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ASA Series

What Is a Survey?

What Is a Survey?
How to Plan a Survey ASA Series
How to Collect Survey Data What Is a Survey?
Judging the Quality of a Survey
How to Conduct Pretesting

How to
What Are Focus Groups?
More About Mail Surveys
What Is a Margin of Error? Plan a Survey
Designing a Questionnaire
More About Telephone Surveys

Produced by
Section on Survey Research Methods
American Statistical Association
1429 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3415 USA Section on Survey Research Methods
American Statistical Association

1997 American Statistical Association
How to
Plan a Survey

T here are many interrelated activities

involved in planning a survey. Some of
the more important of these are high-
lighted in this pamphlet.

How to Begin
A survey usually originates when an individ-
ual or institution is confronted with an informa-
tion need and the existing data are insufficient.
At this point, it is important to consider if
the required information
can even be collected by a
survey. Maybe it cannot? Is The first step
an experiment needed in planning
instead? Perhaps only an
This pamphlet, How to Plan a Survey, is the second in indirect way of measuring
is to lay out
ASAs newly revised series What Is a Survey? It covers the is possible. the objectives
major survey planning steps and highlights issues such If a survey is decided of the
as planning the questionnaire, planning how to achieve
upon, the first step is to lay
good survey coverage, and survey scheduling and bud- investigation.
geting considerations. out the objectives of the
investigation. This is gener-
The What is a Survey? series is written primarily for ally the function of the sponsor of the inquiry.
the general public. Its overall goal is to improve sur- A sponsor may be...a government agency
vey literacy among individuals who participate in trying to assess the impact on the primary
surveys or use survey results. The series is designed recipients and their families of a social welfare
to promote a better understanding of what is program...a university researcher examining
involved in carrying out sample surveysespecially
the relationship between actual voting behav-
those aspects that have to be taken into account in
evaluating the results of surveys. ior and expressed political beliefs...a computer
maker gauging the level of customer
satisfaction among existing asking, Were you robbed during the last six
A surveys and potential purchasers. months? Although apparently straightforward
The objectives of a sur- and clear-cut, the question does present an
objectives vey should be as specific, ambiguous stimulus. Many respondents are
should be clear-cut, and unambiguous unaware of the legal distinction between robbery
as possible. Trade-offs typi- (involving personal confrontation of the victim
as specific, by the offender) and burglary (involving break-
cally exist and sometimes
clear-cut, and this only becomes appar- ing and entering but no confrontation).
unambiguous ent as the planning process Therefore, in the National Crime Survey
proceeds. Therefore, it is conducted by the U.S. Bureau of the Census,
as possible. important to make the the questions on robbery victimization do not
sponsor a full participant in mention robbery. Instead, there are several
every planning step. questions used; when taken together, they
seek to capture the desired responses by
How to Plan a Survey Questionnaire using more universally understood phrases.
First, the mode of data collection must be See the following example from the National Crime
decided upon (e.g., mail, telephone, or in person). Victim Survey Questionnaire.
Once this has been determined a question-
naire can then be developed and pretested.
Planning the questionnaire is one of the
most critical stages in the survey development
process. Social and behavioral scientists have
given a great deal of thought to the design
issues involved.
Questionnaire con-
struction has elements Planning the
that often appear to be
just plain common questionnaire is
sense, but, when they one of the most
are implemented, may
involve some subtlety. It critical stages in
is common sense to the survey
require that the con- development
cepts be clearly defined
and questions unam- process.
biguously phrased;
otherwise, the resulting
data are apt to be seriously misleading.
Designing a suitable questionnaire entails
Consider how we might apply this strategy in
more than well-defined concepts and distinct
a survey to estimate the incidence of robbery
phraseology. Attention must also be given to
victimization. One might start out by simply
2 3
lishments licensed in Westchester County,
New York...in a telephone survey at The George
Washington University in Washington, DC, the
frame might simply be a list of student names
and telephone numbers.
A sampling frame can also consist of geo-
graphic areas with well-defined natural or artifi-
cial boundaries, when no suitable population
list exists (as might be true in some parts of
rural America). In this instance, a sample of
geographic areas (referred
to as area segments) is
selected and interviewers The quality of
canvass the sample area
segments and list the the sampling
appropriate units frame is
households, retail stores
From the Wa l lS t reet JournalPermission, Cartoon Features Syndicate. probably the
or whateverso that
these units have a chance dominant
its length. Long questionnaires are apt to
of being included in the feature for
induce respondent fatigue and errors arising
final sample.
from inattention, refusals, and incomplete ensuring
answers. They may also contribute to higher The quality of the sam-
nonresponse rates in subsequent surveys pling framewhether it is adequate
involving the same respondents. up-to-date and complete coverage of
is probably the dominant
There are other factors to take into account the desired
feature for ensuring ade-
when planning a questionnaire. These include
quate coverage of the population.
such diverse considerations as...the order in
desired population to be
which the questions are asked...their appear-
ance...even such things as the questionnaires
physical size and format. Selecting a sample of households for a tele-
phone interview is easier than that for an in-
person interview. The telephone survey is
How to Get Good Coverage
generally less expensive and simpler to carry
A critical element in any survey is to locate out. Its one main drawback is that only about
(or cover) all the members of the population 95 percent of all households have telephones.
being studied so that they have a chance to be Therefore, some people will be missed.
sampled. To achieve this, a listtermed a Persons without telephones generally have
sampling frameis usually constructed. much lower incomes than those in households
In a mail survey, a frame could be all of the with telephonesso telephone surveys do not
postal addresses in Tampa, Florida....for an in- adequately represent the low-income popula-
person business survey, a frame might be the tion. Sampling from a frame of all possible
names and addresses of all the retail estab-
4 5
Some types of samples are straightforward,
requiring little in the way of experience or train-
Virtually all surveys taken
ing; others are highly complex and may require
seriously by social scientists and many stages of selection. Consider the range of
policymakers use some form difficulty between a sample of sixth graders in a
particular school on the one hand and a sample
of random sampling. of the homeless in the same city on the other.
Whether simple or complex, the goal of a prop-
erly designed sample is that all of the units in the popu-
telephone numbers, including unlisted ones,
lation have a known, positive chance of being selected.
is called random digit dialing (RDD). This may
The sample plan also must be described in
seem relatively easy today but weeding out
sufficient detail to allow a reasonably accurate
nonresidential telephone numbers can be dif-
calculation of sampling errors. These two fea-
ficult. Nonetheless, several ingenious methods
tures make it scientifically valid to draw infer-
have been developed to enable RDD samples
ences from the
to be picked in an efficient way.
sample results
about the entire An integral part of
How to Choose a Random Sample population that the
Virtually all surveys taken seriously by social sample represents. a well-designed
scientists and policymakers use some form of Ideally, the sam- survey, both in terms
random sampling. ple size chosen for of time and cost, is
Even the U.S. Decennial Census employs a survey should be
sampling techniques for gathering the bulk of based on how pre- to plan in quality
the data items. Complete (100 percent) enu- cise the final esti- all along the way.
meration is used for just the basic population mates must be. In
countsonly a subset receive the so-called practice, usually a
long form. trade-off is made between the ideal sample
Methods of random sampling are well and the expected cost of the survey.
grounded in statistical theory and in the theory
of probability. Reliable and efficient estimates How to Plan In Quality
of needed statistics can be made by surveying An integral part of a well designed survey is
a carefully constructed sample of a population. to plan in quality all along the way. One must
This is provided, of course, that a large propor- devise ways to keep respondent mistakes and
tion of the sample members give the request- biases to a minimum. For example, memory is
ed information. important when the respondent is expected to
The particular type of sample used depends report on past events, such as in a consumer
upon the objectives and scope of the survey. expenditure survey. In these retrospective
Factors include the nature of potentially avail- surveys it is essential that the respondent not
able frames, the overall survey budget, the be forced to report events that may have
method of data collection, the subject matter, happened too long ago to be remembered
and the kind of respondent needed. accurately.

6 7
selected individual, acting as a household
respondent, is more likely to be someone
who is at home, so the working public and
their attitudes would be underrepresented.
One final point: for a quality product, checks
must be made at every step to ensure that the
sample is selected according to specifications;
that the interviewers do their work properly;
that the information from the questionnaires is
coded accurately; that computer data entry is
done correctly; and that the computer pro-
grams used for data analysis work properly.
Other elements to pretest during the plan-
ning phase include...whether any of the ques- How to Schedule
tions are too sensitive...whether they unduly How much time should be allotted for a sur-
invade the respondents privacy...or whether vey? This varies with the type of survey and
they are too difficult even for a willing respon- the particular situation. Sometimes a survey
dent to answer. Each of these concerns has an can be done in two or three weeksif it
important bearing on the overall statistical involves a brief questionnaire and if the data
validity of the survey results. are to be collected by telephone from a list
Deciding on the right respondent in a already available. More commonly, a survey of
household sample is a key element in assur- 1,000 individuals or
ing quality. For surveys where the inquiry is more could take any-
basically factual in nature, any knowledgeable where from a few
person may be asked to supply the needed Perhaps the most
months to one year
information. This procedure is used in the from initial planning common planning
Curret Population Survey (CPS), where any to having results error is to
responsible adult in a household is expected ready for analysis.
to be able to provide accurate answers to The steps in a sur-
underestimate the
employment or unemployment questions. vey are not necessarily time needed...
In other surveys, a so-called household sequential; many of
respondent may produce erroneous or even them can be over-
invalid informationfor example, when the infor- lapped. Some, such as listing and sampling
mation is known only by a specific individual housing units in the areas to be covered, can
and no one else. be carried out while a questionnaire is being
A different, but related, issue arises in put into final form. Although they are not
attitude surveys. It is generally accepted additive, all of these steps are time consuming.
that a randomly chosen respondent produces Perhaps the most common planning error is
a more valid cross-section of opinion than to underestimate the time needed by making
does a nonrandomly selected household a global estimate, without considering these
respondent. This is because a nonrandomly individual stages.

8 9
How to Budget Cost of cleaning the final datathat is,
A checklist of budget factors, such as this par- checking the computer files for inconsistent
tial one, may be useful in estimating total sur- or impossible answers; this may also
vey costs (whether in time or money). A tradi- include the costs of filling in or imputing
tional (paper and pencil) in-person interview any missing information
survey will be used to illustrate the budget Analyst costs for preparing tabulations and
steps. Many of these are general; however, special analyses of the data; computer time
increasing use of survey automation is altering for the various tabulations and analyses
costsreducing some and adding others. Labor time and material costs for sub-
Staff time for planning the study and steer- stantive analyses of the data and report
ing it through the various stages, including preparation
time spent with the sponsor in refining data Potentially important A good survey
needs are incidental tele-
Sample selection costs, including central phone charges, does not
office staff labor and computing costs postage, reproduction come cheap,
For area segments samples, substantial and printing costs for
all stages of the although some
field staff (interviewer) labor costs and travel
expenses for listing sample units within the surveyfrom plan- are more
segments ning activities to the
Labor and material costs for pretesting the distribution of results
questionnaire and field procedures; the A good survey does than others.
pretesting step may need to be done more not come cheap,
than once and money and time should be although some are more
set aside for this (especially when studying economical than others.
something new) As a rule, surveys made by an in-person
Supervisory costs for interviewer hiring, interviewer are more expensive than those
training, and monitoring made by mail or by telephone. Costs will
Interviewer labor costs and travel expenses increase with the complexity of the question-
(including meals and lodging, if out of town) naire and the amount of data analysis to be
carried out.
Labor and expense costs of redoing a cer-
tain percentage of the interviews (as a quali- Surveys that involve a large number of
ty assurance step) and for followup on non- interviews tend to be cheaper on a per-
respondents interview basis than surveys with fewer
interviews. This is particularly so when the
Labor and material costs for getting the
sample size is less than 1,000 respondents,
information from the questionnaire onto a
because tooling up is involved for just
computer file
about any surveyexcept one that is to be
Cost of spot-checking the quality of the repeated on the same group.
process of computerizing the paper ques~

10 11
Where Can I Get More Information?
In addition to the pamphlets in this series,
ASA also makes other brochures available
upon request:
Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice
Surveys and Privacy, produced by the ASA
Committee on Privacy and Confidentiality.
For the above brochures or other pamphlets
in the What Is a Survey? series, contact:
Section on Survey Research Methods
American Statistical Association
1429 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314-3415 USA
(703) 684-1221/fax: (703) 684-2037
Email: asainfo@amstat.org
Web site: http://www.amstat.org/
Besides the ASA, there are many other
associations that are concerned with the
proper collection and use of survey data:
The American Association for Public
Opinion Research (AAPOR) offers a number
of publicationsperhaps the most relevant
of these is the one entitled Best Practices for
Survey and Public Opinion Research Survey
Practices AAPOR Condemns. To obtain
copies, call (313) 764-1555 or visit their Web
site at http://www.aapor.org.
The National Council on Public Polls This pamphlet has been updated by Joseph Waksberg,
publishes another useful pamphlet, Twenty Westat, Inc., from What Is a Survey? (1980), by Robert
Questions a Journalist Should Ask About Poll Ferber, Paul Sheatsley, Anthony Turner, and Joseph
Results. To obtain a copy, call (800) 239-0909.
The Research Industry Coalition, Inc., For suggestions about this pamphlet or potential future
publishes a brochure, Integrity and Good topics in the What Is a Survey? series, contact Fritz
Practice in Marketing and Opinion Research. Scheuren, overall series editor and coordinator, at The
To obtain a copy, call (516) 928-6803. Urban Institute, Washington, D.C. (scheuren@aol.com).
The Council of American Survey Research
Organizations publishes a pamphlet, The brochure How to Plan a Survey was prepared under
Surveys and You. To obtain a copy, call the general direction of Bill Kalsbeek, 1995 Publications
(516) 928-6954, or visit their Web site at Offcer, ASA Section on Survey Research Methods.


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