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Date: 15th January 2014

School: Scoala Gimnaziala Ion Cioranescu, Moroieni
Class: a VI-a
Teacher: Lungu Maria Mirabela
Time: 50 min
Lesson: Girls screamed and wept
Type of lesson: Reading/ learning factual and cultural information
Skills: speaking, writing, reading, spelling
Textbook: Snapshot Elementary, Longman
General Objectives:

2.4 Formulate simple questions in everyday life situation appropriately using conversational

2.Participating in oral communication(with the teacher or colleagues)on familiar topics.

3.3 Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.

2.2 Defining the topic of on text on the basis of its title and or pictures which go with it.

3.1 Selecting from e text the information necessary to solve different tasks.

Lesson aims:
- to engage and activate all students;
- to develop speaking skills;
- to learn factual and cultural information about an old music band;
- to reinforce the new vocabulary.

Didactic strategies:
- Methods and procedure: conversation, explanation, dialogue, brain-storming
- Materials and equipment: textbook, handouts, blackboard, flipchart.

Class organization: Ss will work individually,in pairs and in groups.

Teaching methods: explanation, conversation, matching exercises
Recent work: Ex2/47 ( Past Simple-Regular Verbs)
Possible problems: Considering the students age and the fact that they come from the
countryside, their ESL level may be low, so the level of communication will be adapted to a
medium-low one.
Stages of the Teachers Activity Pupils Activity Methods/Skill

Warm up Informal conversation The pupils greet the Conversation

2 (Greetings, How are you?) teacher. Say who is
absent .

Checking the The teacher checks Ss Pupils say what Interrogation.

homework and corrects their homework they had to
5 listening,
mistakes, if necessary. Ss read do and correct the
their homework and correct the mistakes, if necessary.
mistakes, if necessary.

The teacher announces the title Students write the title

of the lesson Girls screamed of the lesson in their
and wept and the lesson aims; notebooks. Pupils pay Writing
writes down on the Bb the titles attention to the teacher.
of the lesson. The teacher They think to the given Conversation
writes down on the BB the task and try to answer it.
5 Brain-storming
word MUSIC and asks the They might say words
students to say as many words such as: singer, songs,
as they can related to this. Then bands, fame, etc,
ask the students to say what do
they think the lesson is about.
Before reading the text, Students try to answer
students will answer the 5th the questions, although Explanation
5 questions on page 49 regarding due to their young age Speaking
The Beatles Band. may not have heard
about The Beatles. Conversation
While-reading The teacher asks the students to Students read the lesson,
read the lesson in order to find write in their notebooks Reading
out more information about it. the unknown words.
After reading the text the Students will write the
teacher will ask students about meaning of the words.
After-reading the unknown words, if there are Stundents will work in Conversation
any. pairs, they will look in Reading
Then they will have to solve in the text and try to solve
pairs exercise 2/49 from the exercise.
Comprehension in which they
have to write a date for each Students will work in
headline, then put them in the groups and try to find
correct chronological order. some common and
After solving the text different things Speaking
comprehension exercise the regarding the topic. Explanation
teacher will ask students to They will have to think
think about nowadays music about clothing,
bands and try to find out some appearence, public
similarities and differences approch, sort of music
between The Beatles Band and etc.
the present bands. There will be
4 groups. They will describe
Holograf, Akcent, Modern
Talking and RBD. While they
are working they will listen a
Beatles song.
They will expose in front of the
others the found similarities
and differences.
The teacher appreciates the
Ss work and rewards the most Students will write their
active ones with good homework in their
marks. notebooks. Conversation
Theyll say goodbye to
Homework For the next time they will
their teacher.
3 learn the irregular past forms of
the verbs,they will have to find
in the text five irregular verbs

Group 1

Find some common and different things between Holograf and The
Beatles, regarding their appearence, clothing, public approach and sort of music:


Group 2

Find some common and different things between Akcent and The Beatles,
regarding their clothing, appereance, public approach and sort of music:

Group 3

Find some common and different things between Modern Talking and The
Beatles, regarding their appearence, clothing, sort of music, public approach:


Group 4

Find some common and different things between RBD and The Beatles,
regarding their appearence, clothing, sort of music, public approach:


At the end of the lesson I feel:

Write 3 new things you have learned
today: ............................................................................................................................................

Write 2 things you like about the

lesson: ...........................................................................................................................................

Write 1 thing you didnt like about the lesson: ...........................................................................

At the end of the lesson I feel:

Write 3 new things you have learned

today: ............................................................................................................................................

Write 2 things you like about the

lesson: ...........................................................................................................................................

Write 1 thing you didnt like about the lesson: ...........................................................................

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