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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 8- Lopez Jaena

STM: Mr. Cole Geconcillo

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
a. Define journalistic text and its characteristic.
b. Identify what type of propaganda tool was being used in the
c. Identify the general idea and specific idea of an article.
d. Value the importance of Journalism.
II. Subject Matter
Journalistic Text
III. Materials
Cartolina, Markers, Six Thinking Hats and Powerpoint
IV. Procedure
A. Introduction
Checking of Attendance
Review of the previous discussion about Journalistic Text
and Propaganda tool.
- Presenting a video clip about a certain news.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the video all about?
2. What is it trying to tell you?
3. Why is it important to provide exact information?
B. Lesson Proper
Use the video as a springboard to lead to the
discussion proper.
Presenting the characteristics of Journalistic Text.
Giving examples of a Journalistic Writing by pointing out
the propaganda tools used.
Explaining the importance of using propaganda tools in
journalistic writing.
C. Generalization
The teacher will ask questions to the students as to how
important journalistic text is.
D. Application
Six Thinking Hats
Students will be grouped into 5 (five).
Each group will be given article and: Students will look for
the general ideas and specific ideas; Students will identify
what kind of propaganda tool is/are used in the given
E. Evaluation
Six Thinking Hats

Students will be given a hat.

Students will be grouped into 5 (five).
Students will use again the article in answering.
Each of the member has a role according as to what the
color is given. Each color has a corresponding meaning and
answer according to what is given.


Please lead the prayer.

Good Morning Class!

Thank you. Please take your sit.

Let me check your attendance first.

So today, I am expecting you to participate because as I said this topic will be

applied in your product making for the 4th Quarter.

(Expectation for today, PPT)

Not so long time ago, we discussed about Journalistic text and propaganda tool,

Who can recall what is a journalistic text?

Okay. Very Good. Journalistic text is a _____.

What else? Okay. Very good.

How about Propaganda Tool? Can you still remember? What are those?

This propaganda tool is used to attract our reader. These are the following:

Glad Names- The product or idea is given pompous attributes.

Bandwagon- The technique make us feel that we are left out if we do not buy the

Emotional Words- uses words that appeal to the heart or the common taste.

Elitist Appeal- this is a technique to praise the prospective buyer or to make him
feel good.

Testimonial- a famous personality is made to endorse the product.

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