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#include <iostream> // library that contains basic input output functions

#include <cstdlib> // library that contains random numbers generation functions

#include <time.h> // library that contains time functions.
#include <string> // library to use advanced c++ strings
using namespace std;
int main()
bool play_again = true;
while(play_again == true) //loop will run on user's entered choice to play g
ame again or not
/* setting time as feed to generate random number.it help us generate diff
erent random depend upon
computer's current time.time(NULL) provides current time stamp*/
int number = rand() % 100 + 1; //generating and storing and random number
between 1-100
/* while loop will be terminated on this flag. When user will enter
correct number as generrated by computer, this flag will be set to true*/
bool is_guess_correct = false;
int input_number; //will be used to save user input number
int attempts_count = 1; // keep track of attempts user has made to gue
ss correct number
//this loop will take number again and again until user enters correct num
while(is_guess_correct == false)
//Displaying different prompt lines for first and all other attempts
if(attempts_count == 1) // if it is first attempt to guess t
he number then don't print "Again"
cout << "Enter Number : ";
cout << "Enter Number Again : "; //this line wil
l be printed on all attempts except first one
cin >> input_number; // taking number as input in input_numb
/*Check if input number is same as that of randomly generated number o
r not*/
if(input_number == number)
//We are here because user entered same number as generated by compu
cout << "Congratulation! You have guessed the c
orrect number in " << attempts_count << " attempts" << endl;
is_guess_correct = true; //settting this flag t
o true because we want to terminate loop
//We are here because user did not entered same number as generated
by computer
attempts_count++; // increamenting attempts
/*Displaying informational message that helps user to determine num
ber quickly*/
if(input_number < number) //if user entered num
ber is less than random number
cout << "Entered number is small than then nu
mber to be guess." << endl;
else //if user entered number is greater than
random number
cout << "Entered number is greater than then
number to be guess." << endl;
//Asking user if he/she want to continue game or not
string choice;
cout << "Press Y to play again or any other key to terminate : ";
cin >> choice;
//if user enters any other key than Y/y, set play_again flag to false
if(choice != "Y" && choice != "y")
play_again = false;
return 0; //Successful teermination of program returns zero

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