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Tunnel of Oppression

The Tunnel of Oppression is a display which shows different events, such as: Bullying,
Body Image, Sexism or Gender Roles, Sexual Assault, Rape Culture, Homophobia, Ageism,
Veteran Discrimination, Education Discrimination, Ableism, Racism, Religious Discrimination
and Genocide. These are different events and situations that happen within the country and world
that people want to separate others because of their beliefs or because they may be different from
what they are as a person.
When going through the Tunnel of Oppression something that really surprised me would
have to be Human Trafficking specifically in the state of Ohio. Things that surprised me of the
human trafficking must be Toledo being the fourth highest human sex trafficking city in the USA
and that there were 1,066 reports of Human Trafficking in Ohio. This was surprising to me
because coming from a community that this does not happen in and living in Ohio, to be honest I
had no idea how bad this certain situation was in the state, this is not right at all and needs to be
fix in this state and all around the country and world. What impacted me the most out of the
Tunnel of Oppression would have to be the gender roles. Gender Roles because this a big issue
today in our country. This impacts us because everyone deserves equality and equal pay for
doing the same work or job and it does not matter what gender or race you are.
The topic I have chosen for my leadership perspective is sexism and gender roles. This
certain topic today has been a huge issue because women are fighting for equality, meaning for
example they want to get paid as much as men when it comes to a certain job. A leader who has
been fighting for equality would have to be Hillary Clinton. Hilary in 2001 was the first
American woman to ever win a public office seat. She also is former first lady and secretary of
the state. Also, then in 2016 she became the first American Lady to officially win a presidential
party. When it comes to a topic like equality for women, for a leader to get support it would
have to get support from both women and men, people of the United States. Second this since
most of the house and senate are men they need to be able to get support from congress, who
then can fight for equality for gender roles. This is positive impact because everyone no matter
gender or race or any beliefs you may have deserves to have equal rights and the same
opportunities in life. A negative impact is people may think there is no problem when it comes
to equality of genders and they would say that there are equal rights between men and women.
Ways a leader can get support is to first tell others about what they may be fighting for. And then
find people who may also want to fight for the certain topic. Since gender roles for equality is a
big issue a lot of people are fighting for this today in our country.

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