submits security tokens containing claims to AD FS running in Azure. AD FS in Azure validates
the security tokens, and if valid can pass the claims to the web application running in Azure to authorize

You can also configure a VPN tunnel using Azure gateway to provide direct access to AD FS for trusted partners.
Requests received from these partners do not pass through the WAP servers.

For more information about the parts of the architecture that are not related to AD FS, see the following:
Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture in Azure
Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture with Internet access in Azure
Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture with Active Directory identities in Azure.

The following recommendations apply for most scenarios. Follow these recommendations unless you have a
specific requirement that overrides them.
VM recommendations
Create VMs with sufficient resources to handle the expected volume of traffic. Use the size of the existing machines
hosting AD FS on premises as a starting point. Monitor the resource utilization. You can resize the VMs and scale
down if they are too large.
Follow the recommendations listed in Running a Windows VM on Azure.
Networking recommendations
Configure the network interface for each of the VMs hosting AD FS and WAP servers with static private IP
Do not give the AD FS VMs public IP addresses. For more information, see the Security considerations section.
Set the IP address of the preferred and secondary domain name service (DNS) servers for the network interfaces
for each AD FS and WAP VM to reference the Active Directory DS VMs. The Active Directory DS VMS should be
running DNS. This step is necessary to enable each VM to join the domain.
AD FS availability
Create an AD FS farm with at least two servers to increase availability of the service. Use different storage accounts
for each AD FS VM in the farm. This approach helps to ensure that a failure in a single storage account does not
make the entire farm inaccessible.
Create separate Azure availability sets for the AD FS and WAP VMs. Ensure that there are at least two VMs in each
set. Each availability set must have at least two update domains and two fault domains.
Configure the load balancers for the AD FS VMs and WAP VMs as follows:
Use an Azure load balancer to provide external access to the WAP VMs, and an internal load balancer to
distribute the load across the AD FS servers in the farm.
Only pass traffic appearing on port 443 (HTTPS) to the AD FS/WAP servers.
Give the load balancer a static IP address.
Create a health probe using the TCP protocol rather than HTTPS. You can ping port 443 to verify that an AD
FS server is functioning.

AD FS servers use the Server Name Indication (SNI) protocol, so attempting to probe using an HTTPS endpoint from
the load balancer fails.

Add a DNS A record to the domain for the AD FS load balancer. Specify the IP address of the load balancer, and
give it a name in the domain (such as adfs.contoso.com). This is the name clients and the WAP servers use to
access the AD FS server farm.
AD FS security
Prevent direct exposure of the AD FS servers to the Internet. AD FS servers are domain-joined computers that have
full authorization to grant security tokens. If a server is compromised, a malicious user can issue full access tokens
to all web applications and to all federation servers that are protected by AD FS. If your system must handle
requests from external users not connecting from trusted partner sites, use WAP servers to handle these requests.
For more information, see Where to Place a Federation Server Proxy.
Place AD FS servers and WAP servers in separate subnets with their own firewalls. You can use NSG rules to define
firewall rules. If you require more comprehensive protection you can implement an additional security perimeter
around servers by using a pair of subnets and network virtual appliances (NVAs), as described in the document
Implementing a secure hybrid network architecture with Internet access in Azure. All firewalls should allow traffic
on port 443 (HTTPS).
Restrict direct sign in access to the AD FS and WAP servers. Only DevOps staff should be able to connect.
Do not join the WAP servers to the domain.
AD FS installation
The article Deploying a Federation Server Farm provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring AD FS.
Perform the following tasks before configuring the first AD FS server in the farm:
1. Obtain a publicly trusted certificate for performing server authentication. The subject name must contain
the name clients use to access the federation service. This can be the DNS name registered for the load
balancer, for example, adfs.contoso.com (avoid using wildcard names such as *.contoso.com, for security
reasons). Use the same certificate on all AD FS server VMs. You can purchase a certificate from a trusted
certification authority, but if your organization uses Active Directory Certificate Services you can create your
The subject alternative name is used by the device registration service (DRS) to enable access from external
devices. This should be of the form enterpriseregistration.contoso.com.
For more information, see Obtain and Configure a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificate for AD FS.
2. On the domain controller, generate a new root key for the Key Distribution Service. Set the effective time to
the current time minus 10 hours (this configuration reduces the delay that can occur in distributing and
synchronizing keys across the domain). This step is necessary to support creating the group service account
that is used to run the AD FS service. The following PowerShell command shows an example of how to do

Add-KdsRootKey -EffectiveTime (Get-Date).AddHours(-10)

3. Add each AD FS server VM to the domain.

To install AD FS, the domain controller running the primary domain controller (PDC) emulator flexible single master
operation (FSMO) role for the domain must be running and accessible from the AD FS VMs. <>

AD FS trust
Establish federation trust between your AD FS installation, and the federation servers of any partner organizations.
Configure any claims filtering and mapping required.
DevOps staff at each partner organization must add a relying party trust for the web applications accessible
through your AD FS servers.
DevOps staff in your organization must configure claims-provider trust to enable your AD FS servers to trust
the claims that partner organizations provide.
DevOps staff in your organization must also configure AD FS to pass claims on to your organization's web
For more information, see Establishing Federation Trust.
Publish your organization's web applications and make them available to external partners by using
preauthentication through the WAP servers. For more information, see Publish Applications using AD FS
AD FS supports token transformation and augmentation. Azure Active Directory does not provide this feature.
With AD FS, when you set up the trust relationships, you can:
Configure claim transformations for authorization rules. For example, you can map group security from a
representation used by a non-Microsoft partner organization to something that that Active Directory DS can
authorize in your organization.
Transform claims from one format to another. For example, you can map from SAML 2.0 to SAML 1.1 if your
application only supports SAML 1.1 claims.
AD FS monitoring
The Microsoft System Center Management Pack for Active Directory Federation Services 2012 R2 provides both
proactive and reactive monitoring of your AD FS deployment for the federation server. This management pack
Events that the AD FS service records in its event logs.
The performance data that the AD FS performance counters collect.
The overall health of the AD FS system and web applications (relying parties), and provides alerts for critical
issues and warnings.

Scalability considerations
The following considerations, summarized from the article Plan your AD FS deployment, give a starting point for
sizing AD FS farms:
If you have fewer than 1000 users, do not create dedicated servers, but instead install AD FS on each of the
Active Directory DS servers in the cloud. Make sure that you have at least two Active Directory DS servers to
maintain availability. Create a single WAP server.
If you have between 1000 and 15000 users, create two dedicated AD FS servers and two dedicated WAP
If you have between 15000 and 60000 users, create between three and five dedicated AD FS servers and at
least two dedicated WAP servers.
These considerations assume that you are using dual quad-core VM (Standard D4_v2, or better) sizes in Azure.
If you are using the Windows Internal Database to store AD FS configuration data, you are limited to eight AD FS
servers in the farm. If you anticipate that you will need more in the future, use SQL Server. For more information,
see The Role of the AD FS Configuration Database.

Availability considerations
You can use either SQL Server or the Windows Internal Database to hold AD FS configuration information. The
Windows Internal Database provides basic redundancy. Changes are written directly to only one of the AD FS
databases in the AD FS cluster, while the other servers use pull replication to keep their databases up to date.
Using SQL Server can provide full database redundancy and high availability using failover clustering or mirroring.

Manageability considerations
DevOps staff should be prepared to perform the following tasks:
Managing the federation servers, including managing the AD FS farm, managing trust policy on the federation
servers, and managing the certificates used by the federation services.
Managing the WAP servers including managing the WAP farm and certificates.
Managing web applications including configuring relying parties, authentication methods, and claims
Backing up AD FS components.

Security considerations
AD FS utilizes the HTTPS protocol, so make sure that the NSG rules for the subnet containing the web tier VMs
permit HTTPS requests. These requests can originate from the on-premises network, the subnets containing the
web tier, business tier, data tier, private DMZ, public DMZ, and the subnet containing the AD FS servers.
Consider using a set of network virtual appliances that logs detailed information on traffic traversing the edge of
your virtual network for auditing purposes.

Solution deployment
A solution is available on Github to deploy this reference architecture. You will need the latest version of the Azure
CLI to run the Powershell script that deploys the solution. To deploy the reference architecture, follow these steps:
1. Download or clone the solution folder from Github to your local machine.
2. Open the Azure CLI and navigate to the local solution folder.
3. Run the following command:

.\Deploy-ReferenceArchitecture.ps1 <subscription id> <location> <mode>

Replace <subscription id> with your Azure subscription ID.

For <location> , specify an Azure region, such as eastus or westus .
The <mode> parameter controls the granularity of the deployment, and can be one of the following values:
Onpremise : Deploys a simulated on-premises environment. You can use this deployment to test and
experiment if you do not have an existing on-premises network, or if you want to test this reference
architecture without changing the configuration of your existing on-premises network.
Infrastructure : deploys the VNet infrastructure and jump box.
CreateVpn : deploys an Azure virtual network gateway and connects it to the simulated on-premises
AzureADDS : deploys the VMs acting as ACtive Directory DS servers, deploys Active Directory to these
VMs, and creates the domain in Azure.
AdfsVm : deploys the AD FS VMs and joins them to the domain in Azure.
PublicDMZ : deploys the public DMZ in Azure.
ProxyVm : deploys the AD FS proxy VMs and joins them to the domain in Azure.
Prepare : deploys all of the preceding deployments. This is the recommended option if you are
building an entirely new deployment and you don't have an existing on-premises
Workload : optionally deploys web, business, and data tier VMs and supporting network. Not included in
the Prepare deployment mode.
PrivateDMZ : optionally deploys the private DMZ in Azure in front of the Workload VMs deployed above.
Not included in the Prepare deployment mode.
4. Wait for the deployment to complete. If you used the Prepare option, the deployment takes several hours
to complete, and finishes with the message
Preparation is completed. Please install certificate to all AD FS and proxy VMs.

5. Restart the jump box (ra-adfs-mgmt-vm1 in the ra-adfs-security-rg group) to allow its DNS settings to take
6. Obtain an SSL Certificate for AD FS and install this certificate on the AD FS VMs. Note that you can connect
to them through the jump box. The IP addresses are and The default username is
contoso\testuser with password AweSome@PW.

The comments in the Deploy-ReferenceArchitecture.ps1 script at this point provides detailed instructions for creating
a self-signed test certificate and authority using the makecert command. However, perform these steps as a test
only and do not use the certificates generated by makecert in a production environment.

7. Run the following PowerShell command to deploy the AD FS server farm:

.\Deploy-ReferenceArchitecture.ps1 <subscription id> <location> Adfs

8. On the jump box, browse to https://adfs.contoso.com/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon.htm to test the AD FS

installation (you may receive a certificate warning that you can ignore for this test). Verify that the Contoso
Corporation sign-in page appears. Sign in as contoso\testuser with password AweS0me@PW.
9. Install the SSL certificate on the AD FS proxy VMs. The IP addresses are and
10. Run the following PowerShell command to deploy the first AD FS proxy server:
.\Deploy-ReferenceArchitecture.ps1 <subscription id> <location> Proxy1

11. Follow the instructions displayed by the script to test the installation of the first proxy server.
12. Run the following PowerShell command to deploy the second proxy server:

.\Deploy-ReferenceArchitecture.ps1 <subscription id> <location> Proxy2

13. Follow the instructions displayed by the script to test the complete proxy configuration.

Next steps
Learn about Azure Active Directory.
Learn about Azure Active Directory B2C.
Web application architectures for Azure App Service
1/17/2017 1 min to read Edit on GitHub

Azure App Service is a fully managed cloud service for hosting web applications, mobile app back ends, and web
APIs. However, most applications require more than just a web tier. For example, a typical application may use a
data tier, cache, and CDN. Other considerations include deployment, diagnostics, monitoring, and multi-region
deployments for high availability.
The patterns & practices group has created a set of reference architectures to address these scenarios. Each
reference architecture includes:
An architecture diagram, showing the components that make up the architecture.
Recommendations and best practices.
Considerations for availability, security, scalability, and manageability.
This article gives a summary of each reference architecture, and helps you to decide which solution will best meet
your needs.

Basic web application

This architecture describes a basic web application that uses Azure SQL Database for the data tier and Azure Active
Directory for authentication.

This architecture is a good starting point for a traditional web application that works with relational data. However,
it has some limitations in terms of scalability and high availability, that are addressed in the next two architectures.
For detailed information about this architecture, see Basic web application.

Web application architecture for scalability

This architecture adds some components that are designed to improve your application's performance under load:
Separate web API and WebJob to perform queued tasks.
Azure Redis Cache to cache semi-static data or session state.
Azure CDN to cache static content.
Multiple data stores, including relational and document-oriented databases.
Azure Search for storing searchable indexes.

For detailed information about this architecture, see Web application architecture for scalability.

Web application architecture for high availability

This architecture is deployed to two regions to achieve higher availability, using Azure Traffic Manager to route
Internet requests to the application.
During normal operations, Traffic Manager routes requests to the primary region. If the application running that
region becomes unavailable, Traffic Manager fails over to the secondary region.
The data stores are geo-replicated to the secondary region.
For detailed information about this architecture, see Web application architecture for high availability.
Basic web application architecture in Azure
1/17/2017 11 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article shows a recommended architecture for a basic web application in Microsoft Azure. The architecture
implements a web front end using Azure App Service with Azure SQL Database as a database. Other articles in this
series build on this basic architecture, and add components such as cache and content delivery network (CDN).

This article is not focused on application development, and doesn't assume any particular application framework. Instead, the
goal is to understand how the various Azure services fit together within this application architecture.

Architecture diagram

The architecture has the following components:

Resource group. A resource group is a logical container for Azure resources.
App Service app. Azure App Service is a fully managed platform for creating and deploying cloud applications.
App Service plan. An App Service plan provides the managed virtual machines (VMs) that host your app.
All apps associated with a plan run on the same VM instances.
Deployment slots. A deployment slot lets you stage a deployment and then swap it with the production
deployment. That way, you avoid deploying directly into production. See the Manageability section for
specific recommendations.
IP address. The App Service app has a public IP address and a domain name. The domain name is a
subdomain of azurewebsites.net , such as contoso.azurewebsites.net . To use a custom domain name, such
as contoso.com , create domain name service (DNS) records that map the custom domain name to the IP
address. For more information, see Configure a custom domain name in Azure App Service.
Azure SQL Database. SQL Database is a relational database-as-a-service in the cloud.
Logical server. In Azure SQL Database, a logical server hosts your databases. You can create multiple
databases per logical server.
Azure Storage. Create an Azure storage account with a blob container to store diagnostic logs.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Use Azure AD or another identity provider for authentication.

Your requirements might differ from the architecture described here. Use the recommendations in this section as a
starting point.
App Service plan
Use the Standard or Premium tiers, because they support scale out, autoscale, and secure sockets layer (SSL). Each
tier supports several instance sizes that differ by number of cores and memory. You can change the tier or instance
size after you create a plan. For more information about App Service plans, see App Service Pricing.
You are charged for the instances in the App Service plan, even if the app is stopped. Make sure to delete plans
that you aren't using (for example, test deployments).
SQL Database
Use the V12 version of SQL Database. SQL Database supports Basic, Standard, and Premium service tiers, with
multiple performance levels within each tier measured in Database Transaction Units (DTUs). Perform capacity
planning and choose a tier and performance level that meets your requirements.
Provision the App Service plan and the SQL Database in the same region to minimize network latency. Generally,
choose the region closest to your users.
The resource group also has a region, which specifies where deployment metadata is stored. Put the resource
group and its resources in the same region. This can improve availability during deployment.

Scalability considerations
A major benefit of Azure App Service is the ability to scale your application based on load. Here are some
considerations to keep in mind when planning to scale your application.
Scaling the App Service app
There are two ways to scale an App Service app:
Scale up, which means changing the instance size. The instance size determines the memory, number of
cores, and storage on each VM instance. You can scale up manually by changing the instance size or the
plan tier.
Scale out, which means adding instances to handle increased load. Each pricing tier has a maximum number
of instances.
You can scale out manually by changing the instance count, or use autoscaling to have Azure automatically
add or remove instances based on a schedule and/or performance metrics. Each scale operation happens
quicklytypically within seconds.
To enable autoscaling, create an autoscale profile that defines the minimum and maximum number of
instances. Profiles can be scheduled. For example, you might create separate profiles for weekdays and
weekends. Optionally, a profile contains rules for when to add or remove instances. (Example: Add two
instances if CPU usage is above 70% for 5 minutes.)
Recommendations for scaling a web app:
As much as possible, avoid scaling up and down, because it may trigger an application restart. Instead, select a
tier and size that meet your performance requirements under typical load and then scale out the instances to
handle changes in traffic volume.
Enable autoscaling. If your application has a predictable, regular workload, create profiles to schedule the
instance counts ahead of time. If the workload is not predictable, use rule-based autoscaling to react to changes
in load as they occur. You can combine both approaches.
CPU usage is generally a good metric for autoscale rules. However, you should load test your application,
identify potential bottlenecks, and base your autoscale rules on that data.
Autoscale rules include a cool-down period, which is the interval to wait after a scale action has completed
before starting a new scale action. The cool-down period lets the system stabilize before scaling again. Set a
shorter cool-down period for adding instances, and a longer cool-down period for removing instances. For
example, set 5 minutes to add an instance, but 60 minutes to remove an instance. It's better to add new
instances quickly under heavy load to handle the additional traffic, and then gradually scale back.
Scaling SQL Database
If you need a higher service tier or performance level for SQL Database, you can scale up individual databases with
no application downtime. For details, see Change the service tier and performance level of a SQL database.

Availability considerations
At the time of writing, the service level agreement (SLA) for App Service is 99.95% and the SLA for SQL Database is
99.99% for Basic, Standard, and Premium tiers.

The App Service SLA applies to both single and multiple instances.

In the event of data loss, SQL Database provides point-in-time restore and geo-restore. These features are
available in all tiers and are automatically enabled. You don't need to schedule or manage the backups.
Use point-in-time restore to recover from human error by returning the database to an earlier point in time.
Use geo-restore to recover from a service outage by restoring a database from a geo-redundant backup.
For more information, see Cloud business continuity and database disaster recovery with SQL Database.
App Service provides a backup and restore feature for your application files. However, be aware that the backed-
up files include app settings in plain text and these may include secrets, such as connection strings. Avoid using the
App Service backup feature to back up your SQL databases because it exports the database to a SQL .bacpac file,
consuming DTUs. Instead, use SQL Database point-in-time restore described above.

Manageability considerations
Create separate resource groups for production, development, and test environments. This makes it easier to
manage deployments, delete test deployments, and assign access rights.
When assigning resources to resource groups, consider the following:
Lifecycle. In general, put resources with the same lifecycle into the same resource group.
Access. You can use role-based access control (RBAC) to apply access policies to the resources in a group.
Billing. You can view the rolled-up costs for the resource group.
For more information, see Azure Resource Manager overview.
Deployment involves two steps:
1. Provisioning the Azure resources. We recommend that you use Azure Resoure Manager templates for this step.
Templates make it easier to automate deployments via PowerShell or the Azure command line interface (CLI).
2. Deploying the application (code, binaries, and content files). You have several options, including deploying from
a local Git repository, using Visual Studio, or continuous deployment from cloud-based source control. See
Deploy your app to Azure App Service.
An App Service app always has one deployment slot named production , which represents the live production site.
We recommend creating a staging slot for deploying updates. The benefits of using a staging slot include:
You can verify the deployment succeeded, before swapping it into production.
Deploying to a staging slot ensures that all instances are warmed up before being swapped into production.
Many applications have a significant warmup and cold-start time.
We also recommend creating a third slot to hold the last-known-good deployment. After you swap staging and
production, move the previous production deployment (which is now in staging) into the last-known-good slot.
That way, if you discover a problem later, you can quickly revert to the last-known-good version.

If you revert to a previous version, make sure any database schema changes are backward compatible.
Don't use slots on your production deployment for testing because all apps within the same App Service plan
share the same VM instances. For example, load tests might degrade the live production site. Instead, create
separate App Service plans for production and test. By putting test deployments into a separate plan, you isolate
them from the production version.
Store configuration settings as app settings. Define the app settings in your Resource Manager templates, or using
PowerShell. At runtime, app settings are available to the application as environment variables.
Never check passwords, access keys, or connection strings into source control. Instead, pass these as parameters to
a deployment script that stores these values as app settings.
When you swap a deployment slot, the app settings are swapped by default. If you need different settings for
production and staging, you can create app settings that stick to a slot and don't get swapped.
Diagnostics and monitoring
Enable diagnostics logging, including application logging and web server logging. Configure logging to use Blob
storage. For performance reasons, create a separate storage account for diagnostic logs. Don't use the same
storage account for logs and application data. For more detailed guidance on logging, see Monitoring and
diagnostics guidance.
Use a service such as New Relic or Application Insights to monitor application performance and behavior under
load. Be aware of the data rate limits for Application Insights.
Perform load testing, using a tool such as Visual Studio Team Services. For a general overview of performance
analysis in cloud applications, see Performance Analysis Primer.
Tips for troubleshooting your application:
Use the troubleshoot blade in the Azure portal to find solutions to common problems.
Enable log streaming to see logging information in near-real time.
The Kudu dashboard has several tools for monitoring and debugging your application. For more information,
see Azure Websites online tools you should know about (blog post). You can reach the Kudu dashboard from
the Azure portal. Open the blade for your app and click Tools, then click Kudu.
If you use Visual Studio, see the article Troubleshoot a web app in Azure App Service using Visual Studio for
debugging and troubleshooting tips.

Security considerations
This section lists security considerations that are specific to the Azure services described in this article. It's not a
complete list of security best practices. For some additional security considerations, see Secure an app in Azure
App Service.
SQL Database auditing
Auditing can help you maintain regulatory compliance and get insight into discrepancies and irregularities that
could indicate business concerns or suspected security violations. See Get started with SQL database auditing.
Deployment slots
Each deployment slot has a public IP address. Secure the nonproduction slots using Azure Active Directory login so
that only members of your development and DevOps teams can reach those endpoints.
Logs should never record users' passwords or other information that might be used to commit identity fraud.
Scrub those details from the data before storing it.
An App Service app includes an SSL endpoint on a subdomain of azurewebsites.net at no additional cost. The SSL
endpoint includes a wildcard certificate for the *.azurewebsites.net domain. If you use a custom domain name,
you must provide a certificate that matches the custom domain. The simplest approach is to buy a certificate
directly through the Azure portal. You can also import certificates from other certificate authorities. For more
information, see Buy and Configure an SSL Certificate for your Azure App Service.
As a security best practice, your app should enforce HTTPS by redirecting HTTP requests. You can implement this
inside your application or use a URL rewrite rule as described in Enable HTTPS for an app in Azure App Service.
We recommend authenticating through an identity provider (IDP), such as Azure AD, Facebook, Google, or Twitter.
Use OAuth 2 or OpenID Connect (OIDC) for the authentication flow. Azure AD provides functionality to manage
users and groups, create application roles, integrate your on-premises identities, and consume backend services
such as Office 365 and Skype for Business.
Avoid having the application manage user logins and credentials directly, as it creates a potential attack surface. At
a minimum, you would need to have email confirmation, password recovery, and multi-factor authentication;
validate password strength; and store password hashes securely. The large identity providers handle all of those
things for you, and are constantly monitoring and improving their security practices.
Consider using App Service authentication to implement the OAuth/OIDC authentication flow. The benefits of App
Service authentication include:
Easy to configure.
No code is required for simple authentication scenarios.
Supports delegated authorization using OAuth access tokens to consume resources on behalf of the user.
Provides a built-in token cache.
Some limitations of App Service authentication:
Limited customization options.
Delegated authorization is restricted to one backend resource per login session.
If you use more than one IDP, there is no built-in mechanism for home realm discovery.
For multi-tenant scenarios, the application must implement the logic to validate the token issuer.

Deploying the sample solution

An example Resoure Manager template for this architecture is available on GitHub.
To deploy the template using PowerShell, run the following commands:

New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name <resource-group-name> -Location "West US"

$parameters = @{"appName"="<app-name>";"environment"="dev";"locationShort"="uw";"databaseName"="app-

New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name <deployment-name> -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> -

TemplateFile .\PaaS-Basic.json -TemplateParameterObject $parameters

For more information, see Deploy resources with Azure Resource Manager templates.

Next steps
You can improve scalability and performance by adding features such as caching, CDN, and background
processing for long-running tasks. See Web application with improved scalability.
Running a web application with high availability in
1/17/2017 7 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article shows a recommended architecture for running a web application in multiple regions, to achieve high
availability. The architecture builds on Improving scalability in a web application.
A multi-region architecture can provide higher availability than deploying to a single region. If a regional outage
affects the primary region, you can use Traffic Manager to fail over to the secondary region. This architecture can
also help if an individual subsystem of the application fails.
There are several general approaches to achieving high availability across regions:
Active/passive with hot standby. Traffic goes to one region, while the other waits on hot standby. Hot standby
means the VMs in the secondary region are allocated and running at all times.
Active/passive with cold standby. Traffic goes to one region, while the other waits on cold standby. Cold standby
means the VMs in the secondary region are not allocated until needed for failover. This approach costs less to
run, but will generally take longer to come online during a failure.
Active/active. Both regions are active, and requests are load balanced between them. If one region becomes
unavailable, it is taken out of rotation.
This reference architecture focuses on active/passive with hot standby, using Traffic Manager for failover.

Architecture diagram
This architecture builds on the one shown in Improving scalability in a web application. The main differences are:
Primary and secondary regions. This architecture uses two regions to achieve higher availability. The
application is deployed to each region. During normal operations, network traffic is routed to the primary
region. If the primary region becomes unavailable, traffic is routed to the secondary region. For details about
failover, see Managing failover.
Azure Traffic Manager. Traffic Manager routes incoming requests to the primary region. If the application
running that region becomes unavailable, Traffic Manager fails over to the secondary region.
Geo-replication of SQL Database and DocumentDB.

Your requirements might differ from the architecture described here. Use the recommendations in this section as a
starting point.
Regional pairing
Each Azure region is paired with another region within the same geography. In general, choose regions from the
same regional pair (for example, East US 2 and Central US). Benefits of doing so include:
If there is a broad outage, recovery of at least one region out of every pair is prioritized.
Planned Azure system updates are rolled out to paired regions sequentially to minimize possible downtime.
In most cases, regional pairs reside within the same geography to meet data residency requirements.
However, make sure that both regions support all of the Azure services needed for your application. See Services
by region. For more information about regional pairs, see Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR): Azure
Paired Regions.
Resource groups
Consider placing the primary region, secondary region, and Traffic Manager into separate resource groups. This
lets you manage the resources deployed to each region as a single collection.
Traffic Manager configuration
Routing. Traffic Manager supports several routing algorithms. For the scenario described in this article, use priority
routing (formerly called failover routing). With this setting, Traffic Manager sends all requests to the primary region
unless the endpoint for that region becomes unreachable. At that point, it automatically fails over to the secondary
region. See Configure Failover routing method.
Health probe. Traffic Manager uses an HTTP (or HTTPS) probe to monitor the availability of each endpoint. The
probe gives Traffic Manager a pass/fail test for failing over to the secondary region. It works by sending a request
to a specified URL path. If it gets a non-200 response within a timeout period, the probe fails. After four failed
requests, Traffic Manager marks the endpoint as degraded and fails over to the other endpoint. For details, see
Traffic Manager endpoint monitoring and failover.
As a best practice, create a health probe endpoint that reports the overall health of the application and use this
endpoint for the health probe. The endpoint should check critical dependencies such as the App Service apps,
storage queue, and SQL Database. Otherwise, the probe might report a healthy endpoint when critical parts of the
application are actually failing.
On the other hand, don't use the health probe to check lower priority services. For example, if an email service goes
down the application can switch to a second provider or just send emails later. This is not a high enough priority to
cause the application to fail over. For more information, see Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern.
SQL Database
Use Active Geo-Replication to create a readable secondary replica in a different region. You can have up to four
readable secondary replicas. Fail over to a secondary database if your primary database fails or needs to be taken
offline. Active Geo-Replication can be configured for any database in any elastic database pool.
DocumentDB supports geo-replication across regions. One region is designated as writable and the others are
read-only replicas.
If there is a regional outage, you can fail over by selecting another region to be the write region. The DocumentDB
client SDK automatically sends write requests to the current write region, so you don't need to update the client
configuration after a failover. For more information, see Distribute data globally with DocumentDB.

All of the replicas belong to the same resource group.

For Azure Storage, use read-access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS). With RA-GRS storage, the data is replicated
to a secondary region. You have read-only access to the data in the secondary region through a separate endpoint.
If there is a regional outage or disaster, the Azure Storage team might decide to perform a geo-failover to the
secondary region. There is no customer action required for this failover.
For Queue storage, create a backup queue in the secondary region. During failover, the app can use the backup
queue until the primary region becomes available again. That way, the application can still process new requests.

Availability considerations
Traffic Manager
Traffic Manager automatically fails over if the primary region becomes unavailable. When Traffic Manager fails
over, there is a period of time when clients cannot reach the application. The duration is affected by the following
The health probe must detect that the primary data center has become unreachable.
Domain name service (DNS) servers must update the cached DNS records for the IP address, which depends on
the DNS time-to-live (TTL). The default TTL is 300 seconds (5 minutes), but you can configure this value when
you create the Traffic Manager profile.
For details, see About Traffic Manager Monitoring.
Traffic Manager is a possible failure point in the system. If the service fails, clients cannot access your application
during the downtime. Review the Traffic Manager service level agreement (SLA) and determine whether using
Traffic Manager alone meets your business requirements for high availability. If not, consider adding another traffic
management solution as a failback. If the Azure Traffic Manager service fails, change your canonical name (CNAME)
records in DNS to point to the other traffic management service. This step must be performed manually, and your
application will be unavailable until the DNS changes are propagated.
SQL Database
The recovery point objective (RPO) and estimated recovery time (ERT) for SQL Database are documented in
Overview of business continuity with Azure SQL Database.
RA-GRS storage provides durable storage, but it's important to understand what can happen during an outage:
If a storage outage occurs, there will be a period of time when you don't have write-access to the data. You can
still read from the secondary endpoint during the outage.
If a regional outage or disaster affects the primary location and the data there cannot be recovered, the Azure
Storage team may decide to perform a geo-failover to the secondary region.
Data replication to the secondary region is performed asynchronously. Therefore, if a geo-failover is performed,
some data loss is possible if the data can't be recovered from the primary region.
Transient failures, such as a network outage, will not trigger a storage failover. Design your application to be
resilient to transient failures. Possible mitigations:
Read from the secondary region.
Temporarily switch to another storage account for new write operations (for example, to queue
Copy data from the secondary region to another storage account.
Provide reduced functionality until the system fails back.
For more information, see What to do if an Azure Storage outage occurs.

Manageability Considerations
Traffic Manager
If Traffic Manager fails over, we recommend performing a manual failback rather than implementing an automatic
failback. Otherwise, you can create a situation where the application flips back and forth between regions. Verify
that all application subsystems are healthy before failing back.
Note that Traffic Manager automatically fails back by default. To prevent this, manually lower the priority of the
primary region after a failover event. For example, suppose the primary region is priority 1 and the secondary is
priority 2. After a failover, set the primary region to priority 3, to prevent automatic failback. When you are ready to
switch back, update the priority to 1.
The following commands update the priority.

$endpoint = Get-AzureRmTrafficManagerEndpoint -Name <endpoint> -ProfileName <profile> -ResourceGroupName

<resource-group> -Type AzureEndpoints
$endpoint.Priority = 3
Set-AzureRmTrafficManagerEndpoint -TrafficManagerEndpoint $endpoint

For more information, see Azure Traffic Manager Cmdlets.

Azure command line interface (CLI)

azure network traffic-manager endpoint set --name <endpoint> --profile-name <profile> --resource-group
<resource-group> --type AzureEndpoints --priority 3

SQL Database
If the primary database fails, perform a manual failover to the secondary database. See Restore an Azure SQL
Database or failover to a secondary. The secondary database remains read-only until you fail over.
Improving scalability in a web application on Azure
1/17/2017 6 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article shows a recommended architecture for improving scalability and performance in a web application
running on Microsoft Azure. The architecture builds on Basic web application architecture in Azure. The
recommendations and considerations from that article apply to this architecture as well.

Architecture diagram

The architecture has the following components:

Resource group. A resource group is a logical container for Azure resources.
Web app and API app. A typical modern application might include both a website and one or more RESTful
web APIs. A web API might be consumed by browser clients through AJAX, by native client applications, or by
server-side applications. For considerations on designing web APIs, see API design guidance.
WebJob. Use Azure WebJobs to run long-running tasks in the background. WebJobs can run on a schedule,
continously, or in response to a trigger, such as putting a message on a queue. A WebJob runs as a background
process in the context of an App Service app.
Queue. In the architecture shown here, the application queues background tasks by putting a message onto an
Azure Queue storage queue. The message triggers a function in the WebJob. Alternatively, you can use Service
Bus queues. For a comparison, see Azure Queues and Service Bus queues - compared and contrasted.
Cache. Store semi-static data in Azure Redis Cache.
CDN. Use Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) to cache publicly available content for lower latency and
faster delivery of content.
Data storage. Use Azure SQL Database for relational data. For non-relational data, consider a NoSQL store,
such as Azure Table storage or DocumentDB.
Azure Search. Use Azure Search to add search functionality such as search suggestions, fuzzy search, and
language-specific search. Azure Search is typically used in conjunction with another data store, especially if the
primary data store requires strict consistency. In this approach, store authoritative data in the other data store
and the search index in Azure Search. Azure Search can also be used to consolidate a single search index from
multiple data stores.
Email/SMS. Use a third-party service such as SendGrid or Twilio to send email or SMS messages instead of
building this functionality directly into the application.

Your requirements might differ from the architecture described here. Use the recommendations in this section as a
starting point.
App Service apps
We recommend creating the web application and the web API as separate App Service apps. This design lets you
run them in separate App Service plans so they can be scaled independently. If you don't need that level of
scalability initially, you can deploy the apps into the same plan and move them into separate plans later if

For the Basic, Standard, and Premium plans, you are billed for the VM instances in the plan, not per app. See App Service

If you intend to use the Easy Tables or Easy APIs features of App Service Mobile Apps, create a separate App
Service app for this purpose. These features rely on a specific application framework to enable them.
Consider deploying resource intensive WebJobs to an empty App Service app within a separate App Service plan.
This provides dedicated instances for the WebJob. See Background jobs guidance.
You can improve performance and scalability by using Azure Redis Cache to cache some data. Consider using
Redis Cache for:
Semi-static transaction data.
Session state.
HTML output. This can be useful in applications that render complex HTML output.
For more detailed guidance on designing a caching strategy, see Caching guidance.
Use Azure CDN to cache static content. The main benefit of a CDN is to reduce latency for users, because content is
cached at an edge server that is geographically close to the user. CDN can also reduce load on the application,
because that traffic is not being handled by the application.
If your app consists mostly of static pages, consider using CDN to cache the entire app. Otherwise, put static
content such as images, CSS, and HTML files, into Azure Storage and use CDN to cache those files.
Azure CDN cannot serve content that requires authentication.

For more detailed guidance, see Content Delivery Network (CDN) guidance.
Modern applications often process large amounts of data. In order to scale for the cloud, it's important to choose
the right storage type. Here are some baseline recommendations. For more detailed guidance, see Assessing Data
Store Capabilities for Polyglot Persistence Solutions.


Files Images, documents, PDFs Azure Blob Storage

Key/Value pairs User profile data looked up by user ID Azure Table storage

Short messages intended to trigger Order requests Azure Queue storage, Service Bus
further processing queue, or Service Bus topic

Non-relational data with a flexible Product catalog Document database, such as Azure
schema requiring basic querying DocumentDB, MongoDB, or Apache

Relational data requiring richer query Product inventory Azure SQL Database
support, strict schema, and/or strong

Scalability considerations
A major benefit of Azure App Service is the ability to scale your application based on load. Here are some
considerations to keep in mind when planning to scale your application.
App Service app
If your solution includes several App Service apps, consider deploying them to separate App Service plans. This
approach enables you to scale them independently because they run on separate instances.
Similarly, consider putting a WebJob into its own plan so that background tasks don't run on the same instances
that handle HTTP requests.
SQL Database
Increase scalability of a SQL database by sharding the database. Sharding refers to partitioning the database
horizontally. Sharding allows you to scale out the database horizontally using Elastic Database tools. Potential
benefits of sharding include:
Better transaction throughput.
Queries can run faster over a subset of the data.
Azure Search
Azure Search removes the overhead of performing complex data searches from the primary data store, and it can
scale to handle load. See Scale resource levels for query and indexing workloads in Azure Search.

Security considerations
This section lists security considerations that are specific to the Azure services described in this article. It's not a
complete list of security best practices. For some additional security considerations, see Secure an app in Azure
App Service.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS )
If you create a website and web API as separate apps, the website cannot make client-side AJAX calls to the API
unless you enable CORS.

Browser security prevents a web page from making AJAX requests to another domain. This restriction is called the same-
origin policy, and prevents a malicious site from reading sentitive data from another site. CORS is a W3C standard that
allows a server to relax the same-origin policy and allow some cross-origin requests while rejecting others.

App Services has built-in support for CORS, without needing to write any application code. See Consume an API
app from JavaScript using CORS. Add the website to the list of allowed origins for the API.
SQL Database encryption
Use Transparent Data Encryption if you need to encrypt data at rest in the database. This feature performs real-
time encryption and decryption of an entire database (including backups and transaction log files) and requires no
changes to the application. Encryption does add some latency, so it's a good practice to separate the data that
must be secure into its own database and enable encryption only for that database.

Next steps
For higher availability, deploy the application in more than one region and use Azure Traffic Manager for failover.
For more information, see Running a web application with high availability in Azure.
API design guidance
1/17/2017 33 min to read Edit on GitHub

Many modern web-based solutions make the use of web services, hosted by web servers, to provide functionality
for remote client applications. The operations that a web service exposes constitute a web API. A well-designed web
API should aim to support:
Platform independence. Client applications should be able to utilize the API that the web service provides
without requiring how the data or operations that API exposes are physically implemented. This requires that
the API abides by common standards that enable a client application and web service to agree on which data
formats to use, and the structure of the data that is exchanged between client applications and the web service.
Service evolution. The web service should be able to evolve and add (or remove) functionality independently
from client applications. Existing client applications should be able to continue to operate unmodified as the
features provided by the web service change. All functionality should also be discoverable, so that client
applications can fully utilize it.
The purpose of this guidance is to describe the issues that you should consider when designing a web API.

Introduction to Representational State Transfer (REST)

In his dissertation in 2000, Roy Fielding proposed an alternative architectural approach to structuring the
operations exposed by web services; REST. REST is an architectural style for building distributed systems based on
hypermedia. A primary advantage of the REST model is that it is based on open standards and does not bind the
implementation of the model or the client applications that access it to any specific implementation. For example, a
REST web service could be implemented by using the Microsoft ASP.NET Web API, and client applications could be
developed by using any language and toolset that can generate HTTP requests and parse HTTP responses.

REST is actually independent of any underlying protocol and is not necessarily tied to HTTP. However, most common
implementations of systems that are based on REST utilize HTTP as the application protocol for sending and receiving
requests. This document focuses on mapping REST principles to systems designed to operate using HTTP.

The REST model uses a navigational scheme to represent objects and services over a network (referred to as
resources). Many systems that implement REST typically use the HTTP protocol to transmit requests to access these
resources. In these systems, a client application submits a request in the form of a URI that identifies a resource,
and an HTTP method (the most common being GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) that indicates the operation to be
performed on that resource. The body of the HTTP request contains the data required to perform the operation. The
important point to understand is that REST defines a stateless request model. HTTP requests should be
independent and may occur in any order, so attempting to retain transient state information between requests is
not feasible. The only place where information is stored is in the resources themselves, and each request should be
an atomic operation. Effectively, a REST model implements a finite state machine where a request transitions a
resource from one well-defined non-transient state to another.
The stateless nature of individual requests in the REST model enables a system constructed by following these principles to
be highly scalable. There is no need to retain any affinity between a client application making a series of requests and the
specific web servers handling those requests.

Another crucial point in implementing an effective REST model is to understand the relationships between the
various resources to which the model provides access. These resources are typically organized as collections and
relationships. For example, suppose that a quick analysis of an ecommerce system shows that there are two
collections in which client applications are likely to be interested: orders and customers. Each order and customer
should have its own unique key for identification purposes. The URI to access the collection of orders could be
something as simple as /orders, and similarly the URI for retrieving all customers could be /customers. Issuing an
HTTP GET request to the /orders URI should return a list representing all orders in the collection encoded as an
HTTP response:

GET http://adventure-works.com/orders HTTP/1.1


The response shown below encodes the orders as a JSON list structure:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:49:02 GMT
Content-Length: ...

To fetch an individual order requires specifying the identifier for the order from the orders resource, such as

GET http://adventure-works.com/orders/2 HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 08:49:02 GMT
Content-Length: ...

For simplicity, these examples show the information in responses being returned as JSON text data. However, there is no
reason why resources should not contain any other type of data supported by HTTP, such as binary or encrypted
information; the content-type in the HTTP response should specify the type. Also, a REST model may be able to return the
same data in different formats, such as XML or JSON. In this case, the web service should be able to perform content
negotiation with the client making the request. The request can include an Accept header which specifies the preferred
format that the client would like to receive and the web service should attempt to honor this format if at all possible.

Notice that the response from a REST request makes use of the standard HTTP status codes. For example, a request
that returns valid data should include the HTTP response code 200 (OK), while a request that fails to find or delete a
specified resource should return a response that includes the HTTP status code 404 (Not Found).

Design and structure of a RESTful web API

The keys to designing a successful web API are simplicity and consistency. A Web API that exhibits these two
factors makes it easier to build client applications that need to consume the API.
A RESTful web API is focused on exposing a set of connected resources, and providing the core operations that
enable an application to manipulate these resources and easily navigate between them. For this reason, the URIs
that constitute a typical RESTful web API should be oriented towards the data that it exposes, and use the facilities
provided by HTTP to operate on this data. This approach requires a different mindset from that typically employed
when designing a set of classes in an object-oriented API which tends to be more motivated by the behavior of
objects and classes. Additionally, a RESTful web API should be stateless and not depend on operations being
invoked in a particular sequence. The following sections summarize the points you should consider when
designing a RESTful web API.
Organizing the web API around resources

The URIs exposed by a REST web service should be based on nouns (the data to which the web API provides access) and not
verbs (what an application can do with the data).

Focus on the business entities that the web API exposes. For example, in a web API designed to support the
ecommerce system described earlier, the primary entities are customers and orders. Processes such as the act of
placing an order can be achieved by providing an HTTP POST operation that takes the order information and adds
it to the list of orders for the customer. Internally, this POST operation can perform tasks such as checking stock
levels, and billing the customer. The HTTP response can indicate whether the order was placed successfully or not.
Also note that a resource does not have to be based on a single physical data item. As an example, an order
resource might be implemented internally by using information aggregated from many rows spread across several
tables in a relational database but presented to the client as a single entity.

Avoid designing a REST interface that mirrors or depends on the internal structure of the data that it exposes. REST is about
more than implementing simple CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) operations over separate tables in a relational
database. The purpose of REST is to map business entities and the operations that an application can perform on these
entities to the physical implementation of these entities, but a client should not be exposed to these physical details.

Individual business entities rarely exist in isolation (although some singleton objects may exist), but instead tend to
be grouped together into collections. In REST terms, each entity and each collection are resources. In a RESTful web
API, each collection has its own URI within the web service, and performing an HTTP GET request over a URI for a
collection retrieves a list of items in that collection. Each individual item also has its own URI, and an application can
submit another HTTP GET request using that URI to retrieve the details of that item. You should organize the URIs
for collections and items in a hierarchical manner. In the ecommerce system, the URI /customers denotes the
customers collection, and /customers/5 retrieves the details for the single customer with the ID 5 from this
collection. This approach helps to keep the web API intuitive.

Adopt a consistent naming convention in URIs; in general it helps to use plural nouns for URIs that reference collections.

You also need to consider the relationships between different types of resources and how you might expose these
associations. For example, customers may place zero or more orders. A natural way to represent this relationship
would be through a URI such as /customers/5/orders to find all the orders for customer 5. You might also consider
representing the association from an order back to a specific customer through a URI such as /orders/99/customer
to find the customer for order 99, but extending this model too far can become cumbersome to implement. A
better solution is to provide navigable links to associated resources, such as the customer, in the body of the HTTP
response message returned when the order is queried. This mechanism is described in more detail in the section
Using the HATEOAS Approach to Enable Navigation To Related Resources later in this guidance.
In more complex systems there may be many more types of entity, and it can be tempting to provide URIs that
enable a client application to navigate through several levels of relationships, such as
/customers/1/orders/99/products to obtain the list of products in order 99 placed by customer 1. However, this
level of complexity can be difficult to maintain and is inflexible if the relationships between resources change in the
future. Rather, you should seek to keep URIs relatively simple. Bear in mind that once an application has a reference
to a resource, it should be possible to use this reference to find items related to that resource. The preceding query
can be replaced with the URI /customers/1/orders to find all the orders for customer 1, and then query the URI
/orders/99/products to find the products in this order (assuming order 99 was placed by customer 1).

Avoid requiring resource URIs more complex than collection/item/collection.

Another point to consider is that all web requests impose a load on the web server, and the greater the number of
requests the bigger the load. You should attempt to define your resources to avoid chatty web APIs that expose a
large number of small resources. Such an API may require a client application to submit multiple requests to find
all the data that it requires. It may be beneficial to denormalize data and combine related information together into
bigger resources that can be retrieved by issuing a single request. However, you need to balance this approach
against the overhead of fetching data that might not be frequently required by the client. Retrieving large objects
can increase the latency of a request and incur additional bandwidth costs for little advantage if the additional data
is not often used.
Avoid introducing dependencies between the web API to the structure, type, or location of the underlying data
sources. For example, if your data is located in a relational database, the web API does not need to expose each
table as a collection of resources. Think of the web API as an abstraction of the database, and if necessary introduce
a mapping layer between the database and the web API. In this way, if the design or implementation of the
database changes (for example, you move from a relational database containing a collection of normalized tables
to a denormalized NoSQL storage system such as a document database) client applications are insulated from
these changes.

The source of the data that underpins a web API does not have to be a data store; it could be another service or line-of-
business application or even a legacy application running on-premises within an organization.

Finally, it might not be possible to map every operation implemented by a web API to a specific resource. You can
handle such non-resource scenarios through HTTP GET requests that invoke a piece of functionality and return the
results as an HTTP response message. A web API that implements simple calculator-style operations such as add
and subtract could provide URIs that expose these operations as pseudo resources and utilize the query string to
specify the parameters required. For example a GET request to the URI /add?operand1=99&operand2=1 could
return a response message with the body containing the value 100, and GET request to the URI /subtract?
operand1=50&operand2=20 could return a response message with the body containing the value 30. However,
only use these forms of URIs sparingly.
Defining operations in terms of HTTP methods
The HTTP protocol defines a number of methods that assign semantic meaning to a request. The common HTTP
methods used by most RESTful web APIs are:
GET, to retrieve a copy of the resource at the specified URI. The body of the response message contains the
details of the requested resource.
POST, to create a new resource at the specified URI. The body of the request message provides the details of the
new resource. Note that POST can also be used to trigger operations that don't actually create resources.
PUT, to replace or update the resource at the specified URI. The body of the request message specifies the
resource to be modified and the values to be applied.
DELETE, to remove the resource at the specified URI.

The HTTP protocol also defines other less commonly-used methods, such as PATCH which is used to request selective
updates to a resource, HEAD which is used to request a description of a resource, OPTIONS which enables a client
information to obtain information about the communication options supported by the server, and TRACE which allows a
client to request information that it can use for testing and diagnostics purposes.

The effect of a specific request should depend on whether the resource to which it is applied is a collection or an
individual item. The following table summarizes the common conventions adopted by most RESTful
implementations using the ecommerce example. Note that not all of these requests might be implemented; it
depends on the specific scenario.


/customers Create a new Retrieve all customers Bulk update of Remove all customers
customer customers (if

/customers/1 Error Retrieve the details Update the details of Remove customer 1
for customer 1 customer 1 if it exists,
otherwise return an

/customers/1/orders Create a new order Retrieve all orders for Bulk update of orders Remove all orders for
for customer 1 customer 1 for customer 1 (if customer 1(if
implemented) implemented)

The purpose of GET and DELETE requests are relatively straightforward, but there is scope for confusion concerning
the purpose and effects of POST and PUT requests.
A POST request should create a new resource with data provided in the body of the request. In the REST model,
you frequently apply POST requests to resources that are collections; the new resource is added to the collection.

You can also define POST requests that trigger some functionality (and that don't necessarily return data), and these types of
request can be applied to collections. For example you could use a POST request to pass a timesheet to a payroll processing
service and get the calculated taxes back as a response.

A PUT request is intended to modify an existing resource. If the specified resource does not exist, the PUT request
could return an error (in some cases, it might actually create the resource). PUT requests are most frequently
applied to resources that are individual items (such as a specific customer or order), although they can be applied
to collections, although this is less-commonly implemented. Note that PUT requests are idempotent whereas POST
requests are not; if an application submits the same PUT request multiple times the results should always be the
same (the same resource will be modified with the same values), but if an application repeats the same POST
request the result will be the creation of multiple resources.

Strictly speaking, an HTTP PUT request replaces an existing resource with the resource specified in the body of the request. If
the intention is to modify a selection of properties in a resource but leave other properties unchanged, then this should be
implemented by using an HTTP PATCH request. However, many RESTful implementations relax this rule and use PUT for both

Processing HTTP requests

The data included by a client application in many HTTP requests, and the corresponding response messages from
the web server, could be presented in a variety of formats (or media types). For example, the data that specifies the
details for a customer or order could be provided as XML, JSON, or some other encoded and compressed format. A
RESTful web API should support different media types as requested by the client application that submits a request.
When a client application sends a request that returns data in the body of a message, it can specify the media types
it can handle in the Accept header of the request. The following code illustrates an HTTP GET request that retrieves
the details of customer 1 and requests the result to be returned as JSON (the client should still examine the media
type of the data in the response to verify the format of the data returned):

GET http://adventure-works.com/orders/2 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

If the web server supports this media type, it can reply with a response that includes Content-Type header that
specifies the format of the data in the body of the message:

For maximum interoperability, the media types referenced in the Accept and Content-Type headers should be recognized
MIME types rather than some custom media type.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:18:37 GMT
Content-Length: ...

If the web server does not support the requested media type, it can send the data in a different format. IN all cases
it must specify the media type (such as application/json) in the Content-Type header. It is the responsibility of the
client application to parse the response message and interpret the results in the message body appropriately.
Note that in this example, the web server successfully retrieves the requested data and indicates success by passing
back a status code of 200 in the response header. If no matching data is found, it should instead return a status
code of 404 (not found) and the body of the response message can contain additional information. The format of
this information is specified by the Content-Type header, as shown in the following example:
GET http://adventure-works.com/orders/222 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

Order 222 does not exist, so the response message looks like this:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:18:37 GMT
Content-Length: ...
{"message":"No such order"}

When an application sends an HTTP PUT request to update a resource, it specifies the URI of the resource and
provides the data to be modified in the body of the request message. It should also specify the format of this data
by using the Content-Type header. A common format used for text-based information is application/x-www-form-
urlencoded, which comprises a set of name/value pairs separated by the & character. The next example shows an
HTTP PUT request that modifies the information in order 1:

PUT http://adventure-works.com/orders/1 HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:18:37 GMT
Content-Length: ...

If the modification is successful, it should ideally respond with an HTTP 204 status code, indicating that the process
has been successfully handled, but that the response body contains no further information. The Location header in
the response contains the URI of the newly updated resource:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Location: http://adventure-works.com/orders/1
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:18:37 GMT

If the data in an HTTP PUT request message includes date and time information, make sure that your web service accepts
dates and times formatted following the ISO 8601 standard.

If the resource to be updated does not exist, the web server can respond with a Not Found response as described
earlier. Alternatively, if the server actually creates the object itself it could return the status codes HTTP 200 (OK) or
HTTP 201 (Created) and the response body could contain the data for the new resource. If the Content-Type header
of the request specifies a data format that the web server cannot handle, it should respond with HTTP status code
415 (Unsupported Media Type).
Consider implementing bulk HTTP PUT operations that can batch updates to multiple resources in a collection. The PUT
request should specify the URI of the collection, and the request body should specify the details of the resources to be
modified. This approach can help to reduce chattiness and improve performance.

The format of an HTTP POST requests that create new resources are similar to those of PUT requests; the message
body contains the details of the new resource to be added. However, the URI typically specifies the collection to
which the resource should be added. The following example creates a new order and adds it to the orders

POST http://adventure-works.com/orders HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:18:37 GMT
Content-Length: ...

If the request is successful, the web server should respond with a message code with HTTP status code 201
(Created). The Location header should contain the URI of the newly created resource, and the body of the response
should contain a copy of the new resource; the Content-Type header specifies the format of this data:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Location: http://adventure-works.com/orders/99
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:18:37 GMT
Content-Length: ...

If the data provided by a PUT or POST request is invalid, the web server should respond with a message with HTTP status
code 400 (Bad Request). The body of this message can contain additional information about the problem with the request
and the formats expected, or it can contain a link to a URL that provides more details.

To remove a resource, an HTTP DELETE request simply provides the URI of the resource to be deleted. The
following example attempts to remove order 99:

DELETE http://adventure-works.com/orders/99 HTTP/1.1


If the delete operation is successful, the web server should respond with HTTP status code 204, indicating that the
process has been successfully handled, but that the response body contains no further information (this is the
same response returned by a successful PUT operation, but without a Location header as the resource no longer
exists.) It is also possible for a DELETE request to return HTTP status code 200 (OK) or 202 (Accepted) if the deletion
is performed asynchronously.

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 09:18:37 GMT
If the resource is not found, the web server should return a 404 (Not Found) message instead.

If all the resources in a collection need to be deleted, enable an HTTP DELETE request to be specified for the URI of the
collection rather than forcing an application to remove each resource in turn from the collection.

Filtering and paginating data

You should endeavor to keep the URIs simple and intuitive. Exposing a collection of resources through a single URI
assists in this respect, but it can lead to applications fetching large amounts of data when only a subset of the
information is required. Generating a large volume of traffic impacts not only the performance and scalability of
the web server but also adversely affect the responsiveness of client applications requesting the data.
For example, if orders contain the price paid for the order, a client application that needs to retrieve all orders that
have a cost over a specific value might need to retrieve all orders from the /orders URI and then filter these orders
locally. Clearly this process is highly inefficient; it wastes network bandwidth and processing power on the server
hosting the web API.
One solution may be to provide a URI scheme such as /orders/ordervalue_greater_than_n where n is the order
price, but for all but a limited number of prices such an approach is impractical. Additionally, if you need to query
orders based on other criteria, you can end up being faced with providing with a long list of URIs with possibly
non-intuitive names.
A better strategy to filtering data is to provide the filter criteria in the query string that is passed to the web API,
such as /orders?ordervaluethreshold=n. In this example, the corresponding operation in the web API is responsible
for parsing and handling the ordervaluethreshold parameter in the query string and returning the filtered results
in the HTTP response.
Some simple HTTP GET requests over collection resources could potentially return a large number of items. To
combat the possibility of this occurring you should design the web API to limit the amount of data returned by any
single request. You can achieve this by supporting query strings that enable the user to specify the maximum
number of items to be retrieved (which could itself be subject to an upperbound limit to help prevent Denial of
Service attacks), and a starting offset into the collection. For example, the query string in the URI /orders?
limit=25&offset=50 should retrieve 25 orders starting with the 50th order found in the orders collection. As with
filtering data, the operation that implements the GET request in the web API is responsible for parsing and handling
the limit and offset parameters in the query string. To assist client applications, GET requests that return
paginated data should also include some form of metadata that indicate the total number of resources available in
the collection. You might also consider other intelligent paging strategies; for more information, see API Design
Notes: Smart Paging
You can follow a similar strategy for sorting data as it is fetched; you could provide a sort parameter that takes a
field name as the value, such as /orders?sort=ProductID. However, note that this approach can have a deleterious
effect on caching (query string parameters form part of the resource identifier used by many cache
implementations as the key to cached data).
You can extend this approach to limit (project) the fields returned if a single resource item contains a large amount
of data. For example, you could use a query string parameter that accepts a comma-delimited list of fields, such as

Give all optional parameters in query strings meaningful defaults. For example, set the limit parameter to 10 and the
offset parameter to 0 if you implement pagination, set the sort parameter to the key of the resource if you implement
ordering, and set the fields parameter to all fields in the resource if you support projections.
Handling large binary resources
A single resource may contain large binary fields, such as files or images. To overcome the transmission problems
caused by unreliable and intermittent connections and to improve response times, consider providing operations
that enable such resources to be retrieved in chunks by the client application. To do this, the web API should
support the Accept-Ranges header for GET requests for large resources, and ideally implement HTTP HEAD
requests for these resources. The Accept-Ranges header indicates that the GET operation supports partial results,
and that a client application can submit GET requests that return a subset of a resource specified as a range of
bytes. A HEAD request is similar to a GET request except that it only returns a header that describes the resource
and an empty message body. A client application can issue a HEAD request to determine whether to fetch a
resource by using partial GET requests. The following example shows a HEAD request that obtains information
about a product image:

HEAD http://adventure-works.com/products/10?fields=productImage HTTP/1.1


The response message contains a header that includes the size of the resource (4580 bytes), and the Accept-
Ranges header that the corresponding GET operation supports partial results:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 4580

The client application can use this information to construct a series of GET operations to retrieve the image in
smaller chunks. The first request fetches the first 2500 bytes by using the Range header:

GET http://adventure-works.com/products/10?fields=productImage HTTP/1.1

Range: bytes=0-2499

The response message indicates that this is a partial response by returning HTTP status code 206. The Content-
Length header specifies the actual number of bytes returned in the message body (not the size of the resource),
and the Content-Range header indicates which part of the resource this is (bytes 0-2499 out of 4580):

HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content

Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 2500
Content-Range: bytes 0-2499/4580
_{binary data not shown}_

A subsequent request from the client application can retrieve the remainder of the resource by using an
appropriate Range header:

GET http://adventure-works.com/products/10?fields=productImage HTTP/1.1

Range: bytes=2500-

The corresponding result message should look like this:

HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Content-Length: 2080
Content-Range: bytes 2500-4580/4580

Using the HATEOAS approach to enable navigation to related

One of the primary motivations behind REST is that it should be possible to navigate the entire set of resources
without requiring prior knowledge of the URI scheme. Each HTTP GET request should return the information
necessary to find the resources related directly to the requested object through hyperlinks included in the
response, and it should also be provided with information that describes the operations available on each of these
resources. This principle is known as HATEOAS, or Hypertext as the Engine of Application State. The system is
effectively a finite state machine, and the response to each request contains the information necessary to move
from one state to another; no other information should be necessary.

Currently there are no standards or specifications that define how to model the HATEOAS principle. The examples shown in
this section illustrate one possible solution.

As an example, to handle the relationship between customers and orders, the data returned in the response for a
specific order should contain URIs in the form of a hyperlink identifying the customer that placed the order, and the
operations that can be performed on that customer.

GET http://adventure-works.com/orders/3 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/json

The body of the response message contains a links array (highlighted in the code example) that specifies the
nature of the relationship (Customer), the URI of the customer (http://adventure-works.com/customers/3), how to
retrieve the details of this customer (GET), and the MIME types that the web server supports for retrieving this
information (text/xml and application/json). This is all the information that a client application needs to be able to
fetch the details of the customer. Additionally, the Links array also includes links for the other operations that can
be performed, such as PUT (to modify the customer, together with the format that the web server expects the client
to provide), and DELETE.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...
{"orderID":3,"productID":2,"quantity":4,"orderValue":16.60,"links":[(some links omitted)
{"rel":"customer","href":" http://adventure-works.com/customers/3", "action":"GET","types":
customer","href":" http://adventure-works.com /customers/3", "action":"PUT","types":["application/x-www-form-
urlencoded"]},{"rel":"customer","href":" http://adventure-works.com /customers/3","action":"DELETE","types":

For completeness, the Links array should also include self-referencing information pertaining to the resource that
has been retrieved. These links have been omitted from the previous example, but are highlighted in the following
code. Notice that in these links, the relationship self has been used to indicate that this is a reference to the resource
being returned by the operation:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...
{"orderID":3,"productID":2,"quantity":4,"orderValue":16.60,"links":[{"rel":"self","href":" http://adventure-
works.com/orders/3", "action":"GET","types":["text/xml","application/json"]},{"rel":" self","href":"
http://adventure-works.com /orders/3", "action":"PUT","types":["application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]},
{"rel":"self","href":" http://adventure-works.com /orders/3", "action":"DELETE","types":[]},{"rel":"customer",
"href":" http://adventure-works.com /customers/3", "action":"GET","types":["text/xml","application/json"]},
{"rel":" customer" (customer links omitted)}]}

For this approach to be effective, client applications must be prepared to retrieve and parse this additional

Versioning a RESTful web API

It is highly unlikely that in all but the simplest of situations that a web API will remain static. As business
requirements change new collections of resources may be added, the relationships between resources might
change, and the structure of the data in resources might be amended. While updating a web API to handle new or
differing requirements is a relatively straightforward process, you must consider the effects that such changes will
have on client applications consuming the web API. The issue is that although the developer designing and
implementing a web API has full control over that API, the developer does not have the same degree of control
over client applications which may be built by third party organizations operating remotely. The primary
imperative is to enable existing client applications to continue functioning unchanged while allowing new client
applications to take advantage of new features and resources.
Versioning enables a web API to indicate the features and resources that it exposes, and a client application can
submit requests that are directed to a specific version of a feature or resource. The following sections describe
several different approaches, each of which has its own benefits and trade-offs.
No versioning
This is the simplest approach, and may be acceptable for some internal APIs. Big changes could be represented as
new resources or new links. Adding content to existing resources might not present a breaking change as client
applications that are not expecting to see this content will simply ignore it.
For example, a request to the URI http://adventure-works.com/customers/3 should return the details of a single
customer containing id , name , and address fields expected by the client application:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...
{"id":3,"name":"Contoso LLC","address":"1 Microsoft Way Redmond WA 98053"}

For the purposes of simplicity and clarity, the example responses shown in this section do not include HATEOAS links.

If the DateCreated field is added to the schema of the customer resource, then the response would look like this:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...
{"id":3,"name":"Contoso LLC","dateCreated":"2014-09-04T12:11:38.0376089Z","address":"1 Microsoft Way Redmond
WA 98053"}

Existing client applications might continue functioning correctly if they are capable of ignoring unrecognized fields,
while new client applications can be designed to handle this new field. However, if more radical changes to the
schema of resources occur (such as removing or renaming fields) or the relationships between resources change
then these may constitute breaking changes that prevent existing client applications from functioning correctly. In
these situations you should consider one of the following approaches.
URI versioning
Each time you modify the web API or change the schema of resources, you add a version number to the URI for
each resource. The previously existing URIs should continue to operate as before, returning resources that conform
to their original schema.
Extending the previous example, if the address field is restructured into sub-fields containing each constituent part
of the address (such as streetAddress , city , state , and zipCode ), this version of the resource could be exposed
through a URI containing a version number, such as http://adventure-works.com/v2/customers/3:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...
{"id":3,"name":"Contoso LLC","dateCreated":"2014-09-04T12:11:38.0376089Z","address":{"streetAddress":"1
Microsoft Way","city":"Redmond","state":"WA","zipCode":98053}}

This versioning mechanism is very simple but depends on the server routing the request to the appropriate
endpoint. However, it can become unwieldy as the web API matures through several iterations and the server has
to support a number of different versions. Also, from a purists point of view, in all cases the client applications are
fetching the same data (customer 3), so the URI should not really be different depending on the version. This
scheme also complicates implementation of HATEOAS as all links will need to include the version number in their
Query string versioning
Rather than providing multiple URIs, you can specify the version of the resource by using a parameter within the
query string appended to the HTTP request, such as http://adventure-works.com/customers/3?version=2. The
version parameter should default to a meaningful value such as 1 if it is omitted by older client applications.
This approach has the semantic advantage that the same resource is always retrieved from the same URI, but it
depends on the code that handles the request to parse the query string and send back the appropriate HTTP
response. This approach also suffers from the same complications for implementing HATEOAS as the URI
versioning mechanism.

Some older web browsers and web proxies will not cache responses for requests that include a query string in the URL. This
can have an adverse impact on performance for web applications that use a web API and that run from within such a web

Header versioning
Rather than appending the version number as a query string parameter, you could implement a custom header
that indicates the version of the resource. This approach requires that the client application adds the appropriate
header to any requests, although the code handling the client request could use a default value (version 1) if the
version header is omitted. The following examples utilize a custom header named Custom-Header. The value of
this header indicates the version of web API.
Version 1:

GET http://adventure-works.com/customers/3 HTTP/1.1

Custom-Header: api-version=1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...
{"id":3,"name":"Contoso LLC","address":"1 Microsoft Way Redmond WA 98053"}

Version 2:

GET http://adventure-works.com/customers/3 HTTP/1.1

Custom-Header: api-version=2

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...
{"id":3,"name":"Contoso LLC","dateCreated":"2014-09-04T12:11:38.0376089Z","address":{"streetAddress":"1
Microsoft Way","city":"Redmond","state":"WA","zipCode":98053}}

Note that as with the previous two approaches, implementing HATEOAS requires including the appropriate custom
header in any links.
Media type versioning
When a client application sends an HTTP GET request to a web server it should stipulate the format of the content
that it can handle by using an Accept header, as described earlier in this guidance. Frequently the purpose of the
Accept header is to allow the client application to specify whether the body of the response should be XML, JSON,
or some other common format that the client can parse. However, it is possible to define custom media types that
include information enabling the client application to indicate which version of a resource it is expecting. The
following example shows a request that specifies an Accept header with the value application/vnd.adventure-
works.v1+json. The vnd.adventure-works.v1 element indicates to the web server that it should return version 1 of
the resource, while the json element specifies that the format of the response body should be JSON:

GET http://adventure-works.com/customers/3 HTTP/1.1

Accept: application/vnd.adventure-works.v1+json

The code handling the request is responsible for processing the Accept header and honoring it as far as possible
(the client application may specify multiple formats in the Accept header, in which case the web server can choose
the most appropriate format for the response body). The web server confirms the format of the data in the
response body by using the Content-Type header:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.adventure-works.v1+json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...
{"id":3,"name":"Contoso LLC","address":"1 Microsoft Way Redmond WA 98053"}

If the Accept header does not specify any known media types, the web server could generate an HTTP 406 (Not
Acceptable) response message or return a message with a default media type.
This approach is arguably the purest of the versioning mechanisms and lends itself naturally to HATEOAS, which
can include the MIME type of related data in resource links.

When you select a versioning strategy, you should also consider the implications on performance, especially caching on the
web server. The URI versioning and Query String versioning schemes are cache-friendly inasmuch as the same URI/query
string combination refers to the same data each time.
The Header versioning and Media Type versioning mechanisms typically require additional logic to examine the values in the
custom header or the Accept header. In a large-scale environment, many clients using different versions of a web API can
result in a significant amount of duplicated data in a server-side cache. This issue can become acute if a client application
communicates with a web server through a proxy that implements caching, and that only forwards a request to the web
server if it does not currently hold a copy of the requested data in its cache.

More information
The RESTful Cookbook contains an introduction to building RESTful APIs.
The Web API Checklist contains a useful list of items to consider when designing and implementing a Web API.
API implementation guidance
1/17/2017 62 min to read Edit on GitHub

Some topics in this guidance are under discussion and may change in the future. We welcome your feedback!

A carefully-designed RESTful web API defines the resources, relationships, and navigation schemes that are
accessible to client applications. When you implement and deploy a web API, you should consider the physical
requirements of the environment hosting the web API and the way in which the web API is constructed rather than
the logical structure of the data. This guidance focusses on best practices for implementing a web API and
publishing it to make it available to client applications. Security concerns are described separately in the API
Security Guidance document. You can find detailed information about web API design in the API Design Guidance

Considerations for implementing a RESTful web API

The following sections illustrate best practice for using the ASP.NET Web API template to build a RESTful web API.
For detailed information on using the Web API template, visit the Learn About ASP.NET Web API page on the
Microsoft website.

Considerations for implementing request routing

In a service implemented by using the ASP.NET Web API, each request is routed to a method in a controller class.
The Web API framework provides two primary options for implementing routing; convention-based routing and
attribute-based routing. Consider the following points when you determine the best way to route requests in your
web API:
Understand the limitations and requirements of convention-based routing.
By default, the Web API framework uses convention-based routing. The Web API framework creates an initial
routing table that contains the following entry:

name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

Routes can be generic, comprising literals such as api and variables such as {controller} and {id}. Convention-
based routing allows some elements of the route to be optional. The Web API framework determines which
method to invoke in the controller by matching the HTTP method in the request to the initial part of the
method name in the API, and then by matching any optional parameters. For example, if a controller named
orders contains the methods GetAllOrders() or GetOrderByInt(int id) then the GET request
http://www.adventure-works.com/api/orders/ will be directed to the method GetAlllOrders() and the GET
request http://www.adventure-works.com/api/orders/99 will be routed to the method GetOrderByInt(int id).
If there is no matching method available that begins with the prefix Get in the controller, the Web API
framework replies with an HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) message. Additionally, name of the parameter
(id) specified in the routing table must be the same as the name of the parameter for the GetOrderById
method, otherwise the Web API framework will reply with an HTTP 404 (Not Found) response.
The same rules apply to POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP requests; a PUT request that updates the details of
order 101 would be directed to the URI http://www.adventure-works.com/api/orders/101, the body of the
message will contain the new details of the order, and this information will be passed as a parameter to a
method in the orders controller with a name that starts with the prefix Put, such as PutOrder.
The default routing table will not match a request that references child resources in a RESTful web API, such
as http://www.adventure-works.com/api/customers/1/orders (find the details of all orders placed by
customer 1). To handle these cases, you can add custom routes to the routing table:

name: "CustomerOrdersRoute",
routeTemplate: "api/customers/{custId}/orders",
defaults: new { controller="Customers", action="GetOrdersForCustomer" })

This route directs requests that match the URI to the GetOrdersForCustomer method in the Customers
controller. This method must take a single parameter named custI:

public class CustomersController : ApiController

public IEnumerable<Order> GetOrdersForCustomer(int custId)
// Find orders for the specified customer
var orders = ...
return orders;

Utilize the default routing wherever possible and avoid defining many complicated custom routes as this can result in
brittleness (it is very easy to add methods to a controller that result in ambiguous routes) and reduced performance
(the bigger the routing table, the more work the Web API framework has to do to work out which route matches a
given URI). Keep the API and routes simple. For more information, see the section Organizing the Web API Around
Resources in the API Design Guidance. If you must define custom routes, a preferable approach is to use attribute-
based routing described later in this section.

For more information about convention-based routing, see the page Routing in ASP.NET Web API on the
Microsoft website.
Avoid ambiguity in routing.
Convention-based routing can result in ambiguous pathways if multiple methods in a controller match the
same route. In these situations, the Web API framework responds with an HTTP 500 (Internal Server Error)
response message containing the text "Multiple actions were found that match the request".
Prefer attribute-based routing.
Attribute-based routing provides an alternative means for connecting routes to methods in a controller.
Rather than relying on the pattern-matching features of convention-based routing, you can explicitly
annotate methods in a controller with the details of the route to which they should be associated. This
approach help to remove possible ambiguities. Furthermore, as explicit routes are defined at design time this
approach is more efficient than convention-based routing at runtime. The following code shows how to
apply the Route attribute to methods in the Customers controller. These methods also use the HttpGet
attribute to indicate that they should respond to HTTP GET requests. This attribute enables you to name your
methods using any convenient naming scheme rather than that expected by convention-based routing. You
can also annotate methods with the HttpPost, HttpPut, and HttpDelete attributes to define methods that
respond to other types of HTTP requests.

public class CustomersController : ApiController

public Customer FindCustomerByID(int id)
// Find the matching customer
var customer = ...
return customer;
public IEnumerable<Order> FindOrdersForCustomer(int id)
// Find orders for the specified customer
var orders = ...
return orders;

Attribute-based routing also has the useful side-effect of acting as documentation for developers needing to
maintain the code in the future; it is immediately clear which method belongs to which route, and the
HttpGet attribute clarifies the type of HTTP request to which the method responds.
Attribute-based routing enables you to define constraints which restrict how the parameters are matched.
Constraints can specify the type of the parameter, and in some cases they can also indicate the acceptable
range of parameter values. In the following example, the id parameter to the FindCustomerByID method
must be a non-negative integer. If an application submits an HTTP GET request with a negative customer
number, the Web API framework will respond with an HTTP 405 (Method Not Allowed) message:

public class CustomersController : ApiController

public Customer FindCustomerByID(int id)
// Find the matching customer
var customer = ...
return customer;

For more information on attribute-based routing, see the page Attribute Routing in Web API 2 on the
Microsoft website.
Support Unicode characters in routes.
The keys used to identify resources in GET requests could be strings. Therefore, in a global application, you
may need to support URIs that contain non-English characters.
Distinguish methods that should not be routed.
If you are using convention-based routing, indicate methods that do not correspond to HTTP actions by
decorating them with the NonAction attribute. This typically applies to helper methods defined for use by
other methods within a controller, and this attribute will prevent these methods from being matched and
invoked by an errant HTTP request.
Consider the benefits and tradeoffs of placing the API in a subdomain.
By default, the ASP.NET web API organizes APIs into the /api directory in a domain, such as
http://www.adventure-works.com/api/orders. This directory resides in the same domain as any other
services exposed by the same host. It may be beneficial to split the web API out into its own subdomain
running on a separate host, with URIs such as http://api.adventure-works.com/orders. This separation
enables you to partition and scale the web API more effectively without affecting any other web applications
or services running in the www.adventure-works.com domain.
However, placing a web API in a different subdomain can also lead to security concerns. Any web
applications or services hosted at www.adventure-works.com that invoke a web API running elsewhere may
violate the same-origin policy of many web browsers. In this situation, it will be necessary to enable cross-
origin resource sharing (CORS) between the hosts. For more information, see the API Security Guidance

Considerations for processing requests

Once a request from a client application has been successfully routed to a method in a web API, the request must
be processed in as efficient manner as possible. Consider the following points when you implement the code to
handle requests:
GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, and PATCH actions should be idempotent.
The code that implements these requests should not impose any side-effects. The same request repeated
over the same resource should result in the same state. For example, sending multiple DELETE requests to
the same URI should have the same effect, although the HTTP status code in the response messages may be
different (the first DELETE request might return status code 204 (No Content) while a subsequent DELETE
request might return status code 404 (Not Found)).

The article Idempotency Patterns on Jonathan Olivers blog provides an overview of idempotency and how it relates to data
management operations.

POST actions that create new resources should do so without unrelated side-effects.
If a POST request is intended to create a new resource, the effects of the request should be limited to the
new resource (and possibly any directly related resources if there is some sort of linkage involved) For
example, in an ecommerce system, a POST request that creates a new order for a customer might also
amend inventory levels and generate billing information, but it should not modify information not directly
related to the order or have any other side-effects on the overall state of the system.
Avoid implementing chatty POST, PUT, and DELETE operations.
Support POST, PUT and DELETE requests over resource collections. A POST request can contain the details
for multiple new resources and add them all to the same collection, a PUT request can replace the entire set
of resources in a collection, and a DELETE request can remove an entire collection.
Note that the OData support included in ASP.NET Web API 2 provides the ability to batch requests. A client
application can package up several web API requests and send them to the server in a single HTTP request,
and receive a single HTTP response that contains the replies to each request. For more information, see the
page Introducing Batch Support in Web API and Web API OData on the Microsoft website.
Abide by the HTTP protocol when sending a response back to a client application.
A web API must return messages that contain the correct HTTP status code to enable the client to determine
how to handle the result, the appropriate HTTP headers so that the client understands the nature of the
result, and a suitably formatted body to enable the client to parse the result. If you are using the ASP.NET
Web API template, the default strategy for implementing methods that respond to HTTP POST requests is
simply to return a copy of the newly created resource, as illustrated by the following example:

public class CustomersController : ApiController

public Customer CreateNewCustomer(Customer customerDetails)
// Add the new customer to the repository
// This method returns a customer with a unique ID allocated
// by the repository
var newCust = repository.Add(customerDetails);
// Return the newly added customer
return newCust;

If the POST operation is successful, the Web API framework creates an HTTP response with status code 200
(OK) and the details of the customer as the message body. However, in this case, according to the HTTP
protocol, a POST operation should return status code 201 (Created) and the response message should
include the URI of the newly created resource in the Location header of the response message.
To provide these features, return your own HTTP response message by using the IHttpActionResult
interface. This approach gives you fine control over the HTTP status code, the headers in the response
message, and even the format of the data in the response message body, as shown in the following code
example. This version of the CreateNewCustomer method conforms more closely to the expectations of client
following the HTTP protocol. The Created method of the ApiController class constructs the response
message from the specified data, and adds the Location header to the results:
public class CustomersController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult CreateNewCustomer(Customer customerDetails)
// Add the new customer to the repository
var newCust = repository.Add(customerDetails);

// Create a value for the Location header to be returned in the response

// The URI should be the location of the customer including its ID,
// such as http://adventure-works.com/api/customers/99
var location = new Uri(...);

// Return the HTTP 201 response,

// including the location and the newly added customer
return Created(location, newCust);

Support content negotiation.

The body of a response message may contain data in a variety of formats. For example, an HTTP GET request
could return data in JSON, or XML format. When the client submits a request, it can include an Accept header
that specifies the data formats that it can handle. These formats are specified as media types. For example, a
client that issues a GET request that retrieves an image can specify an Accept header that lists the media
types that the client can handle, such as "image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png". When the web API returns the
result, it should format the data by using one of these media types and specify the format in the Content-
Type header of the response.
If the client does not specify an Accept header, then use a sensible default format for the response body. As
an example, the ASP.NET Web API framework defaults to JSON for text-based data.

The ASP.NET Web API framework performs some automatic detection of Accept headers and handles them itself
based on the type of the data in the body of the response message. For example, if the body of a response message
contains a CLR (common language runtime) object, the ASP.NET Web API automatically formats the response as
JSON with the Content-Type header of the response set to "application/json" unless the client indicates that it
requires the results as XML, in which case the ASP.NET Web API framework formats the response as XML and sets the
Content-Type header of the response to "text/xml". However, it may be necessary to handle Accept headers that
specify different media types explicitly in the implementation code for an operation.

Provide links to support HATEOAS-style navigation and discovery of resources.

The API Design Guidance describes how following the HATEOAS approach enables a client to navigate and
discover resources from an initial starting point. This is achieved by using links containing URIs; when a
client issues an HTTP GET request to obtain a resource, the response should contain URIs that enable a client
application to quickly locate any directly related resources. For example, in a web API that supports an e-
commerce solution, a customer may have placed many orders. When a client application retrieves the details
for a customer, the response should include links that enable the client application to send HTTP GET
requests that can retrieve these orders. Additionally, HATEOAS-style links should describe the other
operations (POST, PUT, DELETE, and so on) that each linked resource supports together with the
corresponding URI to perform each request. This approach is described in more detail in the API Design
Guidance document.
Currently there are no standards that govern the implementation of HATEOAS, but the following example
illustrates one possible approach. In this example, an HTTP GET request that finds the details for a customer
returns a response that include HATEOAS links that reference the orders for that customer:

GET http://adventure-works.com/customers/2 HTTP/1.1

Accept: text/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...

In this example, the customer data is represented by the Customer class shown in the following code
snippet. The HATEOAS links are held in the Links collection property:

public class Customer

public int CustomerID { get; set; }
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public List<Link> Links { get; set; }

public class Link

public string Rel { get; set; }
public string Href { get; set; }
public string Action { get; set; }
public string [] Types { get; set; }

The HTTP GET operation retrieves the customer data from storage and constructs a Customer object, and
then populates the Links collection. The result is formatted as a JSON response message. Each link
comprises the following fields:
The relationship between the object being returned and the object described by the link. In this case "self"
indicates that the link is a reference back to the object itself (similar to a this pointer in many object-
oriented languages), and "orders" is the name of a collection containing the related order information.
The hyperlink ( Href ) for the object being described by the link in the form of a URI.
The type of HTTP request ( Action ) that can be sent to this URI.
The format of any data ( Types ) that should be provided in the HTTP request or that can be returned
in the response, depending on the type of the request.
The HATEOAS links shown in the example HTTP response indicate that a client application can
perform the following operations:
An HTTP GET request to the URI http://adventure-works.com/customers/2 to fetch the details of the
customer (again). The data can be returned as XML or JSON.
An HTTP PUT request to the URI http://adventure-works.com/customers/2 to modify the details of the
customer. The new data must be provided in the request message in x-www-form-urlencoded format.
An HTTP DELETE request to the URI http://adventure-works.com/customers/2 to delete the customer. The
request does not expect any additional information or return data in the response message body.
An HTTP GET request to the URI http://adventure-works.com/customers/2/orders to find all the orders for
the customer. The data can be returned as XML or JSON.
An HTTP PUT request to the URI http://adventure-works.com/customers/2/orders to create a new order
for this customer. The data must be provided in the request message in x-www-form-urlencoded format.

Considerations for handling exceptions

By default, in the ASP.NET Web API framework, if an operation throws an uncaught exception the framework
returns a response message with HTTP status code 500 (Internal Server Error). In many cases, this simplistic
approach is not useful in isolation, and makes determining the cause of the exception difficult. Therefore you
should adopt a more comprehensive approach to handling exceptions, considering the following points:
Capture exceptions and return a meaningful response to clients.
The code that implements an HTTP operation should provide comprehensive exception handling rather than
letting uncaught exceptions propagate to the Web API framework. If an exception makes it impossible to
complete the operation successfully, the exception can be passed back in the response message, but it
should include a meaningful description of the error that caused the exception. The exception should also
include the appropriate HTTP status code rather than simply returning status code 500 for every situation.
For example, if a user request causes a database update that violates a constraint (such as attempting to
delete a customer that has outstanding orders), you should return status code 409 (Conflict) and a message
body indicating the reason for the conflict. If some other condition renders the request unachievable, you
can return status code 400 (Bad Request). You can find a full list of HTTP status codes on the Status Code
Definitions page on the W3C website.
The following code shows an example that traps different conditions and returns an appropriate response.
public IHttpActionResult DeleteCustomer(int id)
// Find the customer to be deleted in the repository
var customerToDelete = repository.GetCustomer(id);

// If there is no such customer, return an error response

// with status code 404 (Not Found)
if (customerToDelete == null)
return NotFound();

// Remove the customer from the repository

// The DeleteCustomer method returns true if the customer
// was successfully deleted
if (repository.DeleteCustomer(id))
// Return a response message with status code 204 (No Content)
// To indicate that the operation was successful
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent);
// Otherwise return a 400 (Bad Request) error response
return BadRequest(Strings.CustomerNotDeleted);
// If an uncaught exception occurs, return an error response
// with status code 500 (Internal Server Error)
return InternalServerError();

Do not include information that could be useful to an attacker attempting to penetrate your web API.For further
information, visit the Exception Handling in ASP.NET Web API page on the Microsoft website.

Many web servers trap error conditions themselves before they reach the web API. For example, if you configure
authentication for a web site and the user fails to provide the correct authentication information, the web server
should respond with status code 401 (Unauthorized). Once a client has been authenticated, your code can perform its
own checks to verify that the client should be able access the requested resource. If this authorization fails, you
should return status code 403 (Forbidden).

Handle exceptions in a consistent manner and log information about errors.

To handle exceptions in a consistent manner, consider implementing a global error handling strategy across
the entire web API. You can achieve part of this by creating an exception filter that runs whenever a
controller throws any unhandled exception that is not an HttpResponseException exception. This approach is
described on the Exception Handling in ASP.NET Web API page on the Microsoft website.
However, there are several situations where an exception filter will not catch an exception, including:
Exceptions thrown from controller constructors.
Exceptions thrown from message handlers.
Exceptions thrown during routing.
Exceptions thrown while serializing the content for a response message.
To handle these cases, you may need to implement a more customized approach. You should also
incorporate error logging which captures the full details of each exception; this error log can contain
detailed information as long as it is not made accessible over the web to clients. The article Web API
Global Error Handling on the Microsoft website shows one way of performing this task.
Distinguish between client-side errors and server-side errors.
The HTTP protocol distinguishes between errors that occur due to the client application (the HTTP 4xx status
codes), and errors that are caused by a mishap on the server (the HTTP 5xx status codes). Make sure that you
respect this convention in any error response messages.

Considerations for optimizing client-side data access

In a distributed environment such as that involving a web server and client applications, one of the primary sources
of concern is the network. This can act as a considerable bottleneck, especially if a client application is frequently
sending requests or receiving data. Therefore you should aim to minimize the amount of traffic that flows across
the network. Consider the following points when you implement the code to retrieve and maintain data:
Support client-side caching.
The HTTP 1.1 protocol supports caching in clients and intermediate servers through which a request is
routed by the use of the Cache-Control header. When a client application sends an HTTP GET request to the
web API, the response can include a Cache-Control header that indicates whether the data in the body of the
response can be safely cached by the client or an intermediate server through which the request has been
routed, and for how long before it should expire and be considered out-of-date. The following example
shows an HTTP GET request and the corresponding response that includes a Cache-Control header:

GET http://adventure-works.com/orders/2 HTTP/1.1


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: max-age=600, private
Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: ...

In this example, the Cache-Control header specifies that the data returned should be expired after 600
seconds, and is only suitable for a single client and must not be stored in a shared cache used by other
clients (it is private). The Cache-Control header could specify public rather than private in which case the
data can be stored in a shared cache, or it could specify no-store in which case the data must not be cached
by the client. The following code example shows how to construct a Cache-Control header in a response
public class OrdersController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult FindOrderByID(int id)
// Find the matching order
Order order = ...;
// Create a Cache-Control header for the response
var cacheControlHeader = new CacheControlHeaderValue();
cacheControlHeader.Private = true;
cacheControlHeader.MaxAge = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0);

// Return a response message containing the order and the cache control header
OkResultWithCaching<Order> response = new OkResultWithCaching<Order>(order, this)
CacheControlHeader = cacheControlHeader
return response;

This code makes use of a custom IHttpActionResult class named OkResultWithCaching . This class enables
the controller to set the cache header contents:

public class OkResultWithCaching<T> : OkNegotiatedContentResult<T>

public OkResultWithCaching(T content, ApiController controller)
: base(content, controller) { }

public OkResultWithCaching(T content, IContentNegotiator contentNegotiator, HttpRequestMessage

request, IEnumerable<MediaTypeFormatter> formatters)
: base(content, contentNegotiator, request, formatters) { }

public CacheControlHeaderValue CacheControlHeader { get; set; }

public EntityTagHeaderValue ETag { get; set; }

public override async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

HttpResponseMessage response = await base.ExecuteAsync(cancellationToken);

response.Headers.CacheControl = this.CacheControlHeader;
response.Headers.ETag = ETag;

return response;

The HTTP protocol also defines the no-cache directive for the Cache-Control header. Rather confusingly, this directive
does not mean "do not cache" but rather "revalidate the cached information with the server before returning it"; the
data can still be cached, but it is checked each time it is used to ensure that it is still current.

Cache management is the responsibility of the client application or intermediate server, but if properly
implemented it can save bandwidth and improve performance by removing the need to fetch data that has
already been recently retrieved.
The max-age value in the Cache-Control header is only a guide and not a guarantee that the corresponding
data won't change during the specified time. The web API should set the max-age to a suitable value
depending on the expected volatility of the data. When this period expires, the client should discard the
object from the cache.

Most modern web browsers support client-side caching by adding the appropriate cache-control headers to requests
and examining the headers of the results, as described. However, some older browsers will not cache the values
returned from a URL that includes a query string. This is not usually an issue for custom client applications which
implement their own cache management strategy based on the protocol discussed here.
Some older proxies exhibit the same behavior and might not cache requests based on URLs with query strings. This
could be an issue for custom client applications that connect to a web server through such a proxy.

Provide ETags to Optimize Query Processing.

When a client application retrieves an object, the response message can also include an ETag (Entity Tag). An
ETag is an opaque string that indicates the version of a resource; each time a resource changes the Etag is
also modified. This ETag should be cached as part of the data by the client application. The following code
example shows how to add an ETag as part of the response to an HTTP GET request. This code uses the
GetHashCode method of an object to generate a numeric value that identifies the object (you can override
this method if necessary and generate your own hash using an algorithm such as MD5) :

public class OrdersController : ApiController

public IHttpActionResult FindOrderByID(int id)
// Find the matching order
Order order = ...;

var hashedOrder = order.GetHashCode();

string hashedOrderEtag = String.Format("\"{0}\"", hashedOrder);
var eTag = new EntityTagHeaderValue(hashedOrderEtag);

// Return a response message containing the order and the cache control header
OkResultWithCaching<Order> response = new OkResultWithCaching<Order>(order, this)
ETag = eTag
return response;

The response message posted by the web API looks like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: max-age=600, private
Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8
ETag: "2147483648"
Content-Length: ...
For security reasons, do not allow sensitive data or data returned over an authenticated (HTTPS) connection to be

A client application can issue a subsequent GET request to retrieve the same resource at any time, and if the
resource has changed (it has a different ETag) the cached version should be discarded and the new version
added to the cache. If a resource is large and requires a significant amount of bandwidth to transmit back to
the client, repeated requests to fetch the same data can become inefficient. To combat this, the HTTP protocol
defines the following process for optimizing GET requests that you should support in a web API:
The client constructs a GET request containing the ETag for the currently cached version of the
resource referenced in an If-None-Match HTTP header:

GET http://adventure-works.com/orders/2 HTTP/1.1

If-None-Match: "2147483648"

The GET operation in the web API obtains the current ETag for the requested data (order 2 in the above
example), and compares it to the value in the If-None-Match header.
If the current ETag for the requested data matches the ETag provided by the request, the resource has not
changed and the web API should return an HTTP response with an empty message body and a status
code of 304 (Not Modified).
If the current ETag for the requested data does not match the ETag provided by the request, then the data
has changed and the web API should return an HTTP response with the new data in the message body
and a status code of 200 (OK).
If the requested data no longer exists then the web API should return an HTTP response with the status
code of 404 (Not Found).
The client uses the status code to maintain the cache. If the data has not changed (status code 304)
then the object can remain cached and the client application should continue to use this version of the
object. If the data has changed (status code 200) then the cached object should be discarded and the
new one inserted. If the data is no longer available (status code 404) then the object should be
removed from the cache.

If the response header contains the Cache-Control header no-store then the object should always be
removed from the cache regardless of the HTTP status code.

The code below shows the FindOrderByID method extended to support the If-None-Match header.
Notice that if the If-None-Match header is omitted, the specified order is always retrieved:
public class OrdersController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult FindOrderById(int id)
// Find the matching order
Order order = ...;

// If there is no such order then return NotFound

if (order == null)
return NotFound();

// Generate the ETag for the order

var hashedOrder = order.GetHashCode();
string hashedOrderEtag = String.Format("\"{0}\"", hashedOrder);

// Create the Cache-Control and ETag headers for the response

IHttpActionResult response = null;
var cacheControlHeader = new CacheControlHeaderValue();
cacheControlHeader.Public = true;
cacheControlHeader.MaxAge = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0);
var eTag = new EntityTagHeaderValue(hashedOrderEtag);

// Retrieve the If-None-Match header from the request (if it exists)

var nonMatchEtags = Request.Headers.IfNoneMatch;

// If there is an ETag in the If-None-Match header and

// this ETag matches that of the order just retrieved,
// then create a Not Modified response message
if (nonMatchEtags.Count > 0 &&
String.Compare(nonMatchEtags.First().Tag, hashedOrderEtag) == 0)
response = new EmptyResultWithCaching()
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotModified,
CacheControlHeader = cacheControlHeader,
ETag = eTag
// Otherwise create a response message that contains the order details
response = new OkResultWithCaching<Order>(order, this)
CacheControlHeader = cacheControlHeader,
ETag = eTag

return response;
return InternalServerError();

This example incorporates an additional custom IHttpActionResult class named

EmptyResultWithCaching . This class simply acts as a wrapper around an HttpResponseMessage object
that does not contain a response body:

public class EmptyResultWithCaching : IHttpActionResult

public CacheControlHeaderValue CacheControlHeader { get; set; }
public EntityTagHeaderValue ETag { get; set; }
public HttpStatusCode StatusCode { get; set; }
public Uri Location { get; set; }

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

HttpResponseMessage response = new HttpResponseMessage(StatusCode);
response.Headers.CacheControl = this.CacheControlHeader;
response.Headers.ETag = this.ETag;
response.Headers.Location = this.Location;
return response;

In this example, the ETag for the data is generated by hashing the data retrieved from the underlying data
source. If the ETag can be computed in some other way, then the process can be optimized further and the
data only needs to be fetched from the data source if it has changed. This approach is especially useful if the
data is large or accessing the data source can result in significant latency (for example, if the data source is a
remote database).

Use ETags to Support Optimistic Concurrency.

To enable updates over previously cached data, the HTTP protocol supports an optimistic concurrency
strategy. If, after fetching and caching a resource, the client application subsequently sends a PUT or DELETE
request to change or remove the resource, it should include in If-Match header that references the ETag. The
web API can then use this information to determine whether the resource has already been changed by
another user since it was retrieved and send an appropriate response back to the client application as
The client constructs a PUT request containing the new details for the resource and the ETag for the
currently cached version of the resource referenced in an If-Match HTTP header. The following
example shows a PUT request that updates an order:

PUT http://adventure-works.com/orders/1 HTTP/1.1

If-Match: "2282343857"
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:18:37 GMT
Content-Length: ...

The PUT operation in the web API obtains the current ETag for the requested data (order 1 in the above
example), and compares it to the value in the If-Match header.
If the current ETag for the requested data matches the ETag provided by the request, the resource has not
changed and the web API should perform the update, returning a message with HTTP status code 204
(No Content) if it is successful. The response can include Cache-Control and ETag headers for the updated
version of the resource. The response should always include the Location header that references the URI
of the newly updated resource.
If the current ETag for the requested data does not match the ETag provided by the request, then the data
has been changed by another user since it was fetched and the web API should return an HTTP response
with an empty message body and a status code of 412 (Precondition Failed).
If the resource to be updated no longer exists then the web API should return an HTTP response with the
status code of 404 (Not Found).
The client uses the status code and response headers to maintain the cache. If the data has been
updated (status code 204) then the object can remain cached (as long as the Cache-Control header
does not specify no-store) but the ETag should be updated. If the data was changed by another user
changed (status code 412) or not found (status code 404) then the cached object should be discarded.
The next code example shows an implementation of the PUT operation for the Orders controller:

public class OrdersController : ApiController

public IHttpActionResult UpdateExistingOrder(int id, DTOOrder order)
var baseUri = Constants.GetUriFromConfig();
var orderToUpdate = this.ordersRepository.GetOrder(id);
if (orderToUpdate == null)
return NotFound();

var hashedOrder = orderToUpdate.GetHashCode();

string hashedOrderEtag = String.Format("\"{0}\"", hashedOrder);

// Retrieve the If-Match header from the request (if it exists)

var matchEtags = Request.Headers.IfMatch;

// If there is an Etag in the If-Match header and

// this etag matches that of the order just retrieved,
// or if there is no etag, then update the Order
if (((matchEtags.Count > 0 &&
String.Compare(matchEtags.First().Tag, hashedOrderEtag) == 0)) ||
matchEtags.Count == 0)
// Modify the order
orderToUpdate.OrderValue = order.OrderValue;
orderToUpdate.ProductID = order.ProductID;
orderToUpdate.Quantity = order.Quantity;

// Save the order back to the data store

// ...

// Create the No Content response with Cache-Control, ETag, and Location headers
var cacheControlHeader = new CacheControlHeaderValue();
cacheControlHeader.Private = true;
cacheControlHeader.MaxAge = new TimeSpan(0, 10, 0);

hashedOrder = order.GetHashCode();
hashedOrderEtag = String.Format("\"{0}\"", hashedOrder);
var eTag = new EntityTagHeaderValue(hashedOrderEtag);

var location = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", baseUri, Constants.ORDERS,

var response = new EmptyResultWithCaching()
StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NoContent,
CacheControlHeader = cacheControlHeader,
ETag = eTag,
Location = location

return response;

// Otherwise return a Precondition Failed response

return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed);
return InternalServerError();

Use of the If-Match header is entirely optional, and if it is omitted the web API will always attempt to update
the specified order, possibly blindly overwriting an update made by another user. To avoid problems due to
lost updates, always provide an If-Match header.

Considerations for handling large requests and responses

There may be occasions when a client application needs to issue requests that send or receive data that may be
several megabytes (or bigger) in size. Waiting while this amount of data is transmitted could cause the client
application to become unresponsive. Consider the following points when you need to handle requests that include
significant amounts of data:
Optimize requests and responses that involve large objects.
Some resources may be large objects or include large fields, such as graphics images or other types of
binary data. A web API should support streaming to enable optimized uploading and downloading of these
The HTTP protocol provides the chunked transfer encoding mechanism to stream large data objects back to
a client. When the client sends an HTTP GET request for a large object, the web API can send the reply back in
piecemeal chunks over an HTTP connection. The length of the data in the reply may not be known initially (it
might be generated), so the server hosting the web API should send a response message with each chunk
that specifies the Transfer-Encoding: Chunked header rather than a Content-Length header. The client
application can receive each chunk in turn to build up the complete response. The data transfer completes
when the server sends back a final chunk with zero size. You can implement chunking in the ASP.NET Web
API by using the PushStreamContent class.
The following example shows an operation that responds to HTTP GET requests for product images:
public class ProductImagesController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get(int id)
var container = ConnectToBlobContainer(Constants.PRODUCTIMAGESCONTAINERNAME);

if (!BlobExists(container, string.Format("image{0}.jpg", id)))

return NotFound();
return new FileDownloadResult()
Container = container,
ImageId = id
return InternalServerError();

In this example, ConnectBlobToContainer is a helper method that connects to a specified container (name not
shown) in Azure Blob storage. BlobExists is another helper method that returns a Boolean value that
indicates whether a blob with the specified name exists in the blob storage container.
Each product has its own image held in blob storage. The FileDownloadResult class is a custom
IHttpActionResult class that uses a PushStreamContent object to read the image data from appropriate blob
and transmit it asynchronously as the content of the response message:
public class FileDownloadResult : IHttpActionResult
public CloudBlobContainer Container { get; set; }
public int ImageId { get; set; }

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
response.Content = new PushStreamContent(async (outputStream, _, __) =>
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob =
Container.GetBlockBlobReference(String.Format("image{0}.jpg", ImageId));
await blockBlob.DownloadToStreamAsync(outputStream);

response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
response.Content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/jpeg");
return response;

You can also apply streaming to upload operations if a client needs to POST a new resource that includes a
large object. The next example shows the Post method for the ProductImages controller. This method
enables the client to upload a new product image:
public class ProductImagesController : ApiController
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> Post()
if (!Request.Content.Headers.ContentType.MediaType.Equals("image/jpeg"))
return StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
var id = new Random().Next(); // Use a random int as the key for the new resource.
Should probably check that this key has not already been used
var container = ConnectToBlobContainer(Constants.PRODUCTIMAGESCONTAINERNAME);
return new FileUploadResult()
Container = container,
ImageId = id,
Request = Request
return InternalServerError();

This code uses another custom IHttpActionResult class called FileUploadResult . This class contains the
logic for uploading the data asynchronously:

public class FileUploadResult : IHttpActionResult

public CloudBlobContainer Container { get; set; }
public int ImageId { get; set; }
public HttpRequestMessage Request { get; set; }

public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)

var response = new HttpResponseMessage();
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = Container.GetBlockBlobReference(String.Format("image{0}.jpg",
await blockBlob.UploadFromStreamAsync(await Request.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync());
var baseUri = string.Format("{0}://{1}:{2}", Request.RequestUri.Scheme,
Request.RequestUri.Host, Request.RequestUri.Port);
response.Headers.Location = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/productimages/{1}", baseUri, ImageId));
response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
return response;
The volume of data that you can upload to a web service is not constrained by streaming, and a single request could
conceivably result in a massive object that consumes considerable resources. If, during the streaming process, the web
API determines that the amount of data in a request has exceeded some acceptable bounds, it can abort the
operation and return a response message with status code 413 (Request Entity Too Large).

You can minimize the size of large objects transmitted over the network by using HTTP compression. This
approach helps to reduce the amount of network traffic and the associated network latency, but at the cost
of requiring additional processing at the client and the server hosting the web API. For example, a client
application that expects to receive compressed data can include an Accept-Encoding: gzip request header
(other data compression algorithms can also be specified). If the server supports compression it should
respond with the content held in gzip format in the message body and the Content-Encoding: gzip response

You can combine encoded compression with streaming; compress the data first before streaming it, and specify the
gzip content encoding and chunked transfer encoding in the message headers. Also note that some web servers
(such as Internet Information Server) can be configured to automatically compress HTTP responses regardless of
whether the web API compresses the data or not.

Implement partial responses for clients that do not support asynchronous operations.
As an alternative to asynchronous streaming, a client application can explicitly request data for large objects
in chunks, known as partial responses. The client application sends an HTTP HEAD request to obtain
information about the object. If the web API supports partial responses if should respond to the HEAD
request with a response message that contains an Accept-Ranges header and a Content-Length header that
indicates the total size of the object, but the body of the message should be empty. The client application can
use this information to construct a series of GET requests that specify a range of bytes to receive. The web
API should return a response message with HTTP status 206 (Partial Content), a Content-Length header that
specifies the actual amount of data included in the body of the response message, and a Content-Range
header that indicates which part (such as bytes 4000 to 8000) of the object this data represents.
HTTP HEAD requests and partial responses are described in more detail in the API Design Guidance
Avoid sending unnecessary Continue status messages in client applications.
A client application that is about to send a large amount of data to a server may determine first whether the
server is actually willing to accept the request. Prior to sending the data, the client application can submit an
HTTP request with an Expect: 100-Continue header, a Content-Length header that indicates the size of the
data, but an empty message body. If the server is willing to handle the request, it should respond with a
message that specifies the HTTP status 100 (Continue). The client application can then proceed and send the
complete request including the data in the message body.
If you are hosting a service by using IIS, the HTTP.sys driver automatically detects and handles Expect: 100-
Continue headers before passing requests to your web application. This means that you are unlikely to see
these headers in your application code, and you can assume that IIS has already filtered any messages that it
deems to be unfit or too large.
If you are building client applications by using the .NET Framework, then all POST and PUT messages will
first send messages with Expect: 100-Continue headers by default. As with the server-side, the process is
handled transparently by the .NET Framework. However, this process results in each POST and PUT request
causing 2 round-trips to the server, even for small requests. If your application is not sending requests with
large amounts of data, you can disable this feature by using the ServicePointManager class to create
ServicePoint objects in the client application. A ServicePoint object handles the connections that the client
makes to a server based on the scheme and host fragments of URIs that identify resources on the server.
You can then set the Expect100Continue property of the ServicePoint object to false. All subsequent POST
and PUT requests made by the client through a URI that matches the scheme and host fragments of the
ServicePoint object will be sent without Expect: 100-Continue headers. The following code shows how to
configure a ServicePoint object that configures all requests sent to URIs with a scheme of http and a host
of www.contoso.com .

Uri uri = new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/");

ServicePoint sp = ServicePointManager.FindServicePoint(uri);
sp.Expect100Continue = false;

You can also set the static Expect100Continue property of the ServicePointManager class to specify the
default value of this property for all subsequently created ServicePoint objects. For more information, see
the ServicePoint Class page on the Microsoft website.
Support pagination for requests that may return large numbers of objects.
If a collection contains a large number of resources, issuing a GET request to the corresponding URI could
result in significant processing on the server hosting the web API affecting performance, and generate a
significant amount of network traffic resulting in increased latency.
To handle these cases, the web API should support query strings that enable the client application to refine
requests or fetch data in more manageable, discrete blocks (or pages). The ASP.NET Web API framework
parses query strings and splits them up into a series of parameter/value pairs which are passed to the
appropriate method, following the routing rules described earlier. The method should be implemented to
accept these parameters using the same names specified in the query string. Additionally, these parameters
should be optional (in case the client omits the query string from a request) and have meaningful default
values. The code below shows the GetAllOrders method in the Orders controller. This method retrieves the
details of orders. If this method was unconstrained, it could conceivably return a large amount of data. The
limit and offset parameters are intended to reduce the volume of data to a smaller subset, in this case
only the first 10 orders by default:

public class OrdersController : ApiController

public IEnumerable<Order> GetAllOrders(int limit=10, int offset=0)
// Find the number of orders specified by the limit parameter
// starting with the order specified by the offset parameter
var orders = ...
return orders;

A client application can issue a request to retrieve 30 orders starting at offset 50 by using the URI
Avoid enabling client applications to specify query strings that result in a URI that is more than 2000 characters long.
Many web clients and servers cannot handle URIs that are this long.

Considerations for maintaining responsiveness, scalability, and

The same web API might be utilized by many client applications running anywhere in the world. It is important to
ensure that the web API is implemented to maintain responsiveness under a heavy load, to be scalable to support a
highly varying workload, and to guarantee availability for clients that perform business-critical operations. Consider
the following points when determining how to meet these requirements:
Provide Asynchronous Support for Long-Running Requests.
A request that might take a long time to process should be performed without blocking the client that
submitted the request. The web API can perform some initial checking to validate the request, initiate a
separate task to perform the work, and then return a response message with HTTP code 202 (Accepted). The
task could run asynchronously as part of the web API processing, or it could be offloaded to an Azure
WebJob (if the web API is hosted by an Azure Website) or a worker role (if the web API is implemented as an
Azure cloud service).

For more information about using WebJobs with Azure Website, visit the page Use WebJobs to run background tasks
in Microsoft Azure Websites on the Microsoft website.

The web API should also provide a mechanism to return the results of the processing to the client
application. You can achieve this by providing a polling mechanism for client applications to periodically
query whether the processing has finished and obtain the result, or enabling the web API to send a
notification when the operation has completed.
You can implement a simple polling mechanism by providing a polling URI that acts as a virtual resource
using the following approach:
1. The client application sends the initial request to the web API.
2. The web API stores information about the request in a table held in table storage or Microsoft Azure
Cache, and generates a unique key for this entry, possibly in the form of a GUID.
3. The web API initiates the processing as a separate task. The web API records the state of the task in the
table as Running.
4. The web API returns a response message with HTTP status code 202 (Accepted), and the GUID of the
table entry in the body of the message.
5. When the task has completed, the web API stores the results in the table, and sets the state of the task to
Complete. Note that if the task fails, the web API could also store information about the failure and set the
status to Failed.
6. While the task is running, the client can continue performing its own processing. It can periodically send a
request to the URI /polling/{guid} where {guid} is the GUID returned in the 202 response message by the
web API.
7. The web API at the /polling/{guid} URI queries the state of the corresponding task in the table and
returns a response message with HTTP status code 200 (OK) containing this state (Running, Complete,
or Failed). If the task has completed or failed, the response message can also include the results of the
processing or any information available about the reason for the failure.
If you prefer to implement notifications, the options available include:
8. Using an Azure Notification Hub to push asynchronous responses to client applications. The page Azure
Notification Hubs Notify Users on the Microsoft website provides further details.
9. Using the Comet model to retain a persistent network connection between the client and the server
hosting the web API, and using this connection to push messages from the server back to the client. The
MSDN magazine article Building a Simple Comet Application in the Microsoft .NET Framework describes
an example solution.
10. Using SignalR to push data in real-time from the web server to the client over a persistent network
connection. SignalR is available for ASP.NET web applications as a NuGet package. You can find more
information on the ASP.NET SignalR website.

Comet and SignalR both utilize persistent network connections between the web server and the client
application. This can affect scalability as a large number of clients may require an equally large number of
concurrent connections.

Ensure that each request is stateless.

Each request should be considered atomic. There should be no dependencies between one request made by
a client application and any subsequent requests submitted by the same client. This approach assists in
scalability; instances of the web service can be deployed on a number of servers. Client requests can be
directed at any of these instances and the results should always be the same. It also improves availability for
a similar reason; if a web server fails requests can be routed to another instance (by using Azure Traffic
Manager) while the server is restarted with no ill effects on client applications.
Track clients and implement throttling to reduce the chances of DOS attacks.
If a specific client makes a large number of requests within a given period of time it might monopolize the
service and affect the performance of other clients. To mitigate this issue, a web API can monitor calls from
client applications either by tracking the IP address of all incoming requests or by logging each
authenticated access. You can use this information to limit resource access. If a client exceeds a defined limit,
the web API can return a response message with status 503 (Service Unavailable) and include a Retry-After
header that specifies when the client can send the next request without it being declined. This strategy can
help to reduce the chances of a Denial Of Service (DOS) attack from a set of clients stalling the system.
Manage persistent HTTP connections carefully.
The HTTP protocol supports persistent HTTP connections where they are available. The HTTP 1.0
specificiation added the Connection:Keep-Alive header that enables a client application to indicate to the
server that it can use the same connection to send subsequent requests rather than opening new ones. The
connection closes automatically if the client does not reuse the connection within a period defined by the
host. This behavior is the default in HTTP 1.1 as used by Azure services, so there is no need to include Keep-
Alive headers in messages.
Keeping a connection open can help to improve responsiveness by reducing latency and network
congestion, but it can be detrimental to scalability by keeping unnecessary connections open for longer than
required, limiting the ability of other concurrent clients to connect. It can also affect battery life if the client
application is running on a mobile device; if the application only makes occasional requests to the server,
maintaining an open connection can cause the battery to drain more quickly. To ensure that a connection is
not made persistent with HTTP 1.1, the client can include a Connection:Close header with messages to
override the default behavior. Similarly, if a server is handling a very large number of clients it can include a
Connection:Close header in response messages which should close the connection and save server
Persistent HTTP connections are a purely optional feature to reduce the network overhead associated with repeatedly
establishing a communications channel. Neither the web API nor the client application should depend on a persistent
HTTP connection being available. Do not use persistent HTTP connections to implement Comet-style notification
systems; instead you should utilize sockets (or websockets if available) at the TCP layer. Finally, note Keep-Alive
headers are of limited use if a client application communicates with a server via a proxy; only the connection with the
client and the proxy will be persistent.

Considerations for publishing and managing a web API

To make a web API available for client applications, the web API must be deployed to a host environment. This
environment is typically a web server, although it may be some other type of host process. You should consider the
following points when publishing a web API:
All requests must be authenticated and authorized, and the appropriate level of access control must be enforced.
A commercial web API might be subject to various quality guarantees concerning response times. It is important
to ensure that host environment is scalable if the load can vary significantly over time.
If may be necessary to meter requests for monetization purposes.
It might be necessary to regulate the flow of traffic to the web API, and implement throttling for specific clients
that have exhausted their quotas.
Regulatory requirements might mandate logging and auditing of all requests and responses.
To ensure availability, it may be necessary to monitor the health of the server hosting the web API and restart it
if necessary.
It is useful to be able to decouple these issues from the technical issues concerning the implementation of the web
API. For this reason, consider creating a faade, running as a separate process and that routes requests to the web
API. The faade can provide the management operations and forward validated requests to the web API. Using a
faade can also bring many functional advantages, including:
Acting as an integration point for multiple web APIs.
Transforming messages and translating communications protocols for clients built by using varying
Caching requests and responses to reduce load on the server hosting the web API.

Considerations for testing a web API

A web API should be tested as thoroughly as any other piece of software. You should consider creating unit tests to
validate the functionality of each operation, as you would with any other type of application. For more information,
see the page Verifying Code by Using Unit Tests on the Microsoft website.

The sample web API available with this guidance includes a test project that shows how to perform unit testing over selected

The nature of a web API brings its own additional requirements to verify that it operates correctly. You should pay
particular attention to the following aspects:
Test all routes to verify that they invoke the correct operations. Be especially aware of HTTP status code 405
(Method Not Allowed) being returned unexpectedly as this can indicate a mismatch between a route and the
HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) that can be dispatched to that route.
Send HTTP requests to routes that do not support them, such as submitting a POST request to a specific
resource (POST requests should only be sent to resource collections). In these cases, the only valid response
should be status code 405 (Not Allowed).
Verify that all routes are protected properly and are subject to the appropriate authentication and
authorization checks.

Some aspects of security such as user authentication are most likely to be the responsibility of the host environment
rather than the web API, but it is still necessary to include security tests as part of the deployment process.

Test the exception handling performed by each operation and verify that an appropriate and meaningful HTTP
response is passed back to the client application.
Verify that request and response messages are well-formed. For example, if an HTTP POST request contains the
data for a new resource in x-www-form-urlencoded format, confirm that the corresponding operation correctly
parses the data, creates the resources, and returns a response containing the details of the new resource,
including the correct Location header.
Verify all links and URIs in response messages. For example, an HTTP POST message should return the URI
of the newly-created resource. All HATEOAS links should be valid.

If you publish the web API through an API Management Service, then these URIs should reflect the URL of the
management service and not that of the web server hosting the web API.

Ensure that each operation returns the correct status codes for different combinations of input. For example:
If a query is successful, it should return status code 200 (OK)
If a resource is not found, the operation should return HTTP status code 404 (Not Found).
If the client sends a request that successfully deletes a resource, the status code should be 204 (No
If the client sends a request that creates a new resource, the status code should be 201 (Created)
Watch out for unexpected response status codes in the 5xx range. These messages are usually reported by the host
server to indicate that it was unable to fulfill a valid request.
Test the different request header combinations that a client application can specify and ensure that the web API
returns the expected information in response messages.
Test query strings. If an operation can take optional parameters (such as pagination requests), test the different
combinations and order of parameters.
Verify that asynchronous operations complete successfully. If the web API supports streaming for requests that
return large binary objects (such as video or audio), ensure that client requests are not blocked while the data is
streamed. If the web API implements polling for long-running data modification operations, verify that that the
operations report their status correctly as they proceed.
You should also create and run performance tests to check that the web API operates satisfactorily under duress.
You can build a web performance and load test project by using Visual Studio Ultimate. For more information, see
the page Run performance tests on an application before a release on the Microsoft website.

Publishing and managing a web API by using the Azure API

Management Service
Azure provides the API Management Service which you can use to publish and manage a web API. Using this
facility, you can generate a service that acts a faade for one or more web APIs. The service is itself a scalable web
service that you can create and configure by using the Azure Management portal. You can use this service to
publish and manage a web API as follows:
1. Deploy the web API to a website, Azure cloud service, or Azure virtual machine.
2. Connect the API management service to the web API. Requests sent to the URL of the management API are
mapped to URIs in the web API. The same API management service can route requests to more than one
web API. This enables you to aggregate multiple web APIs into a single management service. Similarly, the
same web API can be referenced from more than one API management service if you need to restrict or
partition the functionality available to different applications.

The URIs in HATEOAS links generated as part of the response for HTTP GET requests should reference the URL of the
API management service and not the web server hosting the web API.

3. For each web API, specify the HTTP operations that the web API exposes together with any optional
parameters that an operation can take as input. You can also configure whether the API management service
should cache the response received from the web API to optimize repeated requests for the same data.
Record the details of the HTTP responses that each operation can generate. This information is used to
generate documentation for developers, so it is important that it is accurate and complete.
You can either define operations manually using the wizards provided by the Azure Management portal, or
you can import them from a file containing the definitions in WADL or Swagger format.
4. Configure the security settings for communications between the API management service and the web server
hosting the web API. The API management service currently supports Basic authentication and mutual
authentication using certificates, and OAuth 2.0 user authorization.
5. Create a product. A product is the unit of publication; you add the web APIs that you previously connected to
the management service to the product. When the product is published, the web APIs become available to

Prior to publishing a product, you can also define user-groups that can access the product and add users to these
groups. This gives you control over the developers and applications that can use the web API. If a web API is subject
to approval, prior to being able to access it a developer must send a request to the product administrator. The
administrator can grant or deny access to the developer. Existing developers can also be blocked if circumstances

6. Configure policies for each web API. Policies govern aspects such as whether cross-domain calls should be
allowed, how to authenticate clients, whether to convert between XML and JSON data formats transparently,
whether to restrict calls from a given IP range, usage quotas, and whether to limit the call rate. Policies can be
applied globally across the entire product, for a single web API in a product, or for individual operations in a web
You can find full details describing how to perform these tasks on the API Management page on the Microsoft
website. The Azure API Management Service also provides its own REST interface, enabling you to build a custom
interface for simplifying the process of configuring a web API. For more information, visit the Azure API
Management REST API Reference page on the Microsoft website.
Azure provides the Azure Traffic Manager which enables you to implement failover and load-balancing, and reduce latency
across multiple instances of a web site hosted in different geographic locations. You can use Azure Traffic Manager in
conjunction with the API Management Service; the API Management Service can route requests to instances of a web site
through Azure Traffic Manager. For more information, visit the Traffic Manager routing Methods page on the Microsoft
In this structure, if you are using custom DNS names for your web sites, you should configure the appropriate CNAME record
for each web site to point to the DNS name of the Azure Traffic Manager web site.

Supporting developers building client applications

Developers constructing client applications typically require information on how to access the web API, and
documentation concerning the parameters, data types, return types, and return codes that describe the different
requests and responses between the web service and the client application.
Documenting the REST operations for a web API
The Azure API Management Service includes a developer portal that describes the REST operations exposed by a
web API. When a product has been published it appears on this portal. Developers can use this portal to sign up for
access; the administrator can then approve or deny the request. If the developer is approved, they are assigned a
subscription key that is used to authenticate calls from the client applications that they develop. This key must be
provided with each web API call otherwise it will be rejected.
This portal also provides:
Documentation for the product, listing the operations that it exposes, the parameters required, and the different
responses that can be returned. Note that this information is generated from the details provided in step 3 in the
list in the Publishing a web API by using the Microsoft Azure API Management Service section.
Code snippets that show how to invoke operations from several languages, including JavaScript, C#, Java, Ruby,
Python, and PHP.
A developers' console that enables a developer to send an HTTP request to test each operation in the product
and view the results.
A page where the developer can report any issues or problems found.
The Azure Management portal enables you to customize the developer portal to change the styling and layout to
match the branding of your organization.
Implementing a client SDK
Building a client application that invokes REST requests to access a web API requires writing a significant amount of
code to construct each request and format it appropriately, send the request to the server hosting the web service,
and parse the response to work out whether the request succeeded or failed and extract any data returned. To
insulate the client application from these concerns, you can provide an SDK that wraps the REST interface and
abstracts these low-level details inside a more functional set of methods. A client application uses these methods,
which transparently convert calls into REST requests and then convert the responses back into method return
values. This is a common technique that is implemented by many services, including the Azure SDK.
Creating a client-side SDK is a considerable undertaking as it has to be implemented consistently and tested
carefully. However, much of this process can be made mechanical, and many vendors supply tools that can
automate many of these tasks.

Monitoring a web API

Depending on how you have published and deployed your web API you can monitor the web API directly, or you
can gather usage and health information by analyzing the traffic that passes through the API Management service.
Monitoring a web API directly
If you have implemented your web API by using the ASP.NET Web API template (either as a Web API project or as a
Web role in an Azure cloud service) and Visual Studio 2013, you can gather availability, performance, and usage
data by using ASP.NET Application Insights. Application Insights is a package that transparently tracks and records
information about requests and responses when the web API is deployed to the cloud; once the package is installed
and configured, you don't need to amend any code in your web API to use it. When you deploy the web API to an
Azure web site, all traffic is examined and the following statistics are gathered:
Server response time.
Number of server requests and the details of each request.
The top slowest requests in terms of average response time.
The details of any failed requests.
The number of sessions initiated by different browsers and user agents.
The most frequently viewed pages (primarily useful for web applications rather than web APIs).
The different user roles accessing the web API.
You can view this data in real time from the Azure Management portal. You can also create webtests that monitor
the health of the web API. A webtest sends a periodic request to a specified URI in the web API and captures the
response. You can specify the definition of a successful response (such as HTTP status code 200), and if the request
does not return this response you can arrange for an alert to be sent to an administrator. If necessary, the
administrator can restart the server hosting the web API if it has failed.
The Application Insights - Get started with ASP.NET page on the Microsoft website provides more information.
Monitoring a web API through the API Management Service
If you have published your web API by using the API Management service, the API Management page on the Azure
Management portal contains a dashboard that enables you to view the overall performance of the service. The
Analytics page enables you to drill down into the details of how the product is being used. This page contains the
following tabs:
Usage. This tab provides information about the number of API calls made and the bandwidth used to handle
these calls over time. You can filter usage details by product, API, and operation.
Health. This tab enables you view the outcome of API requests (the HTTP status codes returned), the
effectiveness of the caching policy, the API response time, and the service response time. Again, you can filter
health data by product, API, and operation.
Activity. This tab provides a text summary of the numbers of successful calls, failed called, blocked calls,
average response time, and response times for each product, web API, and operation. This page also lists the
number of calls made by each developer.
At a glance. This tab displays a summary of the performance data, including the developers responsible for
making the most API calls, and the products, web APIs, and operations that received these calls.
You can use this information to determine whether a particular web API or operation is causing a bottleneck, and if
necessary scale the host environment and add more servers. You can also ascertain whether one or more
applications are using a disproportionate volume of resources and apply the appropriate policies to set quotas and
limit call rates.

You can change the details for a published product, and the changes are applied immediately. For example, you can add or
remove an operation from a web API without requiring that you republish the product that contains the web API.
Related patterns
The faade pattern describes how to provide an interface to a web API.

More information
The page Learn About ASP.NET Web API on the Microsoft website provides a detailed introduction to building
RESTful web services by using the Web API.
The page Routing in ASP.NET Web API on the Microsoft website describes how convention-based routing works
in the ASP.NET Web API framework.
For more information on attribute-based routing, see the page Attribute Routing in Web API 2 on the Microsoft
The Basic Tutorial page on the OData website provides an introduction to the features of the OData protocol.
The ASP.NET Web API OData page on the Microsoft website contains examples and further information on
implementing an OData web API by using ASP.NET.
The page Introducing Batch Support in Web API and Web API OData on the Microsoft website describes how to
implement batch operations in a web API by using OData.
The article Idempotency Patterns on Jonathan Olivers blog provides an overview of idempotency and how it
relates to data management operations.
The Status Code Definitions page on the W3C website contains a full list of HTTP status codes and their
For detailed information on handling HTTP exceptions with the ASP.NET Web API, visit the Exception Handling in
ASP.NET Web API page on the Microsoft website.
The article Web API Global Error Handling on the Microsoft website describes how to implement a global error
handling and logging strategy for a web API.
The page Run background tasks with WebJobs on the Microsoft website provides information and examples on
using WebJobs to perform background operations on an Azure Website.
The page Azure Notification Hubs Notify Users on the Microsoft website shows how you can use an Azure
Notification Hub to push asynchronous responses to client applications.
The API Management page on the Microsoft website describes how to publish a product that provides
controlled and secure access to a web API.
The Azure API Management REST API Reference page on the Microsoft website describes how to use the API
Management REST API to build custom management applications.
The Traffic Manager Routing Methods page on the Microsoft website summarizes how Azure Traffic Manager
can be used to load-balance requests across multiple instances of a website hosting a web API.
The Application Insights - Get started with ASP.NET page on the Microsoft website provides detailed information
on installing and configuring Application Insights in an ASP.NET Web API project.
The page Verifying Code by Using Unit Tests on the Microsoft website provides detailed information on creating
and managing unit tests by using Visual Studio.
The page Run performance tests on an application before a release on the Microsoft website describes how to
use Visual Studio Ultimate to create a web performance and load test project.
Autoscaling guidance
1/17/2017 15 min to read Edit on GitHub

Autoscaling is the process of dynamically allocating the resources required by an application to match performance
requirements and satisfy service-level agreements (SLAs), while minimizing runtime costs. As the volume of work
grows, an application may require additional resources to enable it to perform its tasks in a timely manner. As
demand slackens, resources can be de-allocated to minimize costs, while still maintaining adequate performance
and meeting SLAs. Autoscaling takes advantage of the elasticity of cloud-hosted environments while easing
management overhead. It does so by reducing the need for an operator to continually monitor the performance of
a system and make decisions about adding or removing resources.

Autoscaling applies to all of the resources used by an application, not just the compute resources. For example, if your
system uses message queues to send and receive information, it could create additional queues as it scales.

Types of scaling
Scaling typically takes one of the following two forms:
Vertical (often referred to as scaling up and down). This form requires that you modify the hardware (expand
or reduce its capacity and performance), or redeploy the solution using alternative hardware that has the
appropriate capacity and performance. In a cloud environment, the hardware platform is typically a virtualized
environment. Unless the original hardware was substantially overprovisioned, with the consequent upfront
capital expense, vertically scaling up in this environment involves provisioning more powerful resources, and
then moving the system onto these new resources. Vertical scaling is often a disruptive process that requires
making the system temporarily unavailable while it is being redeployed. It may be possible to keep the original
system running while the new hardware is provisioned and brought online, but there will likely be some
interruption while the processing transitions from the old environment to the new one. It is uncommon to use
autoscaling to implement a vertical scaling strategy.
Horizontal (often referred to as scaling out and in). This form requires deploying the solution on additional or
fewer resources, which are typically commodity resources rather than high-powered systems. The solution can
continue running without interruption while these resources are provisioned. When the provisioning process is
complete, copies of the elements that comprise the solution can be deployed on these additional resources and
made available. If demand drops, the additional resources can be reclaimed after the elements using them have
been shut down cleanly. Many cloud-based systems, including Microsoft Azure, support automation of this form
of scaling.

Implement an autoscaling strategy

Implementing an autoscaling strategy typically involves the following components and processes:
Instrumentation and monitoring systems at the application, service, and infrastructure levels. These systems
capture key metrics, such as response times, queue lengths, CPU utilization, and memory usage.
Decision-making logic that can evaluate the monitored scaling factors against predefined system thresholds or
schedules, and make decisions regarding whether to scale or not.
Components that are responsible for carrying out tasks associated with scaling the system, such as provisioning
or de-provisioning resources.
Testing, monitoring, and tuning of the autoscaling strategy to ensure that it functions as expected.
Most cloud-based environments, such as Azure, provide built-in autoscaling mechanisms that address common
scenarios. If the environment or service you use doesn't provide the necessary automated scaling functionality, or if
you have extreme autoscaling requirements beyond its capabilities, a custom implementation may be necessary.
Use this customized implementation to collect operational and system metrics, analyze them to identify relevant
data, and then scale resources accordingly.

Configure autoscaling for an Azure solution

There are several options for configuring autoscaling for your Azure solutions:
Azure Autoscale supports the most common scaling scenarios based on a schedule and, optionally, triggered
scaling operations based on runtime metrics (such as processor utilization, queue length, or built-in and custom
counters). You can configure simple autoscaling policies for a solution quickly and easily by using the Azure
portal. For more detailed control, you can make use of the Azure Service Management REST API or the Azure
Resource Manager REST API. The Azure Monitoring Service Management Library and the Microsoft Insights
Library (in preview) are SDKs that allow collecting metrics from different resources, and perform autoscaling by
making use of the REST APIs. For resources where Azure Resource Manager support isn't available, or if you are
using Azure Cloud Services, the Service Management REST API can be used for autoscaling. In all other cases,
use Azure Resource Manager.
A custom solution, based on your instrumentation on the application, and management features of Azure, can
be useful. For example, you could use Azure diagnostics or other methods of instrumentation in your
application, along with custom code to continually monitor and export metrics of the application. You could
have custom rules that work on these metrics, and make use of the Service Management or Resource Manager
REST API's to trigger autoscaling. The metrics for triggering a scaling operation can be any built-in or custom
counter, or other instrumentation you implement within the application. However, a custom solution is not
simple to implement, and should be considered only if none of the previous approaches can fulfill your
requirements. The Autoscaling Application Block makes use of this approach.
Third-party services, such as Paraleap AzureWatch, enable you to scale a solution based on schedules, service
load and system performance indicators, custom rules, and combinations of different types of rules.
When choosing which autoscaling solution to adopt, consider the following points:
Use the built-in autoscaling features of the platform, if they can meet your requirements. If not, carefully
consider whether you really do need more complex scaling features. Some examples of additional requirements
may include more granularity of control, different ways to detect trigger events for scaling, scaling across
subscriptions, and scaling other types of resources.
Consider if you can predict the load on the application with sufficient accuracy to depend only on scheduled
autoscaling (adding and removing instances to meet anticipated peaks in demand). Where this isn't possible,
use reactive autoscaling based on metrics collected at runtime, to allow the application to handle unpredictable
changes in demand. Typically, you can combine these approaches. For example, create a strategy that adds
resources such as compute, storage, and queues, based on a schedule of the times when you know the
application is most busy. This helps to ensure that capacity is available when required, without the delay
encountered when starting new instances. In addition, for each scheduled rule, define metrics that allow reactive
autoscaling during that period to ensure that the application can handle sustained but unpredictable peaks in
It's often difficult to understand the relationship between metrics and capacity requirements, especially when an
application is initially deployed. Prefer to provision a little extra capacity at the beginning, and then monitor and
tune the autoscaling rules to bring the capacity closer to the actual load.
Use Azure Autoscale
Autoscale enables you to configure scale out and scale in options for a solution. Autoscale can automatically add
and remove instances of Azure Cloud Services web and worker roles, Azure Mobile Services, and Web Apps feature
in Azure App Service. It can also enable automatic scaling by starting and stopping instances of Azure Virtual
Machines. An Azure autoscaling strategy includes two sets of factors:
Schedule-based autoscaling that can ensure additional instances are available to coincide with an expected peak
in usage, and can scale in once the peak time has passed. This enables you to ensure that you have sufficient
instances already running, without waiting for the system to react to the load.
Metrics-based autoscaling that reacts to factors such as average CPU utilization over the last hour, or the
backlog of messages that the solution is processing in an Azure storage or Azure Service Bus queue. This allows
the application to react separately from the scheduled autoscaling rules to accommodate unplanned or
unforeseen changes in demand.
Consider the following points when using Autoscale:
Your autoscaling strategy combines both scheduled and metrics-based scaling. You can specify both types of
rules for a service.
You should configure the autoscaling rules, and then monitor the performance of your application over time.
Use the results of this monitoring to adjust the way in which the system scales if necessary. However, keep in
mind that autoscaling is not an instantaneous process. It takes time to react to a metric such as average CPU
utilization exceeding (or falling below) a specified threshold.
Autoscaling rules that use a detection mechanism based on a measured trigger attribute (such as CPU usage or
queue length) use an aggregated value over time, rather than instantaneous values, to trigger an autoscaling
action. By default, the aggregate is an average of the values. This prevents the system from reacting too quickly,
or causing rapid oscillation. It also allows time for new instances that are auto-started to settle into running
mode, preventing additional autoscaling actions from occurring while the new instances are starting up. For
Azure Cloud Services and Azure Virtual Machines, the default period for the aggregation is 45 minutes, so it can
take up to this period of time for the metric to trigger autoscaling in response to spikes in demand. You can
change the aggregation period by using the SDK, but be aware that periods of fewer than 25 minutes may
cause unpredictable results (for more information, see Auto Scaling Cloud Services on CPU Percentage with the
Azure Monitoring Services Management Library). For Web Apps, the averaging period is much shorter, allowing
new instances to be available in about five minutes after a change to the average trigger measure.
If you configure autoscaling using the SDK rather than the web portal, you can specify a more detailed schedule
during which the rules are active. You can also create your own metrics and use them with or without any of the
existing ones in your autoscaling rules. For example, you may wish to use alternative counters, such as the
number of requests per second or the average memory availability, or use custom counters that measure
specific business processes.
When autoscaling Azure Virtual Machines, you must deploy a number of instances of the virtual machine that is
equal to the maximum number you will allow autoscaling to start. These instances must be part of the same
availability set. The Virtual Machines autoscaling mechanism does not create or delete instances of the virtual
machine; instead, the autoscaling rules you configure will start and stop an appropriate number of these
instances. For more information, see Automatically scale an application running Web Roles, Worker Roles, or
Virtual Machines.
If new instances cannot be started, perhaps because the maximum for a subscription has been reached or an
error occurs during startup, the portal may show that an autoscaling operation succeeded. However,
subsequent ChangeDeploymentConfiguration events displayed in the portal will show only that a service
startup was requested, and there will be no event to indicate it was successfully completed.
You can use the web portal UI to link resources such as SQL Database instances and queues to a compute
service instance. This allows you to more easily access the separate manual and automatic scaling configuration
options for each of the linked resources. For more information, see "How to: Link a resource to a cloud service"
in How to Manage Cloud Services and How to Scale an Application.
When you configure multiple policies and rules, they could conflict with each other. Autoscale uses the
following conflict resolution rules to ensure that there is always a sufficient number of instances running:
Scale out operations always take precedence over scale in operations.
When scale out operations conflict, the rule that initiates the largest increase in the number of instances
takes precedence.
When scale in operations conflict, the rule that initiates the smallest decrease in the number of instances
takes precedence.

Application design considerations for implementing autoscaling

Autoscaling isn't an instant solution. Simply adding resources to a system or running more instances of a process
doesn't guarantee that the performance of the system will improve. Consider the following points when designing
an autoscaling strategy:
The system must be designed to be horizontally scalable. Avoid making assumptions about instance affinity; do
not design solutions that require that the code is always running in a specific instance of a process. When
scaling a cloud service or web site horizontally, don't assume that a series of requests from the same source will
always be routed to the same instance. For the same reason, design services to be stateless to avoid requiring a
series of requests from an application to always be routed to the same instance of a service. When designing a
service that reads messages from a queue and processes them, don't make any assumptions about which
instance of the service handles a specific message. Autoscaling could start additional instances of a service as
the queue length grows. The Competing Consumers Pattern describes how to handle this scenario.
If the solution implements a long-running task, design this task to support both scaling out and scaling in.
Without due care, such a task could prevent an instance of a process from being shut down cleanly when the
system scales in, or it could lose data if the process is forcibly terminated. Ideally, refactor a long-running task
and break up the processing that it performs into smaller, discrete chunks. The Pipes and Filters Pattern
provides an example of how you can achieve this.
Alternatively, you can implement a checkpoint mechanism that records state information about the task at
regular intervals, and save this state in durable storage that can be accessed by any instance of the process
running the task. In this way, if the process is shutdown, the work that it was performing can be resumed from
the last checkpoint by using another instance.
When background tasks run on separate compute instances, such as in worker roles of a cloud services hosted
application, you may need to scale different parts of the application using different scaling policies. For example,
you may need to deploy additional user interface (UI) compute instances without increasing the number of
background compute instances, or the opposite of this. If you offer different levels of service (such as basic and
premium service packages), you may need to scale out the compute resources for premium service packages
more aggressively than those for basic service packages in order to meet SLAs.
Consider using the length of the queue over which UI and background compute instances communicate as a
criterion for your autoscaling strategy. This is the best indicator of an imbalance or difference between the
current load and the processing capacity of the background task.
If you base your autoscaling strategy on counters that measure business processes, such as the number of
orders placed per hour or the average execution time of a complex transaction, ensure that you fully understand
the relationship between the results from these types of counters and the actual compute capacity
requirements. It may be necessary to scale more than one component or compute unit in response to changes
in business process counters.
To prevent a system from attempting to scale out excessively, and to avoid the costs associated with running
many thousands of instances, consider limiting the maximum number of instances that can be automatically
added. Most autoscaling mechanisms allow you to specify the minimum and maximum number of instances for
a rule. In addition, consider gracefully degrading the functionality that the system provides if the maximum
number of instances have been deployed, and the system is still overloaded.
Keep in mind that autoscaling might not be the most appropriate mechanism to handle a sudden burst in
workload. It takes time to provision and start new instances of a service or add resources to a system, and the
peak demand may have passed by the time these additional resources have been made available. In this
scenario, it may be better to throttle the service. For more information, see the Throttling Pattern.
Conversely, if you do need the capacity to process all requests when the volume fluctuates rapidly, and cost isn't
a major contributing factor, consider using an aggressive autoscaling strategy that starts additional instances
more quickly. You can also use a scheduled policy that starts a sufficient number of instances to meet the
maximum load before that load is expected.
The autoscaling mechanism should monitor the autoscaling process, and log the details of each autoscaling
event (what triggered it, what resources were added or removed, and when). If you create a custom autoscaling
mechanism, ensure that it incorporates this capability. Analyze the information to help measure the
effectiveness of the autoscaling strategy, and tune it if necessary. You can tune both in the short term, as the
usage patterns become more obvious, and over the long term, as the business expands or the requirements of
the application evolve. If an application reaches the upper limit defined for autoscaling, the mechanism might
also alert an operator who could manually start additional resources if necessary. Note that, under these
circumstances, the operator may also be responsible for manually removing these resources after the workload

Related patterns and guidance

The following patterns and guidance may also be relevant to your scenario when implementing autoscaling:
Throttling Pattern. This pattern describes how an application can continue to function and meet SLAs when an
increase in demand places an extreme load on resources. Throttling can be used with autoscaling to prevent a
system from being overwhelmed while the system scales out.
Competing Consumers Pattern. This pattern describes how to implement a pool of service instances that can
handle messages from any application instance. Autoscaling can be used to start and stop service instances to
match the anticipated workload. This approach enables a system to process multiple messages concurrently to
optimize throughput, improve scalability and availability, and balance the workload.
Instrumentation and Telemetry Guidance. Instrumentation and telemetry are vital for gathering the information
that can drive the autoscaling process.

More information
How to Scale an Application
Automatically scale an application running Web Roles, Worker Roles, or Virtual Machines
How to: Link a resource to a cloud service
Scale linked resources
Azure Monitoring Services Management Library
Azure Service Management REST API
Azure Resource Manager REST API
Microsoft Insights library
Operations on Autoscaling
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring.Autoscale Namespace
Availability checklist
1/17/2017 13 min to read Edit on GitHub

Application design
Avoid any single point of failure. All components, services, resources, and compute instances should be
deployed as multiple instances to prevent a single point of failure from affecting availability. This includes
authentication mechanisms. Design the application to be configurable to use multiple instances, and to
automatically detect failures and redirect requests to non-failed instances where the platform does not do this
Decompose workload per different service-level agreement. If a service is composed of critical and less-
critical workloads, manage them differently and specify the service features and number of instances to meet
their availability requirements.
Minimize and understand service dependencies. Minimize the number of different services used where
possible, and ensure you understand all of the feature and service dependencies that exist in the system. This
includes the nature of these dependencies, and the impact of failure or reduced performance in each one on the
overall application. Microsoft guarantees at least 99.9 percent availability for most services, but this means that
every additional service an application relies on potentially reduces the overall availability SLA of your system
by 0.1 percent.
Design tasks and messages to be idempotent (safely repeatable) where possible, so that duplicated
requests will not cause problems. For example, a service can act as a consumer that handles messages sent as
requests by other parts of the system that act as producers. If the consumer fails after processing the message,
but before acknowledging that it has been processed, a producer might submit a repeat request which could be
handled by another instance of the consumer. For this reason, consumers and the operations they carry out
should be idempotent so that repeating a previously executed operation does not render the results invalid. This
may mean detecting duplicated messages, or ensuring consistency by using an optimistic approach to handling
Use a message broker that implements high availability for critical transactions. Many scenarios for
initiating tasks or accessing remote services use messaging to pass instructions between the application and the
target service. For best performance, the application should be able to send the message and then return to
process more requests, without needing to wait for a reply. To guarantee delivery of messages, the messaging
system should provide high availability. Azure Service Bus message queues implement at least once semantics.
This means that each message posted to a queue will not be lost, although duplicate copies may be delivered
under certain circumstances. If message processing is idempotent (see the previous item), repeated delivery
should not be a problem.
Design applications to gracefully degrade when reaching resource limits, and take appropriate action to
minimize the impact for the user. In some cases, the load on the application may exceed the capacity of one or
more parts, causing reduced availability and failed connections. Scaling can help to alleviate this, but it may
reach a limit imposed by other factors, such as resource availability or cost. Design the application so that, in
this situation, it can automatically degrade gracefully. For example, in an ecommerce system, if the order-
processing subsystem is under strain (or has even failed completely), it can be temporarily disabled while
allowing other functionality (such as browsing the product catalog) to continue. It might be appropriate to
postpone requests to a failing subsystem, for example still enabling customers to submit orders but saving
them for later processing, when the orders subsystem is available again.
Gracefully handle rapid burst events. Most applications need to handle varying workloads over time, such as
peaks first thing in the morning in a business application or when a new product is released in an ecommerce
site. Auto-scaling can help to handle the load, but it may take some time for additional instances to come online
and handle requests. Prevent sudden and unexpected bursts of activity from overwhelming the application:
design it to queue requests to the services it uses and degrade gracefully when queues are near to full capacity.
Ensure that there is sufficient performance and capacity available under non-burst conditions to drain the
queues and handle outstanding requests. For more information, see the Queue-Based Load Leveling Pattern.

Deployment and maintenance

Deploy multiple instances of roles for each service. Microsoft makes availability guarantees for services
that you create and deploy, but these guarantees are only valid if you deploy at least two instances of each role
in the service. This enables one role to be unavailable while the other remains active. This is especially important
if you need to deploy updates to a live system without interrupting clients' activities; instances can be taken
down and upgraded individually while the others continue online.
Host applications in multiple datacenters. Although extremely unlikely, it is possible for an entire
datacenter to go offline through an event such as a natural disaster or Internet failure. Vital business
applications should be hosted in more than one datacenter to provide maximum availability. This can also
reduce latency for local users, and provide additional opportunities for flexibility when updating applications.
Automate and test deployment and maintenance tasks. Distributed applications consist of multiple parts
that must work together. Deployment should therefore be automated, using tested and proven mechanisms
such as scripts and deployment applications. These can update and validate configuration, and automate the
deployment process. Automated techniques should also be used to perform updates of all or parts of
applications. It is vital to test all of these processes fully to ensure that errors do not cause additional downtime.
All deployment tools must have suitable security restrictions to protect the deployed application; define and
enforce deployment policies carefully and minimize the need for human intervention.
Consider using staging and production features of the platform where these are available. For example,
using Azure Cloud Services staging and production environments allows applications to be switched from one
to another instantly through a virtual IP address swap (VIP Swap). However, if you prefer to stage on-premises,
or deploy different versions of the application concurrently and gradually migrate users, you may not be able to
use a VIP Swap operation.
Apply configuration changes without recycling the instance when possible. In many cases, the
configuration settings for an Azure application or service can be changed without requiring the role to be
restarted. Role expose events that can be handled to detect configuration changes and apply them to
components within the application. However, some changes to the core platform settings do require a role to be
restarted. When building components and services, maximize availability and minimize downtime by designing
them to accept changes to configuration settings without requiring the application as a whole to be restarted.
Use upgrade domains for zero downtime during updates. Azure compute units such as web and
worker roles are allocated to upgrade domains. Upgrade domains group role instances together so that,
when a rolling update takes place, each role in the upgrade domain is stopped, updated, and restarted in
turn. This minimizes the impact on application availability. You can specify how many upgrade domains
should be created for a service when the service is deployed.

Roles are also distributed across fault domains, each of which is reasonably independent from other fault domains in
terms of server rack, power, and cooling provision, in order to minimize the chance of a failure affecting all role
instances. This distribution occurs automatically, and you cannot control it.

Configure availability sets for Azure virtual machines. Placing two or more virtual machines in the same
availability set guarantees that these virtual machines will not be deployed to the same fault domain. To
maximize availability, you should create multiple instances of each critical virtual machine used by your system
and place these instances in the same availability set. If you are running multiple virtual machines that serve
different purposes, create an availability set for each virtual machine. Add instances of each virtual machine to
each availability set. For example, if you have created separate virtual machines to act as a web server and a
reporting server, create an availability set for the web server and another availability set for the reporting server.
Add instances of the web server virtual machine to the web server availability set, and add instances of the
reporting server virtual machine to the reporting server availability set.

Data management
Take advantage of data replication through both local and geographical redundancy. Data in Azure storage
is automatically replicated to protect against loss in case of infrastructure failure, and some aspects of this
replication can be configured. For example, read-only copies of data may be replicated in more than one
geographical region (referred to as read-access globally redundant storage, or RA-GRS). Note that using RA-
GRS incurs additional charges. For details, see Azure Storage Pricing.
Use optimistic concurrency and eventual consistency where possible. Transactions that block access to
resources through locking (pessimistic concurrency) can cause poor performance and considerably reduce
availability. These problems can become especially acute in distributed systems. In many cases, careful design
and techniques such as partitioning can minimize the chances of conflicting updates occurring. Where data is
replicated, or is read from a separately updated store, the data will only be eventually consistent. But the
advantages usually far outweigh the impact on availability of using transactions to ensure immediate
Use periodic backup and point-in-time restore, and ensure it meets the Recovery Point Objective (RPO).
Regularly and automatically back up data that is not preserved elsewhere, and verify you can reliably restore
both the data and the application itself should a failure occur. Data replication is not a backup feature because
errors and inconsistencies introduced through failure, error, or malicious operations will be replicated across all
stores. The backup process must be secure to protect the data in transit and in storage. Databases or parts of a
data store can usually be recovered to a previous point in time by using transaction logs. Microsoft Azure
provides a backup facility for data stored in Azure SQL Database. The data is exported to a backup package on
Azure blob storage, and can be downloaded to a secure on-premises location for storage.
Enable the high availability option to maintain a secondary copy of an Azure Redis cache. When using
Azure Redis Cache, choose the standard option to maintain a secondary copy of the contents. For more
information, see Create a cache in Azure Redis Cache.

Errors and failures

Introduce the concept of a timeout. Services and resources may become unavailable, causing requests to
fail. Ensure that the timeouts you apply are appropriate for each service or resource as well as the client that is
accessing them. (In some cases, it may be appropriate to allow a longer timeout for a particular instance of a
client, depending on the context and other actions that the client is performing.) Very short timeouts may cause
excessive retry operations for services and resources that have considerable latency. Very long timeouts can
cause blocking if a large number of requests are queued, waiting for a service or resource to respond.
Retry failed operations caused by transient faults. Design a retry strategy for access to all services and
resources where they do not inherently support automatic connection retry. Use a strategy that includes an
increasing delay between retries as the number of failures increases, to prevent overloading of the resource and
to allow it to gracefully recover and handle queued requests. Continual retries with very short delays are likely
to exacerbate the problem.
Stop sending requests to avoid cascading failures when remote services are unavailable. There may be
situations in which transient or other faults, ranging in severity from a partial loss of connectivity to the
complete failure of a service, take much longer than expected to return to normal. Additionally, if a service is
very busy, failure in one part of the system may lead to cascading failures, and result in many operations
becoming blocked while holding onto critical system resources such as memory, threads, and database
connections. Instead of continually retrying an operation that is unlikely to succeed, the application should
quickly accept that the operation has failed, and gracefully handle this failure. You can use the circuit breaker
pattern to reject requests for specific operations for defined periods. For more details, see Circuit Breaker
Compose or fall back to multiple components to mitigate the impact of a specific service being offline or
unavailable. Design applications to take advantage of multiple instances without affecting operation and
existing connections where possible. Use multiple instances and distribute requests between them, and detect
and avoid sending requests to failed instances, in order to maximize availability.
Fall back to a different service or workflow where possible. For example, if writing to SQL Database fails,
temporarily store data in blob storage. Provide a facility to replay the writes in blob storage to SQL Database
when the service becomes available. In some cases, a failed operation may have an alternative action that allows
the application to continue to work even when a component or service fails. If possible, detect failures and
redirect requests to other services that can offer a suitable alternative functionality, or to back up or reduced
functionality instances that can maintain core operations while the primary service is offline.

Monitoring and disaster recovery

Provide rich instrumentation for likely failures and failure events to report the situation to operations
staff. For failures that are likely but have not yet occurred, provide sufficient data to enable operations staff to
determine the cause, mitigate the situation, and ensure that the system remains available. For failures that have
already occurred, the application should return an appropriate error message to the user but attempt to
continue running, albeit with reduced functionality. In all cases, the monitoring system should capture
comprehensive details to enable operations staff to effect a quick recovery, and if necessary, for designers and
developers to modify the system to prevent the situation from arising again.
Monitor system health by implementing checking functions. The health and performance of an
application can degrade over time, without being noticeable until it fails. Implement probes or check functions
that are executed regularly from outside the application. These checks can be as simple as measuring response
time for the application as a whole, for individual parts of the application, for individual services that the
application uses, or for individual components. Check functions can execute processes to ensure they produce
valid results, measure latency and check availability, and extract information from the system.
Regularly test all failover and fallback systems to ensure they are available and operate as expected.
Changes to systems and operations may affect failover and fallback functions, but the impact may not be
detected until the main system fails or becomes overloaded. Test it before it is required to compensate for a live
problem at runtime.
Test the monitoring systems. Automated failover and fallback systems, and manual visualization of system
health and performance by using dashboards, all depend on monitoring and instrumentation functioning
correctly. If these elements fail, miss critical information, or report inaccurate data, an operator might not realize
that the system is unhealthy or failing.
Track the progress of long-running workflows and retry on failure. Long-running workflows are often
composed of multiple steps. Ensure that each step is independent and can be retried to minimize the chance
that the entire workflow will need to be rolled back, or that multiple compensating transactions need to be
executed. Monitor and manage the progress of long-running workflows by implementing a pattern such as
Scheduler Agent Supervisor Pattern.
Plan for disaster recovery. Ensure there is a documented, accepted, and fully tested plan for recovery from
any type of failure that may render part or all of the main system unavailable. Test the procedures regularly, and
ensure that all operations staff are familiar with the process.
Background jobs guidance
1/17/2017 31 min to read Edit on GitHub

Many types of applications require background tasks that run independently of the user interface (UI). Examples
include batch jobs, intensive processing tasks, and long-running processes such as workflows. Background jobs
can be executed without requiring user interaction--the application can start the job and then continue to process
interactive requests from users. This can help to minimize the load on the application UI, which can improve
availability and reduce interactive response times.
For example, if an application is required to generate thumbnails of images that are uploaded by users, it can do
this as a background job and save the thumbnail to storage when it is complete--without the user needing to wait
for the process to be completed. In the same way, a user placing an order can initiate a background workflow that
processes the order, while the UI allows the user to continue browsing the web app. When the background job is
complete, it can update the stored orders data and send an email to the user that confirms the order.
When you consider whether to implement a task as a background job, the main criteria is whether the task can run
without user interaction and without the UI needing to wait for the job to be completed. Tasks that require the user
or the UI to wait while they are completed might not be appropriate as background jobs.

Types of background jobs

Background jobs typically include one or more of the following types of jobs:
CPU-intensive jobs, such as mathematical calculations or structural model analysis.
I/O-intensive jobs, such as executing a series of storage transactions or indexing files.
Batch jobs, such as nightly data updates or scheduled processing.
Long-running workflows, such as order fulfillment, or provisioning services and systems.
Sensitive-data processing where the task is handed off to a more secure location for processing. For example,
you might not want to process sensitive data within a web app. Instead, you might use a pattern such as
Gatekeeper to transfer the data to an isolated background process that has access to protected storage.

Background jobs can be initiated in several different ways. They fall into one of the following categories:
Event-driven triggers. The task is started in response to an event, typically an action taken by a user or a step
in a workflow.
Schedule-driven triggers. The task is invoked on a schedule based on a timer. This might be a recurring
schedule or a one-off invocation that is specified for a later time.
Event-driven triggers
Event-driven invocation uses a trigger to start the background task. Examples of using event-driven triggers
The UI or another job places a message in a queue. The message contains data about an action that has taken
place, such as the user placing an order. The background task listens on this queue and detects the arrival of a
new message. It reads the message and uses the data in it as the input to the background job.
The UI or another job saves or updates a value in storage. The background task monitors the storage and
detects changes. It reads the data and uses it as the input to the background job.
The UI or another job makes a request to an endpoint, such as an HTTPS URI, or an API that is exposed as a web
service. It passes the data that is required to complete the background task as part of the request. The endpoint
or web service invokes the background task, which uses the data as its input.
Typical examples of tasks that are suited to event-driven invocation include image processing, workflows, sending
information to remote services, sending email messages, and provisioning new users in multitenant applications.
Schedule -driven triggers
Schedule-driven invocation uses a timer to start the background task. Examples of using schedule-driven triggers
A timer that is running locally within the application or as part of the applications operating system invokes a
background task on a regular basis.
A timer that is running in a different application, or a timer service such as Azure Scheduler, sends a request to
an API or web service on a regular basis. The API or web service invokes the background task.
A separate process or application starts a timer that causes the background task to be invoked once after a
specified time delay, or at a specific time.
Typical examples of tasks that are suited to schedule-driven invocation include batch-processing routines (such as
updating related-products lists for users based on their recent behavior), routine data processing tasks (such as
updating indexes or generating accumulated results), data analysis for daily reports, data retention cleanup, and
data consistency checks.
If you use a schedule-driven task that must run as a single instance, be aware of the following:
If the compute instance that is running the scheduler (such as a virtual machine using Windows scheduled
tasks) is scaled, you will have multiple instances of the scheduler running. These could start multiple instances
of the task.
If tasks run for longer than the period between scheduler events, the scheduler may start another instance of
the task while the previous one is still running.

Returning results
Background jobs execute asynchronously in a separate process, or even in a separate location, from the UI or the
process that invoked the background task. Ideally, background tasks are fire and forget operations, and their
execution progress has no impact on the UI or the calling process. This means that the calling process does not
wait for completion of the tasks. Therefore, it cannot automatically detect when the task ends.
If you require a background task to communicate with the calling task to indicate progress or completion, you
must implement a mechanism for this. Some examples are:
Write a status indicator value to storage that is accessible to the UI or caller task, which can monitor or check
this value when required. Other data that the background task must return to the caller can be placed into the
same storage.
Establish a reply queue that the UI or caller listens on. The background task can send messages to the queue
that indicate status and completion. Data that the background task must return to the caller can be placed into
the messages. If you are using Azure Service Bus, you can use the ReplyTo and CorrelationId properties to
implement this capability. For more information, see Correlation in Service Bus Brokered Messaging.
Expose an API or endpoint from the background task that the UI or caller can access to obtain status
information. Data that the background task must return to the caller can be included in the response.
Have the background task call back to the UI or caller through an API to indicate status at predefined points or
on completion. This might be through events raised locally or through a publish-and-subscribe mechanism.
Data that the background task must return to the caller can be included in the request or event payload.

Hosting environment
You can host background tasks by using a range of different Azure platform services:
Azure Web Apps and WebJobs. You can use WebJobs to execute custom jobs based on a range of different
types of scripts or executable programs within the context of a web app.
Azure Cloud Services web and worker roles. You can write code within a role that executes as a background
Azure Virtual Machines. If you have a Windows service or want to use the Windows Task Scheduler, it is
common to host your background tasks within a dedicated virtual machine.
Azure Batch. It's a platform service that schedules compute-intensive work to run on a managed collection of
virtual machines, and can automatically scale compute resources to meet the needs of your jobs.
The following sections describe each of these options in more detail, and include considerations to help you choose
the appropriate option.

Azure Web Apps and WebJobs

You can use Azure WebJobs to execute custom jobs as background tasks within an Azure Web App. WebJobs run
within the context of your web app as a continuous process. WebJobs also run in response to a trigger event from
Azure Scheduler or external factors, such as changes to storage blobs and message queues. Jobs can be started
and stopped on demand, and shut down gracefully. If a continuously running WebJob fails, it is automatically
restarted. Retry and error actions are configurable.
When you configure a WebJob:
If you want the job to respond to an event-driven trigger, you should configure it as Run continuously. The
script or program is stored in the folder named site/wwwroot/app_data/jobs/continuous.
If you want the job to respond to a schedule-driven trigger, you should configure it as Run on a schedule. The
script or program is stored in the folder named site/wwwroot/app_data/jobs/triggered.
If you choose the Run on demand option when you configure a job, it will execute the same code as the Run
on a schedule option when you start it.
Azure WebJobs run within the sandbox of the web app. This means that they can access environment variables and
share information, such as connection strings, with the web app. The job has access to the unique identifier of the
machine that is running the job. The connection string named AzureWebJobsStorage provides access to Azure
storage queues, blobs, and tables for application data, and access to Service Bus for messaging and
communication. The connection string named AzureWebJobsDashboard provides access to the job action log
Azure WebJobs have the following characteristics:
Security: WebJobs are protected by the deployment credentials of the web app.
Supported file types: You can define WebJobs by using command scripts (.cmd), batch files (.bat), PowerShell
scripts (.ps1), bash shell scripts (.sh), PHP scripts (.php), Python scripts (.py), JavaScript code (.js), and executable
programs (.exe, .jar, and more).
Deployment: You can deploy scripts and executables by using the Azure portal, by using the WebJobsVs add-
in for Visual Studio or the Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 (you can create and deploy with this option), by using
the Azure WebJobs SDK, or by copying them directly to the following locations:
For triggered execution: site/wwwroot/app_data/jobs/triggered/{job name}
For continuous execution: site/wwwroot/app_data/jobs/continuous/{job name}
Logging: Console.Out is treated (marked) as INFO. Console.Error is treated as ERROR. You can access
monitoring and diagnostics information by using the Azure portal. You can download log files directly from the
site. They are saved in the following locations:
For triggered execution: Vfs/data/jobs/triggered/jobName
For continuous execution: Vfs/data/jobs/continuous/jobName
Configuration: You can configure WebJobs by using the portal, the REST API, and PowerShell. You can use a
configuration file named settings.job in the same root directory as the job script to provide configuration
information for a job. For example:
{ "stopping_wait_time": 60 }
{ "is_singleton": true }
By default, WebJobs scale with the web app. However, you can configure jobs to run on single instance by
setting the is_singleton configuration property to true. Single instance WebJobs are useful for tasks that you
do not want to scale or run as simultaneous multiple instances, such as reindexing, data analysis, and similar
To minimize the impact of jobs on the performance of the web app, consider creating an empty Azure Web App
instance in a new App Service plan to host WebJobs that may be long running or resource intensive.
More information
Azure WebJobs recommended resources lists the many useful resources, downloads, and samples for WebJobs.

Azure Cloud Services web and worker roles

You can execute background tasks within a web role or in a separate worker role. When you are deciding whether
to use a worker role, consider scalability and elasticity requirements, task lifetime, release cadence, security, fault
tolerance, contention, complexity, and the logical architecture. For more information, see Compute Resource
Consolidation Pattern.
There are several ways to implement background tasks within a Cloud Services role:
Create an implementation of the RoleEntryPoint class in the role and use its methods to execute background
tasks. The tasks run in the context of WaIISHost.exe. They can use the GetSetting method of the
CloudConfigurationManager class to load configuration settings. For more information, see Lifecycle (Cloud
Use startup tasks to execute background tasks when the application starts. To force the tasks to continue to run
in the background, set the taskType property to background (if you do not do this, the application startup
process will halt and wait for the task to finish). For more information, see Run startup tasks in Azure.
Use the WebJobs SDK to implement background tasks such as WebJobs that are initiated as a startup task. For
more information, see Get started with the Azure WebJobs SDK.
Use a startup task to install a Windows service that executes one or more background tasks. You must set the
taskType property to background so that the service executes in the background. For more information, see
Run startup tasks in Azure.
Running background tasks in the web role
The main advantage of running background tasks in the web role is the saving in hosting costs because there is no
requirement to deploy additional roles.
Running background tasks in a worker role
Running background tasks in a worker role has several advantages:
It allows you to manage scaling separately for each type of role. For example, you might need more instances of
a web role to support the current load, but fewer instances of the worker role that executes background tasks.
By scaling background task compute instances separately from the UI roles, you can reduce hosting costs, while
maintaining acceptable performance.
It offloads the processing overhead for background tasks from the web role. The web role that provides the UI
can remain responsive, and it may mean fewer instances are required to support a given volume of requests
from users.
It allows you to implement separation of concerns. Each role type can implement a specific set of clearly defined
and related tasks. This makes designing and maintaining the code easier because there is less interdependence
of code and functionality between each role.
It can help to isolate sensitive processes and data. For example, web roles that implement the UI do not need to
have access to data that is managed and controlled by a worker role. This can be useful in strengthening
security, especially when you use a pattern such as the Gatekeeper Pattern.
Consider the following points when choosing how and where to deploy background tasks when using Cloud
Services web and worker roles:
Hosting background tasks in an existing web role can save the cost of running a separate worker role just for
these tasks. However, it is likely to affect the performance and availability of the application if there is
contention for processing and other resources. Using a separate worker role protects the web role from the
impact of long-running or resource-intensive background tasks.
If you host background tasks by using the RoleEntryPoint class, you can easily move this to another role. For
example, if you create the class in a web role and later decide that you need to run the tasks in a worker role,
you can move the RoleEntryPoint class implementation into the worker role.
Startup tasks are designed to execute a program or a script. Deploying a background job as an executable
program might be more difficult, especially if it also requires deployment of dependent assemblies. It might be
easier to deploy and use a script to define a background job when you use startup tasks.
Exceptions that cause a background task to fail have a different impact, depending on the way that they are
If you use the RoleEntryPoint class approach, a failed task will cause the role to restart so that the task
automatically restarts. This can affect availability of the application. To prevent this, ensure that you
include robust exception handling within the RoleEntryPoint class and all the background tasks. Use
code to restart tasks that fail where this is appropriate, and throw the exception to restart the role only if
you cannot gracefully recover from the failure within your code.
If you use startup tasks, you are responsible for managing the task execution and checking if it fails.
Managing and monitoring startup tasks is more difficult than using the RoleEntryPoint class approach.
However, the Azure WebJobs SDK includes a dashboard to make it easier to manage WebJobs that you initiate
through startup tasks.
More information
Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern
Get started with the Azure WebJobs SDK

Azure Virtual Machines

Background tasks might be implemented in a way that prevents them from being deployed to Azure Web Apps or
Cloud Services, or these options might not be convenient. Typical examples are Windows services, and third-party
utilities and executable programs. Another example might be programs written for an execution environment that
is different than that hosting the application. For example, it might be a Unix or Linux program that you want to
execute from a Windows or .NET application. You can choose from a range of operating systems for an Azure
virtual machine, and run your service or executable on that virtual machine.
To help you choose when to use Virtual Machines, see Azure App Services, Cloud Services and Virtual Machines
comparison. For information about the options for Virtual Machines, see Virtual Machine and Cloud Service sizes
for Azure. For more information about the operating systems and prebuilt images that are available for Virtual
Machines, see Azure Virtual Machines Marketplace.
To initiate the background task in a separate virtual machine, you have a range of options:
You can execute the task on demand directly from your application by sending a request to an endpoint that the
task exposes. This passes in any data that the task requires. This endpoint invokes the task.
You can configure the task to run on a schedule by using a scheduler or timer that is available in your chosen
operating system. For example, on Windows you can use Windows Task Scheduler to execute scripts and tasks.
Or, if you have SQL Server installed on the virtual machine, you can use the SQL Server Agent to execute scripts
and tasks.
You can use Azure Scheduler to initiate the task by adding a message to a queue that the task listens on, or by
sending a request to an API that the task exposes.
See the earlier section Triggers for more information about how you can initiate background tasks.
Consider the following points when you are deciding whether to deploy background tasks in an Azure virtual
Hosting background tasks in a separate Azure virtual machine provides flexibility and allows precise control
over initiation, execution, scheduling, and resource allocation. However, it will increase runtime cost if a virtual
machine must be deployed just to run background tasks.
There is no facility to monitor the tasks in the Azure portal and no automated restart capability for failed tasks--
although you can monitor the basic status of the virtual machine and manage it by using the Azure Service
Management Cmdlets. However, there are no facilities to control processes and threads in compute nodes.
Typically, using a virtual machine will require additional effort to implement a mechanism that collects data
from instrumentation in the task, and from the operating system in the virtual machine. One solution that might
be appropriate is to use the System Center Management Pack for Azure.
You might consider creating monitoring probes that are exposed through HTTP endpoints. The code for these
probes could perform health checks, collect operational information and statistics--or collate error information
and return it to a management application. For more information, see Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern.
More information
Virtual Machines on Azure
Azure Virtual Machines FAQ

Design considerations
There are several fundamental factors to consider when you design background tasks. The following sections
discuss partitioning, conflicts, and coordination.

If you decide to include background tasks within an existing compute instance (such as a web app, web role,
existing worker role, or virtual machine), you must consider how this will affect the quality attributes of the
compute instance and the background task itself. These factors will help you to decide whether to colocate the
tasks with the existing compute instance or separate them out into a separate compute instance:
Availability: Background tasks might not need to have the same level of availability as other parts of the
application, in particular the UI and other parts that are directly involved in user interaction. Background tasks
might be more tolerant of latency, retried connection failures, and other factors that affect availability because
the operations can be queued. However, there must be sufficient capacity to prevent the backup of requests that
could block queues and affect the application as a whole.
Scalability: Background tasks are likely to have a different scalability requirement than the UI and the
interactive parts of the application. Scaling the UI might be necessary to meet peaks in demand, while
outstanding background tasks might be completed during less busy times by a fewer number of compute
Resiliency: Failure of a compute instance that just hosts background tasks might not fatally affect the
application as a whole if the requests for these tasks can be queued or postponed until the task is available
again. If the compute instance and/or tasks can be restarted within an appropriate interval, users of the
application might not be affected.
Security: Background tasks might have different security requirements or restrictions than the UI or other parts
of the application. By using a separate compute instance, you can specify a different security environment for
the tasks. You can also use patterns such as Gatekeeper to isolate the background compute instances from the
UI in order to maximize security and separation.
Performance: You can choose the type of compute instance for background tasks to specifically match the
performance requirements of the tasks. This might mean using a less expensive compute option if the tasks do
not require the same processing capabilities as the UI, or a larger instance if they require additional capacity and
Manageability: Background tasks might have a different development and deployment rhythm from the main
application code or the UI. Deploying them to a separate compute instance can simplify updates and versioning.
Cost: Adding compute instances to execute background tasks increases hosting costs. You should carefully
consider the trade-off between additional capacity and these extra costs.
For more information, see Leader Election Pattern and Competing Consumers Pattern.

If you have multiple instances of a background job, it is possible that they will compete for access to resources and
services, such as databases and storage. This concurrent access can result in resource contention, which might
cause conflicts in availability of the services and in the integrity of data in storage. You can resolve resource
contention by using a pessimistic locking approach. This prevents competing instances of a task from concurrently
accessing a service or corrupting data.
Another approach to resolve conflicts is to define background tasks as a singleton, so that there is only ever one
instance running. However, this eliminates the reliability and performance benefits that a multiple-instance
configuration can provide. This is especially true if the UI can supply sufficient work to keep more than one
background task busy.
It is vital to ensure that the background task can automatically restart and that it has sufficient capacity to cope with
peaks in demand. You can achieve this by allocating a compute instance with sufficient resources, by implementing
a queueing mechanism that can store requests for later execution when demand decreases, or by using a
combination of these techniques.

The background tasks might be complex and might require multiple individual tasks to execute to produce a result
or to fulfil all the requirements. It is common in these scenarios to divide the task into smaller discreet steps or
subtasks that can be executed by multiple consumers. Multistep jobs can be more efficient and more flexible
because individual steps might be reusable in multiple jobs. It is also easy to add, remove, or modify the order of
the steps.
Coordinating multiple tasks and steps can be challenging, but there are three common patterns that you can use to
guide your implementation of a solution:
Decomposing a task into multiple reusable steps. An application might be required to perform a variety of
tasks of varying complexity on the information that it processes. A straightforward but inflexible approach to
implementing this application might be to perform this processing as a monolithic module. However, this
approach is likely to reduce the opportunities for refactoring the code, optimizing it, or reusing it if parts of the
same processing are required elsewhere within the application. For more information, see Pipes and Filters
Managing execution of the steps for a task. An application might perform tasks that comprise a number of
steps (some of which might invoke remote services or access remote resources). The individual steps might be
independent of each other, but they are orchestrated by the application logic that implements the task. For
more information, see Scheduler Agent Supervisor Pattern.
Managing recovery for task steps that fail. An application might need to undo the work that is performed
by a series of steps (which together define an eventually consistent operation) if one or more of the steps fail.
For more information, see Compensating Transaction Pattern.

Lifecycle (Cloud Services)

If you decide to implement background jobs for Cloud Services applications that use web and worker roles by
using the RoleEntryPoint class, it is important to understand the lifecycle of this class in order to use it correctly.
Web and worker roles go through a set of distinct phases as they start, run, and stop. The RoleEntryPoint class
exposes a series of events that indicate when these stages are occurring. You use these to initialize, run, and stop
your custom background tasks. The complete cycle is:
Azure loads the role assembly and searches it for a class that derives from RoleEntryPoint.
If it finds this class, it calls RoleEntryPoint.OnStart(). You override this method to initialize your background
After the OnStart method has completed, Azure calls Application_Start() in the applications Global file if this
is present (for example, Global.asax in a web role running ASP.NET).
Azure calls RoleEntryPoint.Run() on a new foreground thread that executes in parallel with OnStart(). You
override this method to start your background tasks.
When the Run method ends, Azure first calls Application_End() in the applications Global file if this is present,
and then calls RoleEntryPoint.OnStop(). You override the OnStop method to stop your background tasks,
clean up resources, dispose of objects, and close connections that the tasks may have used.
The Azure worker role host process is stopped. At this point, the role will be recycled and will restart.
For more details and an example of using the methods of the RoleEntryPoint class, see Compute Resource
Consolidation Pattern.

Consider the following points when you are planning how you will run background tasks in a web or worker role:
The default Run method implementation in the RoleEntryPoint class contains a call to
Thread.Sleep(Timeout.Infinite) that keeps the role alive indefinitely. If you override the Run method (which
is typically necessary to execute background tasks), you must not allow your code to exit from the method
unless you want to recycle the role instance.
A typical implementation of the Run method includes code to start each of the background tasks and a loop
construct that periodically checks the state of all the background tasks. It can restart any that fail or monitor for
cancellation tokens that indicate that jobs have completed.
If a background task throws an unhandled exception, that task should be recycled while allowing any other
background tasks in the role to continue running. However, if the exception is caused by corruption of objects
outside the task, such as shared storage, the exception should be handled by your RoleEntryPoint class, all
tasks should be cancelled, and the Run method should be allowed to end. Azure will then restart the role.
Use the OnStop method to pause or kill background tasks and clean up resources. This might involve stopping
long-running or multistep tasks. It is vital to consider how this can be done to avoid data inconsistencies. If a
role instance stops for any reason other than a user-initiated shutdown, the code running in the OnStop
method must be completed within five minutes before it is forcibly terminated. Ensure that your code can be
completed in that time or can tolerate not running to completion.
The Azure load balancer starts directing traffic to the role instance when the RoleEntryPoint.OnStart method
returns the value true. Therefore, consider putting all your initialization code in the OnStart method so that role
instances that do not successfully initialize will not receive any traffic.
You can use startup tasks in addition to the methods of the RoleEntryPoint class. You should use startup tasks
to initialize any settings that you need to change in the Azure load balancer because these tasks will execute
before the role receives any requests. For more information, see Run startup tasks in Azure.
If there is an error in a startup task, it might force the role to continually restart. This can prevent you from
performing a virtual IP (VIP) address swap back to a previously staged version because the swap requires
exclusive access to the role. This cannot be obtained while the role is restarting. To resolve this:
Add the following code to the beginning of the OnStart and Run methods in your role:

var freeze = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("Freeze");

if (freeze != null)
if (Boolean.Parse(freeze))

Add the definition of the Freeze setting as a Boolean value to the ServiceDefinition.csdef and
ServiceConfiguration..cscfg files for the role and set it to **false. If the role goes into a repeated
restart mode, you can change the setting to **true* to freeze role execution and allow it to be
swapped with a previous version.

Resiliency considerations
Background tasks must be resilient in order to provide reliable services to the application. When you are planning
and designing background tasks, consider the following points:
Background tasks must be able to gracefully handle role or service restarts without corrupting data or
introducing inconsistency into the application. For long-running or multistep tasks, consider using check
pointing by saving the state of jobs in persistent storage, or as messages in a queue if this is appropriate. For
example, you can persist state information in a message in a queue and incrementally update this state
information with the task progress so that the task can be processed from the last known good checkpoint--
instead of restarting from the beginning. When using Azure Service Bus queues, you can use message sessions
to enable the same scenario. Sessions allow you to save and retrieve the application processing state by using
the SetState and GetState methods. For more information about designing reliable multistep processes and
workflows, see Scheduler Agent Supervisor Pattern.
When you use web or worker roles to host multiple background tasks, design your override of the Run method
to monitor for failed or stalled tasks, and restart them. Where this is not practical, and you are using a worker
role, force the worker role to restart by exiting from the Run method.
When you use queues to communicate with background tasks, the queues can act as a buffer to store requests
that are sent to the tasks while the application is under higher than usual load. This allows the tasks to catch up
with the UI during less busy periods. It also means that recycling the role will not block the UI. For more
information, see Queue-Based Load Leveling Pattern. If some tasks are more important than others, consider
implementing the Priority Queue Pattern to ensure that these tasks run before less important ones.
Background tasks that are initiated by messages or process messages must be designed to handle
inconsistencies, such as messages arriving out of order, messages that repeatedly cause an error (often referred
to as poison messages), and messages that are delivered more than once. Consider the following:
Messages that must be processed in a specific order, such as those that change data based on the
existing data value (for example, adding a value to an existing value), might not arrive in the original
order in which they were sent. Alternatively, they might be handled by different instances of a
background task in a different order due to varying loads on each instance. Messages that must be
processed in a specific order should include a sequence number, key, or some other indicator that
background tasks can use to ensure that they are processed in the correct order. If you are using Azure
Service Bus, you can use message sessions to guarantee the order of delivery. However, it is usually
more efficient, where possible, to design the process so that the message order is not important.
Typically, a background task will peek at messages in the queue, which temporarily hides them from
other message consumers. Then it deletes the messages after they have been successfully processed. If a
background task fails when processing a message, that message will reappear on the queue after the
peek time-out expires. It will be processed by another instance of the task or during the next processing
cycle of this instance. If the message consistently causes an error in the consumer, it will block the task,
the queue, and eventually the application itself when the queue becomes full. Therefore, it is vital to
detect and remove poison messages from the queue. If you are using Azure Service Bus, messages that
cause an error can be moved automatically or manually to an associated dead letter queue.
Queues are guaranteed at least once delivery mechanisms, but they might deliver the same message
more than once. In addition, if a background task fails after processing a message but before deleting it
from the queue, the message will become available for processing again. Background tasks should be
idempotent, which means that processing the same message more than once does not cause an error or
inconsistency in the applications data. Some operations are naturally idempotent, such as setting a
stored value to a specific new value. However, operations such as adding a value to an existing stored
value without checking that the stored value is still the same as when the message was originally sent
will cause inconsistencies. Azure Service Bus queues can be configured to automatically remove
duplicated messages.
Some messaging systems, such as Azure storage queues and Azure Service Bus queues, support a de-
queue count property that indicates the number of times a message has been read from the queue. This
can be useful in handling repeated and poison messages. For more information, see Asynchronous
Messaging Primer and Idempotency Patterns.

Scaling and performance considerations

Background tasks must offer sufficient performance to ensure they do not block the application, or cause
inconsistencies due to delayed operation when the system is under load. Typically, performance is improved by
scaling the compute instances that host the background tasks. When you are planning and designing background
tasks, consider the following points around scalability and performance:
Azure supports autoscaling (both scaling out and scaling back in) based on current demand and load--or on a
predefined schedule, for Web Apps, Cloud Services web and worker roles, and Virtual Machines hosted
deployments. Use this feature to ensure that the application as a whole has sufficient performance capabilities
while minimizing runtime costs.
Where background tasks have a different performance capability from the other parts of a Cloud Services
application (for example, the UI or components such as the data access layer), hosting the background tasks
together in a separate worker role allows the UI and background task roles to scale independently to manage
the load. If multiple background tasks have significantly different performance capabilities from each other,
consider dividing them into separate worker roles and scaling each role type independently. However, note that
this might increase runtime costs compared to combining all the tasks into fewer roles.
Simply scaling the roles might not be sufficient to prevent loss of performance under load. You might also need
to scale storage queues and other resources to prevent a single point of the overall processing chain from
becoming a bottleneck. Also, consider other limitations, such as the maximum throughput of storage and other
services that the application and the background tasks rely on.
Background tasks must be designed for scaling. For example, they must be able to dynamically detect the
number of storage queues in use in order to listen on or send messages to the appropriate queue.
By default, WebJobs scale with their associated Azure Web Apps instance. However, if you want a WebJob to
run as only a single instance, you can create a Settings.job file that contains the JSON data { "is_singleton":
true }. This forces Azure to only run one instance of the WebJob, even if there are multiple instances of the
associated web app. This can be a useful technique for scheduled jobs that must run as only a single instance.

Related patterns
Asynchronous Messaging Primer
Autoscaling Guidance
Compensating Transaction Pattern
Competing Consumers Pattern
Compute Partitioning Guidance
Compute Resource Consolidation Pattern
Gatekeeper Pattern
Leader Election Pattern
Pipes and Filters Pattern
Priority Queue Pattern
Queue-based Load Leveling Pattern
Scheduler Agent Supervisor Pattern

More information
Scaling Azure Applications with Worker Roles
Executing Background Tasks
Azure Role Startup Life Cycle (blog post)
Azure Cloud Services Role Lifecycle (video)
Get Started with the Azure WebJobs SDK
Azure Queues and Service Bus Queues - Compared and Contrasted
How to Enable Diagnostics in a Cloud Service
Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR):
Azure Paired Regions
1/17/2017 3 min to read Edit on GitHub

What are paired regions?

Azure operates in multiple geographies around the world. An Azure geography is a defined area of the world that
contains at least one Azure Region. An Azure region is an area within a geography containing one or more
Each Azure region is paired with another region within the same geography, together making a regional pair. The
exception is Brazil South, which is paired with a region outside its geography.

Figure 1 Azure regional pair diagram


North America North Central US South Central US

North America East US West US

North America US East 2 US Central

North America West US 2 West Central US

Europe North Europe West Europe

Asia South East Asia East Asia

China East China North China

Japan Japan East Japan West


Brazil Brazil South (1) South Central US

Australia Australia East Australia Southeast

US Government US Gov Iowa US Gov Virginia

India Central India South India

Canada Canada Central Canada East

UK UK West UK South

Table 1 - Mapping of azure regional pairs

(1) Brazil South is unique because it is paired with a region outside of its own geography. Brazil Souths
secondary region is South Central US, but South Central USs secondary region is not Brazil South.

We recommend that you replicate workloads across regional pairs to benefit from Azures isolation and
availability policies. For example, planned Azure system updates are deployed sequentially (not at the same time)
across paired regions. That means that even in the rare event of a faulty update, both regions will not be affected
simultaneously. Furthermore, in the unlikely event of a broad outage, recovery of at least one region out of every
pair is prioritized.

An example of paired regions

Figure 2 below shows a hypothetical application which uses the regional pair for disaster recovery. The green
numbers highlight the cross-region activities of three Azure services (Azure compute, storage, and database) and
how they are configured to replicate across regions. The unique benefits of deploying across paired regions are
highlighted by the orange numbers.
Figure 2 Hypothetical Azure regional pair

Cross-region activities
As referred to in figure 2.

Azure Compute (PaaS) You must provision additional compute resources in advance to ensure resources
are available in another region during a disaster. For more information, see Azure resiliency technical guidance.

Azure Storage - Geo-Redundant storage (GRS) is configured by default when an Azure Storage account is
created. With GRS, your data is automatically replicated three times within the primary region, and three times in
the paired region. For more information, see Azure Storage Redundancy Options.

Azure SQL Databases With Azure SQL Standard Geo-Replication, you can configure asynchronous
replication of transactions to a paired region. With premium geo-replication, you can configure replication to any
region in the world; however, we recommend you deploy these resources in a paired region for most disaster
recovery scenarios. For more information, see Geo-Replication in Azure SQL Database.

Azure Resource Manager - Resource Manager inherently provides logical isolation of service management
components across regions. This means logical failures in one region are less likely to impact another.

Benefits of paired regions

As referred to in figure 2.

Physical isolation When possible, Azure prefers at least 300 miles of separation between datacenters in a
regional pair, although this isn't practical or possible in all geographies. Physical datacenter separation reduces
the likelihood of natural disasters, civil unrest, power outages, or physical network outages affecting both regions
at once. Isolation is subject to the constraints within the geography (geography size, power/network infrastructure
availability, regulations, etc.).

Platform-provided replication - Some services such as Geo-Redundant Storage provide automatic

replication to the paired region.

Region recovery order In the event of a broad outage, recovery of one region is prioritized out of every
pair. Applications that are deployed across paired regions are guaranteed to have one of the regions recovered
with priority. If an application is deployed across regions that are not paired, recovery may be delayed in the
worst case the chosen regions may be the last two to be recovered.

Sequential updates Planned Azure system updates are rolled out to paired regions sequentially (not at
the same time) to minimize downtime, the effect of bugs, and logical failures in the rare event of a bad update.

Data residency A region resides within the same geography as its pair (with the exception of Brazil South)
in order to meet data residency requirements for tax and law enforcement jurisdiction purposes.
Caching guidance
1/17/2017 59 min to read Edit on GitHub

Caching is a common technique that aims to improve the performance and scalability of a system. It does this by
temporarily copying frequently accessed data to fast storage that's located close to the application. If this fast data
storage is located closer to the application than the original source, then caching can significantly improve
response times for client applications by serving data more quickly.
Caching is most effective when a client instance repeatedly reads the same data, especially if all the following
conditions apply to the original data store:
It remains relatively static.
It's slow compared to the speed of the cache.
It's subject to a high level of contention.
It's far away when network latency can cause access to be slow.

Caching in distributed applications

Distributed applications typically implement either or both of the following strategies when caching data:
Using a private cache, where data is held locally on the computer that's running an instance of an application or
Using a shared cache, serving as a common source which can be accessed by multiple processes and/or
In both cases, caching can be performed client-side and/or server-side. Client-side caching is done by the process
that provides the user interface for a system, such as a web browser or desktop application. Server-side caching is
done by the process that provides the business services that are running remotely.
Private caching
The most basic type of cache is an in-memory store. It's held in the address space of a single process and accessed
directly by the code that runs in that process. This type of cache is very quick to access. It can also provide an
extremely effective means for storing modest amounts of static data, since the size of a cache is typically
constrained by the volume of memory that's available on the machine hosting the process.
If you need to cache more information than is physically possible in memory, you can write cached data to the
local file system. This will be slower to access than data that's held in-memory, but should still be faster and more
reliable than retrieving data across a network.
If you have multiple instances of an application that uses this model running concurrently, each application
instance has its own independent cache holding its own copy of the data.
Think of a cache as a snapshot of the original data at some point in the past. If this data is not static, it is likely that
different application instances hold different versions of the data in their caches. Therefore, the same query
performed by these instances can return different results, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Using an in-memory cache in different instances of an application
Shared caching
Using a shared cache can help alleviate concerns that data might differ in each cache, which can occur with in-
memory caching. Shared caching ensures that different application instances see the same view of cached data. It
does this by locating the cache in a separate location, typically hosted as part of a separate service, as shown in
Figure 2.

Figure 2: Using a shared cache

An important benefit of the shared caching approach is the scalability it provides. Many shared cache services are
implemented by using a cluster of servers, and utilize software that distributes the data across the cluster in a
transparent manner. An application instance simply sends a request to the cache service. The underlying
infrastructure is responsible for determining the location of the cached data in the cluster. You can easily scale the
cache by adding more servers.
There are two main disadvantages of the shared caching approach:
The cache is slower to access because it is no longer held locally to each application instance.
The requirement to implement a separate cache service might add complexity to the solution.

Considerations for using caching

The following sections describe in more detail the considerations for designing and using a cache.
Decide when to cache data
Caching can dramatically improve performance, scalability, and availability. The more data that you have and the
larger the number of users that need to access this data, the greater the benefits of caching become. That's
because caching reduces the latency and contention that's associated with handling large volumes of concurrent
requests in the original data store.
For example, a database might support a limited number of concurrent connections. Retrieving data from a shared
cache, however, rather than the underlying database, makes it possible for a client application to access this data
even if the number of available connections is currently exhausted. Additionally, if the database becomes
unavailable, client applications might be able to continue by using the data that's held in the cache.
Consider caching data that is read frequently but modified infrequently (for example, data that has a higher
proportion of read operations than write operations). However, we don't recommend that you use the cache as the
authoritative store of critical information. Instead, ensure that all changes that your application cannot afford to
lose are always saved to a persistent data store. This means that if the cache is unavailable, your application can
still continue to operate by using the data store, and you won't lose important information.
Determine how to cache data effectively
The key to using a cache effectively lies in determining the most appropriate data to cache, and caching it at the
appropriate time. The data can be added to the cache on demand the first time it is retrieved by an application. This
means that the application needs to fetch the data only once from the data store, and that subsequent access can
be satisfied by using the cache.
Alternatively, a cache can be partially or fully populated with data in advance, typically when the application starts
(an approach known as seeding). However, it might not be advisable to implement seeding for a large cache
because this approach can impose a sudden, high load on the original data store when the application starts
Often an analysis of usage patterns can help you decide whether to fully or partially prepopulate a cache, and to
choose the data to cache. For example, it can be useful to seed the cache with the static user profile data for
customers who use the application regularly (perhaps every day), but not for customers who use the application
only once a week.
Caching typically works well with data that is immutable or that changes infrequently. Examples include reference
information such as product and pricing information in an e-commerce application, or shared static resources that
are costly to construct. Some or all of this data can be loaded into the cache at application startup to minimize
demand on resources and to improve performance. It might also be appropriate to have a background process
that periodically updates reference data in the cache to ensure it is up to date, or that refreshes the cache when
reference data changes.
Caching is less useful for dynamic data, although there are some exceptions to this consideration (see the section
Cache highly dynamic data later in this article for more information). When the original data changes regularly,
either the cached information becomes stale very quickly or the overhead of synchronizing the cache with the
original data store reduces the effectiveness of caching.
Note that a cache does not have to include the complete data for an entity. For example, if a data item represents a
multivalued object such as a bank customer with a name, address, and account balance, some of these elements
might remain static (such as the name and address), while others (such as the account balance) might be more
dynamic. In these situations, it can be useful to cache the static portions of the data and retrieve (or calculate) only
the remaining information when it is required.
We recommend that you carry out performance testing and usage analysis to determine whether pre-population
or on-demand loading of the cache, or a combination of both, is appropriate. The decision should be based on the
volatility and usage pattern of the data. Cache utilization and performance analysis is particularly important in
applications that encounter heavy loads and must be highly scalable. For example, in highly scalable scenarios it
might make sense to seed the cache to reduce the load on the data store at peak times.
Caching can also be used to avoid repeating computations while the application is running. If an operation
transforms data or performs a complicated calculation, it can save the results of the operation in the cache. If the
same calculation is required afterward, the application can simply retrieve the results from the cache.
An application can modify data that's held in a cache. However, we recommend thinking of the cache as a transient
data store that could disappear at any time. Do not store valuable data in the cache only; make sure that you
maintain the information in the original data store as well. This means that if the cache becomes unavailable, you
minimize the chance of losing data.
Cache highly dynamic data
When you store rapidly-changing information in a persistent data store, it can impose an overhead on the system.
For example, consider a device that continually reports status or some other measurement. If an application
chooses not to cache this data on the basis that the cached information will nearly always be outdated, then the
same consideration could be true when storing and retrieving this information from the data store. In the time it
takes to save and fetch this data, it might have changed.
In a situation such as this, consider the benefits of storing the dynamic information directly in the cache instead of
in the persistent data store. If the data is non-critical and does not require auditing, then it doesn't matter if the
occasional change is lost.
Manage data expiration in a cache
In most cases, data that's held in a cache is a copy of data that's held in the original data store. The data in the
original data store might change after it was cached, causing the cached data to become stale. Many caching
systems enable you to configure the cache to expire data and reduce the period for which data may be out of date.
When cached data expires, it's removed from the cache, and the application must retrieve the data from the
original data store (it can put the newly-fetched information back into cache). You can set a default expiration
policy when you configure the cache. In many cache services, you can also stipulate the expiration period for
individual objects when you store them programmatically in the cache. Some caches enable you to specify the
expiration period as an absolute value, or as a sliding value that causes the item to be removed from the cache if it
is not accessed within the specified time. This setting overrides any cache-wide expiration policy, but only for the
specified objects.

Consider the expiration period for the cache and the objects that it contains carefully. If you make it too short, objects will
expire too quickly and you will reduce the benefits of using the cache. If you make the period too long, you risk the data
becoming stale.

It's also possible that the cache might fill up if data is allowed to remain resident for a long time. In this case, any
requests to add new items to the cache might cause some items to be forcibly removed in a process known as
eviction. Cache services typically evict data on a least-recently-used (LRU) basis, but you can usually override this
policy and prevent items from being evicted. However, if you adopt this approach, you risk exceeding the memory
that's available in the cache. An application that attempts to add an item to the cache will fail with an exception.
Some caching implementations might provide additional eviction policies. There are several types of eviction
policies. These include:
A most-recently-used policy (in the expectation that the data will not be required again).
A first-in-first-out policy (oldest data is evicted first).
An explicit removal policy based on a triggered event (such as the data being modified).
Invalidate data in a client-side cache
Data that's held in a client-side cache is generally considered to be outside the auspices of the service that provides
the data to the client. A service cannot directly force a client to add or remove information from a client-side cache.
This means that it's possible for a client that uses a poorly configured cache to continue using outdated
information. For example, if the expiration policies of the cache aren't properly implemented, a client might use
outdated information that's cached locally when the information in the original data source has changed.
If you are building a web application that serves data over an HTTP connection, you can implicitly force a web
client (such as a browser or web proxy) to fetch the most recent information. You can do this if a resource is
updated by a change in the URI of that resource. Web clients typically use the URI of a resource as the key in the
client-side cache, so if the URI changes, the web client ignores any previously cached versions of a resource and
fetches the new version instead.

Managing concurrency in a cache

Caches are often designed to be shared by multiple instances of an application. Each application instance can read
and modify data in the cache. Consequently, the same concurrency issues that arise with any shared data store
also apply to a cache. In a situation where an application needs to modify data that's held in the cache, you might
need to ensure that updates made by one instance of the application do not overwrite the changes made by
another instance.
Depending on the nature of the data and the likelihood of collisions, you can adopt one of two approaches to
Optimistic. Immediately prior to updating the data, the application checks to see whether the data in the cache
has changed since it was retrieved. If the data is still the same, the change can be made. Otherwise, the
application has to decide whether to update it. (The business logic that drives this decision will be application-
specific.) This approach is suitable for situations where updates are infrequent, or where collisions are unlikely
to occur.
Pessimistic. When it retrieves the data, the application locks it in the cache to prevent another instance from
changing it. This process ensures that collisions cannot occur, but they can also block other instances that need
to process the same data. Pessimistic concurrency can affect the scalability of a solution and is recommended
only for short-lived operations. This approach might be appropriate for situations where collisions are more
likely, especially if an application updates multiple items in the cache and must ensure that these changes are
applied consistently.
Implement high availability and scalability, and improve performance
Avoid using a cache as the primary repository of data; this is the role of the original data store from which the
cache is populated. The original data store is responsible for ensuring the persistence of the data.
Be careful not to introduce critical dependencies on the availability of a shared cache service into your solutions.
An application should be able to continue functioning if the service that provides the shared cache is unavailable.
The application should not hang or fail while waiting for the cache service to resume.
Therefore, the application must be prepared to detect the availability of the cache service and fall back to the
original data store if the cache is inaccessible. The Circuit-Breaker pattern is useful for handling this scenario. The
service that provides the cache can be recovered, and once it becomes available, the cache can be repopulated as
data is read form the original data store, following a strategy such as the Cache-aside pattern.
However, there might be a scalability impact on the system if the application falls back to the original data store
when the cache is temporarily unavailable. While the data store is being recovered, the original data store could be
swamped with requests for data, resulting in timeouts and failed connections.
Consider implementing a local, private cache in each instance of an application, together with the shared cache
that all application instances access. When the application retrieves an item, it can check first in its local cache, then
in the shared cache, and finally in the original data store. The local cache can be populated using the data in either
the shared cache, or in the database if the shared cache is unavailable.
This approach requires careful configuration to prevent the local cache from becoming too stale with respect to the
shared cache. However, the local cache acts as a buffer if the shared cache is unreachable. Figure 3 shows this

Figure 3: Using a local, private cache with a shared cache

To support large caches that hold relatively long-lived data, some cache services provide a high-availability option
that implements automatic failover if the cache becomes unavailable. This approach typically involves replicating
the cached data that's stored on a primary cache server to a secondary cache server, and switching to the
secondary server if the primary server fails or connectivity is lost.
To reduce the latency that's associated with writing to multiple destinations, the replication to the secondary server
might occur asynchronously when data is written to the cache on the primary server. This approach leads to the
possibility that some cached information might be lost in the event of a failure, but the proportion of this data
should be small compared to the overall size of the cache.
If a shared cache is large, it might be beneficial to partition the cached data across nodes to reduce the chances of
contention and improve scalability. Many shared caches support the ability to dynamically add (and remove)
nodes and rebalance the data across partitions. This approach might involve clustering, in which the collection of
nodes is presented to client applications as a seamless, single cache. Internally, however, the data is dispersed
between nodes following a predefined distribution strategy that balances the load evenly. The Data partitioning
guidance document on the Microsoft website provides more information about possible partitioning strategies.
Clustering can also increase the availability of the cache. If a node fails, the remainder of the cache is still
accessible. Clustering is frequently used in conjunction with replication and failover. Each node can be replicated,
and the replica can be quickly brought online if the node fails.
Many read and write operations are likely to involve single data values or objects. However, at times it might be
necessary to store or retrieve large volumes of data quickly. For example, seeding a cache could involve writing
hundreds or thousands of items to the cache. An application might also need to retrieve a large number of related
items from the cache as part of the same request.
Many large-scale caches provide batch operations for these purposes. This enables a client application to package
up a large volume of items into a single request and reduces the overhead that's associated with performing a
large number of small requests.

Caching and eventual consistency

For the cache-aside pattern to work, the instance of the application that populates the cache must have access to
the most recent and consistent version of the data. In a system that implements eventual consistency (such as a
replicated data store) this might not be the case.
One instance of an application could modify a data item and invalidate the cached version of that item. Another
instance of the application might attempt to read this item from a cache, which causes a cache-miss, so it reads the
data from the data store and adds it to the cache. However, if the data store has not been fully synchronized with
the other replicas, the application instance could read and populate the cache with the old value.
For more information about handling data consistency, see the Data consistency primer page on the Microsoft
Protect cached data
Irrespective of the cache service you use, consider how to protect the data that's held in the cache from
unauthorized access. There are two main concerns:
The privacy of the data in the cache
The privacy of data as it flows between the cache and the application that's using the cache
To protect data in the cache, the cache service might implement an authentication mechanism that requires that
applications specify the following:
Which identities can access data in the cache.
Which operations (read and write) that these identities are allowed to perform.
To reduce overhead that's associated with reading and writing data, after an identity has been granted write
and/or read access to the cache, that identity can use any data in the cache.
If you need to restrict access to subsets of the cached data, you can do one of the following:
Split the cache into partitions (by using different cache servers) and only grant access to identities for the
partitions that they should be allowed to use.
Encrypt the data in each subset by using different keys, and provide the encryption keys only to identities that
should have access to each subset. A client application might still be able to retrieve all of the data in the cache,
but it will only be able to decrypt the data for which it has the keys.
You must also protect the data as it flows in and out of the cache. To do this, you depend on the security features
provided by the network infrastructure that client applications use to connect to the cache. If the cache is
implemented using an on-site server within the same organization that hosts the client applications, then the
isolation of the network itself might not require you to take additional steps. If the cache is located remotely and
requires a TCP or HTTP connection over a public network (such as the Internet), consider implementing SSL.
Considerations for implementing caching with Microsoft Azure
Azure provides the Azure Redis Cache. This is an implementation of the open source Redis cache that runs as a
service in an Azure datacenter. It provides a caching service that can be accessed from any Azure application,
whether the application is implemented as a cloud service, a website, or inside an Azure virtual machine. Caches
can be shared by client applications that have the appropriate access key.
Azure Redis Cache is a high-performance caching solution that provides availability, scalability and security. It
typically runs as a service spread across one or more dedicated machines. It attempts to store as much information
as it can in memory to ensure fast access. This architecture is intended to provide low latency and high throughput
by reducing the need to perform slow I/O operations.
Azure Redis Cache is compatible with many of the various APIs that are used by client applications. If you have
existing applications that already use Azure Redis Cache running on-premises, the Azure Redis Cache provides a
quick migration path to caching in the cloud.

Azure also provides the Managed Cache Service. This service is based on the Azure Service Fabric Cache engine. It enables
you to create a distributed cache that can be shared by loosely-coupled applications. The cache is hosted on high-
performance servers running in an Azure datacenter. However, this option is no longer recommended and is only provided
to support existing applications that have been built to use it. For all new development, use Azure Redis Cache instead.
Additionally, Azure supports in-role caching. This feature enables you to create a cache that's specific to a cloud service. The
cache is hosted by instances of a web or worker role, and can only be accessed by roles that are operating as part of the
same cloud service deployment unit. (A deployment unit is the set of role instances that are deployed as a cloud service to a
specific region.) The cache is clustered, and all instances of the role within the same deployment unit that hosts the cache
become part of the same cache cluster. However, this option is no longer recommended and is only provided to support
existing applications that have been built to use it. For all new development, use Azure Redis Cache instead.
Both Azure Managed Cache Service and Azure In-Role Cache are currently slated for retirement on November 16th, 2016. It
is recommended that you migrate to Azure Redis Cache in preparation for this retirement. For more information, visit the
page What is Azure Redis Cache offering and what size should I use? on the Microsoft website.

Features of Redis
Redis is more than a simple cache server. It provides a distributed in-memory database with an extensive
command set that supports many common scenarios. These are described later in this document, in the section
Using Redis caching. This section summarizes some of the key features that Redis provides.
Redis as an in-memory database
Redis supports both read and write operations. In Redis, writes can be protected from system failure either by
being stored periodically in a local snapshot file or in an append-only log file. This is not the case in many caches
(which should be considered transitory data stores).
All writes are asynchronous and do not block clients from reading and writing data. When Redis starts running, it
reads the data from the snapshot or log file and uses it to construct the in-memory cache. For more information,
see Redis persistence on the Redis website.

Redis does not guarantee that all writes will be saved in the event of a catastrophic failure, but at worst you might lose only
a few seconds worth of data. Remember that a cache is not intended to act as an authoritative data source, and it is the
responsibility of the applications using the cache to ensure that critical data is saved successfully to an appropriate data
store. For more information, see the cache-aside pattern.

Redis data types

Redis is a key-value store, where values can contain simple types or complex data structures such as hashes, lists,
and sets. It supports a set of atomic operations on these data types. Keys can be permanent or tagged with a
limited time-to-live, at which point the key and its corresponding value are automatically removed from the cache.
For more information about Redis keys and values, visit the page An introduction to Redis data types and
abstractions on the Redis website.
Redis replication and clustering
Redis supports master/subordinate replication to help ensure availability and maintain throughput. Write
operations to a Redis master node are replicated to one or more subordinate nodes. Read operations can be
served by the master or any of the subordinates.
In the event of a network partition, subordinates can continue to serve data and then transparently resynchronize
with the master when the connection is reestablished. For further details, visit the Replication page on the Redis
Redis also provides clustering, which enables you to transparently partition data into shards across servers and
spread the load. This feature improves scalability, because new Redis servers can be added and the data
repartitioned as the size of the cache increases.
Furthermore, each server in the cluster can be replicated by using master/subordinate replication. This ensures
availability across each node in the cluster. For more information about clustering and sharding, visit the Redis
cluster tutorial page on the Redis website.
Redis memory use
A Redis cache has a finite size that depends on the resources available on the host computer. When you configure
a Redis server, you can specify the maximum amount of memory it can use. You can also configure a key in a
Redis cache to have an expiration time, after which it is automatically removed from the cache. This feature can
help prevent the in-memory cache from filling with old or stale data.
As memory fills up, Redis can automatically evict keys and their values by following a number of policies. The
default is LRU (least recently used), but you can also select other policies such as evicting keys at random or
turning off eviction altogether (in which, case attempts to add items to the cache fail if it is full). The page Using
Redis as an LRU cache provides more information.
Redis transactions and batches
Redis enables a client application to submit a series of operations that read and write data in the cache as an
atomic transaction. All the commands in the transaction are guaranteed to run sequentially, and no commands
issued by other concurrent clients will be interwoven between them.
However, these are not true transactions as a relational database would perform them. Transaction processing
consists of two stages--the first is when the commands are queued, and the second is when the commands are
run. During the command queuing stage, the commands that comprise the transaction are submitted by the client.
If some sort of error occurs at this point (such as a syntax error, or the wrong number of parameters) then Redis
refuses to process the entire transaction and discards it.
During the run phase, Redis performs each queued command in sequence. If a command fails during this phase,
Redis continues with the next queued command and does not roll back the effects of any commands that have
already been run. This simplified form of transaction helps to maintain performance and avoid performance
problems that are caused by contention.
Redis does implement a form of optimistic locking to assist in maintaining consistency. For detailed information
about transactions and locking with Redis, visit the Transactions page on the Redis website.
Redis also supports non-transactional batching of requests. The Redis protocol that clients use to send commands
to a Redis server enables a client to send a series of operations as part of the same request. This can help to reduce
packet fragmentation on the network. When the batch is processed, each command is performed. If any of these
commands are malformed, they will be rejected (which doesn't happen with a transaction), but the remaining
commands will be performed. There is also no guarantee about the order in which the commands in the batch will
be processed.
Redis security
Redis is focused purely on providing fast access to data, and is designed to run inside a trusted environment that
can be accessed only by trusted clients. Redis supports a limited security model based on password authentication.
(It is possible to remove authentication completely, although we don't recommend this.)
All authenticated clients share the same global password and have access to the same resources. If you need more
comprehensive sign-in security, you must implement your own security layer in front of the Redis server, and all
client requests should pass through this additional layer. Redis should not be directly exposed to untrusted or
unauthenticated clients.
You can restrict access to commands by disabling them or renaming them (and by providing only privileged
clients with the new names).
Redis does not directly support any form of data encryption, so all encoding must be performed by client
applications. Additionally, Redis does not provide any form of transport security. If you need to protect data as it
flows across the network, we recommend implementing an SSL proxy.
For more information, visit the Redis security page on the Redis website.

Azure Redis Cache provides its own security layer through which clients connect. The underlying Redis servers are not
exposed to the public network.

Using the Azure Redis cache

The Azure Redis Cache provides access to Redis servers running on servers hosted at an Azure datacenter; it acts
as a faade that provides access control and security. You can provision a cache by using the Azure Management
portal. The portal provides a number of predefined configurations, ranging from a 53GB cache running as a
dedicated service that supports SSL communications (for privacy) and master/subordinate replication with an SLA
of 99.9% availability, down to a 250MB cache without replication (no availability guarantees) running on shared
Using the Azure Management portal, you can also configure the eviction policy of the cache, and control access to
the cache by adding users to the roles provided; Owner, Contributor, Reader. These roles define the operations that
members can perform. For example, members of the Owner role have complete control over the cache (including
security) and its contents, members of the Contributor role can read and write information in the cache, and
members of the Reader role can only retrieve data from the cache.
Most administrative tasks are performed through the Azure Management portal, and for this reason many of the
administrative commands available in the standard version of Redis are not available, including the ability to
modify the configuration programmatically, shutdown the Redis server, configure additional slaves, or forcibly
save data to disk.
The Azure management portal includes a convenient graphical display that enables you to monitor the
performance of the cache. For example, you can view the number of connections being made, the number of
requests performed, the volume of reads and writes, and the number of cache hits versus cache misses. Using this
information, you can determine the effectiveness of the cache and if necessary switch to a different configuration
or change the eviction policy. Additionally, you can create alerts that send email messages to an administrator if
one or more critical metrics fall outside of an expected range. For example, if the number of cache misses exceeds
a specified value in the last hour, an administrator could be alerted as the cache may be too small or data may be
being evicted too quickly.
You can also monitor CPU, memory, and network usage for the cache.
For further information and examples showing how to create and configure an Azure Redis Cache, visit the page
Lap around Azure Redis Cache on the Azure blog.

Caching session state and HTML output

If you building ASP.NET web applications that run by using Azure web roles, you can save session state
information and HTML output in an Azure Redis Cache. The Session State Provider for Azure Redis Cache enables
you to share session information between different instances of an ASP.NET web application, and is very useful in
web farm situations where client-server affinity is not available and caching session data in-memory would not be
Using the Session State Provider with Azure Redis Cache delivers several benefits, including:
It can share session state amongst a large number of instances of an ASP.NET web application, providing
improved scalability,
It supports controlled, concurrent access to the same session state data for multiple readers and a single writer,
It can use compression to save memory and improve network performance.
For more information visit the ASP.NET Session State Provider for Azure Redis Cache page on the Microsoft

Do not use the Session State Provider for Azure Redis Cache for ASP.NET applications that run outside of the Azure
environment. The latency of accessing the cache from outside of Azure can eliminate the performance benefits of caching

Similarly, the Output Cache Provider for Azure Redis Cache enables you to save the HTTP responses generated by
an ASP.NET web application. Using the Output Cache Provider with Azure Redis Cache can improve the response
times of applications that render complex HTML output; application instances generating similar responses can
make use of the shared output fragments in the cache rather than generating this HTML output afresh. For more
information visit the ASP.NET Output Cache Provider for Azure Redis Cache page on the Microsoft website.
Azure Redis cache
Azure Redis Cache provides access to Redis servers that are hosted at an Azure datacenter. It acts as a faade that
provides access control and security. You can provision a cache by using the Azure portal.
The portal provides a number of predefined configurations. These range from a 53 GB cache running as a
dedicated service that supports SSL communications (for privacy) and master/subordinate replication with an SLA
of 99.9% availability, down to a 25 0MB cache without replication (no availability guarantees) running on shared
Using the Azure portal, you can also configure the eviction policy of the cache, and control access to the cache by
adding users to the roles provided. These roles, which define the operations that members can perform, include
Owner, Contributor, and Reader. For example, members of the Owner role have complete control over the cache
(including security) and its contents, members of the Contributor role can read and write information in the cache,
and members of the Reader role can only retrieve data from the cache.
Most administrative tasks are performed through the Azure portal. For this reason, many of the administrative
commands that are available in the standard version of Redis are not available, including the ability to modify the
configuration programmatically, shut down the Redis server, configure additional subordinates, or forcibly save
data to disk.
The Azure portal includes a convenient graphical display that enables you to monitor the performance of the
cache. For example, you can view the number of connections being made, the number of requests being
performed, the volume of reads and writes, and the number of cache hits versus cache misses. Using this
information, you can determine the effectiveness of the cache and if necessary, switch to a different configuration
or change the eviction policy.
Additionally, you can create alerts that send email messages to an administrator if one or more critical metrics fall
outside of an expected range. For example, you might want to alert an administrator if the number of cache misses
exceeds a specified value in the last hour, because it means the cache might be too small or data might be being
evicted too quickly.
You can also monitor the CPU, memory, and network usage for the cache.
For further information and examples showing how to create and configure an Azure Redis Cache, visit the page
Lap around Azure Redis Cache on the Azure blog.

Caching session state and HTML output

If you're building ASP.NET web applications that run by using Azure web roles, you can save session state
information and HTML output in an Azure Redis Cache. The session state provider for Azure Redis Cache enables
you to share session information between different instances of an ASP.NET web application, and is very useful in
web farm situations where client-server affinity is not available and caching session data in-memory would not be
Using the session state provider with Azure Redis Cache delivers several benefits, including:
Sharing session state with a large number of instances of ASP.NET web applications.
Providing improved scalability.
Supporting controlled, concurrent access to the same session state data for multiple readers and a single writer.
Using compression to save memory and improve network performance.
For more information, visit the ASP.NET session state provider for Azure Redis Cache page on the Microsoft

Do not use the session state provider for Azure Redis Cache with ASP.NET applications that run outside of the Azure
environment. The latency of accessing the cache from outside of Azure can eliminate the performance benefits of caching

Similarly, the output cache provider for Azure Redis Cache enables you to save the HTTP responses generated by
an ASP.NET web application. Using the output cache provider with Azure Redis Cache can improve the response
times of applications that render complex HTML output. Application instances that generate similar responses can
make use of the shared output fragments in the cache rather than generating this HTML output afresh. For more
information, visit the ASP.NET output cache provider for Azure Redis Cache page on the Microsoft website.

Building a custom Redis cache

Azure Redis Cache acts as a faade to the underlying Redis servers. Currently it supports a fixed set of
configurations but does not provide for Redis clustering. If you require an advanced configuration that is not
covered by the Azure Redis cache (such as a cache bigger than 53 GB) you can build and host your own Redis
servers by using Azure virtual machines.
This is a potentially complex process because you might need to create several VMs to act as master and
subordinate nodes if you want to implement replication. Furthermore, if you wish to create a cluster, then you
need multiple masters and subordinate servers. A minimal clustered replication topology that provides a high
degree of availability and scalability comprises at least six VMs organized as three pairs of master/subordinate
servers (a cluster must contain at least three master nodes).
Each master/subordinate pair should be located close together to minimize latency. However, each set of pairs can
be running in different Azure datacenters located in different regions, if you wish to locate cached data close to the
applications that are most likely to use it. The page Running Redis on a CentOS Linux VM in Azure on the Microsoft
website walks through an example that shows how to build and configure a Redis node running as an Azure VM.
[AZURE.NOTE] Please note that if you implement your own Redis cache in this way, you are responsible for
monitoring, managing, and securing the service.

Partitioning a Redis cache

Partitioning the cache involves splitting the cache across multiple computers. This structure gives you several
advantages over using a single cache server, including:
Creating a cache that is much bigger than can be stored on a single server.
Distributing data across servers, improving availability. If one server fails or becomes inaccessible, the data that
it holds is unavailable, but the data on the remaining servers can still be accessed. For a cache, this is not crucial
because the cached data is only a transient copy of the data that's held in a database. Cached data on a server
that becomes inaccessible can be cached on a different server instead.
Spreading the load across servers, thereby improving performance and scalability.
Geolocating data close to the users that access it, thus reducing latency.
For a cache, the most common form of partitioning is sharding. In this strategy, each partition (or shard) is a Redis
cache in its own right. Data is directed to a specific partition by using sharding logic, which can use a variety of
approaches to distribute the data. The Sharding pattern provides more information about implementing sharding.
To implement partitioning in a Redis cache, you can take one of the following approaches:
Server-side query routing. In this technique, a client application sends a request to any of the Redis servers that
comprise the cache (probably the closest server). Each Redis server stores metadata that describes the partition
that it holds, and also contains information about which partitions are located on other servers. The Redis
server examines the client request. If it can be resolved locally, it will perform the requested operation.
Otherwise it will forward the request on to the appropriate server. This model is implemented by Redis
clustering, and is described in more detail on the Redis cluster tutorial page on the Redis website. Redis
clustering is transparent to client applications, and additional Redis servers can be added to the cluster (and the
data re-partitioned) without requiring that you reconfigure the clients.
Client-side partitioning. In this model, the client application contains logic (possibly in the form of a library) that
routes requests to the appropriate Redis server. This approach can be used with Azure Redis Cache. Create
multiple Azure Redis Caches (one for each data partition) and implement the client-side logic that routes the
requests to the correct cache. If the partitioning scheme changes (if additional Azure Redis Caches are created,
for example), client applications might need to be reconfigured.
Proxy-assisted partitioning. In this scheme, client applications send requests to an intermediary proxy service
which understands how the data is partitioned and then routes the request to the appropriate Redis server. This
approach can also be used with Azure Redis Cache; the proxy service can be implemented as an Azure cloud
service. This approach requires an additional level of complexity to implement the service, and requests might
take longer to perform than using client-side partitioning.
The page Partitioning: how to split data among multiple Redis instances on the Redis website provides further
information about implementing partitioning with Redis.
Implement Redis cache client applications
Redis supports client applications written in numerous programming languages. If you are building new
applications by using the .NET Framework, the recommended approach is to use the StackExchange.Redis client
library. This library provides a .NET Framework object model that abstracts the details for connecting to a Redis
server, sending commands, and receiving responses. It is available in Visual Studio as a NuGet package. You can
use this same library to connect to an Azure Redis Cache, or a custom Redis cache hosted on a VM.
To connect to a Redis server you use the static Connect method of the ConnectionMultiplexer class. The
connection that this method creates is designed to be used throughout the lifetime of the client application, and
the same connection can be used by multiple concurrent threads. Do not reconnect and disconnect each time you
perform a Redis operation because this can degrade performance.
You can specify the connection parameters, such as the address of the Redis host and the password. If you are
using Azure Redis Cache, the password is either the primary or secondary key that is generated for Azure Redis
Cache by using the Azure Management portal.
After you have connected to the Redis server, you can obtain a handle on the Redis database that acts as the cache.
The Redis connection provides the GetDatabase method to do this. You can then retrieve items from the cache and
store data in the cache by using the StringGet and StringSet methods. These methods expect a key as a
parameter, and return the item either in the cache that has a matching value ( StringGet ) or add the item to the
cache with this key ( StringSet ).
Depending on the location of the Redis server, many operations might incur some latency while a request is
transmitted to the server and a response is returned to the client. The StackExchange library provides
asynchronous versions of many of the methods that it exposes to help client applications remain responsive. These
methods support the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern in the .NET Framework.
The following code snippet shows a method named RetrieveItem . It illustrates an implementation of the cache-
aside pattern based on Redis and the StackExchange library. The method takes a string key value and attempts to
retrieve the corresponding item from the Redis cache by calling the StringGetAsync method (the asynchronous
version of StringGet ).
If the item is not found, it is fetched from the underlying data source using the GetItemFromDataSourceAsync
method (which is a local method and not part of the StackExchange library). It's then added to the cache by using
the StringSetAsync method so it can be retrieved more quickly next time.

// Connect to the Azure Redis cache

ConfigurationOptions config = new ConfigurationOptions();
config.EndPoints.Add("<your DNS name>.redis.cache.windows.net");
config.Password = "<Redis cache key from management portal>";
ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(config);
IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
private async Task<string> RetrieveItem(string itemKey)
// Attempt to retrieve the item from the Redis cache
string itemValue = await cache.StringGetAsync(itemKey);

// If the value returned is null, the item was not found in the cache
// So retrieve the item from the data source and add it to the cache
if (itemValue == null)
itemValue = await GetItemFromDataSourceAsync(itemKey);
await cache.StringSetAsync(itemKey, itemValue);

// Return the item

return itemValue;

The StringGet and StringSet methods are not restricted to retrieving or storing string values. They can take any
item that is serialized as an array of bytes. If you need to save a .NET object, you can serialize it as a byte stream
and use the StringSet method to write it to the cache.
Similarly, you can read an object from the cache by using the StringGet method and deserializing it as a .NET
object. The following code shows a set of extension methods for the IDatabase interface (the GetDatabase method
of a Redis connection returns an IDatabase object), and some sample code that uses these methods to read and
write a BlogPost object to the cache:

public static class RedisCacheExtensions

public static async Task<T> GetAsync<T>(this IDatabase cache, string key)
return Deserialize<T>(await cache.StringGetAsync(key));

public static async Task<object> GetAsync(this IDatabase cache, string key)

return Deserialize<object>(await cache.StringGetAsync(key));

public static async Task SetAsync(this IDatabase cache, string key, object value)
await cache.StringSetAsync(key, Serialize(value));

static byte[] Serialize(object o)

byte[] objectDataAsStream = null;

if (o != null)
BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
binaryFormatter.Serialize(memoryStream, o);
objectDataAsStream = memoryStream.ToArray();

return objectDataAsStream;

static T Deserialize<T>(byte[] stream)

T result = default(T);

if (stream != null)
BinaryFormatter binaryFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(stream))
result = (T)binaryFormatter.Deserialize(memoryStream);

return result;

The following code illustrates a method named RetrieveBlogPost that uses these extension methods to read and
write a serializable BlogPost object to the cache following the cache-aside pattern:
// The BlogPost type
private class BlogPost
private HashSet<string> tags = new HashSet<string>();

public BlogPost(int id, string title, int score, IEnumerable<string> tags)

this.Id = id;
this.Title = title;
this.Score = score;
this.tags = new HashSet<string>(tags);

public int Id { get; set; }

public string Title { get; set; }
public int Score { get; set; }
public ICollection<string> Tags { get { return this.tags; } }
private async Task<BlogPost> RetrieveBlogPost(string blogPostKey)
BlogPost blogPost = await cache.GetAsync<BlogPost>(blogPostKey);
if (blogPost == null)
blogPost = await GetBlogPostFromDataSourceAsync(blogPostKey);
await cache.SetAsync(blogPostKey, blogPost);

return blogPost;

Redis supports command pipelining if a client application sends multiple asynchronous requests. Redis can
multiplex the requests using the same connection rather than receiving and responding to commands in a strict
This approach helps to reduce latency by making more efficient use of the network. The following code snippet
shows an example that retrieves the details of two customers concurrently. The code submits two requests and
then performs some other processing (not shown) before waiting to receive the results. The Wait method of the
cache object is similar to the .NET Framework Task.Wait method:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
var task1 = cache.StringGetAsync("customer:1");
var task2 = cache.StringGetAsync("customer:2");
var customer1 = cache.Wait(task1);
var customer2 = cache.Wait(task2);

The page Azure Redis Cache documentation on the Microsoft website provides more information about how to
write client applications that can use the Azure Redis Cache. Additional information is available on the Basic usage
page on the StackExchange.Redis website.
The page Pipelines and multiplexers on the same website provides more information about asynchronous
operations and pipelining with Redis and the StackExchange library. The next section in this article, Using Redis
Caching, provides examples of some of the more advanced techniques that you can apply to data that's held in a
Redis cache.

Using Redis caching

The simplest use of Redis for caching concerns is key-value pairs where the value is an uninterpreted string of
arbitrary length that can contain any binary data. (It is essentially an array of bytes that can be treated as a string).
This scenario was illustrated in the section Implement Redis Cache client applications earlier in this article.
Note that keys also contain uninterpreted data, so you can use any binary information as the key. The longer the
key is, however, the more space it will take to store, and the longer it will take to perform lookup operations. For
usability and ease of maintenance, design your keyspace carefully and use meaningful (but not verbose) keys.
For example, use structured keys such as "customer:100" to represent the key for the customer with ID 100 rather
than simply "100". This scheme enables you to easily distinguish between values that store different data types.
For example, you could also use the key "orders:100" to represent the key for the order with ID 100.
Apart from one-dimensional binary strings, a value in a Redis key-value pair can also hold more structured
information, including lists, sets (sorted and unsorted), and hashes. Redis provides a comprehensive command set
that can manipulate these types, and many of these commands are available to .NET Framework applications
through a client library such as StackExchange. The page An introduction to Redis data types and abstractions on
the Redis website provides a more detailed overview of these types and the commands that you can use to
manipulate them.
This section summarizes some common use cases for these data types and commands.
Perform atomic and batch operations
Redis supports a series of atomic get-and-set operations on string values. These operations remove the possible
race hazards that might occur when using separate GET and SET commands. The operations that are available
INCR , INCRBY , DECR , and DECRBY , which perform atomic increment and decrement operations on integer
numeric data values. The StackExchange library provides overloaded versions of the
IDatabase.StringIncrementAsync and IDatabase.StringDecrementAsync methods to perform these operations
and return the resulting value that is stored in the cache. The following code snippet illustrates how to use
these methods:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
await cache.StringSetAsync("data:counter", 99);
long oldValue = await cache.StringIncrementAsync("data:counter");
// Increment by 1 (the default)
// oldValue should be 100

long newValue = await cache.StringDecrementAsync("data:counter", 50);

// Decrement by 50
// newValue should be 50

GETSET , which retrieves the value that's associated with a key and changes it to a new value. The
StackExchange library makes this operation available through the IDatabase.StringGetSetAsync method.
The code snippet below shows an example of this method. This code returns the current value that's
associated with the key "data:counter" from the previous example. Then it resets the value for this key back
to zero, all as part of the same operation:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
string oldValue = await cache.StringGetSetAsync("data:counter", 0);

MGET and MSET , which can return or change a set of string values as a single operation. The
IDatabase.StringGetAsync and IDatabase.StringSetAsync methods are overloaded to support this
functionality, as shown in the following example:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
// Create a list of key-value pairs
var keysAndValues =
new List<KeyValuePair<RedisKey, RedisValue>>()
new KeyValuePair<RedisKey, RedisValue>("data:key1", "value1"),
new KeyValuePair<RedisKey, RedisValue>("data:key99", "value2"),
new KeyValuePair<RedisKey, RedisValue>("data:key322", "value3")

// Store the list of key-value pairs in the cache

// Find all values that match a list of keys
RedisKey[] keys = { "data:key1", "data:key99", "data:key322"};
RedisValue[] values = null;
values = cache.StringGet(keys);
// values should contain { "value1", "value2", "value3" }

You can also combine multiple operations into a single Redis transaction as described in the Redis transactions
and batches section earlier in this article. The StackExchange library provides support for transactions through the
ITransaction interface.

You create an ITransaction object by using the IDatabase.CreateTransaction method. You invoke commands to
the transaction by using the methods provided by the ITransaction object.
The ITransaction interface provides access to a set of methods that's similar to those accessed by the IDatabase
interface, except that all the methods are asynchronous. This means that they are only performed when the
ITransaction.Execute method is invoked. The value that's returned by the ITransaction.Execute method indicates
whether the transaction was created successfully (true) or if it failed (false).
The following code snippet shows an example that increments and decrements two counters as part of the same

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
ITransaction transaction = cache.CreateTransaction();
var tx1 = transaction.StringIncrementAsync("data:counter1");
var tx2 = transaction.StringDecrementAsync("data:counter2");
bool result = transaction.Execute();
Console.WriteLine("Transaction {0}", result ? "succeeded" : "failed");
Console.WriteLine("Result of increment: {0}", tx1.Result);
Console.WriteLine("Result of decrement: {0}", tx2.Result);

Remember that Redis transactions are unlike transactions in relational databases. The Execute method simply
queues all the commands that comprise the transaction to be run, and if any of them is malformed then the
transaction is stopped. If all the commands have been queued successfully, each command runs asynchronously.
If any command fails, the others still continue processing. If you need to verify that a command has completed
successfully, you must fetch the results of the command by using the Result property of the corresponding task,
as shown in the example above. Reading the Result property will block the calling thread until the task has
For more information, see the Transactions in Redis page on the StackExchange.Redis website.
When performing batch operations, you can use the IBatch interface of the StackExchange library. This interface
provides access to a set of methods similar to those accessed by the IDatabase interface, except that all the
methods are asynchronous.
You create an object by using the IDatabase.CreateBatch method, and then run the batch by using the
IBatch.Execute method, as shown in the following example. This code simply sets a string value, increments and
decrements the same counters used in the previous example, and displays the results:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
IBatch batch = cache.CreateBatch();
batch.StringSetAsync("data:key1", 11);
var t1 = batch.StringIncrementAsync("data:counter1");
var t2 = batch.StringDecrementAsync("data:counter2");
Console.WriteLine("{0}", t1.Result);
Console.WriteLine("{0}", t2.Result);

It is important to understand that unlike a transaction, if a command in a batch fails because it is malformed, the
other commands might still run. The IBatch.Execute method does not return any indication of success or failure.
Perform fire and forget cache operations
Redis supports fire and forget operations by using command flags. In this situation, the client simply initiates an
operation but has no interest in the result and does not wait for the command to be completed. The example
below shows how to perform the INCR command as a fire and forget operation:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
await cache.StringSetAsync("data:key1", 99);
cache.StringIncrement("data:key1", flags: CommandFlags.FireAndForget);

Specify automatically expiring keys

When you store an item in a Redis cache, you can specify a timeout after which the item will be automatically
removed from the cache. You can also query how much more time a key has before it expires by using the TTL
command. This command is available to StackExchange applications by using the IDatabase.KeyTimeToLive
The following code snippet shows how to set an expiration time of 20 seconds on a key, and query the remaining
lifetime of the key:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
// Add a key with an expiration time of 20 seconds
await cache.StringSetAsync("data:key1", 99, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20));
// Query how much time a key has left to live
// If the key has already expired, the KeyTimeToLive function returns a null
TimeSpan? expiry = cache.KeyTimeToLive("data:key1");

You can also set the expiration time to a specific date and time by using the EXPIRE command, which is available in
the StackExchange library as the KeyExpireAsync method:
ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;
IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
// Add a key with an expiration date of midnight on 1st January 2015
await cache.StringSetAsync("data:key1", 99);
await cache.KeyExpireAsync("data:key1",
new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc));

Tip: You can manually remove an item from the cache by using the DEL command, which is available through
the StackExchange library as the IDatabase.KeyDeleteAsync method.

Use tags to cross-correlate cached items

A Redis set is a collection of multiple items that share a single key. You can create a set by using the SADD
command. You can retrieve the items in a set by using the SMEMBERS command. The StackExchange library
implements the SADD command with the IDatabase.SetAddAsync method, and the SMEMBERS command with the
IDatabase.SetMembersAsync method.

You can also combine existing sets to create new sets by using the SDIFF (set difference), SINTER (set intersection),
and SUNION (set union) commands. The StackExchange library unifies these operations in the
IDatabase.SetCombineAsync method. The first parameter to this method specifies the set operation to perform.

The following code snippets show how sets can be useful for quickly storing and retrieving collections of related
items. This code uses the BlogPost type that was described in the section Implement Redis Cache Client
Applications earlier in this article.
A BlogPost object contains four fieldsan ID, a title, a ranking score, and a collection of tags. The first code
snippet below shows the sample data that's used for populating a C# list of BlogPost objects:

List<string[]> tags = new List<string[]>()

new string[] { "iot","csharp" },
new string[] { "iot","azure","csharp" },
new string[] { "csharp","git","big data" },
new string[] { "iot","git","database" },
new string[] { "database","git" },
new string[] { "csharp","database" },
new string[] { "iot" },
new string[] { "iot","database","git" },
new string[] { "azure","database","big data","git","csharp" },
new string[] { "azure" }

List<BlogPost> posts = new List<BlogPost>();

int blogKey = 0;
int blogPostId = 0;
int numberOfPosts = 20;
Random random = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPosts; i++)
blogPostId = blogKey++;
posts.Add(new BlogPost(
blogPostId, // Blog post ID
string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Blog Post #{0}",
blogPostId), // Blog post title
random.Next(100, 10000), // Ranking score
tags[i % tags.Count])); // Tags--assigned from a collection
// in the tags list
You can store the tags for each BlogPost object as a set in a Redis cache and associate each set with the ID of the
BlogPost . This enables an application to quickly find all the tags that belong to a specific blog post. To enable
searching in the opposite direction and find all blog posts that share a specific tag, you can create another set that
holds the blog posts referencing the tag ID in the key:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
// Tags are easily represented as Redis Sets
foreach (BlogPost post in posts)
string redisKey = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"blog:posts:{0}:tags", post.Id);
// Add tags to the blog post in Redis
await cache.SetAddAsync(
redisKey, post.Tags.Select(s => (RedisValue)s).ToArray());

// Now do the inverse so we can figure how which blog posts have a given tag
foreach (var tag in post.Tags)
await cache.SetAddAsync(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"tag:{0}:blog:posts", tag), post.Id);

These structures enable you to perform many common queries very efficiently. For example, you can find and
display all of the tags for blog post 1 like this:

// Show the tags for blog post #1

foreach (var value in await cache.SetMembersAsync("blog:posts:1:tags"))

You can find all tags that are common to blog post 1 and blog post 2 by performing a set intersection operation, as

// Show the tags in common for blog posts #1 and #2

foreach (var value in await cache.SetCombineAsync(SetOperation.Intersect, new RedisKey[]
{ "blog:posts:1:tags", "blog:posts:2:tags" }))

And you can find all blog posts that contain a specific tag:

// Show the ids of the blog posts that have the tag "iot".
foreach (var value in await cache.SetMembersAsync("tag:iot:blog:posts"))

Find recently accessed items

A common task required of many applications is to find the most recently accessed items. For example, a blogging
site might want to display information about the most recently read blog posts.
You can implement this functionality by using a Redis list. A Redis list contains multiple items that share the same
key. The list acts as a double-ended queue. You can push items to either end of the list by using the LPUSH (left
push) and RPUSH (right push) commands. You can retrieve items from either end of the list by using the LPOP and
RPOP commands. You can also return a set of elements by using the LRANGE and RRANGE commands.
The code snippets below show how you can perform these operations by using the StackExchange library. This
code uses the BlogPost type from the previous examples. As a blog post is read by a user, the
IDatabase.ListLeftPushAsync method pushes the title of the blog post onto a list that's associated with the key
"blog:recent_posts" in the Redis cache.

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
string redisKey = "blog:recent_posts";
BlogPost blogPost = ...; // Reference to the blog post that has just been read
await cache.ListLeftPushAsync(
redisKey, blogPost.Title); // Push the blog post onto the list

As more blog posts are read, their titles are pushed onto the same list. The list is ordered by the sequence in which
the titles have been added. The most recently read blog posts are towards the left end of the list. (If the same blog
post is read more than once, it will have multiple entries in the list.)
You can display the titles of the most recently read posts by using the IDatabase.ListRange method. This method
takes the key that contains the list, a starting point, and an ending point. The following code retrieves the titles of
the 10 blog posts (items from 0 to 9) at the left-most end of the list:

// Show latest ten posts

foreach (string postTitle in await cache.ListRangeAsync(redisKey, 0, 9))

Note that the ListRangeAsync method does not remove items from the list. To do this, you can use the
IDatabase.ListLeftPopAsync and IDatabase.ListRightPopAsync methods.
To prevent the list from growing indefinitely, you can periodically cull items by trimming the list. The code snippet
below shows you how to remove all but the five left-most items from the list:

await cache.ListTrimAsync(redisKey, 0, 5);

Implement a leader board

By default, the items in a set are not held in any specific order. You can create an ordered set by using the ZADD
command (the IDatabase.SortedSetAdd method in the StackExchange library). The items are ordered by using a
numeric value called a score, which is provided as a parameter to the command.
The following code snippet adds the title of a blog post to an ordered list. In this example, each blog post also has a
score field that contains the ranking of the blog post.

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

IDatabase cache = redisHostConnection.GetDatabase();
string redisKey = "blog:post_rankings";
BlogPost blogPost = ...; // Reference to a blog post that has just been rated
await cache.SortedSetAddAsync(redisKey, blogPost.Title, blogpost.Score);

You can retrieve the blog post titles and scores in ascending score order by using the
IDatabase.SortedSetRangeByRankWithScores method:
foreach (var post in await cache.SortedSetRangeByRankWithScoresAsync(redisKey))

The StackExchange library also provides the IDatabase.SortedSetRangeByRankAsync method, which returns the data in
score order, but does not return the scores.

You can also retrieve items in descending order of scores, and limit the number of items that are returned by
providing additional parameters to the IDatabase.SortedSetRangeByRankWithScoresAsync method. The next example
displays the titles and scores of the top 10 ranked blog posts:

foreach (var post in await cache.SortedSetRangeByRankWithScoresAsync(

redisKey, 0, 9, Order.Descending))

The next example uses the IDatabase.SortedSetRangeByScoreWithScoresAsync method, which you can use to limit the
items that are returned to those that fall within a given score range:

// Blog posts with scores between 5000 and 100000

foreach (var post in await cache.SortedSetRangeByScoreWithScoresAsync(
redisKey, 5000, 100000))

Message by using channels

Apart from acting as a data cache, a Redis server provides messaging through a high-performance
publisher/subscriber mechanism. Client applications can subscribe to a channel, and other applications or services
can publish messages to the channel. Subscribing applications will then receive these messages and can process
Redis provides the SUBSCRIBE command for client applications to use to subscribe to channels. This command
expects the name of one or more channels on which the application will accept messages. The StackExchange
library includes the ISubscription interface, which enables a .NET Framework application to subscribe and publish
to channels.
You create an ISubscription object by using the GetSubscriber method of the connection to the Redis server.
Then you listen for messages on a channel by using the SubscribeAsync method of this object. The following code
example shows how to subscribe to a channel named "messages:blogPosts":

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

ISubscriber subscriber = redisHostConnection.GetSubscriber();
await subscriber.SubscribeAsync("messages:blogPosts", (channel, message) =>
Console.WriteLine("Title is: {0}", message);

The first parameter to the Subscribe method is the name of the channel. This name follows the same conventions
that are used by keys in the cache. The name can contain any binary data, although it is advisable to use relatively
short, meaningful strings to help ensure good performance and maintainability.
Note also that the namespace used by channels is separate from that used by keys. This means you can have
channels and keys that have the same name, although this may make your application code more difficult to
The second parameter is an Action delegate. This delegate runs asynchronously whenever a new message appears
on the channel. This example simply displays the message on the console (the message will contain the title of a
blog post).
To publish to a channel, an application can use the Redis PUBLISH command. The StackExchange library provides
the IServer.PublishAsync method to perform this operation. The next code snippet shows how to publish a
message to the "messages:blogPosts" channel:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

ISubscriber subscriber = redisHostConnection.GetSubscriber();
BlogPost blogpost = ...;
subscriber.PublishAsync("messages:blogPosts", blogPost.Title);

There are several points you should understand about the publish/subscribe mechanism:
Multiple subscribers can subscribe to the same channel, and they will all receive the messages that are
published to that channel.
Subscribers only receive messages that have been published after they have subscribed. Channels are not
buffered, and once a message is published, the Redis infrastructure pushes the message to each subscriber and
then removes it.
By default, messages are received by subscribers in the order in which they are sent. In a highly active system
with a large number of messages and many subscribers and publishers, guaranteed sequential delivery of
messages can slow performance of the system. If each message is independent and the order is unimportant,
you can enable concurrent processing by the Redis system, which can help to improve responsiveness. You can
achieve this in a StackExchange client by setting the PreserveAsyncOrder of the connection used by the
subscriber to false:

ConnectionMultiplexer redisHostConnection = ...;

redisHostConnection.PreserveAsyncOrder = false;
ISubscriber subscriber = redisHostConnection.GetSubscriber();

Related patterns and guidance

The following pattern might also be relevant to your scenario when you implement caching in your applications:
Cache-aside pattern: This pattern describes how to load data on demand into a cache from a data store. This
pattern also helps to maintain consistency between data that's held in the cache and the data in the original
data store.
The Sharding pattern provides information about implementing horizontal partitioning to help improve
scalability when storing and accessing large volumes of data.

More information
The MemoryCache class page on the Microsoft website
The Azure Redis Cache documentation page on the Microsoft website
The Azure Redis Cache FAQ page on the Microsoft website
The Configuration model page on the Microsoft website
The Task-based Asynchronous Pattern page on the Microsoft website
The Pipelines and multiplexers page on the StackExchange.Redis GitHub repo
The Redis persistence page on the Redis website
The Replication page on the Redis website
The Redis cluster tutorial page on the Redis website
The Partitioning: how to split data among multiple Redis instances page on the Redis website
The Using Redis as an LRU Cache page on the Redis website
The Transactions page on the Redis website
The Redis security page on the Redis website
The Lap around Azure Redis Cache page on the Azure blog
The Running Redis on a CentOS Linux VM in Azure page on the Microsoft website
The ASP.NET session state provider for Azure Redis Cache page on the Microsoft website
The ASP.NET output cache provider for Azure Redis Cache page on the Microsoft website
The An Introduction to Redis data types and abstractions page on the Redis website
The Basic usage page on the StackExchange.Redis website
The Transactions in Redis page on the StackExchange.Redis repo
The Data partitioning guide on the Microsoft website
Content Delivery Network (CDN) guidance
1/17/2017 18 min to read Edit on GitHub

The Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) offers developers a global solution for delivering high-
bandwidth content that is hosted in Azure or any other location. Using the CDN, you can cache publicly available
objects loaded from Azure blob storage, a web application, virtual machine, application folder, or other
HTTP/HTTPS location. The CDN cache can be held at strategic locations to provide maximum bandwidth for
delivering content to users. The CDN is typically used for delivering static content such as images, style sheets,
documents, files, client-side scripts, and HTML pages.
You can also use the CDN as a cache for serving dynamic content, such as a PDF report or graph based on
specified inputs; if the same input values are provided by different users the result should be the same.
The major advantages of using the CDN are lower latency and faster delivery of content to users irrespective of
their geographical location in relation to the datacenter where the application is hosted.

Using the CDN should also help to reduce the load on application because it is relieved of the processing required
to access and deliver the content. This reduction in load can help to increase the performance and scalability of the
application, as well as minimizing hosting costs by reducing the processing resources required to achieve a specific
level of performance and availability.

How and why a CDN is used

Typical uses for a CDN include:
Delivering static resources for client applications, often from a website. These resources can be images, style
sheets, documents, files, client-side scripts, HTML pages, HTML fragments, or any other content that the server
does not need to modify for each request. The application can create items at runtime and make them available
to the CDN (for example, by creating a list of current news headlines), but it does not do so for each request.
Delivering public static and shared content to devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers. The
application itself is a web service that offers an API to clients running on the various devices. The CDN can also
deliver static datasets (via the web service) for the clients to use, perhaps to generate the client UI. For example,
the CDN could be used to distribute JSON or XML documents.
Serving entire websites that consist of only public static content to clients, without requiring any dedicated
compute resources.
Streaming video files to the client on demand. Video benefits from the low latency and reliable connectivity
available from the globally located datacenters that offer CDN connections.
Generally improving the experience for users, especially those located far from the datacenter hosting the
application. These users might otherwise suffer higher latency. A large proportion of the total size of the content
in a web application is often static, and using the CDN can help to maintain performance and overall user
experience while eliminating the requirement to deploy the application to multiple data centers.
Handling the growing load on applications that support IoT (Internet of Things) solutions. The huge numbers of
such devices and appliances involved could easily overwhelm an application if it was required to process
broadcast messages and manage firmware update distribution directly to each device.
Coping with peaks and surges in demand without requiring the application to scale, avoiding the consequent
increased running costs. For example, when an update to an operating system is released for a hardware device
such as a specific model of router, or for a consumer device such as a smart TV, there will be a huge peak in
demand as it is downloaded by millions of users and devices over a short period.
The following list shows examples of the median time to first byte from various geographic locations. The target
web role is deployed to Azure West US. There is a strong correlation between greater boost due to the CDN and
proximity to a CDN node. A complete list of Azure CDN node locations is available at Azure Content Delivery
Network (CDN) Node Locations.



*San Jose, CA 47.5 46.5 2%

**Dulles, VA 109 40.5 169%

Buenos Aires, AR 210 151 39%

*London, UK 195 44 343%

Shanghai, CN 242 206 17%

*Singapore 214 74 189 %

*Tokyo, JP 163 48 204 %

Seoul, KR 190 190 0%

* Has an Azure CDN node in the same city.

** Has an Azure CDN node in a neighboring city.

There are several challenges to take into account when planning to use the CDN:
Deployment. You must decide the origin from which the CDN will fetch the content, and whether you need
to deploy the content in more than one storage system (such as in the CDN and an alternative location).
Your application deployment mechanism must take into account the process for deploying static content
and resources as well as deploying the application files, such as ASPX pages. For example, you may need to
implement a separate step to load content into Azure blob storage.
Versioning and cache-control. You must consider how you will update static content and deploy new
versions. The CDN content may be purged using the Azure Portal when new versions of your assets are
available. This is a similar challenge to managing client side caching, such as that which occurs in a web
Testing. It can be difficult to perform local testing of your CDN settings when developing and testing an
application locally or in a staging environment.
Search engine optimisation (SEO). Content such as images and documents are served from a different
domain when you use the CDN. This can have an effect on SEO for this content.
Content security. Many CDN services such as Azure CDN do not currently offer any type of access control for
the content.
Client security. Clients might connect from an environment that does not allow access to resources on the
CDN. This could be a security-constrained environment that limits access to only a set of known sources, or one
that prevents loading of resources from anything other than the page origin. A fallback implementation is
required to handle these cases.
Resilience. The CDN is a potential single point of failure for an application. It has a lower availability SLA
than blob storage (which can be used to deliver content directly) so you may need to consider implementing
a fallback mechanism for critical content.
You can monitor your CDN content availability, bandwidth, data transferred, hits, cache hit ratio and cache
metrics from the Azure Portal in real-time and aggregate reports.
Scenarios where CDN may be less useful include:
If the content has a low hit rate it might be accessed only few times while it is valid (determined by its time-to-
live setting). The first time an item is downloaded you incur two transaction charges from the origin to the CDN,
and then from the CDN to the customer.
If the data is private, such as for large enterprises or supply chain ecosystems.

General guidelines and good practices

Using the CDN is a good way to minimize the load on your application, and maximize availability and performance.
You should consider adopting this strategy for all of the appropriate content and resources you application uses.
Consider the points in the following sections when designing your strategy to use the CDN:
Deploying content through the CDN simply requires you to specify an HTTP and/or HTTPS endpoint that the CDN
service will use to access and cache the content.
The endpoint can specify an Azure blob storage container that holds the static content you want to deliver through
the CDN. The container must be marked as public. Only blobs in a public container that have public read access will
be available through the CDN.
The endpoint can specify a folder named cdn in the root of one of applications compute layers (such as a web role
or a virtual machine). The results from requests for resources, including dynamic resources such as ASPX pages,
will be cached on the CDN. The minimum cache period is 300 seconds. Any shorter period will prevent the content
from being deployed to the CDN (see the heading Cache control below for more information).
If you are using Azure Web Apps, the endpoint is set to the root folder of the site by selecting the site when
creating the CDN instance. All of the content for the site will be available through the CDN.
In most cases, pointing your CDN endpoint at a folder within one of the compute layers of your application will
offer more flexibility and control. For instance, it makes it easier to manage current and future routing
requirements, and dynamically generate static content such as image thumbnails.
You can use query strings to differentiate objects in the cache when content is delivered from dynamic sources,
such as ASPX pages. However, this behavior can be disabled by a setting in the Azure Portal when you specify the
CDN endpoint. When delivering content from blob storage, query strings are treated as string literals so two items
that have the same name but different query strings will be stored as separate items on the CDN.
You can utilize URL rewriting for resources, such as scripts and other content, to avoid moving your files to the
CDN origin folder.
When using Azure storage blobs to hold content for the CDN, the URL of the resources in blobs is case sensitive for
the container and blob name.
When using custom origins or Azure Web Apps, you specify the path to the CDN instance in the links to resources.
For example, the following specifies an image file in the Images folder of the site that will be delivered through the

<img src="http://[your-cdn-endpoint].azureedge.net/Images/image.jpg" />

Static content may need to be provisioned and deployed independently from the application if you do not include
it in the application deployment package or process. Consider how this will affect the versioning approach you use
to manage both the application components and the static resource content.
Consider how bundling (combining several files into one file) and minification (removing unnecessary characters
such as white space, new line characters, comments, and other characters) for script and CSS files will be handled.
These are commonly used techniques that can reduce load times for clients, and are compatible with delivering
content through the CDN. For more information, see Bundling and Minification.
If you need to deploy the content to an additional location, this will be an extra step in the deployment process. If
the application updates the content for the CDN, perhaps at regular intervals or in response to an event, it must
store the updated content in any additional locations as well as the endpoint for the CDN.
You cannot set up a CDN endpoint for an application in the local Azure emulator in Visual Studio. This restriction
will affect unit testing, functional testing, and final pre-deployment testing. You must allow for this by
implementing an alternative mechanism. For example, you could pre-deploy the content to the CDN using a
custom application or utility, and perform testing during the period in which it is cached. Alternatively, use compile
directives or global constants to control from where the application loads the resources. For example, when
running in debug mode it could load resources such as client-side script bundles and other content from a local
folder, and use the CDN when running in release mode.
Consider which compression approach you want your CDN to support:
You can enable compression on your origin server, in which case the CDN will support compression by default
and deliver compressed content to clients in a format such as zip or gzip. When using an application folder as
the CDN endpoint, the server may compress some content automatically in the same way as when delivering it
directly to a web browser or other type of client. The format depends on the value of the Accept-Encoding
header in the request sent by the client. In Azure the default mechanism is to automatically compress content
when CPU utilization is below 50%. If you are using a cloud service to host the application, changing the
settings may require using a startup task to turn on compression of dynamic output in IIS. See Enabling gzip
compression with Microsoft Azure CDN through a Web Role for more information.
You can enable compression directly on CDN edge servers, in which case the CDN will compress the files and
serve it to end users. For more information, see Azure CDN Compression.
Routing and versioning
You may need to use different CDN instances at various times. For example, when you deploy a new version of the
application you may want to use a new CDN and retain the old CDN (holding content in an older format) for
previous versions. If you use Azure blob storage as the content origin, you can simply create a separate storage
account or a separate container and point the CDN endpoint to it. If you use the cdn root folder within the
application as the CDN endpoint you can use URL rewriting techniques to direct requests to a different folder.
Do not use the query string to denote different versions of the application in links to resources on the CDN
because, when retrieving content from Azure blob storage, the query string is part of the resource name (the blob
name). This approach can also affect how the client caches resources.
Deploying new versions of static content when you update an application can be a challenge if the previous
resources are cached on the CDN. For more information, see the section Cache control).
Consider restricting the CDN content access by country. Azure CDN allows you to filter requests based on the
country of origin and restrict the content delivered. For more information, see Restrict access to your content by
Cache control
Consider how to manage caching within the system. For example, when using a folder as the CDN origin you can
specify the cacheability of pages that generate the content, and the content expiry time for all the resources in a
specific folder. You can also specify cache properties for the CDN, and for the client using standard HTTP headers.
Although you should already be managing caching on the server and client, using the CDN will help to make you
more aware of how your content is cached, and where.
To prevent objects from being available on the CDN you can delete them from the origin (blob container or
application cdn root folder), remove or delete the CDN endpoint, or, in the case of blob storage, make the container
or blob private. However, items will be removed from the CDN only when their time-to-live expires. If no cache
expiry period is specified (such as when content is loaded from blob storage), it will be cached on the CDN for up
to 7 days. You can also manually purge a CDN endpoint.
In a web application, you can set the caching and expiry for all content by using the clientCache element in the
system.webServer/staticContent section of the web.config file. Remember that when you place a web.config file in a
folder it affects the files in that folder and all subfolders.
If you create the content for the CDN dynamically (in your application code for example), ensure that you specify
the Cache.SetExpires property on each page. The CDN will not cache the output from pages that use the default
cacheability setting of public. Set the cache expiry period to a suitable value to ensure that the content is not
discarded and reloaded from the application at very short intervals.
The CDN can deliver content over HTTPS (SSL) using the certificate provided by the CDN, but it will also be
available over HTTP as well. You cannot block HTTP access to items in the CDN. You may need to use HTTPS to
request static content that is displayed in pages loaded through HTTPS (such as a shopping cart) to avoid browser
warnings about mixed content.
The Azure CDN does not provide any facilities for access control to secure access to content. You cannot use
Shared Access Signatures (SAS) with the CDN.
If you deliver client-side scripts using the CDN, you may encounter issues if these scripts use an XMLHttpRequest
call to make HTTP requests for other resources such as data, images, or fonts in a different domain. Many web
browsers prevent cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) unless the web server is configured to set the appropriate
response headers. You can configure the CDN to support CORS:
If the origin from which you are delivering content is Azure blob storage, you can add a CorsRule to the service
properties. The rule can specify the allowed origins for CORS requests, the allowed methods such as GET, and
the maximum age in seconds for the rule (the period within which the client must request the linked resources
after loading the original content). For more information, see Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Support
for the Azure Storage Services.
If the origin from which you are delivering content is a folder within the application, such as the cdn root folder,
you can configure outbound rules in the application configuration file to set an Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header on all responses. For more information about using rewrite rules, see URL Rewrite Module.
Custom domains
The Azure CDN allows you to specify a custom domain name and use it to access resources through the CDN. You
can also set up a custom subdomain name using a CNAME record in your DNS. Using this approach can provide an
additional layer of abstraction and control.
If you use a CNAME, you cannot use SSL because the CDN uses its own single SSL certificate, and this certificate
will not match your custom domain/subdomain names.
CDN fallback
You should consider how your application will cope with a failure or temporary unavailability of the CDN. Client
applications may be able to use copies of the resources that were cached locally (on the client) during previous
requests, or you can include code that detects failure and instead requests resources from the origin (the
application folder or Azure blob container that holds the resources) if the CDN is unavailable.
Search engine optimisation
If SEO is an important consideration in your application, perform the following tasks:
Include a Rel canonical header in each page or resource.
Use a CNAME subdomain record and access the resources using this name.
Consider the impact of the fact that the IP address of the CDN may be a country or region that differs from that
of the application itself.
When using Azure blob storage as the origin, maintain the same file structure for resources on the CDN as in
the application folders.
Monitoring and logging
Include the CDN as part of your application monitoring strategy to detect and measure failures or extended latency
occurrences. Monitoring is available from the CDN profile manager located on the Azure portal site
Enable logging for the CDN and monitor this log as part of your daily operations.
Consider analyzing the CDN traffic for usage patterns. The Azure portal provides tools that enable you to monitor:
Data Transferred,
Hits (status codes),
Cache Status,
Cache HIT Ratio, and
Ratio of IPV4/IPV6 requests.
For more information, see Analyze CDN usage patterns.
Cost implications
You are charged for outbound data transfers from the CDN. Additionally, if you're using blob storage to host your
assets, you are charged for storage transactions when the CDN loads data from your application. You should set
realistic cache expiry periods for content to ensure freshness, but not so short as to cause repeated reloading of
content from the application or blob storage to the CDN.
Items that are rarely downloaded will incur the two transaction charges without providing any significant reduction
in server load.
Bundling and minification
Use bundling and minification to reduce the size of resources such as JavaScript code and HTML pages stored in
the CDN. This strategy can help to reduce the time taken to download these items to the client.
Bundling and minification can be handled by ASP.NET. In an MVC project, you define your bundles in
BundleConfig.cs. A reference to the minified script bundle is created by calling the Script.Render method, typically
in code in the view class. This reference contains a query string that includes a hash, which is based on the content
of the bundle. If the bundle contents change, the generated hash will also change.
By default, Azure CDN instances have the Query String Status setting disabled. In order for updated script bundles
to be handled properly by the CDN, you must enable the Query String Status setting for the CDN instance. Note
that it may take an hour or more before the setting takes effect.

Example code
This section contains some examples of code and techniques for working with the CDN.
URL rewriting
The following excerpt from a Web.config file in the root of a Cloud Services hosted application demonstrates how
to perform URL rewriting when using the CDN. Requests from the CDN for content that is cached are redirected to
specific folders within the application root based on the type of the resource (such as scripts and images).

<rule name="VersionedResource" stopProcessing="false">
<match url="(.*)_v(.*)\.(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="{R:1}.{R:3}" appendQueryString="true" />
<rule name="CdnImages" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="cdn/Images/(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/Images/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />
<rule name="CdnContent" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="cdn/Content/(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/Content/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />
<rule name="CdnScript" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="cdn/Scripts/(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/Scripts/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />
<rule name="CdnScriptBundles" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="cdn/bundles/(.*)" ignoreCase="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/bundles/{R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />

These rewrite rules perform the following redirections:

The first rule allows you to embed a version in the file name of a resource, which is then ignored. For example,
Filename_v123.jpg *is rewritten as *Filename.jpg.
The next four rules show how to redirect requests if you do not want to store the resources in a folder named
cdn* in the root of the web role. The rules map the cdn/Images, cdn/Content, cdn/Scripts, and cdn/bundles URLs
to their respective root folders in the web role.
Note that using URL rewriting requires you to make some changes to the bundling of resources.

More information
Azure CDN
Azure Content Delievery Network (CDN) Documentation
Using Azure CDN
Integrate a cloud service with Azure CDN
Best Practices for the Microsoft Azure Content Delivery Network
Data partitioning guidance
1/17/2017 62 min to read Edit on GitHub

In many large-scale solutions, data is divided into separate partitions that can be managed and accessed separately.
The partitioning strategy must be chosen carefully to maximize the benefits while minimizing adverse effects.
Partitioning can help improve scalability, reduce contention, and optimize performance. Another benefit of
partitioning is that it can provide a mechanism for dividing data by the pattern of use. For example, you can archive
older, less active (cold) data in cheaper data storage.

Why partition data?

Most cloud applications and services store and retrieve data as part of their operations. The design of the data
stores that an application uses can have a significant bearing on the performance, throughput, and scalability of a
system. One technique that is commonly applied in large-scale systems is to divide the data into separate

The term partitioning that's used in this guidance refers to the process of physically dividing data into separate
data stores. This is not the same as SQL Server table partitioning, which is a different concept.

Partitioning data can offer a number of benefits. For example, it can be applied in order to:
Improve scalability. When you scale up a single database system, it will eventually reach a physical hardware
limit. If you divide data across multiple partitions, each of which is hosted on a separate server, you can scale out
the system almost indefinitely.
Improve performance. Data access operations on each partition take place over a smaller volume of data.
Provided that the data is partitioned in a suitable way, partitioning can make your system more efficient.
Operations that affect more than one partition can run in parallel. Each partition can be located near the
application that uses it to minimize network latency.
Improve availability. Separating data across multiple servers avoids a single point of failure. If a server fails, or
is undergoing planned maintenance, only the data in that partition is unavailable. Operations on other partitions
can continue. Increasing the number of partitions reduces the relative impact of a single server failure by
reducing the percentage of data that will be unavailable. Replicating each partition can further reduce the
chance of a single partition failure affecting operations. It also makes it possible to separate critical data that
must be continually and highly available from low-value data that has lower availability requirements (log files,
for example).
Improve security. Depending on the nature of the data and how it is partitioned, it might be possible to
separate sensitive and non-sensitive data into different partitions, and therefore into different servers or data
stores. Security can then be specifically optimized for the sensitive data.
Provide operational flexibility. Partitioning offers many opportunities for fine tuning operations, maximizing
administrative efficiency, and minimizing cost. For example, you can define different strategies for management,
monitoring, backup and restore, and other administrative tasks based on the importance of the data in each
Match the data store to the pattern of use. Partitioning allows each partition to be deployed on a different
type of data store, based on cost and the built-in features that data store offers. For example, large binary data
can be stored in a blob data store, while more structured data can be held in a document database. For more
information, see Building a polyglot solution in the patterns & practices guide and Data access for highly-
scalable solutions: Using SQL, NoSQL, and polyglot persistence on the Microsoft website.
Some systems do not implement partitioning because it is considered a cost rather than an advantage. Common
reasons for this rationale include:
Many data storage systems do not support joins across partitions, and it can be difficult to maintain referential
integrity in a partitioned system. It is frequently necessary to implement joins and integrity checks in application
code (in the partitioning layer), which can result in additional I/O and application complexity.
Maintaining partitions is not always a trivial task. In a system where the data is volatile, you might need to
rebalance partitions periodically to reduce contention and hot spots.
Some common tools do not work naturally with partitioned data.

Designing partitions
Data can be partitioned in different ways: horizontally, vertically, or functionally. The strategy you choose depends
on the reason for partitioning the data, and the requirements of the applications and services that will use the data.

The partitioning schemes described in this guidance are explained in a way that is independent of the underlying data storage
technology. They can be applied to many types of data stores, including relational and NoSQL databases.

Partitioning strategies
The three typical strategies for partitioning data are:
Horizontal partitioning (often called sharding). In this strategy, each partition is a data store in its own right,
but all partitions have the same schema. Each partition is known as a shard and holds a specific subset of the
data, such as all the orders for a specific set of customers in an e-commerce application.
Vertical partitioning. In this strategy, each partition holds a subset of the fields for items in the data store. The
fields are divided according to their pattern of use. For example, frequently accessed fields might be placed in
one vertical partition and less frequently accessed fields in another.
Functional partitioning. In this strategy, data is aggregated according to how it is used by each bounded
context in the system. For example, an e-commerce system that implements separate business functions for
invoicing and managing product inventory might store invoice data in one partition and product inventory data
in another.
Its important to note that the three strategies described here can be combined. They are not mutually exclusive,
and we recommend that you consider them all when you design a partitioning scheme. For example, you might
divide data into shards and then use vertical partitioning to further subdivide the data in each shard. Similarly, the
data in a functional partition can be split into shards (which can also be vertically partitioned).
However, the differing requirements of each strategy can raise a number of conflicting issues. You must evaluate
and balance all of these when designing a partitioning scheme that meets the overall data processing performance
targets for your system. The following sections explore each of the strategies in more detail.
Horizontal partitioning (sharding)
Figure 1 shows an overview of horizontal partitioning or sharding. In this example, product inventory data is
divided into shards based on the product key. Each shard holds the data for a contiguous range of shard keys (A-G
and H-Z), organized alphabetically.
Figure 1. Horizontally partitioning (sharding) data based on a partition key
Sharding helps you spread the load over more computers, which reduces contention and improves performance.
You can scale the system out by adding further shards that run on additional servers.
The most important factor when implementing this partitioning strategy is the choice of sharding key. It can be
difficult to change the key after the system is in operation. The key must ensure that data is partitioned so that the
workload is as even as possible across the shards.
Note that different shards do not have to contain similar volumes of data. Rather, the more important
consideration is to balance the number of requests. Some shards might be very large, but each item is the subject
of a low number of access operations. Other shards might be smaller, but each item is accessed much more
frequently. It is also important to ensure that a single shard does not exceed the scale limits (in terms of capacity
and processing resources) of the data store that's being used to host that shard.
If you use a sharding scheme, avoid creating hotspots (or hot partitions) that can affect performance and
availability. For example, if you use a hash of a customer identifier instead of the first letter of a customers name,
you prevent the unbalanced distribution that results from common and less common initial letters. This is a typical
technique that helps distribute data more evenly across partitions.
Choose a sharding key that minimizes any future requirements to split large shards into smaller pieces, coalesce
small shards into larger partitions, or change the schema that describes the data stored in a set of partitions. These
operations can be very time consuming, and might require taking one or more shards offline while they are
If shards are replicated, it might be possible to keep some of the replicas online while others are split, merged, or
reconfigured. However, the system might need to limit the operations that can be performed on the data in these
shards while the reconfiguration is taking place. For example, the data in the replicas can be marked as read-only to
limit the scope of inconsistences that might occur while shards are being restructured.

For more detailed information and guidance about many of these considerations, and good practice techniques
for designing data stores that implement horizontal partitioning, see Sharding pattern.

Vertical partitioning
The most common use for vertical partitioning is to reduce the I/O and performance costs associated with fetching
the items that are accessed most frequently. Figure 2 shows an example of vertical partitioning. In this example,
different properties for each data item are held in different partitions. One partition holds data that is accessed
more frequently, including the name, description, and price information for products. Another holds the volume in
stock and the last ordered date.
Figure 2. Vertically partitioning data by its pattern of use
In this example, the application regularly queries the product name, description, and price when displaying the
product details to customers. The stock level and date when the product was last ordered from the manufacturer
are held in a separate partition because these two items are commonly used together.
This partitioning scheme has the added advantage that the relatively slow-moving data (product name, description,
and price) is separated from the more dynamic data (stock level and last ordered date). An application might find it
beneficial to cache the slow-moving data in memory if it is frequently accessed.
Another typical scenario for this partitioning strategy is to maximize the security of sensitive data. For example, you
can do this by storing credit card numbers and the corresponding card security verification numbers in separate
Vertical partitioning can also reduce the amount of concurrent access that's needed to the data.

Vertical partitioning operates at the entity level within a data store, partially normalizing an entity to break it
down from a wide item to a set of narrow items. It is ideally suited for column-oriented data stores such as
HBase and Cassandra. If the data in a collection of columns is unlikely to change, you can also consider using
column stores in SQL Server.

Functional partitioning
For systems where it is possible to identify a bounded context for each distinct business area or service in the
application, functional partitioning provides a technique for improving isolation and data access performance.
Another common use of functional partitioning is to separate read-write data from read-only data that's used for
reporting purposes. Figure 3 shows an overview of functional partitioning where inventory data is separated from
customer data.
Figure 3. Functionally partitioning data by bounded context or subdomain
This partitioning strategy can help reduce data access contention across different parts of a system.

Designing partitions for scalability

It's vital to consider size and workload for each partition and balance them so that data is distributed to achieve
maximum scalability. However, you must also partition the data so that it does not exceed the scaling limits of a
single partition store.
Follow these steps when designing partitions for scalability:
1. Analyze the application to understand the data access patterns, such as the size of the result set returned by
each query, the frequency of access, the inherent latency, and the server-side compute processing requirements.
In many cases, a few major entities will demand most of the processing resources.
2. Use this analysis to determine the current and future scalability targets, such as data size and workload. Then
distribute the data across the partitions to meet the scalability target. In the horizontal partitioning strategy,
choosing the appropriate shard key is important to make sure distribution is even. For more information, see
the Sharding pattern.
3. Make sure that the resources available to each partition are sufficient to handle the scalability requirements in
terms of data size and throughput. For example, the node that's hosting a partition might impose a hard limit on
the amount of storage space, processing power, or network bandwidth that it provides. If the data storage and
processing requirements are likely to exceed these limits, it might be necessary to refine your partitioning
strategy or split data out further. For example, one scalability approach might be to separate logging data from
the core application features. You do this by using separate data stores to prevent the total data storage
requirements from exceeding the scaling limit of the node. If the total number of data stores exceeds the node
limit, it might be necessary to use separate storage nodes.
4. Monitor the system under use to verify that the data is distributed as expected and that the partitions can handle
the load that is imposed on them. It's possible that the usage does not match the usage that's anticipated by the
analysis. In that case, it might be possible to rebalance the partitions. Failing that, it might be necessary to
redesign some parts of the system to gain the required balance.
Note that some cloud environments allocate resources in terms of infrastructure boundaries. Ensure that the limits
of your selected boundary provide enough room for any anticipated growth in the volume of data, in terms of data
storage, processing power, and bandwidth.
For example, if you use Azure table storage, a busy shard might require more resources than are available to a
single partition to handle requests. (There is a limit to the volume of requests that can be handled by a single
partition in a particular period of time. See the page Azure storage scalability and performance targets on the
Microsoft website for more details.)
If this is the case, the shard might need to be repartitioned to spread the load. If the total size or throughput of
these tables exceeds the capacity of a storage account, it might be necessary to create additional storage accounts
and spread the tables across these accounts. If the number of storage accounts exceeds the number of accounts
that are available to a subscription, then it might be necessary to use multiple subscriptions.

Designing partitions for query performance

Query performance can often be boosted by using smaller data sets and by running parallel queries. Each partition
should contain a small proportion of the entire data set. This reduction in volume can improve the performance of
queries. However, partitioning is not an alternative for designing and configuring a database appropriately. For
example, make sure that you have the necessary indexes in place if you are using a relational database.
Follow these steps when designing partitions for query performance:
1. Examine the application requirements and performance:
Use the business requirements to determine the critical queries that must always perform quickly.
Monitor the system to identify any queries that perform slowly.
Establish which queries are performed most frequently. A single instance of each query might have
minimal cost, but the cumulative consumption of resources could be significant. It might be beneficial to
separate the data that's retrieved by these queries into a distinct partition, or even a cache.
2. Partition the data that is causing slow performance:
Limit the size of each partition so that the query response time is within target.
Design the shard key so that the application can easily find the partition if you are implementing
horizontal partitioning. This prevents the query from having to scan through every partition.
Consider the location of a partition. If possible, try to keep data in partitions that are geographically close
to the applications and users that access it.
3. If an entity has throughput and query performance requirements, use functional partitioning based on that
entity. If this still doesn't satisfy the requirements, apply horizontal partitioning as well. In most cases a single
partitioning strategy will suffice, but in some cases it is more efficient to combine both strategies.
4. Consider using asynchronous queries that run in parallel across partitions to improve performance.

Designing partitions for availability

Partitioning data can improve the availability of applications by ensuring that the entire dataset does not constitute
a single point of failure and that individual subsets of the dataset can be managed independently. Replicating
partitions that contain critical data can also improve availability.
When designing and implementing partitions, consider the following factors that affect availability:
How critical the data is to business operations. Some data might include critical business information such
as invoice details or bank transactions. Other data might include less critical operational data, such as log files,
performance traces, and so on. After identifying each type of data, consider:
Storing critical data in highly-available partitions with an appropriate backup plan.
Establishing separate management and monitoring mechanisms or procedures for the different
criticalities of each dataset. Place data that has the same level of criticality in the same partition so that it
can be backed up together at an appropriate frequency. For example, partitions that hold data for bank
transactions might need to be backed up more frequently than partitions that hold logging or trace
How individual partitions can be managed. Designing partitions to support independent management and
maintenance provides several advantages. For example:
If a partition fails, it can be recovered independently without affecting instances of applications that
access data in other partitions.
Partitioning data by geographical area allows scheduled maintenance tasks to occur at off-peak hours for
each location. Ensure that partitions are not too big to prevent any planned maintenance from being
completed during this period.
Whether to replicate critical data across partitions. This strategy can improve availability and performance,
although it can also introduce consistency issues. It takes time for changes made to data in a partition to be
synchronized with every replica. During this period, different partitions will contain different data values.

Understanding how partitioning affects design and development

Using partitioning adds complexity to the design and development of your system. Consider partitioning as a
fundamental part of system design even if the system initially only contains a single partition. If you address
partitioning as an afterthought, when the system starts to suffer performance and scalability issues, the complexity
increases because you already have a live system to maintain.
If you update the system to incorporate partitioning in this environment, it necessitates modifying the data access
logic. It can also involve migrating large quantities of existing data to distribute it across partitions, often while
users expect to be able to continue using the system.
In some cases, partitioning is not considered important because the initial dataset is small and can be easily
handled by a single server. This might be true in a system that is not expected to scale beyond its initial size, but
many commercial systems need to expand as the number of users increases. This expansion is typically
accompanied by a growth in the volume of data.
It's also important to understand that partitioning is not always a function of large data stores. For example, a small
data store might be heavily accessed by hundreds of concurrent clients. Partitioning the data in this situation can
help to reduce contention and improve throughput.
Consider the following points when you design a data partitioning scheme:
Where possible, keep data for the most common database operations together in each partition to
minimize cross-partition data access operations. Querying across partitions can be more time-consuming
than querying only within a single partition, but optimizing partitions for one set of queries might adversely
affect other sets of queries. When you can't avoid querying across partitions, minimize query time by running
parallel queries and aggregating the results within the application. This approach might not be possible in some
cases, such as when it's necessary to obtain a result from one query and use it in the next query.
If queries make use of relatively static reference data, such as postal code tables or product lists,
consider replicating this data in all of the partitions to reduce the requirement for separate lookup
operations in different partitions. This approach can also reduce the likelihood of the reference data
becoming a "hot" dataset that is subject to heavy traffic from across the entire system. However, there is an
additional cost associated with synchronizing any changes that might occur to this reference data.
Where possible, minimize requirements for referential integrity across vertical and functional
partitions. In these schemes, the application itself is responsible for maintaining referential integrity across
partitions when data is updated and consumed. Queries that must join data across multiple partitions run more
slowly than queries that join data only within the same partition because the application typically needs to
perform consecutive queries based on a key and then on a foreign key. Instead, consider replicating or de-
normalizing the relevant data. To minimize the query time where cross-partition joins are necessary, run parallel
queries over the partitions and join the data within the application.
Consider the effect that the partitioning scheme might have on the data consistency across partitions.
Evaluate whether strong consistency is actually a requirement. Instead, a common approach in the cloud is to
implement eventual consistency. The data in each partition is updated separately, and the application logic
ensures that the updates are all completed successfully. It also handles the inconsistencies that can arise from
querying data while an eventually consistent operation is running. For more information about implementing
eventual consistency, see the Data consistency primer.
Consider how queries locate the correct partition. If a query must scan all partitions to locate the required
data, there is a significant impact on performance, even when multiple parallel queries are running. Queries that
are used with vertical and functional partitioning strategies can naturally specify the partitions. However,
horizontal partitioning (sharding) can make locating an item difficult because every shard has the same schema.
A typical solution for sharding is to maintain a map that can be used to look up the shard location for specific
items of data. This map can be implemented in the sharding logic of the application, or maintained by the data
store if it supports transparent sharding.
When using a horizontal partitioning strategy, consider periodically rebalancing the shards. This helps
distribute the data evenly by size and by workload to minimize hotspots, maximize query performance, and
work around physical storage limitations. However, this is a complex task that often requires the use of a
custom tool or process.
If you replicate each partition, it provides additional protection against failure. If a single replica fails,
queries can be directed towards a working copy.
If you reach the physical limits of a partitioning strategy, you might need to extend the scalability to
a different level. For example, if partitioning is at the database level, you might need to locate or replicate
partitions in multiple databases. If partitioning is already at the database level, and physical limitations are an
issue, it might mean that you need to locate or replicate partitions in multiple hosting accounts.
Avoid transactions that access data in multiple partitions. Some data stores implement transactional
consistency and integrity for operations that modify data, but only when the data is located in a single partition.
If you need transactional support across multiple partitions, you will probably need to implement this as part of
your application logic because most partitioning systems do not provide native support.
All data stores require some operational management and monitoring activity. The tasks can range from loading
data, backing up and restoring data, reorganizing data, and ensuring that the system is performing correctly and
Consider the following factors that affect operational management:
How to implement appropriate management and operational tasks when the data is partitioned.
These tasks might include backup and restore, archiving data, monitoring the system, and other administrative
tasks. For example, maintaining logical consistency during backup and restore operations can be a challenge.
How to load the data into multiple partitions and add new data that's arriving from other sources.
Some tools and utilities might not support sharded data operations such as loading data into the correct
partition. This means that you might have to create or obtain new tools and utilities.
How to archive and delete the data on a regular basis. To prevent the excessive growth of partitions, you
need to archive and delete data on a regular basis (perhaps monthly). It might be necessary to transform the
data to match a different archive schema.
How to locate data integrity issues. Consider running a periodic process to locate any data integrity issues
such as data in one partition that references missing information in another. The process can either attempt to
fix these issues automatically or raise an alert to an operator to correct the problems manually. For example, in
an e-commerce application, order information might be held in one partition but the line items that constitute
each order might be held in another. The process of placing an order needs to add data to other partitions. If this
process fails, there might be line items stored for which there is no corresponding order.
Different data storage technologies typically provide their own features to support partitioning. The following
sections summarize the options that are implemented by data stores commonly used by Azure applications. They
also describe considerations for designing applications that can best take advantage of these features.

Partitioning strategies for Azure SQL Database

Azure SQL Database is a relational database-as-a-service that runs in the cloud. It is based on Microsoft SQL Server.
A relational database divides information into tables, and each table holds information about entities as a series of
rows. Each row contains columns that hold the data for the individual fields of an entity. The page What is Azure
SQL Database? on the Microsoft website provides detailed documentation about creating and using SQL databases.

Horizontal partitioning with Elastic Database

A single SQL database has a limit to the volume of data that it can contain. Throughput is constrained by
architectural factors and the number of concurrent connections that it supports. The Elastic Database feature of SQL
Database supports horizontal scaling for a SQL database. Using Elastic Database, you can partition your data into
shards that are spread across multiple SQL databases. You can also add or remove shards as the volume of data
that you need to handle grows and shrinks. Using Elastic Database can also help reduce contention by distributing
the load across databases.

Elastic Database is a replacement for the Federations feature of Azure SQL Database. Existing SQL Database Federation
installations can be migrated to Elastic Database by using the Federations migration utility. Alternatively, you can implement
your own sharding mechanism if your scenario does not lend itself naturally to the features that are provided by Elastic

Each shard is implemented as a SQL database. A shard can hold more than one dataset (referred to as a shardlet).
Each database maintains metadata that describes the shardlets that it contains. A shardlet can be a single data item,
or it can be a group of items that share the same shardlet key. For example, if you are sharding data in a
multitenant application, the shardlet key can be the tenant ID, and all data for a given tenant can be held as part of
the same shardlet. Data for other tenants would be held in different shardlets.
It is the programmer's responsibility to associate a dataset with a shardlet key. A separate SQL database acts as a
global shard map manager. This database contains a list of all the shards and shardlets in the system. A client
application that accesses data connects first to the global shard map manager database to obtain a copy of the
shard map (listing shards and shardlets), which it then caches locally.
The application then uses this information to route data requests to the appropriate shard. This functionality is
hidden behind a series of APIs that are contained in the Azure SQL Database Elastic Database Client Library, which
is available as a NuGet package. The page Elastic Database features overview on the Microsoft website provides a
more comprehensive introduction to Elastic Database.

You can replicate the global shard map manager database to reduce latency and improve availability. If you implement the
database by using one of the Premium pricing tiers, you can configure active geo-replication to continuously copy data to
databases in different regions. Create a copy of the database in each region in which users are based. Then configure your
application to connect to this copy to obtain the shard map.
An alternative approach is to use Azure SQL Data Sync or an Azure Data Factory pipeline to replicate the shard map manager
database across regions. This form of replication runs periodically and is more suitable if the shard map changes infrequently.
Additionally, the shard map manager database does not have to be created by using a Premium pricing tier.

Elastic Database provides two schemes for mapping data to shardlets and storing them in shards:
A list shard map describes an association between a single key and a shardlet. For example, in a multitenant
system, the data for each tenant can be associated with a unique key and stored in its own shardlet. To
guarantee privacy and isolation (that is, to prevent one tenant from exhausting the data storage resources
available to others), each shardlet can be held within its own shard.
Figure 4. Using a list shard map to store tenant data in separate shards
A range shard map describes an association between a set of contiguous key values and a shardlet. In the
multitenant example described previously, as an alternative to implementing dedicated shardlets, you can group
the data for a set of tenants (each with their own key) within the same shardlet. This scheme is less expensive
than the first (because tenants share data storage resources), but it also creates a risk of reduced data privacy
and isolation.

Figure 5. Using a range shard map to store data for a range of tenants in a shard
Note that a single shard can contain the data for several shardlets. For example, you can use list shardlets to store
data for different non-contiguous tenants in the same shard. You can also mix range shardlets and list shardlets in
the same shard, although they will be addressed through different maps in the global shard map manager
database. (The global shard map manager database can contain multiple shard maps.) Figure 6 depicts this

Figure 6. Implementing multiple shard maps

The partitioning scheme that you implement can have a significant bearing on the performance of your system. It
can also affect the rate at which shards have to be added or removed, or the rate at which data must be
repartitioned across shards. Consider the following points when you use Elastic Database to partition data:
Group data that is used together in the same shard, and avoid operations that need to access data that's held
in multiple shards. Keep in mind that with Elastic Database, a shard is a SQL database in its own right, and
Azure SQL Database does not support cross-database joins (which have to be performed on the client side).
Remember also that in Azure SQL Database, referential integrity constraints, triggers, and stored procedures
in one database cannot reference objects in another. Therefore, don't design a system that has dependencies
between shards. A SQL database can, however, contain tables that hold copies of reference data frequently
used by queries and other operations. These tables do not have to belong to any specific shardlet.
Replicating this data across shards can help remove the need to join data that spans databases. Ideally, such
data should be static or slow-moving to minimize the replication effort and reduce the chances of it
becoming stale.
Although SQL Database does not support cross-database joins, you can perform cross-shard queries with the Elastic
Database API. These queries can transparently iterate through the data held in all the shardlets that are referenced by
a shard map. The Elastic Database API breaks cross-shard queries down into a series of individual queries (one for
each database) and then merges the results. For more information, see the page Multi-shard querying on the
Microsoft website.

The data stored in shardlets that belong to the same shard map should have the same schema. For example,
don't create a list shard map that points to some shardlets containing tenant data and other shardlets
containing product information. This rule is not enforced by Elastic Database, but data management and
querying becomes very complex if each shardlet has a different schema. In the example just cited, a good is
solution is to create two list shard maps: one that references tenant data and another that points to product
information. Remember that the data belonging to different shardlets can be stored in the same shard.

The cross-shard query functionality of the Elastic Database API depends on each shardlet in the shard map containing
the same schema.

Transactional operations are only supported for data that's held within the same shard, and not across shards.
Transactions can span shardlets as long as they are part of the same shard. Therefore, if your business logic
needs to perform transactions, either store the affected data in the same shard or implement eventual
consistency. For more information, see the Data consistency primer.
Place shards close to the users that access the data in those shards (in other words, geo-locate the shards). This
strategy helps reduce latency.
Avoid having a mixture of highly active (hotspots) and relatively inactive shards. Try to spread the load evenly
across shards. This might require hashing the shardlet keys.
If you are geo-locating shards, make sure that the hashed keys map to shardlets held in shards stored close to
the users that access that data.
Currently, only a limited set of SQL data types are supported as shardlet keys; int, bigint, varbinary, and
uniqueidentifier. The SQL int and bigint types correspond to the int and long data types in C#, and have the
same ranges. The SQL varbinary type can be handled by using a Byte array in C#, and the SQL uniqueidentier
type corresponds to the Guid class in the .NET Framework.
As the name implies, Elastic Database makes it possible for a system to add and remove shards as the volume of
data shrinks and grows. The APIs in the Azure SQL Database Elastic Database client library enable an application to
create and delete shards dynamically (and transparently update the shard map manager). However, removing a
shard is a destructive operation that also requires deleting all the data in that shard.
If an application needs to split a shard into two separate shards or combine shards, Elastic Database provides a
separate split-merge service. This service runs in a cloud-hosted service (which must be created by the developer)
and migrates data safely between shards. For more information, see the topic Scaling using the Elastic Database
split-merge tool on the Microsoft website.

Partitioning strategies for Azure Storage

Azure storage provides three abstractions for managing data:
Table storage, which implements scalable structure storage. A table contains a collection of entities, each of
which can include a set of properties and values.
Blob storage, which supplies storage for large objects and files.
Storage queues, which support reliable asynchronous messaging between applications.
Table storage and blob storage are essentially key-value stores that are optimized to hold structured and
unstructured data respectively. Storage queues provide a mechanism for building loosely coupled, scalable
applications. Table storage, blob storage, and storage queues are created within the context of an Azure storage
account. Storage accounts support three forms of redundancy:
Locally redundant storage, which maintains three copies of data within a single datacenter. This form of
redundancy protects against hardware failure but not against a disaster that encompasses the entire datacenter.
Zone-redundant storage, which maintains three copies of data spread across different datacenters within the
same region (or across two geographically close regions). This form of redundancy can protect against disasters
that occur within a single datacenter, but cannot protect against large-scale network disconnects that affect an
entire region. Note that zone-redundant storage is currently only currently available for block blobs.
Geo-redundant storage, which maintains six copies of data: three copies in one region (your local region), and
another three copies in a remote region. This form of redundancy provides the highest level of disaster
Microsoft has published scalability targets for Azure Storage. For more information, see the page Azure Storage
scalability and performance targets on the Microsoft website. Currently, the total storage account capacity cannot
exceed 500 TB. (This includes the size of data that's held in table storage and blob storage, as well as outstanding
messages that are held in storage queue).
The maximum request rate (assuming a 1-KB entity, blob, or message size) is 20 KBps. If your system is likely to
exceed these limits, consider partitioning the load across multiple storage accounts. A single Azure subscription can
create up to 100 storage accounts. However, note that these limits might change over time.

Partitioning Azure table storage

Azure table storage is a key-value store that's designed around partitioning. All entities are stored in a partition,
and partitions are managed internally by Azure table storage. Each entity that's stored in a table must provide a
two-part key that includes:
The partition key. This is a string value that determines in which partition Azure table storage will place the
entity. All entities with the same partition key will be stored in the same partition.
The row key. This is another string value that identifies the entity within the partition. All entities within a
partition are sorted lexically, in ascending order, by this key. The partition key/row key combination must be
unique for each entity and cannot exceed 1 KB in length.
The remainder of the data for an entity consists of application-defined fields. No particular schemas are enforced,
and each row can contain a different set of application-defined fields. The only limitation is that the maximum size
of an entity (including the partition and row keys) is currently 1 MB. The maximum size of a table is 200 TB,
although these figures might change in the future. (Check the page Azure Storage scalability and performance
targets on the Microsoft website for the most recent information about these limits.)
If you are attempting to store entities that exceed this capacity, then consider splitting them into multiple tables.
Use vertical partitioning to divide the fields into the groups that are most likely to be accessed together.
Figure 7 shows the logical structure of an example storage account (Contoso Data) for a fictitious e-commerce
application. The storage account contains three tables: Customer Info, Product Info, and Order Info. Each table has
multiple partitions.
In the Customer Info table, the data is partitioned according to the city in which the customer is located, and the
row key contains the customer ID. In the Product Info table, the products are partitioned by product category, and
the row key contains the product number. In the Order Info table, the orders are partitioned by the date on which
they were placed, and the row key specifies the time the order was received. Note that all data is ordered by the
row key in each partition.
Figure 7. The tables and partitions in an example storage account

Azure table storage also adds a timestamp field to each entity. The timestamp field is maintained by table storage and is
updated each time the entity is modified and written back to a partition. The table storage service uses this field to
implement optimistic concurrency. (Each time an application writes an entity back to table storage, the table storage service
compares the value of the timestamp in the entity that's being written with the value that's held in table storage. If the
values are different, it means that another application must have modified the entity since it was last retrieved, and the write
operation fails. Don't modify this field in your own code, and don't specify a value for this field when you create a new entity.

Azure table storage uses the partition key to determine how to store the data. If an entity is added to a table with a
previously unused partition key, Azure table storage creates a new partition for this entity. Other entities with the
same partition key will be stored in the same partition.
This mechanism effectively implements an automatic scale-out strategy. Each partition is stored on a single server
in an Azure datacenter to help ensure that queries that retrieve data from a single partition run quickly. However,
different partitions can be distributed across multiple servers. Additionally, a single server can host multiple
partitions if these partitions are limited in size.
Consider the following points when you design your entities for Azure table storage:
The selection of partition key and row key values should be driven by the way in which the data is accessed.
Choose a partition key/row key combination that supports the majority of your queries. The most efficient
queries retrieve data by specifying the partition key and the row key. Queries that specify a partition key and
a range of row keys can be completed by scanning a single partition. This is relatively fast because the data
is held in row key order. If queries don't specify which partition to scan, the partition key might require
Azure table storage to scan every partition for your data.
If an entity has one natural key, then use it as the partition key and specify an empty string as the row key. If an
entity has a composite key comprising two properties, select the slowest changing property as the partition key and
the other as the row key. If an entity has more than two key properties, use a concatenation of properties to provide
the partition and row keys.

If you regularly perform queries that look up data by using fields other than the partition and row keys, consider
implementing the index table pattern.
If you generate partition keys by using a monotonic increasing or decreasing sequence (such as "0001", "0002",
"0003", and so on) and each partition only contains a limited amount of data, then Azure table storage can
physically group these partitions together on the same server. This mechanism assumes that the application is
most likely to perform queries across a contiguous range of partitions (range queries) and is optimized for this
case. However, this approach can lead to hotspots focused on a single server because all insertions of new
entities are likely to be concentrated at one end or the other of the contiguous ranges. It can also reduce
scalability. To spread the load more evenly across servers, consider hashing the partition key to make the
sequence more random.
Azure table storage supports transactional operations for entities that belong to the same partition. This means
that an application can perform multiple insert, update, delete, replace, or merge operations as an atomic unit
(as long as the transaction doesn't include more than 100 entities and the payload of the request doesn't exceed
4 MB). Operations that span multiple partitions are not transactional, and might require you to implement
eventual consistency as described by the Data consistency primer. For more information about table storage
and transactions, go to the page Performing entity group transactions on the Microsoft website.
Give careful attention to the granularity of the partition key because of the following reasons:
Using the same partition key for every entity causes the table storage service to create a single large
partition that's held on one server. This prevents it from scaling out and instead focuses the load on a
single server. As a result, this approach is only suitable for systems that manage a small number of
entities. However, this approach does ensure that all entities can participate in entity group transactions.
Using a unique partition key for every entity causes the table storage service to create a separate
partition for each entity, possibly resulting in a large number of small partitions (depending on the size of
the entities). This approach is more scalable than using a single partition key, but entity group
transactions are not possible. Also, queries that fetch more than one entity might involve reading from
more than one server. However, if the application performs range queries, then using a monotonic
sequence to generate the partition keys might help to optimize these queries.
Sharing the partition key across a subset of entities makes it possible for you to group related entities in
the same partition. Operations that involve related entities can be performed by using entity group
transactions, and queries that fetch a set of related entities can be satisfied by accessing a single server.
For additional information about partitioning data in Azure table storage, see the article Azure storage table design
guide on the Microsoft website.

Partitioning Azure blob storage

Azure blob storage makes it possible to hold large binary objects--currently up to 200 GB in size for block blobs or
1 TB for page blobs. (For the most recent information, go to the page Azure Storage scalability and performance
targets on the Microsoft website.) Use block blobs in scenarios such as streaming where you need to upload or
download large volumes of data quickly. Use page blobs for applications that require random rather than serial
access to parts of the data.
Each blob (either block or page) is held in a container in an Azure storage account. You can use containers to group
related blobs that have the same security requirements, although this grouping is logical rather than physical.
Inside a container, each blob has a unique name.
Blob storage is automatically partitioned based on the blob name. Each blob is held in its own partition. Blobs in the
same container do not share a partition. This architecture helps Azure blob storage to balance the load across
servers transparently because different blobs in the same container can be distributed across different servers.
The actions of writing a single block (block blob) or page (page blob) are atomic, but operations that span blocks,
pages, or blobs are not. If you need to ensure consistency when performing write operations across blocks, pages,
and blobs, take out a write lock by using a blob lease.
Azure blob storage supports transfer rates of up to 60 MB per second or 500 requests per second for each blob. If
you anticipate surpassing these limits, and the blob data is relatively static, then consider replicating blobs by using
the Azure Content Delivery Network. For more information, see the page [Using Delivery Content Network for
Azure] on the Microsoft website. For additional guidance and considerations, see [Using Content Delivery Network
for Azure].

Partitioning Azure storage queues

Azure storage queues enable you to implement asynchronous messaging between processes. An Azure storage
account can contain any number of queues, and each queue can contain any number of messages. The only
limitation is the space that's available in the storage account. The maximum size of an individual message is 64 KB.
If you require messages bigger than this, then consider using Azure Service Bus queues instead.
Each storage queue has a unique name within the storage account that contains it. Azure partitions queues based
on the name. All messages for the same queue are stored in the same partition, which is controlled by a single
server. Different queues can be managed by different servers to help balance the load. The allocation of queues to
servers is transparent to applications and users.
In a large-scale application, don't use the same storage queue for all instances of the application because this
approach might cause the server that's hosting the queue to become a hotspot. Instead, use different queues for
different functional areas of the application. Azure storage queues do not support transactions, so directing
messages to different queues should have little impact on messaging consistency.
An Azure storage queue can handle up to 2,000 messages per second. If you need to process messages at a greater
rate than this, consider creating multiple queues. For example, in a global application, create separate storage
queues in separate storage accounts to handle application instances that are running in each region.

Partitioning strategies for Azure Service Bus

Azure Service Bus uses a message broker to handle messages that are sent to a Service Bus queue or topic. By
default, all messages that are sent to a queue or topic are handled by the same message broker process. This
architecture can place a limitation on the overall throughput of the message queue. However, you can also partition
a queue or topic when it is created. You do this by setting the EnablePartitioning property of the queue or topic
description to true.
A partitioned queue or topic is divided into multiple fragments, each of which is backed by a separate message
store and message broker. Service Bus takes responsibility for creating and managing these fragments. When an
application posts a message to a partitioned queue or topic, Service Bus assigns the message to a fragment for that
queue or topic. When an application receives a message from a queue or subscription, Service Bus checks each
fragment for the next available message and then passes it to the application for processing.
This structure helps distribute the load across message brokers and message stores, increasing scalability and
improving availability. If the message broker or message store for one fragment is temporarily unavailable, Service
Bus can retrieve messages from one of the remaining available fragments.
Service Bus assigns a message to a fragment as follows:
If the message belongs to a session, all messages with the same value for the * SessionId* property are sent to
the same fragment.
If the message does not belong to a session, but the sender has specified a value for the PartitionKey
property, then all messages with the same PartitionKey value are sent to the same fragment.

If the SessionId and PartitionKey properties are both specified, then they must be set to the same value or the
message will be rejected.

If the SessionId and PartitionKey properties for a message are not specified, but duplicate detection is enabled,
the MessageId property will be used. All messages with the same MessageId will be directed to the same
If messages do not include a SessionId, PartitionKey, or MessageId property, then Service Bus assigns messages
to fragments sequentially. If a fragment is unavailable, Service Bus will move on to the next. This means that a
temporary fault in the messaging infrastructure does not cause the message-send operation to fail.
Consider the following points when deciding if or how to partition a Service Bus message queue or topic:
Service Bus queues and topics are created within the scope of a Service Bus namespace. Service Bus currently
allows up to 100 partitioned queues or topics per namespace.
Each Service Bus namespace imposes quotas on the available resources, such as the number of subscriptions
per topic, the number of concurrent send and receive requests per second, and the maximum number of
concurrent connections that can be established. These quotas are documented on the Microsoft website on the
page Service Bus quotas. If you expect to exceed these values, then create additional namespaces with their own
queues and topics, and spread the work across these namespaces. For example, in a global application, create
separate namespaces in each region and configure application instances to use the queues and topics in the
nearest namespace.
Messages that are sent as part of a transaction must specify a partition key. This can be a SessionId, PartitionKey,
or MessageId property. All messages that are sent as part of the same transaction must specify the same
partition key because they must be handled by the same message broker process. You cannot send messages to
different queues or topics within the same transaction.
Partitioned queues and topics can't be configured to be automatically deleted when they become idle.
Partitioned queues and topics can't currently be used with the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) if
you are building cross-platform or hybrid solutions.

Partitioning strategies for Azure DocumentDB databases

Azure DocumentDB is a NoSQL database that can store documents. A document in a DocumentDB database is a
JSON-serialized representation of an object or other piece of data. No fixed schemas are enforced except that every
document must contain a unique ID.
Documents are organized into collections. You can group related documents together in a collection. For example,
in a system that maintains blog postings, you can store the contents of each blog post as a document in a
collection. You can also create collections for each subject type. Alternatively, in a multitenant application, such as a
system where different authors control and manage their own blog posts, you can partition blogs by author and
create separate collections for each author. The storage space that's allocated to collections is elastic and can shrink
or grow as needed.
Document collections provide a natural mechanism for partitioning data within a single database. Internally, a
DocumentDB database can span several servers and might attempt to spread the load by distributing collections
across servers. The simplest way to implement sharding is to create a collection for each shard.
All databases are created in the context of a DocumentDB account. A single DocumentDB account can contain
several databases, and it specifies which regions the databases are created. Each DocumentDB account also
enforces its own access control. You can use DocumentDB accounts to geo-locate shards (collections within
databases) close to the users who need to access them, and enforce restrictions so that only those users can
connect to them.
In this case, you might need to create additional DocumentDB accounts and databases, and distribute the shards
across these databases. However, even if you are unlikely to reach the storage capacity of a database, it's a good
practice to use multiple databases. That's because each database has its own set of users and permissions, and you
can use this mechanism to isolate access to collections on a per-database basis.
Figure 8 illustrates the high-level structure of the DocumentDB architecture.

Figure 8. The structure of the DocumentDB architecture

It is the task of the client application to direct requests to the appropriate shard, usually by implementing its own
mapping mechanism based on some attributes of the data that define the shard key. Figure 9 shows two
DocumentDB databases, each containing two collections that are acting as shards. The data is sharded by a tenant
ID and contains the data for a specific tenant. The databases are created in separate DocumentDB accounts. These
accounts are located in the same region as the tenants for which they contain data. The routing logic in the client
application uses the tenant ID as the shard key.
Figure 9. Implementing sharding using an Azure DocumentDB database
Consider the following points when deciding how to partition data with a DocumentDB database:
Each document must have an attribute that can be used to uniquely identify that document within
the collection in which it is held. This attribute is different from the shard key, which defines which collection
holds the document. A collection can contain a large number of documents. In theory, it's limited only by the
maximum length of the document ID. The document ID can be up to 255 characters.
All operations against a document are performed within the context of a transaction. Transactions in
DocumentDB databases are scoped to the collection in which the document is contained. If an
operation fails, the work that it has performed is rolled back. While a document is subject to an operation, any
changes that are made are subject to snapshot-level isolation. This mechanism guarantees that if, for example, a
request to create a new document fails, another user who's querying the database simultaneously will not see a
partial document that is then removed.
DocumentDB database queries are also scoped to the collection level. A single query can retrieve data
from only one collection. If you need to retrieve data from multiple collections, you must query each collection
individually and merge the results in your application code.
DocumentDB databases supports programmable items that can all be stored in a collection alongside
documents. These include stored procedures, user-defined functions, and triggers (written in JavaScript). These
items can access any document within the same collection. Furthermore, these items run either inside the scope
of the ambient transaction (in the case of a trigger that fires as the result of a create, delete, or replace operation
performed against a document), or by starting a new transaction (in the case of a stored procedure that is run as
the result of an explicit client request). If the code in a programmable item throws an exception, the transaction
is rolled back. You can use stored procedures and triggers to maintain integrity and consistency between
documents, but these documents must all be part of the same collection.

Partitioning strategies for Azure Search

The ability to search for data is often the primary method of navigation and exploration that's provided by many
web applications. It helps users find resources quickly (for example, products in an e-commerce application) based
on combinations of search criteria. The Azure Search service provides full-text search capabilities over web content,
and includes features such as type-ahead, suggested queries based on near matches, and faceted navigation. A full
description of these capabilities is available on the page What is Azure Search? on the Microsoft website.
Azure Search stores searchable content as JSON documents in a database. You define indexes that specify the
searchable fields in these documents and provide these definitions to Azure Search. When a user submits a search
request, Azure Search uses the appropriate indexes to find matching items.
To reduce contention, the storage that's used by Azure Search can be divided into 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 12 partitions, and
each partition can be replicated up to 6 times. The product of the number of partitions multiplied by the number of
replicas is called the search unit (SU). A single instance of Azure Search can contain a maximum of 36 SUs (a
database with 12 partitions only supports a maximum of 3 replicas).
You are billed for each SU that is allocated to your service. As the volume of searchable content increases or the
rate of search requests grows, you can add SUs to an existing instance of Azure Search to handle the extra load.
Azure Search itself distributes the documents evenly across the partitions. No manual partitioning strategies are
currently supported.
Each partition can contain a maximum of 15 million documents or occupy 300 GB of storage space (whichever is
smaller). You can create up to 50 indexes. The performance of the service varies and depends on the complexity of
the documents, the available indexes, and the effects of network latency. On average, a single replica (1 SU) should
be able to handle 15 queries per second (QPS), although we recommend performing benchmarking with your own
data to obtain a more precise measure of throughput. For more information, see the page Service limits in Azure
Search on the Microsoft website.

You can store a limited set of data types in searchable documents, including strings, Booleans, numeric data, datetime data,
and some geographical data. For more details, see the page Supported data types (Azure Search) on the Microsoft website.

You have limited control over how Azure Search partitions data for each instance of the service. However, in a
global environment you might be able to improve performance and reduce latency and contention further by
partitioning the service itself using either of the following strategies:
Create an instance of Azure Search in each geographic region, and ensure that client applications are directed
towards the nearest available instance. This strategy requires that any updates to searchable content are
replicated in a timely manner across all instances of the service.
Create two tiers of Azure Search:
A local service in each region that contains the data that's most frequently accessed by users in that
region. Users can direct requests here for fast but limited results.
A global service that encompasses all the data. Users can direct requests here for slower but more
complete results.
This approach is most suitable when there is a significant regional variation in the data that's being searched.

Partitioning strategies for Azure Redis Cache

Azure Redis Cache provides a shared caching service in the cloud that's based on the Redis key-value data store. As
its name implies, Azure Redis Cache is intended as a caching solution. Use it only for holding transient data and not
as a permanent data store. Applications that utilize Azure Redis Cache should be able to continue functioning if the
cache is unavailable. Azure Redis Cache supports primary/secondary replication to provide high availability, but
currently limits the maximum cache size to 53 GB. If you need more space than this, you must create additional
caches. For more information, go to the page Azure Redis Cache on the Microsoft website.
Partitioning a Redis data store involves splitting the data across instances of the Redis service. Each instance
constitutes a single partition. Azure Redis Cache abstracts the Redis services behind a faade and does not expose
them directly. The simplest way to implement partitioning is to create multiple Azure Redis Cache instances and
spread the data across them.
You can associate each data item with an identifier (a partition key) that specifies which cache stores the data item.
The client application logic can then use this identifier to route requests to the appropriate partition. This scheme is
very simple, but if the partitioning scheme changes (for example, if additional Azure Redis Cache instances are
created), client applications might need to be reconfigured.
Native Redis (not Azure Redis Cache) supports server-side partitioning based on Redis clustering. In this approach,
you can divide the data evenly across servers by using a hashing mechanism. Each Redis server stores metadata
that describes the range of hash keys that the partition holds, and also contains information about which hash keys
are located in the partitions on other servers.
Client applications simply send requests to any of the participating Redis servers (probably the closest one). The
Redis server examines the client request. If it can be resolved locally, it performs the requested operation.
Otherwise it forwards the request on to the appropriate server.
This model is implemented by using Redis clustering, and is described in more detail on the Redis cluster tutorial
page on the Redis website. Redis clustering is transparent to client applications. Additional Redis servers can be
added to the cluster (and the data can be re-partitioned) without requiring that you reconfigure the clients.

Azure Redis Cache does not currently support Redis clustering. If you want to implement this approach with Azure, then you
must implement your own Redis servers by installing Redis on a set of Azure virtual machines and configuring them
manually. The page Running Redis on a CentOS Linux VM in Azure on the Microsoft website walks through an example that
shows you how to build and configure a Redis node running as an Azure VM.

The page Partitioning: how to split data among multiple Redis instances on the Redis website provides more
information about implementing partitioning with Redis. The remainder of this section assumes that you are
implementing client-side or proxy-assisted partitioning.
Consider the following points when deciding how to partition data with Azure Redis Cache:
Azure Redis Cache is not intended to act as a permanent data store, so whatever partitioning scheme you
implement, your application code must be able to retrieve data from a location that's not the cache.
Data that is frequently accessed together should be kept in the same partition. Redis is a powerful key-value
store that provides several highly optimized mechanisms for structuring data. These mechanisms can be one
of the following:
Simple strings (binary data up to 512 MB in length)
Aggregate types such as lists (which can act as queues and stacks)
Sets (ordered and unordered)
Hashes (which can group related fields together, such as the items that represent the fields in an object)
The aggregate types enable you to associate many related values with the same key. A Redis key identifies a list,
set, or hash rather than the data items that it contains. These types are all available with Azure Redis Cache and
are described by the Data types page on the Redis website. For example, in part of an e-commerce system that
tracks the orders that are placed by customers, the details of each customer can be stored in a Redis hash that is
keyed by using the customer ID. Each hash can hold a collection of order IDs for the customer. A separate Redis
set can hold the orders, again structured as hashes, and keyed by using the order ID. Figure 10 shows this
structure. Note that Redis does not implement any form of referential integrity, so it is the developer's
responsibility to maintain the relationships between customers and orders.

Figure 10. Suggested structure in Redis storage for recording customer orders and their details

In Redis, all keys are binary data values (like Redis strings) and can contain up to 512 MB of data. In theory, a key can contain
almost any information. However, we recommend adopting a consistent naming convention for keys that is descriptive of the
type of data and that identifies the entity, but is not excessively long. A common approach is to use keys of the form
"entity_type:ID". For example, you can use "customer:99" to indicate the key for a customer with the ID 99.

You can implement vertical partitioning by storing related information in different aggregations in the same
database. For example, in an e-commerce application, you can store commonly accessed information about
products in one Redis hash and less frequently used detailed information in another. Both hashes can use the
same product ID as part of the key. For example, you can use "product: nn" (where nn is the product ID) for the
product information and "product_details: nn" for the detailed data. This strategy can help reduce the volume of
data that most queries are likely to retrieve.
You can repartition a Redis data store, but keep in mind that it's a complex and time-consuming task. Redis
clustering can repartition data automatically, but this capability is not available with Azure Redis Cache.
Therefore, when you design your partitioning scheme, try to leave sufficient free space in each partition to
allow for expected data growth over time. However, remember that Azure Redis Cache is intended to cache
data temporarily, and that data held in the cache can have a limited lifetime specified as a time-to-live (TTL)
value. For relatively volatile data, the TTL can be short, but for static data the TTL can be a lot longer. Avoid
storing large amounts of long-lived data in the cache if the volume of this data is likely to fill the cache. You
can specify an eviction policy that causes Azure Redis Cache to remove data if space is at a premium.

When you use Azure Redis cache, you specify the maximum size of the cache (from 250 MB to 53 GB) by selecting
the appropriate pricing tier. However, after an Azure Redis Cache has been created, you cannot increase (or decrease)
its size.
Redis batches and transactions cannot span multiple connections, so all data that is affected by a batch or
transaction should be held in the same database (shard).

A sequence of operations in a Redis transaction is not necessarily atomic. The commands that compose a transaction
are verified and queued before they run. If an error occurs during this phase, the entire queue is discarded. However,
after the transaction has been successfully submitted, the queued commands run in sequence. If any command fails,
only that command stops running. All previous and subsequent commands in the queue are performed. For more
information, go to the Transactions page on the Redis website.

Redis supports a limited number of atomic operations. The only operations of this type that support multiple
keys and values are MGET and MSET operations. MGET operations return a collection of values for a specified
list of keys, and MSET operations store a collection of values for a specified list of keys. If you need to use these
operations, the key-value pairs that are referenced by the MSET and MGET commands must be stored within the
same database.

Rebalancing partitions
As a system matures and you understand the usage patterns better, you might have to adjust the partitioning
scheme. For example, individual partitions might start attracting a disproportionate volume of traffic and become
hot, leading to excessive contention. Additionally, you might have underestimated the volume of data in some
partitions, causing you to approach the limits of the storage capacity in these partitions. Whatever the cause, it is
sometimes necessary to rebalance partitions to spread the load more evenly.
In some cases, data storage systems that don't publicly expose how data is allocated to servers can automatically
rebalance partitions within the limits of the resources available. In other situations, rebalancing is an administrative
task that consists of two stages:
1. Determining the new partitioning strategy to ascertain:
Which partitions might need to be split (or possibly combined).
How to allocate data to these new partitions by designing new partition keys.
2. Migrating the affected data from the old partitioning scheme to the new set of partitions.

The mapping of DocumentDB database collections to servers is transparent, but you can still reach the storage capacity and
throughput limits of a DocumentDB account. If this happens, you might need to redesign your partitioning scheme and
migrate the data.

Depending on the data storage technology and the design of your data storage system, you might be able to
migrate data between partitions while they are in use (online migration). If this isn't possible, you might need to
make the affected partitions temporarily unavailable while the data is relocated (offline migration).

Offline migration
Offline migration is arguably the simplest approach because it reduces the chances of contention occurring. Don't
make any changes to the data while it is being moved and restructured.
Conceptually, this process includes the following steps:
1. Mark the shard offline.
2. Split-merge and move the data to the new shards.
3. Verify the data.
4. Bring the new shards online.
5. Remove the old shard.
To retain some availability, you can mark the original shard as read-only in step 1 rather than making it
unavailable. This allows applications to read the data while it is being moved but not to change it.

Online migration
Online migration is more complex to perform but less disruptive to users because data remains available during
the entire procedure. The process is similar to that used by offline migration, except that the original shard is not
marked offline (step 1). Depending on the granularity of the migration process (for example, whether it's done item
by item or shard by shard), the data access code in the client applications might have to handle reading and writing
data that's held in two locations (the original shard and the new shard).
For an example of a solution that supports online migration, see the article Scaling using the Elastic Database split-
merge tool on the Microsoft website.

Related patterns and guidance

When considering strategies for implementing data consistency, the following patterns might also be relevant to
your scenario:
The Data consistency primer page on the Microsoft website describes strategies for maintaining consistency in a
distributed environment such as the cloud.
The Data partitioning guidance page on the Microsoft website provides a general overview of how to design
partitions to meet various criteria in a distributed solution.
The sharding pattern as described on the Microsoft website summarizes some common strategies for sharding
The index table pattern as described on the Microsoft website illustrates how to create secondary indexes over
data. An application can quickly retrieve data with this approach, by using queries that do not reference the
primary key of a collection.
The materialized view pattern as described on the Microsoft website describes how to generate pre-populated
views that summarize data to support fast query operations. This approach can be useful in a partitioned data
store if the partitions that contain the data being summarized are distributed across multiple sites.
The Using Azure Content Delivery Network article on the Microsoft website provides additional guidance on
configuring and using Content Delivery Network with Azure.

More information
The page What is Azure SQL Database? on the Microsoft website provides detailed documentation that
describes how to create and use SQL databases.
The page Elastic Database features overview on the Microsoft website provides a comprehensive introduction to
Elastic Database.
The page Scaling using the Elastic Database split-merge tool on the Microsoft website contains information
about using the split-merge service to manage Elastic Database shards.
The page Azure storage scalability and performance targets on the Microsoft website documents the current
sizing and throughput limits of Azure Storage.
The page Performing entity group transactions on the Microsoft website provides detailed information about
implementing transactional operations over entities that are stored in Azure table storage.
The article Azure Storage table design guide on the Microsoft website contains detailed information about
partitioning data in Azure table storage.
The page Using Azure Content Delivery Network on the Microsoft website describes how to replicate data that's
held in Azure blob storage by using the Azure Content Delivery Network.
The page What is Azure Search? on the Microsoft website provides a full description of the capabilities that are
available in Azure Search.
The page Service limits in Azure Search on the Microsoft website contains information about the capacity of
each instance of Azure Search.
The page Supported data types (Azure Search) on the Microsoft website summarizes the data types that you can
use in searchable documents and indexes.
The page Azure Redis Cache on the Microsoft website provides an introduction to Azure Redis Cache.
The Partitioning: how to split data among multiple Redis instances page on the Redis website provides
information about how to implement partitioning with Redis.
The page Running Redis on a CentOS Linux VM in Azure on the Microsoft website walks through an example
that shows you how to build and configure a Redis node running as an Azure VM.
The Data types page on the Redis website describes the data types that are available with Redis and Azure Redis
Monitoring and diagnostics guidance
1/17/2017 69 min to read Edit on GitHub

Distributed applications and services running in the cloud are, by their nature, complex pieces of software that
comprise many moving parts. In a production environment, it's important to be able to track the way in which
users utilize your system, trace resource utilization, and generally monitor the health and performance of your
system. You can use this information as a diagnostic aid to detect and correct issues, and also to help spot
potential problems and prevent them from occurring.

Monitoring and diagnostics scenarios

You can use monitoring to gain an insight into how well a system is functioning. Monitoring is a crucial part of
maintaining quality-of-service targets. Common scenarios for collecting monitoring data include:
Ensuring that the system remains healthy.
Tracking the availability of the system and its component elements.
Maintaining performance to ensure that the throughput of the system does not degrade unexpectedly as the
volume of work increases.
Guaranteeing that the system meets any service-level agreements (SLAs) established with customers.
Protecting the privacy and security of the system, users, and their data.
Tracking the operations that are performed for auditing or regulatory purposes.
Monitoring the day-to-day usage of the system and spotting trends that might lead to problems if they're not
Tracking issues that occur, from initial report through to analysis of possible causes, rectification, consequent
software updates, and deployment.
Tracing operations and debugging software releases.

This list is not intended to be comprehensive. This document focuses on these scenarios as the most common situations for
performing monitoring. There might be others that are less common or are specific to your environment.

The following sections describe these scenarios in more detail. The information for each scenario is discussed in
the following format:
1. A brief overview of the scenario
2. The typical requirements of this scenario
3. The raw instrumentation data that's required to support the scenario, and possible sources of this information
4. How this raw data can be analyzed and combined to generate meaningful diagnostic information

Health monitoring
A system is healthy if it is running and capable of processing requests. The purpose of health monitoring is to
generate a snapshot of the current health of the system so that you can verify that all components of the system
are functioning as expected.
Requirements for health monitoring
An operator should be alerted quickly (within a matter of seconds) if any part of the system is deemed to be
unhealthy. The operator should be able to ascertain which parts of the system are functioning normally, and which
parts are experiencing problems. System health can be highlighted through a traffic-light system:
Red for unhealthy (the system has stopped)
Yellow for partially healthy (the system is running with reduced functionality)
Green for completely healthy
A comprehensive health-monitoring system enables an operator to drill down through the system to view the
health status of subsystems and components. For example, if the overall system is depicted as partially healthy, the
operator should be able to zoom in and determine which functionality is currently unavailable.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
The raw data that's required to support health monitoring can be generated as a result of:
Tracing execution of user requests. This information can be used to determine which requests have succeeded,
which have failed, and how long each request takes.
Synthetic user monitoring. This process simulates the steps performed by a user and follows a predefined
series of steps. The results of each step should be captured.
Logging exceptions, faults, and warnings. This information can be captured as a result of trace statements
embedded into the application code, as well as retrieving information from the event logs of any services that
the system references.
Monitoring the health of any third-party services that the system uses. This monitoring might require retrieving
and parsing health data that these services supply. This information might take a variety of formats.
Endpoint monitoring. This mechanism is described in more detail in the "Availability monitoring" section.
Collecting ambient performance information, such as background CPU utilization or I/O (including network)
Analyzing health data
The primary focus of health monitoring is to quickly indicate whether the system is running. Hot analysis of the
immediate data can trigger an alert if a critical component is detected as unhealthy. (It fails to respond to a
consecutive series of pings, for example.) The operator can then take the appropriate corrective action.
A more advanced system might include a predictive element that performs a cold analysis over recent and current
workloads. A cold analysis can spot trends and determine whether the system is likely to remain healthy or
whether the system will need additional resources. This predictive element should be based on critical
performance metrics, such as:
The rate of requests directed at each service or subsystem.
The response times of these requests.
The volume of data flowing into and out of each service.
If the value of any metric exceeds a defined threshold, the system can raise an alert to enable an operator or
autoscaling (if available) to take the preventative actions necessary to maintain system health. These actions might
involve adding resources, restarting one or more services that are failing, or applying throttling to lower-priority

Availability monitoring
A truly healthy system requires that the components and subsystems that compose the system are available.
Availability monitoring is closely related to health monitoring. But whereas health monitoring provides an
immediate view of the current health of the system, availability monitoring is concerned with tracking the
availability of the system and its components to generate statistics about the uptime of the system.
In many systems, some components (such as a database) are configured with built-in redundancy to permit rapid
failover in the event of a serious fault or loss of connectivity. Ideally, users should not be aware that such a failure
has occurred. But from an availability monitoring perspective, it's necessary to gather as much information as
possible about such failures to determine the cause and take corrective actions to prevent them from recurring.
The data that's required to track availability might depend on a number of lower-level factors. Many of these
factors might be specific to the application, system, and environment. An effective monitoring system captures the
availability data that corresponds to these low-level factors and then aggregates them to give an overall picture of
the system. For example, in an e-commerce system, the business functionality that enables a customer to place
orders might depend on the repository where order details are stored and the payment system that handles the
monetary transactions for paying for these orders. The availability of the order-placement part of the system is
therefore a function of the availability of the repository and the payment subsystem.
Requirements for availability monitoring
An operator should also be able to view the historical availability of each system and subsystem, and use this
information to spot any trends that might cause one or more subsystems to periodically fail. (Do services start to
fail at a particular time of day that corresponds to peak processing hours?)
A monitoring solution should provide an immediate and historical view of the availability or unavailability of each
subsystem. It should also be capable of quickly alerting an operator when one or more services fail or when users
can't connect to services. This is a matter of not only monitoring each service, but also examining the actions that
each user performs if these actions fail when they attempt to communicate with a service. To some extent, a
degree of connectivity failure is normal and might be due to transient errors. But it might be useful to allow the
system to raise an alert for the number of connectivity failures to a specified subsystem that occur during a
specific period.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
As with health monitoring, the raw data that's required to support availability monitoring can be generated as a
result of synthetic user monitoring and logging any exceptions, faults, and warnings that might occur. In addition,
availability data can be obtained from performing endpoint monitoring. The application can expose one or more
health endpoints, each testing access to a functional area within the system. The monitoring system can ping each
endpoint by following a defined schedule and collect the results (success or fail).
All timeouts, network connectivity failures, and connection retry attempts must be recorded. All data should be
Analyzing availability data
The instrumentation data must be aggregated and correlated to support the following types of analysis:
The immediate availability of the system and subsystems.
The availability failure rates of the system and subsystems. Ideally, an operator should be able to correlate
failures with specific activities: what was happening when the system failed?
A historical view of failure rates of the system or any subsystems across any specified period, and the load on
the system (number of user requests, for example) when a failure occurred.
The reasons for unavailability of the system or any subsystems. For example, the reasons might be service not
running, connectivity lost, connected but timing out, and connected but returning errors.
You can calculate the percentage availability of a service over a period of time by using the following formula:

%Availability = ((Total Time Total Downtime) / Total Time ) * 100

This is useful for SLA purposes. (SLA monitoring is described in more detail later in this guidance.) The definition
of downtime depends on the service. For example, Visual Studio Team Services Build Service defines downtime as
the period (total accumulated minutes) during which Build Service is unavailable. A minute is considered
unavailable if all continuous HTTP requests to Build Service to perform customer-initiated operations throughout
the minute either result in an error code or do not return a response.

Performance monitoring
As the system is placed under more and more stress (by increasing the volume of users), the size of the datasets
that these users access grows and the possibility of failure of one or more components becomes more likely.
Frequently, component failure is preceded by a decrease in performance. If you're able detect such a decrease, you
can take proactive steps to remedy the situation.
System performance depends on a number of factors. Each factor is typically measured through key performance
indicators (KPIs), such as the number of database transactions per second or the volume of network requests that
are successfully serviced in a specified time frame. Some of these KPIs might be available as specific performance
measures, whereas others might be derived from a combination of metrics.

Determining poor or good performance requires that you understand the level of performance at which the system should
be capable of running. This requires observing the system while it's functioning under a typical load and capturing the data
for each KPI over a period of time. This might involve running the system under a simulated load in a test environment and
gathering the appropriate data before deploying the system to a production environment.
You should also ensure that monitoring for performance purposes does not become a burden on the system. You might be
able to dynamically adjust the level of detail for the data that the performance monitoring process gathers.

Requirements for performance monitoring

To examine system performance, an operator typically needs to see information that includes:
The response rates for user requests.
The number of concurrent user requests.
The volume of network traffic.
The rates at which business transactions are being completed.
The average processing time for requests.
It can also be helpful to provide tools that enable an operator to help spot correlations, such as:
The number of concurrent users versus request latency times (how long it takes to start processing a request
after the user has sent it).
The number of concurrent users versus the average response time (how long it takes to complete a request
after it has started processing).
The volume of requests versus the number of processing errors.
Along with this high-level functional information, an operator should be able to obtain a detailed view of the
performance for each component in the system. This data is typically provided through low-level performance
counters that track information such as:
Memory utilization.
Number of threads.
CPU processing time.
Request queue length.
Disk or network I/O rates and errors.
Number of bytes written or read.
Middleware indicators, such as queue length.
All visualizations should allow an operator to specify a time period. The displayed data might be a snapshot of the
current situation and/or a historical view of the performance.
An operator should be able to raise an alert based on any performance measure for any specified value during any
specified time interval.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
You can gather high-level performance data (throughput, number of concurrent users, number of business
transactions, error rates, and so on) by monitoring the progress of users' requests as they arrive and pass through
the system. This involves incorporating tracing statements at key points in the application code, together with
timing information. All faults, exceptions, and warnings should be captured with sufficient data for correlating
them with the requests that caused them. The Internet Information Services (IIS) log is another useful source.
If possible, you should also capture performance data for any external systems that the application uses. These
external systems might provide their own performance counters or other features for requesting performance
data. If this is not possible, record information such as the start time and end time of each request made to an
external system, together with the status (success, fail, or warning) of the operation. For example, you can use a
stopwatch approach to time requests: start a timer when the request starts and then stop the timer when the
request finishes.
Low-level performance data for individual components in a system might be available through features and
services such as Windows performance counters and Azure Diagnostics.
Analyzing performance data
Much of the analysis work consists of aggregating performance data by user request type and/or the subsystem
or service to which each request is sent. An example of a user request is adding an item to a shopping cart or
performing the checkout process in an e-commerce system.
Another common requirement is summarizing performance data in selected percentiles. For example, an operator
might determine the response times for 99 percent of requests, 95 percent of requests, and 70 percent of
requests. There might be SLA targets or other goals set for each percentile. The ongoing results should be
reported in near real time to help detect immediate issues. The results should also be aggregated over the longer
time for statistical purposes.
In the case of latency issues affecting performance, an operator should be able to quickly identify the cause of the
bottleneck by examining the latency of each step that each request performs. The performance data must
therefore provide a means of correlating performance measures for each step to tie them to a specific request.
Depending on the visualization requirements, it might be useful to generate and store a data cube that contains
views of the raw data. This data cube can allow complex ad hoc querying and analysis of the performance

Security monitoring
All commercial systems that include sensitive data must implement a security structure. The complexity of the
security mechanism is usually a function of the sensitivity of the data. In a system that requires users to be
authenticated, you should record:
All sign-in attempts, whether they fail or succeed.
All operations performed by--and the details of all resources accessed by--an authenticated user.
When a user ends a session and signs out.
Monitoring might be able to help detect attacks on the system. For example, a large number of failed sign-in
attempts might indicate a brute-force attack. An unexpected surge in requests might be the result of a distributed
denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. You must be prepared to monitor all requests to all resources regardless of the
source of these requests. A system that has a sign-in vulnerability might accidentally expose resources to the
outside world without requiring a user to actually sign in.
Requirements for security monitoring
The most critical aspects of security monitoring should enable an operator to quickly:
Detect attempted intrusions by an unauthenticated entity.
Identify attempts by entities to perform operations on data for which they have not been granted access.
Determine whether the system, or some part of the system, is under attack from outside or inside. (For
example, a malicious authenticated user might be attempting to bring the system down.)
To support these requirements, an operator should be notified:
If one account makes repeated failed sign-in attempts within a specified period.
If one authenticated account repeatedly tries to access a prohibited resource during a specified period.
If a large number of unauthenticated or unauthorized requests occur during a specified period.
The information that's provided to an operator should include the host address of the source for each request. If
security violations regularly arise from a particular range of addresses, these hosts might be blocked.
A key part in maintaining the security of a system is being able to quickly detect actions that deviate from the
usual pattern. Information such as the number of failed and/or successful sign-in requests can be displayed
visually to help detect whether there is a spike in activity at an unusual time. (An example of this activity is users
signing in at 3:00 AM and performing a large number of operations when their working day starts at 9:00 AM).
This information can also be used to help configure time-based autoscaling. For example, if an operator observes
that a large number of users regularly sign in at a particular time of day, the operator can arrange to start
additional authentication services to handle the volume of work, and then shut down these additional services
when the peak has passed.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
Security is an all-encompassing aspect of most distributed systems. The pertinent data is likely to be generated at
multiple points throughout a system. You should consider adopting a Security Information and Event
Management (SIEM) approach to gather the security-related information that results from events raised by the
application, network equipment, servers, firewalls, antivirus software, and other intrusion-prevention elements.
Security monitoring can incorporate data from tools that are not part of your application. These tools can include
utilities that identify port-scanning activities by external agencies, or network filters that detect attempts to gain
unauthenticated access to your application and data.
In all cases, the gathered data must enable an administrator to determine the nature of any attack and take the
appropriate countermeasures.
Analyzing security data
A feature of security monitoring is the variety of sources from which the data arises. The different formats and
level of detail often require complex analysis of the captured data to tie it together into a coherent thread of
information. Apart from the simplest of cases (such as detecting a large number of failed sign-ins, or repeated
attempts to gain unauthorized access to critical resources), it might not be possible to perform any complex
automated processing of security data. Instead, it might be preferable to write this data, time-stamped but
otherwise in its original form, to a secure repository to allow for expert manual analysis.

SLA monitoring
Many commercial systems that support paying customers make guarantees about the performance of the system
in the form of SLAs. Essentially, SLAs state that the system can handle a defined volume of work within an agreed
time frame and without losing critical information. SLA monitoring is concerned with ensuring that the system can
meet measurable SLAs.

SLA monitoring is closely related to performance monitoring. But whereas performance monitoring is concerned with
ensuring that the system functions optimally, SLA monitoring is governed by a contractual obligation that defines what
optimally actually means.

SLAs are often defined in terms of:

Overall system availability. For example, an organization might guarantee that the system will be available for
99.9 percent of the time. This equates to no more than 9 hours of downtime per year, or approximately 10
minutes a week.
Operational throughput. This aspect is often expressed as one or more high-water marks, such as guaranteeing
that the system can support up to 100,000 concurrent user requests or handle 10,000 concurrent business
Operational response time. The system might also make guarantees for the rate at which requests are
processed. An example is that 99 percent of all business transactions will finish within 2 seconds, and no single
transaction will take longer than 10 seconds.

Some contracts for commercial systems might also include SLAs for customer support. An example is that all help-desk
requests will elicit a response within 5 minutes, and that 99 percent of all problems will be fully addressed within 1 working
day. Effective issue tracking (described later in this section) is key to meeting SLAs such as these.

Requirements for SLA monitoring

At the highest level, an operator should be able to determine at a glance whether the system is meeting the agreed
SLAs or not. And if not, the operator should be able to drill down and examine the underlying factors to determine
the reasons for substandard performance.
Typical high-level indicators that can be depicted visually include:
The percentage of service uptime.
The application throughput (measured in terms of successful transactions and/or operations per second).
The number of successful/failing application requests.
The number of application and system faults, exceptions, and warnings.
All of these indicators should be capable of being filtered by a specified period of time.
A cloud application will likely comprise a number of subsystems and components. An operator should be able to
select a high-level indicator and see how it's composed from the health of the underlying elements. For example, if
the uptime of the overall system falls below an acceptable value, an operator should be able to zoom in and
determine which elements are contributing to this failure.
System uptime needs to be defined carefully. In a system that uses redundancy to ensure maximum availability, individual
instances of elements might fail, but the system can remain functional. System uptime as presented by health monitoring
should indicate the aggregate uptime of each element and not necessarily whether the system has actually halted.
Additionally, failures might be isolated. So even if a specific system is unavailable, the remainder of the system might remain
available, although with decreased functionality. (In an e-commerce system, a failure in the system might prevent a
customer from placing orders, but the customer might still be able to browse the product catalog.)

For alerting purposes, the system should be able to raise an event if any of the high-level indicators exceed a
specified threshold. The lower-level details of the various factors that compose the high-level indicator should be
available as contextual data to the alerting system.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
The raw data that's required to support SLA monitoring is similar to the raw data that's required for performance
monitoring, together with some aspects of health and availability monitoring. (See those sections for more
details.) You can capture this data by:
Performing endpoint monitoring.
Logging exceptions, faults, and warnings.
Tracing the execution of user requests.
Monitoring the availability of any third-party services that the system uses.
Using performance metrics and counters.
All data must be timed and time-stamped.
Analyzing SLA data
The instrumentation data must be aggregated to generate a picture of the overall performance of the system.
Aggregated data must also support drill-down to enable examination of the performance of the underlying
subsystems. For example, you should be able to:
Calculate the total number of user requests during a specified period and determine the success and failure
rate of these requests.
Combine the response times of user requests to generate an overall view of system response times.
Analyze the progress of user requests to break down the overall response time of a request into the response
times of the individual work items in that request.
Determine the overall availability of the system as a percentage of uptime for any specific period.
Analyze the percentage time availability of the individual components and services in the system. This might
involve parsing logs that third-party services have generated.
Many commercial systems are required to report real performance figures against agreed SLAs for a specified
period, typically a month. This information can be used to calculate credits or other forms of repayments for
customers if the SLAs are not met during that period. You can calculate availability for a service by using the
technique described in the section Analyzing availability data.
For internal purposes, an organization might also track the number and nature of incidents that caused services to
fail. Learning how to resolve these issues quickly, or eliminate them completely, will help to reduce downtime and
meet SLAs.

Depending on the nature of the application, there might be statutory or other legal regulations that specify
requirements for auditing users' operations and recording all data access. Auditing can provide evidence that links
customers to specific requests. Non-repudiation is an important factor in many e-business systems to help
maintain trust be between a customer and the organization that's responsible for the application or service.
Requirements for auditing
An analyst must be able to trace the sequence of business operations that users are performing so that you can
reconstruct users' actions. This might be necessary simply as a matter of record, or as part of a forensic
Audit information is highly sensitive. It will likely include data that identifies the users of the system, together with
the tasks that they're performing. For this reason, audit information will most likely take the form of reports that
are available only to trusted analysts rather than as an interactive system that supports drill-down of graphical
operations. An analyst should be able to generate a range of reports. For example, reports might list all users'
activities occurring during a specified time frame, detail the chronology of activity for a single user, or list the
sequence of operations performed against one or more resources.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
The primary sources of information for auditing can include:
The security system that manages user authentication.
Trace logs that record user activity.
Security logs that track all identifiable and unidentifiable network requests.
The format of the audit data and the way in which it's stored might be driven by regulatory requirements. For
example, it might not be possible to clean the data in any way. (It must be recorded in its original format.) Access
to the repository where it's held must be protected to prevent tampering.
Analyzing audit data
An analyst must be able to access the raw data in its entirety, in its original form. Aside from the requirement to
generate common audit reports, the tools for analyzing this data are likely to be specialized and kept external to
the system.

Usage monitoring
Usage monitoring tracks how the features and components of an application are used. An operator can use the
gathered data to:
Determine which features are heavily used and determine any potential hotspots in the system. High-traffic
elements might benefit from functional partitioning or even replication to spread the load more evenly. An
operator can also use this information to ascertain which features are infrequently used and are possible
candidates for retirement or replacement in a future version of the system.
Obtain information about the operational events of the system under normal use. For example, in an e-
commerce site, you can record the statistical information about the number of transactions and the volume of
customers that are responsible for them. This information can be used for capacity planning as the number of
customers grows.
Detect (possibly indirectly) user satisfaction with the performance or functionality of the system. For example, if
a large number of customers in an e-commerce system regularly abandon their shopping carts, this might be
due to a problem with the checkout functionality.
Generate billing information. A commercial application or multitenant service might charge customers for the
resources that they use.
Enforce quotas. If a user in a multitenant system exceeds their paid quota of processing time or resource usage
during a specified period, their access can be limited or processing can be throttled.
Requirements for usage monitoring
To examine system usage, an operator typically needs to see information that includes:
The number of requests that are processed by each subsystem and directed to each resource.
The work that each user is performing.
The volume of data storage that each user occupies.
The resources that each user is accessing.
An operator should also be able to generate graphs. For example, a graph might display the most resource-hungry
users, or the most frequently accessed resources or system features.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
Usage tracking can be performed at a relatively high level. It can note the start and end times of each request and
the nature of the request (read, write, and so on, depending on the resource in question). You can obtain this
information by:
Tracing user activity.
Capturing performance counters that measure the utilization for each resource.
Monitoring the resource consumption by each user.
For metering purposes, you also need to be able to identify which users are responsible for performing which
operations, and the resources that these operations utilize. The gathered information should be detailed enough to
enable accurate billing.

Issue tracking
Customers and other users might report issues if unexpected events or behavior occurs in the system. Issue
tracking is concerned with managing these issues, associating them with efforts to resolve any underlying
problems in the system, and informing customers of possible resolutions.
Requirements for issue tracking
Operators often perform issue tracking by using a separate system that enables them to record and report the
details of problems that users report. These details can include the tasks that the user was trying to perform,
symptoms of the problem, the sequence of events, and any error or warning messages that were issued.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
The initial data source for issue-tracking data is the user who reported the issue in the first place. The user might
be able to provide additional data such as:
A crash dump (if the application includes a component that runs on the user's desktop).
A screen snapshot.
The date and time when the error occurred, together with any other environmental information such as the
user's location.
This information can be used to help the debugging effort and help construct a backlog for future releases of the
Analyzing issue -tracking data
Different users might report the same problem. The issue-tracking system should associate common reports.
The progress of the debugging effort should be recorded against each issue report. When the problem is resolved,
the customer can be informed of the solution.
If a user reports an issue that has a known solution in the issue-tracking system, the operator should be able to
inform the user of the solution immediately.

Tracing operations and debugging software releases

When a user reports an issue, the user is often only aware of the immediate impact that it has on their operations.
The user can only report the results of their own experience back to an operator who is responsible for
maintaining the system. These experiences are usually just a visible symptom of one or more fundamental
problems. In many cases, an analyst will need to dig through the chronology of the underlying operations to
establish the root cause of the problem. This process is called root cause analysis.

Root cause analysis might uncover inefficiencies in the design of an application. In these situations, it might be possible to
rework the affected elements and deploy them as part of a subsequent release. This process requires careful control, and the
updated components should be monitored closely.

Requirements for tracing and debugging

For tracing unexpected events and other problems, it's vital that the monitoring data provides enough information
to enable an analyst to trace back to the origins of these issues and reconstruct the sequence of events that
occurred. This information must be sufficient to enable an analyst to diagnose the root cause of any problems. A
developer can then make the necessary modifications to prevent them from recurring.
Data sources, instrumentation, and data-collection requirements
Troubleshooting can involve tracing all the methods (and their parameters) invoked as part of an operation to
build up a tree that depicts the logical flow through the system when a customer makes a specific request.
Exceptions and warnings that the system generates as a result of this flow need to be captured and logged.
To support debugging, the system can provide hooks that enable an operator to capture state information at
crucial points in the system. Or, the system can deliver detailed step-by-step information as selected operations
progress. Capturing data at this level of detail can impose an additional load on the system and should be a
temporary process. An operator uses this process mainly when a highly unusual series of events occurs and is
difficult to replicate, or when a new release of one or more elements into a system requires careful monitoring to
ensure that the elements function as expected.

The monitoring and diagnostics pipeline

Monitoring a large-scale distributed system poses a significant challenge. Each of the scenarios described in the
previous section should not necessarily be considered in isolation. There is likely to be a significant overlap in the
monitoring and diagnostic data that's required for each situation, although this data might need to be processed
and presented in different ways. For these reasons, you should take a holistic view of monitoring and diagnostics.
You can envisage the entire monitoring and diagnostics process as a pipeline that comprises the stages shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1. The stages in the monitoring and diagnostics pipeline
Figure 1 highlights how the data for monitoring and diagnostics can come from a variety of data sources. The
instrumentation and collection stages are concerned with identifying the sources from where the data needs to be
captured, determining which data to capture, how to capture it, and how to format this data so that it can be easily
examined. The analysis/diagnosis stage takes the raw data and uses it to generate meaningful information that an
operator can use to determine the state of the system. The operator can use this information to make decisions
about possible actions to take, and then feed the results back into the instrumentation and collection stages. The
visualization/alerting stage phase presents a consumable view of the system state. It can display information in
near real time by using a series of dashboards. And it can generate reports, graphs, and charts to provide a
historical view of the data that can help identify long-term trends. If information indicates that a KPI is likely to
exceed acceptable bounds, this stage can also trigger an alert to an operator. In some cases, an alert can also be
used to trigger an automated process that attempts to take corrective actions, such as autoscaling.
Note that these steps constitute a continuous-flow process where the stages are happening in parallel. Ideally, all
the phases should be dynamically configurable. At some points, especially when a system has been newly
deployed or is experiencing problems, it might be necessary to gather extended data on a more frequent basis. At
other times, it should be possible to revert to capturing a base level of essential information to verify that the
system is functioning properly.
Additionally, the entire monitoring process should be considered a live, ongoing solution that's subject to fine-
tuning and improvements as a result of feedback. For example, you might start with measuring many factors to
determine system health. Analysis over time might lead to a refinement as you discard measures that aren't
relevant, enabling you to more precisely focus on the data that you need while minimizing background noise.

Sources of monitoring and diagnostic data

The information that the monitoring process uses can come from several sources, as illustrated in Figure 1. At the
application level, information comes from trace logs incorporated into the code of the system. Developers should
follow a standard approach for tracking the flow of control through their code. For example, an entry to a method
can emit a trace message that specifies the name of the method, the current time, the value of each parameter, and
any other pertinent information. Recording the entry and exit times can also prove useful.
You should log all exceptions and warnings, and ensure that you retain a full trace of any nested exceptions and
warnings. Ideally, you should also capture information that identifies the user who is running the code, together
with activity correlation information (to track requests as they pass through the system). And you should log
attempts to access all resources such as message queues, databases, files, and other dependent services. This
information can be used for metering and auditing purposes.
Many applications make use of libraries and frameworks to perform common tasks such as accessing a data store
or communicating over a network. These frameworks might be configurable to provide their own trace messages
and raw diagnostic information, such as transaction rates and data transmission successes and failures.

Many modern frameworks automatically publish performance and trace events. Capturing this information is simply a
matter of providing a means to retrieve and store it where it can be processed and analyzed.

The operating system where the application is running can be a source of low-level system-wide information, such
as performance counters that indicate I/O rates, memory utilization, and CPU usage. Operating system errors
(such as the failure to open a file correctly) might also be reported.
You should also consider the underlying infrastructure and components on which your system runs. Virtual
machines, virtual networks, and storage services can all be sources of important infrastructure-level performance
counters and other diagnostic data.
If your application uses other external services, such as a web server or database management system, these
services might publish their own trace information, logs, and performance counters. Examples include SQL Server
Dynamic Management Views for tracking operations performed against a SQL Server database, and IIS trace logs
for recording requests made to a web server.
As the components of a system are modified and new versions are deployed, it's important to be able to attribute
issues, events, and metrics to each version. This information should be tied back to the release pipeline so that
problems with a specific version of a component can be tracked quickly and rectified.
Security issues might occur at any point in the system. For example, a user might attempt to sign in with an invalid
user ID or password. An authenticated user might try to obtain unauthorized access to a resource. Or a user might
provide an invalid or outdated key to access encrypted information. Security-related information for successful
and failing requests should always be logged.
The section Instrumenting an application contains more guidance on the information that you should capture. But
you can use a variety of strategies to gather this information:
Application/system monitoring. This strategy uses internal sources within the application, application
frameworks, operating system, and infrastructure. The application code can generate its own monitoring
data at notable points during the lifecycle of a client request. The application can include tracing statements
that might be selectively enabled or disabled as circumstances dictate. It might also be possible to inject
diagnostics dynamically by using a diagnostics framework. These frameworks typically provide plug-ins
that can attach to various instrumentation points in your code and capture trace data at these points.
Additionally, your code and/or the underlying infrastructure might raise events at critical points. Monitoring
agents that are configured to listen for these events can record the event information.
Real user monitoring. This approach records the interactions between a user and the application and
observes the flow of each request and response. This information can have a two-fold purpose: it can be
used for metering usage by each user, and it can be used to determine whether users are receiving a
suitable quality of service (for example, fast response times, low latency, and minimal errors). You can use
the captured data to identify areas of concern where failures occur most often. You can also use the data to
identify elements where the system slows down, possibly due to hotspots in the application or some other
form of bottleneck. If you implement this approach carefully, it might be possible to reconstruct users' flows
through the application for debugging and testing purposes.

You should consider the data that's captured by monitoring real users to be highly sensitive because it might include
confidential material. If you save captured data, store it securely. If you want to use the data for performance
monitoring or debugging purposes, strip out all personally identifiable information first.

Synthetic user monitoring. In this approach, you write your own test client that simulates a user and
performs a configurable but typical series of operations. You can track the performance of the test client to
help determine the state of the system. You can also use multiple instances of the test client as part of a
load-testing operation to establish how the system responds under stress, and what sort of monitoring
output is generated under these conditions.

You can implement real and synthetic user monitoring by including code that traces and times the execution of
method calls and other critical parts of an application.

Profiling. This approach is primarily targeted at monitoring and improving application performance. Rather
than operating at the functional level of real and synthetic user monitoring, it captures lower-level information
as the application runs. You can implement profiling by using periodic sampling of the execution state of an
application (determining which piece of code that the application is running at a given point in time). You can
also use instrumentation that inserts probes into the code at important junctures (such as the start and end of a
method call) and records which methods were invoked, at what time, and how long each call took. You can
then analyze this data to determine which parts of the application might cause performance problems.
Endpoint monitoring. This technique uses one or more diagnostic endpoints that the application exposes
specifically to enable monitoring. An endpoint provides a pathway into the application code and can return
information about the health of the system. Different endpoints can focus on various aspects of the
functionality. You can write your own diagnostics client that sends periodic requests to these endpoints and
assimilate the responses. This approach is described more in Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern on the
Microsoft website.
For maximum coverage, you should use a combination of these techniques.

Instrumenting an application
Instrumentation is a critical part of the monitoring process. You can make meaningful decisions about the
performance and health of a system only if you first capture the data that enables you to make these decisions.
The information that you gather by using instrumentation should be sufficient to enable you to assess
performance, diagnose problems, and make decisions without requiring you to sign in to a remote production
server to perform tracing (and debugging) manually. Instrumentation data typically comprises metrics and
information that's written to trace logs.
The contents of a trace log can be the result of textual data that's written by the application or binary data that's
created as the result of a trace event (if the application is using Event Tracing for Windows--ETW). They can also be
generated from system logs that record events arising from parts of the infrastructure, such as a web server.
Textual log messages are often designed to be human-readable, but they should also be written in a format that
enables an automated system to parse them easily.
You should also categorize logs. Don't write all trace data to a single log, but use separate logs to record the trace
output from different operational aspects of the system. You can then quickly filter log messages by reading from
the appropriate log rather than having to process a single lengthy file. Never write information that has different
security requirements (such as audit information and debugging data) to the same log.

A log might be implemented as a file on the file system, or it might be held in some other format, such as a blob in blob
storage. Log information might also be held in more structured storage, such as rows in a table.

Metrics will generally be a measure or count of some aspect or resource in the system at a specific time, with one
or more associated tags or dimensions (sometimes called a sample). A single instance of a metric is usually not
useful in isolation. Instead, metrics have to be captured over time. The key issue to consider is which metrics you
should record and how frequently. Generating data for metrics too often can impose a significant additional load
on the system, whereas capturing metrics infrequently might cause you to miss the circumstances that lead to a
significant event. The considerations will vary from metric to metric. For example, CPU utilization on a server
might vary significantly from second to second, but high utilization becomes an issue only if it's long-lived over a
number of minutes.
Information for correlating data
You can easily monitor individual system-level performance counters, capture metrics for resources, and obtain
application trace information from various log files. But some forms of monitoring require the analysis and
diagnostics stage in the monitoring pipeline to correlate the data that's retrieved from several sources. This data
might take several forms in the raw data, and the analysis process must be provided with sufficient
instrumentation data to be able to map these different forms. For example, at the application framework level, a
task might be identified by a thread ID. Within an application, the same work might be associated with the user ID
for the user who is performing that task.
Also, there's unlikely to be a 1:1 mapping between threads and user requests, because asynchronous operations
might reuse the same threads to perform operations on behalf of more than one user. To complicate matters
further, a single request might be handled by more than one thread as execution flows through the system. If
possible, associate each request with a unique activity ID that's propagated through the system as part of the
request context. (The technique for generating and including activity IDs in trace information depends on the
technology that's used to capture the trace data.)
All monitoring data should be time-stamped in the same way. For consistency, record all dates and times by using
Coordinated Universal Time. This will help you more easily trace sequences of events.

Computers operating in different time zones and networks might not be synchronized. Don't depend on using time stamps
alone for correlating instrumentation data that spans multiple machines.

Information to include in the instrumentation data

Consider the following points when you're deciding which instrumentation data you need to collect:
Make sure that information captured by trace events is machine and human readable. Adopt well-defined
schemas for this information to facilitate automated processing of log data across systems, and to provide
consistency to operations and engineering staff reading the logs. Include environmental information, such as
the deployment environment, the machine on which the process is running, the details of the process, and the
call stack.
Enable profiling only when necessary because it can impose a significant overhead on the system. Profiling by
using instrumentation records an event (such as a method call) every time it occurs, whereas sampling records
only selected events. The selection can be time-based (once every n seconds), or frequency-based (once every n
requests). If events occur very frequently, profiling by instrumentation might cause too much of a burden and
itself affect overall performance. In this case, the sampling approach might be preferable. However, if the
frequency of events is low, sampling might miss them. In this case, instrumentation might be the better
Provide sufficient context to enable a developer or administrator to determine the source of each request. This
might include some form of activity ID that identifies a specific instance of a request. It might also include
information that can be used to correlate this activity with the computational work performed and the
resources used. Note that this work might cross process and machine boundaries. For metering, the context
should also include (either directly or indirectly via other correlated information) a reference to the customer
who caused the request to be made. This context provides valuable information about the application state at
the time that the monitoring data was captured.
Record all requests, and the locations or regions from which these requests are made. This information can
assist in determining whether there are any location-specific hotspots. This information can also be useful in
determining whether to repartition an application or the data that it uses.
Record and capture the details of exceptions carefully. Often, critical debug information is lost as a result of
poor exception handling. Capture the full details of exceptions that the application throws, including any inner
exceptions and other context information. Include the call stack if possible.
Be consistent in the data that the different elements of your application capture, because this can assist in
analyzing events and correlating them with user requests. Consider using a comprehensive and configurable
logging package to gather information, rather than depending on developers to adopt the same approach as
they implement different parts of the system. Gather data from key performance counters, such as the volume
of I/O being performed, network utilization, number of requests, memory use, and CPU utilization. Some
infrastructure services might provide their own specific performance counters, such as the number of
connections to a database, the rate at which transactions are being performed, and the number of transactions
that succeed or fail. Applications might also define their own specific performance counters.
Log all calls made to external services, such as database systems, web services, or other system-level services
that are part of the infrastructure. Record information about the time taken to perform each call, and the
success or failure of the call. If possible, capture information about all retry attempts and failures for any
transient errors that occur.
Ensuring compatibility with telemetry systems
In many cases, the information that instrumentation produces is generated as a series of events and passed to a
separate telemetry system for processing and analysis. A telemetry system is typically independent of any specific
application or technology, but it expects information to follow a specific format that's usually defined by a schema.
The schema effectively specifies a contract that defines the data fields and types that the telemetry system can
ingest. The schema should be generalized to allow for data arriving from a range of platforms and devices.
A common schema should include fields that are common to all instrumentation events, such as the event name,
the event time, the IP address of the sender, and the details that are required for correlating with other events
(such as a user ID, a device ID, and an application ID). Remember that any number of devices might raise events,
so the schema should not depend on the device type. Additionally, various devices might raise events for the same
application; the application might support roaming or some other form of cross-device distribution.
The schema might also include domain fields that are relevant to a particular scenario that's common across
different applications. This might be information about exceptions, application start and end events, and success
and/or failure of web service API calls. All applications that use the same set of domain fields should emit the same
set of events, enabling a set of common reports and analytics to be built.
Finally, a schema might contain custom fields for capturing the details of application-specific events.
Best practices for instrumenting applications
The following list summarizes best practices for instrumenting a distributed application running in the cloud.
Make logs easy to read and easy to parse. Use structured logging where possible. Be concise and descriptive in
log messages.
In all logs, identify the source and provide context and timing information as each log record is written.
Use the same time zone and format for all time stamps. This will help to correlate events for operations that
span hardware and services running in different geographic regions.
Categorize logs and write messages to the appropriate log file.
Do not disclose sensitive information about the system or personal information about users. Scrub this
information before it's logged, but ensure that the relevant details are retained. For example, remove the ID and
password from any database connection strings, but write the remaining information to the log so that an
analyst can determine that the system is accessing the correct database. Log all critical exceptions, but enable
the administrator to turn logging on and off for lower levels of exceptions and warnings. Also, capture and log
all retry logic information. This data can be useful in monitoring the transient health of the system.
Trace out of process calls, such as requests to external web services or databases.
Don't mix log messages with different security requirements in the same log file. For example, don't write
debug and audit information to the same log.
With the exception of auditing events, make sure that all logging calls are fire-and-forget operations that do
not block the progress of business operations. Auditing events are exceptional because they are critical to the
business and can be classified as a fundamental part of business operations.
Make sure that logging is extensible and does not have any direct dependencies on a concrete target. For
example, rather than writing information by using System.Diagnostics.Trace, define an abstract interface (such
as ILogger) that exposes logging methods and that can be implemented through any appropriate means.
Make sure that all logging is fail-safe and never triggers any cascading errors. Logging must not throw any
Treat instrumentation as an ongoing iterative process and review logs regularly, not just when there is a

Collecting and storing data

The collection stage of the monitoring process is concerned with retrieving the information that instrumentation
generates, formatting this data to make it easier for the analysis/diagnosis stage to consume, and saving the
transformed data in reliable storage. The instrumentation data that you gather from different parts of a distributed
system can be held in a variety of locations and with varying formats. For example, your application code might
generate trace log files and generate application event log data, whereas performance counters that monitor key
aspects of the infrastructure that your application uses can be captured through other technologies. Any third-
party components and services that your application uses might provide instrumentation information in different
formats, by using separate trace files, blob storage, or even a custom data store.
Data collection is often performed through a collection service that can run autonomously from the application
that generates the instrumentation data. Figure 2 illustrates an example of this architecture, highlighting the
instrumentation data-collection subsystem.

Figure 2. Collecting instrumentation data

Note that this is a simplified view. The collection service is not necessarily a single process and might comprise
many constituent parts running on different machines, as described in the following sections. Additionally, if the
analysis of some telemetry data must be performed quickly (hot analysis, as described in the section Supporting
hot, warm, and cold analysis later in this document), local components that operate outside the collection service
might perform the analysis tasks immediately. Figure 2 depicts this situation for selected events. After analytical
processing, the results can be sent directly to the visualization and alerting subsystem. Data that's subjected to
warm or cold analysis is held in storage while it awaits processing.
For Azure applications and services, Azure Diagnostics provides one possible solution for capturing data. Azure
Diagnostics gathers data from the following sources for each compute node, aggregates it, and then uploads it to
Azure Storage:
IIS logs
IIS Failed Request logs
Windows event logs
Performance counters
Crash dumps
Azure Diagnostics infrastructure logs
Custom error logs
.NET EventSource
Manifest-based ETW
For more information, see the article Azure: Telemetry Basics and Troubleshooting.
Strategies for collecting instrumentation data
Considering the elastic nature of the cloud, and to avoid the necessity of manually retrieving telemetry data from
every node in the system, you should arrange for the data to be transferred to a central location and consolidated.
In a system that spans multiple datacenters, it might be useful to first collect, consolidate, and store data on a
region-by-region basis, and then aggregate the regional data into a single central system.
To optimize the use of bandwidth, you can elect to transfer less urgent data in chunks, as batches. However, the
data must not be delayed indefinitely, especially if it contains time-sensitive information.
Pulling and pushing instrumentation data
The instrumentation data-collection subsystem can actively retrieve instrumentation data from the various logs
and other sources for each instance of the application (the pull model). Or, it can act as a passive receiver that
waits for the data to be sent from the components that constitute each instance of the application (the push
One approach to implementing the pull model is to use monitoring agents that run locally with each instance of
the application. A monitoring agent is a separate process that periodically retrieves (pulls) telemetry data collected
at the local node and writes this information directly to centralized storage that all instances of the application
share. This is the mechanism that Azure Diagnostics implements. Each instance of an Azure web or worker role can
be configured to capture diagnostic and other trace information that's stored locally. The monitoring agent that
runs alongside each instance copies the specified data to Azure Storage. The article Enabling Diagnostics in Azure
Cloud Services and Virtual Machines provides more details on this process. Some elements, such as IIS logs, crash
dumps, and custom error logs, are written to blob storage. Data from the Windows event log, ETW events, and
performance counters is recorded in table storage. Figure 3 illustrates this mechanism.
Figure 3. Using a monitoring agent to pull information and write to shared storage

Using a monitoring agent is ideally suited to capturing instrumentation data that's naturally pulled from a data source. An
example is information from SQL Server Dynamic Management Views or the length of an Azure Service Bus queue.

It's feasible to use the approach just described to store telemetry data for a small-scale application running on a
limited number of nodes in a single location. However, a complex, highly scalable, global cloud application might
generate huge volumes of data from hundreds of web and worker roles, database shards, and other services. This
flood of data can easily overwhelm the I/O bandwidth available with a single, central location. Therefore, your
telemetry solution must be scalable to prevent it from acting as a bottleneck as the system expands. Ideally, your
solution should incorporate a degree of redundancy to reduce the risks of losing important monitoring
information (such as auditing or billing data) if part of the system fails.
To address these issues, you can implement queuing, as shown in Figure 4. In this architecture, the local
monitoring agent (if it can be configured appropriately) or custom data-collection service (if not) posts data to a
queue. A separate process running asynchronously (the storage writing service in Figure 4) takes the data in this
queue and writes it to shared storage. A message queue is suitable for this scenario because it provides "at least
once" semantics that help ensure that queued data will not be lost after it's posted. You can implement the storage
writing service by using a separate worker role.
Figure 4. Using a queue to buffer instrumentation data
The local data-collection service can add data to a queue immediately after it's received. The queue acts as a buffer,
and the storage writing service can retrieve and write the data at its own pace. By default, a queue operates on a
first-in, first-out basis. But you can prioritize messages to accelerate them through the queue if they contain data
that must be handled more quickly. For more information, see the Priority Queue pattern. Alternatively, you can
use different channels (such as Service Bus topics) to direct data to different destinations depending on the form
of analytical processing that's required.
For scalability, you can run multiple instances of the storage writing service. If there is a high volume of events,
you can use an event hub to dispatch the data to different compute resources for processing and storage.
Consolidating instrumentation data
The instrumentation data that the data-collection service retrieves from a single instance of an application gives a
localized view of the health and performance of that instance. To assess the overall health of the system, it's
necessary to consolidate some aspects of the data in the local views. You can perform this after the data has been
stored, but in some cases, you can also achieve it as the data is collected. Rather than being written directly to
shared storage, the instrumentation data can pass through a separate data consolidation service that combines
data and acts as a filter and cleanup process. For example, instrumentation data that includes the same correlation
information such as an activity ID can be amalgamated. (It's possible that a user starts performing a business
operation on one node and then gets transferred to another node in the event of node failure, or depending on
how load balancing is configured.) This process can also detect and remove any duplicated data (always a
possibility if the telemetry service uses message queues to push instrumentation data out to storage). Figure 5
illustrates an example of this structure.
Figure 5. Using a separate service to consolidate and clean up instrumentation data
Storing instrumentation data
The previous discussions have depicted a rather simplistic view of the way in which instrumentation data is stored.
In reality, it can make sense to store the different types of information by using technologies that are most
appropriate to the way in which each type is likely to be used.
For example, Azure blob and table storage have some similarities in the way in which they're accessed. But they
have limitations in the operations that you can perform by using them, and the granularity of the data that they
hold is quite different. If you need to perform more analytical operations or require full-text search capabilities on
the data, it might be more appropriate to use data storage that provides capabilities that are optimized for specific
types of queries and data access. For example:
Performance counter data can be stored in a SQL database to enable ad hoc analysis.
Trace logs might be better stored in Azure DocumentDB.
Security information can be written to HDFS.
Information that requires full-text search can be stored through Elasticsearch (which can also speed searches
by using rich indexing).
You can implement an additional service that periodically retrieves the data from shared storage, partitions and
filters the data according to its purpose, and then writes it to an appropriate set of data stores as shown in Figure
6. An alternative approach is to include this functionality in the consolidation and cleanup process and write the
data directly to these stores as it's retrieved rather than saving it in an intermediate shared storage area. Each
approach has its advantages and disadvantages. Implementing a separate partitioning service lessens the load on
the consolidation and cleanup service, and it enables at least some of the partitioned data to be regenerated if
necessary (depending on how much data is retained in shared storage). However, it consumes additional
resources. Also, there might be a delay between the receipt of instrumentation data from each application instance
and the conversion of this data into actionable information.
Figure 6. Partitioning data according to analytical and storage requirements
The same instrumentation data might be required for more than one purpose. For example, performance counters
can be used to provide a historical view of system performance over time. This information might be combined
with other usage data to generate customer billing information. In these situations, the same data might be sent to
more than one destination, such as a document database that can act as a long-term store for holding billing
information, and a multidimensional store for handling complex performance analytics.
You should also consider how urgently the data is required. Data that provides information for alerting must be
accessed quickly, so it should be held in fast data storage and indexed or structured to optimize the queries that
the alerting system performs. In some cases, it might be necessary for the telemetry service that gathers the data
on each node to format and save data locally so that a local instance of the alerting system can quickly notify you
of any issues. The same data can be dispatched to the storage writing service shown in the previous diagrams and
stored centrally if it's also required for other purposes.
Information that's used for more considered analysis, for reporting, and for spotting historical trends is less urgent
and can be stored in a manner that supports data mining and ad hoc queries. For more information, see the
section Supporting hot, warm, and cold analysis later in this document.
Log rotation and data retention
Instrumentation can generate considerable volumes of data. This data can be held in several places, starting with
the raw log files, trace files, and other information captured at each node to the consolidated, cleaned, and
partitioned view of this data held in shared storage. In some cases, after the data has been processed and
transferred, the original raw source data can be removed from each node. In other cases, it might be necessary or
simply useful to save the raw information. For example, data that's generated for debugging purposes might be
best left available in its raw form but can then be discarded quickly after any bugs have been rectified.
Performance data often has a longer life so that it can be used for spotting performance trends and for capacity
planning. The consolidated view of this data is usually kept online for a finite period to enable fast access. After
that, it can be archived or discarded. Data gathered for metering and billing customers might need to be saved
indefinitely. Additionally, regulatory requirements might dictate that information collected for auditing and
security purposes also needs to be archived and saved. This data is also sensitive and might need to be encrypted
or otherwise protected to prevent tampering. You should never record users' passwords or other information that
might be used to commit identity fraud. Such details should be scrubbed from the data before it's stored.
It's useful to store historical data so you can spot long-term trends. Rather than saving old data in its entirety, it
might be possible to down-sample the data to reduce its resolution and save storage costs. As an example, rather
than saving minute-by-minute performance indicators, you can consolidate data that's more than a month old to
form an hour-by-hour view.
Best practices for collecting and storing logging information
The following list summarizes best practices for capturing and storing logging information:
The monitoring agent or data-collection service should run as an out-of-process service and should be simple
to deploy.
All output from the monitoring agent or data-collection service should be an agnostic format that's
independent of the machine, operating system, or network protocol. For example, emit information in a self-
describing format such as JSON, MessagePack, or Protobuf rather than ETL/ETW. Using a standard format
enables the system to construct processing pipelines; components that read, transform, and send data in the
agreed format can be easily integrated.
The monitoring and data-collection process must be fail-safe and must not trigger any cascading error
In the event of a transient failure in sending information to a data sink, the monitoring agent or data-collection
service should be prepared to reorder telemetry data so that the newest information is sent first. (The
monitoring agent/data-collection service might elect to drop the older data, or save it locally and transmit it
later to catch up, at its own discretion.)

Analyzing data and diagnosing issues

An important part of the monitoring and diagnostics process is analyzing the gathered data to obtain a picture of
the overall well-being of the system. You should have defined your own KPIs and performance metrics, and it's
important to understand how you can structure the data that has been gathered to meet your analysis
requirements. It's also important to understand how the data that's captured in different metrics and log files is
correlated, because this information can be key to tracking a sequence of events and help diagnose problems that
As described in the section Consolidating instrumentation data, the data for each part of the system is typically
captured locally, but it generally needs to be combined with data generated at other sites that participate in the
system. This information requires careful correlation to ensure that data is combined accurately. For example, the
usage data for an operation might span a node that hosts a website to which a user connects, a node that runs a
separate service accessed as part of this operation, and data storage held on another node. This information needs
to be tied together to provide an overall view of the resource and processing usage for the operation. Some pre-
processing and filtering of data might occur on the node on which the data is captured, whereas aggregation and
formatting are more likely to occur on a central node.
Supporting hot, warm, and cold analysis
Analyzing and reformatting data for visualization, reporting, and alerting purposes can be a complex process that
consumes its own set of resources. Some forms of monitoring are time-critical and require immediate analysis of
data to be effective. This is known as hot analysis. Examples include the analyses that are required for alerting and
some aspects of security monitoring (such as detecting an attack on the system). Data that's required for these
purposes must be quickly available and structured for efficient processing. In some cases, it might be necessary to
move the analysis processing to the individual nodes where the data is held.
Other forms of analysis are less time-critical and might require some computation and aggregation after the raw
data has been received. This is called warm analysis. Performance analysis often falls into this category. In this
case, an isolated, single performance event is unlikely to be statistically significant. (It might be caused by a sudden
spike or glitch.) The data from a series of events should provide a more reliable picture of system performance.
Warm analysis can also be used to help diagnose health issues. A health event is typically processed through hot
analysis and can raise an alert immediately. An operator should be able to drill into the reasons for the health
event by examining the data from the warm path. This data should contain information about the events leading
up to the issue that caused the health event.
Some types of monitoring generate more long-term data. This analysis can be performed at a later date, possibly
according to a predefined schedule. In some cases, the analysis might need to perform complex filtering of large
volumes of data captured over a period of time. This is called cold analysis. The key requirement is that the data is
stored safely after it has been captured. For example, usage monitoring and auditing require an accurate picture of
the state of the system at regular points in time, but this state information does not have to be available for
processing immediately after it has been gathered.
An operator can also use cold analysis to provide the data for predictive health analysis. The operator can gather
historical information over a specified period and use it in conjunction with the current health data (retrieved from
the hot path) to spot trends that might soon cause health issues. In these cases, it might be necessary to raise an
alert so that corrective action can be taken.
Correlating data
The data that instrumentation captures can provide a snapshot of the system state, but the purpose of analysis is
to make this data actionable. For example:
What has caused an intense I/O loading at the system level at a specific time?
Is it the result of a large number of database operations?
Is this reflected in the database response times, the number of transactions per second, and application
response times at the same juncture?
If so, one remedial action that might reduce the load might be to shard the data over more servers. In addition,
exceptions can arise as a result of a fault in any level of the system. An exception in one level often triggers
another fault in the level above.
For these reasons, you need to be able to correlate the different types of monitoring data at each level to produce
an overall view of the state of the system and the applications that are running on it. You can then use this
information to make decisions about whether the system is functioning acceptably or not, and determine what can
be done to improve the quality of the system.
As described in the section Information for correlating data, you must ensure that the raw instrumentation data
includes sufficient context and activity ID information to support the required aggregations for correlating events.
Additionally, this data might be held in different formats, and it might be necessary to parse this information to
convert it into a standardized format for analysis.
Troubleshooting and diagnosing issues
Diagnosis requires the ability to determine the cause of faults or unexpected behavior, including performing root
cause analysis. The information that's required typically includes:
Detailed information from event logs and traces, either for the entire system or for a specified subsystem
during a specified time window.
Complete stack traces resulting from exceptions and faults of any specified level that occur within the system
or a specified subsystem during a specified period.
Crash dumps for any failed processes either anywhere in the system or for a specified subsystem during a
specified time window.
Activity logs recording the operations that are performed either by all users or for selected users during a
specified period.
Analyzing data for troubleshooting purposes often requires a deep technical understanding of the system
architecture and the various components that compose the solution. As a result, a large degree of manual
intervention is often required to interpret the data, establish the cause of problems, and recommend an
appropriate strategy to correct them. It might be appropriate simply to store a copy of this information in its
original format and make it available for cold analysis by an expert.

Visualizing data and raising alerts

An important aspect of any monitoring system is the ability to present the data in such a way that an operator can
quickly spot any trends or problems. Also important is the ability to quickly inform an operator if a significant
event has occurred that might require attention.
Data presentation can take several forms, including visualization by using dashboards, alerting, and reporting.
Visualization by using dashboards
The most common way to visualize data is to use dashboards that can display information as a series of charts,
graphs, or some other illustration. These items can be parameterized, and an analyst should be able to select the
important parameters (such as the time period) for any specific situation.
Dashboards can be organized hierarchically. Top-level dashboards can give an overall view of each aspect of the
system but enable an operator to drill down to the details. For example, a dashboard that depicts the overall disk
I/O for the system should allow an analyst to view the I/O rates for each individual disk to ascertain whether one
or more specific devices account for a disproportionate volume of traffic. Ideally, the dashboard should also
display related information, such as the source of each request (the user or activity) that's generating this I/O. This
information can then be used to determine whether (and how) to spread the load more evenly across devices, and
whether the system would perform better if more devices were added.
A dashboard might also use color-coding or some other visual cues to indicate values that appear anomalous or
that are outside an expected range. Using the previous example:
A disk with an I/O rate that's approaching its maximum capacity over an extended period (a hot disk) can be
highlighted in red.
A disk with an I/O rate that periodically runs at its maximum limit over short periods (a warm disk) can be
highlighted in yellow.
A disk that's exhibiting normal usage can be displayed in green.
Note that for a dashboard system to work effectively, it must have the raw data to work with. If you are building
your own dashboard system, or using a dashboard developed by another organization, you must understand
which instrumentation data you need to collect, at what levels of granularity, and how it should be formatted for
the dashboard to consume.
A good dashboard does not only display information, it also enables an analyst to pose ad hoc questions about
that information. Some systems provide management tools that an operator can use to perform these tasks and
explore the underlying data. Alternatively, depending on the repository that's used to hold this information, it
might be possible to query this data directly, or import it into tools such as Microsoft Excel for further analysis and

You should restrict access to dashboards to authorized personnel, because this information might be commercially sensitive.
You should also protect the underlying data for dashboards to prevent users from changing it.

Raising alerts
Alerting is the process of analyzing the monitoring and instrumentation data and generating a notification if a
significant event is detected.
Alerting helps ensure that the system remains healthy, responsive, and secure. It's an important part of any system
that makes performance, availability, and privacy guarantees to the users where the data might need to be acted
on immediately. An operator might need to be notified of the event that triggered the alert. Alerting can also be
used to invoke system functions such as autoscaling.
Alerting usually depends on the following instrumentation data:
Security events. If the event logs indicate that repeated authentication and/or authorization failures are
occurring, the system might be under attack and an operator should be informed.
Performance metrics. The system must quickly respond if a particular performance metric exceeds a specified
Availability information. If a fault is detected, it might be necessary to quickly restart one or more subsystems,
or fail over to a backup resource. Repeated faults in a subsystem might indicate more serious concerns.
Operators might receive alert information by using many delivery channels such as email, a pager device, or an
SMS text message. An alert might also include an indication of how critical a situation is. Many alerting systems
support subscriber groups, and all operators who are members of the same group can receive the same set of
An alerting system should be customizable, and the appropriate values from the underlying instrumentation data
can be provided as parameters. This approach enables an operator to filter data and focus on those thresholds or
combinations of values that are of interest. Note that in some cases, the raw instrumentation data can be provided
to the alerting system. In other situations, it might be more appropriate to supply aggregated data. (For example,
an alert can be triggered if the CPU utilization for a node has exceeded 90 percent over the last 10 minutes). The
details provided to the alerting system should also include any appropriate summary and context information.
This data can help reduce the possibility that false-positive events will trip an alert.
Reporting is used to generate an overall view of the system. It might incorporate historical data in addition to
current information. Reporting requirements themselves fall into two broad categories: operational reporting and
security reporting.
Operational reporting typically includes the following aspects:
Aggregating statistics that you can use to understand resource utilization of the overall system or specified
subsystems during a specified time window
Identifying trends in resource usage for the overall system or specified subsystems during a specified period
Monitoring the exceptions that have occurred throughout the system or in specified subsystems during a
specified period
Determining the efficiency of the application in terms of the deployed resources, and understanding whether
the volume of resources (and their associated cost) can be reduced without affecting performance
Security reporting is concerned with tracking customers' use of the system. It can include:
Auditing user operations. This requires recording the individual requests that each user performs, together with
dates and times. The data should be structured to enable an administrator to quickly reconstruct the sequence
of operations that a user performs over a specified period.
Tracking resource use by user. This requires recording how each request for a user accesses the various
resources that compose the system, and for how long. An administrator must be able to use this data to
generate a utilization report by user over a specified period, possibly for billing purposes.
In many cases, batch processes can generate reports according to a defined schedule. (Latency is not normally an
issue.) But they should also be available for generation on an ad hoc basis if needed. As an example, if you are
storing data in a relational database such as Azure SQL Database, you can use a tool such as SQL Server Reporting
Services to extract and format data and present it as a set of reports.

Related patterns and guidance

Autoscaling guidance describes how to decrease management overhead by reducing the need for an operator
to continually monitor the performance of a system and make decisions about adding or removing resources.
Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern describes how to implement functional checks within an application that
external tools can access through exposed endpoints at regular intervals.
Priority Queue Pattern shows how to prioritize queued messages so that urgent requests are received and can
be processed before less urgent messages.

More information
Monitor, diagnose, and troubleshoot Microsoft Azure Storage
Azure: Telemetry Basics and Troubleshooting
Enabling Diagnostics in Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines
Azure Redis Cache, Azure DocumentDB, and HDInsight
How to use Service Bus queues
SQL Server business intelligence in Azure Virtual Machines
Receive alert notifications and Track service health
Application Insights
Microsoft cloud services and network security
1/17/2017 37 min to read Edit on GitHub

Microsoft cloud services deliver hyper-scale services and infrastructure, enterprise-grade capabilities, and many
choices for hybrid connectivity. Customers can choose to access these services either via the Internet or with Azure
ExpressRoute, which provides private network connectivity. The Microsoft Azure platform allows customers to
seamlessly extend their infrastructure into the cloud and build multi-tier architectures. Additionally, third parties
can enable enhanced capabilities by offering security services and virtual appliances. This white paper provides an
overview of security and architectural issues that customers should consider when using Microsoft cloud services
accessed via ExpressRoute. It also covers creating more secure services in Azure virtual networks.

Fast start
The following logic chart can direct you to a specific example of the many security techniques available with the
Azure platform. For quick reference, find the example that best fits your case. For expanded explanations, continue
reading through the paper.

Example 1: Build a perimeter network (also known as DMZ, demilitarized zone, or screened subnet) to help protect
applications with network security groups (NSGs).
Example 2: Build a perimeter network to help protect applications with a firewall and NSGs.
Example 3: Build a perimeter network to help protect networks with a firewall, user-defined route (UDR), and NSG.
Example 4: Add a hybrid connection with a site-to-site, virtual appliance virtual private network (VPN).
Example 5: Add a hybrid connection with a site-to-site, Azure VPN gateway.
Example 6: Add a hybrid connection with ExpressRoute.
Examples for adding connections between virtual networks, high availability, and service chaining will be added to
this document over the next few months.

Microsoft compliance and infrastructure protection

To help organizations comply with national, regional, and industry-specific requirements governing the collection
and use of individuals data, Microsoft offers over 40 certifications and attestations. The most comprehensive set of
any cloud service provider.
For more information, see the compliance information on the Microsoft Trust Center.
Microsoft has a comprehensive approach to protect cloud infrastructure needed to run hyper-scale global services.
Microsoft cloud infrastructure includes hardware, software, networks, and administrative and operations staff, in
addition to the physical data centers.

This approach provides a more secure foundation for customers to deploy their services in the Microsoft cloud.
The next step is for customers to design and create a security architecture to protect these services.

Traditional security architectures and perimeter networks

Although Microsoft invests heavily in protecting the cloud infrastructure, customers must also protect their cloud
services and resource groups. A multilayered approach to security provides the best defense. A perimeter network
security zone protects internal network resources from an untrusted network. A perimeter network refers to the
edges or parts of the network that sit between the Internet and the protected enterprise IT infrastructure.
In typical enterprise networks, the core infrastructure is heavily fortified at the perimeters, with multiple layers of
security devices. The boundary of each layer consists of devices and policy enforcement points. Each layer can
include a combination of the following network security devices: firewalls, Denial of Service (DoS) prevention,
Intrusion Detection or Protection Systems (IDS/IPS), and VPN devices. Policy enforcement can take the form of
firewall policies, access control lists (ACLs), or specific routing. The first line of defense in the network, directly
accepting incoming traffic from the Internet, is a combination of these mechanisms to block attacks and harmful
traffic while allowing legitimate requests further into the network. This traffic routes directly to resources in the
perimeter network. That resource may then talk to resources deeper in the network, transiting the next boundary
for validation first. The outermost layer is called the perimeter network because this part of the network is exposed
to the Internet, usually with some form of protection on both sides. The following figure shows an example of a
single subnet perimeter network in a corporate network, with two security boundaries.
There are many architectures used to implement a perimeter network. These architectures can range from a simple
load balancer to a multiple-subnet perimeter network with varied mechanisms at each boundary to block traffic
and protect the deeper layers of the corporate network. How the perimeter network is built depends on the specific
needs of the organization and its overall risk tolerance.
As customers move their workloads to public clouds, it is critical to support similar capabilities for perimeter
network architecture in Azure to meet compliance and security requirements. This document provides guidelines
on how customers can build a secure network environment in Azure. It focuses on the perimeter network, but also
includes a comprehensive discussion of many aspects of network security. The following questions inform this
How can a perimeter network in Azure be built?
What are some of the Azure features available to build the perimeter network?
How can back-end workloads be protected?
How are Internet communications controlled to the workloads in Azure?
How can the on-premises networks be protected from deployments in Azure?
When should native Azure security features be used versus third-party appliances or services?
The following diagram shows various layers of security Azure provides to customers. These layers are both native
in the Azure platform itself and customer-defined features:

Inbound from the Internet, Azure DDoS helps protect against large-scale attacks against Azure. The next layer is
customer-defined public IP addresses (endpoints), which are used to determine which traffic can pass through the
cloud service to the virtual network. Native Azure virtual network isolation ensures complete isolation from all
other networks and that traffic only flows through user configured paths and methods. These paths and methods
are the next layer, where NSGs, UDR, and network virtual appliances can be used to create security boundaries to
protect the application deployments in the protected network.
The next section provides an overview of Azure virtual networks. These virtual networks are created by customers,
and are what their deployed workloads are connected to. Virtual networks are the basis of all the network security
features required to establish a perimeter network to protect customer deployments in Azure.

Overview of Azure virtual networks

Before Internet traffic can get to the Azure virtual networks, there are two layers of security inherent to the Azure
1. DDoS protection: DDoS protection is a layer of the Azure physical network that protects the Azure
platform itself from large-scale Internet-based attacks. These attacks use multiple bot nodes in an attempt
to overwhelm an Internet service. Azure has a robust DDoS protection mesh on all inbound, outbound, and
cross-Azure region connectivity. This DDoS protection layer has no user configurable attributes and is not
accessible to the customer. The DDoS protection layer protects Azure as a platform from large-scale attacks,
it also monitors out-bound traffic and cross-Azure region traffic. Using network virtual appliances on the
VNet, additional layers of resilience can be configured by the customer against a smaller scale attack that
doesn't trip the platform level protection. An example of DDoS in action; if an internet facing IP address was
attacked by a large-scale DDoS attack, Azure would detect the sources of the attacks and scrub the
offending traffic before it reached its intended destination. In almost all cases, the attacked endpoint isn't
affected by the attack. In the rare cases that an endpoint is affected, no traffic is affected to other endpoints,
only the attacked endpoint. Thus other customers and services would see no impact from that attack. It's
critical to note that Azure DDoS is only looking for large-scale attacks. It is possible that your specific service
could be overwhelmed before the platform level protection thresholds are exceeded. For example, a web
site on a single A0 IIS server, could be taken offline by a DDoS attack before Azure platform level DDoS
protection registered a threat.
2. Public IP Addresses: Public IP addresses (enabled via service endpoints, Public IP addresses, Application
Gateway, and other Azure features that present a public IP address to the internet routed to your resource)
allow cloud services or resource groups to have public Internet IP addresses and ports exposed. The
endpoint uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to route traffic to the internal address and port on the
Azure virtual network. This path is the primary way for external traffic to pass into the virtual network. The
Public IP addresses are configurable to determine which traffic is passed in, and how and where it's
translated on to the virtual network.
Once traffic reaches the virtual network, there are many features that come into play. Azure virtual networks are
the foundation for customers to attach their workloads and where basic network-level security applies. It is a
private network (a virtual network overlay) in Azure for customers with the following features and characteristics:
Traffic isolation: A virtual network is the traffic isolation boundary on the Azure platform. Virtual machines
(VMs) in one virtual network cannot communicate directly to VMs in a different virtual network, even if both
virtual networks are created by the same customer. Isolation is a critical property that ensures customer VMs
and communication remains private within a virtual network.

Traffic isolation refers only to traffic inbound to the virtual network. By default outbound traffic from the VNet to the
internet is allowed, but can be prevented if desired by NSGs.
Multi-tier topology: Virtual networks allow customers to define multi-tier topology by allocating subnets and
designating separate address spaces for different elements or tiers of their workloads. These logical
groupings and topologies enable customers to define different access policy based on the workload types, and
also control traffic flows between the tiers.
Cross-premises connectivity: Customers can establish cross-premises connectivity between a virtual network
and multiple on-premises sites or other virtual networks in Azure. To construct a connection, customers can use
VNet Peering, Azure VPN Gateways, third-party network virtual appliances, or ExpressRoute. Azure supports
site-to-site (S2S) VPNs using standard IPsec/IKE protocols and ExpressRoute private connectivity.
NSG allows customers to create rules (ACLs) at the desired level of granularity: network interfaces, individual
VMs, or virtual subnets. Customers can control access by permitting or denying communication between the
workloads within a virtual network, from systems on customers networks via cross-premises connectivity, or
direct Internet communication.
UDR and IP Forwarding allow customers to define the communication paths between different tiers within a
virtual network. Customers can deploy a firewall, IDS/IPS, and other virtual appliances, and route network traffic
through these security appliances for security boundary policy enforcement, auditing, and inspection.
Network virtual appliances in the Azure Marketplace: Security appliances such as firewalls, load balancers,
and IDS/IPS are available in the Azure Marketplace and the VM Image Gallery. Customers can deploy these
appliances into their virtual networks, and specifically, at their security boundaries (including the perimeter
network subnets) to complete a multi-tiered secure network environment.
With these features and capabilities, one example of how a perimeter network architecture could be constructed in
Azure is the following diagram:

Perimeter network characteristics and requirements

The perimeter network is the front end of the network, directly interfacing communication from the Internet. The
incoming packets should flow through the security appliances, such as the firewall, IDS, and IPS, before reaching
the back-end servers. Internet-bound packets from the workloads can also flow through the security appliances in
the perimeter network for policy enforcement, inspection, and auditing purposes, before leaving the network.
Additionally, the perimeter network can host cross-premises VPN gateways between customer virtual networks
and on-premises networks.
Perimeter network characteristics
Referencing the previous figure, some of the characteristics of a good perimeter network are as follows:
The perimeter network subnet itself is Internet-facing, directly communicating with the Internet.
Public IP addresses, VIPs, and/or service endpoints pass Internet traffic to the front-end network and
Inbound traffic from the Internet passes through security devices before other resources on the front-
end network.
If outbound security is enabled, traffic passes through security devices, as the final step, before passing
to the Internet.
Protected network:
There is no direct path from the Internet to the core infrastructure.
Channels to the core infrastructure must traverse through security devices such as NSGs, firewalls, or
VPN devices.
Other devices must not bridge Internet and the core infrastructure.
Security devices on both the Internet-facing and the protected network facing boundaries of the
perimeter network (for example, the two firewall icons shown in the previous figure) may actually be a
single virtual appliance with differentiated rules or interfaces for each boundary. For example, one
physical device, logically separated, handling the load for both boundaries of the perimeter network.
Other common practices and constraints:
Workloads must not store business critical information.
Access and updates to perimeter network configurations and deployments are limited to only authorized
Perimeter network requirements
To enable these characteristics, follow these guidelines on virtual network requirements to implement a successful
perimeter network:
Subnet architecture: Specify the virtual network such that an entire subnet is dedicated as the perimeter
network, separated from other subnets in the same virtual network. This separation ensures the traffic between
the perimeter network and other internal or private subnet tiers flows through a firewall or IDS/IPS virtual
appliance. User-defined routes on the boundary subnets are required to forward this traffic to the virtual
NSG: The perimeter network subnet itself should be open to allow communication with the Internet, but that
does not mean customers should be bypassing NSGs. Follow common security practices to minimize the
network surfaces exposed to the Internet. Lock down the remote address ranges allowed to access the
deployments or the specific application protocols and ports that are open. There may be circumstances,
however, in which a complete lock-down is not possible. For example, if customers have an external website in
Azure, the perimeter network should allow the incoming web requests from any public IP addresses, but should
only open the web application ports: TCP on port 80 and/or TCP on port 443.
Routing table: The perimeter network subnet itself should be able to communicate to the Internet directly, but
should not allow direct communication to and from the back end or on-premises networks without going
through a firewall or security appliance.
Security appliance configuration: To route and inspect packets between the perimeter network and the rest
of the protected networks, the security appliances such as firewall, IDS, and IPS devices may be multi-homed.
They may have separate NICs for the perimeter network and the back-end subnets. The NICs in the perimeter
network communicate directly to and from the Internet, with the corresponding NSGs and the perimeter
network routing table. The NICs connecting to the back-end subnets have more restricted NSGs and routing
tables of the corresponding back-end subnets.
Security appliance functionality: The security appliances deployed in the perimeter network typically
perform the following functionality:
Firewall: Enforcing firewall rules or access control policies for the incoming requests.
Threat detection and prevention: Detecting and mitigating malicious attacks from the Internet.
Auditing and logging: Maintaining detailed logs for auditing and analysis.
Reverse proxy: Redirecting the incoming requests to the corresponding back-end servers. This
redirection involves mapping and translating the destination addresses on the front-end devices,
typically firewalls, to the back-end server addresses.
Forward proxy: Providing NAT and performing auditing for communication initiated from within the
virtual network to the Internet.
Router: Forwarding incoming and cross-subnet traffic inside the virtual network.
VPN device: Acting as the cross-premises VPN gateways for cross-premises VPN connectivity between
customer on-premises networks and Azure virtual networks.
VPN server: Accepting VPN clients connecting to Azure virtual networks.

Keep the following two groups separate: the individuals authorized to access the perimeter network security gear and the
individuals authorized as application development, deployment, or operations administrators. Keeping these groups separate
allows for a segregation of duties and prevents a single person from bypassing both applications security and network
security controls.

Questions to be asked when building network boundaries

In this section, unless specifically mentioned, the term "networks" refers to private Azure virtual networks created
by a subscription administrator. The term doesn't refer to the underlying physical networks within Azure.
Also, Azure virtual networks are often used to extend traditional on-premises networks. It is possible to incorporate
either site-to-site or ExpressRoute hybrid networking solutions with perimeter network architectures. This hybrid
link is an important consideration in building network security boundaries.
The following three questions are critical to answer when you're building a network with a perimeter network and
multiple security boundaries.
1) How many boundaries are needed?
The first decision point is to decide how many security boundaries are needed in a given scenario:
A single boundary: One on the front-end perimeter network, between the virtual network and the Internet.
Two boundaries: One on the Internet side of the perimeter network, and another between the perimeter
network subnet and the back-end subnets in the Azure virtual networks.
Three boundaries: One on the Internet side of the perimeter network, one between the perimeter network and
back-end subnets, and one between the back-end subnets and the on-premises network.
N boundaries: A variable number. Depending on security requirements, there is no limit to the number of
security boundaries that can be applied in a given network.
The number and type of boundaries needed vary based on a companys risk tolerance and the specific scenario
being implemented. This decision is often made together with multiple groups within an organization, often
including a risk and compliance team, a network and platform team, and an application development team. People
with knowledge of security, the data involved, and the technologies being used should have a say in this decision
to ensure the appropriate security stance for each implementation.

Use the smallest number of boundaries that satisfy the security requirements for a given situation. With more boundaries,
operations and troubleshooting can be more difficult, as well as the management overhead involved with managing the
multiple boundary policies over time. However, insufficient boundaries increase risk. Finding the balance is critical.
The preceding figure shows a high-level view of a three security boundary network. The boundaries are between
the perimeter network and the Internet, the Azure front-end and back-end private subnets, and the Azure back-end
subnet and the on-premises corporate network.
2) Where are the boundaries located?
Once the number of boundaries are decided, where to implement them is the next decision point. There are
generally three choices:
Using an Internet-based intermediary service (for example, a cloud-based Web application firewall, which is not
discussed in this document)
Using native features and/or network virtual appliances in Azure
Using physical devices on the on-premises network
On purely Azure networks, the options are native Azure features (for example, Azure Load Balancers) or network
virtual appliances from the rich partner ecosystem of Azure (for example, Check Point firewalls).
If a boundary is needed between Azure and an on-premises network, the security devices can reside on either side
of the connection (or both sides). Thus a decision must be made on the location to place security gear.
In the previous figure, the Internet-to-perimeter network and the front-to-back-end boundaries are entirely
contained within Azure, and must be either native Azure features or network virtual appliances. Security devices on
the boundary between Azure (back-end subnet) and the corporate network could be either on the Azure side or
the on-premises side, or even a combination of devices on both sides. There can be significant advantages and
disadvantages to either option that must be seriously considered.
For example, using existing physical security gear on the on-premises network side has the advantage that no new
gear is needed. It just needs reconfiguration. The disadvantage, however, is that all traffic must come back from
Azure to the on-premises network to be seen by the security gear. Thus Azure-to-Azure traffic could incur
significant latency, and affect application performance and user experience, if it was forced back to the on-
premises network for security policy enforcement.
3) How are the boundaries implemented?
Each security boundary will likely have different capability requirements (for example, IDS and firewall rules on the
Internet side of the perimeter network, but only ACLs between the perimeter network and back-end subnet).
Deciding on which device (or how many devices) to use depends on the scenario and security requirements. In the
following section, examples 1, 2, and 3 discuss some options that could be used. Reviewing the Azure native
network features and the devices available in Azure from the partner ecosystem shows the myriad options
available to solve virtually any scenario.
Another key implementation decision point is how to connect the on-premises network with Azure. Should you
use the Azure virtual gateway or a network virtual appliance? These options are discussed in greater detail in the
following section (examples 4, 5, and 6).
Additionally, traffic between virtual networks within Azure may be needed. These scenarios will be added in the
Once you know the answers to the previous questions, the Fast Start section can help identify which examples are
most appropriate for a given scenario.

Examples: Building security boundaries with Azure virtual networks

Example 1 Build a perimeter network to help protect applications with NSGs
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions for this example

Environment description
In this example, there is a subscription that contains the following resources:
A single resource group
A virtual network with two subnets: FrontEnd and BackEnd
A Network Security Group that is applied to both subnets
A Windows server that represents an application web server (IIS01)
Two Windows servers that represent application back-end servers (AppVM01, AppVM02)
A Windows server that represents a DNS server (DNS01)
A public IP associated with the application web server
For scripts and an Azure Resource Manager template, see the detailed build instructions.
NSG description
In this example, an NSG group is built and then loaded with six rules.

Generally speaking, you should create your specific Allow rules first, followed by the more generic Deny rules. The given
priority dictates which rules are evaluated first. Once traffic is found to apply to a specific rule, no further rules are evaluated.
NSG rules can apply in either the inbound or outbound direction (from the perspective of the subnet).

Declaratively, the following rules are being built for inbound traffic:
1. Internal DNS traffic (port 53) is allowed.
2. RDP traffic (port 3389) from the Internet to any Virtual Machine is allowed.
3. HTTP traffic (port 80) from the Internet to web server (IIS01) is allowed.
4. Any traffic (all ports) from IIS01 to AppVM1 is allowed.
5. Any traffic (all ports) from the Internet to the entire virtual network (both subnets) is denied.
6. Any traffic (all ports) from the front-end subnet to the back-end subnet is denied.
With these rules bound to each subnet, if an HTTP request was inbound from the Internet to the web server, both
rules 3 (allow) and 5 (deny) would apply. But because rule 3 has a higher priority, only it would apply, and rule 5
would not come into play. Thus the HTTP request would be allowed to the web server. If that same traffic was
trying to reach the DNS01 server, rule 5 (deny) would be the first to apply, and the traffic would not be allowed to
pass to the server. Rule 6 (deny) blocks the front-end subnet from talking to the back-end subnet (except for
allowed traffic in rules 1 and 4). This rule-set protects the back-end network in case an attacker compromises the
web application on the front end. The attacker would have limited access to the back-end protected network
(only to resources exposed on the AppVM01 server).
There is a default outbound rule that allows traffic out to the Internet. For this example, were allowing outbound
traffic and not modifying any outbound rules. To lock down traffic in both directions, user-defined routing is
required (see example 3).
This example is a relatively simple and straightforward way of isolating the back-end subnet from inbound traffic.
For more information, see the detailed build instructions. These instructions include:
How to build this perimeter network with classic PowerShell scripts.
How to build this perimeter network with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed descriptions of each NSG command.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic is allowed or denied in each layer.
Example 2 Build a perimeter network to help protect applications with a firewall and NSGs
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions for this example
Environment description
In this example, there is a subscription that contains the following resources:
A single resource group
A virtual network with two subnets: FrontEnd and BackEnd
A Network Security Group that is applied to both subnets
A network virtual appliance, in this case a firewall, connected to the front-end subnet
A Windows server that represents an application web server (IIS01)
Two Windows servers that represent application back-end servers (AppVM01, AppVM02)
A Windows server that represents a DNS server (DNS01)
For scripts and an Azure Resource Manager template, see the detailed build instructions.
NSG description
In this example, an NSG group is built and then loaded with six rules.

Generally speaking, you should create your specific Allow rules first, followed by the more generic Deny rules. The given
priority dictates which rules are evaluated first. Once traffic is found to apply to a specific rule, no further rules are evaluated.
NSG rules can apply in either the inbound or outbound direction (from the perspective of the subnet).

Declaratively, the following rules are being built for inbound traffic:
1. Internal DNS traffic (port 53) is allowed.
2. RDP traffic (port 3389) from the Internet to any Virtual Machine is allowed.
3. Any Internet traffic (all ports) to the network virtual appliance (firewall) is allowed.
4. Any traffic (all ports) from IIS01 to AppVM1 is allowed.
5. Any traffic (all ports) from the Internet to the entire virtual network (both subnets) is denied.
6. Any traffic (all ports) from the front-end subnet to the back-end subnet is denied.
With these rules bound to each subnet, if an HTTP request was inbound from the Internet to the firewall, both rules
3 (allow) and 5 (deny) would apply. But because rule 3 has a higher priority, only it would apply, and rule 5 would
not come into play. Thus the HTTP request would be allowed to the firewall. If that same traffic was trying to reach
the IIS01 server, even though its on the front-end subnet, rule 5 (deny) would apply, and the traffic would not be
allowed to pass to the server. Rule 6 (deny) blocks the front-end subnet from talking to the back-end subnet
(except for allowed traffic in rules 1 and 4). This rule-set protects the back-end network in case an attacker
compromises the web application on the front end. The attacker would have limited access to the back-end
protected network (only to resources exposed on the AppVM01 server).
There is a default outbound rule that allows traffic out to the Internet. For this example, were allowing outbound
traffic and not modifying any outbound rules. To lock down traffic in both directions, user-defined routing is
required (see example 3).
Firewall rule description
On the firewall, forwarding rules should be created. Since this example only routes Internet traffic in-bound to the
firewall and then to the web server, only one forwarding network address translation (NAT) rule is needed.
The forwarding rule accepts any inbound source address that hits the firewall trying to reach HTTP (port 80 or 443
for HTTPS). It's sent out of the firewalls local interface and redirected to the web server with the IP Address of
This example is a relatively straightforward way of protecting your application with a firewall and isolating the
back-end subnet from inbound traffic. For more information, see the detailed build instructions. These instructions
How to build this perimeter network with classic PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed descriptions of each NSG command and firewall rule.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic is allowed or denied in each layer.
Example 3 Build a perimeter network to help protect networks with a firewall and UDR and NSG
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions for this example
Environment description
In this example, there is a subscription that contains the following resources:
A single resource group
A virtual network with three subnets: SecNet, FrontEnd, and BackEnd
A network virtual appliance, in this case a firewall, connected to the SecNet subnet
A Windows server that represents an application web server (IIS01)
Two Windows servers that represent application back-end servers (AppVM01, AppVM02)
A Windows server that represents a DNS server (DNS01)
For scripts and an Azure Resource Manager template, see the detailed build instructions.
UDR description
By default, the following system routes are defined as:

Effective routes :
Address Prefix Next hop type Next hop IP address Status Source
-------------- ------------- ------------------- ------ ------
{} VNETLocal Active Default
{} Internet Active Default
{} Null Active Default
{} Null Active Default
{} Null Active Default
{} Null Active Default

The VNETLocal is always one or more defined address prefixes that make up the virtual network for that specific
network (that is, it changes from virtual network to virtual network, depending on how each specific virtual
network is defined). The remaining system routes are static and default as indicated in the table.
In this example, two routing tables are created, one each for the front-end and back-end subnets. Each table is
loaded with static routes appropriate for the given subnet. In this example, each table has three routes that direct
all traffic ( through the firewall (Next hop = Virtual Appliance IP address):
1. Local subnet traffic with no Next Hop defined to allow local subnet traffic to bypass the firewall.
2. Virtual network traffic with a Next Hop defined as firewall. This next hop overrides the default rule that allows
local virtual network traffic to route directly.
3. All remaining traffic (0/0) with a Next Hop defined as the firewall.

Not having the local subnet entry in the UDR breaks local subnet communications.
In our example, pointing to VNETLocal is critical! Without it, packet leaving the Web Server ( destined
to another local server (for example) will fail as they will be sent to the NVA. The NVA will send it to the subnet,
and the subnet will resend it to the NVA in an infinite loop.
The chances of a routing loop are typically higher on appliances with multiple NICs that are connected to separate
subnets, which is often of traditional, on-premises appliances.

Once the routing tables are created, they must be bound to their subnets. The front-end subnet routing table, once
created and bound to the subnet, would look like this output:

Effective routes :
Address Prefix Next hop type Next hop IP address Status Source
-------------- ------------- ------------------- ------ ------
{} VNETLocal Active
{} VirtualAppliance Active
{} VirtualAppliance Active

UDR can now be applied to the gateway subnet on which the ExpressRoute circuit is connected.
Examples of how to enable your perimeter network with ExpressRoute or site-to-site networking are shown in examples 3
and 4.

IP Forwarding description
IP Forwarding is a companion feature to UDR. IP Forwarding is a setting on a virtual appliance that allows it to
receive traffic not specifically addressed to the appliance, and then forward that traffic to its ultimate destination.
For example, if AppVM01 makes a request to the DNS01 server, UDR would route this traffic to the firewall. With
IP Forwarding enabled, the traffic for the DNS01 destination ( is accepted by the appliance ( and
then forwarded to its ultimate destination ( Without IP Forwarding enabled on the firewall, traffic would
not be accepted by the appliance even though the route table has the firewall as the next hop. To use a virtual
appliance, its critical to remember to enable IP Forwarding along with UDR.
NSG description
In this example, an NSG group is built and then loaded with a single rule. This group is then bound only to the
front-end and back-end subnets (not the SecNet). Declaratively the following rule is being built:
Any traffic (all ports) from the Internet to the entire virtual network (all subnets) is denied.
Although NSGs are used in this example, its main purpose is as a secondary layer of defense against manual
misconfiguration. The goal is to block all inbound traffic from the Internet to either the front-end or back-end
subnets. Traffic should only flow through the SecNet subnet to the firewall (and then, if appropriate, on to the
front-end or back-end subnets). Plus, with the UDR rules in place, any traffic that did make it into the front-end or
back-end subnets would be directed out to the firewall (thanks to UDR). The firewall would see this traffic as an
asymmetric flow and would drop the outbound traffic. Thus there are three layers of security protecting the
No Public IP addresses on any FrontEnd or BackEnd NICs.
NSGs denying traffic from the Internet.
The firewall dropping asymmetric traffic.
One interesting point regarding the NSG in this example is that it contains only one rule, which is to deny Internet
traffic to the entire virtual network, including the Security subnet. However, since the NSG is only bound to the
front-end and back-end subnets, the rule isnt processed on traffic inbound to the Security subnet. As a result,
traffic flows to the Security subnet.
Firewall rules
On the firewall, forwarding rules should be created. Since the firewall is blocking or forwarding all inbound,
outbound, and intra-virtual network traffic, many firewall rules are needed. Also, all inbound traffic hits the
Security Service public IP address (on different ports), to be processed by the firewall. A best practice is to diagram
the logical flows before setting up the subnets and firewall rules, to avoid rework later. The following figure is a
logical view of the firewall rules for this example:

Based on the Network Virtual Appliance used, the management ports vary. In this example, a Barracuda NextGen Firewall is
referenced, which uses ports 22, 801, and 807. Consult the appliance vendor documentation to find the exact ports used for
management of the device being used.

Firewall rules description

In the preceding logical diagram, the security subnet is not shown because the firewall is the only resource on that
subnet. The diagram is showing the firewall rules and how they logically allow or deny traffic flows, not the actual
routed path. Also, the external ports selected for the RDP traffic are higher ranged ports (8014 8026) and were
selected to loosely align with the last two octets of the local IP address for easier readability (for example, local
server address is associated with external port 8014). Any higher non-conflicting ports, however, could be
For this example, we need seven types of rules:
External rules (for inbound traffic):
1. Firewall management rule: This App Redirect rule allows traffic to pass to the management ports of the
network virtual appliance.
2. RDP rules (for each Windows server): These four rules (one for each server) allow management of the
individual servers via RDP. The four RDP rules could also be collapsed into one rule, depending on the
capabilities of the network virtual appliance being used.
3. Application traffic rules: There are two of these rules, the first for the front-end web traffic, and the
second for the back-end traffic (for example, web server to data tier). The configuration of these rules
depends on the network architecture (where your servers are placed) and traffic flows (which direction
the traffic flows, and which ports are used).
The first rule allows the actual application traffic to reach the application server. While the other
rules allow for security and management, application traffic rules are what allow external users or
services to access the applications. For this example, there is a single web server on port 80. Thus
a single firewall application rule redirects inbound traffic to the external IP, to the web servers
internal IP address. The redirected traffic session would be translated via NAT to the internal
The second rule is the back-end rule to allow the web server to talk to the AppVM01 server (but
not AppVM02) via any port.
Internal rules (for intra-virtual network traffic)
1. Outbound to Internet rule: This rule allows traffic from any network to pass to the selected networks.
This rule is usually a default rule already on the firewall, but in a disabled state. This rule should be
enabled for this example.
2. DNS rule: This rule allows only DNS (port 53) traffic to pass to the DNS server. For this environment,
most traffic from the front end to the back end is blocked. This rule specifically allows DNS from any
local subnet.
3. Subnet to subnet rule: This rule is to allow any server on the back-end subnet to connect to any server
on the front-end subnet (but not the reverse).
Fail-safe rule (for traffic that doesnt meet any of the previous):
1. Deny all traffic rule: This deny rule should always be the final rule (in terms of priority), and as such if a
traffic flow fails to match any of the preceding rules it is dropped by this rule. This rule is a default rule
and usually in-place and active. No modifications are usually needed to this rule.

On the second application traffic rule, to simplify this example, any port is allowed. In a real scenario, the most specific port
and address ranges should be used to reduce the attack surface of this rule.

Once the previous rules are created, its important to review the priority of each rule to ensure traffic is allowed or
denied as desired. For this example, the rules are in priority order.
This example is a more complex but complete way of protecting and isolating the network than the previous
examples. (Example 2 protects just the application, and Example 1 just isolates subnets). This design allows for
monitoring traffic in both directions, and protects not just the inbound application server but enforces network
security policy for all servers on this network. Also, depending on the appliance used, full traffic auditing and
awareness can be achieved. For more information, see the detailed build instructions. These instructions include:
How to build this example perimeter network with classic PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed descriptions of each UDR, NSG command, and firewall rule.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic is allowed or denied in each layer.
Example 4 Add a hybrid connection with a site -to -site, virtual appliance VPN
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions available soon

Environment description
Hybrid networking using a network virtual appliance (NVA) can be added to any of the perimeter network types
described in examples 1, 2, or 3.
As shown in the previous figure, a VPN connection over the Internet (site-to-site) is used to connect an on-
premises network to an Azure virtual network via an NVA.

If you use ExpressRoute with the Azure Public Peering option enabled, a static route should be created. This static route
should route to the NVA VPN IP address out your corporate Internet and not via the ExpressRoute connection. The NAT
required on the ExpressRoute Azure Public Peering option can break the VPN session.

Once the VPN is in place, the NVA becomes the central hub for all networks and subnets. The firewall forwarding
rules determine which traffic flows are allowed, are translated via NAT, are redirected, or are dropped (even for
traffic flows between the on-premises network and Azure).
Traffic flows should be considered carefully, as they can be optimized or degraded by this design pattern,
depending on the specific use case.
Using the environment built in example 3, and then adding a site-to-site VPN hybrid network connection, produces
the following design:
The on-premises router, or any other network device that is compatible with your NVA for VPN, would be the VPN
client. This physical device would be responsible for initiating and maintaining the VPN connection with your NVA.
Logically to the NVA, the network looks like four separate security zones with the rules on the NVA being the
primary director of traffic between these zones:

The addition of a site-to-site VPN hybrid network connection to an Azure virtual network can extend the on-
premises network into Azure in a secure manner. In using a VPN connection, your traffic is encrypted and routes
via the Internet. The NVA in this example provides a central location to enforce and manage the security policy. For
more information, see the detailed build instructions (forthcoming). These instructions include:
How to build this example perimeter network with PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic flows through this design.
Example 5 Add a hybrid connection with a site -to -site, Azure VPN gateway
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions available soon
Environment description
Hybrid networking using an Azure VPN gateway can be added to either perimeter network type described in
examples 1 or 2.
As shown in the preceding figure, a VPN connection over the Internet (site-to-site) is used to connect an on-
premises network to an Azure virtual network via an Azure VPN gateway.

If you use ExpressRoute with the Azure Public Peering option enabled, a static route should be created. This static route
should route to the NVA VPN IP address out your corporate Internet and not via the ExpressRoute WAN. The NAT required
on the ExpressRoute Azure Public Peering option can break the VPN session.

The following figure shows the two network edges in this example. On the first edge, the NVA and NSGs control
traffic flows for intra-Azure networks and between Azure and the Internet. The second edge is the Azure VPN
gateway, which is a separate and isolated network edge between on-premises and Azure.
Traffic flows should be considered carefully, as they can be optimized or degraded by this design pattern,
depending on the specific use case.
Using the environment built in example 1, and then adding a site-to-site VPN hybrid network connection, produces
the following design:
The addition of a site-to-site VPN hybrid network connection to an Azure virtual network can extend the on-
premises network into Azure in a secure manner. Using the native Azure VPN gateway, your traffic is IPSec
encrypted and routes via the Internet. Also, using the Azure VPN gateway can provide a lower-cost option (no
additional licensing cost as with third-party NVAs). This option is most economical in example 1, where no NVA is
used. For more information, see the detailed build instructions (forthcoming). These instructions include:
How to build this example perimeter network with PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic flows through this design.
Example 6 Add a hybrid connection with ExpressRoute
Back to Fast start | Detailed build instructions available soon
Environment description
Hybrid networking using an ExpressRoute private peering connection can be added to either perimeter network
type described in examples 1 or 2.
As shown in the preceding figure, ExpressRoute private peering provides a direct connection between your on-
premises network and the Azure virtual network. Traffic transits only the service provider network and the
Microsoft Azure network, never touching the Internet.

Using ExpressRoute keeps corporate network traffic off the Internet. It also allows for service level agreements from your
ExpressRoute provider. The Azure Gateway can pass up to 10 Gbps with ExpressRoute, whereas with site-to-site VPNs, the
Azure Gateway maximum throughput is 200 Mbps.

As seen in the following diagram, with this option the environment now has two network edges. The NVA and
NSG control traffic flows for intra-Azure networks and between Azure and the Internet, while the gateway is a
separate and isolated network edge between on-premises and Azure.
Traffic flows should be considered carefully, as they can be optimized or degraded by this design pattern,
depending on the specific use case.
Using the environment built in example 1, and then adding an ExpressRoute hybrid network connection, produces
the following design:

The addition of an ExpressRoute Private Peering network connection can extend the on-premises network into
Azure in a secure, lower latency, higher performing manner. Also, using the native Azure Gateway, as in this
example, provides a lower-cost option (no additional licensing as with third-party NVAs). For more information,
see the detailed build instructions (forthcoming). These instructions include:
How to build this example perimeter network with PowerShell scripts.
How to build this example with an Azure Resource Manager template.
Detailed traffic flow scenarios, showing how traffic flows through this design.

Helpful websites and documentation
Access Azure with Azure Resource Manager:
Accessing Azure with PowerShell: https://docs.microsoft.com/powershell/azureps-cmdlets-docs/
Virtual networking documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-network/
Network security group documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-network/virtual-networks-
User-defined routing documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-network/virtual-networks-udr-
Azure virtual gateways: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/vpn-gateway/
Site-to-Site VPNs: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-create-site-to-site-rm-
ExpressRoute documentation (be sure to check out the Getting Started and How To sections):
1 min to read
Edit on Git Hub
Recommended naming conventions for Azure
1/17/2017 9 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is a summary of the naming rules and restrictions for Azure resources and a baseline set of
recommendations for naming conventions. You can use these recommendations as a starting point for your own
conventions specific to your needs.
The choice of a name for any resource in Microsoft Azure is important because:
It is difficult to change a name later.
Names must meet the requirements of their specific resource type.
Consistent naming conventions make resources easier to locate. They can also indicate the role of a resource in a
The key to success with naming conventions is establishing and following them across your applications and

Naming subscriptions
When naming Azure subscriptions, verbose names make understanding the context and purpose of each
subscription clear. When working in an environment with many subscriptions, following a shared naming
convention can improve clarity.
A recommended pattern for naming subscriptions is:
<Company> <Department (optional)> <Product Line (optional)> <Environment>

Company would usually be the same for each subscription. However, some companies may have child
companies within the organizational structure. These companies may be managed by a central IT group. In
these cases, they could be differentiated by having both the parent company name (Contoso) and child
company name (North Wind).
Department is a name within the organization where a group of individuals work. This item within the
namespace as optional.
Product line is a specific name for a product or function that is performed from within the department. This is
generally optional for internal-facing services and applications. However, it is highly recommended to use for
public-facing services that require easy separation and identification (such as for clear separation of billing
Environment is the name that describes the deployment lifecycle of the applications or services, such as Dev,
QA, or Prod.


Contoso SocialGaming AwesomeService Production Contoso


Contoso SocialGaming AwesomeService Dev Contoso

AwesomeService Dev

Contoso IT InternalApps Production Contoso IT


Contoso IT InternalApps Dev Contoso IT

InternalApps Dev

Use affixes to avoid ambiguity

When naming resources in Azure, it is recommended to use common prefixes or suffixes to identify the type and
context of the resource. While all the information about type, metadata, context, is available programmatically,
applying common affixes simplifies visual identification. When incorporating affixes into your naming convention,
it is important to clearly specify whether the affix is at the beginning of the name (prefix) or at the end (suffix).
For instance, here are two possible names for a service hosting a calculation engine:
SvcCalculationEngine (prefix)
CalculationEngineSvc (suffix)
Affixes can refer to different aspects that describe the particular resources. The following table shows some
examples typically used.


Environment dev, prod, QA Identifies the environment for the


Location uw (US West), ue (US East) Identifies the region into which the
resource is deployed

Instance 01, 02 For resources that have more than one

named instance (web servers, etc.).

Product or Service service Identifies the product, application, or

service that the resource supports

Role sql, web, messaging Identifies the role of the associated


When developing a specific naming convention for your company or projects, it is importantly to choose a
common set of affixes and their position (suffix or prefix).

Naming Rules and Restrictions

Each resource or service type in Azure enforces a set of naming restrictions and scope; any naming convention or
pattern must adhere to the requisite naming rules and scope. For example, while the name of a VM maps to a DNS
name (and is thus required to be unique across all of Azure), the name of a VNET is scoped to the Resource Group
that it is created within.
In general, avoid having any special characters ( - or _ ) as the first or last character in any name. These
characters will cause most validation rules to fail.


Resource Resource Global 1-64 Case Alphanume <service short profx-

Group Group insensitive ric, name>- prod-rg
underscore, rg
and hyphen

Resource Availability Resource 1-80 Case Alphanume <service- profx-

Group Set Group insensitive ric, short- sql-as
underscore, <context>-
and hyphen as

General Tag Associated 512 (name), Case Alphanume "key" : "department"

Entity 256 (value) insensitive ric "value" : "Central

Compute Virtual Resource 1-15 Case Alphanume <name>- profx-

Machine Group insensitive ric, <role>- sql-vm1
and hyphen

Storage Storage Global 3-24 Lower case Alphanume <gloablly profxdata001

account ric unique
name (data) <number>
(use a
function to
calculate a
unique guid
for naming

Storage Storage Global 3-24 Lower case Alphanume <vm name without
account ric dashes>st<number>

Storage Container Storage 3-63 Lower case Alphanume <context> logs

name account ric and dash

Storage Blob name Container 1-1024 Case Any URL <variable <variable
sensitive char based on based on
blob blob
usage> usage>

Storage Queue Storage 3-63 Lower case Alphanume <service awesomeservice-

name account ric and dash short messages-001

Storage Table name Storage 3-63 Case Alphanume <service awesomeservice-

account insensitive ric short logs

Storage File name Storage 3-63 Lower case Alphanume <variable <variable
account ric based on based on
blob blob
usage> usage>

Networking Virtual Resource 2-64 Case- Alphanume <service profx-

Network Group insensitive ric, dash, short vnet
(VNet) underscore, [section]-
and period vnet

Networking Subnet Parent 2-80 Case- Alphanume <descriptive web

VNet insensitive ric, context>
dash, and

Networking Network Resource 1-80 Case- Alphanume <vmname>- profx-

Interface Group insensitive ric, dash, nic<num> sql1-
and period

Networking Network Resource 1-80 Case- Alphanume <service profx-

Security Group insensitive ric, dash, short app-nsg
Group underscore, <context>-
and period nsg

Networking Network Resource 1-80 Case- Alphanume <descriptive sql-

Security Group insensitive ric, dash, context> allow
Group Rule underscore,
and period

Networking Public IP Resource 1-80 Case- Alphanume <vm or profx-

Address Group insensitive ric, dash, service sql1-pip
underscore, pip
and period

Networking Load Resource 1-80 Case- Alphanume <service profx-lb

Balancer Group insensitive ric, dash, or
and period

Networking Load Load 1-80 Case- Alphanume <descriptive http

Balanced Balancer insensitive ric, dash, context>
Rules underscore,
Config and period

Networking Azure Resource 1-80 Case- Alphanume <service profx-

Application Group insensitive ric, dash, or agw
Gateway underscore, aag
and period

Networking Traffic Resource 1-63 Case- Alphanume <descriptive app1

Manager Group insensitive ric, dash, context>
Profile and period

Organizing resources with tags

The Azure Resource Manager supports tagging entities with arbitrary text strings to identify context and
streamline automation. For example, the tag "sqlVersion: "sql2014ee" could identify VMs in a deployment
running SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition for running an automated script against them. Tags should be used to
augment and enhance context along side of the naming conventions chosen.

One other advantage of tags is that tags span resource groups, allowing you to link and correlate entities across disparate

Each resource or resource group can have a maximum of 15 tags. The tag name is limited to 512 characters, and
the tag value is limited to 256 characters.
For more information on resource tagging, refer to Using tags to organize your Azure resources.
Some of the common tagging use cases are:
Billing; Grouping resources and associating them with billing or charge back codes.
Service Context Identification; Identify groups of resources across Resource Groups for common operations
and grouping
Access Control and Security Context; Administrative role identification based on portfolio, system, service,
app, instance, etc.

Tag early - tag often. Better to have a baseline tagging scheme in place and adjust over time rather than having to retrofit
after the fact.

An example of some common tagging approaches:


Bill To / Internal Chargeback billTo IT-Chargeback-1234 An internal I/O or billing

ID code

Operator or Directly managedBy joe@contoso.com Alias or email address

Responsible Individual (DRI)

Project Name project-name myproject Name of the project or

product line

Project Version project-version 3.4 Version of the project or

product line

Environment environment <Production, Staging, Environmental identifier

QA >

Tier tier Front End, Back End, Tier or role/context

Data identification

Data Profile dataProfile Public, Confidential, Sensitivity of data stored in

Restricted, Internal the resource

Tips and tricks

Some types of resources may require additional care on naming and conventions.
Virtual machines
Especially in larger topologies, carefully naming virtual machines streamlines identifying the role and purpose of
each machine, and enabling more predictable scripting.

Every virtual machine in Azure has both an Azure resource name, and an operating system host name.
If the resource name and host name are different, managing the VMs may be challenging and should be avoided. For
example, if a virtual machine is created from a .vhd that already contains a configured operating system with a hostname.

Naming conventions for Windows Server VMs

Storage accounts and storage entities
There are two primary use cases for storage accounts - backing disks for VMs, and storing data in blobs, queues
and tables. Storage accounts used for VM disks should follow the naming convention of associating them with the
parent VM name (and with the potential need for multiple storage accounts for high-end VM SKUs, also apply a
number suffix).

Storage accounts - whether for data or disks - should follow a naming convention that allows for multiple storage accounts
to be leveraged (i.e. always using a numeric suffix).

It possible to configure a custom domain name for accessing blob data in your Azure Storage account. The default
endpoint for the Blob service is https://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net .
But if you map a custom domain (such as www.contoso.com) to the blob endpoint for your storage account, you
can also access blob data in your storage account by using that domain. For example, with a custom domain name,
http://mystorage.blob.core.windows.net/mycontainer/myblob could be accessed as
http://www.contoso.com/mycontainer/myblob .

For more information about configuring this feature, refer to Configure a custom domain name for your Blob
storage endpoint.
For more information on naming blobs, containers and tables:
Naming and Referencing Containers, Blobs, and Metadata
Naming Queues and Metadata
Naming Tables
A blob name can contain any combination of characters, but reserved URL characters must be properly escaped.
Avoid blob names that end with a period (.), a forward slash (/), or a sequence or combination of the two. By
convention, the forward slash is the virtual directory separator. Do not use a backward slash () in a blob name.
The client APIs may allow it, but then fail to hash properly, and the signatures will not match.
It is not possible to modify the name of a storage account or container after it has been created. If you want to use
a new name, you must delete it and create a new one.

We recommend that you establish a naming convention for all storage accounts and types before embarking on the
development of a new service or application.

Example - deploying an n-tier architecture

Deploy the reference architecture described in Running Windows VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure or
Running Linux VMs for an N-tier architecture on Azure for a sample deployment that uses the naming conventions
listed above.

Next steps
Deploy a single Windows or Linux VM in Azure.
Deploy multiple VMs in Azure.
Deploy an n-tier Windows or Linux architecture in Azure.
1 min to read
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1 min to read
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Retry general guidance
1/17/2017 19 min to read Edit on GitHub

All applications that communicate with remote services and resources must be sensitive to transient faults. This is
especially the case for applications that run in the cloud, where the nature of the environment and connectivity over
the Internet means these types of faults are likely to be encountered more often. Transient faults include the
momentary loss of network connectivity to components and services, the temporary unavailability of a service, or
timeouts that arise when a service is busy. These faults are often self-correcting, and if the action is repeated after a
suitable delay it is likely succeed.
This document covers general guidance for transient fault handling. For information about handling transient faults
when using Microsoft Azure services, see Azure service-specific retry guidelines.

Why do transient faults occur in the cloud?

Transient faults can occur in any environment, on any platform or operating system, and in any kind of application.
In solutions that run on local, on-premises infrastructure, performance and availability of the application and its
components is typically maintained through expensive and often under-used hardware redundancy, and
components and resources are located close to each another. While this makes a failure less likely, it can still result
in transient faults - and even an outage through unforeseen events such as external power supply or network
issues, or other disaster scenarios.
Cloud hosting, including private cloud systems, can offer a higher overall availability by using shared resources,
redundancy, automatic failover, and dynamic resource allocation across a huge number of commodity compute
nodes. However, the nature of these environments can mean that transient faults are more likely to occur. There are
several reasons for this:
Many resources in a cloud environment are shared, and access to these resources is subject to throttling in
order to protect the resource. Some services will refuse connections when the load rises to a specific level, or a
maximum throughput rate is reached, in order to allow processing of existing requests and to maintain
performance of the service for all users. Throttling helps to maintain the quality of service for neighbors and
other tenants using the shared resource.
Cloud environments are built using vast numbers of commodity hardware units. They deliver performance by
dynamically distributing the load across multiple computing units and infrastructure components, and deliver
reliability by automatically recycling or replacing failed units. This dynamic nature means that transient faults
and temporary connection failures may occasionally occur.
There are often more hardware components, including network infrastructure such as routers and load
balancers, between the application and the resources and services it uses. This additional infrastructure can
occasionally introduce additional connection latency and transient connection faults.
Network conditions between the client and the server may be variable, especially when communication crosses
the Internet. Even in on-premises locations, very heavy traffic loads may slow communication and cause
intermittent connection failures.

Transient faults can have a huge impact on the perceived availability of an application, even if it has been
thoroughly tested under all foreseeable circumstances. To ensure that cloud-hosted applications operate reliably,
they must be able to respond to the following challenges:
The application must be able to detect faults when they occur, and determine if these faults are likely to be
transient, more long-lasting, or are terminal failures. Different resources are likely to return different responses
when a fault occurs, and these responses may also vary depending on the context of the operation; for example,
the response for an error when reading from storage may be different from response for an error when writing
to storage. Many resources and services have well-documented transient failure contracts. However, where such
information is not available, it may be difficult to discover the nature of the fault and whether it is likely to be
The application must be able to retry the operation if it determines that the fault is likely to be transient and
keep track of the number of times the operation was retried.
The application must use an appropriate strategy for the retries. This strategy specifies the number of times it
should retry, the delay between each attempt, and the actions to take after a failed attempt. The appropriate
number of attempts and the delay between each one are often difficult to determine, and vary based on the type
of resource as well as the current operating conditions of the resource and the application itself.

General guidelines
The following guidelines will help you to design a suitable transient fault handing mechanism for your applications:
Determine if there is a built-in retry mechanism:
Many services provide an SDK or client library that contains a transient fault handling mechanism. The
retry policy it uses is typically tailored to the nature and requirements of the target service. Alternatively,
REST interfaces for services may return information that is useful in determining whether a retry is
appropriate, and how long to wait before the next retry attempt.
Use the built-in retry mechanism where one is available unless you have specific and well-understood
requirements that mean a different retry behavior is more appropriate.
Determine if the operation is suitable for retrying:
You should only retry operations where the faults are transient (typically indicated by the nature of the
error), and if there is at least some likelihood that the operation will succeed when reattempted. There is
no point in reattempting operations that indicate an invalid operation such as a database update to an
item that does not exist, or requests to a service or resource that has suffered a fatal error
In general, you should implement retries only where the full impact of this can be determined, and the
conditions are well understood and can be validated. If not, leave it to the calling code to implement
retries. Remember that the errors returned from resources and services outside your control may evolve
over time, and you may need to revisit your transient fault detection logic.
When you create services or components, consider implementing error codes and messages that will
help clients determine whether they should retry failed operations. In particular, indicate if the client
should retry the operation (perhaps by returning an isTransient value) and suggest a suitable delay
before the next retry attempt. If you build a web service, consider returning custom errors defined within
your service contracts. Even though generic clients may not be able to read these, they will be useful
when building custom clients.
Determine an appropriate retry count and interval:
It is vital to optimize the retry count and the interval to the type of use case. If you do not retry a sufficient
number of times, the application will be unable to complete the operation and is likely to experience a
failure. If you retry too many times, or with too short an interval between tries, the application can
potentially hold resources such as threads, connections, and memory for long periods, which will
adversely affect the health of the application.
The appropriate values for the time interval and the number of retry attempts depend on the type of
operation being attempted. For example, if the operation is part of a user interaction, the interval should
be short and only a few retries attempted to avoid making users wait for a response (which holds open
connections and can reduce availability for other users). If the operation is part of a long running or
critical workflow, where cancelling and restarting the process is expensive or time-consuming, it is
appropriate to wait longer between attempts and retry more times.
Determining the appropriate intervals between retries is the most difficult part of designing a successful
strategy. Typical strategies use the following types of retry interval:
Exponential back-off. The application waits a short time before the first retry, and then
exponentially increasing times between each subsequent retry. For example, it may retry the
operation after 3 seconds, 12 seconds, 30 seconds, and so on.
Incremental intervals. The application waits a short time before the first retry, and then
incrementally increasing times between each subsequent retry. For example, it may retry the
operation after 3 seconds, 7 seconds, 13 seconds, and so on.
Regular intervals. The application waits for the same period of time between each attempt. For
example, it may retry the operation every 3 seconds.
Immediate retry. Sometimes a transient fault is extremely short, perhaps caused by an event
such as a network packet collision or a spike in a hardware component. In this case, retrying the
operation immediately is appropriate because it may succeed if the fault has cleared in the time it
takes the application to assemble and send the next request. However, there should never be more
than one immediate retry attempt, and you should switch to alternative strategies, such as such as
exponential back-off or fallback actions, if the immediate retry fails.
Randomization. Any of the retry strategies listed above may include a randomization to prevent
multiple instances of the client sending subsequent retry attempts at the same time. For example,
one instance may retry the operation after 3 seconds, 11 seconds, 28 seconds, and so on while
another instance may retry the operation after 4 seconds, 12 seconds, 26 seconds, and so on.
Randomization is a useful technique that may be combined with other strategies.
As a general guideline, use an exponential back-off strategy for background operations, and immediate
or regular interval retry strategies for interactive operations. In both cases, you should choose the delay
and the retry count so that the maximum latency for all retry attempts is within the required end-to-end
latency requirement.
Take into account the combination of all the factors that contribute to the overall maximum timeout for a
retried operation. These factors include the time taken for a failed connection to produce a response
(typically set by a timeout value in the client) as well as the delay between retry attempts and the
maximum number of retries. The total of all these times can result in very large overall operation times,
especially when using an exponential delay strategy where the interval between retries grows rapidly
after each failure. If a process must meet a specific service level agreement (SLA), the overall operation
time, including all timeouts and delays, must be within that defined in the SLA
Over-aggressive retry strategies, which have too short intervals or too may retries, can have an adverse
effect on the target resource or service. This may prevent the resource or service from recovering from its
overloaded state, and it will continue to block or refuse requests. This results in a vicious circle where
more and more requests are sent to the resource or service, and consequently its ability to recover is
further reduced.
Take into account the timeout of the operations when choosing the retry intervals to avoid launching a
subsequent attempt immediately (for example, if the timeout period is similar to the retry interval). Also
consider if you need to keep the total possible period (the timeout plus the retry intervals) to below a
specific total time. Operations that have unusually short or very long timeouts may influence how long to
wait, and how often to retry the operation.
Use the type of the exception and any data it contains, or the error codes and messages returned from
the service, to optimize the interval and the number of retries. For example, some exceptions or error
codes (such as the HTTP code 503 Service Unavailable with a Retry-After header in the response) may
indicate how long the error might last, or that the service has failed and will not respond to any
subsequent attempt.
Avoid anti-patterns:
In the vast majority of cases, you should avoid implementations that include duplicated layers of retry
code. Avoid designs that include cascading retry mechanisms, or that implement retry at every stage of
an operation that involves a hierarchy of requests, unless you have specific requirements that demand
this. In these exceptional circumstances, use policies that prevent excessive numbers of retries and delay
periods, and make sure you understand the consequences. For example, if one component makes a
request to another, which then accesses the target service, and you implement retry with a count of three
on both calls there will be nine retry attempts in total against the service. Many services and resources
implement a built-in retry mechanism and you should investigate how you can disable or modify this if
you need to implement retries at a higher level.
Never implement an endless retry mechanism. This is likely to prevent the resource or service recovering
from overload situations, and cause throttling and refused connections to continue for a longer period.
Use a finite number or retries, or implement a pattern such as Circuit Breaker to allow the service to
Never perform an immediate retry more than once.
Avoid using a regular retry interval, especially when you have a large number of retry attempts, when
accessing services and resources in Azure. The optimum approach is this scenario is an exponential back-
off strategy with a circuit-breaking capability.
Prevent multiple instances of the same client, or multiple instances of different clients, from sending
retries at the same times. If this is likely to occur, introduce randomization into the retry intervals.
Test your retry strategy and implementation:
Ensure you fully test your retry strategy implementation under as wide a set of circumstances as possible,
especially when both the application and the target resources or services it uses are under extreme load.
To check behavior during testing, you can:
Inject transient and non-transient faults into the service. For example, send invalid requests or add
code that detects test requests and responds with different types of errors. For an example using
TestApi, see Fault Injection Testing with TestApi and Introduction to TestApi Part 5: Managed
Code Fault Injection APIs.
Create a mock of the resource or service that returns a range of errors that the real service may
return. Ensure you cover all the types of error that your retry strategy is designed to detect.
Force transient errors to occur by temporarily disabling or overloading the service if it is a custom
service that you created and deployed (you should not, of course, attempt to overload any shared
resources or shared services within Azure).
For HTTP-based APIs, consider using the FiddlerCore library in your automated tests to change the
outcome of HTTP requests, either by adding extra roundtrip times or by changing the response
(such as the HTTP status code, headers, body, or other factors). This enables deterministic testing
of a subset of the failure conditions, whether transient faults or other types of failure. For more
information, see FiddlerCore. For examples of how to use the library, particularly the
HttpMangler class, examine the source code for the Azure Storage SDK.
Perform high load factor and concurrent tests to ensure that the retry mechanism and strategy
works correctly under these conditions, and does not have an adverse effect on the operation of
the client or cause cross-contamination between requests.
Manage retry policy configurations:
A retry policy is a combination of all of the elements of your retry strategy. It defines the detection
mechanism that determines whether a fault is likely to be transient, the type of interval to use (such as
regular, exponential back-off, and randomization), the actual interval value(s), and the number of times to
Retries must be implemented in many places within even the simplest application, and in every layer of
more complex applications. Rather than hard-coding the elements of each policy at multiple locations,
consider using a central point for storing all the policies. For example, store the values such as the
interval and retry count in application configuration files, read them at runtime, and programmatically
build the retry policies. This makes it easier to manage the settings, and to modify and fine tune the
values in order to respond to changing requirements and scenarios. However, design the system to store
the values rather than rereading a configuration file every time, and ensure suitable defaults are used if
the values cannot be obtained from configuration.
In an Azure Cloud Services application, consider storing the values that are used to build the retry policies
at runtime in the service configuration file so that they can be changed without needing to restart the
Take advantage of built-in or default retry strategies available in the client APIs you use, but only where
they are appropriate for your scenario. These strategies are typically general-purpose. In some scenarios
they may be all that is required, but in other scenarios they may not offer the full range of options to suit
your specific requirements. You must understand how the settings will affect your application through
testing to determine the most appropriate values.
Log and track transient and non-transient faults:
As part of your retry strategy, include exception handling and other instrumentation that logs when retry
attempts are made. While an occasional transient failure and retry are to be expected, and do not indicate
a problem, regular and increasing numbers of retries are often an indicator of an issue that may cause a
failure, or is currently impacting application performance and availability.
Log transient faults as Warning entries rather than Error entries so that monitoring systems do not detect
them as application errors that may trigger false alerts.
Consider storing a value in your log entries that indicates if the retries were caused by throttling in the
service, or by other types of faults such as connection failures, so that you can differentiate them during
analysis of the data. An increase in the number of throttling errors is often an indicator of a design flaw in
the application or the need to switch to a premium service that offers dedicated hardware.
Consider measuring and logging the overall time taken for operations that include a retry mechanism.
This is a good indicator of the overall effect of transient faults on user response times, process latency,
and the efficiency of the application use cases. Also log the number of retries occurred in order to
understand the factors that contributed to the response time.
Consider implementing a telemetry and monitoring system that can raise alerts when the number and
rate of failures, the average number of retries, or the overall times taken for operations to succeed, is
Manage operations that continually fail:
There will be circumstances where the operation continues to fail at every attempt, and it is vital to
consider how you will handle this situation:
Although a retry strategy will define the maximum number of times that an operation should be
retried, it does not prevent the application repeating the operation again, with the same number of
retries. For example, if an order processing service fails with a fatal error that puts it out of action
permanently, the retry strategy may detect a connection timeout and consider it to be a transient
fault. The code will retry the operation a specified number of times and then give up. However,
when another customer places an order, the operation will be attempted again - even though it is
sure to fail every time.
To prevent continual retries for operations that continually fail, consider implementing the Circuit
Breaker pattern. In this pattern, if the number of failures within a specified time window exceeds
the threshold, requests are returned to the caller immediately as errors, without attempting to
access the failed resource or service.
The application can periodically test the service, on an intermittent basis and with very long
intervals between requests, to detect when it becomes available. An appropriate interval will
depend on the scenario, such as the criticality of the operation and the nature of the service, and
might be anything between a few minutes and several hours. At the point where the test succeeds,
the application can resume normal operations and pass requests to the newly recovered service.
In the meantime, it may be possible to fall back to another instance of the service (perhaps in a
different datacenter or application), use a similar service that offers compatible (perhaps simpler)
functionality, or perform some alternative operations in the hope that the service will become
available soon. For example, it may be appropriate to store requests for the service in a queue or
data store and replay them later. Otherwise you might be able to redirect the user to an alternative
instance of the application, degrade the performance of the application but still offer acceptable
functionality, or just return a message to the user indicating that the application is not available at
Other considerations
When deciding on the values for the number of retries and the retry intervals for a policy, consider if the
operation on the service or resource is part of a long-running or multi-step operation. It may be difficult
or expensive to compensate all the other operational steps that have already succeeded when one fails. In
this case, a very long interval and a large number of retries may be acceptable as long as it does not
block other operations by holding or locking scarce resources.
Consider if retrying the same operation may cause inconsistencies in data. If some parts of a multi-step
process are repeated, and the operations are not idempotent, it may result in an inconsistency. For
example, an operation that increments a value, if repeated, will produce an invalid result. Repeating an
operation that sends a message to a queue may cause an inconsistency in the message consumer if it
cannot detect duplicate messages. To prevent this, ensure that you design each step as an idempotent
operation. For more information about idempotency, see Idempotency Patterns.
Consider the scope of the operations that will be retried. For example, it may be easier to implement retry
code at a level that encompasses several operations, and retry them all if one fails. However, doing this
may result in idempotency issues or unnecessary rollback operations.
If you choose a retry scope that encompasses several operations, take into account the total latency of all
of them when determining the retry intervals, when monitoring the time taken, and before raising alerts
for failures.
Consider how your retry strategy may affect neighbors and other tenants in a shared application, or
when using shared resources and services. Aggressive retry policies can cause an increasing number of
transient faults to occur for these other users and for applications that share the resources and services.
Likewise, your application may be affected by the retry policies implemented by other users of the
resources and services. For mission-critical applications, you may decide to use premium services that
are not shared. This provides you with much more control over the load and consequent throttling of
these resources and services, which can help to justify the additional cost.

More information
Azure service-specific retry guidelines
The Transient Fault Handling Application Block
Circuit Breaker Pattern
Compensating Transaction Pattern
Idempotency Patterns
Retry service specific guidance
1/25/2017 44 min to read Edit on GitHub

Most Azure services and client SDKs include a retry mechanism. However, these differ because each service has
different characteristics and requirements, and so each retry mechanism is tuned to a specific service. This guide
summarizes the retry mechanism features for the majority of Azure services, and includes information to help you
use, adapt, or extend the retry mechanism for that service.
For general guidance on handling transient faults, and retrying connections and operations against services and
resources, see Retry guidance.
The following table summarizes the retry features for the Azure services described in this guidance.


Azure Storage Native in client Programmatic Client and individual TraceSource


SQL Database with Native in client Programmatic Global per None

Entity Framework AppDomain

SQL Database with Topaz* Declarative and Single statements or Custom

ADO.NET programmatic blocks of code

Service Bus Native in client Programmatic Namespace Manager, ETW

Messaging Factory,
and Client

Azure Redis Cache Native in client Programmatic Client TextWriter

DocumentDB Native in service Non-configurable Global TraceSource

Azure Search Native in client Programmatic Client ETW or Custom

Active Directory Topaz* (with custom Declarative and Blocks of code Custom
detection strategy) programmatic

*Topaz in the friendly name for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block that is included in Enterprise Library
6.0. You can use a custom detection strategy with Topaz for most types of services, as described in this guidance.
Default strategies for Topaz are shown in the section Transient Fault Handling Application Block (Topaz) strategies
at the end of this guidance. Note that the block is now an open-sourced framework and is not directly supported
by Microsoft.
For most of the Azure built-in retry mechanisms, there is currently no way apply a different retry policy for different types of
error or exception beyond the functionality include in the retry policy. Therefore, the best guidance available at the time of
writing is to configure a policy that provides the optimum average performance and availability. One way to fine-tune the
policy is to analyze log files to determine the type of transient faults that are occurring. For example, if the majority of errors
are related to network connectivity issues, you might attempt an immediate retry rather than wait a long time for the first

Azure Storage retry guidelines

Azure storage services include table and blob storage, files, and storage queues.
Retry mechanism
Retries occur at the individual REST operation level and are an integral part of the client API implementation. The
client storage SDK uses classes that implement the IExtendedRetryPolicy Interface.
There are different implementations of the interface. Storage clients can choose from policies specifically designed
for accessing tables, blobs, and queues. Each implementation uses a different retry strategy that essentially defines
the retry interval and other details.
The built-in classes provide support for linear (constant delay) and exponential with randomization retry intervals.
There is also a no retry policy for use when another process is handling retries at a higher level. However, you can
implement your own retry classes if you have specific requirements not provided by the built-in classes.
Alternate retries switch between primary and secondary storage service location if you are using read access geo-
redundant storage (RA-GRS) and the result of the request is a retryable error. See Azure Storage Redundancy
Options for more information.
Policy configuration
Retry policies are configured programmatically. A typical procedure is to create and populate a
TableRequestOptions, BlobRequestOptions, FileRequestOptions, or QueueRequestOptions instance.

TableRequestOptions interactiveRequestOption = new TableRequestOptions()

RetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), 3),
// For Read-access geo-redundant storage, use PrimaryThenSecondary.
// Otherwise set this to PrimaryOnly.
LocationMode = LocationMode.PrimaryThenSecondary,
// Maximum execution time based on the business use case. Maximum value up to 10 seconds.
MaximumExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)

The request options instance can then be set on the client, and all operations with the client will use the specified
request options.

client.DefaultRequestOptions = interactiveRequestOption;
var stats = await client.GetServiceStatsAsync();

You can override the client request options by passing a populated instance of the request options class as a
parameter to operation methods.

var stats = await client.GetServiceStatsAsync(interactiveRequestOption, operationContext: null);

You use an OperationContext instance to specify the code to execute when a retry occurs and when an operation
has completed. This code can collect information about the operation for use in logs and telemetry.

// Set up notifications for an operation

var context = new OperationContext();
context.ClientRequestID = "some request id";
context.Retrying += (sender, args) =>
/* Collect retry information */
context.RequestCompleted += (sender, args) =>
/* Collect operation completion information */
var stats = await client.GetServiceStatsAsync(null, context);

In addition to indicating whether a failure is suitable for retry, the extended retry policies return a RetryContext
object that indicates the number of retries, the results of the last request, whether the next retry will happen in the
primary or secondary location (see table below for details). The properties of the RetryContext object can be used
to decide if and when to attempt a retry. For more details, see IExtendedRetryPolicy.Evaluate Method.
The following table shows the default settings for the built-in retry policies.


Table / Blob / File MaximumExecutionTime 120 seconds Maximum execution time for
QueueRequestOptions the request, including all
ServerTimeout None potential retry attempts.
Server timeout interval for
the request (value is
rounded to seconds). If not
specified, it will use the
LocationMode default value for all requests
to the server. Usually, the
best option is to omit this
setting so that the server
default is used.
If the storage account is
created with the Read access
RetryPolicy ExponentialPolicy geo-redundant storage (RA-
GRS) replication option, you
can use the location mode
to indicate which location
should receive the request.
For example, if
PrimaryThenSecondary is
specified, requests are
always sent to the primary
location first. If a request
fails, it is sent to the
secondary location.
See below for details of each

Exponential policy maxAttempt 3 Number of retry attempts.

deltaBackoff 4 seconds Back-off interval between
retries. Multiples of this
timespan, including a
MinBackoff 3 seconds random element, will be
used for subsequent retry
MaxBackoff 30 seconds attempts.
Added to all retry intervals
computed from deltaBackoff.
This value cannot be
MaxBackoff is used if the
computed retry interval is
greater than MaxBackoff.
This value cannot be

Linear policy maxAttempt 3 Number of retry attempts.

deltaBackoff 30 seconds Back-off interval between

Retry usage guidance

Consider the following guidelines when accessing Azure storage services using the storage client API:
Use the built-in retry policies from the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.RetryPolicies namespace where they
are appropriate for your requirements. In most cases, these policies will be sufficient.
Use the ExponentialRetry policy in batch operations, background tasks, or non-interactive scenarios. In these
scenarios, you can typically allow more time for the service to recoverwith a consequently increased chance
of the operation eventually succeeding.
Consider specifying the MaximumExecutionTime property of the RequestOptions parameter to limit the
total execution time, but take into account the type and size of the operation when choosing a timeout value.
If you need to implement a custom retry, avoid creating wrappers around the storage client classes. Instead,
use the capabilities to extend the existing policies through the IExtendedRetryPolicy interface.
If you are using read access geo-redundant storage (RA-GRS) you can use the LocationMode to specify that
retry attempts will access the secondary read-only copy of the store should the primary access fail. However,
when using this option you must ensure that your application can work successfully with data that may be stale
if the replication from the primary store has not yet completed.
Consider starting with following settings for retrying operations. These are general purpose settings, and you
should monitor the operations and fine tune the values to suit your own scenario.


Interactive, UI, 2 seconds Linear maxAttempt 3 Attempt 1 -

or foreground deltaBackoff 500 ms delay 500 ms
Attempt 2 -
delay 500 ms
Attempt 3 -
delay 500 ms

Background 30 seconds Exponential maxAttempt 5 Attempt 1 -

or batch deltaBackoff 4 seconds delay ~3 sec
Attempt 2 -
delay ~7 sec
Attempt 3 -
delay ~15 sec

Retry attempts are logged to a TraceSource. You must configure a TraceListener to capture the events and write
them to a suitable destination log. You can use the TextWriterTraceListener or XmlWriterTraceListener to
write the data to a log file, the EventLogTraceListener to write to the Windows Event Log, or the
EventProviderTraceListener to write trace data to the ETW subsystem. You can also configure auto-flushing of
the buffer, and the verbosity of events that will be logged (for example, Error, Warning, Informational, and
Verbose). For more information, see Client-side Logging with the .NET Storage Client Library.
Operations can receive an OperationContext instance, which exposes a Retrying event that can be used to
attach custom telemetry logic. For more information, see OperationContext.Retrying Event.
The following code example shows how to create two TableRequestOptions instances with different retry
settings; one for interactive requests and one for background requests. The example then sets these two retry
policies on the client so that they apply for all requests, and also sets the interactive strategy on a specific request
so that it overrides the default settings applied to the client.

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.RetryPolicies;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table;

namespace RetryCodeSamples
class AzureStorageCodeSamples
private const string connectionString = "UseDevelopmentStorage=true";

public async static Task Samples()

var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connectionString);

TableRequestOptions interactiveRequestOption = new TableRequestOptions()

RetryPolicy = new LinearRetry(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), 3),
// For Read-access geo-redundant storage, use PrimaryThenSecondary.
// Otherwise set this to PrimaryOnly.
LocationMode = LocationMode.PrimaryThenSecondary,
// Maximum execution time based on the business use case. Maximum value up to 10 seconds.
MaximumExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)

TableRequestOptions backgroundRequestOption = new TableRequestOptions()

// Client has a default exponential retry policy with 4 sec delay and 3 retry attempts
// Retry delays will be approximately 3 sec, 7 sec, and 15 sec
MaximumExecutionTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
// PrimaryThenSecondary in case of Read-access geo-redundant storage, else set this to
LocationMode = LocationMode.PrimaryThenSecondary

var client = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();

// Client has a default exponential retry policy with 4 sec delay and 3 retry attempts
// Retry delays will be approximately 3 sec, 7 sec, and 15 sec
// ServerTimeout and MaximumExecutionTime are not set

// Set properties for the client (used on all requests unless overridden)
// Different exponential policy parameters for background scenarios
client.DefaultRequestOptions = backgroundRequestOption;
// Linear policy for interactive scenarios
client.DefaultRequestOptions = interactiveRequestOption;

// set properties for a specific request
var stats = await client.GetServiceStatsAsync(interactiveRequestOption, operationContext:

// Set up notifications for an operation
var context = new OperationContext();
context.ClientRequestID = "some request id";
context.Retrying += (sender, args) =>
/* Collect retry information */
context.RequestCompleted += (sender, args) =>
/* Collect operation completion information */
var stats = await client.GetServiceStatsAsync(null, context);

More information
Azure Storage Client Library Retry Policy Recommendations
Storage Client Library 2.0 Implementing Retry Policies

SQL Database using Entity Framework 6 retry guidelines

SQL Database is a hosted SQL database available in a range of sizes and as both a standard (shared) and premium
(non-shared) service. Entity Framework is an object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with
relational data using domain-specific objects. It eliminates the need for most of the data-access code that
developers usually need to write.
Retry mechanism
Retry support is provided when accessing SQL Database using Entity Framework 6.0 and higher through a
mechanism called Connection Resiliency / Retry Logic. A full specification is available in the .NET Entity Framework
wiki on Codeplex. The main features of the retry mechanism are:
The primary abstraction is the IDbExecutionStrategy interface. This interface:
Defines synchronous and asynchronous Execute* methods.
Defines classes that can be used directly or can be configured on a database context as a default
strategy, mapped to provider name, or mapped to a provider name and server name. When configured
on a context, retries occur at the level of individual database operations, of which there might be several
for a given context operation.
Defines when to retry a failed connection, and how.
It includes several built-in implementations of the IDbExecutionStrategy interface:
Default - no retrying.
Default for SQL Database (automatic) - no retrying, but inspects exceptions and wraps them with
suggestion to use the SQL Database strategy.
Default for SQL Database - exponential (inherited from base class) plus SQL Database detection logic.
It implements an exponential back-off strategy that includes randomization.
The built-in retry classes are stateful and are not thread safe. However, they can be reused after the current
operation is completed.
If the specified retry count is exceeded, the results are wrapped in a new exception. It does not bubble up the
current exception.
Policy configuration
Retry support is provided when accessing SQL Database using Entity Framework 6.0 and higher. Retry policies are
configured programmatically. The configuration cannot be changed on a per-operation basis.
When configuring a strategy on the context as the default, you specify a function that creates a new strategy on
demand. The following code shows how you can create a retry configuration class that extends the
DbConfiguration base class.

public class BloggingContextConfiguration : DbConfiguration

public BlogConfiguration()
// Set up the execution strategy for SQL Database (exponential) with 5 retries and 4 sec delay
"System.Data.SqlClient", () => new SqlAzureExecutionStrategy(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4)));

You can then specify this as the default retry strategy for all operations using the SetConfiguration method of
the DbConfiguration instance when the application starts. By default, EF will automatically discover and use the
configuration class.

DbConfiguration.SetConfiguration(new BloggingContextConfiguration());

You can specify the retry configuration class for a context by annotating the context class with a
DbConfigurationType attribute. However, if you have only one configuration class, EF will use it without the
need to annotate the context.

public class BloggingContext : DbContext
{ ...

If you need to use different retry strategies for specific operations, or disable retries for specific operations, you
can create a configuration class that allows you to suspend or swap strategies by setting a flag in the CallContext.
The configuration class can use this flag to switch strategies, or disable the strategy you provide and use a default
strategy. For more information, see Suspend Execution Strategy in the page Limitations with Retrying Execution
Strategies (EF6 onwards).
Another technique for using specific retry strategies for individual operations is to create an instance of the
required strategy class and supply the desired settings through parameters. You then invoke its ExecuteAsync
var executionStrategy = new SqlAzureExecutionStrategy(5, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4));
var blogs = await executionStrategy.ExecuteAsync(
async () =>
using (var db = new BloggingContext("Blogs"))
// Acquire some values asynchronously and return them
new CancellationToken()

The simplest way to use a DbConfiguration class is to locate it in the same assembly as the DbContext class.
However, this is not appropriate when the same context is required in different scenarios, such as different
interactive and background retry strategies. If the different contexts execute in separate AppDomains, you can use
the built-in support for specifying configuration classes in the configuration file or set it explicitly using code. If the
different contexts must execute in the same AppDomain, a custom solution will be required.
For more information, see Code-Based Configuration (EF6 onwards).
The following table shows the default settings for the built-in retry policy when using EF6.

Retry usage guidance

Consider the following guidelines when accessing SQL Database using EF6:
Choose the appropriate service option (shared or premium). A shared instance may suffer longer than usual
connection delays and throttling due to the usage by other tenants of the shared server. If predictable
performance and reliable low latency operations are required, consider choosing the premium option.
A fixed interval strategy is not recommended for use with Azure SQL Database. Instead, use an exponential
back-off strategy because the service may be overloaded, and longer delays allow more time for it to recover.
Choose a suitable value for the connection and command timeouts when defining connections. Base the
timeout on both your business logic design and through testing. You may need to modify this value over time
as the volumes of data or the business processes change. Too short a timeout may result in premature failures
of connections when the database is busy. Too long a timeout may prevent the retry logic working correctly by
waiting too long before detecting a failed connection. The value of the timeout is a component of the end-to-
end latency, although you cannot easily determine how many commands will execute when saving the context.
You can change the default timeout by setting the CommandTimeout property of the DbContext instance.
Entity Framework supports retry configurations defined in configuration files. However, for maximum flexibility
on Azure you should consider creating the configuration programmatically within the application. The specific
parameters for the retry policies, such as the number of retries and the retry intervals, can be stored in the
service configuration file and used at runtime to create the appropriate policies. This allows the settings to be
changed within requiring the application to be restarted.
Consider starting with following settings for retrying operations. You cannot specify the delay between retry
attempts (it is fixed and generated as an exponential sequence). You can specify only the maximum values, as
shown here; unless you create a custom retry strategy. These are general purpose settings, and you should
monitor the operations and fine tune the values to suit your own scenario.


Interactive, UI, 2 seconds Exponential MaxRetryCount 3 Attempt 1 -

or foreground MaxDelay 750 ms delay 0 sec
Attempt 2 -
delay 750 ms
Attempt 3
delay 750 ms

Background 30 seconds Exponential MaxRetryCount 5 Attempt 1 -

or batch MaxDelay 12 seconds delay 0 sec
Attempt 2 -
delay ~1 sec
Attempt 3 -
delay ~3 sec
Attempt 4 -
delay ~7 sec
Attempt 5 -
delay 12 sec

The end-to-end latency targets assume the default timeout for connections to the service. If you specify longer connection
timeouts, the end-to-end latency will be extended by this additional time for every retry attempt.

The following code example defines a simple data access solution that uses Entity Framework. It sets a specific
retry strategy by defining an instance of a class named BlogConfiguration that extends DbConfiguration.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.SqlServer;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace RetryCodeSamples
public class BlogConfiguration : DbConfiguration
public BlogConfiguration()
// Set up the execution strategy for SQL Database (exponential) with 5 retries and 12 sec delay.
// These values could be loaded from configuration rather than being hard-coded.
"System.Data.SqlClient", () => new SqlAzureExecutionStrategy(5,

// Specify the configuration type if more than one has been defined.
// [DbConfigurationType(typeof(BlogConfiguration))]
public class BloggingContext : DbContext
// Definition of content goes here.

class EF6CodeSamples
public async static Task Samples()
// Execution strategy configured by DbConfiguration subclass, discovered automatically or
// or explicitly indicated through configuration or with an attribute. Default is no retries.
using (var db = new BloggingContext("Blogs"))
// Add, edit, delete blog items here, then:
await db.SaveChangesAsync();

More examples of using the Entity Framework retry mechanism can be found in Connection Resiliency / Retry
More information
Azure SQL Database Performance and Elasticity Guide

SQL Database using ADO.NET retry guidelines

SQL Database is a hosted SQL database available in a range of sizes and as both a standard (shared) and premium
(non-shared) service.
Retry mechanism
SQL Database has no built-in support for retries when accessed using ADO.NET. However, the return codes from
requests can be used to determine why a request failed. The page Azure SQL Database Throttling explains how
throttling can prevent connections, the return codes for specific situations, and how you can handle these and
retry operations.
You can use the Transient Fault Handling Application Block (Topaz) with the Nuget package
EnterpriseLibrary.TransientFaultHandling.Data (class SqlAzureTransientErrorDetectionStrategy) to implement
a retry mechanism for SQL Database.
The block also provides the ReliableSqlConnection class, which implements the old ADO.NET 1.0 API
(IDbConnection instead of DbConnection) and performs retries and connection management internally. While
convenient, this requires you to use a different set of methods for invoking operations with retries, and so is not a
simple direct replacement. It does not support asynchronous execution, which is recommended when
implementing and using Azure services. In addition, because this class uses ADO.NET 1.0, it does not benefit from
the recent improvements and updates to ADO.NET.
Policy configuration (SQL Database using ADO.NET )
The Transient Fault Handling Application Block supports both file-based and programmatic configuration. In
general, you should use programmatic configuration for maximum flexibility (see the notes in the following
section for more information). The following code, which would be executed once at application startup, creates
and populates a RetryManager with a list of four retry strategies suitable for use with Azure SQL Database. It also
sets the default strategies for the RetryManager. These are the strategies that will be used for connections and
commands if an alternative is not specified when creating a connection or command.

RetryManager.SetDefault(new RetryManager(
new List<RetryStrategy> { new ExponentialBackoff(name: "default", retryCount: 3,
minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
deltaBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
firstFastRetry: true),
new ExponentialBackoff(name: "default sql connection", retryCount: 3,
minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
deltaBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
firstFastRetry: true),
new ExponentialBackoff(name: "default sql command", retryCount: 3,
minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
deltaBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
firstFastRetry: true),
new ExponentialBackoff(name: "alt sql", retryCount: 5,
minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
deltaBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
firstFastRetry: true), },
new Dictionary<string, string> {
RetryManagerSqlExtensions.DefaultStrategyConnectionTechnologyName, "default sql connection"
RetryManagerSqlExtensions.DefaultStrategyCommandTechnologyName, "default sql command"}

For information about how you can use the retry policies you have configured when you access Azure SQL
Database, see the Examples section below.
Default strategies for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block are shown in the section Transient Fault
Handling Application Block (Topaz) strategies at the end of this guidance.
Retry usage guidance
Consider the following guidelines when accessing SQL Database using ADO.NET:
Choose the appropriate service option (shared or premium). A shared instance may suffer longer than usual
connection delays and throttling due to the usage by other tenants of the shared server. If more predictable
performance and reliable low latency operations are required, consider choosing the premium option.
Ensure that you perform retries at the appropriate level or scope to avoid non-idempotent operations causing
inconsistency in the data. Ideally, all operations should be idempotent so that they can be repeated without
causing inconsistency. Where this is not the case, the retry should be performed at a level or scope that allows
all related changes to be undone if one operation fails; for example, from within a transactional scope. For more
information, see Cloud Service Fundamentals Data Access Layer Transient Fault Handling.
A fixed interval strategy is not recommended for use with Azure SQL Database except for interactive scenarios
where there are only a few retries at very short intervals. Instead, consider using an exponential back-off
strategy for the majority of scenarios.
Choose a suitable value for the connection and command timeouts when defining connections. Too short a
timeout may result in premature failures of connections when the database is busy. Too long a timeout may
prevent the retry logic working correctly by waiting too long before detecting a failed connection. The value of
the timeout is a component of the end-to-end latency; it is effectively added to the retry delay specified in the
retry policy for every retry attempt.
Close the connection after a certain number of retries, even when using an exponential back off retry logic, and
retry the operation on a new connection. Retrying the same operation multiple times on the same connection
can be a factor that contributes to connection problems. For an example of this technique, see Cloud Service
Fundamentals Data Access Layer Transient Fault Handling.
When connection pooling is in use (the default) there is a chance that the same connection will be chosen from
the pool, even after closing and reopening a connection. If this is the case, a technique to resolve it is to call the
ClearPool method of the SqlConnection class to mark the connection as not reusable. However, you should
do this only after several connection attempts have failed, and only when encountering the specific class of
transient failures such as SQL timeouts (error code -2) related to faulty connections.
If the data access code uses transactions initiated as TransactionScope instances, the retry logic should
reopen the connection and initiate a new transaction scope. For this reason, the retryable code block should
encompass the entire scope of the transaction.
The Transient Fault Handling Application Block supports retry configurations entirely defined in configuration
files. However, for maximum flexibility on Azure you should consider creating the configuration
programmatically within the application. The specific parameters for the retry policies, such as the number of
retries and the retry intervals, can be stored in the service configuration file and used at runtime to create the
appropriate policies. This allows the settings to be changed within requiring the application to be restarted.
Consider starting with following settings for retrying operations. These are general purpose settings, and you
should monitor the operations and fine tune the values to suit your own scenario.


Interactive, UI, 2 sec FixedInterval Retry count 3 Attempt 1 -

or foreground Retry interval 500 ms delay 0 sec
First fast retry true Attempt 2 -
delay 500 ms
Attempt 3 -
delay 500 ms

Background 30 sec ExponentialBacko Retry count 5 Attempt 1 -

or batch ff Min back-off 0 sec delay 0 sec
Max back-off 60 sec Attempt 2 -
Delta back-off 2 sec delay ~2 sec
First fast retry false Attempt 3 -
delay ~6 sec
Attempt 4 -
delay ~14 sec
Attempt 5 -
delay ~30 sec
The end-to-end latency targets assume the default timeout for connections to the service. If you specify longer connection
timeouts, the end-to-end latency will be extended by this additional time for every retry attempt.

This section describes how you can use the Transient Fault Handling Application Block to access Azure SQL
Database using a set of retry policies you have configured in the RetryManager (as shown in the previous section
Policy configuration. The simplest approach to using the block is through the ReliableSqlConnection class, or by
calling the extension methods such as OpenWithRetry on a connection (see The Transient Fault Handling
Application Block for more information).
However, in the current version of the Transient Fault Handling Application Block these approaches do not
indigenously support asynchronous operations against SQL Database. Good practice demands that you use only
asynchronous techniques to access Azure services such as SQL Database, and so you should consider the
following techniques to use the Transient Fault Handling Application Block with SQL Database.
You can use the simplified asynchronous support in version 5 of the C# language to create asynchronous versions
of the methods provided by the block. For example, the following code shows how you might create an
asynchronous version of the ExecuteReaderWithRetry extension method. The changes and additions to the
original code are highlighted. The source code for Topaz is available on Codeplex at Transient Fault Handling
Application Block ("Topaz").

public async static Task<SqlDataReader> ExecuteReaderWithRetryAsync(this SqlCommand command, RetryPolicy

RetryPolicy conRetryPolicy)

// Check if retry policy was specified, if not, use the default retry policy.
return await (cmdRetryPolicy ?? RetryPolicy.NoRetry).ExecuteAsync(async () =>
var hasOpenConnection = await EnsureValidConnectionAsync(command,

return await command.ExecuteReaderAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
catch (Exception)
if (hasOpenConnection && command.Connection != null && command.Connection.State ==


This new asynchronous extension method can be used in the same way as the synchronous versions included in
the block.
var sqlCommand = sqlConnection.CreateCommand();
sqlCommand.CommandText = "[some query]";

var retryPolicy =
RetryManager.Instance.GetRetryPolicy<SqlDatabaseTransientErrorDetectionStrategy>("alt sql");
using (var reader = await sqlCommand.ExecuteReaderWithRetryAsync(retryPolicy))
// Do something with the values

However, this approach deals only with individual operations or commands, and not with blocks of statements
where there can be properly defined transactional boundaries. In addition, it does not address the situation of
removing faulty connections from the connection pool so that they are not selected for subsequent attempts. A
synchronous example of resolving these issues can be found in Cloud Service Fundamentals Data Access Layer
Transient Fault Handling. In addition to retrying arbitrary sequences of database instructions, it clears the
connection pool to remove invalid connections, and instruments the entire process. While the code shown in this
example is synchronous, it is relatively easy to convert it to asynchronous code.
More information
For detailed information about using the Transient Fault Handling Application Block, see:
Using the Transient Fault Handling Application Block with SQL Azure
Perseverance, Secret of All Triumphs: Using the Transient Fault Handling Application Block
Cloud Service Fundamentals Data Access Layer Transient Fault Handling
For general guidance on getting the most from SQL Database, see:
Azure SQL Database Performance and Elasticity Guide
Minimizing Connection Pool errors in SQL Azure

Service Bus retry guidelines

Service Bus is a cloud messaging platform that provides loosely coupled message exchange with improved scale
and resiliency for components of an application, whether hosted in the cloud or on-premises.
Retry mechanism
Service Bus implements retries using implementations of the RetryPolicy base class. All of the Service Bus clients
expose a RetryPolicy property that can be set to one of the implementations of the RetryPolicy base class. The
built-in implementations are:
The RetryExponential Class. This exposes properties that control the back-off interval, the retry count, and the
TerminationTimeBuffer property that is used to limit the total time for the operation to complete.
The NoRetry Class. This is used when retries at the Service Bus API level are not required, such as when retries
are managed by another process as part of a batch or multiple step operation.
Service Bus actions can return a range of exceptions, as listed in Appendix: Messaging Exceptions. The list provides
information about which if these indicate that retrying the operation is appropriate. For example, a
ServerBusyException indicates that the client should wait for a period of time, then retry the operation. The
occurrence of a ServerBusyException also causes Service Bus to switch to a different mode, in which an extra 10-
second delay is added to the computed retry delays. This mode is reset after a short period.
The exceptions returned from Service Bus expose the IsTransient property that indicates if the client should retry
the operation. The built-in RetryExponential policy relies on the IsTransient property in the
MessagingException class, which is the base class for all Service Bus exceptions. If you create custom
implementations of the RetryPolicy base class you could use a combination of the exception type and the
IsTransient property to provide more fine-grained control over retry actions. For example, you could detect a
QuotaExceededException and take action to drain the queue before retrying sending a message to it.
Policy configuration
Retry policies are set programmatically, and can be set as a default policy for a NamespaceManager and for a
MessagingFactory, or individually for each messaging client. To set the default retry policy for a messaging
session you set the RetryPolicy of the NamespaceManager.

namespaceManager.Settings.RetryPolicy = new RetryExponential(minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1),

maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
maxRetryCount: 3);

Note that this code uses named parameters for clarity. Alternatively you can omit the names because none of the
parameters is optional.

namespaceManager.Settings.RetryPolicy = new RetryExponential(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1),

TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), 3);

To set the default retry policy for all clients created from a messaging factory, you set the RetryPolicy of the

messagingFactory.RetryPolicy = new RetryExponential(minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1),

maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
maxRetryCount: 3);

To set the retry policy for a messaging client, or to override its default policy, you set its RetryPolicy property
using an instance of the required policy class:

client.RetryPolicy = new RetryExponential(minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1),

maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
maxRetryCount: 3);

The retry policy cannot be set at the individual operation level. It applies to all operations for the messaging client.
The following table shows the default settings for the built-in retry policy.

Retry usage guidance

Consider the following guidelines when using Service Bus:
When using the built-in RetryExponential implementation, do not implement a fallback operation as the
policy reacts to Server Busy exceptions and automatically switches to an appropriate retry mode.
Service Bus supports a feature called Paired Namespaces, which implements automatic failover to a backup
queue in a separate namespace if the queue in the primary namespace fails. Messages from the secondary
queue can be sent back to the primary queue when it recovers. This feature helps to address transient failures.
For more information, see Asynchronous Messaging Patterns and High Availability.
Consider starting with following settings for retrying operations. These are general purpose settings, and you
should monitor the operations and fine tune the values to suit your own scenario.

Service Bus logs retries as ETW events using an EventSource. You must attach an EventListener to the event
source to capture the events and view them in Performance Viewer, or write them to a suitable destination log.
You could use the Semantic Logging Application Block to do this. The retry events are of the following form:

FormattedMessage="[TrackingId:] RetryExponential: Operation Get:https://retry-guidance-
tests.servicebus.windows.net/TestQueue/?api-version=2014-05 at iteration 0 is retrying after 00:00:00.1000000
sleep because of Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.MessagingCommunicationException: The remote name could not be
resolved: 'retry-guidance-tests.servicebus.windows.net'.TrackingId:6a26f99c-dc6d-422e-8565-f89fdd0d4fe3,
TimeStamp:9/5/2014 10:00:13 PM."
exceptionMessage="The remote name could not be resolved: 'retry-guidance-
tests.servicebus.windows.net'.TrackingId:6a26f99c-dc6d-422e-8565-f89fdd0d4fe3,TimeStamp:9/5/2014 10:00:13 PM"

The following code example shows how to set the retry policy for:
A namespace manager. The policy applies to all operations on that manager, and cannot be overridden for
individual operations.
A messaging factory. The policy applies to all clients created from that factory, and cannot be overridden when
creating individual clients.
An individual messaging client. After a client has been created, you can set the retry policy for that client. The
policy applies to all operations on that client.

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus;
using Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging;

namespace RetryCodeSamples
class ServiceBusCodeSamples
private const string connectionString =

public async static Task Samples()

const string QueueName = "TestQueue";

ServiceBusEnvironment.SystemConnectivity.Mode = ConnectivityMode.Http;

var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);

// The namespace manager will have a default exponential policy with 10 retry attempts
// and a 3 second delay delta.
// Retry delays will be approximately 0 sec, 3 sec, 9 sec, 25 sec and the fixed 30 sec,
// with an extra 10 sec added when receiving a ServiceBusyException.

// Set different values for the retry policy, used for all operations on the namespace
namespaceManager.Settings.RetryPolicy =
new RetryExponential(
minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
maxRetryCount: 3);

// Policies cannot be specified on a per-operation basis.

if (!await namespaceManager.QueueExistsAsync(QueueName))
await namespaceManager.CreateQueueAsync(QueueName);

var messagingFactory = MessagingFactory.Create(

namespaceManager.Address, namespaceManager.Settings.TokenProvider);
// The messaging factory will have a default exponential policy with 10 retry attempts
// and a 3 second delay delta.
// Retry delays will be approximately 0 sec, 3 sec, 9 sec, 25 sec and the fixed 30 sec,
// with an extra 10 sec added when receiving a ServiceBusyException.

// Set different values for the retry policy, used for clients created from it.
messagingFactory.RetryPolicy =
new RetryExponential(
minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
maxRetryCount: 3);

// Policies cannot be specified on a per-operation basis.

var session = await messagingFactory.AcceptMessageSessionAsync();

var client = messagingFactory.CreateQueueClient(QueueName);
// The client inherits the policy from the factory that created it.

// Set different values for the retry policy on the client.

client.RetryPolicy =
new RetryExponential(
minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
maxRetryCount: 3);

// Policies cannot be specified on a per-operation basis.

var session = await client.AcceptMessageSessionAsync();

More information
Asynchronous Messaging Patterns and High Availability

Azure Redis Cache retry guidelines

Azure Redis Cache is a fast data access and low latency cache service based on the popular open source Redis
Cache. It is secure, managed by Microsoft, and is accessible from any application in Azure.
The guidance in this section is based on using the StackExchange.Redis client to access the cache. A list of other
suitable clients can be found on the Redis website, and these may have different retry mechanisms.
Note that the StackExchange.Redis client uses multiplexing through a single connection. The recommended usage
is to create an instance of the client at application startup and use this instance for all operations against the cache.
For this reason, the connection to the cache is made only once, and so all of the guidance in this section is related
to the retry policy for this initial connectionand not for each operation that accesses the cache.
Retry mechanism
The StackExchange.Redis client uses a connection manager class that is configured through a set of options. These
options include a ConnectRetry property that specifies the number of times a failed connection to the cache will
be retried. However, the retry policy in used only for the initial connect action, and it does not wait between retries.
Policy configuration
Retry policies are configured programmatically by setting the options for the client before connecting to the cache.
This can be done by creating an instance of the ConfigurationOptions class, populating its properties, and
passing it to the Connect method.

var options = new ConfigurationOptions { EndPoints = { "localhost" },

ConnectRetry = 3,
ConnectTimeout = 2000 };
ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options, writer);

Note that the ConnectTimeout property specifies the maximum waiting time in milliseconds), not the delay
between retries.
Alternatively, you can specify the options as a string, and pass this to the Connect method.

var options = "localhost,connectRetry=3,connectTimeout=2000";

ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options, writer);

It is also possible to specify options directly when you connect to the cache.

var conn = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("redis0:6380,redis1:6380,connectRetry=3");

The following table shows the default settings for the built-in retry policy.

ConfigurationOptions ConnectRetry 3 The number of times to

repeat connect attempts
ConnectTimeout Maximum 5000 ms plus during the initial connection
SyncTimeout operation.
SyncTimeout 1000 Timeout (ms) for connect
operations. Not a delay
between retry attempts.
Time (ms) to allow for
synchronous operations.

SyncTimeout contributes to the end-to-end latency of an operation. However, in general, using synchronous operations is
not recommended. For more information see Pipelines and Multiplexers.

Retry usage guidance

Consider the following guidelines when using Azure Redis Cache:
The StackExchange Redis client manages its own retries, but only when establishing a connection to the cache
when the application first starts. You can configure the connection timeout and the number of retry attempts to
establish this connection, but the retry policy does not apply to operations against the cache.
The retry mechanism has no delay between retry attempts. It simply retries a failed connection after the
specified connection timeout expires, and for the specified number of times.
Instead of using a large number of retry attempts, consider falling back by accessing the original data source
You can collect information about connections (but not other operations) using a TextWriter.

var writer = new StringWriter();

ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options, writer);

An example of the output this generates is shown below.

1 unique nodes specified
Requesting tie-break from localhost:6379 > __Booksleeve_TieBreak...
Allowing endpoints 00:00:02 to respond...
localhost:6379 faulted: SocketFailure on PING
localhost:6379 failed to nominate (Faulted)
> UnableToResolvePhysicalConnection on GET
No masters detected
localhost:6379: Standalone v2.0.0, master; keep-alive: 00:01:00; int: Connecting; sub: Connecting; not in use:
localhost:6379: int ops=0, qu=0, qs=0, qc=1, wr=0, sync=1, socks=2; sub ops=0, qu=0, qs=0, qc=0, wr=0, socks=2
Circular op-count snapshot; int: 0 (0.00 ops/s; spans 10s); sub: 0 (0.00 ops/s; spans 10s)
Sync timeouts: 0; fire and forget: 0; last heartbeat: -1s ago
resetting failing connections to retry...
retrying; attempts left: 2...

The following code example shows how you can configure the connection timeout setting and the number of
retries when initializing the StackExchange.Redis client to access Azure Redis Cache at application startup. Note
that the connection timeout is the period of time that you are willing to wait for connection to the cache; it is not
the delay between retry attempts.
This example shows how to set the configuration using an instance of the ConfigurationOptions.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using StackExchange.Redis;

namespace RetryCodeSamples
class CacheRedisCodeSamples
public async static Task Samples()
var writer = new StringWriter();

// Using object-based configuration.
var options = new ConfigurationOptions
EndPoints = { "localhost" },
ConnectRetry = 3,
ConnectTimeout = 2000 // The maximum waiting time (ms), not the
delay for retries.
ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options, writer);

// Store a reference to the multiplexer for use in the application.


This example shows how to set the configuration by specifying the options as a string.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using StackExchange.Redis;

namespace RetryCodeSamples
class CacheRedisCodeSamples
public async static Task Samples()
var writer = new StringWriter();

// Using string-based configuration.
var options = "localhost,connectRetry=3,connectTimeout=2000";
ConnectionMultiplexer redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(options, writer);

// Store a reference to the multiplexer for use in the application.


For more examples, see Configuration on the project website.

More information
Redis website

DocumentDB retry guidelines

DocumentDB is a fully-managed document database-as-a-service with rich query and indexing capabilities over a
schema-free JSON data model. It offers configurable and reliable performance, native JavaScript transactional
processing, and is built for the cloud with elastic scale.
Retry mechanism
The DocumentClient class automatically retries failed attempts. To set the number of retries and the maximum wait
time, configure ConnectionPolicy.RetryOptions. Exceptions that the client raises are either beyond the retry policy
or are not transient errors.
If DocumentDB throttles the client, it returns an HTTP 429 error. Check the status code in the
DocumentClientException .

Policy configuration
The following table shows the default settings for the RetryOptions class.



MaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequest 9 The maximum number of retries if the

s request fails because DocumentDB
applied rate limiting on the client.

MaxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds 30 The maximum retry time in seconds.


DocumentClient client = new DocumentClient(new Uri(endpoint), authKey); ;

var options = client.ConnectionPolicy.RetryOptions;
options.MaxRetryAttemptsOnThrottledRequests = 5;
options.MaxRetryWaitTimeInSeconds = 15;

Retry attempts are logged as unstructured trace messages through a .NET TraceSource. You must configure a
TraceListener to capture the events and write them to a suitable destination log.
For example, if you add the following to your App.config file, traces will be generated in a text file in the same
location as the executable:

<add name="SourceSwitch" value="Verbose"/>
<source name="DocDBTrace" switchName="SourceSwitch" switchType="System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch" >
<add name="MyTextListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener"
traceOutputOptions="DateTime,ProcessId,ThreadId" initializeData="DocumentDBTrace.txt"></add>

Azure Search retry guidelines

Azure Search can be used to add powerful and sophisticated search capabilities to a website or application, quickly
and easily tune search results, and construct rich and fine-tuned ranking models.
Retry mechanism
Retry behavior in the Azure Search SDK is controlled by the SetRetryPolicy method on the SearchServiceClient
and SearchIndexClient classes. The default policy retries with exponential backoff when Azure Search returns a 5xx
or 408 (Request Timeout) response.
Trace with ETW or by registering a custom trace provider. For more information, see Tracing in the AutoRest
More information
Automatic Retries in the AutoRest documentation

Azure Active Directory retry guidelines

Azure Active Directory (AD) is a comprehensive identity and access management cloud solution that combines
core directory services, advanced identity governance, security, and application access management. Azure AD
also offers developers an identity management platform to deliver access control to their applications, based on
centralized policy and rules.
Retry mechanism
There is no built-in retry mechanism for Azure Active Directory in the Active Directory Authentication Library
(ADAL). You can use the Transient Fault Handling Application Block to implement a retry strategy that contains a
custom detection mechanism for the exceptions returned by Active Directory.
Policy configuration (Azure Active Directory)
When using the Transient Fault Handling Application Block with Azure Active Directory you create a RetryPolicy
instance based on a class that defines the detection strategy you want to use.

var policy = new RetryPolicy<AdalDetectionStrategy>(new ExponentialBackoff(retryCount: 5,

minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
deltaBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)));

You then call the ExecuteAction or ExecuteAsync method of the retry policy, passing in the operation you want
to execute.

var result = await policy.ExecuteAsync(() => authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceId, clientId, uc));

The detection strategy class receives exceptions when a failure occurs, and must detect whether this is likely to be
a transient fault or a more permanent failure. Typically it will do this by examining the exception type and status
code. For example, a Service Unavailable response indicates that a retry attempt should be made. The Transient
Fault Handling Application Block does not include a detection strategy class that is suitable for use with the ADAL
client, but an example of a custom detection strategy is provided in the Examples section below. Using a custom
detection strategy is no different from using one supplied with the block.
Default strategies for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block are shown in the section Transient Fault
Handling Application Block (Topaz) strategies at the end of this guidance.
Retry usage guidance
Consider the following guidelines when using Azure Active Directory:
If you are using the REST API for Azure Active Directory, you should retry the operation only if the result is an
error in the 5xx range (such as 500 Internal Server Error, 502 Bad Gateway, 503 Service Unavailable, and 504
Gateway Timeout). Do not retry for any other errors.
If you are using the Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL), HTTP codes are not readily accessible. You
will need to create a custom detection strategy that includes logic to check the properties of the ADAL-specific
exceptions. See the Examples section below.
An exponential back-off policy is recommended for use in batch scenarios with Azure Active Directory.
Consider starting with following settings for retrying operations. These are general purpose settings, and you
should monitor the operations and fine tune the values to suit your own scenario.


Interactive, UI, 2 sec FixedInterval Retry count 3 Attempt 1 -

or foreground Retry interval 500 ms delay 0 sec
First fast retry true Attempt 2 -
delay 500 ms
Attempt 3 -
delay 500 ms

Background or 60 sec ExponentialBacko Retry count 5 Attempt 1 -

batch ff Min back-off 0 sec delay 0 sec
Max back-off 60 sec Attempt 2 -
Delta back-off 2 sec delay ~2 sec
First fast retry false Attempt 3 -
delay ~6 sec
Attempt 4 -
delay ~14 sec
Attempt 5 -
delay ~30 sec

The following code example shows how you can use the Transient Fault Handling Application Block (Topaz) to
define a custom transient error detection strategy suitable for use with the ADAL client. The code creates a new
RetryPolicy instance based on a custom detection strategy of type AdalDetectionStrategy, as defined in the
code listing below. Custom detection strategies for Topaz implement the ITransientErrorDetectionStrategy
interface and return true if a retry should be attempted, or false if the failure appears to be non-transient and a
retry should not be attempted.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Practices.TransientFaultHandling;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;

namespace RetryCodeSamples
class ActiveDirectoryCodeSamples
public async static Task Samples()
var authority = "[some authority]";
var resourceId = [some resource id];
var clientId = [some client id];

var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);

var uc = new UserCredential([user]", "[password]");

// Use Topaz with a custom detection strategy to manage retries.

var policy =
new RetryPolicy<AdalDetectionStrategy>(
new ExponentialBackoff(
retryCount: 5,
minBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0),
maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60),
deltaBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)));

var result = await policy.ExecuteAsync(() => authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(resourceId, clientId,

// Get the access token
var accessToken = result.AccessToken;

// Use the result, probably to authorize an API call.


// TODO: This is sample code that needs validation from the WAAD team!
// based on existing detection strategies
public class AdalDetectionStrategy : ITransientErrorDetectionStrategy
private static readonly WebExceptionStatus[] webExceptionStatus =

private static readonly HttpStatusCode[] httpStatusCodes =


public bool IsTransient(Exception ex)

var adalException = ex as AdalException;
if (adalException == null)
return false;

if (adalException.ErrorCode == AdalError.ServiceUnavailable)
return true;

var innerWebException = adalException.InnerException as WebException;

if (innerWebException != null)
if (webExceptionStatus.Contains(innerWebException.Status))
return true;

if (innerWebException.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
var response = innerWebException.Response as HttpWebResponse;
return response != null && httpStatusCodes.Contains(response.StatusCode);

return false;

For information about retrying Active Directory Graph API operations and the error codes returned see:
Code Sample: Retry Logic
Azure AD Graph Error Codes
More information
Implementing a Custom Detection Strategy (Topaz)
Implementing a Custom Retry Strategy (Topaz)
Token Issuance and Retry Guidelines

General REST and retry guidelines

Consider the following when accessing Azure or third party services:
Use a systematic approach to managing retries, perhaps as reusable code, so that you can apply a consistent
methodology across all clients and all solutions.
Consider using a retry framework such as the Transient Fault Handling Application Block to manage retries if
the target service or client has no built-in retry mechanism. This will help you implement a consistent retry
behavior, and it may provide a suitable default retry strategy for the target service. However, you may need to
create custom retry code for services that have non-standard behavior, that do not rely on exceptions to
indicate transient failures, or if you want to use a Retry-Response reply to manage retry behavior.
The transient detection logic will depend on the actual client API you use to invoke the REST calls. Some clients,
such as the newer HttpClient class, will not throw exceptions for completed requests with a non-success HTTP
status code. This improves performance but prevents the use of the Transient Fault Handling Application Block.
In this case you could wrap the call to the REST API with code that produces exceptions for non-success HTTP
status codes, which can then be processed by the block. Alternatively, you can use a different mechanism to
drive the retries.
The HTTP status code returned from the service can help to indicate whether the failure is transient. You may
need to examine the exceptions generated by a client or the retry framework to access the status code or to
determine the equivalent exception type. The following HTTP codes typically indicate that a retry is appropriate:
408 Request Timeout
500 Internal Server Error
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
If you base your retry logic on exceptions, the following typically indicate a transient failure where no
connection could be established:
In the case of a service unavailable status, the service might indicate the appropriate delay before retrying in
the Retry-After response header or a different custom header (as in the DocumentDB service). Services might
also send additional information as custom headers, or embedded in the content of the response. The Transient
Fault Handling Application Block cannot use the standard or any custom retry-after headers.
Do not retry for status codes representing client errors (errors in the 4xx range) except for a 408 Request
Thoroughly test your retry strategies and mechanisms under a range of conditions, such as different network
states and varying system loadings.
Retry strategies
The following are the typical types of retry strategy intervals:
Exponential: A retry policy that performs a specified number of retries, using a randomized exponential
back off approach to determine the interval between retries. For example:
var random = new Random();

var delta = (int)((Math.Pow(2.0, currentRetryCount) - 1.0) *

random.Next((int)(this.deltaBackoff.TotalMilliseconds * 0.8),
(int)(this.deltaBackoff.TotalMilliseconds * 1.2)));
var interval = (int)Math.Min(checked(this.minBackoff.TotalMilliseconds + delta),
retryInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(interval);

Incremental: A retry strategy with a specified number of retry attempts and an incremental time interval
between retries. For example:

retryInterval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(this.initialInterval.TotalMilliseconds +
(this.increment.TotalMilliseconds * currentRetryCount));

LinearRetry: A retry policy that performs a specified number of retries, using a specified fixed time interval
between retries. For example:

retryInterval = this.deltaBackoff;

More information
Circuit breaker strategies

Transient Fault Handling Application Block (Topaz) strategies

The Transient Fault Handling Application Block has the following default strategies.


Exponential retryCount 10 The number of retry

minBackoff 1 second attempts.
The maximum back-off time.
maxBackoff 30 seconds The higher of this value or
the computed back-off will
deltaBackoff 10 seconds be used as the retry delay.
The minimum back-off time.
fastFirstRetry true The lower of this value or
the computed back-off will
be used as the retry delay.
The value used to calculate a
random delta for the
exponential delay between
Whether the first retry
attempt will be made

Incremental retryCount 10 The number of retry

initialInterval 1 second attempts.
increment 1 second The initial interval that will
apply for the first retry.
fastFirstRetry true The incremental time value
that will be used to calculate
the progressive delay
between retries.
Whether the first retry
attempt will be made

Linear (fixed interval) retryCount 10 The number of retry

retryInterval 1 second attempts.
fastFirstRetry true The delay between retries.
Whether first retry attempt
will be made immediately.

For examples of using the Transient Fault Handling Application Block, see the Examples sections earlier in this
guidance for Azure SQL Database using ADO.NET and Azure Active Directory.
Scalability checklist
1/17/2017 14 min to read Edit on GitHub

Service design
Partition the workload. Design parts of the process to be discrete and decomposable. Minimize the size of
each part, while following the usual rules for separation of concerns and the single responsibility principle. This
allows the component parts to be distributed in a way that maximizes use of each compute unit (such as a role
or database server). It also makes it easier to scale the application by adding instances of specific resources. For
more information, see Compute Partitioning Guidance.
Design for scaling. Scaling allows applications to react to variable load by increasing and decreasing the
number of instances of roles, queues, and other services they use. However, the application must be designed
with this in mind. For example, the application and the services it uses must be stateless, to allow requests to be
routed to any instance. This also prevents the addition or removal of specific instances from adversely
impacting current users. You should also implement configuration or auto-detection of instances as they are
added and removed, so that code in the application can perform the necessary routing. For example, a web
application might use a set of queues in a round-robin approach to route requests to background services
running in worker roles. The web application must be able to detect changes in the number of queues, to
successfully route requests and balance the load on the application.
Scale as a unit. Plan for additional resources to accommodate growth. For each resource, know the upper
scaling limits, and use sharding or decomposition to go beyond these limits. Determine the scale units for the
system in terms of well-defined sets of resources. This makes applying scale-out operations easier, and less
prone to negative impact on the application through limitations imposed by lack of resources in some part of
the overall system. For example, adding x number of web and worker roles might require y number of
additional queues and z number of storage accounts to handle the additional workload generated by the roles.
So a scale unit could consist of x web and worker roles, y queues, and z storage accounts. Design the application
so that it's easily scaled by adding one or more scale units.
Avoid client affinity. Where possible, ensure that the application does not require affinity. Requests can thus
be routed to any instance, and the number of instances is irrelevant. This also avoids the overhead of storing,
retrieving, and maintaining state information for each user.
Take advantage of platform autoscaling features. Where the hosting platform supports an autoscaling
capability, such as Azure Autoscale, prefer it to custom or third-party mechanisms unless the built-in
mechanism can't fulfill your requirements. Use scheduled scaling rules where possible to ensure resources are
available without a start-up delay, but add reactive autoscaling to the rules where appropriate to cope with
unexpected changes in demand. You can use the autoscaling operations in the Service Management API to
adjust autoscaling, and to add custom counters to rules. For more information, see Auto-scaling guidance.
Offload intensive CPU/IO tasks as background tasks. If a request to a service is expected to take a long time
to run or absorb considerable resources, offload the processing for this request to a separate task. Use worker
roles or background jobs (depending on the hosting platform) to execute these tasks. This strategy enables the
service to continue receiving further requests and remain responsive. For more information, see Background
jobs guidance.
Distribute the workload for background tasks. Where there are many background tasks, or the tasks
require considerable time or resources, spread the work across multiple compute units (such as worker roles or
background jobs). For one possible solution, see the Competing Consumers Pattern.
Consider moving towards a shared-nothing architecture. A shared-nothing architecture uses independent,
self-sufficient nodes that have no single point of contention (such as shared services or storage). In theory, such
a system can scale almost indefinitely. While a fully shared-nothing approach is generally not practical for most
applications, it may provide opportunities to design for better scalability. For example, avoiding the use of
server-side session state, client affinity, and data partitioning are good examples of moving towards a shared-
nothing architecture.

Data management
Use data partitioning. Divide the data across multiple databases and database servers, or design the
application to use data storage services that can provide this partitioning transparently (examples include Azure
SQL Database Elastic Database, and Azure Table storage). This approach can help to maximize performance and
allow easier scaling. There are different partitioning techniques, such as horizontal, vertical, and functional. You
can use a combination of these to achieve maximum benefit from increased query performance, simpler
scalability, more flexible management, better availability, and to match the type of store to the data it will hold.
Also, consider using different types of data store for different types of data, choosing the types based on how
well they are optimized for the specific type of data. This may include using table storage, a document database,
or a column-family data store, instead of, or as well as, a relational database. For more information, see Data
partitioning guidance.
Design for eventual consistency. Eventual consistency improves scalability by reducing or removing the time
needed to synchronize related data partitioned across multiple stores. The cost is that data is not always
consistent when it is read, and some write operations may cause conflicts. Eventual consistency is ideal for
situations where the same data is read frequently but written infrequently. For more information, see the Data
Consistency Primer.
Reduce chatty interactions between components and services. Avoid designing interactions in which an
application is required to make multiple calls to a service (each of which returns a small amount of data), rather
than a single call that can return all of the data. Where possible, combine several related operations into a single
request when the call is to a service or component that has noticeable latency. This makes it easier to monitor
performance and optimize complex operations. For example, use stored procedures in databases to encapsulate
complex logic, and reduce the number of round trips and resource locking.
Use queues to level the load for high velocity data writes. Surges in demand for a service can overwhelm
that service and cause escalating failures. To prevent this, consider implementing the Queue-Based Load
Leveling Pattern. Use a queue that acts as a buffer between a task and a service that it invokes. This can smooth
intermittent heavy loads that may otherwise cause the service to fail or the task to time out.
Minimize the load on the data store. The data store is commonly a processing bottleneck, a costly resource,
and often not easy to scale out. Where possible, remove logic (such as processing XML documents or JSON
objects) from the data store, and perform processing within the application. For example, instead of passing
XML to the database (other than as an opaque string for storage), serialize or deserialize the XML within the
application layer and pass it in a form that is native to the data store. It's typically much easier to scale out the
application than the data store, so you should attempt to do as much of the compute-intensive processing as
possible within the application.
Minimize the volume of data retrieved. Retrieve only the data you require by specifying columns and using
criteria to select rows. Make use of table value parameters and the appropriate isolation level. Use mechanisms
like entity tags to avoid retrieving data unnecessarily.
Aggressively use caching. Use caching wherever possible to reduce the load on resources and services that
generate or deliver data. Caching is typically suited to data that is relatively static, or that requires considerable
processing to obtain. Caching should occur at all levels where appropriate in each layer of the application,
including data access and user interface generation. For more information, see the Caching Guidance.
Handle data growth and retention. The amount of data stored by an application grows over time. This
growth increases storage costs, and increases latency when accessing the data which affects application
throughput and performance. It may be possible to periodically archive some of the old data that is no longer
accessed, or move data that is rarely accessed into long-term storage that is more cost efficient, even if the
access latency is higher.
Optimize Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) using an efficient binary format. DTOs are passed between the
layers of an application many times. Minimizing the size reduces the load on resources and the network.
However, balance the savings with the overhead of converting the data to the required format in each location
where it is used. Adopt a format that has the maximum interoperability to enable easy reuse of a component.
Set cache control. Design and configure the application to use output caching or fragment caching where
possible, to minimize processing load.
Enable client side caching. Web applications should enable cache settings on the content that can be cached.
This is commonly disabled by default. Configure the server to deliver the appropriate cache control headers to
enable caching of content on proxy servers and clients.
Use Azure blob storage and the Azure Content Delivery Network to reduce the load on the
application. Consider storing static or relatively static public content, such as images, resources, scripts, and
style sheets, in blob storage. This approach relieves the application of the load caused by dynamically
generating this content for each request. Additionally, consider using the Content Delivery Network to cache
this content and deliver it to clients. Using the Content Delivery Network can improve performance at the client
because the content is delivered from the geographically closest datacenter that contains a Content Delivery
Network cache. For more information, see the Content Delivery Network Guidance.
Optimize and tune SQL queries and indexes. Some T-SQL statements or constructs may have an impact on
performance that can be reduced by optimizing the code in a stored procedure. For example, avoid converting
datetime types to a varchar before comparing with a datetime literal value. Use date/time comparison
functions instead. Lack of appropriate indexes can also slow query execution. If you use an object/relational
mapping framework, understand how it works and how it may affect performance of the data access layer. For
more information, see Query Tuning.
Consider de-normalizing data. Data normalization helps to avoid duplication and inconsistency. However,
maintaining multiple indexes, checking for referential integrity, performing multiple accesses to small chunks of
data, and joining tables to reassemble the data imposes an overhead that can affect performance. Consider if
some additional storage volume and duplication is acceptable in order to reduce the load on the data store.
Also, consider if the application itself (which is typically easier to scale) can be relied upon to take over tasks
such as managing referential integrity in order to reduce the load on the data store. For more information, see
Data partitioning guidance.

Service implementation
Use asynchronous calls. Use asynchronous code wherever possible when accessing resources or services that
may be limited by I/O or network bandwidth, or that have a noticeable latency, in order to avoid locking the
calling thread. To implement asynchronous operations, use the Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP).
Avoid locking resources, and use an optimistic approach instead. Never lock access to resources such as
storage or other services that have noticeable latency, because this is a primary cause of poor performance.
Always use optimistic approaches to managing concurrent operations, such as writing to storage. Use features
of the storage layer to manage conflicts. In distributed applications, data may be only eventually consistent.
Compress highly compressible data over high latency, low bandwidth networks. In the majority of cases
in a web application, the largest volume of data generated by the application and passed over the network is
HTTP responses to client requests. HTTP compression can reduce this considerably, especially for static content.
This can reduce cost as well as reducing the load on the network, though compressing dynamic content does
apply a fractionally higher load on the server. In other, more generalized environments, data compression can
reduce the volume of data transmitted and minimize transfer time and costs, but the compression and
decompression processes incur overhead. As such, compression should only be used when there is a
demonstrable gain in performance. Other serialization methods, such as JSON or binary encodings, may reduce
the payload size while having less impact on performance, whereas XML is likely to increase it.
Minimize the time that connections and resources are in use. Maintain connections and resources only for
as long as you need to use them. For example, open connections as late as possible, and allow them to be
returned to the connection pool as soon as possible. Acquire resources as late as possible, and dispose of them
as soon as possible.
Minimize the number of connections required. Service connections absorb resources. Limit the number
that are required and ensure that existing connections are reused whenever possible. For example, after
performing authentication, use impersonation where appropriate to run code as a specific identity. This can
help to make best use of the connection pool by reusing connections.

: APIs for some services automatically reuse connections, provided service-specific guidelines are followed. It's
important that you understand the conditions that enable connection reuse for each service that your application

Send requests in batches to optimize network use. For example, send and read messages in batches when
accessing a queue, and perform multiple reads or writes as a batch when accessing storage or a cache. This can
help to maximize efficiency of the services and data stores by reducing the number of calls across the network.
Avoid a requirement to store server-side session state where possible. Server-side session state
management typically requires client affinity (that is, routing each request to the same server instance), which
affects the ability of the system to scale. Ideally, you should design clients to be stateless with respect to the
servers that they use. However, if the application must maintain session state, store sensitive data or large
volumes of per-client data in a distributed server-side cache that all instances of the application can access.
Optimize table storage schemas. When using table stores that require the table and column names to be
passed and processed with every query, such as Azure table storage, consider using shorter names to reduce
this overhead. However, do not sacrifice readability or manageability by using overly compact names.
Use the Task Parallel Library (TPL) to perform asynchronous operations. The TPL makes it easy to write
asynchronous code that performs I/O-bound operations. Use ConfigureAwait(false) wherever possible to
eliminate the dependency of a continuation on a specific synchronization context. This reduces the chances of
thread-deadlock occurring.
Create resource dependencies during deployment or at application startup. Avoid repeated calls to
methods that test the existence of a resource and then create the resource if it does not exist. (Methods such as
CloudTable.CreateIfNotExists and CloudQueue.CreateIfNotExists in the Azure Storage Client Library follow this
pattern). These methods can impose considerable overhead if they are invoked before each access to a storage
table or storage queue. Instead:
Create the required resources when the application is deployed, or when it first starts (a single call to
CreateIfNotExists for each resource in the startup code for a web or worker role is acceptable). However,
be sure to handle exceptions that may arise if your code attempts to access a resource that doesn't exist.
In these situations, you should log the exception, and possibly alert an operator that a resource is
Under some circumstances, it may be appropriate to create the missing resource as part of the exception
handling code. But you should adopt this approach with caution as the non-existence of the resource
might be indicative of a programming error (a misspelled resource name for example), or some other
infrastructure-level issue.
Use lightweight frameworks. Carefully choose the APIs and frameworks you use to minimize resource usage,
execution time, and overall load on the application. For example, using Web API to handle service requests can
reduce the application footprint and increase execution speed, but it may not be suitable for advanced scenarios
where the additional capabilities of Windows Communication Foundation are required.
Consider minimizing the number of service accounts. For example, use a specific account to access
resources or services that impose a limit on connections, or perform better where fewer connections are
maintained. This approach is common for services such as databases, but it can affect the ability to accurately
audit operations due to the impersonation of the original user.
Carry out performance profiling and load testing during development, as part of test routines, and before
final release to ensure the application performs and scales as required. This testing should occur on the same
type of hardware as the production platform, and with the same types and quantities of data and user load as it
will encounter in production. For more information, see Testing the performance of a cloud service.
Elasticsearch on Azure Guidance
1/17/2017 1 min to read Edit on GitHub

Elasticsearch is a highly scalable open-source search engine and database. It is useful for situations that require
fast analysis and discovery of information held in big datasets. This guidance looks at some key aspects to
consider when designing an Elasticsearch cluster, with a focus on ways to optimize and test your configuration.

This guidance assumes some basic familiarity with Elasticsearch. For more detailed information, visit the Elasticsearch

Running Elasticsearch on Azure provides a brief introduction to the general structure of Elasticsearch, and
describes how to implement an Elasticsearch cluster using Azure.
Tuning data ingestion performance for Elasticsearch on Azure describes the deployment of an
Elasticsearch cluster and provides in-depth analysis of the various configuration options to consider when you
expect a high rate of data ingestion.
Tuning data aggregation and query performance for Elasticsearch on Azure provides an in-depth
analysis of the options to consider when deciding how to optimize your system for query and search
Configuring resilience and recovery on Elasticsearch on Azure describes some important features of an
Elasticsearch cluster that can help minimize the chances of data loss and extended data recovery times.
Creating a performance testing environment for Elasticsearch on Azure describes how to set up an
environment for testing the performance data ingestion and query workloads in an Elasticsearch cluster.
Implementing a JMeter test plan for Elasticsearch summarizes running performance tests implemented
using JMeter test plans together with Java code incorporated as a JUnit test for performing tasks such as
uploading data into the Elasticsearch cluster.
Deploying a JMeter JUnit sampler for testing Elasticsearch performance describes how to create and
use a JUnit sampler that can generate and upload data to an Elasticsearch cluster. This provides a highly flexible
approach to load testing that can generate large quantities of test data without depending on external data
Running the automated Elasticsearch resiliency tests summarizes how to run the resiliency tests used in
this series.
Running the automated Elasticsearch performance tests summarizes how to run the performance tests
used in this series.
Running Elasticsearch on Azure
1/17/2017 41 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

This document provides a brief introduction to the general structure of Elasticsearch and then describes how you
can implement an Elasticsearch cluster using Azure. It touches on best practices for deploying an Elasticsearch
cluster, concentrating on the various functional performance and management requirements of your system, and
considering how your requirements should drive the configuration and topology that you select.

This guidance assumes some basic familiarity with Elasticsearch.

The structure of Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is a document database highly optimized to act as a search engine. Documents are serialized in JSON
format. Data is held in indexes, implemented by using Apache Lucene, although the details are abstracted from
view and it is not necessary to fully understand Lucene in order to use Elasticsearch.
Clusters, nodes, indexes, and shards
Elasticsearch implements a clustered architecture that uses sharding to distribute data across multiple nodes, and
replication to provide high availability. Documents are stored in indexes. The user can specify which fields in a
document are used to uniquely identify it within an index, or the system can generate a key field and values
automatically. The index is used to physically organize documents and is the principal means for locating
An index contains a set of shards. Documents are evenly dispersed across shards using a hashing mechanism
based on the index key values and the number of shards in the index.
Indexes can be replicated. In this case each shard in the index is copied. Elasticsearch ensures that each original
shard for an index (referred to as a primary shard) and its replica always reside on different nodes. When a
document is added or modified, all write operations are performed on the primary shard first and then at each
The figure below shows the essential aspects of an Elasticsearch cluster containing three nodes. An index has been
created that consists of two primary shards with two replicas for each shard (six shards in all).
A simple Elasticsearch cluster containing two primary nodes and two sets of replicas
In this cluster, primary shard 1 and primary shard 2 are located on separate nodes to help balance the load across
them. The replicas are similarly distributed. If a single node fails, the remaining nodes have sufficient information
to enable the system to continue functioning. If necessary, Elasticsearch will promote a replica shard to become a
primary shard if the corresponding primary shard is unavailable.
Node roles
The nodes in an Elasticsearch cluster can perform the following roles:
A data node which can hold one or more shards that contain index data.
A client node that does not hold index data but that handles incoming requests made by client applications to
the appropriate data node.
A master node that does not hold index data but that performs cluster management operations, such as
maintaining and distributing routing information around the cluster (the list of which nodes contain which
shards), determining which nodes are available, relocating shards as nodes appear and disappear, and
coordinating recovery after node failure. Multiple nodes can be configured as masters, but only one will
actually be elected to perform the master functions. If this node fails, another election takes place and one of
the other eligible master nodes will be elected and take over.

The elected master node is critical to the well-being of the cluster. The other nodes ping it regularly to ensure that it is still
available. If the elected master node is also acting as a data node, there is a chance that the node can become busy and fail
to respond to these pings. In this situation, the master is deemed to have failed and one of the other master nodes is
elected in its place.

The figure below shows a topology containing a mixture of dedicated master, client, and data nodes in an
Elasticsearch cluster.
An Elasticsearch cluster showing different types of nodes
Costs and benefits of using client nodes
When an application submits a query to an Elasticsearch cluster, the node to which the application connects is
responsible for directing the query process. The node forwards the request to each data node and gathers the
results, returning the accumulated information to the application. If a query involves aggregations and other
computations, the node to which the application connects performs the necessary operations after retrieving the
data from each of the other nodes. This scatter/gather process can consume considerable processing and memory
Using dedicated client nodes to perform these tasks allows data nodes to focus on managing and storing data. The
result is that many scenarios that involve complex queries and aggregations can benefit from using dedicated
client nodes. However, the impact of using dedicated client nodes will likely vary depending on your scenario,
workload, and cluster size.

Refer to Tuning Data Aggregation and Query Performance for Elasticsearch on Azure for more information on the tuning

Connecting to a cluster
Elasticsearch exposes a series of REST APIs for building client applications and sending requests to a cluster. If you
are developing applications using the .NET Framework, two higher levels APIs are available Elasticsearch.Net &
If you are building client applications using Java, you can use the Node Client API to create client nodes
dynamically and add them to the cluster. Creating client nodes dynamically is convenient if your system uses a
relatively small number of long-lived connections. Client nodes created by using the Node API are provided with
the cluster routing map (the details of which nodes contain which shards) by the master node. This information
enables the Java application to connect directly to the appropriate nodes when indexing or querying data,
reducing the number of hops that may be necessary when using other APIs.
The cost of this approach is the overhead of enrolling the client node into the cluster. If a large number of client
nodes appear and disappear quickly, the impact of maintaining and distributing the cluster routing map can
become significant.
The figure below shows a configuration that uses a load balancer to route requests to a set of client nodes,
although the same strategy can be used to connect directly to data nodes if client nodes are not used.
Client application instances connecting to an Elasticsearch cluster through the Azure Load Balancer

You can use the Azure Load Balancer to expose the cluster to the public Internet, or you can use an internal load balancer if
the client applications and cluster are contained entirely within the same private virtual network (VNet).

Node discovery
Elasticsearch is based on peer-to-peer communications, so discovering other nodes in a cluster is an important
part in the lifecycle of a node. Node discovery enables new data nodes to be added dynamically to a cluster, which
in turn allows the cluster to scale out transparently. Additionally, if a data node fails to respond to communications
requests from other nodes, a master node can decide that the data node has failed and take the necessary steps to
reallocate the shards that it was holding to other operational data nodes.
Elasticsearch node discovery is handled by using a discovery module. The discovery module is a plugin that can be
switched to use a different discovery mechanism. The default discovery module (Zen) causes a node to issue ping
requests to find other nodes on the same network. If other nodes respond, they gossip to exchange information. A
master node can then distribute shards to the new node (if it is a data node) and rebalance the cluster. The Zen
discovery module also handles the master election process and the protocol for detecting node failure.
Additionally, if you are running Elasticsearch nodes as Azure virtual machines (VMs), multicast messaging is not
supported. For this reasons, you should configure the Zen discovery to use unicast messaging and provide a list of
valid contact nodes in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file.
If you are hosting an Elasticsearch cluster within an Azure virtual network, you can specify that the private DHCP-
assigned IP addressed given to each VM in the cluster should remain allocated (static). You can configure Zen
discovery unicast messaging using these static IP addresses. If you are using VMs with dynamic IP addresses, keep
in mind that if a VM stops and restarts it could be allocated a new IP address making discovery more difficult. To
handle this scenario, you can swap the Zen discovery module for the Azure Cloud Plugin. This plugin uses the
Azure API to implement the discovery mechanism, which is based on Azure subscription information.
The current version of the Azure Cloud Plugin requires you to install the management certificate for your Azure subscription
in the Java keystore on the Elasticsearch node, and provide the location and credentials for accessing the keystore in the
elasticsearch.yml file. This file is held in clear text, so it is vitally important that you ensure this file is only accessible by the
account running the Elasticsearch service.
Additionally, this approach may not be compatible with Azure Resource Manager deployments. For these reasons, it is
recommended that you use static IP addresses for master nodes, and use these nodes to implement Zen discovery unicast
messaging across the cluster. In the following configuration (taken from the elasticsearch.yml file for a sample data node),
the host IP addresses reference master nodes in the cluster:

discovery.zen.ping.multicast.enabled: false
discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts: ["","",""]

General system guidelines

Elasticsearch can run on a variety of computers, ranging from a single laptop to a cluster of high-end servers.
However, the more resources in terms of memory, computing power, and fast disks that are available the better
the performance. The following sections summarize the basic hardware and software requirements for running
Memory requirements
Elasticsearch attempts to store data in-memory for speed. A production server hosting a node for a typical
enterprise or moderate-sized commercial deployment on Azure should have between 14GB and 28GB of RAM (D3
or D4 VMs). Spread the load across more nodes rather than creating nodes with more memory
(Experiments have shown that using larger nodes with more memory can cause extended recovery times in the
event of a failure.) However, although creating clusters with a very large number of small nodes can increase
availability and throughput, it also escalates the effort involved in managing and maintaining such a system.
Allocate 50% of the available memory on a server to the Elasticsearch heap. If you are using Linux set the
ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable before running Elasticsearch. Alternatively, if you are using Windows or
Linux, you can specify memory size in the Xmx and Xms parameters when you start Elasticseach. Set both of
these parameters to the same value to avoid the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) resizing the heap at runtime.
However, do not allocate more than 30GB. Use the remaining memory for the operating system file cache.

Elasticsearch utilizes the Lucene library to create and manage indexes. Lucene structures use a disk-based format, and
caching these structures in the file system cache will greatly enhance performance.

Note that the maximum optimal heap size for Java on a 64 bit machine is just above 30GB. Above this size Java
switches to using an extended mechanism for referencing objects on the heap, which increases the memory
requirements for each object and reduces performance.
The default Java garbage collector (Concurrent Mark and Sweep) may also perform sub-optimally if the heap size
is above 30GB. It is not currently recommended to switch to a different garbage collector as Elasticsearch and
Lucene have only been tested against the default.
Do not overcommit memory as swapping main memory to disk will severely impact performance. If possible,
disable swapping completely (the details depend on the operating system). If this is not possible then enable the
mlockall setting in the Elasticsearch configuration file (elasticsearch.yml) as follows:
bootstrap.mlockall: true

This configuration setting causes the JVM to lock its memory and prevents it being swapped out by the operating
Disk and file system requirements
Use data disks backed by premium storage for storing shards. Disks should be sized to hold the maximum
amount of data anticipated in your shards, although it is possible to add further disks later. You can extend a shard
across multiple disks on a node.

Elasticsearch compresses the data for stored fields by using the LZ4 algorithm, and in Elasticsearch 2.0 onwards you can
change the compression type. You can switch the compression algorithm to DEFLATE as used by the zip and gzip utilities.
This compression technique can be more resource intensive, but you should consider using it for archived log data. This
approach can help to reduce index size.

It is not essential that all nodes in a cluster have the same disk layout and capacity. However, a node with a very
large disk capacity compared to other nodes in a cluster will attract more data and will require increased
processing power to handle this data. Consequently the node can become "hot" compared to other nodes, and this
can, in turn, affect performance.
If possible, use RAID 0 (striping). Other forms of RAID that implement parity and mirroring are unnecessary as
Elasticsearch provides its own high availablility solution in the form of replicas.

Prior to Elasticsearch 2.0.0, you could also implement striping at the software level by specifying multiple directories in the
path.data configuration setting. In Elasticsearch 2.0.0, this form of striping is no longer supported. Instead, different shards
may be allocated to different paths, but all of the files in a single shard will be written to the same path. If you require
striping, you should stripe data at the operating system or hardware level.

To maximize storage throughput, each VM should have a dedicated premium storage account.
The Lucene library can use a large number of files to store index data, and Elasticsearch can open a significant
number of sockets for communicating between nodes and with clients. Make sure that the operating system is
configured to support an adequate number of open file descriptors (up to 64000 if sufficient memory is available).
Note that the default configuration for many Linux distributions limits the number of open file descriptors to
1024, which is much too small.
Elasticsearch uses a combination of memory mapped (mmap) I/O and Java New I/O (NIO) to optimize concurrent
access to data files and indexes. If you are using Linux, you should configure the operating system to ensure that
there is sufficient virtual memory available with space for 256K memory map areas.

Many Linux distributions default to using the completely fair queuing (CFQ) scheduler when arranging to write data to disk.
This scheduler is not optimized for SSDs. Consider reconfiguring the operating system to use either the NOOP scheduler or
the deadline scheduler, both of which are more effective for SSDs.

CPU requirements
Azure VMs are available in a variety of CPU configurations, supporting between 1 and 32 cores. For a data node, a
good starting point is a standard DS-series VM, and select either the DS3 (4 cores) or D4 (8 cores) SKUs. The DS3
also provides 14GB of RAM, while the DS4 includes 28GB.
The GS-series (for premium storage) and G-series (for standard storage) use Xeon E5 V3 processors which may be
useful for workloads that are heavily compute-intensive, such as large-scale aggregations. For the latest
information, visit Sizes for virtual machines.
Network requirements
Elasticsearch requires a network bandwidth of between 1 and 10Gbps, depending on the size and volatility of the
clusters that it implements. Elasticsearch migrates shards between nodes as more nodes are added to a cluster.
Elasticsearch assumes that the communication time between all nodes is roughly equivalent and does not
consider the relative locations of shards held on those nodes. Additionally, replication can incur significant
network I/O between shards. For these reasons, avoid creating clusters on nodes that are in different
Software Requirements
You can run Elasticsearch on Windows or on Linux. The Elasticsearch service is deployed as a Java jar library and
has dependencies on other Java libraries that are included in the Elasticsearch package. You must install the Java 7
(update 55 or later) or Java 8 (update 20 or later) JVM to run Elasticsearch.

Other than the Xmx and Xms memory parameters (specified as command line options to the Elasticsearch engine see
Memory requirements) do not modify the default JVM configuration settings. Elasticsearch has been designed using the
defaults; changing them can cause Elasticsearch to become detuned and perform poorly.

Deploying Elasticsearch on Azure

Although it is not difficult to deploy a single instance of Elasticsearch, creating a number of nodes and installing
and configuring Elasticsearch on each one can be a time consuming and error-prone process. If you are
considering running Elasticsearch on Azure VMs, you have three options that can help to reduce the chances of
Using the Azure Resource Manager template in Azure marketplace. This template is created by Elastic. It allows
you to add commercial enhancements such as Shield, Marvel, Watcher, and so on.
Using the Azure quickstart template to build the cluster. This template can create a cluster based on Windows
Server 2012 or Ubuntu Linux 14.0.4. It allows you to use experimental features such as Azure File Storage. This
template is used for the research and testing tasks in this document.
Using scripts that can be automated or run unattended. Scripts that can create and deploy an Elasticsearch
cluster are available on the GitHub repository

Cluster and node sizing and scalability

Elasticsearch enables a number of deployment topologies, designed to support differing requirements and levels
of scale. This section discusses some common topologies, and describes the considerations for implementing
clusters based on these topologies.
Elasticsearch topologies
The figure below illustrates a starting point for designing an Elasticsearch topology for Azure:
Suggested starting point for building an Elasticsearch cluster with Azure
This topology contains six data nodes together with three client nodes and three master nodes (only one master
node is elected, the other two are available for election should the elected master fail.) Each node is implemented
as a separate VM. Azure web applications are directed to client nodes via a load balancer.
In this example, all nodes and the web applications reside in the same virtual network which effectively isolates
them from the outside world. If the cluster needs to be available externally (possibly as part of a hybrid solution
incorporating on-premises clients), then you can use the Azure Load Balancer to provide a public IP address, but
you will need to take additional security precautions to prevent unauthorized access to the cluster.
The optional "Jump Box" is a VM that is only available to administrators. This VM has a network connection to the
virtual network, but also an outward facing network connection to permit administrator logon from an external
network (this logon should be protected by using a strong password or certificate). An administrator can log on to
the Jump Box, and then connect from there directly to any of the nodes in the cluster.
Alternative approaches include using a site-to-site VPN between an organization and the virtual network, or using
ExpressRoute circuits to connect to the virtual network. These mechanisms permit administrative access to the
cluster without exposing the cluster to the public internet.
To maintain VM availability, the data nodes are grouped into the same Azure availability set. Similarly, the client
nodes are held in another availability set and the master nodes are stored in a third availability set.
This topology is relatively easy to scale out, simply add more nodes of the appropriate type and ensure that they
are configured with the same cluster name in the elasticsearch.yml file. Client nodes also need to be added to the
backend pool for the Azure load balancer.
Geo-locating clusters
Dont spread nodes in a cluster across regions as this can impact the performance of inter-node
communication (see Network requirements). Geo-locating data close to users in different regions requires
creating multiple clusters. In this situation, you need to consider how (or even whether) to synchronize clusters.
Possible solutions include:
Tribe nodes are similar to a client node except that it can participate in multiple Elasticsearch clusters and view
them all as one big cluster. Data is still managed locally by each cluster (updates are not propagated across cluster
boundaries), but all data is visible. A tribe node can query, create, and manage documents in any cluster.
The primary restrictions are that a tribe node cannot be used to create a new index, and index names must be
unique across all clusters. Therefore it is important that you consider how indexes will be named when you design
clusters intended to be accessed from tribe nodes.
Using this mechanism, each cluster can contain the data that is most likely to be accessed by local client
applications, but these clients can still access and modify remote data although with possible extended latency.
The figure below shows an example of this topology. The tribe node in Cluster 1 is highlighted; the other clusters
can also have tribe nodes although these are not shown on the diagram:

A client application accessing multiple clusters through a tribe node

In this example, the client application connects to the tribe node in Cluster 1 (co-located in the same region), but
this node is configured to be able to access Cluster 2 and Cluster 3, which might be located in different regions.
The client application can send requests that retrieve or modify data in any of the clusters.

Tribe nodes require multicast discovery to connect to clusters, which may present a security concern. See the section Node
discovery for more details.

Implementing geo-replication between clusters. In this approach, changes made at each cluster are propagated
in near real-time to clusters located in other data centers. Third-party plugins are available for Elasticsearch
that support this functionality, such as the PubNub Changes Plugin.
Using the Elasticsearch Snapshot and Restore module. If the data is very slow-moving and is modified only by
a single cluster, you can consider using snapshots to take a periodic copy of the data and then restore these
snapshots in other clusters (snapshots can be stored in Azure Blob Storage if you have installed the Azure
Cloud Plugin). However, this solution does not work well for rapidly changing data or if data can be changed in
more than one cluster.
Small-scale topologies
Large-scale topologies comprising clusters of dedicated master, client, and data nodes might not be appropriate
for every scenario. If you are building a small-scale production or development system, consider the 3-node
cluster shown in the figure below.
Client applications connect directly to any available data node in the cluster. The cluster contains three shards
labelled P1-P3 (to allow for growth) plus replicas labelled R1-R3. Using three nodes allows Elasticsearch to
distribute the shards and replicas so that if any single node fails no data will be lost.

A 3-node cluster with 3 shards and replicas

If you are running a development installation on a standalone machine you can configure a cluster with a single
node that acts as master, client, and data storage. Alternatively, you can start multiple nodes running as a cluster
on the same computer by starting more than one instance of Elasticsearch. The figure below shows an example.

A development configuration running multiple Elasticsearch nodes on the same machine

Note that neither of these standalone configurations are recommended for a production environment as they can
cause contention unless your development machine has a significant amount of memory and several fast disks.
Additionally, they do not provide any high availability guarantees. If the machine fails, all nodes are lost.
Scaling a cluster and data nodes
Elasticsearch can scale in two dimensions: vertically (using bigger, more powerful machines) and horizontally
(spreading the load across machines).
Scaling Elasticsearch data nodes vertically
If you are hosting an Elasticsearch cluster by using Azure VMs, each node can correspond to a VM. The limit of
vertical scalability for a node is largely governed by the SKU of the VM and the overall restrictions applied to
individual storage accounts and Azure subscriptions.
The page Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints describes these limits in detail, but as far as
building an Elasticsearch cluster is concerned, the items in the following list are the most pertinent.
Each storage account is restricted to 20,000 IOPS. Each VM in the cluster should leverage a dedicated
(preferably premium) storage account.
The number of data nodes in a virtual network. If you are not using the Azure Resource Manager, there is a
limit of 2048 VM instances per virtual network. While this should prove sufficient for many cases, if you have a
very large configuration with thousands of nodes this could be a limitation.
Number of storage accounts per subscription per region. You can create up to 100 storage accounts per Azure
subscription in each region. Storage accounts are used to hold virtual disks, and each storage account has a
limit of 500TB of space.
Number of cores per subscription. The default limit is 20 cores per subscription, but this can be increased up to
10,000 cores by requesting a limit increase through a support ticket.
The amount of memory per VM size. Smaller size VMs have limited amounts of memory available (D1
machines have 3.5GB, and D2 machines have 7GB). These machines might not be suitable for scenarios that
require Elasticsearch to cache significant amounts of data to achieve good performance (aggregating data, or
analyzing a large number of documents during data ingestion, for example).
The maximum number of disks per VM size. This restriction can limit the size and performance of a cluster.
Fewer disks means that less data can be held, and performance can be reduced by having fewer disks available
for striping.
The number of update domains / fault domains per availability set. If you create VMs using the Azure Resource
Manager, each availability set can be allocated up to 3 fault domains and 20 update domains. This limitation
can impact the resilience of a large cluster that is subjected to frequent rolling updates.
Additionally, you should probably not consider using VMs with more than 64GB of memory. As described in the
section Memory requirements, you should not allocate more than 30GB of RAM on each VM to the JVM and allow
the operating system to utilize the remaining memory for I/O buffering.
With these restrictions in mind, you should always spread the virtual disks for the VMs in a cluster across storage
accounts to reduce the chances of I/O throttling. In a very large cluster, you may need to redesign your logical
infrastructure and split it into separate functional partitions. For example, you might need to split the cluster
across subscriptions, although this process can lead to further complications because of the need to connect
virtual networks.
Scaling an Elasticsearch cluster horizontally
Internally within Elasticsearch, the limit of horizontal scalability is determined by the number of shards defined for
each index. Initially, many shards can be allocated to the same node in a cluster, but as the volume of data grows
additional nodes can be added and shards can be distributed across these nodes. In theory, only when the number
of nodes reaches the number of shards will the system cease to scale horizontally.
As with vertical scaling, there are some issues that you should consider when contemplating implementing
horizontal scaling, including:
The maximum number of VMs that you can connect in an Azure virtual network. This can limit the horizontal
scalability for a very large cluster. You can create a cluster of nodes that spans more than one virtual network
to circumvent this limit, but this approach can lead to reduced performance due to the lack of locality of each
node with its peers.
The number of disks per VM Size. Different series and SKUs support different numbers of attached disks.
Additionally, you can also consider using the ephemeral storage included with the VM to provide a limited
amount of faster data storage, although there are resiliency and recovery implications that you should consider
(see Configuring resilience and recovery on Elasticsearch on Azure for more information). The D-series, DS-
series, Dv2-series, and GS-series of VMs use SSDs for ephemeral storage.
You could consider using Virtual Machine Scale Sets to start and stop VMs as demands dictates. However, this
approach might not be appropriate for an Elasticsearch cluster for the following reasons:
This approach is best suited for stateless VMs. Each time you add or remove a node from an Elasticsearch
cluster, shards are reallocated to balance the load, and this process can generate considerable volumes of
network traffic and disk I/O and can severely impact data ingestion rates. You must assess whether this
overhead is worth the benefit of the additional processing and memory resources that become available by
dynamically starting more VMs.
VM startup does not happen instantaneously, and it may take several minutes before additional VMs become
available or they are shut down. Scaling in this way should only be used to handle sustained changes in
After scaling out, do you actually need to consider scaling back? Removing a VM from an Elasticsearch cluster
can be a resource intensive process requiring that Elasticsearch recovers the shards and replicas that are
located on that VM and recreates them on one or more of the remaining nodes. Removing several VMs at the
same time could compromise the integrity of the cluster, making recovery difficult. Furthermore, many
Elasticsearch implementations grow over time, but the nature of the data is such that it tends not to shrink in
volume. It is possible to delete documents manually, and documents can also be configured with a TTL (time to
live) after which they expire and get removed, but in most cases it is likely that the space previously allocated
will be quickly reused by new or modified documents. Fragmentation within an index might occur when
documents are removed or changed, in which case you can use the Elasticsearch HTTP Optimize API
(Elasticsearch 2.0.0 and earlier) or the Force Merge API (Elasticsearch 2.1.0 and later) to perform
Determining the number of shards for an index
The number of nodes in a cluster can vary over time, but the number of shards in an index is fixed once the index
has been created. To add or remove shards requires reindexing the data a process of creating a new index with
the required number of shards and then copying the data from the old index to the new (you can use aliases to
insulate users from the fact that data has been reindexed see Tuning data aggregation and query performance
for Elasticsearch on Azure for more details). Therefore, it is important to determine the number of shards that you
are likely to require in advance of creating the first index in your cluster. You can perform the following steps to
establish this number:
Create a single-node cluster using the same hardware configuration that you intend to deploy in production.
Create an index that matches the structure that you plan to use in production. Give this index a single shard
and no replicas.
Add a specific quantity of realistic production data to the index.
Perform typical queries, aggregations, and other workloads against the index and measure the throughput and
response time.
If the throughput and response time are within acceptable limits, then repeat the process from step 3 (add
more data).
When you appear to have reached the capacity of the shard (response times and throughput start becoming
unacceptable), make a note of the volume of documents.
Extrapolate from the capacity of a single shard to the anticipated number of documents in production to
calculate the required number of shards (you should include some margin of error in these calculations as
extrapolation is not a precise science).

Remember that each shard is implemented as a Lucene index that consumes memory, CPU power, and file handles. The
more shards you have, the more of these resources you will require.

Additionally, creating more shards may increase scalability (depending on your workloads and scenario) and can
increase data ingestion throughput, but it might reduce the efficiency of many queries. By default, a query will
interrogate every shard used by an index (you can use custom routing to modify this behavior if you know which
shards the data you require is located on).
Following this process can only generate an estimate for the number of shards, and the volume of documents
expected in production might not be known. In this case, you should determine the initial volume (as above) and
the predicted growth rate. Create an appropriate number of shards that can handle the growth of data for the
period until you are willing to reindex the database.
Other strategies used for scenarios such as event management and logging include using rolling indexes. Create a
new index for the data ingested each day and access this index through an alias that is switched daily to point to
the most recent index. This approach enables you to more easily age-out old data (you can delete indexes
containing information that is no longer required) and keeps the volume of data manageable.
Keep in mind that the number of nodes does not have to match the number of shards. For example, if you create
50 shards, you can spread them across 10 nodes initially, and then add more nodes to scale the system out as the
volume of work increases. Avoid creating an exceptionally large number of shards on a small number of nodes
(1000 shards spread across 2 nodes, for example). Although the system could theoretically scale to 1000 nodes
with this configuration, running 500 shards on a single node risks crippling the performance of the node.

For systems that are data-ingestion heavy, consider using a prime number of shards. The default algorithm that
Elasticsearch uses for routing documents to shards produces a more even spread in this case.

By default, Elasticsearch implements minimal security and does not provide any means of authentication and
authorization. These aspects require configuring the underlying operating system and network, and using plugins
and third-party utilities. Examples include Shield, and Search Guard.

Shield is a plugin provided by Elastic for user authentication, data encryption, role-based access control, IP filtering, and
auditing. It may be necessary to configure the underlying operating system to implement further security measures, such as
disk encryption.

In a production system, you should consider how to:

Prevent unauthorized access to the cluster.
Identify and authenticate users.
Authorize the operations that authenticated users can perform.
Protect the cluster from rogue or damaging operations.
Protect the data from unauthorized access.
Meet regulatory requirements for commercial data security (if appropriate).
Securing access to the cluster
Elasticsearch is a network service. The nodes in an Elasticsearch cluster listen for incoming client requests using
HTTP, and communicate with each other using a TCP channel. You should take steps to prevent unauthorized
clients or services from being able to send requests over both the HTTP and TCP paths. Consider the following
Define network security groups to limit the inbound and outbound network traffic for a virtual network or VM
to specific ports only.
Change the default ports used for client web access (9200) and programmatic network access (9300). Use a
firewall to protect each node from malicious Internet traffic.
Depending on the location and connectivity of clients, place the cluster on a private subnet with no direct
access to the Internet. If the cluster must be exposed outside the subnet, route all requests through a bastion
server or proxy sufficiently hardened to protect the cluster.
If you must provide direct access to nodes, use an nginx proxy server configure and HTTPS authentication.

Using a proxy server such as nginx, you can also restrict access to functionality. For example, you can configure nginx to only
allow requests to the _search endpoint if you need to prevent clients from performing other operations.
If you require more comprehensive network access security, use the Shield or Search Guard plugins.
Identifying and authenticating users
All requests made by clients to the cluster should be authenticated. Additionally, you should prevent unauthorized
nodes from joining the cluster as these can provide a backdoor into the system that bypasses authentication.
Elasticsearch plugins are available that can perform different types of authentication, including:
HTTP basic authentication. Usernames and passwords are included in each request. All requests must be
encrypted by using SSL/TLS or an equivalent level of protection.
LDAP and Active Directory integration. This approach requires that clients are assigned roles in LDAP or AD
Native authentication. Uses identities defined within the Elasticsearch cluster itself.
TLS authentication. Use TLS authentication within a cluster to authenticate all nodes.
IP filtering. Use IP filtering to prevent clients from unauthorized subnets from connecting, and also preventing
nodes from these subnets joining the cluster.
Authorizing client requests
Authorization depends on the Elasticsearch plugin used to provide this service. For example, a plugin that provides
basic authentication typically provides features that define the level of authentication, whereas a plugin that uses
LDAP or AD will typically associate clients with roles, and then assign access rights to those roles. When using any
plugin, you should consider the following points:
Do you need to restrict the operations that a client can perform? For example, should a client be able to
monitor the status of the cluster, or create and delete indexes?
Should the client be restricted to specific indexes? This is useful in a multitenant : No hyphen per style
guide.>>situation where tenants may be assigned their own specific set of indexes, and these indexes should
be inaccessible to other tenants.
Should the client by able to read and write data to an index? A client may be able to perform searches that
retrieve data using an index but must be prevented from adding or deleting data from that index, for example.
Currently, most security plugins scope operations to the cluster or index level, and not to subsets of documents
within indexes. This is for efficiency reasons. It is therefore not easy to limit requests to specific documents within
a single index. If you require this level of granularity, save documents in separate indexes and use aliases that
group indexes together.
For example, in a personnel system, if user A requires access to all documents that contain information about
employees in department X, user B requires access to all documents that contain information about employees in
department Y, and user C requires access to all documents that contain information about employees in both
departments, create two indexes (for department X and department Y), and an alias that references both indexes.
Grant user A read access to the first index, grant user B read access to the second index, and grant user C read
access to both indexes through the alias. For more information, see Faking Index per User with Aliases.
Protecting the cluster
The cluster can become vulnerable to misuse if it is not protected carefully.
Disable dynamic query scripting in Elasticsearch queries as they can lead to security vulnerabilities. Use
native scripts in preference to query scripting; a native script is an Elasticsearch plugin written in Java and
compiled into a JAR file.
Dynamic query scripting is now disabled by default; do not reenable it unless you have a very good reason to do
Avoid exposing query-string searches to users as this type of searching allows users to perform resource-
intensive queries unhindered. These searches could severely impact the performance of the cluster and can render
the system open to DOS attacks. Additionally, query-string searching can expose potentially private information.
Prevent operations from consuming a lot of memory as these can cause out-of-memory exceptions resulting
in Elasticsearch failing on a node. Long-running resource intensive operations can also be used to implement DOS
attacks. Examples include:
Avoid Search requests that attempt to load very large fields into memory (if a query sorts, scripts, or facets on
these fields), such as:
Searches that query multiple indexes at the same time.
Searches that retrieve a large number of fields. These searches can exhaust memory by causing a vast amount
of field data to be cached. By default, the field data cache is unlimited in size, but you can set the
indices.fielddata.cache.* properties in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file to limit the resources available.
You can also configure the field data circuit breaker to help prevent the cached data from a single field from
exhausting memory, and the request circuit breaker to stop individual queries from monopolizing memory.
The cost of setting these parameters is the increased likelihood of some queries failing or timing out.

Using Doc Values can reduce the memory requirements of indexes by saving field data to disk rather than loading it into
memory. This can help to reduce the chances of memory exhaustion on a node but with a reduction in speed.
Elasticsearch always assumes that it has enough memory to perform its current workload. If this is not the case, then the
Elasticsearch service can crash. Elasticsearch provides endpoints that return information about resource usage (the HTTP cat
APIs), and you should monitor this information carefully.

Waiting for too long to flush an in-progress memory segment. This can exhaust in-memory buffer space. If
necessary, configure the translog to reduce the thresholds at which data is flushed to disk.
Creating indexes with large amounts of metadata. An index that contains documents with a large variation in
field names can consume a lot of memory. For more information, see Mapping Explosion.
The definition of a long-running or query intensive operation is highly scenario-specific. The workload typically
expected by one cluster might have a completely different profile from the workload on another. Determining
which operations are unacceptable requires significant research and testing of your applications.
Be proactive, detect and stop malicious activities before they cause significant damage or data loss. Consider using
a security monitoring and notification system that can quickly detect unusual patterns of data access and raise
alerts when, for example, user login requests fail, unexpected nodes join or leave the cluster, or operations are
taking longer than expected. Tools that can perform these tasks include Elasticearch Watcher.
Protecting the data
You can protect data inflight by using SSL/TLS, but Elasticsearch does not provide any built-in form of data
encryption for information that is stored on disk. Remember that this information is held in ordinary disk files, and
any user with access to these files may be able to compromise the data that they hold, for example by copying
them to their own cluster. Consider the following points:
Protect the files used by Elasticsearch to hold the data. Do not allow arbitrary read or write access to identities
other than the Elasticsearch service.
Encrypt the data held in these files by using an encrypting file system.

Azure now supports disk encryption for Linux and Windows VMs. For more information, see Azure Disk Encryption for
Windows and Linux IaaS VMs Preview.
Meeting regulatory requirements
Regulatory requirements are primarily concerned with auditing operations to maintain a history of events, and
ensuring the privacy of these operations to help prevent them being monitored (and replayed) by an external
agency. In particular, you should consider how to:
Track all requests (successful or not), and all attempts to access the system.
Encrypt communications made by clients to the cluster as well as node-to-node communications performed by
the cluster. You should implement SSL/TLS for all cluster communications. Elasticsearch also supports
pluggable ciphers if your organization has requirements distinct from those available through SSL/TLS.
Store all audit data securely. The volume of audit information can grow very rapidly and must be protected
robustly to prevent tampering of audit information.
Safely archive audit data.
Monitoring is important both at the operating system level and at the Elasticsearch level.
You can perform monitoring at the operating system level using operating-system specific tools. Under Windows,
this includes items such as Performance Monitor with the appropriate performance counters, while under Linux
you can use tools such as vmstat, iostat, and top. The key items to monitor at the operating system level include
CPU utilization, disk I/O volumes, disk I/O wait times, and network traffic. In a well-tuned Elasticsearch cluster, CPU
utilization by the Elasticsearch process should be high, and disk I/O wait times should be minimal.
At the software level, you should monitor the throughput and response times of requests, together with the details
of requests that fail. Elasticsearch provides a number of APIs that you can use to examine the performance of
different aspects of a cluster. The two most important APIs are _cluster/health and _nodes/stats. The
_cluster/health API can be used to provide a snapshot of the overall health of the cluster, as well as providing
detailed information for each index, as shown in the following example:
GET _cluster/health?level=indices

The example output shown below was generated using this API:
"cluster_name": "elasticsearch",
"status": "green",
"timed_out": false,
"number_of_nodes": 6,
"number_of_data_nodes": 3,
"active_primary_shards": 10,
"active_shards": 20,
"relocating_shards": 0,
"initializing_shards": 0,
"unassigned_shards": 0,
"delayed_unassigned_shards": 0,
"number_of_pending_tasks": 0,
"number_of_in_flight_fetch": 0,
"indices": {
"systwo": {
"status": "green",
"number_of_shards": 5,
"number_of_replicas": 1,
"active_primary_shards": 5,
"active_shards": 10,
"relocating_shards": 0,
"initializing_shards": 0,
"unassigned_shards": 0
"sysfour": {
"status": "green",
"number_of_shards": 5,
"number_of_replicas": 1,
"active_primary_shards": 5,
"active_shards": 10,
"relocating_shards": 0,
"initializing_shards": 0,
"unassigned_shards": 0

This cluster contains two indexes named systwo and sysfour. Key statistics to monitor for each index are the status,
active_shards, and unassigned_shards. The status should be green, the number of active_shards should reflect the
number_of_shards and number_of_replicas, and unassigned_shards should be zero.
If the status is red, then part of the index is missing or has become corrupt. You can verify this if the active_shards
setting is less than number_of_shards - (number_of_replicas + 1) and unassigned_shards is non-zero. Note that a
status of yellow indicates that an index is in a transitional state, either as the result of adding more replicas or
shards being relocated. The status should switch to green when the transition has completed.
If it stays yellow for an extended period or changes to red, you should look to see whether any significant I/O
events (such as a disk or network failure) have occurred at the operating system level.
The _nodes/stats API emits extensive information about each node in the cluster:
GET _nodes/stats

The output generated includes details about how indexes are stored on each node (including the sizes and
numbers of documents), time spent performing indexing, querying, searching, merging, caching, operating system
and process information, statistics about the JVM (including garbage collection performance), and thread pools.
For more information, see Monitoring Individual Nodes.
If a significant proportion of Elasticsearch requests are failing with EsRejectedExecutionException error messages,
then Elasticsearch is failing to keep up with the work being sent its way. In this situation, you need to identify the
bottleneck that is causing Elasticsearch to fall behind. Consider the following items:
If the bottleneck is due to a resource constraint, such as insufficient memory allocated to the JVM causing an
excessive number of garbage collections, then consider allocating additional resources (in this case, configure
the JVM to use more memory, up to 50% of the available storage on the node see Memory requirements).
If the cluster is showing large I/O wait times and the merge statistics gathered for an index by using the
_node/stats API contain large values then the index is write-heavy. Revisit the points raised in Optimizing
resources for indexing operations to tune indexing performance.
Throttle client applications that are performing data ingestion operations and determine the effect that this has
on performance. If this approach shows significant improvement, then consider either retaining the throttle, or
scaling out by spreading the load for write-heavy indexes across more nodes. For more information, see
Tuning data ingestion performance for Elasticsearch on Azure.
If the searching statistics for an index indicate that queries are taking a long time then consider how the queries
are optimized. Note that you can use the query_time_in_millis and query_total values reported by the search
statistics to calculate a rough guide to query efficiency; the equation query_time_in_millis / query_total will give
you an average time for each query.
Tools for monitoring Elasticsearch
A variety of tools are available for performing everyday monitoring of Elasticsearch in production. These tools
typically use the underlying Elasticsearch APIs to gather information and present the details in a manner that is
easier to observe than the raw data. Common examples include Elasticsearch-Head, Bigdesk, Kopf, and Marvel.
Elasticsearch-Head, Bigdesk, and Kopf run as plugins for the Elasticsearch software. More recent versions of
Marvel can run independently, but require Kibana to provide a data capture and hosting environment. The
advantage of using Marvel with Kibana is that you can implement monitoring in a separate environment from the
Elasticsearch cluster, enabling you to explore problems with Elasticsearch that might not be possible if the
monitoring tools run as part of the Elasticsearch software. For example, if Elasticsearch repeatedly fails or is
running very slowly, tools that run as Elasticsearch plugins will also be affected, making monitoring and diagnosis
more difficult.
At the operating system level, you can use tools such as the Log Analytics feature of Azure Operations
Management Suite or Azure Diagnostics with the Azure Portal to capture performance data for VMs hosting
Elasticsearch nodes. Another approach is to use Logstash to capture performance and log data, store this
information in a separate Elasticsearch cluster (don't use the same cluster that you are using or your application),
and then use Kibana to visualize the data. For more information, see Microsoft Azure Diagnostics with ELK.
Tools for testing Elasticsearch performance
Other tools are available if you are benchmarking Elasticsearch or subjecting a cluster to performance testing.
These tools are intended to be used in a development or test environment rather than production. A frequently-
used example is Apache JMeter.
JMeter was used to perform benchmarking and other load tests described in documents related to this guidance.
Creating a performance testing environment for Elasticsearch on Azure describes in detail how JMeter was
configured and used.
Tuning data ingestion performance for Elasticsearch
on Azure
1/17/2017 62 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

An important aspect when creating any search database is to determine the best way to structure the system to
ingest searchable data quickly and efficiently. The considerations surrounding this requirement concern not only
the choice of infrastructure on which you implement the system, but also the various optimizations that you can
use to help ensure that the system can keep up with the expected levels of data influx.
This document describes the deployment and configuration options that you should consider for implementing an
Elasticsearch cluster that expects a high rate of data ingestion. To provide solid data for illustrative purposes, this
document also shows the results of benchmarking various configurations using a simple high-volume data
ingestion workload. The details of the workload are described in the Appendix at the end of this document.
The purpose of the benchmarks was not to generate absolute performance figures for running Elasticsearch or
even to recommend a particular topology, but rather to illustrate methods that you can use for assessing
performance, sizing data nodes, and implementing clusters that can meet your own performance requirements.
When sizing your own systems, it is important to test performance thoroughly based on your own workloads.
Gather telemetry that enables you to obtain information about the optimal hardware configuration to use, and the
horizontal scaling factors that you should consider. In particular, you should:
Consider the overall size of the payload sent and not just the number of items in each bulk insert request. A
smaller number of large bulk items in each request could be more optimal than a larger number, depending on
the resource available to process each request.
You can monitor the effects of varying the bulk insert request by using Marvel, using the readbytes/writebytes I/O
counters with JMeter, and operating system tools such as iostat and vmstat on Ubuntu.
Conduct performance testing and gather telemetry to measure CPU processing and I/O wait times, disk latency,
throughput, and response times. This information can help to identify potential bottlenecks and assess the costs
and benefits of using premium storage. Bear in mind that CPU and disk utilization might not be even across all
nodes depending on the way in which shards and replicas are distributed across the cluster (some nodes can
contain more shards than others).
Consider how the number of concurrent requests for your workload will be distributed across the cluster and
assess the impact of using different numbers of nodes to handle this workload.
Consider how workloads might grow as the business expands. Assess the impact of this growth on the costs of
the VMs and storage used by the nodes.
Recognize that using a cluster with a larger number of nodes with regular disks might be more economical if
your scenario requires a high number of requests and the disk infrastructure maintains throughput that
satisfies your service level agreements (SLAS). However, increasing the number of nodes can introduce
overhead in the form of additional inter-node communications and synchronization.
Understand that a higher number of cores per node may generate more disk traffic as more documents can be
processed. In this case, measure disk utilization to assess whether the I/O subsystem might become a
bottleneck and determine the benefits of using premium storage.
Test and analyze the trade-offs with a higher number of nodes with fewer cores versus fewer nodes with more
cores. Keep in mind that the increasing the number of replicas escalates the demands on the cluster and may
require you to add nodes.
Consider that using ephemeral disks might require that indexes have to be recovered more frequently.
Measure storage volume usage to assess capacity and under utilization of storage. For example, in our scenario
we stored 1.5 billion documents using 350GB storage.
Measure the transfer rates for your workloads and consider how close you are likely to get to the total I/O rate
transfer limit for any given storage account in which you have created virtual disks.

Node and index design

In a system that must support large-scale data ingestion, you ask the following questions:
Is the data fast-moving or relatively static? The more dynamic the data, the greater the maintenance
overhead for Elasticsearch. If the data is replicated, each replica is maintained synchronously. Fast-moving data
that has only a limited lifespan or that can easily be reconstructed might benefit from disabling replication
altogether. This option is discussed in the section Tuning large-scale data ingestion.
How up-to-date do you require the data discovered by searching to be? To maintain performance,
Elasticsearch buffers as much data in memory as it can. This means that not all changes are immediately
available for search requests. The process Elasticsearch uses to persist changes and make them visible is
described in Making Changes Persistent.
The rate data becomes visible is governed by the refresh_interval setting of the relevant index. By default,
this interval is set at 1 second. However, not every situation requires refreshes to occur this quickly. For
example, indexes recording log data might need to cope with a rapid and continual influx of information
which needs to be ingested quickly, but does not require the information to be immediately available for
querying. In this case, consider reducing the frequency of refreshes. This feature is also described in the
section Tuning large-scale data ingestion.
How quickly is the data likely to grow? Index capacity is determined by the number of shards specified
when the index is created. To allow for growth, specify an adequate number of shards (the default is five). If
the index is initially created on a single node, all five shards will be located on that node, but as the volume
of data grows additional nodes can be added and Elasticsearch will dynamically distribute shards across
nodes. However, each shard has an overhead. All searches in an index will query all shards, so creating a
large number of shards for a small amount of data can slow data retrievals (avoid the Kagillion shards
Some workloads (such as logging) might create a new index each day, and if you observe that the number
of shards is insufficient for the volume of data, you should change it prior to creating the next index
(existing indexes will be unaffected). If you must distribute existing data across more shards, then one
option is to reindex the information. Create a new index with the appropriate configuration and copy the
data into it. This process can be made transparent to applications by using index aliases.
Does data need to be partitioned between users in a multitenancy scenario? You can create separate
indexes for each user, but this can be expensive if each user only has a moderate amount of data. Instead,
consider creating shared indexes and use aliases based on filters to direct requests to the per-user data. To
keep the data for a user together in the same shard, override the default routing configuration for the index and
route data based on some identifying attribute of the user.
Is data long or short-lived? If you are using a set of Azure VMs to implement an Elasticsearch cluster, you can
store ephemeral data on a local resource system disk rather than an attached drive. Using a VM SKU that
utilizes an SSD for the resource disk can improve I/O performance. However, any information held on the
resource disk is temporary and may be lost if the VM restarts (see the section When Will the Data on a
Temporary Drive Be Lost in Understanding the temporary drive on Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines for more
details). If you need to retain data between restarts, create data disks to hold this information and attach them
to the VM.
How active is the data? Azure VHDs are subject to throttling if the amount of read/write activity exceeds
specified parameters (currently 500 input/output operations per second (IOPS) for a disk attached to a
Standard Tier VM, and 5000 IOPS for a Premium Storage disk).
To reduce the chances of throttling and increase I/O performance, consider creating multiple data disks for
each VM and configure Elasticsearch to stripe data across these disks as described in the Disk and file
system requirements.
You should select a hardware configuration that helps to minimize the number of disk I/O read operations
by ensuring that sufficient memory is available to cache frequently accessed data. This is described in the
Memory requirements section of Running Elasticsearch on Azure.
What type of workload will each node need to support? Elasticsearch benefits from having memory
available to cache data in (in the form of the file system cache) and for the JVM heap as described in the
Memory requirements section of Running Elasticsearch on Azure.
The amount of memory, number of CPU cores, and quantity of available disks are set by the SKU of the
virtual machine. For more information, see Virtual Machines Pricing on the Azure website.
Virtual machine options
You can provision VMs in Azure using a number of different SKUs. The resources available to an Azure VM depend
on SKU selected. Each SKU offers a different mix of cores, memory, and storage. You need to select an appropriate
size of VM that will handle the expected workload but that will also prove cost-effective. Start with a configuration
that will meet your current requirements (perform benchmarking to test, as described later in this document). You
can scale a cluster later by adding more VMs running Elasticsearch nodes.
Sizes for Virtual Machines on the Azure website documents the various options and SKUs available for VMs.
You should match the size and resources of a VM to the role that nodes running on the VM will perform.
For a data node:
Allocate up to 30 GB or 50% of the available RAM memory to the Java heap, whichever is the lower. Leave
the remainder to the operating system to use for caching files. If you are using Linux, you can specify the
amount of memory to allocate to the Java heap by setting the ES_HEAP_SIZE environment variable before
running Elasticsearch. Alternatively, if you are using Windows or Linux, you can stipulate memory size with
the Xmx and Xms parameters when you start Elasticsearch.
Depending on the workload, fewer large VMs may not be as effective for performance as using a larger
number of moderately sized VMs. You should conduct tests that can measure the tradeoffs between the
additional network traffic and maintenance involved versus the costs of increasing the number of cores
available and the reduced disk contention on each node.
Use premium storage for storing Elasticsearch data. This is discussed in more detail in the Storage options
Use multiple disks of the same size and stripe data across these disks. The SKU of your VMs will dictate the
maximum number of data disks that you can attach. For more information, see Disk and file system
Use a multi-core CPU SKU with at least 2 cores, preferably 4 or more.
For a client node:
Do not allocate disk storage for Elasticsearch data, dedicated clients do not store data on disk.
Ensure that adequate memory is available to handle workloads. Bulk insert requests are read into memory
prior to the data being sent to the various data nodes, and the results of aggregations and queries are
accumulated in memory before being returned to the client application. Benchmark your own workloads and
monitor memory use by using a tool such as Marvel or the JVM information returned by using the node/stats
API ( GET _nodes/stats ) to assess the optimal requirements. In particular, monitor the heap_used_percent
metric for each node and aim to keep the heap size below 75% of the space available.
Ensure that sufficient CPU cores are available to receive and process the expected volume of requests.
Requests are queued as they are received prior to processing, and the volume of items that can be queued
is a function of the number of CPU cores on each node. You can monitor the queue lengths by using the
data in the Threadpool information returned by using the node/stats API.
If the rejected count for a queue indicates that requests are being refused, this indicates that the cluster is
starting to bottleneck. This may be due to CPU bandwidth, but may also be due to other factors such as lack
of memory or slow I/O performance, so use this information in conjunction with other statistics to help
determine the root cause.
Client nodes may or may not be necessary, depending on your workloads. Data ingestion workloads tend
not to benefit from using dedicated clients, whereas some searches and aggregations can run more quickly.
Be prepared to benchmark your own scenarios.
Client nodes are primarily useful for applications that use the Transport Client API to connect to the cluster.
You can also use the Node Client API, which dynamically creates a dedicated client for the application, using
the resources of the application host environment. If your applications use the Node Client API, then it may
not be necessary for your cluster to contain preconfigured dedicated client nodes.
However, be aware that a node created using the Client Node API is a first-class member of the cluster and
as such participates in the network chatter with other nodes. Frequently starting and stopping client nodes
can create unnecessary noise across the entire cluster.
For a master node:
Do not allocate disk storage for Elasticsearch data, dedicated master nodes do not store data on disk.
CPU requirements should be minimal.
Memory requirements depend on the size of the cluster. Information about the state of the cluster is retained in
memory. For small clusters the amount of memory required is minimal, but for a large, highly active cluster
where indexes are being created frequently and shards moving around, the amount of state information can
grow significantly. Monitor the JVM heap size to determine whether you need to add more memory.

For cluster reliability, always create multiple master nodes to and configure the remaining nodes to avoid the possibility of a
split brain occurring. Ideally, there should be an odd number of master nodes. This topic is described in more detail in
Configuring resilience and recovery on Elasticsearch on Azure.

Storage options
There are a number of storage options available on Azure VMs with different trade-offs affecting cost,
performance, availability, and recovery that you need to consider carefully.
Note that you should store Elasticsearch data on dedicated data disks. This will help to reduce contention with the
operating system and ensure that large volumes of Elasticsearch I/O do not compete with operating system
functions for I/O resources.
Azure disks are subject to performance constraints. If you find that a cluster undergoes periodic bursts of activity
then I/O requests may be throttled. To help prevent this, tune your design to balance the document size in
Elasticsearch against the volume of requests likely to be received by each disk.
Disks based on standard storage support a maximum request rate of 500 IOPS whereas disks based on premium
storage can operate at up to 5,000 IOPS, depending on the size of the data disks. Premium storage disks are only
available for the DS and GS series of VMs. To find the maximum disk IOPS by VM size, see Sizes for virtual
machines in Azure. Performance on premium storage is determined by the VM size together with disk size
allocation. For more information, see Premium Storage: High-Performance Storage for Azure Virtual Machine
Persistent data disks
Persistent data disks are VHDs that are backed by Azure Storage. If the VM needs to be recreated after a major
failure, existing VHDs can be easily attached to the new VM. VHDs can be created based on standard storage
(spinning media) or premium storage (SSDs). If you wish to use SSDs you must create VMs using the DS series or
better. DS machines cost the same as the equivalent D-series VMs, but you are charged extra for using premium
In cases where the maximum transfer rate per disk is insufficient to support the expected workload, consider either
creating multiple data disks and allow Elasticsearch to stripe data across these disks, or implement system level
RAID 0 striping using virtual disks.

Experience within Microsoft has shown that using RAID 0 is particularly beneficial for smoothing out the I/O effects of spiky
workloads that generate frequent bursts of activity.

Use premium locally redundant (or locally redundant for low-end or QA workloads) storage for the storage
account holding the disks; replicating across geographies and zones is not required for Elasticsearch high
Ephemeral disks
Using persistent disks based on SSDs requires creating VMs that support premium storage. This has a price
implication. Using the local ephemeral disk to hold Elasticsearch data can be a cost effective solution for
moderately sized nodes requiring up to approximately 800GB of storage. On the Standard-D series of VMs,
ephemeral disks are implemented using SSDs which provide far greater performance and much lower latency
than ordinary disks
When using Elasticsearch, the performance can be equivalent to using premium storage without incurring the cost
see the section Addressing disk latency issues for more information.
The size of the VM limits the amount of space available in ephemeral storage as described in the blog post D-
Series Performance Expectations.
For example, a Standard_D1 VM provides 50GB of ephemeral storage, a Standard_D2 VM has 100GB of
ephemeral storage, and a Standard_D14 VM provides 800GB of ephemeral space. For clusters where nodes only
require this amount of space, using a D-series VM with ephemeral storage can be cost effective.
You must balance the increased throughput available with ephemeral storage against the time and costs involved
in recovering this data after a machine restart. The contents of the ephemeral disk are lost if the VM is moved to a
different host server, if the host is updated, or if the host experiences a hardware failure. If the data itself has a
limited lifespan then this data loss might be tolerable. For longer-lived data, it may be possible to rebuild an index
or recover the missing information from a backup. It is possible to minimize the potential for loss by using replicas
held on other VMs.
Do not use a single VM to hold critical production data. If the node fails, all of the data is unavailable. For critical
information, ensure that data is replicated on at least one other node.

Azure files
The Azure File Service provides shared file access using Azure Storage. You can create file shares that you can then
mount on Azure VMs. Multiple VMs can mount the same file share, enabling them to access the same data.
For performance reasons, it is not recommended that you use file shares for holding Elasticsearch data that does
not need to be shared across nodes, regular data disks are more suited to this purpose. File shares can be used for
creating Elasticsearch shadow replica indexes. However, this feature is currently experimental and should not be
implemented in a production environment at this time. For this reason, shadow indexes are not considered further
in this guidance.
Network options
Azure implements a shared networking scheme. VMs utilizing the same hardware racks compete for network
resources. Therefore available network bandwidth can vary according to the time of day and the daily cycle of
work running on VMs sharing the same physical network infrastructure. You have little control over these factors.
It is important to understand that network performance is likely to fluctuate over time, so set user expectations

Scaling up nodes to support large-scale data ingestion

You can build Elasticsearch clusters using reasonably moderate hardware, and then scale up or scale out as the
volume of data grows and the number of requests increases. With Azure, you scale-up by running on bigger and
more expensive VMs, or you can scale-out by using additional smaller and cheaper VMs.
You might also perform a combination of both strategies. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for all scenarios, so
to assess the best approach for any given situation you need to be prepared to undertake a series performance
This section is concerned with the scale-up approach, scaling out is discussed in the section Scaling out:
conclusions. This section describes the results of a series of benchmarks that were performed against a set of
Elasticsearch clusters containing VMs of varying sizes. The clusters were designated as small, medium, and large.
The following table summarizes the resources allocated to the VMs in each cluster.


Small Standard D2 2 4 7GB

Medium Standard D3 4 8 14GB

Large Standard D4 8 16 28GB

Each Elasticsearch cluster contained 3 data nodes. These data nodes handled client requests as well as handling
data processing. Separate client nodes were not used because they offered little benefit to the data ingestion
scenario used by the tests. The cluster also contained three master nodes, one of which was elected by
Elasticsearch to coordinate the cluster.
The tests were performed using Elasticsearch 1.7.3. The tests were initially performed on clusters running Ubuntu
Linux 14.0.4, and then repeated using Windows Server 2012. The details of the workload performed by the tests
are described in the Appendix.
Data ingestion performance Ubuntu Linux 14.0.4
The following table summarizes the overall results of running the tests for two hours for each configuration:


Small 67057 636 9.3

Medium 123482 692 17.2

Large 197085 839 27.4

The throughput and number of samples processed for the three configurations are in the approximate ratio 1:2:3.
However, the resources available in terms of memory, CPU cores, and disks have the ratio 1:2:4. It was felt to be
worth investigating the low-level performance details of the nodes in the cluster to assess why this might be the
case. This information can help to determine whether there are limits to scaling up and when it may be better to
consider scaling out.
Determining limiting factors: network utilization
Elasticsearch is dependent on having sufficient network bandwidth to support the influx of client requests as well
as the synchronization information that flows between nodes in the cluster. As highlighted earlier, you have
limited control over the bandwidth availability, which depends on many variables such as the datacenter in use,
and the current network load of other VMs sharing the same network infrastructure. However, it is still worth
examining the network activity for each cluster to verify that the volume of traffic is not excessive. The graph below
shows a comparison of the network traffic received by node 2 in each of the clusters (the volumes for the other
nodes in each cluster was very similar).

The average bytes received per second for node 2 in each cluster configuration over the two hour period were as


Small 3993640.3

Medium 7311689.9

Large 11893874.2

The tests were conducted while the system was running in steady state. In situations where index rebalancing or
node recovering is occurring, data transmissions between nodes holding primary and replica shards can generate
significant network traffic. The effects of this process are described more in the document Configuring resilience
and recovery on Elasticsearch on Azure.
Determining limiting factors: CPU utilization
The rate at which requests are handled is at least partially governed by the available processing capacity.
Elasticsearch accepts bulk insert requests on the bulk insert queue. Each node has a set of bulk insert queues
determined by the number of available processors. By default, there is one queue for each processor and each
queue can hold up to 50 outstanding requests before they will start to be rejected.
Applications should send requests at a rate that does not cause the queues to overspill. The number of items in
each queue at any one time is going to be a function of the rate at which requests are sent by client applications
and the rate at which these same requests are retrieved and processed by Elasticsearch. For this reason, one
important statistic captured concerns the error rate summarized in the following table.


Small 67057 0 0.00%

Medium 123483 1 0.0008%

Large 200702 3617 1.8 %

Each of these errors was caused by the following Java exception:

; ]
[219]: index [systembase], type [logs], id [AVEAioKb2TRSNcPa_8YG], message
[RemoteTransportException[[esdatavm2][inet[/]][indices:data/write/bulk[s]]]; nested:
EsRejectedExecutionException[rejected execution (queue capacity 50)

Increasing the number of queues and/or the length of each queue might reduce the number of errors, but this
approach can only cope with bursts of short duration. Doing this while running a sustained series of data ingestion
tasks will simply delay the point at which errors start occurring. Furthermore, this change will not improve the
throughput and will likely harm the response time of client applications as requests will be queued for longer
before being processed.
The default index structure of 5 shards with 1 replica (10 shards in all), results in a modest imbalance in load
between the nodes in a cluster, two nodes will contain three shards while the other node will contain four. The
busiest node is most likely to be the item that restricts throughput the most, that's why this node has been
selected in each case.
The following set of graphs illustrate the CPU utilization for the busiest node in each cluster.
For the small, medium, and large clusters, the average CPU utilization for these nodes was 75.01%, 64.93%., and
64.64%. Rarely does utilization actually hit 100%, and utilization drops as the size of the nodes and the available
CPU power available increases. CPU power is therefore unlikely to be a factor limiting the performance of the large
Determining limiting factors: memory
Memory use is another important aspect that can influence performance. For the tests, Elasticsearch was allocated
50% of the available memory. This is in line with documented recommendations. While the tests were running, the
JVM was monitored for excess garbage collection activity (an indication of lack of heap memory). In all cases, the
heap size was stable and the JVM exhibited low garbage collection activity. The screenshot below shows a
snapshot of Marvel, highlighting the key JVM statistics for a short period while the test was running on the large

JVM memory and garbage collection activity on the large cluster.

Determining limiting factors: disk I/O rRates
The remaining physical feature on the server side that might constrain performance is the performance of the disk
I/O subsystem. The graph below compares the disk activity in terms of bytes written for the busiest nodes in each

The following table shows the average bytes written per second for node 2 in each cluster configuration over the
two hour period:


Small 25502361.94

Medium 48856124.5

Large 88137675.46

The volume of data written increases with the number of requests being processed by a cluster, but the I/O rates
are within the limits of Azure storage (disks created by using Azure storage can support a sustained rates 10s to
100s of MB/s, depending on whether Standard or Premium storage is used). Examining the amount of time spent
waiting for disk I/O helps to explain why the disk throughput is well below the theoretical maximum. The graphs
and table below show these statistics for the same three nodes:

The disk wait time is measured by monitoring the percentage of CPU time during which processors are blocked waiting for
I/O operations to complete.

Small 21.04

Medium 14.48

Large 15.84

This data indicates that a significant proportion of CPU time (between nearly 16% and 21%) is spent waiting for
disk I/O to complete. This is restricting the ability of Elasticsearch to process requests and store data.
During the test run, the large cluster inserted in excess of five hundred million documents. Allowing the test to
continue showed that wait times increased significantly when the database contained over six hundred million
documents. The reasons for this behavior were not fully investigated, but may be due to disk fragmentation
causing increased disk latency.
Increasing the size of the cluster over more nodes might help to alleviate the effects of this behavior. In extreme
cases it may be necessary to defragment a disk that is showing excessive I/O times. However, defragmenting a
large disk might take a considerable time (possibly more than 48 hours for a 2TB VHD drive), and simply
reformatting the drive and allowing Elasticsearch to recover the missing data from replica shards could be a more
cost-effective approach.
Addressing disk latency issues
The tests were initially performed using VMs configured with standard disks. A standard disk is based on spinning
media and as a result is subject to rotational latency and other bottlenecks that can constrain I/O rates. Azure
provides also premium storage in which disks are created using SSD devices. These devices have no rotational
latency and as a result should provide improved I/O speeds.
The table below compares the results of replacing standard disks with premium disks in the large cluster (the
Standard D4 VMs in the large cluster were replaced with Standard DS4 VMs; the number of cores, memory and
disks was the same in both cases, the only difference being that the DS4 VMs used SSDs).


Large - Standard 197085 839 27.4

Large - Premium 255985 581 35.6

Response times were noticeably better, resulting in an average throughput much closer to 4x that of the small
cluster. This is more in line with the resources available on a Standard DS4 VM. Average CPU utilization on the
busiest node in the cluster (node 1 in this case) increased as it spent less time waiting for I/O to complete:

The reduction in disk wait time becomes apparent when you consider the following graph, which shows that for
the busiest node this statistic dropped to around 1% on average:
There is a price to pay for this improvement, however. The number of ingestion errors increased by a factor of 10
to 35797 (12.3%). Again, most of these errors were the result of the bulk insert queue overflowing. Given that the
hardware now appears to be running close to capacity, it may be necessary to either add more nodes or throttle
back the rate of bulk inserts to reduce the volume of errors. These issues are discussed later in this document.
Testing with ephemeral storage
The same tests were repeated on a cluster of D4 VMs using ephemeral storage. On D4 VMs, ephemeral storage is
implemented as a single 400GB SSD. The number of samples processed, response time, and throughput were all
very similar to the figures reported for the cluster based on DS14 VMs with premium storage.


Large - Premium 255985 581 35.6

Large Standard (Ephemeral 255626 585 35.5


The error rate was also similar (33862 failures out of 289488 requests in total 11.7%).
The following graphs show the CPU utilization and disk wait statistics for the busiest node in the cluster (node 2
this time):
In this case, in performance terms alone, using ephemeral storage could be considered a more cost-effective
solution than using premium storage.
Data ingestion performance Windows Server 2012
The same tests were repeated using a set of Elasticsearch clusters with nodes running Windows Server 2012. The
purpose of these tests was to establish what effects, if any, the choice of operating system might have on cluster
To illustrate the scalability of Elasticsearch on Windows, the following table shows the throughput and response
times achieved for the small, medium, and large cluster configurations. Note that these tests were all performed
with Elasticsearch configured to use SSD ephemeral storage, as the tests with Ubuntu had shown that disk latency
was likely to be a critical factor in achieving maximum performance:


Small 90295 476 12.5

Medium 169243 508 23.5

Large 257115 613 35.6

These results indicate how Elasticsearch scales with VM size and available resources on Windows.
The following tables compares the results for the large cluster on Ubuntu and Windows:



Ubuntu 255626 585 35.5 11.7


Windows 257115 613 35.6 7.2

The throughput was consistent with that for the large Ubuntu clusters, although the response time was slightly
higher. This may be accounted for by the lower error rate (errors are reported more quickly than successful
operations, so have a lower response time).
The CPU utilization reported by the Windows monitoring tools was marginally higher than that of Ubuntu.
However, you should treat direct comparisons of measurements such as these across operating systems with
extreme caution due to the way different operating systems report these statistics. Additionally, information on
disk latency in terms of CPU time spent waiting for I/O is not available in the same way as it is for Ubuntu. The
important point is that CPU utilization was high, indicating that time spent waiting for I/O was low:

Scaling up: conclusions

Elasticsearch performance for a well-tuned cluster is likely to be equivalent on Windows and Ubuntu, and that it
scales-up in a similar pattern on both operating systems. For best performance, use premium storage for
holding Elasticsearch data.

Scaling out clusters to support large-scale data ingestion

Scaling out is the complimentary approach to scaling up investigated in the previous section. An important feature
of Elasticsearch is the inherent horizontal scalability built into the software. Increasing the size of a cluster is simply
a matter of adding more nodes. You do not need to perform any manual operations to redistribute indexes or
shards as these tasks are handled automatically, although there are a number of configuration options available
that you can use to influence this process.
Adding more nodes helps to improve performance by spreading the load across more machinery. As you add
more nodes, you may also need to consider reindexing data to increase the number of shards available. You can
preempt this process to some extent by creating indexes that have more shards than there are available nodes
initially. When further nodes are added, the shards can be distributed.
Besides taking advantage of the horizontal scalability of Elasticsearch, there are other reasons for implementing
indexes that have more shards than nodes. Each shard is implemented as a separate data structure (a Lucene
index), and has its own internal mechanisms for maintaining consistency and handling concurrency. Creating
multiple shards helps to increase parallelism within a node and can improve performance.
However, maintaining performance while scaling is a balancing act. The more nodes and shards a cluster contains,
the more effort is required to synchronize the work performed by the cluster, which can decrease throughput. For
any given workload, there is an optimal configuration that maximizes ingestion performance while minimizing the
maintenance overhead. This configuration is heavily dependent on the nature of the workload and the cluster;
specifically, the volume, size, and content of the documents, the rate at which ingestion occurs, and the hardware
on which the system runs.
This section summarizes the results of investigations into sizing clusters intended to support the workload used by
the performance tests described previously. The same test was performed on clusters with VMs based on the large
VM size (Standard D4 with 8 CPU cores, 16 data disks, and 28GB of RAM) running Ubuntu Linux 14.0.4, but
configured with different numbers of nodes and shards. The results are not intended to be definitive as they apply
only to one specific scenario, but they can act as a good starting point to help you to analyze the horizontal
scalability of your clusters, and generate numbers for the optimal ratio of shards to nodes that best meet your own
Baseline results 3 nodes
To obtain a baseline figure, the data ingestion performance test was run against a 3 node cluster with 5 shards and
1 replica. This is the default configuration for an Elasticsearch index. In this configuration, Elasticsearch distributes
2 primary shards to 2 of the nodes, and the remaining primary shard is stored on the third node. The table below
summarizes the throughput in terms of bulk ingestion operations per second, and the number of documents that
were successfully stored by the test.

In the tables that follow in this section, the distribution of the primary shards is presented as a number for each node
separated by dashes. For example, the 5-shard 3-node layout is described as 2-2-1. The layout of replica shards is not
included. They will follow a similar scheme to the primary shards.


5 shards 200560412 27.86 2-2-1

6-node results
The test was repeated on a 6 node cluster. The purpose of these tests was to try and ascertain more precisely the
effects of storing more than one shard on a node.


4 shards 227360412 31.58 1-1-0-1-1-0

7 shards 268013252 37.22 2-1-1-1-1-1

10 shards 258065854 35.84 1-2-2-2-1-2

11 shards 279788157 38.86 2-2-2-1-2-2


12 shards 257628504 35.78 2-2-2-2-2-2

13 shards 300126822 41.68 2-2-2-2-2-3

These results appear to indicate the following trends:

More shards per node improves throughput. With the small number of shards per node created for these tests,
this phenomenon was expected, for reasons described earlier.
An odd number of shards gives better performance than an even number. The reasons for this are less clear,
but it may be that the routing algorithm that Elasticsearch uses is better able to distribute the data across
shards in this case, leading to a more even load per node.
To test these hypotheses, several further tests were performed with larger numbers of shards. On advice from
Elasticsearch, it was decided to use a prime number of shards for each test as these give a reasonable distribution
of odd numbers for the range in question.


23 shards 312844185 43.45 4-4-4-3-4-4

31 shards 309930777 43.05 5-5-5-5-6-5

43 shards 316357076 43.94 8-7-7-7-7-7

61 shards 305072556 42.37 10-11-10-10-10-10

91 shards 291073519 40.43 15-15-16-15-15-15

119 shards 273596325 38.00 20-20-20-20-20-19

These results suggested that a tipping point was reached at around 23 shards. After this point, increasing the
number of shards caused a small degradation in performance (the throughput for 43 shards is possibly an
9-node results
The tests were repeated using a cluster of 9 nodes, again using a prime number of shards.


17 shards 325165364 45.16 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1

19 shards 331272619 46.01 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-3

29 shards 349682551 48.57 3-3-3-4-3-3-3-4-3

37 shards 352764546 49.00 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-5

47 shards 343684074 47.73 5-5-5-6-5-5-5-6-5


89 shards 336248667 46.70 10-10-10-10-10-10-10-10-


181 shards 297919131 41.38 20-20-20-20-20-20-20-20-


These results showed a similar pattern, with a tipping point around 37 shards.
Scaling out: conclusions
Using a crude extrapolation, the results of the 6-node and 9-node tests indicated that, for this specific scenario, the
ideal number of shards to maximize performance was 4n+/-1, where n is the number of nodes. This may be a
function of the number of bulk insert threads available, which in turn is dependent on the number of CPU cores,
the rationale being as follows (see Multidocument Patterns for details):
Each bulk insert request sent by the client application is received by a single data node.
The data node builds a new bulk insert request for each primary shard affected by the original request and
forwards them to the other nodes, in parallel.
As each primary shard is written, another request is sent to each replica for that shard. The primary shard waits
for the request sent to the replica to complete before finishing.
By default, Elasticsearch creates one bulk insert thread for each available CPU core in a VM. In the case of the D4
VMs used by this test, each CPU contained 8 cores, so 8 bulk insert threads were created. The index used spanned
4 (in one case 5) primary shards on each node, but there were also 4 (5) replicas on each node. Inserting data into
these shards and replicas could consume up to 8 threads on each node per request, matching the number
available. Increasing or reducing the number of shards might cause threading inefficiencies as threads are possibly
left unoccupied or requests are queued. However, without further experimentation this is just a theory and it is not
possible to be definitive.
The tests also illustrated one other important point. In this scenario, increasing the number of nodes can improve
data ingestion throughput, but the results do not necessarily scale linearly. Conducting further tests with 12 and
15 node clusters could show the point at which scale out brings little additional benefit. If this number of nodes
provides insufficient storage space, it may be necessary to return to the scale up strategy and start using more or
bigger disks based on premium storage.

Do not take the ratio 4n+/-1 as a magic formula that will always work for every cluster. If you have fewer or more CPU cores
available, the optimal shard configuration could be different. The findings were based on a specific workload that only did
data ingestion. For workloads that also include a mix of queries and aggregations the results could be very diverse.
Furthermore, the data ingestion workload utilized a single index. In many situations, the data is likely to be spread across
multiple indexes leading to different patterns or resource use.
The important point of this exercise is to understand the method used rather than the results obtained. You should be
prepared to perform your own scalability assessment based on your own workloads to obtain information that is most
applicable to your own scenario.

Tuning large-scale data ingestion

Elasticsearch is highly configurable, with many switches and settings that you can use to optimize the performance
for specific use cases and scenarios. This section describes some common examples. Be aware that the flexibility
that Elasticsearch provides in this respect comes with a warning, it is very easy to detune Elasticsearch and make
performance worse. When tuning, only make one change at a time, and always measure the effects of any changes
to ensure that they are not detrimental to your system.
Optimizing resources for indexing operations
The following list describes some points you should consider when tuning an Elasticsearch cluster to support
large-scale data ingestion. The first two items are most likely to have an immediately obvious effect on
performance while the remainder are more marginal, depending on the workload:
New documents added to an index only become visible to searches when the index is refreshed. Refreshing
an index is an expensive operation, so it is only performed periodically rather than as each document is
created. The default refresh interval is 1 second. If you are performing bulk operations, you should consider
temporarily disabling index refreshes. Set the index refresh_interval to -1.

PUT /my_busy_index
"settings" : {
"refresh_interval": -1

Trigger a refresh manually by using the _refresh API at the end of the operation to make the data visible.
See Bulk Indexing Usage for more information. Further details on the impact of changing the refresh
interval on data ingestion are described later.
If an index is replicated, each indexing operation (document create, update, or delete) is repeated on the
replica shards as they occur in the primary shard. Consider disabling replication during bulk import
operations and then reenable it when the import is complete:

PUT /my_busy_index
"settings" : {
"number_of_replicas": 0

When you reenable replication, Elasticsearch performs a byte-for-byte network transfer of data from the
index to each replica. This is more efficient than repeating the indexing process document by document on
each node. The risk is that data can be lost of the primary node fails while performing the bulk import, but
recovery may simply be a matter of starting the import again. The impact of replication on data ingestion
performance is described in more detail later.
Elasticsearch attempts to balance the resources available between those required for querying and those
required for ingesting data. As a result, it may throttle data ingestion performance (throttling events are
recorded in the Elasticsearch log). This restriction is intended to prevent a large number of index segments
from being created concurrently that require merging and saving to disk, a process that can monopolize
resources. If your system is not currently performing queries, you can disable data ingestion throttling. This
should allow indexing to maximize performance. You can disable throttling for an entire cluster as follows:

PUT /_cluster/settings
"transient" : {
"indices.store.throttle.type": "none"

Set the throttle type of the cluster back to "merge" when ingestion has completed. Also note that disabling
throttling may lead to instability in the cluster, so ensure that you have procedures in place that can recover
the cluster if necessary.
Elasticsearch reserves a proportion of the heap memory for indexing operations, the remainder is mostly
used by queries and searches. The purpose of these buffers is to reduce the number of disk I/O operations,
with the aim of performing fewer, larger writes than more, smaller writes. The default proportion of heap
memory allocated is 10%. If you are indexing a large volume of data then this value might be insufficient.
For systems that support high-volume data ingestion, you should allow up to 512MB of memory for each
active shard in the node. For example, if you are running Elasticsearch on D4 VMs (28GB RAM) and have
allocated 50% of the available memory to the JVM (14GB), then 1.4GB will be available for use by indexing
operations. If a node contains 3 active shards, then this configuration is probably sufficient. However, if a
node contains more shards than this, consider increasing the value of the indices.memory.index_buffer_size
parameter in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. For more information, see Performance
Considerations for Elasticsearch Indexing.
Allocating more than 512MB per active shard will most likely not improve indexing performance and may
actually be detrimental as less memory is available for performing other tasks. Also be aware that allocating
more heap space for index buffers removes memory for other operations such as searching and
aggregating data, and can slow the performance of query operations.
Elasticsearch restricts the number of threads (the default value is 8) that can concurrently perform indexing
operations in a shard. If a node only contains a small number of shards, then consider increasing the
index_concurrency setting for an index that is subject to a large volume of indexing operations, or is the
target of a bulk insert, as follows:

PUT /my_busy_index
"settings" : {
"index_concurrency": 20

If you are performing a large number of indexing and bulk operations for a short period of time, you can
increase the number of index and bulk threads available in the thread pool and extend the size of the bulk insert
queue for each data node. This will allow more requests to be queued rather than being discarded. For more
information, see Thread Pool. If you are performing sustained high levels of data ingestion, then increasing the
number of bulk threads is not recommended. Instead create additional nodes and use sharding to distribute the
indexing load across these nodes. Alternatively, consider sending bulk insert batches serially rather than in
parallel as this will act as a natural throttling mechanism that can reduce the chances of the errors due to a bulk
insert queue overflowing.
The impact of changing the index refresh interval on data ingestion performance
The refresh interval governs the rate at which ingested data becomes visible to queries and aggregations, but
frequent refreshes can impact the performance of data ingestion operations. The default refresh interval is 1
second. You can disable refreshing completely, but this might not be appropriate to your workload. You can
experiment by trying different intervals and establishing the sweet spot that balances ingestion performance
against the need to present up to date information.
As an example of the impact, the data ingestion performance test was repeated on an Elasticsearch cluster
consisting of 7 shards spread across 3 data nodes. The index had a single replica. Each data node was based on a
D4 VM (28GB RAM, 8 processor cores) using SSD-backed ephemeral storage to hold the data. Each test ran for 1
In this test, the refresh rate was set to the default value of 1 second. The following table shows the throughput and
response times for this test compared to a separate run where the refresh rate was reduced to once every 30



1 second 93755 460 26.0

30 seconds 117758 365 32.7

In this test, dropping the refresh rate resulted in an 18% improvement in throughput, and a 21% reduction in
average response time. The following graphs generated using Marvel illustrate the primary reason for this
difference. The figures below show the index merge activity that occurred with the refresh interval set to 1 second
and 30 seconds.
Index merges are performed to prevent the number of in-memory index segments from becoming too numerous.
A 1 second refresh interval generates a large number of small segments which have to be merged frequently,
whereas a 30 second refresh interval generates fewer large segments which can be merged more optimally.

Index merge activity for an index refresh rate of 1 second

Index merge activity for an index refresh rate of 30 seconds
The impact of replicas on data ingestion performance
Replicas are an essential feature of any resilient cluster, and without using them you risk losing information if a
node fails. However, replicas increase the amount of disk and network I/O being performed and can be
detrimental to the rate at which data is ingested. For reasons described earlier, it may be beneficial to temporarily
disable replicas for the duration of large-scale data upload operations.
Data ingestion performance tests were repeated using three configurations:
Using a cluster with no replicas.
Using a cluster with 1 replica.
Using a cluster with 2 replicas.
In all cases, the cluster contained 7 shards spread across 3 nodes and ran on VMs configured as described in the
previous set of tests. The test index used a refresh interval of 30 seconds.
The following table summarizes the response times and throughput of each test for comparison purposes:


0 replicas 215451 200 59.8 0

1 replica 117758 365 32.7 0

2 replicas 94218 453 26.1 194262

The decline in performance as the number of replicas increases is clear, but you should also notice the large
volume of data ingestion errors in the third test. The messages generated by these errors indicated that they were
due to the bulk insert queue overflowing causing requests to be rejected. These rejections occurred very quickly,
that's why the number is large.
The results of the third test highlight the importance of using an intelligent retry strategy when transient errors such as this
occurback off for a short period to allow the bulk insert queue to drain before reattempting to repeat the bulk insert

The next sets of graphs compare the response times during the tests. In each case the first graph shows the overall
response times, while the second graph zooms in on the response times for the fastest operations (note that the
scale of the first graph is ten times that of the second). You can see how the profile of the response times varies
across the three tests.
With no replicas, most operations took between 75ms and 750ms, with the quickest response times around 25ms:

With 1 replica the most populated operational response time was in the range 125ms to 1250ms. The quickest
responses took approximately 75ms, although there were fewer of these quick responses than in the 0 replicas
case. There were also far more responses that took significantly longer than the most common cases, in excess of

With 2 replicas, the most populated response time range was 200ms to 1500ms, but there were far fewer results
below the minimum range than in the 1 replica test. However, the pattern of results above the upper limit were
very similar to that of the 1 replica test. This is most likely due to the effects of the bulk insert queue overflowing
(exceeding a queue length of 50 requests). The additional work required to maintain 2 replicas causes the queue to
overflow more frequently, preventing ingestion operations from having excessive response times. Operations are
rejected quickly rather than taking a lengthy period of time, possibly causing timeout exceptions or impacting the
responsiveness of client applications (this is the purpose of the bulk insert queue mechanism):
Using Marvel, you can see the effect of the number of replicas on the bulk index queue. The figure below shows
the data from Marvel that depicts how the bulk insert queue filled during the test. The average queue length was
around 40 requests, but periodic bursts caused it to overflow and requests were rejected as a result:

Bulk index queue size and number of requests rejected with 2 replicas.
You should compare this with the figure below which shows the results for a single replica. The Elasticsearch
engine was able to process requests quickly enough to keep the average queue length at around 25, and at no
point did the queue length exceed 50 requests so no work was rejected.
Bulk index queue size and number of requests rejected with 1 replica.

Best practices for clients sending data to Elasticsearch

Many aspects of performance are concerned not only internally within the system but with how the system is used
by client applications. Elasticsearch provides many features that can be utilized by the data ingestion process;
generating unique identifiers for documents, performing document analysis, and even using scripting to transform
the data as it is stored are some examples. However, these functions all add to the load on the Elasticsearch engine,
and in many cases can be performed more efficiently by client applications prior to transmission.

This list of best practices is primarily concerned with ingesting new data rather modifying existing data already stored in an
index. Ingestion workloads are performed as append operations by Elasticsearch, whereas data modifications are performed
as delete/append operations. This is because documents in an index are immutable, so modifying a document involves
replacing the entire document with a new version. You can either perform an HTTP PUT request to overwrite an existing
document, or you can use the Elasticsearch update API that abstracts a query to fetch an existing document, merges the
changes, and then performs a PUT to store the new document.

Additionally, consider implementing the following practices where appropriate:

Disable text analysis for index fields that do not need to be analyzed. Analysis involves tokenizing text to
enable queries that can search for specific terms. However, it can be a CPU-intensive task, so be selective. If
you are using Elasticsearch to store log data, it might be useful to tokenize the detailed log messages to
allow complex searches. Other fields, such as those containing error codes or identifiers should probably
not be tokenized (how frequently are you likely to request the details of all messages whose error code
contains a "3", for example?) The following code disables analysis for the name and hostip fields in the logs
type of the systembase index.
PUT /systembase
"settings" : {
"logs" : {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"hostip": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"

Disable the _all field of an index if it is not required. The _all field concatenates the values of the other fields
in the document for analysis and indexing. It is useful for performing queries that can match against any
field in a document. If clients are expected to match against named fields, then enabling _all simply incurs
CPU and storage overhead. The following example shows how to disable the _all field for the logs type in
the systembase index.

PUT /systembase
"settings" : {
"logs" : {
"_all": {
"enabled" : false

Note that you can create a selective version of _all that only contains information from specific fields. For
more information, see Disabling the _all Field.
Avoid dynamic mappings in indexes. Dynamic mapping is a powerful feature, but adding new fields to an
existing index requires coordinating changes to the index structure across nodes and can temporarily cause the
index to be locked. Dynamic mapping can also lead to an explosion in the number of fields and the consequent
volume of index metadata if not used carefully. In turn, this results in increased storage requirements and I/O,
both for ingesting data and when performing queries. Both of these issues will impact performance. Consider
disabling dynamic mapping and define your index structures explicitly. For more information, see Dynamic
Field Mapping.
Understand how to balance the workload to meet conflicting requirements. You should always consider that
data ingestion can have a significant impact on the performance of other concurrent operations, such as users
performing queries. Data ingestion might be subject to sudden bursts, and if the system attempts to consume
all the data arriving immediately the influx could cause query rates to slow down to a trickle. Elasticsearch tries
to prevent this situation from occurring by regulating the rate at which it will process ingestion requests
through the bulk insert queue (refer to the section Determining limiting factors CPU utilization for further
information), but this mechanism should really be treated as a last resort. If your application code is not
prepared to handle rejected requests you risk losing data. Instead, consider using a pattern such as Queue-
Based Load Levelling to control the rate at which data is passed to Elasticsearch.
Ensure that your cluster has sufficient resources to handle the workload, especially if indexes are configured
with multiple replicas.
Use the bulk insert API to upload large batches of documents. Size bulk requests appropriately. Sometimes
bigger batches are not better for performance, and can cause Elasticsearch threads and other resources to
become overloaded, delaying other concurrent operations. The documents in a bulk insert batch are held in
memory at the coordinating node while the operation is performed. The physical size of each batch is more
important than the document count. There is no hard and fast rule as to what constitutes the ideal batch size,
although Elasticsearch documentation recommends using between 5MB and 15MB as a starting point for your
own investigations. Conduct performance testing to establish the optimal batch size for your own scenarios
and workload mix.
Make sure that bulk insert requests are distributed across nodes rather than directed to a single node. Directing
all requests to a single node can cause memory exhaustion as each bulk insert request being processed is
stored in memory in the node. It can also increase network latency as requests are redirected to other nodes.
Elasticsearch uses a quorum consisting of a majority of the primary and replica nodes when writing data. A
write operation is not completed until the quorum reports success. This approach helps to ensure that data
is not written if a majority of the nodes are unavailable due to a network partition (failure) event. Using a
quorum can slow the performance of write operations. You can disable quorum-based writing by setting
the consistency parameter to one when writing data. The following example adds a new document but
completes as soon as the write to the primary shard has completed.

PUT /my_index/my_data/104?consistency=one
"name": "Bert",
"age": 23

Note that as with asynchronous replication, disabling quorum-based writing can lead to inconsistencies
between the primary shard and each of the replicas.
When using quorums, Elasticsearch will wait if insufficient nodes are available before determining that a
write operation should be cancelled because a quorum cannot be reached. This wait period is determined
by the timeout query parameter (the default is 1 minute). You can modify this setting by using the timeout
query parameter. The example below creates a new document and waits for a maximum of 5 seconds for
the quorum to respond before cancelling:

PUT /my_index/my_data/104?timeout=5s
"name": "Sid",
"age": 27

Elasticsearch also lets you use your own version numbers generated externally.
Consider disabling the _source field of an index. This field contains a copy of the original JSON document
that was used when a document is stored. Saving this field incurs additional storage costs and disk I/O.
However, these costs may be marginal depending on the document structure, and you should also be
aware that disabling the _source field prevents a client from being able to perform the following operations:
Using the Update API to modify a document.
Performing on the fly highlighting when running queries.
Reindexing data.
Debugging queries and aggregations by viewing the original document.
The following example disables the _source field for the logs type in the systembase index.
PUT /systembase
"settings" : {
"logs" : {
"_source": {
"enabled": false

General guidelines for conducting data ingestion performance testing

with Elasticsearch
The following points highlight some of the items you should consider when running performance tests with
Elasticsearch and analyzing the results.
Performance testing is necessarily time consuming and costly. At a minimum, gather statistics that measure
transfer rates on disk and network, CPU utilization, CPU wait times and disk latency (if possible). This can give
you fast feedback on your test effort with good return of investment.
Leverage any scripting capabilities provided by your load testing tool to collect metrics that might not
otherwise be available. For example, Linux has a variety of reliable performance statistics that you can gather
using utilities such as vmstat and iostat. You can use scripting with JMeter to capture this data as part of a test
Performance engineering is mostly about analyzing statistics based on reliable and repeatable data. Do not
stop at high-level metrics that will not give the necessary insights. Educate yourself with the data and make
performance engineering a dev ops process with a fast feedback loop. Always look at the statistics comparing
trends and past results/configurations. By doing this on a regular basis you will generate data that you will
understand, is repeatable with your workloads, and with which you will be able to assess the effects of changes
in configuration and deployment.
Use a tool such as Marvel to monitor cluster and node performance while testing to gain additional insights.
JMeter can be effective for capturing raw data for subsequent analysis, but using Marvel can give you a real-
time feel for how performance is faring and the possible causes of glitches and slow downs. Additionally, many
load test tools do not provide visibility to the inner metrics of Elasticsearch. Use and compare indexing
throughput rates, merge segment counts, garbage collector (GC) statistics, and throttling times available in
index statistics. Repeat this analysis on a regular basis.
Compare your load test tool statistics with node statistics in Marvel (disk and network traffic, CPU utilization,
memory and thread pool usage) to understand the correlation pattern between the figures reported by the
infrastructure and specific Elasticsearch statistics.
As a general rule consider one node one shard as the baseline for performance testing and assess application
costs by adding nodes. However, do not depend completely on extrapolating performance based on a small
number of nodes and shards. Synchronization and communication costs in the cluster can have unpredictable
effects the larger the number of nodes and shards.
Look at the shard allocation across nodes to compare the statistics. Some nodes will have fewer replicas and
shards which will create an imbalance of resource utilization.
If you are performing load testing, increase the number of threads that your test tool uses to submit work to
the cluster until errors occur. For sustainable throughput testing, consider maintaining your test level below the
expected peak load. If the error rate exceeds the ceiling, errors will incur cost on backend resources due to
recoverability. In these situations, throughput will inevitably diminish.
To simulate how your system reacts to an unexpectedly large burst of activity, consider running tests that
generate an error rate that exceeds your expected peak load. This will give you throughput figures not only in
terms of capacity but also the cost of recoverability.
Use a document count to assess your performance profile, and recycle documents following your workload
patterns. Consider that as more documents are added, the performance profile might change.
Be aware of the SLAs for IOPS and transfer rates limits for the storage you are using. Different storage types
(SSD, spinning media) have different transfer rates.
Remember that CPU performance can drop not only because of disk and network activity, but because backend
applications can use locking and communication mechanisms with distributed processing that may cause
underutilization of the processor.
Run performance tests for at least two hours (not a few minutes). Indexing can affect performance in ways
which may not be visible immediately. For example, JVM garbage collection statistics and indexing merges can
change the performance profile over time.
Consider how index refreshes might big impact data ingestion throughput and throttling with a cluster.

It is important to understand how to scale your solution as the volumes of data and the number of requests
increases. Elasticsearch running on Azure enables vertical and horizontal scaling. You can run on bigger VMs with
more resources, and you can distribute an Elasticsearch cluster across a network of VMs. The range of options can
be confusing. Is it more cost-effective to implement a cluster on a large number of small VMs, on a cluster with a
small number of large VMs, or somewhere in the middle? Also, how many shards should each index contain, and
what are the tradeoffs concerning data ingestion versus query performance? The way in which shards are
distributed across nodes can have a significant impact on the data ingestion throughput. Using more shards can
reduce the amount of internal contention that occurs within a shard, but you must balance this benefit with the
overhead that using many shards can impose on a cluster. To answer these questions effectively, you should be
prepared to test your system to determine the most appropriate strategy.
For data ingestion workloads, the performance of the disk I/O subsystem is a critical factor. Using SSDs can boost
throughput by reducing the disk latency of write operations. If you don't need vast amounts of disk space on a
node, consider using standard VMs with ephemeral storage in place of more expensive VMs that support premium

Appendix: the bulk load data ingestion performance test

This appendix describes the performance test performed against the Elasticsearch cluster. The tests were run by
using JMeter running on a separate set of VMs. Details the configuration of the test environment are described in
Creating a performance testing environment for Elasticsearch on Azure. To perform your own testing, you can
create your own JMeter test plan manually, or you can use the automated test scripts available separately. See
Running the automated Elasticsearch performance tests for further information.
The data ingestion workload performed a large-scale upload of documents by using the bulk insert API. The
purpose of this index was to simulate a repository receiving log data representing system events for subsequent
search and analysis. Each document was stored in a single index named systembase, and had the type logs. All
documents had the same fixed schema described by the following table:


@timestamp datetime 2013-12-11T08:01:45.000Z

name string checkout.payment

message string Incoming request message


severityCode integer 1

severity string info

hostname string sixshot

hostip string (ip address)

pid int 123

tid int 4325

appId string (uuid) {00000000-0000-0000-


appName string mytestapp

appVersion string

type int 5

subtype int 1

correlationId guid {00000000-0000-0000-


os string Linux

osVersion string 4.1.1

parameters [] {key:value,key:value}

You can use the following request to create the index. The number_of_replicas, refresh_interval, and
number_of_shards settings varied from the values shown below in many of the tests.

The index was dropped and recreated prior to each test run.

PUT /systembase
"settings" : {
"number_of_replicas": 1,
"refresh_interval": "30s",
"number_of_shards": "5"
"logs" : {
"properties" : {
"@timestamp": {
"type": "date",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"name": {
"type": "string",
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"message": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"severityCode": {
"type": "integer",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"severity": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"hostname": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"hostip": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"pid": {
"type": "integer",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"tid": {
"type": "integer",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"appId": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"appName": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"appVersion": {
"type": "integer",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"type": {
"type": "integer",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"subtype": {
"type": "integer",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"correlationId": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"os": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"osVersion": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"
"parameters": {
"type": "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"

Each bulk insert batch contained 1000 documents. Each document was generated based on a combination of
random values for the severityCode, hostname, hostip, pid, tid, appName, appVersion, type, subtype, and
correlationId fields, and a random selection of text from a fixed set of terms for the name, message, severity, os,
osVersion, parameters, data1, and data2 fields. The number of client application instances used to upload data was
carefully selected to maximize successful input volume. Tests ran for two hours to enable the cluster to settle and
reduce the influence of any temporary glitches in the overall results. In this time, some tests uploaded nearly 1.5
billion documents.
The data was generated dynamically by using a custom JUnit request sampler that was added to a thread group in
a JMeter test plan. The JUnit code was created by using the JUnit test case template in the Eclipse IDE.

For information on how to create a JUnit test for JMeter, see Deploying a JMeter JUnit sampler for testing Elasticsearch

The following snippet shows the Java code for testing Elasticsearch 1.7.3. Note that the JUnit test class in this
example is named ElasticsearchLoadTest2:

/* Java */
package elasticsearchtest2;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

import org.junit.*;

import java.util.*;

import java.io.*;

import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.*;
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.*;
import org.elasticsearch.client.transport.*;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.*;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.*;

public class ElasticsearchLoadTest2 {

private String [] names={"checkout","order","search","payment"};

private String [] messages={"Incoming request from code","incoming operation succeeded with
code","Operation completed time","transaction performed"};
private String [] severity={"info","warning","transaction","verbose"};
private String [] apps={"4D24BD62-20BF-4D74-B6DC-31313ABADB82","5D24BD62-20BF-4D74-B6DC-

private String hostname = "";

private String indexstr = "";
private String typestr = "";
private int port = 0;
private int itemsPerInsert = 0;
private String clustername = "";
private static Random rand=new Random();

public void setUp() throws Exception {

public ElasticsearchLoadTest2(String paras) {

\* Paras is a string containing a set of comma separated values for:

// Note: No checking/validation is performed

String delims = "[ ]*,[ ]*"; // comma surrounded by zero or more spaces
String[] items = paras.split(delims);

hostname = items[0];
indexstr = items[1];
typestr = items[2];
port = Integer.parseInt(items[3]);
clustername = items[4];
itemsPerInsert = Integer.parseInt(items[5]);

if (itemsPerInsert == 0)
itemsPerInsert = 1000;

public void tearDown() throws Exception {

public void BulkBigInsertTest() throws IOException {

Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put("cluster.name", clustername).build();

TransportClient client;
client = new TransportClient(settings);

try {
client.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(hostname, port));
BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk();
Random random = new Random();
char[] exmarks = new char[12000];
Arrays.fill(exmarks, 'x');
String dataString = new String(exmarks);

for(int i=1; i &lt; itemsPerInsert; i++){

int host=random.nextInt(20);

.field("@timestamp", new Date())
.field("name", names[random.nextInt(names.length)])
.field("message", messages[random.nextInt(messages.length)])
.field("severityCode", random.nextInt(10))
.field("severity", severity[random.nextInt(severity.length)])
.field("hostname", "Hostname"+host)
.field("hostip", "10.1.0."+host)
.field("appId", apps[random.nextInt(apps.length)])
.field("appName", "application" + host)
.field("appVersion", random.nextInt(5))
.field("type", random.nextInt(6))
.field("subtype", random.nextInt(6))
.field("correlationId", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
.field("os", "linux")
.field("osVersion", "14.1.5")
.field("parameters", "{key:value,key:value}")

BulkResponse bulkResponse = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet();

finally {

public void BulkDataInsertTest() throws IOException {
Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put("cluster.name", clustername).build();

TransportClient client;
client = new TransportClient(settings);

try {
client.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(hostname, port));
BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk();

for(int i=1; i&lt; itemsPerInsert; i++){

int host=rand.nextInt(20);

.field("@timestamp", new Date())
.field("name", names[rand.nextInt(names.length)])
.field("message", messages[rand.nextInt(messages.length)])
.field("severityCode", rand.nextInt(10))
.field("severity", severity[rand.nextInt(severity.length)])
.field("hostname", "Hostname" + host)
.field("hostip", "10.1.0."+host)
.field("appId", apps[rand.nextInt(apps.length)])
.field("appName", "application"+host)
.field("appVersion", rand.nextInt(5))
.field("type", rand.nextInt(6))
.field("subtype", rand.nextInt(6))
.field("correlationId", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
.field("os", "linux")
.field("osVersion", "14.1.5")
.field("parameters", "{key:value,key:value}")

BulkResponse bulkResponse = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet();

finally {

The private String arrays names, messages, severity, and apps contain a small set of values that items are selected
from at random. The remaining data items for each document are generated at runtime.
The constructor that takes the String parameter is invoked from JMeter, and the values passed in the string are
specified as part of the JUnit Request sampler configuration. For this JUnit test, the String parameter is expected to
contain the following information:
Hostname. This is the name or IP address of the Azure load balancer. The load balancer attempts to distribute
the request across the data nodes in the cluster. If you are not using a load balancer you can specify the address
of a node in the cluster, but all requests will be directed to that node and that might result in it becoming a
Indexstr. This is the name of the index that the data generated by the JUnit test is added to. If you created the
index as described above, this value should be systembase.
Typestr. This is the type in the index where the data is stored. If you created the index as described above, this
value should be logs.
Port. This is the port to connect to on the host. In most cases this should be set to 9300 (the port used by
Elasticsearch to listen for client API requests, port 9200 is only used for HTTP requests).
Clustername. This is the name of the Elasticsearch cluster containing the index.
ItemsPerInsert. This is a numeric parameter indicating the number of documents to add in each bulk insert
batch. The default batch size is 1000.
You specify the data for the constructor string in the JUnit Request page used to configure the JUnit sampler in
JMeter. The following image shows an example:

The BulkInsertTest and BigBulkInsertTest methods perform the actual work of generating and uploading the data.
Both methods are very similar. They connect to the Elasticsearch cluster and then create a batch of documents (as
determined by the ItemsPerInsert constructor string parameter). The documents are added to the index using the
Elasticsearch Bulk API. The difference between the two methods is that the data1 and data2 string fields in each
document are omitted from the upload in the BulkInsertTest method, but are filled in with strings of 12000
characters in the BigBulkInsertTest method. Note that you select which of these methods to run using the Test
Method box in the JUnit Request page in JMeter (highlighted in the previous figure).

The sample code presented here uses the Elasticsearch 1.7.3 Transport Client library. If you are using Elasticsearch 2.0.0 or
later, you must use the appropriate library for the version selected. For more information about the Elasticsearch 2.0.0
Transport Client library, see the Transport Client page on the Elasticsearch website.
Tuning data aggregation and query performance
with Elasticsearch on Azure
1/17/2017 52 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

A primary reason for using Elasticsearch is to support searches through data. Users should be able to quickly
locate the information they are looking for. Additionally, the system must enable users to ask questions of the
data, seek correlations, and come to conclusions that can drive business decisions. This processing is what
differentiates data from information.
This document summarizes options that you can consider when determining the best way to optimize your system
for query and search performance.
All performance recommendations depend largely on the scenarios that apply to your situation, the volume of
data that you are indexing, and the rate at which applications and users query your data. You should carefully test
the results of any change in configuration or indexing structure using your own data and workloads to assess the
benefits to your specific scenarios. To this end, this document also describes a number of benchmarks that were
performed for one specific scenario implemented using different configurations. You can adapt the approach
taken to assess the performance of your own systems. The details of these tests are described in the appendix.

Index and query performance considerations

This section describes some common factors that you should think about when designing indexes that need to
support fast querying and searching.
Storing multiple types in an index
An Elasticsearch index can contain multiple types. It may be better to avoid this approach and create a separate
index for each type. Consider the following points:
Different types might specify different analyzers, and it is not always clear which analyzer Elasticsearch should
use if a query is performed at the index level rather than at the type level. See Avoiding Type Gotchas for
Shards for indexes that hold multiple types will likely be bigger than those for indexes that contain a single
type. The bigger a shard, the more effort is required by Elasticsearch to filter data when performing queries.
If there is a significant mismatch between data volumes for the types, information for one type can become
sparsely distributed across many shards reducing the efficiency of searches that retrieve this data.
The effects of sharing an index between types
In the upper part of the diagram, the same index is shared by documents of type A and type B. There are
many more documents of type A than type B. Searches for type A will involve querying all four shards. The
lower part of the diagram shows the effect if separate indexes are created for each type. In this case,
searches for type A will only require accessing two shards.
Small shards can be more evenly distributed than large shards, making it easier for Elasticsearch to spread the
load across nodes.
Different types might have different retention periods. It can be difficult to archive old data that shares shards
with active data.
However, under some circumstances sharing an index across types can be efficient if:
Searches regularly span types held in the same index.
The types only have a small number of documents each. Maintaining a separate set of shards for each type can
become a significant overhead in this case.
Optimizing index types
An Elasticsearch index contains a copy of the original JSON documents that were used to populate it. This
information is held in the _source field of each indexed item. This data is not searchable, but by default is returned
by get and search requests. However, this field incurs overhead and occupies storage, making shards larger and
increasing the volume of I/O performed. You can disable the _source field on a per type basis:
PUT my_index
"mappings": {
"my_type": {
"_source": {
"enabled": false

Disabling this field also removes the ability to perform the following operations:
Updating data in the index by using the update API.
Performing searches that return highlighted data.
Reindexing from one Elasticsearch index directly to another.
Changing mappings or analysis settings.
Debugging queries by viewing the original document.
Reindexing data
The number of shards available to an index ultimately determines the capacity of the index. You can take an initial
(and informed) guess at how many shards will be required, but you should always consider your document re-
indexing strategy up front. In many cases, reindexing may be an intended task as data grows. You may not want to
allocate a large number of shards to an index initially, for the sake of search optimization, but allocate new shards
as the volume of data expands. In other cases reindexing might need to be performed on a more ad-hoc basis if
your estimates about data volume growth simply prove to be inaccurate.

Reindexing might not be necessary for data that ages quickly. In this case, an application might create a new index for each
period of time. Examples include performance logs or audit data which could be stored in a fresh index each day.

Reindexing effectively involves creating a new index from the data in an old one, and then removing the old index.
If an index is large, this process can take time, and you may need to ensure that the data remains searchable
during this period. For this reason, you should create an alias for each index, and queries should retrieve data
through these aliases. While reindexing, keep the alias pointing at the old index, and then switch it to reference the
new index once reindexing is complete. This approach is also useful for accessing time-based data that creates a
new index each day. To access the current data use an alias that rolls over to the new index as it is created.
Managing mappings
Elasticsearch uses mappings to determine how to interpret the data that occurs in each field in a document. Each
type has its own mapping, which effectively defines a schema for that type. Elasticsearch uses this information to
generate inverted indexes for each field in the documents in a type. In any document, each field has a datatype
(such as string, date, or long) and a value. You can specify the mappings for an index when the index is first
created, or they can be inferred by Elasticsearch when new documents are added to a type. However, consider the
following points:
Mappings generated dynamically can cause errors depending on how fields are interpreted when documents
are added to an index. For example, document 1 could contain a field A that holds a number and causes
Elasticsearch to add a mapping that specifies that this field is a long. If a subsequent document is added in
which field A contains nonnumeric data, then it will fail. In this case, field A should probably have been
interpreted as a string when the first document was added. Specifying this mapping when the index is created
can help to prevent such problems.
Design your documents to avoid generating excessively large mappings as this can add significant overhead
when performing searches, consume lots of memory, and also cause queries to fail to find data. Adopt a
consistent naming convention for fields in documents that share the same type. For example, don't use field
names such as "first_name", "FirstName", and "forename" in different documents. Use the same field name in
each document. Additionally, do not attempt to use values as keys (this is a common approach in Column-
Family databases, but can cause inefficiencies and failures with Elasticsearch.) For more information, see
Mapping Explosion.
Use not_analyzed to avoid tokenization where appropriate. For example, if a document contains a string
field named data that holds the value "ABC-DEF" then you might attempt to perform a search for all
documents that match this value as follows:

GET /myindex/mydata/_search
"query" : {
"filtered" : {
"filter" : {
"term" : {
"data" : "ABC-DEF"

However, this search will fail to return the expected results due to the way in which the string ABC-DEF is
tokenized when it is indexed. It will be effectively split into two tokens, ABC and DEF, by the hyphen. This
feature is designed to support full text searching, but if you want the string to be interpreted as a single
atomic item you should disable tokenization when the document is added to the index. You can use a
mapping such as this:

PUT /myindex
"mappings" : {
"mydata" : {
"properties" : {
"data" : {
"type" : "string",
"index" : "not_analyzed"

For more information, see Finding Exact Values.

Using doc values
Many queries and aggregations require that data is sorted as part of the search operation. Sorting requires being
able to map one or more terms to a list of documents. To assist in this process, Elasticsearch can load all of the
values for a field used as a sort key into memory. This information is known as fielddata. The intent is that caching
fielddata in memory incurs less I/O and might be faster than repeatedly reading the same data from disk.
However, if a field has high cardinality then storing the fielddata in memory can consume a lot of heap space,
possibly impacting the ability to perform other concurrent operations, or even exhausting storage causing
Elasticsearch to fail.
As an alternative approach, Elasticsearch also supports doc values. A doc value is similar to an item of in-memory
fielddata except that it is stored on disk and created when data is stored in an index (fielddata is constructed
dynamically when a query is performed.) Doc values do not consume heap space, and so are useful for queries
that sort or aggregate data across fields that can contain a very large number of unique values. Additionally, the
reduced pressure on the heap can help to offset the performance differences between retrieving data from disk
and reading from memory. Garbage collection is likely to occur less often, and other concurrent operations that
utilize memory are less likely to be effected.
You enable or disable doc values on a per-property basis in an index using the doc_values attribute, as shown by
the following example:

PUT /myindex
"mappings" : {
"mydata" : {
"properties" : {
"data" : {
"doc_values": true

Doc values are enabled by default with Elasticsearch version 2.0.0 onwards.

The exact impact of using doc values is likely to be highly specific to your own data and query scenarios, so be
prepared to conduct performance testing to establish their usefulness. You should also note that doc values do not
work with analyzed string fields. For more information, see Doc Values.
Using replicas to reduce query contention
A common strategy to boost the performance of queries is to create many replicas of each index. Data retrieval
operations can be satisfied by fetching data from a replica. However, this strategy can severely impact the
performance of data ingestion operations, so it needs to be used with care in scenarios that involve mixed
workloads. Additionally, this strategy is only of benefit if replicas are distributed across nodes and do not compete
for resources with primary shards that are part of the same index. Remember that it is possible to increase or
decrease the number of replicas for an index dynamically.
Using the shard request cache
Elasticsearch can cache the local data requested by queries on each shard in memory. This enables searches that
retrieve the same data to run more quickly, data can be read from memory rather than disk storage. Caching data
in this way can therefore improve the performance of some search operations, at the cost of reducing the memory
available to other tasks being performed concurrently. There is also the risk that data served from the cache is
outdated. The data in the cache is only invalidated when the shard is refreshed and the data has changed. The
frequency of refreshes is governed by the value of the refresh_interval setting of the index.
The request caching for an index is disabled by default, but you can enable it as follows:

PUT /myindex/_settings
"index.requests.cache.enable": true

The shard request cache is most suitable for information that remains relatively static, such as historical or logging
Using client nodes
All queries are processed by the node that first receives the request. This node sends further requests to all other
nodes containing shards for the indices being queried, and then accumulates the results for returning the
response. If a query involves aggregating data or performing complex computations, the initial node is responsible
for performing the appropriate processing. If your system has to support a relatively small number of complex
queries, consider creating a pool of client nodes to alleviate the load from the data nodes. Conversely, if your
system has to handle a large number of simple queries, then submit these requests direct to the data nodes, and
use a load balancer to distribute the requests evenly.
Tuning queries
The following points summarize tips for maximizing the performance of Elasticsearch queries:
Avoid queries that involve wild cards wherever possible.
If the same field is subject to full-text searching and exact matching, then consider storing the data for the field
in analyzed and nonanalyzed forms. Perform full-text searches against the analyzed field, and exact matches
against the nonanalyzed field.
Only return the data necessary. If you have large documents, but an application only requires information held
in a subset of the fields, then return this subset from queries rather than entire documents. This strategy can
reduce the network bandwidth requirements of the cluster.
Wherever possible, use filters instead of queries when searching for data. A filter simply determines whether a
document matches a given criterion whereas a query also calculates how close a match a document is
(scoring). Internally, the values generated by a filter are stored as a bitmap indicating match/no match for each
document, and they can be cached by Elasticsearch. If the same filter criterion occurs subsequently, the bitmap
can be retrieved from cache and used to quickly fetch the matching documents. For more information, see
Internal Filter Operation.
Use bool filters for performing static comparisons, and only use and, or, and not filters for dynamically
calculated filters, such as those that involve scripting or the geo-\* filters.
If a query combines bool filters with and, or, or not with geo-* filters, place the and/or/not geo-* filters last
so that they operate on the smallest data set possible.
Similarly, use a post_filter to run expensive filter operations. These filters will be performed last.
Use aggregations rather than facets. Avoid calculating aggregates that are analyzed or that have many
possible values.

Note: Facets have been removed in Elasticsearch version 2.0.0.

Use the cardinality aggregation in preference to the value_count aggregation unless your application requires
an exact count of matching items. An exact count can become quickly outdated, and many applications only
require a reasonable approximation.
Avoid scripting. Scripts in queries and filters can be expensive and the results are not cached. Long-running
scripts can consume search threads indefinitely, causing subsequent requests to be queued. If the queue fills
up, further requests will be rejected.

Testing and analyzing aggregation and search performance

This section describes the results of a series of tests that were performed against varying cluster and index
configurations. Two types of tests were performed, as follows:
The ingestion and query test. This test started with an empty index that was populated as the test proceeded
by performing bulk insert operations (each operation added 1000 documents). At the same time, a number of
queries designed to search for documents added during the preceding 15 minute period and generate
aggregations were repeated at 5 second intervals. This test was typically allowed to run for 24 hours, to
reproduce the effects of a challenging workload comprising large-scale data ingestion with near real-time
The query-only test. This test is similar to the ingestion and query test except that the ingestion part is
omitted, and the index on each node is prepopulated with 100 million documents. An amended set of queries is
performed; the time element limiting documents to those added in the last 15 minutes was removed as the
data was now static. The tests ran for 90 minutes, there is less time needed to establish a performance pattern
due to the fixed amount of data.

Each document in the index had the same schema. This table summarizes the fields in the schema:


Organization String The test generates 200 unique


CustomField1 - CustomField5 String These are five string fields which are set
to the empty string.

DateTimeRecievedUtc Timestamp The date and time at which the

document was added.

Host String This field is set to the empty string.

HttpMethod String This field is set to one of the following

values: "POST","GET","PUT".

HttpReferrer String This field is set to the empty string.

HttpRequest String This field is populated with random text

between 10 and 200 characters in

HttpUserAgent String This field is set to the empty string.

HttpVersion String This field is set to the empty string.

OrganizationName String This field is set to the same value as the

Organization field.

SourceIp IP This field contains an IP address

indicating the "origin" of the data.

SourceIpAreaCode Long This field is set to 0.

SourceIpAsnNr String This field is set to "AS#####".

SourceIpBase10 Long This field is set to 500.

SourceIpCountryCode String This field contains a 2-character country


SourceIpCity String This field contains a string identifying a

city in a country.

SourceIpLatitude Double This field contains a random value.

SourceIpLongitude Double This field contains a random value.

SourceIpMetroCode Long This field is set to 0.

SourceIpPostalCode String This field is set to the empty string.

SourceLatLong Geo point This field is set to a random geo point.

SourcePort String This field is populated with the string

representation of a random number.

TargetIp IP This is populated with a random IP

address in the range to

SourcedFrom String This field is set to the string


TargetPort String This field is populated with the string

representation of a random number.

Rating String This field is populated with one of 20

different string values selected at

UseHumanReadableDateTimes Boolean This field is set to false.

The following queries were performed as a batch by each iteration of the tests. The names in italics are used to
refer to these queries in the remainder of this document. Note that the time criterion (documents added in the last
15 minutes) was omitted from the query-only tests:
How many documents with each Rating value have been entered in the last 15 minutes (Count By rating)?
How many documents have been added in each 5 minute interval during the last 15 minutes (Count over
How many documents of each Rating value have been added for each country in the last 15 minutes (Hits by
Which 15 organizations occur most frequently in documents added in the last 15 minutes (Top 15
How many different organizations occur in documents added in the last 15 minutes (Unique count
How many documents have been added in the last 15 minutes (Total hits count)?
How many different SourceIp values occur in documents added in the last 15 minutes (Unique IP count)?
The definition of the index and the details of the queries are outlined in the appendix.
The tests were designed to understand the effects of the following variables:
Disk type. Tests were performed on a 6-node cluster of D4 VMs using standard storage (HDDs) and repeated
on a 6-node cluster of DS4 VMs using premium storage (SSDs).
Machine size - scaling up. Tests were performed on a 6-node cluster comprising DS3 VMs (designated as
the small cluster), repeated on a cluster of DS4 VMs (the medium cluster), and repeated again on a cluster
of DS14 machines (the large cluster). The following table summarizes the key characteristics of each VM


Small Standard DS3 4 8 14

Medium Standard DS4 8 16 28

Large Standard DS14 16 32 112

Cluster size - scaling out. Tests were performed on clusters of DS14 VMs containing 1, 3, and 6 nodes.
Number of index replicas. Tests were performed using indexes configured with 1 and 2 replicas.
Doc values. Initially the tests were performed with the index setting doc_values set to true (the default value).
Selected tests were repeated with doc_values set to false.
Caching. Tests were conducted with the shard request cache enabled on the index.
Number of shards. Tests were repeated using varying numbers of shards to establish whether queries ran
more efficiently across indexes containing fewer, larger shards or more, smaller shards.

Performance results - disk type

Disk performance was evaluated by running the ingestion and query test on the 6-node cluster of D4 VMs (using
HDDs), and on the 6-node cluster of DS4 VMs (using SSDs). The configuration of Elasticsearch in both clusters was
the same. The data was spread across 16 disks on each node, and each node had 14GB of RAM allocated to the
Java virtual machine (JVM) running Elasticsearch, the remaining memory (also 14GB) was left for operating
system use. Each test ran for 24 hours. This period was selected to enable the effects of the increasing volume of
data to become apparent and to allow the system to stabilize. The table below summarizes the results, highlighting
the response times of the various operations that comprised the test.


D4 Ingestion 978

Count By Rating 103

Count Over Time 134

Hits By Country 199

Top 15 Organizations 137

Unique Count Organizations 139

Unique IP Count 510

Total Hits Count 89

DS4 Ingestion 511

Count By Rating 187


Count Over Time 411

Hits By Country 402

Top 15 Organizations 307

Unique Count Organizations 320

Unique IP Count 841

Total Hits Count 236

At first glance, it would appear that the DS4 cluster performed queries less well than the D4 cluster, at times
doubling (or worse) the response time. This does not tell the whole story though. The next table shows the number
of ingestion operations performed by each cluster (remember that each operation loads 1000 documents):


D4 264769

DS4 503157

The DS4 cluster was able to load nearly twice as much data than the D4 cluster during the test. Therefore, when
analyzing the response times for each operation, you also need to consider how many documents each query has
to scan, and how many documents are returned. These are dynamic figures as the volume of documents in the
index is continually growing. You cannot simply divide 503137 by 264769 (the number of ingestion operations
performed by each cluster) and then multiply the result by the average response time for each query performed
by the D4 cluster to give a comparative information as this ignores the amount of I/O being performed
concurrently by the ingestion operation. Instead, you should measure the physical amount of data being written to
and read from disk as the test proceeds. The JMeter test plan captures this information for each node. The
summarized results are:


D4 13471557

DS4 24643470

This data shows that the DS4 cluster was able to sustain an I/O rate approximately 1.8 times that of the D4 cluster.
Given that, apart from nature of the disks, all other resources are the same, the difference must be due to using
SSDs rather HDDs.
To help justify this conclusion, the following graphs illustrate the how the I/O was performed over time by each
Disk activity for the D4 and DS4 clusters
The graph for the D4 cluster shows significant variation, especially during the first half of the test. This was likely
due to throttling to reduce the I/O rate. In the initial stages of the test, the queries are able to run quickly as there is
little data to analyze. The disks in the D4 cluster are therefore likely to be operating close to their input/output
operations per second (IOPS) capacity, although each I/O operation might not be returning much data. The DS4
cluster is able to support a higher IOPS rate and does not suffer the same degree of throttling, the I/O rates are
more regular. To support this theory, the next pair of graphs show how the CPU was blocked by disk I/O over time
(the disk wait times shown in the graphs are the proportion of the time that the CPU spent waiting for I/O):

CPU disk I/O wait times for the D4 and DS4 clusters
It is important to understand that there are two predominant reasons for I/O operations to block the CPU:
The I/O subsystem could be reading or writing data to or from disk.
The I/O subsystem could be throttled by the host environment. Azure disks implemented by using HDDs have a
maximum throughput of 500 IOPS, and SSDs have a maximum throughput of 5000 IOPS.
For the D4 cluster, the amount of time spent waiting for I/O during the first half of the test correlates closely in an
inverted manner with the graph showing the I/O rates. Periods of low I/O correspond to periods of significant time
the CPU spends blocked, this indicates that I/O is being throttled. As more data is added to the cluster the situation
changes, and in the second half of the test peaks in I/O wait times correspond with peaks in I/O throughput. At this
point, the CPU is blocked while performing real I/O. Again, with the DS4 cluster, the time spent waiting for I/O is
much more even. Each peak matches an equivalent peak in I/O performance rather than a trough, this implies that
there is little or no throttling occurring.
There is one other factor to consider. During the test, the D4 cluster generated 10584 ingestion errors, and 21
query errors. The test on the DS4 cluster produced no errors.

Performance results - scaling up

Scale-up testing was performed by running tests against 6-node clusters of DS3, DS4, and DS14 VMs. These SKUS
were selected because a DS4 VM provides twice as many CPU cores and memory as a DS3, and a DS14 machine
doubles the CPU resources again while providing four times the amount of memory. The table below compares
the key aspects of each SKU:


DS3 4 14 12,800 128

DS4 8 28 25,600 256

DS14 16 112 50,000 512

The following table summarizes the results of running the tests on the small (DS3), medium (DS4), and large
(DS14) clusters. Each VM used SSDs to hold the data. Each test ran for 24 hours.
The table reports the number of successful requests for each type of query (failures are not included). The number
of requests attempted for each type of query is roughly the same during a run of the test. This is because the
JMeter test plan executes a single occurrence of each query (Count By Rating, Count Over Time, Hits By Country,
Top 15 Organizations, Unique Count Organizations, Unique IP Count, and Total Hits Count ) together in a single
unit known as a test transaction (this transaction is independent of the task that performs the ingestion operation,
which is run by a separate thread). Each iteration of the test plan performs a single test transaction. The number of
test transactions completed is therefore a measure of the response time of the slowest query in each transaction.


Small (DS3) Ingestion 207284 3328

Count By Rating 18444 268

Count Over Time 18444 340

Hits By Country 18445 404

Top 15 Organizations 18439 323

Unique Count Organizations 18437 338

Unique IP Count 18442 468


Total Hits Count 18428 294

Medium (DS4) Ingestion 503157 511

Count By Rating 6958 187

Count Over Time 6958 411

Hits By Country 6958 402

Top 15 Organizations 6958 307

Unique Count Organizations 6956 320

Unique IP Count 6955 841

Total Hits Count 6958 236

Large (DS14) Ingestion 502714 511

Count By Rating 7041 201

Count Over Time 7040 298

Hits By Country 7039 363

Top 15 Organizations 7038 244

Unique Count Organizations 7037 283

Unique IP Count 7037 681

Total Hits Count 7038 200

These figures show that, for this test, the performance of the DS4 and DS14 cluster were reasonably similar. The
response times for the query operations for the DS3 cluster also appear to compare favorably initially, and the
number of query operations performed is far in excess of the values for the DS4 and DS14 cluster. However, one
should also take strong notice of the ingestion rate and the consequent number of documents being searched. In
the DS3 cluster ingestion is far more constrained, and by the end of the test the database only contained about
40% of the documents read in by each of the other two clusters. This is could be due to the processing resources,
network, and disk bandwidth available to a DS3 VM compared to a DS4 or DS14 VM. Given that a DS4 VM has
twice as many resources available as a DS3 VM, and a DS14 has twice (four times for memory) the resources of a
DS4 VM, one question remains: Why is the difference in ingestion rates between the DS4 and DS14 clusters
significantly less than that which occurs between the DS3 and DS4 clusters? This could be due to the network
utilization and bandwidth limits of Azure VMs. The graphs below show this data for all three clusters:
Network utilization for the DS3, DS4, and DS14 clusters performing the ingestion and query test
The limits of available network bandwidth with Azure VMs are not published and can vary, but the fact that
network activity appears to have levelled off at an average of around 2.75GBps for both the DS4 and DS14 tests
suggests that such a limit has been reached and has become the primary factor in restricting throughput. In the
case of the DS3 cluster, the network activity was considerably lower so the lower performance is more likely due
to constraints in the availability of other resources.
To isolate the effects of the ingestion operations and illustrate how query performance varies as nodes scale up, a
set of query-only tests was performed using the same nodes. The following table summarizes the results obtained
on each cluster:

You should not compare the performance and number of requests executed by queries in the query-only test with those
run by the ingestion and query test. This is because the queries have been modified and the volume of documents involved
is different.



Small (DS3) Count By Rating 464 11758

Count Over Time 464 14699

Hits By Country 463 14075

Top 15 Organizations 464 11856

Unique Count Organizations 462 12314

Unique IP Count 461 19898

Total Hits Count 462 8882

Medium (DS4) Count By Rating 1045 4489

Count Over Time 1045 7292

Hits By Country 1053 7564

Top 15 Organizations 1055 5066

Unique Count Organizations 1051 5231

Unique IP Count 1051 9228

Total Hits Count 1051 2180

Large (DS14) Count By Rating 1842 1927

Count Over Time 1839 4483

Hits By Country 1838 4761

Top 15 Organizations 1842 2117

Unique Count Organizations 1837 2393


Unique IP Count 1837 7159

Total Hits Count 1837 642

This time, the trends in the average response times across the different clusters is clearer. Network utilization is
well below the 2.75GBps required earlier by the DS4 and DS14 clusters (which probably saturated the network in
the ingestion and query tests), and the 1.5GBps for the DS3 cluster. In fact, it is closer to 200MBps in all cases as
shown by the graphs below:
Network utilization for the DS3, DS4 and DS14 clusters performing the query-only test
The limiting factor in the DS3 and DS4 clusters now appears to be CPU utilization, which is close to 100% for much
of the time. In the DS14 cluster the CPU usage averages just over 80%. This is still high, but clearly highlights the
advantages of having more CPU cores available. The following image depicts the CPU usage patterns for the DS3,
DS4, and DS14 clusters.
CPU utilization for the DS3 and DS14 clusters performing the query-only test

Performance results - scaling out

To illustrate how the system scales out with the number of nodes, tests were run using DS14 clusters containing 1,
3, and 6 nodes. This time, only the query-only test was performed, using 100 million documents and running for
90 minutes:


1 Node Count By Rating 288 6216

Count Over Time 288 28933

Hits By Country 288 29455

Top 15 Organizations 288 9058

Unique Count Organizations 287 19916

Unique IP Count 284 54203

Total Hits Count 287 3333

3 Nodes Count By Rating 1194 3427

Count Over Time 1194 5381

Hits By Country 1191 6840

Top 15 Organizations 1196 3819

Unique Count Organizations 1190 2938

Unique IP Count 1189 12516

Total Hits Count 1191 1272

6 Nodes Count By Rating 1842 1927

Count Over Time 1839 4483


Hits By Country 1838 4761

Top 15 Organizations 1842 2117

Unique Count Organizations 1837 2393

Unique IP Count 1837 7159

Total Hits Count 1837 642

The number of nodes makes a significant difference in the query performance of the cluster, although in a
nonlinear manner. The 3 node cluster completes approximately 4 times as many queries as the single node cluster,
while the 6 node cluster handles 6 times as many. To help explain this nonlinearity, the following graphs show
how the CPU was being consumed by the three clusters:
CPU utilization for the 1, 3, and 6-node clusters performing the query-only test
The single-node and 3-node clusters are CPU-bound, while although CPU utilization is high in the 6-node cluster
there is spare processing capacity available. In this case, other factors are likely to be limiting the throughput. This
could be confirmed by testing with 9 and 12 nodes, which would likely show further spare processing capacity.
The data in the table above also shows how the average response times for the queries vary. This is the item that is
most informative when testing how a system scales for specific types of query. Some searches are clearly far more
efficient when spanning more nodes than others. This could be due to the ratio between the number of nodes and
the number of documents in the cluster increasing, each cluster contained 100 million documents. When
performing searches that involve aggregating data, Elasticsearch will process and buffer the data retrieved as part
of the aggregation process in memory on each node. If there are more nodes, there is less data to retrieve, buffer,
and process on each node.

Performance results - number of replicas

The ingestion and query tests were run against an index with a single replica. The tests were repeated on the 6-
node DS4 and DS14 clusters using an index configured with two replicas. All tests ran for 24 hours. The table
below shows the comparative results for one and two replicas:



DS4 Ingestion 511 655 +28%


Count By Rating 187 168 -10%

Count Over Time 411 309 -25%

Hits By Country 402 562 +40%

Top 15 Organizations 307 366 +19%

Unique Count 320 378 +18%


Unique IP Count 841 987 +17%

Total Hits Count 236 236 +0%

DS14 Ingestion 511 618 +21%

Count By Rating 201 275 +37%

Count Over Time 298 466 +56%

Hits By Country 363 529 +46%

Top 15 Organizations 244 407 +67%

Unique Count 283 403 +42%


Unique IP Count 681 823 +21%

Total Hits Count 200 221 +11%

The ingestion rate decreased as the number of replicas increased. This should be expected as Elasticsearch is
writing more copies of each document, generating additional disk I/O. This is reflected by the graphs for the DS14
cluster for indexes with 1 and 2 replicas shown in the image below. In the case of the index with 1 replica, the
average I/O rate was 16896573 bytes/second. For the index with 2 replicas, the average I/O rate was 33986843
bytes/second, just over twice as many.
Disk I/O rates for nodes with 1 and 2 replicas performing the ingestion and query test



DS4 Count By Rating 4489 4079

Count Over Time 7292 6697

Hits By Country 7564 7173


Top 15 Organizations 5066 4650

Unique Count Organizations 5231 4691

Unique IP Count 9228 8752

Total Hits Count 2180 1909

DS14 Count By Rating 1927 2330

Count Over Time 4483 4381

Hits By Country 4761 5341

Top 15 Organizations 2117 2560

Unique Count Organizations 2393 2546

Unique IP Count 7159 7048

Total Hits Count 642 708

These results show an improvement in average response time for the DS4 cluster, but an increase for the DS14
cluster. To help interpret these results, you should also consider the number of queries performed by each test:



DS4 Count By Rating 1054 1141

Count Over Time 1054 1139

Hits By Country 1053 1138

Top 15 Organizations 1055 1141

Unique Count Organizations 1051 1136

Unique IP Count 1051 1135

Total Hits Count 1051 1136

DS14 Count By Rating 1842 1718

Count Over Time 1839 1716

Hits By Country 1838 1714


Top 15 Organizations 1842 1718

Unique Count Organizations 1837 1712

Unique IP Count 1837 1712

Total Hits Count 1837 1712

This data shows that the number of queries performed by the DS4 cluster increased in line with the decrease in
average response time, but again the converse is true of the DS14 cluster. One significant factor is that the CPU
utilization of the DS4 cluster in the 1-replica and 2-replica tests was unevenly spread. Some nodes exhibited close
to 100% utilization while others had spare processing capacity. The improvement in performance is most likely
due to the increased ability to distribute processing across the nodes of the cluster. The following image shows the
variation in CPU processing between the most lightly and heavily used VMs (nodes 4 and 3):
CPU utilization for the least used and most used nodes in the DS4 cluster performing the query-only test
For the DS14 cluster this was not the case. CPU utilization for both tests was lower across all nodes, and the
availability of a second replica became less of an advantage and more of an overhead:
CPU utilization for the least used and most used nodes in the DS14 cluster performing the query-only test
These results show the need to benchmark your system carefully when deciding whether to use multiple replicas.
You should always have at least one replica of each index (unless you are willing to risk losing data if a node fails),
but additional replicas can impose a burden on the system for little benefit, depending on your workloads and the
hardware resources available to the cluster.

Performance results - doc values

The ingestion and query tests were conducted with doc values enabled, causing Elasticsearch to store data used for
sorting fields on disk. The tests were repeated with doc values disabled, so Elasticsearch constructed fielddata
dynamically and cached it in memory. All tests ran for 24 hours. The table below compares the response times for
tests run against clusters of 6 nodes built using D4, DS4, and DS14 VMs (the D4 cluster uses regular hard disks,
while the DS4 and DS14 clusters use SSDs).



D4 Ingestion 978 835 -15%

Count By Rating 103 132 +28%

Count Over Time 134 189 +41%

Hits By Country 199 259 +30%

Top 15 Organizations 137 184 +34%

Unique Count 139 197 +42%


Unique IP Count 510 604 +18%

Total Hits Count 89 134 +51%

DS4 Ingestion 511 581 +14%

Count By Rating 187 190 +2%

Count Over Time 411 409 -0.5%

Hits By Country 402 414 +3%

Top 15 Organizations 307 284 -7%

Unique Count 320 313 -2%


Unique IP Count 841 955 +14%

Total Hits Count 236 281 +19%

DS14 Ingestion 511 571 +12%

Count By Rating 201 232 +15%

Count Over Time 298 341 +14%

Hits By Country 363 457 +26%


Top 15 Organizations 244 338 +39%

Unique Count 283 350 +24%


Unique IP Count 681 909 +33%

Total Hits Count 200 245 +23%

The next table compares the number of ingestion operations performed by the tests:



D4 264769 408690 +54%

DS4 503137 578237 +15%

DS14 502714 586472 +17%

The improved ingestion rates occur with doc values disabled as less data is being written to disk as documents are
inserted. The improved performance is especially noticeable with the D4 VM using HDDs to store data. In this case,
the response time for ingestion operations also decreased by 15% (see the first table in this section). This could be
due to the reduced pressure on the HDDs which were likely running close to their IOPS limits in the test with doc
values enabled, see the Disk Type test for more information. The following graph compares the I/O performance of
the D4 VMs with doc values enabled (values held on disk) and doc values disabled (values held in memory):
Disk activity for the D4 cluster with doc values enabled and disabled
In contrast, the ingestion values for the VMs using SSDs show a small increase in the number of documents but
also an increase in the response time of the ingestion operations. With one or two small exceptions, the query
response times were also worse. The SSDs are less likely to be running close to their IOPS limits with doc values
enabled, so changes in performance are more likely due to increased processing activity and the overhead of
managing the JVM heap. This is evident by comparing the CPU utilization with doc values enabled and disabled.
The next graph highlights this data for the DS4 cluster, where most of the CPU utilization moves from the 30%-
40% band with doc values enabled, to the 40%-50% band with doc values disabled (the DS14 cluster showed a
similar trend):

CPU utilization for the DS4 cluster with doc values enabled and disabled
To distinguish the effects of doc values on query performance from data ingestion, pairs of query-only tests were
performed for the DS4 and DS14 clusters with doc values enabled and disabled. The table below summarizes the
results of these tests:

DS4 Count By Rating 4489 3736 -16%

Count Over Time 7293 5459 -25%

Hits By Country 7564 5930 -22%

Top 15 Organizations 5066 3874 -14%

Unique Count 5231 4483 -2%


Unique IP Count 9228 9474 +3%

Total Hits Count 2180 1218 -44%

DS14 Count By Rating 1927 2144 +11%

Count Over Time 4483 4337 -3%

Hits By Country 4761 4840 +2%

Top 15 Organizations 2117 2302 +9%

Unique Count 2393 2497 +4%


Unique IP Count 7159 7639 +7%

Total Hits Count 642 633 -1%

Remember that, with Elasticsearch 2.0 onwards, doc values are enabled by default. In the tests covering the DS4
cluster, disabling doc values appears to have a positive effect overall, whereas the converse is generally true for
the DS14 cluster (the two cases where performance is better with doc values disabled are very marginal).
For the DS4 cluster, CPU utilization in both cases was close to 100% for the duration of both tests indicating that
the cluster was CPU bound. However, the number of queries processed decreased from 7369 to 5894 (20%).
Remember that if doc values are disabled Elasticsearch will dynamically generate fielddata in memory, and this
consumes CPU power. This configuration has reduced the rate of disk I/O but increased stress on CPUs already
running close to their maximum capabilities, so in this case queries are faster with doc values disabled but there
are fewer of them.
In the DS14 tests with and without doc values CPU activity was high, but not 100%. The number of queries
performed was slightly higher (approximately 4%) in tests with doc values enabled:



DS4 Count By Rating 1054 845


Count Over Time 1054 844

Hits By Country 1053 842

Top 15 Organizations 1055 846

Unique Count Organizations 1051 839

Unique IP Count 1051 839

Total Hits Count 1051 839

DS14 Count By Rating 1772 1842

Count Over Time 1772 1839

Hits By Country 1770 1838

Top 15 Organizations 1773 1842

Unique Count Organizations 1769 1837

Unique IP Count 1768 1837

Total Hits Count 1769 1837

Performance results - shard request cache

To demonstrate how the caching index data in the memory of each node can impact performance, the query and
ingestion test was conducted on a DS4 and a DS14 6-node cluster with index caching enabled - see the section
Using the shard request cache for more information. The results were compared to those generated by the earlier
tests using the same index but with index caching disabled. The table below summarizes the results. Note that the
data has been curtailed to cover only the first 90 minutes of the test, at this point the comparative trend was
apparent and continuing the test would probably have not yielded any additional insights:



DS4 Ingestion 504 3260 +547%

Count By Rating 218 273 +25%

Count Over Time 450 314 -30%

Hits By Country 447 397 -11%

Top 15 Organizations 342 317 -7%


Unique Count 370 324 -12%%


Unique IP Count 760 355 -53%

Total Hits Count 258 291 +12%

DS14 Ingestion 503 3365 +569%

Count By Rating 234 262 +12%

Count Over Time 357 298 -17%

Hits By Country 416 383 -8%

Top 15 Organizations 272 324 -7%

Unique Count 330 321 -3%


Unique IP Count 674 352 -48%

Total Hits Count 227 292 +29%

This data shows two points of interest:

Data ingestion rates appear to be greatly diminished by enabling index caching.
Index caching does not necessarily improve the response time of all types of query, and can have an adverse
effect on certain aggregate operations such as those performed by the Count By Rating and Total Hits Count
To understand why the system exhibits this behavior, you should consider the number of queries successfully
performed in each case during the test runs. The following table summarizes this data:



DS4 Ingestion 38611 13232

Count By Rating 524 18704

Count Over Time 523 18703

Hits By Country 522 18702

Top 15 Organizations 521 18706

Unique Count Organizations 521 18700


Unique IP Count 521 18699

Total Hits Count 521 18701

DS14 Ingestion 38769 12835

Count By Rating 528 19239

Count Over Time 528 19239

Hits By Country 528 19238

Top 15 Organizations 527 19240

Unique Count Organizations 524 19234

Unique IP Count 524 19234

Total Hits Count 527 19236

You can see that although the ingestion rate when caching was enabled was approximately 1/3 of that when
caching was disabled, the number of queries performed increased by a factor of 34. Queries no longer incur as
much disk I/O and did not have to compete for disk resources. This is reflected by the graphs in the figure below
that compare the I/O activity for all four cases:

Disk I/O activity for the ingestion and query test with index caching disabled and enabled
The decrease in disk I/O also meant that the CPU spent less time waiting for I/O to complete. This is highlighted by
the next figure:

CPU time spent waiting for disk I/O to complete for the ingestion and query test with index caching
disabled and enabled
The reduction in disk I/O meant that Elasticsearch could spend a much greater proportion of its time servicing
queries from data held in memory. This increased CPU utilization, which becomes apparent if you look at the CPU
utilization for all four cases. The graphs below show how CPU use was more sustained with caching enabled:

CPU utilization for the ingestion and query test with index caching disabled and enabled
The volume of network I/O in both scenarios for the duration of the tests was broadly similar. The tests without
caching showed a gradual degradation during the test period, but the longer, 24 hour runs of these tests showed
that this statistic levelled off at approximately 2.75GBps. The image below shows this data for the DS4 clusters (the
data for the DS14 clusters was very similar):

Network traffic volumes for the ingestion and query test with index caching disabled and enabled
As described in the scaling up test, the restrictions to network bandwidth with Azure VMs are not published and
can vary, but the moderate levels of CPU and disk activity suggests that network utilization may be the limiting
factor in this scenario.
Caching is more naturally suited to scenarios where data changes infrequently. To highlight the impact of caching
in this scenario, the query-only tests were performed with caching enabled. The results are shown below (these
tests ran for 90 minute, and the indexes under test contained 100 million documents):


Cache disabled Cache enabled

DS4 Count By Rating 4489 210

Count Over Time 7292 211

Hits By Country 7564 231

Top 15 Organizations 5066 211

Unique Count Organizations 5231 211

Unique IP Count 9228 218

Total Hits Count 2180 210

DS14 Count By Rating 1927 211

Count Over Time 4483 219

Hits By Country 4761 236

Top 15 Organizations 2117 212

Unique Count Organizations 2393 212

Unique IP Count 7159 220

Total Hits Count 642 211

The variance in the performance of the noncached tests is due to the difference in resources available between the
DS4 and DS14 VMs. In both cases of the cached test the average response time dropped significantly as data was
being retrieved directly from memory. It is also worth noting that the response times for the cached DS4 and DS14
cluster tests were very similar despite the disparity with the noncached results. There is also very little difference
between the response times for each query within each test, they all take approximately 220ms. The disk I/O rates
and CPU utilization for both clusters were very low as once all the data is in memory little I/O or processing is
required. The network I/O rate was similar to that of the uncached tests, confirming that network bandwidth may
be a limiting factor in this test. The following graphs present this information for the DS4 cluster. The profile of the
DS14 cluster was very similar:
Disk I/O, CPU utilization, and network utilization for the query-only test with index caching enabled
The figures in the table above suggest that using the DS14 architecture shows little benefit over using the DS4. In
fact, the number of samples generated by the DS14 cluster was about 5% below that of the DS4 cluster, but this
could also be due to network restrictions which can vary slightly over time.

Performance results - number of shards

The purpose of this test was to determine whether the number of shards created for an index has any bearing on
the query performance of that index.
Separate tests conducted previously showed that the shard configuration of an index can impact the rate of data
ingestion. The tests conducted to determine query performance followed a similar methodology, but were
restricted to a 6-node cluster running on DS14 hardware. This approach helps to minimize the number of
variables, so any differences in performance should be due to the volume of shards.
The query-only test was conducted on copies of the same index configured with 7, 13, 23, 37, and 61 primary
shards. The index contained 100 million documents and had a single replica, doubling the number of shards
across the cluster. Each test ran for 90 minutes. The following table summarizes the results. The average response
time shown is the response time for the JMeter test transaction that encompasses the complete set of queries
performed by each iteration of the test. See the note in the section Performance results - scaling up for more



7 (14 including replicas) 3-2-2-2-2-3 7461 40524

13 (26) 5-4-5-4-4-4 7369 41055

23 (46) 7-8-8-7-8-8 14193 21283

37 (74) 13-12-12-13-12-12 13399 22506

61 (122) 20-21-20-20-21-20 14743 20445

These results indicate that there is a significant difference in performance between the 13(26) shard cluster and
the 23,(46) shard cluster, throughput nearly doubles and response times halve. This is most likely due to the
configuration of the VMs and the structures that Elasticsearch uses to process search requests. Search requests are
queued, and each search request is handled by a single search thread. The number of search threads created by an
Elasticsearch node is a function of the number of processors available on the machine hosting the node. The
results suggest that with only 4 or 5 shards on a node, processing resources are not being fully utilized. This is
supported by looking at the CPU utilization while running this test. The following image is a snapshot taken from
Marvel while performing the 13(26) shard test:
CPU utilization for the query-only test on the 7(14) shard cluster
Compare these figures with those of the 23(46) shard test:

CPU utilization for the query-only test on the 23(46) shard cluster
In the 23(46) shard test, CPU utilization was far higher. Each node contains 7 or 8 shards. The DS14 architecture
provides 16 processors, and Elasticsearch is better able to exploit this number of cores with the additional shards.
The figures in the table above suggest that increasing the number of shards beyond this point may improve
performance slightly, but you should offset these figures against the additional overhead of maintaining a high
volume of shards. These tests imply that the optimal number of shards per node is half the number of processor
cores available on each node. However, remember that these results were achieved when only running queries. If
your system imports data, you should also consider how sharding can impact the performance of data ingestion

Elasticsearch provides many options that you can use to structure indexes and tune them to support large-scale
query operations. This document has summarized some common configurations and techniques that you can use
to tune your database for query purposes. However, you should recognize that there is a tradeoff between
optimizing a database to support fast retrieval as opposed to supporting high-volume data ingestion. Sometimes
what is good for querying can have a detrimental impact on insert operations and vice versa. In a system that is
exposed to mixed workloads, you need to assess where the balance lies and adjust the system parameters
Additionally, the applicability of different configurations and techniques can vary depending on the structure of the
data and the limitations (or otherwise) of the hardware the system is constructed on. Many of the tests shown in
this document illustrate how the selection of the hardware platform can impact throughput, and also how some
strategies can be beneficial in certain cases but detrimental in others. The important point is to understand the
options available and then perform rigorous benchmarking using your own data to determine the most optimal
Finally, remember that an Elasticsearch database is not necessarily a static item. It will likely grow over time, and
the strategies used to structure the data may need to be revised regularly. For example, it may be necessary to
scale up, scale out, or reindex data with additional shards. As the system increases in size and complexity, be
prepared to continually test performance to ensure that you are still meeting any SLAs guaranteed to your

Appendix: the query and aggregation performance test

This appendix describes the performance test performed against the Elasticsearch cluster. The tests were run by
using JMeter running on a separate set of VMs. Details the configuration of the test environment are described in
Creating a performance testing environment for Elasticsearch on Azure. To perform your own testing, you can
create your own JMeter test plan manually following the guidance in this appendix, or you can use the automated
test scripts available separately. For more information, see Running the automated Elasticsearch performance
The data query workload performed the set of queries described below while performing a large-scale upload of
documents at the same time. The purpose of this workload was to simulate a production environment where new
data is constantly being added while searches are performed. The queries were structured to retrieve only the
most recent data from documents added in the last 15 minutes.
Each document was stored in a single index named idx, and had the type doc. You can use the following HTTP
request to create the index. The number_of_replicas and number_of_shards settings varied from the values shown
below in many of the tests. Additionally, for the tests that used fielddata rather than doc values, each property was
annotated with the attribute "doc_values" : false.
Important: The index was dropped and recreated prior to each test run.

PUT /idx
"settings" : {
"number_of_replicas": 1,
"refresh_interval": "30s",
"number_of_shards": "5",
"index.translog.durability": "async"
"doc": {
"mappings": {
"event": {
"_all": {
"enabled": false
"_timestamp": {
"enabled": true,
"store": true,
"format": "date_time"
"properties": {
"Organization": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"CustomField1": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"CustomField2": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"index": "not_analyzed"
"CustomField3": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"CustomField4": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"CustomField5": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"DateTimeReceivedUtc": {
"type": "date",
"format": "dateOptionalTime"
"Host": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"HttpMethod": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"HttpReferrer": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"HttpRequest": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"HttpUserAgent": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"HttpVersion": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"OrganizationName": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"SourceIp": {
"type": "ip"
"SourceIpAreaCode": {
"type": "long"
"SourceIpAsnNr": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"SourceIpBase10": {
"type": "long"
"SourceIpCity": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"SourceIpCountryCode": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"SourceIpLatitude": {
"type": "double"
"SourceIpLongitude": {
"type": "double"
"SourceIpMetroCode": {
"type": "long"
"SourceIpPostalCode": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"SourceIpRegion": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"SourceLatLong": {
"type": "geo_point",
"doc_values": true,
"lat_lon": true,
"geohash": true
"SourcePort": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"SourcedFrom": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"TargetIp": {
"type": "ip"
"TargetPort": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"Rating": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"
"UseHumanReadableDateTimes": {
"type": "boolean"

The following queries were performed by the test:

How many documents with each Rating value have been entered in the last 15 minutes?
GET /idx/doc/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"DateTimeReceivedUtc": {
"gte": "now-15m",
"lte": "now"
"must_not": [],
"should": []
"from": 0,
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"2": {
"terms": {
"field": "Rating",
"size": 5,
"order": {
"_count": "desc"

How many documents have been added in each 5 minute interval during the last 15 minutes?
GET /idx/doc/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"DateTimeReceivedUtc": {
"gte": "now-15m",
"lte": "now"
"must_not": [],
"should": []
"from": 0,
"size": 0,
"sort": [],
"aggs": {
"2": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "DateTimeReceivedUtc",
"interval": "5m",
"time_zone": "America/Los_Angeles",
"min_doc_count": 1,
"extended_bounds": {
"min": "now-15m",
"max": "now"

How many documents of each Rating value have been added for each country in the last 15 minutes?
GET /idx/doc/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"range": {
"DateTimeReceivedUtc": {
"gte": "now-15m",
"lte": "now"
"must_not": []
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"2": {
"terms": {
"field": "Rating",
"size": 5,
"order": {
"_count": "desc"
"aggs": {
"3": {
"terms": {
"field": "SourceIpCountryCode",
"size": 15,
"order": {
"_count": "desc"

Which 15 organizations occur most frequently in documents added in the last 15 minutes?
GET /idx/doc/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"range": {
"DateTimeReceivedUtc": {
"gte": "now-15m",
"lte": "now"
"must_not": []
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"2": {
"terms": {
"field": "Organization",
"size": 15,
"order": {
"_count": "desc"

How many different organizations occur in documents added in the last 15 minutes?
GET /idx/doc/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"range": {
"DateTimeReceivedUtc": {
"gte": "now-15m",
"lte": "now"
"must_not": []
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"2": {
"cardinality": {
"field": "Organization"

How many documents have been added in the last 15 minutes?

GET /idx/doc/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query": {
"query_string": {
"analyze_wildcard": true,
"query": "*"
"range": {
"DateTimeReceivedUtc": {
"gte": "now-15m",
"lte": "now"
"must_not": []
"size": 0,
"aggs": {}

How many different SourceIp values occur in documents added in the last 15 minutes?
GET /idx/doc/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"range": {
"DateTimeReceivedUtc": {
"gte": "now-15m",
"lte": "now"
"must_not": []
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"2": {
"cardinality": {
"field": "SourceIp"
Configuring resilience and recovery on Elasticsearch
on Azure
1/17/2017 22 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

A key feature of Elasticsearch is the support that it provides for resiliency in the event of node failures and/or
network partition events. Replication is the most obvious way in which you can improve the resiliency of any
cluster, enabling Elasticsearch to ensure that more than one copy of any data item is available on different nodes
in case one node should become inaccessible. If a node becomes temporarily unavailable, other nodes containing
replicas of data from the missing node can serve the missing data until the problem is resolved. In the event of a
longer term issue, the missing node can be replaced with a new one, and Elasticsearch can restore the data to the
new node from the replicas.
Here we summarize the resiliency and recovery options available with Elasticsearch when hosted in Azure, and
describe some important aspects of an Elasticsearch cluster that you should consider to minimize the chances of
data loss and extended data recovery times.
This article also illustrates some sample tests that were performed to show the effects of different types of failures
on an Elasticsearch cluster, and how the system responds as it recovers.
An Elasticsearch cluster uses replicas to maintain availability and improve read performance. Replicas should be
stored on different VMs from the primary shards that they replicate. The intention is that if the VM hosting a data
node fails or becomes unavailable, the system can continue functioning using the VMs holding the replicas.

Using dedicated master nodes

One node in an Elasticsearch cluster is elected as the master node. The purpose of this node is to perform cluster
management operations such as:
Detecting failed nodes and switching over to replicas.
Relocating shards to balance node workload.
Recovering shards when a node is brought back online.
You should consider using dedicated master nodes in critical clusters, and ensure that there are 3 dedicated nodes
whose only role is to be master. This configuration reduces the amount of resource intensive work that these
nodes have to perform (they do not store data or handle queries) and helps to improve cluster stability. Only one
of these nodes will be elected, but the others will contain a copy of the system state and can take over should the
elected master fail.

Controlling high availability with Azure update domains and fault

Different VMs can share the same physical hardware. In an Azure datacenter, a single rack can host a number of
VMs, and all of these VMs share a common power source and network switch. A single rack-level failure can
therefore impact a number of VMs. Azure uses the concept of fault domains to try and spread this risk. A fault
domain roughly corresponds to a group of VMs that share the same rack. To ensure that a rack-level failure does
not crash a node and the nodes holding all of its replicas simultaneously, you should ensure that the VMs are
distributed across fault domains.
Similarly, VMs can be taken down by the Azure Fabric Controller to perform planned maintenance and operating
system upgrades. Azure allocates VMs to update domains. When a planned maintenance event occurs, only VMs in
a single update domain are effected at any one time. VMs in other update domains are left running until the VMs
in the update domain being updated are brought back online. Therefore, you also need to ensure that VMs hosting
nodes and their replicas belong to different update domains wherever possible.

For more information about fault domains and update domains, see Manage the availability of virtual machines.

You cannot explicitly allocate a VM to a specific update domain and fault domain. This allocation is controlled by
Azure when VMs are created. However, you can specify that VMs should be created as part of an availability set.
VMs in the same availability set will be spread across update domains and fault domains. If you create VMs
manually, Azure creates each availability set with two fault domains and five update domains. VMs are allocated to
these fault domains and update domains, cycling round as further VMs are provisioned, as follows:


1 0 0

2 1 1

3 0 2

4 1 3

5 0 4

6 1 0

7 0 1

If you create VMs using the Azure Resource Manager, each availability set can be allocated up to 3 fault domains and 20
update domains. This is a compelling reason for using the Resource Manager.

In general, place all VMs that serve the same purpose in the same availability set, but create different availability
sets for VMs that perform different functions. With Elasticsearch this means that you should consider creating at
least separate availability sets for:
VMs hosting data nodes.
VMs hosting client nodes (if you are using them).
VMs hosting master nodes.
Additionally, you should ensure that each node in a cluster is aware of the update domain and fault domain it
belongs to. This information can help to ensure that Elasticsearch does not create shards and their replicas in the
same fault and update domains, minimizing the possibility of a shard and its replicas from being taken down at
the same time. You can configure an Elasticsearch node to mirror the hardware distribution of the cluster by
configuring shard allocation awareness. For example, you could define a pair of custom node attributes called
faultDomain and updateDomain in the elasticsearch.yml file, as follows:

node.faultDomain: \${FAULTDOMAIN}
node.updateDomain: \${UPDATEDOMAIN}

In this case, the attributes are set using the values held in the \${FAULTDOMAIN} and \${UPDATEDOMAIN}
environment variables when Elasticsearch is started. You also need to add the following entries to the
Elasticsearch.yml file to indicate that faultDomain and updateDomain are allocation awareness attributes, and
specify the sets of acceptable values for these attributes:

cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.force.updateDomain.values: 0,1,2,3,4
cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.force.faultDomain.values: 0,1
cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.attributes: updateDomain, faultDomain

You can use shard allocation awareness in conjunction with shard allocation filtering to specify explicitly which
nodes can host shards for any given index.
If you need to scale beyond the number of fault domains and update domains in an availability set, you can create
VMs in additional availability sets. However, you need to understand that nodes in different availability sets can be
taken down for maintenance simultaneously. Try to ensure that each shard and at least one of its replicas are
contained within the same availability set.

There is currently a limit of 100 VMs per availability set. For more information, see Azure subscription and service limits,
quotas, and constraints.

Backup and restore

Using replicas does not provide complete protection from catastrophic failure (such as accidentally deleting the
entire cluster). You should ensure that you back up the data in a cluster regularly, and that you have a tried and
tested strategy for restoring the system from these backups.
Use the Elasticsearch snapshot and restore APIs : Elastic doesn't cap these.>> to backup and restore indexes.
Snapshots can be saved to a shared filesystem. Alternatively, plugins are available that can write snapshots to the
Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) (the HDFS plugin) or to Azure storage (the Azure plugin).
Consider the following points when selecting the snapshot storage mechanism:
You can use Azure File storage to implement a shared filesystem that is accessible from all nodes.
Only use the HDFS plugin if you are running Elasticsearch in conjunction with Hadoop.
The HDFS plugin requires you to disable the Java Security Manager running inside the Elasticsearch instance of
the Java virtual machine (JVM).
The HDFS plugin supports any HDFS-compatible file system provided that the correct Hadoop configuration is
used with Elasticsearch.

Handling intermittent connectivity between nodes

Intermittent network glitches, VM reboots after routine maintenance at the datacenter, and other similar events
can cause nodes to become temporarily inaccessible. In these situations, where the event is likely to be short lived,
the overhead of rebalancing the shards occurs twice in quick succession (once when the failure is detected and
again when the node become visible to the master) can become a significant overhead that impacts performance.
You can prevent temporary node inaccessibility from causing the master to rebalance the cluster by setting the
delayed_timeout property of an index, or for all indexes. The example below sets the delay to 5 minutes:
PUT /_all/settings
"settings": {
"index.unassigned.node_left.delayed_timeout": "5m"

For more information, see Delaying allocation when a node leaves.

In a network that is prone to interruptions, you can also modify the parameters that configure a master to detect
when another node is no longer accessible. These parameters are part of the zen discovery module provided with
Elasticsearch, and you can set them in the Elasticsearch.yml file. For example, the discovery.zen.fd.ping.retries
parameter specifies how many times a master node will attempt to ping another node in the cluster before
deciding that it has failed. This parameter defaults to 3, but you can modify it as follows:

discovery.zen.fd.ping_retries: 6

Controlling recovery
When connectivity to a node is restored after a failure, any shards on that node will need to be recovered to bring
them up to date. By default, Elasticsearch recovers shards in the following order:
By reverse index creation date. Newer indexes are recovered before older indexes.
By reverse index name. Indexes that have names that are alphanumerically greater than others will be restored
If some indexes are more critical than others, but do not match these criteria you can override the precedence of
indexes by setting the index.priority property. Indexes with a higher value for this property will be recovered
before indexes that have a lower value:

PUT low_priority_index
"settings": {
"index.priority": 1

PUT high_priority_index
"settings": {
"index.priority": 10

For more information, see Index Recovery Prioritization.

You can monitor the recovery process for one or more indexes using the _recovery API:

GET /high_priority_index/_recovery?pretty=true

For more information, see Indices Recovery.

A cluster with shards that require recovery will have a status of yellow to indicate that not all shards are currently available.
When all the shards are available, the cluster status should revert to green. A cluster with a status of red indicates that one
or more shards are physically missing, it may be necessary to restore data from a backup.

Preventing split brain

A split brain can occur if the connections between nodes fail. If a master node becomes unreachable to part of the
cluster, an election will take place in the network segment that remains contactable and another node will become
the master. In an ill-configured cluster, it is possible for each part of the cluster to have different masters resulting
in data inconsistencies or corruption. This phenomenon is known as a split brain.
You can reduce the chances of a split brain by configuring the minimum_master_nodes property of the discovery
module, in the elasticsearch.yml file. This property specifies how many nodes must be available to enable the
election of a master. The following example sets the value of this property to 2:

discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2

This value should be set to the lowest majority of the number of nodes that are able to fulfil the master role. For
example, if your cluster has 3 master nodes, minimum_master_nodes should be set to 2. If you have 5 master
nodes, minimum_master_nodes should be set to 3. Ideally, you should have an odd number of master nodes.

It is possible for a split brain to occur if multiple master nodes in the same cluster are started simultaneously. While this
occurrence is rare, you can prevent it by starting nodes serially with a short delay (5 seconds) between each one.

Handling rolling updates

If you are performing a software upgrade to nodes yourself (such as migrating to a newer release or performing a
patch), you may need to perform work on individual nodes that requires taking them offline while keeping the
remainder of the cluster available. In this situation, consider implementing the following process.
1. Ensure that shard reallocation is delayed sufficiently to prevent the elected master from rebalancing shards
from a missing node across the remainder of the cluster. By default, shard reallocation is delayed for 1
minute, but you can increase the duration if a node is likely to be unavailable for a longer period. The
following example increases the delay to 5 minutes:

PUT /_all/_settings
"settings": {
"index.unassigned.node_left.delayed_timeout": "5m"

You can also disable shard reallocation completely by setting the cluster.routing.allocation.enable of the cluster to
none. However, you should avoid using this approach if new indexes are likely to be created while the node is offline
as this can cause index allocation to fail resulting in a cluster with red status.
2. Stop Elasticsearch on the node to be maintained. If Elasticsearch is running as a service, you may be able to
halt the process in a controlled manner by using an operating system command. The following example
shows how to halt the Elasticsearch service on a single node running on Ubuntu:

service elasticsearch stop

Alternatively, you can use the Shutdown API directly on the node:

POST /_cluster/nodes/_local/_shutdown

3. Perform the necessary maintenance on the node

4. Restart the node and wait for it to join the cluster.
5. Re-enable shard allocation:

PUT /_cluster/settings
"transient": {
"cluster.routing.allocation.enable": "all"

If you need to maintain more than one node, repeat steps 24 on each node before re-enabling shard allocation.

If you can, stop indexing new data during this process. This will help to minimize recovery time when nodes are
brought back online and rejoin the cluster.
Beware of automated updates to items such as the JVM (ideally, disable automatic updates for these items),
especially when running Elasticsearch under Windows. The Java update agent can download the most recent
version of Java automatically, but may require Elasticsearch to be restarted for the update to take effect. This can
result in uncoordinated temporary loss of nodes, depending on how the Java Update agent is configured. This can
also result in different instances of Elasticsearch in the same cluster running different versions of the JVM which
may cause compatibility issues.

Testing and analyzing Elasticsearch resilience and recovery

This section describes a series of tests that were performed to evaluate the resilience and recovery of an
Elasticsearch cluster containing three data nodes and three master nodes.
The following scenarios were tested:
Node failure and restart with no data loss. A data node is stopped and restarted after 5 minutes. Elasticsearch
was configured not to reallocate missing shards in this interval, so no additional I/O is incurred in moving
shards around. When the node restarts, the recovery process brings the shards on that node back up to date.
Node failure with catastrophic data loss. A data node is stopped and the data that it holds is erased to simulate
catastrophic disk failure. The node is then restarted (after 5 minutes), effectively acting as a replacement for the
original node. The recovery process requires rebuilding the missing data for this node, and may involve
relocating shards held on other nodes.
Node failure and restart with no data loss, but with shard reallocation. A data node is stopped and the shards
that it holds are reallocated to other nodes. The node is then restarted and more reallocation occurs to
rebalance the cluster.
Rolling updates. Each node in the cluster is stopped and restarted after a short interval to simulate machines
being rebooted after a software update. Only one node is stopped at any one time. Shards are not reallocated
while a node is down.
Each scenario was subject to the same workload including a mixture of data ingestion tasks, aggregations, and
filter queries while nodes were taken offline and recovered. The bulk insert operations in the workload each stored
1000 documents and were performed against one index while the aggregations and filter queries used a separate
index containing several millions documents. This was to enable the performance of queries to be assessed
separately from the bulk inserts. Each index contained five shards and one replica.
The following sections summarize the results of these tests, noting any degradation in performance while a node
is offline or being recovered, and any errors that were reported. The results are presented graphically, highlighting
the points at which one or more nodes are missing and estimating the time taken for the system to fully recover
and achieve a similar level of performance that was present prior to the nodes being taken offline.

The test harnesses used to perform these tests are available online. You can adapt and use these harnesses to verify the
resilience and recoverability of your own cluster configurations. For more information, see Running the automated
Elasticsearch resiliency tests.

Node failure and restart with no data loss: results

The results of this test are shown in the file ElasticsearchRecoveryScenario1.pdf. The graphs show performance
profile of the workload and physical resources for each node in the cluster. The initial part of the graphs show the
system running normally for approximately 20 minutes, at which point node 0 is shut down for 5 minutes before
being restarted. The statistics for a further 20 minutes are illustrated; the system takes approximately 10 minutes
to recover and stabilize. This is illustrated by the transaction rates and response times for the different workloads.
Note the following points:
During the test, no errors were reported. No data was lost, and all operations completed successfully.
The transaction rates for all three types of operation (bulk insert, aggregate query, and filter query) dropped
and the average response times increased while node 0 was offline.
During the recovery period, the transaction rates and response times for the aggregate query and filter query
operations were gradually restored. The performance for bulk insert recovered for a short while before
diminishing. However, this is likely due to the volume of data causing the index used by the bulk insert to grow,
and the transaction rates for this operation can be seen to slow down even before node 0 is taken offline.
The CPU utilization graph for node 0 shows reduced activity during the recovery phase, this is due to the
increased disk and network activity caused by the recovery mechanism, the node has to catch up with any data
it has missed while it is offline and update the shards that it contains.
The shards for the indexes are not distributed exactly equally across all nodes. There are two indexes containing
5 shards and 1 replica each, making a total of 20 shards. Two nodes will therefore contain 6 shards while the
other two hold 7 each. This is evident in the CPU utilization graphs during the initial 20-minute period, node 0
is less busy than the other two. After recovery is complete, some switching seems to occur as node 2 appears to
become the more lightly loaded node.

Node failure with catastrophic data loss: results

The results of this test are depicted in the file ElasticsearchRecoveryScenario2.pdf. As with the first test, the initial
part of the graphs shows the system running normally for approximately 20 minutes, at which point node 0 is shut
down for 5 minutes. During this interval, the Elasticsearch data on this node is removed, simulating catastrophic
data loss, before being restarted. Full recovery appears to take 12-15 minutes before the levels of performance
seen before the test are restored.
Note the following points:
During the test, no errors were reported. No data was lost, and all operations completed successfully.
The transaction rates for all three types of operation (bulk insert, aggregate query, and filter query) dropped
and the average response times increased while node 0 was offline. At this point, the performance profile of the
test is similar to the first scenario. This is not surprising as, to this point, the scenarios are the same.
During the recovery period, the transaction rates and response times were restored, although during this time
there was a lot more volatility in the figures. This is most probably due to the additional work that the nodes in
the cluster are performing, providing the data to restore the missing shards. This additional work is evident in
the CPU utilization, disk activity, and network activity graphs.
The CPU utilization graph for nodes 0 and 1 shows reduced activity during the recovery phase, this is due to the
increased disk and network activity caused by the recovery process. In the first scenario, only the node being
recovered exhibited this behavior, but in this scenario it seems likely that most of the missing data for node 0 is
being restored from node 1.
The I/O activity for node 0 is actually reduced compared to the first scenario. This could be due to the I/O
efficiencies of simply copying the data for an entire shard rather than the series of smaller I/O requests
required to bring an existing shard up to date.
The network activity for all three nodes indicate bursts of activity as data is transmitted and received between
nodes. In scenario 1, only node 0 exhibited as much network activity, but this activity seemed to be sustained
for a longer period. Again, this difference could be due to the efficiencies of transmitting the entire data for a
shard as a single request rather than the series of smaller requests received when recovering a shard.

Node failure and restart with shard reallocation: results

The file ElasticsearchRecoveryScenario3.pdf illustrates the results of this test. As with the first test, the initial part of
the graphs show the system running normally for approximately 20 minutes, at which point node 0 is shut down
for 5 minutes. At this point, the Elasticsearch cluster attempts to recreate the missing shards and rebalance the
shards across the remaining nodes. After 5 minutes node 0 is brought back online, and once again the cluster has
to rebalance the shards. Performance is restored after 12-15 minutes.
Note the following points:
During the test, no errors were reported. No data was lost, and all operations completed successfully.
The transaction rates for all three types of operation (bulk insert, aggregate query, and filter query) dropped
and the average response times increased significantly while node 0 was offline compared to the previous two
tests. This is due to the increased cluster activity recreating the missing shards and rebalancing the cluster as
evidenced by the raised figures for disk and network activity for nodes 1 and 2 in this period.
During the period after node 0 is brought back online, the transaction rates and response times remain volatile.
The CPU utilization and disk activity graphs for node 0 shows very reduced initial action during the recovery
phase. This is because at this point, node 0 is not serving any data. After a period of approximately 5 minutes,
the node bursts into action <RBC: This made me snort out loud. I'm not coming up with a better way to say this
though. >> as shown by the sudden increase in network, disk, and CPU activity. This is most likely caused by
the cluster redistributing shards across nodes. Node 0 then shows normal activity.

Rolling updates: results

The results of this test, in the file ElasticsearchRecoveryScenario4.pdf, show how each node is taken offline and
then brought back up again in succession. Each node is shut down for 5 minutes before being restarted at which
point the next node in sequence is stopped.
Note the following points:
While each node is cycled, the performance in terms of throughput and response times remains reasonably
Disk activity increases for each node for a short time as it is brought back online. This is most probably due to
the recovery process rolling forward any changes that have occurred while the node was down.
When a node is taken offline, spikes in network activity occur in the remaining nodes. Spikes also occur when a
node is restarted.
After the final node is recycled, the system enters a period of significant volatility. This is most likely caused by
the recovery process having to synchronize changes across every node and ensure that all replicas and their
corresponding shards are consistent. At one point, this effort causes successive bulk insert operations to
timeout and fail. The errors reported each case were:

Failure -- BulkDataInsertTest17(org.apache.jmeter.protocol.java.sampler.JUnitSampler$AnnotatedTestCase):
java.lang.AssertionError: failure in bulk execution:
[1]: index [systwo], type [logs], id [AVEg0JwjRKxX_sVoNrte], message [UnavailableShardsException[[systwo][2]
Primary shard is not active or isn't assigned to a known node. Timeout: [1m], request:

Subsequent experimentation showed that introducing a delay of a few minutes between cycling each node
eliminated this error, so it was most likely caused by contention between the recovery process attempting to
restore several nodes simultaneously and the bulk insert operations trying to store thousands of new documents.

The tests performed indicated that:
Elasticsearch was highly resilient to the most common modes of failure likely to occur in a cluster.
Elasticsearch can recover quickly if a well-designed cluster is subject to catastrophic data loss on a node. This
can happen if you configure Elasticsearch to save data to ephemeral storage and the node is subsequently
reprovisioned after a restart. These results show that even in this case, the risks of using ephemeral storage are
most likely outweighed by the performance benefits that this class of storage provides.
In the first three scenarios, no errors occurred in concurrent bulk insert, aggregation, and filter query workloads
while a node was taken offline and recovered.
Only the last scenario indicated potential data loss, and this loss only affected new data being added. It is good
practice in applications performing data ingestion to mitigate this likelihood by retrying insert operations that
have failed as the type of error reported is highly likely to be transient.
The results of the last test also show that if you are performing planned maintenance of the nodes in a cluster,
performance will benefit if you allow several minutes between cycling one node and the next. In an unplanned
situation (such as the datacenter recycling nodes after performing an operating system update), you have less
control over how and when nodes are taken down and restarted. The contention that arises when Elasticsearch
attempts to recover the state of the cluster after sequential node outages can result in timeouts and errors.
Creating a performance testing environment for
Elasticsearch on Azure
1/17/2017 14 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

This document describes how to set up an environment for testing the performance of an Elasticsearch cluster.
This configuration was used to test the performance of data ingestion and query workloads, as described in
Tuning data ingestion performance for Elasticsearch on Azure.
The performance testing process used Apache JMeter, with the standard set of plugins installed in a
master/subordinate configuration using a set of dedicated VMs (not part of the Elasticsearch cluster) specifically
configured for the purpose.
The PerfMon Server Agent was installed on each Elasticsearch node. The following sections provide instructions
for recreating the test environment to enable you to conduct your own performance testing with JMeter. These
instructions assume that you have already created an Elasticsearch cluster with nodes connected using an Azure
virtual network.
Note that the test environment also runs as a set of Azure VMs managed by using a single Azure resource group.
Marvel was also installed and configured to enable the internal aspects of the Elasticsearch cluster to be
monitored and analyzed more easily. If the JMeter statistics showed a peak or trough in performance, information
available through Marvel can be invaluable to help determine the cause of the fluctuations.
The following image shows the structure of the entire system.
Note the following points:
The JMeter master VM runs Windows Server to provide the GUI environment for the JMeter console. The
JMeter Master VM provides the GUI (the jmeter application) to enable a tester to create tests, run tests, and
visualize the results. This VM coordinates with the JMeter server VMs that actually send the requests that
constitute the tests.
The JMeter subordinate VMs run Ubuntu Server (Linux), there is no GUI requirement for these VMs. The
JMeter server VMs run the JMeter server software (the jmeter-server application) to send requests to the
Elasticsearch cluster.
Dedicated client nodes were not used, although dedicated master nodes were.
The number of data nodes in the cluster can vary, depending on the scenario being tested.
All nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster run Marvel to observe performance at runtime, and the JMeter Server
Agent to collect monitoring data for later analysis.
When testing Elasticsearch 2.0.0 and later, one of the data nodes also runs Kibana. This is required by the
version of Marvel that runs on Elasticsearch 2.0.0 and later.

Creating an Azure resource group for the virtual machines

The JMeter master needs to be able to connect directly to each of the nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster to gather
performance data. If the JMeter VNet is distinct from the Elasticsearch cluster VNet, then this entails configuring
each Elasticsearch node with a public IP address. If this is a problem with your Elasticsearch configuration, then
consider implementing the JMeter VMs in the same VNet as the Elasticsearch cluster by using the same resource
group, in which case you can omit this first procedure.
First, create a resource group. This document assumes that your resource group is named
JMeterPerformanceTest. If you wish to run the JMeter VMs in the same VNet as the Elasticsearch cluster, use the
same resource group as that cluster instead of creating a new one.

Creating the JMeter master virtual machine

Next create a Windows VM using the Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 image. We recommend selecting a VM size
with sufficient cores and memory to run the performance tests. Ideally this will be a machine with at least 2 cores
and 3.5GB of RAM (A2 Standard or bigger).
We recommend that you disable the diagnostics. When creating the VM in the portal, this is done on the Settings
blade in the Monitoring section under Diagnostics. Leave the other settings at their default values.
Verify that the VM and all the associated resources have been created successfully by examining the resource
group in the portal. The resources listed should consist of a VM, a network security group, and a public IP address
all with the same name, and network interface and storage account with names based on that of the VM.

Creating the JMeter subordinate virtual machines

Now create a Linux VM using the Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS image. As with the JMeter master VM, select a VM size
with sufficient cores and memory to run the performance tests. Ideally this will be a machine with at least 2 cores,
and at least 3.5GB of RAM (Standard A2 or bigger).
Again, we recommend that you disable the diagnostics.
You can create as many subordinate VMs as you wish.

Installing JMeter server on the JMeter subordinate VMs

The JMeter subordinate VMs are running Linux and by default you cannot connect to them by opening a remote
desktop connection (RDP). Instead, you can use PuTTY to open a command line window on each VM.
Once you've connected to one of the subordinate VMs, we'll use Bash to setup JMeter.
First, install the Java Runtime Environment required to run JMeter.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

Now, download the JMeter software packaged as a zip file.

wget http://apache.mirror.anlx.net/jmeter/binaries/apache-jmeter-2.13.zip

Install the unzip command, then use it to expand the JMeter software. The software is copied to a folder named

sudo apt-get install unzip

unzip apache-jmeter-2.13.zip

Change to the bin directory holding the JMeter executables, and make the jmeter-server and jmeter programs

cd apache-jmeter-2.13/bin
chmod u+x jmeter-server
chmod u+x jmeter

Now, we need to edit the file jmeter.properties located in the current folder (use the text editor you're most
familiar with, such as vi or vim). Locate the following lines:


Uncomment (remove the leading ## characters) and modify these lines as shown below, then save the file and
close the editor:


Now, run the following commands to open port 4441 to incoming TCP traffic (this is the port you have just
configured jmeter-server to listen on):

sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 4441 -j ACCEPT

Download the zip file containing the standard collection of plugins for JMeter (these plugins provide performance
monitoring counters) and then unzip the file to the apache-jmeter-2.13 folder. Unzipping the file in this location
places the plugins in the correct folder.
If you are prompted to replace the LICENSE file, type A (for all):

wget http://jmeter-plugins.org/downloads/file/JMeterPlugins-Standard-1.3.0.zip
unzip JMeterPlugins-Standard-1.3.0.zip
Use nohup to launch the JMeter server in the background. It should respond by displaying a process ID and a
message indicating that it has created a remote object and is ready to start receiving commands. Run the
following command in the ~/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin directory.

nohup jmeter-server &

If the VM is shutdown then the JMeter server program is terminated. You will need to connect to the VM and restart it
again manually. Alternatively, you can configure the system to run the jmeter-server command automatically on startup by
adding the following commands to the /etc/rc.local file (before the exit 0 command):

sudo -u <username> bash << eoc

cd /home/<username>/apache-jmeter-2.13/bin
nohup ./jmeter-server &

Replace <username> with your login name.

You may find it useful to keep the terminal window open so that you can monitor the progress of the JMeter
server while testing is in progress.
You will need to repeat these steps for each JMeter subordinate VM.

Installing the JMeter Server Agent on the Elasticsearch nodes

This procedure assumes that you have login access to the Elasticsearch nodes. If you have created the cluster
using the Resource Manager template, you can connect to each node through the jump box VM, as illustrated in
the Elasticsearch topology section of Running Elasticsearch on Azure. You can connect to the jump box using
PuTTY as well.
From there, you can use the ssh command to log in to each of the nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster.
Log in to one of the Elasticsearch nodes as an administrator. At the Bash command prompt, enter the following
commands to create a folder for holding the JMeter Server Agent and move to that folder:

mkdir server-agent
cd server-agent

Run the following commands to install the unzip command (if it is not already installed), download the JMeter
Server Agent software, and unzip it:

sudo apt-get install unzip

wget http://jmeter-plugins.org/downloads/file/ServerAgent-2.2.1.zip
unzip ServerAgent-2.2.1.zip

Run the following command to configure the firewall and enable TCP traffic to pass through port 4444 (this is the
port used by the JMeter Server Agent):

sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 4444 -j ACCEPT

Run the following command to start the JMeter Server Agent in the background:
nohup ./startAgent.sh &

The JMeter Server Agent should respond with messages indicating that it has started and is listening on port
4444. Press Enter to obtain a command prompt, and then run the following command.

telnet <nodename> 4444

Replace <nodename> with the name of your node. (You can find the name of your node by running the hostname
command.) This command opens a telnet connection to port 4444 on your local machine. You can use this
connection to verify that the JMeter Server Agent is running correctly.
If the JMeter Server Agent is not running, you will receive the response
*telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused*.

If the JMeter Server Agent is running and port 4444 has been configured correctly, you should see the following

The telnet session does not provide any sort of prompt once it has connected.

In the telnet session, type the following command:


If the JMeter Server Agent is configured and listening correctly, it should indicate that it received the command
and respond with the message Yep.

You can type in other commands to obtain performance monitoring data. For example, the command
metric-single:cpu:idle will give you the current proportion of the time that the CPU is idle (this is a snapshot). For a
complete list of commands, visit the PerfMon Server Agent page. : Back to calling it he Perfmon Server Agent.>>

In the telnet session, type the following command to quit the session and return to the Bash command prompt:


As with the JMeter subordinate VMs, if you log out, or if this machine is shutdown and restarted then the JMeter Server
Agent will need to be restarted manually by using the startAgent.sh command. If you want the JMeter Server Agent to
start automatically, add the following command to the end of the /etc/rc.local file, before the exit 0 command. Replace
<username> with your login name:
sudo -u <username> bash << eoc
cd /home/<username>/server-agent
nohup ./startAgent.sh &

You can now either repeat this entire process for every other node in the Elasticsearch cluster, or you can use the
scp command to copy the server-agent folder and contents to every other node and use the ssh command
start the JMeter Server Agent as shown below. e Replace <username> with your username, and <nodename> with
the name of the node where you wish to copy and run the software (you may be asked to provide your password
as you run each command):

scp -r \~/server-agent <username>@<nodename>:\~

ssh <nodename> sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 4444 -j ACCEPT
ssh <nodename> -n -f 'nohup \~/server-agent/startAgent.sh'

Installing and configuring JMeter on the JMeter master VM

In the Azure portal, click Resource groups. In the Resource groups blade, click the resource group containing
the JMeter master and subordinate VMs. In the Resource group blade, click the JMeter master VM. In the
virtual machine blade, on the toolbar, click Connect. Open the RDP file when prompted by the web browser.
Windows creates a remote desktop connection to your VM. Enter the username and password for the VM when
In the VM, using Internet Explorer, go to the Download Java for Windows page. Follow the instructions to
download and run the Java installer.
In the web browser, go to the Download Apache JMeter page and download the zip containing the most recent
binary. Save the zip in a convenient location on your VM.
Go to the Custom JMeter Plugins site and download the Standard Set of plugins. Save the zip in the same folder
as the JMeter download from the previous step.
In Windows Explorer, go to the folder containing the apache-jmeter-xxx zip file, where xxx is the current version of
JMeter. Extract the files into the current folder.
Extract the files in the JMeterPlugins-Standard-yyy.zip file, where yyy is the current version of the plugins, into the
apache-jmeter-xxx folder. This will add the plugins to the correct folder for JMeter. You can safely merge the lib
folders, and overwrite the license and readme files if prompted.
Go to the apache-jmeter-xxx/bin folder and edit the jmeter.properties file using Notepad. In the
jmeter.properties file, find the section labelled Remote hosts and RMI configuration. In this section of the file,
find the following line:


Change this line and replace the IP address with a comma separated list of IP addresses or host names
for each of the JMeter subordinate servers. For example:


Find the following line, then remove the # character at the start of this line, and modify the value of the
client.rmi.localport settings from:



Save the file and close Notepad.

In the Windows toolbar, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Windows Firewall with
Advanced Security. In the Windows Firewall with Advanced Security window, in the left pane, right-click
Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule.
In the New Inbound Rule Wizard, on the Rule Type page, select Port, and then click Next. On the Protocols
and Ports page, select TCP, select Specific local ports, in the text box type 4440-4444 , and then click Next. On
the Action page, select Allow the connection, and then click Next. On the Profile page, leave all options checked
and then click Next. On the Name page, in the Name text box type JMeter, and then click Finish. Close the
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security window.
In Windows Explorer, in the apache-jmeter-xx/bin folder, double-click the jmeter Windows batch file to start the
GUI. The user interface should appear:

In the menu bar, click Run, click Remote Start, and verify that the two JMeter subordinate machines are listed:
You are now ready to begin performance testing.

Installing and configuring Marvel

The Elasticsearch Quickstart Template for Azure will install and configure the appropriate version of Marvel
automatically if you set the MARVEL and KIBANA parameters to true ("yes") when building the cluster:
If you are adding Marvel to an existing cluster you need to perform the installation manually, and the process is
different depending on whether you are using Elasticsearch version 1.7.x or 2.x, as described in the following
Installing Marvel with Elasticsearch 1.73 or earlier
If you are using Elasticsearch 1.7.3 or earlier, perform the following steps on every node in the cluster:
Log in to the node and move to the Elasticsearch home directory. On Linux, the typical home directory is
/usr/share/elasticsearch .
Run the following command to download and install the Marvel plugin for Elasticsearch:

sudo bin/plugin -i elasticsearch/marvel/latest

Stop and restart Elasticsearch on the node:

sudo service elasticsearch restart

To verify that Marvel was installed correctly, open a web browser and go to the URL
http://<server>:9200/_plugin/marvel . Replace <server> with the name or IP address of any Elasticsearch
server in the cluster. Verify that a page similar to that shown below appears:

Installing Marvel with Elasticsearch 2.0.0 or later

If you are using Elasticsearch 2.0.0 or later, perform the following tasks on every node in the cluster:
Log in to the node and move to the Elasticsearch home directory (typically /usr/share/elasticsearch ) Run the
following commands to download and install the Marvel plugin for Elasticsearch:

sudo bin/plugin install license

sudo bin/plugin install marvel-agent

Stop and restart Elasticsearch on the node:

sudo service elasticsearch restart

In the following procedure, replace <kibana-version> with 4.2.2 if you are using Elasticsearch 2.0.0 or
Elasticsearch 2.0.1, or with 4.3.1 if you are using Elasticsearch 2.1.0 or later. Replace <marvel-version> with 2.0.0 if
you are using Elasticsearch 2.0.0 or Elasticsearch 2.0.1, or with 2.1.0 if you are using Elasticsearch 2.1.0 or later.
Perform the following tasks on one node in the cluster:
Log in to the node and download the appropriate build of Kibana for your version of Elasticsearch from the
Elasticsearch download web site, then extract the package:

wget https://download.elastic.co/kibana/kibana/kibana-<kibana-version>-linux-x64.tar.gz
tar xvzf kibana-<kibana-version>-linux-x64.tar.gz

Open port 5601 to accept incoming requests:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -m tcp -p tcp --dport 5601 -j ACCEPT

Move to the Kibana config folder ( kibana-<kibana-version>-linux-x64/config ), edit the kibana.yml file, and add
the following line. Replace <server> with the name or IP address of an Elasticsearch server in the cluster:

elasticsearch.url: "http://<server>:9200"

Move to the Kibana bin folder ( kibana-<kibana-version>-linux-x64/bin ), and run the following command to
integrate the Marvel plugin into Kibana:

sudo ./kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/<marvel-version>

Start Kibana:

sudo nohup ./kibana &

To verify the Marvel installation, open a web browser and go to the URL http://<server>:5601/app/marvel .
Replace <server> with the name or IP address of the server running Kibana.
Verify that a page similar to that shown below appears (the name of your cluster will likely vary from that shown
in the image).

Click the link that corresponds to your cluster (elasticsearch210 in the image above). A page similar to that shown
below should appear:
Implementing a JMeter test plan for Elasticsearch
1/17/2017 4 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

The performance tests conducted against Elasticsearch were implemented using JMeter test plans together with
Java code incorporated as a JUnit test for performing tasks such as uploading data into the cluster. The test plans
and JUnit code are described in Tuning data ingestion performance for Elasticsearch on Azure, and Tuning data
aggregation and query performance for Elasticsearch on Azure.
The purpose of this document is to summarize the key experience gained from constructing and running these test
plans. The JMeter Best Practices page on the Apache JMeter website contains more generalized advice on using
JMeter effectively.

Implementing a JMeter test plan

The following list summarizes the items you should consider when creating a JMeter test plan:
Create a separate thread group for each test you wish to perform. A test can contain multiple steps, including
logic controllers, timers, pre- and post-processors, samplers, and listeners.
Avoid creating too many threads in a thread group. An excessive number of threads will cause JMeter to fail
with "Out of memory" exceptions. It is better to add more JMeter subordinate servers each running a smaller
number of threads than attempt to run a large number of threads on a single JMeter server.

To assess the performance of the cluster, incorporate the Perfmon Metrics Collector plugin into the test plan.
This is a JMeter listener that is available as one of the standard JMeter plugins. Save the raw performance data
to a set of files in comma-separated values (CSV) format and process them when the test is complete. This is
more efficient and imposes less strain on JMeter than attempting to process the data as it is captured.
You can use a tool such Excel to import the data and generate a range of graphs for analytical purposes.
Consider capturing the following information:
CPU utilization for every node in the Elasticsearch cluster.
The number of bytes read per second from disk for every node.
If possible, the percentage of CPU time spent waiting for I/O to be performed on each node. This is not always
possible for Windows VMs, but for Linux you can create a custom metric (an EXEC metric) that runs the
following shell command to invoke vmstat on a node:

sh:-c:vmstat 1 5 | awk 'BEGIN { line=0;total=0;}{line=line+1;if(line&gt;1){total=total+\$16;}}END{print


Field 16 in the output from vmstat contains the CPU time spent waiting for I/O. For more information about how
this statement works, see the vmstat command.
The number of bytes sent and received across the network to each node.
Use separate Aggregate Report listeners to record the performance and frequency of successful and failed
operations. Capture success and failure data to different files.

Keep each JMeter test case as simple as possible to enable you to directly correlate performance with specific
test actions. For test cases that require complex logic, consider encapsulating this logic in a JUnit test and use the
JUnit Request sampler in JMeter to run the test.
Use the HTTP Request sampler to perform HTTP operations, such as GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE. For example,
you can run Elasticsearch searches by using a POST query and providing the query details in the Body Data box:

For ease of repeatability and reuse, parameterize test JMeter test plans. You can then use scripting to automate
the running of test plans.

Implementing a JUnit test

You can incorporate complex code into a JMeter test plan by creating one or more JUnit tests. You can write a JUnit
test by using a Java integrated development environment (IDE) such as Eclipse. Deploying a JMeter JUnit sampler
for testing Elasticsearch performance provides information on how to set up an appropriate development
The following list summarizes some best practices you should follow when writing the code for a JUnit test:
Use the test class constructor to pass initialization parameters into the test. JMeter can use a constructor that
takes a single string argument. In the constructor, parse this argument into its individual elements, as shown by
the following code example:
private String hostName = "";
private String indexName = "";
private String typeName = "";
private int port = 0;
private String clusterName = "";
private int itemsPerBatch = 0;

/\* JUnit test class constructor \*/

public ElasticsearchLoadTest2(String params) {
/* params is a string containing a set of comma separated values for:

/* Parse the parameter string into an array of string items */

String delims = "\[ \]\*,\[ \]\*"; // comma surrounded by zero or more spaces
String\[\] items = params.split(delims);

/* Note: Parameter validation code omitted */

/* Use the parameters to populate variables used by the test */

hostName = items[0];
indexName = items[1];
typeName = items[2];
port = Integer.parseInt(items[3]);
clusterName = items[4];
itemsPerBatch = Integer.parseInt(items[5]);

if(itemsPerBatch == 0)
itemsPerBatch = 1000;

Avoid I/O operations or other time-consuming operations in the constructor or setup test class, because they
execute each time the JUnit test runs. (The same JUnit test can run many thousands of times for each
performance test executed from JMeter.)
Consider using one-time setup for expensive test case initialization.
If the test requires a large number of input parameters, store test configuration information in a separate
configuration file and pass the location of this file into the constructor.
Avoid hard coding file paths in the load test code. These can cause failures due to differences between operating
systems such as Windows and Linux.
Use assertions to indicate failures in JUnit test methods so that you can track them with JMeter and use them as
a business metrics. If possible, pass back information concerning the cause of the failure, as shown in bold in the
following code example:

public void bulkInsertTest() throws IOException {
BulkResponse bulkResponse = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet();
bulkResponse.buildFailureMessage(), bulkResponse.hasFailures());
Deploying a JMeter JUnit sampler for testing
Elasticsearch performance
1/17/2017 7 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

This document describes how to create and use a JUnit sampler that can generate and upload data to an
Elasticsearch cluster as part of a JMeter test plan. This approach provides a highly flexible approach to load testing
that can generate large quantities of test data without depending on external data files.

The load tests used to assess the performance of data ingestion described in Tuning data ingestion performance for
Elasticsearch were constructed using this approach. The details of the JUnit code are described in that document.

For testing data ingestion performance, the JUnit code was developing using Eclipse (Mars), and dependencies
were resolved using Maven. The following procedures describe the step by step process for installing Eclipse,
configuring Maven, creating a JUnit test, and deploying this test as a JUnit Request sampler in a JMeter test.

For detailed information on the structure and configuration of the test environment, see Creating a performance testing
environment for Elasticsearch on Azure.

Installing prerequisites
You will need the Java Runtime Environment on your development machine. You will also need to install the
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

If you are using the JMeter master VM described in Creating a performance testing environment for Elasticsearch on Azure
as your development environment, download the Windows 32 Bit version of the Eclipse Installer.

Creating a JUnit test project for load testing Elasticsearch

Start the Eclipse IDE if it is not already running, and then close the Welcome page. On the File menu, click, and
then click Java Project.
In the New Java Project window, enter a project name, select Use default JRE, and then click Finish.

In the Package Explorer window, expand the node named after your project. Verify that it contains a folder
named src and a reference to the JRE you specified.
Right-click the src folder, click New, and then click JUnit Test Case.
In the New JUnit Test Case window, select New Junit 4 test, enter a name for the package (this can be the same
as the name of the project, although by convention it should start with a lower case letter), a name for the test
class, and select the options that generate the method stubs required for your test. Leave the Class under test box
empty, and then click Finish.
If the following New JUnit Test Case dialog box appears, select the option to add the JUnit 4 library to the build
path and then click OK.

Verify that the skeleton code for the JUnit test is generated and displayed in the Java editor window.
In the Package Explorer, right-click the node for your project, click Configure, and then click Convert to Maven

Using Maven enables you to more easily manage external dependencies (such as the Elasticsearch Java client libraries) a
project depends on.
In the Create new POM dialog box, in the Packaging drop-down list, select jar, and then click Finish.

The pane that appears below the project object model (POM) editor might display the warning "Build path
specifies execution environment J2SE-1.5. There are no JREs installed in the workspace that are strictly compatible
with this environment", depending on which version of Java is installed on your development machine. If you have
a version of Java that is later than version 1.5 you can safely ignore this warning.
In the POM editor, expand Properties and then click Create.

In the Add Property dialog box, in the Name box type es.version, in the Value box type 1.7.2, and then click OK.
This is the version of the Elasticsearch Java client library to use (this version may be superseded in the future, and
defining the version as a POM property and referencing this property elsewhere within the project enables the
version to be changed quickly.)
Click the Dependencies tab at the base of the POM editor, and then click Add next to the Dependencies list.

In the Select Dependency dialog box, in the Group Id box type org.elasticsearch, in the Artifact Id box type
elasticsearch, in the Version box type \${es.version}, and then click OK. Information about the Java Elasticsearch
client library is held in the online Maven Central repository, and this configuration will automatically download the
library and its dependencies when the project is built.
On File menu, click Save All. This action will save and build the project, downloading the dependencies specified
by Maven. Verify that the Maven Dependencies folder appears in Package Explorer. Expand this folder to view the
jar files downloaded to support the Elasticsearch Java client library.

Importing an existing JUnit test project into Eclipse

This procedure assumes that you have downloaded a Maven project that was previously created by using Eclipse.
Start the Eclipse IDE. On the File menu, click Import.
In the Select window, expand the Maven folder, click Existing Maven Projects, and then click Next.

In the Maven Projects window, specify the folder holding the project (the folder containing the pom.xml file), click
Select All, and then click Finish.
In the Package Explorer window, expand the node corresponding to your project. Verify that the project contains
a folder named src. This folder contains the source code for the JUnit test. The project can be compiled and
deployed following the instructions below.

Deploying a JUnit test to JMeter

This procedure assumes you have created a project named LoadTest containing a JUnit Test class named
BulkLoadTest.java that accepts configuration parameters passed in as a single string to a constructor (this is the
mechanism that JMeter expects).
In the Eclipse IDE, in Package Explorer, right-click the project node, and then click Export.

In the Export Wizard, on the Select page, expand the Java node, click JAR file, and then click Next.
On the JAR File Specification page, in the Select the resources to export box, expand the project deselect
.project, and deselect pom.xml. In the JAR file box, provide a file name and location for the JAR (it should be
given the .jar file extension), and then click Finish.
Using Windows Explorer, copy the JAR file you have just created to the JMeter master JVM and save it in the
apache-jmeter-2.13\lib\junit folder underneath the folder where you have installed JMeter (see the procedure
"Creating the JMeter master virtual machine" in Creating a performance testing environment for Elasticsearch on
Azure for more information.)
Return to Eclipse, expand the Package Explorer window and make a note of all the JAR files and their locations
listed in the Maven Dependencies folder for the project. Note that the files displayed in the following image might
vary, depending on which version of Elasticsearch you are using:

Using Windows Explorer, copy each JAR file referenced in the Maven Dependencies folder to the apache-jmeter-
2.13\lib\junit folder on the JMeter master VM.
If the lib\junit folder already contains older versions of these JAR files then remove them. If you leave them in
place then the JUnit test might not work as references could be resolved to the wrong JARs.
On the JMeter master VM, stop JMeter if is currently running. Start JMeter. In JMeter, right-click Test Plan, click
Add, click Threads (Users), and then click Thread Group.
Under the Test Plan node, right-click Thread Group, click Add, click Sampler, and then click JUnit Request.
On the JUnit Request page, select Search for JUnit4 annotations (instead of JUnit 3). In the Classname
drop-down list, select your JUnit load test class (it will be listed in the form <package>.<class>), in the Test
Method drop-down list select the JUnit test method (this is the method that actually performs the work
associated with the test and should have been marked with the @test annotation in the Eclipse project), and enter
any values to be passed to the constructor in the Constructor String Label box. The details shown in the
following image are just examples; your Classname, Test Method*, and **Constructor String Label will
probably differ from those shown.
If your class does not appear in the Classname drop-down list, it probably means that the JAR was not exported
properly or has not been placed in the lib\junit folder, or some of the dependent JARs are missing from the
lib\junit folder. If this occurs, export the project from Eclipse again and ensure that you have selected the src
resource, copy the JAR to the lib\junit folder, and then verify that you have copied all of the dependent JARs listed
by Maven to the lib folder.
Close JMeter. There is no need to save the test plan. Copy the JAR file containing the JUnit test class to the
/home/<username>/apache-jmeter-2.13/lib/junit folder on each of the JMeter subordinate VMs (<username> is
the name of the administrative user you specified when you created the VM, see the procedure "Creating the
JMeter subordinate virtual machines" in Creating a performance testing environment for Elasticsearch on Azure
for more information.)
Copy the dependent JAR files required by the JUnit test class to the /home/<username>/apache-jmeter-
2.13/lib/junit folder on each of the JMeter subordinate VMs. Make sure to remove any older versions of JAR files
from this folder first.
You can use the pscp utility to copy files from a Windows computer to Linux.
Running the automated Elasticsearch resiliency tests
1/17/2017 5 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

In Configuring resilience and recovery on Elasticsearch on Azure, we described a series of tests that were
performed against a sample Elasticsearch cluster to determine how well the system responded to some common
forms of failure and how well it recovered. The tests were scripted to enable them to be run in an automated
manner. This document describes how you can repeat the tests in your own environment.
The following scenarios were tested:
Node failure and restart with no data loss. A data node is stopped and restarted after 5 minutes.
Elasticsearch was configured not to reallocate missing shards in this interval, so no additional I/O is incurred in
moving shards around. When the node restarts, the recovery process brings the shards on that node back up to
Node failure with catastrophic data loss. A data node is stopped and the data that it holds is erased to
simulate catastrophic disk failure. The node is then restarted (after 5 minutes), effectively acting as a
replacement for the original node. The recovery process requires rebuilding the missing data for this node, and
may involve relocating shards held on other nodes.
Node failure and restart with no data loss, but with shard reallocation. A data node is stopped and the
shards that it holds are reallocated to other nodes. The node is then restarted and more reallocation occurs to
rebalance the cluster.
Rolling updates. Each node in the cluster is stopped and restarted after a short interval to simulate machines
being rebooted after a software update. Only one node is stopped at any one time. Shards are not reallocated
while a node is down.

The automated tests require the following items:
An Elasticsearch cluster.
A JMeter environment setup as described by the performance testing guidance.
The following additions installed on the JMeter master VM only.
Java Runtime 7.
Nodejs 4.x.x or later.
The Git command line tools.

How the scripts work

The test scripts are intended to run on the JMeter Master VM. When you select a test to run, the scripts perform the
following sequence of operations:
1. Start a JMeter test plan passing the parameters that you have specified.
2. Copy a script that performs the operations required by the test to a specified VM in the cluster. This can be any
VM that has a public IP address, or the Jumpbox VM if you have built the cluster using the Azure Elasticsearch
quickstart template.
3. Run the script on the VM (or Jumpbox).
The following image shows the structure of the test environment and Elasticsearch cluster. Note that the test scripts
use secure shell (SSH) to connect to each node in the cluster to perform various Elasticsearch operations such as
stopping or restarting a node.

Setting up the JMeter tests

Before running the resilience tests you should compile and deploy the JUnit tests located in the
resiliency/jmeter/tests folder. These tests are referenced by the JMeter test plan. For more information, see the
procedure "Importing an existing JUnit test project into Eclipse" in Deploying a JMeter JUnit sampler for testing
Elasticsearch performance.
There are two versions of the JUnit tests held in the following folders:
Elasticsearch17. The project in this folder generates the file Elasticsearch17.jar. Use this JAR for testing
Elasticsearch versions 1.7.x
Elasticsearch20. The project in this folder generates the file Elasticsearch20.jar. Use this JAR for testing
Elasticsearch version 2.0.0 and later
Copy the appropriate JAR file along with the rest of the dependencies to your JMeter machines. The process is
described by the procedure "Deploying a JUnit test to JMeter" in Deploying a JMeter JUnit sampler for testing
Elasticsearch performance.

Configuring VM security for each node

The test scripts require an authentication certificate be installed on each Elasticsearch node in the cluster. This
enables the scripts to run automatically without prompting for a username or password as they connect to the
various VMs.
Start by logging in to one of the nodes in the Elasticsearch cluster (or the Jumpbox VM) and then run the following
command to generate an authentication key:

ssh-keygen -t rsa

While connected to the Elasticsearch node (or Jumpbox), run the following commands for every node in he
Elasticsearch cluster. Replace <username> with the name of a valid user on each VM, and replace <nodename> with
the DNS name or IP address of the VM hosting the Elasticsearch node. Note that you will be prompted for the
password of the user when running these commands. For more information see SSH login without password:

ssh <username>@<nodename> mkdir -p .ssh (

cat .ssh/id\_rsa.pub | ssh <username>*@<nodename> 'cat &gt;&gt; .ssh/authorized\_keys'

Downloading and configuring the test scripts

The test scripts are provided in a Git repository. Use the following procedure to download and configure the scripts.
On the JMeter master machine where you will run the tests, open a Git desktop window (Git Bash) and clone the
repository that contains the scripts, as follows:

git clone https://github.com/mspnp/azure-guidance.git

Move to the resiliency-tests folder and run the following command to install the dependencies required to run the

npm install

If the JMeter master is running on Windows, download Plink, which is a command-line interface to the PuTTY
Telnet client. Copy the Plink executable to the resiliency-tests/lib folder.
If the JMeter master is running on Linux, you dont need to download Plink but you will need to configure
password-less SSH between the JMeter master and the Elasticsearch node or Jumpbox you used by following the
steps outlined in the procedure "Configuring VM security for each node."
Edit the following configuration parameters in the config.js file to match your test environment and Elasticsearch
cluster. These parameters are common to all of the tests:


jmeterPath Local path where JMeter is located. C:/apache-jmeter-2.13

resultsPath Relative directory where the script results

dumps the result.

verbose Indicates whether the script outputs in true

verbose mode or not.

remote Indicates whether the JMeter tests run true

locally or on the remote servers.

cluster.clusterName The name of the Elasticsearch cluster. elasticsearch

cluster.jumpboxIp The IP address of the Jumpbox -


cluster.username The admin user you created while -

deploying the cluster.

cluster.password The password for the admin user. -


cluster.loadBalancer.ip The IP address of the Elasticsearch load -


cluster.loadBalancer.url Base URL of the load balancer. -

Running the tests

Move to the resiliency-tests folder and run the following command:

node app.js

The following menu should appear:

Enter the number of the scenario you want to run: 11 , 12 , 13 or 21 .

Once you select a scenario, the test will run automatically. The results are stored as a set of comma-separated value
(CSV) files in a folder created under the results directory. Each run has its own results folder. You can use Excel to
analyze and graph this data.
Running the automated Elasticsearch performance
1/17/2017 4 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series.

The documents Tuning data ingestion performance for Elasticsearch on Azure and Tuning data aggregation and
query performance for Elasticsearch on Azure describe a number of performance tests that were run against a
sample Elasticsearch cluster.
These tests were scripted to enable them to be run in an automated manner. This document describes how you can
repeat the tests in your own environment.

The automated tests require the following items:
An Elasticsearch cluster.
A JMeter environment setup as described by the document Creating a performance testing environment for
Elasticsearch on Azure.
Python 3.5.1 installed on the JMeter master VM.

How the tests work

The tests are run using JMeter. A JMeter master server loads a test plan and passes it to a set of JMeter
subordinate servers that actually run the tests. The JMeter master server coordinates the JMeter subordinate
servers and accumulates the results.
The following test plans are provided:
elasticsearchautotestplan3nodes.jmx. Runs the ingestion test over a 3-node cluster.
elasticsearchautotestplan6nodes.jmx. Runs the ingestion test over a 6-node cluster.
elasticsearchautotestplan6qnodes.jmx. Runs the ingestion and query test over a 6-node cluster.
elasticsearchautotestplan6nodesqueryonly.jmx. Runs the query-only test over a 6-node cluster.
You can use these test plans as a basis for your own scenarios if you need fewer or more nodes.
The test plans use a JUnit request sampler to generate and upload the test data. The JMeter test plan creates and
runs this sampler, and monitors each of the Elasticsearch nodes for performance data.

Building and deploying the JUnit JAR and dependencies

Before running the performance tests you should download, compile, and deploy the JUnit tests located under the
performance/junitcode folder. These tests are referenced by the JMeter test plan. For more information, see the
procedure "Importing an existing JUnit test project into Eclipse" in the document Deploying a JMeter JUnit sampler
for testing Elasticsearch performance.
There are two versions of the JUnit tests:
Elasticsearch1.73. Use this code for performing the ingestion tests. These tests use Elasticsearch 1.73.
Elasticsearch2. Use this code for performing the query tests. These tests use Elasticsearch 2.1 and later.
Copy the appropriate Java archive (JAR) file along with the rest of the dependencies to your JMeter machines. The
process is described in Deploying a JMeter JUnit sampler for testing Elasticsearch performance.

Important After deploying a JUnit test, use JMeter to load and configure the test plans that reference this JUnit
test and ensure that the BulkInsertLarge thread group references the correct JAR file, JUnit class name, and test

Save the updated test plans before running the tests.

Creating the test indexes

Each test performs ingestion and/or queries against a single index specified when the test is run. You should create
the index using the schemas described in the appendices to the documents Tuning data ingestion performance for
Elasticsearch on Azure and Tuning data aggregation and query performance for Elasticsearch on Azure and
configure them according to your test scenario (doc values enabled/disabled, multiple replicas, and so on.) Note
that the test plans assume that the index contains a single type named ctip.

Configuring the test script parameters

Copy the following test script parameter files to the JMeter server machine:
run.properties. This file specifies the number of JMeter test threads to use, the duration of the test (in
seconds), the IP address of a node (or a load balancer) in the Elasticsearch cluster, and the name of the
elasticip=<IP Address or DNS Name Here>
clustername=<Cluster Name Here>

Edit this file and specify the appropriate values for your test and cluster.
query-config-win.ini and query-config-nix.ini. These two files contain the same information; the win file is
formatted for Windows filenames and paths, and the nix file is formatted for Linux filenames and paths:

debug=true #if true shows console logs.

pathreports=C:\Users\administrator1\jmeter\test-results\ #path where tests results are saved.
jmx=C:\Users\administrator1\testplan.jmx #path to the JMeter test plan.
machines=,, #IPs of the Elasticsearch data nodes separated by commas.
reports=aggr,err,tps,waitio,cpu,network,disk,response,view #Name of the reports separated by commas.
tests=idx1,idx2 #Elasticsearch index(es) name(s) to test, comma delimited if more than one.
properties=run.properties #Name of the properties file.

Edit this file to specify the locations of the test results, the name of the JMeter test plan to run, the IP
addresses of the Elasticsearch data nodes you are collecting performance metrics from, the reports
containing the raw performance data that will be generated, and the name (or names comma delimited) of
the index(es) under test, if more than one, tests will run one after another. If the run.properties file is located
in a different folder or directory, specify the full path to this file.

Running the tests

Copy the file query-test.py to the JMeter server machine, in the same folder as the run.properties and query-
config-win.ini (query-config-nix.ini) files.
Ensure that jmeter.bat (Windows) or jmeter.sh (Linux) are on the executable path for your environment.
Run the query-test.py script from the command line to perform the tests:

py query-test.py

When the test has completed, the results are stored as the set of comma-separated values (CSV) files specified
in the query-config-win.ini (query-config-nix.ini) file . You can use Excel to analyze and graph this data.
Identity management for multitenant applications in
Microsoft Azure
1/17/2017 1 min to read Edit on GitHub

This series describes best practices for multitenancy, when using Azure AD for authentication and identity
When you're building a multitenant application, one of the first challenges is managing user identities, because
now every user belongs to a tenant. For example:
Users sign in with their organizational credentials.
Users should have access to their organization's data, but not data that belongs to other tenants.
An organization can sign up for the application, and then assign application roles to its members.
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) has some great features that support all of these scenarios.
To accompany this series of articles, we also created a complete, end-to-end implementation of a multitenant app.
The articles reflect what we learned in the process of building the application. To get started with the application,
see Running the Surveys application.
Here is the list of articles in this series:
Introduction to identity management for multitenant applications
About the Tailspin Surveys application
Authentication using Azure AD and OpenID Connect
Working with claim-based identities
Sign-up and tenant onboarding
Application roles
Role-based and resource-based authorization
Securing a backend web API
Caching OAuth2 access tokens
Federating with a customer's AD FS for multitenant apps in Azure
Using client assertion to get access tokens from Azure AD
Using Key Vault to protect application secrets
Introduction to identity management for multitenant
applications in Microsoft Azure
1/17/2017 3 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
Let's say you're writing an enterprise SaaS application to be hosted in the cloud. Of course, the application will have

But those users belong to organizations:

Example: Tailspin sells subscriptions to its SaaS application. Contoso and Fabrikam sign up for the app. When Alice (
alice@contoso ) signs in, the application should know that Alice is part of Contoso.

Alice should have access to Contoso data.

Alice should not have access to Fabrikam data.
This guidance will show you how to manage user identities in a multitenant application, using Azure Active
Directory (Azure AD) to handle sign-in and authentication.

What is multitenancy?
A tenant is a group of users. In a SaaS application, the tenant is a subscriber or customer of the application.
Multitenancy is an architecture where multiple tenants share the same physical instance of the app. Although
tenants share physical resources (such as VMs or storage), each tenant gets its own logical instance of the app.
Typically, application data is shared among the users within a tenant, but not with other tenants.
Compare this architecture with a single-tenant architecture, where each tenant has a dedicated physical instance. In
a single-tenant architecture, you add tenants by spinning up new instances of the app.

Multitenancy and horizontal scaling

To achieve scale in the cloud, its common to add more physical instances. This is known as horizontal scaling or
scaling out. Consider a web app. To handle more traffic, you can add more server VMs and put them behind a load
balancer. Each VM runs a separate physical instance of the web app.

Any request can be routed to any instance. Together, the system functions as a single logical instance. You can tear
down a VM or spin up a new VM, without affecting users. In this architecture, each physical instance is multi-tenant,
and you scale by adding more instances. If one instance goes down, it should not affect any tenant.

Identity in a multitenant app

In a multitenant app, you must consider users in the context of tenants.
Users sign into the app with their organization credentials. They don't have to create new user profiles for the
Users within the same organization are part of the same tenant.
When a user signs in, the application knows which tenant the user belongs to.
When authorizing a user's actions (say, viewing a resource), the app must take into account the user's tenant.
Users might be assigned roles within the application, such as "Admin" or "Standard User". Role assignments
should be managed by the customer, not by the SaaS provider.
Example. Alice, an employee at Contoso, navigates to the application in her browser and clicks the Log in button.
She is redirected to a login screen where she enters her corporate credentials (username and password). At this
point, she is logged into the app as alice@contoso.com . The application also knows that Alice is an admin user for
this application. Because she is an admin, she can see a list of all the resources that belong to Contoso. However,
she cannot view Fabrikam's resources, because she is an admin only within her tenant.
In this guidance, we'll look specifically at using Azure AD for identity management.
We assume the customer stores their user profiles in Azure AD (including Office365 and Dynamics CRM
Customers with on-premise Active Directory (AD) can use Azure AD Connect to sync their on-premise AD with
Azure AD.
If a customer with on-premise AD cannot use Azure AD Connect (due to corporate IT policy or other reasons), the
SaaS provider can federate with the customer's AD through Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS). This
option is described in Federating with a customer's AD FS.
This guidance does not consider other aspects of multitenancy such as data partitioning, per-tenant configuration,
and so forth.

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: About the Tailspin Surveys application
About the Tailspin Surveys application
1/17/2017 1 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
Tailspin is a fictitious company that is developing a SaaS application named Surveys. This application enables
organizations to create and publish online surveys.
An organization can sign up for the application.
After the organization is signed up, users can sign into the application with their organizational credentials.
Users can create, edit, and publish surveys.

To get started with the application, see Running the Surveys application.

Users can create, edit, and view surveys

An authenticated user can view all the surveys that he or she has created or has contributor rights to, and create
new surveys. Notice that the user is signed in with his organizational identity, bob@contoso.com .

This screenshot shows the Edit Survey page:

Users can also view any surveys created by other users within the same tenant.

Survey owners can invite contributors

When a user creates a survey, he or she can invite other people to be contributors on the survey. Contributors can
edit the survey, but cannot delete or publish it.
A user can add contributors from other tenants, which enables cross-tenant sharing of resources. In this
screenshot, Bob ( bob@contoso.com ) is adding Alice ( alice@fabrikam.com ) as a contributor to a survey that Bob
When Alice logs in, she sees the survey listed under "Surveys I can contribute to".

Note that Alice signs into her own tenant, not as a guest of the Contoso tenant. Alice has contributor permissions
only for that survey she cannot view other surveys from the Contoso tenant.

The Surveys application consists of a web front end and a web API backend. Both are implemented using ASP.NET
Core 1.0.
The web application uses Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to authenticate users. The web application also calls
Azure AD to get OAuth 2 access tokens for the Web API. Access tokens are cached in Azure Redis Cache. The cache
enables multiple instances to share the same token cache (e.g., in a server farm).
Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Authentication in multitenant apps, using Azure Active Directory and OpenID
Authentication in multitenant apps, using Azure AD
and OpenID Connect
1/17/2017 9 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
This article describes how a multitenant application can authenticate users from Azure Active Directory (Azure AD),
using OpenID Connect (OIDC) to authenticate.

Our reference implementation is an ASP.NET Core 1.0 application. The application uses the built-in OpenID
Connect middleware to perform the OIDC authentication flow. The following diagram shows what happens when
the user signs in, at a high level.

1. The user clicks the "sign in" button in the app. This action is handled by an MVC controller.
2. The MVC controller returns a ChallengeResult action.
3. The middleware intercepts the ChallengeResult and creates a 302 response, which redirects the user to the
Azure AD sign-in page.
4. The user authenticates with Azure AD.
5. Azure AD sends an ID token to the application.
6. The middleware validates the ID token. At this point, the user is now authenticated inside the application.
7. The middleware redirects the user back to application.

Register the app with Azure AD

To enable OpenID Connect, the SaaS provider registers the application inside their own Azure AD tenant.
To register the application, follow the steps in Integrating Applications with Azure Active Directory, in the section
Adding an Application.
In the Configure page:
Note the client ID.
Under Application is Multi-Tenant, select Yes.
Set Reply URL to a URL where Azure AD will send the authentication response. You can use the base URL of
your app.
Note: The URL path can be anything, as long as the host name matches your deployed app.
You can set multiple reply URLs. During development, you can use a localhost address, for running the
app locally.
Generate a client secret: Under keys, click on the drop down that says Select duration and pick either 1 or 2
years. The key will be visible when you click Save. Be sure to copy the value, because it's not shown again when
you reload the configuration page.

Configure the auth middleware

This section describes how to configure the authentication middleware in ASP.NET Core 1.0 for multitenant
authentication with OpenID Connect.
In your startup class, add the OpenID Connect middleware:

app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(options =>
options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true;
options.AutomaticChallenge = true;
options.ClientId = [client ID];
options.Authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/";
options.CallbackPath = [callback path];
options.PostLogoutRedirectUri = [application URI];
options.SignInScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateIssuer = false
options.Events = [event callbacks];

See Startup.cs.

For more information about the startup class, see Application Startup in the ASP.NET Core 1.0 documentation.
Set the following middleware options:
ClientId. The application's client ID, which you got when you registered the application in Azure AD.
Authority. For a multitenant application, set this to https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/ . This is the URL
for the Azure AD common endpoint, which enables users from any Azure AD tenant to sign in. For more
information about the common endpoint, see this blog post.
In TokenValidationParameters, set ValidateIssuer to false. That means the app will be responsible for
validating the issuer value in the ID token. (The middleware still validates the token itself.) For more information
about validating the issuer, see Issuer validation.
CallbackPath. Set this equal to the path in the Reply URL that you registered in Azure AD. For example, if the
reply URL is http://contoso.com/aadsignin , CallbackPath should be aadsignin . If you don't set this option, the
default value is signin-oidc .
PostLogoutRedirectUri. Specify a URL to redirect users after the sign out. This should be a page that allows
anonymous requests typically the home page.
SignInScheme. Set this to CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme . This setting means that after
the user is authenticated, the user claims are stored locally in a cookie. This cookie is how the user stays logged
in during the browser session.
Events. Event callbacks; see Authentication events.
Also add the Cookie Authentication middleware to the pipeline. This middleware is responsible for writing the user
claims to a cookie, and then reading the cookie during subsequent page loads.

app.UseCookieAuthentication(options =>
options.AutomaticAuthenticate = true;
options.AutomaticChallenge = true;
options.AccessDeniedPath = "/Home/Forbidden";

Initiate the authentication flow

To start the authentication flow in ASP.NET MVC, return a ChallengeResult from the contoller:

public IActionResult SignIn()
return new ChallengeResult(
new AuthenticationProperties
IsPersistent = true,
RedirectUri = Url.Action("SignInCallback", "Account")

This causes the middleware to return a 302 (Found) response that redirects to the authentication endpoint.

User login sessions

As mentioned, when the user first signs in, the Cookie Authentication middleware writes the user claims to a
cookie. After that, HTTP requests are authenticated by reading the cookie.
By default, the cookie middleware writes a session cookie, which gets deleted once the user closes the browser. The
next time the user next visits the site, they will have to sign in again. However, if you set IsPersistent to true in the
ChallengeResult, the middleware writes a persistent cookie, so the user stays logged in after closing the browser.
You can configure the cookie expiration; see Controlling cookie options. Persistent cookies are more convenient for
the user, but may be inappropriate for some applications (say, a banking application) where you want the user to
sign in every time.

About the OpenID Connect middleware

The OpenID Connect middleware in ASP.NET hides most of the protocol details. This section contains some notes
about the implementation, that may be useful for understanding the protocol flow.
First, let's examine the authentication flow in terms of ASP.NET (ignoring the details of the OIDC protocol flow
between the app and Azure AD). The following diagram shows the process.
In this diagram, there are two MVC controllers. The Account controller handles sign-in requests, and the Home
controller serves up the home page.
Here is the authentication process:
1. The user clicks the "Sign in" button, and the browser sends a GET request. For example: GET /Account/SignIn/ .
2. The account controller returns a ChallengeResult .
3. The OIDC middleware returns an HTTP 302 response, redirecting to Azure AD.
4. The browser sends the authentication request to Azure AD
5. The user signs in to Azure AD, and Azure AD sends back an authentication response.
6. The OIDC middleware creates a claims principal and passes it to the Cookie Authentication middleware.
7. The cookie middleware serializes the claims principal and sets a cookie.
8. The OIDC middleware redirects to the application's callback URL.
9. The browser follows the redirect, sending the cookie in the request.
10. The cookie middleware deserializes the cookie to a claims principal and sets HttpContext.User equal to the
claims principal. The request is routed to an MVC controller.
Authentication ticket
If authentication succeeds, the OIDC middleware creates an authentication ticket, which contains a claims principal
that holds the user's claims. You can access the ticket inside the AuthenticationValidated or TicketReceived

Until the entire authentication flow is completed, HttpContext.User still holds an anonymous principal, not the
authenticated user. The anonymous principal has an empty claims collection. After authentication completes and the app
redirects, the cookie middleware deserializes the authentication cookie and sets HttpContext.User to a claims principal that
represents the authenticated user.

Authentication events
During the authentication process, the OpenID Connect middleware raises a series of events:
RedirectToAuthenticationEndpoint. Called right before the middleware redirects to the authentication
endpoint. You can use this event to modify the redirect URL; for example, to add request parameters. See
Adding the admin consent prompt for an example.
AuthorizationResponseReceived. Called after the middleware receives the authentication response from the
identity provider (IDP), but before the middleware validates the response.
AuthorizationCodeReceived. Called with the authorization code.
TokenResponseReceived. Called after the middleware gets an access token from the IDP. Applies only to
authorization code flow.
AuthenticationValidated. Called after the middleware validates the ID token. At this point, the application has
a set of validated claims about the user. You can use this event to perform additional validation on the claims, or
to transform claims. See Working with claims.
UserInformationReceived. Called if the middleware gets the user profile from the user info endpoint. Applies
only to authorization code flow, and only when GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true in the middleware
TicketReceived. Called when authentication is completed. This is the last event, assuming that authentication
succeeds. After this event is handled, the user is signed into the app.
AuthenticationFailed. Called if authentication fails. Use this event to handle authentication failures for
example, by redirecting to an error page.
To provide callbacks for these events, set the Events option on the middleware. There are two different ways to
declare the event handlers: Inline with lambdas, or in a class that derives from OpenIdConnectEvents.
Inline with lambdas:

app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(options =>
// Other options not shown.

options.Events = new OpenIdConnectEvents

OnTicketReceived = (context) =>
// Handle event
return Task.FromResult(0);
// other events

Deriving from OpenIdConnectEvents:

public class SurveyAuthenticationEvents : OpenIdConnectEvents

public override Task TicketReceived(TicketReceivedContext context)
// Handle event
return base.TicketReceived(context);
// other events

// In Startup.cs:
app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(options =>
// Other options not shown.

options.Events = new SurveyAuthenticationEvents();

The second approach is recommended if your event callbacks have any substantial logic, so they don't clutter your
startup class. Our reference implementation uses this approach; see SurveyAuthenticationEvents.cs.
OpenID connect endpoints
Azure AD supports OpenID Connect Discovery, wherein the identity provider (IDP) returns a JSON metadata
document from a well-known endpoint. The metadata document contains information such as:
The URL of the authorization endpoint. This is where the app redirects to authenticate the user.
The URL of the "end session" endpoint, where the app goes to log out the user.
The URL to get the signing keys, which the client uses to validate the OIDC tokens that it gets from the IDP.
By default, the OIDC middleware knows how to fetch this metadata. Set the Authority option in the middleware,
and the middleware constructs the URL for the metadata. (You can override the metadata URL by setting the
MetadataAddress option.)
OpenID connect flows
By default, the OIDC middleware uses hybrid flow with form post response mode.
Hybrid flow means the client can get an ID token and an authorization code in the same round-trip to the
authorization server.
Form post reponse mode means the authorization server uses an HTTP POST request to send the ID token and
authorization code to the app. The values are form-urlencoded (content type = "application/x-www-form-
When the OIDC middleware redirects to the authorization endpoint, the redirect URL includes all of the query
string parameters needed by OIDC. For hybrid flow:
client_id. This value is set in the ClientId option
scope = "openid profile", which means it's an OIDC request and we want the user's profile.
response_type = "code id_token". This specifies hybrid flow.
response_mode = "form_post". This specifies form post response.
To specify a different flow, set the ResponseType property on the options. For example:

app.UseOpenIdConnectAuthentication(options =>
options.ResponseType = "code"; // Authorization code flow

// Other options

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Working with claims-based identities in multitenant applications
Working with claims-based identities in multitenant
1/19/2017 5 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.

Claims in Azure AD
When a user signs in, Azure AD sends an ID token that contains a set of claims about the user. A claim is simply a
piece of information, expressed as a key/value pair. For example, email = bob@contoso.com . Claims have an issuer
in this case, Azure AD which is the entity that authenticates the user and creates the claims. You trust the
claims because you trust the issuer. (Conversely, if you don't trust the issuer, don't trust the claims!)
At a high level:
1. The user authenticates.
2. The IDP sends a set of claims.
3. The app normalizes or augments the claims (optional).
4. The app uses the claims to make authorization decisions.
In OpenID Connect, the set of claims that you get is controlled by the scope parameter of the authentication
request. However, Azure AD issues a limited set of claims through OpenID Connect; see Supported Token and
Claim Types. If you want more information about the user, you'll need to use the Azure AD Graph API.
Here are some of the claims from AAD that an app might typically care about:


aud Who the token was issued for. This will be the application's
client ID. Generally, you shouldn't need to worry about this
claim, because the middleware automatically validates it.
Example: "91464657-d17a-4327-91f3-2ed99386406f"

groups A list of AAD groups of which the user is a member. Example:

["93e8f556-8661-4955-87b6-890bc043c30f", "fc781505-

iss The issuer of the OIDC token. Example:


name The user's display name. Example: "Alice A."


oid The object identifier for the user in AAD. This value is the
immutable and non-reusable identifier of the user. Use this
value, not email, as a unique identifier for users; email
addresses can change. If you use the Azure AD Graph API in
your app, object ID is that value used to query profile
information. Example:

roles A list of app roles for the user. Example: ["SurveyCreator"]

tid Tenant ID. This value is a unique identifier for the tenant in
Azure AD. Example:

unique_name A human readable display name of the user. Example:


upn User principal name. Example: "alice@contoso.com"

This table lists the claim types as they appear in the ID token. In ASP.NET Core 1.0, the OpenID Connect middleware
converts some of the claim types when it populates the Claims collection for the user principal:
oid > http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/objectidentifier
tid > http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/tenantid
unique_name > http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name
upn > http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn

Claims transformations
During the authentication flow, you might want to modify the claims that you get from the IDP. In ASP.NET Core
1.0, you can perform claims transformation inside of the AuthenticationValidated event from the OpenID
Connect middleware. (See Authentication events.)
Any claims that you add during AuthenticationValidated are stored in the session authentication cookie. They
don't get pushed back to Azure AD.
Here are some examples of claims transformation:
Claims normalization, or making claims consistent across users. This is particularly relevant if you are
getting claims from multiple IDPs, which might use different claim types for similar information. For
example, Azure AD sends a "upn" claim that contains the user's email. Other IDPs might send an "email"
claim. The following code converts the "upn" claim into an "email" claim:

var email = principal.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Upn)?.Value;

if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(email))
identity.AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, email));

Add default claim values for claims that aren't present for example, assigning a user to a default role. In
some cases this can simplify authorization logic.
Add custom claim types with application-specific information about the user. For example, you might store
some information about the user in a database. You could add a custom claim with this information to the
authentication ticket. The claim is stored in a cookie, so you only need to get it from the database once per login
session. On the other hand, you also want to avoid creating excessively large cookies, so you need to consider
the trade-off between cookie size versus database lookups.
After the authentication flow is complete, the claims are available in HttpContext.User . At that point, you should
treat them as a read-only collection e.g., use them to make authorization decisions.

Issuer validation
In OpenID Connect, the issuer claim ("iss") identifies the IDP that issued the ID token. Part of the OIDC
authentication flow is to verify that the issuer claim matches the actual issuer. The OIDC middleware handles this
for you.
In Azure AD, the issuer value is unique per AD tenant ( https://sts.windows.net/<tenantID>/ ). Therefore, an
application should do an additional check, to make sure the issuer represents a tenant that is allowed to sign in to
the app.
For a single-tenant application, you can just check that the issuer is your own tenant. In fact, the OIDC middleware
does this automatically by default. In a multi-tenant app, you need to allow for multiple issuers, corresponding to
the different tenants. Here is a general approach to use:
In the OIDC middleware options, set ValidateIssuer to false. This turns off the automatic check.
When a tenant signs up, store the tenant and the issuer in your user DB.
Whenever a user signs in, look up the issuer in the database. If the issuer isn't found, it means that tenant hasn't
signed up. You can redirect them to a sign up page.
You could also blacklist certain tenants; for example, for customers that didn't pay their subscription.
For a more detailed discussion, see Sign-up and tenant onboarding in a multitenant application.

Using claims for authorization

With claims, a user's identity is no longer a monolithic entity. For example, a user might have an email address,
phone number, birthday, gender, etc. Maybe the user's IDP stores all of this information. But when you
authenticate the user, you'll typically get a subset of these as claims. In this model, the user's identity is simply a
bundle of claims. When you make authorization decisions about a user, you will look for particular sets of claims.
In other words, the question "Can user X perform action Y" ultimately becomes "Does user X have claim Z".
Here are some basic patterns for checking claims.
To check that the user has a particular claim with a particular value:

if (User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin")) { ... }

This code checks whether the user has a Role claim with the value "Admin". It correctly handles the case
where the user has no Role claim or multiple Role claims.
The ClaimTypes class defines constants for commonly-used claim types. However, you can use any string
value for the claim type.
To get a single value for a claim type, when you expect there to be at most one value:

string email = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Email)?.Value;

To get all the values for a claim type:

IEnumerable<Claim> groups = User.FindAll("groups");

For more information, see Role-based and resource-based authorization in multitenant applications.

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Sign-up and tenant onboarding in a multitenant application
Learn more about Claims-Based Authorization in the ASP.NET Core 1.0 documentation
Sign-up and tenant onboarding in a multitenant
1/17/2017 7 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
This article describes how to implement a sign-up process in a multi-tenant application, which allows a customer
to sign up their organization for your application. There are several reasons to implement a sign-up process:
Allow an AD admin to consent for the customer's entire organization to use the application.
Collect credit card payment or other customer information.
Perform any one-time per-tenant setup needed by your application.

Admin consent and Azure AD permissions

In order to authenticate with Azure AD, an application needs access to the user's directory. At a minimum, the
application needs permission to read the user's profile. The first time that a user signs in, Azure AD shows a
consent page that lists the permissions being requested. By clicking Accept, the user grants permission to the
By default, consent is granted on a per-user basis. Every user who signs in sees the consent page. However, Azure
AD also supports admin consent, which allows an AD administrator to consent for an entire organization.
When the admin consent flow is used, the consent page states that the AD admin is granting permission on behalf
of the entire tenant:

After the admin clicks Accept, other users within the same tenant can sign in, and Azure AD will skip the consent
Only an AD administrator can give admin consent, because it grants permission on behalf of the entire
organization. If a non-administrator tries to authenticate with the admin consent flow, Azure AD displays an error:

If the application requires additional permissions at a later point, the customer will need to sign up again and
consent to the updated permissions.

Implementing tenant sign-up

For the Tailspin Surveys application, we defined several requirements for the sign-up process:
A tenant must sign up before users can sign in.
Sign-up uses the admin consent flow.
Sign-up adds the user's tenant to the application database.
After a tenant signs up, the application shows an onboarding page.
In this section, we'll walk through our implementation of the sign-up process. It's important to understand that
"sign up" versus "sign in" is an application concept. During the authentication flow, Azure AD does not inherently
know whether the user is in process of signing up. It's up to the application to keep track of the context.
When an anonymous user visits the Surveys application, the user is shown two buttons, one to sign in, and one to
"enroll your company" (sign up).

These buttons invoke actions in the AccountController class.

The SignIn action returns a ChallegeResult, which causes the OpenID Connect middleware to redirect to the
authentication endpoint. This is the default way to trigger authentication in ASP.NET Core 1.0.
public IActionResult SignIn()
return new ChallengeResult(
new AuthenticationProperties
IsPersistent = true,
RedirectUri = Url.Action("SignInCallback", "Account")

Now compare the SignUp action:

public IActionResult SignUp()
// Workaround for https://github.com/aspnet/Security/issues/546
HttpContext.Items.Add("signup", "true");

var state = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "signup", "true" }};

return new ChallengeResult(
new AuthenticationProperties(state)
RedirectUri = Url.Action(nameof(SignUpCallback), "Account")

Like SignIn , the SignUp action also returns a ChallengeResult . But this time, we add a piece of state information
to the AuthenticationProperties in the ChallengeResult :
signup: A Boolean flag, indicating that the user has started the sign-up process.
The state information in AuthenticationProperties gets added to the OpenID Connect state parameter, which
round trips during the authentication flow.

After the user authenticates in Azure AD and gets redirected back to the application, the authentication ticket
contains the state. We are using this fact to make sure the "signup" value persists across the entire authentication

Adding the admin consent prompt

In Azure AD, the admin consent flow is triggered by adding a "prompt" parameter to the query string in the
authentication request:

The Surveys application adds the prompt during the RedirectToAuthenticationEndpoint event. This event is called
right before the middleware redirects to the authentication endpoint.

public override Task RedirectToAuthenticationEndpoint(RedirectContext context)

if (context.IsSigningUp())
context.ProtocolMessage.Prompt = "admin_consent";

return Task.FromResult(0);

See SurveyAuthenticationEvents.cs.

Setting ProtocolMessage.Prompt tells the middleware to add the "prompt" parameter to the authentication request.
Note that the prompt is only needed during sign-up. Regular sign-in should not include it. To distinguish between
them, we check for the signup value in the authentication state. The following extension method checks for this

internal static bool IsSigningUp(this BaseControlContext context)

Guard.ArgumentNotNull(context, nameof(context));

string signupValue;
object obj;
// Check the HTTP context and convert to string
if (context.HttpContext.Items.TryGetValue("signup", out obj))
signupValue = (string)obj;
// It's not in the HTTP context, so check the authentication ticket. If it's not there, we aren't
signing up.
if ((context.AuthenticationTicket == null) ||
(!context.AuthenticationTicket.Properties.Items.TryGetValue("signup", out signupValue)))
return false;

// We have found the value, so see if it's valid

bool isSigningUp;
if (!bool.TryParse(signupValue, out isSigningUp))
// The value for signup is not a valid boolean, throw
throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{signupValue}' is an invalid boolean value");

return isSigningUp;
See BaseControlContextExtensions.cs.

Note: This code includes a workaround for a known bug in ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC1. In the
RedirectToAuthenticationEndpoint event, there is no way to get the authentication properties that contains the "signup"
state. As a workaround, the AccountController.SignUp method also puts the "signup" state into the HttpContext . This
works because RedirectToAuthenticationEndpoint happens before the redirect, so we still have the same HttpContext .

Registering a Tenant
The Surveys application stores some information about each tenant and user in the application database.

In the Tenant table, IssuerValue is the value of the issuer claim for the tenant. For Azure AD, this is
https://sts.windows.net/<tentantID> and gives a unique value per tenant.

When a new tenant signs up, the Surveys application writes a tenant record to the database. This happens inside
the AuthenticationValidated event. (Don't do it before this event, because the ID token won't be validated yet, so
you can't trust the claim values. See Authentication.
Here is the relevant code from the Surveys application:
public override async Task AuthenticationValidated(AuthenticationValidatedContext context)
var principal = context.AuthenticationTicket.Principal;
var userId = principal.GetObjectIdentifierValue();
var tenantManager = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<TenantManager>();
var userManager = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<UserManager>();
var issuerValue = principal.GetIssuerValue();
_logger.AuthenticationValidated(userId, issuerValue);

// Normalize the claims first.

var tenant = await tenantManager.FindByIssuerValueAsync(issuerValue)

if (context.IsSigningUp())
// Originally, we were checking to see if the tenant was non-null, however, this would not allow
// permission changes to the application in AAD since a re-consent may be required. Now we just don't
// try to recreate the tenant.
if (tenant == null)
tenant = await SignUpTenantAsync(context, tenantManager)

// In this case, we need to go ahead and set up the user signing us up.
await CreateOrUpdateUserAsync(context.AuthenticationTicket, userManager, tenant)
if (tenant == null)
_logger.UnregisteredUserSignInAttempted(userId, issuerValue);
throw new SecurityTokenValidationException($"Tenant {issuerValue} is not registered");

await CreateOrUpdateUserAsync(context.AuthenticationTicket, userManager, tenant)


See SurveyAuthenticationEvents.cs.

This code does the following:

1. Check if the tenant's issuer value is already in the database. If the tenant has not signed up,
FindByIssuerValueAsync returns null.
2. If the user is signing up:
a. Add the tenant to the database ( SignUpTenantAsync ).
b. Add the authenticated user to the database ( CreateOrUpdateUserAsync ).
3. Otherwise complete the normal sign-in flow:
a. If the tenant's issuer was not found in the database, it means the tenant is not registered, and the
customer needs to sign up. In that case, throw an exception to cause the authentication to fail.
b. Otherwise, create a database record for this user, if there isn't one already ( CreateOrUpdateUserAsync ).

Here is the SignUpTenantAsync method that adds the tenant to the database.
private async Task<Tenant> SignUpTenantAsync(BaseControlContext context, TenantManager tenantManager)
Guard.ArgumentNotNull(context, nameof(context));
Guard.ArgumentNotNull(tenantManager, nameof(tenantManager));

var principal = context.AuthenticationTicket.Principal;

var issuerValue = principal.GetIssuerValue();
var tenant = new Tenant
IssuerValue = issuerValue,
Created = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow

await tenantManager.CreateAsync(tenant)
catch(Exception ex)
_logger.SignUpTenantFailed(principal.GetObjectIdentifierValue(), issuerValue, ex);

return tenant;

Here is a summary of the entire sign-up flow in the Surveys application:

1. The user clicks the Sign Up button.
2. The AccountController.SignUp action returns a challege result. The authentication state includes "signup" value.
3. In the RedirectToAuthenticationEndpoint event, add the admin_consent prompt.
4. The OpenID Connect middleware redirects to Azure AD and the user authenticates.
5. In the AuthenticationValidated event, look for the "signup" state.
6. Add the tenant to the database.

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Application roles in multitenant applications
Application roles in multitenant applications
1/17/2017 5 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
Application roles are used to assign permissions to users. For example, the Tailspin Surveys application defines the
following roles:
Administrator. Can perform all CRUD operations on any survey that belongs to that tenant.
Creator. Can create new surveys.
Reader. Can read any surveys that belong to that tenant.
You can see that roles ultimately get translated into permissions, during authorization. But the first question is how
to assign and manage roles. We identified three main options:
Azure AD App Roles
Azure AD security groups
Application role manager.

Roles using Azure AD App Roles

This is the approach that we used in the Tailspin Surveys app.
In this approach, The SaaS provider defines the application roles by adding them to the application manifest. After
a customer signs up, an admin for the customer's AD directory assigns users to the roles. When a user signs in, the
user's assigned roles are sent as claims.

If the customer has Azure AD Premium, the admin can assign a security group to a role, and members of the group will
inherit the app role. This is a convenient way to manage roles, because the group owner doesn't need to be an AD admin.

Advantages of this approach:

Simple programming model.
Roles are specific to the application. The role claims for one application are not sent to another application.
If the customer removes the application from their AD tenant, the roles go away.
The application doesn't need any extra Active Directory permissions, other than reading the user's profile.
Customers without Azure AD Premium cannot assign security groups to roles. For these customers, all user
assignments must be done by an AD administrator.
If you have a backend web API, which is separate from the web app, then role assignments for the web app
don't apply to the web API. For more discussion of this point, see Securing a backend web API.
Define the roles. The SaaS provider declares the app roles in the application manifest. For example, here is the
manifest entry for the Surveys app:

"appRoles": [
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Creators can create Surveys",
"displayName": "SurveyCreator",
"id": "1b4f816e-5eaf-48b9-8613-7923830595ad",
"isEnabled": true,
"value": "SurveyCreator"
"allowedMemberTypes": [
"description": "Administrators can manage the Surveys in their tenant",
"displayName": "SurveyAdmin",
"id": "c20e145e-5459-4a6c-a074-b942bbd4cfe1",
"isEnabled": true,
"value": "SurveyAdmin"

The value property appears in the role claim. The id property is the unique identifier for the defined role. Always
generate a new GUID value for id .
Assign users. When a new customer signs up, the application is registered in the customer's AD tenant. At this
point, an AD admin for that tenant can assign users to roles.

As noted earlier, customers with Azure AD Premium can also assign security groups to roles.

The following screenshot from the Azure portal shows three users. Alice was assigned directly to a role. Bob
inherited a role as a member of a security group named "Surveys Admin", which is assigned to a role. Charles is
not assigned to any role.

Alternatively, the application can assign roles programmatically, using the Azure AD Graph API. However, this requires the
application to obtain write permissions for the customer's AD directory. An application with those permissions could do a lot
of mischief the customer is trusting the app not to mess up their directory. Many customers might be unwilling to grant
this level of access.

Get role claims. When a user signs in, the application receives the user's assigned role(s) in a claim with type
http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role .

A user can have multiple roles, or no role. In your authorization code, don't assume the user has exactly one role
claim. Instead, write code that checks whether a particular claim value is present:
if (context.User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, "Admin")) { ... }

Roles using Azure AD security groups

In this approach, roles are represented as AD security groups. The application assigns permissions to users based
on their security group memberships.
For customers who do not have Azure AD Premium, this approach enables the customer to use security groups
to manage role assignments.
Complexity. Because every tenant sends different group claims, the app must keep track of which security
groups correspond to which application roles, for each tenant.
If the customer removes the application from their AD tenant, the security groups are left in their AD directory.
In the application manifest, set the groupMembershipClaims property to "SecurityGroup". This is needed to get group
membership claims from AAD.

// ...
"groupMembershipClaims": "SecurityGroup",

When a new customer signs up, the application instructs the customer to create security groups for the roles
needed by the application. The customer then needs to enter the group object IDs into the application. The
application stores these in a table that maps group IDs to application roles, per tenant.

Alternatively, the application could create the groups programmatically, using the Azure AD Graph API. This would be less
error prone. However, it requires the application to obtain "read and write all groups" permissions for the customer's AD
directory. Many customers might be unwilling to grant this level of access.

When a user signs in:

1. The application receives the user's groups as claims. The value of each claim is the object ID of a group.
2. Azure AD limits the number of groups sent in the token. If the number of groups exceeds this limit, Azure AD
sends a special "overage" claim. If that claim is present, the application must query the Azure AD Graph API to
get all of the groups to which that user belongs. For details, see [Authorization in Cloud Applications using AD
Groups], under the section titled "Groups claim overage".
3. The application looks up the object IDs in its own database, to find the corresponding application roles to assign
to the user.
4. The application adds a custom claim value to the user principal that expresses the application role. For example:
survey_role = "SurveyAdmin".

Authorization policies should use the custom role claim, not the group claim.

Roles using an application role manager

With this approach, application roles are not stored in Azure AD at all. Instead, the application stores the role
assignments for each user in its own DB for example, using the RoleManager class in ASP.NET Identity.
The app has full control over the roles and user assignments.
More complex, harder to maintain.
Cannot use AD security groups to manage role assignments.
Stores user information in the application database, where it can get out of sync with the tenant's AD directory,
as users are added or removed.
There are many existing examples for this approach. For example, see Create an ASP.NET MVC app with auth and
SQL DB and deploy to Azure App Service.

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Role-based and resource-based authorization in multitenant applications
Role-based and resource-based authorization in
multitenant applications
1/17/2017 5 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
Our reference implementation is an ASP.NET Core 1.0 application. In this article we'll look at two general
approaches to authorization, using the authorization APIs provided in ASP.NET Core 1.0.
Role-based authorization. Authorizing an action based on the roles assigned to a user. For example, some
actions require an administrator role.
Resource-based authorization. Authorizing an action based on a particular resource. For example, every
resource has an owner. The owner can delete the resource; other users cannot.
A typical app will employ a mix of both. For example, to delete a resource, the user must be the resource owner or
an admin.

Role-Based Authorization
The Tailspin Surveys application defines the following roles:
Administrator. Can perform all CRUD operations on any survey that belongs to that tenant.
Creator. Can create new surveys
Reader. Can read any surveys that belong to that tenant
Roles apply to users of the application. In the Surveys application, a user is either an administrator, creator, or
For a discussion of how to define and manage roles, see Application roles.
Regardless of how you manage the roles, your authorization code will look similar. ASP.NET Core 1.0 introduces
an abstraction called authorization policies. With this feature, you define authorization policies in code, and then
apply those policies to controller actions. The policy is decoupled from the controller.
Create policies
To define a policy, first create a class that implements IAuthorizationRequirement . It's easiest to derive from
AuthorizationHandler . In the Handle method, examine the relevant claim(s).

Here is an example from the Tailspin Surveys application:

public class SurveyCreatorRequirement : AuthorizationHandler<SurveyCreatorRequirement>,
protected override void Handle(AuthorizationContext context, SurveyCreatorRequirement requirement)
if (context.User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, Roles.SurveyAdmin) ||
context.User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, Roles.SurveyCreator))

See SurveyCreatorRequirement.cs

This class defines the requirement for a user to create a new survey. The user must be in the SurveyAdmin or
SurveyCreator role.
In your startup class, define a named policy that includes one or more requirements. If there are multiple
requirements, the user must meet every requirement to be authorized. The following code defines two policies:

services.AddAuthorization(options =>
policy =>
policy.AddRequirements(new SurveyCreatorRequirement());

policy =>
policy.AddRequirements(new SurveyAdminRequirement());

See Startup.cs

This code also sets the authentication scheme, which tells ASP.NET which authentication middleware should run if
authorization fails. In this case, we specify the cookie authentication middleware, because the cookie authentication
middleware can redirect the user to a "Forbidden" page. The location of the Forbidden page is set in the
AccessDeniedPath option for the cookie middleware; see Configuring the authentication middleware.
Authorize controller actions
Finally, to authorize an action in an MVC controller, set the policy in the Authorize attribute:
[Authorize(Policy = "SurveyCreatorRequirement")]
public IActionResult Create()
// ...

In earlier versions of ASP.NET, you would set the Roles property on the attribute:

// old way
[Authorize(Roles = "SurveyCreator")]

This is still supported in ASP.NET Core 1.0, but it has some drawbacks compared with authorization policies:
It assumes a particular claim type. Policies can check for any claim type. Roles are just a type of claim.
The role name is hard-coded into the attribute. With policies, the authorization logic is all in one place, making
it easier to update or even load from configuration settings.
Policies enable more complex authorization decisions (e.g., age >= 21) that can't be expressed by simple role

Resource based authorization

Resource based authorization occurs whenever the authorization depends on a specific resource that will be
affected by an operation. In the Tailspin Surveys application, every survey has an owner and zero-to-many
The owner can read, update, delete, publish, and unpublish the survey.
The owner can assign contributors to the survey.
Contributors can read and update the survey.
Note that "owner" and "contributor" are not application roles; they are stored per survey, in the application
database. To check whether a user can delete a survey, for example, the app checks whether the user is the owner
for that survey.
In ASP.NET Core 1.0, implement resource-based authorization by deriving from AuthorizationHandler and
overriding the Handle method.

public class SurveyAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<OperationAuthorizationRequirement, Survey>

protected override void Handle(AuthorizationContext context, OperationAuthorizationRequirement operation,
Survey resource)

Notice that this class is strongly typed for Survey objects. Register the class for DI on startup:

services.AddSingleton<IAuthorizationHandler>(factory =>
return new SurveyAuthorizationHandler();

To perform authorization checks, use the IAuthorizationService interface, which you can inject into your
controllers. The following code checks whether a user can read a survey:
if (await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, survey, Operations.Read) == false)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(403);

Because we pass in a Survey object, this call will invoke the SurveyAuthorizationHandler .
In your authorization code, a good approach is to aggregate all of the user's role-based and resource-based
permissions, then check the aggregate set against the desired operation. Here is an example from the Surveys app.
The application defines several permission types:
The application also defines a set of possible operations on surveys:
The following code creates a list of permissions for a particular user and survey. Notice that this code looks at both
the user's app roles, and the owner/contributor fields in the survey.
protected override void Handle(AuthorizationContext context, OperationAuthorizationRequirement operation,
Survey resource)
var permissions = new List<UserPermissionType>();
string userTenantId = context.User.GetTenantIdValue();
int userId = ClaimsPrincipalExtensions.GetUserKey(context.User);
string user = context.User.GetUserName();

if (resource.TenantId == userTenantId)
// Admin can do anything, as long as the resource belongs to the admin's tenant.
if (context.User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, Roles.SurveyAdmin))

if (context.User.HasClaim(ClaimTypes.Role, Roles.SurveyCreator))

if (resource.OwnerId == userId)
if (resource.Contributors != null && resource.Contributors.Any(x => x.UserId == userId))
if (ValidateUserPermissions[operation](permissions))

See SurveyAuthorizationHandler.cs.

In a multi-tenant application, you must ensure that permissions don't "leak" to another tenant's data. In the
Surveys app, the Contributor permission is allowed across tenants you can assign someone from another
tenant as a contriubutor. The other permission types are restricted to resources that belong to that user's tenant.
To enforce this requirement, the code checks the tenant ID before granting the permission. (The TenantId field as
assigned when the survey is created.)
The next step is to check the operation (read, update, delete, etc) against the permissions. The Surveys app
implements this step by using a lookup table of functions:
static readonly Dictionary<OperationAuthorizationRequirement, Func<List<UserPermissionType>, bool>>
= new Dictionary<OperationAuthorizationRequirement, Func<List<UserPermissionType>, bool>>

{ Operations.Create, x => x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Creator) },

{ Operations.Read, x => x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Creator) ||

x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Reader) ||
x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Contributor) ||
x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Owner) },

{ Operations.Update, x => x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Contributor) ||

x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Owner) },

{ Operations.Delete, x => x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Owner) },

{ Operations.Publish, x => x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Owner) },

{ Operations.UnPublish, x => x.Contains(UserPermissionType.Owner) }


Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Securing a backend web API in a multitenant application
To learn more about resource based authorization in ASP.NET 1.0 Core, see Resource Based Authorization.
Securing a backend web API in a multitenant
1/17/2017 6 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
The Tailspin Surveys application uses a backend web API to manage CRUD operations on surveys. For example,
when a user clicks "My Surveys", the web application sends an HTTP request to the web API:

GET /users/{userId}/surveys

The web API returns a JSON object:

{"Id":1,"Title":"Survey 1"},
{"Id":3,"Title":"Survey 3"},
"Contribute": [{"Id":8,"Title":"My survey"}]

The web API does not allow anonymous requests, so the web app must authenticate itself using OAuth 2 bearer

This is a server-to-server scenario. The application does not make any AJAX calls to the API from the browser client.

There are two main approaches you can take:

Delegated user identity. The web application authenticates with the user's identity.
Application identity. The web application authenticates with its client ID, using OAuth2 client credential flow.
The Tailspin application implements delegated user identity. Here are the main differences:
Delegated user identity
The bearer token sent to the web API contains the user identity.
The web API makes authorization decisions based on the user identity.
The web application needs to handle 403 (Forbidden) errors from the web API, if the user is not authorized to
perform an action.
Typically, the web application still makes some authorization decisions that affect UI, such as showing or hiding
UI elements).
The web API can potentially be used by untrusted clients, such as a JavaScript application or a native client
Application identity
The web API does not get information about the user.
The web API cannot perform any authorization based on the user identity. All authorization decisions are made
by the web application.
The web API cannot be used by an untrusted client (JavaScript or native client application).
This approach may be somewhat simpler to implement, because there is no authorization logic in the Web API.
In either approach, the web application must get an access token, which is the credential needed to call the web
For delegated user identity, the token has to come from the IDP, which can issue a token on behalf of the user.
For client credentials, an application might get the token from the IDP or host its own token server. (But don't
write a token server from scratch; use a well-tested framework like IdentityServer3.) If you authenticate with
Azure AD, it's strongly recommended to get the access token from Azure AD, even with client credential flow.
The rest of this article assumes the application is authenticating with Azure AD.

Register the web API in Azure AD

In order for Azure AD to issue a bearer token for the web API, you need to configure some things in Azure AD.
1. Register the web API in Azure AD.
2. Add the client ID of the web app to the web API application manifest, in the knownClientApplications property.
See Update the application manifests.
3. Give the web application permission to call the web API.
In the Azure Management Portal, you can set two types of permissions: "Application Permissions" for
application identity (client credential flow), or "Delegated Permissions" for delegated user identity.

Getting an access token

Before calling the web API, the web application gets an access token from Azure AD. In a .NET application, use the
Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) for .NET.
In the OAuth 2 authorization code flow, the application exchanges an authorization code for an access token. The
following code uses ADAL to get the access token. This code is called during the AuthorizationCodeReceived event.
// The OpenID Connect middleware sends this event when it gets the authorization code.
public override async Task AuthorizationCodeReceived(AuthorizationCodeReceivedContext context)
string authorizationCode = context.ProtocolMessage.Code;
string authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/" + tenantID
string resourceID = "https://tailspin.onmicrosoft.com/surveys.webapi" // App ID URI
ClientCredential credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);

AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority, tokenCache);

AuthenticationResult authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync(
authorizationCode, new Uri(redirectUri), credential, resourceID);

// If successful, the token is in authResult.AccessToken


Here are the various parameters that are needed:

authority . Derived from the tenant ID of the signed in user. (Not the tenant ID of the SaaS provider)
authorizationCode . the auth code that you got back from the IDP.
clientId . The web application's client ID.
clientSecret . The web application's client secret.
redirectUri . The redirect URI that you set for OpenID connect. This is where the IDP calls back with the token.
resourceID . The App ID URI of the web API, which you created when you registered the web API in Azure AD
tokenCache . An object that caches the access tokens. See Token caching.

If AcquireTokenByAuthorizationCodeAsync succeeds, ADAL caches the token. Later, you can get the token from the
cache by calling AcquireTokenSilentAsync:

AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority, tokenCache);

var result = await authContext.AcquireTokenSilentAsync(resourceID, credential, new UserIdentifier(userId,

where userId is the user's object ID, which is found in the

http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/objectidentifier claim.

Using the access token to call the web API

Once you have the token, send it in the Authorization header of the HTTP requests to the web API.

Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxx

The following extension method from the Surveys application sets the Authorization header on an HTTP request,
using the HttpClient class.
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendRequestWithBearerTokenAsync(this HttpClient httpClient,
HttpMethod method, string path, object requestBody, string accessToken, CancellationToken ct)
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(method, path);
if (requestBody != null)
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestBody, Formatting.None);
var content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
request.Content = content;

request.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", accessToken);

request.Headers.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

var response = await httpClient.SendAsync(request, ct);

return response;

See HttpClientExtensions.cs.

Authenticating in the web API

The web API has to authenticate the bearer token. In ASP.NET Core 1.0, you can use the
Microsoft.AspNet.Authentication.JwtBearer package. This package provides middleware that enables the
application to receive OpenID Connect bearer tokens.
Register the middleware in your web API Startup class.

app.UseJwtBearerAuthentication(options =>
options.Audience = "[app ID URI]";
options.Authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/";
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
//Instead of validating against a fixed set of known issuers, we perform custom multi-tenant
validation logic
ValidateIssuer = false,
options.Events = new SurveysJwtBearerEvents();

See Startup.cs.

Audience. Set this to the App ID URL for the web API, which you created when you registered the web API with
Azure AD.
Authority. For a multitenant application, set this to https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/ .
TokenValidationParameters. For a multitenant application, set ValidateIssuer to false. That means the
application will validate the issuer.
Events is a class that derives from JwtBearerEvents.
Issuer validation
Validate the token issuer in the JwtBearerEvents.ValidatedToken event. The issuer is sent in the "iss" claim.
In the Surveys application, the web API doesn't handle tenant sign-up. Therefore, it just checks if the issuer is
already in the application database. If not, it throws an exception, which causes authentication to fail.

public override async Task ValidatedToken(ValidatedTokenContext context)

var principal = context.AuthenticationTicket.Principal;
var tenantManager = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<TenantManager>();
var userManager = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<UserManager>();
var issuerValue = principal.GetIssuerValue();
var tenant = await tenantManager.FindByIssuerValueAsync(issuerValue);

if (tenant == null)
// the caller was not from a trusted issuer - throw to block the authentication flow
throw new SecurityTokenValidationException();

See SurveysJwtBearerEvents.cs.

You can also use the ValidatedToken event to do claims transformation. Remember that the claims come directly
from Azure AD, so if the web application did any claims transformations, those are not reflected in the bearer token
that the web API receives.

For a general discussion of authorization, see Role-based and resource-based authorization.
The JwtBearer middleware handles the authorization responses. For example, to restrict a controller action to
authenticated users, use the [Authorize] atrribute and specify JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme as
the authentication scheme:

[Authorize(ActiveAuthenticationSchemes = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme)]

This returns a 401 status code if the user is not authenticated.

To restrict a controller action by authorizaton policy, specify the policy name in the [Authorize] attribute:

[Authorize(Policy = PolicyNames.RequireSurveyCreator)]

This returns a 401 status code if the user is not authenticated, and 403 if the user is authenticated but not
authorized. Register the policy on startup:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
policy =>
policy.AddRequirements(new SurveyCreatorRequirement());

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Caching access tokens in a multitenant application
Caching access tokens in a multitenant application
1/17/2017 4 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
It's relatively expensive to get an OAuth access token, because it requires an HTTP request to the token endpoint.
Therefore, it's good to cache tokens whenever possible. The Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) automatically
caches tokens obtained from Azure AD, including refresh tokens.
ADAL provides a default token cache implementation. However, this token cache is intended for native client apps,
and is not suitable for web apps:
It is a static instance, and not thread safe.
It doesn't scale to large numbers of users, because tokens from all users go into the same dictionary.
It can't be shared across web servers in a farm.
Instead, you should implement a custom token cache that derives from the ADAL TokenCache class but is suitable
for a server environment and provides the desirable level of isolation between tokens for different users.
The TokenCache class stores a dictionary of tokens, indexed by issuer, resource, client ID, and user. A custom token
cache should write this dictionary to a backing store, such as a Redis cache.
In the Tailspin Surveys application, the DistributedTokenCache class implements the token cache. This
implementation uses the IDistributedCache abstraction from ASP.NET Core 1.0. That way, any IDistributedCache
implementation can be used as a backing store.
By default, the Surveys app uses a Redis cache.
For a single-instance web server, you could use the ASP.NET Core 1.0 in-memory cache. (This is also a good
option for running the app locally during development.)

Currently the Redis cache is not supported for .NET Core.

DistributedTokenCache stores the cache data as key/value pairs in the backing store. The key is the user ID plus
client ID, so the backing store holds separate cache data for each unique combination of user/client.
The backing store is partitioned by user. For each HTTP request, the tokens for that user are read from the backing
store and loaded into the TokenCache dictionary. If Redis is used as the backing store, every server instance in a
server farm reads/writes to the same cache, and this approach scales to many users.

Encrypting cached tokens

Tokens are sensitive data, because they grant access to a user's resources. (Moreover, unlike a user's password,
you can't just store a hash of the token.) Therefore, it's critical to protect tokens from being compromised. The
Redis-backed cache is protected by a password, but if someone obtains the password, they could get all of the
cached access tokens. For that reason, the DistributedTokenCache encrypts everything that it writes to the backing
store. Encryption is done using the ASP.NET Core 1.0 data protection APIs.

If you deploy to Azure Web Sites, the encryption keys are backed up to network storage and synchronized across all
machines (see Key Management). By default, keys are not encrypted when running in Azure Web Sites, but you can enable
encryption using an X.509 certificate.

DistributedTokenCache implementation
The DistributedTokenCache class derives from the ADAL TokenCache class.
In the constructor, the DistributedTokenCache class creates a key for the current user and loads the cache from the
backing store:
public DistributedTokenCache(
ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal,
IDistributedCache distributedCache,
ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
IDataProtectionProvider dataProtectionProvider)
: base()
_claimsPrincipal = claimsPrincipal;
_cacheKey = BuildCacheKey(_claimsPrincipal);
_distributedCache = distributedCache;
_logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<DistributedTokenCache>();
_protector = dataProtectionProvider.CreateProtector(typeof(DistributedTokenCache).FullName);
AfterAccess = AfterAccessNotification;

The key is created by concatenating the user ID and client ID. Both of these are taken from claims found in the
user's ClaimsPrincipal :

private static string BuildCacheKey(ClaimsPrincipal claimsPrincipal)

string clientId = claimsPrincipal.FindFirstValue("aud", true);
return string.Format(

To load the cache data, read the serialized blob from the backing store, and call TokenCache.Deserialize to convert
the blob into cache data.

private void LoadFromCache()

byte[] cacheData = _distributedCache.Get(_cacheKey);
if (cacheData != null)

Whenever ADAL access the cache, it fires an AfterAccess event. If the cache data has changed, the
HasStateChanged property is true. In that case, update the backing store to reflect the change, and then set
HasStateChanged to false.
public void AfterAccessNotification(TokenCacheNotificationArgs args)
if (this.HasStateChanged)
if (this.Count > 0)
_distributedCache.Set(_cacheKey, _protector.Protect(this.Serialize()));
// There are no tokens for this user/client, so remove the item from the cache.
this.HasStateChanged = false;
catch (Exception exp)

TokenCache sends two other events:

BeforeWrite . Called immediately before ADAL writes to the cache. You can use this to implement a concurrency
BeforeAccess . Called immediately before ADAL reads from the cache. Here you can reload the cache to get the
latest version.
In our case, we decided not to handle these two events.
For concurrency, last write wins. That's OK, because tokens are stored independently for each user + client, so a
conflict would only happen if the same user had two concurrent login sessions.
For reading, we load the cache on every request. Requests are short lived. If the cache gets modified in that
time, the next request will pick up the new value.

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Federating with a customer's AD FS for multitenant apps in Azure
Federating with a customer's AD FS for multitenant
apps in Azure
1/17/2017 7 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.
This article describes how a multi-tenant SaaS application can support authentication via Active Directory
Federation Services (AD FS), in order to federate with a customer's AD FS.

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) makes it easy to sign in users from Azure AD tenants, including Office365 and
Dynamics CRM Online customers. But what about customers who use on-premise Active Directory on a corporate
One option is for these customers to sync their on-premise AD with Azure AD, using Azure AD Connect. However,
some customers may be unable to use this approach, due to corporate IT policy or other reasons. In that case,
another option is to federate through Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS).
To enable this scenario:
The customer must have an Internet-facing AD FS farm.
The SaaS provider deploys their own AD FS farm.
The customer and the SaaS provider must set up federation trust. This is a manual process.
There are three main roles in the trust relation:
The customer's AD FS is the account partner, responsible for authenticating users from the customer's AD, and
creating security tokens with user claims.
The SaaS provider's AD FS is the resource partner, which trusts the account partner and receives the user
The application is configured as a relying party (RP) in the SaaS provider's AD FS.
In this article, we assume the application uses OpenID connect as the authentication protocol. Another option is to use WS-
For OpenID Connect, the SaaS provider must use AD FS 4.0 running in Windows Server 2016, which is currently in Technical
Preview. AD FS 3.0 does not support OpenID Connect.
ASP.NET Core 1.0 does not include out-of-the-box support for WS-Federation.

For an example of using WS-Federation with ASP.NET 4, see the active-directory-dotnet-webapp-wsfederation


Authentication flow
1. When the user clicks "sign in", the application redirects to an OpenID Connect endpoint on the SaaS provider's
2. The user enters his or her organizational user name (" alice@corp.contoso.com "). AD FS uses home realm
discovery to redirect to the customer's AD FS, where the user enters their credentials.
3. The customer's AD FS sends user claims to the SaaS provider's AD FS, using WF-Federation (or SAML).
4. Claims flow from AD FS to the app, using OpenID Connect. This requires a protocol transition from WS-

At the time of this writing, the application receives a limited set of claims in the OpenID id_token, as listed in the
following table. AD FS 4.0 is in still preview, so this set might change. It is not currently possible to define
additional claims:


aud Audience. The application for which the the claims were

authenticationinstant Authentication instant. The time at which authentication


c_hash Code hash value. This is a hash of the token contents.

exp Expiration time. The time after which the token will no longer
be accepted.

iat Issued at. The time when the token was issued.

iss Issuer. The value of this claim is always the resource partner's

name User name. Example: john@corp.fabrikam.com .

nameidentifier Name identifier. The identifier for the name of the entity for
which the token was issued.

nonce Session nonce. A unique value generated by AD FS to help

prevent replay attacks.

upn User principal name (UPN). Example: john@corp.fabrikam.com

pwd_exp Password expiration period. The number of seconds until the

user's password or a similar authentication secret, such as a
PIN. expires.

The "iss" claim contains the AD FS of the partner (typically, this claim will identify the SaaS provider as the issuer). It does not
identify the customer's AD FS. You can find the customer's domain as part of the UPN.

The rest of this article describes how to set up the trust relationship between the RP (the app) and the account
partner (the customer).

AD FS deployment
The SaaS provider can deploy AD FS either on-premise or on Azure VMs. For security and availability, the following
guidelines are important:
Deploy at least two AD FS servers and two AD FS proxy servers to achieve the best availability of the AD FS
Domain controllers and AD FS servers should never be exposed directly to the Internet and should be in a
virtual network with direct access to them.
Web application proxies (previously AD FS proxies) must be used to publish AD FS servers to the Internet.
To set up a similar topology in Azure requires the use of Virtual networks, NSGs, azure VMs and availability sets.
For more details, see Guidelines for Deploying Windows Server Active Directory on Azure Virtual Machines.

Configure OpenID Connect authentication with AD FS

The SaaS provider must enable OpenID Connect between the application and AD FS. To do so, add an application
group in AD FS. You can find detailed instructions in this blog post, under " Setting up a Web App for OpenId
Connect sign in AD FS."
Next, configure the OpenID Connect middleware. The metadata endpoint is
https://domain/adfs/.well-known/openid-configuration , where domain is the SaaS provider's AD FS domain.

Typically you might combine this with other OpenID Connect endpoints (such as AAD). You'll need two different
sign-in buttons or some other way to distinguish them, so that the user is sent to the correct authentication

Configure the AD FS Resource Partner

The SaaS provider must do the following for each customer that wants to connect via ADFS:
1. Add a claims provider trust.
2. Add claims rules.
3. Enable home-realm discovery.
Here are the steps in more detail.
Add the claims provider trust
1. In Server Manager, click Tools, and then select AD FS Management.
2. In the console tree, under AD FS, right click Claims Provider Trusts. Select Add Claims Provider Trust.
3. Click Start to start the wizard.
4. Select the option "Import data about the claims provider published online or on a local network". Enter the URI
of the customer's federation metadata endpoint. (Example:
https://contoso.com/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml .) You will need to get this from the
5. Complete the wizard using the default options.
Edit claims rules
1. Right-click the newly added claims provider trust, and select Edit Claims Rules.
2. Click Add Rule.
3. Select "Pass Through or Filter an Incoming Claim" and click Next.

4. Enter a name for the rule.

5. Under "Incoming claim type", select UPN.
6. Select "Pass through all claim values".
7. Click Finish.
8. Repeat steps 2 - 7, and specify Anchor Claim Type for the incoming claim type.
9. Click OK to complete the wizard.
Enable home -realm discovery
Run the following PowerShell script:

Set-ADFSClaimsProviderTrust -TargetName "name" -OrganizationalAccountSuffix @("suffix")

where "name" is the friendly name of the claims provider trust, and "suffix" is the UPN suffix for the customer's AD
(example, "corp.fabrikam.com").
With this configuration, end users can type in their organizational account, and AD FS automatically selects the
corresponding claims provider. See Customizing the AD FS Sign-in Pages, under the section "Configure Identity
Provider to use certain email suffixes".

Configure the AD FS Account Partner

The customer must do the following:
1. Add a relying party (RP) trust.
2. Adds claims rules.
Add the RP trust
1. In Server Manager, click Tools, and then select AD FS Management.
2. In the console tree, under AD FS, right click Relying Party Trusts. Select Add Relying Party Trust.
3. Select Claims Aware and click Start.
4. On the Select Data Source page, select the option "Import data about the claims provider published online or
on a local network". Enter the URI of the SaaS provider's federation metadata endpoint.

5. On the Specify Display Name page, enter any name.

6. On the Choose Access Control Policy page, choose a policy. You could permit everyone in the organization,
or choose a specific security group.
7. Enter any parameters required in the Policy box.
8. Click Next to complete the wizard.
Add claims rules
1. Right-click the newly added relying party trust, and select Edit Claim Issuance Policy.
2. Click Add Rule.
3. Select "Send LDAP Attributes as Claims" and click Next.
4. Enter a name for the rule, such as "UPN".
5. Under Attribute store, select Active Directory.
6. In the Mapping of LDAP attributes section:
Under LDAP Attribute, select User-Principal-Name.
Under Outgoing Claim Type, select UPN.
7. Click Finish.
8. Click Add Rule again.
9. Select "Send Claims Using a Custom Rule" and click Next.
10. Enter a name for the rule, such as "Anchor Claim Type".
11. Under Custom rule, enter the following:

EXISTS([Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2014/01/identity/claims/anchorclaimtype"])=>
issue (Type = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2014/01/identity/claims/anchorclaimtype",
Value = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn");

This rule issues a claim of type anchorclaimtype . The claim tells the relying party to use UPN as the user's
immutable ID.
12. Click Finish.
13. Click OK to complete the wizard.

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Using client assertion to get access tokens from Azure AD
Using client assertion to get access tokens from
Azure AD
1/17/2017 4 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.

When using authorization code flow or hybrid flow in OpenID Connect, the client exchanges an authorization code
for an access token. During this step, the client has to authenticate itself to the server.

One way to authenticate the client is by using a client secret. That's how the Tailspin Surveys application is
configured by default.
Here is an example request from the client to the IDP, requesting an access token. Note the client_secret

POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/b9bd2162xxx/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


The secret is just a string, so you have to make sure not to leak the value. The best practice is to keep the client
secret out of source control. When you deploy to Azure, store the secret in an app setting.
However, anyone with access to the Azure subscription can view the app settings. Further, there is always a
temptation to check secrets into source control (e.g., in deployment scripts), share them by email, and so on.
For additional security, you can use client assertion instead of a client secret. With client assertion, the client uses
an X.509 certificate to prove the token request came from the client. The client certificate is installed on the web
server. Generally, it will be easier to restrict access to the certificate, than to ensure that nobody inadvertently
reveals a client secret. For more information about configuring certificates in a web app, see Using Certificates in
Azure Websites Applications
Here is a token request using client assertion:

POST https://login.microsoftonline.com/b9bd2162xxx/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

&code= PG8wJG6Y...

Notice that the client_secret parameter is no longer used. Instead, the client_assertion parameter contains a
JWT token that was signed using the client certificate. The client_assertion_type parameter specifies the type of
assertion in this case, JWT token. The server validates the JWT token. If the JWT token is invalid, the token
request returns an error.

X.509 certificates are not the only form of client assertion; we focus on it here because it is supported by Azure AD.

Using client assertion in the Surveys application

This section shows how to configure the Tailspin Surveys application to use client assertion. In these steps, you will
generate a self-signed certificate that is suitable for development, but not for production use.
1. Run the PowerShell script /Scripts/Setup-KeyVault.ps1 as follows:

.\Setup-KeyVault.ps -Subject [subject]

For the Subject parameter, enter any name, such as "surveysapp". The script generates a self-signed
certificate and stores it in the "Current User/Personal" certificate store.
2. The output from the script is a JSON fragment. Add this to the application manifest of the web app, as
a. Log into the Azure management portal and navigate to your Azure AD directory.
b. Click Applications.
c. Select the Surveys application.
d. Click Manage Manifest and select Download Manifest.
e. Open the manifest JSON file in a text editor. Paste the output from the script into the keyCredentials
property. It should look similar to the following:

"keyCredentials": [
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"keyId": "29d4f7db-0539-455e-b708-....",
"customKeyIdentifier": "ZEPpP/+KJe2fVDBNaPNOTDoJMac=",
"value": "MIIDAjCCAeqgAwIBAgIQFxeRiU59eL.....
f. Save your changes to the JSON file.
g. Go back to the portal. Click Manage Manifest > Upload Manifest and upload the JSON file.
3. Run the following command to get the thumbprint of the certificate.

certutil -store -user my [subject]

where [subject] is the value that you specified for Subject in the PowerShell script. The thumbprint is listed
under "Cert Hash(sha1)". Remove the spaces between the hexadecimal numbers.
4. Update your app secrets. In Solution Explorer, right-click the Tailspin.Surveys.Web project and select
Manage User Secrets. Add an entry for "Asymmetric" under "AzureAd", as shown below:

"AzureAd": {
"ClientId": "[Surveys application client ID]",
// "ClientSecret": "[client secret]", << Delete this entry
"PostLogoutRedirectUri": "https://localhost:44300/",
"WebApiResourceId": "[App ID URI of your Survey.WebAPI application]",
// new:
"Asymmetric": {
"CertificateThumbprint": "[certificate thumbprint]", // Example:
"StoreName": "My",
"StoreLocation": "CurrentUser",
"ValidationRequired": "false"
"Redis": {
"Configuration": "[Redis connection string]"

You must set ValidationRequired to false, because the certificate was not a signed by a root CA authority. In
production, use a certificate that is signed by a CA authority and set ValidationRequired to true.
Also delete the entry for ClientSecret , because it's not needed with client assertion.
5. In Startup.cs, locate the code that registers the ICredentialService . Uncomment the line that uses
CertificateCredentialService , and comment out the line that uses ClientCredentialService :

// Uncomment this:
services.AddSingleton<ICredentialService, CertificateCredentialService>();
// Comment out this:
//services.AddSingleton<ICredentialService, ClientCredentialService>();

At run time, the web application reads the certificate from the certificate store. The certificate must be installed on
the same machine as the web app.

Next steps
Read the next article in this series: Using Azure Key Vault to protect application secrets
Using Azure Key Vault to protect application secrets
1/17/2017 9 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article is part of a series. There is also a complete sample application that accompanies this series.

It's common to have application settings that are sensitive and must be protected, such as:
Database connection strings
Cryptographic keys
As a security best practice, you should never store these secrets in source control. It's too easy for them to leak
even if your source code repository is private. And it's not just about keeping secrets from the general public. On
larger projects, you might want to restrict which developers and operators can access the production secrets.
(Settings for test or development environments are different.)
A more secure option is to store these secrets in Azure Key Vault. Key Vault is a cloud-hosted service for managing
cryptographic keys and other secrets. This article shows how to use Key Vault to store configuration settings for
you app.
In the Tailspin Surveys application, the following settings are secret:
The database connection string.
The Redis connection string.
The client secret for the web application.
To store configuration secrets in Key Vault, the Surveys application implements a custom configuration provider,
which hooks into the ASP.NET Core 1.0 configuration system. The custom provider reads configuration settings
from Key Vault on startup.
The Surveys application loads configuration settings from the following places:
The appsettings.json file
The user secrets store (development environment only; for testing)
The hosting environment (app settings in Azure web apps)
Key Vault
Each of these overrides the previous one, so any settings stored in Key Vault take precedence.

By default, the Key Vault configuration provider is disabled. It's not needed for running the application locally. You would
enable it in a production deployment.
The Key Vault provider is currently not supported for .NET Core, because it requires the Microsoft.Azure.KeyVault package.

At startup, the application reads settings from every registered configuration provider, and uses them to populate a
strongly typed options object. (For more information, see Using Options and configuration objects.)

The KeyVaultConfigurationProvider class is a configuration provider that plugs into the ASP.NET Core 1.0
configuration system.
To use the KeyVaultConfigurationProvider , call the AddKeyVaultSecrets extension method in the startup class:

var builder = new ConfigurationBuilder()


if (env.IsDevelopment())
var config = builder.Build();

// Add key vault configuration:


Notice that KeyVaultConfigurationProvider requires some configuration settings, which need to be stored in one of
the other configuration sources.
When the application starts, KeyVaultConfigurationProvider enumerates all of the secrets in the key vault. For each
secret, it looks for a tag named 'ConfigKey'. The value of the tag is the name of the configuration setting.

Tags are optional metadata stored with a key. Tags are used here because key names cannot contain colon (:) characters.

var kvClient = new KeyVaultClient(GetTokenAsync);

var secretsResponseList = await kvClient.GetSecretsAsync(_vault, MaxSecrets, token);
foreach (var secretItem in secretsResponseList.Value)
//The actual config key is stored in a tag with the Key "ConfigKey"
// because ':' is not supported in a shared secret name by Key Vault.
if (secretItem.Tags != null && secretItem.Tags.ContainsKey(ConfigKey))
var secret = await kvClient.GetSecretAsync(secretItem.Id, token);
Data.Add(secret.Tags[ConfigKey], secret.Value);

See KeyVaultConfigurationProvider.cs.

Setting up Key Vault in the Surveys app

Install the Azure Resource Manager Cmdlets.
Configure the Surveys application as described in Running the Surveys application.
High-level steps:
1. Set up an admin user in the tenant.
2. Set up a client certificate.
3. Create a key vault.
4. Add configuration settings to your key vault.
5. Uncomment the code that enables key vault.
6. Update the application's user secrets.
Set up an admin user

To create a key vault, you must use an account which can manage your Azure subscription. Also, any application that you
authorize to read from the key vault must registered in the same tenant as that account.

In this step, you will make sure that you can create a key vault while signed in as a user from the tenant where the
Surveys app is registered.
First, change the directory associated with your Azure subscription.
1. Log into the Azure management portal
2. Click Settings.

3. Select your Azure subscription.

4. Click Edit Directory at the bottom of the portal.

5. In "Change the associated directory", select the Azure AD tenant where the Surveys application is registered,
6. Click the arrow button and complete the dialog.
Create an admin user within the Azure AD tenant where the Surveys application is registered.
1. Log into the Azure management portal.
2. Select the Azure AD tenant where your application is registered.
3. Click Users > Add User.
4. In the Add User dialog, assign the user to the Global Admin role.
Add the admin user as a co-administrator for your Azure subscription.
1. Log into the Azure management portal.
2. Click Settings and select your Azure subscription.
3. Click Administrators
4. Click Add at the bottom of the portal.
5. Enter the email of the admin user that you created previously.
6. Check the checkbox for the subscription.
7. Click the checkmark button to complete the dialog.
Set up a client certificate
1. Run the PowerShell script /Scripts/Setup-KeyVault.ps1 as follows:

.\Setup-KeyVault.ps1 -Subject <<subject>>

For the Subject parameter, enter any name, such as "surveysapp". The script generates a self-signed
certificate and stores it in the "Current User/Personal" certificate store.
2. The output from the script is a JSON fragment. Add this to the application manifest of the web app, as
a. Log into the Azure management portal and navigate to your Azure AD directory.
b. Click Applications.
c. Select the Surveys application.
d. Click Manage Manifest and select Download Manifest.
e. Open the manifest JSON file in a text editor. Paste the output from the script into the keyCredentials
property. It should look similar to the following:

"keyCredentials": [
"type": "AsymmetricX509Cert",
"usage": "Verify",
"keyId": "29d4f7db-0539-455e-b708-....",
"customKeyIdentifier": "ZEPpP/+KJe2fVDBNaPNOTDoJMac=",
"value": "MIIDAjCCAeqgAwIBAgIQFxeRiU59eL.....

f. Save your changes to the JSON file.

g. Go back to the portal. Click Manage Manifest > Upload Manifest and upload the JSON file.
3. Add the same JSON fragment to the application manifest of the web API (Surveys.WebAPI).
4. Run the following command to get the thumbprint of the certificate.

certutil -store -user my [subject]

where [subject] is the value that you specified for Subject in the PowerShell script. The thumbprint is listed
under "Cert Hash(sha1)". Remove the spaces between the hexadecimal numbers.
You will use the thumbprint later.
Create a key vault
1. Run the PowerShell script /Scripts/Setup-KeyVault.ps1 as follows:

.\Setup-KeyVault.ps1 -KeyVaultName <<key vault name>> -ResourceGroupName <<resource group name>> -

Location <<location>>

When prompted for credentials, sign in as the Azure AD user that you created earlier. The script creates a
new resource group, and a new key vault within that resource group.
Note: For the -Location parameter, you can use the following PowerShell command to get a list of valid

Get-AzureRmResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "microsoft.keyvault" | Where-Object {

$_.ResourceTypes.ResourceTypeName -eq "vaults" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Locations

2. Run SetupKeyVault.ps again, with the following parameters:

.\Setup-KeyVault.ps1 -KeyVaultName <<key vault name>> -ApplicationIds @("<<web app client ID>>", "<<web
API client ID>>")

key vault name = The name that you gave the key vault in the previous step.
web app client ID = The client ID for the Surveys web application.
web api client ID = The client ID for the Surveys.WebAPI application.

.\Setup-KeyVault.ps1 -KeyVaultName tailspinkv -ApplicationIds @("f84df9d1-91cc-4603-b662-

302db51f1031", "8871a4c2-2a23-4650-8b46-0625ff3928a6")

You can get the client IDs from the Azure management portal. Select the Azure AD tenant, select the
application, and click Configure.

This script authorizes the web app and web API to retrieve secrets from your key vault. See Get
started with Azure Key Vault for more information.
Add configuration settings to your key vault
1. Run SetupKeyVault.ps as follows::

.\Setup-KeyVault.ps1 -KeyVaultName <<key vault name> -KeyName RedisCache -KeyValue "<<Redis DNS
name>>.redis.cache.windows.net,password=<<Redis access key>>,ssl=true" -ConfigName "Redis:Configuration"

key vault name = The name that you gave the key vault in the previous step.
Redis DNS name = The DNS name of your Redis cache instance.
Redis access key = The access key for your Redis cache instance.
This command adds a secret to your key vault. The secret is a name/value pair plus a tag:
The key name isn't used by the application, but must be unique within the Key Vault.
The value is the value of the configuration option, in this case the Redis connection string.
the "ConfigKey" tag holds the name of the configuration key.
2. At this point, it's a good idea to test whether you successfully stored the secrets to key vault. Run the
following PowerShell command:

Get-AzureKeyVaultSecret <<key vault name>> RedisCache | Select-Object *

The output should show the secret value plus some metadata:

3. Run SetupKeyVault.ps again to add the database connection string:

.\Setup-KeyVault.ps1 -KeyVaultName <<key vault name> -KeyName ConnectionString -KeyValue <<DB

connection string>> -ConfigName "Data:SurveysConnectionString"

where <<DB connection string>> is the value of the database connection string.
For testing with the local database, copy the connection string from the
Tailspin.Surveys.Web/appsettings.json file. If you do that, make sure to change the double backslash ('\\')
into a single backslash. The double backslash is an escape character in the JSON file.

.\Setup-KeyVault.ps1 -KeyVaultName mykeyvault -KeyName ConnectionString -KeyValue "Server=

" -ConfigName "Data:SurveysConnectionString"

Uncomment the code that enables Key Vault

1. Open the Tailspin.Surveys solution.
2. In Tailspin.Surveys.Web/Startup.cs, locate the following code block and uncomment it.

//#if DNX451
// _configuration = builder.Build();
// builder.AddKeyVaultSecrets(_configuration["AzureAd:ClientId"],
// _configuration["KeyVault:Name"],
// _configuration["AzureAd:Asymmetric:CertificateThumbprint"],
// Convert.ToBoolean(_configuration["AzureAd:Asymmetric:ValidationRequired"]),
// loggerFactory);

3. In Tailspin.Surveys.WebAPI/Startup.cs, locate the following code block and uncomment it.

//#if DNX451
// var config = builder.Build();
// builder.AddKeyVaultSecrets(config["AzureAd:ClientId"],
// config["KeyVault:Name"],
// config["AzureAd:Asymmetric:CertificateThumbprint"],
// Convert.ToBoolean(config["AzureAd:Asymmetric:ValidationRequired"]),
// loggerFactory);

4. In Tailspin.Surveys.Web/Startup.cs, locate the code that registers the ICredentialService . Uncomment the
line that uses CertificateCredentialService , and comment out the line that uses ClientCredentialService :

// Uncomment this:
services.AddSingleton<ICredentialService, CertificateCredentialService>();
// Comment out this:
//services.AddSingleton<ICredentialService, ClientCredentialService>();

This change enables the web app to use Client assertion to get OAuth access tokens. With client assertion,
you don't need an OAuth client secret. Alternatively, you could store the client secret in key vault. However,
key vault and client assertion both use a client certificate, so if you enable key vault, it's a good practice to
enable client assertion as well.
Update the user secrets
In Solution Explorer, right-click the Tailspin.Surveys.Web project and select Manage User Secrets. In the
secrets.json file, delete the existing JSON and paste in the following:

"AzureAd": {
"ClientId": "[Surveys web app client ID]",
"PostLogoutRedirectUri": "https://localhost:44300/",
"WebApiResourceId": "[App ID URI of your Surveys.WebAPI application]",
"Asymmetric": {
"CertificateThumbprint": "[certificate thumbprint. Example: 105b2ff3bc842c53582661716db1b7cdc6b43ec9]",
"StoreName": "My",
"StoreLocation": "CurrentUser",
"ValidationRequired": "false"
"KeyVault": {
"Name": "[key vault name]"

Replace the entries in [square brackets] with the correct values.

AzureAd:ClientId : The client ID of the Surveys app.
AzureAd:WebApiResourceId : The App ID URI that you specified when you created the Surveys.WebAPI application
in Azure AD.
Asymmetric:CertificateThumbprint : The certificate thumbprint that you got previously, when you created the
client certificate.
KeyVault:Name : The name of your key vault.
Asymmetric:ValidationRequired is false because the certificate that you created previously was not signed by a root
certificate authority (CA). In production, use a certificate that is signed by a root CA and set ValidationRequired to true.

Save the updated secrets.json file.

Next, in Solution Explorer, right-click the Tailspin.Surveys.WebApi project and select Manage User Secrets. Delete
the existing JSON and paste in the following:

"AzureAd": {
"ClientId": "[Surveys.WebAPI client ID]",
"WebApiResourceId": "https://tailspin5.onmicrosoft.com/surveys.webapi",
"Asymmetric": {
"CertificateThumbprint": "[certificate thumbprint]",
"StoreName": "My",
"StoreLocation": "CurrentUser",
"ValidationRequired": "false"
"KeyVault": {
"Name": "[key vault name]"

Replace the entries in [square brackets] and save the secrets.json file.

For the web API, make sure to use the client ID for the Surveys.WebAPI application, not the Surveys application.
Deploying high availability network virtual appliances
1/17/2017 6 min to read Edit on GitHub

This article provides best practices to deploy a set of network virtual appliances (NVAs) for high availability in Azure.
An NVA is typically used to control the flow of network traffic from a perimeter network, also known as a DMZ, to
other networks or subnets. If you are unfamiliar with the implementation of a DMZ in Azure, see Microsoft cloud
services and network security. If you are familiar with using a DMZ in Azure and your requirements include an NVA,
this article includes several example architectures for ingress only, egress only, and both ingress and egress. These
architectures use Azure load balancers and user-defined routes (UDRs) so it's recommended that you familiarize
yourself with both of these resources before proceeding.

Architecture Diagrams
An NVA can be deployed to a DMZ in many different architectures. For example, the following figure illustrates the
use of a single NVA for ingress.

In this architecture, the NVA provides a secure network boundary by checking all inbound and outbound network
traffic and passing only the traffic that meets network security rules. However, the fact that all network traffic must
pass through the NVA means that the NVA is a single point of failure in the network. If the NVA fails, there is no
other path for network traffic and all the back-end subnets are unavailable.
To make an NVA highly available, deploy more than one NVA into an availability set.
The following architectures describe the resources and configuration necessary for highly available NVAs:

Ingress with layer 7 NVAs All NVA nodes are active Requires an NVA that can terminate
connections and use SNAT
Requires a separate set of NVAs for
traffic coming from the Internet and
from Azure
Can only be used for traffic originating
outside Azure

Egress with layer 7 NVAs All NVA nodes are active Requires an NVA that can terminate
connections and implements source
network address translation (SNAT)

Ingress-Egress with layer 7 NVAs All nodes are active Requires an NVA that can terminate
Able to handle traffic originated in Azure connections and use SNAT
Requires a separate set of NVAs for
traffic coming from the Internet and
from Azure

PIP-UDR switch Single set of NVAs for all traffic Active-passive

Can handle all traffic (no limit on port Requires a failover process

Ingress with layer 7 NVAs

The following figure shows a high availability architecture that implements an ingress DMZ behind an internet-
facing load balancer. This architecture is designed to provide connectivity to Azure workloads for layer 7 traffic,
such as HTTP or HTTPS:

The benefit of this architecture is that all NVAs are active, and if one fails the load balancer directs network traffic to
the other NVA. Both NVAs route traffic to the internal load balancer so as long as one NVA is active, traffic
continues to flow. The NVAs are required to terminate SSL traffic intended for the web tier VMs. These NVAs cannot
be extended to handle on-premises traffic because on-premises traffic requires another dedicated set of NVAs with
their own network routes.

This architecture is used in the DMZ between Azure and your on-premises datacenter reference architecture and the DMZ
between Azure and the Internet reference architecture. Each of these reference architectures includes a deployment solution
that you can use. Follow the links for more information.

Egress with layer 7 NVAs

The previous architecture can be expanded to provide an egress DMZ for requests originating in the Azure
workload. The following architecture is designed to provide high availability of the NVAs in the DMZ for layer 7
traffic, such as HTTP or HTTPS:

In this architecture, all traffic originating in Azure is routed to an internal load balancer. The load balancer
distributes outgoing requests between a set of NVAs. These NVAs direct traffic to the Internet using their individual
public IP addresses.

This architecture is used in the DMZ between Azure and your on-premises datacenter reference architecture and the DMZ
between Azure and the Internet reference architecture. Each of these reference architectures includes a deployment solution
that you can use. Follow the links for more information.

Ingress-egress with layer 7 NVAs

In the two previous architectures, there was a separate DMZ for ingress and egress. The following architecture
demonstrates how to create a DMZ that can be used for both ingress and egress for layer 7 traffic, such as HTTP or

In this architecture, the NVAs process incoming requests from the application gateway. The NVAs also process
outgoing requests from the workload VMs in the back-end pool of the load balancer. Because incoming traffic is
routed with an application gateway and outgoing traffic is routed with a load balancer, the NVAs are responsible for
maintaining session affinity. That is, the application gateway maintains a mapping of inbound and outbound
requests so it can forward the correct response to the original requestor. However, the internal load balancer does
not have access to the application gateway mappings, and uses its own logic to send responses to the NVAs. It's
possible the load balancer could send a response to an NVA that did not initially receive the request from the
application gateway. In this case, the NVAs must communicate and transfer the response between them so the
correct NVA can forward the response to the application gateway.

PIP-UDR switch with layer 4 NVAs

The following architecture demonstrates an architecture with one active and one passive NVA. This architecture
handles both ingress and egress for layer 4 traffic:
This architecture is similar to the first architecture discussed in this article. That architecture included a single NVA
accepting and filtering incoming layer 4 requests. This architecture adds a second passive NVA to provide high
availability. If the active NVA fails, the passive NVA is made active and the UDR and PIP are changed to point to the
NICs on the now active NVA. These changes to the UDR and PIP can either be done manually or using an
automated process. The automated process is typically daemon or other monitoring service running in Azure. It
queries a health probe on the active NVA and performs the UDR and PIP switch when it detects a failure of the NVA.
The preceding figure shows an example ZooKeeper cluster providing a high availability daemon. Within the
ZooKeeper cluster, a quorum of nodes elects a leader. If the leader fails, the remaining nodes hold an election to
elect a new leader. For this architecture, the leader node executes the daemon that queries the health endpoint on
the NVA. If the NVA fails to respond to the health probe, the daemon activates the passive NVA. The daemon then
calls the Azure REST API to remove the PIP from the failed NVA and attaches it to newly activated NVA. The daemon
then modifies the UDR to point to the newly activated NVA's internal IP address.

Do not include the ZooKeeper nodes in a subnet that is only accessible using a route that includes the NVA. Otherwise, the
ZooKeeper nodes are inaccessible if the NVA fails. Should the daemon fail for any reason, you won't be able to access any of
the ZooKeeper nodes to diagnose the problem.

Next steps
Learn how to implement a DMZ between Azure and your on-premises datacenter using layer-7 NVAs.
Learn how to implement a DMZ between Azure and the Internet using layer-7 NVAs.

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