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How to Invite Someone to Visit Canada:

Step 1

Write the letter of invitation as though you are speaking to the Canadian Embassy or Consulate visa
administrator who will review your friend or family member's application.

Step 2

Provide the visitor's full name, birth date, address, telephone number and your relationship to the visitor.

Step 3

Include the reason for the visit, length of the visitor's stay and the date the visitor will leave Canada.

Step 4

Write your complete name, date of birth, contact information in Canada, occupation and citizenship

Step 5

Include a photocopy of your Canadian birth certificate, citizenship card or other document that proves
your citizenship status in Canada.

Step 6

Provide information about the accommodations you'll provide for the visitor, your living expenses and
income. You can include photocopies of your payment stubs. Canadian officials can approve or deny the
application based on your financial ability to sponsor the number of visitors. If the visitors must depend
on government assistance during their stay, you are financially responsible for repaying the money.

Step 7

Mail the original letter directly to the Canadian Embassy in the visitor's home country. Send a photocopy
of the letter to the potential visitor in case the original is lost.
Steps for Applying for a Canadian Visitor Visa

In order to qualify, applicants have to satisfy Canadian Visa officers at their Consulates or Embassies that
they are suitable candidates for the Visa. What Visa Officers are required to consider in making decisions
whether to grant or deny Visitor Visa applications as follows:
1.Whether the applicant will return to his or her home country after their visit to Canada is complete.
2.Whether they have sufficient ties to their home country as grounds for leaving Canada on time.
3.Whether they have sufficient funds to support themselves during their visit to Canada.
4.Whether they have a place to stay in Canada during their visit.
5.The intended duration of their visit and whether they have visited Canada in the past.

Each of these above factors are carefully evaluated before making a decision. Therefore. applicants who
tend to be successful with their Canadian visitor visa applications include documentation and information
that shows how and why they qualify under these factors. Information such as ties to their home country
such as family, employment, savings etc. are often crucial in determining the outcome of a Visa
application. Generally, a well-documented, carefully prepared application has a much better chance of
success than does an application hastily assembled. If you are lucky enough to get approved for a
Canadian visitor visa, you will notice whether your Visa is single entry or multiple entry. Single entry
Visas are for a one-time trip to Canada only. Multiple Entry Visas allow the applicant to travel to Canada
as many times as he or she wishes during the validity of the Visa. Often the strength of the application
will determine whether the Canadian visitor visa will be issued for single or multiple visits to Canada.

1) Spouse
2) First, Second and Third Degree Relative

A first-degree relative is defined as a close blood relative which includes the individual's parents,
full siblings, or children

A second-degree relative is defined as a blood relative which includes the individual's

grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces or half-siblings

A third-degree relative is defined as a blood relative which includes the individuals first-cousins,
great-grandparents or great grandchildren

first-degree relative
A parent, brother, sister, or child. Also called FDR.

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