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Activation Matrix Template V2.

Title: Learning to Grow

Author: Jenna Eddleston

Overarching Purpose I wanted to demonstrate how a teacher provides tools for

or Outcome: growth and development of knowledge. I wanted to convey
how education is empowering and can provide opportunities
of success.

Attributes of the Knowledge Principles of Design

Portrayal Structures Activated

The Chalkboard I think that a chalkboard symbolizes There is a specific focal point on the
the classroom. The way it is boy, because he is centered in the
vignetted highlights and frames the frame and the light is highlighted
center of the image. The drawn around him. The background is
arms symbolize power, room to simplistic, but recognizable, giving
grow, and success. it meaning.

The boy I think that the boy is one of the The boy is in the center so that he is
most important aspects of the the focal point. The arms on either
photograph because he is the side of him create a sense of
subject. He conveys mood on his symmetry, and help to balance the
face and looks sharply dressed. He image horizontally. He seems to be
is smaller than the arms that are closer than all of the other elements
drawn on the board, to symbolize in the image, meaning he is the
opportunity. His mind has been dominant element. The perspective
opened with the tools of education. is directly at the child, which makes
It is growing and flourishing from him more equal, or appear more
the care provided by the teacher. empowered than if it were from

The hand pouring water from I think that the hand is what I think that the colour of the
watering can provides the tools of education, and watering can is bright and stands
therefore I placed it at the top to out. It is placed above the boy in
demonstrate the flow of knowledge. order to suggest movement, but far
The water is the source of life for enough away to place all of the
plants, and provides it with what it tools around it.
needs to grow.

The tools of the classroom The tools of the classroom represent The proximity of the objects to the
that different items and devices a watering can suggest that they are
student and teacher may use in the what is being poured into his mind.
classroom during learning activities. All off the tools are brightly
coloured and stand out against the
backdrop. Lastly, I wanted to create
balance with the placement of the
objects, but keep them close to their
related objects.

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