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Mangrove vegetation: An evolutionary


Article in Marine and Freshwater Research January 1998

DOI: 10.1071/MF97139 Source: OAI


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Peter Saenger
Southern Cross University


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Volume 49, 1998
CSIRO 1998

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CSIRO 1998 Mar. Freshwater Res., 1998, 49, 277286

Mangrove vegetation: an evolutionary perspective

P. Saenger

Centre for Coastal Management. Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW 2480, Australia.

Abstract. The world-wide occurrence of mangrove vegetation and the modern floristic divergence
between the IndoPacific and the Atlantic mangroves, can only be explained by historical processes, in
that the composition of the modern mangrove flora at any one location, while subject to present-day
climatic and geographical conditions, is largely relict. Although several interpretations have been offered
to relate mangrove distributions to past events, none has been universally accepted. What is explored
here, is that there are several historical and modern processes which in combination, have resulted in the
present day distribution of mangroves. Evolutionary processes are reviewed from the fossil record and
from the data on continental drift. Next, the ecological processes that are selectively acting on the
various species and their distributions are examined with particular emphasis on aridity, temperature and
latitudinal attentuation of species. Finally, some modern anthropogenic processes (e.g. species
introductions, over-exploitation and habitat modification, afforestation) are examined in terms of their
effects on mangrove distribution. As an outcome of these various processes, the modern mangrove
vegetation is analysed particularly in relation to regions of endemism, vicariance among species,
discontinuous distributions, hybridization and divergence. Finally, some speculation is offered in terms
of future trends and evolutionary possibilities.

Introduction likely, that the southerly extensions of Africa and South

The world-wide occurrence of mangrove vegetation and America formed impassable barriers to mangrove dispersal).
the floristic divergence between the old and the new Finally, around 3 mya, the Panama gap closed by the
world mangroves can only be explained by historical events, collision of North and South America. Thus, today, there are
because the composition of the modern mangrove flora at three disjunct mangrove floras of which that of the eastern
any one locality, although subject to present-day ecological Pacific is too recent in origin to differ morphologically from
processes, is essentially relict (Tomlinson 1986; Duke its Atlantic progenitor.
1995). Although some authors (Smith 1973; Thorne 1973) The primary disputes about the phytogeography of
have suggested that angiosperms arrived on the scene too mangroves concern the exact centre(s) of origin of
late for their modern distribution to have been seriously mangroves and their subsequent dispersal routes around the
affected by continental drift, mangroves, being water- various continents. However, to understand the modern
dispersed, could be dispersed only where suitable passages distributions of mangrove vegetation and the component
of water existed between continents. Hence, the present species, several historical and modern processes must also
distribution of mangroves and their constituent species must be considered, and these are reviewed here.
be seen within the context of plate tectonics and continental
drift. Although several interpretations have been offered to Evolutionary processes of the mangrove flora and
relate mangrove distributions to past events (van Steenis habitat
1962; McCoy and Heck 1976; Specht 1981; Mepham 1983; The known fossil record of mangroves (Table 1) suggests
Rico-Gray 1993; Duke 1995; Plaziat 1995), none has been that mangroves evolved soon after the appearance of
universally accepted. flowering plants, with the earliest records of Nypa in the late
Each of these various interpretations is based on the Cretaceous to early Palaeocene (Dolianiti 1955), closely
existence during the Cretaceous of an extensive tropical sea, followed by Sonneratia (Gruas-Cavagnetto et al. 1988).
the Tethys Sea, separating the northern supercontinent of Other genera evolved at various times and in apparently
Laurasia from the southern Gondwanaland. Mangroves differing regions. Given this evolutionary history, four broad
evolved in the late Cretaceous within the Tethys Sea and views have been suggested for the centre of origin and the
dispersed outwards via the available coastal waterways. dispersal of the mangrove flora:
Ultimately, around 18 million years ago (mya), the western (1) Eastern Tethys Sea origin with eastward dispersal
Tethys Sea became isolated with the enclosure of the across the Pacific and via the Panama gap into the Atlantic
Mediterranean by the collision of Africa and Asia Minor. At eastwards (e.g. van Steenis 1962; Muller and Caratini 1977).
that time, the pantropical mangrove flora became disjunct (2) Eastern Tethys Sea origin with dispersal north-
and developed as two isolated floras (assuming, as seems westwards into the Atlantic and then via the Panama gap into

10.1071/MF97139 1323-1650/98/040277
278 P. Saenger

the eastern Pacific (e.g. Specht 1981; Rico-Gray 1993). origin. Fossil remains of several other mangrove genera
(3) Western Tethys Sea origin with dispersal south via (including Aegialitis, Camptostemon and Scyphiphora) have
southern Africa to the eastern Tethys Sea (e.g. Duke 1995). been found only in the Australasian region and are clearly of
(4) A two-way dispersal from a central Tethys Sea origin somewhat later, eastern Tethys Sea origin. However, it
(Por 1984; Plaziat and Cavagnetto 1996) or an eastern seems equally clear that the genera Nypa and perhaps
Tethys Sea origin (Bousquet-Melou 1996). Laguncularia and Conocarpus of the Combretaceae have a
None of these interpretations can be entirely ruled out, western Tethys Sea origin (Berry 1924, 1930).
because mangrove fossil records (Table 1) are somewhat Finally, it appears on the basis of presently known fossil
ambiguous and certain genera (e.g. Avicennia) are not well location and ages that genera such as Sonneratia, Heritiera,
represented (Plaziat 1995). However, the fossil record Pelliciera and Aegiceras made their earliest appearances in
generally supports an eastern Tethys Sea origin for the central Tethys Sea in the late Palaeocene to mid Eocene
Rhizophora and perhaps Avicennia (Cookson and Eisenack (Gruas-Cavagnetto et al. 1988; Cavagnetto and Anadn
1967; Churchill 1973; Stover and Evans 1973; Martin 1995).
1982), with a westward dispersal via the Mediterranean Given these various centres of origin, the following
route, which until about 18 mya contained extensive dispersal patterns seem plausible. During the late Cretaceous
Avicennia communities with IndoPacific affinity (Bessedik to Palaeocene (6355 mya), when the western Tethys Sea
1981, 1985). For Avicennia, a cladistic analysis of the (proto-Atlantic) was still a relatively narrow waterway and
species of this genus (Bousquet-Melou 1996) indicated that western Africa was experiencing a wet phase, there was no
the AsianAustralasian species A. marina and A. alba are the mangrove vegetation per se in the Niger delta but extensive
ancestral species whereas the three American species (A. estuarine swamp communities dominated by Nypa
germinans, A. schaueriana and A. bicolor) are of later (Sowunmi 1981, 1986). Nypa, which is first known from the

Table 1. Significant geological events and mangrove fossil records

mya, million years ago

Era Period Approx. Fossil record


Cainozoic Pliocene 3 Panama route closed

Miocene 10 Avicennia and Sonneratia pollen in Borneo; Aegialitis and Sonneratia pollen in India;
Avicennia pollen in Nigeria
16 Acanthus, Aegialitis and Camptostemon pollen in Australia; Bruguiera, Sonneratia, Avicennia,
Rhizophora, Ceriops, Scyphiphora, Nypa and Excoecaria pollen in Japan; Tethys Sea route closed;
Avicennia still present in Mediterranean
23 Aegialitis, Avicennia and Camptostemon pollen in Borneo; Scyphiphora, Lumnitzera and
Avicennia pollen in the Marshall Islands
24 Rhizophora in Nigeria, Senegal and South America
Oligocene 36 Pelliciera pollen in Cameroon and Puerto Rico
38 Sonneratia in south-east Asia; Rhizophora in South America
Eocene 40 Rhizophora, Avicennia and Sonneratia in south-west Australia; Rhizophora and Pelliciera pollen
in Panama; Rhizophora, Conocarpus and Laguncularia in North America
42 Fossils of Nypa, Ceriops, Palaeobruguiera, Rhizophora and Acrostichum-like ferns in
London Clay Flora; Bruguiera, Ceriops, Avicennia, Pelliciera and Nypa pollen in Paris basin;
Heritiera and Aegiceras pollen near Pyrenees; Nypa in Egypt and Sonneratia wood in Libya
50 Pelliciera pollen in Jamaica; Rhizophora in Borneo and India; Nypa and Rhizophoraceae near Pyrenees
54 Nypa pollen and/or fruit in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia; Acrostichum spores
and fronds in Japan; Pelliciera pollen near Pyrenees
Palaeocene 57 Sonneratiaceae pollen near Pyrenees
60 Rhizophora pollen in Australia
63 Nypa pollen in Nigeria
69 Nypa fruit in Brazil
Mesozoic Cretaceous 110 First flowering plants

Based on: Anderson and Muller 1975; Arnold 1952; Berry 1924, 1930; Bessedik 1981; Biosca and Via 1988; Bonnet 1904; Cavagnetto and Anadn 1995;
Chandler 1951; Chikhi 1992; Churchill 1973; Cookson and Eisenack 1967; Dolianiti 1955; Gee 1990; Germeraad et al. 1968; Graham 1975; Graham and
Jarzen 1969; Gruas-Cavagnetto 1987; Gruas-Cavagnetto et al. 1988; Hekel 1972; Lakhanpal 1970; Leopold 1969; Louvet 1970; Martin 1982; Muller 1959,
1964, 1981; Muller and Caratini 1977; Ollivier-Pierre et al. 1987; Salard-Cheboldaeff 1976; Sowunmi 1981, 1986; Stover and Evans 1973; Tanai 1972;
Thanikaimoni 1987; Tissot 1980; Tsuchi 1992; Tsuda et al. 1984, 1986; Van der Hamm 1963, 1972, 1974; Wilkinson 1981, 1983.
Mangrove vegetation: an evolutionary perspective 279

late Cretaceous of Brazil (Dolianiti 1955), apparently mangroves (Nypa and an ancestral Combretaceae)
evolved in, and spread throughout, the proto-Atlantic at this apparently evolved in the western Tethys Sea (the proto-
time (Moore 1973). This Nypa-dominated swamp Atlantic) and dispersed out of the region (Exell and Stace
community remained in West Africa during the entire 1972; Moore 1973; Saenger and Bellan 1995). In addition,
Eocene (Sowunmi 1981, 1986) and may have extended as some members (Rhizophora and Avicennia) of the eastern
far north as Europe (Wilkinson 1981) where, however, only Tethys Sea (IndoPacific) mangrove flora were able to enter
fruits and pollen grains have been found. and survive in the proto-Atlantic before the Tethys Sea
At much the same time (i.e. Palaeocene), Sonneratia became unavailable as a migration route. Acrostichum may
appeared in the central Tethys Sea (Gruas-Cavagnetto et al. have had a north-eastern Tethys Sea origin where the earliest
1988), followed in the mid Eocene by Heritiera, Aegiceras remains of Acrostichum have been found in Japan (Tanai
and Pelliciera (Cavagnetto and Anadn 1995). Three of 1972). However, Acrostichum, which has been world-wide
these genera apparently dispersed towards the eastern Tethys in its distribution since the mid Eocene and extra-tropical in
Sea while Pelliciera dispersed first westwards to Jamaica many parts of its distribution, is a great disperser and
(Graham 1975) then southwards to Cameroon (Salard- opportunist.
Cheboldaeff 1976). If, as indicated by the cladistic analysis of Avicennia
Genera of the Rhizophoraceae together with Avicennia (Bousquet-Melou 1996), the West AfricanAmerican
rapidly dispersed westwards from the eastern Tethys Sea species are derived from Australasian ancestral stock, then
during the early Eocene. Thus, by the mid Eocene, Europe the process of differentiation between the IndoPacific and
appears to have been the first tropical meeting point of AfricanAmerican species has occurred relatively recently,
mangrove genera from the eastern, central and western i.e. during the climatic cooling of the late Eocene, or after
Tethys Sea. It is interesting to note that, in the fossil beds of the closure of the Mediterranean around 18 mya. Similarly,
France and England from this tropical era, pollen or spores the differentiation between the AfricanAmerican genus
of Sonneratia, Avicennia, Rhizophora, Palaeobruguiera, Laguncularia and the closely related IndoPacific genus
Ceriops, Nypa, Aegiceras, Heritiera, Acrostichum and Lumnitzera would also date from this period.
Pelliciera have been recorded (Chandler 1951; Wilkinson Whatever the exact origin(s) and dispersal routes of
1981; Gruas-Cavagnetto 1987; Ollivier-Pierre et al. 1987; mangroves, the present distributions of mangroves also
Gruas-Cavagnetto et al. 1988; Plaziat and Cavagnetto 1996). show features reflecting some of the more modern processes
By the late Eocene, the genera Conocarpus and described below.
Laguncularia appeared in the western Tethys Sea (Berry
1924, 1930) and became widely dispersed around the Selective processes ecological sorting
American and West African shorelines. As seasonally dry Superimposed onto the historical events described above
conditions were widespread in West Africa at the end of the are the present constraints of climatic, geographical and
Eocene, Nypa declined in abundance and finally disappeared socioeconomic conditions. These constraints are
altogether in the early Miocene (24 mya) incidentally at manifested by a reduction of species with increasing latitude
the same time Nypa disappeared from the fossil record of or aridity on the one hand, and selective removal or loss of
Venezuela. These disappearances coincided with the sudden species by human activity on the other. Natural changes
and predominating appearance of Rhizophora throughout have included the sudden formation and subsequent decline
the region (Sowunmi 1981, 1986) which, given the earlier of a giant mangrove swamp in northern Australia due to
records of this genus from the eastern Tethys Sea, must have continued estuarine infilling about 6000 years ago
reached West Africa via the Mediterranean. This is further (Woodroffe et al. 1985). Similarly, over the past 12 000
supported by the earlier appearance of Rhizophora in years there has been a large reduction of Rhizophora in the
southern France (50 mya; Gruas-Cavagnetto et al. 1988) and swamps of the Panama isthmus as a result of changing sea-
in the London Clay (45 mya; Chandler 1951) than in North levels, with Rhizophora disappearing from Gatun Lake 4200
(40 mya; Berry 1924, 1930) and South America (38 mya; years ago after dominating the area for the previous 30 000
Germeraad et al. 1968; Van der Hamm 1972). years (Bartlett and Barghoorn 1973). In Guiana, a similarly
Plaziat and Cavagnetto (1996) have suggested that the large reduction in Rhizophora occurred approximately 3500
climatic cooling of the late Eocene not only changed the years ago with stabilizing sea-levels (Tissot et al. 1988).
species composition and distribution of the mangroves but
also started the process of the differentiation of the old and Floristic attenuation with latitude
new world mangroves during the Oligocene, rather than in The latitudinal limits of mangrove vegetation on each of
the mid Miocene when the Tethys Sea route closed. the major land masses (Table 2) show these limits to be quite
Thus, while some mangroves appear to have evolved in variable and broadly related to temperature and aridity. In
the central Tethys Sea (Mediterranean), several other addition, these latitudinal limits are preceded by a gradual
280 P. Saenger

Table 2. Latitudinal limits of mangrove vegetation on major land limited more by aridity rather than by temperature
masses (Cluesener and Breckle 1987). Similar considerations would
, not applicable
also be relevant to parts of West Asia and the Middle East.
Continental land mass Northern limit Southern limit Another interesting example of aridity-induced species
attenuation (but with decreasing latitude) is provided by the
Atlantic America 32208 28568 East AfricanArabian Peninsula region. The extreme aridity
Pacific America 30158 5328 of the Horn of Africa (northern Somalia) causes an abrupt
Atlantic Africa 19508 12208
Eastern Africa/Red Sea 28248 32598
loss of species (Fig. 1), and only Avicennia, Rhizophora,
Western Australia 33168 Bruguiera and Ceriops are able to extend north to the
Eastern Australia 38458 southern Red Sea.
Pacific Asia 31218
Modern processes human-induced changes
In addition to massive natural changes in mangrove
vegetation, human activities have significantly modified the
reduction of mangrove development (e.g. height and extent mangrove vegetation in various parts of the world. In
of mangrove vegetation Saenger and Snedaker 1993) and particular, these include species introductions and habitat
an attenuation of species with increasing latitudes. By way modification, as well as the more recent phenomena of
of example, the southward attenuation of species on the non- mangrove afforestation.
arid east coasts of Africa and Australia are shown in Table 3.
This comparison indicates some intra-specific variability but Plant introductions
supports the suggestion that, in the presence of an adequate As with other plant groups, mangroves have been
rainfall, temperature is the major factor in reducing species deliberately introduced into areas beyond their natural
abundance with latitude (Saenger and Moverley 1985). distributional ranges to meet human needs or aspirations.
Some of these introductions are well documented, but others
Floristic attenuation with aridity are not and are likely to affect apparent distributional ranges.
As shown in Table 2, the latitudinal limits of mangroves Thus, the present West African populations of Nypa
on the West African and South American Pacific coasts are fruticans were introduced to Calabar in 1906 and Oron in
unexpectedly curtailed. These limits coincide with the limits 1912 (Wilcox 1985) from the Singapore Botanic Gardens,
of arid regions (Anon. 1979) defined as summer rainfall and even though this species had occurred throughout the Niger
winter drought, <30mm rainfall in each month of the year, delta until 25 mya (Sowunmi 1986). To date, this species has
and a precipitation to potential evapotranspiration ratio spread into the Niger, Imo, Bonny and Cross Rivers and its
(P/PEt) of <0.03. This suggests that the mangrove rate of spread is perceived to be accelerating over recent
distribution on western coasts of continents is generally years. It has now reached the Wouri Estuary in Cameroon

Table 3. Southern latitudinal limits of mangrove species on the

eastern coasts of Australia and Africa
African limits based largely on Day (1981) and Hughes and Hughes (1992);
Australian limits based on Wells (1982); Saenger and Moverley (1985); and
A. Specht, personal communication

Species E. African E. Australian

Sonneratia alba 23558 22308

Pemphis acidula 24188 15428
Thespesia populnea 2601 27308
Xylocarpus granatum 26018 25308
Xylocarpus moluccensis 26338 23508
Heritiera littoralis 26338 22158
Ceriops tagal 26508 28118
Lumnitzera racemosa 26508 27308
Acrostichum aureum 28588 26058
Barringtonia racemosa 30448 17218
Rhizophora mucronata 31428 18258
Bruguiera gymnorhiza 32148 29258
Hibiscus tiliaceus 32168 31278 Fig. 1. Northern and southern limits of mangrove species and mangrove
Avicennia marina 32598 38458 associates on the east coast of Africa.
Mangrove vegetation: an evolutionary perspective 281

where its dispersal is facilitated by local villagers who value

its thatching properties (Din 1991). Most recently, stands of
this species have been recorded from the mouth of the Volta
River in Ghana (A. K. Armah, personal communication),
presumably as a result of human dispersal. Introduced stands
of Nypa fruticans have also recently been recorded from the
Atlantic coast of Panama, where a similar spread is
predicted (Duke 1991a).
Even though Pelliciera fossils indicate its presence in the
Caribbean, Europe and West Africa during the Eocene to
Oligocene, the present populations of Pelliciera rhizophorae
on the Atlantic coasts of Panama and Colombia have a
questionable origin. This species was introduced from the Fig. 2. Combined mangrove bark export from East Africa and Madagascar
Pacific to the Atlantic coast of Colombia, around the Canal from 1900 to 1937 (adapted from Grewe 1941).
del Dique y Covenas, in the last twenty years (Paez 1994),
although apparently ancient stands occur on the Atlantic
coast of Panama (Duke, personal communication). from Rhizophora, Ceriops and Bruguiera, the volume of
An extreme example of the extension of the distribution bark exported represents a huge and selective loss of these
of species is the introduction and establishment of species.
Rhizophora mangle, Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera The large-scale replacement of mangroves by aquaculture
parviflora and Bruguiera sexangula on Oahu, Hawaii, ponds is a widespread modern phenomenon that has been
around the turn of the present century. Similarly, the responsible for major losses of mangroves in, for example,
occurrence of Rhizophora mangle in Fiji is almost certainly the Philippines, Indonesia and Ecuador. Elsewhere, the
due to introductions, most probably by the American construction of dams and barrages has shifted prevailing
Missionary Society which has been active on the island salinity regimes to the exclusion of one species rather than
since the 1840s. another. For example, Heritiera fomes appears to be
increasingly confined in its distribution to the wetter eastern
Mangrove over-exploitation and habitat modification Sundarbans in Bangladesh as a result of tectonic changes in
Human activity such as pollution, water diversion and combination with dam construction and freshwater
selective clearing can significantly change mangrove extraction (Blasco et al. 1996).
distributional ranges. Thus, the northernmost stands of R.
Mangrove afforestation
racemosa in West Africa, reported by Adam (1965) from the
There are several major mangrove afforestation
Ile de Thiong (1603N), Mauritania, have been cleared by
programmes around the world as well as numerous less
the local inhabitants in the past two decades (Gowthorpe and
extensive ones (for a review, see Field 1996). An example of
Lamarche 1993). Similarly, significant stands of Bruguiera
the way in which mangrove afforestation programmes can
gymnorhiza have been selectively felled for boat building in
change mangrove distributions or abundance is found in the
the Sudan and Yemen (Zahran 1977; Ormond et al. 1988),
Bangladesh mangrove afforestation programme, in which
and Rhizophora mucronata has disappeared from the
~120 000 ha of mangrove plantations have been established
Arabian Gulf for similar reasons in historical time.
over the past 15 years (Saenger and Siddiqi 1993). However,
In parts of eastern Africa, tanbark extraction from because of the ease of transplanting seedlings of Sonneratia
mangroves commenced reasonably early, with Germany apetala, the greatest part of the plantations consists of
being the major importer. Tanbark export commenced in monocultures of this species, which had previously been a
Kenya in 1900, with Tanzania, Mozambique and relatively obscure species.
Madagascar soon following (Grewe 1941). The tanbark
export from Kenya reached record values around the start of Mangrove vegetation today
the first World War but this activity had collapsed by the end The contemporary mangrove vegetation is the integrated
of the war (Fig. 2). Even with some regrowth during the first outcome of the various processes outlined above. Thus,
World War, the tanbark resources of Madagascar were discontinuities in species distributions have become
exhausted by 1927, whereas those of Mozambique managed apparent while areas of high endemism can be recognized.
to survive until 1935, largely supplying the American leather
industry. Unsustainably high tanbark extraction was initiated Discontinuities and endemism
in Tanzania from 1921 onwards until that resource also was Because of their seawater dispersal, most mangrove
exhausted by 1937. Given that tanbark was derived only species have a more or less continuous distribution around
282 P. Saenger

various coastlines, but there are exceptions. Some examples Vicariants

of discontinuities from among the most ancient mangrove Since mangroves are dispersed by seawater, there are few
genera include the following. examples of divergent species of one genus with non-
The new world species of Rhizophora show disjunct overlapping ranges. However, such vicariant species are
distributions, with West African, Atlantic-American and found in Aegialitis and Camptostemon (Tomlinson 1986),
Pacific-American occurrences. In the case of Rhizophora two genera whose earliest fossils are known from Borneo 23
mangle, even the West African distribution appears to be mya (Muller 1964). Aegialitis annulata is distributed from
disjunct, with a Senegal-to-Liberia and a Nigeria-to-Angola northern Australia to Papua New Guinea, whereas Aegialitis
distribution (Saenger and Bellan 1995). Bruguiera hainesii rotundifolia is restricted to shorelines of the Bay of Bengal
is discontinuous between western Malaysia and New and the Andaman Sea. Similarly, Camptostemon schultzii
Guinea (Tomlinson 1986), and Ceriops tagal and Bruguiera occurs in northern Australia, Papua New Guinea and,
gymnorhiza show major discontinuities between eastern possibly, as far north as Borneo, whereas Camptostemon
Africa and south-west Asia. philippinense occurs in the Philippines, Borneo and
Sonneratia alba also appears to have several disjunct Sulawesi. Whether there is any overlap between these
populations respectively centred on East Africa species in Borneo is not known.
Madagascar, IndiaSri Lanka and Australasia. Even the By way of contrast, the genus Aegiceras contains one
northern Australian distribution appears to be separated by a species (Aegiceras corniculatum) with a wide Australasian
significant discontinuity in the Gulf of Carpentaria. distribution that totally includes the more restricted
Similarly, Sonneratia ovata has a major disjunction between Philippine distribution of Aegiceras floridum. Similarly, the
its ThaiIndonesian and its Papua New Guinea occurrences. genus Heritiera contains two mangrove species with one of
Sonneratia lanceolata appears to have three discontinuous limited distribution (H. fomes) being totally included within
distributions in south-east Asia and northern Australia. the range of the other, wide-ranging, species (H. littoralis).
Avicennia rumphiana appears to be the only species of Both mangrove species in the genus Cynometra (C. iripa
Avicennia with three disjunct distributional ranges. and C. ramiflora) have largely overlapping distributions in
Pelliciera rhizophorae is of very limited distribution and south-east Asia, although only C. iripa extends southwards
endemic to the tropical Pacific coast of America. Its to Australia.
presence on the Caribbean coasts, first noted in the early
1980s, is of uncertain origin, as discussed above.
The genetic isolation between species of some genera of
Other locally restricted species include Heritiera fomes,
mangroves is not complete; interspecific hybrids are known
Aegialitis rotundifolia, Avicennia integra, Avicennia bicolor,
in the genera Sonneratia, Rhizophora, Xylocarpus and
Avicennia schaueriana, Excoecaria ovalis, Excoecaria
Lumnitzera (Duke and Bunt 1979; Duke 1984; Tomlinson
indica, Sonneratia griffithii and Sonneratia apetala. 1986). On the other hand, new methods such as biochemical
The explanations for many of these disjunctions are studies have cast doubt on the status of some putative
undoubtedly to be found in the ecological requirements of hybrids; for example, the hybrid status of R. harrisonii has
the individual species but, in a broad biogeographical sense, not been confirmed on the basis of foliar wax chemistry
temperature and rainfall are probably the main determinants. (Dodd et al. 1995).
Nevertheless, the high endemicity of the South Asian and
northern Australian areas may reflect their proximity to the Future trends and evolutionary possibilities
main centre of mangrove origin and subsequent dispersal Before examining the evolutionary possibilities, there are
routes. some aspects of mangroves that need to be emphasized.
Conversely, there are no endemic mangroves on the coast First, a better understanding of the phylogeny of
of Africa; this contrasts with all other major mangrove mangroves is gradually being attained through newly
regions, which have at least one endemic species. The developed molecular and related techniques. For example,
absence of any endemic species suggests that the African on the basis of morphological and anatomical features, the
mangrove flora is a relict flora; this, in turn, is supported by Rhizophoraceae has been included in the order Myrtales
the fossil record which indicates that during the late Eocene (Takhtajan 1980) or assigned to its own separate order
to early Miocene a much richer mangrove flora was present. Rhizophorales (Thorne 1992). However, a parsimony
To that must be added that the mangrove vegetation of analysis of the DNA sequence data from the chloroplast
Africa is in retreat from relatively recent changes in climate gene rbcL (Conti et al. 1996), strongly suggests that the
and sea-level (Rossi 1981; Saenger and Bellan 1995). The Rhizophoraceae does not belong to the Myrtales. Rather,
absence of any endemic species also suggests that the this analysis puts this family as part of a rosid clade that
conditions along this coastline were not conducive to includes the families Euphorbiaceae, Humiriaceae and
speciation in the taxa present. Malpighiaceae.
Mangrove vegetation: an evolutionary perspective 283

Second, new morphological and biochemical markers are Rhizophora in America and Africa, but are apparent in all
being found within species, intraspecific taxa and genera shared by the old world and new (Duke 1995;
populations which will facilitate an improved understanding Bousquet-Melou 1996). On the other hand, morphologically
of the processes of species divergence. These include such based subspecies in Avicennia marina can be recognized on
markers as iridoid glycosides (Fauvel et al. 1995), foliar leaf the basis of allozyme patterns in specimens from western,
waxes (Dodd et al. 1995; Rafii et al. 1996), DNA analyses northern and eastern Australia (Duke 1991b).
(Brajou 1996), isozyme analyses (McMillan 1986; Ballment Taxonomic changes measured by isozymes or DNA
et al. 1988; Duke 1991b; Huang 1993) and cladistic analyses analysis generally require >100 mutations or gene frequency
(Juncosa and Tomlinson 1988; Ricklefs and Latham 1993; changes (because of the relatively insensitive analytical
Bousquet-Melou 1996). techniques), and would therefore be the later stages in
Third, mangroves as a group appear to be relatively slow species divergence. Thus, although subspecies formation
in undergoing evolutionary change. Thus, for example, can be recognized in Avicennia marina on the basis of
Moore (1973) noted that the earliest fossils of Nypa are not isozymes (Duke 1991b, 1995), DNA analysis failed to
distinguishable from the modern Nypa fruticans, concluding demonstrate the differentiation into subspecies in Avicennia
that Nypa has essentially sat still for 70 million years i.e. germinans (Brajou 1996). On the other hand, McMillan
morphologically but certainly not geographically! (1986), using isozyme analysis to determine genetic
Thus, the evolutionary history and relationships of differences among populations of A. germinans, found that
mangroves are becoming better understood while the plants from the western side of the Gulf of Mexico differed
dynamics of the evolutionary processes themselves are in their predominant patterns of phosphoglucose isomerase
becoming clearer. On that basis, it seems likely that the and phosphoglucose mutase from plants on the Caribbean
populations of the most widespread species, e.g. A. marina side of the Gulf of Mexico. Similarly, Ballment et al. (1988)
and A. germinans, are diverging because they no longer differentiated three sibling species of Ceriops by
consist of single inbreeding populations. In the case of A. biochemical genetics which indicated a uniform genetic
marina, this divergence has proceeded further and has been structure within taxa but a high genetic divergence among
recognized by subspecific ranking (Duke 1991b; Everett taxa; that study showed that the sympatric populations of
1994). In A. germinans, on the other hand, this divergence is two taxa maintained fixed differences in genes at a number
not so advanced and has allowed chemotypes but not of loci and were reproductively isolated, without the
morphotypes to be recognized (Compre 1963; Bousquet- presence of any hybrid forms.
Melou 1996). All these diverging processes are happening against the
In an evolutionary sense, biochemical differences background of further fragmentation of populations and
between populations, requiring one or two gene mutations or decreases in species distribution due to anthropogenic
frequency changes only, should be apparent first and that effects. For example, Huang (1993) studied the genetic
seems to be the case. For example, chemotypes of A. variability between and within populations of the mangrove
germinans were readily identifiable in West African Kandelia candel on Taiwan using isozymes and concluded
populations (Dodd et al. 1995), between Pacific and Atlantic that a moderate level of genetic variation existed between
America (Rafii et al. 1996), and between African and the four mangrove populations studied but that there was
American populations (Bousquet-Melou 1996). little differentiation within populations. Local selection and
Physiological changes, requiring at least 510 gene restricted gene flow between the populations had
mutations or frequency changes, should become apparent contributed to the limited genetic variability of this species
with further divergence. For example, slight physiological in Taiwan. Thus, it seems likely that this fragmentary
differences were detected between West African mangroves process will accelerate in the mangroves, which appear to be
and American Atlantic mangroves of the same species an inherently slow group to respond in an evolutionary
(Saenger and Bellan 1995). Similarly, ecophysiological sense.
variation in chilling tolerance was studied by McMillan In addition, however, research is underway to determine
(1975) who tested different populations of mangroves from the genetic variation within certain taxa with a view to
30N to 38S. Comparison of A. germinans and A. marina in identifying specific genotypes that are high performers
experimental chilling tests revealed that plants from tropical under specific environmental conditions. At the same time,
climates showed severe damage to all leaves and stems after micropropagation techniques are being developed to
12 successive chilling nights, whereas plants from temperate propagate those specific genotypes. This combination of
climates showed no leaf damage. These preliminary studies genetic selection and micropropagation will add a further, as
have been successful in indicating infraspecific variation yet unknown, dimension to the three primary processes
which appeared to have a genetic basis. discussed.
Morphological changes, which might require >10 In conclusion, a number of poorly understood historical
mutations or gene frequency changes, are not apparent in as well as current processes are implicated in the
284 P. Saenger

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