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Title: European Countries

Teacher Name:

Student Name: Date:

1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4

Content The content is absent or not The content is ordinary and The content is clear and The content is substantial,
related to the topic. somewhat related to the directly related to the topic. intriguing, and original. It
topic. relates directly to the topic.
Details Uses little or no detail to Uses some details that are Uses details such as Uses details such as
support and explain the topic. accurate; some details such explanations and examples explanations and examples
as examples and that are accurate and that are accurate,
explanations are not support the topic. appropriate, and fully
appropriate for the topic; support the topic.
details do not always
support the topic.
Organization ideas have little connection Some ideas connected to Most ideas are connected; Logical presentation of
to each other; there is no each other; many parts don't some parts don't contribute ideas; all parts contribute to
strong central idea. contribute to the central idea. to the central idea. a strong central idea
Tone Tone is completely Inconsistent tone or tone not Appropriate tone Highly appropriate tone
inappropriate or not present. maintained throughout the consistently maintained exactly matches the intent of
piece. throughout the piece. the piece, enhancing a
readers experience and

Total Score: points out of 16 possible points.

Teacher Comments:

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