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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

27 October 2013 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C



oday, we are all invited to reflect on the beauty of the virtue of
humility and the ugliness of pride. The Holy Scriptures are full
of statements and examples that show how much God loves
the humble, and how sternly He deals with the arrogant and the proud.
In the Gospel, we hear a man crying out in humility, O God, be
merciful to me, a sinner. Today as we celebrate Prison Awareness Sun-
day, we entrust to God our brothers and sisters in prison who are con-
demned by our society.
As we celebrate the Eucharist, we ask God to enlighten them to real-
ize their need for the forgiveness not only of God but also of the people
they have hurt. We also pray that together with all those in prison, we
can all cry out to God in humility and ask for His mercy and forgiveness.

empty-handed. Christ, on us. For you alone are the Holy

have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
All Christ, have mercy! alone are the Most High, Jesus
Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
P Lord, you are the greatest
Entrance Antiphon in the glory of God the Father.
(To be recited only when no Entrance
example of humility and Amen!
Hymn is sung.) complete trust in the Father.
Lord, have mercy!
Let the hearts that seek the All Lord, have mercy! Collect (Opening Prayer)
Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord
and his strength; constantly P May almighty God have P Almighty ever-living God,
seek his face. mercy on us, forgive us our sins, increase our faith, hope and
and bring us to everlasting life. charity, and make us love what
Greeting All Amen! you command, so that we may
merit what you promise.
P Blessed be the Lord who
Gloria Through our Lord Jesus
lifts up the lowly. May his grace
Christ, your Son, who lives and
and peace be with you all! All Glory to God in the high- reigns with you in the unity of
All And with your spirit! est, and on earth peace to people the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
of good will. We praise you, and ever.
Penitential Act we bless you, we adore you, we All Amen!
P Gathered together by Gods glorify you, we give you thanks
love to proclaim his praises, let for your great glory, Lord God,
us pause for a while and see heavenly King, O God, almighty
what is there in us that displeas- Father.
es him. (Pause) Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
P Lord, you hear the cry of gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
the oppressed and the hum- God, Son of the Father, you take 1st Reading Sir 35:12-14.16-18
away the sins of the world, have The wise man Sirach re-
ble. Lord, have mercy!
mercy on us; you take away the minds us today that if we want
All Lord, have mercy!
sins of the world, receive our our prayers to be granted by the
P Lord, you humiliate the prayer; you are seated at the right Lord, we must serve Him with all
proud and send them away hand of the Father, have mercy our heart and in all humility.
R A proclamation from the 2nd Reading 2 Tim 4:6-8.16-18 ness and favor. On the other
Book of Sirach The Apostle Paul is in prison hand, our pride is what prevents
The Lord is a God of jus- and senses that his life is draw- the Lord from showing us His
tice, who knows no favorites. ing to a close. As a valiant mis- merciful love.
Though not unduly partial to- sionary who has spent his best P The Lord be with you!
ward the weak, yet he hears energies in the service of the All And with your spirit!
the cry of the oppressed. The Gospel, he now sets his heart
on the heavenly reward which P A proclamation from the
Lord is not deaf to the wail of holy Gospel according to
the orphan, nor to the widow God has in store for his faithful
servants. Luke
when she pours out her com- All Glory to you, O Lord!
plaint. R A proclamation from the
He who serves God will- Second Letter of Paul to Jesus addressed this par-
ingly is heard; his petition Timothy able to those who were con-
reaches the heavens. The vinced of their own righteous-
Beloved: ness and despised everyone
prayer of the lowly pierces
I am already being poured
the clouds. It does not rest till else.
out like a libation, and the time
Two people went up to the
it reaches its goal, nor will it of my departure is at hand.
withdraw till the Most High temple area to pray; one was
I have competed well; I have a Pharisee, and the other was
responds, judges justly and finished the race; I have kept
affirms the right, and the Lord a tax collector. The Pharisee
the faith. From now on, the took up his position and spoke
will not delay. crown of righteousness awaits this prayer to himself, O God,
The Word of the Lord! me, which the Lord, the just I thank you that I am not like
All Thanks be to God! judge, will award to me on that the rest of humanity greedy,
day; and not only to me, but to dishonest, adulterous or even
Responsorial Psalm Ps 34 all who have longed for his ap- like this tax collector. I fast
R The Lord hears the cry of pearance. twice a week, and I pay tithes
the poor!

At my first defense no one on my whole income.
appeared on my behalf, but But the tax collector stood
everyone deserted me. May it off at a distance and would not
not be held against them! even raise his eyes to heaven

But the Lord stood by me but beat his breast and prayed,
and gave me strength, so that O God, be merciful to me a
through me the proclamation sinner!
might be completed and all the I tell you, the latter went
Gentiles might hear it. And home justified, not the former;
I was rescued from the lions for whoever exalts himself will
mouth. The Lord will rescue be humbled, and the one who
me from every evil threat and humbles himself will be ex-
will bring me safe to his heav- alted.
enly kingdom. To him be glory
* I will bless the Lord at all forever and ever. Amen! The Gospel of the Lord!
times; his praise shall be ever All Praise to you, Lord Jesus
in my mouth. Let my soul glory The Word of the Lord! Christ!
in the Lord; the lowly will hear All Thanks be to God!
me and be glad. R. Homily
Gospel Acclamation 2 Cor 5:19
* The Lord confronts the
evildoers, to destroy remem- All Alleluia! Alleluia! Profession of Faith
brance of them from the earth. God was reconciling the (Nicene Creed)
When the just cry out, the Lord world to himself in Christ,
and entrusting to us the All I believe in one God, the
hears them, and from all their Father almighty, maker of heaven
distress he rescues them. R. message of salvation.
Alleluia! Alleluia! and earth, of all things visible and
* The Lord is close to the invisible.
brokenhearted; and those who Gospel Lk 18:9-14 I believe in one Lord Jesus
are crushed in spirit he saves. With this short parable of Christ, the Only Begotten Son of
The Lord redeems the lives the Pharisee and the tax collec- God, born of the Father before all
of his servants; no one incurs tor, Jesus impresses on us that ages. God from God, Light from
guilt who takes refuge in him. humility is the basic condition Light, true God from true God,
R. for us to enjoy Gods forgive- begotten, not made, consubstan-

GLOSSARY: Parable: A short story used by Jesus and other teachers in olden times to convey an important message or truth.
Pharisees: Members of a religious sect in Israel. They were characterized by a very strict interpretation and observance of all
the precepts contained in the section of the Bible called The Law (what we Christians call The Pentateuch).

27 October 2013
tial with the Father; through him offenders: May they recognize ways and everywhere to give
all things were made. For us men the wrong they have done and you thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
and for our salvation he came realize their need for the forgive- mighty and eternal God, through
down from heaven, and by the ness of God and the people they Christ our Lord.
Holy Spirit was incarnate of the have hurt. Let us pray! R. For out of compassion for
Virgin Mary, and became man. C For all those who are in- the waywardness that is ours, he
For our sake he was crucified volved in the prison ministry: humbled himself and was born of
under Pontius Pilate, he suffered May they be constantly renewed the Virgin; by the passion of the
death and was buried, and rose by the spirit of Gods forgiving Cross, he freed us from unend-
again on the third day in accor- love and may they be closely ing death, and by rising from the
dance with the Scriptures. He as- transformed into His likeness. dead, he gave us life eternal.
cended into heaven and is seated Let us pray! R. And so, with Angels and
at the right hand of the Father. He Archangels, with Thrones and
will come again in glory to judge C For all of us gathered here: Dominions, and with all the
the living and the dead and his May we see ourselves as people hosts and Powers of heaven, we
kingdom will have no end. who are imperfect and in need of sing the hymn of your glory, as
I believe in the Holy Spirit, constant renewal and transfor- without end we acclaim:
the Lord, the giver of life, who mation. Let us pray! R. All Holy, holy, holy . . .
proceeds from the Father and the C Let us pray in silence for our
Son, who with the Father and the personal intentions. (Pause) Memorial Acclamation
Son is adored and glorified, who Let us pray! R. P The mystery of faith!
has spoken through the prophets. All We proclaim your Death,
I believe in one, holy, catholic P Lord, Your love for us is
much greater than our sins. May O Lord, and profess your
and apostolic Church. I confess
one Baptism for the forgiveness You grant us the humility to rec- Resurrection until you
of sins and I look forward to the ognize our shortcomings and come again!
resurrection of the dead and the need for Your mercy and forgive-
life of the world to come. Amen! ness. We ask this through Christ
our Lord.
Prayer of the Faithful All Amen!
P Aware of our unworthiness All Our Father . . .
but encouraged by the Lords
P Deliver us, Lord . . .
acceptance of the tax collector,
let us humbly submit our peti- All For the kingdom, the
tions to Him for the needs of all power, and the glory are
mankind, and especially of all Preparation of the Gifts yours, now and for ever.
prisoners. Let us pray: P Pray, brethren . . . Sign of Peace
All Loving Father, have mercy All May the Lord accept the
on us! sacrifice at your hands, for the Breaking of the Bread
praise and glory of his name, All Lamb of God, you take
C For the Holy Father, the for our good and the good of all
bishops, priests, and religious: away the sins of the world: have
his holy Church. mercy on us. (2)
May they see the growing need
for the Church to constantly wit- Lamb of God, you take
Prayer over the Offerings away the sins of the world:
ness to a compassionate Christ
whose mercy and forgiveness P Look, we pray, O Lord, on grant us peace.
restored us back to the Father. the offerings we make to your
Let us pray! R. majesty, that whatever is done Communion
by us in your service may be
C For our world leaders: May directed above all to your glory. P Behold the Lamb of God, be-
they respond with wisdom and Through Christ our Lord. hold him who takes away the sins
humility to the present crisis All Amen! of the world. Blessed are those
caused by the evil of selfish- called to the supper of the Lamb.
ness and recognize their own Preface II All Lord, I am not worthy
shortcomings and neglect. Let us that you should enter under
P The Lord be with you! my roof, but only say the word
pray! R. All And with your spirit! and my soul shall be healed.
C For all victims of crime: P Lift up your hearts!
May they see that it is only All We lift them up to the Lord! Communion Antiphon
through forgiveness that they P Let us give thanks to the (To be recited only when no Com-
may be totally healed and liber- Lord our God! munion Hymn is sung.)
ated from the power of their of- All It is right and just!
fenders. Let us pray! R. We will ring out our joy at
P It is truly right and just, your saving help and exult in
C For all prisoners and crime our duty and our salvation, al- the name of our God.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
Prayer after Communion
P May your Sacraments, O
Lord, we pray, perfect in us what
lies within them, that what we
now celebrate in signs we may
one day possess in truth.
Through Christ our Lord.
All Amen!
P rayer is essentially opening oneself to God in love, adoration,
praise, gratitude, humble petition for help and forgiveness. . . .
When we pray, we gladly acknowledge that all the good things in life
come from the Lord, and that everything and everybody are in His
hands. Prayer, then, can come only from a humble and honest heart.

This is why proud people are unable to pray. They can recite
prayers, of course, use beautiful formulas and even attend Mass. But
the words they utter are empty sounds, for they do not come from
P The Lord be with you. humble hearts. Their pride blinds them to the greatness of Gods cre-
All And with your spirit!
ation and love, as well as to the value and merits of their fellowmen.
P May almighty God bless But especially it blinds them to their own defects and failures. All their
you: the Father, and the attitude is characterized by an all-pervading feeling of self-sufficiency
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All Amen! and self-righteousness. This leads them to despise others, and even
to condemn and reject them. (See the prayer uttered by the Pharisee
P Go in peace, glorifying the in todays Gospel passage.) With such a disposition of heart toward
Lord by your life!
their neighbor, what value can the prayer of the proud have? Often-
All Thanks be to God!
times, it sounds like an insult to Gods love and holiness.
Quite different from this is the prayer of the humble. Aware and
fully convinced of their dependence on God and of their many fail-

Theme ings, humble persons readily acknowledge the Lords greatness, his
generosity, justice and mercy. Prayer comes spontaneous to them,
in whatever circumstance of life: in success and in defeat; in good
of Prison as in poor health; in poverty as well as in abundance . . . . Prayer is
for the humble what breathing is for the lungs. It is a need they satisfy
Awareness with joy.
To be humble does not mean to be sinless. With the exception

Sunday: of Jesus and Mary, no human being is totally free from the stain and
sting of sin. Humble persons are aware of their own moral failures,
in spite of all their good will to avoid sin. They feel the need to be
forgiven, but do not take Gods forgiveness for granted. They know
that they do not deserve it. And when they ask Gods forgiveness and
Lord, experience it, they know and acknowledge that it is a grace a pure
gift of divine mercy.

Help Us Such an experience of indebtedness to God disposes the heart

of the humble persons to be understanding and forgiving toward
their neighbor. While doing their very best to avoid sin and practise
See the Christian virtues, they will not condemn others harshly when they fail,
for they know how weak humans are. Rather, with brotherly concern,
Goodness the humble will include their sinful brethren in their prayers and never
deprive them of their love.

of Our
This is why the forgiving Lord will always be pleased with the
prayers of these humble souls. God is constantly in love with the
humble. Their words are sweet music to His ears. Their petitions will
Neighbors. be granted because they come from hearts that endeavor to mold
themselves according to the heart of Jesus, the most humble of all
worshippers, and the most pious of all the humble.

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
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PUBLICATIONS E-mail: editorial@wordandlife.org, marketing@wordandlife.org, wordandlifepublications@gmail.com
Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, G. Ramos, R. Molomog, D. Daguio, V. David, M. Navajas
Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe Circulation: F. Edjan

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