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Pregunta 11
It is directly proportional to tensile
strenght and is meansured on special
hardness testing machines by
measuring the resistance of the
material against penetration of an
indentor of special shape and material
under a given load.
Preg 12
TOUGHNESS It is a highly desirable
quality for structural and machine
parts to withstand shock and vibration.
FATIGUE: Is used in the in the desing
of parts subjected to repeated
alternating stresses overa n extended
period of timme
CREEP. The stress for a specified rate
of elongation rate of strain at a
constant temperatura is called creep

HARDNESS it is abilyty of materai to

resist scratching abrasin indentation
on penetration is closely related to
Pregunta 13
Among Strenght: it is the resistance
ofered by material when subjected to
external loading depending upon the
type of load aplplie the strength can
be stensile compresive.

IS the resistance of a material to
defleccion is called stiffness or
rigidity,the higher the .the value .
THOUNESS;IS a measure of the
amount of energy a material can absor
before actual fracture or failure
absorbe is called modulos of thuness.


PLASTICITY;Is its ability to undergo

es in iportant property han widely
used in several mechanical

ELASTICTY: is an the value is a tencible property of is material whitout

MALEABILIDAD Is ha ability lead can
be readily rolled and hammered into
thin sets but can not the drawn into

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