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travel speed and can minimize dilution. Hot-wire

plasma arc welding is normally used in the high-current
melt-in mode.

The plasma arc process can also be used for surfac-
ing operations. Surfacing is the application by welding,
brazing, or thermal spraying of a layer or layers of
material to a surface to obtain desired properties or
dimensions. Plasma arc spraying can be performed
either with a transferred arc or nontransferred arc.

Plasma spraying (PSP) is a thermal spraying process
in which a nontransferred arc is used to create an arc
plasma that melts and propels the surfacing material to
the substrate. A variation of this process is vacuum
plasma spraying (VPSP), in which the plasma spraying
gun is confined to an enclosure that is partially evacu-
ated. Plasma spraying is not a true welding process but
is similar to brazing or braze welding because adhesion
between the surfacing metal to the workpiece is
achieved through intermetallic bonding. The surfacing
material may be in wire or powder form.7


The plasma arc welding process is used in a surfacing Photograph courtesy of Stellite Coatings
technique commonly called plasma transferred arc
(PTA) surfacing. The term PTA is not technically spe- Figure 7.22-A Plasma Transferred
cific to a surfacing operation, but rather defines the Arc Surfacing Operation Applying
mode of the plasma arc. When surfacing material is a Powdered Metal Alloy
applied in powder form, users in the industry often
refer to the process as PTA. Using a plasma transferred
arc, the surfacing material is continuously introduced
by a mechanized powder feeder. It can also be added in
wire or rod form, but this is not common. Figure 7.22
shows an example of a surfacing operation being per- from the use of powdered surfacing material is that it
formed on flat plate using a transferred plasma arc and reduces dilution of the weld deposit.
a surfacing alloy in powdered form. In a surfacing operation using wire or rod, a rela-
Powdered metal has several advantages over solid tively large weld pool must be formed from the base
wire. Many alloys are used for surfacing to achieve metal. The surfacing wire or rod is then inserted into
unique mechanical or chemical properties, such as resis- the weld pool as a solid, where it melts and becomes
tance to wear or corrosion. Unfortunately, many of liquid. When powdered metal is used, the material is
these alloys cannot be drawn into a wire or rod because injected into the plasma stream after it leaves the con-
of these same unique mechanical properties. It is also stricting nozzle and before it strikes the weld pool.
much easier and more economical to obtain specialized Compared to wire or rod, the same amount of material
formulas in powder form. However, the greatest benefit in powder form covers a much greater surface area.
These two factors, greater surface coverage and injec-
7. American Welding Society (AWS) Committee on Definitions, tion into the plasma stream, combine so that nearly all
2001, Standard Welding Terms and Definition sand Symbols, the powder is heated to a molten state when it strikes
A3.0:2001, Miami: American Welding Society. the weld pool. This greatly reduces the size of the weld

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