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* NppExec plugin ver. 0.5.3 for Notepad++ 5.1 and above

* by DV <dvv81 @ ukr.net>, December 2006 - February 2015

* Technical Information *
NppExec has advanced "hidden" settings which can be set manually.
You need to edit NppExec's ini-file: "\Plugins\Config\NppExec.ini".
| | | |
| [Console] | | |
| ChildProcess_StartupTimeout_ms | 240 | int |
| ChildProcess_CycleTimeout_ms | 120 | int |
| ChildProcess_ExitTimeout_ms | 4000 | int |
| Path_AutoDblQuotes | 0 (FALSE) | BOOL |
| CmdHistory_MaxItems | 256 | int |
| Exec_MaxCount | 100 | int |
| GoTo_MaxCount | 10000 | int |
| RichEdit_MaxTextLength | 4194304 (4 MB) | int |
| SendMsg_MaxBufLength | 4194304 (4 MB) | int |
| Calc_Precision | 0.000001 | float |
| CommentDelimiter | // | string |
| Visible | 0 (FALSE) | BOOL |
| ShowHelp | 0 (FALSE) | BOOL |
| NoEmptyVars | 1 (TRUE) | BOOL |
| SaveCmdHistory | 1 (TRUE) | BOOL |
| TextColorNormal | 00 00 00 | HEX |
| TextColorError | A0 10 10 | HEX |
| TextColorMessage | 20 80 20 | HEX |
| BackgroundColor | 0 | HEX |
| Alias_Cmd_NppExec | \ | string |
| Key_Enter | \n | string |
| Console_NulChar | 25E6 (0x25E6) | HEX |
| | | |
| [Options] | | |
| HotKey | F6 | string |
| ToolbarBtn | 1 | int |
| WatchScriptFile | 1 (TRUE) | BOOL |
| ScriptNppStart | (empty) | string |
| ScriptNppExit | (empty) | string |
| HelpFile | doc\NppExec_Manual.chm | string |
| LogsDir | (empty) | string |
| AutoSave_Seconds | 0 | int |
| | | |
The purpose of each key is described below.
You can add specified keys to [Console] or [Options] section of
this ini-file.
For example, you can modify it in the following way:
TextColorNormal=00 00 00
TextColorError=A0 10 10
TextColorMessage=20 80 20

This parameter is important when a child console process is created.
The child process usually can't be created immediately, therefore
we must give some time to this process to be started.
Here is a general implementation of this part of code:
if ( CreateProcess( ... , &ProcInfo ) )
CloseHandle( ProcInfo.hThread );
WaitForSingleObject( ProcInfo.hProcess, STARTUP_TIMEOUT );
When the process is started, WaitForSingleObject returns.
But, if the value of STARTUP_TIMEOUT is too low, WaitForSingleObject
may return before the process is started.
If default value of ChildProcess_StartupTimeout_ms is not enough for
your PC, you can increase it. IMHO, it can not exceed 400 ms.

The only purpose of this parameter is to decrease the CPU usage.
The bigger value you set, the less CPU usage you get :-)
Here is an implementation of this part of code in outline:
do {
// reading from the process'es pipe
} while ( WaitForSingleObject( ProcInfo.hProcess,
Don't forget that actually the value of ChildProcess_CycleTimeout_ms
is a pause between requests to the child console process'es output,
so values > 500 ms are not recommened.

This parameter is needed when you are about to exit (quit) a running
child console process by sending the exit message to it.
For example, cmd.exe is running, but you want to close the Console
window or start another NppExec's script. So, you send the exit
message - and NppExec waits for the cmd.exe process to be finished.
If the child process has been finished before the timeout of
ChildProcess_ExitTimeout_ms elapsed, NppExec performs the action
requested previously - closes its Console window or starts another
Otherwise, if the child process has not been finished during
ChildProcess_ExitTimeout_ms (for example, if "dir" has been sent
instead of "exit"), then NppExec does not close its Console window
or does not start another script after the child process will be
finished at last.

If you enable this option (set it to 1), then path to executable
which contains spaces (for example, "my program 1.exe") will be
automatically enclosed in quotes "".
It is disabled by default because of a bug with executables w/o
extension. For example, this line
cmd /c calc.exe
will be modified (if this option is enabled) to this one:
"cmd /c calc.exe"
because "cmd" is given without extension ".exe".
Therefore don't forget to enclose paths with spaces in quotes
manually, when this option is disabled.

Specifies maximum number of items in the console commands history.

Specifies maximum number of NPP_EXEC calls within one script.
This value is needed to prevent the infinite loop of several scripts
which call each other, e.g.
npp_exec script2
npp_exec script1

Specifies maximum number of GOTO calls within one script.
This value is needed to prevent the infinite loop e.g.
goto label1
You always can close the Console window to stop the running script.

Specifies maximum number of characters which can be stored or
pasted into the Console dialog's rich edit control.

Specifies maximum number of characters (buffer) allocated for
string parameter(s) of NPP_SENDMSG or SCI_SENDMSG message.

Calc result precision for "set <var> ~ <math expression>".
The calc result will be rounded according to this value.
The precision affects only the result representation,
whereas all internal operations inside one math expression
are not rounded.

Specifies a comment delimiter :-) I.e. all characters after
this delimiter are understood as a comment, and the text line
(command) is truncated at the position of this delimiter.
- when the comment delimiter is // then :// is not truncated
at the position of // (because :// can be a part of http://).
- if you specify empty comment delimiter i.e.
then you can not use comments in your commands/scripts because
there is no comment delimiter in this case.

If you enable this option (set it to 1), then the Console window
will be visible when Notepad++ starts. Otherwise, when this option
is set to 0 (default value), there will be no Console window opened
when Notepad++ starts.

When this option is enabled (set to 1), the Console window shows
the Help Info each time Notepad++ starts.
If this option is disabled (set to 0), the Console window does not
show the Help Info when Notepad++ starts.

When this option is enabled (set to 1), then all empty (uninitialized)
variables such as "$(var)" will be replaced with "" (empty string).
If this option is disabled (set to 0), then empty variable "$(var)"
will not be replaced with empty string i.e. it will remain "$(var)".

When this option is enabled (set to 1) and "Console Commands History"
is checked, then the console commands history is saved to file
"npec_cmdhistory.txt" when Notepad++ exits. And the commands history
is restored from this file when Notepad++ starts.
If this option is disabled (set to 0), then the console commands
history is not saved and restored.

This option can specify the Console's normal text colour in a form of
RR GG BB, where RR, GG and BB are HEX values of red, green and blue
Value of "00 00 00" or "000000" means RR = 00, GG = 00 and BB = 00
i.e. black colour (because values of red, green and blue = 0x00).
Value of "FF 00 00" or "FF0000" means RR = FF, GG = 00 and BB = 00
i.e. red colour (red = 0xFF, green and blue = 0x00).
Value of "0" or any other value which does not contain three values of
relative intensities of red, green and blue colours means "don't use
this value, use default colour". I.e. you can specify
or just
to use the default (internal) colour.
The same approach is used for TextColorError, TextColorMessage and
BackgroundColor values.
If you want to have a "console-style" look (i.e. white text on the
black background), specify the values similar to:
TextColorNormal=C0 C0 C0
TextColorError=C0 10 10
TextColorMessage=20 A0 20
BackgroundColor=00 00 00

This option can specify the colour of Console's error messages.
See TextColorNormal for details.

This option can specify the colour of Console's internal messages
(such as "Process started >>>", "======== READY ========" etc.)
See TextColorNormal for details.

Background color of the Console's output window.
See TextColorNormal for details.

This alias can be used instead of the "NPP_EXEC " command when you
want to execute some NppExec's script. The alias consists of one
character; only the first character from specified string value is
taken. For example,
sets the first character '\' as the alias, other characters are
ignored. With this example, you can type
\"my script" "param 1" "param 2"
instead of
NPP_EXEC "my script" "param 1" "param 2"
and the script named "my script" will be executed.
You can also specify an empty value of Alias_Cmd_NppExec:
The empty value of Alias_Cmd_NppExec disables the alias i.e. no
character can be used instead of "NPP_EXEC ".

Specifies the character(s) sent to stdin of the running process
when the Enter key is pressed.
Available values are: \n, \r, \r\n, \n\r and so on.
In case of empty value, the default value of \n is used.

Specifies HEX code of a character shown by the Console instead of '\0'
(NUL) - since '\0' itself is the null terminator of a null-terminated
Unicode version of NppExec accepts either 2 bytes or 1 byte HEX code,
Console_NulChar=25E6 ; this is 0x25E6 - the "White Bullet" symbol
Console_NulChar=0020 ; this is 0x0020 - the "space" symbol
Console_NulChar=20 ; this is 0x20 - the same "space" symbol
Console_NulChar=0017 ; this is 0x0017 - the "End of Text Block" symbol
Console_NulChar=17 ; this is 0x17 - the same "End of Text Block"
Console_NulChar=0000 ; this is 0x0000 - the NUL itself
Console_NulChar=00 ; this is 0x00 - the same NUL
Console_NulChar= ; empty value (no value)
ANSI version of NppExec accepts 1 byte HEX code,
Console_NulChar=17 ; this is 0x17 - the "End of Text Block" symbol
Console_NulChar=20 ; this is 0x20 - the same "space" symbol
Console_NulChar=00 ; this is 0x00 - the NUL itself
Console_NulChar= ; empty value (no value)
The value of 00 disables the substitution of the NUL character. I.e. '\0'
remains '\0', resulting the end of the null-terminated string.
The empty value is treated as usage of the default substitute symbol:
* it is 0x25E6 ("White Bullet") for Unicode version of NppExec;
* it is 0x17 ("End of Text Block") for ANSI version of NppExec.

Specifies the plugin hotkey which calls the "Execute..." dialog.
Available values are: F1, F2, F3 ... F12.

ToolbarBtn = 0 - no toolbar button;
ToolbarBtn = 1 - the toolbar button shows the Console window;
ToolbarBtn = 2 - the toolbar button calls the "Execute..." dialog.
ToolbarBtn = 3 - the toolbar button directly executes last script.

When this option is enabled (set to 1), the plugin rereads the file
with saved scripts if its time stamp has been changed. The plugin
checks the file time stamp when you call the "Execute..." dialog.
If this option is disabled (set to 0), the plugin does not check
the file time stamp and does not reread this file.
You can specify here a name of existing script which you want to be
executed each time when Notepad++ starts.
For example, this script can contain declarations of your own variables
(using SET command), some welcome messages (using ECHO command) or
whatever command(s) you want.
Note: if you specify an empty value or non-existent script name for
this option, no script will be executed when Notepad++ starts.
See also: ScriptNppExit.

You can specify here a name of existing script which you want to be
executed each time when Notepad++ exits.
Note: if you specify an empty value or non-existent script name for
this option, no script will be executed when Notepad++ exits.
See also: ScriptNppStart.

Relative pathname to NppExec's help file (manual).
This pathname is relative to location of the "NppExec.dll" file.
Usually "NppExec.dll" is located somewhere in "...\Notepad++\plugins",
and the help file is located in "...\Notepad++\plugins\doc" so its
relative pathname is "doc\NppExec_Manual.chm".
You can specify different file name and/or extension here.
Also you can specify absolute pathname (e.g. C:\docs\NppExec.chm).
You can use some of macro-variables as the part of this pathname.
The supported macro-variables are:

Relative or absolute directory (folder) to store NppExec's log files.
The default empty value means the log files are not created.
When relative dir is specified, NppExec constructs the full path to
the log files as "%TEMP%\<LogsDir>\<NppExecDllName>\<YYYY_MM_DD>",
e.g. "C:\Temp\<LogsDir>\NppExec\2013_09_28".
(If the %TEMP% environment variable does not exist, NppExec uses the
path of $(PLUGINS_CONFIG_DIR) instead.)
When full path is specified, NppExec constructs the full path to the
log files as "<LogsDir>\<NppExecDllName>\<YYYY_MM_DD>".
You can use some of macro-variables as the part of this pathname.
The supported macro-variables are:
When <LogsDir> is specified, the internal Logger produces some more
information than in its default mode, so you can observe more details.

!!! This option is EXPERIMENTAL and therefore disabled by default !!!
(Due to its current implementation, there may be issues with today's
multi-core processors. For example, some value may be saved during
the time while it is being modified - thus leading to saving of the
unexpected content.)
Specifies the interval in seconds of auto-saving of NppExec's options.
For example, the value of 300 means once per 300 seconds (i.e. once per
5 minutes).
The value of 0 disables the auto-saving.

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