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The Fake God

How long had it been since the first time Id taken a breath?
Countless times after that first, I sustained myself, like many
others, upon wretched air filled with poisons that deteriorated my
already dying body. My home barely changed, as the world was
polluted with the crimes of the good-for-nothing humans that
have infested it no matter where I tried to run to.

Was I apart of them then? Was I, too, a human with no care

for the state of the world in which we resided?

I couldnt remember. No matter how far back I thought to, I

could only see the present me, a me that enjoyed the sweet taste
of death upon another. It hardly made me human, this
undesirable crave for the corpses which I was left with. If I were
able to trade it away, to become a good person, a humane
being, even, would I?

These thoughts swirled endlessly within my mind, a cloud of

indecisiveness that not even a knife made of diamond could cut
through. It was these thoughts that you could conclude created
the current me, the one who could hardly resemble a human.

Id lost the privileges, Id thought, to continue as a human

from the deeds Id done, the crimes Id committed, and for that I
sacrificed the fully-human body that made me the child I once
was. Id lost the human name for which I was granted at my birth,
and decided on a name fit for only a being that only existed within
the folk tales of humans- Hillston. I think that was what created
this godlike complex inside of me.

It was a sacred name to me, one not to be spoken by any of

the weak imbeciles that infested this once beautiful planet. They
simply didnt deserve it; rather than allow them to continue on
with their impressively short lifespan, it was better to end it for
them quietly. The ones who know the name of a God such as
myself didnt deserve the life that I so graciously gave them. So,
so many people were slaughtered by my hands alone for this
insignificant reason.
This is the reason I created the association that followed
under my rule. The lust I felt, slaughtering the individuals who
dared to oppose me, to oppose their God, to defile their corpses
and hang them as trophies within my own collection, satisfying
that detestable craving I held. The pawns that acted below me,
the meaningless lives they held to me, I could sacrifice them for
my own desires as I needed, to hide my godly presence from
those undeserving.

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