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<hr style="width:75%;" /> <p style="text-align:center;"><span

style="color:#ff99cc;"><span style="font-family:Avenir-Book;font-size:44px;text-
shadow:#000000 0 0 2px;font-weight:bold;">A</span><strong><span
style="font-family:Avenir-Book;font-size:24px;text-shadow:#000000 0 0
2px;"></span></strong></span></p> <div style="padding-left:35px;font-
family:sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;"> <hr style="width:45%;" /> <p
style="font-weight:400;"><span style="color:#333333;"><span style="font-
size:10px;"><i> What is this about?</i></span><span style="font-size:10px;">
</span></span></p> <p style="padding-left:15px;padding-bottom:0;"><span
style="font-weight:500;color:#333333;"> ths blog is a collection of journal entries
COPIED &amp; PASTED from my very own DayOne App via my iPhone and Mac.
I've been writing for a couple years now, largely rants and ravesit's always
been <strong>just for me. </strong></span></p> <p style="padding-
left:15px;padding-bottom:0;">Then, sometime before July ended and August began
I had an "<em>introspective"</em> revelation, <em>of sorts</em>the kind of
<em>revelation </em>you get damn near every single f'ing day and choose to just
ignore it, ignore it, it's building you ignore it more, it's built way the f' up and you
ignore it some more, then half a decade later it's like,</p> <blockquote> <p
style="padding-left:15px;padding-bottom:0;">Oh hai guy! Yeah, you DO remember
me! Great we can skip the fucking formalitiesso how have you been? Good, great,
well I'm here, like, HEREhere; and I'm sick of being ignored then fed to your fear
thusly only growing said tension between my I &amp; I and your me, we're not
a <strong><em>we</em></strong> are we? You're an 30mg tab of Amphetamine.
You're not in control are you kidding me? I'm your god damn'd conscious damn'd by
god to be YOUR CONSCIOUS and for the LIFE of "me" I &amp; I can't begin to relate
how frustratingly INTENTIONALLY NAIVE you are?!?!?!</p> <p style="padding-
left:15px;padding-bottom:0;"><em>...and last august 24th when you killed
yourself, what did you promise me then?</em></p> <p style="padding-
left:15px;padding-bottom:0;"><em>...what do you think your life will be like from
here until "the end" with this addiction?</em></p> <p style="padding-
left:15px;padding-bottom:0;"><em>...can it be sustained?</em></p> <p
style="padding-left:15px;padding-bottom:0;">And finally, I was the reason why you
read so much you became one of the top readers in the iPhone Pocket App using
world, top 1% and all of those articlesLARGELY based on everything that's wrong
with you, wonder if you noticed?</p> <p style="padding-left:15px;padding-
bottom:0;"><strong>I prepped you, I your conscious, prepped you unconsciously
</strong>consciouslyerrr nvm you get it.</p> <p style="padding-
left:15px;padding-bottom:0;">You read two interesting theories a couple years
back. One known as "Ego Depletion", the other had been a concept regarding some
facet of "Public Accountability"<em>(hmmmm, here we are... ;P)</em></p> <p
style="padding-left:15px;padding-bottom:0;">And in lieu of these being
psychologically founded I held out for Neurology to back their findings, credible
accounts of actual <b>statistical proof EQUATES</b> I believe in it, so should
you :)</p> </blockquote> <p style="padding-left:15px;padding-bottom:0;"><span
style="font-weight:500;color:#333333;">whereas now, I find it more important
for a weekly log via just one of the many apps I use to keep track of damn near
everything I do, and if I don't well</span></p> <p style="padding-
left:45px;padding-bottom:0;"><span style="font-weight:500;color:#333333;">I
get <strong>lost,</strong></span></p> <p style="padding-left:45px;padding-
bottom:0;"><span style="font-weight:500;color:#333333;">I don't know why nor
how this occurs though having said that I'll state plainly and blatantly.</span></p>
<p style="padding-left:75px;padding-bottom:0;"><span style="font-
weight:500;color:#333333;">I've </span><span style="font-
weight:500;color:#333333;"><b>zero </b>concept <em><strong>of
time</strong></em>. As if father time had found my life unworthy of an internal
clock, hah, naw just kidding truth is <strong>I just spent the last 75% of my past
decade trying to defeat sleep.</strong></span></p> <p style="padding-
left:15px;padding-bottom:0;"></p> <p style="padding-left:15px;padding-
bottom:0;"><span style="font-weight:500;color:#333333;"><em>namely</em>
<span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>C<sup>NIN</sup>H<sup>13</sup>N
</strong></span></span></p> <p style="text-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.921569) 0 0
style="color:#ffffff;"><b>peam<sup></sup>...</b></span></p> <hr
style="width:45%;" /> <p style="font-family:sans-serif;font-size:11px;font-
weight:100;"><span style="color:#333333;"><strong>So</strong> how has it
been <em>going?</em></span></p> <p style="font-family:sans-serif;font-
size:11px;font-weight:100;"><span style="color:#333333;"><em>...well</em>
I'm at the tail end of my <strong>9<em>th</em> Month!</strong></span>
<span style="color:#333333;"> <em>...and</em> it's been unbelievably
fantastic, I'm speaking onhow surprisingly strong my will-power can be, it's only
sad that it had to take a <strong>decade</strong> of <strong>severe</strong>
dependence on <strong>one</strong> <strong>single</strong>
<em>pharmaceutical</em> called <strong>Adderall</strong> or
<em><strong>Salts</strong></em>.</span></p> </div>

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