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Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592

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On the shape of the magnetic Barkhausen noise prole for better

revelation of the effect of microstructures on the magnetisation
process in ferritic steels
M. Vashista a,b, V. Moorthy a,n
Design Unit, School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering, Newcastle University, UK
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, BHU, Varanasi, India

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The shape of the Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) proles has been compared for two different
Received 4 December 2014 methods of MBN measurements in order to reveal the true extent of the inuence of different carbon-
Received in revised form content related microstructures on the magnetisation process. The MBN proles were measured using
20 May 2015
high frequency and low frequency MBN measurement systems on samples from low carbon 18CrNiMo5
Accepted 3 June 2015
steel and high carbon 42CrMo4 steel heat treated by isothermal annealing, spheroidising annealing and
Available online 19 June 2015
quenching and tempering processes. The high frequency MBN (HFMBN) prole shows only a single peak
Keywords: for all the samples due to insufcient applied magnetic eld strength and shallow skin-depth of de-
Magnetic Barkhausen noise tection of HFMBN signals. The low frequency MBN (LFMBN) prole shows two peaks for all the samples
Domain walls
due to larger magnetisation range revealing the difference in the interaction of domain walls with dif-
Magnetisation process
ferent microstructural features such as ferrite, pearlite, martensite and carbides. The shape of the LFMBN
Pearlite prole shows systematic and distinct variation in the magnetisation process with respect to carbon
Martensite content and different microstructures. This study shows that the LFMBN prole reveals distinct changes
Carbides in shape which could be successfully used for characterisation of different microstructural phases in
ferritic steels.
& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction up coil by the micro-magnetic ux changes due to irreversible

movement of magnetic domain walls during cyclic magnetisation
Microstructural characterisation of materials by non-destruc- process. Magnetic domain wall movement is strongly inuenced
tive evaluation (NDE) techniques is considered as important for by microstructural features such as grain boundaries, precipitates
quality assessment of initial heat treatment induced micro- and dislocations etc. and hence, the MBN signal is sensitive to
structure and subsequent degradation during service in various composition, microstructure, texture and stresses in the ferro-
industrial components. Conventional techniques like in-situ me- magnetic material. Previous studies [319] have demonstrated the
tallographic inspection is more time consuming and also limited to applicability of MBN technique for assessment of several material
surface inspection. Magnetic NDE methods such as magnetic properties in a number of ferromagnetic alloys. It has been ob-
hysteresis [13], Magnetic Barkhausen Noise (MBN) [320] and served that the MBN signal strongly depends on the measurement
Acoustic Barkhausen Noise (ABN) [413] have been shown to have parameters such as maximum magnetic eld strength, sensitivity
great potential for characterisation of microstructure and stresses and frequency response of pick-up coil, analysing frequency range
in ferromagnetic steels. As a NDE method, the MBN technique is of the MBN signal etc., which widely vary for different MBN
considered for several applications due to its high sensitivity and measurement systems used by various researchers. Some studies
relative easiness for industrial application directly on mechanical [912] used low frequency magnetic excitation whilst others have
components. MBN signal is the voltage pulses induced in the pick- used high frequency magnetic excitation for MBN measurements
[1420]. Also, some researchers [5,6,12,1416,19,20] have studied
the changes in material properties using only a single measure-
Corresponding author at: Design Unit, School of Mechanical and Systems En-
ment parameter such as root mean square (rms) voltage, energy,
gineering, Newcastle University, UK
E-mail addresses: mvashista.mec@iitbhu.ac.in (M. Vashista), pulse height etc. while some researchers [3,911,13] measured the
v.moorthy@ncl.ac.uk (V. Moorthy). envelope or rms voltage prole of the MBN signal for analysis. This

0304-8853/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Vashista, V. Moorthy / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592 585

results in different analysis and an inconsistent correlation to cored (  1 mm diameter) pick-up coil after ltering with a 1 kHz
microstructural variations using the MBN technique. high pass lter and amplication to 60 dB. The LFMBN signals
It is expected that the measurement and analysis of envelope or were acquired at 200 kHz sampling rate using a NI-PCI-6111 DAQ
rms voltage prole of the MBN signal would give more informa- card with dedicated LabView software and averaged over 4 cycles
tion on the magnetisation process and the inuence of different of magnetisation.
microstructural phases on it. The effect of variations in carbon It has been observed that the applied magnetic eld strength
content and its related microstructural evolution during similar (Ha) measured, at the centre of the air gap in the absence of any
heat treatment on the shape of the MBN prole have not been test sample between the poles of the electromagnetic yoke, is
discussed in detail in the literature. The present study is aimed at directly proportional to the total excitation voltage applied to the
revealing the combined effects of maximum applied magnetic electromagnet. Hence, a direct relationship between total excita-
eld strength and frequency response of MBN pick-up coils, typi- tion voltage and the applied magnetic eld strength (Ha) has been
cally used in high frequency and low frequency MBN measure- established initially for correlation. However, it is also known that,
ments, on the shape of the MBN prole in ferritic steel samples only the tangential magnetic eld can be measured, in the pre-
with two different carbon content and related microstructural sence of any test sample between the poles of the electromagnetic
features. yoke, which also shows non-linear behaviour inuenced by the
material properties of the test samples. Hence, in this study, the
RMS voltage of the average MBN signal plotted as a function of
2. Experimental total voltage applied to the electromagnet (a material independent
X-axis variable) has been used for analysis of the LFMBN prole.
The chemical composition of the gear steels used in this study Typical frequency spectra of the HFMBN pick-up coil and the
is given in Table 1. The low carbon steel is 18CrNiMo5 grade and LFMBN pick-up coil used in this study are shown in Fig. 1(a, b). The
the high carbon steel is 42CrMo4 grade. HFMBN pick-up has high sensitivity in the frequency range of 20
Disc samples of 5 mm thickness were cut from 70 mm diameter 200 kHz whilst the LFMBN pick-up has good sensitivity in the
as-received bars of both steel grades and subjected to solutionising frequency range of 225 kHz with peak response at 16 kHz. The
treatment. The low carbon steel grade samples were solutionised HFMBN signals are expected to come from a shallow skin-depth of
at 925 C for 0.5 h and the high carbon steel samples were solu- o20 mm whereas the LFMBN signals will come from a much larger
tionised at 850 C for 0.5 h. After solutionising, one set of the skin-depth 200 mm in soft ferritic steels depending on the con-
samples were cooled to 650 C and isothermally annealed (IA) for ductivity and the permeability of the steel.
3 h and then air cooled to obtain a ferrite and pearlite structure. Before MBN measurements, the samples were polished with
Another set of samples were cooled to 700 C and held for 24 h to 600 grit silicon carbide paper to remove oxide scale formed during
obtain a spheroidising annealed (SPA) structure and then air heat treatment. For both high and low frequency MBN measure-
cooled. The remaining solutionised samples were oil quenched ments, the cyclic magnetising eld was applied along the length
and tempered (QT) at 650 C for 1 h and 5 h. Rectangular bar on the wide face of the samples. The MBN proles for both HFMBN
samples of size 70L  20W  5T mm3 were prepared from the discs and LFMBN measurements are shown only for half the magneti-
for MBN measurements. Another set of heat treated samples were sation cycle (from Hamax to Hamax), since the MBN prole for the
sectioned, resin mounted, metallographically polished to a 1 mm other half of the magnetisation cycle is symmetrical in shape.
diamond nish and etched with 2% Nital for microstructural ex-
amination under optical microscope.
High frequency MBN (HFMBN) measurements were made 3. Result and discussions
using the Microscan system and at surface MBN sensor (con-
sisting of ferrite core EM yoke and ferrite core (  2 mm 3.1. Effect of high frequency magnetic excitation
width  1 mm thickness)) pick-up coil supplied by Stresstech,
Finland with an excitation voltage of 75 V at a frequency of It is known that, at high frequency of magnetic excitation, there
125 Hz which generates a maximum applied magnetic eld is a strong formation of eddy currents in the test material com-
strength (Hamax) of  73 kA/m. The HFMBN signals were acquired bined with other effects such as magnetic viscosity and magnetic
at 5 MHz sampling rate and analysed in the frequency range of 10 damping etc. These electromagnetic effects strongly oppose the
1000 kHz (70200 kHz dominant frequency range) using the effective magnetising eld strength and hence reduce the mag-
dedicated software for the Microscan system. The HFMBN signal is netisation range in the test material [21]. In addition, at high fre-
averaged over 20 cycles of magnetisation and the average MBN quency of magnetic excitation, the test material undergoes non-
level is plotted as a function of percentage of excitation voltage steady state magnetisation process due to drag effect on the
applied to the EM yoke has been used for analysis of the HFMBN movement of magnetic domain walls where it could be difcult to
prole. resolve the interaction of magnetic domain walls with different
Low frequency MBN (LFMBN) measurements were made with a microstructural features. At high frequency (125 Hz) of magnetic
laboratory system using an iron-cored electromagnetic yoke ex- excitation, the depth of penetration of magnetic eld inside the
cited with a quasi-static frequency of 0.4 Hz triangular waveform material will be lower due to eddy current opposition. Hence, the
with a maximum excitation voltage of 710 V/ 70.5 A which magnetisation process is mainly conned to the near-surface of
generates a maximum applied magnetic eld strength (Hamax) of the material. In addition, with weak applied magnetising eld
 715 kA/m. The LFMBN signals were acquired using a ferrite strength (  73 kA/m), the effective eld strength inside the

Table 1
Chemical composition of the steels used in this study.

Steel grade C Mn Si P S Cr Ni Mo V Cu Al Sn Ti

18CrNiMo5 0.20 0.73 0.30 0.01 0.03 0.91 1.27 0.17 0.005 0.18 0.024 0.014 0.002
42CrMo4 0.41 0.87 0.28 0.015 0.027 1.08 0.2 0.18 0.008 0.20 0.030 0.016 0.003
586 M. Vashista, V. Moorthy / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592

Amplitude, A.U 500
0 250 500 750 1000
Frequency, kHz

Fig. 1. Typical frequency spectra of MBN signals acquired using (a) Stresstech's HFMBN coil in 101000 kHz range and (b) LFMBN pick-up coil in 150 kHz range.

sample and hence the magnetisation range are also smaller. It has and high carbon alloy steels in isothermally annealed (IA), spher-
been considered that the surface of a ferromagnetic material un- oidising annealed (SPA) and quenched and tempered (QT) condi-
dergoes faster demagnetisation than the subsurface and bulk due tions are compared and discussed below separately. Since, these
to the dominant effect of surface magnetic free poles and that a samples were subjected to softening heat-treatments, the internal
material with a higher magnetisation will have a larger de- residual stress elds will not be signicant to inuence the MBN
magnetisation effect than the material with a lower magnetisation signals in this study.
[22,23]. Due to high frequency of the acquired HFMBN signals
(predominantly in the 70200 kHz range), the skin-depth of the 3.3.1. Effect of isothermally annealed microstructures on the MBN
HFMBN signal is also very shallow (o20 mm), limited by the prole
strong electromagnetic attenuation. The HFMBN and LFMBN proles measured on IA samples are
During application of cyclic magnetic eld for MBN measure- shown in Fig. 2(a,b) respectively. In a half cycle of magnetisation
ments, it is difcult to determine these electromagnetic effects (from Hamax to Hamax), the test material undergoes demagne-
individually due to their synergy and complex nature. However, it tisation and then magnetisation in the opposite direction. This
is known that these effects contribute to the suppression of the mainly involves irreversible movement of reverse domain walls
range of magnetisation in the material and hence affect the MBN overcoming weaker and stronger obstacles posed by different
signal generation. Hence, it can be expected that, during the microstructural phases. This is reected in the shape of the MBN
HFMBN measurements, the shape of the HFMBN signal prole will prole depending on the extent of magnetisation range (and the
be limited by the combined effect of eddy current opposition, slope of magnetisation curve) involved in the MBN measurement.
shallow skin-depth, narrow magnetisation range, non-steady state It can be observed that the HFMBN proles show a single peak
magnetisation process, magnetic viscosity, magnetic damping, (Fig. 2(a)) for both steels whereas the LFMBN proles show two
faster demagnetisation of the surface etc. in a complex manner. peaks indicated by sharp slope changes (Fig. 2(b)) for both steels.
Optical micrographs of IA samples are shown in Fig. 3(a,b). The
3.2. Effect of quasi-static magnetic excitation light regions consist of ferrite (-iron) which is a solid solution of
carbon in iron and is magnetically very soft. The dark regions
It is known that, in quasi-static magnetic excitation condition, consisting of alternate layers of iron carbide and ferrite is pearlite,
there are no dominant effects of eddy current opposition, mag- which is relatively magnetically harder. Based on the carbon
netic viscosity etc. It is considered that the test material undergoes content, the low carbon steel sample is expected to have 75% of
steady state magnetisation process with systematic interaction of ferrite and 25% of pearlite whilst the high carbon steel sample is
magnetic domain walls with weaker and stronger pinning by expected to have  40% ferrite and 60% pearlite after IA treatment.
different microstructural features with increasing magnetising The pearlite lamellar structure is considered as stronger pinning
eld strength. sites for magnetic domain walls as compared to the ferrite struc-
At quasi-static (0.4 Hz) magnetic excitation, the depth of pe- ture [6,24,25].
netration of magnetic eld inside the material will be much The ascending part of HFMBN prole starts well before the zero
greater. Hence, the magnetisation occurs effectively in the bulk of transition of magnetising eld (Ha o0) for both steels and almost
the test material. In addition, with strong applied magnetising half the prole occurs before the zero transition, consistent with
eld strength (  715 kA/m), the effective eld strength inside the observations by others [26,27]. This indicates that the HFMBN
sample and hence the magnetisation range are also greater. Since signal is signicantly contributed to by the demagnetisation part
the LFMBN measurements were performed with closed-loop rather than the magnetisation part which occurs after the zero
magnetisation using a U-shaped electromagnetic yoke, the ex- eld transition beyond coercive force. Hence, the single peak
ternal demagnetisation effect will also be greatly reduced [23]. HFMBN proles with dominant section before zero transition re-
Due to low frequency of the acquired LFMBN signals (pre- ect the combined inuence of faster demagnetisation of the
dominantly in the 125 kHz range), the skin-depth of the LFMBN surface, minor magnetisation range and shallow skin-depth due to
signal will be quite large (up to 200 mm in softer steels), but, still the electromagnetic effects discussed above in Section 3.1. The
limited by the electromagnetic attenuation inside the material. HFMBN prole mainly indicates the demagnetisation of softer
microstructure near the surface. It is unable to detect further
3.3. Comparison of HFMBN and LFMBN signal proles magnetisation in the deep subsurface and that involving the effect
of harder microstructural features due to weak magnetising eld
The HFMBN and LFMBN proles obtained from both low carbon strength. The low carbon steel will tend to demagnetise faster due
M. Vashista, V. Moorthy / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592 587

annealed 1000 42CrMo4
Average MBN level, mV




-100 -50 0 50 100
% of Excitation voltage

Average RMS voltage of the MBN signal, V

Peak 1
Isothermally annealed
2 42CrMo4

Peak 2

0.5 Ha

-10 -5 0 5 10
Total excitation voltage, V
Fig. 3. Optical micrographs of isothermally annealed (a) low carbon 18CrNiMo5
Fig. 2. (a) HFMBN proles and (b) LFMBN proles for isothermally annealed steel and (b) high carbon 42CrMo4 steel.
samples of low carbon 18CrNiMo5 and high carbon 42CrMo4 steels.

involves a higher magnetic eld strength, it takes the ferromag-

to higher magnetisation than the high carbon steel [22]. Hence, netic steel over the major magnetisation loop with the possibility
the ascending part of the HFMBN prole starts increasing earlier in of interaction of magnetic domain walls with different types of
the low carbon steel than that in the high carbon steel. The microstructural features. Hence, the LFMBN prole can show sin-
HFMBN prole shows a lower peak height for low carbon steel gle peak or two peaks indicating the presence of different dis-
than that for high carbon steel which is opposite to the expected tributions of pinning strength of microstructural obstacles. The
behaviour. However, the low carbon steel shows a broader HFMBN height of the LFMBN peak is decided by the maximum number of
prole. This indicates some difference in high frequency magne- moving domain walls and their displacement within a distribution
tisation behaviour of these two steels, possibly due to a difference range of pinning strength of microstructural feature. The peak
in ferrite grain size distribution near the surface, which is not yet position is decided by the dominant pinning strength of obstacle
understood. type and the ease with which the reverse domain walls can
The LFMBN proles (Fig. 2(b)) have the major part after zero overcome the obstacle type.
transition (Ha 40) indicating a larger extent of magnetisation The LFMBN proles (Fig. 2(b)) clearly indicate the presence of
(major magnetic hysteresis loop) of the steels. The LFMBN proles two different metallurgical phases, softer ferrite and harder
show clear merging of two peaks indicated by the sharp slope pearlite in isothermally annealed samples. The sharp slope chan-
changes. As explained previously [10], the MBN prole occurs over ges in the LFMBN prole indicate the overlapping distribution of
a range of magnetic eld strengths depending on the distribution pinning strength of ferrite and pearlite phases. The larger peak
of pinning strength of microstructural obstacles to domain walls in 1 indicates the movement of reverse domain walls from the grain
response to a given range of magnetisation. Depending on whe- boundaries sweeping across the ferrite grains. The smaller peak
ther there is a single distribution or overlapping of two different 2 indicates the movement of domain walls in the harder pearlite
distributions or widely separated distributions of pinning strength phase which will restrict the displacement due to different or-
of microstructural obstacles, the MBN prole will show a single ientation of lamellar structure within the pearlite phase. The dif-
peak or slope changes or well-dened two or more peaks. How- ference in LFMBN proles between these two steels makes clear
ever, the shape of the MBN prole depends on other factors such distinction to variations in the volume fractions of ferrite and
as maximum applied magnetic eld strength, frequency response pearlite in relation to their carbon content. The high carbon
and sensitivity of the MBN pick-up coil and time constant used for 42CrMo4 steel shows lower LFMBN peak 1 height indicating lower
averaging of the prole etc. Since the LFMBN measurement % volume fraction ferrite as compared to that in low carbon
588 M. Vashista, V. Moorthy / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592

Spheroidising 18CrNiMo5
annealed 1400

Average MBN level, mV





-100 -50 0 50 100
% of Excitation voltage

Peak 1
Spheroiding annealed
Average RMS voltage of the MBN signal, V


Peak 2


0.5 Ha

0 Fig. 5. Optical micrographs of spheroidising annealed (a) low carbon 18CrNiMo5

-10 -5 0 5 10
steel and (b) high carbon 42CrMo4 steel.
Total excitation voltage, V

Fig. 4. (a) HFMBN proles and (b) LFMBN proles for spherodising annealed
samples of low carbon 18CrNiMo5 and high carbon 42CrMo4 steels. demagnetisation of near-surface layers and the HFMBN peak oc-
curs at slightly earlier position as compared to IA samples (Fig. 2
(a)) indicating softer microstructural condition after SPA treat-
18CrNiMo5 steel. The peak 1 position also shifts to higher excita- ment. However, the high carbon steel shows a higher peak height
tion voltage (applied magnetic eld) in 42CrMo4 steel due to against the expectation whilst the low carbon steel shows a
higher carbon content. This could be attributed to the effect of broader prole (Fig. 4(a)). This could be attributed to variations in
larger number of ferrite/pearlite interface grain boundaries which the near-surface microstructure.
could offer stronger resistance to the movement of reverse domain Peak 1 and peak 2 of the LFMBN prole (Fig.4(b)) are attributed
walls from the phase boundaries in the high carbon 42CrMo4 to the movement of domain walls overcoming grain boundaries
steel. The peak 2 height is greater in 42CrMo4 steel indicating and carbide precipitates respectively at different magnetic eld
higher % of pearlite as compared to that in the 18CrNiMo5 steel. ranges as explained elsewhere [10,24]. The peak 1 height for SPA
The slope change in the descending prole indicates the formation samples is higher than that for IA samples (Fig. 2(b)) which is
of a second peak at a similar excitation voltage range (  46 V) in attributed to an additional contribution from a larger volume
both steels (Fig. 2(b)). This may be due to a similar pearlite la- fraction of ferrite grain structure after SPA treatment. With higher
mellae structure. However, further studies are required to under- carbon content in 42CrMo4 steel, the height of both peak 1 and
stand the effect of variations in pearlite structure (thickness and peak 2 decreases which is attributed to the reduction in dis-
spacing of lamellae) on the LFMBN prole. placement of domain walls due to the presence of a larger number
of inter-granular and intra-granular carbide precipitates as evident
3.3.2. Effect of spheroidising annealed microstructure on the MBN from microstructures shown in Fig. 5(a,b). Similar to the iso-
prole thermally annealed samples, the high carbon 42CrMo4 steel
The HFMBN and LFMBN proles measured on SPA samples are shows peak 1 position at higher excitation voltage (applied mag-
shown in Fig. 4(a,b) respectively. Optical micrographs of SPA netic eld) as compared to low carbon 18CrNiMo5 steel. This in-
samples are shown in Fig. 5(a,b). It can be observed that, similar to dicates the stronger barriers posed by grain-boundaries in high
IA samples, the HFMBN prole show a single peak (Fig. 4(a)) carbon steel possibly due to the presence of large number of car-
whereas the LFMBN proles show two peaks (Fig. 4(b)) for both bides along the grain boundaries which might hinder the move-
steels. ment of reverse domains from the boundaries. The peak 2 position
The HFMBN proles (Fig. 4(a)) show dominant portion before is more or less the same for both steels. The spheroidisation of
the zero transition indicating the main contribution due to carbides may result in a similar distribution of domain wall
M. Vashista, V. Moorthy / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592 589

1600 6
Quenched & 18CrNiMo5

Average RMS voltage of the MBN signal, V

Tempered for 1 hour
1400 42CrMo4 Quenched and Peak 1
5 tempered for 1 h
Average MBN level, mV

1000 42CrMo4

600 3

2 Peak 2
H 200

0 1 Ha
-100 -50 0 50 100
% of Excitation voltage

-10 -5 0 5 10
Quenched & 1600
18CrNiMo5 Total excitation voltage, V
Tempered for 5 hours
1400 42CrMo4

Average MBN level, mV


Average RMS voltage of the MBN signal, V

Quenched and Peak 1
5 tempered for 5 hr
800 18NiCrMo5
600 4
200 3

-100 -50 0 50 100 2 Peak 2
% of Excitation voltage

Fig. 6. HFMBN proles of 18CrNiMo5 and 42CrMo4 steel samples quenched and 1
tempered for (a) 1 h and (b) 5 h.

pinning strengths in both low carbon and high carbon steels, since -10 -5 0 5 10
both steels are subjected to spheroidising annealing at the same Total excitation voltage, V
temperature and time. The main difference is the number density
Fig. 7. LFMBN proles of 18CrNiMo5 and 42CrMo4 steel samples quenched and
of spheroidised carbides which affect the mean free path of the tempered for (a) 1 h and (b) 5 h.
displacement of domain walls and hence the peak 2 height as
observed (Fig. 4(b)). tempering for 1 h. This indicates the difference between low car-
bon lath martensite and high carbon plate martensite (Fig. 8(a,b)).
3.3.3. Effect of quenched and tempered microstructure on the MBN The narrow and very large peak 1 indicates that the low carbon
prole lath martensite is associated with movement of very large number
The HFMBN and LFMBN proles measured on samples quen- of reverse domain walls in a narrow magnetic eld range over a
ched and tempered (QT) for 1 h and 5 h are shown in Figs. 6(a,b) shorter displacement within the martensite laths. In high carbon
and 7(a,b) respectively. Optical micrographs of samples quenched 42CrMo4 steel with plate martensite structure, the height of both
and tempered for 1 h and 5 h are shown in Figs. 8(a,b) and 9(a,b) peak 1 and peak 2 are decreased and their positions are also
respectively. Again, the HFMBN signals show single peak MBN shifted to higher excitation voltage (magnetic eld) as compared
proles (Fig. 6(a,b)) while the LFMBN signals show two-peak MBN to low carbon 18CrNiMo5 steel. This could be due to restricted
proles (Fig. 7(a,b)) for both steels. displacement of domain walls in the plate matensite structure and
From Fig. 6(a,b), it can be observed that the major portion of stronger pinning of carbide precipitates in 42CrMo4 steel. After 5 h
the HFMBN prole is still below the zero transition in 18CrNiMo5 of tempering (Fig. 7(a,b)), the peak 1 has reduced signicantly in
steel. For 42CrMo4 steel, the HFMBN prole is more or less equally 18CrNiMo5 steel. This may be attributed to the precipitation of
split on both sides of zero transition. Only, the peak position of the more carbides along the lath boundaries which reduces the dis-
HFMBN prole shows a clear distinction between the two steels, placement of domain walls from lath boundaries. The plate mar-
which reects the difference in the magnetisation level due to the tensite boundaries in high carbon steel are considered to be a
different carbon content of the steels and hence the delay in de- more stable structure when compared to lath boundaries due to
magnetisation of near-surface layers in high carbon 42CrMo4 steel precipitation of large numbers of carbides along the plate
due to lower magnetisation and permeability. boundaries in high carbon 42CrMo4 steel (Fig. 9(a,b)). This is also
The LFMBN shows very high peak 1 with narrow prole for supported by insignicant change in peak 1 height for 42CrMo4
18CrNiMo5 steel as compared to 42CrMo4 steel (Fig. 7(a)) after steel with tempering time. It can be observed by comparing Fig. 7
590 M. Vashista, V. Moorthy / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592

Fig. 9. Optical micrographs of samples quenched and tempered for 5h (a) low
carbon 18CrNiMo5 steel and (b) high carbon 42CrMo4 steel.
Fig. 8. Optical micrographs of samples quenched and tempered for 1 h (a) low
carbon 18CrNiMo5 steel and (b) high carbon 42CrMo4 steel.

conditions, indicating the broader distribution of domain wall

(a,b) that the peak 2 in 42CrMo4 steel is shifted to lower excitation pinning strength of phase boundaries in the high carbon steel. The
voltage after tempering for 5 h as compared to that after tem- peak 2 height increases for 42CrMo4 steel in the isothermal an-
pering for 1 h. This is attributed to the growth of carbides in high nealed condition due to increased pearlite content whilst it de-
carbon steel. The large size carbides are expected to be associated creases for all other conditions due to the effect of a larger number
with 90 closure domains which reduce the local magneto-static density of carbide precipitates which restrict the displacement of
energy and hence the magnetic eld strength required for the domain walls. The peak 1 position shows systematic shift to higher
domains walls to overcome such large size carbides [10,28]. excitation voltage (higher applied eld) for high carbon 42CrMo4
steel as compared to low carbon 18CrNiMo5 steel for all four
3.4. Analysis of LFMBN prole for distinguishing different groups of microstructural conditions (Table 2). Since, the LFMBN
microstructures peak 1 is attributed to the movement of reverse domain walls from
the grain boundaries [10], the presence of relatively larger number
The LFMBN proles have been tted using 1st order Gaussian of ferrite / pearlite interface boundaries in IA samples and larger
curve tting over the two peaks separately and peak parameters number density of inter-granular carbide precipitates in SPA and
such as peak height, peak position and full width at half maximum QT samples in high carbon 42CrMo4 steel could offer more re-
(FWHM) were determined, using a MATLAB script, as shown ty- sistance to movement of domain walls from such boundaries. This
pically in Fig. 10(a,b). Table 2 shows peak parameters for both could result in shifting of peak 1 position to higher magnetic eld
18CrNiMo5 and 42CrMo4 steel samples. A comparison of height in high carbon steel as compared to low carbon steel. The position
and position of LFMBN peaks for different samples is shown in of LFMBN peak 2 seems to be strongly inuenced by the average
Fig. 11. size of pearlite lamellae and carbide precipitates which are af-
It can be observed from Table 2 and Fig. 11 that, by using a fected by the heat-treatment.
combination of parameters of both LFMBN peaks, it is possible to The changes in the LFMBN peak parameters clearly reect the
uniquely distinguish each of these heat-treated microstructures. It inuence of carbon content related variations in microstructural
can be observed from Fig. 11 that for each heat-treated condition, features on the domain wall movement. These peak parameters
the peak 1 height decreases and the peak 1 position increases for could also be correlated to volume fractions of ferrite and pearlite
42CrMo4 steel as compared to that for 18CrNiMo5 steel. The and average size of grains and carbide precipitates for each mi-
FWHM of peak 1 is also consistently broader for 42CrMo4 steel crostructural condition. It would be very useful to correlate the
when compared to 18CrNiMo5 steel for all microstructural LFMBN with different characteristics of pearlite phase such as
M. Vashista, V. Moorthy / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592 591

Height and Position of MBN peaks

3 Peak 1 height
Average RMS voltage of the MBN signal, V

Isothermally annealed MBN data Peak 1 position

18NiCrMo5 steel sample fitted curve -Peak 1
2.5 Peak 2 height
fitted curve -Peak 2 5
Height Peak 1 = 2.4262 V 4
2 Position Peak 1 = 1.2789 V
Width Peak 1 = 1.1417 V 3

Height Peak 2 = 1.2026 V 2

1.5 Position Peak 2 = 3.5137 V
Width Peak 2 = 3.7445 V 1

Fig.11. A comparison of height and position of MBN peaks for different samples of
18CrNiMo5 and 42CrMo4 steels.
-10 -5 0 5 10
category with systematic variations in the size of different mi-
Total excitation voltage, V
crostructural constituents, which will be pursued in the future
Average RMS voltage of the MBN signal, V

Quenched and tempered for 1h

MBN data
18NiCrMo5 steel sample 4. Conclusions
6 fitted curve -Peak 1
fitted curve -Peak 2
This experimental study clearly shows the difference between
5 Height Peak 1 = 6.7388 V the MBN signal proles obtained at high frequency and quasi-
Position Peak 1 = 0.73818 V
Width Peak 1 = 0.3906 V static frequency magnetic excitation conditions. The LFMBN
4 measurements at quasi-static magnetic excitation frequency
Height Peak 2 = 1.0133 V
shows more systematic variations in the shape of the LFMBN
Position Peak 2 = 5.1517 V
Width Peak 2 = 1.2676 V prole in response to the variations in microstructural features as
compared to the HFMBN measurements with high frequency
magnetic excitation. The HFMBN prole is strongly affected by the
2 complex electromagnetic effects such as eddy currents, magnetic
viscosity, damping, faster surface demagnetisation etc. limiting the
1 variations in the shape of the HFMBN prole.
The HFMBN prole always shows single peak with major part
0 of the prole occurring before and near the zero transition. This
-10 -5 0 5 10 clearly indicates that the HFMBN signal is mainly contributed to by
Total excitation voltage, V the faster demagnetisation of near-surface of the softer ferro-
magnetic material. The difference between low carbon and high
Fig. 10. Typical 1st order Gaussian tting of peak 1 and peak 2 of LFMBN proles for carbon steels is indicated only by the higher peak position of the
18CrNiMo5 steel samples (a) isothermally annealed and (b) quenched and tem-
pered for 1 h.
HFMBN prole in high carbon steel. The peak height of HFMBN
prole does not reect the effect of carbon content as expected.
This is mainly attributed to the electromagnetic effects of higher
Table 2 excitation frequency and lower magnetising eld strength used
LFMBN peak parameters for different heat-treated samples of 18CrNiMo5 and
with the HFMBN system. Even though, the HFMBN measurements
42CrMo4 steels.
are used for assessment of near-surface grinding damage, this
Steel Heat- Peak 1 parameters Peak 2 parameters study shows that, further optimisation of HFMBN measurement
treated parameters is required for enhancing its potential for detection of
condition Height Position FWHM Height Position FWHM subsurface damage.
18CrNiMo5 IA 2.43 1.28 1.14 1.20 3.51 3.74
The variations in the two peaks of the LFMBN prole clearly
42CrMo4 IA 1.87 2.55 1.77 1.31 4.76 2.52 reect the systematic changes in the magnetisation process caused
18CrNiMo5 SPA 2.78 0.61 0.88 1.27 4.41 0.93 by variation in microstructural features such as ferrite, pearlite,
42CrMo4 SPA 2.66 1.53 0.93 1.05 3.99 1.36 martensite and second phase carbides depending on the carbon
18CrNiMo5 QT-1 h 6.74 0.74 0.39 1.01 5.15 1.27
content of the steel.
42CrMo4 QT-1 h 2.81 1.94 0.82 0.77 5.91 2.06
18CrNiMo5 QT-5 h 6.19 0.65 0.41 1.16 5.16 1.05  In isothermally annealed condition, the peak 1 of LFMBN
42CrMo4 QT-5 h 2.72 1.53 1.12 0.94 5.12 1.26 prole decreases with decrease in volume fraction of ferrite and
the peak 2 increases with increase in volume fraction of pearlite in
response increases carbon content of steel.
 In spheroidising annealed condition, both peak 1 and peak
lamellae thickness and spacing between the lamellae in iso- 2 of LFMBN prole decreased with increase in carbon content of
thermally annealed condition in different carbons steels. Similarly, the steel reecting the precipitation of large number of inter-
it would be useful to correlate the LFMBN with average size grains/ granular and intra-granular carbides.
laths and carbide precipitates in SPA and QT conditions in different  In quenched and tempered condition, the low carbon lath
steel samples. However, this requires further detailed study using martensite shows large increase in peak 1 of LFMBN prole after
more number ( 43 or 4) of samples in each microstructural short time tempering. The tempering of high carbon steel shows
592 M. Vashista, V. Moorthy / Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 393 (2015) 584592

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