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2016 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and

Mechatronics (ICARM)

Differential Evolution and Particle Swarm

Optimization Algorithms with Two Stage
Initialization for PID Controller Tuning in Coupled
Tank Liquid Level System

Manasa Madhavi Puralachetty1 and Vinay Kumar Pamula2

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
University College of Engineering Kakinada, JNTUK
Kakinada, India 533003
E-mail: 1manasamadhavi.p.2016@ieee.org, 2pamulavk@ieee.org

AbstractIn this paper, a different type of initialization integral gain (Ki) and derivative gain (Kd). Several methods
technique called the two stage initialization (TSI) is used for have been proposed so far for tuning the PID controller. Some
initializing the population vectors of differential evolution (DE) of them are open-loop transient response method, Zeigler-
and particle swarm optimization (PSO). These two stage Nichols method, damped oscillation method, Cohen and Coon
initialized optimization algorithms are then used to tune the PID method, minimum error criterion method etc., [2] and [3]. All
controller for a coupled tank liquid level control system. In TSI, the above mentioned methods have their own advantages and
the population vector is randomly generated in two stages which disadvantages.
would then go through the various phases involved in the
algorithms. The PID controller is the most preferred controller At present, different heuristic algorithms are being used for
in almost all process control industries due to its robustness and tuning the PID controller. In [4], genetic algorithm (GA) is
dynamic behavior. Hence it has been chosen for controlling the used for tuning the PID controller. In [5], bat algorithm is
coupled tank liquid level system in this paper. Comparison of the used to tune the PID controller for coupled tank liquid level
application of four optimization algorithms out of which two are control system. A new particle swarm optimization (PSO)
already existing ones and the other two are their TSI versions to algorithm to tune the fractional-order PID controller for five
PID-coupled tank liquid level system is also done. It can be bar linkage robot is presented in [6]. The differential
found that TSI not only helps the existing optimization evolution (DE) is used for tuning the PID controller optimally
algorithms to start at a better optima but also to converge at a
in [7]. Next, in [8], the teaching learning based optimization
lesser minimum value of the objective function, which is often
(TLBO) algorithm is used to tune the parameters of PID
controller applied for an automatic voltage regulator (AVR)
Keywords Optimization algorithms; PID Controller; Coupled system. In this paper, the relative advantages and
tank liquid level control system; Two stage initialization; DE; PSO disadvantages in tuning the PID controller using existing PSO,
DE algorithms and their counterparts with two stage
initialization (TSI) have been compared. Here, PID controller
I. INTRODUCTION is used to maintain the level of liquid in a coupled tank
Today, many industrial as well as domestic appliances system. The level control system maintains the liquid level by
around us make use of controllers for control and automation. controlling the inward flow of liquid into the tank which is
The most commonly used controllers are neural network done by adjusting the control valve opening [2], [9]. The
controllers, fuzzy logic controllers, proportional derivative control of valve opening is done using a PID controller.
(PD), proportional integral (PI), proportional integral
derivative (PID) controllers etc. A controller constitutes of an The paper is further organized as follows: Section II
error detector and control elements. The error detector presents details about PID controller. Section III gives the
compares the plant output signal with the reference input linearized or transfer function model of PID-coupled tank
signal and generates the deviation as an actuating signal which liquid level system. Section IV details about objective
is usually a low power signal. This actuating signal is then function and the optimization algorithms used. Section V and
manipulated by the control elements [1]. Among all the Section VI present the result analysis and concluding remarks
available controllers, PID controllers are used mostly in respectively.
different types of industries due to their robust operation over
wide range of operating points and simple structure. The II. PID CONTROLLER
effectiveness of a given PID controller depends on the proper The fundamental principle of the PID controller is to
tuning of its parameters namely the proportional gain (Kp), manipulate the variable to be controlled by applying proper

978-1-5090-3364-5/16/$31.00 2016 IEEE 507

combination of three control actions viz., proportional control This signal is then given to the actuator to control the valve
action, integral control action and derivative control action opening accordingly. Here, the dynamics of the sensor,
[10]. PID controller improves both the transient response as actuator and control valve are neglected. The modelling of the
well as the steady state response of the system. Proportional coupled tank liquid level control system as in [5] is shown
(P) controller is a simple amplifier with gain Kp and is used to below.
reduce steady state error of the system. The PI controller
either reduces the steady state error (Ess) or makes it zero and The flow equations for a coupled tank liquid level system
hence improves the steady state response of the system. This are as given in [5]:
is done due to the increase in the type number of the system dH1
after the PI controller is incorporated into it. The PD For Tank 1: Qi Q1 = A (2)
controller mainly enhances transient response of the system
and also improves the stability of the system by the addition of
zeroes. PID controller combines the effects of all the three dH 2
For Tank 2: Q1 Q2 = A (3)
above mentioned controllers and hence enhances both the dt
transient and steady state response of the system [1]. The
transfer function of the PID controller is given as where Qi is input pump flow rate, Q1 and Q2 are flow rates of
the fluid out of tanks 1 and 2 respectively, H1 and H 2 indicate
Ki the levels or heights of fluid in tanks 1 and 2 respectively, A is
P(s) = K p + + Kd s . (1)
s the cross sectional area of tanks 1 and 2.

III. TRANSFER FUNCTION MODEL OF A COUPLED TANK The steady state representation of coupled tank system is
given as
The coupled tank liquid level control system is used in
h1 k1 / A k1 / A h1 1/ A
many process industries to maintain the liquid level in the  = + qi . (4)
tanks and also to control the flow between tanks. When there h2 1
k / A ( k1 + k 2 ) / A h2 0
is a non-linearity, disturbance or some variation in the system
parameters, the tanks liquid levels and the flow between the
The Laplace transformation of above equation yields the
tanks are affected. In order to regulate these affected
transfer function of the system as
parameters, a manipulating or controlling variable out of all
the available process parameters is chosen. The manipulating
variable that is chosen here is the flow input to the first tank. 1/k2
G( s) =
The input flow to the first tank is manipulated with the help of A 2 A(2k1 + k2 )

a control valve. The control valve opening is regulated in s + s +1

proportion to the decrement or increment in the tanks level k1k 2 k1k2 (5)
[2]. The controller controls the control valve opening [9]. 1/k2
Using PID controller enhances the output of coupled tank ( sT1 + 1)( sT2 + 1)
liquid level control system by improving its transient and
steady state response. The coupled tank liquid level control
A2 A(2k1 + k2 )
system is shown in Fig.1 [5]. The sensor senses the tank level. where T1T2 = , T1 + T2 = ,
The difference between the level of liquid sensed and the set k k2
1 k1k2
point value appears as an error signal at the input terminals of
the controller. Now the controller generates an actuating k1 = and k2 = .
signal. 2 H1 H 2 2 H 2 H3

Considering H1 = 18 cm, H 2 = 14 cm, H 3 = 6 cm,

constant of coefficient of discharge,  = 9.5, A = 32 cm2; the
transfer function of a coupled tank system is obtained as

G ( s) = . (6)
s + 0.201s + 0.00389

Application of the PID controller to the system described

by the transfer function as in (6) gives the overall transfer
function of the PID controller tuned coupled tank liquid level
control system as follows

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of coupled tank liquid level system with PID
controller [5].

0.002318( K d s 2 + K p s + K i ) Step 2. Generate a population (swarm) of ps particles with
GPID ( s ) = . (7) nva number of design variables (members).
s 3 + (0.201 + 0.002318 K d ) s 2 +
Step 3. Calculate the objective function value for each
(0.00389 + 0.002318 K p ) s + 0.002318 K i particle.
IV. OBJECTIVE FUNCTION AND OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS Step 4. Store the particle which yields the minimum
objective function value.
Different performance indicating criteria like the
integrated absolute error (IAE), integral of squared error (ISE) Step 5. Generate a population vector of size n nva by
and the integral of time weighted square error (ITSE), are repeating the steps 2 to 4, n times.
often used for designing the control system when the input is
unit step signal. Using these criteria for performance Step 6. Apply the PSO algorithm as in [6] to the population
estimation has some advantages and disadvantages [6]. vector so generated.

In this paper, an objective function which incorporates B. DE with TSI (DE-TSI)

different time response specifications as given by [6] is used.
Step 1. Initially define the values of population size ps, the
The objective function is
number of design variables nva, maximum number of
iterations itemax, number of population vectors to be
1 e generated n, maximum and minimum values of design
(T + T ) +
( M P + Ess ) (8) variables.
1 + e 1+ e
r s

Step 2. Generate a population vector consisting of ps
where Tr is the rise time and Ts is the settling time, Mp is the population strings with nva design variables.
%peak overshoot; Ess is the steady state error in step response Step 3. Calculate the objective function value for each
of PID controlled coupled tank liquid level system. The value population string.
of  lies in the range -5    5 and is the weighting factor.
When we set  less than 0, the result is the reduction in Mp and Step 4. Store the value of the population string which yields
Ess. If  is set to be greater than 0, there will be reduction in the minimum objective function value.
Tr and Ts. In order to have equal weights for all the above
Step 5. Repeat through steps 2 to 4, n times to generate a
mentioned performance criteria (Mp, Tr, Ts, Ess),  is set to 0
population vector of size n nva .
Tuning of a PID controller is nothing but finding the Step 6. Apply DE algorithm given in [11] to the population
optimal values of its parameters viz. Kp, Ki, and Kd, such that vector so generated. Note that there is no need to do mutation
there is a considerable improvement in the time response phase of existing DE for DE-TSI.
specifications of the system with PID controller, when
compared to the system without it. Here tuning of the PID
controller is done by first substituting different sets of Parameter Quantity
randomly generated Kp, Ki and Kd values in the overall system
transfer function given by (7). Step response of the system is Number of Population vectors (n) 30
evaluated for each set of values of Kp, Ki and Kd. From the step Number of Population strings (ps) 50
response so obtained, different time response specifications
like Tr, Ts, Mp, Ess are found. These values are then substituted Number of design variables (nva) 3
in the objective function (8). This process is repeated several Maximum number of iterations (itemax) 50
times in an optimization algorithm to yield the optimal values
of the PID tuning parameters. The proper combination of Kp, Crossover rate for DE (cr) 0.5
Ki, and Kd which yields the minimum objective function value Mutation rate for DE (F) 0.9
will be considered as the optimal solution of PID tuning
parameters. Acceleration constants for PSO (c1 and c2) 2

The steps involved in the implementation of different Initial inertial weight (w) for PSO 1
algorithms used in this paper are presented below. The values
of different parameters used in the algorithms are tabulated in TABLE II. PID PARAMETERS USED IN ALGORITHMS
Table I and Table II. Here the design variables are Kp, Ki and
Kd. Design Variables Range

A. PSO with TSI (PSO-TSI) Kp 0< Kp <250

Step 1. Initially define the values of number of population
strings or each population size ps, the number of design Ki 0.1< Ki<250
variables nva, maximum number of iterations itemax, number
of population vectors to be generated n, maximum and Kd 0< Kd<250
minimum values of design variables.

From Fig. 2, it can be seen that the step response of the
coupled tank liquid level system without PID controller yields
an over-damped response which does not settle down and thus
has a higher value of Ess, Tr and infinite Ts. To overcome these
drawbacks, it needs a controller which is chosen as a PID
controller here. The PID controller often needs a separate
method to tune its parameters. Optimization algorithms like
PSO, DE, PSO-TSI, DE-TSI, are chosen here to tune the
parameters of the PID controller. The existing and proposed
methods are implemented using MATLAB 2012a software.
Fig. 3 presents the different step responses of a PID-coupled
tank system tuned by using the existing PSO and DE and their
respective TSI counterparts. Fig. 4 depicts the convergence
characteristics of the existing PSO, DE algorithms and their
respective TSI versions. The optimized values of K p , Ki and
K d ; the objective function values obtained; the values of
different time domain specifications obtained using different Fig. 2. Step response of coupled tank liquid level system without PID
optimization algorithms mentioned above are presented in controller.
Table III.
From Table III, it can be observed that the steady state
error is zero after the application of the PID controller. This is
due to the presence of an integrator in the PID controller
which increases the type number of the system from 0 to 1 and
the application of a step input to a type-1 system would yield
zero Ess in its response. Also, it can be interpreted from Table
III that the minimum objective function value is obtained
using DE-TSI and thus it can be stated that the best possible
combination of K p , Ki and K d is also obtained using DE-TSI.
Further, it can be realized that the objective function values
obtained using the TSI optimization algorithms are lesser than
those of the existing ones. Also, it can be seen in Fig. 4 that
the TSI optimization algorithms converge at a more minimum
function value (MFV). The reason for these results is that TSI
results in best strings which are then allowed to go through the
different stages of the algorithms [11]. It can be further
deduced from Table III that the function values obtained using
Fig. 3. Step response of coupled tank liquid level system with PID controller
DE, either two stage initialized or existing, are better tuned by using PSO, DE, PSO-TSI, DE-TSI .
compared to those of other algorithms. This may be due to the
fact that PSO is more prone to get struck at local best solutions
than DE. These results obtained in Table III are further
strengthened by the graphs obtained in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4.




Kp 250.0000 76.7508 73.3406 61.1694
Ki 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.6778
Kd 250.0000 250.0000 250.0000 250.0000
MFV 16.8036 6.9272 6.2929 4.6456
Mp 21.7904 2.7650 2.1497 0.8125
Tr 1.5196 2.9039 2.9879 3.3298
Ts 10.2972 8.1855 7.4481 5.1489
Ess 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Fig. 4. Objective function vs iterations (convergence plot).

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