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Tecnologia em Processos Gerenciais

ingls iii

talking about
economical indicators
ingls iii
talking about
economical indicators

Objetivos da Unidade de aprendizagem

Expanso das estruturas bsicas da lngua inglesa e da
prtica das habilidades gerais de recepo oral e escrita e
de produo oral e escrita atravs do uso de vocabulrio
e estrutura para discutir sobre Indicadores Econmicos.

Conhecer e usar a lngua inglesa como instrumento de
acesso a informaes, a outras culturas e grupos sociais.

Escolher o registro adequado situao a qual se pro-
cessa a comunicao e o vocbulo que melhor reflita a
ideia que pretende comunicar, recorrendo aos tempos
verbais: Simple Past, Simple Present, Present Perfect, Con-
ditional e Simple future.
Nesta Unidade estamos propondo como contedo
de ensino, atividades que sejam significativas e rele-
vantes, dando a voc a oportunidade de se comuni-
car e desenvolver suas estratgias de aprendizagem.
Para isso, voc poder aproveitar esta ltima UA para
fazer uma reviso dos principais tempos verbais:
Simple Past, Simple present, Present perfect, Conditional
e Simple future.

Para Comear
Ol! Na Unidade anterior falamos sobre Simple adjective,
Relative pronoun, Noun in singular form, Personal pronoun,
Noun in an irregular plural form e Adverbs of manner, en-
quanto falvamos sobre mercado financeiro.
Nesta Unidade ns vamos fazer uma reviso sobre os
principais tempos verbais, enquanto falamos sobre indi-
cadores econmicos.
Voc j ouviu algum comentrio sobre a rua indi-
cada na figura abaixo? Voc sabe por que este lugar

Figura 1.Wall Street.

l onde fica o corao financeiro dos EUA. Vamos estudar!

Economic indicators
According to Wikipedia:

Wall Street is a street in Lower Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA. It runs east
from Broadway to South Street on the East River, through the historical center of the
Financial District. It is the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange; over
time Wall Street became the name of the surrounding geographic neighborhood. Wall
Street is also shorthand (or a metonym) for the influential financial interests of the
American financial industry, which is centered in the New York City area. Anchored by
Wall Street, New York City vies with the City of London to be the financial capital of the
world and is home to the New York Stock Exchange, the worlds largest stock exchange
by market capitalization of its listed companies.
Several major U.S. stock and other exchanges remain headquartered on Wall Street
and in the Financial District, including the NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX, NYMEX, and NYBOT.

What is your idea of Wall Street?

So, when you read this text, certainly there were many words you didnt
know. Lets see some of them? Lets see also other words of this context:

It is the worlds largest stock exchange by market

New York Stock capitalization of its listed companies at US$12.25
Exchange trillion as of May 2010.[4] Average daily trading
value was approximately US$153 billion in 2008.

Rise To increase in size, amount, quality, or strength.

It is an American stock exchange. It is the largest

electronic screen-based equity securities trading
market in the United States and fourth largest by
market capitalization in the world. With approximately
3,700 companies and corporations, it has more trading
volume than any other stock exchange in the world.

Decrease To reduce something.

To move quickly downward from a higher

position, usually by accident.

It is a neighborhood on the southernmost section

of the borough of Manhattan which comprises the
Financial District. offices and headquarters of many of the citys major
financial institutions, including the New York Stock
Exchange and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Go down To become less.

Go up To increase.

Ingls III / UA 19 Talking about Economical Indicators 4

Now, take a look at this video Wall Street to know more about it. You can
find the link to the video at section Navegando por a.

Quick Review of some Verbal Tenses

Studying this verbal tenses again will also help you to understand the

Simple Past L1/2;

Simple present L7 e 8 /1;
Present perfect L17/2;
Simple future.

Ingls III / UA 19 Talking about Economical Indicators 5

If you want to know more about the book The Secrets
of Economic Indicators: Hidden Clues to Future Eco-
nomic Trends and Investment Opportunities by Ber-
nard Baumohl, watch the related video (link at Navegan-
do por a section).

E agora, Jos?
Chegamos ao fim de mais um mdulo da disciplina de
ingls. Agora voc tem uma grande bagagem de voca-
bulrio e estruturas gramaticais para dar continuidade
parte final do seu curso.
Complemente as tarefas e atividades propostas e, em
seguida, realize a avaliao final.

Agora siga direto para as atividades e coloque em prtica
tudo o que aprendeu nesta Unidade de Aprendizagem.
 ssential Business MICHAELIS. M
 oderno Dicionrio Ingls-Por-
Grammar & Practice - English level: Ele- tugus, Portugus-Ingls. So Paulo: Me-
mentary to Pre-Intermediate. New Edition. lhoramentos, 2007.
Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007. MURPHY, Raymond. E
 ssential Grammar in
GODOY, Sonia M. Baccari; GONTOW, Cris; MAR- Use CD-Rom with answers. Third Edition.
CELINO, Marcello. English Pronunciation Cambridge, 2007.
for Brazilians. So Paulo: Disal, 2006. OXFORD. O
 xford Business English Dictionary
LONGMAN. Longman Gramtica Escolar da with CD-Rom. Seventh Edition. Oxford, UK:
Lngua Inglesa com CD-Rom. So Paulo: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Pearson Education do Brasil, 2007.
LONGMAN. Dicionrio Longman Escolar para
Estudantes Brasileiros. Portugus-Ingls/
Ingls-Portugus com CD-Rom. 2 Edio:
Atualizado com as novas regras de Ortografia.
So Paulo: Pearson Education do Brasil, 2008.

Ingls III / UA 19 Talking about Economical Indicators 7

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