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The evaporation of water from plants is called transpiration, its through tiny
openings on the leaf called stomata plants lose most of their water to facilitate
this process. There are some environmental factors that may hinder or facilitate
the process of transpiration, such as the presence of light and wind or the
absence of those factors. The rate of transpiration is measured with the use of a
potometer, it measures the rate of water uptake by a shoot sample which these
values are then used to carry out calculations to determine the rate of

This experiment was designed to investigate four environmental factors that

could alter the rate of transpiration, a collection of eight plants of the same
species (shine bush) will be investigated, 2 plants each will be assigned to a
condition which is a windy area, no wind area, direct light and no light. The
plants will be left in these conditions for a period of 24 hours after the 24 hours
period, the volume of water was checked and recorded. The values collected will
then be used to carry out calculations to determine the rate at which the plant
shoot transpire.

There are some factors that can affect the result of this experiment

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