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olta cells (cells Galvani)

Voltaic cell is a device for generating electric current with the help of
chemical reactions. In a voltaic cell, oxidation occurs at one electrode, and
the reduction takes place at the other electrode. Electrons migrate from one
electrode to the other electrode will consequently generated electricity
opposite to the flow of electrons.

a. Cell Structure Volta

When you dip the two metals with different ionization tendencies in the
electrolyte solution and connecting the two electrodes with wires, a voltaic
cells are stacked. First, the metal with ionization greater tendency to be
oxidized, producing cations dissolved in the electrolyte solution. Then the
electrons produced will migrate to the metal with a lower ionization tendency
through the wire. In metal with a lower ionization tendency, cations dissolved
in the electrolyte solution are reduced by the electrons flow into the metal.

In the picture voltaic cells schematic diagram above shows the electric
current direction opposite to the flow of electrons, so the electric current
flows from the metal lower ionization tendency of the metal to a higher
ionization tendency. Then that needs to be understood here that the cations
from the reaction on the negative electrode (oxidation) is different cations
react in a positive electrode (reduction). For more details see the following

battery Orange
Negative electrode / anode: Metal Zn
Positive electrode / cathode: Metal Cu
Electrolyte solutions: citrus acid (H +)

the use of zinc as an anode for ionization tendency higher than H Zn and Cu
as anode for Cu ionization tendency lower than H so that the metal anode Zn
Zn 2+ ions are oxidized to produce and release electrons.

Zn Zn 2+
+2e -

H + ions at the cathode produced from citrus acid solution are reduced to
hydrogen molecules.

2H +
+ 2e - H 2

b. cells Daniel
The most popular cellular mechanisms discovered by the British chemist John
Frederic Daniell (1790-1845) called daniel cells. In the Daniell cell, two metal
electrodes immersed in a solution of metal sulfates. The negative electrode
(anode) consisting of zinc (Zn) and a solution of zinc sulphate (ZnSO 4) and
the positive electrode (cathode) consisting of copper (Cu) and a solution of
copper sulfate (CuSO 4). Both of these electrodes are usually marked as Zn /
ZnSO 4 (aq) and Cu / CuSO 4 (aq). Sometimes these symbols is simplified into
a Zn / Zn 2+ and Cu / Cu 2+ porous .Sekat used to separate the two solutions
(ZnSO 4 and CuSO 4) and at the same time allows cations (Zn 2+) migrate from
the negative electrode to electrode positive and anion (SO 4 -2) migrate from
the negative electrode to the positive electrode.
At the anode that can be turned into Zn Zn 2+ and Zn trunk release electrons
then dipped in an electrolyte solution which does not react with the
electrolyte solution Zn is ZnSO 4. Meanwhile, on the cathode rod used for Cu
Cu does not react with a solution of CuSO 4. So the function of Cu rods can be
replaced with other metals of origin does not react with a solution of
CuSO 4. Electrons are produced on stems Cu Zn flowed into the stem, so that
Cu 2+ in a solution of CuSO 4 will be changed to Cu after binding the electrons
Without a partition screen Cu 2+ ions will react directly on the surface of the
rod Zn so that the flow of electrons through a conductor does not happen and
when the stem is entirely coated Cu Zn then the reaction will stop because
Cu does not react with the electrolyte solution (ZnSO 4 and CuSO 4). With a
partition screen when the oxidation reaction takes place at the anode
Zn 2+ ion concentration of greater and greater as a result of the solution
becomes positively charged and refused Zn 2+ ions from the stem so that the
stem insoluble Zn longer a Zn 2+ ions. Meanwhile, when the reduction
reaction in the cathode Cu 2+ ions are converted to Cu. Therefore, the
concentration of SO 4 -2 ions becomes excessive and causes the negatively
charged solution. A solution which would negatively charged electrons from
the stem so that refuse can not be bound by Cu 2+ ions. Then the solution
required a partition screen that is porous, it can separate the bulkhead
CuSO 4solution of stem Zn and at the same time can drain excess cations
(Zn 2+) from the negative electrode to the positive electrode and the anion
(SO 4 -2) from the positive electrode to negative electrode.

On the stem / Zn electrode reaction is an oxidation reaction that takes place

Zn electrode as a negative electrode (anode):

Zn Zn 2+
+ 2 e -

whereas the Cu rod reaction that takes place is a reduction reaction so that
the Cu electrode as a positive electrode (cathode):
Cu 2+ + 2e - Cu
Total reaction is written:

Zn + Cu 2+
Cu + Zn 2+
or Zn + CuSO 4 ZnSO 4 + Cu

Diagram (notation) of the cell are:

Zn Zn 2+
ll l l Cu Cu 2+

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