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Williamson County Emergency Services District #8

Minutes of the Commissioners Meeting

December 14, 2016

The regular scheduled meeting of the Williamson County Emergency Services District #8 was held on
Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 6:00p.m. at 3500 D B Wood Road. The President, Bobby Bunte, being in
the chair, and a quorum present, the meeting was called to order at 6:01p.m.

Present: Commissioners Bobby Bunte, Bennie Piper, Ira Wood, Troy Rodriguez
Staff: Nancy Rangel, Chris Barrick
Visitors: Chief John Sullivan, Eric Johnson w/The City of Georgetown


1. Consideration and possible action to approve the minutes from the Regular Session meeting
held on November 16, 2016.

Commissioner Piper made a motion to approve the Regular Session meeting minutes as
amended, held on November 16th. Commissioner Wood seconds. Motion carried.

2. Presentation of the monthly Treasurers Report and payment of bills by Chris Barrick.

Money Market balance: $3,240,454.70

Checking: $494,317.34
Total Money Market and Checking balance: $3,734,772.04
Commissioner Rodriguez made a motion to accept the Treasurers report for November as read
and pay the bills as submitted. Commissioner Piper seconds. Motion carried.

Invoices approved for payment at this meeting:

Vendor Amount Paid

Barrick & Company, LLC $ 1,100.00
Nancy Rangel $ 700.00
Troy Rodriguez $ 40.95
City of Georgetown (FY2017 1st Qtr pmt) $ 419,896.75
City of Georgetown (ESD8 Share of 10 Chisholm Hydrants) $ 50,000.00
Williamson County Appraisal District $ 3,962.75

3. Monthly presentation and report(s) by City of Georgetown Fire Chief John Sullivan.

Chief Sullivan and Chief Davis gave the Board a brief overview of the percentage of ESD8 and
EMS related responses in November as well as other City-wide events and developments
occurring in November.

4. Discussion and possible action regarding the annexation of the Whitetail Subdivisions, Garey
Park, and surrounding properties into ESD8.

General discussion. Carry over.

5. Discussion and possible action related to the construction of Fire State #6.

The Board revised the signature pages to the Interlocal Agreement between ESD8 and the City
of Georgetown regarding the construction and operation of Fire Station No. 6.

Commissioner Rodriguez made a motion, based on Commissioner Woods report, that theESD8
pursue reviewing proposals from three (3) banks, that ESD8 pledge tax revenue, that ESD8
have a notable loan amount of $2.5 million and that amount might push downward, that ESD8
have a fixed rate for term of 15 or 20 years, and that Commissioner Wood will be arranging for
banks to make presentations to the Board over the next several months. Commissioner Piper
seconds. Motion carries.

Carry over.

6. Discussion and possible action on communication outreach options for ESD8.

General discussion. Carry over.

7. Discussion and possible action on the acknowledgement and acceptance of resignation from
Commissioner Troy Dalton, Asst. Treasurer.

Commissioner Rodriguez made a motion to accept the resignation from Commissioner Troy
Dalton. Commissioner Piper seconds. Motion carries.

8. Discussion and possible action on authorize District officials to change signature cards as

Commissioner Piper made a motion to authorize District officials to change signature cards as
necessary. Commissioner Rodriguez seconds. Motion carries.

9. Discussion and possible action on District computer and email access and terminating same
for resigned commissioners; the District reserves the right to enter into Closed Meeting on this
item as necessary pursuant to Section 551.074, Texas Government Code.

Action item: Commissioner Bunte, President of ESD8, will go into Commissioner Daltons
GMAIL account and change his password so the account is no longer accessible to him.
Commissioner Wood seconds. Motion carries.

10. Public Comment.


Next regular session meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 2017 at 6:00p.m. at the Public Safety
Operations and Training Center. No further business was discussed or actions taken. Commissioner Piper
made a motion for adjournment. Commissioner Rodriguez seconds. Meeting was adjourned at 9:34p.m.

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