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El problema consiste en obtener la mayor utilidad posible teniendo en cuenta las siguientes restriccion
-El costo total no puede superar de 400000 bs

-Cantidad mnima producida debe ser la siguiente:

automatizada 2500
manual 2000
mixta 3000

planta de produccioncosto unitario cantidad producida costo total precio uni. Vent
automatizada 30 2500 75000 80
manual 50 2000 100000 120
mixta 40 5625 225000 100
nta las siguientes restricciones:

ingresos utilidad
200000 125000
240000 238000
562500 556875
919875 maximizar beneficio
Evolver: Optimization Summary
Performed By: Virtual XP
Date: sbado, 05 de noviembre de 2016 14:32:24
Model: Nuevo Hoja de clculo de Microsoft Excel.xls

Cell to Optimize 'evolver'!$H$14
Type of Goal Maximum

Valid Trials 1000110
Total Trials 2824473
Original Value 919875
+ soft constraint penalties 0
= result 919875
Best Value Found 919875
+ soft constraint penalties 0
= result 919875
Best Simulation Number 1
Time to Find Best Value 0:00:00
Reason Optimization Stopped Stop button pressed
Time Optimization Started 11/5/2016 14:15
Time Optimization Finished 11/5/2016 14:32
Total Optimization Time 0:16:09
Adjustable Cell Values 'evolver'!$D$11
Original 2500
Best 2500
Adjustable Cell Values 'evolver'!$D$12
Original 2000
Best 2000
Adjustable Cell Values 'evolver'!$D$13
Original 5625
Best 5625

Description cantidad minima producida
Definition =evolver!$D$11>=2500
Constraint Type Hard
Satisfied for % of Trials 92.97%
Satisfied for % of Valid Trials 100.00%
Description cantidad producida manual
Definition =evolver!$D$12>=2000
Constraint Type Hard
Satisfied for % of Trials 83.73%
Satisfied for % of Valid Trials 100.00%
Description cantidad producida mixta
Definition =evolver!$D$13>=3000
Constraint Type Hard
Satisfied for % of Trials 97.51%
Satisfied for % of Valid Trials 100.00%
Description costo maximo
Definition =evolver!$E$14<=400000
Constraint Type Hard
Satisfied for % of Trials 56.33%
Satisfied for % of Valid Trials 100.00%

Adjustable Cells
Solving Method Recipe
Mutation Rate 0.1
Crossover Rate 0.5
Cell Range 0 <= 'evolver'!$D$11:$D$13 <= 100000 [integers]
Operators Default parent selection
Default mutation
Default crossover
Default backtrack
Arithmetic crossover
Heuristic crossover
Cauchy mutation
Boundary mutation
Non-uniform mutation
Local search

Optimization Settings
Population Size 50
Optimization Random Number Seed 3469648 (Chosen Randomly)
Optimization Runtime
Trials 0
Time 0
Progress 0
Formula 0
Stop on Error 0
Minimize Excel at Start 0
Show Excel Recalculations Every New Best Trial
Keep Log of All Trials 1
At Start of Optimization N/A
Before Recalculation N/A
After Recalculation N/A
After Storing Output N/A
At End of Optimization N/A

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