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The social norm in how we listen to our music has

dominated our lives in a dramatic way.
So much so, its beginning to wipe out the CD
But is this really true?
Day by day as streaming increases, CD sales are
We spoke to a group of teenagers and asked
them when they last bought a CD

We spoke to an expert in media to give his

professional opinion on whats happening in the
music industry and his predictions for the future.

We compared CDs to streaming and other

formats of listening to music. This is based on a
research done in 2014 of the US music industry.
37% of the sales are coming from digital
downloads opposed to physical copies like CD
only occupying 32%. A few years ago, this
wouldve been different with CDs being at the
top. Streaming is a growing form of listening to
music which may potentially overtake physical.
Streaming was 27% of the sales in 2014. The
smaller parts of the market are synchronisation
at 3% and ringtones at only 1%.

CD sales was previously the main form of buying

and listening to music, and also a major source of
income for artists. With the current generation
streaming music in such a variety of ways, what
effect could this have on your favourite artists?
We interviewed music fans to get their opinion on

A recent pair in controversy has popped up

again, Kanye West and Taylor Swift. Two major
superstars in the industry with two very different
opinions on CDs and streaming. West who had
actually made his last 7 albums available on disc
tweeted wants to stop making CDs and focus on
streaming. Swift on the other hand believes in
continuing CDs and resented major streaming
sites like Spotify and others.

Streaming is the future. Its been a problem for

the music industry in recent years to come to
terms with and adapt to. Services like Spotify and
Sound cloud have created problems for the music
industry, but thats not been the biggest battle.
Illegal streaming is a very active thing and a
major threat to artists and labels.

Illegal ways of listening to music are very

common and easily available. Why pay when you
could just listen for free, right? What people
forget when doing this is that they are
committing a crime and denying artists income
they rightfully deserve. It has such a negative
impact on the industry that it creates $12.5
billion in economic losses a year. The problem is
that its available to most by the click of a button
and is so hard to combat from an industry point
of view.
Many factors go into consideration why people
choose to illegally download music.

its easy to do!

People dont have to pay!
And quite honestly its seen to have become the
norm in our society.

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