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Fadi Nasr

Tyler Koski
John Liu

98 Stephen Ondra
Richard Fessler

Minimally Invasive Deformity

Surgery: Future Directions

Minimally invasive techniques in spine surgery have been evolv- Several criteria are being used to select patients for minimal
ing for the past several years.7,9 Their advent has brought with access approaches. The relative flexibility of the curve is deter-
it many benefits to the patient undergoing surgery for degen- mined using upright and recumbent films as well as push prone
erative spine disease. Among these benefits are less blood loss, films. Those curves that can be corrected using Smith-Petersen
less postoperative discomfort, faster recovery time, and, argu- osteotomies and positioning that do not require extensive
ably the most important benefit, decreased injury to the cantilever techniques for correction are candidate curves.
paraspinal soft tissue envelope.2,3 Short segment coronal deformity is also ideal for lateral inter-
This final benefit is of utmost importance when considering body correction through minimally invasive retroperitoneal
that the overall biomechanical strength of the spine rests on approaches. Also, curves requiring short segment fixation to L5
the soft tissue envelope remaining intact.4,5 This soft tissue or higher are candidate curves.
envelope includes the paraspinous musculature, the ligamen- At this time, there are several relative contraindications to
tous structures, and the articular facet joints and capsules. minimal access deformity correction. Highly rigid, large angle
Injury to the paraspinal envelope can lead to premature degen- curves that require long segment fixation from the upper tho-
eration at adjacent levels leading to a shortened time to revi- racic spine across the thoracolumbar junction or lumbosacral
sion surgery after primary spine surgery. junction pose significant challenges to the current state of tech-
In the patient with spinal deformity, the current techniques nology. Techniques for dorsal approach minimal access pedicle
of open surgical exposure completely denude the spine of its subtraction osteotomies and vertebral column resections have
soft tissue support. The dorsal tension band is disrupted with not been fully developed, and the need for these osteotomies
injury to both ligamentous structures as well as injury to paraspi- may indeed be a relative contraindication to a minimal access
nal musculature. In addition, there is always concern over injury surgery. Rodding techniques are a major limitation for large
to the facet structures adjacent to the fusion. All of this injury curves as the current percutaneous rod passing techniques can-
may lead to premature proximal or distal junctional failure. not account for the significant changes between thoracic
We are currently in the process of transition in deformity kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. Also, the degree of ankylosis
surgery. Minimally invasive techniques are now beginning to be across anterior segments or posteriorly can pose a significant
utilized as powerful tools in the correction of deformity to the challenge to adequate curve correction. The degree of sacral
benefit of the patient. This chapter will explore the current obliquity can significantly complicate the correction of a lum-
minimally invasive technologies available to the deformity sur- bar degenerative curve and must be taken into account when
geon. We will describe the techniques as well as their applica- planning a minimally invasive correction. As our techniques
tion in correcting deformity. We will also include several case and technology evolve, we anticipate that these limitations will
studies that illustrate their use. be overcome.

Indications for utilizing minimal access techniques in spinal When considering minimally invasive techniques, exposure of
deformity are currently being developed. Many factors go into the entire spinal column is not necessary. Only the key ele-
deciding who will be an appropriate candidate. All deformity ments required for deformity correction are exposed. This
patients should have standing 36-inch scoliosis X-rays as well as means that a keyhole approach to the spine must be under-
supine and side bending X-rays to evaluate their curves. Sagittal taken in order to expose the facet, pedicle entry zones, osteot-
and coronal balance is taken into consideration. Patients are omy sites, and arthrodesis sites. This approach minimizes soft
evaluated for curve flexibility, possibility of short segment cor- tissue envelope trauma while allowing correction to take place.
rection of their deformity, and possibility of preservation of the Keyhole exposure is undertaken posteriorly to enable osteoto-
caudal motion segments. mies, placement of instrumentation, and posterior arthrodesis.

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1022 Section VIII Adult Spinal Deformity

Anterior keyhole exposure is performed for interbody arthrod-

esis, indirect decompression, and correction of sagittal and
coronal deformity.


Anterior access to the lumbar spine in the past meant a large
lateral incision for a retroperitoneal exposure with significant
morbidity.1,8 This morbidity is associated with a large muscle
incision that can significantly prolong hospital stays. With new
techniques, a retroperitoneal exposure of the lateral disc space
can be accomplished with a minimal incision that is muscle
sparing and has minimal morbidity. Also, this technique can be
easily performed without the need for an access surgeon and
the operative time involved in exposure and closure is signifi-
cantly less.6
This so called direct lateral approach to the disc space can
be a very powerful tool in deformity correction. In patients with
a significant coronal imbalance, it allows for powerful correc-
tion by placing a large interbody graft that crosses the disc Figure 98.1. Anteroposterior fluoro X-ray showing the spinous
space and is parallel to the end plates. This action forces the process exactly midline between the pedicle silhouette at the levels
above and below the disc of interest.
end plates into a parallel configuration in the coronal plane
that corrects coronal plane deformity. When the graft is placed
anteriorly in the disc space, it distracts the end plates and
induces a lordosis that can help correct sagittal plane defor-
mity. If foraminal compression is present, the distraction of the make all actions perfectly transverse across the disc space lead-
disc space provides for an indirect decompression of the nerve ing to good graft placement and minimizing the risk of injury
roots. In addition, if there is ankylosis at the lateral edge of the to either the nerve roots posteriorly or the great vessels anteri-
disc space, the procedure is effective at providing an anterior orly. After this, the fluoro is rotated to a lateral projection to
release. localize the interspace and plan the incision. A transverse inci-
Given favorable anatomy, the direct lateral exposure can be sion approximately 2 to 3 cm in length is then planned overly-
used to expose the lower thoracic disc spaces down to the L4/5 ing the anterior third of the disc space. The patient is then
interspace. Sometimes the L4/5 interspace is obscured by the prepped and draped. The surgeon should stand at the patients
iliac crest and cannot be accessed laterally. The L5/S1 inter- abdomen so that all dissection is carried out toward the retro-
space is almost always obscured by the iliac crest and can usu- peritoneal space. The incision is opened down to the external
ally not be accessed laterally. Interspaces obscured by the iliac oblique facia. Each muscle layer is then split with blunt dissec-
crest must be accessed either through an anterior retroperito- tion until the transversalis facia is encountered. This is then
neal exposure or posteriorly via a posterior interbody or trans- penetrated bluntly being careful not to enter the peritoneum.
foraminal interbody approach. The retroperitoneal fat is then immediately visible. This is
The procedure is performed as follows.6 The patient is bluntly dissected with finger dissection being careful to sweep
placed in a lateral decubitus position. Usually the left side is the peritoneal contents anteriorly all the way down until the
used as the approach side to avoid injury to the venous struc- psoas muscle is encountered. At this point, a neuromonitoring
tures; however, the right side is used if it facilitates access to the probe can be inserted and stimulation is undertaken to ensure
disc space given the deformity. The lateral position allows for that no traversing nerve roots are in the local area of dissection.
the abdominal contents to fall away facilitating retroperitoneal Once the area is deemed clear, a blunt k-wire can be inserted
access while reducing the risk of injury to the peritoneal con- into the disc space being careful not to pass the k-wire all the
tents. The patient is placed on the bed so that the bed can be way through the disc space and into the abdominal cavity on
flexed at the level of the pelvis. This allows opening of the space the other side (Fig. 98.2). The psoas is then sequentially dilated
between the iliac wing and the lowest rib and moves the iliac and a tubular retractor is placed. Dilation of the psoas muscle is
crest down to facilitate access to the spine and to the lowest disc frequently associated with postoperative transient weakness of
space. The L4/5 disc space can almost always be accessed with hip flexion and some thigh discomfort due to local inflamma-
some help from positioning. After the patient is positioned, the tion and irritation of the genitofemoral nerve. This is a self-
fluoroscope is brought into the field and placed at 0 so that limited phenomenon and we have had no cases of persistent
the X-ray is perfectly parallel to the floor in an anteroposterior problems.
projection with respect to the patient. The spinous processes of Positioning of the retractor is checked with fluoroscopy. The
the vertebral segments immediately adjacent to the disc space ideal position to start the discectomy is in the anterior one third
to be operated upon are positioned perfectly in the midline of the disc space, preferably just as the annulus begins to slope
between the pedicle silhouette by rotating the bed around its medially (Fig. 98.3). This position allows for anterior place-
long axis (Fig. 98.1). In this position, all work in the disc space ment of an interbody graft that provides significant lordosing
can be performed perpendicular to the floor, which should action.

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Chapter 98 Minimally Invasive Deformity Surgery: Future Directions 1023


It is important to realize that minimally invasive does not always
mean the smallest incision. Instead, we are leveraging minimal
access technology to preserve the musculotendinous envelope.
The incision we use is a single midline incision. The incision
carried down through the subcutaneous tissue to the dorsal fas-
cia. We then elevate the subcutaneous tissue to expose the dor-
sal fascia far enough laterally to allow for transfascial,
transmuscular tubular retractors to be placed at each level.
This incision has several distinct advantages. The first is that
a single midline incision is cosmetically preferred to many
paired stab incisions. The second is that should difficulty arise,
conversion to an open procedure does not risk the penalty of
having two large paramidline incisions. The third is that elevat-
ing flaps above the facia reduces the working distance to the
spine by getting the subcutaneous tissues out of the way.
Minimally invasive tubular retractors placed using sequen-
tial dilation techniques are used to effect multiple ports for key-
hole exposure. After the incision is made and the subcutaneous
flaps are raised, attention is turned to placement of the tubular
Figure 98.2. Diagram of a blunt k-wire in the disc space. retractors. In the lumbar spine, we generally use 4 cm from the
midline as entry points in the fascia. Alternatively, we have used
the lateral pedicle line or the midtransverse process line to
mark our entry point, depending on the patients size and
The lateral annulus of the disc space is then cleared of any degree of deformity. Using fluoroscopy, each pedicle to be
remaining psoas fibers always being careful to ensure that no instrumented is identified and the entry point is marked in the
nerve roots are in the vicinity. The annulus is then opened dorsal fascia using bovie cautery. Of note, care must be taken
sharply and a discectomy is performed making sure that all when using fluoroscopic guidance in a patient with rotational
work is done perfectly perpendicular to the floor. If the contral- deformity as this must be taken into account when planning
ateral annulus is ossified or ankylosed, a Cobb elevator can be entry points as it is easy to be misled by a fluoroscopic image if
placed across the disc space and very carefully used to break the the underlying anatomy is not well understood. We expose one
ankylosis. This maneuver is the key in correcting coronal bal- level at a time, and two surgeons can work simultaneously on
ance as it allows the disc space to level once the graft is placed. either side of the spine. The fascia is opened 1 to 2 cm at the
After the discectomy is complete, an appropriate graft is previously defined entry point. Using blunt finger dissection,
sized and then placed into the disc space. This is done under the facet joint is palpated.
fluoroscopic guidance to ensure that the graft does not go out In the lumbar spine, we use tubular retractors placed using
the other side of the disc space (Figs. 98.4A and B). Once the sequential dilation. The first dilator is placed on the facet joint
graft is seated appropriately, the retractors are removed and and subsequent dilation takes place. As the dilators get larger,
care is taken to ensure hemostasis. The abdominal wall is closed they cup the joint and prevent dislodgement. Dilation is
in layers and the skin closed in the usual fashion. checked with fluoroscopy to ensure that the correct facet is
Multiple levels can be addressed with this technique. being exposed and to ensure that no dislodgement has
Depending on the orientation of the curvature, at least two disc occurred. Once the final tube is in place, it is locked to the
spaces can be addressed through a single incision. Another operating table using flexible retractor arms. This technique
incision can be made to access additional disc spaces. provides excellent exposure of the facet complex and can

Figure 98.3. The anterior one

third of the disc space is the ideal tar-
get for docking. The red X on the
illustration to the left shows this area.
The fluoro image on the right shows
an intraoperative view of this area with
the retractor system and interbody
device in place.

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1024 Section VIII Adult Spinal Deformity


Figure 98.4. Fluoro images of the graft placed in the disc space in the anteroposterior projection (A) and
lateral projection (B).

provide exposure of the lamina, pars, and the transverse pro- As the level progresses superiorly into the upper lumbar and
cess with small movements of the retractor tube. Figure 98.5 thoracic spine, the depth of retraction is reduced and it
shows a tubular retractor in place. becomes increasingly cumbersome to utilize tubular retractors
Smith-Petersen osteotomies can be performed once the to effect exposure. If osteotomies are required, hand held
facet joint is exposed. The facet complex, pars, and inferior retractors can be used to bluntly dissect and retract the subfa-
lamina are cleared of any soft tissue. Using a high-speed drill, cial muscle. We have found that various length nasal speculum
the inferior articular process is removed and saved to use as type retractors provide adequate exposure of the necessary
autologous bone graft. The tip of the superior articular process anatomy (Fig. 98.6). In the thoracic spine, the transverse pro-
is then drilled off down to the level of the ligamentum flavum. cess is palpated and the speculum is used to bluntly dissect the
The ligament is then resected using Kerrison rongeurs. If no soft tissues off the spinous process. From this landmark, the
osteotomy is required, the facet joint can be arthrodesed to facet joint can be exposed for arthrodesis or Smith-Petersen
effect a fusion across that level. osteotomy. The pedicle entry zone can then be easily accessed.

Figure 98.5. A tubular retractor in place. Note that the facia is Figure 98.6. A nasal speculum is providing retraction of the nec-
intact and no paraspinal muscle dissection is undertaken. essary anatomy in the thoracic spine.

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Chapter 98 Minimally Invasive Deformity Surgery: Future Directions 1025

Pedicle screws can be placed utilizing standard freehand or
fluoroscopic methods. If an osteotomy is to be performed at
the level of interest and exposure is already performed via
tubular retraction, we prefer to use an open freehand tech-
nique through the tubular retractor to cannulate the pedicle.
This technique is also useful if the local deformity does not
allow adequate fluoroscopic imaging of the pedicle of interest.
If no osteotomy is to be performed and arthrodesis is being
accomplished via an interbody fusion, then the pedicle screw is
placed using percutaneous fluoroscopic techniques.
If a retractor and open freehand technique is used, pedicle
cannulation proceeds as follows. The pedicle entry zone is
identified and local landmarks are visualized. A high-speed drill
is used to mark the entry point and drill through the outer cor-
tex to the cancellous bone of the pedicle. A pedicle probe is
then advanced into the pedicle (Fig. 98.7). The pedicle walls
are then checked for breeches. If no breech is present, a long
k-wire is then passed down the retractor and into the cannu-
lated tract. The retractor is then removed leaving the k-wire to Figure 98.8. Transfacially placed k-wires are in place at every level
to be instrumented.
mark the pedicle. The retractor is then moved to the next adja-
cent level. Extreme care must be taken not to dislodge the
k-wire. Figure 98.8 shows k-wires in place at each level.
After all the pedicles have been cannulated and k-wires
prevents the difficulty in having to manage many pairs of k-wires
placed, the pedicles are tapped and the pedicle screws are
in the operative field, which carries the risk of contamination,
placed over the k-wires. The pedicle screws are attached to
surgeon injury, and k-wire displacement.
screw extenders that allow for manipulation of the screws as
Once the pedicle screws are placed, rodding takes place.
well as for eventual rod placement (Fig. 98.9). Alternatively, the
Rodding can be difficult as many of the normal techniques for
pedicle screws can be placed as you go as soon as each level is
curve correction such as derotation and in situ bending are not
complete. Placing all of the k-wires first is sometimes of benefit
directly translatable to a minimal access approach. The rod
as the screw extenders can obscure access to the adjacent level
must be shaped to the appropriate lordosis and/or kyphosis
if the deformity is severe enough. Placing the screws as you go
and then is percutaneously passed through the pedicle screw
extenders (Fig. 98.10). The pedicle screw extenders can be uti-
lized to impart vector forces onto the pedicle screws to correct
the deformity to make rodding easier. The rod is then reduced

Figure 98.7. A Lenke pedicle probe can be used down the tubular Figure 98.9. Pedicle screw extenders are visible above the facia to
retractor to cannulate the pedicle. allow rodding and spinal column manipulation.

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1026 Section VIII Adult Spinal Deformity

Operating Room and

Hospital Statistics in First
TABLE 98.1 10 Patients Undergoing
MIS Correction of
Length of surgery 7.6 hr (4.512.5)
Length of ICU stay 30.25 hr (0168)
Length of hospital stay 7.1 d (315)
Estimated blood loss 260 cc (50600)
Transfusion 2/10
Major complications 0

and was improved to 9 (range 4 to 18). Mean preoperative

lordosis was 29 (range 42 to 5) and was improved to 31
(range 53 to 21) (Table 98.1). When sagittal balance was
normal preoperatively, it was maintained in two cases and made
slightly worse in two cases. When sagittal balance was abnormal
Figure 98.10. Rodding is performed by passing the rod percuta- preoperatively, it was improved in six out of six cases. Coronal
neously through each pedicle screw extender. balance was maintained normal in two of four cases and made
slightly worse in two of four cases. When it was abnormal pre-
operatively, it was improved in five of six cases and remained
unchanged in one of six cases. Finally, normal lumbar lordosis
into the pedicle screw saddle using the screw extension devices was maintained in six of six cases, although one patient had
and locked to the pedicle screw using standard locking nuts. slightly less lordosis postoperatively compared with preopera-
Maintaining a lordosis is important as the rod is being tively. Preoperative kyphosis was improved in four of four cases
reduced. With the rod in a lordotic position, the vector forces (Table 98.2). The following case examples are illustrative of the
of reduction will try to place the rod in a kyphotic position. cases currently being done using MIS technique.
Locking the rod down to at least one screw position before
removing the rod holder can help prevent this problem.

ARTHRODESIS Minimally invasive techniques are new to the area of deformity

correction. Indications for who should be considered are still
Arthrodesis is the cornerstone of any fusion. In a minimally being developed. Questions including how effective these tech-
invasive setting, the large bony surface area normally exposed niques are at preventing adjacent segment failure in deformity
is not present. Therefore, effective fusions rely on a combina- and what are the arthrodesis rates have yet to be answered.
tion of factors. Limitations of the technology for correcting large fixed curves
Arthrodesis is effected in several ways. Interbody fusions and for fusing long segments across the thoracolumbar junc-
performed via the direct lateral approach, via transforaminal tion to the sacrum need to be overcome.
lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) or via mini anterior lumbar However, these techniques are very powerful in correcting a
interbody fusion (ALIF) approaches are important methods select number of carefully chosen curves that are flexible and
for solid fusion. This allows for a wide area of arthrodesis given anatomically amenable to minimally invasive techniques. The
a large discectomy and appropriate preparation of the disc future of deformity surgery will include minimally invasive tech-
space. Posteriorly, fusion takes place across the facet joints via niques as a part of the armamentarium.
direct arthrodesis or across an area of osteotomy. The soft tis-
sues can be dissected superiorly and inferiorly to increase the
amount of fusion surface. Bone morphogenic protein is used as Early Results in First 10
an adjunct to improve the fusion rates. TABLE 98.2 Patients Undergoing MIS
Correction of Deformity

EARLY RESULTS Preoperative Postoperative

Measure Value Value
Assessing the short-term outcomes in the first 10 patients
Cobb angle (mean/range) 26 (1140) 9 (418)
undergoing MIS correction of deformity revealed the follow-
Lordosis (mean/range) 29 (425) 31 (53 21)
ing. Mean preoperative Cobb angle was 26 (range 11 to 40)

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Chapter 98 Minimally Invasive Deformity Surgery: Future Directions 1027

CASE 98.1

The following case example is of a primary degenerative significant coronal plane deformity. A posterior L2 to L5
lumbar curve. The patient is a 61-year-old woman with a pri- posterior minimally invasive fusion was performed in the
mary complaint of severe low back pain and left-sided radic- same setting for posterior stabilization along with L2/3,
ulopathy. She was sagittally and coronally balanced on L3/4, and L4/5 Smith-Petersen osteotomies and bilateral
standard 36-inch scoliosis X-rays (Figs. 98.11A and B). A L3/4 foraminectomies for decompression and posterior
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine release. Estimated blood loss was 500 cc. Postoperative
showed left-sided lateral recess stenosis from disc degenera- X-rays show excellent correction of her lumbar curve with
tion and buckled ligamentum flavum at the L3/4 level. preserved sagittal and coronal balance (Figs. 98.12A and B).
Direct lateral interbody fusions were performed at L2/3, The patient had complete resolution of her radiculopathy
L3/4, and L4/5 via a right-sided approach due to the curve. and back pain and was no longer taking pain medication at
This procedure provided good correction of her the 3-month follow-up.

Figure 98.11. Case 98.1 preoperative anteroposterior (A) and
lateral (B) X-rays. Figure 98.12. Case 98.1 postoperative anteroposterior (A) and
lateral (B) X-rays.

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1028 Section VIII Adult Spinal Deformity

CASE 98.2

This case is an example of late, painful progression of an as a first stage. Smith-Petersen osteotomies were performed
adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) thoracolumbar/lum- at T11/12 through L1/2 for posterior release and arthrod-
bar Lenke type V curve treated with thoracolumbar direct esis. A second stage anterior procedure with direct lateral
lateral fusions and instrumentation across the thoracolum- interbody fusion at T12/L1, L1/2, and L2/3 was performed
bar junction. This is a 61-year-old woman with complaints of for anterior column support and arthrodesis across the tho-
back pain overlying her curve with a significant and trouble- racolumbar junction. Estimated blood loss was 1000 cc. Her
some rib hump and shoulder asymmetry. Her curve mea- residual curve across her Cobb levels is now 10. She has had
sured 36 T10 to L3 (Figs. 98.13A and B). On lateral excellent cosmetic correction of her rib hump (Figs. 98.14A
bending films, her compensatory lumbar and upper tho- and B). She has had good postoperative relief of her pain
racic curves completely corrected (Figs. 98.13B and C). 7 months postoperatively with only intermittent use of any
This curve was treated posterior instrumentation T10 to L3 pain medicine (two to three times per week).


Figure 98.13. Case 98.2 preoperative anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) and side bending (C and D)
X-rays. Note the relatively flexible nature of the curve on side bending X-rays.

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Chapter 98 Minimally Invasive Deformity Surgery: Future Directions 1029

CASE 98.3

This is a case of a significant coronal and sagittal plane

deformity with the correction crossing the thoracolumbar
junction. This case illustrates how a carefully chosen patient
can benefit greatly from a minimally invasive approach.
This is a 76-year-old female with primary complaints of
severe low back pain stemming from her severe coronal
and sagittal plane deformity from progressive adult degen-
erative scoliosis. Her scoliotic curve measures 50 T11 to L4
(Fig. 98.15A). She stands in 10 cm of positive sagittal bal-
ance (Fig. 98.15B). Careful examination of her supine and
side bending films, however, show that her curve is quite
flexible (Figs. 98.15C and D). Anterior direct lateral fusions
were performed at T12/L1, L1/2, L3/4, and L4/5 as a first
stage. Of note, even though her curve was flexible, the
postoperative computed tomography (CT) after the first
stage did not show a significant coronal correction due to
ankylosis at the facet joints limiting the corrective action of
the direct lateral fusions (Fig. 98.16A). The patient was
instrumented and arthrodesed T10 to L5 in a second stage
with Smith-Petersen osteotomies at L1/2, L2/3, L3/4, and
L4/5. Very good coronal plane correction was achieved
after the second stage due to releases across the facet joints
(Fig. 98.16B). Excellent sagittal plane correction was also
achieved due to a combination of anterior interbody grafts,
Figure 98.14. Case 98.2 postoperative anteroposterior (A) and lat- releases via osteotomies, reduction of the screws to the
eral (B) X-rays. rods, and patient positioning (Figs. 98.17A and B). The
L5/S1 interspace had a reasonable disc, and it was decided
to attempt to not fuse to the sacrum.


Figure 98.15. Case 98.3 preoperative anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) and side bending (C and D) X-rays.
Again note how the curve responds to postural changes.

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1030 Section VIII Adult Spinal Deformity


Figure 98.16. Case 98.3 three-dimensional reconstructions of

postoperative computed tomography scans show minimal coronal
Figure 98.17. Case 98.3 postoperative anteroposterior (A) and lat-
eral (B) standing scoliosis X-rays showing correction of coronal and
plane correction after stage 1 direct lateral interbody fusion proce-
sagittal plane balance.
dure at multiple levels (A). Note after stage 2 posterior Smith-
Petersen osteotomies and dorsal instrumentation, much better
coronal balance is achieved due to release of the ankylosed facets (B).

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