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21st Century Learning Design Template

Name of learning activity:

World War One Home Front

Describe this learning activity.

Challenge children to create an eBook about the home front during World
War One for an audience of Year 6 pupils from other schools within RCT.
Pupils will collaborate with pupils from Brynnau Primary and SS Gabriel
and Raphael Primary School. Inform pupils that although this is a very
important area, there is a shortage of interesting historical books aimed
at KS2 pupils and these schools are also learning about World War One.
Children must investigate the topic by selecting relevant books and
websites to find relevant and interesting information along with suitable
Pupils use ICT to collaborate with the two other schools to decide upon
which areas they will be responsible for. The three schools must each
choose different sub headings/sections for their book as a whole class.
These topics will be allocated to groups of 4-6 pupils from each class. In
order to develop the Skilled Communication, each school must find
three websites to help the other schools with their research. These
websites must be used by the other schools and referenced in the final
book. Challenge pupils to present the information using ICT in the most
interesting and innovative ways possible videos, Morpho, Poplet, Comic
Life, etc.
Once each section has been completed, ask pupils to peer assess each
others sections and make improvements based on feedback.
Each group will then insert their section into the final Ebook.
Pupils email the Ebook to the other two schools. Pupils peer assess work
using Lync/Twitter. Finished Ebook will be published on each schools
website and www.2014www1@weebly.com.

Choose one or two of the 21st Century Learning Design rubrics to

focus on and explain why you chose them.

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Skilled Communication: Pupils are required to produce extended,
multimodal communication to create the EBook. Supporting evidence
will be the final EBook, which will reference their communication. The
pupils will be aware of the audience from the beginning - pupils from KS2
in other primary schools. The book will be published on each website and
schools will be tweeted to ensure the book will have an audience.

Real World Problem Solving and Innovation Rubric:

Pupils are required to solve a real world problem pupils in other schools
want to find out about the Homefront during World War One but cant
find a suitable ebook.
Students are required to innovate as they are asked to be creative when
presenting the information.

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