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The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 1

Disclaimer: Brain Damaging Dangers

All information provided in this book, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions,
health care, preventive care, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general informational purposes only. It
should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their
treatment, nor all health-related issues.

The information provided in this book is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own
physician or health care provider, and may not necessarily take your individual health situation into account.
You should not use the information in this book as a means of diagnosing a health problem or disease, or
as a means of determining treatment. You should also not use the information as a substitute for professional
medical advice when deciding on any health-related regimen, including diet or exercise. You should always
consult your own licensed health care provider for these purposes, or for any specific, individual medical

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 2

Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter One The 21 Foods that Eat your Brain ..................................................................... 6
How food works ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Good Food vs. Bad Foods.......................................................................................................................... 6
The 21 Foods to Avoid ................................................................................................................................ 6
1. Sugar ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Alcohol ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Junk Food ............................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Fried Foods............................................................................................................................................. 7
5. Preprocessed foods ............................................................................................................................ 7
6. Foods high in Salt ................................................................................................................................ 7
7. Grains........................................................................................................................................................ 8
8. Processed Protein ................................................................................................................................ 8
9. Trans fats ................................................................................................................................................. 8
10. Tuna ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
11. Saturated Fats ..................................................................................................................................... 8
12. Copper rich roods ............................................................................................................................. 9
13. Iron rich foods .................................................................................................................................... 9
14. Microwave Popcorn.......................................................................................................................... 9
15. Agave Nectar ...................................................................................................................................... 9
16. Aspartame ............................................................................................................................................ 9
17. Sucralose .............................................................................................................................................. 9
18. MSG ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
19. Aluminum ...........................................................................................................................................10
20. Syrup ....................................................................................................................................................10
21. Caffeine ...............................................................................................................................................10
Chapter Two 17 Everyday Habits That Destroy You Brain ...................................................11
1 Skipping Breakfast...............................................................................................................................11
2 Over Eating .............................................................................................................................................11
3 Smoking ..................................................................................................................................................11

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 3

4 Exposure to pollution .........................................................................................................................11
5 Lack of Sleep..........................................................................................................................................12
6 Covering your head while you sleep ...........................................................................................12
7- Thinking while sick ................................................................................................................................12
8 Not stimulating your brain ..............................................................................................................12
9 Not Talking .............................................................................................................................................12
10 Overreacting ........................................................................................................................................13
11 Not drinking enough water ..........................................................................................................13
12- Lead exposure ......................................................................................................................................13
13 Mercury .................................................................................................................................................13
14 Pesticides ..............................................................................................................................................13
15 Solvents .................................................................................................................................................13
16. Computer Screens ...............................................................................................................................14
17. Overstimulation ....................................................................................................................................14
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 15

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 4

When it comes to our minds there are many different things that can affect them. We can
do damage to our brains by taking drugs, drinking alcohol, physical injuries and much
more. When we talk about the brain we are talking about an organ that is responsible for
our lives and the perceptions of ourselves and the world that we live in.

In this book I will be exploring the mind and how common everyday items that we
consume as food and the actions that we take throughout the course of our lives affect
the brain. As we explore these items you will begin to see how what you do and what
you dont do changes your world on a daily basis. It is my hopes that after completing
this book you have a better understanding and appreciation for the world and everything
in it.

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 5

Chapter One The 21 Foods that Eat your Brain

How food works

When we consume food it enters into our mouth and is analyzed by our tongues. Our
tongues then send a signal to our brains telling us what the food is, how it tastes and if it
is something that we enjoy. From there the food is broken down in our stomachs and then
passed through our digestive tract. From there it is sent to our liver and our brains in order
to be distributed to the required parts of our bodies.

When we consume food it is broken down into glucose. This glucose is then consumed
by the body for energy or it is stored in the body as fat. If the body stores more fat than
it can burn we begin to force our bodies to pump blood faster and harder, causes our
lungs to work harder and all of this activity puts a strain on our brains.

Besides glucose our brains need oxygen to survive. When we cause our bodies to work
harder than they need to we are depriving our brains of this needed oxygen which will
cause parts of the brain to not function correctly.

Good Food vs. Bad Foods

When we talk about food there are two types of foods where our brains are concerned.
These are good foods and bad foods. The good foods are foods that are high in vitamins
and minerals. The bad foods are the ones high in sugars and starches. Now our bodys
need all of these elements in order to survive. If we have too much or too little then our
bodies will need to compensate.

The 21 Foods to Avoid

1. Sugar
When it comes to foods that we all consume sugar is the number one killer of brain cells.
First off sugar is found in almost everything that we eat. There are also two kinds of sugars,
natural sugars and grain sugars. Natural sugars break down in your body differently than
grain sugars. Natural sugars can be found in foods like honey and vegetables. Grain
sugars or the bad sugars are found in fructose, processed foods and in drinks. If you have
a sweet tooth then you may want to look for natural alternatives to sugar.

2. Alcohol
Alcohol is the next killer of the brain. When we consume alcohol it breaks down in our

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 6

bodies and is sent to our brains for analysis. When our brains absorb too much alcohol
we enter into a state of intoxication. How intoxication works is the amount of oxygen that
is supposed to be in our brains in removed causing it to suffocate. When the alcohol burns
off the oxygen can return and we are sober again. Learning to control your alcohol
consumption will assist you in preventing liver disease as well as many other alcohol
related injuries.

3. Junk Food
Junk food is given that name because that is exactly what it is, Junk. Now there isnt a
single one of us who hasnt had a French fry, potato chip or a ding dong. I mean in the
society that we live in it is easier to get junk food than it is to get regular food. The problem
with junk food is that it contains fats, sugars and artificial flavors and colors that are not
natural for your bodies to process. So when our bodies cant process it what is broken
down is transported to the brain for further analysis. And if your brain cant analyze it
then it sits there on your brain until it can. So just think about it. That Hostess Cupcake
you ate at your third grade birthday party is still sitting there thirty or more years later.
Makes you think doesnt it?

4. Fried Foods
Lets face it we live in a fast food fry it while you got it culture. No matter where you go,
what you eat or how much of it you eat ninety percent of it is fried in fat, grease, lard or
some other type of oil. When we fry our foods we tend to use unhealthy fat. These are
animal fats. When we consume animal fats and oils our body doesnt break then down
completely so they linger throughout our bodies. If you are insistent on frying your foods
or consuming fried foods try to have them fried in a healthy vegetable oil like corn,
sunflower or canola. It will be better on your heart and on your brain.

5. Preprocessed foods
When we consume a lot of preprocessed foods we are consuming foods that have a lot of
preservatives and artificial flavors and colors. Studies show that many people who
consume preprocessed and prepackaged foods have a greater chance of developing an
issue with their brain such as Alzheimers or a more likely chance of strokes.

6. Foods high in Salt

When we consume foods that have a high salt content we are increasing our blood
pressure. When we increase our blood pressure we are putting stress on our heart and
other organs. When we have high blood pressure it begins to affect our congestive

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 7

functions. The congestive functions of our brains are what allow us to think and reason.

7. Grains
When I was younger you used to see grains on the food pyramid. Now as an adult you
rarely see anyone talking about grains or even showing cereal commercials on television
anymore. The reason for this is grains are high in carbohydrates. These carbohydrates
break down in your body as sugar and the sugar breaks down into glucose which breaks
down into energy or fat. If you are looking to add grains to your diet then you what to
look at whole grains. Whole grains dont break down in your body like grains do which
allows you to absorb more nutrients into your system.

8. Processed Protein
You want to consume as much protein in your body as you possibly can. Protein is the
building blocks for our bodies. For this reason you want to consume foods like fish, nuts,
and steak. You want to avoid processed protein foods though. These are foods like
sausage, hot dogs see I knew those were bad for you, - and salami.

9. Trans fats
There has been a lot of chatter about Trans fats over the past few years. Trans fats were
supposed to be the miracle solution to having oils and products made with oil last longer
on store shelves. Research shows that the consumption of Trans fats has increased the
risk for stroke, brain shrinkage, slower response time and a slew of other physical and
mental conditions.

10. Tuna
Researchers form a south Florida university have discovered that due to the pollution in
our waters some tuna has been found to have an increased level of mercury in them. Now
consuming tuna on a semi-regular basis will be safe and overall healthy for you but you
need to be aware of the potential harmful effects of possible mercury contamination.
Before consuming tuna make sure that you know where it came from and that it is mercury

11. Saturated Fats

This is another widely debated topic. Saturated fats when fist discovered were stated to
be bad for you since they were believed to be the source of cholesterol and other
unhealthy components. More recent research has shown that saturated fats are good for
you in limited quantities. More research and study needs to be conducted on this so until

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 8

then try to limit your consumption of saturated fats in your diet.

12. Copper rich roods

Copper is a mineral that our bodies need in order to survive. Having too much copper in
our systems though is very bad for us. When you have too much copper in your body you
will begin to experience copper poising. If this happens you need to start to detox from
copper by consuming foods that will help draw the copper out of your system naturally.

13. Iron rich foods

Just like copper having too much iron in your system can be a bad thing. If you have too
much iron in your system you will begin to affect your brains functions. Again you need
to consume foods that will be low in iron and avoid taking supplements that are high in

14. Microwave Popcorn

Now I bet you thought that a bowl of popcorn curled up with your spouse watching a
good movie was going to be a healthy way to improve your relationship. Well actually
studies have shown that many manufacturers of microwave popcorn products line their
bags with Trans fats to help with preserving the kernels and aiding in the popping process.

15. Agave Nectar

Agave Nectar is high in fructose. Fructose has been shown to cause memory issues and
slower response times in those who have consumed it.

16. Aspartame
Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that has been banned by the FDA. It has been shown
that those who consume aspartame experienced a wide variety of brain issues such as
seizures and lapses in memory.

17. Sucralose
Sucralose is another artificial sweetener that can be found in products like Splenda.
Splenda is the sugar substitute combined with chlorine making it a toxic chlorocarbon.
When people consumed this substance they reported symptoms ranging from dizziness
to migraines, headaches to depression and symptoms in between.

18. MSG

MSG or Monosodium glutamate as it is better known for has been added to foods for

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 9

years to help enhance their flavor. The problem with this is that the MSG breaks down
into glutamate which is a substance then when comes in contact with the cells of the brain
kills them.

19. Aluminum
Aluminum may be good enough to hold your favorite beverage or keep your leftovers
covered but consuming aluminum is not a good idea. Products that contain aluminum
are baking powders and antacids.

20. Syrup
I love syrup. I love putting it on my pancakes in the morning or adding it into my oatmeal.
But syrup is bad, and I mean all syrup is bad. Syrup is a product derived from sugars and
sugars are the number one foods in the list that harm your brains functions.

21. Caffeine
Caffeine is found in coffee, soda and other beverages. Caffeine is consumed by almost
every American and possibly every person on the planet. When we consume caffeine in
the morning or during the day it gives our brain an artificial boost of energy. This energy
comes at a cost though. When the caffeine wears off we become more sluggish and in
some cases experience headaches. Caffeine is also addictive. If you start consuming
caffeine on a regular basis your body will begin to go through withdrawals which will be
worse than actually consuming the beverages. So be careful before you decide to start
consuming caffeine in your diet.

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Chapter Two 17 Everyday Habits That Destroy You Brain
When it comes to brain health we cant just destroy it with food we can also destroy it with
our actions or inactions. In this chapter we will explore 17 or the most innocent and
possibly deadliest actions we can perform in order to destroy the health of our brains.

1 Skipping Breakfast

Now I am sure you are probably thinking to yourself, I skip breakfast all the time and I am
fine. Well you may think you are fine but in the long run and in the big picture you are
doing damage to your brain. It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the
day. They are right. When you eat breakfast you are giving your body the fuel and energy
it needs to function. You need to think of it this way. The last meal that you probably had
was dinner at about 6 pm the night before. When you wake up you probably wake up
between 6 and 8 in the morning. That is 12 to 14 hours your brain has gone without
energy. Add onto that it probably wont be till noon that you actually eat something so
hat is an additional four hours. So add that up. You could have gone 18 hours without
giving your body fuel to function.

2 Over Eating

On the other side of the coin if you over eat you are doing the same or more damage to
your brain. When you over eat you are causing your body to enter a sluggish state where
you dont use energy and just want to go to sleep.

3 Smoking

Smoking is bad news for you all the way around. When you smoke you are ingesting toxic
chemicals into your body. As your body takes in these chemicals they travel to your brain
to be analyzed. When these chemicals hit the brain they begin to eat away at your brain
cells. These areas of the brain are then ready to accept dead tissue such as tumors.

4 Exposure to pollution

When you live in a highly polluted environment these pollutants enter your body and
travel to your brain. Similar to smoking these chemicals stay in your brain eating away at
the brains tissue allowing the formation of brain tumors and other brain diseases.

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 11

5 Lack of Sleep

When we sleep we allow our brains to rest. We enter into a state known as REM sleep.
This REM sleep is where we dream and allow the subconscious time to come out and play.
If we dont sleep or get enough quality sleep then our brains become fatigued and we
cant concentrate on simple and complex tasks. It is very important to get at least eight
hours of sleep a night in order to maintain a healthy brain function.

6 Covering your head while you sleep

Now this is a new one for me but it is true. When you cover your head while you sleep
you deprive your bran of oxygen as well as increase your consumption of carbon dioxide.
The best way to avoid this is not to cover your head with a blanket or a pillow. If your
head is cold turn up your heat or wear a knit cap that will cover the top of your head and
ears allowing you to sleep more comfortably.

7- Thinking while sick

When we are sick we need to allow our bodies to rest. If we try to do too much while we
are sick we put extra tress on our brains. So when we are sick take the doctors advice and
just sit in bed, watch television, drink lots of fluids and just rest.

8 Not stimulating your brain

Our brains get bored just like you do. They need to be stimulated and challenged. If you
fail to stimulate your brain by giving it puzzles, reading a book and asking it to learn new
things then your brain will have no use for itself and just shut itself down and die. The
best thing that you can do is go out and learn something new every day. It doesnt have
to be complicated. Just find an interest or ask yourself a question and take your brain out
on a journey to discover the answer.

9 Not Talking

When we talk we are imparting our knowledge as well as asking questions. When we
communicate through language we are stimulating our memory centers as well as
absorbing and assimilating new knowledge. So go out there and talk. Ask questions,
listen to the answers and engage in intelligent dialogue.

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 12

10 Overreacting

There is no reason to overreact to situations. When we overreact we tend to add additional

stress to our bodies and our minds. When we overact we make our brains go in a lot of
different directions that may cause fatigue and confusion.

11 Not drinking enough water

Many of us hate the taste of water. Unfortunately our brains are like a sponge and it needs
water to remain hydrated. It is important that we consume a lot of water on a daily basis.
When we drink water we help flush out the toxins and other compounds that invade our
bodies. So drink at least three glasses of water a day and see how your brain function

12- Lead exposure

Early in our history we used to use lead in a lot of our products. Some of these products
were paint, gasoline and teeth fillings. As we grew and learned more about lead and its
toxic properties we also learned that it has had a huge effect on our brains. Children or
parents who were exposed to lead while pregnant shoed increased signs of birth defects
and other mental problems.

13 Mercury

Mercury is another element that has been found to have increased properties that have
done damage to the brain. Mercury when exposed to for an increased period of time has
shown the increase of cancer and other brain diseases.

14 Pesticides

Pesticides have been used for years to keep those unwanted insects away from our food.
The problem with this is that when we eat the foods that are covered or have absorbed
the pesticides they are taken into our bodies as well. When pesticides enter our bodies
they travel to the brain causing seizures and other neurological damage.

15 Solvents

Solvents and cleaning supplies are harsh on our environment. When we use solvents to
clean they release a toxic odor that when taken into the body cause oxygen deprivation
as well as many other problems.

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 13

16. Computer Screens

When we look at a computer screen or the other devices that we use and rely on the
flickering light and additional eye strain can cause seizures in some individuals as well as
headaches and fatigue. If you need to use these devices it is strongly suggested that you
do it in a well lit room as well as limit your exposer to thirty to forty minutes before taking
a break. When you take a break you are allowing your eyes to refocus which helps to
alleviate headaches.

17. Overstimulation

It is very important not to over stimulate your bran. You can do this by going to clubs,
social events or engaging in activities that require you to focus for an extended period of
time. When you over stimulate our brain you need to take a step back and relax. Give
yourself some time to reflect on the events that have happened and allow your brain time
to process the information.

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 14

First of all I want to personally thank you for reading my book. It has been a pleasure
giving you the information about the brain and how it can be damaged. As you absorb
the content contained I hope that it will be useful to you in the future.

It is my desire to both educate and entertain you with my writings. The information
contained is now yours to explore and find your own answers. It is important to keep and
maintain a healthy brain. I hope that I have given you the guidelines to do just that.

Thank you again for taking your time with me today. I hope your journey into the brain
has been as enjoyable as it was for me to write it.

To your success in everything you learn and do.

The Great Brain Secret Brain Damaging Dangers 15

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