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Dangerous & Dirty Technology

This section contains articles which describe some of the dirty, dangerous and downright deadly
technologies that we have been saddled with, while there are literally thousands of inventions in
terms of free-energy, transport, medicine, food production, sea water desalination and so many
other areas - that could help humanity and the environment no end.

But of course the 'ruling elite' want things the way they are now in order to maintain their control -
but they cannot maintain the status quo.

The Top 10 Most Outrageous Science Hoaxes Of 2016

January 2 2017 | From: NaturalNews

Science hoaxes were running rampant throughout 2016, pushed by the

fakestream media (CNN, WashPost, NYT, etc.) alongside complicit
government organizations working in collusion with dishonest
corporations steeped in scientific fraud (Monsanto, Big Pharma, etc.).

2016 saw more science hoaxes than a typical year, with the media placing special
emphasis on the Zika virus terror campaign (rooted in total scientific hucksterism) and
more climate change propaganda (all based on fraudulently altered data).

Related: Seeding Doubt: How Self-Appointed Guardians Of Sound Science Tip The
Scales Toward Industry

In every case, those pushing the science frauds claimed to have a divine monopoly on
science while declaring all opposing views to be unscientific.

In this way, much of the science in todays corrupt society has really become nothing more
than a cult of scientism, complete with faith in the correctness of socially-reinforced beliefs
while exercising instant rejection of evidence that contradicts the fairy tale narratives of the
science elite.

Sadly, science in 2016 functioned more like a priesthood of dogmatists fervently

demanding the obedient worship of their unassailable assumptions. On every issue that
matters, data were thrown out the window and replaced with fraud.

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer,
Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded
Science Fraud

To drive home the fraud, the scientifically illiterate lamestream media catapulted the
propaganda to new heights, even while remaining completely oblivious to the laughably false
science they were promoting.

Here, I offer a summary of the most outrageous science hoaxes of 2016, along with a few links
where you can explore more. By the way, the video on the Cicret bracelet invention that
claims to turn your arm into a mobile device touchscreen is also a complete fraudulent
hoax that has fooled millions of people, and I cover that in detail at the bottom of this article.

My primary message for 2017 is to stop believing in all the fake science being pushed by
media, governments, academia and corporate liars.

Science Hoax #1: Scientific Political Polling

Through the entire year, we were all subjected to an endless onslaught of so-called scientific
political polls that almost universally showed Hillary Clinton would win the election.

All the scientific polls were wrong, it turns out. (And yes, I called all this well before the
election, on the record.)
What we now know is that the word scientific was slapped onto these fraudulent polls to try to
give them an aura of credibility when, in reality, they were all fabricated or distorted to give
Hillary Clinton the appearance of certain victory.

But guess what? All the experts were wrong. But how is that possible if all these polls were
scientific as claimed? Are the pollsters now telling us that science is broken?

Or maybe, just maybe, they were making s##t up all along and there wasnt any real
science behind the scientific claim in the first place.

Science Hoax #2: The Zika Virus Terror Campaign

2016 saw the rolling out of an elaborate media-fronted Zika terror campaign designed to
scare the entire country into ridiculously believing that mosquito bites would cause millions of
women in America to give birth to babies with shrunken heads.

Yeah, I know, it sounds like something a Batman villain would threaten to unleash in Gotham
City. Pay me one million dollars or all your babies will be born with shrunken heads! Mwuah
hah hah!
Related: Whos Behind The Zika Virus Outbreak & Fearmongering?

But, alas, the American sheeple bought the medical science hoax hook, line and sinker. Belief
in the Zika virus microcephaly hoax was so deeply embedded in the psyche of the nation that
even when the Washington Post published a story admitting there was no link after all, the
vast majority of so-called scientists and doctors still believe the hoax!

So, for the record, Ill say it again in the hopes of educating all the scientifically illiterate
scientists who still dont understand actual facts: The original wave of shrunken heads in
Brazil was caused by a larvacide chemical that was dumped into the water supply, not by
the Zika virus alone.

The Zika apocalypse predicted by all the doctors, scientists and TV talking heads simply did
not materialize. And when evidence contradicts your theory, you have to start questioning your
theory. Otherwise, you arent a scientist. Youre just a petty fool.

Science Hoax #3: The Flint Michigan Lead Poisoning Cover-Up

In order to poison a million black children with brain-damaging lead, the U.S. EPA
masterminded a large-scale science fraud that deliberately altered heavy metals testing results
for the Flint, Michigan water supply.

Eventually, a few of the science scapegoats were charged with felony crimes for engaging in a
conspiracy to alter water quality test data, but no one from the EPA was ever charged or
prosecuted for their role in the scheme. (This also proves, by the way, that conspiracies are
quite real and very much alive in our society right now.)
The result of all this was the mass poisoning of mostly African-American children with a toxic
heavy metal thats well known to damage cognitive function and impede learning.What a great
way to raise more democrats!

Its all part of the new science of keeping the sheeple dumbed down so they will keep
voting for corrupt criminals like Hillary Clinton.

Instead of let them eat cake, the new progressive Jon Podesta version is, Let them drink

Science Hoax #4: The Banning of GMO Labeling Nationwide by

Scientifically Illiterate Republicans

In the name of science, Republican lawmakers passed the so-called DARK Act to outlaw
honest food labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Apparently, Republicans believe that knowledge is a dangerous thing in the hands of

consumers, therefore preventing people from knowing what theyre eating is the best solution.
Related: Monsanto Promoting Worldwide Infertility? + Academic GMO Shills Exposed:
Fraud & Collusion With Monsanto

This was all accomplished via an unholy alliance among biotech corporate giants (like
Monsanto) and right-leaning lawmakers, most of whom have never met a toxic chemical
they didnt absolutely love.

Notably, while Democrats are passing local laws that criminalize Big Gulp sodas, Republicans
are blocking labeling laws as a way to say, If you dont SEE the poison on the label, it doesnt
actually count!

Keeping consumers in the dark is now the official science policy of the federal government.

Hows that for transparency?

Science Hoax #5: Climate Change Data Fraud

Democrats have their own science fraud, of course, and theres no better example than global
warming / climate change.

An analysis of climate data reveals that 100% of U.S. warming has been faked by altering
temperature data.
Related: Climate Scare Declared Officially Over- Error In Model Calculations Discovered

To the great frustration of celebritards like Matt Damon, the data dont show any warming at all
unless you cook the numbers first.

This means climate change science is actually more like climate change alchemy, which
isnt science at all. Its more like Tarot cards mixed with voodoo blended with
AlGoratotalitaritopian idiocy.

Note to intelligent people: If the world were really warming, they wouldnt have to alter
the temperature data, would they?

Science Hoax #6: Abortion Organ Harvesting for Scientific Research

According to leftists, chopping up living human babies who have just been forcibly birthed in
order to harvest their organs and brains isnt unethical at all. Nope, its a tremendous
advancement for scientific research, you see.

Organ harvesting isnt just limited to places like Communist China and North Korea: The
practice is alive and well in America, too. But in the U.S., it takes on a genocidal
milestone because most abortions are carried out on black babies yep, the very same black
babies that were also intentionally poisoned by the EPA in Flint, Michigan (see above).
Hmmm there seems to be a pattern in all this, but I cant quite put my finger on it but it
definitely seems to have something to do with killing as many black babies as possible while
labeling it all science.

Its noteworthy to remember that Adolf Hitlers eugenics programs were also conducted
under the umbrella of science.

It seems not that much has changed in almost 80 years except that instead of Jews being
exterminated by the millions, its now black babies being exterminated by the millions while
democrats demand an open borders human blitzkrieg to replace them all with socialist-leaning
illegal aliens who are uninformed enough to vote for leftists.

Science Hoax #7: The California Vaccine Mandate

Another large-scale science hoax that also happens to place a disproportionate burden on
African-American babies is the California medical police state vaccine mandate pushed by
Californias own Mercury Joker Dr. Richard Pan.

After receiving bribes from vaccine makers, the medical child molesting California state
senator Richard Pan took part in a media-backed medical terrorism campaign against
Californias citizens, attempting to scare everyone into falsely believing that the best
way to protect the health of children is to inject them with mercury (instead of, I dont
know, maybe feeding them nutritious foods and vitamin D).
Related: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered

The entire vaccine mandate was founded on blatantly fraudulent quack science
claims fronted by the child-murdering vaccine industry, which continues to absurdly insist that
vaccines pose zero risk to children (i.e. claiming they do not harm a single childever). The
claim is, of course, rooted in sheer delusion. But thats also what passes for legislation in

We can only hope Californias #Calexit effort succeeds soon, so we can build a wall around
California and stop the contagious epidemic of lunacy from spreading Eastward.

Science Hoax #8: Janet Yellens Libtardtopia Economics Science

No summary of science quackery would be complete without bringing in the subject of

economics. Yes, it qualifies as a science at least if you ask the economists. (If you ask non-
economists, it qualifies mostly as voodoo.)

Nevertheless, according to Janet Yellen and the decrepit wizards of collapse who are
currently steering the global debt Titanic directly into an array of large shards of icebergs, the
best way to keep a global economy in balance is to create endless new money until the
whole thing explodes, at which point the system collapses to equilibrium where everybody
starves roughly the same amount (i.e. Venezuela).

To demonstrate this brilliant hypothesis, Yellen and her crotchety academic cohorts have been
busy pumping trillions of fiat currency dollars into the pockets of their bankster pals while
raising interest rates to accelerate the debt avalanche apocalypse timetable.
Ideally, they hope to trigger the whole thing to come crashing down sometime during Trumps
first term. Then, theyll all express total shock and dismay while pleading to the press that we
should all Bring back Obama because he was a monetary genius! (Or perhaps a radical
Muslim sleeper cell working for the communists to subvert America, but thats another hilarious
satire article altogether.)

As a cherry on top, Obama also doubled the national debt in just eight years, all while
handing Iran a path to nuclear weapons, dissing Israel, subverting American culture, gutting
the U.S. military and secretly telling his Russian counterparts he would drastically reduce U.S.
nuclear capabilities.

Yes indeed, the dream team of Obama, Clinton and Yellen has pulled off what Americas
worst enemies could not: The near-complete financial paralysis of the U.S. economy all while
claiming Everything is awesome!

Thank God all the pensions across the country are fully funded, huh? Or that would be a real

Science Hoax #9: Transgenderism and the Lunatic Liberal Theory of

Spontaneous Genetic Transmutation

2016 also saw many gullible people being convinced to believe that a biological man can
instantly transform himself into a biological woman by declaring himself to be a woman.

At least one journalist even claimed that a transgendered man could become pregnant after
declaring himself to be a woman. Yes, science education in America has utterly collapsed at
this point, replaced with liberal P.C. insanity and delusional college lesson plans rooted in
feelings rather than physical reality.

Across most of todays gender-confused college-educated youth, belief in the laws of genetic
expression have been replaced by belief that a persons sex is a choice. Its no longer
permutations, phenotypes and genotypes its now metrosexual, generation snowflake,
pu##ified blathering idiocy with a diploma, safe space cry rooms and $100K in student debt.

Sorry to burst their bubble of stupid, but sex classification isnt a personal choice. A simple
genetic test shows you either have XY chromosomes, XX chromosomes, or the far more rare
extra-X-or-Y chromosome defect which typically leads to serious physical and mental defects
(including infertility).

Somebody please direct gender confused college snowflakes to the National Human Genome
Research Institutes fact sheet page on chromosomes.

According to todays college snowflakes, the National Human Genome Research Institute is a
purveyor of HATE because their fact sheet page says all these mean things about
chromosomal defects:

Inheriting too many or not enough copies of sex chromosomes can lead to serious problems. For
example, females who have extra copies of the X chromosome are usually taller than average and some
have mental retardation.

Males with more than one X chromosome have Klinefelter syndrome, which is a condition characterized by
tall stature and, often, impaired fertility. Another syndrome caused by imbalance in the number of sex
chromosomes is Turner syndrome. Women with Turner have one X chromosome only. They are very short,
usually do not undergo puberty and some may have kidney or heart problems.

Thus, there are only two sexes in the biology of all mammals: Male and female. And no, you
dont get to change them up just because you think its trendy to be a gender-confused
metrosexual snowflake.

This doesnt mean you cant be gay, by the way. Gay men still realize theyre men. They
just choose male partners instead of female partners. On the spectrum of personal
freedom, I say people should be able to partner with whomever they want.
Gay or straight, its all a personal choice as far as Im concerned, because its none of my
business and stop shoving your sexual preferences in my face, all you militant gay mafia

Just be gay and be done with it. The gay rights war is over, and you already won it.
Stop being bullies and thinking youre still oppressed victims.

Marry whomever you want, but just #STFU about it already. Obama already lit up the White
House with rainbows, for Gods sake.

But to say that yesterday you were a male, but today youre a female now thats just
technically bonkers. Youre not really a female. Youre a male impersonating a female and
thats it. Bruce Jenner, take note: You are not a woman, no matter how much you want to
impersonate one.

The greatest insult in all this was when some fashion magazine voted Bruce Jenner
Woman of the Year, instantly declaring that this guy who impersonates a woman is a
better woman than all the other women. Dudes with dongs out-women the women?

And thats celebrated by the women? Yeah, its insane. And all these same progressive
women also insist that pervs with dongs should be able to invade womens restrooms, too,
because thats embracing gender identity and inclusiveness blabbity blah blah.

Get a grip, people. Check your drawers and briefly fondle your hardware. If its junk, youre a
dude, and stop playing with it already. If it isnt, youre a woman. If you have both, go ask a
doctor to run a genetic test and find out if you have ovaries.

Science Hoax #10: Every Science Journalist Working for the Fakestream

This is more of a collection of hoaxes rather than a single hoax. It all centers around the
hilarious fact that most science journalists are scientifically illiterate morons who
only think they understand science.

I remember reading a science column in a major U.S. publication that claimed cell phones
could run on water. (Yeah, I know. I tried that by dropping my cell phone into a glass of water,
but it turned off all the power for some strange reason. Maybe I need special water?)

There has also been a wave of hilariously stupid media coverage for this bracelet computing
project called Cicret that ridiculously claims to turn your arm into a touchscreen.

The entire video promoting this Cicret bracelet is a complete fraud. Racking up almost 25
million views on Youtube, the video shown here is accomplished purely with special effects
overlays. The bracelet does not exist and cannot exist as depicted in the video for the
simple reason that light cannot bend around the curvature of your arm.

Incredibly, countless journalists across the mainstream media fell for this total hoax, stupidly
believing that a hi-res touchscreen rendition can be projected onto your skin from a bracelet
that barely sits just a few millimeters above your skin in the first place.

Question for brain dead science journalists: Do you really believe light rays from the Cicret
can bend around your wrist and then magically bounce off skin that isnt in a direct line of sight
with the bracelet projector?

Seriously, you have to be incredibly stupid (or scientifically illiterate) to think the Cicret bracelet,
as depicted in the videos, can actually function. But that sure didnt stop publications from all
across the world pushing the hype and convincing their readers that this cool tech was real.
Related: Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse: Case In Point: UN Peace
Council: The US Media Is Lying To The American people. The War In Syria Is Not A Civil
War, It's A Proxy Invasion By The United States

And yes, the younger people are on social media these days, the more gullible they are, too.
So special effects viral videos can be very successful at raising millions of dollars in
Kickstarter funds for devices that cannot ever exist because they violate the laws of physics.

Its a whole new kind of financial scam thats legal because it only extracts money from people
who are too stupid enough to believe the viral videos. In summary, Kickstarter viral videos
are a tax on stupid progressives the same way that the lotto is a tax on stupid conservatives.

And now that Ive thoroughly offended everyone, lets wrap all this up

2016 Was a Bad Year For the Credibility of Real Science Lets Hope 2017
is Better

In summary, 2016 saw the pushing of numerous science hoaxes by the fakestream media,
governments, academic institutions and corporate propaganda whores like Forbes.com. (Oh,
and we cant leave out the actual whores running SNOPES, who were exposed as prostitutes
and fetish bloggers.)

So how do we rescue science in 2017? Its simple: We start using science to tell the
truth instead of allowing governments and corporations to use science to lie.

A few fundamental scientific truths Id like to see finally embraced in 2017 would

Yes, there is extraterrestrial intelligence in the universe.

Yes, there is (or was) microbial life on Mars.

Yes, human consciousness is non-material and not located in the physical brain.

Yes, vaccines cause autism.

Yes, flu shots still contain mercury.

Yes, there are many anti-cancer foods that can help prevent cancer.

Yes, transgenderism is a mental disorder, not a choice.

Yes, glyphosate causes cancer.

Yes, DEET is toxic to human neurology.

Yes, genetically engineered crops seeds are a genuine threat to the environment and
the food supply.

Yes, water can retain non-physical properties that subtly alter its interactions with
living systems.

No, carbon dioxide is not the enemy of mankind.

No, chemotherapy does not cure cancer. It often makes it worse.

No, harvesting organs from living human babies is not ethical science.

No, science journals are not unbiased, objective arbiters of truth.

No, scientific political polls are not reliable. They are bunk.

No, the experts are not as smart as they think they are. Mostly, theyre idiots who
have attained high positions of persistent idiocy in academia or government, and their
job is to protect the idiocy for as long as possible, making sure no one overthrows
idiocy with intelligence.

The 'Smart' Meter Itself Is The Hazardous Condition + Studies

On Radiation From Smart Meters Show That Electromagnetic
Frequencies Disrupt And Damage The Nervous System
December 5 2016 | From: MichiganStopSmartMeters / NaturalNews

In the following article, originally written by Electrical Engineer William

Bathgate, as a public comment to the Michigan Public Service Commission,
Mr. Bathgate considers safety issues with the new electric meters as
related to our current discussion of a proposed rule change concerning
emergency shutoffs for hazardous conditions.
Revisions to this article are indicated in blue and consist mainly in the addition of a
section dealing with the lack of lightning arrestors in the AMI meters. Case No. U-18120
Proposed Rule 460.137 37(1)(a) & 37(1)(i) A utility may shut off or deny service to a
customer without notice, if a condition on the customers premises is determined by
the utility or a governmental agency to be hazardous.

Related: What Do Smart Meters And Vaccinations Have In Common? + Another Vaccine

I hold an electrical engineering and mechanical engineering degree and previously was
employed through late 2015 for 8 years at the Emerson Electric Company.

While at Emerson Electric I was the Senior Program Manager for Power Distribution Systems
and in charge of an RF and IP based digitally controlled high power AC power switching
system product line in use in over 100 countries and I was also directly responsible for product
certifications such as UL, CE and many other countries electrical certification bodies.

I am very familiar with the electrical and electronic design of the AMI meters in use because I
was responsible for very similar products with over 1 Million units installed across the world.

I have just reviewed the transcripts of the hearing held in Lansing on this subject and came to
realize there were many comments regarding the issues identified from the effects of both the
RF emitting AMI meter and the non RF emitting AMI Opt-Out Meter.
Related: "Smart City" Is Really Government Spying On An Unimaginable Scale

I have personally tested the RF emissions from the AMI meter and measured that the meter
does not send data just a few times a day as the utilities publish.

It actually sends an RF pulse about every 4-5 seconds constantly and a longer duration
RF emission after midnight running about 3-5 minutes.

There is no need for the AMI meter to send a pulse every 4-5 seconds all day just to
synchronize and time stamp the clock inside the meter, the meter only needs to send data
once a day for 3-5 minutes.

All these pulse transmissions the AMI meter is doing is a complete waste of energy and
because it is a short but frequently pulsing signal that is not needed to measure power
consumption, it is creating needless health effects and is impacting consumers as
evidenced in the testimony.

Some consumers have been affected to the point of near death experiences. The Mesh
Network design is saturating the environment with RF transmissions mostly for the purpose of
the network synchronization not the consumption measurement of power. I could not think of a
worse network design for a power measurement device.


Analog Meters contained no electronic circuit boards and while not 100% immune from the
effects of a lightning strike, they are much more tolerant than the AMI meter.


The MPSC has been asked to grant the Utilities the ability to turn off power to people and
businesses without notice for Dangerous or Hazardous conditions.
Based on my professional examination of the metering technology deployed with AMI meters,
the meters themselves are Dangerous or Hazardous due to their Lightning vulnerabilities,
EMI and RF emissions.

There has been a disregard for the health and safety effects of these AMI meters on the
general population by the utilities and their AMI supplier. So by their own lack of definition
of Dangerous or Hazardous all AMI meters deployed at present need to be subject to shut off
of service without notice due to Dangerous or Hazardous conditions.

Related: Hundreds Of Smart Meters Simultaneously Explode


The current AMI meters are not safe, as evidenced of the dramatic testimony of residents that
are suffering terribly and the engineering analysis such as I and many others in this field have

Related Articles:

Smart Meters Not Needed After All For European Power Grid + How To Opt Out From
Smart Meters

Utility Smart Meters A Probable Terrorist Connection Unveiled?

The Disturbingly Aggressive Roll Out Of Smart AKA Advanced Meters - While Children
Starve And The Elderly Freeze In Rural Aotearoa (NZ)

Kuia Worried Smart Meter Is Affecting Her Health

Nelson Woman Faces Hefty Power Bill Because Of Smart Meter - Contact Now In
Damage Control

Studies On Radiation From Smart Meters Show That

Electromagnetic Frequencies Disrupt And Damage The Nervous
For some years now, health and technology experts have warned
that smart meters being installed at homes all over the country may be
emitting hazardous electronic waves that can damage the nervous system.

Related: Reports Of Illness Prompt Audit Of Smart Meter Radiation

Now, as reported by Natural Blaze, a demonstration in a newly released video is

groundbreaking in its portrayal of just how smart meters are harming us.

Many people know that these smart meters communicate with power companies via
microwave signals. What has was not known until now is that additional frequencies from
these meters are also transmitted in the 2 to 50 kilohertz range.

Several studies have shown that those same frequency ranges are disruptive to the human
nervous system. Some studies refer to it as "nerve block" in describing what takes place.

Natural Blaze further noted that these are not controversial studies, meaning there are no
studies that show a different result. Nerve block that is induced by frequencies in the 2 to 50
kHz range are a well-established fact. What's more, these studies come from reputable
sources, as well as the standard for electricity, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics

The Evidence is Clear: Smart Meters Emit Harmful Energy Frequencies

As noted in the video, the meters emit radiation via the high frequencies. The video, which was
produced by Warren Woodward at his home, compared a standard analog energy meter to
smart meters, which showed a major difference in "the waveform."

"It's very disturbing," Woodward said.

Using equipment to measure electrical waveforms, Woodward and an assistant used an

oscillator to measure waveforms emitting first from the analog meter, and then from the smart
meter. The signal differences were significant - enough to wake someone at night, said
Woodward's assistant, Paul.

As we previously reported, smart meters have been increasingly tied to a wave of mysterious
conditions and illnesses.
Related: Not So Smart Technology: Safety Inspector Blows The Whistle On Fire Hazards
Of 'Smart' Electronics

The EMF Safety Network, in particular, has documented complaints including sleep problems,
stress, agitation, irritability, headaches, memory and concentration problems, fatigue,
disorientation, nausea, leg cramps and even cardiac symptoms. Click the link above to see the
full list of documented problems.

We noted that Cancer.org says smart meters "talk" to their central control systems using RF
transmissions, based on cell phone, pager, satellite, radio, power line, WiFi or Internet-
communications methods. "Internet and cell phone applications have become the preferred
options because of their flexibility and ease of deployment," the organization noted.

Power Companies Will Not be Motivated on Their Own to Stop Installing

Smart Meters

As Woodward noted, several studies have found that the frequencies being emitted by the
smart meters are in fact causing harm. That means "people injured by smart meters are not
hypochondriacs," Woodward noted in the video.

He added that because of what his experiment has shown, it could be that people injured by
the meters have legitimate court cases against power companies that use them, via personal
injury lawsuits.
Related: Top Biochemist Calls To Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi In Schools, And Baby

"This is real. You saw it on the oscilloscope," he continued, adding that he encouraged power
companies and other scientists to conduct their own research on this issue.

He also said that state utility regulators and public health agencies should now be spurred on
to do their jobs, which used to always include protecting the public by promoting public health
and safety when it comes to smart meters. And finally, he noted, the U.S. Department of

Will have to bring an immediate halt to the promotion and subsidization of the wireless 'smart'
grid," because of the harm it is causing humans.

It's not likely that power companies will move on their own, so it will take legal action on the
part of those who are injured to get them motivated enough to do the right thing. Most
Americans are in favor of modernizing our power grid and making it more efficient, but not at
the expense of our health.

Related: Britains IoD: Smart Meters Are A Government IT Disaster Waiting To Happen

New Zealands Reputation Stained By Corruption - Case In Point:

The Turitea Wind Farm
November 30 2016 | From: TuriteaDocuments

Observers of recent world events have witnessed a pushback against

corruption and the poor behaviour of governments. Unfortunately New
Zealand is not corruption free. When making such a claim there must be
concrete evidence to back it up.
This evidence, which has taken more than six years to assemble, is provided in the link

Related: New Zealand Government Has Pledged Millions Of Dollars Worth Of Taxpayer
Funds To The Corrupt Clinton Foundation & Clinton Health Access Initiatives

The government, which self reports on its corruption status, secretly colluded with Mighty River
Power, a then State Owned Enterprise, and our local government authority, Palmerston North
City Council [PNCC], to force a gigantic wind farm on the local community; known as the
Turitea wind farm.

This was initiated during the reign of former Prime Minister Helen Clark. The consummation of
a hitherto punitive, secret contract, which cancels the governments social contract with all New
Zealanders, took place during the current administration.
The Turitea Wind Farm is comprised of 60 turbines. The 60 3MW Turitea turbines are 10 metres taller than these
at Tararua three and will tower over the city

This mafia like contract imposes a 3 million dollar penalty on PNCC if it helps anyone affected
by the wind farm and further imposes unlimited liability if it changes its mind about supporting

A variation to the contract shows all participants would conspire to overthrow any
decision by a court impeding the wind farm.

The wind farm was "approved" and a consent issued by a judge, Shonagh
Kenderdine. Kenderdine however was not a judge as she had been automatically and
compulsorily removed, by virtue of age, from the judicial register more than 13 months prior
to issuing the consent at the conclusion of a Call-In process, which has higher legal authority
than an actual court of law.

This fraud by Kenderdine is certainly not a Commonwealth first. Kenderdine, without a

warrant and just a member of the public, took a very substantial bribe to bring the secret
contract to a predetermined conclusion.

No one was supposed to find out. Virtually all the executive from the Prime Minister and
Attorney-General down either know about this or are actively in on the fraud.
"Judge" Shonagh Kenderdine being awarded the Insignia if a Companion of the Queen's Service Order
for services to the judiciary by then New Zealand Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae

They and a range of government agencies have been contacted on numerous occasions.
These agencies include the Office of the Governor-General, police, Financial Markets
Authority, LCRO, Judicial Conduct Commissioner, Ministry for the Environment, Serious Fraud
Office, Environment Court, Law Commission, Ombudsman, Office of the Auditor General, etc.

With the exception of one, which was compelled to give the game away, all have maintained a
code of silence.

The factual account linked below has all the hallmarks of a systematic fraud; corruption at the
highest levels of government, subversion and alienation of existing law, illegal payments,
securities fraud, media collusion, and PNCC ratepayers facing severe financial loss, the whole
nine yards, but with two laughably novel twists.

1. The Turitea and Puketoi wind farms have been deliberately located right on top of
three of the country's most dangerous active fault lines.

2. A 49% share in Mighty River Power, which owns the consents, was subsequently
sold to unwitting investors.

Despite assurances the earthquake risk was not revealed. Taxpayers and individual investors
will bear the inevitable losses.

Below is part of the fault line map of New Zealand. The red box shows the area of the
location of the Turitea Wind Farm. The yellow box marks the town of Kaukoura, the
worst hit area during the recent 7.8 magnitude earthquake.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

The recent 7.8 magnitude earthquake causing very serious damage at the top of the South
Island is a stern reminder of the certain vulnerability of the Manawatu and Wairarapa
landscape to even greater events.

Conspiratorial corruption is here laid out with all the proof needed. The main
participants are identified and their actions laid bare. Be prepared for some surprises:

For more detail see this PDF document | Also visit: TuriteaDocuments

Related: Does The Local Government Act Amendment Bill Result In Amalgamation By
Stealth? Local Body Developments

Scotland Just Banned Fracking Forever + Fracking Hell: The

Untold Story
November 25 2016 | From: TheAntiMedia / GreenMedInfo

Scotland - In one fell swoop, Scotland banned fracking - permanently -

when parliament narrowly voted in favor of cementing the countrys
temporary moratorium on the controversial practice.
With the original intention of conducting full health and environmental impact
assessments before continuing with all unconventional oil and gas extraction -
including fracking - Scotland implemented a temporary halt to all such procedures in
January 2015.

Related: Fracking industry dumping radioactive waste in landfills, exposing homes and
schools to cancer-causing chemicals

Members of the ruling Scottish National Party abstained from the vote, which passed 32 to 29,
though SNP Energy Minister Paul Wheelhouse claimed the government remains deeply
sceptical of fracking and none would be allowed to proceed unless distinct evidence proved
the practice causes no harm, the Guardian reported.

Scottish Labour Party environment spokesperson, Claudia Beamish, said following the vote;

The SNP government must now clarify whether or not they will respect the will of parliament and introduce
an outright ban on fracking. It would be outrageous for this important vote to be ignored.

While ignoring the will of lawmakers could potentiate serious divisions - and, as
the Guardian noted, represents a significant defeat for the new parliament - SNP has no
explicit obligation to follow the non-binding vote.

There is no doubt about the science,Beamish continued, to meet our climate change goals and protect
our environment we need to develop low carbon sources of energy, not another fossil fuel. Labours
position is clear: no ifs, no buts, no fracking.

Opposition Conservative Party members expressed frustration over the fracking defeat, as the
unconventional extraction method could boost jobs and the countrys economy.

In sharp contrast to the vote in Scotland, the U.K.s North Yorkshire County Council recently
gave the go-ahead to ree drill tests for shale gas - after five years of being frack-free - despite
significant protest.

One council planning officer claimed 36 letters supported restarting fracking - while 4,375 had
opposed the move.

Friends of the Earth and Frack Free Ryedale issued a joint Peoples Declaration condemning
the decision, which stated, in part:

We, as people united across Yorkshire and across Britain, declare that we remain opposed to fracking in
Yorkshire, in Britain, and across the world. We know that fracking carries serious risks to local people, to
our health, our water, our wildlife, and contributes to climate change."

We are extremely disappointed that North Yorkshire County Council has not listened to the overwhelming
wishes of the locally elected representatives of Ryedale and local people and has approved Third Energys
application to frack our county."

This decision is not in our name.

Related: There Are 'Fracking' Chemicals In Your Toothpaste, Detergents And Ice Cream

On the Scottish vote, Lothian MSP and Land Reform spokesperson for the Scottish Greens,
Andy Wightman, introduced a successful amendment calling for radical and ongoing reform to
democratise land.

Following the vote, he said;

With the notable exception of the Tories, there is clearly an appetite for radical land reform in this session
of parliament and tonights vote puts the pressure on government to deliver on that expectation
Guardian reported.

Activists within the SNP agitating for bolder action on land reform should question their partys decision in
chamber today.

Related: Duke Study Finds A "Legacy Of Radioactivity," Contamination From Thousands

Of Fracking Wastewater Spills

Fracking Hell: The Untold Story

5,000 gallons of toxic petrochemicals per well, and the industry is
projecting between 3,000 - 4,000 wells per year for the next 30 years!
An original investigative report by Earth Focus and UKs Ecologist Film Unit looks at the
risks of natural gas development in the Marcellus Shale.

From toxic chemicals in drinking water to unregulated interstate dumping of potentially

radioactive waste that experts fear can contaminate water supplies in major population centers
including New York City, are the health consequences worth the economic gains?

Marcellus Shale contains enough natural gas to supply all US gas needs for 14 years. But as
gas drilling takes place, using a process called hydraulic fracturing or fracking, toxic
chemicals and methane gas seep into drinking water. Now experts fear that unacceptable
levels of radioactive Radium 226 in gas development waste.

Fracking chemicals are linked to bone, liver and breast cancers, gastrointestinal,
circulatory, respiratory, developmental as well as brain and nervous system
disorders. Such chemicals are present in frack waste and may find their way into
drinking water and air.
Waste from Pennsylvania gas wells - waste that may also contain unacceptable levels of
radium - is routinely dumped across state lines into landfills in New York, Ohio and West
Virginia. New York does not require testing waste for radioactivity prior to dumping or

So drill cuttings from Pennsylvania have been dumped in New Yorks Chemung and other
counties and liquid waste is shipped to treatment plants in Auburn and Watertown New York.
How radioactive is this waste? Experts are calling are for testing to find out.

New York State may have been the first state in the nation to put a temporary hold on fracking
pending a safety review, but it allows other states to dump toxic frack waste within its

With a gas production boom underway in the Marcellus Shale and plans for some 400,000
wells in the coming decades, the cumulative impact of dumping potential lethal waste without
adequate oversight is a catastrophe waiting to happen. And now U.S. companies are exporting
fracking to Europe.

Fracking Hell: The Untold Story

Seeding Doubt: How Self-Appointed Guardians Of Sound

Science Tip The Scales Toward Industry
November 23 2016 | From: TheIntercept

At a time when public mistrust of science runs high, and non-experts are
hard-pressed to separate fact from industry-sponsored spin, Sense About
Science, a charity based in London with an affiliate in New York, presents
itself as a trustworthy arbiter.

The organization purports to help the misinformed public sift through alarmist claims
about public health and the environment by directing journalists, policymakers, and
others to vetted sources who can explain the evidence behind debates about
controversial products like e-cigarettes and flame retardants.

Related: Scientific American Writer Exposes The Tribal Cultist Arrogance And Dogmatic
Lunacy Of Science 'Skeptics'

One reason the public is so confused, suggested Tracey Brown, the groups director, in
a recent Guardian op-ed, is that the media feeds alarmism by focusing on who sponsors
scientific studies, rather than asking more important questions about whether the research is

Even when there is no evidence of bias, Brown contended, journalists attack industry-funded
research, running exposs on subjects such as fracking, genetically modified plants,
and sugar. Brown lamented that what she called the who funded it? question is too often
asked by people with axes to grind.

Browns downplaying of concerns about such research invites skepticism. Since the mid-
1990s, numerous studies have shown that industry-funded research tends to favor its
sponsors products. This effect has been documented in research financed
by chemical, pharmaceutical, surgical, food, tobacco, and, we have learned most
recently, sugar companies.

In the 1960s, the sugar industry secretly paid scientists to minimize the role sugar plays in
causing heart disease and blame saturated fat instead, according to a study published in the
September issue of JAMA Internal Medicine.
Related: The Sugar Conspiracy - Professor John Yudkin: The Man Who Tried To Warn
Us About Sugar

For decades, industry-funded research helped tobacco companies block regulations by

undermining evidence that cigarettes kill.

Precisely because of the very real risk of bias, prestigious scientific journals have long required
researchers to disclose their sources of support.

Journalists in pursuit of transparency have good reason to ask, Who funded it?

Sense About Science claims to champion transparency. The organization has campaigned to
see the evidence behind policy decisions and asked for pharmaceutical companies to release
all the results of clinical trials, not just the positive ones.

Nearly 700 organizations have signed on to the clinical trials initiative since it began last year.
These are salutary efforts, and Brown points out that with the exception of one program funded
by publishers, none of the groups projects are underwritten by companies. But this sidesteps a
larger issue.

Sense About Science does not always disclose when its sources on controversial matters
are scientists with ties to the industries under examination. And the group is known to
take positions that buck scientific consensus or dismiss emerging evidence of harm.

When journalists rightly ask who sponsors research into the risks of, say, asbestos, or synthetic
chemicals, theyd be well advised to question the evidence Sense About Science presents in
these debates as well.
A man holds a tobacco sample at the Seita-Imperial tobacco research center on May 29, 2012, in Fleury-les-
Aubrais, France

In 2002, Dick Teverne, an English politician and business consultant, founded Sense About
Science to expose bogus science, he explains in his memoir, Against the Tide.

Through his consulting work, Taverne had cultivated relationships with energy,
communications, food, and pharmaceutical companies. Sense About Sciences early sponsors
included some of Tavernes former clients and companies in which he owned stock.

Taverne must have known the power of media narratives about science firsthand, because he
had experience with the tobacco industry, which labored mightily to change the conversation
about its product in the face of evidence that cigarettes were lethal.

According to internal documents released in litigation by cigarette manufacturers, Tavernes

consulting company, PRIMA Europe, helped British American Tobacco improve relations with
its investors and beat European regulations on cigarettes in the 1990s.

Taverne himself worked on the investors project: In an undated memo, PRIMA assured the
tobacco company that:

The work would be done personally by Dick Taverne,because he was well placed to interview industry
opinion leaders and would seek to ensure that industrys needs are foremost in peoples minds.

During the same decade, Taverne sat on the board of the British branch of the powerhouse
public relations firm Burson-Marsteller, which claimed Philip Morris as a client.
Related: Heres How Industry-Funded Research Is Making Us Sick And Fat + Like
Tobacco And Big Pharma, The Sugar Industry Has Manipulated Research For 50 Years

The idea for a sound science group, made up of a network of scientists who would speak out
against regulations that industrial spokespeople lacked the credibility to challenge, was a pitch
Burson-Marsteller made to Philip Morris in a 1994 memorandum.

Its not hard to identify traces of this approach in Tavernes later work. Writing in his 2005
book, The March of Unreason, Taverne complained that eco-fundamentalists and
fearmongers had fomented a backlash against science and technology, which had in turn
produced a multiplication of health and safety regulations.

That year British Petroleum donated 15,000 pounds to Sense About Science, and
Taverne argued in the House of Lords that as much as 80 percent of global warming might be
attributable to solar activity, even though that theory had been discredited two years earlier.
Taverne, who stepped down as chairman of Sense About Science in 2012, did not respond to
The Intercepts requests for comment.

Sense About Science established an American affiliate in 2014, under the direction of a
Brooklyn-based journalist named Trevor Butterworth. In financial documents, Sense About
Science claims Sense About Science USA as a sister organization with close ties and similar

High-profile scientific publishers, as well as such reputable institutions as the Shorenstein

Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy and the Columbia Journalism Review, have
promoted Butterworths services to scientists and journalists.
Why Scientists Disagree About Global Warming by Craig D. Idso, Robert M. Carter, S. Fred Singer

Related: Green Gestapo Says You're Mentally Ill If You Challenge Climate Change + Over
30,000 Scientists Say 'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' Is A Complete Hoax And
Science Lie

From 2003 to 2014, Butterworth contributed to the website of an organization called STATS, a
nonprofit that promoted statistical literacy. STATS had its own connections to the tobacco
industry, in this case through founder Robert Lichter, a conservative political scientist and now
a communications professor at George Mason University.

Lichter also co-founded and continues to run the Center for Media and Public Affairs, which
Philip Morris hired in 1994 to survey news reports about tobacco as part of its strategy, outlined
in a memo from March of that year, to counter personal and public bias in stories about
cigarettes health risks.

Lichter, like Sense About Sciences Tracey Brown, has argued that industry money
doesnt necessarily taint the science it supports.

In 2003, a congressional report charged the George W. Bush administration with stacking a
government committee on childhood lead poisoning with industry scientists.

Lichter appeared as an analyst on CNN and said;

Studies have found that scientists who have consulted for industry do not differ in their assessment of
risks, of health risks, from scientists who have not consulted for industry.
Lichter did not respond to The Intercepts requests for comment or citations to these studies.

Before STATS was dissolved in 2014, and its web site adopted by Sense About Science USA,
it received regular grants from free-market sources. Between 1998 and 2014, STATS received
$4.5 million, 81 percent of its donations, from the Searle Freedom Trust, the Sarah Scaife
Foundation, the John M. Olin Foundation, Donors Trust (a fund largely sustained by Charles
Koch), and other right-wing foundations.

Searle, which describes its mission as promoting economic liberties, gave STATS $959,000
between 2010 and 2014.

Anti-regulatory foundations, including these, spent over half a billion dollars between 2003 and
2010 to;

Manipulate and mislead the public over the nature of climate science and the threat posed by climate
change, according to a 2013 study by Drexel University sociologist Robert Brulle.

A worker sprays foam before removing asbestos from a ceiling at Jussieu University in Paris, France, on March
25, 1999

With these roots Sense About Science should not surprise anyone when it promotes anti-
regulatory voices on issues like asbestos. In a 2006 brochure called Science for
Celebrities and purporting to correct misperceptions about synthetic chemicals, Sense About
Science offers John Hoskins, a toxicologist formerly of the Medical Research Council
Toxicology Unit at the University of Leicester.

Under the rubric Toxic effects depend on dose, Hoskins reassures us:
Away from the high doses of occupational exposure a whole host of unwanted chemicals finds their way
into our bodies. Most leave quickly but some stay: asbestos and silica in our lungs, dioxins in our blood. Do
they matter? No!

More than two decades ago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and
the International Agency for Research on Cancer declared asbestos a proven human

Since then, as countries continue to mine asbestos, industry groups have argued that certain
varieties, including chrysotile and crocidolite, are not so toxic.

In response, several groups, including the Collegium Ramazzini, an international body of

occupational and environmental health experts, have issued consensus statements warning
that no form of asbestos is safe at any dose.

In calling for a universal ban on all forms of asbestos in 2010, the Collegium
Ramazzini observed that the asbestos industrys attacks on evidence that irrefutably links its
product to cancer closely resemble those used by the tobacco industry.

Brown maintains that Sense About Science has not disagreed with the scientific consensus on
asbestos, and she notes that dose and type of exposure are the issue. But when I asked
Hoskins why his position differed from the scientific consensus, he shrugged over email, Once
upon a time the consensus was that the earth is flat.

Hoskins further replied;

Unfortunately, to say that within a population low-level exposure of many chemicals must be dangerous is
not borne out by reality, much to the chagrin of those who live in the fantasy world of chemical-free.

Hoskinss rsum states that he has represented the Chrysotile Institute in discussion with the
governments of several countries. But he did not disclose this relationship to the
Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health journal when he co-authored two scientific
papers disputing claims that chrysotile or crocidolite caused a rare cancer in exposed

When his industry ties came to light, the journal issued errata for both papers to disclose this
competing interest.

(Hoskins denies any conflict of interest, insisting that his role in authoring the papers
was confined to providing information the other authors requested. Yet all but one of the
other authors had also failed to disclose their asbestos interests, which now appear in
the errata.)

Soon after the first paper appeared, eight public health researchers wrote a letter to the editors
of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health expressing outrage that the journal would
publish a paper with gross mistakes and no scientific content.

A group that included many of the letters signatories asked the journal to consider retracting
the second paper, citing seriously misleading information.

But the journals editors declined to retract the papers, which remain in the technical literature,
casting doubt on the scientific consensus that all forms of asbestos are hazardous to human

Flames threaten to jump a ridge that firefighting aircraft have painted red with fire retardant above Cajon
Boulevard at the Blue Cut Fire on Aug. 18, 2016, near Wrightwood, California

It's hard to make a case for the safety of a substance like asbestos, which most people know
causes cancer. Other commercial products are easier to defend, not because they are less
hazardous, but because consumers are not as familiar with the evidence questioning their
safety and utility.

Scientists have known since 1997 that flame retardants, for example, can cause cancer.

These brominated and chlorinated chemicals are used in a wide range of consumer products,
including nursing pads and car seats. For more than three decades, studies in animals and
humans have linked them to cancer, developmental delays, and other serious health

By 2010, the evidence was so persuasive that nearly 150 scientists from 22 countries signed a
statement warning that flame retardants are a concern for persistence, bioaccumulation, long-
range transport, and toxicity. Flame retardants fire safety benefit not only remains unproven,
the scientists asserted, but the chemicals form highly toxic byproducts when burned.

Sense About Science has long relied on dubious numbers to insist on the efficacy of these

In 2006 it published a pamphlet on misconceptions about chemicals in which it claimed that

British laws requiring flame retardants in furniture had reduced fire deaths by 20 percent,
citing a 2000 European Commission report called Flame Retardants.

A European Commission press officer told me she knows of no such report.

The reference to the 20 percent reduction in fire deaths is repeatedly quoted in papers and publications
from flame retardant industries and associations, and they always refer to Flame Retardants, DG
Environment Video 2000, which we cannot find.

On the contrary, she told me, it is simply not possible to correlate fire deaths to non-
flammability requirements.

Who did make the claim? Flame retardant industry trade groups, including the European
Flame Retardant Association and the Bromine Science and Environmental Forum, run by
Philip Morriss longtime PR firm Burson-Marsteller.

Where Flame Retardants are Found:

Realted: The Rise Of Scientific Fundamentalism

The U.S.-based Citizens for Fire Safety also repeated the claim until it disbanded, following
revelations in 2012 that leading flame retardant producers ran the organization, not the
grassroots group of staff and volunteers committed to national fire safety its literature

The same year, Sense About Science again called on John Hoskins, identified as an
independent toxicologist, this time to fact-check a study that found potentially carcinogenic
flame retardants in sofas. In his response, Hoskins wrote: The bottom line is that danger of fire
is many, many times greater than any imagined danger from chemicals used to prevent it.

Everything I wrote about flame retardants was taken from published works, Hoskins told me.

Reviewers at the time found nothing to criticize and I have had no comment from the thousands of people
who must have read the pieces.

Sense About Science reprinted its guide on chemicals in 2014. The trade-off between fire risk
and toxicology is changing, and we represented that newer precautionary thinking in our most
recent publications, Brown, the groups director, told The Intercept in an email.

The new guide acknowledged allegations of side effects from flame retardants,
including persistence in the environment and toxicity to humans and animals.

But it also retained the unsupported claim that regulations requiring the chemicals saved lives.
The guide even retained the text that countered concerns about traces of flame retardants
found in childrens bodies by asserting that because the chemicals protected children from
death or injury from fire;

To fail to expose them to such chemicals could be regarded as negligent.

Scientists who reviewed human studies had come to a different conclusion the year before.
They warned that although such links were impossible to prove conclusively, the evidence
suggested that childrens exposure to flame retardants could have serious health
consequences, including neurobehavioral and developmental problems. The scientists called
for regulatory oversight.

A scientist holds a flask containing bisphenol A, a chemical used to make plastics that numerous scientific studies
have linked to developmental and reproductive disorders

Related: The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind Cancer,
Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More Than Corporate-Funded
Science Fraud

Of all the controversial chemicals in the public eye, the one Trevor Butterworth, Sense About
Science USAs director, has most fervently defended is bisphenol A, a compound used to make
plastics. BPA is found in hard plastics, the lining of canned drinks and foods, thermal receipts,
and other consumer and industrial products, including cigarette filters.

Manufacturers produce billions of pounds of BPA each year. Its market value is projected
to reach $20 billion by 2020. And numerous studies and scientific consensus statements have
linked BPA, which can interfere with hormone signaling, to developmental and reproductive
Leading reproductive biologists released a consensus statement in 2007 warning that the
wide range of adverse effects of low doses of BPA in laboratory animals exposed both during
development and in adulthood is a great cause for concern with regard to the potential for
similar adverse effects in humans.

Two years later, while working for STATS, Butterworth published a 27,000-
word investigation sharply questioning the validity of the scientific studies and news reports
about BPAs health effects.

Related: Chemical Exposure Linked To Rising Diabetes, Obesity Risk

Butterworths central claim was that a handful of scientists, journalists, and environmental
activist groups had ignored good science in a crusade to paint BPA as the biological
equivalent of global warming.

He singled out a widely acclaimed special report by Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reporters

Susanne Rust and Meg Kissinger called Chemical Fallout.

These reporters, he claimed, relied on flawed studies by independent researchers and unfairly
dismissed the industry-funded studies that found no harm.

But the independent studies were not, in fact, flawed. Regulators just didnt consider them
useful, because, like many such academic studies, they didnt measure toxicity but tested
hypotheses about how BPA could alter living systems.

BPA trade groups have long insisted that the substance is metabolized too quickly to cause

Butterworth cites a 2009 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study that measured BPA
concentrations in newborns to make the same case. The study, he argues, provides important
evidence that infants - even those born prematurely - are able to detoxify BPA in the same way
as adults.
Related: Why Touching Receipts Can Harm Your Health

The CDC study he cited was designed to gauge exposure, not metabolism. BPA has been
detected in the urine of nearly every American tested. Premature babies fragile systems make
them particularly vulnerable to environmental contaminants.

The researchers suspected that the use of plastic medical devices in neonatal intensive care
units might expose premature infants to higher than average levels of BPA. And thats exactly
what they found: Average BPA concentrations in hospitalized premature babies were about
10 times higher than those measured in adults.

The authors noted that although premature babies appear to have some ability to metabolize
BPA, their detoxification pathways are not expected to be functional at adult rates until months
after birth.

Butterworth ended his critique of what he called the BPA is dangerous thesis by suggesting
that banning the chemical could result in greater harm:

What if some parents who turned to glass bottles for fear of leaching BPA drop and break them,
causing injury to their babies?

Butterworths arguments have reverberated across an echo chamber of free-market

organizations, including Philip Morriss product defense law firm, Koch-funded think tanks,
chemical and food-packaging industry trade groups in Europe and the U.S., and an ostensibly
neutral environmental health research foundation run by a chemical industry PR firm.

Reached by email for comment, Butterworth did not account for his questionable
characterization of the CDC study. He said that his critique relied on the work of scientists from
regulatory agencies involved in risk assessment, and that these scientists had criticized
smaller studies that claimed adverse effects.

He maintained that studies assessing the effects of low doses of BPA are inconsistent and
unlikely to capture significant results because of methodological and statistical problems.
The year after Butterworths 2009 investigation, the anti-regulatory Donors Trust awarded
STATS $86,000 for its research efforts, and the Grocery Manufacturers Association, which
belongs to the BPA Joint Trade Association, gave Lichters Center for Media and Public Affairs
$10,000 for research support.

Related: The Top 10 Tricks Used By Corporate Junk Science

Butterworth continued to defend BPA in news outlets and in 2013 made his case on a blog for
Coca-Cola, another BPA Joint Trade Association member.

That year Coca-Cola gave more than $30,000 to Butterworths future partner, Sense About
Science, which hosted a BPA forum the next year. (Since then, Sense About Science has not
received corporate donations, which represented less than 3 percent of our income, Brown
wrote in an email.)

In the forum, a Q&A on social media, Sense About Science put forward a representative of the
British Plastics Federation and a toxicologist whose longstanding ties to the chemical
industry the organization did not disclose. Participants were assured that BPA posed no risk to
human health.

Several plastic industry trade sites praised the event. One welcomed Sense About Sciences
efforts, reporting that plastic packaging was stoutly defended.
Sales staff exhale vapor while demonstrating their electronic cigarette products at the Vape China Expo at the
China International Exhibition Center in Beijing on July 23, 2015

The tobacco industry pioneered tactics to fight regulations by manufacturing doubt about the
scientific consensus that cigarettes kill. So it should be no surprise to encounter a strategy
among defenders of the e-cigarette that also centers around doubt. If we dont know for certain
that a product is safe, we might urge caution.

Sense About Science has argued the opposite: so long as we dont know the product is
unsafe, medical professionals have no business urging regulation.

E-cigarettes turn chemical solutions into a nicotine-filled mist, which consumers ingest
without the added harm of tobacco tar.

When the devices hit the American market in 2007, sales quickly took off. Tobacco companies
increasingly dominate the industry, which is projected to be worth $54 billion by 2025. A recent
national survey found a sharp rise in e-cigarette smoking among high school students - from
1.5 percent in 2011 to 16 percent last year.

The skyrocketing popularity of e-cigarettes among young people worries public health
experts because so little is known about the devices safety.

E-cigarettes are too new for scientists to have assessed their long-term health risks. British
and American scientific bodies have reacted to this paucity of evidence with different views of
the relative dangers.
Last year, Public Health England joined other British public health organizations in encouraging
smokers to use e-cigarettes as an aid in quitting tobacco. The Royal College of Physicians
effectively endorsed this view in April, when it argued against regulating a product that could
help smokers quit.

But American public health officials worry that nicotine, which is as addictive as heroin and
cocaine, will hook young smokers and cause lasting harm to their still-developing brains.
Nicotine is linked to immunosuppression as well as cardiovascular, respiratory, and
gastrointestinal disorders.

There is evidence that it interferes with chemotherapies and may even play a role in cancer.
Researchers are just beginning to study whether the more than 7,000 flavoring chemicals,
which typically arent disclosed on e-cigarettes, are safe when inhaled.

Back in 2012, the British Medical Association called for a ban on the devices in public in order

Ensure their use does not undermine smoking prevention and cessation by reinforcing the normalcy of
cigarette use.

BMA reaffirmed this judgment as recently as this past June, despite the opposing position of
the Royal College of Physicians. Sense About Science reacted to BMAs call for a ban by
asking the association to produce evidence that e-cigarettes caused harm.

This move towards heavy regulation appears to be driven by the fear that e-cigs might be harmful or act
as a gateway to conventional tobacco - despite little or no evidence for either claim, the organization
argued on its website in 2013, two years before Public Health England endorsed e-cigarettes as a tool to
quit smoking.
Such regulations, Sense About Science stated, could do more harm than good by inhibiting
access to products that may help reduce harm from smoking tobacco cigarettes.

Although Sense About Science has demanded evidence that e-cigarettes cause harm, it
seems poised to cast doubt on the evidence when it turns up. In August, the organization
challenged the relevance of research presented that month at a cardiology conference
showing that nicotine in e-cigarettes can stiffen arteries, an early indication of heart disease.

Sense About Sciences expert dismissively compared the effects of nicotine documented in the
research to those of watching a thriller or a football match.

In the United States, just this past May, the Food and Drug Administration moved to regulate e-
cigarettes, including banning sales to those 18 and under. The CDC, too, takes the health risks
of nicotine seriously. Last fall, the centers called for strategies to reduce the use of all tobacco
products, including e-cigarettes.

The potential long-term benefits and risks associated with e-cigarette use are not currently known,
CDC reported. What is known is that nicotine exposure at a young age may cause lasting harm to brain
development, promote nicotine addiction, and lead to sustained tobacco use.
David Koch, executive vice president of chemical technology for Koch Industries, listens as U.S. Federal Reserve
Chairman Ben Bernanke, not pictured, speaks to the Economic Club of New York on Nov. 20, 2012

Having established itself as a credible voice in debates about science and industrial regulation
in the United States and Britain, Sense About Science has set out for what may prove to be its
most challenging assignment.

In July, following Britains vote to leave the European Union, Sense About Science established
an EU branch in Brussels, the headquarters of the European Commission, which has placed
tighter restrictions on e-cigarettes, chemicals, and other potentially risky consumer goods than
the United States has mustered.

The new branch of Sense About Science plans to monitor the use and abuse of scientific
evidence in EU policy.

Both Sense About Science and Sense About Science USA undertake some initiatives that
serve the public interest. But the founder of the British organization worked with the architects
of the tobacco industrys disinformation strategy, and both groups have been known to promote
science that favors private interests over public health.

When an organization claims to serve as a neutral arbiter in high-stakes debates about

science, it pays to do what Sense About Science does: ask for the evidence.

Related: Official Science: The Grand Illusion

Do You Really Understand The Health Risks From Microwave

Technology? + The Health Effects Of Microwave Radiation Spelled
November 19 2016 | From: ActivistPost / EnergyFanatics / Various
One of the most definitive, expansive and inclusive peer-reviewed papers
Ive ever read on any subject was published July 25, 2016 online
at Electronic Physician as an open access article that I sincerely hope
everyone in the media and healthcare industries will take extremely

Especially those who are promoting more and more smart appliances and devices that
transmit electromagnetic frequencies and radiofrequencies - microwaves, which
damage human health more than we are being told by government health agencies at all
levels (local, state and national), manufacturers, employers and school districts that
even mandate their uses as new technologies to learn and to implement.

Related: Cellphone Radiation Warning Sparks First Amendment Battle

New technologies are fine IF and WHEN they take into consideration and implement
safeguards for human health, which is not the case with microwave technology, but has
been the "dream warfare" technology for the United States military and other governments, so
anything goes, including our being bombarded with so much microwaves, we now are
experiencing more adverse health effects attributed to what's scientifically termed "Non-thermal
Adverse Health Effects."
Related: Electronic Torture + 21st-Century Bio-Hacking And Bio-Robotizing

The U.S. military has had a GREAT interest in keeping microwave safety standards higher than
they should be and not as applicable as the science demands.

Dr Magda Havas, PhD, Environmental & Resource Studies, 1600 West Bank Drive, Trent
University, Peterborough, ON, Canada, K9J 7B8 on her website published the following
incriminating unclassified U.S. Army documents information as to why microwaves are not
safe, nor made safer, due to U.S. military involvement with its electronic warfare techniques,
which harm everything.

There are two disturbing paragraphs in the document "Biological Effects of Electromagnetic
Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) - Eurasian Communist Countries (U)". Prepared by
U.S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency Office of the Surgeon General and
released by the Defense Intelligence Agency.

Adams, R.L. and R.A. Williams. 1976. 34 pp. Unclassified, which clearly indicate the U.S.
military's perspective opposing more stringent guidelines for microwave radiation.

No. 1: "If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure
standards, there could be unfavorable effects on industrial output and military function.

The Eurasian Communist countries could, on the other hand, give lip service to strict standards, but allow
their military to operate without restriction and thereby gain the advantage in electronic warfare techniques
and the development of antipersonnel applications." [Page vii]

No. 2: "Should subsequent research result in adoption of the Soviet standard by other countries, industries
whose practices are based on less stringent safety regulations, could be required to make costly
modifications in order to protect workers.

Recognition of the 0.01 mW/cm2 standard could also limit the application of new technology by making the
commercial exploitation of some products unattractive because of increased cost, imposed by the need for
additional safeguards." [Page 24]

Below is the copy and paste job of the Introduction from A review on Electromagnetic fields
(EMFs) and the reproductive system, which I hope my readers will take seriously and also take
necessary steps to protect yourselves, your children, your pets and your home environment.

Generation Zapped

This is SERIOUS stuff no one is taking as seriously as we ALL should. Those smart gadgets
just may be making you more sick than you can imagine. With 61 References, I think
the Electronic Physician article needs to be taken seriously with revisions made to EMF/RF
standards by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reflect them.

"People in the modern world frequently are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Human exposure to
EMFs comes from many sources, and situations are different in people's everyday lives.

EMFs emanate from power lines, computer devices, televisions, radios, and telephones. There are many
factors that influence the degree to which people may be affected by EMFs. For example, body weight,
body-mass index, bone density, and the levels of water and electrolytes can alter the conductivity of and
biological reactivity to EMFs (1, 2).

Therefore, the effects of this environmental pollution can depend on gender, tissue density of the
body, the period of life, and the exposure levels to EMFs.

Beginning in 1960 when the biological hazards caused by EMFs first were studied, human health became
an important focus in the workplace and at home (3).

Although, the biological effects of EMFs are still controversial, in general, the negative effects should not
be ignored.

Currently, people are exposed to various types of EMFs, which are non-ionic radiation that cannot release

They are energy in the form of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that are transformed from one point
to another. Many forms of physical energy, such as X-rays, UV light, and sunlight produce EMFs (

There are several references that classify EMFs, but, in general, they can be considered to consist of four
different types. The first type of EMFs refers to extremely low frequency (ELF) EMFs, which are EMFs
that are below 300 HZ, and they are produced by military equipment and railroads.

The second type, known as intermediate frequency (IF) EMFs, have frequencies in the range of 300 Hz
to 10 MHZ, and they are produced by industrial cables and electrical equipment in homes, such as
televisions and computer monitors.

The third type is hyper frequency (HF) EMFs that have frequencies in the range of 10 MHz to 3000 GHz
and are produced by mobile phones and radio broadcasting. Radio frequencies (RFs) also are a part of
this category, which has frequencies up to 100 MHz (4).

There are also static EMFs that are produced by MRI and geomagnetism and have specified with zero
frequency (3).

In 1979, Wertheimer and Looper showed that there is a direct relationship between EMFs and the
increased incidence of leukemia in infants (5).

If the body's biological system is exposed to EMFs, which produce electric currents and fields, which, in
fact, deal with the current and voltage, the normal physiological balance is upset.
If the density of the electric current increases to the stimulation threshold, membrane depolarization of the
nerves and muscles may result. Electric and magnetic fields at environmental levels may extend the
lifetime of free radicals and result in damage to people's deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

Some epidemiological studies have been done in various populations, but most have been done in
laboratory animals and cell lines (4).

The biological effects of EMFs generally can be divided into thermal and non-thermal effects (
effects are defined as the heat generated by EMFs in a specific area.

The non-thermal effects depend on the absorption of energy and changes in the behavior of tissues
without producing heat. EMFs have high penetration power, and they are capable of moving charged
particles, such as the electrons and ions of large macromolecules and polymers (7).

So EMFs can have devastating effects on tissue with high concentrations of electrons and ions.

EMFs that cause changes in the behavior of cells (8) and tissues alter the function of the cardiovascular
system (9) and bone marrow (7).

Electromagnetic fields can have several different effects on cellular components (10), including disorders of
cell proliferation and differentiation (10), damaged DNA in cells, chromosomal abnormalities (
disorders (9), birth defects (12), and various mutations, including those associated with long-term
exposure to EMFs.

Under the influence of these fields, the balance of the CNS and the hormonal and respiratory systems
become weak, resulting in decreased activity of the mentioned organs (13, 14).

Research on the effects of EMFs on the endocrine system has focused mostly on melatonin and the
derived tryptophan produced by the pineal gland (15).

Most of the harmful effects of EMFs act through the protein synthesis process (16, 17
regard, enzymes, due to their combination of amino acids, are affected, and their catalytic activity is
decreased (4).

Studies concerning the cytotoxicicity and genotoxicity effects of EMFs mostly have focused on fibroblasts,
melanocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, and muscular cells in people and on the granolosa cells of rats

A declassified 1976 Defense Intelligence Agency report showed that military personnel exposed to non-
thermal microwave radiation experienced "headaches, fatigue, dizziness, irritability, sleeplessness,
depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and a lack of concentration (19).

A 2015 study showed that 2.4 GHz WiFi may be one of the major risk factors for brain tumors
neurodegenerative diseases (20). Another 2015 paper showed that polarized EMF (man-made) was much
more active biologically than non-polarized EMF (21).

Another paper showed that rabbits experienced heart arrhythmia and increased blood pressure when
exposed to 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi (22). A long-term study conducted by Lennart Hardell, a Swedish scientist, on
glioma and acoustic neuroma brain tumors showed that RF is carcinogenic.

The scientist called for RF to be labeled an IARC Class 1 Carcinogen and recommended urgent revision to
safety guidelines (23). A 2011 study by Nora Volkow showed that radiation from cell phones, in areas next
to the antenna, increased the metabolism of glucose in the brain.

Increased metabolism of glucose is associated with cancer. The study showed that biological changes
occur at levels lower than the current FCC guidelines (24)."

The Health Effects Of Microwave Radiation Spelled Out

On 14 July 2016 the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) of the

USA made space available in the radio spectrum for consumer devices to
operate within the 25 GHz to 100 GHz of the electromagnetic spectrum. It
went on to say:

Related: Heads in the Sand , Pies in the Sky - Health Canada Denies the Proven Dangers
of Microwave Radiation

"The Commission has struck a balance between new wireless services, current and
future fixed satellite service operations, and federal uses. The item adopts effective
sharing schemes to ensure that diverse users including federal and non-federal,
satellite and terrestrial, and fixed and mobile can co-exist and expand.

Nowhere in its document is mention made of consumer safety or well-being. I guess that is fair
of the FCC because historically, it is not interested in matters of microwave radiation and
consequent thermal and non-thermal effects on the population. Lets face it, and most people
find this hard to believe, the FCC works purely on behalf of the telecoms industries in
granting them access to the airwaves, no more and no less.

Industry was very happy to hear the FCC announcement on granting access of large portions
of the radio spectrum for yet more of its toys and other consumer devices.

Qualcomm for example talks much about the massive internet of things, yet nowhere
on its 5G musings is mention made of consumer safety or well-being.
Related: Why It Matters: Council Votes 7-0 in Favour of Better Cell Phone Warnings on
Advice of Brain Tumour Association

That pink elephant in the living room regarding safety brings me to the point of this article. The
FCC and the telecomms industry rub their hands with glee because lots of money is going to
be made as 5G devices rollout yet no recent safety studies have been carried out on consumer

No doubt both the FCC and industry will point regulators to the old, out-dated and one-
dimensional so-called safety studies (thermal effects) produced by the ICNIRP.

This private organisation is comprised of people and individuals who work in the
telecommunications industries with no background in epidemiology, toxicology, radio
frequency safety or medical practice.

The implications of 5G on consumer well-being and safety do not look good for one reason:
devices that will operate within the 5G electromagnetic spectrum will use antennas that are
physically small i.e. from a few millimetres to a centimetre in length.

This means that industry will produce a variety of different antenna systems to do different

The weird fact of operating within this very high frequency range is that signals are
mostly line of sight or they are easily reflected, refracted or lost within the differing
build composition of urban environment structures.
Related: The Gloves Come Off On EMF / Mobile / WiFi Radiation + Understanding The
Dangers Of The 5G Rollout

In other words, without careful antenna design and recognition of many of the pitfalls trying to
propagate microwave signals within urban environments, the signal can be easily degraded or
completely lost.

In response to these challenges, the advantages in using very small physical size antennas in
the millimetre wavelength is you can feed many antennas in various configuration arrays e.g.
vertical or horizontal arays, waveguide, coned or highly directional beam type designs.

These types of antenna designs focus most of the transmitted power into specified directions.

This is bad news for consumers because these very small physical size antennas will pack a
mighty punch to our biological systems if we step into them.

Getting back to consumer safety and well-being and all things microwave, it is clear that the
latency period for adverse biological effects from devices using microwave frequencies from
say 1 GHz to 5 Ghz is approximately 10 20 years.

In 2016 there are now many thousands of peer-reviewed medical and epidemiological
studies that show, illustrate or correlate, adverse biological effects with use of mobile
phone technology or WIFI.
Related: The Science is Overwhelming At This Point Wifi Industry Appeals Brain
Tumor Association Ordinance

Using frequencies even higher than 5 GHz (and up to 100 GHz) will compress the timeframe in
which cancers and other biological effects show themselves within society.

It is anyones guess on what might happen in terms of biological safety yet it is clear to see that
the pulsed nature of these high frequency, high signal intensity signals do not harbour good
news for humanity, particularly in relation to the functioning of our DNA.

Nowadays, exposure to microwave radiation or frequencies used by WIFI, mobile phones,

smart phones, smart meters, WIFI-enabled audio devices, WIFI-enabled fridges, most baby
monitors and a whole host of other esoteric electrical devices were recently classed as Class
2B carcinogens.

Point of sale literature excludes this fact on any advertising blurb and it is also fascinating that
the small print embedded deep within mobile phone product literature say that you should not
put these devices directly to your skin, body or face. If you do, you exceed the so-called safe
exposure thresholds put in place for these devices.
Related: 5G Telecomm Radiation The Perfect Tool To Mass Modify Human Brain Waves +
More Studies Reveal Dangers

Getting back to the very small physical length of the antennas that will be used for 5G devices,
it is very clear to surmise that if these devices talk to each other using highly efficient,
directional antennas, the ERP (effective radiated power) will be huge.

If you happen to walk into this intensely focused beam of microwave radiation, what will this
level of signal intensity do to your biology?

Yet again, time will tell unless we get our arses into gear and demand proper safety studies
from industry and independent academia that focus on thermal and non-thermal effects on our

Just like the advent of modern mobile phone technology, it is us, the consumers, who provide
the guinea pig role in terms of safety.

Sufferers of EHS (electro-hyper-sensitivity) will need to be aware of any 5G device

simply because the electron volt assault on their compromised bodies will be easily and
instantly felt.

It is they who will suffer first and in time, everyone will be affected because one other fact the
telecoms industries have not mentioned is that in order to develop an efficient network of
signals within an urban environment, many thousands of new transmitter sites will need to be
Related: Gestapo In The USA: FCC Intimidates Press And Kills Free Speech At 5G

The physical small size of these antennas means they can be covertly installed into all sorts of
urban structures which suggest that for urban dwellers at least, there will be no escape from
exposure to these highly damaging microwave frequencies.

I also feel that when these antennas are in place, it will be relatively easy to alter and
manipulate brain wave function of its users and others close by.

The amount of ancillary information that can be piped or attached to the main carrier frequency
of such a telecommunications network system is potentially, huge. Police forces the world over
use Tetra as a systems of communication.

This system also includes a sub-carrier frequency of about 16 Hz which is very close to
our natural brainwave patterns.

Could this 16 Hz ancillary pulsed ELF (extremely low-frequency) be responsible for instilling
aggressive behaviours in our police force personnel?

The zombie apocalypse might just be around the corner unless of course, we refuse to
comply. That is our choice.

Related: Wireless Mouse, Wireless Keyboard, Tablet - See the Wireless Radiation
Are Microwave Transmission Weapons Of Mass Destruction Being
Used To Trigger Catastrophic Earthquakes? + New Zealand
Earthquake: The Worlds Biggest Offshore Seismic Blasting Ship
The Amazon Warrior
November 17 2016 | From: GeoEngineeringWatch / TheContrail

Are unimaginably powerful microwave transmissions actively and

aggressively being used as weapons of mass destruction? If all available
evidence is examined, the logical conclusions are chilling.

Understanding the full potential of the power that can be projected from the ionosphere
heater installations (like HAARP) is difficult and complex.

Related: Worlds Biggest Seismic Testing Ship Amazon Warrior Parked On Top Of
New Zealand Fault Line & 6.2 Aftershock Shakes New Zealand After Powerful 7.8
Earthquake Kills At Least 2

We all know and understand that microwave transmissions produced in our countertop ovens
can heat a cup of water (or frozen TV dinners) at blinding speed. Unfortunately, most don't
know and thus have never even considered (let alone investigated) what massively powerful
and interlinked microwave transmissions can do to the planet.

When immensely powerful microwave transmissions are bounced off the atmosphere
(facilitated by the atmospheric aerosol saturation) and directed back into the Earth's strata (in a
seismically sensitive location), the triggering of seismic activity becomes scientifically possible.
The constant jet aircraft spraying of reflective and electrically conductive particles into the
atmosphere (as part of the ongoing climate engineering/geoengineering assault) is a verifiable
fact. Is New Zealand, yet again, the victim of microwave transmission super-weapons?

There is a long list of shocking facts surrounding a number of recent catastrophic earthquakes.
It is imperative to examine these facts without preconceptions or programmed denial.

Let's start with the month leading up to the extremely destructive 2010 earthquake in Haiti, MIT
satellite monitoring detected a radical increase in ULF (ultra low frequency/microwave) radio
transmissions over the quake epicenter.

Spacecraft Saw ULF Radio Emissions over Haiti before January Quake

A French satellite observed a dramatic increase in ultra low frequency radio waves over Haiti in the month
before the M7.0 earthquake earlier this year.

DEMETERs is an unusual mission. Its job is to monitor low frequency radio waves generated by

Today, a group of geoscientists release the data associated with the M 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti in
January. They say that DEMETER saw a clear increase in ultralow frequency radio waves being emitted
from the Earths the crust in that region in the build up to the quake.

The anecdotal evidence of electromagnetic effects associated with earthquakes is legion. Various accounts
link earthquakes with mysterious light and heating effects."

After the Haiti quake, the US military moved in and occupied the country. In addition, the long
drawn-out Clinton Foundation reconstruction debacle began.
The following year a deadly earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand. Many
circumstances surrounding this disaster were also troubling. Did US officials know the
earthquake was coming? Some excerpts from a report on the disaster are below.

"Was the Christchurch earthquake a terrible natural disaster, or was it a terrible MAN MADE

9 members of US Congress were in Christchurch for a summit meeting on Feb 21 & 22 but left
Christchurch 2.5 hours before the earthquake hit and relocated to Wellington even though the meeting was
not due to finish until the evening of Feb 22nd.

The US Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, was supposed to be visiting Christchurch and
speaking at the summit meeting on Feb 22, but on Feb 18 announced she was cancelling her visit 3.

The Deputy Administrator of FEMA (US Federal Emergency Management Agency), Timothy Manning, just
happened to be in Christchurch at the time with a US delegation.

All of the rest of the delegation left Christchurch shortly before the quake hit except for Mr Manning who
stayed behind, and then after the quake hit he assisted with directing the emergency response.

Exactly the same thing happened with FEMA delegates with the Haiti earthquake. In Haiti , the FEMA
delegates just happened to be there at the time conducting training exercises for responding to major

Recent releases from Wikileaks resulted in the headline below:

Hillary Clinton Emails Show Advanced Warning of Christchurch Earthquake.

In the days before the catastrophic Japanese Earthquake (that occurred on March 11, 2016),
world renowned research institution, MIT, yet again, noted extremely profound and anomalous
atmospheric heating directly over the quake epicenter. MIT published the following report:

"Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake

Infrared emissions above the epicenter increased dramatically in the days before the devastating
earthquake in Japan, say scientists.

They say that before the M9 earthquake, the total electron content of the ionosphere increased
dramatically over the epicentre, reaching a maximum three days before the quake struck.
At the same time, satellite observations showed a big increase in infrared emissions from above the
epicentre, which peaked in the hours before the quake. In other words, the atmosphere was heating up."

Though the science community is desperately trying to link pre-quake atmospheric heating to
some unknown phenomenon of an atmospheric coupling with the pressure buildup in the
strata, is this a rational conclusion?

The much more logical and straightforward conclusion is this, the atmospheric heating is being
intentionally created by the global network of ionosphere heaters as immense microwave
signals are bounced off of the atmosphere and back down into the planet.

Unfortunately, the science community is not allowed to even consider this possibility, let alone
talk about it. In the period preceding the decimating Japanese earthquake, US Japanese
relations were very strained.

The post-quake scenario of US/Japanese relations seemed to suddenly be unquestionable,

was there a connection? Was the catastrophic quake just a natural event? Or an engineered
warning to Japan?

On the 13th of November, 2016, another catastrophic earthquake struck near Christchurch,
New Zealand.

The list of troubling questions surrounding this earthquake is long and growing. Below are
some quotes from seismologist Anna Kaiser (who is investigating the latest New Zealand
earthquake activity):

"We don't know what we are dealing with right now but it may be it involves potentially more than one
fault we need to figure out what was going on before and after the 7.5 magnitude quake "
Kaiser went on to say this:

"We're working very hard this is looking quite complex. The epicenter was possibly just south of the
Hope fault, but it did look like "something else was going on.

The seismologist statements are only the beginning, there are many more concerning factors
surrounding the latest New Zealand Earthquake that should be considered.

In spite of the unfolding US election circumstances, in the days before the latest New Zealand
quake John Kerry first went to Christchurch, and then on to McMurdo Station, Antarctica.

The stated purpose of Kerry's visit was to examine the effects of global warming and the record
low sea ice, but this trip at this time was criticized by some.

"US Secretary of State John Kerry is scheduled to head back to New Zealand after checking out
summer in Antarctica.

He's been criticized for heading to such a remote place while the US election riveted the world

He tweeted a photograph of himself boarding C-17 cargo plane in Christchurch saying "headed to
Antarctica to see firsthand some of the drastic effects of climate change".

In Antarctica he was scheduled to meet with scientists and researchers at McMurdo Station, the largest
research station of the US Antarctic programme, as well as visit surrounding areas on Ross Island, and the
US Government's Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station.

He is the first secretary of state and the most senior US government official to ever travel to Antarctica.
He is hosted by the US National Science Foundation, which manages the US Antarctic program me."

In fact Antarctica has just broken a new climate record, with record low winter sea ice. After
a peak of 18.5 million square kilometers in late August, sea ice began retreating about a month
ahead of schedule and has been setting daily low records through most of September.

Though Antarctic sea ice (and global sea ice) are at record shattering low levels, why else
might John Kerry go to McMurdo Station at this exact window of time? Could the ionosphere
heater (microwave transmission) facility that is constructed at McMurdo be a factor?
Noctilucent clouds in the skies above Antarctica are an ominous harbinger of the atmospheric damage that is
occurring there

"Many are under the belief that HAARP, now labeled IRI, no longer exists Operationally due to the Gakona,
AK spin. One must understand that these Frequency Generators are Globally Ubiquitous. There are so
many that are of dissimilar designs, and go by different acronyms, it is not seen as functionally one and the

In the case of McMurdos Radome and all of the Radar equipment there; Raytheon has had the contracts
beginning to end. The National Science Foundation and Raytheon Polar Services Company are housed in
the same building. For years the station has grown. It can house 1258 personnel and an average of 200
winter over."

Raytheon is one of the largest private "defense contractors" on the planet, this corporation
is also the holder of numerous climate engineering patents including some that relate directly
to ionosphere heaters. The power structure is likely microwaving the skies for a multitude of
reasons, none of those reasons are in the interest of the common good.

Shocking atmospheric flashing lights were filmed in the skies above New Zealand as the
massive Earthquake was occurring.

Kerry returned to Christchurch from Antarctica, and then promptly (and conveniently)
departed only hours before the catastrophic earthquake struck.
The statement below is from CBS news.

"Sec. John Kerry had left the country before it struck, and just landed in Singapore on his way to Oman
when news of the quake was reported.

Is it just a coincidence that US officials always seem to safely depart quake impact zones just
prior to the event?

Then there is this headline to consider:

"Worlds Biggest Seismic Testing Blast Ship Amazon Warrior Parked on top of New Zealand
Fault Line

Is this just a coincidence?

Another point of interest, New Zealanders protested against US Oil exploration continued right
up to the day before the quake. Then there was the conflict in New Zealand over the visit of a
US warship, this story was covered the day before the quake hit.

The New Zealand Prime Minister's apparent apprehension about the US election results just
days prior to the quake are also of interest.

Finally, could known massive oil deposits just off the New Zealand coast also be a part of the

Microwave transmission signals/rings near Antarctica are clearly visible in the satellite
composite image shown below.
The regions of New Zealand near the epicenter have been constantly assaulted with aerosols
spraying and microwave transmissions.
The uniform ribbing of aerosolized cloud cover is a clear indication of microwave transmission

Though some "official" sources try to explain this type of cloud pattern as being a result of the
underlying land topography, this explanation is patently false.

The same patterns are now regularly seen over oceans as well as land as is shown in the
satellite photo below that was taken of New Zealand directly over the quake region.
The image below bears testimony to what the global power structure does to those that try to
get in the way of their agendas and operations.

This photo is of the bridge of the Greenpeace ship "The Rainbow Warrior". It was bombed and
sunk by the French Secret Service in order to prevent the ship and its crew from witnessing
ongoing illegal and unimaginably destructive nuclear detonations.
Over 2 decades ago I dove alone on the wreck of the Rainbow Warrior, as it laid on the
seafloor off the coast of New Zealand. I swam through the area shown above, around the ship,
and examined the gapping bomb blast hole in the hull of the once noble vessel. I hovered over
the wreck and contemplated the tyranny of those who rule the world.

We are all at a crossroads, and the horizon is darkening rapidly. The power structure
wields weapons of unimaginable destruction, they can only do so because of the order-
followers that carry out their insanity. As the saying goes, "we have seen the enemy, and they
are us".

It is up to us, the people, all of us, to refuse any further participation in the insanity. It is up to us
to fully investigate and fully face the whole truth. It is up to us to prioritize the fight for the
greater good because we owe that debt to our children, to the planet, and to the whole.

Make your voice heard, while you can, while it can still matter.

New Zealand Earthquake: The Worlds Biggest Offshore Seismic

Blasting Ship The Amazon Warrior

Dots: Super-supermoon, Climate change huckster American Politician,

Amazon Warrior, Oil Exploration and Mapping for drilling, Earthquake M7.5
and plates shifting generating many aftershocks the entire length of the
fault line through NZ.
The 11/13/16 quake, with a magnitude of 7.8, was much stronger than the magnitude-6.3
quake in 2011. But it also was much deeper - striking 23 kilometers (14 miles) below the
earth's surface. The 2011 quake had a depth of just 5 kilometers (3 miles). The shallower
a quake is, the more destruction it tends to cause.

The evil empire are after New Zealand's unobtainium. First shake up the locals, destroy
infrastructure, weaken the economy and then extort deals to rape the resources of the country.

If you were planning to do seismic blasting off the coast of a Country, the best time to do it
would be with the super full moon wouldnt it? So that people only discuss that as the possible

Kaikoura was clearly the target now destroyed, and that basin is full of the precious oil for the
foreign bankers and the only thing stopping them was the people of Kaikoura - now homeless
and to be relocated by NZ Navy ship. Kaikoura is also known for its whale populations, the
area should be protected from ALL sonic oil exploration and Naval activity!

The Worlds Biggest Seismic Testing Ship - The US "Amazon Warrior" -

Parked On Top Of New Zealand Fault Line during the November 13, 2016

The Worlds biggest seismic blasting ship the Amazon Warrior was photographed off Rarangi
Beach in Cloudy Bay last night. Right on top of a major fault line. The ship was met with
protests when it arrived on the 13th! It was seen off the Coast of Kaikoura on Nov. 13th, but
its ETA from Panama was 10 am on Nov 14th in Wellington.
The Amazon Warrior came from Panama, was seen off of Kaikoura on the 13th and then went
to anchor off of Cloudy Bay at the top of the South Island, across the channel from Wellington.
If you are steaming to NZ from Panama, and your destination is Wellington, then there is no
need to go an extra 95 miles south before arriving at your charted destination; after a long sea
journey of 7,353 miles.

This fact alone shows that there was something very fishy going on in the state of

If their scheduled arrival was for 10am on the 14th in Wellington, then their trip to Kaikoura was
already calculated into their original ETA. The AW's estimated project-to-project transit speed is
17 knots or 19.5633 mph. Thus traveling the 7353 miles to NZ will take around 16 days, and
the last report in Vessel Finder was Oct 25, 2016 17:52 UTC which was probably the departure
time from Panama.

Roughly Oct 26 to Oct 13 is 19 days, so they left plenty of leeway to ensure they could make it
to Kaikoura before heading to Wellingtonhowever rather than 3 days leeway, it is only 2 days
because NZ is one day ahead of Panama.

On a ship like the Amazon Warrior... to travel 95 miles distance from Kaikoura to Wellington it
takes around 5 hours, so they have 1.75 days to engage in their seismic mayhem. The ship
only pulled into Cloudy Bay to avoid the protesters at Wellington. Yea, rather obvious isn't it. By
their deeds shall they shall be known.
Further information on the Amazon Warrior is available here and here.

The Amazon Warrior is owned by WesternGeco which is a geophysical services company. It is

headquartered in the Schlumberger House on the property of London Gatwick
Airport in Crawley, West Sussex, and also has an office in Denver CO. The company provides
reservoir imaging, monitoring, and development services.

The company, a business segment of Schlumberger, offers 3D and time-lapse seismic

surveys, electromagnetic surveys, and multicomponent surveys for delineating prospects and
reservoir management.

The giant defense contractor Raytheon, now holds all 12 HAARP patents. HAARP devises can
be made mobile on ships, such as the HAARP Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX) platform.
A HAARP phased array antenna system was transmitting the 2.5Hz ULF frequency and it
triggered the 9.0 magnitude earthquake off of Japan and ensuing tsunami.

The earthquake inducing 2.5 Hz ULF frequency was being broadcasted for two days prior to
March 11, 2011during which time the sky over Tokyo turned red as the ionosphere was
pulled down into the oxygen rich atmosphere. DARPA is also developing an airborne version of

Related: HAARP to blame for Japan Quake?

Any country that is in the way of an oil pipeline, has valuable and strategic resources, or
threatens to drop the $US dollar standard is in danger of being chemtrailed, HAARP zapped
and attacked with earthquakes and extreme weather events.

The earthquake frequency can be focused on an area during a solar flare event or full moon
and once the earthquake is triggered, a seismic research vessel like the Amazon
Warrior can take readings of the shockwaves moving through the earths crust and get an
excellent picture of oil deposits even at very deep levels.

Ray Tomes:

America and NZ tested a system of using bombs to cause seismic activity and make tsunamis as a
weapon in 1944 off the coat of NZ (yes, 72 years ago). "Preliminary modelling suggests that the
earthquake was caused by a rupture of a northeast-striking fault that projects to the surface offshore"

Related: What happened in New Zealand's magnitude 7.5 earthquake?

The Amazon Warrior is due to commence imminent seismic testing for oil on behalf of
Norwegian Oil giant Statoil. Seismic testing involves the dragging of a seismic airgun along the
seabed, emitting seismic blasts every 10 seconds, 24 hours a day, from now until next May.
Statoil acquired their permit from American multinational oil corporation Chevron, and the
permit extends along the eastern seaboard and to depths that are unprecedented for New

Seismic blasting has been proven to be disruptive and harmful to sea life, including marine
mammals, and is opposed by coastal fishing interests and eco-tourism operators including
Ngi Tahus Whale Watch ventures.

Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) is an American multinational energy corporation. One of

the successor companies of Standard Oil, it is headquartered in San Ramon, California, and
active in more than 180 countries.

Standard Oil Co. Inc. was an American oil producing, transporting, refining, and marketing
company. Established in 1870 by John D. Rockefeller as a corporation in Ohio, it was the
largest oil refiner in the world of its time.

Tesla quaked Manhattan around Houston St. with a small resonant device attached to a beam
in his workshop/lab, and smashed it with a hammer when it started to shake things to a
dangerous level, which stopped the quake instantly.

One of his basic working principles was resonance, mechanical and electromagnetic. It's how
the Tesla coil drives up huge voltage on a low current.

HAARP is an adaptation of Tesla technology used for nefarious purposes. The

microwave array broils the Upper Atmosphere to 100F with a focused and steerable
electromagnetic beam, that lifts areas of the ionosphere by heating those areas.
Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything - living and

Along with chemtrails and this heating of the atmosphere with HAARP dries up precipitation
thus producing drought. I learnt somewhere they
HAARP uses sunspot cycles, sunspots, solar flares, hurricanes, fault tension build ups etc... for
a EMF assisted corporate-political warfare. HAARP is boost assist and director of natural
energies. They can even reflect of the moon to generate massive explosions.

On the HAARP web site in 2001 discussed successful moon bounce experiments (done since
the 1960's by HAM radio operators) see: HAARP array may use Moon as a reflector to reach
distant targets on Earth to create Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation!. In order to
target the moon you need a steerable array and three arrays minimum are required.

Related: HAARP likely not Primary Ionospheric array in Alaska

HAARP is capable of creating weather like hurricanes and tornadoes and tsunamis and
earthquakes. It is also capable of altering peoples moods.
NASA tomographic image of the subducted Farallon Plate in the mantle beneath eastern North America

Earth tomography is used by the oil and gas industry to find deposits. Tomography refers to
imaging by sections or sectioning, through the use of any kind of penetrating wave or
mechanical method. ELF waves or extremely low frequency waves can trigger an earthquake
on faults that have built up tension.

Thus a ship like Amazon Warrior with even weak exploratory ELF waves can trigger fault lines
into concussive domino effect earthquakes of any magnitude depending on how much
tension is held in the tectonic ridges.

HAARP Weapon How to Make an Earthquake


It appears that the earthquake was accidentally triggered by the Amazon Warrior's exploratory
ELF waves...then they quickly pulled out of the area to avoid being held responsible, but didn't
go to Wellington due to the protest, and possible fear of reprisal from the New Zealand Navy.

However it is illegal to travel through New Zealand waters and conduct personal "business"
PRIOR to checking in officially at one's port of entry first.

I conclude that the 11/13 quakes were accidentally triggered by an oil exploratory vessel
working for Chevron. So Chevron should be made responsible for picking up the tab for
repairing the damage to the countrys infrastructure and the lives of the people by this
little chiropractic adjustment to the backbone of New Zealand.

The ship went about their business conducting their "research" in New Zealand
territorial waters PRIOR to officially checking in with customs.

Plus this sortie was premeditated due to the original ETA, and so their actions were criminal
and secretive... by going for the gold (oil) first before being invited into the country.

However reading the shenanigans of US officials in Christchurch before and after the 2011
quake....it appears that the 11/13/16 quake swarm was likely deliberate, and appears to be an
act of economic war.

Related Articles:

Earthquakes: Worldview of New Zealand, Macquarie Island, Guadalupe Island & Nova
Scotia / Nov. 13, 2016

New Zealand on NASA EOSDIS Worldview: A Collection of Various Screenshots / 2016

Goldman Sachs And the Sacking of New Zealand

Goldman Sachs appears to be undertaking economic warfare on areas to drive up the

prices of its commodities and stocks, and to lay claim to resources.
Canadian wildfires, pipeline attacks in Nigeria and the Gulf Oil Spill are likely sabotage
undertaken by Goldman Sachs to drive up prices for its own benefit.

In New Zealand now, the Christchurch and Kaikoura quakes and the Rena shipwreck
toxic spill event are acts of war against a sovereign nation for economic gain and to
intimidate and demoralize Kiwis into submission to the poisoning and sacking of their

On 5 October 2011 the Rena ran aground near Tauranga, New Zealand, resulting in an
oil spill. The spill has been described as New Zealand's worst maritime environmental disaster.
The ship was carrying 1,368 containers, eight of which contained hazardous materials, as well
as 1,700 tonnes of heavy fuel oil and 200 tonnes of marine diesel oil.

Related: Rena Oil Spill

The election of the ex-Goldman Sachs exec John Keys is key to the implementation of
the disaster capitalization and resource rape of New Zealand.

Related: Goldman Sachs Plans for the depopulation of the East Coast of New Zealand
for Oil & Gas Drilling by BP, Shell Oil & Todd Energy

Goldman Sachs Now Sees Chevron Better Off Than Exxon Mobil. Goldman Sachs is now
buying and selling enough natural gas to make it one of the key players on the market - even
reportedly overtaking oil major Exxon Mobil and Chevron.
According to a recent regulatory filing, Goldman Sachs bought and sold 1.2 trillion cubic feet of
physical gas in the U.S. in 2015, which equates to 25 percent of the countrys residential
consumption and more than double its 2013 volumes.

These figures turn Goldman Sachs and its J Aron commodities division into the seventh largest
gas marketer in North America.

Related: Goldman Sachs Is Now Bigger Than Exxon, Chevron in Nat Gas Trading

Goldman Sachs, Chevron, the owners of the Amazon Warrior and the American Military
Industrial Machine should be charged with war crimes, deliberate environmental sabotage and
held accountable to damages.

John Kerry is in Bed with Goldman Sachs as is Evidenced by their Joint

white Washing Projects

Secretary of State John Kerry and Lloyd C. Blankfein, chairman and CEO of The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS), in partnership with Harvard Kennedy School have announced
the first-ever cross-border exchange and leadership program to support emerging women
leaders across the private and non-profit sectors in the Middle East and Northern Africa.

Senator John Kerry appears to be Goldman Sachs running man, or rather flying manbut
appears to be innocent of their crimes of international disaster capitalism.

John Kerry is the most Carbon Intensive Politician on the Planet - I guess we now know why
John Kerry was making a short notice / unexplained trip to NZ right in the middle of a fierce US
He went to Antarctica, which has a HAARP at the US base. Kerry is said to be on a climate
saving mission. Speaking Sunday in Wellington, New Zealand before flying to Oman via
Singaporeafter NZ he flew to Oman, and another Arab Gulf states and then Morocco before
winging to Peru and then back home.

John Kerrys current trip could be said to be responsible for 853.4 metric tons of CO2 as
many as 52 average Americans produce in a year. The average CO2 emission for aircraft at
53.3 pounds per air mile. [ CarbonFootprint.com ]

Why Children Hate School + Digital Media And Kids: How Much Is
Too Much?
October 25 2016 | From: TheUnboundedSpirit / TheConversation

Children come out of the womb with an inborn desire to better understand
themselves and the world they live in - they desire to explore new
perspectives, to discover different realities and make sense of existence.
But why is it that later on, once they become school students , most children begin to
lose interest in learning?

Why do children feel bored in classroom, are uninterested in reading books, and in general
hate school? These are some questions that I am going to answer here, with the aim to shed
some light on the negative aspects of our current education system and provide suggestions
on how it can be improved for the benefit of the new generations and hence the future
of humanity.

Suppressing Children Through Schooling

When I was a school student, I was feeling very unhappy. I wanted to spend my time outside
in nature and play with other children, but I was forced to stay for hours upon hours every
day in a small classroom where play was out of question.

I wanted to express myself through art and sports, but I was made to sit down learning maths,
history, and other things that I couldnt care less about learning at that age. I wanted to
communicate my thoughts and emotions with my peers, but I was told not to talk or move
unless I was given permission first.

What I loved doing, I was not allowed to do, and what I hated doing, I was forced to do.
No wonder I was so unhappy.

In most places around the world, school is a very traumatic experience for the majority of
children. Children from a very young age are sent to school, whether they like it or not.
There they usually have to be confined in a room for 6 to 8 hours every weekday (except
on holidays) for about 12 years of their life, to obey to rules, to follow orders and to
learn things they are not interested in.

What children truly want is to have fun, to play, to communicate and form social connections, to
explore the great outdoors, to ponder and create - and barely any of those things they are
allowed to do in school.

School, as you can understand, is suppressing children in all sorts of ways, which is turning
their life into an ongoing hellish experience. So how can children not hate school? Its only
natural that they do.

Education as Indoctrination

Although school is supposed to be the place where children learn to think and
become wiser individuals, in reality school is preventing them from developing their
critical thinking.

At school, an authority figure (i.e. teacher) is hired to have students unquestionably accept and
repeat in a parrot-like fashion what they are being taught by him/her. Those students who do
so are rewarded with good grades, while those who choose to think for themselves are being
punished with bad grades or by being expelled from school.

I remember once, when I was a high school student, I took the courage to openly disagree with
the opinions of my religion teacher. She was teaching a class on worlds religions, but being
Christian herself, she provided us students with biased information.

She would do her best to talk in a negative way about all other religions in order to prove the
superiority of Christianity.
And it's not just a dig at Christianity. All religions do the same thing.

When I presented her with some solid arguments against the Christian dogma, she soon
afterwards started to treat me as a bad student, by giving me lower grades and talking to me in
a disrespectful manner.

All I tried to do was to raise questions and use critical thinking, but to her that meant
questioning God, which she thought is an inappropriate thing to do.

At school, students are not taught how to think, but what to think, and the difference
between the two is tremendous.

Instead of learning how to utilize logic and come to their own conclusions through critical
thinking, school is stunting their intelligence by filling their minds with information that they
have to accept on belief alone.

Not surprisingly, once students graduate from school, they are so indoctrinated that
they cannot make intelligent choices in life and deal with the challenges they encounter
along their lifes journey.
Rethinking Our Education System

If we dont want our children to be mindless automatons, we need to start thinking

differently about our education system.

We need to start searching for ways to help children grow into conscious, healthy beings,
instead of repressing their emotions and killing their intelligence - which is what schooling is
currently doing. In order for this to happen, however, we first need to realize what the true
meaning of education is.

Education is not passing exams in order to get a certificate and find a well-paying job
is cultivating the mind and spirit in order to find health, happiness and peace.

Education is not the imposition of opinions and ideologies of the elder on the youth
mastering the art of thinking critically and acquiring the ability to process emerging information

Education is not memorizing knowledge - it is developing understanding and learning how

knowledge into practice.

Up until now, the role of school has been to force students to fit into the mould of what we
consider normal living.

To be normal in our sick society means to do work that we hate doing, to

doubt ourselves and be afraid to think for ourselves, to blindly believe in dogmas,
to bend down in submission to authority and follow orders - in short, to live a life
of ignorance and pain.

Its about time we realize that schools function should not be to adjust children into an
unhealthy society, but to help create a healthy society instead, starting from
the children themselves, who will form the future of our civilization.

The purpose of schooling should be to provide children with the tools that will enable them
to develop to their full potential on multiple levels- emotional, intellectual and spiritual. School
should give children the freedom to express themselves, evolve their talents and assist them in
the creative process of acquiring essential practical knowledge and skills.

Most importantly, school should be the place where the needs of children are being
understood, accepted, and taken care of, so that children can grow their wings of
consciousness that will allow them to chase their dreams.

Then, children will no longer hate school, but, on the contrary, love it and embrace the
learning experience it offers.

Digital Media And Kids: How Much Is Too Much?

Any time a new technology is introduced, it disrupts values, routines and

behaviors. This goes back well before the printing press replaced oral
histories or the telephone replaced face-to-face conversations, but is
evident today in our regular habits of checking our smartphones for

Kids are growing up with the expectation of auto-playing streaming videos and having
access to our phones when we need them to be quiet.

Human anxieties about these changes can take years to resolve, as we slowly figure out how
to control the technology to meet our values and needs, rather than being controlled by it.

With the rapid pace at which new digital products and services are being developed, parents
report feeling particularly overwhelmed. They fear missing out on what benefits tech might hold
for their families, yet dont fully trust that electronic devices and apps are designed or marketed
with their childs best interests in mind.

We doctors used to urge parents to discourage media use under age two, and to limit kids use
to two hours a day, at most. But we have now arrived at a more nuanced understanding of the
various ways in which children use digital tools.

Through review of the updated science, interviews and focus groups with parents from diverse
backgrounds, and our own clinical experience, we are now recommending that parents use
media as a teaching tool a way to connect and create instead of just to consume.

As a developmental behavioral pediatrician, parent of two young boys and lead author of the
new American Academy of Pediatrics policy statement Media and Young Minds, I hope to
help parents shape tech use in their homes based on their human ideals and values.

Main Principles to Keep in Mind

This new policy statement represents the best medical research and academic scholarship
about electronic media and health and development of children from birth through age five.
Along with the associated family media-use planning website, it focuses on how parents can
use electronic media together with their young children to encourage family connection,
learning and digital literacy skills, in several ways:

1. We emphasize teaching children that media use means more than just
entertainment. It can also involve connecting with others: Videochatting, for example, is fine at
any age, although infants need their parents help to understand it. Another great use is for
creating and learning together letting the child take photos and record videos or songs, as
well as looking up craft ideas. We hope parents will feel comfortable seeing digital media as a
tool to meet their parenting needs, and not the thing-in-itself that controls us or our
children through the attention economy or gamification.

2. As far as entertainment, we recommend trusted content producers such as Sesame

Workshop and PBS Kids, who design apps with the childs and parents needs in
mind. There is also Common Sense Media, a great site for finding information on digital
products and answering any tech-related parenting question you can imagine.

3. We recommend having unplugged spaces and times of day so that both parent and
child can play, be bored, or talk without distraction or feeling a need to to multitask.
4. We ask parents to test apps and watch videos with their children to determine if they
are good fits for their childs temperament, rather than letting the child make all of these
choices. Parents are the best people to decide whether a particular app or video is
appropriate for the childs current stage of development and knowledge.

5. Parents should not feel pressure to introduce their children to technology early in
life for the sake of seeking a competitive advantage. Kids will catch up when they are older
or in school. But, if parents want to introduce media early, the youngest age we recommend is
18 months. At that age, its important to note, parents must play or view along with the child for
there to be any educational benefit, such as learning new words. Otherwise, that expensive
tablet may just be a portable TV or cause-and-effect toy.

Time Limits and Rules Remain Important

We still recommend time limits (one hour of entertainment media per day which does not
include videochatting, taking pictures, using with parents as a learning tool and the like) and
rules, for several reasons.

First, pediatricians are trained to be child advocates, making us naturally protective. In our day-
to-day experiences with families in clinics, we see children having difficulties with sleep,
obesity, school, relationships or behavior that appear to be intertwined with problematic media

We hear parents asking for concrete guidance from us about the role digital devices might play
in their families lives. They want to know what to let their child watch and how much of it.

They ask about how to make sure their child can be tech-savvy without ending up in a position
where the child prefers and will choose digital play to the exclusion of other important activities.

Parents also tell us that they dont want their child to be spoon-fed information by online media.
In addition, theyre concerned about apps determining their childs play ideas. And they want
help finding alternative activities to really encourage the creativity, persistence, and cognitive
and social-emotional skills kids need to flourish in school.

Overall, the research still shows that excessive media use is associated with poorer sleep,
higher obesity risk and developmental outcomes such as poor executive function (the boss of
our brain that helps us focus, control impulses and plan), so we want parents to
prioritize unplugged, social and unstructured play as much as possible.

Parents have always been interpreters of the world for young children. If kids are to grow up
with a healthy concept of what digital tools are and how to use them effectively, creatively and
kindly, we need to teach them.

This means both guiding them directly and modeling with our own behavior from the very start.
The longer-term goal is to raise kids who see us, their parents, as guides when they encounter
weird stuff online or have negative interactions on social media.

We want to raise kids who dont react to negative emotions by spewing out their feelings -
sometimes at others expense - online, nor binge on videos or games.

We want to raise kids with good sleep habits, healthy bodies, a variety of interests and curiosity
about the world, who feel good about their learning and their relationships, both on and offline.

We hope our new guidance can help us all - parents, medical professionals and children alike -
achieve that.
Out Of Hand: More People Are Using More Devices More Often
Than Ever Before - Increasingly, Thats A Pain Point
October 10 2016 | From: Buzzfeed

For Cassandra Smolcic, the trouble began at her dream internship.

Handpicked to spend a summer working on movies at Pixar, the 26-year-old
logged marathon hours, and more than a few all-nighters, at her computer
and tablet.

At first, she managed to ignore the mysterious pinching sensations in her hands and
forearms. But by the time her internship ended and a full-time job offer rolled in, she
could barely move her fingers.

For Skylar, a 12-year-old in South Florida who loves her laptop, phone, and tablet, the breaking
point came at the start of sixth grade last fall. Suddenly her neck, shoulders, and back felt
strained whenever she rolled her head, as if invisible hands were yanking muscles apart from
the inside. All her neck-rolling, she worried, made her look like she was trying to cheat off
someones test.

To be a perpetually plugged-in, emailing, texting, sexting, swiping, Snapchatting, selfie-taking

human being in 2016, a little thumb twinge is the price of admission. There are the media-
anointed outliers: the Candy Crusher with a ruptured thumb tendon, the woman who over-
texted her way to WhatsAppitis.

And then there are people like the 18-year-old woman who said;

If Im scrolling down Tumblr for more than half an hour, my fingers will get sore.

When I hold my phone, a 22-year-old complained, cradling her iPhone in her palm, my bottom finger
really hurts.

A 30-year-old software engineer said his fingers naturally curl inwards, claw-like: I remember my hand
did not quite use to be like that.
Amy Luo, 27, suspects her iPhone 6s is partly to blame for the numbness in her right thumb and wrist.

Compared with her old iPhone, she said, you have to stretch a lot more, and its heavier.

Dr. Patrick Lang, a San Francisco hand surgeon, sees more and more twenty- and thirtysomething tech
employees with inexplicable debilitating pain in their upper limbs. I consider it like an epidemic,
said, particularly in this city.

To be clear, no one knows just how bad this epidemic is. At best, we learn to endure our stiff
necks and throbbing thumbs. At worst, a generation of people damage their bodies without
realizing it.

In all likelihood, we are somewhere in the middle, between perturbance and public health
crisis, but for the time being we simply dont - cant - know what all these machines will do to
our bodies in the long term, especially in the absence of definitive research.

What we do know is that now more people are using multiple electronics - cell phones,
smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops - for more hours a day, starting at ever earlier ages.

But we werent built for them.

Growing up in the Rust Belt city of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, Smolcic was the kid who was
always sketching characters from movies and cartoons. And in her adolescent years in the
90s, computers became an important tool for honing her artistic talents: She made clip-art
greeting cards and banners, and high school newspaper layouts, on desktop computers.

At Susquehanna University, she went all in on graphic design as a career after she took a
computer arts course on a whim.

That meant long hours on various iMacs, and even more screen time when she went on to
earn a masters in graphic design at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Over the years,
shes also carried a flip phone, a Motorola Razr, a Dell laptop, and, at the moment, a MacBook
Pro and an iPhone 6s.

Machines were crucial to Smolcics burgeoning artistic career, as they are to so many of our
lives. But itd be hard to call them human-friendly.

Consider the minimum biomechanics needed to work a smartphone. Put aside all the other
risks - of getting depressed and lonely; of sacrificing sleep, hearing, eyesight, and focus; of
dying while snapping selfies on cliffs, or texting while walking or driving. The act of just using
the thing is precarious.

Our heads sit atop our necks and line up with our shoulders and arms, just as a two-footed
species should. But a forward-leaning head shakes up this graceful arrangement: The upper
body drifts back, the hips tilt forward, and pretty much everything else - the spine, the nerves
below the neck, the upper limb muscles - tightens up.

Slouching is all too easy when we hold a phone in our outstretched hand or reach for a mouse.
When we type on our laptops cross-legged or sprawled on our stomachs, our necks and
shoulders strain from leaning into the low screens. (Yes, as counterintuitive as it sounds, you
probably shouldnt put a laptop on your lap.)

Our hands are uniquely capable of grasping objects, a useful trait for our branchswinging
primate ancestors. Especially remarkable are our opposable thumbs, free to flex, extend, curl,
and press in all sorts of directions. But their inherently unstable joints didnt evolve to be
constantly pushed beyond their range of motion. Yet they are when we flick through our
phones or, worse, tablets.

To Dr. Robert Markison, its clear: Virtually none of Silicon Valleys inventions, from the clunky
Macintosh 128K of 1984 to the sleek iPhone 7, have been designed with respect for the human
form. Markison is a San Francisco surgeon who depends on his hands to operate on other
peoples hands.
He so believes in technologys potential to harm - and treats so many young startup workers
who confirm that suspicion - that he almost exclusively uses voice recognition software. He
also has his own line of smartphone styluses that double as pens, with colorful barrels made of
manually mixed pigments, pressure-cast resin, and hand-dyed silk.

On a recent afternoon in his office, Markison asked me to make a fist around a grip strength
measurement tool, with my thumb facing the ceiling. It felt powerful, easy.

Then he had me turn my palm to the floor, the keyboarding stance of a white-collar worker, and
do the same thing; my grip immediately lost a noticeable amount of strength.

Theres no reason to think a mouse is a good idea, Markison said.

Of course, many people with office jobs probably suspect that already. During the 80s and
90s, when computers - then also known as video display terminals - invaded workplaces
around the world, employees felt their arms and fingers go numb, and headlines warned of the
harm these newfangled devices appeared to be inflicting.

In the early 90s, telephone operators, journalists, clerical workers, and employees from other
fields filed hundreds of lawsuits against the manufacturers of equipment such as computer
keyboards, which they blamed for severe arm, wrist, and hand injuries.

All that worry woke a generation up to the physical (and psychological) toll of automated, ultra-
efficient work. Then came furniture and appliances to align technology with our bodies.

Ergonomic mice are gripped vertically, and foot mice save clicks.
Slanted and split keyboards let hands relax. Desks convert to a standing position or have
adjustable split levels for monitors and keyboards. Some software transcribes
speech, other software alerts your boss when you type too fast.

But these inventions have been largely for desktops. The dizzying rise of cell phones, tablets,
and laptops, fueled by the rush to make screens ever more portable and ubiquitous, have all
but left human-centered design principles in the dust.

Chances are good youre reading this on your phone. In fact, chances are good your phone
was the first thing you looked at this morning and the last thing you looked at last night.

Wake up to a phone alarm. Scroll, bleary-eyed, through email, texts, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram. Field more news and email on your phone on public transit (or, er, in the car).

Sit behind a computer of some kind at work or school. All day your buzzing phone demands to
be held, whether youre out to lunch or, admit it, on the toilet.

Come reverse commute, youre once again head down on your phone, or an e-reader, until
you finally take a break at home - by watching Game of Thrones on your laptop or
tablet. Bonus points if you play Words With Friends while you do it.
Related: Companies Develop Safe Screens That Filter Blue Light Emitted By
Electronic Devices

Scientists dont definitively know how all this activity affects our bodies. While some studies
link hand ailments to heavy computer and video game use, far fewer have examined new
devices like smartphones.

The phones have only been out 10 to 15 years at best, said Jack Dennerlein, who directs the
Occupational Biomechanics and Ergonomics Laboratory at Harvard University.

We havent had the long-term exposures to start seeing some of the more chronic issues that come up
later in life.

No reliable measurement of technology-related ailments exists. The closest thing is an annual

survey of workplace injuries by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, whose data suggests that
cases of musculoskeletal disorders, including carpal tunnel syndrome, have dropped over the
last two decades.

But these figures are at best a very crude measure of problems, said Dr. Kurt Hegmann, who
directs the University of Utahs Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational and Environmental
Health. As Dennerlein put it: Theyre better than nothing.

Hegmann offers some theories for why the numbers are shrinking: High-risk jobs like
manufacturing are decreasing. Panicked workers in the 90s likely reported nonexistent
ailments before the hysteria subsided. Some offices may have became more ergonomic.

And there are other reasons the numbers are probably off: Non-work-related factors like
obesity can contribute to carpal tunnel, and if youre constantly sending work emails but also
Instagramming for fun, its hard to blame your sore hand on work alone.
However widespread phone-linked injuries may or may not be, a small cluster of studies
suggests that they are real. A 2011 study of nearly 140 mobile device users linked internet time
to right thumb pain, as well as overall screen time to right shoulder and neck discomfort.

Another found that smartphone overuse enlarges the nerve involved in carpal tunnel, causes
thumb pain, and hinders the hands ability to do things like pinch.

Upright, an adults head puts about a dozen pounds of force on the spine, according to a 2014
paper. But tilted 15 degrees, as if over a phone, the force surges to 27 pounds, and to 60
pounds at 60 degrees. (Thats the weight of four Thanksgiving turkeys.)

Its harmful when youre younger, because the bones are still malleable and pliable and they may be
disformed permanently, said New York spinal surgeon Dr. Kenneth Hansraj, who wrote the paper after
treating a patient head down in his iPad, playing Angry Birds four hours a day.

Older people can suffer too, he said, because their spines are prone to narrowing, making them susceptible
to injury.

But the doctor insists hes no cell phone basher.

I love the ability to have a cup of coffee and contact 10 of my friends in 10 countries with one text and say,
I love this coffee, he said.

Im just saying, my message is to keep your head up and be cognizant of where your head is in space.

Skylar started using an iPad a couple years ago to watch movies in the car.

Then, at age 10, she got a MacBook Air and a rose-gold iPhone 6s, says her mother, who
requested to withhold her last name to protect her identity.

Game-playing, filming lip-sync sessions, Snapchatting weird faces, checking Instagram,

FaceTiming, and texting, not to mention doing homework on the computer, keep Skylar busy
three hours or so a day.

Recently, she discovered Friends, a show about a group of friends that do a lot of weird things
and they always meet up at every single day at Central Perk. Its a coffee shop.

When the Pew Research Center surveyed teens in 2011, one-quarter had smartphones. In
2015, three-quarters did. According to Common Sense Media, a San Francisco nonprofit
that surveyed more than 2,600 young people across the US last year, 8- to 12-year-olds log
nearly two hours a day on tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices.

And the habit starts even younger: 38% of children under 2 have played games or
watched videos on a mobile device.

Even lower-income teens, who are less likely to own the latest gadgets, may be catching up to
their wealthier peers: In a 2015 study of 350 children under age 5 in a low-income community
in Philadelphia, most already had their own mobile device, and in fact had started using one
before their first birthday.

Its not like an hour that goes by I dont check my phone, unless Im asleep, you know, said Kendall Holle,

Its bad. Its bad. As soon as I wake up, open my eyes, brush my teeth, wash my face, Im on my phone,
making snaps.
I wake up and I start snapping, said Jeff Ren, 19.

When my phone got taken away, confessed Sara, 15, I cracked.

I just dont feel normal without my phone on me now, said Howard Lin, 18. It would just feel like
somethings missing.

But researchers arent studying how so much gadget exposure, so young, affects childrens
physiology - at least not to the degree theyre studying how it affects their learning, playing, and

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children under age 2 avoid screen time
completely, and that older children have no more than two hours a day. After more than 15
years, its now rethinking these guidelines.

In a world where screen time is becoming simply time, our policies must evolve or become obsolete,
has explained.

When I asked if physical risks were being weighed along with social and psychological ones, Dr. Ari Brown,
whos leading the overhaul of the recommendations, told me by email that the particular question you are
asking is not being addressed by our group.
Meanwhile, people like Diane Cho didnt see the pain coming and dont know what will
happen next.

At the news site she recently left, Cho spent her days typing 10 hours at a time, mostly on a
laptop, and reading her phone - until her right arm went periodically numb, immune to icing.

A huge reason why I wanted a career change was literally my arm was falling apart, she said. My body
was just aching. Shes 26.

George McIntire, 27, occasionally sees his right thumb act up: It starts twitching back and forth, its
shivering, and its going really fast too.

Tanner Bell, a 17-year-old who makes DIY craft videos on YouTube and helps companies digitally market to
teens, feels his thumbs cramp twice a week.

It doesnt even happen when Im holding it, it could happen later on in the day or night, he said. Theres
an extra tension sort of like a tingling.

After trading volleys of texts with a long-distance girlfriend, Vincent Hennerty, 26, ended up
with early-stage carpal tunnel. Cutting back on video games was annoying, as was doing push-
ups on his knuckles.

Still, nothing could prepare him for what one might call the ultimate sacrifice.
When I was with girls, he recalled, I would either have to finger them less during sexual intercourse or
messing around, or Id have to be in a position where my wrists were completely straight.

This, he said, weighed on me the most: I need to stop texting.

When neck rubs and ice packs didnt soothe Skylars stiff neck, her mother took her to Dean
Fishman, a local chiropractor and physical therapist. He sees so many people like her that in
2009 he started the Text Neck Institute outside Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The clinic now handles 700 visits a month, he says.

I started to notice very early on, when texting started to become popular as far as communicating goes,
that I was seeing more and more younger people coming in with complaints we hadnt seen before -
headaches, neck pain, arm pain, said Fishman, whose youngest patient so far has been a 3-year-old iPad-
loving girl. So-called text neck is not a blunt force trauma, he said.

Youre not going to see a lot of bulging or herniated discs overnight. Over time, its going to be
microtraumas that end up being a bigger symptom for our patients.

Patients are utterly, unnervingly unaware of their own bodies.

When these younger people are in the middle of studying on their digital device, or if theyre in the middle
of gaming or the excitement of texting with their friends, they dont perceive pain, Fishman said.

Its not until they put it down, lay down at night, and feel pain, and dont attribute it to what theyve been
doing during the day.
Cyrene Quiamco is not a patient, but has all the markings of a future one.

I dont even know when I dont check Snapchat, said the 27-year-old, who Snapchats for brands like MTV,
Jolly Ranchers, Pixar, and Disneyland - and charges $10,000 to $30,000 per Story.

Its like, Im in a restaurant, and then I dont spend all of the time Im there (on Snapchat), but then I spend
five minutes checking whats in my Snapchat feed. Its not one sitting, its various sittings throughout the

How many texts does she send a day? Oh gosh, more than a thousand. She added, I never actually
thought about how many that would be.

Two to three hours a day, Quiamco draws colorful, detailed cartoons for Snapchat on her phone.

Youre so focused on creating it because you dont want to stop, even when a pang runs up her forearm,
she said. I tell my mom, Hey, Im getting hand cramps by using the phone. She says, Youre going to
develop something. If you lose your hand, thats everything.

She laughed.

As a 6-year-old, Smolcic fell in love with The Little Mermaid. As a grown-up graphic designer
at Pixar, across the bay from San Francisco, she got to make her own mark on films
like Monsters University, Cars 2, and Finding Dory. For Toy Story 3, she crafted the logo of pink
teddy bear and chief antagonist Lots-o-Huggin Bear; for the Scotland-set Brave, she whipped
up Celtic patterns for furniture and costumes.

Meetings with famous directors and other pinch me moments overflowed during her five
years there.

Theres just all those amazing little life lessons buried into the entertainment aspect of it that do make an
impact on people, she said of Pixars movies. It felt special to be part of that.

Despite the grueling hours, Smolcic didnt seriously believe that hand injuries could be a
hazard of the trade. But once the aches arrived, they stayed.

Even when she felt normal after a monthlong break, the stabbing sensations would flare up
when she jumped back into work. Pixar was supportive, she said, and gave her an elaborate
work station with a motorized standing and sitting desk, a sideways mouse, programmable foot
pedals, ergonomic chairs, extra monitors, and a tablet sensitive to touch.
Doctors and specialists put her through one treatment after another, some less conventional
than others: acupuncture, acupressure, breathwork, massages, physical therapy, personal
training, biofeedback, myofascial release, NeuroKinetic Therapy, reflexology, naturopathy.

According to some of her many medical professionals, her diagnosis was fibromyalgia, a
musculoskeletal pain disorder. Others called it a repetitive strain injury.

Thats probably the first term that comes to mind for these types of impairments. But
occupational health experts shy away from it because it lumps together a lot of different
ailments. Take carpal tunnel syndrome: A compressed nerve in your forearm numbs and
weakens your hand.

But painful thumb tendons, the cord-like structures that link muscle to bone, might mean de
Quervain syndrome. Tendinitis (inflamed tendons) shouldnt be confused with trigger finger
(inflammation around a tendon). And for anything too vague or early-stage to neatly fit a
diagnosis, theres the handy label of nonspecific pain.

To make things more confusing, none of these injuries can be easily blamed on technology.
You can fiddle with gadgets your whole life without a sore thumb. Or your ailment can build
over years, making it hard to know whether gadgets are the sole cause.
Recovery, too, varies. All you may need to do is vigilantly sit up straight and take breaks,
whereas others would need anything from a steroid shot to surgery.

These nuances can confound primary care physicians, who dont necessarily know when to
refer patients to specialists - who in turn dont always have all the answers either.

People go to the hand surgeons, who are frustrated because theyre not surgical patients, so they send
them to therapy, said Melanie Johnke, who runs Golden Gate Hand Therapy in San Francisco.
not a doctor, either, meaning she cant make official diagnoses or prescribe medications.

As Savir put it: If I go to the doctor, what is he going to say? Dont hold your phone that way. Whats the

Despite knowing everything we should do, from sitting straight and stretching to taking
breaks and using a phone stylus, we probably dont and wont follow suit. And maybe thats just
how things are now. Maybe only technology can save us from ourselves.

Tech giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft are racing to turn their machines into mind
readers. Every swipe saved, every frictionless convenience engineered, keeps us coming
back for more: Its a business strategy that also happens to be ergonomically friendly.

Speech recognition software - Siri, OK Google, Alexa, Dragon - promises to take the manual
labor out of internet browsing and looking up directions.
But it doesnt work perfectly, which isnt news to anyone whos yelled at Siri, and its still kind of
weird, frankly, to talk to your phone in public.

Im in a shared office space, and I dont know how that would work out, said Saima Jamshed, 42, who has
chronic pain in her right arm.

Then there are the machine learningpowered apps that, seemingly magically, cue up the next
word in your message, person to call, or video to watch, based on your past activity and

See (as of last week) Googles new messaging app Allo, which comes with prepackaged
responses and predictive texts. But accepting their help does require sacrificing privacy to an
unsettling degree.
Related: Whatever You Do, Do Not Use Google Allo: Snowden

Of course, we could also use technology less. We certainly seem to want to. Virtually all 30 or
so people who spoke to me wished they could leave their phones at home, stop refreshing
their notifications, watch less YouTube. Asked to guess how much time this all amounted to,
they answered: too much.

Cutting back would almost definitely be healthier. But we may not be willing to do that.

Skylar has almost fully recovered, thanks to physical therapy at the Text Neck Institute and
exercises at home. Her mother says shes diligent about setting her devices at eye level (and
telling everyone else to as well), just like the doctor told her to. But she isnt actually cutting
back on screen time.

The peer pressure is intense: All her friends have phones, and some have iPads and

Sometimes it gets annoying when I go to a friends house and all we do is play on our phone or watch
something on our iPad, Skylar said. I went to their house to play with them or hang out with them, not just
go on our electronics and be silent the whole time.

When I was growing up, her mother, Kerri, recalled, the phone was in the house, so if you left the house,
the phone rang and somebody would call you later. It was a non-negotiable break when the world had to
accept that you were physically untethered from your device. Now, Kerri said, its just everywhere.

Smolcic has largely disconnected from technology, just not by choice.

When she was 28, a pain management specialist gave her the devastating news: She would
never fully recover. She hung on for a few more years, but finally left in October 2014 for a San
Francisco design agency where, she hoped, her role would be less hands-on. I really felt like
Id tried everything I could, she said.

But the work and pain remained more or less the same, so this March, she left the agency, and
design, for the foreseeable future. Her lifes work hurt.

Since then, shes been using money saved up to travel through Hong Kong, Greece, and
Iceland, with stops to see shamans and alternative healers in Indonesia, Thailand, and Mexico.
Shes also writing, which she now believes to be her true calling.

Composing an 1,800-word essay this spring - through a combination of typing and recording
voice memos - took a month and a half because she could only work for an hour a day. Now
she says she can write for several hours at a time with almost no pain, and shes working on a
memoir partly about her injuries.

At 33, Smolcic believes that shes 90% recovered. She cant be sure its permanent - but even
if so, she no longer wants a trade design job.

I think Id be okay with not having a lot of the luxuries I had in my San Francisco life, she said,
for having more time to be actively living and out in the world, as opposed to being behind a desk.

But despite all that she believes technology has cost her, physically and emotionally, Smolcic
hasnt been able to resist turning to her iPhone and MacBook on the road this year.

They are a source of directions and travel tips, an outlet for writing and music, a camera to
record memories, a line of communication to friends and family. These machines, she wrote
to me this summer, put so much power at my fingertips. And now that shes feeling better, she
uses them all the time.
Electronic Torture + 21st-Century Bio-Hacking And Bio-Robotizing
October 10 2016 | From: ElectronicTorture / Various

Electromagnetic torture, Microwave torture, Electronic murder,

Electromagnetic murder, Microwave murder, Organized murder, Cooked
alive, Electronic mind control, Electronic mind reading, Brain zapping,
People zapper.

What is electronic harassment / electronic torture / electronic murder? In short - "soft

kill" techniques to interfere with and kill, by the Cabal and their minions - those who get
in their way.

Related: Scalar Weapons - Read It And Weep

Electronic harassment / electronic torture / electronic murder is about harrasment, torture and
murder using electronic weapons based on radio waves.These weapons have been very
refined and can cause effects comparable to many illnesses and/or injuries.

These weapons are not science-fiction but used today illegally by your national secret services
on mostly random innocent victims not knowing what is being done to them.
Not So Smart Technology: Safety Inspector Blows The Whistle On
Fire Hazards Of 'Smart' Electronics
September 20 2016 | From: Sott /

If you think your "smart" appliances are the "cat's whiskers," then please
think again! Actually, in my opinion, they are the dumbest things ever
invented that have been able to buffalo consumers into spending their
hard-earned money to purchase, but have the greatest potential for causing
consumers harm and grief.

Recently, I received an email from one of my readers who had to attend a fire safety
training session for 'their' job. That instructional course was given by none other than a
Delaware County, Pennsylvania Fire Investigator, who was quite explicit in his
presentation about certain fire causes.

Related: Smart Meters Not Needed After All For European Power Grid + How To Opt Out
From Smart Meters

Here's what the email said for which this sender gave permission to share:

He [the trainer] mentioned in the beginning of his presentation how fire deaths were down, but
fires were up dramatically across the nation. [CJF emphasis added]
Later during the Q&A, I asked him in front of the whole group [what were] the causes of these fires. He
mentioned all the electronics - WiFi/Bluetooth gadgets, cheap phone chargers, iPads, wide screen TVs,

I interrupted to say "how about smart meters" to which he replied: Anything "smart" is a fire hazard.

This [smart] technology is so new, and they haven't tested or developed it adequately enough yet.

He went on to poke fun at "smart" wired houses having everything linked and what a hazard that can

Then after the presentation, I commented how I heard that as this technology ages, it becomes even more
potentially hazardous, which he affirmed, and also mentioned that

More car fires occur because of all the electronic gadgetry now.

All the above information is yet another confirmation with implications for Consumer Protection
Law(s) at local and state levels regarding "smart" consumer appliances and fires,
which insurance companies - especially AMI Smart Meter fires - are declining coverage

But there is even more serious damage happening every minute of the day from microwave
technology, which smart appliances operate on. It's called electromagnetic frequencies
(EMFs/RFs) that emit non-ionizing radiation which cause adverse health effects known
as "non-thermal" effects.

Comment: Dr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist has acquired a great deal of expertise in the
microwave field, extending his research to common electronic systems, including cell phones,
iPods, computer games and microwave ovens. His research has shown that microwave
radiation is extremely hazardous, especially to pregnant women and young children.

The risks are so great that the use of WiFi can lead to permanent genetic damage to our
children and subsequent generations.

WiFi to kill millions, with its effects being cumulative over generations

Neurosurgeon Shows How Low Levels of Radiation Such As Wi-Fi, Smart Meters And
Cell Phones Cause The Blood Brain Barrier To Leak

The BioInitiative Report - The Dangerous Health Impacts of Microwave Radiation

EMF pollution: The health impacts of wireless RF radiation

Consumers, when they really learn the downside of "smart technology," obviously will have to
beef up their activism to get the protection they need for their health and properties, as the
industries involved - and more sadly - states public utility commissions - really don't give a hoot
about the harms caused, otherwise they would be enacting legislation to deal with them.
And then there's this information that I received from readers whose privacy I respect and
honor, but will share their information. In sharing information like the following from a reader in
Canada, it is that consumers become aware, physically safer plus empowered:

People need to be getting documentation about all of these fires. Media articles are often the starting
point, but they are anecdotal. Once there is what sounds like a smart meter fire, request and obtain the
official fire report from the state or provincial fire commissioner.

Find out what the legal reporting and investigating requirements are. If the fire is believed to be electrical,
who does the investigation and how is he informed about the fire? Are the laws being followed?

Are meters being removed? It takes time and digging but I can't find anyone else who is getting this sort of
info for fires in their areas. It is only when this documentation is obtained for many fires and patterns
are found that things will be taken seriously.

In the US the Consumer Affairs Dept. [1] has agreed to gather reports on smeter fires. I have sent her a
few because the ITRON meters we use are the same used in many places in the US. But in Canada our
meters are not considered "consumer" goods since the utilities own them.

This agency should be informed but it requires full documentation - not just media reports."

Note that here's what I think our kind and thoughtful Canadian neighbor is referring to:

The US Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC) is a federal agency that will take complaints on
utility smart meters from all US states. If you have or had smart meter electrical or fire problems
CALL: (800) 638-2772 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET or submit your complaint by
email. "

However, I must caution a consumer that, if or when you experience an AMI Smart Meter
('smeter') fire, immediately after the fire has been extinguished and it is safe to do so, take
photographs with your cell phone and a regular camera, so you can have "secured"
documentation because things can get 'lost' in cyberspace! Remember to attach copies of
those photos with the smeter fire report you file with the US Consumer Products Safety

Additionally, I must share that I've heard stories that the power company immediately
removes the fire-damaged meter and does not allow consumers access to it or to keep a
fire-damaged meter as 'proof' for insurance purposes. It seems that 'games' are being
played, and insurance companies 'buy' into them too!

Fire safety regarding all 'smart' technology should be enforced by consumer products safety
commissions, municipalities and code enforcement departments at local and state levels.
Obviously they are not doing that when it comes to AMI Smart Meters made with heat-sensitive
plastic parts. Analog meters were made of glass and steel parts.

Learn how to protect yourself from smart technology EMFs/RFs and fire hazards.

Related Articles:

Radiation emitted from smart meters 100 times greater than cell phones - and
exposure is constant, doctors warn

AMI Smart Meter Testing Video Disputes Safety Claims for Smart Meter EMFs

ZigBee Radio Transmitter: How Many Do You Have?

5G Telecomm Radiation The Perfect Tool To Mass Modify Human

Brain Waves + More Studies Reveal Dangers
September 16 2016 | From: WakingTimes / Mobilize

On 14 July 2016 the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) of the

USA made space available in the radio spectrum for consumer devices to
operate within the 25 GHz to 100 GHz of the electromagnetic spectrum.

It went on to say: The Commission has struck a balance between new wireless
services, current and future fixed satellite service operations, and federal uses. The
item adopts effective sharing schemes to ensure that diverse users including federal
and non-federal, satellite and terrestrial, and fixed and mobile can co-exist and

Related: This Is What WIFI, Cell Phones, iPads And More Are Doing To Your Childs
Brain 100 + Scientists Are Now Petitioning The UN

Nowhere in its document is mention made of consumer safety or well-being. I guess that is fair
of the FCC because historically, it is not interested in matters of microwave radiation and
consequent thermal and non-thermal effects on the population.

Lets face it, and most people find this hard to believe, the FCC works purely on behalf of
the telecoms industries in granting them access to the airwaves, no more and no less.

Industry was very happy to hear the FCC announcement on granting access of large portions
of the radio spectrum for yet more of its toys and other consumer devices. Qualcomm for
example talks much about the massive internet of things, yet nowhere on its 5G musings is
mention made of consumer safety or well-being.

That pink elephant in the living room regarding safety brings me to the point of this article. The
FCC and the telecomms industry rub their hands with glee because lots of money is going to
be made as 5G devices rollout yet no recent safety studies have been carried out on consumer

Yes, their official logo is actually that shit

Related: Gestapo In The USA: FCC Intimidates Press And Kills Free Speech At 5G

No doubt both the FCC and industry will point regulators to the old, out-dated and one-
dimensional so-called safety studies (thermal effects) produced by the ICNIRP. This private
organisation is comprised of people and individuals who work in the telecommunications
industries with no background in epidemiology, toxicology, radio frequency safety or medical

The implications of 5G on consumer well-being and safety do not look good for one reason:
devices that will operate within the 5G electromagnetic spectrum will use antennas that are
physically small i.e. from a few millimetres to a centimetre in length.

This means that industry will produce a variety of different antenna systems to do different

Qualcomms 5G Vision

5G is much more than higher peak rates - it needs to enable new classes of services, connect new
devices and industries, and empower new user experiences while fully leveraging 4G investments. The
envisioned unified platform needs to support all spectrum, below 6 GHz as well as above 6 GHz and

Everything is awesome!

The weird fact of operating within this very high frequency range is that signals are mostly line
of sight or they are easily reflected, refracted or lost within the differing build composition of
urban environment structures.

In other words, without careful antenna design and recognition of many of the pitfalls trying to
propagate microwave signals within urban environments, the signal can be easily degraded or
completely lost. In response to these challenges, the advantages in using very small physical
size antennas in the millimetre wavelength is you can feed many antennas in various
configuration arrays e.g. vertical or horizontal arays, waveguide, coned or highly directional
beam type designs.

These types of antenna designs focus most of the transmitted power into specified directions.
This is bad news for consumers because these very small physical size antennas will pack a
mighty punch to our biological systems if we step into them.

Getting back to consumer safety and well-being and all things microwave, it is clear that the
latency period for adverse biological effects from devices using microwave frequencies from
say 1 GHz to 5 Ghz is approximately 10 - 20 years.

In 2016 there are now many thousands of peer-reviewed

medical and epidemiological studies that show, illustrate or
correlate, adverse biological effects with use of mobile
phone technology or WIFI.

Using frequencies even higher than 5 GHz (and up to 100

GHz) will compress the timeframe in which cancers and
other biological effects show themselves within society.

It is anyones guess on what might happen in terms of

biological safety yet it is clear to see that the pulsed nature
of these high frequency, high signal intensity signals do not
harbour good news for humanity, particularly in relation to
the functioning of our DNA.

Nowadays, exposure to microwave radiation or

frequencies used by WIFI, mobile phones, smart
phones, smart meters, WIFI-enabled audio devices,
WIFI-enabled fridges, most baby monitors and a whole
host of other esoteric electrical devices were recently
classed as Class 2B carcinogens

Point of sale literature excludes this fact on any advertising

blurb and it is also fascinating that the small print
embedded deep within mobile phone product literature say
that you should not put these devices directly to your skin,
body or face.

If you do, you exceed the so-called safe exposure

thresholds put in place for these devices

Getting back to the very small physical length of the antennas that will be used for 5G devices,
it is very clear to surmise that if these devices talk to each other using highly efficient,
directional antennas, the ERP (effective radiated power) will be huge.

If you happen to walk into this intensely focused beam of microwave radiation, what will this
level of signal intensity do to your biology?

Yet again, time will tell unless we get our arses into gear and demand proper safety
studies from industry and independent academia that focus on thermal and non-thermal
effects on our biology.

Just like the advent of modern mobile phone technology, it is us, the consumers, who provide
the guinea pig role in terms of safety.

Sufferers of EHS (electro-hyper-sensitivity) will need to be aware of any 5G device simply

because the electron volt assault on their compromised bodies will be easily and instantly felt.

It is they who will suffer first and in time, everyone will be affected because one other fact the
telecoms industries have not mentioned is that in order to develop an efficient network of
signals within an urban environment, many thousands of new transmitter sites will need to be
Related: WiFi Radiation New Device Makes It Visible At Last

The physical small size of these antennas means they can be covertly installed into all sorts of
urban structures which suggest that for urban dwellers at least, there will be no escape from
exposure to these highly damaging microwave frequencies. I also feel that when these
antennas are in place, it will be relatively easy to alter and manipulate brain wave function of its
users and others close by.

The amount of ancillary information that can be piped or attached to the main carrier frequency
of such a telecommunications network system is potentially, huge.

Police forces the world over use Tetra as a systems of communication. This system
also includes a sub-carrier frequency of about 16 Hz which is very close to our natural
brainwave patterns.

Could this 16 Hz ancillary pulsed ELF (extremely low-frequency) be responsible for

instilling aggressive behaviours in our police force personnel?

The zombie apocalypse might just be around the corner unless of course, we refuse to
comply. That is our choice.


Mobilize is an investigative documentary that explores the long-term health effects of

cell phone radiation, including cancer and infertility.

Clear Light Ventures is sponsoring free viewing of Mobilize from September 15 to October 16,
2016 - enter promo code "ClearLight".
Film Synopsis

In 2011 the World Health Organization stated, The electromagnetic fields produced by mobile
phones are classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as possibly
carcinogenic to humans. The cell phone industry has vigorously disputed these findings.

Mobilize is an explosive investigative documentary that explores the potential long-term health
effects from cell phone radiation, including brain cancer and infertility.

The politically charged film examines the most recent scientific research and the harsh
challenges politicians face trying to pass precautionary legislation. Featuring interviews with
expert researchers, mobile phone industry representatives, and prominent politicians,
MOBILIZE illuminates how industrys economic and political influence can corrupt public

Featuring Gavin Newsom Lt. Governor of California, Lawrence Lessig, Esq., Steve Wozniak,
Richard Branson, Devra Davis, PhD, MPH and many more.

To watch Mobilize click here

Wi-Fried? Australian Broadcasting Company: Catalyst

August 13 2016 | From: ForbiddenKnowledge

This documentary by Australia's ABC TV may change the way you look at
your cell phone.

A scientific paper bravely published by a leading radiation biologist, Prof. Dariusz

Leszczynski now allows top neurologists, like Keith Black, MD of Los Angeles' Cedars-
Sinai Hospital to issue warnings to their patients about the dangers of cell phone use,
which he describes as "Cooking the brain".
Related: The Gloves Come Off On EMF / Mobile / WiFi Radiation + Understanding The
Dangers Of The 5G Rollout

The cell phone industry retaliated against Leszczynski by lobbying to have his funding stopped
and in the meantime, insurance companies in the US stopped coverage for health damages
related to cell phone use.

Brain tumors associated with cell phone use has replaced leukemia as the number one child-
killer. Men who store cell phones in their pockets are assured lower sperm counts and there is
a rash of young women contracting breast cancer, in the very spot where they tuck their
cellphones in their bras.

You can expect to receive the following measurable doses of radiation, using a standard
radiation measuring device: 1) Microwave oven: 800 microvolts, 2) WiFi Router: 800
microvolts, 3) Tablet PC: 2,000 microvolts (watching a movie), 4) Smartphone: 40,000
microvolts (Samsung S3). This last device emits over a thousand times the normal background
radiation level of 30 microvolts.

Related: Australian Researcher: Phone Radiation Is A Hotline To Brain Cancer + Is Wi-Fi

Making Your Child Ill?

The use of cell phones and other wireless technologies is being called the next 'casualty
catastrophe,' after tobacco and asbestos.

iPhones now all contain a legal disclaimer page with fine print, which cannot be enlarged and
which is relatively difficult to locate within the phone's navigation. It discloses the dangers of
radiation exposure from cell phones and advises users to keep the device at least 10mm from
the body - but it's next to impossible to find on the device.

After conducting studies, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon,
France has officially classified the radio wave radiation emitted by cellphones and other
household devices (to say nothing of SmartMeters - which is a whole other video!) as a Class
2B Carcinogen (a possible cause of cancer).

At the same time, a US wireless lobbying group called the CTIA assures us that "Radio waves
from cell phones are safe" and studies paid for by the cell phone industry claim that, "Cell
phone use causes no biological damage."

However, independent studies consistently report serious health effects, ranging from DNA
damage, a 300% reduction in sperm counts, 290% more brain tumors, autism and birth

Related: Parents Of Boy With Tumour Want Wi-Fi Out Of School

Former senior White House adviser, Epidemiologist, Dr. Devra Davis, who appears in this film
testified to the US Senate and has given a hair-raising reports about the back-stories behind
these contradictory scientific reports:

The independent scientists who reported on the ill effects of cell phones found themselves
under attack by the cellphone industry, who would attempt to get them fired and to get their
funding taken away or else accuse them of fraud.

When that didn't work, they hired inexperienced scientists who didn't know anything about the
subject to *look* like they were replicating the incriminating experiments - and when all of the
above didn't work, they wrote an internal memo, in which they stated, "We war-gamed the

To prove a point, one scientist wrote a paper on the subject, laden with obvious errors, which
was published in numerous science journals and translated in over 15 countries.
Journalist, Anthony Gucciardi had previously proven how easy it is for industry to plant fake
science in such publications in the very similar case involving the drug Prozac, which was long
ago proven to increase the incidence of suicide among users and to cause violent behavior in
the 1980s - but hidden from the public until 2005 until there was a BBC expos.

In response, the manufacturers hired their own scientists to prove how "great" Prozac was.
However, producers of anti-depressants today are forced to disclose these side effects, which
one reads in their accompanying manuals or overhear, in the blindingly-fast and unintelligible
disclosure statements that run during television advertisements for these products.

People who know the details believe that once the public becomes aware of these dangerous
side effects, the public outcry will be worse than it was for cigarettes.
Related: Environmental Lawyer Talks About Wifi In Schools

Dr. Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News since 1981 says:

The system is broken, nobody has been told the truth. It's crazy."

He says that it's one thing for the tobacco industry to finally admit to the dangers of smoking tar
and nicotine, after centuries of being on the market because the science, which would
eventually prove that cigarettes and secondhand smoke damaged human health did not yet
exist when tobacco was initially marketed - but cell phones were launched after preliminary
science was already available as to its inherent dangers and these products were released into
the public without any safety studies, whatsoever!

The point is to take action. Action is already being taken in Europe: In Italy, a landmark
supreme court ruling found a "causal link" between cell phone use and brain tumors.

In France, WiFi is being taken down and replaced with cabled Internet in schools and countries
from Germany to Israel and Finland are moving to stop cell phone sales to kids. In the UK,
children under the age of 18, have been barred from cell phone use for several years, already.

But of course, in the Good Ol' USA, the former chief lobbyist for the wireless industry, Thomas
Wheeler was appointed by President Barack Obama to head up the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC), which regulates the safety of wireless devices, in yet another astonishing
conflict-of-interest in the choice of appointed US Federal Regulators, who better resemble
wolves guarding the sheep than advocates for the health of the public at-large.
Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health
Mr. Barrie Trower, a British physicist who was a microwave weapons expert and who
worked for the Royal Navy and the British Secret Service, talks about the health effects
of WiFi and other forms of microwave radiation.

Mr. Trower came out of retirement because he was concerned that the microwave frequencies
and intensities to which children are exposed in schools are similar to those used for
microwave weapons.

Something Very Strange Is Going On And Alternative News

Readers Are Being Targeted - Have You Noticed Any Of These
August 4 2016 | From: AllNewsPipeline

Three days ago a very interesting and disturbing series of comments were
noted here at ANP, unrelated to the actual article itself, but that in and of
itself is not abnormal as debates progress and lead into other areas of
But the originating question that started the side-topic and the responses, as well as
how many of the comments automatically went into moderation, pending approval
before they could be seen when ANP does not moderate comments before they post, all
led me to the conclusion that there is something very strange going on.

Strange Symptoms

Note: Each comment shown will be linked to the comment itself because clicking over to the
original comment only shows a small fraction of the discussion that stemmed from it unless
one goes to the article and scrolls to the end of the comments and continues to reload until
they hit that segment of the thread.

The original question was "Have a question for you all. Anybody else having trouble thinking? I have been
speaking English for many years, but just the last few days my vocabulary is having 'holes'. I am almost 45,
we try eating healthy, no fluoride or meds."

Another commentator, Dar, noted "Almost everyone I talk with as in friends, customers, etc have memory
problems. Not just elderly but all ages."

In response to the first question, Tyler stated "Actually, yes I have. Like a lot lately. I've had a really hard
time formulating thoughts over the last about 2 weeks, including things I know a lot about. And came out of
nowhere too. Even right now, my mind feels very like clouded."

Others mentioned dizzy spells, ringing in the ears during periods when it is more difficult to
think, irritability, multiple readers hearing a "low frequency pulsating sound," accompanied by vertigo
other strange symptoms.

In the midst of the discussion, others were weighing in with possible causes, stress, cell phones and
towers, chemtrails, with one commentator noting specifically they had "two gwen towers" located close by

Another reader detailed an experience from just days before:

Driving home after work down the freeway, it appeared that all vehicles I all lanes in front of me
were...drunk. In the same area, they all drifted across the right marker into other lanes. When I got to that
area, it felt as if my mind was zapped, strongly I might add, by what felt as microwaves.

My brain instantly felt numb, swollen, back of my neck hurt...and I felt very strong vertigo and dizziness.
Then I felt like I was going to pass out while driving. I had to physically change my position, straighten up in
my seat and practically slap myself to maintain.

The rest of the trip home felt a little better, but I had something like hot flashes just wave through me (I'm
not a woman, so can't speak to exactly how those feel). Also strong ringing and "plugged" feeling in my
right ear only. When I got home, I explained what happened and was told that she didn't feel right all day as
well...... Read the rest here.

Another point of interest - In that same portion of the thread, the original poster noted that
when trying to post her comments she was being given the message that they were pending

When we noted that, we checked the moderation dashboard and sure enough, only comments
related to that topic we being listed as "pending" and not showing until we manually approved

Again, we do not moderate comments before they post and have a very limited "filter" set up to
try to catch spammers and nothing in those "pending" comments contained anything in our
filters, nor any type of spam.

US Government Mind Control Experiements

Mockers and scoffers often see the words "mind control" and instantly tune out, thinking it is
science fiction, so lets address the documented fact that the U.S. Goverment, has
experimented with mind control throughout the decades, dating back to the 1950's with the CIA
project MK ULTRA, supposedly halted in 1973, congressionals hearings were had in 1977 after
an FOIA request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to the U.S. Government
project. In July 2001, more information was declassified. - Source

Does anyone truly believe any government would spend two decades and untold amounts of
money experimenting with mind control and would simply stop, even though many tests were
deemed successful?

We also know that scientists are now able to plant false experiences into the brain and have
"discovered a way to implant associations in people's brains, without the subjects being aware
of it happening," and have the ability to erase painful memories and add new ones.

The U.S. governments mind control experiments are a fact and it took over 20 years from the
date they started for congress to investigate and for the public to be told... makes one wonder
what we learn 20 years from now as to what kind of experiments the government is conducting
on us right this very second.

GWEN (Ground Wave Emeregency Network)

Since one of the comments above did bring up the GWEN towers, we'll address that here.
GWEN stands for Ground Wave Emergency Network, which was a command and control
communication system intended for use by the United States government to facilitate military
communications before, during and after a nuclear war.
Related: What Is This GWEN Tower Really For? + ELF, GWEN Towers, And HAARP

Specifically, GWEN was constructed to survive the effects of a high-altitude nuclear explosion-
generated electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) to ensure that the United States President or his
survivors could issue a launch order to strategic nuclear bombers.

The network was conceived as an array of approximately 300 radio transceivers distributed
across the continental USA which operated in the Low frequency (LF) radio band. Later revised
for 126 towers, plans again changed to include 56 radio towers linking 38 terminals; it was later
expanded to 96 towers linking 49 terminals. Final network towers numbered 58. - Source

It is notable that "conspiracy theorists," often claimed the GWEN towers had "different
functions, including controlling the weather, mind, behavior and mood control of the populace."

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

I will remind readers that for decades those that believed the government was conducting mind
control experiements on citizens of the U.S. were also called "conspiracy theorists" as well,
until MK ULTRA was revealed to the public, and some deny still to this day what the project
was and what the U.S. government did, despite the Senate hearings into the project and the
documentation released.

We also note that after so much funding being pumped into GWEN, that when it was
"terminated," the US Coast Guard began outfitting some GWEN sites to house their National
Differential GPS system because "Existing equipment fit the needs of the NDGPS".... in other
words, the towers are still up all across the United States. There are currently 85 NDGPS sites
in the US network, administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Navigation
Center, according to Wiki.

Electronic Harassment

Electronic Harassment, aka psychotronic torture, or electromagnetic torture, is also waved

away as "conspiracy," of people that believe the government uses electromagnetic radiation
(such as the microwave auditory effect), radar, and surveillance techniques to transmit sounds
and thoughts into people's heads, affect people's bodies, and harass people.

It is widely know that the government does indeed use technology called "directed energy
weapons," which emits highly focused energy, transferring that energy to a target to damage it.
The energy used includes: Electromagnetic radiation, including radio frequency, microwave,
lasers and masers; Particles with mass, in particle-beam weapons, and; Sound, in sonic

In researching this article, I ran across an article which led me to a Washington Post article,
dated January 2007, buried on page W22, which reported on electronic harassment and voices
in the head, and in the article we see that the Pentagon has continued to pursue a weapon that
can do just that.

But there are hints of ongoing research: An academic paper written for the Air Force in the mid-
1990s mentions the idea of a weapon that would use sound waves to send words into a
person's head:

The signal can be a 'message from God' that can warn the enemy of impending doom, or encourage the
enemy to surrender," the author concluded.

In 2002, the Air Force Research Laboratory patented precisely such a technology: using microwaves to
send words into someone's head.

That work is frequently cited on mind-control Web sites. Rich Garcia, a spokesman for the research
laboratory's directed energy directorate, declined to discuss that patent or current or related research in the
field, citing the lab's policy not to comment on its microwave work.

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request filed for this article, the Air Force released unclassified
documents surrounding that 2002 patent records that note that the patent was based on human
experimentation in October 1994 at the Air Force lab, where scientists were able to transmit phrases into
the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility.

Research appeared to continue at least through 2002. Where this work has gone since is unclear the
research laboratory, citing classification, refused to discuss it or release other materials.

The official U.S. Air Force position is that there are no non-thermal effects of microwaves. Yet Dennis
Bushnell, chief scientist at NASA's Langley Research Center, tagged microwave attacks against the human
brain as part of future warfare in a 2001 presentation to the National Defense Industrial Association about
"Future Strategic Issues."

That work is exceedingly sensitive" and unlikely to be reported in any unclassified documents, he says.

Quoted portions above can be found on page 4 and page 5 of the online version of that WAPO
2007 article.

Related: How to Block Microwave Mind-Programming Signals

Bottom Line

The United States of America [and the rest of the West] has become a surveillance state, one
very reminiscent to what was described in George Orwell's classic dystopian novel "1984,"
where camera's track our every move, microphones are hidden around cities to listen to
conversations as part of a "clandestine government surveillance program," where the NSA can
turn on your phones remotely, and the FBI can force your IPHONE cameras on to secretly film.
Related: A look at some of the ways George Orwells 1984 has come true today

Knowing the type of technology the U.S. government is pursuing, what they have done in the
past with mind control experiments, the fact that they are continuing to research and create
energy weapons, what stops them from turning those weapons on the American people?

Is it a coincidence that the very people that read alternative news sites such as ANP, such as
Christians, veterans, constitutionalists, preppers, survivalists, etc... are the very same people
that the Obama administration has labeled as "extremists," and as "dangerous," and
coincidentally are the very same people experiencing the symptoms described at the top of this

If readers are experiencing strange symptoms, noting weird behaviors in those around you....
leave a comment describing them, because there is definitely something strange going on.

Gestapo In The USA: FCC Intimidates Press And Kills Free

Speech At 5G Rollout
August 1 2016 | From: TakeBackYourPower

In a public meeting at FCC headquarters on July 14, the agency which once
served the people instead acted like tyrannical thugs, in an escalating
series of remarkable events.

First, they prevented wireless science advocates from displaying a simple sign,
violating their First Amendment rights in a public venue. Then, a security guard
forcefully prevented a t-shirt from being taken out of a bag, by a former Congressional
candidate with opposing views [See the full video at the end of this article, or links to
the relevant clips from the images below].

Related: First Study On 4G / LTE Cell Phone Radiation Shows It Affects Brain Activity

Next, a Bloomberg reporter had his credentials confiscated - almost unbelievably - for merely
talking with the former Congressional candidate.

Following these incidents, the reporter, Todd Shields, was visibly irate with FCC
Commissioner Tom Wheeler - who also happens to be the former president of CTIA, the
wireless industrys lobbying organization.

Moments ago I was attempting to talk to to some people who came to attend the meeting and have
concerns about radiation and 5G. And your security force intervened - told the guy he couldnt show me the
t-shirt he wished to display at the meeting, forced him to put it away, and confiscated my FCC-issued ID. Is
this consonant with the discussion that ought to be taking place here, and whats your reaction to this
action by your staff?

-Todd Shields, Bloomberg reporter, to FCC Chair Wheeler [on video above]

Bloomberg reporter Todd Shields had his credentials confiscated - for talking with a former Congressional
candidate about 5G and health concerns

And in the Q&A that followed, the former Congressional candidate Kevin Mottus successfully
added another dose of truth the narrative.

Hey Tom, with the NTP study showing wireless causes cancer sub-thermally, how can you proceed with
more wireless expansion, with FCC standards only recognizing thermal effects - ignoring thousands of
studies showing cancerous effects, neurological effects, reproductive harm, immune system disorders
people are being electrosensitive

-Kevin Mottus, former Congressional candidate, to Wheeler [on video above]

After about 20 seconds of yielding the floor to Mottus, Wheeler interrupted, dodged this very
appropriate question, and diverted to an FCC-compliant journalist:

Lydia, do you have a question?]

(Which, on the video, almost sounds like a Wheeler Freudian slip: Litigate. Do you have a

There have been thousands of published peer-reviewed studies that indicate the proliferation
of microwave (wireless) technologies is not safe to biological life. (See meta-study
links here, here, here and here.)

Why is the FCC resorting to Gestapo-like tactics of suppression and

outright intimidation?

The issue here, is that the Federal Communications Commission just rubber-stamped their
rollout of 5G cellular technology, which while increasing throughput, would blanket all
planetary life with ultra-high microwave frequencies - 24Ghz and up. The fact that these
frequencies have never been tested as safe is not stopping corporate-government plans for an
unleashing of massive infrastructure.

But there have been thousands of published peer-reviewed studies that indicate the
proliferation of microwave (wireless) technologies is not safe to biological life. (See meta-study
links here, here, here and here.)
So, because theres a lot of money in a wireless economy and the data-harvesting that comes
with it - trillions, in fact - Big Industry has bought the science, bought lawmakers, ruled the
proliferation of microwaves as safe, and infiltrated the FCC along with most
international health agencies.

And in the face of this willful, for-profit negligence, instead of employing conscience and
responsibility, theyre actively silencing all opposition. You know, those of the human species
that pay attention to pass concepts like science and reason.

Heres some snippets from FCC Chair Wheeler, at his June 20 press conference:

5G will use much higher frequency bands [24 to 100+ GHz] antennas that can aim and amplify
signals massive deployment of small cells tens of billions of dollars in economic activity hundreds of
billions of microchips if something can be connected, it will be connected unlike other countries
we wont wait for the standards

Tom Wheeler, FCC Chair [on video above]

Paraphrased: We cant let life get in the way of profit. We want to make billions from all of
you, and control everything. And in doing so, were not only going to willfully ignore
science, were going to remove the idea of standards and initiate a free-for-all.

FCC Chair and former industry lobbyist Tom Wheeler announces proliferation of 5G microwave technology,
privatizes rollout and removes oversight and standards. Nobody quits the CTIA. Once youre CTIA, youre family
for life.

If unchecked, what could this lead to?

The implications of all of this are very far-reaching. How far? Well, to find out, lets start with
what we know.

Its pretty clear at this point that we have a government that has been taken over by corporate
interests. In order to increase their power and control even more, they plan to exponentially
ramp-up the deployment of technology everywhere, which a vast body of science clearly says
is harmful.

If unchecked, this will almost certainly lead to an increase in cancer and other ailments
associated with exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Havent we had enough of for-profit
agendas putting profits before health?

From a surveillance standpoint, we already know there is a sinister spying agenda operating
behind the scenes. The rollout of 5G technology - especially in the standardless, profit-
centered way Wheeler describes would indeed open up a considerable new threat to basic

If everything is connected, you can bet that as many details as possible about our actions will
be tracked and stored somewhere - like the $2B NSA facility in Blufdale, Utah. And there is
extraordinary market value in this. A director at NARUC stated that the value of data harvested
just by smart utility meters will likely be worth a lot more than electricity itself, which is a $2.2
trillion market globally.

Related: US Intelligence Chief: We Might Use The Internet Of Things To Spy On You

But besides being creepy and making the 1% even richer, there are clear warning signs that a
control-oriented governing system could easily take an indexed catalog of all of your actions
and use it against you in a multitude of ways.

For example, increasingly-instrusive pre-crime operations are already planned in Miami. And
insurance providers are checking their customers facebook data to influence premiums and
even coverage availability. So its really not unreasonable to see how a governing body
concerned primarily with staying in power, could restrict rights or remove privileges for
behavior that is deemed to be not aligned with national interests.

So, tracking is not ok unless we are absolutely convinced that the governing body of that
system truly respects individual rights and has the best interests of the people in mind. And
right now, we are not even close to having such leadership in our governments.

Wheelers vision of 5G would significantly enable those who are motivated by power and
money to use technology to rule over everyone else. In order to protect our lives and future, we
must not allow that to happen.

While we would all like to have fast internet, we must now look closely at the downside of this
technology, and take constructive action. This can understandably be difficult, due to the
considerable attachment that we have to both our devices and the sense of immediate
gratification that we obtain from using them.

While solutions to out planets problems are being actively prevented, steering human culture into a
virtual/augmented reality seems to be the insane game of the technocrats. Perhaps The Matrix was not far off,
after all

How we will save our world: Individual responsibility, accountability and


In addition to an interview with Kevin Mottus, last Sunday I skyped with Dafna Tachover, an
Israel-based attorney who was present at G-Day, last Thursday.

Tachover, who is among millions now who have directly experienced microwave radiation harm
after becoming sensitized to it, says that the only way forward is individual accountability and
liability. In my view, she is obviously right.

Dafna Tachover is the CEO of We Are The Evidence, an organization which advocates for
the rights of those who has been injured by wireless technology:

Until theres personal accountability and liability, this systematic problem that repeats itself will happen
again, and again, and again, and it has been. So, we learned that the tobacco industry was lying to the
public, bluntly - to the public, to the government, to health organizations - without any hesitation. Was
anyone sued? No. Was anyone found personally accountable? No. So thats actually what enables this
kind of behavior to happen again and again.
This is the action we should take: we should make it clear to those government people - or you know, if we
talk about wi-fi in schools, the school principals, who do have personal responsibility and liability to protect
childrens health - to make sure they know they will be found personally liable for the harms they cause.
They have a position of trust, and they betrayed that trust. And they should be found liable. It should be
civil liability and criminal liability.

- Dafna Tachover, attorney [on this video link]

Former Congressional candidate Kevin Mottus spoke about the urgency of the situation.

Kevin Mottus is meeting with reps on the ground in Washington DC, Sept 6 Oct 6. To meet
up with him there, reach him at truthaction@protonmail.ch.

My background is as a medical social worker. And when I was in the hospitals I saw young salesman and
lawyers coming in with brain tumors, and healthy otherwise, other than the tumor - and doctors asking
them about their cell phone use. So I was clued in very early with these heavy users and the tumors it was

Schools are now our most dangerous places to be. You have 20-40 wireless transmitters in their
and wireless laptops, and then you have 2-3 commercial-grade wireless routers. So you have, really, the
setting of the most significant exposure in our country, and the most vulnerable population being exposed
are small children - which we know are 3 to 4 times as sensitive to all environmental hazards.

We are microwaving our population and wondering why our cancer is going through the roof and chronic
disease is going through the roof. Its really very sad.

I spoke to Congressman Grayson from Florida, and while I was talking with him, one of his staffers, Joe,
came up to me. And he said, What are you talking about? I said, Im talking about wireless cell phones
causing brain tumors. He said, Thats interesting, because I had a brain aneurysm and Im lucky to be
alive. Its also interesting because my buddy just died from a brain tumor.
So, people are definitely getting sick. And you need to ask them, Does your face tingle when you use your
cell phone?. Do you have difficulty sleeping? Have you ever gotten nauseous using the phone? Do you
feel funny when youre around wi-fi, or getting close to it? And youll be surprised - people are getting sick.

For instance, I spoke to Congressman Rush. Congressman Rush has a salivary gland tumor, which Israel
has associated with cell phone use.

We need to stop this before they [FCC] auction the [ultra-high frequency] spectrum.

-Kevin Mottus, former Congressional candidate, California [on this video link]

If you are reading this from the United States you can find links about actions you can take
within your country at the end of the original article at TakeBackYourPower.

Full Video:


The new 5G system they plan on introducing following trials in 2017, described in your info and in the
video, are planned to operate between 28GHz 100GHz is interestingly the SAME FREQUENCY in the
Extremely High Frequency (EHF) (30GHz 300GHz or, wavelengths 10mm 1mm) spectrum that are
already being used in the ACTIVE DENIAL SYSTEM (ADS) non-lethal, directed energy weapon developed
by the US military produced by Raytheon designed for perimeter security and crowd control.

It was also used in Afghanistan War. The US Police use it already, and in 2010 the Los Angeles
Sheriffs Department announced that they were going to use reduced versions of it in detention
centers to break up prisoner fights etc.

See details on the Wiipedia entry here.

From Prof Olle Johansson interview on the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit

"If you go back to [EMF] impact on brain function, you have all the pieces that you would look for, in for
instance Alzheimers and dementia. There are studies regarding loss of concentration capacity, loss of
short term memory, impacts on cellular function, including cell death in various rodent models leakage of
the so-called blood-brain barrier, connected also to damage and cell death of nerve cells. behavioral
impacts impact on sleep quality various forms of learning tasks."

"The [blood-brain barrier] effect was seen after a short exposure, namely a 1-minute mobile phone call
and also at an exposure level that was five thousand times below the official guideline...."

"This is the largest full-scale experiment with mankind, ever, on this planet."

Related: The Gloves Come Off On EMF / Mobile / WiFi Radiation + Understanding The
Dangers Of The 5G Rollout
Dangerous Molecules Detected In E-Cigarettes Which May Make
Them More Harmful Than The Real Thing
July 29 2016 | From: PreventDisease

Penn State College of Medicine researchers have found that electronic

cigarettes produce highly-reactive free radicals - molecules associated with
cell damage and cancer - and may pose a health risk comparable or worse
than conventional cigarettes.

The use of e-cigarettes is on the rise but research into the effects of e-cigarettes lags
behind their popularity.

The number of teens and tweens using these products doubled between 2011 and 2012.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 20 percent of young
adults have tried e-cigarettes, and current smokers and recent former smokers are most likely
to have used them.

E-cigarettes deliver nicotine in water vapor instead of by burning tobacco. The battery-operated
devices have been marketed as an alternative to traditional cigarettes. They look like the real
thing. The end glows as you inhale. As you exhale, you puff out a cloud of what looks like

But we know very little about the toxic substances produced by e-cigarettes and their health
effects. More evidence coming forward may ultimately validate that e-cigarettes may be more
dangerous than regular cigarettes, potentially causing cancer at comparable and possible
faster rates depending on the chemicals used.
E-cigarettes have triggered a fierce debate among health experts who share the same goal --
reducing the disease and death caused by tobacco. However, many now claim they are not so
safe after all.

Theres a perception that e-cigarettes are healthier than regular cigarettes, or at least not as harmful as
regular cigarettes, said John P. Richie Jr., professor of public health sciences and pharmacology.

While e-cigarette vapor does not contain many of the toxic substances that are known to be present in
cigarette smoke, its still important for us to figure out and to minimize the potential dangers that are
associated with e-cigarettes.

Previous studies have found low levels of aldehydes, chemical compounds that can cause
oxidative stress and cell damage, in e-cigarette smoke. But until now, no one has looked for
free radicals, the main source of oxidative stress from cigarette smoke. Highly reactive free
radicals are a leading culprit in smoking-related cancer, cardiovascular disease and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease.

Instead of smoke, e-cigarettes produce aerosols, tiny liquid particles suspended in a puff of air.
The researchers measured free radicals in e-cigarette aerosols.
They found that e-cigarettes produce high levels of highly reactive free radicals that fall in the
range of 1,000- to 100-times less than levels in regular cigarettes. Nanotechnology is also
being implemeted to produced some of the chemicals involved in their manufacturing.

This is the first study that demonstrates the fact that we have these highly reactive agents in e-cigarette
aerosols, Richie said. Results were published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology.

The levels of radicals that were seeing are more than what you might get from a heavily air-polluted area
but less than what you might find in cigarette smoke, Richie said.

The radicals are produced when the devices heating coil heats the nicotine solution to very
high temperatures.

Further research is needed to determine the health effects of highly reactive free radicals from
This is the first step, Richie said. The identification of these radicals in the aerosols means that we cant
just say e-cigarettes are safe because they dont contain tobacco. They are potentially harmful. Now we
have to find out what the harmful effects are.

Richie is currently conducting studies to carefully measure total numbers of free radicals in e-cigarette
aerosols and to identify their chemical structures.

That will help us interpret the data better to know how dangerous they are, he said.

Some experts are comparing replacing tobacco with e-cigarettes to heroin users switching to
the painkiller methadone. The replacement may have its own risks, but is it safer, probably not.

Related: The Dangers of Nanotechnology

The Gloves Come Off On EMF / Mobile / WiFi Radiation +

Understanding The Dangers Of The 5G Rollout
July 20 2016 | From: TakeBackYourPower

If you care about your health, your children, your pets, your environment it
is imperative that you understand the implications of this freight train that
is headed down the tracks.

I hope you get the same chills down your spine I get when you read this and are
compelled to take swift action!

After reading this post, get informed about the electronic soup we are all frying in. Watch what
18 world class experts are sharing on the EMF summit.

Untested 28GHz radiation blasting from millions of new hidden antennas and tuned-up "smart"
meters. A corporate free-for-all, with oversight eliminated. Total, for-profit surveillance. An
"internet of everything" with "hundreds of billions of microchippable products". Everywhere and
everything... and eventually, everyone.

This is not sci-fi. This is FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler's insane new plan, slickly badged as
"5G". The US government's own NTP cancer study inconveniently concluded that yes - cellular
radiation DOES increase cancer. Now, the industy-lobbyist-turned-government-czar gave an
uber-creepy speech invoking technocracy's endgame with a stomach-churning sense of

Check out Wheeler's creepy speech for yourself, here. He stammers through it like a man
mostly-possessed. This is desperation on their part. They know full well that the next phase of
the megalomanic rollout needs to happen before the SHTF for them, and the tipping point is
reached in terms of a convergent awareness of wireless health / surveillance / technocratic
insanity- and their liability.

So let's engage and make some noise. Your voice is needed today. This plan is being fast-
tracked & voted on tomorrow, Thursday July 14. Let the FCC and this government know
that if they do not listen to science and reason, they will be held accountable and liable for
their actions. Money is not only their god - it's their language.

Speak up and stop 5G now.

This one is heavy. Hang in there. It is darkest before the dawn. But in the night, act we must.

So it's handy when you contact the FCC & reps, here once again is a list of science-based

1) 34 Scientific Studies Showing Adverse Health Effects From Wi-Fi

2) Several thousand studies that indicate a biological effect and/or harm:





3) Radiofrequency science charts to visually compare studies, radiation intensities and

biological effects

4) Apple manual states to keep your iPhone away from your body at all times

5) Study: Mobile phones are cooking men's sperm

6) Brain surgeon Dr Charlie Teo warns against mobiles, wireless home appliances

7) American Academy of Pediatrics warns: Limit children's exposure to cellphones

8) More than 60 international warnings on Wi-Fi and microwave radiation

9) A List of Teacher Unions and Parent Teacher Organizations Taking Action On Wi-Fi (USA,
Canada, UK, etc).

10) TED Talk from a former Environmental Engineer in Silicon Valley

11) Insurance giant Swiss RE has given electromagnetic frequencies the HIGHEST possible
long term risk rating

12) Another insurance giant, Lloyd's of London, will not insure anything wireless

13) Risk Management Magazine - The Invisible Threat: Radiofrequency Radiation Risk

14) US CDC retracts cellphone radiation warning following pressure from industry lobbyists

15) WHO involved in suppression of additional science showing harm, since 2011

16) Study Uncovers How Electromagnetic Fields Amplify Pain in Amputees

17) CEO of 1 Billion-dollar U.K. company speaks out on microwave sickness

18) Dozens of specific scientific abstracts that all show harm

19) Solutions: Reducing Wirelesss Radiation and EMF

20) Solutions: Reducing Your EMF Exposure

21) Cell Phone Radiation Boosts Cancer Rates in Animals; $25 Million NTP Study Finds
Brain Tumors

This is so important and you need to understand it and protect yourself, your family, and your
pets. Create a safe environment and use technology wisely!

Update: July 14, 2016

Theres no stopping this freight train.

In a unanimous vote this morning, the Federal Communications Commission approved a plan
to begin readying the United States for 5G wireless networks.

Its the biggest expansion yet and will make many more people ill!

Now more than ever you need to know how to best protect yourself and your family using
technology wisely. Get informed!

The Truth About Mobile Phone And Wireless Radiation: What We

Know, What We Need To Find Out, And What You Can Do Now
July 5 2016 | From: UniversityOfMelbourne

Deans Lecture: Presented by Dr Devra Davis, Visiting Professor of Medicine

at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, and Visiting Professor
of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey.

What are the health effects of mobile phones and wireless radiation? While Australia
has led the world in safety standards, including compulsory seat-belt legislation, plain
packaging on cigarettes, and product and food disclosure legislation, it falls behind in
addressing the significant issues associated with mobile phone use.

In this Deans Lecture, epidemiologist and electromagnetic radiation expert, Dr Devra Davis,
will outline the evolution of the mobile phone and smartphone, and provide a background to the
current 19 year old radiation safety standards (SAR), policy developments and international
legislation. New global studies on the health consequences of mobile/wireless radiation will be
presented, including childrens exposure and risks.

Dr Devra Davis is an internationally recognised expert on electromagnetic radiation from

mobile phones and other wireless transmitting devices.

She is currently the Visiting Professor of Medicine at the Hebrew University Hadassah Medical
School, and Visiting Professor of Medicine at Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey. Dr Davis was
Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology at The University of Pittsburgh
Cancer Institute - the first institute of its kind in the world, to examine the environmental factors
that contribute to the majority of cases of cancer.

In 2007, Dr Devra Davis founded nonprofit Environmental Health Trust to provide basic
research and education about environmental health hazards. Dr Davis served as the President
Clinton appointee to the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board in the U.S.A. from
1994 -1999, an independent executive branch agency that investigates, prevents and mitigates
chemical accidents.
As the former Senior Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Health in the Department of Health
and Human Services, she has counseled leading officials in the United States, United Nations,
European Environment Agency, Pan American Health Organization, World Health
Organization, and World Bank.Dr Davis holds a B.S. in physiological psychology and an M.A.
in sociology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1967. She completed a PhD in science studies
at the University of Chicago as a

Danforth Foundation Graduate Fellow, 1972 and a M.P.H. in epidemiology at the Johns
Hopkins University as a Senior National Cancer Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1982. She has
authored more than 200 publications and has been published in Lancet and Journal of the
American Medical Association as well as the Scientific American and the New York Times.

Junk Science Week: Science Is On The Verge Af A Nervous

July 4 2016 | From: TheFinancialPost

Welcome to FP Comments 18th annual Junk Science Week, dedicated to

exposing the scientists, NGOs, activists, politicians, journalists, media
outlets, cranks and quacks who manipulate science data to achieve their
Our standard definition over the years has been this: junk science occurs when
scientific facts are distorted, risk is exaggerated and the science adapted and warped
by politics and ideology to serve another agenda.

Much of our content over the past 18 years has focused less on science itself and more on the
NGOs, politicians and others who have found it convenient to use and abuse science as a
springboard to political action.

It is easy, perhaps too easy, to follow the empty-headed foibles of a media culture that
mindlessly recycles reports that bacon may cause heart disease or that cell phones cause
cancer. Less easy is dealing with the much bigger problem: the break down of science itself.

In The Guardian last week, Jerome Ravetz, considered one of the worlds leading philosophers
of science, reviewed what he and many others describe as the crisis in science. Ravetz, who
has been warning of the emerging internal conflicts in science for decades, sees the crisis is
spreading to the general public.

"Given the public awareness that science can be low-quality or corrupted, that whole fields can be
misdirected for decades (see nutrition, on cholesterol and sugar), and that some basic fields must progress
in the absence of any prospect of empirical testing (string theory), the nave realism of previous
generations becomes quite Medieval in its irrelevance to present realities.

Present reality is that science is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Thats the not-so-
tongue-in-cheek message in Science on the Verge, a new book by European scientist Andrea
Saltelli and seven other contributors. Science on the Verge is a 200-page indictment of what to
the lay reader appears to be a monumental deterioration across all fields, from climate science
to health research to economics.

The mere idea that most published research results are false should be cause for alarm.

But it is worse than that. The crisis runs through just about everything we take for granted in
modern science, from the use of big data to computer models of major parts of our social,
economic and natural environment and on to the often absurd uses of statistical methods to
fish for predetermined conclusions.

Examples from the book help prove the point. In a chapter titled Numbers Running Wild, one
of the books authors, Jeroen P. van der Sluijs of the University of Bergen, asks how is it
possible for a paper in Science magazine to claim that precisely 7.9 per cent (not eight per
cent or seven per cent) of the worlds species would become extinct as a result of climate
change - when the total number of species is unknown?

Even odder, the species study concluded that the 7.9 per cent demonstrates:

"The importance of rapid implementation of technologies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and
strategies for carbon sequestration.

How, asks van de Sluijs, do the researchers jump from species extinction to carbon

"This sounds like an opinion for which the underlying arguments are not even given.

Others examples come from economics, a science filled with unwarranted claims to certainty
and predictability. Science on the Verge recalls Nobel economist Robert Lucass 2003
declaration that the -
"Central problem of depression-prevention has been solved.

Also noted is the 2004 claim by former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke that the volatility of
business cycles had been tamed.

These and other economic blunders lead critics to suspect the discipline of economics:

"Had reverted to (or never developed beyond) a state of immaturity.

Few fields and practices are exempt from scrutiny in Science on the Verge. In a chapter on
evidence-based science, Andrea Saltelli - also at the University of Bergen - spreads the net

"It is futile to expect, for example, that modelling approaches which have failed to predict a purely financial
and economic crisis will be able to inform us accurately about the behaviour of a system involving
institutions, societies, economies and ecologies.

Yet this is what we do when we apply the technique of cost benefit analysis (CBA) to dimensions of
climate change

This kind of quantitative approach to complex systems, says Saltelli, can only foster abuse and

- Excerpt from Science on the verge here.

It would be wrong to suspect that Science on the Verge is the work of right-wing activists,
climate skeptics and hide-bound traditionalists.

It is the work, rather, of scientists with a range of ideological views despairing over what
appears to be a fundamental breakdown as science has become more and more enmeshed in
the business of providing evidence for policy-making.

Science, in short, has already been corrupted. We explore just some of the examples in this
years Junk Science Week, including the GDP factory myth, sugar scares, the social cost of
carbon, the last pesticide Roundup, killer lipstick, and our annual Rubber Duckies awards.

These Light Bulbs Cause Anxiety, Migraines, And Even Cancer

June 28 2016 | From: TMZ

In order to save money and energy, a lot of people replaced their old
standard light bulbs with eco -friendly new generation energy- saving light
bulbs. Nevertheless, these energy- efficient bulbs are extremely toxic.

According to a study conducted by researchers from the Fraunhofer Wilhelm Klauditz

Institute for Germans Federal Environment Agency, if broken indoors, these light bulbs
release 20 times the maximum acceptable mercury concentration in the air.
It was very astounding how the majority of the British people were able to figure out the fact
that its too absurd to kill someone from the other side when your position is winning in all the
surveys, independent or otherwise.

Consequently, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency created an emergency protocol you
need to follow in the event of a bulb breakage, due to the poison gas that is released.

Moreover, these light bulbs have a number of negative effects for our health, including:




Cluster headaches



Inability to concentrate

Here are some more reasons to avoid these light bulbs and go back to incandescent bulbs.

Energy Saving Bulbs Contain Mercury

As previously stated, these energy- saving light bulbs contain mercury, which is a potent
neurotoxin that is especially dangerous to children and pregnant women. It is especially toxic
to the brain, the nervous system, the liver and the kidneys, and it can also damage the
reproductive, cardiovascular and immune system. Furthermore, mercury can cause anxiety,
insomnia, memory loss, headaches, tremors, cancer and Alzheimers.

Energy Saving Light Bulbs Emit a Lot of UV Rays

It is generally recognized that UV-radiation is harmful for the eyes and the skin, as it can lead
to skin cancer. These energy saving lamps emit UV-B and traces of UV-C radiation.
This radiation directly attacks the immune system, and furthermore damages the skin tissues
enough to prevent the proper formation of vitamin D-3.

Energy Saving Bulbs Can Cause Cancer

The study by Peter Braun at Berlin Germanys Alab Laboratory discovered that these light
bulbs contain poisonous carcinogens that could cause cancer, such as:

Naphthalene, a volatile white crystalline compound, produced by the distillation of coal

tar, used in mothballs and as a raw material for chemical manufacture.

Styrene, an unsaturated liquid hydrocarbon, obtained as a petroleum byproduct.

Phenol, a mildly acidic toxic white crystalline solid, obtained from coal tar and used in
chemical manufacture.
Hence, apart from the saving in energy and finances, these light bulbs pose serious
health risks. Therefore, it would be wise to change back to regular incandescent bulbs,
but be careful in doing so as well- since if one happens to break, the dangers are so

The Environmental Protection Agency has laid out a very detailed protocol to deal with the
mercury and cancer-causing chemicals in these cases, which suggests as follows:
In the event of a bulb breakage, due to the poison gas that is released, you should follow this
emergency procedure.
Before Cleanup

People and pets should leave the room.

Open a window or door to the outdoor environment to air out the room for 5-10 minutes

If you have a central forced air heating or air conditioning system, shut it off

Collect materials needed to clean up the broken bulb

Damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes (for hard surfaces)

A glass jar with a metal lid or a sealable plastic bag

Stiff paper or cardboard

Sticky tape

During Cleanup

Do not vacuum as it could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor, unless

broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken.

Be thorough in collecting broken glass and visible powder, scoop up glass fragments and
powder using stiff paper or cardboard.

Pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder with a sticky tape, such as duct
tape. Place the used tape in the glass jar or plastic bag.

Place cleanup materials in a sealable container.

After Cleanup

After cleanup, avoid leaving any bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors, and promptly
place all of them, including vacuum cleaner bags, outdoors in a trash container or protected
area until materials can be disposed of.

Moreover, check with your local government about disposal requirements in your area, and if
there is no such requirement in your area, you can dispose of the materials with your
household trash. However, some localities require fluorescent bulbs (broken or unbroken) be
taken to a local recycling center.

Furthermore, you should continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the
heating/air conditioning system shut off for several hours afterwards.

A New Map Of New Zealand's Wireless Networks

June 23 2016 | From: MarkHansen

This map draws lines showing the links between antennae like the one
shown in the image further below. You might have seen these towers on top
of hills while driving. I always wondered what they were used for, and
where they connected to. Now you can see where the links go, and who
they're for.

It's not just huge antenna mast towers like the one shown below. Hospitals, big
businesses, cell towers, weather stations, and offshore oil rigs are connected with these
radio links.

I'm really excited about being able to visualise this data - the map shows over 17,000 locations,
and 26,000 point-to-point links over the whole country.
Here's the visualisation: NZ Wireless Map. Check it out!

Here's just a few interesting things I found exploring the data:

Lake Rotorua
Lakes are awesome to transmit across! They stay flat, and usually have good hills on either
side. Lake Rotorua demonstates this really well - here you can see how densely it's
criscrossed with links.

Auckland Skytower

The busiest place I could find, with the most links converging on one location, was the
Skytower in Auckland. Here dozens, if not hundreds of wireless links converge from all over the
Auckland region.

Hamilton's a very flat city, and there's not much in the way of mountain ranges nearby. I
imagine this would make it difficult to transmit signals to the roofs of buildings in town. On the
map, you can see how transmitting companies have dealt with this flatness - the few high
buildings that do exist are used extensively:

The Hamilton Lake Water Tower (shown)

Waikato Hospital

WEL Building

Signals spread all over town from these vantage points.

Taranaki Oil/Gas fields

You don't usually notice New Zealand's offshore gasfields on maps, but they really stick out on
a map of wireless links. You can see the Maui A and Maui B platforms communicating through
a host of links on the Taranaki shore, and the Kupe Gas field south of the mountain.

White Island

We even have a wireless link set up to an active volcano. Awesome!


Exploring the map, I realised that it inadvertently highlights the best views in the country.
Antenna masts are specifically placed for great views in all directions. Lots of research must go
into finding the places with these great views before spending vast amounts of money erecting
a tower.

Why not take advantage of all this research into great views next time you're deciding where to
go hiking?

Getting the Data on the Map

It's all open source, available on Github. A friend showed me BarTender's work making maps of
cell tower sites he made using Radio Spectrum Management's database. BarTender explains
how he extracted the data from the Microsoft Access Database dump, into a SQLite database
with mdb-sqlite, then used SQL queries and XML tools to manipulate the data into KML files.


Many thanks to the people at Radio Spectrum Management in the Ministry of Economic
Development. They've made public a very high-quality dataset containing all the radio licences
in New Zealand. Usually when dealing with datasets with tens of thousands of points, there's a
few problems, but this dataset is pristine. This wouldn't have been possible without their hard
work. Cheers!

Have a look, go exploring, and let me know in the blog comments if you find something
interesting. Feedback is much appreciated.

Smart Meters Not Needed After All For European Power Grid +
How To Opt Out From Smart Meters
June 22 2016 | From: FinalWakeUpCall / Various

A smart meter is installed, but industry players have questioned their use.
A transition to an intelligent electricity grid in Europe can take place
without smart meters, industry players have said, in comments that will
embarrass the European Commission, which pushed a Europe-wide plan to
roll out smart meters years ago.
There are other more efficient ways than smart meters to help develop intelligent power
grids, said industry delegates at the annual convention of Europes electricity
association Eurelectric, held in Vilnius last week.

Related: EU smart meter roll-out lags behind ambition

These include quicker integration of renewables, the development of energy storage and
energy demand response solutions, said the industry representatives.

The actual benefits of smart meters were also questioned at the conference, as several
member states have done previously. Germany, for instance, has decided not to have a
national roll-out plan at all, running counter to requirements laid out in EU legislation.

80% Roll-Out Target

EU member states are required to implement smart meters under the 2009 Third Energy
Package wherever it is cost-effective to do so, with the goal to replace 80% of electricity meters
with smart meters by 2020.

The 80% target applies to both households and commercial buildings, a Commission
spokesperson confirmed. The EU executive will publish in the next one to two years a report on
smart meters in the context of our regular monitoring exercise of the progress of members
states, the spokesperson said.

But progress has been sluggish, with few countries having completed their roll-outs and a
number of nations most notably Germany having so far decided against a nation-wide
deployment of smart meters.
And the countries that do have a commitment to smart meters, such as the UK, have run into
hurdles in completing its roll-out because some meters would cease to work if a consumer
decided to change energy supplier.

Markus Merkel, a senior advisor to the management board of German distribution system
operator (DSO) EWE, told the Eurelectric conference that there isnt a positive business case
for smart meters in Germany.

Real Data Vital

EWEs move towards an intelligent grid has focused to a large extent on upgrading the system
to integrate the vast amount of new renewable energy at a quicker pace.

He said smart meters would be more useful for DSOs in their work to upgrade the grid if they
provided real time data on energy consumption rather than the circa 15-minute intervals that
current products provide.

"We need something different, and maybe smart metering 2.0 the next generation of smart meters will
deliver something more that we as DSOs can also use, he said.

Laurence Carpanini, director smarter energy solutions at IBM, echoed the real time data point, adding:
dont look at smart meters now as being the drivers of change you dont need smart meters really.

Instead, industry players should think about flexibility solutions as a whole and focus on a mix of demand
response technologies, frequency response and energy storage, she said.

Storage was also highlighted by Ari Koponen, CEO of Finnish DSO and utility Caruna. He said
that while smart meters have been essential for collecting energy consumption data, the
aspiration should be to access this data in real time and bring in more storage solutions.

This would [bring] the smartness of the grid to a whole different level, Koponen said.
The industrys comments are an embarrassment for the European Commissions own plan to
deploy smart meters across Europe by 2020.

The Commission spokesperson declined to comment on the views about whether or not smart
meters are necessary for the transition to an intelligent grid.

Member states are expected to conduct their own cost-benefit analyses for their national smart
meters roll-out plans, the official said.


A spokesperson for Eurelectric sent a statement to EurActiv after publication of this article,
clarifying their position on smart meters.

"Even though there are voices in the industry saying that we dont necessarily need smart meters, this
does not represent the view of all Eurelectric members," said Anamaria Olaru, communication and PA
coordinator for Eurelectric.

"The debate on 'Enhancing the value of the intelligent grid' showed a complexity of views from our
speakers" while the EurActiv article "was written from a pure grid perspective, missing out on the consumer
perspective," she said.

Related: The Disturbingly Aggressive Roll Out Of Smart AKA Advanced Meters - While
Children Starve And The Elderly Freeze In Rural Aotearoa (NZ)


The foundations for rolling out smart meters in Europe were laid down in a 2006 EU directive
on energy end-use efficiency and energy services. The directive required member states to
ensure that consumers of energy and water are provided with individual meters and accurate
billing, including time-of-use information.

The gas and electricity directives of the third energy package, adopted in 2009, require
member states to prepare a timetable for the introduction of intelligent metering systems.

In the case of electricity, at least 80% of customers should be equipped with smart meters by
2020, pending a cost-assessment study.

EU legislation on buildings has also sought to pave the way for the introduction of smart
meters. The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive for instance required member states to
"encourage the introduction of intelligent metering systems" when a building is constructed or
undergoes major renovation.

Take Back Your Power Trailer:

UPDATE (19 June): A point of clarification: Whats happening here is an increasing number of
industry players are recognizing smart meters as a false solution.

But rollouts are still happening or planned. We must continue to demand our right to a safe
analog meter, and spread the awareness to everyone in our lives until the tipping point is
reached and this harmful agenda is stopped and reversed.

Our take: Its great to increasingly see industry officials realizing that smart meters are simply
useless toward their stated purposes.

The simple fact of the matter, as weve known since making Take Back Your Power (watch
it here), is that smart meters are an unlawful radiating surveillance device being pawned off in
the name of climate action.

Despite obvious harm to rights, safety, security and health, utilities are still pushing them
because of the market value of this unlawful, in-home surveillance data - which in the words of
a Director at NARUC is estimated to be worth a lot more than the commodity thats consumed
[electricity] to generate that data.

That commodity is a $2.2 trillion dollar market. But in their greed, they are forgetting about
liability. -Josh del Sol

Related: Nelson Woman Faces Hefty Power Bill Because Of Smart Meter - Contact Now
In Damage Control
How To Opt Out From Smart Meters (Before & After

This must-see short film by Andrew Lankes of Austin, TX is loaded with truth and
solutions for smart meters, wireless, and dirty electricity.

What we like best about this 12-minute video are the clear measurements with a smart
meter, and after it was replaced with a safe analog. Watch it here:

Dirty Electricity Measurements:

Kitchen with smart meter: 232 V/sec

Kitchen with analog meter: 50 V/sec

Bedroom with smart meter: 153 V/sec

Bedroom with analog meter: 60 V/sec

Wireless Radiation Measurements:

Smart meter: over 2,000 uW/m2* (device maxed out)

Analog meter: 0.4 uW/m2
* pulses much higher than 2,000 uW/m2

Router with wireless: over 2,000 uW/m2 (device maxed out)

Router without wireless: 0.6 uW/m2

DECT cordless phone base: over 2,000 uW/m2 (device maxed out)
Mobile phone: over 2,000 uW/m2 (device maxed out)


1. Replace smart meter with analog meter

2. Hardwire computers with ethernet cable

3. Put cell phone in airplane mode when not in use, and dont use right next to head.
(Good idea: airtube headset)

4. Use a corded landline

Were Bio-Electric Beings, Affected by Electromagnetics

Quite simply, we are bio-electric beings. As weve seen in Take Back Your Power (watch it
here), once a utility installs a smart meter, thousands (if not millions) are suffering functional
impairments, illness or returning bouts of cancer and other diseases.
There are literally thousands of studies that show a biological effect from electromagnetic
frequencies (EMF). And just this month, a $25M study by the US National Toxicology Program
(NTP) concluded that cellphone radiation is linked with an increase presence of cancerous

But of course, industry and most government agencies are in full denial. Its time the world
knows whats going on with smart meters - better termed radiating surveillance meters.

Opting-out is not the solution, but its a start. Its time we kick these smart/advanced/AMI
meters out of our homes and neighborhoods once and for all. Contact your utility today and
demand a safe analog meter.

Related: Hundreds Of Smart Meters Simultaneously Explode

Crisis In Science Research: Over 70% Of Researchers Fail To

Reproduce Another Scientist's Experiments
June 16 2016 | From: Sott

More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another
scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their
own experiments.
Those are some of the telling figures that emerged from Nature's survey of 1,576
researchers who took a brief online questionnaire on reproducibility in research.

The data reveal sometimes-contradictory attitudes towards reproducibility. Although 52% of

those surveyed agree that there is a significant 'crisis' of reproducibility, less than 31% think
that failure to reproduce published results means that the result is probably wrong, and most
say that they still trust the published literature.
Data on how much of the scientific literature is reproducible are rare and generally bleak. The
best-known analyses, from psychology 1 and cancer biology 2, found rates of
around 40% and 10%, respectively.

Our survey respondents were more optimistic: 73% said that they think that at least half of the
papers in their field can be trusted, with physicists and chemists generally showing the most

The results capture a confusing snapshot of attitudes around these issues, says Arturo
Casadevall, a microbiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in
Baltimore, Maryland.

At the current time there is no consensus on what reproducibility is or should be." But just recognizing that
is a step forward, he says. "The next step may be identifying what is the problem and to get a consensus."
Utility Smart Meters - A Probable Terrorist Connection Unveiled?
June 11 2016 | From: ActivistPost

All throughout the USA - plus globally - informed and concerned

citizens are refusing AMI smart meters for electric, natural gas, and
municipal water utility services, which are provided using a Marxist-
draconian-like edict and rollout by utility companies that want to cash in on
the funding they can receive from the feds to institute what amounts to an
apparent first leg push for the global smart grid and Internet of Things

The IoT is designed to track everyones every interaction at all times - in your car
(transponders and E-Z Pass); on your computers - specifically Windows 10 backdoors
that apparently allow the feds access to your computer; through your smart home
appliances - especially TVs; plus a human RFID microchip surgically imbedded
somewhere inside your body to enforce a cashless society, tracking, and an obvious
ultimate control mechanism over every human!

Related: The Disturbingly Aggressive Roll Out Of Smart AKA Advanced Meters - While
Children Starve And The Elderly Freeze In Rural Aotearoa (NZ)

That IoT sure beats what Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, and Joseph Stalin visualized and
enforced! Why arent consumers waking up to whats being done to us?

Furthermore, does the Draco-like (7th-century Athenian statesman and lawmaker, or his code
of laws, which prescribed death for almost every offence) push for vaccines starting as soon as
a fetus exits the womb until one reaches advanced old age play a part in any of this, especially
vaccine nanoparticles?

Related: Seattle Suehawks: Smart meter hush-up launched because, er ... terrorism

However, one specific aspect of the dumb smart technology came into daylight recently
because of whats been going on in Seattle, Washington - terrorism associated with hacking
smart systems. Hopefully, that aspect finally will register enough concern in the hearts, minds,
and souls of humans to enable us to recognize, and seriously ponder, that we are being
downsized into zombies or human robots!

The issue thats raised security concerns, plus hackles, at corporate levels is the fact that utility
companies smart meter technology is being equated with terroristic capabilities! Read that
again and let it sink into the very depths of your being.

All those dumb smart gadgets we cant live without, and everyone has bought into, pose
severe capabilities for terrorists hacking, plus a total takeover of the grid! How do you like
them apples?
Related: Britains IoD: Smart Meters Are A Government IT Disaster Waiting To Happen

The quintessential Pandoras Box is nothing compared with smart technology and its
capabilities of being hacked at every level of communication. How do we know that?

Well, its been revealed that when Seattle City Light, a public power utility in Washington State,
was asked by an activist for their smart meter and grid details, etc., in order to find out what
kind of safety and security safeguards were built in by smart meter suppliers Landis+Gyr and
Sensus USA, that request wound up in a rather bizarre legal battle!


Heres the story of activist Phil Moceks request for smart meter information that ran into legal
troubles. However, Id like to cut to what may be the real deal about not releasing those plans,

The smart meter suppliers objected to the release of the information on the grounds that the unredacted
documents would disclose their trade secrets and open the public to terrorist attacks on their

As a result of smart meter suppliers/manufacturers legal actions, this is where the issue
currently stands:

Mocek was given a mix of unredacted and redacted documents by the city, the meter makers complained,
whereas he should only have received and published files they had censored.
Seattle officials said they were not skilled enough to know for sure which parts to redact, so left it to the
suppliers to edit the files yet, unredacted information managed to make its way into Moceks hands and
onto the internet.

Landis+Gyr and Sensus promptly sued the city, Mocek and Muckrock, and filed for an injunction: ultimately,
the suppliers wanted the documents taken down, and the unredacted copies banned from public view.

On Thursday, a temporary restraining order was granted by the King County Superior Court in Washington
and Muckrock founder Michael Morisy confirmed the unredacted documents have been taken
down pending the outcome of the case."

Related: Hundreds Of Smart Meters Simultaneously Explode

However, there seems to be some element of naivety involved regarding all this, I offer, and the
following leads me to that conclusion:

In the meantime, however, Mocek also has some additional problems to deal with, thanks to the legal
wrangling. Though he has filed similar information requests in the past, he says he has never had to face a
lawsuit simply because he wanted to look at public records and keep a local utility honest.

I dont think [Seattle City Light] are going to put a device on my house to spy on me, he quipped. I think
they are being bamboozled by vendors who want to make a lot of money by replacing thousands of

Related: As US court bans smart meter blueprints from public, sysadmin tells of fight
for security info

To which I offer: I think Mr. Mocek and everyone else needs to reconsider the spy on me
aspect. How nave are we, if we dont put two and two together and come up with the correct
answer? Utility companies are providing customers smart meter information to others, as a
California utility admits:

This data is very valuable because it can reveal patterns about what you do and when. California
utility companies admitted they are providing smart meter data to the government and third parties."

Theres a 4.3 minute video explaining what smart meters really can and do, regarding
surveillance of customers homes in this website. Its found under Privacy invasion.

However, I need to tell readers that my computer surveillance package wont allow me to copy
and paste that video URL into this article! Interesting? No - my computer is compromised as,
apparently, all computers are of those who do the type of work I do.

CIA Director Calls Smart Grid Stupid Due to Security Problems

If the Smart Grid is that stupid, then there must be some ulterior Faustian reason for it to be
mandated and installed, wouldnt you say? No one can be that damn dumb to mandate a
system that can cause more harm, especially in the area of personal privacy and national
security. Havent we learned anything from nine-eleven?

You no doubt have heard about people who live in glass houses and their vulnerabilities.

Well, your house, no matter what its made of, will become a crystal clear, see-through structure to
all who want to know about your every moment, movement, occupancy times, and use of smart
gadgets and, in turn, broadcast that information via hackable cell phone technology in smart
meters and, ultimately, sell that personal information without your knowledge and permission to
third parties; plus open your privacy, life, and home to burglars, thieves, and government or foreign

Is that the price we are willing to pay for buying into all the dumb smart technology being
forced upon us?

I think every homeowner should file a formal complaint with their utility company and public
utility commission informing them that they must obtain an official court order in order to be
able to access your personal information via a smart meter.

Basically, its a surveillance device! Enforce your lawful rights!

Related: Reports Of Illness Prompt Audit Of Smart Meter Radiation

Consumed The Movie: Showing Now

June 5 2016 | From: ConsumedTheMovie

Consumed is a dramatic thriller that explores the complex world of

genetically modified food.
The story is anchored by a working-class, single Mother on a hunt to uncover the cause
of her son's mysterious illness.

Interwoven are the stories of an Organic farmer, the CEO of a biotechnology corporation, two
Scientists on the verge of a major discovery, and an ex-Cop caught in the middle of it all.
Click here to buy or Rent the film

Duke Study Finds A "Legacy Of Radioactivity," Contamination

From Thousands Of Fracking Wastewater Spills
June 3 2016 | From: Desmog

Years of lax policy making and too many wells being inspected by too few
officials means that a massive amount of pollution is being pumped into
the wilderness of North Dakota.

Thousands of oil and gas industry wastewater spills in North Dakota have caused
widespread contamination from radioactive materials, heavy metals and corrosive
salts, putting the health of people and wildlife at risk, researchers from Duke University
concluded in a newly released peer-reviewed study.

Related: Hillary Clintons Energy Initiative Pressed Countries to Embrace Fracking, New
Emails Reveal

Some rivers and streams in North Dakota now carry levels of radioactive and toxic materials
higher than federal drinking water standards as a result of wastewater spills, the scientists
found after testing near spills.
Many cities and towns draw their drinking water from rivers and streams, though federal law
generally requires drinking water to be treated before it reaches peoples' homes, and the
scientists did not test tap water as part of their research.

High levels of lead - the same heavy metal that infamously contaminated water in Flint,
Michigan - as well as the radioactive element radium, were discovered near spill sites. One
substance, selenium, was found in the state's waters at levels as high as 35 times the federal
thresholds set to protect fish, mussels, and other wildlife, including those that people eat.

The pollution was found on land as well as in water. The soils in locations where wastewater
spilled were laced with significant levels of radium, and even higher levels of radium were
discovered in the ground downstream from the spills' origin points, showing that radioactive
materials were soaking into the ground and building up as spills flowed over the ground, the
researchers said.

The sheer number of spills in the past several years is striking. All told, the Duke University
researchers mapped out a total of over 3,900 accidental spills of oil and gas wastewater in
North Dakota alone.

Contamination remained at the oldest spill site tested, where roughly 300 barrels of wastewater
were released in a spill four years before the team of researchers arrived to take samples,
demonstrating that any cleanup efforts at the site had been insufficient.

"Unlike spilled oil, which starts to break down in soil, these spilled brines consist of inorganic chemicals,
metals and salts that are resistant to biodegradation, said Nancy Lauer, a Duke University Ph.D. student
who was lead author of the study, which was published in Environmental Science & Technology

They don't go away; they stay. This has created a legacy of radioactivity at spill sites, she said.

The highest level of radium the scientists found in soil measured over 4,600 Bequerels per
kilogram [bq/kg] which translates to roughly two and half times the levels of fracking-related
radioactive contamination discovered in Pennsylvania in a 2013 report that drew national
To put those numbers in context, under North Dakota law, waste over 185 bq/kg is considered
too radioactive to dispose in regular landfills without a special permit or to haul on roads
without a specific license from the state.

And that radioactive contamination - in some places over 100 times the levels of radioactivity
as found upstream from the spill - will be here to stay for millennia, the researchers concluded,
unless unprecedented spill clean-up efforts are made.

"The results of this study indicate that the water contamination from brine spills is remarkably persistent in
the environment, resulting in elevated levels of salts and trace elements that can be preserved in spill sites
for at least months to years, the study concluded.

The relatively long half-life of [Radium 226] (1600 years) suggests that [Radium] contamination in spill
sites will remain for thousands of years.

Cleanup efforts remain underway at three of the four sites that the Duke University research
team sampled, a North Dakota State Health Department official asked to comment on the
research told the Bismarck Tribune, while the fourth site had not yet been addressed. He
criticized the researchers for failing to include any in-depth testing of sites where the most
extensive types of cleanup efforts had been completed.

David Lettermans Rant About Fracking

Related: There Are 'Fracking' Chemicals In Your Toothpaste, Detergents And Ice Cream

The four sites the researchers sampled instead included the locations of two of the biggest
spills in the state's history, including a spill of 2.9 million gallons in January 2015, and two
areas where smaller spills occurred in 2011. The samples from the sites were collected in June
2015, with funding from the National Science Foundation and the Natural Resources Defense
Council, an environmental group.

Over the past decade, roughly 9,700 wells have been drilled in North Dakota's Bakken shale
and Bottineu oilfield region - meaning that there has been over one spill reported to regulators
for every three wells drilled.

"Until now, research in many regions of the nation has shown that contamination from fracking has been
fairly sporadic and inconsistent, Avner Vengosh, professor of geochemistry and water quality at Duke's
Nicholas School of the Environment, said when the study was released.

In North Dakota, however, we find it is widespread and persistent, with clear evidence of direct water
contamination from fracking.

Dealing with wastewater generated by drilling and fracking has proved to be one of the shale
industry's most intractable problems. The industry often pumps its toxic waste underground in
a process known as wastewater injection.

Every day, roughly 2 billion gallons of oil and gas wastewater are injected into the ground
nationwide, the EPA estimates. Wastewater injection has been linked to swarms of
earthquakes that have prompted a series of legal challenges.

The sheer volume of waste generated by the industry - particularly from the type of high
volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing used to tap shale oil and gas - has often overwhelmed
state regulators, especially because federal laws leave the waste exempt from hazardous
waste handling laws, no matter how toxic or dangerous it might be, under an exception for the
industry carved out in the 1980's.
Related: Scientists Conclude That Fracking Contaminates Drinking Water

This leaves policing fracking waste up to state inspectors, and not only do the rules vary widely
from state to state, but enforcing those rules brings its own difficulties.

State inspectors have faced escalating workloads as budgets have often failed to keep pace
with the industry's rapid expansion. In North Dakota, the number of wells per inspector climbed
from roughly 359 each in 2012 to 500 per inspector last year. In other states, the ratios are
even more challenging, with Wyoming oil and gas well inspectors being responsible for more
than 2,900 wells in 2015.

And now, with the collapse of oil and gas prices, funds earmarked for oil and gas inspection
have also nosedived in many states.

Lax enforcement may help explain why wastewater spills are so common across the U.S. More
than 180 million gallons of wastewater was spilled between 2009 and 2014, according to an
investigation by the Associated Press, which tallied the amount of wastewater spilled in the
21,651 accidents that were reported to state or federal regulators nationwide during that time.
The naturally occurring radioactive materials in that wastewater have drawn particular concern,
partly because of their longevity in the environment and partly because the drilling industry
enjoys looser federal standards for their radioactive waste than many other industries.

In January, North Dakota regulators further relaxed their standards for the dumping of
radioactive materials, allowing many landfills in the state to accept drilling waste at levels
higher than previously permitted, citing tough economic times for drillers.

But environmentalists argue that relaxing the rules for radioactive waste disposal could mean
that radioactive materials receive less careful handling.

"If people think this study points to a building tragedy, just wait, Darrell Dorgan, who chairs the North
Dakota Energy Industry Waste Coalition, told the Bismarck Tribune, when the Duke University research
was released. "'The new rules allow radioactive waste that is 10 times more dangerous.
The spills the Duke University researchers identified often resulted from a failure to maintain
infrastructure including pipelines and storage tanks. Roughly half of the wastewater spilled
came from failed pipelines, followed by leaks from valves and other pipe connectors, and then
tank leaks or overflows.

But recent floods in Texas's Eagle Ford shale region also highlight the risks that natural
disasters in drilling regions might pose. Texas regulators photographed plumes of
contamination around submerged drilling sites, a repeat of similar incidents in Colorado.

Thats a potential disaster, Dr. Walter Tsou, former president of the American Public Health
Association told the Dallas Morning News.

Risks associated with fracking in flood zones have drawn the attention of some federal
agencies in the past, but perhaps not in a way that locals in affected areas might find helpful.

In 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program - a
program designed to help people move away from areas subject to recurring floods - ran into
a series of conflicts over oil and gas leases on properties that would otherwise be offered buy-
outs. Some homeowners in Pennsylvania were denied the chance to participate in the program
because of oil and gas leases or pipelines on their properties, as DeSmog previously reported.
In other words, it may be harder for those who have signed oil and gas or pipeline leases to
abandon flood-prone areas, meaning that homeowners whose properties frequently flood could
potentially face battles over cleanup costs without aid from FEMA.

And the newly published research from North Dakota suggests that the less visible brines may
ultimately be more of a long-lasting environmental hazard than the spilled oil.

Even though their study included only leaks that were reported to state regulators, the
researchers warned that little is currently being done to clean up sites where spills have
occurred - or even to track smaller spills, especially on reservation lands, where roughly a
quarter of the state's oil is produced.

This means that the real amount of wastewater spilled is likely even higher than currently

"Many smaller spills have also occurred on tribal lands, Prof. Vengosh said, and as far as we know, no
one is monitoring them.

Related: Frackman The Movie Trailer - See The Truth About The Devastation Caused By
Massive Government Study Concludes Cell Phone Radiation
Causes Brain Cancer + The Effects Of Smartphone Light On Your
Brain And Body
May 31 2016 | From: NaturalNews / StopSmartMeters / Sott / Various

After decades of denials and attacks by the media which called people
concerned about cell phone radiation "tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy
theorists," a massive, multi-year study funded by the federal government
now concludes that yes, cell phone radiation causes brain cancer.

TThe study is published here and it's entitled, "Report of Partial Findings from the
National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency
Radiation in Hsd: Sprague Dawley SD rats (Whole Body Exposures)."

Related: New research confirms cell phones cause brain cancer and children are more
at risk

"The findings, which chronicle an unprecedented number of rodents subjected to a lifetime of

electromagnetic radiation, present some of the strongest evidence to date that such exposure
is associated with the formation of rare cancers in at least two cell types in the brains and
hearts of rats," reports Scientific American:

"The researchers found that as the thousands of rats in the new study were exposed to greater intensities
of RF radiation, more of them developed rare forms of brain and heart cancer that could not be easily
explained away, exhibiting a direct dose-response relationship. Some of the rats had glioma -- a tumor of
the glial cells in the brain -- or schwannoma of the heart.

Furthering concern about the findings: In prior epidemiological studies of humans and cell phone
both types of tumors have also cropped up as associations. In contrast, none of the control rats -- those not
exposed to the radiation -- developed such tumors.

Consumer Reports also authored this story published on Yahoo Finance, which states, "The tumors found
were gliomas (in the brain), and schwannomas (of the heart)." That same story goes on to report:
[T]he current study, which found the same types of tumors in rats that the earlier epidemiological research
found in humans, was a controlled clinical trial; it was specifically designed to simulate the exposures of
cell phone users, and all of the important parameters were tightly controlled and carefully monitored.

Rats and mice were exposed to the same kinds of radiation used in cell phones, for roughly nine hours
each day, spread over the course of the day."

Another Government Cover-Up Shattered

In other words, the cell phone industry can no longer claim it's "bad science." This is rigorous
science, and it shows a clear, dose-related causative link between exposure to cell phone
radiation and the development of brain and heart tumors.

For decades, the government has actively conspired with industry to downplay any evidence
linking cell phones to cancer. We see this across the federal government, of course, with the
EPA downplaying the risks of pesticides, the FDA downplaying the risks of pharmaceuticals,
the CDC downplaying the risks of vaccines and the USDA downplaying the risks of genetically
engineered crops.

The entire federal government as it operates today is little more than the science propaganda
and marketing arm of private industry. (Corporate-government collusion, by the way, is
better known as economic Fascism.)

In all this, the role of the government-controlled media has long been to ridicule anyone who
questions the official science propaganda on all these topics.

Think cell phones cause cancer? You're a kook. Worried about fluoride in the tap water? You're
a nut case. Concerned about mercury in vaccines? You're an anti-science quack, we're told.

Except that now the truth is being exposed on all these fronts.

Now, even the government's own study shows that cell phone radiation causes cancerous
tumors of the brain and heart. At the same time, independent science is increasingly exposing
the harm of mercury in vaccines, GM crop chemicals like glyphosate, toxic pharmaceuticals
and the mass fluoride poisoning of the water supply.

On all these issues, Natural News has always been right! (... and the establishment has
always been in denial of reality.)
The CDC, for its conspiratorial part, yanked warnings about cell phone radiation from its
website. (It's the Ministry of Truth, you see, and preventing the public from learning the truth is
always the CDC's No. 1 priority...)

As Consumer Reports says in its story:

"The results of this large, long-term study could dramatically shift the national debate over cell phone
safety. The NTP's website says that the results may be used by the Food and Drug Administration and the
FTC in determining how best to protect consumers from the potential harms of radiation that comes from
cell phones.

The CDC might also consider reinstating the cautions it pulled from its web site. (We've reached out to the
agency for comment, and will update our story once we hear back from them).

Likewise, the cell phone industry may have to alter its stance. The wireless association trade group CTIA
has maintained that cell phones are completely safe, and has fought to block San Francisco from passing
laws that would require electronics retailers to notify consumers about the proper handling of cell phones."

Related: Live Blood Analysis - Observable Effects of RF/MW Radiation via

Smart Meters

Related Articles:

Hang up? Major US study finds link between cancer and cellphone radiation

Mobile phones linked to cancer in groundbreaking study

The Effects Of Smartphone Light On Your Brain And Body

You might not know this, but your smartphone emits a bright blue light
which allows you to read what's on the screen even during the brightest
points of the day.
But the light doesn't turn off or adjust according to the hour of the day; it's continually
emitted, not only by our smartphones, but by our laptops, televisions, and other devices
as well. The problem is that this light, which mimics the brightness of the sun, confuses
your brain into thinking it's daytime, even during the dead of night.

This in turn stops your brain from releasing melatonin, the hormone which induces sleep, and
prevents you from falling asleep. This is why experts recommend to turn off all screens at least
two hours before bed.

Melatonin is released by a tiny organ in your brain called the pineal gland a couple of hours
prior to sleep. The science of why the blue light emitted by mobile devices keeps people awake
has led to the discovery of a photoreceptor called Melanopsin.

Though we've long been familiar with the various cones and rods that construct our
vision, Melanopsin was discovered recently in retinal ganglion cells, which are sensitive
to blue light. Since then, experimental research has found that the average person using
mobile devices before bed may have difficulty falling and/or staying asleep.
The impact of blue light is even more significant for teenagers, who are more vulnerable to the
effects of light than adults. This is because circadian rhythm naturally shifts during
adolescence, causing teenagers to feel more awake late into the night. Starting up a video
game or television show just before bedtime could be enough to push sleepiness away for
another hour or two, making early mornings particularly difficult.

Blue Light Isn't The Only Concern

Dr. Martin Blank from the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics at Colombia
University has joined a group of scientists from around the world who are making an
international appeal to the United Nations regarding the dangers associated with various
electromagnetic emitting devices, like cellphones and WiFi.
There are multiple concerns with these devices, including their link to cancer. More
concerning still is the fact that a child's brain absorbs up to four times as much
radiation as that of an adult, and children today are growing up with these devices in
hand. You can read more details about this here.

Related: 'Casualty catastrophe': cell phones and child brains

Our love for our screens is in itself a problem. In China, screen addiction is actually considered
a clinical disorder, and as a result a number of rehabilitation centres have been established
where young people addicted to screens are completely isolated from all media. Although the
success of these treatment centres has yet to be established, their necessity paints a dark
picture of the technological age in which we live. (source)

What You Can Do

The first thing you can do is limit your screen time before bed, turning all screens off at least
two hours before you plan to fall asleep. This is the perfect time to catch up on your reading.

You can also download an app called f.lux, which adjusts the colour of your computer's display
to the time of day - warm at night and brighter during the day - and cuts the blue light being
emitted. There are similar apps for phones as well. All of us here at CE use these apps and
have really noticed an improvement in our sleep quality.
Here is a page from their website that provides more research into what staring at screens can
do to your sleep, as well as the science behind the f.lux app.

Regardless of whether you are worried about your sleep, we can all benefit from a daily break
from our smartphones and other screens.

Related Articles:

Court rules cell phones are causing brain tumors

New Study: 30 minutes exposure to 4G cell phone radiation affects brain activity

How cell phone radiation exposure affects the blood

The Cult Of 'Scientism' Explained: How Scientific Claims Behind

Cancer, Vaccines, Psychiatric Drugs And GMOs Are Nothing More
Than Corporate-Funded Science Fraud
April 27 2016 | From: NaturalNews

Sadly, what often passes for "science" today in the world of health is little
more than "Scientism" - a dangerous cult founded on irrational dogma and
faith-based beliefs in faulty, fraudulent ideas being paraded as science.
A common trait that weaves its way through every topic of "Scientism" is corporate
profits. Any time something is being pushed with aggressive demands of "SCIENCE!"
that also happens to enrich wealthy corporations, it's probably based on fraud, not real
science. Perpetrators of fraudulent scientism include Paul Offit, Dr. David Gorski,
Monsanto pal Bill Nye, discredited biotech shill and former Forbes.com writer Jon
Entine and too many others to even name.

In this HealthRangerReport.com podcast, I explain the truth about the Cult of Scientism,
sometimes called the "Church of Scientific Mysticism." This cult currently dominates the
"official" dogma concerning vaccines, GMOs, fluoride, cancer, diabetes, pharmaceuticals,
biosludge and more.

Highly recommended reading: Science for Sale by Dr. David Lewis.

Half Of All Published 'Scientific' Literature Is Completely
Fabricated Or False
April 18 2016 | From: NaturalNews

For years, alternative news sources such as Natural News have been
warning the public about industry-generated scientific research which
incorporates falsified data to produce desired results.

These charges have now been corroborated by Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of the
world's best known medical journal, The Lancet. Dr. Horton has publicly stated that as
much as half of the scientific literature being published is unreliable and often
completely false.

From a commentary by Dr. Horton published in The Lancet:

"The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be
untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant
conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance,
science has taken a turn towards darkness."

Those are very strong words, particularly since they came directly from the horse's mouth. For
someone in Dr. Horton's position to make such statements is indeed compelling evidence that
(in his words): "Something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our greatest human
"Peer-Reviewed" Studies no Longer Reliable

According to Dr. Horton, scientists often "sculpt data" to fit a theory or "retrofit hypotheses" to fit
the data even "peer-reviewed" studies published in journals such as The Lancet are no
longer reliable.

From Collective-Evolution.com:

"It's common for many to dismiss a lot of great work by experts and researchers at various institutions
around the globe which isn't "peer-reviewed" and doesn't appear in a "credible" medical journal, but as we
can see, "peer-reviewed" doesn't really mean much anymore. "Credible" medical journals continue to lose
their tenability in the eyes of experts and employees of the journals themselves, like Dr. Horton."

Biased Industry-Sponsored Research

Dr. Horton is not the only one among his peers who has been compelled to speak out. Dr.
Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, has written
extensively about corrupt methodology and the influence of industry on scientific research:

"Clinical trials are also biased through designs for research that are chosen to yield favorable results for
sponsors. ... In short, it is often possible to make clinical trials come out pretty much any way you want,
which is why it's so important that investigators be truly disinterested in the outcome of their work."

There are a number of dirty tricks that are routinely used by industry-sponsored researchers.
For instance, by not publishing the results of unfavorable studies, the makers of useless or
dangerous drugs often manage to market their products to an unsuspecting public.
In the case of one antidepressant drug paroxetine which resulted in a record $3 billion
lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline, a dangerous and ineffective medication was prescribed to
millions of children before it was revealed to cause an elevated suicide risk.

When legal proceedings uncovered the truth, it was found that GlaxoSmithKline had hidden not
only the fact that their product was only slightly more effective than a placebo, but also that it
caused suicidal behavior.

Is There a Solution?

It is now clear that publication of spurious or falsified research has become endemic within the
research publication community.

Dr. Horton offers some suggestions for restoring integrity to scientific research methodology:

"Part of the problem is that no-one is incentivised to be right. ... Instead of changing incentives, perhaps
one could remove incentives altogether. Or insist on replicability statements in grant applications and
research papers. Or emphasise collaboration, not competition. Or insist on preregistration of protocols. Or
reward better pre and post publication peer review. Or improve research training and mentorship."

The bad news, according to Dr. Horton, is that even though "science is beginning to take some
of its worst failings very seriously... nobody is ready to take the first step to clean up the

The Science Is Conclusive: Mobile Phones Cause Cancer

April 12 2016 | From: TheEpochTimes

They say theres only two things constant in this life: death and taxes. But a
third viable contender might be cancer, which an extensive cohort of
scientific research has found is caused by prolonged exposure to radiation
from cell phones and their associated communication towers.

Contrary to what you may have heard in the mainstream news, mobile phones and the
antennas that allow them to communicate emit powerful, microwave radio frequencies
capable of penetrating our bodies and cells. And constant exposure to these
frequencies, according to the science, appears to be one of the leading causes of
cancer in the modern age.

Watch: Do Phones Cause Cancer?

Wireless Phone Radiation Can Lead to Brain Cancer

Extensive research into the connection between cell phone radiation and cancer has linked this
ubiquitous modern technology to two main types of brain tumors: gliomas and acoustic
neuromas. Information compiled by the ElectricSense.com has confirmed the following findings
with regard to cell phones and brain cancer.

1) An independent study commissioned by U.S. wireless carrier T-Mobile found that cell
phone radiation directly initiates and promotes the formation of cancer:

2) The renowned Interphone study also found that regular cell phone use at just 30 minutes
per day over 10 years increases the risk of gliomas by 40 percent. It also found that tumors
were more likely to form on the side of the head where a cell phone is most prominently held:

3) A review of 23 epidemiological studies conducted by seven scientists concluded that cell

phones cause a harmful association between cell phones and cancer. The only included
studies that didnt suggest this were lower quality ones that researchers say failed to meet
scientific best practices - these studies were all funded by the mobile phone industry:


4) Researchers from the Hardell Research Group, which is noted for conducting what many
consider to be the highest-quality studies on the subject, found a consistent pattern of
increased risks for both glioma and acoustic neuroma in conjunction with mobile phone use:

5) A study out of France observed similar outcomes associated with prolonged exposure to
electromagnetic frequencies from mobile phones. Scientists noted higher rates of gliomas and
temporal tumors from occupational and urban mobile phone use.
In response, the EMF watchdog group Powerwatch noted that this study supports the
categorization of mobile phone radiation as a probable human carcinogen.


6) A study of nearly 800,000 middle-aged UK women found that those who used cell phones
for 10 years or more had a 250 percent increased risk of developing an acoustic neuroma. The
longer the women used the phones, the higher their risk:

7) Similarly, a study conducted by the group Lonn found that acoustic neuromas are
increasingly more likely to develop the longer a person uses a mobile phone:

8) In Sweden, researchers studying adult brain tumor cases found that individuals with the
highest cumulative use of mobile phones also had the highest risk of developing brain cancer:

9) The Hardell group conducted a study in 2009 which found that RF-EMFs from mobile and
cordless phones are directly associated with malignant brain tumors. This study specifically
states that wireless radiation initiates and promotes carcinogenesis:

Related: Warning to All Cell Phone Users

Wireless Phone Radiation Also Triggers Pituitary, Thyroid, Stem Cell, Oral,
Parotid, Lymph Node, Breast, Blood, Prostate and Eye Cancers
1) The bodys master gland, also known as the pituitary gland, is responsible for producing
hormones and regulating other key bodily systems. But a study out of France found that cell
phone use greatly increases the risk that this important gland will become cancerous:

2) The thyroid gland, which similarly produces hormones in addition to regulating body
temperature, is also affected by mobile phone radiation. An Israeli study found that rates of cell
phone use are directly proportional to the risk of developing thyroid gland cancer:

3) Many health experts would contend that solar radiation poses the greatest threat to healthy
skin. But a study out of Sweden found that melanoma risk is greatly accelerated by mobile
phone use:

4) A controversial Powerwatch study found that cell phone use nearly triples the risk of
neuroepithelial tumors, which are a result of stem cell cancer:

5) Another study out of Israel confirmed a direct association between cell phone use and
cancers of the mouth.
Based on 460 cases of parotid gland tumors, researchers observed a direct association
between mobile phone radiation and cancers of the parotid, the salivary gland located right
next to where users typically hold their phones:

6) A separate study, also out of Israel, found that parotid gland cancers have increased in
prevalence by 400 percent in the country between 1970 and 2006, which scientists link to
increased mobile phone use:

7) An extensive review of more than 12 separate studies looking at health outcomes from
exposure to radiation from mobile phone, television and radio broadcast towers found that
cancers in general, and specifically cancers of the brain and blood (leukemia), are greatly

8) Lymph nodes, a key component of the immune system, dont like cell phone radiation
much, either. An Australian study found that typical exposure to cell phone radiation greatly
increases lymphoma risk:

9) Back in the U.S., a study looking at young women with breast cancer found that regular
use of smartphones can trigger the formation of breast cancer. This is especially true when
women carry their phones in their blouses or bras, where phones are pressed directly against
the breasts.

10) Researchers in Germany have also linked mobile phone radiation to uveal melanoma and
other cancers of the eye:

11) Practically every other type of cancer not covered by one of the aforementioned studies
was identified in a large-scale Brazilian study, which linked mobile phone radiation to cancers
of the prostate, breasts, lungs, kidneys and liver. Shockingly, more than 80 percent of identified
deaths in Brazils third largest city, Belo Horizonte, occurred less than 500 meters away from
one of the citys 300 cell phone antennas:

The Disturbingly Aggressive Roll Out Of Smart AKA Advanced

Meters - While Children Starve And The Elderly Freeze In Rural
Aotearoa (NZ)
April 8 2016 | From: EnvironmentWatchRangitikei

Here is a sign posted by a Taumaranui resident who had their locked meter
box broken intoto install a Smart Meter (aka Advanced Meter). As you can
see the response they said they got from the lines people when following
this up was equally as telling we own you people!

While it appears little known that there are options for having these meters removed and
replaced, it also seems that Taumaranui has only one supplier. This makes things more
difficult in terms of no bargaining power.

Related: Reports Of Illness Prompt Audit Of Smart Meter Radiation

The use of the term jack boot is therefore not that extreme given the whole scenario and the
way these folks have been treated. It is all symptomatic of the direction our country is headed
with an ex-banker for a Prime Minister who clearly places profits and corporate interests above
the interests of his constituents.
What is especially disturbing about this
event (and its not an isolated incident, Ive
heard myself of installations happening
while folk were not home) is that in the
comments and discussion around this, many
others have been similarly treated.

The repeated tale of outrageous hikes in

charges, one for instance from $100 to $150
approx. plus the Nelson woman
who received a bill for $800 for her two
bedroom house!

And this is something Ive both read about &

heard, time and time again. We are fed the
line that the meters are more accurate and
customers have been undercharged prior to
Smart Meter installation.

Not to the tune of a $1000 hike? Surely?

yet this is what Ive heard more than once.
A difference of $20 is feasible but not $600
or more. See here a proposed explanation
for these hikes by a retired

Disturbing also is the detail about the elderly

turning off their hot water in order to buy
food or not turning on any heating because
they cant pay.

Again I know of this happening in my district

(the Rangitikei) where an elderly person is
being charged $150 and upwards in a tiny
flat with few if any appliances operating.

She has switched off the hot water, has no

heater and goes to bed early to keep warm.

And finally, this sign and the comments

corroborate that folk are being pressured to
leave the district because of the costs.
town is dying says the sign.

Now,on that topic, we have been led to believe for years that towns are dying because people
somehow mysteriously allowed it. They all moved away. We even had a prominent economist
telling us recently that they were zombie towns and pretty much had to go.

Well, people left because of decisions made by our respective governments to close down
amenities and resources like the hospitals, pharmacies and banking.

I know I remember it happening! It was about the time those governments had borrowed
large sums of money and gotten a once prosperous and fully employed nation into un-
repayable debt, followed by Rogernomics and belt tightening for the poorer folks, not the
wealthy mind.

And the former being blamed for the debt while corporations enjoy huge tax breaks. And now
this from the power companies and we were told privatizing them would lower prices.
Competition, the market and all that. Were still waiting nearly three decades on.
"over 250 people have commented with some saying they had similar experiences with unexpectedly
large power bills and problems after the installation of smart meters.

- Stuff.co.nz

Related: Major U.S. Utility: No Rational Basis For Smart Meters

As this sign very perceptively outlines folk, we are being ripped off and our southern clean,
green paradise is fast morphing into a fascist regime. Think, TPPA and all that has entailed in
terms of keeping us out of the loop then claiming to seek our feedback / opinion / input.

Their tactics provide the illusion of having sought our opinion it is nothing more folks, in case
you hadnt already noticed. See how they provide you with forms containing multi choice
options none of which you wanted to choose anyway? Like the recently proposed flag debacle
that has cost the country $28 million. Shame.

Returning now to the Smart Meters themselves, be aware, they are NOT compulsory. If you
already have one, there are options about its removal and replacement. (If you dont have one
yet, inform your powerco you do not consent to one in writing in advance).

For further information on that Kiwis, visit stopsmartmeters.org.nz and note they have a page
there explaining how to get rid of a Smart Meter. The meters are also known here as Advanced
Meters. (Folks from other countries, there are similar sites in your countries, just google.)

You should also be aware that health professionals have warned about the health risks these
meters carry. Predictably the authorities deny this, however the stopsmartmeters website has
already logged before and after testimonies from Kiwis who had their Smart Meters removed.
See also the links here for further information on that, with a video trailer featuring a health
professional explaining the effects from long term exposure to a Smart Meter.

See also in this video what the meters when in proximity do to your blood. Above all, educate
yourself further by watching the award winning doco Take Back Your Power by Josh Del Sol at
his website. It is accessible for a very small charge. Or consider holding a viewing in your town
(contact stopsmartmeters for details). Further info on Smart Meters is also available on
our Smart Meter pages. Spread the word and resist this move.

Related: Top Biochemist Calls To Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi In Schools, And Baby
The Complete History Of Monsanto, The Worlds Most Evil
March 9 2016 | From: WakingTimes

Of all the mega-corps running amok, Monsanto has consistently

outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as most evil corporation on

Not content to simply rest upon its throne of death, atop a mountain of rotting corpses,
it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and
its people.

As true champions of evil, they wont stop until well, until theyre stopped! But what is
Monsanto and how did they get to be so obscenely evil in the first place? I think thats the best
place to start this journey, so grab a few non-GMO snacks or beverages and lets go for a ride
into the deep, murky sewers of their dark past.

1901: The company is founded by John Francis Queeny, a member of the Knights of Malta,
((SMOM), which historically has been the military arm of the Vatican) a thirty year
pharmaceutical veteran married to Olga Mendez Monsanto, for which Monsanto Chemical
Works is named.

The companys first product is chemical saccharin, sold to Coca-Cola as an artificial sweetener.
Related: The Knights Templar

Even then, the government knew saccharin was poisonous and sued to stop its manufacture
but lost in court, thus opening the Monsanto Pandoras Box to begin poisoning the world
through the soft drink.

1920's: Monsanto expands into industrial chemicals and drugs, becoming the worlds largest
maker of aspirin, acetylsalicyclic acid, (toxic of course). This is also the time when things
began to go horribly wrong for the planet in a hurry with the introduction of their
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

PCBs were considered an industrial wonder chemical, an oil that wouldnt burn, impervious to degradation
and had almost limitless applications. Today PCBs are considered one of the gravest chemical threats
the planet.

Widely used as lubricants, hydraulic fluids, cutting oils, waterproof coatings and liquid sealants, are
carcinogens and have been implicated in reproductive, developmental and immune system disorders. The
worlds center of PCB manufacturing was Monsantos plant on the outskirts of East St. Louis, Illinois, which
has the highest rate of fetal death and immature births in the state.

Even though PCBs were eventually banned after fifty years for causing such devastation, it is
still present in just about all animal and human blood and tissue cells across the globe.

Documents introduced in court later showed Monsanto was fully aware of the deadly effects,
but criminally hid them from the public to keep the PCB gravy-train going full speed!

1930's: Created its first hybrid seed corn and expands into detergents, soaps, industrial
cleaning products, synthetic rubbers and plastics. Oh yes, all toxic of course!

1940's: They begin research on uranium to be used for the Manhattan Projects first atomic
bomb, which would later be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of
thousands of Japanese, Korean and US Military servicemen and poisoning millions more.
The company continues its unabated killing spree by creating pesticides for agriculture
containing deadly dioxin, which poisons the food and water supplies.

It was later discovered Monsanto failed to disclose that dioxin was used in a wide range of their
products because doing so would force them to acknowledge that it had created an
environmental Hell on Earth.

1950's: Closely aligned with The Walt Disney Company, Monsanto creates several attractions
at Disneys Tomorrowland, espousing the glories of chemicals and plastics. Their House of the
Future is constructed entirely of toxic plastic that is not biodegradable as they had asserted.
What, Monsanto lied? Im shocked!

After attracting a total of 20 million visitors from 1957 to 1967, Disney finally tore the house down, but
discovered it would not go down without a fight.

According to Monsanto Magazine, wrecking balls literally bounced off the glass-fiber, reinforced polyester
material. Torches, jackhammers, chain saws and shovels did not work. Finally, choker cables were used to
squeeze off parts of the house bit by bit to be trucked away.

Monsantos Disneyfied vision of the future:

1960's: Monsanto, along with chemical partner-in-crime DOW Chemical, produces dioxin-
laced Agent Orange for use in the U.S.s Vietnam invasion.
The results? Over 3 million people contaminated, a half-million Vietnamese civilians dead, a
half-million Vietnamese babies born with birth defects and thousands of U.S. military veterans
suffering or dying from its effects to this day!

Monsanto is hauled into court again and internal memos show they knew the deadly effects of
dioxin in Agent Orange when they sold it to the government.

Outrageously though, Monsanto is allowed to present their own research that concluded
dioxin was safe and posed no negative health concerns whatsoever.

Satisfied, the bought and paid for courts side with Monsanto and throw the case out.
Afterwards, it comes to light that Monsanto lied about the findings and their real research
concluded that dioxin kills very effectively.

A later internal memo released in a 2002 trial admitted:

That the evidence proving the persistence of these compounds and their universal presence as residues
in the environment is beyond question

the public and legal pressures to eliminate them to prevent global contamination are inevitable. The subject
is snowballing. Where do we go from here?

The alternatives: go out of business; sell the hell out of them as long as we can and do nothing else; try to
stay in business; have alternative products.

Monsanto partners with I.G. Farben, makers of toxic Bayer aspirin and Hitlers go-to chemical
manufacturer that exterminated millions with it Zyklon-B gas during World War II.
Together, the companies use their collective expertise in genocide to introduce aspartame,
another extremely deadly neurotoxin, into the food supply. When questions surface regarding
the toxicity of saccharin, Monsanto exploits this opportunity to introduce yet another of its
deadly poisons onto an unsuspecting public.

1970's: Monsanto partner, G.D. Searle, produces over a hundred faked internal studies
which claim aspartame to be safe, while the FDAs own scientific research clearly reveals that
aspartame causes tumors and massive holes in the brains of rats, before killing them.

The FDA initiates a grand jury investigation into G.D. Searle for knowingly misrepresenting
findings and concealing material facts and making false statements in regard to aspartame
During this time, Searle strategically taps prominent Washington insider Donald Rumsfeld, who
served as Secretary of Defense during the Gerald Ford and George W. Bush presidencies, to
become CEO.

The corporations primary goal is to have Rumsfeld utilize his political influence and vast
experience in the killing business to grease the FDA to play ball with them.
A few months later, Samuel Skinner receives an offer he cant refuse,withdraws from the
investigation and resigns his post at the U.S. Attorneys Office to go work for Searles law firm.
This mob tactic stalls the case just long enough for the statute of limitation to run out and the
grand jury investigation is abruptly and conveniently dropped.

Related: The Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal + What Is Aspartame?
Five Surprising Facts You Never Know About This Chemical Sweetener

1980's: Amid indisputable research that reveals the toxic effects of aspartame and as then
FDA commissioner Dr. Jere Goyan was about to sign a petition into law keeping it off the
market, Donald Rumsfeld calls Ronald Reagan for a favour the day after he takes office.

Reagan fires the uncooperative Goyan and appoints Dr. Arthur Hayes Hull to head the FDA,
who then quickly tips the scales in Searles favor and NutraSweet is approved for human
consumption in dried products.

This becomes sadly ironic since Reagan, a known jelly bean and candy enthusiast, later
suffers from Alzheimers during his second term, one of the many horrific effects of aspartame

Searles real goal though was to have aspartame approved as a soft drink sweetener since
exhaustive studies revealed that at temperatures exceeding 85 degrees Fahrenheit, it breaks
down into known toxins Diketopiperazines (DKP), methyl (wood) alcohol, and
formaldehyde., becoming many times deadlier than its powdered form!
The National Soft Drink Association (NSDA) is initially in an uproar, fearing future lawsuits from
consumers permanently injured or killed by drinking the poison.

When Searle is able to show that liquid aspartame, though incredibly deadly, is much more
addictive than crack cocaine, the NSDA is convinced that skyrocketing profits from the sale of
soft drinks laced with aspartame would easily offset any future liability.

With that, corporate greed wins and the unsuspecting soft drink consumers pay for it with
damaged health.

Coke leads the way once again (remember saccharin?) and begins poisoning Diet Coke
drinkers with aspartame in 1983.

As expected, sales skyrocket as millions become hopelessly addicted and sickened by the
sweet poison served in a can. The rest of the soft drink industry likes what it sees and quickly
follows suit, conveniently forgetting all about their initial reservations that aspartame is a deadly
chemical. Theres money to be made, lots of it and thats all that really matters to them anyway!

In 1985, undaunted by the swirl of corruption and multiple accusations of fraudulent research
undertaken by Searle, Monsanto purchases the company and forms a new aspartame
subsidiary called NutraSweet Company.
Related: Rumsfeld & Monsanto Team Up To Bring You Neuro-Toxic Aspartame &

When multitudes of independent scientists and researchers continue to warn about

aspartames toxic effects, Monsanto goes on the offensive, bribing the National Cancer
Institute and providing their own fraudulent papers to get the NCI to claim that formaldehyde
does not cause cancer so that aspartame can stay on the market.

The known effects of aspartame ingestion are:

Mania, rage, violence, blindness, joint-pain, fatigue, weight-gain, chest-pain, coma, insomnia, numbness,
depression, tinnitus, weakness, spasms, irritability, nausea, deafness, memory-loss, rashes, dizziness,
headaches, seizures, anxiety, palpitations, fainting, cramps, diarrhoea, panic, burning in the mouth.
Diseases triggered/mimmicked include diabetes, MS, lupus, epilepsy, Parkinsons, tumours, miscarriage,
infertility, fibromyalgia, infant death, Alzheimers"

Source: U.S. Food & Drug Administration.

Further, 80% of complaints made to the FDA regarding food additives are about aspartame,
which is now in over 5,000 products including diet and non-diet sodas and sports drinks, mints,
chewing gum, frozen desserts, cookies, cakes, vitamins, pharmaceuticals, milk drinks, instant
teas, coffees, yogurt, baby food and many, many more!

Read labels closely and do not buy anything that contains this horrific killer!
Amidst all the death and disease, FDA stooge Arthur Hull resigns under a cloud of corruption
and is immediately hired by Searles public relations firm as a senior scientific consultant. No,
thats not a joke!

Monsanto, the FDA and many government health regulatory agencies have become one and
the same! It seems the only prerequisite for becoming an FDA commissioner is that they spend
time at either Monsanto or one of the pharmaceutical cartels organized crime corps.

Related: New Study Could Spell The End For Diet Soda And Aspartame

1990's: Monsanto spends millions defeating state and federal legislation that disallows the
corporation of evil from continuing to dump dioxins, pesticides and other cancer-causing
poisons into drinking water systems. Regardless, they are sued countless times for causing
disease in their plant workers, the people in surrounding areas and birth defects in babies.
With their coffins full from the massive billions profits, the $100 million dollar settlements are
considered the low cost of doing business and thanks to the FDA, Congress and White House,
business remains very good. So good that Monsanto is sued for giving radioactive iron to 829
pregnant women for a study to see what would happen to them.

In 1994, the FDA once again criminally approves Monsantos latest monstrosity, the Synthetic
Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH), produced from a genetically modified E. coli bacteria, despite
obvious outrage from the scientific community of its dangers.

Of course, Monsanto claims that diseased pus milk, full of antibiotics and hormones is not only
safe, but actually good for you!

Worse yet, dairy companies who refuse to use this toxic cow pus and label their products
asrBGH-free" are sued by Monsanto, claiming it gives them an unfair advantage over
competitors that did. In essence, what Monsanto was saying is yeah, we know rBGH makes
people sick, but its not alright that you advertise its not in your products.
The following year, the diabolical company begins producing GMO crops that are tolerant to
their toxic herbicide Roundup.

Roundup-ready canola oil (rapeseed), soybeans, corn and BT cotton begin hitting the market,
advertised as being safer, healthier alternatives to their organic non-GMO rivals. Apparently,
the propaganda worked as today over 80% of canola on the market is their GMO variety.

A few things you definitely want to avoid in your diet are GMO soy, corn, wheat and canola oil,
despite the fact that many natural health experts claim the latter to be a healthy oil. Its not,
but youll find it polluting many products on grocery store shelves.

Because these GM crops have been engineered to self-pollinate, they do not need nature or
bees to do that for them.

Its like having sex with yourself to make a baby. Yes, Monsanto wants to take the fun out of
that too.

But all kidding aside, there is a very dark side agenda to this and that is to wipe out the worlds
bee population.
Monsanto knows that birds and especially bees, throw a wrench into their monopoly due to
their ability to pollinate plants, thus naturally creating foods outside of the companys full
domination control agenda. When bees attempt to pollinate a GM plant or flower, it gets
poisoned and dies.

In fact, the bee colony collapse was recognized and has been going on since GM crops
were first introduced.

To counter the accusations that they deliberately caused this ongoing genocide of bees,
Monsanto devilishly buys out Beeologics, the largest bee research firm that was dedicated to
studying the colony collapse phenomenon and whose extensive research named the monster
as the primary culprit! After that, its bees, what bees? Everythings just dandy! Again, I did
not make this up, but wish I had!

During the mid-90s, they decide to reinvent their evil company as one focused on controlling
the worlds food supply through artificial, biotechnology means to preserve the Roundup cash-
cow from losing market-share in the face of competing, less-toxic herbicides.

You see, Roundup is so toxic that it wipes out non-GMO crops, insects, animals, human health
and the environment at the same time. How very efficient!
Because Roundup-ready crops are engineered to be toxic pesticides masquerading as food,
they have been banned in the EU, but not in America! Is there any connection between that
and the fact that Americans, despite the high cost and availability of healthcare, are collectively
the sickest people in the world? Of course not!

As was Monsantos plan from the beginning, all non-Monsanto crops would be destroyed,
forcing farmers the world over to use only its toxic terminator seeds.

And Monsanto made sure farmers who refused to come into the fold were driven out of
business or sued when windblown terminator seeds poisoned organic farms.

This gave the company a virtual monopoly as terminator seed crops and Roundup worked
hand in glove with each other as GMO crops could not survive in a non-chemical environment
so farmers were forced to buy both.

Their next step was to spend billions globally buying up as many seed companies as possible
and transitioning them into terminator seed companies in an effort to wipe out any rivals
and eliminate organic foods off the face of the earth.

In Monsantos view, all foods must be under their full control and genetically modified or they
are not safe to eat!
They pretend to be shocked that their critics in the scientific community question whether crops
genetically modified with the genes of diseased pigs, cows, spiders, monkeys, fish, vaccines
and viruses are healthy to eat. The answer to that question is obviously a very big no way!

Youd think the company would be so proud of their GMO foods that theyd serve them to their
employees, but they dont.

In fact, Monsanto has banned GM foods from being served in their own employee

Monsanto lamely responded we believe in choice. What they really means is we dont want
to kill the help.

Its quite okay though to force-feed poor nations and Americans these modified monstrosities
as a means to end starvation since dead people dont need to eat! Ill bet the thought on most
peoples minds these days is that Monsanto is clearly focused on eugenics and genocide, as
opposed to providing foods that will sustain the world.

Related: Eugenics & The Depopulation Agenda

As in Monsanto partner Disneys Sleeping Beauty, the wicked witch gives the people the
poisoned GMO apple that puts them to sleep forever.

2000's: By this time Monsanto controls the largest share of the global GMO market. In turn,
the US government spends hundreds of millions to fund aerial spraying of Roundup, causing
massive environmental devastation.
Fish and animals by the thousands die within days of spraying as respiratory ailments and
cancer deaths in humans spike tremendously. But this is all considered an unusual coincidence
so the spraying continues. If you thought Monsanto and the FDA were one and the same, well
you can add the govt to that sorry list now.

The monster grows bigger: Monsanto merges with Pharmacia & Upjohn, then separates
from its chemical business and rebrands itself as an agricultural company.

Yes, thats right, a chemical company whose products have devastated the environment, killed
millions of people and wildlife over the years now wants us to believe they produce safe and
nutritious foods that wont kill people any longer.

Thats an extremely hard-sell, which is why they continue to grow bigger through mergers and
secret partnerships.

Because rival DuPont is too large a corporation to be allowed to merge with, they instead form
a stealth partnership where each agrees to drop existing patent lawsuits against one another
and begin sharing GMO technologies for mutual benefit.

In laymans terms, together they would be far too powerful and politically connected for
anything to stop them from owning a virtual monopoly on agriculture; control the food supply &
you control the people!

Not all is rosy as the monster is repeatedly sued for $100s of millions for causing illness, infant
deformities and death by illegally dumping all manner of PCBs into ground water, and
continually lying about products safety you know, business as usual.

The monster often perseveres and proves difficult to slay as it begins filing frivolous suits
against farmers it claims infringe on their terminator seed patents. In virtually all cases,
unwanted seeds are windblown onto farmers lands by neighboring terminator-seeded farms.
Not only do these horrendous seeds destroy the organic farmers crops, the lawsuits drive
them into bankruptcy, while the Supreme Court overturns lower court rulings and sides with
Monsanto each time.

At the same time, the monster begins filing patents on breeding techniques for pigs, claiming
animals bred any way remotely similar to their patent would grant them ownership. So loose
was this patent filing that it became obvious they wanted to claim all pigs bred throughout the
world would infringe upon their patent.

The global terrorism spreads to India as over 100,000 farmers who are bankrupted by GMO
crop failure, commit suicide by drinking Roundup so their families will be eligible for death
insurance payments.

In response, the monster takes advantage of the situation by alerting the media to a new
project to assist small Indian farmers by donating the very things that caused crop failures in
the country in the first place! Forbes then names Monsanto "company of the year." Sickening,
but true.

More troubling is that Whole Foods, the corporation that brands itself as organic, natural and
eco-friendly is proven to be anything but. They refuse to support Proposition 37, Californias
GMO-labeling measure that Monsanto and its GMO-brethren eventually helped to defeat.
Why? Because Whole Foods has been in bed with Monsanto for a long time, secretly stuffing
its shelves with overpriced, fraudulently advertized natural & organic crap loaded with GMOs,
pesticides, rBGH, hormones and antibiotics.

So, of course they dont want mandatory labelling as that would expose them as the Whole
Frauds and Whore Foods that they really are!

However, when over twenty biotech-friendly companies including WalMart, Pepsico and
ConAgra recently met with FDA in favor of mandatory labelling laws, this after fighting tooth
and nail to defeat Prop 37, Whole Foods sees an opportunity to save face and becomes the
first grocery chain to announce mandatory labelling of their GMO productsin 2018! Uh,
thanks for nothing, Whore.

And if you think its peers have suddenly grown a conscience, think again. They are simply
reacting to the publics outcry over the defeat of Prop 37 by crafting deceptive GMO-labelling
laws to circumvent any real change, thus keeping the status quo intact.

To add insult to world injury, Monsanto and their partners in crime Archer Daniels Midland,
Sodexo and Tyson Foods write and sponsor The Food Safety Modernization Act of 2009: HR

This criminal act gives the corporate factory farms a virtual monopoly to police and control all
foods grown anywhere, including ones own backyard, and provides harsh penalties and jail
sentences for those who do not use chemicals and fertilizers.

President Obama decided this sounded reasonable and gave his approval.
With this Act, Monsanto claims that only GM foods are safe and organic or homegrown
foods potentially spread disease, therefore must be regulated out of existence for the
safety of the world. If eating GM pesticide balls is their idea of safe food, I would like to
think the rest of the world is smart enough to pass.

As further revelations have broken open regarding this evil giants true intentions, Monsanto
crafted the ridiculous HR 933 Continuing Resolution, aka Monsanto Protection Act, which
Obama robo-signed into law as well.

This law states that no matter how harmful Monsantos GMO crops are and no matter how
much devastation they wreak upon the country, U.S. federal courts cannot stop them from
continuing to plant them anywhere they choose.

Yes, Obama signed a provision that makes Monsanto above any laws and makes them more
powerful than the government itself. We have to wonder whos really in charge of the country
because its certainly not him!
There comes a tipping point though when a corporation becomes too evil and the world pushes
back hard! Many countries continue to convict Monsanto of crimes against humanity and
have banned them altogether, telling them to get the f#<k out and stay out!

Related Russia Bans All U.S. Corn And Soy Imports Due To GMO Contamination

The world has begun to awaken to the fact that the monster does not want control over the
global production of food simply for profits sake. No, its become clear by over a century of
death & destruction that the primary goal is to destroy human health and the environment,
turning the world into a Mon-Satanic Hell on Earth!

Research into the name itself reveals it to be latin, meaning my saint, which may explain why
critics often refer to it as Mon-Satan.

Related: Bombshell Secret Documents Show Monsanto Knew About Glyphosate Link To
Cancer Over 35 Years Ago + How You Can Have Yourself Tested For Glyphosate
Even more conspiratorially interesting is that Freemasons and other esoteric societies
assigned numbers to each letter in our latin-based alphabet system in a six system. Under that
number system, what might Monsanto add up to? Why, of course 6-6-6!

Know that all is not lost. Evil always loses in the end once it is widely exposed to the light of
truth as is occurring now. The fact that the Monsanto-led government finds it necessary to
enact desperate legislation to protect its true leader proves this point. Being evicted elsewhere,
the United States is Monsantos last stand so to speak.

Yet, even here many have begun striking back by protesting against and rejecting GMO
monstrosities, choosing to grow their own foods and shop at local farmers markets instead of
the Monsanto-supported corporate grocery chains.
The awakening people are also beginning to see they have been misled by corporate tricksters
and federal government criminals poisoned by too much power, control and greed, which has
resulted in the creation of the monstrous, out-of-control beast.

And as the people vote against that by choosing not to buy GMO poisons, Monsatans limbs
continue to get hacked away slowly but surely, driving it to its knees for the final organic sword
thrust into its blackened heart.

It is this that will end its reign of terror for good!

Related: 5 Reasons Monsanto Is Crashing And Burning + 17 Countries Saying Goodbye

To GM Crops & The Fight Against Genetic Armageddon

GMO's - A Planned Human Sterility Program

March 5 2016 | From: GlobalResearch

Severe health risks of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are not new.
Studies by scientists among others in France, Germany, Austria, since at
least the 1990s, pointing to several levels of health dangers to mankind
A recent study released by Egyptian researchers found that rats fed a GMO diet suffer
from infertility, among other health issues. In the US similar studies were muzzled by
Monsanto and the Monsanto staffed FDA.

Related: Millions for GMO propaganda: the amount of money spent to keep you in the
DARK will astound you

In a 2011 paper the Institute for Responsible Technology - IRT refers to 19 animal studies
linking GMOs to mostly liver and kidney organ disruption.

In the early 2000 the first Russian studies revealed reduction in fertility and birth defects in
hamsters and rats. In a 2013 Russian study, scientist have discovered that mammals that eat
GMO foodstuffs have difficulties to reproduce.
The study concluded that Campbell hamsters that have a fast reproduction rate were fed for
two years with ordinary soya beans which are widely used in agriculture and those contain
different percentages of GMOs.

Another group of hamsters, the control group, was fed with pure soya [found in Serbia, as 95%
of soya in the world is transgenic].

According to Dr. Alexei Surov, who led the study on behalf of the National Association for
Gene Security;

We selected several groups of hamsters, kept them in pairs in cells and gave them ordinary food as
always. We did not add anything for one group, but the other was fed with soya that contained no GMO
components, while the third group [was fed] with some content of GMOs and the fourth one with increased
amounts of GMOs..

Originally everything went smoothly. However, we noticed quite a serious effect when we selected new
pairs from their cubs and continued to feed them as before. These pairs growth rate was slower, and [they]
reached their sexual maturity slowly. When we got some of their cubs, we formed the new pairs of the third

We failed to get cubs from these pairs which were fed with GMO foodstuffs. It was proven that these pairs
lost their ability to give birth to their cubs."

Sterilization from GMOs is not an accident. Henry Kissinger, the protg of the Rockefeller
Foundation and one of the driving forces still today of the Bilderberg Society, not only is the
author of the infamous proclamation in the early seventies:

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents;
and who controls money can control the world;"
He also said;

Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World."

This is still a (mostly unspoken) key objective of the elite, associated through different semi-
secret organizations like the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the
Trilateral Commission, the British Chatham House, the Economic Forum (Davos), and others.

GMO Seeds

GMOs are based on two strands; one involves insect resistance, the other is herbicide
resistant and more dangerous, because it is glyphosate-tolerant. Glyphosate, known under its
trade name Roundup, is however absorbed in the food fibers and has devastating health

The herbicide is an endocrine-disruptor, a chemical that at certain doses can interfere with the
hormone system of mammals. These disruptions may cause cancer, infertility, miscarriage,
birth defects and full sterility by the third generation, as the Russian study clearly
In his eye-opening 2007 book Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic
Manipulation, F. William Engdahl points to food control and depopulation as the strategic key
objectives of GMOs as put forward by Henry Kissinger already half a century ago.

A less populated Third World will give the US and world elite easier and cheaper access to
needed raw materials, allowing the chosen few to maintain a lifestyle of exuberant luxury and
resources abuse.

Ellen Brown, referring to Gary Nulls documentary Seeds of Death: Unveiling the Lies of
GMOs, quotes Dr. Bruce Lipton;

We are leading the world into the sixth mass extinction of life on this planet... Human behavior is
undermining the web of life.

Worse is to come, if and when the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is ratified by the
US and its eleven Pacific partners. The TPP much like the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership, linking the US with the 28 EU countries) is negotiated behind closed
The chief agricultural negotiator for the US is the former Monsanto lobbyist, Islam Siddique.
The two monster trade agreements would deprive governments from regulating transnational
corporations activities, to the point where the rights of corporations would supersede sovereign
nations laws.

Corporations would be able to set up private courts that may rule a country liable for
lost profit due to legislation that may interfere with their activities.

This would particularly apply to biotech agriculture. GMOs could no longer be forbidden by
individual countries.

They are integral parts of the two giant trade agreements which the US is attempting to ram
down the throats of their partners and may do so in the general realm of vassalage which
has been cultivated by Washingtons threat and sledgehammer politics You are either with
us or you are against us and the latter is usually punished with devastating sanctions, if not
with death of errant, non-compliant leaders.

The objective of depopulation is alive and well and being implemented under our eyes; and
We, The People, are blinded by the steady drop-by-drop of propaganda that makes us believe
that these trade agreements will resolve the worlds food problems, will eliminate famine.

What they will eliminate after a few generations is peoples fertility.

This, coupled with the constant and continuous wars on terror and financial assassinations of
entire countries (see Greece) by the so-called Bretton Woods Organizations, IMF and World
Bank, working hand-in-hand with the FED and Wall Street, may eventually succeed in
drastically reducing world population if We, The People, do not wake up.
Waking up to a new form of agriculture is crucial. Back to nature and earth-friendly farming, as
well as away from globalization to the notion of local production for local consumption. Russia
has a strict ban on GMOs. Russia is producing about 40% of its food by permaculture methods
on simple garden plots.

According to Natural Living, 80% of the countrys fruit and berries, and 66% of vegetables and
about 50% of the nations milk are produced on dacha-type plots.

It is not too late to get away from GMOs, from planned sterility and from depopulating the globe
for the benefit of a tyrant elite.

But, We the People, have to wake up, take back the sovereign control of our nations from the
vassal leadership which Washington has discretely, almost imperceptibly placed at the helm of
the 11 TPP and the 28 TTIP nations by stolen or manipulated elections or outright regime

The breaking up of the Eurozone and the European Union both of which are in dire straits
might be the beginning of a new era of self-determination.

GMO: Seeds of Death

The Top 10 Tricks Used By Corporate Junk Science

March 2 2016 | From: ToolsForFreedom

Corporate junk science is an all-pervading presence in our society. Its


The scientific journals of the entire world, offline and online, have been flooded with so
much fake science that it has, sad to say, become practically impossible for the average
person to wade through all of it and sort out the wheat from the chaff.

However, the fake science I am referring to here is not unintentional or sloppy work, which is
more of a minor problem in the scheme of things (since it will eventually be corrected with due
diligence), but rather the deliberately fraudulent scientific studies which are put out by
major corporations with a definite agenda in mind usually establishing a fake scientific basis
of safety for their products, whether they be vaccines, mobile phones, GMOs, tobacco,
fluoride, soda or soft drinks, etc.

Its nothing more than corporate junk science, and many people, including doctors, scientists
and academics, have been taken in hook, line and sinker by it.
A case in point: The Volkswagen clean diesel lie

Its time to shine the light on this ugly phenomenon. Science is meant to be about the pursuit of
truth and understanding how our world works. It is truly sickening to see the extent to which it
has been hijacked to serve corporate interests to make a tiny, tiny 0.0001% rich at the
expense of harming and killing the rest of mankind.

A recent study published on JAMA entitled Research Misconduct Identified by the US Food
and Drug Administration found some very disturbing things in its sample of 57 studies that it

Fifty-seven published clinical trials were identified for which an FDA inspection of a trial site had found
significant evidence of 1 or more of the following problems: falsification or submission of false information,
22 trials (39%); problems with adverse events reporting, 14 trials (25%); protocol violations, 42 trials (74%);
inadequate or inaccurate recordkeeping, 35 trials (61%); failure to protect the safety of patients and/or
issues with oversight or informed consent, 30 trials (53%); and violations not otherwise categorized, 20
trials (35%).

Take a look at this first finding.

It states that 39% which is around 2/5 of studies committed data falsification!

How can we possibly trust medical science when the fraud is so blatant and widespread? And
its not as though the authors of these studies come out and admit it. The study also found that:

Only 3 of the 78 publications (4%) that resulted from trials in which the FDA found significant violations
mentioned the objectionable conditions or practices found during the inspection. No corrections,
retractions, expressions of concern, or other comments acknowledging the key issues identified by the
inspection were subsequently published.
Another study at PLOS ONE entitled How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data concluded that:

It is likely that, if on average 2% of scientists admit to have falsified research at least once and up to 34%
admit other questionable research practices, the actual frequencies of misconduct could be higher than

In light of all of this, if we want the truth, we need to look at the whole structure of how
science works in the real world. We need to get wise to the methods that are used by
unscrupulous groups to further their agenda.

With that in mind, here is a list of the top 10 tricks used by the corporatocracy to pull the wool
over your eyes by manipulating science and substituting their fake corporate junk science
instead (thanks to Webster Kehr of CancerTutor.com for compiling his instructive list, from
which the below points are derived).

1. Substituting Synthetic for Natural Versions of a Nutrient

Those who know a little about nutrition probably realize by now that there is a vast difference
between a nutrient found in a food or plant, and its synthetic counterpart artificially made in a
lab. All vitamin C is not created equal; some versions are more equal than others. The same
goes for other vitamins.

It also applies to minerals, since some are derived from plant or animal matter (organic)
whereas others are derived from rock (inorganic). The body cant assimilate inorganic
minerals, so all those so-called natural supplements full of rock and fossil-derived calcium are
useless, and are actually harming your body by causing calcification.

When the corporatocracy wants a result skewed against an unpatentable natural solution and
in favor of one of their patentable products, they simply use the synthetic (and less potent)
version of that nutrient in the study and find that it is ineffective. Corporate junk science at its

2. Isolating Nutrients to Remove Their Power of Synergy

Heres another trick used by corporate junk science.

If its trying to scientifically prove that a natural substance is ineffective, rather than testing the
whole substance, it will isolate certain nutrients from it, declare them the only ones with any
health benefit, then find them ineffective.

This is like taking a clove of garlic, declaring that allicin is the only thing in it that could possibly
do any good for human health, and then disregarding the whole plant when allicin doesnt do
everything you expected. The same goes for when corporate junk science, intentionally or not,
tests the wrong nutrient and declares itself finished with testing.

Nature doesnt work like this. Plants are complex organisms. Some are composed of hundreds
of different phytonutrients which work together synergistically to produce wellness in the
human body. Real science would test the whole plant open-mindedly in a variety of ways to try
to discover and unlock the secret to its healing potential.

3. Contaminating the Tests

Webster Kehr mentions a case involving laetrile or amygdalin (colloquially called vitamin B17).
He writes that the NIH contaminated an already bogus pill being used in a study. Natural
laetrile cannot and has never given a patient the symptoms of cyanide poisoning. It simply is
The NIH refused to allow an alternative laetrile vendor to supply natural laetrile for the study
so they could create a custom pill for the study. In creating their custom bogus laetrile pill, it
was not enough for them to not have any natural laetrile in the pill. A worthless pill would not
have given any patient the symptoms of cyanide poisoning.

They also had to lace the pill with inorganic cyanide so that the patients would have the
symptoms of cyanide poisoning.

As explained in my article Natural Cancer Cure Laetrile (Amygdalin, Vitamin B17) Works
Better than Chemotherapy, the cyanide contained in apricot kernels, apple seeds, etc. is a
selective cancer cell killer. It leaves healthy cells alone, because they can disable the cyanide.

4. Altering the Treatment Plan

If corporate junk science cant prove a natural substance itself is ineffective, then it uses the
trick of altering the treatment plan, so that people are getting the correct amount of that

This could be as simple as making the dosage too low or too high, or combining the substance
with other foods or drink which disable its healing effects, or heating it, etc. Just like Big
Pharma drugs, natural cures require a patient to follow a correct dosage and treatment plan for
them to be successful in healing disease.

5. Getting Tricky with Statistics

Mark Twain once said that there are lies, damn lies and statistics. Corporate junk science
often plays around with the numbers to emphasize one thing and hide another thing.

Big Biotech often does this with their GMO studies, for instance, never allowing a study to
exceed 90 days (after which the deleterious effects of GMOs begin to emerge).

6. The False Worship of Double Blind Studies

Are double blind studies always the gold standard? As Kehr points out, in many cases, a
double blind study makes no sense in the world. For example, how could you do a double blind
study comparing a person who refuses all orthodox cancer treatments with someone who goes
through chemotherapy?

It is a stupid concept, because after one day a person would know which group they were in
How can you compare chemotherapy to Vitamin C in a double blind study? The chemotherapy
group would have intense pain, sickness, their hair will fall out, and so on. The Vitamin C group
would have no added pain, no sickness (except perhaps diarrhea), and their hair will not fall
out, etc.

7. Selecting Patients Favorable to the Agenda

The selection protocol in determining which patients to choose for a study is important,
because by carefully selecting the patients in a study, you can to a large extent control the
outcome of the study. Kehr gives examples of how the Mayo Clinic choose a narrow range of
cancers as opposed to Pauling and Cameron when testing the efficacy of vitamin C as a
natural cancer treatment.

8. Bribing the Peer-Review Group

In my article The Massive Flaw with the Scientific Hierarchy of Evidence, I highlighted how a
distinguished 20-year medical journal editor became so appalled with the flagrant corruption of
corporate junk science, she declared that it was no longer possible to believe much of the
clinical research that is published. The peer review process has itself become too corrupted.

This is from Webster Kehr:

In June [2002], the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most respected medical journals, made a
startling announcement. The editors declared that they were dropping their policy stipulating that authors of
review articles of medical studies could not have financial ties to drug companies whose medicines were
being analyzed.

The reason? The journal could no longer find enough independent experts. Drug company gifts and
consulting fees are so pervasive that in any given field, you cannot find an expert who has not been paid
off in some way by the industry. So the journal settled for a new standard: Their reviewers can have
received no more than $10,000 [per year] from companies whose work they judge. Isnt that comforting?"

9. Controlling the Publicisation of the Results

Most scientists are given contracts by the corporatocracy which contain a clause forbidding
them to publicize results that the funders dont like. This means that Big Pharma, Bir Agra, Big
Biotech or whoever it is has the legal right to suppress the results of any study they dont like
including being able to stop scientists from submitting such studies to a journal.

10. Controlling the Funding and Hiding the Funders

Science is, to some extent, by the admissions of one of its branches quantum physics, based
on the state of the observer. So, it is unsurprising that it can be manipulated by placing the
people who have your point of view in control.

An outcome is more likely to be generated when you have people expecting (or
subconsciously intending) that result. On top of this, results can be bought and the true finance
behind that bribery can be hidden through front groups, think tanks, shell corporations, fake
grassroots (astroturf) organizations and many other means.

The 10 tricks do, of course, exist in addition to the massive category of data falsification, where
corporations omit and distort results at will through all sorts of chicanery (e.g. not reporting
patients who suffer side effects and instead labeling them as non-compliant).

Corporate junk science is like a cancer parasiting off the host and destroying humanitys
attempt for knowledge and objectivity. The time has come to expose it fully and restore truth.
10 Ways To Protect Yourself From NLP Mind Control
March 1 2016 | From: UltraCulture

NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is one of the worlds most prevalent

methods of mind control, used by everyone from sales callers to politicians
to media pundits, and its nasty to the core. Heres ten ways to make sure
nobody uses it on you ever.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a method for controlling peoples minds that

was invented by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the 1970s, became popular in the
psychoanalytic, occult and New Age worlds in the 1980s, and advertising, marketing
and politics in the 1990s and 2000s.

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

Its become so interwoven with how people are communicated to and marketed at that its use
is largely invisible. Its also somewhat of a pernicious, devilish force in the world -
nearly everybody in the business of influencing people has studied at least some of its
techniques. Masters of it are notorious for having a Rasputin-like ability to trick people in
incredible ways - most of all themselves.

After explaining a bit about what NLP is and where it came from, Im going to break down 10
ways to inoculate yourself against its use. Youll likely be spotting it left, right and center in the
media with a few tips on what to look for. Full disclosure: During my 20s, I spent years studying
New Age, magical and religious systems for changing consciousness.

One of them was NLP. Ive been on both ends of the spectrum: Ive had people ruthlessly use
NLP to attempt to control me, and Ive also trained in it and even used it in the advertising
Despite early fascination, by 2008 or so I had largely come to the conclusion that its next to
useless - a way of manipulating language that greatly overestimates its own effectiveness as a
discipline, really doesnt achieve much in the way of any kind of lasting change, and contains
no real core of respect for people or even true understanding of how people work.

After throwing it to the wayside, however, I became convinced that understanding NLP is
crucial simply so that people can resist its use. Its kind of like the whole PUA thing that was
popular in the mid-00s - a group of a few techniques that worked for a few unscrupulous
people until the public figured out what was going on and rejected it, like the body identifying
and rejecting foreign material.

What is NLP, and Where Did it Come From?

Neuro-linguistic programming is a marketing term for a science that two Californians

- Richard Bandler and John Grinder - came up with in the 1970s. Bandler was a stoner
student at UC Santa Cruz (just like I later was in the 00s), then a mecca for psychedelics,
hippies and radical thinking (now a mecca for Silicon Valley hopefuls).

Grinder was at the time an associate professor in linguistics at the university (he had previously
served as a Captain in the US Special Forces and in the intelligence community, ahem not that
this, you know, is important aheh). Together, they worked at modeling the techniques
of Fritz Perls (founder of Gestalt therapy), family therapist Virginia Satir and, most
importantly, the preternaturally gifted hypnotherapist Milton Erickson.
Bandler and Grinder sought to reject much of what they saw as the ineffectiveness of talk
therapy and cut straight to the heart of what techniques actually worked to produce behavioral
change. Inspired by the computer revolution - Bandler was a computer science major - they
also sought to develop a psychological programming language for human beings.

What they came up with was a kind of evolution of hypnotherapy - while classical hypnosis
depends on techniques for putting patients into suggestive trances (even to the point of losing
consciousness on command), NLP is much less heavy-handed: Its a technique of layering
subtle meaning into spoken or written language so that you can implant suggestions into a
persons unconscious mind without them knowing what youre doing.

Though mainstream therapists rejected NLP as pseudoscientific nonsense (it has been
officially peer reviewed and discredited as an intervention technique - lots more on that here), it
nonetheless caught on.

It was still the 1970s, and the Human Potential Movement was in full swing - and NLP was the
new darling. Immediately building a publishing, speaking and training empire, by 1980 Bandler
had made over $800,000 from his creation - he was even being called on to train corporate
leaders, the army and the CIA.
Self-help gurus like Tony Robbins used NLP techniques to become millionaires in the 1980s
(Robbins now has an estimated net worth of $480 million). By the middle of the decade, NLP
was such big business that lawsuits and wars had erupted over who had the rights to teach it,
or even to use the term NLP.

But by that time, Bandler had bigger problems than copyright disputes: He was on trial for the
alleged murder of prostitute Corine Christensen in November 1986.
The prosecution claimed that Bandler had shot Christensen, 34, point-blank in the face with a .
357 Magnum in a drug deal gone bad. According to the press at the time, Bandler had
discovered an even better way to get people to like him than NLP - cocaine - and become
embroiled in a far darker game, even, than mind control.

A much-recommended investigation into the case published by Mother Jones in 1989 opens
with these chilling lines:

In the morning Corine Christensen last snorted cocaine, she found herself, straw in hand, looking down
the barrel of a .357 Magnum revolver. When the gun exploded, momentarily piercing the autumn stillness,
it sent a single bullet on a diagonal path through her left nostril and into her brain.

Christensen slumped over her round oak dining table, bleeding onto its glass top, a loose-leaf notebook,
and a slip of yellow memo paper on which she had scrawled, in red ink, DONT KILL US ALL. Choking, she
spit blood onto a wine goblet, a tequila bottle, and the shirt of the man who would be accused of her
murder, then slid sideways off the chair and fell on her back. Within minutes she lay still.

As Christensen lay dying, two men left her rented town house in a working-class section of Santa Cruz,
California. One was her former boyfriend, James Marino, an admitted cocaine dealer and convicted

The other, Richard Bandler, was known internationally as the cofounder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming
(NLP), a controversial approach to psychology and communication. About 12 hours later, on the evening of
November 3, 1986, Richard Bandler was arrested and charged with the murder.

Bandlers defense was, simply, that Marino had killed Christensen, not him. Many at the time
alleged he used NLP techniques on the stand to escape conviction.
Yet Bandler was also alleged to actually use a gun in NLP
sessions in order to produce dramatic psychological
changes in clients - a technique that was later mirrored by
Hollywood in the movie Fight Club
character pulls a gun on a gas station attendant and
threatens to kill him if he doesnt pursue his dreams in life.

That was, many said, Bandlers MO.

Whatever the truth of the matter, Bandler was indeed let

off, and the story was quickly buried - Ive never spoken to
a student of NLP whos ever heard of the murder case, Ill
note, and Ive spoken to a lot.

The case hardly impeded the growing popularity of NLP,

however, which was now big business, working its way not
only into the toolkit of psychotherapists but also into nearly
every corner of the political and advertising worlds, having
grown far beyond the single personage of Richard Bandler,
though he continued (and continues) to command
outrageous prices for NLP trainings throughout the world.

Today, the techniques of NLP and Ericksonian-style

hypnotic writing can be readily seen in the world of Internet
marketing, online get-rich-quick schemes and scams.

(For more on this, see the excellent

Get rich quick schemes mutate into an online
monster by my friend Joseph Flatley, one of the best
articles Ive ever read on the Web.)

Their most prominent public usage has likely been by Barack Obama, whose 2008 Change
campaign was a masterpiece of Ericksonian permissive hypnosis. The celebrity hypnotist and
illusionist Derren Brown also demonstrates NLP techniques in his routine.

How Exactly Does this Thing Work?

NLP is taught in a pyramid structure, with the more advanced techniques reserved for multi-
thousand-dollar seminars. To oversimplify an overcomplicated subject, it more or less works
like this: First, the user (or NLPer, as NLP people often refer to themselves - and I should
note here that the large majority of NLP people, especially those who are primarily therapists,
are likely well-meaning) of NLP pays very, very close attention to the person theyre working

By watching subtle cues like eye movement, skin flush, pupil dilation and nervous tics,
a skilled NLP person can quickly determine:

a) What side of the brain a person is predominantly using;

b) What sense (sight, smell, etc.) is most predominant in their brain;

c) How their brain stores and utilizes information (ALL of this can be gleaned from eye

d) When theyre lying or making information up.

After this initial round of information gathering, the NLPer begins to slowly and subtly mimic
the client, taking on not only their body language but also their speech mannerisms, and will
begin speaking with language patterns designed to target the clients primary sense.

An NLP person essentially carefully fakes the social cues that cause a person to drop their guard
and enter a state of openness and suggestibility.

For instance, a person predominantly focused on sight will be spoken to in language using
visual metaphors - Do you see what Im saying? Look at it this way - while a person for
which hearing is the dominant sense will be spoken to in auditory language - Hear me out,
Im listening to you closely.

By mirroring body language and linguistic patterns, the NLPer is attempting to achieve one
very specific response: rapport.

Rapport is the mental and physiological state that a human enters when they let their social
guard down, and it is generally achieved when a person comes to the conclusion that the
person theyre talking to is just like them. See how that works, broadly?

An NLP person essentially carefully fakes the social cues that cause a person to drop their
guard and enter a state of openness and suggestibility.

Once rapport is achieved, the NLPer will then begin subtly leading the interaction. Having
mirrored the other person, they can now make subtle changes to actually influence the other
persons behavior.

Combined with subtle language patterns, leading questions and a whole slew of other
techniques, a skilled NLPer can at this point steer the other person wherever they like, as long
as the other person isnt aware of whats happening and thinks everything is arising
organically, or has given consent.

That means its actually fairly hard to use NLP to get people to act out-of-character, but it can
be used for engineering responses within a persons normal range of behavior - like donating
to a cause, making a decision they were putting off, or going home with you for the night if they
might have considered it anyway.
From this point, the NLPer will seek to do two things - elicit and anchor. Eliciting happens when
an NLPer uses leading and language to engineer an emotional state - for instance, hunger.
Once a state has been elicited, the NLPer can then anchor it with a physical cue - for instance,
touching your shoulder. In theory, if done right, the NLPer can then call up the hungry state any
time they touch your shoulder in the same way. Its conditioning, plain and simple.

How Can I Make Sure Nobody Pulls this Horseshit on Me?

Ive had all kinds of people attempt to NLP me into submission, including multiple people Ive
worked for over extended periods of time, and even people Ive been in relationships with.
Consequently, Ive developed a pretty keen immune response to it. Ive also studied its
mechanics very closely, largely to resist the nonsense of said people. Heres a few key
methods Ive picked up.

1. Be Extremely Wary of People Copying Your Body Language

If youre talking to somebody who may be into NLP, and you notice that theyre sitting in exactly
the same way as you, or mirroring the way you have your hands, test them by making a few
movements and seeing if they do the same thing. Skilled NLPers will be better at masking this
than newer ones, but newer ones will always immediately copy the same movement. This is a
good time to call people on their shit.

2. Move Your Eyes in Random and Unpredictable Patterns

This is freaking hilarious to do to troll NLPers. Especially in the initial stages of rapport
induction, an NLP user will be paying incredibly close attention to your eyes. You may think its
because theyre intensely interested in what youre saying. They are, but not because they
actually care about your thoughts:
This could quite possibly be going too far, however

Theyre watching your eye movements to see how you store and access information. In a few
minutes, theyll not only be able to tell when youre lying or making something up, theyll also
be able to figure out what parts of your brain youre using when youre speaking, which can
then lead them to be so clued in to what youre thinking that they almost come across as
having some kind of psychic insight into your innermost thoughts.

A clever hack for this is just to randomly dart your eyes around - look up to the right, to the left,
side to side, down make it seem natural, but do it randomly and with no pattern. This will
drive an NLP person utterly nuts because youll be throwing off their calibration.

3. Do Not Let Anybody Touch You

This is pretty obvious and kind of goes without saying in general. But lets say youre having a
conversation with somebody you know is into NLP, and you find yourself in a heightened
emotional state - maybe you start laughing really hard, or get really angry, or something similar
- and the person youre talking to touches you while youre in that state.
They might, for instance, tap you on the shoulder. What just happened? They anchored you so
that later, if they want to put you back into the state you were just in, they can (or so the
wayward logic of NLP dictates) touch you in the same place. Just be like, oh hell no you did

4. Be Wary of Vague Language

One of the primary techniques that NLP took from Milton Erickson is the use of vague
language to induce hypnotic trance. Erickson found that the more vague language is, the more
it leads people into trance, because there is less that a person is liable to disagree with or react
to. Alternately, more specific language will take a person out of trance. (Note Obamas use of
this specific technique in the Change campaign, a word so vague that anybody could
read anything into it.)

5. Be Wary of Permissive Language

Feel free to relax. Youre welcome to test drive this car if you like. You can enjoy this as
much as you like. Watch the f*k out for this. This was a major insight of pre-NLP hypnotists
like Erickson: The best way to get somebody to do something, including going into a trance, is
by allowing them to give you permission to do so. Because of this, skilled hypnotists will
NEVER command you outright to do something - i.e. Go into a trance. They WILL say things
like Feel free to become as relaxed as you like.

6. Be Wary of Gibberish

Nonsense phrases like As you release this feeling more and more you will find yourself
moving into present alignment with the sound of your success more and more. This kind of
gibberish is the bread and butter of the pacing-and-leading phase of NLP; the hypnotist isnt
actually saying anything, theyre just trying to program your internal emotional states and move
you towards where they want you to go.
ALWAYS say Can you be more specific about that or Can you explain exactly what you
mean? This does two things: It interrupts this whole technique, and it also forces the
conversation into specific language, breaking the trance-inducing use of vague language we
discussed in #4.

7. Read Between the Lines

NLP people will consistently use language with hidden or layered meanings. For instance Diet,
nutrition and sleep with me are the most important things, dont you think? On the surface, if
you heard this sentence quickly, it would seem like an obvious statement that you would
probably agree with without much thought.

Yes, of course diet, nutrition and sleep are important things, sure, and this persons really into
being healthy, thats great. But whats the layered-in message? Diet, nutrition and sleep with
me are the most important things, dont you think? Yep, and you just unconsciously agreed to
it. Skilled NLPers can be incredibly subtle with this.

8. Watch Your Attention

Be very careful about zoning out around NLP people - its an invitation to leap in with an
unconscious cue. Heres an example: An NLP user who was attempting to get me to write for
his blog for free noticed I appeared not to be paying attention and was looking into the
distance, and then started using the technique listed in #7 by talking about how he never has
to pay for anything because media outlets send him review copies of books and albums for
free. Everything for free, he began hissing at me. I get everything. For. Free. Obvious, no?

9. Dont Agree to Anything

If you find yourself being led to make a quick decision on something, and feel youre being
steered, leave the situation. Wait 24 hours before making any decisions, especially financial
Do NOT let yourself get swept up into making an emotional decision in the spur of the moment.
Sales people are armed with NLP techniques specifically for engineering impulse buys. Dont
do it. Leave, and use your rational mind.

10. Trust Your Intuition

And the foremost and primary rule: If your gut tells you somebody is fucking with you, or you
feel uneasy around them, trust it. NLP people almost always seem off, dodgy, or like used car
salesmen. Flee, or request they show you the respect of not applying NLP techniques when
interacting with you.

Hopefully this short guide will be of assistance to you in resisting this annoying and pernicious
modern form of black magic. Take it with you on your phone or a printout next time youre at a
used car sales lot, getting signed up for a gym membership, or watching a politician speak on
TV. Youll easily find yourself surprised how you allow yourself to notice more and more NLP
techniques more and more dont you think?

(For more on NLP, check out the book Introducing NLP by Joseph OConnor or the
immensely useful Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Dummies. As a bonus, heres a great
video breaking down the use of NLP techniques by media outlets on both sides of the political
spectrum, from FOX News to Stephen Colbert. It gets a bit into Christian conspiracy thinking,
but is VERY good information.)
New York Times Reporter Found Murdered After Exposing
February 29 2016 | From: TheDailySheeple

A former New York Times reporter has been found murdered in the
Dominican Republic following her exposure of MKUltra.

Sarah Kershaw was found asphyxiated due to strangulation on Monday at her apartment
in Sosua.

Related: Monarch Mind Control & The MK-Ultra Program

Project MKUltra, often referred to as the CIAs mind control program, was the code name given
to an illegal program of experiments on human subjects, designed and undertaken by the the
CIA. Ms Kershaw published an article with the New York Times exploring this subject in 2008
with her article Sharing their Demons on the Web, writing:

For people who regularly visit and write on message boards on the mind-control sites, the idea that others
would describe the sites as promoting delusional and psychotic thinking is simply evidence of a cover-up of
the truth.

Abreureport.com reports:
In her article, Ms. Kershaw wrote that people who felt they were being targeted had found the support of
Missouri Representative Jim Guest, who told the Times: Ive had enough calls, some from credible people
- professors - being targeted by nonlethal weapons. They become psychologically affected by it. They have
trouble sleeping at night."

Sarah Kershaw

When Ms. Kershaw wrote her article, psychotronic warfare was not legal against US citizens,
but that all changed with the National Defense Authorization Act 2013. In response to the
legalization of psychotronic warfare, Abreu Report published an article, writing:

Psychotronic weapons are those that act to take away a part of the information which is stored in a mans
brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those who need to control the man,
and the modified information is then reinserted into the brain.

These weapons are used against the mind to induce hallucinations, sickness, mutations in human cells,
zombification, or even death. Included in the arsenal are VHF generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and radio

Is it possible that Ms. Kershaw stumbled upon some new information that made her
dangerous? Considering the speed at which the capabilities of psychotronic weapons has
improved, the possibility is extremely high.

TEDx: The Wireless Wake Up Call

February 28 2016 | From: EMFAnalysis

Jeromy Johnson just gave the first-ever TED Talk on wireless / EMF / smart
meter health effects. And it's a real eye-opener.

Jeromy has a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering. As a Silicon Valley tech-

enthusiast, he was the last person to expect the debilitating health effects he
experienced when 'smart' meters were installed where he lived. There are now
thousands upon thousands of others just like him.

Related: Wi-Fried?

The other major video of the week is a doc called WI-FRIED?, produced by ABC Australia.

It's excellent. And it's stirred up, predictably, the hornet's nest of deniers within industry. This
prompted a fiery rebuttal from ABC Producer Maryanne Demasi on Huffington Post.

Related: Sometimes Asking Questions Provides You With Answers That May Be

One thing is fore sure... the conversation is going mainstream.

Protect Your Family from EMF Pollution: TEDx Talk: Wireless Wake-Up Call

On February 6th, I had the opportunity to speak at TEDxBerkeley. The title of my talk was
Wireless Wake-Up Call. I discussed the health effects related to the explosion in wireless
technology the past few years, along with solutions that can help everyone. Within the
presentation, I also talked about how we can develop technology that is much safer for
humanity. Here is the video:

The following are a few pictures and experiences from that day:
Zellerbach Hall on the UC Berkeley campus is an incredible venue. It seats 2,000 people and
this event was sold-out. I was the second speaker of the day and the first couple minutes on
stage were a bit nerve-racking. As you will see in my opening questions, there was an
uncomfortable moment for everyone (it felt like the entire room needed to pause).

It happened when I asked who knew that the fine print in every smart phone owners manual
says to never put the phone within about 1 inch of the body. This is a truth that is currently
taboo to discuss in our society, so few people know about it. However, once we got through
this moment, the talk soon became fun and was well-received by many in the audience.
TEDxBerkeley hired artists to put each talk into images. It is such an incredible skill to do this
in a short amount of time. Every speaker that day gave an amazing talk (it was so much fun to
watch the other talks) and each presenter was given the painting of their talk as a gift that
In my talk, I wanted to convey that people are indeed being harmed by this technology and that
there is adequate science to show how and why this is happening. Most importantly though, I
provided solutions that every family can utilize today to reduce their exposure and encouraged
us all to help society wake-up.

Once this happens, our technology industries will create safe products that will move our entire
society toward a healthier future.

Russia Bans All U.S. Corn And Soy Imports Due To GMO
February 18 2016 | From: NaturalSociety

Russias food safety regulator Rosselkhoznadzor just announced a

complete ban starting February 15 on all US corn and soy imports.
This is a huge blow to organic and GM farmers alike, though the ban will be instated due
to genetically modified crop and microbial contamination.

Though the total exports to Russia from the US are small in comparison to soybean
exports, totaling over $156 million in recent years, with Russia importing only 4,742 metric
tons of U.S. corn, the ban will still hurt US farmers.

Assistant Director of the Rosselkhoznadzor, Alexey Alekseenko said:

Restrictions will be imposed on imports starting from February 15. They (the US) have to establish a
system to ensure safety of products imported to Russia.

China has issued similar bans in the past due to GM contamination, and only recently did
an about face on the issue. US corn exports to the country recently dropped by 85% after a
report detailing GM contamination was released.

Putin recently said that Russians need to be protected from GM crops. The food latest ban
follows that credo. According to the regulator, the corn imported from the US is often
infected with dry rot of maize.

In addition, according to the Russian watchdog, corn can be used for transgenic crops in
Russia. The potential damage from import and spread of quarantinable objects on the territory
of Russia is estimated at 10-15 bln rubles ($126 mln-189 mln) annually.
Click on the image above to open a larger version in a new window

So, a combination of microbial disease and genetically mutated genes are both a concern for
Russia, China, and multiple other countries who are refusing GM imports from the US.

Just months ago, President Putins meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry revealed
the Russian leaders extreme outrage over the Obama regimes continued protection of
global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto.

US Intelligence Chief: We Might Use The Internet Of Things To

Spy On You
February 13 2016 | From: TheGuardian

James Clapper did not name specific agency as being involved in

surveillance via smart-home devices but said in congressional testimony it
is a distinct possibility
The US intelligence chief has acknowledged for the first time that agencies might use a
new generation of smart household devices to increase their surveillance capabilities.

Related: 'Internet of Things' an Absolute Goldmine for Big Brother, Admits Top US Spy

As increasing numbers of devices connect to the internet and to one another, the so-called
internet of things promises consumers increased convenience the remotely operated
thermostat from Google-owned Nest is a leading example. But as home computing migrates
away from the laptop, the tablet and the smartphone, experts warn that the security features on
the coming wave of automobiles, dishwashers and alarm systems lag far behind.

In an appearance at a Washington thinktank last month, the director of the National Security
Agency, Adm Michael Rogers, said that it was time to consider making the home devices more
defensible, but did not address the opportunities that increased numbers and even categories
of connected devices provide to his surveillance agency.
However, James Clapper, the US director of national intelligence, was more direct in testimony
submitted to the Senate on Tuesday as part of an assessment of threats facing the United

"In the future, intelligence services might use the [internet of things] for identification, surveillance,
monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment, or to gain access to networks or user
credentials, Clapper said.

Clapper did not specifically name any intelligence agency as involved in household-device
surveillance. But security experts examining the internet of things take as a given that the US
and other surveillance services will intercept the signals the newly networked devices emit,
much as they do with those from cellphones.

Amateurs are already interested in easily compromised hardware; computer programmer John
Matherlys search engine Shodan indexes thousands of completely unsecured web-connected
Online threats again topped the intelligence chiefs list of worldwide threats the US faces, with
the mutating threat of low-intensity terrorism quickly following. While Clapper has for years
used the equivocal term evolving when asked about the scope of the threat, he said Tuesday
that Sunni violent extremism has more groups, members, and safe havens than at any other
point in history.

The Islamic State topped the threat index, but Clapper also warned that the US-backed Saudi
war in Yemen was redounding to the benefit of al-Qaidas local affiliate.


"Homegrown extremists are the greatest terrorist threat, rather than Islamic State or al-Qaida attacks
planned from overseas. Clapper cited the San Bernardino and Chattanooga shootings as examples of
lethal operations emanating from self-starting extremists without direct guidance from [Isis] leadership.

US intelligence officials did not foresee Isis suffering significant setbacks in 2016 despite a war
in Syria and Iraq that the Pentagon has pledged to escalate. The chief of defense intelligence,
Marine Lt Gen Vincent Stewart, said the jihadist army would probably retain Sunni Arab urban
centers in 2016, even as military leaders pledged to wrest the key cities of Raqqa and
Mosul from it.

Contradicting the US defense secretary, Ashton Carter, Stewart said he was less optimistic in
the near term about Mosul, saying the US and Iraqi government would certainly not retake it
in 2016.
The negative outlook comes as Carter traveled on Tuesday to meet with his fellow defense
chiefs in Brussels for a discussion on increasing their contributions against Isis.

On the Iran nuclear deal, Clapper said intelligence agencies were in a distrust and verify
mode, but added: We have no evidence thus far that theyre moving toward violation.

Clappers admission about the surveillance potential for networked home devices is rare for a
US official. But in an overlooked 2012 speech, the then CIA director David Petraeus called the
surveillance implications of the internet of things transformational particularly to their effect
on clandestine tradecraft.

During testimony to both the Senate armed services committee and the intelligence panel,
Clapper cited Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and the Islamic State as bolstering their online
espionage, disinformation, theft, propaganda and data-destruction capabilities. He warned that
the USs ability to correctly attribute the culprits of those actions would probably diminish with
improving offensive tradecraft, the use of proxies, and the creation of cover organizations.

Clapper suggested that US adversaries had overtaken its online capabilities: Russia and
China continue to have the most sophisticated cyber programs.

The White Houses new cybersecurity initiative, unveiled on Tuesday, pledged increased
security for nontraditional networked home devices. It tasked the Department of Homeland
Security to test and certify networked devices within the Internet of Things. It did not discuss
any tension between the USs twin cybersecurity and surveillance priorities.
Connected household devices are a potential treasure trove to intelligence agencies seeking
unobtrusive ways to listen and watch a target, according to a study that Harvards Berkman
Center for Internet and Society released last week. The study found that the signals explosion
represented by the internet of things would overwhelm any privacy benefits by users of
commercial encryption even as Clapper in his testimony again alleged that the growth of
encryption was having a negative effect on intelligence gathering.

The reports authors cited a 2001 case in which the FBI had sought to compel a company that
makes emergency communications hardware for automobiles similar by description to
OnStar, though the company was not named to assist agents in Nevada in listening in on
conversations in a clients car.

In February 2015, news reports revealed that microphones on Samsung smart televisions
were always on so as to receive any audio that it could interpret as an instruction.

"Law enforcement or intelligence agencies may start to seek orders compelling Samsung, Google, Mattel,
Nest or vendors of other networked devices to push an update or flip a digital switch to intercept the
ambient communications of a target, the authors wrote.

Some Of The Biggest Lies Of Science

February 11 2016 | From: ActivistTeacher
The maintenance of the hierarchical structures that control our lives
depends on Pinters vast tapestry of lies upon which we feed.

The maintenance of the hierarchical structures that control our lives depends on
Pinters vast tapestry of lies upon which we feed. Therefore the main institutions that
embed us into the hierarchy, such as schools, universities, and mass media and
entertainment corporations, have a primary function to create and maintain this
tapestry. This includes establishment scientists and all service intellectuals in charge of
interpreting reality.

In fact, the scientists and experts define reality in order to bring it into conformation with the
always-adapting dominant mental tapestry of the moment.

[T]he majority of politicians, on the evidence available to us, are interested not in truth but in power and in
the maintenance of that power.

To maintain that power it is essential that people remain in ignorance, that they live in ignorance of the
truth, even the truth of their own lives. What surrounds us therefore is a vast tapestry of lies, upon which
we feed.

Harold Pinter, Nobel Lecture (Literature), 2005

They also invent and build new branches of the tapestry that serve specific power groups by
providing new avenues of exploitation. These high priests are rewarded with high class status.

The Money Lie

The economists are a most significant example. It is probably not an accident that in the United
States at the end of the nineteenth century the economists were the first professional analysts
to be broken in, in a battle that defined the limits of academic freedom in universities. The
academic system would from that point on impose a strict operational separation between
inquiry and theorizing as acceptable and social reform as unacceptable.

Any academic wishing to preserve her position understood what this meant.
As a side product, academics became virtuosos at nurturing a self-image of importance
despite this fatal limitation on their societal relevance, with verbiage such as: The truth is our
most powerful weapon, the pen is mightier than the sword, a good idea can change the world,
reason will take us out of darkness, etc.

So the enterprise of economics became devoted to masking the lie about money. Bad lending
practice, price fixing and monopolistic controls were the main threats to the natural justice of a
free market, and occurred only as errors in a mostly self-regulating system that could be
moderated via adjustments of interest rates and other safeguards.

Meanwhile no mainstream economic theory makes any mention of the fact that money itself is
created wholesale in a fractional reserve banking system owned by secret private interests
given a licence to fabricate and deliver debt that must be paid back (with interest) from the real
economy, thereby continuously concentrating ownership and power over all local and regional
The 'Federal Reserve' Bank of New York

The rest of us have to earn money rather than simply fabricate it and we never own more when
we die. The middle class either pays rent or a mortgage. Wage slavery is perpetuated and
degraded in stable areas and installed in its most vicious varieties in all newly conquered

It is quite remarkable that the largest exploitation scam (private money creation as debt) ever
enacted and applied to the entire planet does not figure in economic theories.
Economists are so busy modeling the ups and downs of profits, returns, employment figures,
stock values, and the benefits of mergers for mid-level exploiters that they dont notice their
avoidance of the foundational elements. They model the construction schedule while refusing
to acknowledge that the terrain is an earthquake zone with vultures circling overhead.

Meanwhile the financiers write and re-write the rules themselves and again this process does
not figure in macroeconomic theories. The only human element that economists consider in
their predictive mathematical models is low-level consumer behaviour, not high-level system
Corruption is the norm yet it does not figure. The economies, cultures and infrastructures of
nations are wilfully destroyed in order to enslave via new and larger national debts for
generations into the future while economists forecast alleged catastrophic consequences of
defaulting on these debts

Management tools for the bosses and smoke and mirrors for the rest of us thank you expert

The Medicine is Health Lie

Weve all heard some MD (medical doctor) interviewed on the radio gratuitously make the bold
proposal that life expectancy has increased thanks to modern medicine. Nothing could be
further from the truth.

Life expectancy has increased in First World countries thanks to a historical absence of civil
and territorial wars, better and more accessible food, less work and non-work accidents, and
better overall living and working conditions. The single strongest indicator of personal health
within and between countries is economy status, irrespective of access to medical technology
and pharmaceuticals.

Its worse than that because medicine actually has a negative impact on health. Medical errors
(not counting misattributed deaths from correctly administered treatments) are the third
leading cause of death in the US, after heart disease and cancer, and there is a large gap
between this conservative underestimate in the number of medical error deaths and the fourth
leading cause of death.

Since medicine can do little for heart disease and cancer and since medicine has only a small
statistical positive impact in the area of trauma interventions, we conclude that public health
would increase if all MDs simply disappeared. And think of all the time loss and stress that sick
people would save

One of the most dangerous places in society is the hospital. Medical errors include
misdiagnoses, bad prescriptions, prescriptions of medications that should not be combined,
unnecessary surgery, unnecessary or badly administered treatments including chemotherapy,
radiation treatment, and corrective surgeries.

The lie extends to the myth that MDs anywhere near understand the human body. And this well
guarded lie encourages us to put our faith in doctors, thereby opening the door to a well
orchestrated profit bonanza for big pharma.

The first thing that Doctors Without Borders (MSF) volunteers need to do in order to contribute
significantly in disaster zones is to forget their medical training and get to work on the priority
tasks at hand: water, food, shelter, and disease propagation prevention; not vaccinating, or
operating, or prescribing medication Public health comes from safety, stability, social justice,
and economic buying power, not MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) units and prescription

These bone heads routinely apply unproven recommended treatments and prescribe
dangerous drugs for everything from high blood pressure from a sedentary lifestyle and bad
nutrition, to apathy at school, to anxiety in public places, to post-adolescence erectile function,
to non-conventional sleep patterns, and to all the side effects from the latter drugs.
In professional yet nonetheless remarkable reversals of logic, doctors prescribe drugs to
remove symptoms that are risk indicators rather than address the causes of the risks, thereby
only adding to the assault on the body.

Its unbelievable the number that medicine has done on us: Just one more way to keep us
stupid (ignorant about our own bodies) and artificially dependent on the control hierarchy.
Economically disadvantaged people dont die from not having access to medical care They
die from the life constraints and liabilities directly resulting from poverty. How many MDs have
stated this obvious truth on the radio?

Environmental Science Lies

Exploitation via resource extraction, land use expropriation, and wage slavery creation and
maintenance are devastating to indigenous populations and to the environment on continental
scales. It is therefore vital to cover up the crimes under a veil of expert analysis and policy
development diversion. A valued class of service intellectuals here is composed of the
environmental scientists and consultants.
Environmental scientists naively and knowingly work hand in hand with finance-corporate
shysters, mainstream media, politicians, and state and international bureaucrats to mask real
problems and to create profit opportunities for select power elites. Here are notable examples
of specific cases.

Freon and Ozone

Do you know of anyone who has been killed by the ozone hole?

The 1987 Montreal Protocol banning chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) is considered a textbook

case where science and responsible governance lead to a landmark treaty for the benefit of
the Earth and all its inhabitants. How often does that happen?

At about the time that the DuPont patent on Freon(TM), the most widely used CFC refrigerant
in the world, was expiring the mainstream media picked up on otherwise arcane scientific
observations and hypotheses about ozone concentration in the upper atmosphere near the

There resulted an international mobilization to criminalize CFCs and DuPont developed and
patented a replacement refrigerant that was promptly certified for use.

A Nobel Prize in chemistry was awarded in 1995 for a laboratory demonstration that CFCs
could deplete ozone in simulated atmospheric conditions. In 2007 it was shown that the latter
work may have been seriously flawed by overestimating the depletion rate by an order of
magnitude, thereby invalidating the proposed mechanism for CFC-driven ozone depletion.

Not to mention that any laboratory experiment is somewhat different from the actual upper
atmosphere... Is the Nobel tainted by media and special interest lobbying?

It gets better. It turns out that the Dupont replacement refrigerant is, not surprisingly, not as
inert as was Freon. As a result it corrodes refrigerator cycle components at a much faster rate.
Where home refrigerators and freezers lasted forever, they now burn out in eight years or so.

This has caused catastrophic increases in major appliance contributions to land fill sites across
North America; spurred on by the green propaganda for obscenely efficient electrical
consumptions of the new appliances under closed door (zero use) conditions.
In addition, we have been frenzied into avoiding the sun, the UV index keeps our fear of cancer
and our dependence on the medical establishment alive, and a new sun block industry a la
vampire protection league has been spawned.

And of course star university chemists are looking for that perfect sun block molecule that can
be patented by big pharma.

And as soon as it is, I predict a surge in media interviews with skin cancer experts

Acid Rain on the Boreal Forest

In the seventies it was acid rain. Thousands of scientists from around the world (Northern
Hemisphere) studied this most pressing environmental problem on the planet. The boreal
forest is the largest ecosystem on Earth and its millions of lakes were reportedly being killed by
acid from the sky.

Coal burning plants spewed out sulphides into the atmosphere causing the rain to be acidic.
The acid rain was postulated to acidify the soils and lakes in the boreal forest but the
acidification was virtually impossible to detect. Pristine lakes in the hearts of national parks had
to be studied for decades in attempts to detect a statistically significant acidification.
Meanwhile the lakes and their watersheds were being destroyed by the cottage industry,
agriculture, forestry, mining, over fishing and tourism. None of the local and regional
destruction was studied or exposed. Instead, scientists turned their gaze to distant coal burning
plants, atmospheric distribution, and postulated chemical reactions occurring in rain droplets.

One study found that the spawning in aquarium of one fish species was extremely sensitive to
acidity (pH). Long treatises about cation charge balance and transport were written and
attention was diverted away from the destruction on the ground towards a sanitized problem of
atmospheric chemistry that was the result of industrialization and progress rather than being
caused by identifiable exploiters.

As a physicist and Earth scientist turned environmental scientist, I personally read virtually
every single scientific paper written about acid rain and could not find an example of a
demonstrated negative impact on lakes or forests from acid rain.
In my opinion, contrary to the repeated claims of the scientist authors, the research on acid
rain demonstrates that acid rain could not possibly have been the problem.

This model of elite-forces-coordinated exploiter whitewashing was to play itself out on an even
grander scale only decades later with global warming.

Global Warming as a Threat to Humankind

n 2005 and 2006, several years before the November 2009 Climategate scandal burst the
media bubble that buoyed public opinion towards acceptance of carbon credits, cap and trade,
and the associated trillion dollar finance bonanza that may still come to pass, I exposed the
global warming cooptation scam in an essay that Alexander Cockburn writing in The
Nation called "one of the best essays on greenhouse myth-making from a left perspective".
My essay prompted David F. Noble to research the question and write The Corporate Climate
Coup to expose how the media embrace followed the finance sectors realization of the
unprecedented potential for revenues that going green could represent.

Introductory paragraphs from Global Warming: Truth or Dare? are as follows:

I also advance that there are strong societal, institutional, and psychological motivations for having
constructed and for continuing to maintain the myth of a global warming dominant threat (global warming
myth, for short). I describe these motivations in terms of the workings of the scientific profession and of the
global corporate and finance network and its government shadows.

I argue that by far the most destructive force on the planet is power-driven financiers and profit-driven
corporations and their cartels backed by military might; and that the global warming myth is a red herring
that contributes to hiding this truth. In my opinion, activists who, using any justification, feed the global
warming myth have effectively been co-opted, or at best neutralized.

Other passages read this way:

Environmental scientists and government agencies get funding to study and monitor problems that do not
threaten corporate and financial interests. It is therefore no surprise that they would attack continental-
scale devastation from resource extraction via the CO2 back door. The main drawback with this strategy is
that you cannot control a hungry monster by asking it not to shit as much.

Global warming is strictly an imaginary problem of the First World middleclass. Nobody else cares about
global warming. Exploited factory workers in the Third World dont care about global warming. Depleted
uranium genetically mutilated children in Iraq dont care about global warming. Devastated aboriginal
populations the world over also cant relate to global warming, except maybe as representing the only
solidarity that we might volunteer.
Its not about limited resources. [The amount of money spent on pet food in the US and Europe each year
equals the additional amount needed to provide basic food and health care for all the people in poor
countries, with a sizeable amount left over.

(UN Human Development Report, 1999)] Its about exploitation, oppression, racism, power, and greed.
Economic, human, and animal justice brings economic sustainability which in turn is always based on
renewable practices.

Recognizing the basic rights of native people automatically moderates resource extraction and preserves
natural habitats. Not permitting imperialist wars and interventions automatically quenches nation-scale
exploitation. True democratic control over monetary policy goes a long way in removing debt-based
extortion. Etc.

And there is a thorough critique of the science as band wagon trumpeting and interested self-
deception. Climategate only confirms what should be obvious to any practicing scientist: That
science is a mafia when its not simply a sleeping pill.

[Recent development (March 2011): Incisive deconstruction of the dominant climate science
narrative - here.]


It just goes on and on. What is not a lie?

Look at the recent H1N1 scam another textbook example. Its farcical how far these circuses

Antiseptic gels in every doorway at the blink of an eye; high school students getting high from
drinking the alcohol in the gels; out datedness of the viral strain before the pre-paid vaccine
can be mass produced; unproven effectiveness; no requirement to prove effectiveness;
government guarantees to corporate manufacturers against client lawsuits; university safety
officers teaching students how to cough; etc.

Pure madness. Has something triggered our genetically ingrained First World stupidity reflex?
Is this part of our march towards fascism?

Here is another one. Educators promote the lie that we learn because we are taught. This lie of
education is squarely denounced by radical educators.

University professors design curricula as though the students actually learn every element that
is delivered whereas the truth is that students dont learn the delivered material and everyone
only learns what they learn. One could dramatically change the order in which courses are
delivered and it would make no measurable difference in how much students learn.

Students deliver nonsense and professors dont care. Obedience and indoctrination are all that
matter so the only required skill is bluffing. Students know this and those that dont dont know
what they know, dont know themselves.

Pick any expert opinion or dominant paradigm: Its part of a racket.

We cant know the truth because the truth is brutal.

There Are 'Fracking' Chemicals In Your Toothpaste, Detergents
And Ice Cream
February 2 2016 | From: NaturalNews

Most people take measures to ensure that the items they use in their
homes on a daily basis are not on par with things that are considered
unsafe for their bodies or the environment.

However, researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder have discovered that the
toxic substances in fracking fluid, which are going down wells, are essentially the same
as what's going down the drain in people's households.

Related: Frackman The Movie Trailer - See The Truth About The Devastation Caused By

Their findings, which are published in the journal Analytical Chemistry, show that the same
toxic substances exist in fracking fluid samples that are also in many of the everyday items that
individuals use, from toothpaste and detergent to ice cream and laxatives.

The findings reinforce what many people have thought all along: that contamination of ground
and surface water supplies may be traceable to the chemicals used in the fracking (hydraulic
fracturing) process.

Expert: fracking fluid samples have same chemicals that are going down
drains at home

"This is the first published paper that identifies some of the organic fracking chemicals going down the well
that companies use," says the paper's lead author and a co-founder of the Laboratory for Environmental
Mass Spectrometry in CU-Boulder's College of Engineering and Applied Science, Michael Thurman.

"We found chemicals in the samples we were running that most of us are putting down our drains at

The paper, titled "Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Waters Using
Accurate Mass: Identification of Ethoxylated Surfactants," notes the specific surfactants found.
It states;

"Two series of ethylene oxide (EO) surfactants, polyethylene glycols (PEGs from EO3 to EO33) and linear
alkyl ethoxylates (LAEs C-9 to C-15 with EO3-EO28), were identified in hydraulic fracturing flowback and
produced water . . . "

According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), ethylene oxide is
present in a range of commonly-used household products ranging from detergents and
antifreeze to cosmetics and spices. They also note that it's linked to a host of problems
including dizziness, spontaneous abortion, nerve damage and impaired memory.

To conduct the study, researchers obtained fracking fluid samples from five states -- Colorado,
Louisiana, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Texas -- then analyzed the surfactants in these fluids at
a mass spectrometry laboratory sponsored by Agilent Technologies, Inc., where state-of-the art
instrumentation was provided.

Additional studies needed to consider variables in fracking process and

address other concerns

Because the chemicals in fracking fluid are considered to be proprietary mixtures designed to
extract as much oil and gas as possible, hesitancy to reveal chemicals remain due to fracking
industry competition. While state and federal regulations do require disclosure regarding the
chemicals used, only broad chemical categories are typically provided.

Furthermore, variations in the fluid mixtures also exist due to the differing geology surrounding
different well sites, and as such, researchers involved with this study note that their findings are
not necessarily applicable to all existing wells. Researchers in this study, however, say that
they are moving forward with plans to conduct a larger study that will look into samples from
other wells in an effort to address these matters further.
Additionally, Thurman expressed concern about other fracking-related issues that he says
warrant investigation such as air pollution, the quantity of water used and earthquakes
occurring from wastewater disposal.

Air pollution as it pertains to fracking is a very real concern.

In fact, recent findings in a study led by Dr. David Carpenter, director of the Institute for Health
and the Environment at the University at Albany-State University of New York, show that air
samples near fracking wells contain hydrogen sulfide levels that exceed federal standards by
90 to 60,000 times.

Researchers also found there to be very high levels of benzene and formaldehyde around
these areas. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen linked to leukemia and nasopharyngeal
cancer, while hydrogen sulfide has been associated with health hazards such as eye irritation
and asthma.

Why Heating Food With Microwave Radiation Is Harmful To Your

January 31 2016 | From: EnergyFanatics

A few decades from now, will it be common knowledge that using

microwave radiation to heat food is harmful to human health?
Its certainly a possibility, and information is already emerging which shows cause for

Microwaves work by causing water molecules to resonate at very high frequencies, converting
them into steam and thereby heating your food. While this might be a convenient way to
prepare your food, using microwave radiation in this way actually changes the chemical
structure of that food.

The fact that they are approved as safe doesnt mean much these days, as weve seen with
several other examples from Tobacco, PCBs and Asbestos and Glyphosate. Just because a
government agency, like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), or a government health
agency approves something as safe, doesnt necessarily mean its safe.
You might be wondering how this is any different from heating your food on the stove or
steaming it, and thats a fair question. The difference is that microwaves deform and distort the
molecules in food, while conventional heating methods do not.

This is problematic in the medical field as well. We know, for example, that during blood
transfusions, microwaves are often used to heat the blood before it is transferred to the patient.
But using microwave radiation to this actually damages components found in blood. In fact,
one woman even died after receiving a blood transfusion of microwaved blood. (source)

It is starting to look like microwaving can completely rid your food of most essential nutrients,
but more research on this phenomenon needs to be done. That being said, there are some
publications we can refer to if youd like to find out more information regarding the harmful
effects of microwaves on nutrients.

One example comes from 2003. A study published in The Journal of the Science of Food and
Agriculture examined what microwaves do to broccoli, finding that broccoli, after being
microwaved, lost up to 97 percent of its beneficial antioxidants. By comparison, when
researchers steamed broccoli, they discovered that it only lost 11 percent or fewer of its
antioxidants. (source)

A study out of Australia showed that microwaves cause a greater level of protein unfolding
than conventional heating. It found that;

"Microwaves cause a significantly higher degree of unfolding than conventional thermal stress for protein
solutions heating to the same maximum temperature. (source)
A study using garlic found that just 60 seconds in a microwave can render its principle active
ingredient (alliinase) as useless. Microwaves have also been found to destroy immune-
boosting agents that are found in breast milk. These are disease fighting nutrients which are
essential to the health and development of the child.

For example, one study found that microwaving breast milk caused a decrease in lysozyme
activity and antibodies, and aided the growth of more pathogenic bacteria. (source) The
interesting thing about this study is that the researchers found that more damage was done to
the milk from microwaving compared to any other method of heating.

"Microwaving appears to be contraindicated at high-temperatures, and questions regarding its safety even
exist at low temperatures. (source)

A Japanese study found that only 6 minutes of microwave heating turned approximately 40
percent of the B12 found in milk dead and completely void of any nutritional value. (source)

Three recent studies of historical food composition have shown up to 40 percent declines in
some of the minerals commonly found in fresh produce, and another one found the same thing
for their protein source. (source)

A Scandinavian study conducted in 1999 also found that cooking asparagus in the microwave
results in a reduction in vitamins. (Kidmose U and Kaack K. Acta. Agriculturae Scandinavica

What Type of Container Are You Using To Microwave Your Food?

Not heating your food in plastic containers should be a no brainer at this point. This is precisely
why the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that any plastic containers
should be labelled for microwave use, but even if they are labeled as safe, its still probably not
a good idea. For more more information on what happens when you microwave your food in
plastic containers, you can check out this article.

Many studies have shown that multiple plastic products contain various hormone disrupting
chemicals, and heat is the worst culprit when it comes to increasing the rate of chemical
transfer from the container to your food.

As written in the journal Toxicology Letters:

Using a sensitive and quantitative competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,

BPA was found to migrate from polycarbonate water bottle at rates ranging from 0.20
ng/h to 0.79/h. . . . At room temperature the migration of BPA was independent of
whether or not the bottle had been perviously used. Exposure to boiling water increased
the rate of BPA migration by up to 55-fold.

Again, heat increases chemical leaching, so be cautious of what you use to heat your food.
Even plastic containers which are labelled as microwave safe (or even BPA free, which does
not account for other worrisome chemicals) are still dangerous.

According to the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC):

"What the term microwave-safe basically means is that any chemicals leaching from the container into
food do so at levels far below those shown to have any health effects.

There is cause to be wary of this claim, however. In particular, #7 polycarbonate plastic should not be used
in a microwave, even if it is labeled microwave-safe, because it leaches hormone-disrupting bisphenol A
(BPA), especially when heated. (source)

This may be frightening to consider, but examining the products we choose to use on a daily
basis is important. We have seen many examples in recent human history of information
coming to light about a product or drug which completely changes our understanding and
attitude towards it. We only have to look at cigarettes to see the proof of that.
Electromagnetic Fields From Mobile Phones Accelerate Mercury
Release From Dental Fillings
January 23 2016 | From: NaturalNews

A fascinating scientific study has found that using mobile phones can
accelerate the release of toxic mercury from dental fillings.

This is especially noteworthy given that many people hold their mobile phones right
next to their jaws when talking on them.

The study is one of millions linked on Science.NaturalNews.com, which hosts over 12 million
published scientific studies from around the world. You can also find the abstract at the
National Library of Medicine.

A similar study which looked at MRI fields instead of mobile phone use is published at The
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

Mercury release from dental amalgam restorations after magnetic resonance imaging and
following mobile phone use was originally published in the Pakistan journal of biological
sciences: PJBS, Publication Date: 2008; Study Author(s): Mortazavi, S M J;Daiee, E;Yazdi,
A;Khiabani, K;Kavousi, A;Vazirinejad, R;Behnejad, B;Ghasemi, M;Mood, M Balali; Institution:
Department of Medical Physics, School of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical
Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Also see Intra-oral air mercury released from dental amalgam for another study showing how
mercury fillings release mercury into the mouth.

The authors of the mobile phone study concluded that "MRI and microwave radiation emitted
from mobile phones significantly release mercury from dental amalgam restoration."

This means when you hold a mobile phone next to your jaw, you are driving electromagnetic
energy into the mercury fillings in your mouth, heating them up just enough to accelerate their
release of mercury. You then inhale the mercury which enters the bloodstream, poisoning your
brain and kidneys.

Click here for my laboratory videos and look for my interview with Dr. Chris Shade who
explains the shocking toxicity of mercury in the human body.

Mercury makes People Insane

It is well known that metallic dental fillings respond to electromagnetic radiation. This is due to
the laws of physics that describe how metals are influenced by the kind of electromagnetic
fields emitted by mobile phones.

The accelerated release of mercury from dental fillings may even help explain the increased
insanity now being witnessed across society. Mercury, which makes up about 50% of "silver"
fillings used in dentistry, is a toxic heavy metal associated with mental insanity. The term "mad
as a hatter" originates from observations that hat makers who used mercury in the processing
of hat components often went insane.

The modern derivative term "quack" even comes from "quick" which is derived from
"quicksilver," the common name for mercury. Doctors used mercury for hundreds of years as a
treatment for a wide assortment of medical conditions, claiming patients were getting better
even as they were being systematically poisoned (much the same still goes on today with

Mercury fillings are also linked to Alzheimer's disease. See Alzheimer's disease, dental
amalgam and mercury.

A Binary Weapon that Threatens Humanity

In effect, mercury dental fillings and mobile phones have created a "binary weapon" of mass
metals poisoning and cognitive insanity. While mercury fillings (called "silver fillings" by the
dishonest dentistry industry) have been toxic since the very first day they were used, they are
now far more toxic because of the ubiquitous use of mobile phones by nearly everyone.

You may have even noticed that the people of the modern world seem to have gone more
insane as mobile phone use has risen over the years. While this observation is anecdotal, it
seems to be backed by legitimate science.

While there are many chemicals and heavy metals that might contribute to mental insanity in
our modern world, few of those chemicals are inhaled directly into the lungs the way mercury
vapor is inhaled from dental fillings.
Kuia Worried Smart Meter Is Affecting Her Health
January 10 2015 | From: MaoriTelevision

In the Northland region there are growing concern over the introduction of
smart meters by power companies into homes.

The smart meters measure power usage with some consumers experiencing a hefty rise
in their power bills as well as certain illnesses believed to be caused by these machines.

Related: Top Biochemist Calls To Abolish Smart Meters, WiFi In Schools, And Baby

Her kettle is switched on, but Marama Waddell says she's been experiencing bad health since
the installation of this new smart meter at her residence.

It's been affecting my body and mind and I've been very sick. I can't even sleep. Every day and every
night, it's not good and it's not just me as I've spoken to other families experiencing similar problems to
me" says resident, Ms Waddell.

Due to the increased concern, her smart meter is being tested for the rate of radio frequency
radiation emitting from it.

Close friend to Ms Waddell, Clare Swinney says I think people should be aware that they do
not have to accept a smart meter they're not compulsory. The NZ safety standards
unfortunately don't protect people from the effects of these microwave radiation omitting

Te Kea are yet to receive a reply from power companies we contacted today about the
concerns over the smart meter. Even though its the middle of summer customers are also
feeling the bite of a sharp rise in their power bills.

Former smart meter user Nellie Rata says I'm no longer using my electric blanket because
winter has long passed and yet I've received a hefty power bill. And I don't want it cut off
because I want to live with dignity and not have to worry about that.

It's a warning to do your research before agreeing to have smart meter installed at home.

Electromagnetic Radiation And Other Weapons Of Mass Mutation

December 4 2015 | From: WakingTimes

Have the elite already become mutated versions of human beings?

Physicist and former military expert on microwave radiation, Barrie Trower has
stated, There are no safe levels of radiation. Upon watching Barry Trowers startling
video interview (seen below,) it appears evident that the elite and their techno-nerd
minions may already be mutants.

Among other things, Trowers report includes consideration of the effects of cell phone
and electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the brainwaves and development of children. Can we
conclude that people who are constantly being bombarded by these pernicious EMRs no
longer think as normal human beings?

The brain of anyone who is surrounded by microwaves, RF radio frequencies, etc., confined in
control rooms, military, IT, financial, or whatever environment bombards them 24/7 with EMR
electromagnetic radiation - is not going to function the same way as a brain in harmony with
nature and the planet.

Imagine living in one of those smart houses where you are submerged in an ocean of WiFi
high-tech remote-control of pretty much everything, from lighting and heating to the security
gate, baby monitors, CCTV cameras and audiovisual equipment.

This powerful video explains the truth regarding microwave weaponry and other exotic
weapons (psychotronic, electromagnetic, Radio Frequency, HAARP, GWEN towers, ELF
waves) used by The United States & other nations worldwide. Furthermore, it explains why the
Police State mentality is seemingly worldwide now. Dr Barrie Trower in a sit down interview
tells all to ICAACT.

Contemplating the destructive effects from EMR on our brains, Nicholas Carr in, The Shallows,
What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, writes:
The Nets cacophony of stimuli short circuits both conscious and unconscious thought, preventing our
mind from thinking deeply or creatively. Heavy use has neurological consequences.

as the time we spend hopping across links, crowds out the time we devote to quiet reflection and
contemplation, the [brain] circuits that support those old intellectual functions and pursuits weaken and
begin to break apart. The brain recycles the disused neurons and synapses

Impede Comprehension & Retention

One wonders how this kind of entrainment by the machine will damage our capacity for any
deep thinking. This redirection of our mental resources, and making judgements that are
imperceptible to us, as Nicholas Carr says, have been shown to impede comprehension and
retention. Carr quotes the German philosopher, Martin Heidegger, who back in the 1950s said:

the looming tide of [the] technological could so captivate, bewitch, dazzle and beguile man that
calculative [quantitative] thinking may someday come to be accepted and practiced as the only way of

The frenzy of quantity over quality, jumping from one focus to the next, using only a small part
of the brain may destroy our capacity for quiet contemplation and meditation. The state of a
calm and attentive mind cultivated in silence is the only source of all genuine creativity and
innovation. Are these new masters of the universe who we are in fact allowing the
transformation of the very way our brains operate are they true masters of their own
consciousness, or are they some kind of mutants already?

Geoengineering & Chemtrails

Most human beings cannot believe that anyone could be so evil as to poison their own
populations, permanently destroying the land & water, killing animals, birds & insects.
This is the primary reason the majority still refuse to believe - even when we have seen
chemtrails with our own eyes - and continue to deny that the skies are being sprayed with toxic
aluminum, barium, strontium, and nano-particulates that suppress the immune system, make
us sick, depressed, and cause dementia and ADHD. What monsters would do such a terrible

Perhaps understanding that EMR electromagnetic radiation mutates brain waves is the
answer. Is the elite is so immersed in destructive radiation, so cut off from natures healing
frequencies, and so obsessed with their own power games and greed that they no longer are
human in the sense we have always understood? Has the pervasive canopy of EMR
destroyed the capacity for compassion and respect for life in the elite?

The Signal to OBEY!

Consider the H.G. Wells story & film, The Time Machine that depicts a future where young
humans are breed for food for the mutants in control. These young clueless innocents are
allowed to live in a fools paradise until they are summoned by a signal - perhaps emitted from
a microwave tower - a signal they have been entrained to obey.

Obedience to the call of the frequency emitter draws them into an inescapable cavern where
they are slaughtered for food or used as breeders for the reproduction of the mutants food
supply. Is this where we are headed?
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity From Microwave Technology
Finally Medically Proven
November 24 2015 | From: ActivistPost

Finally, theres documented medical proof that electromagnetic

hypersensitivity is a real-time health issue that actually can be verified
using standard medical procedures and testing capabilities.

An international group of researchers aced it when they published their findings from
the clinical study Metabolic and Genetic Screening of Electromagnetic Hypersensitive
Subjects as a Feasible Tool for Diagnostics and Intervention in the November 2014
issue of Mediators of Inflammation.

Related: Microwave radiation dangers in your home

So, the million-dollar-question has to be;

When will utility companies get up to speed on the latest in microwave technology damage to the human

Also, When will public utility commissions nationwide institute proper procedures to protect consumers
from such damage?

Pennsylvanians currently are being bombarded by non-thermal health problems from public
utility companies electric, natural gas and water Smart Meters, which operate using microwave

Furthermore, the PA House Consumer Affairs Committee Chair Robert Godshall sits on Opt-
Out Bills that will permit electrosensitive consumers and others to keep safe analog meters,
which have been in use for decades.

Below is the Press Release Pennsylvania Smart Meter Awareness (PASMA) released
November 19, 2015, which discusses pertinent issues to EHS and Smart Meters.
Medical Studies Conform Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity: Are Utility
Smart Meters Causing Health Problems?

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or electrosensitivity (EHS), is a condition affecting more and

more individuals who are exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radiofrequencies
(RFs) from radios, televisions, Wi-Fi, dirty electricity coming over household wires from utility
companies smart meters (SMs), microwaves, photocopiers, plus cell phones and towers.

Worldwide, the numbers of people affected by EMFs and RFs increase exponentially, and add
to other environmentally sensitivity-related illnesses such as multiple chemical sensitivity
(MCS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), sick building syndrome, Persian Gulf War veteran
syndrome, and amalgam disease.

In Pennsylvania, childrens and adults health is being harmed by electric, natural gas, and
water utility companies smart meters!

The World Health Organization (WHO), in a December 2005 Background paper, stated:

EHS is characterized by a variety of non-specific symptoms that differ from individual to individual. The
symptoms are certainly real and can vary widely in their severity. Whatever its cause, EHS can be a
disabling problem for the affected individual. [.]

For EHS individuals with long lasting symptoms and severe handicaps, therapy should be directed
principally at reducing symptoms and functional handicaps. This should be done in close co-operation with
a qualified medical specialist (to address the medical and psychological aspects of the symptoms) and a
hygienist (to identify and, if necessary, control factors in the environment that are known to have adverse
health effects of relevance to the patient).

Treatment should aim to establish an effective physician-patient relationship, help develop strategies for
coping with the situation and encourage patients to return to work and lead a normal social life."
WHO published online information about that workshop on electromagnetic hypersensitivity in
2004 here

PASMA wants to remind the Pennsylvania state legislature and the PA Public Utility
Commission (PUC) that EHS is a harmful health - and even-life-threatening - issue for those
affected, which utility companies are remiss about, in understanding that harm, by denying that
such effects are medically proven and that SM-caused EHS cannot - and will not - be mediated
by replacing AMI SMs with EMF-free analog meters, which were used safely for decades, and
which other states utility companies are allowing. The control factor in the environment
relevant to many EHS problems is traceable to the installation of smart meters on home

PASMA further wants to point out what the WHO stated at the EMF workshop, which utilities,
the PA legislature and PA PUC need to implement: help develop strategies for coping with the
situation and encourage patients to return to work and lead a normal social life.

Related: Parents sue school for son's illness caused by Wi-Fi electropollution

For those EHS individuals impacted by SMs, legal opt-outs from SMs are a necessary ethical
and medical exception to PA 129, and must be granted. SM-induced health issues are serious
matters, which need to be addressed intelligently by state officials, and very soon, as too many
Pennsylvanians cannot lead normal lives due to Smart Meters.

PASMA respectfully directs PA legislators and the PA PUC to clinical studies in the
journal Mediators of Inflammation Volume 2014, Article ID 924184, where researchers
published their results regarding EHS.

In their clinical study Metabolic and Genetic Screening of Electromagnetic Hypersensitive

Subjects as a Feasible Tool for Diagnostics and Intervention published as an open access
article, they say,
Till now, no causal relationship between electromagnetic fields exposure and onset of clinical symptoms
has been clearly proven. [.]

The profiles of metabolic parameters alteration observed in EHS subjects were comparable to those of the
pure MCS group, though generally less pronounced (Figures 58). Similarly to those MCS patients self-
reportedly nonelectrosensitive, the EHS cohort showed a highly significant-versus-control decrease in the
erythrocyte GST activity and an increase in GPX activity levels (Figure 5), coupled with a marked decrease
of GSH levels (Figure 6). [.]

A second parameter proved to be significantly different () between EHS and MCS groups that is the ratio
omega-6/omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the erythrocyte membrane phospholipid fraction (Figure
7(c)). [.]

Further developments must necessarily include a more objective and standardized classification of
individual electromagnetic sensitivity scores, to conclusively assess the proposed parameters as a
distinctive and specific panel of disease biomarkers for EHS.

Our findings will hopefully contribute, in combination with the so-far putative genetic-risk factors, a better
molecular definition of environmental-borne sensitivity-related illnesses and a tool to discriminate single
SRI comorbidities, based on sufficiently proven molecular evidences able to gain clinical consensus."

Smart Meter technology is based on microwaves, which is damaging the health of

Pennsylvanians; has to be corrected by the PA legislature and PA PUC, since its counter to
and, undoubtedly, violates the Nuremberg Code, including the Third Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, which states: The right of the people to be secure in their personsshall not be

Certainly, Pennsylvanias childrens and adults health status is being compromised and
violated 24/7/365 from EMFs, RFs, and the dirty electricity produced by Smart Meters.

Related: Parents success in stopping WiFI installation at Australian school

Patent For Video Monitor Nervous System Manipulation

November 10 2015 | From: TheRealStrategy

Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

US 6506148 B2
Patent Abstract

Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with
weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to
excite a sensory resonance.

Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields
of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system
of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set.

For the latter, the image pulsing may be embedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by
modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a
computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program.

For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby
subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity
Nervous System Manipulation

The technology has the capability of controlling the specific frequency necessary to excite
certain senses and incite specific emotions. This means, that while unsuspecting citizens and
audiences are viewing video streams, whether through a television, computer, cell phone, or
even at a movie theater, your emotions could be triggered through physiological technology
without your knowing.

This technology could excite anger when certain images are being viewed, then associate
those feelings with whatever agenda the creator wants. The same goes for sexual stimulation,
fear, happiness, etc

Manipulating peoples nerves, to excite and alter emotions can be used as a weapon of control
against the masses. This patent was filed in 2003 by Hendricus Loos. Who knows what it is
being used for.

These infrasonic frequencies are not only being pulsed out of video monitoring systems, they
can come from anything, including satellites, WiFi, Bluetooth, Microwaves, On*Star, or any
other transmitter that pulses frequencies including your radio.


This technology is an advancement into infrasound technologies which have been around for
some 50 years or more. The Russians invented infrasound weapons after World War 2. The
idea was to control massive amounts of soldiers from a distance, possibly even putting them to
In Kazakhstan, over the last 2 years there have been major reports of thousands of people
falling asleep and having sexual or violent outbursts after one of these sleep episodes which
last for days or even weeks. Also, immediate memory loss has been reported in many cases,
and those affected often dont remember what happened during the episode.

Read Mystery in Kazakhstan and learn how Infrasound is the only explanation for this

Infrasound is any frequency below 20Hz, which is generally the limit of human hearing.

Project Bluebeam: Yes, Government Researched Holographic

Mass Psyop
October 25 2015 | From: ZenGardner

Seeing and hearing havent been equal to believing for a long

time. Some people have claimed that Project Blue Beam - a government
conspiracy to attempt to instill a New World Order by making the masses
believe in a technologically simulated second coming of Christ - was
completely made up and has no real basis in reality.
Considering how screwed up what we just typed is, we actually wish those people were

Unfortunately, theyre wrong.

We came across a Washington Post article written in 1999 entitled, When Seeing and Hearing
Isnt Believing, all about psychological operations, or psyops. When they started talking about
projecting holograms of Allah over Iraq, they werent joking around.

What if the U.S. projected a holographic image of Allah floating over Baghdad urging the Iraqi
people and Army to rise up against Saddam, a senior Air Force officer asked in 1990?

According to a military physicist given the task of looking into the hologram idea, the feasibility
had been established of projecting large, three-dimensional objects that appeared to
float in the air.

They came to the conclusion it would require too much hardware (a one-mile square mirror in
space, for one) and too much power to be feasible in during Operation Desert Storm. (Also, its
diabolical and evil.)

So, case closed? Nope.

The Gulf War hologram story might be dismissed were it not the case that washingtonpost.com
has learned that a super secret program was established in 1994 to pursue the very
technology for PSYOPS application. The Holographic Projector is described in a
classified Air Force document as a system to project information power from space
for special operations deception missions.

Who was it that said Project Blue Beam is just a conspiracy theory again?

Project Blue Beam? "Floating City" Appears in the Sky over China
Meanwhile, the article also points out, just jokingly of course, that War is like a box of
chocolates, informing us that the blockbuster Forrest Gump was a great excuse to let people
know just how advanced Hollywoods video and audio tricks had gotten by the 90s.

One more cute trick one of the boys at Los Alamos National Laboratory developed had to do
with voice cloning.

The technology could take a 10-minute digital clip of anyones voice and, in near real-time, the
speech patterns could be cloned to create a convincing fake of the person a fake that could
be made to say anything they wanted it to and it would sound real.

Gentlemen! We have called you together to inform you that we are going to overthrow the
United States government. So begins a statement being delivered by Gen. Carl W. Steiner,
former Commander-in-chief, U.S. Special Operations Command.

At least the voice sounds amazingly like him.

But it is not Steiner. It is the result of voice morphing technology developed at the Los Alamos
National Laboratory in New Mexico.

Another Ghostly City Floats in Sky over UK:

By taking just a 10-minute digital recording of Steiners voice, scientist George Papcun is able,
in near real-time, to clone speech patterns and develop an accurate facsimile. Steiner was so
impressed, he asked for a copy of the tape.

While the guys in the article appear to be having a good time laughing it up over this, please
consider again that this all went down in the 90s. Were talking two decades ago now. Who
knows how advanced this technology is today and what other technologies it has been
combined with.

Voice-to-skull (otherwise known as V2K) technology is also not new. See patent 4,877,027,
published on Halloween 1989, for a hearing system wherein Sound is induced in the head of
a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000
megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform.

In recent years, there have been a large number of highly publicized crimes where people
were apparently driven mad, making what were touted in the media as outrageous claims they
were suddenly hearing, say for example, president Obamas voice in their heads.

Floating City Over California, China and UK This New Image May Help Solve
the Mystery

Considering that Dr. Joseph C. Sharp completed the first successful test of auditory microwave
technology which completely bypasses the ears and beams sound directly into a persons head
at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in 1973

Patents were being assigned for such technologies in the 1980s

And by the 90s, psyops teams could create convincing clones of anyones voice with just a 10-
minute digital clip of them talking


A sudden random bought of schizophrenia doesnt sound so crazy anymore, does it?

Hundreds Of Smart Meters Simultaneously Explode

April 3 2015 | From: TakeBackYourPower

The utilities lied when they said smart or AMI meters would make the
electricity grid resilient and self-healing. Nothing could be further from
the truth, and this latest episode is more proof of the failure of smart
meter programs everywhere.

On Monday, hundreds of smart meters simultaneously exploded in Stockton,

California, when a truck ran into a utility pole. Watch the video here

CBS News reported that neighbors in the South Stockton area described it as a large pop, a
bomb going off, and strong enough to shake a house.

The catastrophic failure of these PG&E smart meters which are not approved by
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) not only damaged meter bases and other homeowner
property, but left those 5,800 customers without power.

Thats right whenever these plastic, unproven meters fail, they shut your power off, as
shown in this Cambridge University research paper.

Last July, the province of Saskatchewan ordered the removal of all 105,000 smart meters,
following a rash of fires. Portland OR, Lakeland FL, Arizona and Ontario followed suit with
mass removals.

Quebec firefighters are up-in-arms that Hydro-Quebec agents have actually been unlawfully
taking smart meters from fire scenes prior to investigation.

Analog meters are not susceptible to fires. The risk of fires is a smart new feature for all
customers, brought to you by your PR-spinning utility. Back in 2011, after a similar power
surge ignited 80 smart meters in Palo Alto, California, a spokesperson for The Utility Reform
Network (TURN) stated:

In the collective memory of TURN, we have not seen similar incidents with analog meters

The total number of separate incidents of fires and explosions caused by smart meters is now
very likely to exceed a thousand or more, although the true number is not known due do
widespread coverups and denials by utilities.

In addition to the ongoing stream of incendiary events, so-named smart meter


Are enshrouded in fiscal negligence;

Are not shown to save energy;

Are linked with systemic billing inaccuracy and widespread increase of bills;

Facilitate time-of-use billing and future artificial austerity measures;

Facilitate monitoring of your activities and external control of your home;

Open the door to unprecedented hacking vulnerabilities; and

Emit pulsed microwave radiation typically thousands of times stronger than a cell phone,
leaving many unsuspecting homeowners feeling ill.

It is difficult to imagine a more blatant failure, or a more harmful deployment of unproven


If this is true, how can utilities be getting away with it?

The smart meter deployments in your area are actually part of a corporate-
government collusion to deploy a mass in-home data-capturing (read surveillance) and
control grid the internet of things.

Here are three main takeaway points:

1. As new appliances are being designed to collect detailed activity and report in real-
time through the smart meter, its estimated that the combined data they collect on all of us
will be worth more than the entire electricity industry.

2. Industry wants to pocket trillions in this shift to an information economy, with you as the
resource being packaged and sold without your consent, of course.

3. With industry selling the wireless convenience and glorious modernization of it all, these
deployments are being pushed through under the guise of climate action. Go Green!

If this sounds like a stretch, examine the evidence for yourself.

The smart meter agenda, once fully spawned, would facilitate an unprecedented
transfer of money, control, information and security from people to the corporate-
government complex (CGC).

The reason why there has been so much industry and government propaganda around
thesmart meter issue is because the scope of this pillaging is, again, unprecedented. This is
also why those attempting to change to a sane course of action from within the CGC have not
yet been successful.

But as awareness spreads, scandals increase (like this one in California), and people take
inspired action, I see that the smart meter agenda will fail and the pseudo-powers behind it
will fall.

So, what are we going to do about it?

By protecting our individual rights, we are protecting all of life.

Advocate groups worldwide are encouraged to demand immediate halt and reversal of all
smart meter deployments, whether they be for electricity, water, or gas. It does not matter
how much money was invested before people became aware of the facts about harm being
perpetrated. Were aware now.

An opt-out program whether paid or free must categorically be rejected because

asking for an opt-out is voting that you generally approve the installation of a surveillance
grid, the harming of everyone else, and the practice of corporate extortion.

Individually, here are three things you can do right now.

1. Once you become aware of the facts, remove your consent in writing (see example).
This is simple, yet fundamental: your utility has made you an offer. You have the right to (and
need to, contractually) either refuse or conditionally accept in writing, any written piece of
paper they send your way. Note: everything they send you indeed every communication
they have with you is essentially a contract offer, which in commerce is deemed accepted if
its not rebutted.

2. Spread the word. Share the facts and solutions, starting with those you know: family and
friends, via email and social media. Get together and form a local action group. Subscribe your
email via www.takebackyourpower.net and stay tuned to developments.

3. Hold the individuals involved liable for causing or allowing this widespread crime. While
this is not legal advice, an effective strategy appears to be treating their offer of a smart meter
purely as a commercial transaction. You can use the same commercial codes and contract
laws on which the for-profit corporate system is based, against its agents. Also, here are
couple areas of law which are applicable and being used by some groups:

ultrahazardous activity:
An activity or process that presents an unavoidable risk of serious harm to the other people
others property, for which the actor may be held strictly liable for the harm, even if the actor has
exercised reasonable care to prevent that harm. -https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/ultrahazardous_activity

strict liability:
1.Civil (tort): Liability incurred for causing damage to life, limb, or property by a hazardous activity or
a defective product, without having to prove that the defendant was negligent or directly at fault. It arises
not from any wrongdoing but from the fact of the activity or product being inherently hazardous or
2.Criminal: Liability imposed by a statute without the necessity of proving criminal intent
rea), and intended to absolutely forbid certain acts such as preparation and sale of adulterated or
contaminated food. -http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/strict-liability.html

We will continue to release news and developments on our

website, www.takebackyourpower.net, where you can watch our award-winning feature film
which covers the shocking true story about smart meters.

Frackman The Movie Trailer - See The Truth About The

Devastation Caused By Fracking
February 16 2015 | From: FrackMan

Frackman is like no other Australian film. It aims to spark a broad national

conversation about the risks of our headlong rush into massive coal seam
gas development.

Five years in the making, it not only entertains and engages, it also gives audiences the
tools to get involved in what is becoming the largest social movement our nation has
seen in decades.

Its a deeply political film, but not the old style that is so badly failing us. This the New Politics,
bringing together old and young, city and country, conservative and progressive in a shared
effort to prevent an environmental catastrophe.
Can we imagine any other issue that would bring together the likes of Alan Jones and Bob
See it and find out why.

Parents Of Kapiti Coast Boy With Tumour Want Wi-Fi Out Of

December 9 2014 | From: Stuff

A Kapiti Coast school is surveying parents about plans for classroom wi-fi
after a young pupil died from brain cancer.

The parents of Ethan Wyman, who died 11 months after being diagnosed with two brain
tumours, want wi-fi removed from classrooms at Te Horo School. [This story was also
reported in a related article].

The board of trustees has now sent out a survey to all parents, after the Wymans expressed
fears that the radiation effect of wi-fi could be linked to cancer.

But the Ministry of Education, which has been at community meetings held by the school
alongside the Ministry of Health, says research shows wi-fi is safe. Damon Wyman, who still
has two children at the school, says Ethan was diagnosed with the tumours four months after
he was given a wi-fi-connected iPod.

His parents later discovered he had been falling asleep with it under his pillow. Even though it
was on standby, it was still emitting bursts of radiation as it tried to connect to the router, Mr
Wyman said.

Doctors who saw Ethan said the tumours appeared to be about three months old, Mr Wyman
said. He died, aged 10, less than a year after diagnosis last August.

"We're not saying that caused it, but it seems like a bit of a coincidence. Most people would be very
cautious about giving their 5-year-old a cellphone - well, this is 30 kids in a classroom [being exposed] to
the same thing."

Research showed it was worth taking a precautionary approach to wi-fi. A group of parents had
offered to fund cable internet as an alternative.

"To me it's a no- brainer, but as we'd be the first school in New Zealand to remove wi-fi, it's a big deal for
the board."

Board chairman Steve Joss said the school was taking concerns seriously. "The board hasn't
made any decisions on what to do, we're just working through the process of getting

The survey was delivered yesterday, and a decision would be made on December 28.

Ministry deputy secretary for education Andrew Hampton said it was working with the school to
give information about wi-fi.

The Ministry of Health recently restated its position that exposure to electromagnetic fields from
wi- fi equipment in schools did not pose a health risk, he said.

"The health and safety of children in our schools is critical, and the ministry will continue to work with the
Ministry of Health to monitor New Zealand standards, international standards and credible research on wi-fi
and radio frequency electromagnetic fields."

Although the ministry offered schools a wireless network option, it was up to boards whether
they took it up.

Electromagnetic fields consultant Martin Gledhill said exposures to radio frequency fields from
wi- fi gear were low, at just a tiny fraction of the public exposure limit.

The Water Crisis Hoax: "Peak Water" - The New "Peak Oil" Myth
November 18 2014 |
From: PrimaryWaterInstitute / NewScientist / ScientificAmerican / StopTheCrime

The Primary Water Institute: More scientific evidence that water Is

renewable; Following on from the discovery that the earth creates oil in an
ongoing process that does not take billions of years, it appears that the
same is also true for water.
Click here to view a larger version of this diagram in a new window

Of course the myths of scarcity are used by the elite as tools to maintain control. In fact,
we do not need to burn oil and oil derivatives at all, but by supressing free-energy
alternatives and restricting us to the use of so-called "Scarce" resources we are kept in
indebted serviture to the cabal. However this only work as long as the masses are
uneducated as to the truth...

A recent study documented the presence of vast quantities of water locked far beneath the earths surface.
That study confirmed:

"That there is a very, very large amount of water that's trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep
Earth approaching the sort of mass of water that's present in all the world's ocean"

- Scientific American

More scientific evidence emerges that water is renewable; that the Earth makes water deep
within and that we can easily access it, but that we have been tricked by the powers that be
into thinking water is scarce and we are running out.

We have not been told the truth. The Earth makes water continually, within.

A New Perspective On The Source Of The Post-Napa Quake Water

As Solano County enjoys an incredible new flow of water in local creeks after the recent Napa
earthquake, experts are speculating what might be the source of this bonus from nature.

Officials report that at least 200,000 gallons of water per day are flowing from Wild Horse
Creek, with many other areas reporting similar phenomena. Water quality tests performed by
local public works officials confirm that the new water is pure enough to drink.
This new water is being added to municipal drinking water supplies which is a great blessing to
local residents.
Although federal government geologists report that the new flow of water is likely shallow
groundwater" suddenly released from opening of fractures, other theories exist that offer great
hope for a thirsty world.

During a recent interview, Pal Pauer, a respected American hydrologist, stated that this post-
earthquake release is an excellent example of primary water, which comes not from rain-fed,
shallow aquifers, but rather from very deep sources, far below typical aquifer levels.

Primary water sources are independent of rainfall, and appear to be virtually unlimited.
Although the science of primary water is not widely known, there is much evidence to support
its existence.

In fact, a recent study reported in the Scientifc American documented the presence of vast
quantities of water locked far beneath the earths surface. That study confirmed "that there is a
very, very large amount of water that's trapped in a really distinct layer in the deep
Earth approaching the sort of mass of water that's present in all the world's ocean":

Although primary water originates from geological processes deep within the earth, Pauer said
it can be tapped (and has been tapped) for use at or near the surface of the earth. This is
because primary water naturally pushes up through fracture zones in the earths crust, as
illustrated in the diagram above.

High pressures in the earths mantle make this upward movement of primary water possible
and inevitable. It is not necessary to drill hundreds of miles deep in order to access this
abundant [and valuable] resource. In some cases, primary water can be found at the surface of
the earth, as demonstrated by many natural springs.

Primary water can also be accessed by drilling near the surface (less than 200 feet). In other
cases, earthquakes, such as the recent one in Napa, can remove blockages and open
channels for primary water. This can facilitate sudden release of this great gift from below.

Pauer points out that there are other indications that the new-found water in Solano County is,
indeed, primary water. For example, there were no major reports of sinkholes or subsidence
associated with the release. If this massive volume of water had been released from a shallow
aquifer an equivalent volume of water would have had to replace the volume withdrawn so
rapidly (over 1,000 gallons/minute, which is over 10 times the pre-quake flow).

Otherwise, massive sinkholes / subsidence would have appeared. The lack of sinkholes or
subsidence indicates that the source of these new waters must not be shallow aquifers, but
must be primary in origin, from much deeper, prolific sources. These primary water sources, in
fact, were so prolific, they were able to sustain surface stability even as massive volumes of
water were released.

In situations such as this, as depleted aquifers are replenished by primary water, variations in
flow may be expected until equilibrium is reached.

After many decades of successful primary water studies and drilling projects, Pauer has proven
that we can access this abundant source and supplement our current water supply. Primary
water may be tapped directly, or may be found commingled with secondary water (e.g.
aquifers) fed from atmospheric sources above.

As more people become aware of this little-known science, perhaps the Napa earthquake will
be remembered for helping us look "down" instead of "up" for solutions to our current, epic
drought crisis.

The Ugly Reality Of Cell Phone And Electronic Device Radiation

October 26 2014 | From: CampaignArchive
I have written about this to some extent previously, but as technological
devices get more and more commonplace, the risk of harmful radiation
continues to increase. We cant see electromagnetic frequencies/radiation
(EMF/EMR) but these detrimental electric waves have been proven over and
over again.

They are not only a very strong frequency, but a very damaging one to human health as
well. We are sadly now completely surrounded by EMFs with WiFi, cell phones,
electrical wiring, smart meters, microwaves, cell phone towers, and the like.

Many researchers are now claiming that much of the fertility issues (sperm count and egg
viability), are due to the increase in EMF exposure. Dr. David Carpenter, the Dean at the
School of Public Health State University of New York states, 30% of all childhood cancers are
associated with EMF exposure.

When a child under the age of 10 uses a cell phone, the radiation penetrates nearly through
the entire skull. This is why Doctors in the UK have issued warnings urging children under 16
not to use mobile phones at all. Whenever I see teenagers walking around with their cell phone
in a back pocket I cant help but let them know the potential hazards having it so close to their
reproductive organs! (They probably think Im crazy).

Your cell phone is now also being used as a mini-antennae, meaning when you are using your
phone, the cell company may ping a signal off of your phone if it is closer to another person
using their phone than the nearest cell tower. Having these signals pinging off that close to our
heads is down right scary.

This is something new that cell providers are doing, so the research regarding what it may be
causing to our overall health is not out yet. Hmmmnothing like being used for a literally MIND
ALTERING experiment! There is an issue here that more people need to be aware of, but we
tend to brush the whole thing under the rug since we love our technology and no one wants to
give up their computers, or mobile devices (myself included!).

Some people are more EMF sensitive than others and experience concrete symptoms when in
higher EMF areas. Some people do not feel outward symptoms, which can actually be more
dangerous since whether you can FEEL it or not, your bodys electrical system is still battling
with EMF.
If you have noticed an increase in headaches, fatigue, blood pressure, dizziness, inability to
focus, mood swings, insomnia, thyroid concerns, infertility, or hair loss, you may be
experiencing some of the subtle but increasingly harmful effects of EMF radiation.
So what can be done to protect ourselves from these harmful EMFs that are EVERYWHERE?
Here are a few of my favorite, and most basic ways:

1. Make sure you do not EVER sleep with your cellular phone within 3 feet of your body. As a matter of fact,
if you dont have an EMF shielding device (see #8) on your phone, keep it at least 3 feet away from you as
much as possible. Dont WEAR it on your belt or in your bra, are you crazy?!

2. Always remember to turn your phone on airplane mode at night.

3. Try not to have anything plugged-in in your bedroom unless it is at least 5 feet away from your head.

4. Use headphones if you have to talk on your phone. Texting is better, but the EMFs are still being emitted
3 feet out from your phone.

5. Get grounded as often as possible. Grounding or earthing by putting your bare feet directly on the
earth recycles the dirty EMF energy into the earth. Using a grounding pad when on your computer and/or
while sleeping is also highly beneficial.

6. Get rid of cordless phones completely.

7. Never use your mobile devices while they are plugged in or charging. The electric current is exacerbated
when doing so.

8. Dont ever place a laptop directly on your lap!

9. Find where the smart meter is located on your home and make sure no ones bedroom is near that area.
The kitchen area is typically the best place to have your smart meter, although ideally youd get rid of it
altogether. If you are experiencing EMF symptoms and you sleep near a smart meter, I would highly advise
at the very least, moving your bedroom to a different area.

10. Most importantly, it is imperative that you use an EMF protection device that shields BOTH heat
emissions as well as EMF radiation. In my opinion, the best one (and the one my entire family uses) is
Hedron Life Sources EMF Shield. We have researched many different devices and are now excited to get
you access to this particular device at an over 50% discount! You can find it on Amazon.com by clicking
here. Use coupon code EMFOFF40 for your discount. Or stop in to the clinic and mention this email (crazy
discount ends on Oct. 31st).

I would ask that you especially pass this article on to any kids or teenagers you know. Since
most of them were born into a sea of EMF, knowing the facts and ensuring extra protection is
key if they are going to have a healthy life. Remember, your body runs on an electrical system
of its own.

We are made up of MOSTLY electrical processes and then SOME chemical processes (which
is where quality foods and nutritional supplements come in). So technically, finding ways to
enhance our electrical systems is even more important than a clean diet, nutrification and

For some reason, we have lost sight of that, but the good news is, people are catching on as
our EMF load has been so rapidly increasing. I believe the future holds great technologies to
help us keep our helpful devices as well as protect ourselves from them.

Arsenic-Laced Coffee Good For You

September 24 2014 | From: Scoop

Youre sitting in your favorite restaurant one balmy September morning. Your waitress brings a
pot of coffee and a standard 5-ounce cup.

Would you like cream and sugar with it? she asks. You drink your coffee black. And hot. You
decline her offer.

Would you like arsenic with it? she asks. Arsenic? Youre baffled. And more than a little

It enhances the flavor, says your waitress. I really dont think I want arsenic, you say, now
wondering why shes so cheerful. It really does enhance the flavorand theres absolutely no
harm in it, she says. But its arsenic! you reply. Thats rat poison. It can kill you.

Only in large doses, she says. Ill add just 150 drops to your coffee. It tastes good and wont
harm you, she says, still as cheery as ever. But 150 drops is deadly! you reply, looking
around to see if youre on Candid Camera. Youre not, and shes serious.

Its really nothing, she says, explaining that 150 drops, when mixed with five ounces of coffee
is only 0.5 percent of the total. She explains that 99.5 percent of the coffeeabout 2,800 drops
is still freshly-brewed coffee.

Ridiculous? Of course its ridiculous.

But the oil and gas industry want you to believe that 99.5 percent of all the fluids they shove
into the earth to do horizontal fracturing, also known as fracking, is harmless. Just fresh river
water. Move along. Nothing to see here.

As to the other half of one-percent? They tell you its just food products. Table salt. Guar gum
(used in ice cream and baked goods). Lemon juice. Nothing to worry about, they assure you.

The Environmental Protection Agency, in 2013, identified about 1,000 chemicals that the oil
and gas industry uses in fracking operations, most of them carcinogens at the strengths they
shove into the earth. Depending upon the geology of the area and other factors, the driller uses
a combination of fluids - perhaps a couple of dozen at one well, a different couple of dozen at
another well.
But, because state legislatures have allowed the companies to invoke trade secrets
protection, they dont have to identify which chemicals and in what strengths they use at each
well. Even health professionals and those in emergency management arent allowed to know
the composition of the fluidsunless they sign non-disclosure statements. Patients and the
public are still kept from the information.

What is known is that among the most common chemicals in fracking fluids, in addition to
arsenic, are benzene, which can lead to leukemia and several cancers, reduce white blood cell
production in bones, and cause genetic mutation; formaldehyde, which can cause leukemia
and genetic and birth defects; hydrofluoric acid, which can cause genetic mutation and chronic
lung disease, cause third degree burns, affect bone structure, the central nervous system, and
cause cardiac arrest; nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide, which can cause pulmonary edema
and heart disease; radon, which has strong links to lung cancer; and toluene, which in higher
doses can produce nausea, muscle weakness, and memory and hearing loss.

Each well requires an average of three to eight million gallons of water for the first frack,
depending upon the geology of the area. Energy companies drilling in the Pennsylvania part of
the Marcellus Shale, the most productive of the nations shales, use an average of 4.05.6
million gallons of water per frack.

Thats only an average. Seneca Resources needed almost 19 million gallons of water to frack
a well in northeastern Pennsylvania in 2012; Encana Oil & Gas USA used more than 21 million
gallons of water to frack one well in Michigan the following year. A well may be fracked several
times (known as restimulation), but most fracking after the first one is usually not economical.

After the water, chemicals, and proppants (usually about 10,000 tons of silica sand) are shoved
deep into the earth, most have to be brought back up. Flowback water, also known as
wastewater, contains not just chemicals and elements that went into the earth, but elements
that were undisturbed in the earth until the fracking process had begun. Among the elements
that are often present in the flowback water are Uranium-238, Thorium-232, and Radium,
which decays into Radon, one of the most radioactive and toxic of all gases.

Wastewater is often stored in plastic-lined pits, some as large as an acre. These pits can leak,
spilling the wastewater onto the ground and into streams. The waste water can also evaporate,
eventually causing health problems of those living near the pits who can be exposed by
inhaling the invisible toxic clouds or from absorbing it through their skin. In the eight years
since drilling began in the Marcellus Shale, about 6.5 billion gallons of wastewater have been

Many of the pits are now closed systems. But that doesnt prevent health problems. Trucks pick
up the wastewater and transport it to injection wells that can be several hundred miles away. At
any point in that journey, there can be leaks, especially if the truck is involved in a highway

Assuming there are no accidents or spills, the trucks will unload flowback water into injection
pits, shoving the toxic waste back into the ground, disturbing the earth and leading to what
geologists now identify as human-induced earthquakes.

Now, lets go back to the industrys claim of innocencethat 99.5 percent of all fluids shoved
into the earth are completely harmless. Assuming only five million gallons of pure river water
are necessary for one frack at one well, that means at least 25,000 gallons are toxic.

Would you like cream and sugar with that?

Scientists Conclude That Fracking Contaminates Drinking Water

June 12 2014 | From: WakingTimes

Last week a Texas TV station broke the news that new independent scientific analysis refutes
the claim by the oil and gas industry that theres never been a confirmed case of fracking
polluting drinking water.

WFAA, the ABC affiliate in Dallas, reported that two independent scientists using data from
Texas regulators confirmed fracking in Parker County, TX by Range Resources polluted
resident Steve Lipskys drinking water with dangerous levels of methane from the Barnett
Scientists: Tests prove fracking to blame for flaming Parker County wells
Thu Jun 05 17:27:38 PDT 2014

While Barnett Shale gas producers deny any connection to their operations, two scientists are
disputing that. They say test results just released by state regulators provide solid evidence
linking fracking and groundwater contamination. View full article here.

Texas regulators should be ashamed of themselves, said Sharon Wilson, Earthworks Texas organizer.
Whether its the Railroad Commission and drinking water, or TCEQ and air pollution, these agencies have
shown that Texas communities cannot rely on the state for protection against fracking and drilling
companies that threaten their health.

According to Earthworks, the Parker County case is not the first example of fracking polluting drinking

"The Canadian province of Albertas government has verified fracking pollution of drinking water
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stands by preliminary results indicating fracking polluted
an aquifer near Pavillion, WY, before it handed its investigation over to the state of Wyoming and the
company liable for the pollution.

The U.S. EPA regional staff linked fracking to drinking water contamination in Dimock, PA, but were forced
to prematurely stop the investigation."

Its time for the U.S. EPA to come clean about how fracking pollutes drinking water, said Jennifer Krill,
Earthworks executive director. The EPA knew about this water pollution, as it did in Wyoming and
Pennsylvania. But at the moment of truth, EPA withdrew in all cases rather than definitively declare that
fracking pollutes drinking water.

Wilson concluded: Its no wonder that communities across the country, from Texas to California, from
Colorado to New York, are trying to ban fracking. We cant trust our government to protect us. We certainly
cant trust the oil and gas industry. There is no other alternative.
Read full article with links at: WakingTimes

'Conspiracy Theorists' Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-

Manipulation Tool
May 17 2014 | From: ActivistPost

The most damning aspersion that can be lobbed against any person, or the exposure of secret
government activity, overwhelmingly is Conspiracy Theorist. That pejorative handle is
equated with imbecile mind-activity with aspersions often suggested as tin hat wearers. Well,
step aside all you doubters and listen up carefully to what took place in the halls of Congress
on May 14, 2014 regarding the weather modification system known as HAARP.

A classic HAARP facility

In the YouTube below Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) asks some pointed questions about
HAARP. However, readers may not be surprised at the answers, but the mainstream media
ought to be wiping oodles of egg yolk from its collective face.
In the report Air Force Admits Weather Control via HAARP and New Tech, David Walker,
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Science, Technology and Engineering, very-
matter-of-factly states that they took over from the Navy and will be moving on:

"to managing the ionosphere, what the HAARP was really designed to do, to inject energy into the ionosphere to
be able to actually control it"

Furthermore, the U.S. Air Force intends to dismantle the High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Program (HAARP) in Gakona, Alaska, by or during the summer of 2014!

"Built at a cost of more than $290 million, the site has 180 antennas on 30 acres that are used to direct energy into
the ionosphere, which is 55 miles to 370 miles above the Earth, and monitor changes in the flow of charged
particles. Stevens was the godfather of HAARP, which he helped start two decades ago with annual earmarks
slipped into the defense budget."

It seems that no research facility can be found to take over the HAARP Alaska facility. Could
that be an indication that the weather modification system is regarded unfavorably? I find that
as a possibility and extremely interesting, especially in view of all the technology that was
invested and built into it. If no one wants to continue operating HAARP, will the State of Alaska
be interested in it for education research purposes? But then, maybe HAARP-at-sea-ships, i.e.,
the Tesla Weapon Platform SBX-1, probably will be the most effective on-site HAARP facility
rather than one remotely stationary on land.

However, there are numerous HAARP facilities in other countries around the globe that the
Tesla Weapon Platform SBX-1 possibly could interact with. But then, we have to wonder what
Assistant Secretary Walker was referring to when he stated that they got out of HAARP Alaska
what they wanted and were moving onmoving on to what?

May 2nd, 2014, I published Whats With the Weather and Chemtrails? Readers may want to
review in light of the latest bombshell acknowledgement by Walker at a Congressional

Conspiracy theories and theorists truly have been vindicated about HAARP.

Knowing the dogged research we, who are proclaimed tin hat theorists, perform and circulate,
this writer feels extremely confident that other information regarded as conspiracy theories
about vaccines and other sacred cow secrets also will be vindicated at some forthcoming date
just when, who knowssince it all depends upon who has the integrity to stand up and tell
the facts of whats been going on that the U.S. media, press, TV, and controllers wont permit
be made public until its too late to get objection going to stop the destruction of the planet and

Its graduation time, theorists. Throw your tin hats into the air and let them fall wherever they
may land. Hopefully, they will land on some mainstream media journalists heads so they can
wear them and become empowered to tell the facts of whats really going on.

For those still inclined to deny the facts, here are TV weather persons talking about, showing
and admitting to weather geoengineering, plus dramatic statements.

One Million Deadly "Smart" Electricity Meters Now Installed In

New Zealand
January 22 2014 | From: Scoop

The rollout of smart electricity meters has reached a milestone with one million of the electronic
meters now installed in New Zealand homes and businesses.

New Zealands smart meter rollout has largely been driven by three of the large electricity
retailers who have used it as an opportunity to gain a competitive edge in the market. In most
other countries where smart meters have been implemented the rollout has been mandated.

Carl Hansen, Chief Executive of the Electricity Authority

says New Zealands approach is paying off for consumers.
Strong competition between retailers has meant the
meters are being installed free of charge to consumers. In
other countries, consumers have been charged up to $900
to have a smart meter installed.

Customers are now also seeing the benefits of more

innovative pricing and services, for example many retailers
are now marketing special packages for those with smart
meters, particularly to encourage and reward off-peak
electricity usage.

Smart meters also mean consumers are able to monitor

their electricity usage more closely which can assist with
reducing electricity consumption.

Genesis Energy has installed the most smart meters with

395,754 connection points (including those installed for its
Energy Online brand).
The non-ionising radiation from a smart meter is equicalent to having a
cell tower in your home.

By April 2015 it is estimated there will be more than 1.2 million smart meters in New Zealand,
with just over 800,000 of the traditional meters remaining.

Note: All data as at 31 December 2013. On this date 1,001,475 of the 2,066,827 connection
points in New Zealand were recorded as having smart meters installed.

The Dangerous and Deadly Truth About "Smart" Meters

There are thousands of disasterous 'Smart' Meter horror stories from all around the world.
'Smart Meters' are dangerous (causing ill health and fires) and inaccurate - and that's just for a
start. In some places they have even been banned by legislation.

The 'Smart' Meter issue is a severe one which will affect everyone if not
addressed. This becomes clear once you understnad how these devices

See the trailer for Take Your Power Back Below. For more on this see our article here.
We also have a number of related stories and videos on Wakeupkiwi - the most relevant to this
are the following:

Health & Wellbeing

Brian Thiesen: Technical Facts and Political Adgenda of SmartMeters

Health & Wellbeing

The Truth About "Smart Meters"

Surveillance Society / Police State

Take Back Your Power - Stopping the Smart Grid Agenda

Health & Wellbeing

Hidden Dangers of WiFi: EMF Pollution and the Human Impacts

To find out how you can protect yourself and your family from this menace -
visit stopsmartmeters.org.nz

Highly Relevant HAARP Update: New Zealand - Antarctica

May 24 2012 | From TheContrail


This material was going to wait for my next major 'geo-terrorism' update but that has to wait
until I finish my current major article on the REAL global threats to the cetaceans, focusing on
New Zealand and Australia. With Darrel's observations about anomalous quake activity in
Antarctica, I feel compelled to share this information now.
US Department of Defense References the Existence of Weather
Control and Tectonic Weaponry Technologies
This transcript on the US Defense Department's website quotes then Secretary of Defense
William Cohen as publicly stating in 1997 that:

Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set
off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

There is strong corroborated information from multiple sources that the major recent
Christchurch earthquakes were purposely triggered by such HAARP technology.

Ethnic-Targetted Bio-Weapons, Genetically Engineered Insects and Eco-

Terrorism Technologies

For those of you who still have not done any research on this topic I suggest you start with the
following quote from April 28th, 1997 by then Defense Secretary William Cohen:

Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to
devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate
certain ethnic groups and races; and others are designing some sort of engineering, some sort
of insects that can destroy specific crops.

Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set
off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

Here is the link to the source on the Department of Defenses own home page:

DoD News Briefing: Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen

Twelve Things You Should Know About Scalar Weapons

By Christi Verismo



The following seems like science fiction, but scalar beam weapons were invented in 1904 by a
American immigrant genius called Nicola Tesla (1856 or 57 -1943) from Yugoslavia. Since he
died in 1943, many nations have secretly developed his beam weapons which now further
refined are so powerful that just by satellite one can: make a nuclear like destruction;
earthquake; hurricane; tidal wave; cause instant freezing - killing every living thing instantly
over many miles; cause intense heat like a burning fireball over a wide area; induce hypnotic
mind control over a whole population; or even read anyone on the planet's mind by remote;
affect anybody's REM dream sleep by sending in subliminal pictures to the visual cortex; cause
hallucinagon drug like effects or the symptoms of chemical or biological poisoning; make a
disease epidemic by imprinting the disease 'signature' right into the cellular structure; paralyze
and or/kill everyone instantaneously in a 50 mile radius and lastly remove something right out
of its place in time and space faster than the speed of light, without any detectable warning by
crossing 2 or more beams with each other and any target can be aimed at even right through
to the opposite side of the earth.

If either of the major scalar weapon armed countries e.g. U.S. or Russia were to fire a nuclear
missile to attack each other this may possibly not even reach the target, because the missile
could be destroyed with scalar technology before it even left its place or origin. The knowledge
via radio waves that it was about to be fired could be eavesdropped and the target could be
destroyed in the bunker, fired at from space by satellite.

Alternatively invisible moving barriers and globes made of plasma (produced by crossed scalar
beams) could destroy any nuclear missile easily while it moves towards the target and failing
all these, it could be destroyed by entering the target's territory by passing through a Tesla
shield which would explode anything entering its airspace. To begin with, defense using scalar
technology could intercept it before it even landed. Secret eavesdropping of radio
communications tapping into ordinary military radio contact using undetectable 'scalar wave
carriers' hacking in may have heard military personnel say it was about to be fired.

The missile may be destroyed from above the site, using satellites equipped with scalar or
particle beam weapons or a cloaked UFO (American or Russian made anti-gravity disk
originally made by back engineering crashed alien saucers) or aircraft using scalar or particle
beams which could invisibly (and undetectably with standard equipment) cause the target to
malfunction and drop down. By using a scalar wave (radar like) 'interference grid', which covers
both country's entire military activities in the air, underground or undersea, scalar transmitters
send waves over large areas at 90 deg angles to each other.

These waves follow the earth-ionospheric wave guide and curve around the planet. It is called
an 'interference grid' because all solid moving objects show up as a spot of light moving
through marked grid squares on an operator's video screen. Scalar waves are a higher form of
radar waves, but they go one step further by passing through anything solid too and are able to
detect and be able to be made into a focused beam to target anything through the earth or sea
as well.

A scalar beam can be sent from a transmitter to the target, coupled with another sent from
another transmitter and as they cross an explosion can be made. This interference grid method
could enable scalar beams to explode the missile before launch, as well as en route with
knowing the right coordinates. If the target does manage to launch, what are known as Tesla
globes or Tesla hemispheric shields can be sent to envelop a missile or aircraft. These are
made of luminous plasma which emanates physically from crossed scalar beams and can be
created any size, even over 100 miles across. Initially detected and tracked as it moves on the
scalar interference grid, a continuous EMP (electromagnetic pulse) Tesla plasma globe could
kill the electronics of the target.

More intensely hot Tesla 'fireball' globes could vaporize the missile. Tesla globes could also
activate a missile's nuclear warhead en route by creating a violent low order nuclear explosion.
Various parts of the flying debris can be subjected to smaller more intense Tesla globes where
the energy density to destroy is more powerful than the larger globe first encountered. This can
be done in pulse mode with any remaining debris given maximum continuous heating to
vaporize metals and materials. If anything still rains down on Russia or America, either could
have already made a Tesla shield over the targeted area to block it from entering the airspace.

Scalar wavelengths are finer than gamma rays or X rays and only one hundred millionth of a
square centimeter in width. They belong to the subtle gravitational field and are also known as
gravitic waves. Uniquely, they flow in multiple directions at right angles off electromagnetic
waves, as an untapped energy source called 'potentials'. Potentials are particles which are
unorganized in hyperspace - pure etheric energy not manifest in the physical world. In
comparison, electromagnetic waves (measured by so many hertz or pulses per second, which
we are familiar with e.g. radio waves) exist normally in the physical world, but can only be
measured up to levels determined by the sensitivity of the equipment being used as to how
many cycles per second they operate.

Scalar waves were originally detected by a Scottish mathematical genius called James Clerk
Maxwell (1831-1879) He linked electricity and magnetism and laid the foundation for modern
physics, but unfortunately the very fine scalar waves (which he included in his research) were
deliberately left out of his work by the 3 men, including Heinrich Hertz, who laid down the laws
taught for physics as a discipline at colleges. They dismissed Maxwell's scalar waves or
potentials as "mystical" because they were physically unmanifest and only existed in the
"ethers" and so were determined to be too ineffectual for further study.

These enigmatic (but more powerful than even microwaves when harnessed and concentrated
into a beam) scalar waves may have been forgotten except that Nicola Tesla accidentally
rediscovered them. He'd originally worked with Thomas Edison who discovered direct current,
but Tesla discovered alternating current. The two men disagreed and eventually parted ways
and Tesla later experimented using the research of the German Heinrich Hertz, who was
proving the existence of electromagnetic waves. Tesla found, while experimenting with violently
abrupt direct current electrical charges, that a new form of energy (scalar) came through.

By 1904, Tesla had developed transmitters to harness scalar energy from one transmitter to
another, undetectably bypassing time and space. He could just materialize it from one place to
another through hyperspace, without the use of wires, it was just sucked right out of the space-
time/vacuum and into a transmitter and into a beam which could be targeted to another
transmitter. Unfortunately he got no financial support for replacing electricity, which used wires
and therefore earned money, and to this day, this is the reason why scalar energy is still not
acknowledged in mainstream physics.

Tesla, even though he discovered more for mankind in science than many others, is still not
credited in science books for his discovery of scalar waves, a source of "free-energy"
obtainable as a limitless source of power that costs nothing. Other inventors have sporadically
rediscovered "free-energy" but have come to harm or have been silenced by the sum of
millions of dollars hush money, a small sum compared to the sale of electricity, oil, gas and a
myriad of other energy producers which would then be rendered worthless. Money hungry big
business has harshly crushed any opposition to their own riches, generated by multiple
obsolete earth polluting fossil fuels.


These finer scalar wave-forms also have been discovered periodically by other
mathematicians, who have been able to calculate new equations especially in harmonics (used
in hyperdimensional physics) connecting the wavelengths of matter, gravity and light to each
other and how all these lock in and create our expression of time (as it manifests in space) -
which has been now discovered to be untapped 'potential' energy flowing in hyperspace. Time
flows like a wave-form river in hyperspace in a grid pattern.

This consists of interlocking great circles which circle the poles and include a lattice grid of
lines that are 30 nautical miles or 55.5 km apart. When scalar beams charge through
hyperspace these 'rivers of time' get blocked and redirected temporarily. There is a covert plan
underfoot to change the way time is expressed on this planet altogether using
hyperdimensional physics and Tesla technology, by splicing earth back onto a now defunct
Atlantean timeline in which Lucifer hadn't fallen from grace. (see my other work on this in the
books The Universal Seduction Vols 2 and 3 at the end of this article)

Our present 'reality' is expressed in the way time runs around the corridors in hyperspace by
the pattern it takes. Other 'timelines' exist in a different kind of grid pattern, creating alternative
versions of our 'present'. Multiple versions of reality (or for example 2 April 2004) can be
manipulated given the right technology, and people can enter into parallel universes do all sorts
of things and then enter back into this one. One needs a Tesla Zero Time Reference
Generator, which can lodge a specific reality into the time at the center of the universe, in
which it stays still, acting like an anchor. Both America and the UK govt are able to manipulate
and enter into different realities.

The various dimensions each comprise a complex pattern of interlocking wave-forms. Matter
has been found to be only one wave of a pulse comprising a positive cycle, while the negative
cycle manifests as 'anti-matter'. The 'matter' pulse brings something 'into' physical visibility,
then it disappears momentarily and returns. But the pulses are so rapid we don't see
something as unmanifest while temporarily dematerializing.

Physical time is only measured by the visibility of something's aging process, or in other words
its passage through a journey starting at one measured time-reference point to another.
Different wave-forms only appear to us to be solid because we are comprised of the same
matter. If the frequencies governing the time between a matter pulse and an anti-matter pulse
are shortened or lengthened with technology, time will go faster or slower in the surrounding
space or what it effects.

Therefore scalar waves belong to space-time in which anti-matter or hyperspace exists. Time
can be altered by harnessed and directed scalar waves (including magnets which give off
scalar waves which bend time) because they disrupt the pulse of matter and anti-matter and
therefore the rate at which something normally passes through time with its usual smoothness.
An experiment with scalar waves in USA once caused all the clocks and watches in the test
neighborhood to go berserk for 4 days, until the flow of time resettled back to its normal flow
and they returned as before. This was noted by Frank Golden.

Scalar 'potentials' can be created artificially and when focused into a weapon, can do major
damage to an object's location in space-time. That which determines the object's natural pulse
of matter and anti-matter cycle can become stressed when targeted by scalar waves made of
artificial potentials, because they are almost always absorbed by the nucleus of an atom, not
the electrons in orbit.

Hyperspace can become warped temporarily, although space-time naturally curves around
natural vortexes the earth has which form 'chakras' to absorb and release universal energies.
These are opened and closed in natural cycles according to the positions of the sun and moon
in relation to earth. Because scalar waves are finer than gamma waves they can pass through
any physical substance undetected. However the damage inflicted can be so powerful that they
can dislodge an object right out of time and space and cause it to temporarily disappear away
from its normal movement in time.

All objects move in time, and they will also move in space if a physical external force activates
the object's own natural internal scalar waves to point in the direction it is sent to causing it to
move from A to B depending on how much force is used. Or they are trapped motionless in
space by the internal scalar energy within swirling around interlocking into a deadlock, (making
it appear still) however the object still moves in time. A beam of scalar energy can cause the
timeframe the object resides in to get warped, making it disappear into another reality.


Particles which are unorganized in hyperspace (potentials) can be harnessed into recreating
multiple frequencies of scalar waves and these can now be manufactured artificially and can
include frequencies between infrared and ultraviolet. If a transmitter is at a higher reference
'potential' than the interference zone of 2 crossed scalar beams, energy emerges into the
plasma 'bottle' which materializes physically and this is called 'exothermic' mode. This can
cause explosions and can be 'nuclear like' if set at a high frequency.

Even though no electromagnetic energy has flown through space between the transmitters and
the target, and because it has bypassed physical space, the energy can suddenly appear
faster than the speed of light and destroy something without warning. It is only as a locked in
artificial potential that is a directed 'river of force' in hyperspace and it is entirely undetectable
with conventional scientific equipment, which is where the danger lies.

Nobody can ever know what the enemy is planning or who their enemies are and because it
never gets any press normal military personnel without this knowledge would never know what
hit them, especially if it is scalar mind control. To extract energy back to the transmitters from
the energy bottle of 2 crossed scalar beams the potential must be set at a lower mode and this
is called 'endothermic' mode and as energy is extracted out of the 'bottle' area, a freezing will
occur, possibly causing a thunderous sound.

When 2 transmitters send timed pulses, which meet, an explosion will occur which either
produces energy or extracts it. If 2 crossed beams are in 'continuous' mode the energy
between beams is continuous and Tesla globes and hemispheres can be made which act as a
continuous shield to either destroy incoming weapons and aircraft entering it. If multiple
frequencies are transmitted on the beams, at the intersection a 3 dimensional globe appears.
This can be manipulated to have very high infolded energy with any desired light emission,
shape, color or intensity. It can even cause metal to soften or melt. This 'bottle' of energy can
be detonated inside the earth to create an earthquake or into a building to make a 'nuclear like'
explosion. This 'bottle' can be moved anywhere on the planet or through it and made any size.

The Russians in 1985 once threatened the earth itself by activating their scalar weapons with
multiple scalar transmitters turned on at once, endangering the survival of the entire planet.
According to nuclear physicist Bearden, they conducted a massive, 'full up' scalar weapon
systems and communications strategic exercise. During this sudden exercise American Frank
Golden discovered the Russians activated 27 gigantic 'power taps', established by resonating
the earth electrogravitationally on 54 powerful scalar frequencies (27 pairs where the two are
separated from each other by 12 kHz.) transmitted into the earth and they utilized this to
stimulate the earth into forced electrogravitational resonance on all 54 frequencies.

Each of the 27 power taps extracted enormous energy from the molten core of the earth itself,
and turning it into ordinary electrical power. Each giant tap is capable of powering 4 to 6 of the
largest scalar EM howitzers possessed by Russia. Bearden writes: "Apparently over 100 giant
scalar EM weapons were activated and a large number of command and control transmissions
and it lasted several days. By alternating the potentials and loads of each of the two paired
transmitters, electrical energy in enormous amounts can be extracted from the earth itself, fed
by the 'giant cathode' that is the earth's molten core.

Scalar EM command and control systems, including high data rate communications with
underwater submarines, were also activated on a massive scale. The exercise went on for
several days, as power taps were switched in and out, and command and control systems
went up and down. Bearden claims not one American intelligence lab, or scientist detected this
as they didn't have a detector for scalar EM radiation, and that not one officially believes that
the exercise ever happened." However, it was monitored on an advanced, proprietary detection
system by Frank Golden for several days and by Bearden for several hours.

This exercise proved Brezhnev's 1972 statement that by 1985 the Soviets would be prepared
to do as they wish, anywhere in the world. The Soviets are using unknown attributes of matter,
phenomena and laws of nature by research covering the equivalent of 7-8 U.S. atom bomb
projects back to back already. However both America and Russia are doing through the earth
scalar beam transmissions and ever since then earth's internal dynamo has been affected. It
suddenly experienced a sudden unexpected slowdown in rotation 1984. It has become like an
unbalanced washing machine, wobbling as it spins. Scalar waves pass naturally between the
center of the earth and the sun, and this coupled with multiple annual nuclear tests (which have
been proven to disturb the ionosphere and magnetic field) the balance of the earth with the
moon, may even cause the earth to flip, if the naturally produced scalar waves are diverted
onto another course, which are keeping the earth spinning harmoniously.


A Tesla shield protecting a military target could be made of three or more concentric shields,
that would produce multiple electromagnetic pulse energy and severe heating of anything
which enters it. These concentric Tesla shields can also clean up and sterilize any gamma
radiation resulting from an explosion of a nuclear warhead. Nicola Tesla even in the 1920s
could create a protective 3 dimensional 'shield' or 'dome' formed by 2 or more transmitters
sending widened scalar beams linked together over a target in a hemisphere shape.

Instead of causing the target to explode which narrow more intense crossed beams would, a
wider more encompassing beam could form a large plasma shell outside something to be
protected. This acted like an electrifying force field shaped like a dome, which could cause
anything which entered it to have its technology dudded, (inoperative) make incoming aircraft
pilots die by destroying their nervous system and/or make an incoming missile, aircraft or tank
blow up.
Multiple layers could be nested made of different kinds of plasmas which would ensure nothing
could penetrate a protected target's groundspace or airspace. The Russians can make a Tesla
shield up to 200 miles wide. These large luminous plasma shields have been witnessed by
sailors over the oceans from time to time, as various nations test their scalar weapons in

Tesla, as early as the 1920s created globes or bullets of plasma with crossed scalar beams
sucking the energy out of the air space in a 'cold explosion' causing it to freeze, or sending
extreme heat into it to burn as a very powerful laser beam. These powerful beams can also
travel right through the earth and create an earthquake at the antipodes of the earth and Tesla
also experimented doing this.

Hyperspace flux energy (potentials) flows as waves in a sea of intense power in the next
dimension unharnessed, however when energy is manufactured artificially it can be made into
different modes e.g pulse mode, energy extraction mode or explosion mode. If 2 timed pulses
meet, an explosion extraction makes a sharp cooling and all heated energy is extracted out of
the air back to the transmitter. This can make everything and everyone frozen. It preserves
machines and buildings but not people. If a burning energy is sent the target has a nuclear like
'detonation' because energy emerges to a target destroying the nucleus of the atoms. Multiple
scalar wave modes and frequencies can also be blended together into one beam as well.

Tesla globes can be manipulated to be small or large in manifold kinds of energy frequencies
and directed to a target by 2 or more far away scalar transmitters. Many intense frequency
small globes can be directed towards multiple incoming targets, like cannonballs causing major
explosions. Alternatively a larger less intense globe sent can cause the electrics to dud in a
plane, helicopter or missile causing it to malfunction and crash land.

This technology has been used many times to crash planes or helicopters by using a portable
scalar bazooka carried by a hidden terrorist or soldier. The Vietnamese and Soviets used this
technology in the Vietnam war against American aircraft. Many planes crashes with
inexplicable causes can be traced to this. These Russian made portable bazookas were also
used by the Serbs against American helicopters during the Bosnian war. The Soviets used
scalar weapons against the Afghanistans during their war. One may wonder if this explains
current American helicopter crashes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Scalar waves can be used for impenetrable communication inside an ordinary carrier wave.
Artificial potentials can be used for 2 way communication with submarines, aircraft and ships.
Scalar waves can be used to tap into normal communications even when encrypted. They can
even destroy the enemies equipment if they wish using lock-in mode to locate the source or
just continue eavesdropping. radar invisibility can be done by putting multiple transmitters
around something to make a spherical interference shell in the bandwidth of the searching

Nothing in the air is safe with scalar weapons or anything on the ground, because any building
can be penetrated and the inside contents destroyed from either narrow or wide crossed
beams. There is nowhere to hide. Scalar beams can be sent by aircraft or satellite or even from
the government UFOs of Russia, Britain, Australia and America. They can be sent from the
UFOs the Nazis developed secretly in Germany during WW2, and which were relocated to
their underground bases in Antarctica and all over South America before the war ended.


To totally destroy a person's nervous system and kill them instantaneously, a scalar weapon
can be set on 'high intensity pulse mode'. This will destroy every living cell, bacteria and all
germs so the body falls down like a limp rag, not even decaying in even 30-45 days. There is
no living aspect left to decay. Entire groups of people can be killed this way even in a 50 mile
radius on peak power.

Scalar beams set on a lower power can render a person unconscious to be revived at a later
date for interrogation. Crossed scalar beams can cover a whole range of targets from
something right through the other side of the earth, to anything under the sea or ground. Not
even metal will suffice to protect, as a metal softening mode can be deployed. Scalar beams
can be put into X ray mode where a screen can show what is inside something, even under the
sea and earth or inside buildings. This is called a remote viewing radar.

Anything in the sky can be instantly destroyed even from one country to another. All one
country needs to destroy anything skybound in an enemy's country is to put 2 or more scalar
transmitters forming a scalar wave-form interference grid whereby a shield is locked over a
country in high intensity mode and this will cause anything which enters it to be destroyed.

This can also destroy anything in the sea and detonate mines. The explosion shows up on the
screen as a blossoming of the moving light on the square. The Russians mainly use their
interference grids over the USA to control the weather moving hot or cold air where they can
meet and create storms, hurricanes, torrential rain or droughts as they please. Earthquakes
can be created along with volcanoes erupting according to Tom Bearden. Moisture can be
brought from the ocean and sent overland and cold air from the north sent south. Violent
thunderstorms can be created. He also claims since 1989 the Japanese Yazuka and Aum
sects lease scalar interferometers from the Russians to do weather engineering over the USA.

However America can fight back with their own scalar weapons. One can silently down
passenger planes as need be by sending low frequency scalar beam to make the engine fail,
either from the interference grid squares or from even portable shoulder scalar weapon
bazookas which can be targeted at helicopters or any aircraft above. Surface naval vessels
can be attacked through their hulls as well as ocean bottom mines detonated. Any aircraft, or
land vessels including tanks can be fitted with portable scalar weapons. Though tanks can
easily be destroyed with them.

Tom Bearden claims that the Soviets and Americans have been silently downing each other's
aircraft since the 1980s. Soviet made scalar weapons downed American aircraft in Vietnam.
Right from when USA put up their first satellites the Russians have been shooting them down
in cloaked Russian made UFO's with scalar and particle beam weapons. Between 1977 and
1982 Russia shot down many US satellites. At that time they wanted complete control over the
skies and had put up killer satellites complete with beam weapons to target US satellites and
even the space shuttles.

It has been claimed by Tom Bearden that all the early space shuttles were shot down by the
Russians and duplicate shuttles were landed from another base. There was a mad rush by the
US govt to develop beam weapons to defend themselves against the Russians and they did
this eventually shooting down a couple of the Russian made UFOs containing beam weapons.
Revenge silently followed by passenger planes of each other's countries being targeted.


In the early 1970's Hundreds of inmates at the Gunniston Facility of the Utah State Prison were
subjected to scalar wave mind control. Inmates tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court. The
University of Utah researched at that time how scalar waves could induce the mind into hearing
voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, as well as reading the thoughts. They
also developed eye implants. In 1998 scalar waves were used to test subliminal voices in the
head in 2 Utah prisons. In Draper Prison, Utah a man called David Fratus in 1988 claimed
voices in his inner ears were induced in him as clear as if listening to a set of stereo

The mind control victims of US govt implants are also subjected to artificial voices in the head
which are sent on scalar beam by satellite and and the HAARP transmitters and relayed to the
GWEN Towers placed approximately every 200 miles across USA. Many of the messages
relayed into these American mind control victims are said to come from aliens, with a 'message
for mankind'. These 'alien messages' were first given to the prisoners in Utah and they all got
the same messages.

The Russians, having a head start on decoding the brain can send subliminal messages by
satellite over whole countries in their own languages, in scalar waves so subtle that the victims
think they are their own thoughts occurring. They could make people think "God" is speaking to
them and can also give a people suicidal thoughts. There is a suicide wavelength.

The Russians and Israelis have been said to do this on mind control data websites. As well, the
Americans have been using these subliminals to give 'voices in the head' messages (which
includes to those with CIA or military controlled implants) that are supposedly from 'aliens' or
"The Holy Spirit" to say e.g. the Second Coming will be here soon or earth needs to be
evacuated and the person has been 'chosen'.

Only certain people can pick this up according to whether they have implants (which relay
messages into the head) or if they are natural telepathics. The mineral selenium when ingested
beyond normal levels is said to increase the capacity to hear voices in the head. Though
certain races have a higher hearing threshold and are able to pick up synthetic telepathy sent
through the atmosphere more than others.

Russia's scalar transmitters are called "Woodpeckers" because of the woodpecker type
tapping transmissions detected from them on the radio band. They have the technology to
send subliminals right into a person's subconscious, bypassing the brain and could drastically
influence the thoughts, vision, physical functioning, emotions and conscious state of a person
by sending in subliminal signals even from a great distance.

In the late 1960s the Soviets broke the genetic code of the human brain. It had 44 digits or less
and employed 22 frequency bands across nearly the whole EM spectrum. But only 11 of the
frequency bands were independent. The Soviets found they could make a person do
something just by sending subliminals into the body, bypassing the ears.

Up to 16 of the Russian Woodpecker scalar transmitters have been observed to carry a

common phase-locked 10 Hz modulation. 10 Hz is used to put people into a hypnotic state.
The Russians can manipulate the moods of everyone in a 75 mile radius, with a circularly
polarized antenna, and people's bodies have been shown to pick up the "new" mode of
expression. Even "sleep" frequency will make everyone tired and fall asleep.


According to the book Project L.U.C.I.D by Texe Marrs, John St Clair Akwei claims that the US
National Security Agency (NSA) has had the most advanced computers in the world since the
1960's. The Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission of the NSA uses scalar waves for blanket
coverage of the USA and can wirelessly tap into any computer in the USA and read the
contents. As well as track people by the electrical currents in their bodies, which emanates a
particular 'signature frequency'.

This is possible because everything in the environment gives off scalar waves at right angle
rotations off the normal electromagnetic wave. These can be searched for and tracked and are
not subject to constraints of time and space. A person's frequency can be stored on a
supercomputer and this can be tracked anywhere. They can be sent subliminal words sent in
scalar waves which are so subtle that the person will think they are their own thoughts. Also
NSA uses a secret program (developed since the MKULTRA mind control program of the
1950s) what is called "Radiation Intelligence".

Scientific research from this is withheld from the public and there are international intelligence
agreements to keep this technology secret. Using this technology the NSA records and
decodes individual brain maps of hundreds of thousands of people for national security
purposes. It is also used secretly by the military for a brain-to-computer link. Activity in the
speech center of the brain can be translated into the subject's verbal thoughts and can also
show up activity from their visual cortex on a video monitor. NSA operatives can see what the
subject is seeing. Visual memory can also be seen and the NSA can place images directly into
the visual cortex, bypassing the eyes and the optic nerves.

When a target sleeps secretly images can be installed into the brain during REM sleep for
brain-programming purposes. Speech, 3D sound, and subliminal audio can also be sent to the
auditory cortex of the brain, bypassing the ears. This "Remote Neural Monitoring" (RNM) can
completely alter a subjects perceptions, moods and motor control.

Different brainwave frequencies are connected with various parts of the body and when the
right frequency to activate a section of the body is sent a person is powerless to stop it. Pain
can be induced in mind control victims this way by targeting a section of the body. This has
been spoken of by many mind control victims, accompanied by 'voices in the head' by the
operators cruelly asking if it hurt and all done remotely without any physical contact with the
victim. There has been a SIGINT wireless scalar wave brain monitoring network in the US
since the 1940s according to John St Clair Akwei.

He tells us how it is done with digitally decoding the evoked 'potentials' (see first section for
more on potentials) in the 30-50Hz, 5 milliwatt electromagnetic emissions from the brain. In
these emissions spikes and patterns show as evoked potentials. "Every thought, reaction,
motor command, auditory event and visual image in the brain has a corresponding "evoked
potential" or set of "evoked potentials". These can be decoded into the current thoughts,
images and sounds going on in a target's brain. When complexly coded signals are sent to a
victim, bypassing the eyes, optic nerves and ears, the faint images appear as floating 2D
screens in the brain. Auditory hallucinations can be induced, creating paranoid schizophrenia.

The frequency the brain areas respond to are from 3 Hz to 50 Hz. For each brain area these
are used: Brain Area: Bioelectric Resonance Frequency: Information Induced Through
Modulation. Motor control cortex: 10 Hz: Motor impulse coordination Auditory cortex: 15 Hz:
Sound which bypasses the ears Visual cortex: 25 Hz: Images in the brain, bypassing the eyes
Somasensory: 9 Hz: Phantom touch sense Thought center: 20Hz: Imposed subconscious
thoughts Only the NSA modulates this signal band into evoked potentials or scalar carriers.

There are about 100 people working 24 hrs a day for the NSA at Ft Meade on this "Remote
Neural Monitoring" (RNM). John St Clair Akwei, after being harassed by this NSA technology
brought a lawsuit against the NSA. During the lawsuit process he was harassed by 3D sound,
and his associates were also harassed to keep him isolated. No action was taken against the
NSA in the 1991 lawsuit. In 1967 an "internationally renowned scientist" and Christopher Hills,
a pendulum expert, communicated with some ETs. (It is not known who the scientist was but at
one time both Hills and Puharich were working with the medium Eileen Garrett and Puharich
was communicating with ETs called The Nine.The same ETs that the Bilderberger group
(comprised of world leaders and European royals) who control the affairs of the planet) This is
what the ETs told Christopher Hills via pendulum:

In short, ETs communicated with us via modulated radio-waves, between 10,000 and 20,000
cycles below the known electromagnetic-spectrum. In the carrier-wave by amplitude
modulation, mixed with frequency modulation. Single band energy, transmission power less
than 25 watts. A naturally present wave on earth the brain modulated - a wave that resonates
between the earth and the ionosphere. All humans influence the ionosphere in this manner. A
reflecting technique involved.

The brain modulation consisted of pulses, akin to those known from neuro pulses. Two humans
can use this. Related to something akin to low frequency radar and to ultrasonic techniques but
qualified. A mixed electro-acoustic wave function. The electromagnetic-wave induced an
ultrasonic transduction in human tissue. The brain radiation has a sonic component to it as well
as an electromagnetic component.

Electromagnetic-radiation has a sonic component and it's dependent on the medium through
which it travels. The scientist cut through months of work. Now HAARP is slicing up the
ionosphere, the world-brain, like a microwave knife, producing long tear incisions destroying
the membrane which holds the reservoir of data accumulated by all earth's history. HAARP has
already punched 360 x 30 miles holes in the ionosphere.


Tom Bearden also writes that a more advanced form of scalar weapon is known as a 'quantum
potential' weapon has been developed by US, Russia, China, Israel and possibly Brazil . These
weapons mimic the signature or frequency of a disease by recreating them on scalar carriers.
Also any disease can be imprinted onto our cellular system using frequencies ranging from
ultraviolet to infrared.

Whole populations can have new diseases and death induced as well as latent diseases being
activated with quantum potential diseases in targeted areas. Manufactured symptoms of
radiation poisoning, chemical poisoning, bacterial infection and even the effects of many kinds
of drugs including hallucinogenic ones can be induced with these very subtle scalar waves
which flow in hyperspace or the sea of ether. They become imbedded right into the immune
system or etheric counterpart of the physical body.

On the www.freedomdomain.com site a man called Kaznacheyev found that the induction of
diseases could be effected by the Woodpecker scalar transmitters in the near ultraviolet range.
Experiments at the University of Marburg in West Germany duplicated these disease inducing
scalar wave experiments in infrared. Dr Popp of West Germany, after analyzing the virtual
photon master control system of the cells found that scalar virtual particle flux which
determines the genetic blueprint pattern of the cells can be easily entered with scalar
techniques to induce disease and cell disorder at will.



While the American government rejected Tesla's energy without wires and left him penniless,
Russia and Germany asked Tesla to work for them. He turned them down, but according to
Preston Nichols he faked his death in 1943 and was spirited away to the UK. From then on it
was a frenzied battle between the Soviets and Germany to develop scalar technology. Russia
got a head start in learning how scalar waves can be drawn from hyperspace by sending an
agent to seek out a man in Utah who built a machine for doing this Utah. A Soviet agent
destroyed the device after learning how the machine operated.

The man, T H Moray learned about Tesla's 'sea of ether' and had made a scalar interferometer.
Germany had developed anti-gravity technology in 1939 by back-engineering a crashed UFO.
By WW2, they led the world in radar and infrared science as well as radar absorbing materials
and radar cross section. Some leading western experts think they developed radar cross
section beyond western levels today, but there is evidence of an alien alliance during the war
so this may have been influential.

The Germans were using time reversed waves, which caused a scalar wave to follow back and
respond to the source of a received ordinary electromagnetic wave. During WW2 many of the
best Nazi scientists escaped to a base they'd developed secretly in Antarctica, getting supplies
from South Africa as well as to German communities in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Peru,
Uruguay, and other Latin America countries. After the war Americans moved the remainder of
the best Nazi scientists to US, with the Soviets, French and British taking the remainder to their

However the Soviets became angry at the Americans for taking first choice of Nazi scientific
brains, so in 1946 they just cleaned out the majority of scientists and technicians back to the
Soviet Union, about 275,000 men plus all their families from Soviet occupied eastern Germany.
By the 1950 the Soviets had developed time-reversed waves. They has also forced the
captured Germans to build them a fleet of anti-grav saucers complete with particle beam and
scalar beam weapons.

In Antarctica the Nazis had Tesla's "Death Ray", capable of sending a lethal beam even to the
moon to create an incandescent spot, when aimed at it. Tesla devastated with his "Death Ray"
- likened to a modern day particle beam weapon. According to Al Bielek the Russians have
particle beam weapons which can shoot 1000 miles into space, and they use these to shoot
down any UFO within 200 miles radius of their sky. The Americans also have many particle
beam weapons and they too shoot down UFOs. There is apparently a war going on in space,
and the Russians and Americans have secretly got together to fight it. It is unknown who the
UFO occupants are, but the Nazi's in Antarctica are said to be invincible with their


Japan now has scalar weapons and has got together with Russia to develop them. In 1991,
according to Harry Mason, Russian President Gorbechev offered to lease the Japanese the
super-secret intercontinental scalar weapons, capable of producing earthquakes for $900
million, which they'd used in the Soviet Union since the 1960's.

Tom Bearden also claims they leased them in 1989. A Joint Russian-Japanese university was
set up to develop new weapons with Japanese microchips to overpower the US and jointly rule
the world. After Tesla "died" in 1943, his papers were sent to a Tesla Museum in Yugoslavia,
where the Japanese obtained the knowledge of Tesla technology. The scalar weapons were
developed by a Japanese scientist an IQ higher than Einstein.

They too, like the Americans tested their scalar weapons in the outback of Western Australia,
possibly using a base in Antarctica in which to send scalar waves to their Australian transmitter
to produce earthquakes and Tesla globes. The Japanese scalar scientists are tied up with
various cults and feel that the Japanese emperor should rule the planet, as well as having a
policy of exacting revenge on former enemies culminating in a "Final War" against the Christian
west and Islamic world.

It is the Japanese Aum sect and Yakuza mafia who are still leasing the Russian scalar
transmitters and have steadily used them for weather engineering over America since the
nineties for target practice. Bearden claims that the Japanese may be allowed by the Russians
to down planes now and then. The Japanese cult members in their govt are also tied up with
North Korean cult members. The Russians have been weather engineering over America since
the 1960's using their interference grid to target specific areas.


Unlike Western universities, Eastern Europe and Russia have always included Tesla's scalar
wave research openly in their curriculum and so they got a head start with multiple facilities
built all over the Soviet Union to build scalar weapon transmitters starting from the 1950's. This
was further hastened by making captured East German scientists work for the Soviets leading
that country straight into the space age, giving them UFOs fitted with scalar and particle beam

The UFOs even had cloaking technology. America, even though they had Nazi scientists
working for them after the war at Area 51 on anti-gravity, didn't realize how advanced the
Soviets had become with scalar technology until they found out they'd been secretly attacked
during the 1950's undetected. In 1960 the Soviet premier Kruschev announced to the world,
that they had "superweapons". In 1963 they deliberately destroyed a US atomic submarine
undersea by Puerto Rico with scalar weapons.

They next day over the Puerto Rico Trench the Soviets used scalar weapons in a different
mode to produce a giant underwater explosion. US was defenseless against an unknown type
of weapon. In 1965 the Great Sandy Desert in Western Australia was mapped out and chosen
by the US govt to begin scalar weapons testing. Even though 'officially' Tesla's papers were
kept by the FBI after he died and were labeled 'top secret', lest they get into the hands of the
enemy, Tesla had passed all his knowledge and research onto a young American physicist 2
weeks before he died in 1943.

The US military in Western Australia tested crossed scalar beams aimed into the ground to
create earthquakes on a target map of squares and also created Tesla globes from crossed
scalar beams in the sky. Pine Gap the secret underground American military base has 2 scalar
transmitters and they also have at least another in Exmouth, N Western Australia. Other
American scalar transmitters besides various ones all over USA are at Alaska, Puerto Rico,
Greenland, Norway and Antarctica.

Though many countries have scalar weapons now, other countries could easily be target of
those with scalar weapons and never know what the cause of their explosions, mind control or
weather engineering. So of course more and more countries are getting the scalar technology
needing it to defend themselves as well and this keeps getting passed on especially by the

The other thing is one may know it is a scalar attack but have no idea who did it. The known
countries which have scalar weapons are: America, Russia, France, Australia, Germany,
Japan, China, Taiwan, South Africa, Israel, Brazil, UK and Argentina as well as various
populations of Nazis still operating in Antarctica and all over South America.

It is unknown how Brazilians got scalar weapons and quantum potential weapons, but the
Brazilians have had alien technology for some time and also the Vatican has covert technology
and has been said to have a base for this in Sth America for their secret space program. There
is extensive coverage of Brazil's space program in my 40 page article "Scalar Weapons: Read
it and Weep" in Vol 3 of the www.theuniversalseduction.com book series.

This covers China and Japan's weapons as well as extensive coverage of Russia's attacks on
America, especially the space shuttles and the technology of the Nazis in Antarctica. Others
may have them such as Ukraine and Nth Korea but as yet no proof exists for these countries.
Even in the alternative press not enough has been said about scalar weapons to the extent
where normal conspiracy researchers and writers are as familiar with their dangers as they
should be because even online they hardly get a mention on conspiracy sites. Yet they are
probably the most life threatening thing on the planet.



The Universal Seduction Vol 3: Scalar Weapons. Read It And Weep by Christi Verismo.

For more on America's use of Tesla technology and joint alien/US military underground bases
in Australia, anti-gravity technology and use of time portals.

The Universal Seduction Vol 2. Pine Gap, Australia's Area 51 by Christi Verismo.

The Lost Journals of Nicola Tesla by Tim Swartz and Mind Control by Tim Swartz in:

The Universal Seduction Vol 1

and The Lost Journals of Nicola Tesla - HAARP - Chemtrails and the Secret of Alternative 4

Secret Black Projects of the NWO by Tim Swartz. Abelard Productions.


About the Nazis in Antarctica:

Evil Agenda Of The Secret Government By Tim Swartz

Nikola Tesla: Journey to Mars - Are We Already There? By Sean Casteel


Nikola Tesla - Free Energy and the White Dove by Commander X


Incredible Technologies of the New World Order: UFOs-Tesla-Area 51 by Commander X


Tom Bearden's scalar weapon website, http://www.cheniere.org

The Historical Background of Scalar Weapons by Tom Bearden.


Tom Bearden on what the Russians have been doing since the late 1950's with scalar
technology against the U.S. and numerous more examples of scalar attacks can be found at:

Scalar Wars: The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics

For the US and Japanese military testing of scalar weapons in Australia, see Harry Mason's
'Bright Skies':

For US scalar activity and joint alien underground bases in Australia: Fortress Australia:

For the true story of the Russians shooting down the space shuttles and the Russian UFO
Fire From The Sky: http://www.anomalous-images.com/text/files.html

For more on America's scalar technology:

HAARP. the Ultimate Weapon of the Conspiracy by Jerry E Smith.

Also The End of the World by Jerry E Smith The Universal Seduction Vol 3

Commentary on 'Day After Roswell' by Sean Casteel. (about reverse engineering crashed
UFOs etc) The Universal Seduction Vol 3

Also in Vol 3 of The Universal Seduction, 4 more chapters called:

US patents of Mind Control.

The Secrets of Mind Control.
Domestic Surveillance, Mind Control Technology and the NSA.
The Montauk Project and Physics Run Amok by Alexander Bruce.
For more on how time operates through the gridlines by Bruce Cathie:

For more on the Nazi's anti-gravity saucers: UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon? Mattern-Friedrich.
Samisdat Publishers Toronto, Canada. (About 1966.)

For more on the US anti-gravity program: The Hunt For Zero Point by Nick Cook.

For Brazil's contact with aliens: My Contact With UFOs (also known as flying saucers) by Dino

My website for more data. http://www.angelfire.com/oz/cv/index.html


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