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Jeranism soon as you honestly answer a question of mine I'll stop shitting all over your retarded ass

comment sections. You're an

educator, so answer a goddamn question for once. I dont think you can because I think you're a fraud who likes to tell lies for money and the
fact that you avoid me like a plague shows you're hiding something. here's a nice chunk of questions at the end: Flat Earth claims: "You can
never see a curve." Fact: You can see the curve at roughly 23 miles in altitude. Flat earthers use low altitude balloons to show no curve, this
is dishonest as the proper balloon to use, high altitude weather balloons, go high enough to show a curve. Flat earth video makers hide this
information from their viewers. Claim: "Why aren't buildings tilted away from each other, how come they don't take into account the curve in
construction?" Fact: This is where your guy's low IQ becomes very obvious, the earth is 25,000 miles around, do you really expect to see a
curve over a distance of less than a mile? 2 buildings 70 miles apart would tilt differently by 1 degree. Expecting to see a noticeable curve
over such tiny distances shows an unusually acute inability to quantify and imagine spacial dimensions, a well known sign of low IQ. That, or
you are being incredibly dishonest, its hard to fathom that someone could be that stupid as to think that's a sound argument. That is no
different from saying viruses are fake, otherwise I could see them. Claim: "Planes would have to dip their nose down if earth were round."
Fact: That's not how planes work, they are not rockets. The higher the altitude the thinner the air the less air pressure exists to create lift so
why the fuck would not dipping the nose down somehow create extra lift and extra energy? This is an argument from ignorance, you're trying
to form an argument based off your own stupidity and lack of understanding of something as basic as how a plane works. Thinking that if the
earth were a globe then planes would fly off into space is outstandingly pathetic and shows the intelligence of a 5 year old. Claim: "If the
earth is rotating east at 1000 mph then how come planes take the same time to fly east as they do west?" Fact: Because the air they're flying
in is moving with the planet. When you're on a moving bus or train or airplane it takes the same amount of time to walk to one end of the bus
as it does to walk back the other way. Everything is moving together, the earth, the atmosphere, you, the earth isn't moving independent of
the atmosphere. Claim: "What about the Antarctica treaty?" Fact: yes, what about it? What does a political treaty have to do with the shape of
the earth? Nothing. For $30,000 you can go stay in Antarctica for a short time. It's not off limits- no exceptions. Thats a lie. Also planes fly
over Antarctica all the time, flight times prove this, there is no way to get from Argentina to western Australia in such short times, they are
flying over Antarctica, there is literally no other explanation other than the 737 was just a super sonic jet in disguise which is completely
retarded. Claim: Gravity isn't real, it's just buoyancy and density or theres no gravity only weight. Fact: Weight is defined as the force
gravity exerts on mass you fuckin idiot lol, weight is a property of gravity. If gravity isnt real then why do objects in a vacuum sealed
container fall towards the ground? Claim: NASA lies Fact: The reason flat earthers think that NASAs photos are the only proof of earth's
shape non-flat earthers have is because they're too fucking stupid to comprehend how there are things besides pictures that tell us earths
shape. Weve known the earth was round since antiquity, do you think the ancient Greeks had NASA? Or the 17th century explorers that took
earths curve into account when navigating, do you think it was NASA that clued them in? Lol fuckin idiots, besides where are the flat earth
photos of the edge? Or the dome? Or thousands and thousands of miles of flatness? We have to have photographic evidence but you dont?
And then when we show it to you its automatically CGI? How the fuck did they have CGI in the 1960s? Claim: We can see Chicago over lake
Michigan but the earth should be covering it according to the globe. Fact: Can you see the streets of Chicago? No, only the tops of the sky
scrapers, the streets are blocked by by earth's curve. If the earth were flat you could pull out a telescope and see cars driving on the streets
but all of that is blocked by the earth, that alone is proof earth is curved, please stop denying this. You guys are the ones who brought it up
as evidence and then as soon as it debunks you instead of supports you it's no longer evidence? That is completely dishonest and is why
people cant stand you, not because you are wrong but because you are dishonest. You are completely and utterly biased to the point where
you are nothing more than pathetic liars. I can see chicago from here thats proof earth is flat! you can only see the tops of buildings not the
streets below, so its actually proof the world is curved. oh never mind its not evidence anymore because it doesnt support my view and I can
never be wrong, my view it totally unfalsifiable. that is biased dishonest and pathetic. Proof the Earth is a sphere: How about not being able
to see mountain ranges 200 miles away over flat land or water. Its because the mountains are hidden under the earth itself. The horizon is
literally the earth curving away from you, if the earth is flat how come we cant see farther than a dozen or so miles at sea? How come the
stars rotate in the opposite direction around the pole in the southern hemisphere than the northern hemisphere? How are the tropic of cancer
and tropic of capricorn both the same circumference? This is probably the biggest problem with flat earth, a flat 2-d map has completely
different surface area than a 3-d sphere. All distances north of the equator would be smaller, all distances south of the equator would be
stretched out. There are thousands and thousands of airplanes boats shipping and transit routes in use at all times and they track the milage
of their routes. The mileage from all these routes matches perfectly to the globe maps, not the stretched out fucked up flat earth maps. If
maps and distances were all wrong because the earth is actually flat dont you think somebody would notice? Ive driven across the country
and my odometer matched the globe map, not the flat map where the coast to coast distance in the US is somewhat shorter. This is
something the flat earth society completely overlooked and maps and distances alone completely debunk it, only those with the absolute
lowest intelligence don't understand this massive problem that flat earth fails to address. When the sun sets it doesnt get smaller and smaller
as the flat earth model claims, it just sets. Perspective has nothing to do with it, the law of perspective says that objects steadily recede into
the vanishing point, they dont start to recede and then suddenly sink down. If the sun and moon are moving farther and farther away then
why arent they getting smaller and smaller? They stay the same size and set, they shouldn't do either one of those, that right there disproves
the flat earth sun and moon model. The law of perspective debunks flat earth, it doesnt support it. Objects in the sky, sun moon stars planets,
all moving at the same speed, including transitive motions, without changing size is proof we're rotating. Sorry but that is a fact no matter
how much you wish it wasnt. Flat Earthers are mentally lazy, intellectually dishonest, and considerably unintelligent. They dropped out of
school and fail at everything in life that requires imagining size and distances, critical thinking, and numbers. They have no clue what science
or the scientific method means. They have to keep they're flat earth world view a secret for fear of their friends and family finding out how
fucking retarded they are. The only reason they believe this shit is because they find it emotionally appealing, they're usually religious
fundamentalists so they're used to fairy tales and make believe. Flat Earthers are nothing more than brainwashed dropouts with low IQ who
utterly fear and distrust the world. They are so scared of reality and outer space and science and government that they've adopted the tactic
of denying reality and pretending anything that bothers them is not real. Truly sad, cognitively broken, pathetic human beings.

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