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International Relations cover a variety of scopes. However, it requires

o u r own approach to meet the aims of international relations. The understanding of theories in
international relations will help in achieving the aims. Nonetheless, it isnt easy to understand
where it requires an identify tool to maintain a good relation by using the aspects of poverty,
security believes and good diplomacy. The scopes of International Relations can be categorized
as follows:

a. State Security and Peace.

T o p r o t e c t t h e s u r v i v a l o f s t a t e a g a i n s t w a r o r threat, for example, in

international conflict, balance of power, negotiation, peacekeeping, international intervention and

b. International Political Economics.

T h e s t u d y o f t h e i n v o l v e m e n t b y t h e state in the politics of international

economics activities, for example, international trade, international cooperation, international
financial, multinational corporations and etc.

c. International Law.

T h e b o d y o f r u l e s g o v e r n i n g t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p s o f international actors with

each other. Institutionally, the spirit of international law is almost similar to the domestic law. For
example, the body of international law is international judiciary under the auspices of United
Nation and international treaties which is the main source for international law.

d. Social, Cultural, Health and Education.

I t c o v e r s m o s t l y o n h e a l t h issues such as the bird flu which has cost handsomely;

child workers for instance the employment of children which deprived them from their right
for education and progress; as well as preservation of culture to maintain the diversification of
the world.

e. Environmental and Moral Issues.

I t c o n s i s t s o f g l o b a l w a r m i n g w h e r e the rise of global temperature effect is

caused by human activities. Deforestation is also one of the problems because of uncontrolled
clearing of the forest. Nuclear waste also is becoming the environment and moral issues and it
also affects the national interest.
International relations
The study of the interactions among various actors (states, international
organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and sub national entities like
bureaucracies, local governments, and individuals) that participate in international

Approaches of International Relations

In international relation there are two approaches to morality. The realistic

approach wants to avoid too large a gap between the ought and the is and
focuses on what it is possible given existing realities. This approach,
however, inhibits us from challenging fundamentally unjust institutions and
policies. The idealistic approach, in contrast, requires us to assess current
reality in light of our highest ideals. Its weakness is that it may not help us
answer the question of how to act in this non-ideal world. Discussions about
the ethics of migration require a full range of perspectives using both

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