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LifeScope Wellness Seminars

Learning for Personal and

Professional Growth
Introduction 5
On-Site Seminars 5
Webinars 5
Simulcast 5
Scheduled Monthly Webinars 5
Dial-In Support Groups 6
Custom Organizational Development Training 6
Scheduling Seminars 6

Emotional Well-Being 8
A Balanced Retirement Life 8
Balancing Work and Personal Life 8
Building Self-Esteem: The Key to Self-Confidence 8
Communicating in Relationship: 5 Steps to the Best Fight Ever w e b i n a r O N L Y 8
Conquering Fear and Anxiety 8
Coping and Dealing with Difficult Personalities 8
Dealing with Grief and Loss 9
Dealing with the Elephant in the Room 9
Dont Sweat the Small Stuff at Work 9
Emotional Intelligence 9
Five Buckets Principle 9
Forgiveness 9
From Negative to Positive You! 9
Handling a Family Crisis 10
How to Grow a Great Relationship w e b i n a r O N L Y 10
Lighten UP! Using Humor to Keep Perspective 10
Managing Holiday Madness 10
Managing UP! So it Wont be a Downer 10
Mastering Change 11
Navigating Through Lifes Transitions 11
People Who Push Your Buttons 11
Planning for Personal Growth 11
Power of Positive Thinking 11
Preventing Burnout: A Balanced Life Check-up 11
Process Addiction (Understanding Behavior, Habits, and Addictions) 12
Realistic Optimism 12
Relationships 101 12
Sandwich Generation: Strategies for Multi-Generational Caregiving 12
Stress Management 12
Supporting Loved Ones Diagnosed with Cancer 12
Taking PauseFinding Peace in the Midst of this Crazy World 13
Transition and Change: Preparing for Our Retirement in the 21st Century 13
Turning the Table on Bad Habits 13
Un-Clutter to De-StressSimple Steps to Simplify your Life 13


Family and Caregiving: Parenting 14

Adoption w e b i n a r O N L Y 14
Becoming a Family: New Beginnings 14
Bullying 14
Challenge of Being a Working Parent and a Professional 14
Children and Divorce 14
Children and Stress 14
College: Preparing Financially and Emotionally 14
Facebook Safety for Kids 14
Guilt-Free Parenting 15
Modern Parenting 15
Parents as Teachers 15
Parents as Teachers: Adolescent Years 15
Parenting Your Teen: Managing Conflict-Problem Solving 15
Parenting Your Teen: Tips for Parents of Teenage Drivers 15
Quality Time for the Time-Pressed Family 15
Safe and Stress-Free Summer 16
Sharing the Care: Dual-Career Couples 16
Survival Skills for a Single Parent w e b i n a r O N L Y 16
Ten Basic Principles for Todays Parents 16
What Colleges Really Look for? w e b i n a r O N L Y 16

Family and Caregiving: Elder Care 17

Care for the Caregivers 17
Changing Relationships: You and Your Elderly Loved One 17
Compassion Fatigue for Health Care Providers 17
Considering Elder Care Options 17
Keeping your Elders in Their Home 17

Health and Wellness 18

Breathe Easy: Steps to a Smoke-Free Life 18
Carbs: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly 18
Creating a Healthy Lifestyle 18
Eating Right For Life 18
Emotional Eating 18
Exercise at Your Desk 18
Fitness Challenge 19
Green is Good! Positively Impacting Our Planet 19
Healthy Tips for Business Travel 19
Mens Health 101 19
Mindfulness, Meditation and Relaxation 19
Music and Color Therapy w e b i n a r O N L Y 19
Protecting our Precious Lives! Tips on Staying Healthy 20
Relaxation Techniques at the Workplace 20
Sleep 101 20
Winter Wellness 20


Daily Living: Financial 21

Advance Directives 21
Dealing with My Credit Cards w e b i n a r O N L Y 21
Dreaming of Retirement w e b i n a r O N L Y 21
Everything You Need to Know About Your Credit 21
Family and Personal Budgeting 21
Financial Fitness 21
Holiday Budgeting 21
Identity Theft Protection and Self Help 22
The Importance of Having a Will 22
Living Off Your Paycheck 22
Making Tax Returns Less Taxing w e b i n a r O N L Y 22
Managing Your Money in Tough Times 22
Mind Over Money 22
When Mortgages Go Bad w e b i n a r O N L Y 22

Training Light 23
Working Smarter 24
Assertive Communication 24
Benefitting from Ergonomics* 24
Business Etiquette 24
Communicating Effectively 24
Conflict Management for Employees 24
Conflict Resolution 24
Creating a More Resilient You! 24
Creating a Positive Professional Work Environment 25
Creative Problem Solving 25
Decreasing Violence on College Campuses 25
Disaster and Emergency Preparedness 25
Diversity Training* 25
Drug-Free Workplace* 26
Ethics and Values in the Workplace 26
Getting Unstuck: Overcoming Procrastination 26
Global Culture Sensitivity Program 26
Goal Setting Strategies 26
Introduction to Social Media Marketing 26
Managing Social Connection 27
Maximizing Your Day 27
Mentoring for Success (Mentee and Mentor Version) 27
Motivating from Within 27
Moving Forward with Organizational Change 27
Planning for Professional Growth 27
Planning for Your Work-Related Goals 28
Power of Volunteering 28

* Additional fees may apply. Please speak to your Account Manager.


Providing Outstanding Customer Service 28

Respect at Work 28
Sexual Harassment Prevention (Employee Version)* 28
Substance Abuse* 28
Time Management 29
Todays Multi-Generational Workforce 29
Transitioning to an Open Space 29
Workplace Violence Prevention 29

Management Training & Education 30

Compassion Fatigue for Human Resources 30
Conflict Management for Managers 30
Curbing Rumors, Gossip and Teasing Behavior...The Supervisors Role 30
Effectively Addressing Employee Performance and Productivity* 30
Manager as Coach 30
Promote Family Health 30
Recognizing and Responding to Concerning Behaviors in the Workplace 31
Reintegrating Veterans in the Workplace 31
Responding to Urgent and High Risk Situations* 31
Sexual Harassment Prevention (Manager Version)* 31
Team Building* 31
Understanding Domestic Violence 32

Dial-In Support Groups 33

* Additional fees may apply. Please speak to your Account Manager.

I ntroduction
E4 Health understands that your employees well-being has a direct impact
on overall organizational performance and, therefore, maintaining a healthy
and productive workforce is of the utmost importance. Our diverse variety
of seminars and trainings are thus geared toward enhancing employees and
leaders sense of balance, resilience, contribution, and motivation and, in turn,
their workplace satisfaction and productivity. Our offerings from the LifeScope
program are typically one hour in length, and technology has afforded us a
multitude of formats in which to present these sessions.

On-Site Seminars
For our live, on-site seminars, employees will have an opportunity to engage with colleagues in a
supportive, interactive environment and acquire valuable skills and learning for enhancing both their
personal and professional lives. Our trainer will lead from a PowerPoint presentation while creating
an engaging dialogue around the selected seminar. A conference room with available seating will be
required along with an LCD projector and screen.

LifeScope also recognizes that for some organizations, scheduling a live seminar can be challenging for a
multitude of reasons. Because of this, all of our wellness seminars can also be booked as live webinars
via our virtual classroom over the internet. In the webinar format, employees can attend the session
remotely anywhere there is internet access. No actual office space is required. As such, invitations to
participants can be sent to multiple offices. Another advantage of the webinar format is the anonymity
factor; participants can attend and benefit from the information discussed without having to disclose
their identity. For some topics, this can positively impact the number of attendees.

We can also offer these seminars as a simulcast. A trainer will come to your organization and present
on-site, with the PowerPoint simultaneously being presented via our virtual classroom, with webinar
participants dialing into our conference line. For simulcast bookings, a total of 2 hours will be taken
from your annual seminar allotment (1 hour for the live presentation, and 1 hour for the virtual

Scheduled Monthly Webinars

We also have monthly webinars scheduled on the LifeScope website (housed midpoint down on
the home page) which coincide with our monthly themes; prior registration is required. Archived
recordings of these sessions are available as well (these are referenced below the scheduled webinars).
Both the scheduled webinars and archived versions are provided at no cost to your organization.

I ntroduction

Dial-In Support Groups (see page 33 for more information)
These telephonic peer groups offer interactive learning experiences for groups of individuals who share a
common concern, such as weight loss, smoking cessation, bereavement, parenting concerns, cancer care,
management issues, etc. Rather than a canned didactic experience, these sessions are facilitated by a
knowledgeable professional who guides a discussion that is targeted to the needs of the group in real time
and where participants learn from each other (as well as the facilitator).

Custom Organizational Development Training

E4s custom organizational development trainings provide a platform of informative, thought provoking,
competency-based learning to participants in two-hour or greater segments. Each program is specifically
designed to encourage individual as well as group learning by stimulating shifting perspectives and
personal behaviors. Areas of focus include: Assessing performance and defining critical competencies,
enabling high potential performers to maximize potential, developing next generation leaders, and
expanding cultural knowledge and the ability to create effective relationships. We will also work with
you to customize any of these topics to fit within your specific learning objectives and workplace
culture. Prices vary based on level of customization. Please speak with your Account Manager or E4
Healths Manager of Training for further information.

Scheduling Seminars
Please contact your E4 Health Account Manager or E4 Healths Manager of Training at least 4 weeks
prior to your desired seminar/webinar date. We will help you select the most appropriate topic,
promote the event and provide all materials including follow-up evaluation surveys.

We recommend the following steps to ensure a successful program and are available to help you
coordinate your event each step of the way:
Assess your organizations current challenges and employee-relations issues. This will assist you in
targeting topics relevant to your employee population. Employee survey responses may also be a
helpful indicator of employee needs and interests.
Discuss your ideas with your Account Manager(s), who may be able to identify the most appropriate
topics for your employees.
Allow at least 3 to 4 weeks for promotion of the seminar/webinar. Weekly reminders and
announcements are recommended. You may also want to provide food and refreshments.

Wellness Seminars
Think of our LifeScope wellness seminars/webinars as introductory sessions on
a selected topic that pack a powerful punch! Usually one hour in length and
booked as Lunch-and-Learns, our wellness seminars and webinars encourage
participants to take a more active role in their physical, emotional and behavioral
health. We review key concepts and evidence-based research on the subject
and then structure the time to create an interactive, meaningful, and engaging
experience so that attendees leave with tangible tools and information that
they can incorporate into their lives immediately.

LifeScopes wellness seminars and webinars offer practical training to address a variety of topics
under the following subject areas:
Emotional Well-Being
Family and Caregiving: Parenting
Family and Caregiving: Elder Care
Health and Wellness
Daily Living: Financial
Working Smarter
Management Training & Education

E motional W ell - B eing
Wellness Seminars
A Balanced Retirement Life
The goal of this seminar is to help you ask the right questions and make decisions that are right for
you as you approach retirement. We will cover the issues to consider for future planning and help
you to evaluate your current road map, with a focus on the positive aspects of retirementnot just
the challenges.

Balancing Work and Personal Life

Most of us take on an unreasonable number of work tasks and social obligations that leave us feeling
frustrated, exhausted and spread thin, rather than fulfilled. To create a more healthy and realistic work-
life balance, we must honestly examine both our personal and professional values, goals and interests.
This workshop will prompt you to think about your priorities and, through guided activities, help you
gain a clearer picture of how you would optimally allocate your time. You will also learn techniques that
contribute to a much saner, well-balanced lifestyle, such as asserting boundaries, time management and
delegating responsibility.

Building Self-Esteem: The Key to Self-Confidence

Learn to explore the impact of self-esteem on emotional, physical and mental health. This presentation
defines and examines the origins of self-image and discusses the relationship between self-image and
self-ideal. In this session, you will learn about your own level of self-esteem and be guided through a
ten-step process for building self-esteem and acting with self-confidence.

Communication in Relationships: 5 Steps to the Best Fight Ever w e b i n a r o n ly

Wouldnt it be great if you could express yourself well in a fight and ask for what you really want
and need? Transform your next conflict into a conversation that leaves you both feeling heard and
respected. In this practical, research-inspired workshop you will:
Identify your conflict style
Solve your solvable problems and manage your ongoing issues
Follow the 5 steps to the best fight ever
Apply the dreams within conflict technique
Leave with concrete goals to immediately put what youve learned into practice

Conquering Fear and Anxiety

Fears and anxieties are made up of thoughts that are based upon either personal experiences or
beliefs. Pretending that these thoughts/fears do not exist or are not that bad can actually make
them worse. In this class we will learn how to talk through our thoughts to realize that our fears and
anxieties are manageable and controllable.

Coping and Dealing with Difficult Personalities

Learning to manage difficult people is critical for personal and professional success. However, before
you can deal effectively with a difficult person, you must understand your personal communication
style, which influences how you perceive and respond to different personality types. Participation
in this workshop will help deepen your self-awareness and empathy in interactions with difficult
coworkers, clients, managers and family members, and teach you techniques for avoiding potential
and unnecessary conflict.

E motional W ell - B eing

Wellness Seminars
Dealing with Grief and Loss
We have all experienced losses in our lives, whether it was the death of a loved one, the end of an
important relationship, the loss of independence or the loss of our hopes and dreams. Grief is a
natural and normal response to loss, but in our fast-forwarded world, the time and need to mourn is
often minimized. Grief can be an intense, overwhelming emotion which we all experience in a unique
way. This session will focus on the different types of loss we experience, what to expect physically
and emotionally when mourning, myths about the stages of grief, the effects of delayed grief and
coping skills.

Dealing with the Elephant in the Room

Dealing with the Elephant in the Room is a communications development seminar in which you will
learn the skills to talk to anyone about anything. Youll begin by identifying the uncomfortable issues
and realties you face at work and at home. Then you will learn how to confront such issues with tact,
empathy and clarity. Dealing with the elephant in the room increases productivity and improves
relationships by addressing problems, conflicts or misunderstandings proactively.

Dont Sweat the Small Stuff at Work

This seminar focuses on ways to free your mind from self-defeating and counterproductive thoughts
and beliefs. In a safe environment, you will learn to adapt to lifes unexpected events, let go of things
you cant control and create a flow to daily living. This is the first step to being your best without
being perfect.

Emotional Intelligence
Many of us know that getting along with others is the key to success. Our ability to play nicely in the
sandbox is fundamental to our career as well as our health. In this workshop we will discuss how we
can become more attuned to the world and people around us.

Five Buckets Principle

Is it possible to meet the competing demands of job, family, friends, school and work? The resounding
answer is yes! In this fun, interactive seminar, you will learn the Five Buckets Principle of work/life
balance to get the tools to prioritize what is and should be important. You will learn how to think
about the BIG PICTURE without ignoring the little things that matter, and learn how to find the time
to manage it allincluding time for yourself and for fun by identifying priorities, making choices and
managing expectations.

We all carry around grudgessome small, some huge. However, carrying grudges can have
detrimental effects such as negative relationships, weight gain, jealousy towards others and even
difficulty achieving success at work. The art of forgiveness allows us to let go and move on.

From Negative to Positive You!

The goal of this high energy class is to learn how to move away from a why me? outlook. We will learn
to build confidence and self-esteem using mindfulness techniques. Well also review motivational
strategies to facilitate lifelong change and enable us to thrive at work and in our personal lives.

E motional W ell - B eing

Wellness Seminars
Handling a Family Crisis
This program focuses on end-of-life issues and the turmoil they can create for families. It will explore
expectations, identify typical behaviors of children in these situations, examine functional and
dysfunctional guilt and define the financial challenges. It will also look at transitions and best family
practices when facing this type of crisis.

How to Grow a Great Relationship w e b i n a r o n ly

Learn the 8 critical ingredients that make a relationship amazing and some practical strategies to improve
what you have in each area. We will cover what to look for as you date and meet new people, as well as
how to focus your energy to take a committed relationship from good to great.
Reveals the 8 key predictors of a successful relationship
Teaches the simple steps you can follow to grow in each of these areas
Guides you through a relationship assessment
Leads you in interactive exercises to immediately apply what youve learned to your own life

This is a positive, growth-oriented workshop for anyone who wants to enjoy a great relationship now
or in the future.

Lighten UP! Using Humor to Keep Perspective

This informative and enjoyable workshop will share proven techniques for using humor to deal with
stressful situations. You will learn about the history and applications of laughter therapy, explore the
energizing power of laughter and learn to look at life in a way that reduces stress.

Managing Holiday Madness

While many of us find comfort in our holiday rituals, like spending time with loved ones and enjoying social
events, there are aspects of the holiday season that leave us feeling less than festive: too many gifts to
buy, congested highways, multiple obligations and endless food. To cope with these feelings requires some
introspection and planning. Through participation in this workshop, you will come to better understand
your holiday stress and what it looks like. Youll also acquire tools to help you better manage stressful
situations and feelings, so you can embrace the holidays rather than dread them.

Managing UP! So it Wont be a Downer

Managing others is challenging enough for most of us, but when the individual holds more power and
the stakes are higher, our skills must be constantly sharpened. All of us, at some point in our working
lives, must manage a bossand when we do it well, our working hours become less stressful and
more productive. This workshop explores some common roadblocks and potential pitfalls to avoid, as
well as practical techniques that will increase effectiveness in managing up, so it wont be a downer!

E motional W ell - B eing

Wellness Seminars
Mastering Change
Change is an inevitable part of life, however, it is how people deal with the situation that may or
may not cause added stress. In this program, you will be directed through a systematic process for
mastering change. Topics covered include: Recognizing the rhythm of change, managing reactions
and responses, developing coping strategies for responding to change, guidelines for managing
change, and seizing opportunities and getting help.

Navigating Through Lifes Transitions

Whether its expected or unexpected, self-imposed or simply the outcome of a natural progression of
events, change is almost always difficult. This workshop looks at the various types of change we face
throughout a lifetime and what we can do to proactively improve our resistance to the stress and
uncertainty that occurs during transitional times.

People Who Push Your Buttons

On any given day we come into contact with people who trigger an adverse reaction. Whether the
trigger is grounded in cultural differences, communication style, differing points of view or for reasons
you cant quite put your finger on, most of us would benefit from learning strategies and tools to
help us address the situation as it arises in a professional and positive manner. In this seminar, you
will be encouraged to identify what behaviors or personalities set you off, learn how to respond and
not react and learn communication methods to assert your needs respectfully and effectively.

Planning for Personal Growth

Do you need help achieving your personal goals? Are you looking for new aspirations? A variation
of the Planning for Professional Growth seminar, this inspirational workshop will assist you in
clarifying and sharpening your focus, setting achievable goals and mapping ways to achieve them
without losing your motivation.

Power of Positive Thinking

Although not everyone believes in the power of positive thinking, it is a field that has been around
for centuries around the world. Today scientists understand why the attitudinal approachpositive
versus negativedramatically impacts us and our relationships with others. In this class we will discuss
our ability to benefit from the power of positive thinking by making changes in our thought process
and perspective.

Preventing Burnout: A Balanced Life Check-up

The first step to preventing burnout in your personal and professional life is to identify its signs and
symptoms. In this interactive session, you will learn how to detect burnout triggers and discover ways
to regain enthusiasm and life balance-including pacing yourself at work and at home and becoming
more conscious of your needs and motivators. Getting in touch with your physical and emotional
needs will enhance your ability to maintain high performance without costing you your health.

Process Addiction (Understanding Behavior, Habits, and Addictions)

We have all heard about the dangers of addictive substances such as alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffeine
and sugar. But just as harmful are process addictions which are behavioral and include the internet,
sex, shopping, food and exercise. What is the difference between a behavior, a habit and an addiction?
Why do we fail to control addictive behavior in spite of harmful and life threatening consequences?
In this session, we will learn about the progressive and compulsive pattern of addiction, as well as
treatment interventions that work.
E motional W ell - B eing

Wellness Seminars
Realistic Optimism
Whether you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist, feel content with your life most of
the time or often find yourself wishing things could be different, this seminar can help you learn
how to get more enjoyment and fulfillment out of each day. You will get a basic understanding of
positive psychology and some of its many potential benefits, such as improving the quality of your
relationships, increasing creativity and productivity, and bettering your mental and physical health.
In this seminar you will identify some of your own strengths and goals, and develop an individualized
action plan for implementing what you learn in your daily life.

Relationships 101
A key factor of a good relationship is two partners wanting to see each others positive growth.
This class will include an interactive and lively discussion on the misconceptions of relationships, the
meaning of fulfillment, and the importance of communication.

Sandwich Generation: Strategies for Multi-Generational Caregiving

The sandwich generation refers to those who are tasked with the dual caregiving responsibilities of
young and older dependents. This seminar will provide a better understanding of the financial and
emotional impact on family and work, while helping to gain a better understanding of the needs of
each generation. You will learn strategies to be more effective in their dual caregiving roles.

Stress Management
When harnessed effectively, stress can be a source of energy and motivation. However, all too
often, we let stress build to unmanageable levels, allowing it to impact our physical and mental
health. During this seminar, we will review common stressors and symptoms of stress, as well as
our individual responses to demands in our personal and professional lives. The focus will be on
developing strategies for coping with stress and increasing our ability to transform stress into a
motivating, rather than debilitating, force in our lives.

Supporting Loved Ones Diagnosed with Cancer

The impact of being diagnosed with cancer cannot be underestimated. When a loved one is faced
with such a diagnosis, everything changes: for the person confronting the illness, as well as their
caregivers. Join us for a candid and informative dialogue around this important and sensitive topic.
We will explore common reactions upon receiving the diagnosis, how to begin communicating when
we dont really know what to say, when to support our loved one and when to give them space, as
well as the vital role of self-care during this challenging time. Well also examine helpful guide-posts
to keep in mind during the treatment stages and how it may impact other areas of your life.

Taking Pause: Finding Peace in the Midst of this Crazy World

Living in todays fast-paced, wireless world can feel overwhelming at times. Its critical that we hit
the pause button every now and then and take time to relax and recharge. This interactive seminar
will explore techniques for being mindful of how were feeling and strategies for taking time out for
ourselves. You will also learn creative ways to bring restorative techniques into daily life.

E motional W ell - B eing

Wellness Seminars
Transition and Change: Preparing for Our Retirement in the 21st Century
According to some estimates, 70 million people will retire in the coming years. While financial
planning is critical, all too often people fail to focus on key psychological and social factors that will
impact how successful their retirement is. During this workshop, you will explore the different facets
of retirement and gain practical tips to prepare for and navigate the changing face of retirement.

Turning the Table on Bad Habits

Many of us realize that we have habits that are not healthy or helpful. The first step is to understand
the stages of change and recognize which stage we are in. This seminar will promote a greater
understanding of how to create and maintain new habits and ensure that these habits are maintained.
In this seminar, you will learn to recognize which habits are negatively impacting your life, when it is
best to attempt to make changes, how to be your own coach when making changes, and key steps for
developing and maintaining good habits.

Un-Clutter to De-Stress: Simple Steps to Simplify your Life

We often dont realize how affected we are by clutterboth emotional and physical clutter affect
everything from our productivity and success to emotional well-being. In this session well learn
simple techniques to tackle even the most daunting un-cluttering tasks.

Family and Caregiving: Parenting
Wellness Seminars
Adoption w e b i n a r o n ly
Deciding to adopt is a hard decision. The next difficult task is learning to navigate the adoption
process. This presentation is designed to give you an overview on how the adoption process works.

Becoming a Family: New Beginnings

A new child can bring a new set of challenges. Preparation for these unique changes is essential. This
session will assist you in identifying your needs and expectations to integrate your family and work
life. It will help you set realistic goals and inform you about the strategies most helpful in managing
time and stress. You will also share your own issues in a supportive and caring atmosphere.

Weve all heard about the rise of bullying in schools, on the playing field and online. This seminar
discusses some of the reasons for this distressing trend, how to recognize when your child is being
bullied and ways to handle this situation.

Challenge of Being a Working Parent and a Professional

This session explores what it means to be both a working parent and professional. There are unique
challenges related to raising children, being effective parents and at the same time meeting career
demands. How do we determine the right work/life balance for ourselves and our families? This
session will explore the dual role of working parents (parent and professional) be it married parents,
parents with live-in partners, single parents, blended or multigenerational families, etc.

Children and Divorce

This class will discuss many issues affecting children and divorce, including how to tell your children
youre divorcing, effective ways to reassure them and how to deal with self-blame. We will look at
childrens basic needs and review strategies for helping them to understand and express their feelings.
We will also discuss how to achieve continuity when children are living in more than one home.

Children and Stress

Stress impacts children as well as adults. This workshop explores causes of stress, reviews warning
signs and red flags and teaches parents techniques that will help their children on an everyday basis.
Ultimately, you will learn how you can help children have a happier and more balanced childhood.

College: Preparing Financially and Emotionally

Preparing for college can be a daunting task! This presentation addresses both the psychological and
financial aspects of this new phase of life as well as mapping out a timeline of important deadlines in
the college process. College prep does not have to be stressful; this seminar helps to ease the anxiety.

Facebook Safety for Kids

Facebook is a phenomenon that has swept the world. We are more connected now than we ever
have been in the past. From liking our friends status, to catching up with old acquaintances,
Facebook has become more than just a trend, it has become a way of life, and a major part of our
childrens lives. This seminar will give you suggestions on ways to protect your children on Facebook;
provide warning signs of cyber bullying and empower you to proactively monitor your childrens
Facebook activity.

Family and C aregiving : Parenting

Wellness Seminars
Guilt-Free Parenting
All parents have experienced itthe dreaded parenting guilt. You blame yourself whenever you
see your child unhappy or struggling. You beat yourself up for losing your cool when your child
misbehaves. You wonder how you have failed your child when they come home with a bad test grade.
Theres always something to feel guilty about when you are a parent. This workshop will help you
learn the best ways to avoid the parent guilt trap and to parent with confidence.

Modern Parenting
This seminar is geared toward exploring positive discipline strategies and identifying the root causes
of misbehavior in children. You will have an opportunity to look at what might be getting in your
way in regard to parenting style and learn effective techniques to change behaviors that also foster
independence and self-confidence in children.

Parents as Teachers
A childs most important teacher is his/her parents. Learn how to encourage your children to
successfully meet the challenges they face in their roles as students. Explore issues such as involvement
with homework, as well as helping to develop strong organizational and time management skills. You
will also learn to identify ways to develop effective relationships with teachers and how to monitor
your childrens learning progress.

Parents as Teachers: Adolescent Years

In the teen years, parents play a critical role in supporting their children through the various changes
and challenges adolescence can bring. In this seminar, you will explore techniques for staying
connected to your teens and helping them navigate issues related to peer pressure, social media,
becoming more independent, planning for the future and much more.

Parenting Your Teen: Managing Conflict-Problem Solving

Conflict between parents and teenagers is a fact of life. In this workshop, you will explore ways to
help your teens resolve conflicts and establish guidelines for acceptable behavior. The goal is for
teens to become mature young adults, capable of making good decisions independently to manage
their lives in appropriate, autonomous ways.

Parenting Your Teen: Tips for Parents of Teenage Drivers

In this seminar we will review statistics on teen driving and learn the major causes of accidents and
how to prevent them. We will help you understand the factors to determine driving readiness as well
as discuss proven strategies for parents to manage and guide their teens through this milestone of

Quality Time for the Time-Pressed Family

Family meetings provide opportunities for parents and children to come together to share experiences
and to plan family activities. The family meeting promotes harmony, cooperation and leadership
by providing time to establish rules, make decisions and recognize positive aspects of family life.
Come to this seminar to discuss the many advantages and all the dynamics that come into play when
making time for regular family meetings.

Family and C aregiving : Parenting

Wellness Seminars
Safe and Stress-Free Summer
Learn strategies to create a rich and rewarding summer experience for your child. This session
is designed to help you assess your childs needs and interests while you define and explore the
different summer options for your child.

Sharing the Care: Dual-Career Couples

For many couples, two careers are an economic necessity. For others, the necessity is psychological.
Regardless, managing two careers is serious business and a source of stress for many couples, as old
values are questioned and new lifestyles emerge. In this workshop you will learn to balance your own
expectations of home and work with those of your partner.

Survival Skills for a Single Parent w e b i n a r o n ly

You can enjoy parenting, provide your child with a positive upbringing, succeed professionally and
have the time you need for you. Yes, it is possible! In this webinar, we will teach you how to lead a
balanced life and provide your child with splendid parenting.

Ten Basic Principles for Todays Parents

How did you learn to be a parent? From your own parents, your friends, popular culture, all of the
above? This session draws on various schools of thought and experience to offer basic principles for
raising a self-assured, competent and independent child. You will learn the basic needs of children,
new strategies to use in challenging situations and guidelines to assist you in your parenting role,
such as setting clear expectations, disciplining consistently, staying connected and treating children as
individuals. You should come away with a better understanding of your parenting style and with a sense
of what you cherish about being a parent.

What Colleges Really Look for? w e b i n a r o n ly

The college admissions process has become fiercely competitive, with both parents and students facing
significant anxiety. In this session we will discuss how a students distinct background will be assessed
by an admissions committee, dialogue regarding such issues as AP courses, SAT and ACT scores,
Early Decision vs. Early Action admission, what extracurricular activities are most impressive, athletic
considerations, and some basic information about financial aid. We will also explore the presentation
of an appealing resume and application.

Family and Caregiving: Elder Care
Wellness Seminars
Care for the Caregivers
Caregiving can take an emotional and physical toll on caregivers. This workshop will focus on the
differences between compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma and burnout. You will learn self-care
and stress reduction techniques as well as how to manage professional and personal reactions to
traumatic exposure, effectively re-establish equilibrium and rekindle a sense of purpose and meaning
in the helping process. (A version that focuses on the Alzheimers caregiver is also available.)

Changing Relationships: You and Your Elderly Loved One

This session offers an overview of the practical and emotional issues that arise when an elderly
relative becomes increasingly dependent on younamely the loss of independence and sudden role
reversal. In an empathetic atmosphere, you will be able to share your concerns and experiences,
draw support and insight from those facing similar challenges and learn how to best approach and
adapt to your new role.

Compassion Fatigue for Health Care Providers

The capacity to be empathic with patients and families and the ability to bear the burden and pain
of their situations are essential to providing good care. There is a cost of caring, and everyone in the
medical field is vulnerable to compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma or secondary trauma, which can
impact our ability to care for others. As healthcare professionals, we not only have ethical standards
to self-assess our capacity, but we also owe it to our patients to make sure that we recognize when
our level of fatigue could be impacting the care we give. This workshop will help you recognize your
own personal warning signs and learn how to respond to adverse medical events.

Considering Elder Care Options

We all want to help our loved ones make important decisions about their future care options, while
keeping them involved in the decision making process. In an empathetic atmosphere, you will be able
to share your concerns and experiences, draw support and insight from those facing similar challenges
and learn how to begin difficult conversations. Well also review effective ways to communicate your
feelings and concerns to older loved ones.

Keeping your Elders in Their Home

A variety of independent living products and services are now available to help seniors remain in
their own homes despite their changing physical needs. This helps delayand, in many cases, totally
avoidmoving into assisted living or nursing homes. In this seminar we will discuss the technology,
methods, and tools that can help aging parents to continue living independently in their homes.

H ealth and W ellness
Wellness Seminars
Breathe Easy: Steps to a Smoke-Free Life
Were all aware of the detrimental effects that smoking cigarettes can have on our health, and
yet quitting is probably one of the most difficult things to do. This seminar will provide a better
understanding of the power of nicotine addiction as well as resources and strategies for smoking
cessation. You will also have the opportunity to develop a personal plan for accomplishing your short
and long-term goals.

Carbs: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

A carb is just a carb, right? Learn about the good, the bad, and the ugly of carbohydrates and how
they fit into a healthy eating plan. Youll learn about why carbs matter, carb content in a variety of
foods, the recommended amount of carbs you should eat, how to rate your plate and much more!
This webinar will also provide useful information about how certain foods can aid in managing type
2 diabetes, as well as reduce the chance of developing it.

Creating a Healthy Lifestyle

From miracle diets to obsessive exercising, we are always in search of the secret to healthy living. In
this workshop, you will identify what you believe to be a healthy lifestyle and learn to set realistic
goals for achieving your target, taking into consideration your motivations and barriers to success.
Personalizing your goals for healthy living is an essential step in creating a routine and timeline that
works for you.

Eating Right for Life

Donuts for breakfast, candy bar for lunch, and then dinner on the run? Does this sound familiar?
During this interactive workshop, you will develop healthier eating habits that work for you and your
schedule. You will also have an opportunity to become more knowledgeable about nutrition, as well
as the role of personal choices in eating well. The instructor will provide you with suggestions for
designing a plan to help you maintain sound eating habits.

Emotional Eating
Many of us find that we eat when we are feeling angry, sad, lonely or tired. In this workshop, well
learn about some of the triggers for emotional eating and the relationship between mood and
cravings. Well also explore some questions that will help to heighten awareness of our own eating
behavior. For those who would like to move away from emotional eating, there will be identified next
steps, best practices and supportive resources.

Exercise at Your Desk

Weve all heard about the dangers of being sedentary. However, many of us are challenged by our
commutes, job requirements and travel schedules. How can we build more movement into our
daily routines while still doing everything we need to do? In this interactive session, well examine
potential roadblocks and pitfalls we may all experience when it comes to exercising. Well also review
exercises we can do anytime, even when we cant get away from our desks, and develop a realistic
outlook and action plan.

H ealth and W ellness

Wellness Seminars
Fitness Challenge
Have you been looking for ways to maintain physical wellbeing, but cant find the time to make it
to the gym? In this workshop you will learn innovative ways to incorporate exercise into your busy
lifestyle. You will discover how to build movement and physical activity into your routine at home, at
work and during leisure time.

Green is Good! Positively Impacting Our Planet

Books are being written about it, were reading articles in the paper, but what exactly does going
green entail? With so much information out there on the topic, it can be confusing to know what
exactly to do to live more in harmony with our planet. Join us for this interactive session where well
discuss how to get started and helpful tips that can genuinely contribute to making a difference right
now as well as for future generations.

Healthy Tips for Business Travel

Do you love or loathe business travel? Or, are you somewhere in between? In this program, you
will identify strategies for making business travel as pleasant and healthful as possible. Youll review
techniques for preparing ahead of time, explore ideas for incorporating exercise, sleep and healthy
choices into business travel, and examine potential hazards as well as best practices.

Mens Health 101

In this class, we will examine the leading causes of illness and death for men. We will discuss risk
factors, review which screenings should be part of mens health routines, and identify strategies for
finding a quality physician.

Mindfulness, Meditation and Relaxation

In this fast paced world, where each of us deal with an enormous amount of stress, it is important to
take care of our physical and emotional well-being. Meditation and relaxation techniques, practiced
regularly, provide benefits that have both short-term and long-term positive effects. This seminar
reviews the history of meditation and the benefits of regular practice, along with a demonstration of
some relaxation techniques that you can put into practice.

Participants will learn to:

Understand the historical and cultural aspects of meditation
Distinguish forms of meditation from relaxation
Identify stressful situations in which relaxation/meditation would be helpful
Perform different meditation/relaxation techniques

Music and Color Therapy w e b i n a r o n ly

Music and color have the ability to affect our moods and the way we feel. Music has the ability to
enhance our mood and increase cognitive functioning, which results in increases in energy. Color
affects us differently due to our perception. In this webinar we will discover how to effectively use
music and color to better our lives and increase brain health.

H ealth and W ellness

Wellness Seminars
Protecting our Precious Lives! Tips on Staying Healthy
Usually booked in October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this session examines prevention
as the ultimate goal, and puts self-care strategies directly on the radar. We review what health and
wellness really mean, examine the steps we each have to take toward becoming healthier, and round
the session out with a discussion of breast cancer, risk factors to consider, life style choices and then
what we can do to empower ourselves. (A version focusing on Summer Health Issues/Skin Cancer
Awareness is also available.)

Relaxation Techniques at the Workplace

Feeling centered at work is an essential part of managing your stress. This presentation will teach you
easy-to-perform relaxation techniques that can be done even during your busiest days. Techniques
explored include breath awareness, safe stretching to relieve tension, guided imagery and correct
posture for sitting and standing. You will also be encouraged to seek out activities or courses in your
community that focus on the mind-body connection (e.g., yoga, meditation). This session is intended
to be experiential, paperless and relaxing.

Sleep 101
In this session, you will learn the physical and mental benefits of a good nights sleep, how to establish
daily habits that promote sleep and learn ways to improve your sleep environment. You will also
discuss techniques for relaxation and dealing with Insomnia. Special customized slides are available
for sleep issues specifically affecting women.

Winter Wellness
Winter is the time of the year where we are more prone to catching a cold or the flu. This seminar
provides information about the immune system, ways to combat winter illnesses and strategies for
staying healthy all year long.

D aily L iving : F inancial
Wellness Seminars
Advance Directives
It is often difficult to discuss the future with aging parents and other older relatives. This seminar will
guide you through the important discussions concerning your relatives health concerns, emotional
issues, financial and legal issues, as well as housing options and support services at home and in their

Dealing with My Credit Cards w e b i n a r o n ly

Concerned about high interest rates, increasing balances or monthly payments? This class will help
you understand all of your options, actions you can take, debt reduction strategies to consider, and
how to find the right solution for you.

Dreaming of Retirement w e b i n a r o n ly
Dreaming of retirement or staying awake worrying? This seminar will help you evaluate:
Retirement costs
Estimated income needed
How to calculate savings to accomplish goals
Options you need to consider

Everything You Need to Know About Your Credit

Your credit score is very important. In this seminar, we will motivate and reassure you if you dont
have a good score with ways to make it better. We will explain how the FICO system works, what you
should and should not do and how you can use this information to improve your credit score.

Family and Personal Budgeting

In this workshop, you will examine your views on money and money management, review financial
goals for yourself and your family and learn to set your spending priorities accordingly. You will also
assess your money personality so that you can learn how to splurge less, save more and establish
positive spending habits that will last a lifetime.

Financial Fitness
Is planning for retirement essential? What are the benefits of being a homeowner? How much money
should I put away for my childs education? A variation of the Family and Personal Budgeting
seminar, this workshop addresses these and other questions you have about where, when, and how
to invest or spend your money. This seminar will also help you better understand your relationship to
money and how much you need to enjoy life now and well into the future.

Holiday Budgeting
We may have our budget under control during the year, but at the holidays it can get blown out of
control. This class will help you avoid waking up on January 2 thinking, How could I have spent that
much?! This motivational class teaches a skill set to keep the holidays in balance.

D aily L iving : F inancial

Wellness Seminars
Identity Theft Protection and Self Help
Identity theft has become a fact of life for many Americans. This seminar reviews how it occurs,
strategies for prevention and tips for recognizing red flags. Well also cover action steps to take if
identify theft happens to you. A checklist and resources to prevent, protect and recover are provided.

The Importance of Having a Will

There is much confusion about what you need to do preserve your wealth and intentions. This
webinar will focus on:
Understanding basic will terminology
Understanding why a will is important
Cost of wills and estate planning
Pros and cons of various options

Living Off Your Paycheck

In this seminar well provide no-nonsense advice for making ends meet as well as strategies for
goal setting. Well explore how your money beliefs can affect the way you save and spend, as well as
explain how to reduce debt and increase your wealth.

Making Tax Returns Less Taxing w e b i n a r o n ly

Filing tax returns can be very stressful. Let us relieve some of that stress. Our tax specialist will discuss
key decisions, common mistakes and less taxing tips.
Selecting correct tax forms
Determining filing status
Deductions and adjustments

Managing Your Money in Tough Times

For years we have heard that if you follow sound financial practices and stick to a plan with a solid
foundation, you will come out ahead. Financial times today have changed not only the rules, but
how we need to react. In this session we will try to give you new ways to think and new actions to
implement to not only survive tough financial times, but still come out even, if not ahead.

Mind Over Money

This class examines our personal history with money and explores money and emotions. We will also
learn to recognize healthy vs. unhealthy attitudes toward money as well as best practices in making
financial decisions.

When Mortgages Go Bad w e b i n a r o n ly

The American dream of home ownership can become a nightmare. Well go over tips and strategies
for dealing with bad mortgages.
Keeping the house vs. letting it go
Credit implications
Tax consequences

T raining L ight *
Training Light
Our Training Light* programs are specifically designed to provide a platform of
compacted, informative learning to participants. Each program has been designed
to give participants the flavor of the subject matter while creating awareness,
new learning and new ways of thinking. The context of each program provides an
interactive learning experience, lasting one hour in length.

Please contact your Account Manager or E4 Healths Manager of Training to

schedule any one of these programs within our Light series. We will work with
you to deliver programs that effectively meet the needs of your workforce while
aligning with your overall culture.

* Additional fees may apply. Please speak to your Account Manager. 23

W orking S marter
Training Light
Assertive Communication
Do you get what you deserve? Are you negotiating for what you need? A variation on our
Communicating Effectively seminar, this session focuses on how to get your needs met while, at
the same time, taking into account the needs and interests of others. This interactive workshop
presents proven communication techniques that can improve your bargaining power and ensure
win-win solutions.

Benefitting from Ergonomics*

Ergonomics is about aligning our work stations/sites/tasks and our bodies. This program examines
the impact of poor ergonomics on both the worker and the workplace, and identifies common risk
factors and types of injuries. You will have an opportunity to identify problems with an office station
set up and discuss common factory issues. This program will also offer suggestions for properly
setting up an office station.

Business Etiquette
Social skills can help us build more productive relationships, project a positive image and enjoy
greater levels of success. This workshop will include an interactive discussion on the dos and donts
of business etiquette, including e-mail etiquette.

Communicating Effectively
When we communicate with coworkers, family or clients, we make basic assumptions about the
messages we are sending, which can result in unintentional miscommunications. We forget that our
feelings play a part in how messages are delivered, received and processed. This workshop will help
you learn to effectively convey your messages to others in a clear and assertive manner. You will also
learn to recognize potential barriers in your current communication patterns. (A version focusing on
Communicating Effectively in a Wireless World is also available.)

Conflict Management for Employees

This session helps you to understand and dissect your role in conflictsthe first step to managing
them. This is a journey to assess and learn what you can do differently to play in the sandbox
productively with the greatest amount of people. Through self-assessment and greater awareness,
you will learn to take ownership of your actions and handle conflict in more productive ways.

Conflict Resolution
The stress created by workplace conflict interferes with performance, job satisfaction and productivity. Yet
most of us dont realize that conflict, in addition to being inevitable, can lead to innovation, collaboration,
behavior change and win-win solutions. This workshop is designed to reduce the stress associated with
initiating and engaging in conflict. Not only will you learn principles of effective conflict resolution, you will
also gain a deeper understanding of your own conflict style and how to use that knowledge to achieve
more meaningful, mutually beneficial resolutions.

Creating a More Resilient You!

This interactive program explores strategies for remaining resilient and healthy amidst the relentless
demand of work, unending personal responsibilities and unexpected setbacks. Achieving resilience
gives one the ability to harness personal capacities to meet roadblocks head on and enjoy life in a
more positive, healthy state.

W orking S marter

Training Light
Creating a Positive Professional Work Environment
This seminar defines what it means to be a professional and identifies standards and expectations
of acceptable, professional workplace behavior. You will gain a deeper understanding of your roles
and responsibilities within the context of creating a positive work climate. The detrimental effects
of behaviors such as teasing, bullying, rumors and gossip will also be explored. Youll identify when
these behaviors cross the line and become harassment as well as learn to take appropriate action if
you observe them at the workplace.

Creative Problem Solving

There is a solution to almost every problem. In this program, we will explore some techniques to
help us get to the solution sooner rather than later. This interactive class begins by asking for a list of
problems that the attendees are currently experiencing, and the learning that takes place can be put
into effect immediately.

Decreasing Violence on College Campuses

As parents, we want our young adults to thrive in their new worldto feel comfortable socially, to be
challenged academically, and to step into a new phase of their lives. Understanding the facts about
violence on campus, planning to talk with your young adult about these issues, and learning about
the resources available are important first steps to help protect your daughter or son.

Disaster and Emergency Preparedness

Unexpected disasters can strike at any time. While we hope you are never the victim of a disaster, this
seminar is intended to help you learn how to protect yourself and your family by planning ahead. As
the expression goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. In this session, you will learn
how to prepare for disasters, make a survival plan and ready a disaster supply kit, as well as train
others to be prepared.

Diversity Training*
Organizations are infinitely more diverse today, spanning multiple generations, ethnicities and cultural
backgrounds. To be successful in todays world and navigate this broad landscape effectively, we
must develop an appreciation of these differences and learn how to engage with various cultures in
a meaningful way. This training brings insight and clarity to the multiple layers of diversity that coexist
within organizations and our world. Join us for an engaging exchange where well examine:
How culture informs our interactions
The dimensions of cultural awareness and generational factors
How cultures differ
Sources of intercultural misunderstanding
How diversity inclusion breeds organizational success

W orking S marter

Training Light
Drug-Free Workplace*
A drug-free workplace is a setting where all employees adhere to a program of policies designed to
provide a safe workplace, discourage alcohol and drug abuse, and encourage treatment and recovery.
The intent of the seminar is to educate employees on the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988,
review their companys substance abuse policy, understand the scope and severity of substance use
problems, learn about signs and symptoms of substance use and addiction, learn how drug/alcohol
problems adversely impact the workplace, become aware of what to do if a drug/alcohol problem is
suspected in the workplace, gain an understanding of the drug-screening process, review commonly
used drugs, and learn how the EAP can provide assistance to employees and family members.

Ethics and Values in the Workplace

What a changing world we live in. What are the core values and ethics of our business world? How
do we live by them and why are they important? This workshop addresses the philosophical aspects
of ethics and values, as well as hands-on, practical approaches to apply them to personal and
professional life.

Getting Unstuck: Overcoming Procrastination

Whether it affects us personally or professionally or both, most of us have wrestled at different times
with procrastination. Why do we do this, especially when we know all too well it only makes matters
worse? Procrastination is a behavior that affects everyone to some degree or another. Join us for this
thought-provoking seminar where well explore the characteristics and likely causes of procrastination,
the inner-workings of what is occurring for us behind the scenes that lead to procrastinating behavior,
and then examining several tools that can help us overcome procrastination.

Global Culture Sensitivity Program

This program offers the opportunity to gain a greater awareness of the dynamics of working in a 24/7
global matrix of communication. In our global economy, working harmoniously with others is vital to
the success of an organization. In this program, you will learn the importance of embracing cultural
similarities and differences of coworkers and clients by gaining knowledge of language barriers, listening
skills, the power of a positive attitude and the various understandings of time.

Goal Setting Strategies

Weve all set goals before and, even with the best intentions, its easy for them get pushed to the
back burner. How can we set goals for behavior change that really stick? Join us for this informative
session where we will learn how to create SMART goals and action plans. Well also identify potential
obstacles to achieving goals and review techniques for navigating them. Finally, well learn how to
develop strategies to help ensure ongoing success.

Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Are you overwhelmed with the vastness of social media and wonder how to even begin using it
as a marketing tool? This introductory session will help you understand the basics of social media
marketing. In addition, you will receive an overview of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram,
Pinterest, Snap Chat, Google+ and Hootsuite. This session is a good first step towards creating a social
media marketing plan for your organization.

W orking S marter

Training Light
Managing Social Connection
Its essential for organizations to facilitate appropriate work relationships between direct reports,
employees and supervisors. In a competitive world, savvy searchers can discover corporate strategy
that is unintentionally disclosed through communication on social networks. Workers may expose
themselves and companies to harassment, wrongful termination, or other legal actions through
inappropriate communications. In this session, you will learn how to protect your own reputations as
well as the reputation of your company.

Maximizing Your Day

To keep up in todays dynamic and fast-paced business environment, people continuously need
to improve their planning and prioritizing skills. Feeling overwhelmed by competing priorities,
tight deadlines, meetings, e-mails and interruptions can derail professional growth, impair team
performance and lead to stress and burnout. The focus of this program is on obtaining practical skills,
tools and techniques to maximize collective gains in effectiveness and increase productivity. Through
interactive participation and analysis of your own data, you will learn a set of tools you can apply on
a continuing basis to achieve better results.

Mentoring for Success (Mentee and Mentor Version)

This workshop explores the many benefits of mentoring as well as different types of mentoring
relationships. You will learn about resources for initiating a mentoring partnership, explore the
concept of SMART goals and strategies for success, and discuss techniques for evaluating and
completing mentoring relationships. This session will be of value to those considering becoming a mentor
or mentee, as well as those already engaged in mentoring relationships.

Motivating from Within

This high energy seminar will explore the concept of motivation and help you create a powerful
toolbox of techniques to motivate yourself and achieve your goals. You will have the opportunity to
complete and reflect on a self-assessment, identify internal and external motivators, learn techniques
to increase motivation and job satisfaction, and make a plan for seeing goals to fruition!

Moving Forward with Organizational Change

We all need to feel in control of what we do. Sometimes, however, we are only in a position to
react to changes that surround us at work. Developing coping mechanisms may be our best response
for dealing with organizational transformation beyond our control. In this seminar, you will learn to
assess your own reactions to change, improve your ability to cope with new systems and discover
different ways to feel secure within the changing work environment.

Planning for Professional Growth

To help you better build a plan for career growth, this session will explore the difference between a
job and a career, encourage you to formulate a vision of your ideal career and help you to develop
goals for achieving that vision. You will also learn to tackle obstacles that can impede your progress
and identify resources that can help you strengthen your plan.

W orking S marter

Training Light
Planning for Your Work-Related Goals
Do you often find that initially you try to institute goals in your current position, only to then have trouble
staying on track and following through with your original objectives? Designed for those who have just
discovered the utility of goal planning as well as those who are long familiar with the process, this seminar
helps participants build a solid foundation for setting work-related goals, examine how to measure your
progress with achieving them, head off obstacles that might impede goal achievement, and discuss how
to utilize resources to continue to stay focused on your goals.

Power of Volunteering
This class explores why volunteering benefits individuals and organizations. Physical, intellectual and
emotional benefits of volunteering are discussed in depth. You will gain a deeper understanding of both
the personal and professional benefits of volunteering.

Providing Outstanding Customer Service

Exceptional customer service is not something you do; it is something that is in you. Providing
outstanding customer service is one of the most rewarding yet challenging activities. Exceptional
organizations that provide outstanding customer service will experience increased customer
satisfaction, less turnover and increased revenues. This workshop will help participants to identify
barriers to providing high quality customer service, interact calmly and productively with angry and
difficult customers, rephrase communication for better results, effectively manage job stress, and
develop an action plan to improve customer service skills.

Respect at Work
Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, respect and kindness, regardless of their title, position
or pay grade. With a diverse work group, we are challenged to be sensitive to others perceptions. In
this session, we will review the root causes of offensive behaviors, identify behaviors that happen at
work; create a list of rules to live by, and commit to working on one thing that will promote greater
workplace harmony.

Sexual Harassment Prevention (Employee Version)*

By law, sexual harassment is prohibited in the workplace. To assist your organization in enforcing
zero tolerance of sexual harassment, this training reviews the legal definition of sexual harassment
and the behaviors that constitute such harassment. The organizations anti-harassment policy will be
presented along with examples from recent case law and recommendations for proactive prevention.
Two versions of this training are available: one geared to employees and one to management.
The goal of both trainings is to promote a respectful and safe workplace.

Substance Abuse*
This session will provide education about the disease process of addiction and the difference
between substance abuse and dependence. We will review specific drugs and how they affect
behavior, emotions and physical wellbeing. We will identify signs of substance abuse and the effects
of drug abuse on the workplace and on families, as well as types of treatment and how to access help
through the EAP.

W orking S marter

Training Light
Time Management
Do you feel like you are always on the run from one activity to another? Time has become more
precious as professional and personal demands increase and our ability to manage multiple tasks and
schedules diminish. In this session, you will learn proven techniques for managing time effectively.
You will analyze how you currently spend your time, review time-wasters and set new priorities, based
on your values and goals. You will also learn how to combat procrastination and develop a personal
action plan that takes into account the balance and achievement of career and personal goals.

Todays Multi-Generational Workforce

The US population is working longer and living longer, so that for the first time in American history,
we have four generations working side by side. How can we, as employers and employees, bridge
the generational gaps that are increasingly manifesting themselves in the workplace? Through active
participation in this seminar, you will learn about the four generational cohorts; examine how each
generations defining moments impact workplace expectations, goals, and work styles; develop
competencies and communication skills for bridging the cultural divide; and learn how to leverage
team members diverse experiences, talents, and strengths.

Transitioning to an Open Space

Join us for an interactive discussion about how we can all adjust to an open environment. We will
discuss etiquette and how to be considerate of shared spaces, as well as evaluate work habits and
learn how to take advantage of an open environment. Finally, we will review tips for office harmony
and staying physically and emotionally healthy.

Understanding Domestic Violence

Over the last several years, violence in the workplace has reached alarming proportions and is
considered a serious health risk by the Centers for Disease Control. This training focuses on the
supervisors/managers role in keeping the workplace safe for everyone. Strategies for identifying
and preventing potentially violent situations will be reviewed, as will techniques for successful
intervention. High-risk employee behaviors and levels of violence will be addressed. There will also
be an emphasis on the importance of following organizational policies and managing employees
equitably, thus promoting a respectful and safe workplace.

Management Training & Education
Training Light
Compassion Fatigue for Human Resources
HR professionals are not immune to the people problems with which they help every day. The capacity
to be empathic with employees is essential to providing world-class employee relations and HR
services. There is, however, a cost of caring, and everyone in a people profession is vulnerable to
compassion fatigue, or burn-out. During this HR-only workshop, well review strategies and self-care
tips for improving compassion satisfaction and renewal.

Conflict Management for Managers

60-80% of all workplace conflicts come from strained relationships between employees and managers.
During this workshop, you will learn skills for resolving conflicts constructively, in order to improve
individual and team productivity.

Curbing Rumors, Gossip and Teasing BehaviorThe Supervisors Role

As a supervisor, you have a responsibility to set the tone for how people in your department treat
one another. In this workshop you will identify your current standards and expectations of acceptable
workplace behavior, and when its time to address behaviors that cross these boundaries. You will
learn steps to effectively address rumors, gossip and other behaviors that not only distract employees
from doing their work, but create a hostile work environment.

Effectively Addressing Employee Performance and Productivity*

When performance issues arise, its a supervisors responsibility to help the employee take
corrective action. However, initiating these conversations can be stressful for both the supervisor
and the employee. This workshop will provide tools to assure that the meeting goes smoothly and
successfully. We will cover the key steps in preparing for a successful meeting, including gathering
reliable data, rehearsing how feedback will be shared, anticipating the employees reaction, providing
clear guidelines for demonstrating improvement, and lining up supports to facilitate improvement.

Manager as Coach
Managers can have a powerful influence on their teams and the organization as a whole when they
adopt a coaching style of management. Coaching empowers employees to do their best work by
collaborating, delegating, asking questions and giving specific feedback. In this workshop, you will
learn the advantages of being a manager-coach as well as how a fundamentally different approach
that uses empathy, integrity and detachment can result in a more committed and productive team.

Promote Family Health

When managers show they care, employees are likely to be more dedicated to their work. In this
session, you will learn how to empower employees with knowledge to promote and maintain healthy
living at home.

M anagement T raining & E ducation

Training Light
Recognizing and Responding to Concerning Behaviors (and People) in the Workplace
All employees may occasionally exhibit declines in productivity or concerns regarding work
performance or behavior. However, employees with unresolved personal challenges, substance
abuse issues, interpersonal difficulties, or other issues that impact their functioning, may show a
pattern of unsatisfactory work performance over a period of time. Often, supervisors and managers
will avoid dealing directly with these situations or will do things to help the employee which, though
well intentioned, might actually perpetuate problem behaviors. This session will provide an overview
of how to recognize concerning behaviors, some tools on how to discuss these concerns with the
employee and actions to take, including collaboration with available workplace and EAP resources.

Reintegrating Veterans in the Workplace

This workshop will identify the unique concerns and issues among veterans and their family members within
your organization and explore best practices for reintegrating veterans into the workplace. You will acquire
tools to provide effective leadership through the process of deployment, homecoming and reintegration,
and gain a better understanding of military culture and the veteran population. Post-deployment issues
including mental and physical health, as well as information on workplace accommodations for wounded
warriors with physical disabilities, PTSD and TBI will be discussed.

Responding to Urgent and High Risk Situations*

There may be times when an employee presents to HR or to supervisors/managers with emergent
needs and requires immediate action. What are the steps to take if an employee is disoriented,
confused, depressed or in a state of panic? What are the steps to take if the employee is a potential
risk to self, others or property? Situations such as these require a swift, clear plan of action. In
this training you will learn to identify when an employee has a sudden decline in mental status,
strategies for managing an employees escalating behavior in the workplace, when and who to notify
both inside and outside of the organization (e.g., security, corporate, EAP, law enforcement, family
members, etc.) and steps to create a workplace environment and culture where safety is a priority.

Sexual Harassment Prevention (Manager Version)*

By law, sexual harassment is prohibited in the workplace. To assist your organization in enforcing
zero tolerance of sexual harassment, this training reviews the legal definition of sexual harassment
and the behaviors that constitute such harassment. The organizations anti-harassment policy will be
presented, along with examples from recent case law and recommendations for proactive prevention.
Two versions of this training are available: one geared to employees and one to management.
The goal of both trainings is to promote a respectful and safe workplace.

Team Building*
The ability to understand and communicate effectively in teams is an important part of our personal
and professional success. Through discussion, interactive exercises and a debriefing session we
will explore how teams can work together most effectively and learn how to apply successful
team concepts and strategies in very practical ways. Interpersonal difficulties such as trust, skill
identification, conflict resolution and communication issues will be discussed.

M anagement T raining & E ducation

Training Light
When Domestic Violence Comes to Work
While it may be called domestic violence, violence between spouses, partners or ex-partners can
easily spill over into any workplace. Besides bringing danger to the workplace, it can also bring
increased absenteeism and decreased productivity. Powerful forces such as shame and fear often
make it difficult for victims to seek help. Co-workers, supervisors and HR are often the first to notice
changes in their co-workers and/or signs of something being wrong.

This overview will address:

Signs and symptoms of possible domestic violence
Actions that managers, supervisors and staff should and shouldnt take
Tools for helping managers help their employees and provide appropriate resources

D ial - I n S upport G roups
In an effort to empower lifestyle change in a communal, confidential and convenient
forum, E4 Health has pioneered dial-in support groups on topics such as weight
management, smoking cessation, cancer care, bereavement, parenting, elder care,
management issues and other concerns specific to our clients needs.

Throughout the year, we offer various dial-in groups, free of charge, across the E4 book of business.
Facilitated by a qualified, Masters-level professional, these telephonic meetings run approximately
45-60 minutes in length and can be delivered on a one-time, weekly or bi-weekly basis. All participants
can be assured confidentiality, and participants may choose to maintain their anonymity, if desired.

We can also customize a dial-in group experience for your specific organization. For each telephonic
meeting, one hour will be deducted from your organizations annual allotment of wellness seminars
(so if you run a series of four meetings, four of your seminar hours will be utilized).

Below is a sampling of dial-in groups E4 Health has presented:

Addressing Childrens Reactions to School Violence
Company Best Practices in Times of Crisis for HR/Managers
Coping with Crisis in the Media
Coping with Workplace Trauma
Domestic Violence in the Workplace for HR/Managers
Healthy Lifestyle Support
Increasing Resiliency
Keeping Holiday Stress at Bay
Parenting Support
Reintegrating Veterans in the Workplace for HR/Managers
Smoking Cessation
Weight Management

Please speak with your Account Manager for more information. 33

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