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Psychological Medicine, 2007, 37, 627634.

f 2007 Cambridge University Press

doi:10.1017/S0033291707000189 First published online 5 March 2007 Printed in the United Kingdom

Puberty moderates genetic inuences on

disordered eating
K E L L Y L. K L U M P 1 *, P A T R I C K S. P E R K I N S 2, S. A L E X A N D R A B U R T 1,
M A T T M C G U E 3 A N D W I L L I A M G. I A C O N O 3
Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA ; 2 Weill Medical College of
Cornell University, New York, NY, USA ; 3 Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, USA

Background. Previous research suggests that genetic inuences on disordered eating may be greater
in pubertal than pre-pubertal girls. Although these ndings are consistent with pubertal activation
of genetic inuences on disordered eating, earlier studies were unable to directly test this hypothesis.
The purpose of the present study therefore was to directly examine this possibility by investigating
whether pubertal development moderates genetic inuences on disordered eating.
Method. Participants were 510 female adolescent twins from the Minnesota Twin Family Study.
Disordered eating was measured with the Total Score of the Minnesota Eating Behavior Survey,
while pubertal status was assessed with the Pubertal Development Scale.
Results. Consistent with our hypothesis, model-tting indicated signicant increases in genetic
inuence on disordered eating with advancing pubertal development.
Conclusions. These ndings suggest that puberty inuences the expression of genes for disordered

INTRODUCTION physical changes that occur during puberty

(Bulik, 2002), most notably increases in body
Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa
fat in girls (Graber et al. 1994). These theories
(BN) often begin during puberty or shortly
postulate that increased adiposity leads to
thereafter (APA, 2000). Signicant increases in
negative aect and body dissatisfaction which,
disordered eating have been found across pu-
berty for several types of symptoms, including in turn, increase risk for eating (Graber et al.
1994) and related disorders (e.g. depression ;
weight preoccupation, body dissatisfaction, and
Angold et al. 1999; Hayward et al. 1997).
binge-eating (Bulik, 2002; Klump et al. 2003).
Importantly, recent work has highlighted the
Studies suggest linear increases in disordered
role of biological or genetic mediation of these
eating across puberty (Killen et al. 1992 ; Graber
pubertal eects. In a series of developmental
et al. 1994 ; Bulik, 2002), although some indi-
twin studies from the Minnesota Twin Family
cate nonlinear changes with increases through
Study (MTFS) (Klump et al. 2000, 2003), we
mid-puberty when symptom levels plateau
found that the heritability of disordered eating
(Killen et al. 1992 ; Hayward & Sanborn, 2002).
symptoms increases across puberty. Using a
Theories accounting for heightened pubertal
risk have focused on the psychosocial impact of sample of pre-adolescent twins, genetic inu-
ences on disordered eating symptoms were
minimal (i.e. 0%) in pre-pubertal twins, while
* Address for correspondence: Kelly L. Klump, Ph.D., genetic eects were substantial (>50%) in twins
Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, 107B
Psychology Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1116, USA. who had begun puberty (Klump et al. 2003).
(Email : klump@msu.edu) A second twin study, however, did not nd
628 K. L. Klump et al.

signicant eects of puberty on the heritability serological examination of 12 blood group

of disordered eating (Rowe et al. 2002), though antigens and protein polymorphisms.
ndings were limited by the use of menarche
as the only indicator of pubertal development. Measures
Given that menarche is the last stage of puberty, Disordered eating
several twins who had begun puberty (and Similar to our previous study (Klump et al.
thus, had likely begun exhibiting genetic eects) 2003), overall levels of disordered eating were
were categorized as pre-pubertal, thereby con- assessed using the Total Score from the
founding groups and possibly leading to non- Minnesota Eating Behavior Survey (MEBS;
signicant dierences in genetic eects. Klump et al. 2000 ; von Ranson et al. 2005). The
Given discrepant results, the aim of the pres- Minnesota Eating Behavior Survey [MEBS;
ent study was to extend previous ndings by previously known as the Minnesota Eating
directly examining whether puberty moderates Disorder Inventory (M-EDI)] was adapted and
genetic inuences on disordered eating using a reproduced by special permission of Psycho-
follow-up assessment of the MTFS twins. In logical Assessment Resources, Inc. from the
our initial analyses, the majority of twins were Eating Disorder Inventory (collectively, EDI
11 years old (age range 1013 years) and pre- and EDI-2) by D. Garner, M. Olmstead and
pubertal. The current study examines these same J. Polivy. (f 1983 by Psychological Assessment
twins three years later when most have begun Resources, Inc., 16204 North Florida Avenue,
puberty (age range=1316 years ; mean=14.78 ; Lutz, Florida 33549, USA. Further repro-
S.D.=0.52) to determine whether increases in duction of the MEBS is prohibited without
heritability across puberty remain despite within- prior permission from Psychological Assess-
twin shifts in pubertal status (i.e. from early to ment Resources, Inc.)
mid-puberty, or mid-puberty to post-puberty). The MEBS Total Score includes items that
Moreover, we extend previous analyses by using assess body dissatisfaction, binge eating, weight
recently developed twin moderation models preoccupation, and the use of inappropriate
(Purcell, 2002) to directly examine whether there compensatory behaviors. Previous studies have
are linear and non-linear changes in genetic supported the reliability (a=0.87; von Ranson
eects across puberty. This last benet is et al. 2005) and validity of this scale (Klump
particularly important given data showing both et al. 2000 ; von Ranson et al. 2005), including
types of increases in disordered eating across showing that scores dierentiate women with
puberty (see above). Testing each of these eects and without eating disorders.
will allow us to identify patterns of genetic
inuence across development that may inform Puberty
molecular genetic studies of these symptoms. The Pubertal Development Scale (PDS ;
Petersen et al. 1988) was used to assess pubertal
METHOD development in the areas of height spurts, body
hair growth, skin changes, breast development,
Participants and initiation of menses. Subjects self-rated
The sample comprises 510 adolescent female their development in these areas on a four-point
twins [326 MZ twins (163 pairs), 184 DZ twins scale : (1) development has not yet begun ; (2)
(92 pairs)] drawn from the second wave of data development has barely started ; (3) develop-
collection (see above) from the prospective ment is denitely underway ; and (4) develop-
MTFS. Recruitment procedures and study ment seems completed. Menstruation was rated
methodology for the MTFS have been described dichotomously as absent (1) or present (4).
previously (Iacono et al. 1999). Twin zygosity Similar to previous research (Petersen et al.
was established using twin and research assist- 1988), average scores (i.e. range 14) across all
ant ratings of within-pair physical similarity ve items were used in analyses. Previous studies
and an algorithm diagnosis calculated from of the PDS psychometric properties have sup-
ponderal index, cephalic index, and ngerprint ported its reliability (median a=0.77; Petersen
ridge count (Iacono et al. 1999). Disagreements et al. 1988) and validity, including showing
among these measures were resolved through high correlations (r=0.610.67) with clinician
Disordered eating and puberty 629

which genetic and environmental inuences on

disordered eating increase or decrease linearly
with pubertal development. The nal set of
a + xM + X2M c + YM + Y2M e + zM + Y2M parameters are the quadratic moderators (i.e.
bX2, bY2, bZ2) which assess the extent to which
there are non-linear increases or decreases in
genetic and environmental inuences on dis-
ordered eating across puberty.
+ MM Following previous recommendations (Pur-
P Disordered eating
cell, 2002) and research (e.g. Burt et al. 2006),
FIG. 1. Path diagram for the full moderation model for one twin we t a series of nested interaction models to
only. (P, puberty ; A, additive genetic eects; C, shared environ- the observed data. The rst model functioned
mental eects; E, non-shared enviromental eects ; M, Moderator ; as a baseline main eects model in which
bM, phenotypic regression coecient ; a, c, and e, paths or intercepts ;
bX, bY, bZ, linear moderators ; bX2, bY2, bZ2, quadratic moderators.) only the genetic, shared, and non-shared en-
vironmental path estimates or intercepts were
computed. In the second and third models, we
ratings of pubertal development (Petersen et al. respectively added linear and then non-linear
1988). genetic, shared, and non-shared environmental
moderators. These models could detect whether
Statistical analyses there were linear or non-linear shifts in the
Pubertal moderation of genetic and environ- amount of genetic and environmental variance
mental inuences on disordered eating was in disordered eating with advanced pubertal
examined using nested gene-environment inter- development.
action models (Purcell, 2002). In all of these The full model, containing all three sets of
models, we examined additive genetic (A ; parameters (i.e. the paths, the linear, and the
genetic inuences that add across genes), shared quadratic moderators), was used to assess the
environmental (C ; environmental inuences extent to which there were non-linear changes in
that are shared by reared-together twins and genetic and environmental inuences on dis-
are thus a source of behavioral similarity), and ordered eating across pubertal development.
non-shared environmental (E ; environmental This model was then compared to two separate
inuences that are not shared by reared-together nested models. The rst nested model was the
twins and are thus a source of behavioral most restrictive and contained the paths but
dissimilarity) inuences. The full ACE model dropped the linear and quadratic moderators.
was examined in analyses rather than reduced This model thus constrained genetic and en-
models (e.g. AE) since previous analyses suggest vironmental inuences to be constant across
signicant shared environmental inuences on levels of pubertal development. The second
disordered eating in girls during early puberty nested model included the paths and the linear
(Klump et al. 2003). moderator eects, but dropped the quadratic
The interaction models estimate three sets moderators. This model was then compared to
of parameters that conjointly index the extent the full model to determine if there are linear, but
to which genetic and environmental inuences not quadratic, increases or decreases in genetic
on disordered eating dier signicantly across and environmental inuences on disordered
levels of pubertal development (see Fig. 1). The eating scores across pubertal development. The
rst set of parameters contain the paths or in- two reduced models (i.e. no moderation model
tercepts (i.e. a, c, and e) and estimate the degree and linear moderation only model) were com-
of genetic and environmental inuence on dis- pared statistically to the full model by taking
ordered eating at the lowest level of pubertal the dierence in minus twice the log-likelihood
development (i.e. 0 in these modeling analyses, (x2 ln L) between the full and reduced models,
as PDS scores were oored with a minimum which is chi-squared distributed under the null
of 0 for ease of interpretation). The second hypothesis implied by the reduced model. Large
set of parameters are the linear moderators (statistically signicant) dierences led to a
(i.e. bX, bY, bZ) which assess the extent to rejection of the nested model in favor of the
630 K. L. Klump et al.

full model, as this suggests that dropping the does not preclude the presence of moderator
parameters from the full model resulted in a eects, as signicant genetic or environmental
signicantly worse t of the data. moderators would be expected to attenuate
Models were t to the raw twin observations phenotypic associations.
using the Mx statistical software (Neale, 1995). Results from the model-tting analyses are
The raw data option in Mx treats missing data presented in Table 1 and Fig. 2. Signicant dif-
as missing at random (Little & Rubin, 1987), ferences in x2lnL values between the full and
and thus the parameter estimates and t indices most restricted nested model (i.e. the model that
are appropriately adjusted, and twin pairs are dropped all moderators) indicate that the linear
retained in analyses even if one member of the and quadratic moderators cannot both be
pair is missing MEBS data. We log-transformed dropped from the model without a signicant
the MEBS and PBS data prior to model-tting, worsening of t. These ndings suggest that
as increases or decreases in variance with puberty does moderate genetic and environ-
values of the moderator can bias model-tting mental inuences on disordered eating. How-
results. We also standardized the MEBS scores ever, the non-signicant p value for the change
to enhance visual comparisons of changes in in x2lnL values (i.e. p>0.05) between the full
genetic and environmental inuences across model and the model dropping the quadratic
pubertal development. Following previous re- moderator indicates that only the linear moder-
commendations (Purcell, 2002), we report the ator eects are important for disordered eating,
unstandardized parameter estimates in tables and that the model that includes the linear
and gures, as these estimates more accurately moderators, but not the quadratic moderators,
depict absolute changes in genetic and environ- is the best-tting for the puberty/disordered
mental inuences than standardized estimates eating data.
which represent these changes as proportions of Fig. 2 graphs the unstandardized parameter
the total variance. estimates (see Purcell, 2002, for equations for
these estimates) for this best-tting model, and
shows that the inuence of genes increases
dramatically with advancing pubertal develop-
The majority of twins were in mid-to-late ment. Using data in Table 1, we calculated the
puberty (mean=3.33, S.D.=0.43), although the phenotypic proportions of disordered eating
range of MEBS (range=023; mean=5.89, accounted for by genes at the two extreme levels
S.D.=5.67) and averaged PDS (range=1.60 of pubertal development (i.e. 0 and 1.11 on the
4.00) scores indicate considerable variability log-transformed scale constructed after ooring
in disordered eating and pubertal development. PDS scores to have a minimum of 0 ; see
Log-transformed MEBS scores were signi- Methods above) to determine the magnitude of
cantly lower [t(508)=x2.49, p=0.01] in twins increases in genetic eects across the pubertal
who were in the lower (i.e. PDS average score period. It is important to note that these log-
f2.6) (mean=0.58, S.D.=0.30) versus those in transformed values correspond to puberty levels
the middle-to upper end of the PDS distribution of 2.6 (early puberty) and 4.0 (post-puberty) on
(i.e. PDS average score >2.6 ; mean=0.78, a non-log-transformed, non-oored scale. The
S.D.=0.33). However, MEBS score variances heritability of disordered eating was found to
did not dier signicantly between these group increase from 0 % to 44 % across these pubertal
[Levenes Test of Equality of Variances : stages. The increase in genetic eects appeared
F(1, 508)=1.35, p=0.25], indicating that dier- to occur at a log-transformed score of approxi-
ential variability in disordered eating across mately 4.0, which corresponds to an averaged
puberty cannot account for dierences in etio- PDS score of 3.0 (middle puberty). Taken
logic eects observed in this study (see below). together, these ndings conrm our hypothesis
The Pearson correlation between PDS scores that genetic eects on disordered eating are
and disordered eating (r=0.10, p=0.007) sug- moderated by pubertal development.
gested a signicant positive association between In contrast to genetic eects, the inuence
pubertal development and overall eating path- of shared environment decreases dramatically
ology. Although this relationship was modest, it across puberty from accounting for 99% of the
Disordered eating and puberty 631

x2lnLD (df)

A, Main eects of genes ; C, main eect of shared environment ; E, main eect of non-shared environment ; bX, linear interaction between genes and puberty ; bY, linear interaction between
shared environment and puberty ; bZ, linear interaction between genes and non-shared environment ; bX2, non-linear interaction between genes and puberty ; bY2, non-linear interaction between
shared environment and puberty ; bZ2, non-linear interaction between non-shared environment and puberty ; Full, model with paths, linear moderators, and quadratic moderators ; Drop All

Unstandardized variance components




Model t indices
x2lnL (df)






Each nested model is compared to the full model when calculating the change in x2lnL and degrees of freedom. The best-tting model is noted by bold text.
(x1.72, 0.06)




0 048 07 085 095 104 111

Pubertal development (log transformed scores)
FIG. 2. Contributions of genes, shared environment, and non-
(x2.0, 2.0)
Table 1. Model t indices and unstandardized parameter estimates

shared environment to disordered eating across pubertal develop-




ment. Using data in Table 1, the authors calculated the phenotypic

proportion of disordered eating accounted for by genes at the two
extreme levels of pubertal development (i.e. 0 and 1.11 on the log-
transformed scale constructed after ooring PDS scores to have a
(x0.80, 0.80)

minimum of 0 ; see Methods) to determine the magnitude of increases

in genetic eects across the pubertal period. It is important to note



that these log-transformed values correspond to puberty levels of 2.6

(early puberty) and 4.0 (post puberty) on a non-log-transformed,
non-oored scale. The heritability of disordered eating was found
to increase from 0 % to 44 % across these pubertal stages. ,
(0.92, 2.00)

(x0.08, 1.1)

Additive genetic eects; , shared environment ; - - -, non-shared




variance in early puberty to 2 % in post puberty.

Mod., model with paths only, Drop Quad Mod. Only, model with paths and linear moderators only.

Non-shared environmental inuences increase

(x2.99, 1.23)

(x1.9, 0.67)

and then plateau in middle-to-late puberty (i.e.


raw averaged PDS score=3.4). Nonetheless,




these types of inuences account for similar

amounts of variance as genetic eects in early
(1 %) and post (54 %) puberty.
(x0.68, 2.0)

(x0.41, 1.6)



This is the rst study to directly examine

(0.01, 0.72)

pubertal moderation of genetic eects on dis-

ordered eating. Findings replicate and extend




our previous analyses (Klump et al. 2003) by

suggesting that genetic eects on disordered
eating become prominent during puberty and
(0.62, 1.53)

(x0.64, 0.64)

(0.74, 1.6)

increase linearly in importance across pubertal





development. By contrast, shared environmental

inuences decrease across the pubertal period.
These results indicate that puberty inuences

disordered eating primarily via genetic and non-

(x0.90, 0.77)

(x0.61, 0.97)

shared environmental factors, rather than the





shared environmental inuences often theorized

to be primary (e.g. Marsden & Holmbeck,
* p=0.02.
Mod. Only

It will be important for future studies to

All Mod.

identify the processes underlying these moder-


ating eects. Changes in several psychological

632 K. L. Klump et al.

(e.g. mood), psychosocial (e.g. peer groups), and has the opposite eects of estrogen, with in-
physical (e.g. bodyweight) characteristics co- creased progesterone levels being associated
incide with pubertal changes in girls and are with increased dietary intake and weight gain
associated with increases in disordered eating (van der Schoot et al. 1991 ; Ganesan, 1994).
symptoms (Bulik, 2002). Our ndings show that Studies in humans have conrmed these
puberty moderates genetic inuences on dis- ndings. Decreased levels of estrogen, and in-
ordered eating not increases in disordered creased levels of progesterone, are associated
eating incidence. Thus, if the factors described with increased food intake and body weight in
above account for the moderating eects of adult women (e.g. Wade, 1972 ; Buenstein et al.
puberty, they must operate to increase genetic, 1995). Importantly, these ndings appear to
and decrease environmental, inuences. Notably, extend to disordered eating patterns as well.
changes in mood could inuence the heritability Estrogen levels are associated with disordered
of disordered eating through changes in sero- eating during the follicular phase of the
tonin functioning or other neurobiological sys- menstrual cycle (Klump et al. 2006), and natural
tems that are known to be involved in mood uctuations in estrogen and progesterone
regulation (van der Veen et al. 2007). predict menstrual changes in binge eating in
It is more dicult to conceptualize how women with BN (Lester et al. 2003 ; Edler et al.
changes in psychosocial factors such as peer 2007). Taken together, these animal and human
interactions might inuence the heritability of data provide support for the modulating eect
disordered eating. Although this may occur of estrogen and progesterone on food intake
through active gene-environment correlations and body weight via the hypothalamus (Butera
(i.e. girls with genetic predispositions for eating et al. 1992) and highlight their potential role in
pathology select peers who are more weight- the appetite and weight disturbances in eating
concerned, thereby enhancing pre-existing gen- disorders.
etic vulnerabilities and increasing heritability) Could individual dierences in the activation
(Scarr & McCartney, 1983), this process would of ovarian hormones during puberty account
need to occur rather rapidly during puberty in for the moderation of genetic eects observed in
order for it to account for the eects observed in this study ? Although estrogen and progesterone
this study. Thus, these processes are less likely concentrations are heritable (Meikle et al. 1986;
candidates in the search for factors underlying Sakai et al. 1991), few studies have examined
the pubertal moderation of genetic eects on associations between ovarian hormone receptor
puberty. genes and eating pathology. Promising initial
More likely candidates are ovarian hormones results have been obtained for an estrogen
that are activated during puberty in girls. receptor beta gene (see Klump & Gobrogge,
Although other biological systems are also in- 2005), but replications are lacking and no
volved in puberty (e.g. stress hormones and the studies have examined candidate genes for pro-
hypothalamic-pituitary axis), ovarian hormones gesterone. Another possibility is that ovarian
drive pubertal changes in girls. Thus, ovarian hormones may inuence the genetic diathesis of
hormones are probable contributors to sex eating pathology indirectly through their regu-
dierences in eating disorder prevalence (APA, lation of gene transcription (Ostlund et al. 2003)
2000) and the moderating eects of puberty within other neuronal systems (e.g. the sero-
observed in this study. tonin system) that inuence food intake and/or
Importantly, ovarian hormones are known to mood (e.g. anxiety, depression; see discussion
aect food intake and body weight, character- above). Serotonin is an interesting candidate in
istics that are disrupted in eating disorders (see this regard, as alterations in 5-HT2A receptor
Wade, 1972) and are known to change with functioning have been observed in eating dis-
pubertal development. For example, animal orders (Frank et al. 2002; Bailer et al. 2004).
studies show decreased dietary intake during This receptor has been shown to be more sensi-
peak estrogen levels in female rats (Blaustein tive to estrogen regulation than others (Ostlund
& Wade, 1977) as well as weight loss in et al. 2003) and has been associated with AN
ovariectomized female rats exogenously treated in candidate gene studies (Klump & Gobrogge,
with estradiol (Varma et al. 1999). Progesterone 2005). Thus, future studies should examine the
Disordered eating and puberty 633

role of ovarian hormones in the regulation of Nonetheless, our ndings would be enhanced
serotonin and other neurobiological systems, by longitudinal data collected at least annually
as well as the direct eects of ovarian hormone that could examine within-subject changes in
receptor genes on food intake, mood, and risk genetic eects on disordered eating across
for eating pathology during puberty. puberty. Such data would contribute to the
Several limitations of our study should be growing knowledge of the nature of pubertal
noted. First, we were unable to investigate eat- risk for eating disorders and the role of both
ing disorder diagnoses due to the low prevalence biological and psychosocial risk factors in the
of AN and BN in our young adolescent sample development of these disorders.
(APA, 2000) and the limited power of twin
moderation analyses for categorical phenotypes.
Additional research is needed to determine how
these ndings extend to clinical eating disorders. This research was supported by a grant from
Secondly, our sample was too small to the National Institute on Mental Health (MH
allow for testing multiple submodels. This may 65447) awarded to Dr Klump and grants from
have decreased our power to detect dierences the National Institute on Drug Abuse (DA
between the nested models presented in Table 1. 05147) and the National Institute of Alcohol
Moreover, the mean age of our twins (i.e. 14 Abuse and Alcoholism (AA 09367) awarded to
years old) ensured that the majority of twins Drs McGue and Iacono.
were in mid-to-late puberty. Decreased varia-
bility during early puberty may have limited our DECLARATION OF INTEREST
ability to detect genetic eects at earlier stages of
development. Although increases in heritabil- None.
ity were observed even at later pubertal stages,
replications within larger, independent datasets REFERENCES
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