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Teresa Escalante

EDU 299- 1001- 1002

Praxis Core Analysis

February 1, 2017

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

For students who are trying to pursue their degrees found within the field of education,

students must pass an exam called the Praxis Core Exam. The Praxis Core Exam focuses

specifically on three topics; Math, Reading, and Writing. When taking the exam in Nevada,

students must get a score of 150 in Math, 156 in Reading, and 162 in Writing. If the score is

lower, the student must retake the subjects that he/she did not pass. However, if the student does

not attempt to take the exam or has not passed all the subjects, the student will not be able to

attend a University to attain a Bachelor or Maters degree.

Exam Preparation

Before taking the Practice Praxis Core Exam, I looked through the various resources

found within the page of ETS such as the Study Companion, which is found within each

subject. I began to read a couple examples found within each subject to get a basic idea towards

how the exam worked and how to deal with some of the questions that would appear. Rather than

looking at every example in detail, I just skimmed quickly though the subjects. Apart from

looking at the study companion, I did not prepare properly for the exam.

Exam Results

After attempting the practice Praxis Core Exam my score for math was a 57%, within the

subject of writing I received a 58%, and lastly on the reading I received a 48%. Due to the fact
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that the numbers are found within the same range, the scores describe that improvement is

needed within all three areas. Therefore if I was to take the exam, I would have not passed any of

the above areas due to the low score range.

Future Exam Preparation

After looking over my scores, I will need to prepare in all subjects. The way I will

prepare for math is by using Ed ready. By doing so, I will practice my math and regain the

knowledge that I learned in my previous math courses. As for English and Writing, I am planning

on getting a book to practice the material through the examples in a detail manner. Rather than

just following the examples and problems I will use the various strategies to cancel out incorrect

answers. An additional strategy that I am going to begin doing is to expand my vocabulary, as I

was doing the exam I ran into a couple words that I did not know; therefore I had to guess and

hope that it was correct. Regardless of the strategies, I will be practicing the subjects not through

memorization but by actually learning how to respond to the problems through critical thinking.

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