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Desiiiond Yan and Paul Ho

Sinion Fraser University, Buniaby, B.C., Canada. V5A 1S6
email: desmondQcs .sfu.ca,paulQcs .sfu.ca

A l s f r a e f - Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is a promis-

ing technology for future digital cellular and personal coinn~uui-
cations. To despread the pseudo noise (PN) code and thus under-
stailding the message sent, syncluonieation (acquisitionand track-
ing) is necessary in priori. As a matter of fact, the throughput
of a packet inode CDMA system is directly related to the perfor-
mance of its fraue syiicllroilizatioii algoritlun. hi this paper, we Fig. 1. Packet Data Format.
propose a uew acquisition tecluuque for packet mode CDMA op-
erating in the Rayleigh fading clmmiel. The teclucque is based on
on-off keying (during the preamble section) followed by a Markov when a packet arrives) criterion, in contrast to the constant
chain search. The leiigtli of the preamble is a design parameter false alarm rate. Based on a Poisson distribution of false
and the perfonumice measure is the tluougliput of packets. We alarm arrival, we derive equations for f b for various meth-
have tested our new scheme on a flat fading and a selective fading ods and use them to set the thresholds accordingly. In this
cliaiuiel, based on a fixed blocking probability criterion. Specifi- way, the throughput is given by (1 - pb) x pd, where pd is
cally for the latter case, we adopt a FLAKE receiver to combat the the detection probability.
iiiultipatli effect, and introduce a windowing tecluiique wllicl~we In this paper, we propose a new acquisition strategy in
found effective in overcoilling the teiuporary increase in noise level direct sequence (DS) spread spectrum packet radio system
caused by partial correlation of the PN sequence used. Results in which utilizes on-off keying during the preamble section.
both cases show that the proposed on-offkeying tecluuque is iiiore Simulation results show that this method outperforms the
efficient than many others in the literature such as the coincidence others in both a flat fading and a frequency selective fading
detector or simple Markov search. channels.
Advantages of spread spectrum or code division multiple In a mobile radio packet system, d a t a is sent in pack-
access (CDMA) such as high capacity or multipath miti- ets, with the beginning of each packet being a fixed length
gation have made it a potential candidate for future packet of preamble used for synchronization. Figure 1 shows the
radio system [l]. To despread the received pseudonoise ( P N ) packet data format where the preamble consists of L sym-
code and thus understanding the message sent, however, syn- bols.
chronization is necessary in priori. T h e process of synchro- We have made the assumption here that the length of each
nization usually involves two stages: acquisition and track- symbol equals one PN code.
ing. T h e foriner aims to detect the start of transmission (the
presence of signal) and find a coarse alignment between the A . Flat Fading Channel Model
incoming signal and the locally generated PN code, while Assuming BPSK used for the modulation of data, the
the latter focuses on fine adjusting the phase, usually by a transmitted DS-SS signal is
delay-locked loop or a tau-dither loop.
A common practice for setting the correlator threshold is ~ ( t=) A . b ( t ) . P N ( 1 ) . C O S ( W+~e),
.~ (1)
by Neyman-Pearson statistics to ensure a chosen false alarm
probability, Pfa.In addition, a second verification proce- where A is the amplitude of carrier; b ( t ) is a sequence of
dure is usually performed to enhance performance such as { f l } d a t a symbols; wr is carrier frequency; P N ( 1 ) is PN
the coincidence detector [a, 31, and searching for additional sequence of intended receiver; and B is phase offset. During
threshold crossings [4, 51. acquisition, a stream of bits 1 are sent and we can neglect
In a packet radio system, the preamble length is fixed b ( t ) . In a Rayleigh fading channel with a maximum doppler
and the acquisition time [3]-[SI may not be an appropriate frequency of fn, the received signal is
measure. We believe that throughput is.a more desirable
measure of performance. In our study, we use a fixed block-
ing probability (&, probability of finding the receiver busy
~ ( t=) A . g ( t ) . P N ( t ) c o s [ ~ c +,B
t + 4(t)] + ILW(~), (2)
where g ( t ) is the Rayleigh fading envelope, d ( t ) is a uni-
'This work was supported i n part by the NSER(: of Canada and
in p a r t by t h e Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research
formly distributed random phase, and n w ( t ) is the channel's
under t h e Canadian government's Networks of Centers of Excellence additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). It is assumed that
program g ( l ) has a mean square value of 2.: and the AWGN has a

O-7803-1927-3/94/$4.00 @ 1994 IEEE

Fig. 2. Noiicohereiit Detector Structure Fig. 3. On-Off patteni in Preamble

two-sided power spectral density of N 0 / 2 . T h e received sig-

nal is assumed to be first brought down to baseband before
correlation and despreading takes place; see figure 2. The
resultant complex baseband signal can be written as

w(t) = u ( t ) +j .v ( t ) , (3)

Fig. 4. On-Off Keying Assisted Search Strategy


u(t) = A z ( t ) P N ( t ) nr(t),+
~ ( t )= A y ( t ) P N ( t ) r c y ( t ) , 111. ON-OFFKEYING ASSISTED DS/SS ACQ~JISITION
and z ( t ) = g(t)cos[+(t) +e], y(t) = g(t)sin[d(t) B ] are two + SYSTEM
independent zero mean Gaussian processes that represent
fading; while n r ( t ) and n ~ ( t are
) the equivalent low-pass In the On-Off Keying Assisted DS/SS Acquisition Sys-
AWGN. For typical mobile radio channel, both z ( t ) and y(l) tem, we vary the power in the preamble section following an
have an autocorrelation function of on-off pattern. The power varying capability is necessary in
any (:DMA system to overcome the near-far problem, thus
p(T) = I ( t ) .I(t + T) = y(t). Y(t + T) = U;.Jo(2XfDT), (4) this scheme appears to impose no additional hardware re-
quirements. For simplicity, lets assume that the length of a
where Jo(.) is the zero order Bessel function and as men- single on state equals one PN sequence length. Figure 3
tioned before, fo is the doppler frequency. On the other shows an overall view of the new acquisition system, assum-
hand, the power spectral density of the low-pass AWGN, ing a correlator length of one PN sequence. Since an on-off
n r ( t ) and tiy(t), are both N O . scheme is adopted, we can double the power during the on
When the local PN sequence is in synchronization with state, while still maintaining the same average power as in
the transmitted one, the output of the energy detector, E l , other schemes. Depending on the false alarm rate needed
follows an exponential distribution (calculated from the blocking probability), we set different
thresholds for the on and off periods, say TI and so re-
P(El)= T
-2, (5)
spectively. For the receiver, who does not know whether
the current pulse sent is on or o f f , keeps on tracking
threshold T I in the first place. Once the first threshold is
where U: = Au~T+ N O T . When the transmitted and local detected, the algorithm continuously looks or alternate TO
PN waveforms are not in synchronization, or when there is and T I until either acquisition is reached or the search being
no signal present, the received signal energy is again expo- terminated as the number of state transitions exceeds the
nentially distributed preamble length L (explained in later sections). Figure 4
shows the search strategy used. T h e TI or TO in each node
indicates the current threshold in each state. A HIT r e p
resents correlator output exceeding the threshold, while the
MISS is the opposite. Note that a MISS (not a HIT) will
cause a transition from state 2 to state 3 because falling be-
with U: = N O T . From the pdf in equation (6), we can select
low the threshold means a high probability for the presence
appropriate thresholds for a given false alarm rate, which in
of noise.
turn is determined by the desired blocking probability, Pb.
In the above model, we do not account for power control Intuitively speaking, the benefits of this method are three-
which is possible to eliminate some fading effect. Perfect fold: first, a higher power in the on state increases its resis-
power control can maintain the received signal at a constant tance to Rayleigh fading; second, the uoff state which now
SNR and the channel is reduced to a AWGN channel. In consists of only AW(:N, is not subject to any fading; third,
real situations, however, non-ideal power control will result we gam an extra degree of freedom in setting the threshold
in performance in between an AWGN and a fading chan- for the off state - since only noise is present, we can set
nel. Although not presented in this paper, simulations on a the threshold as high as desired so that the probability of
AWGN channel also prove the on-off schemes superior per- going from state 2 to state 3 (ref. Figure 4) is very high,
formance to others. approaching more towards acquisition state 4.

Fig. 5 . On-Off Keying

A . Probability of False Alarm

We will use the Markov chain approach t o find Pf,. Fig-
ure 5 shows the Markov chain model. In the figure, Poo(P0l)
denotes the probability of crossing T O ( T : ) by noise. Further-
more, a reject state is introduced because returning to state
1 will not cause a false alarm. We implement an additional
mechanism in our acquisition: a counter is kept for the num-
ber of transitions since the first T I threshold crossing. This Fig. 6. Siiiiulatioii Results for a Blocking Probability of
counter will be increased by one for each additional transi-
tion and the search will terminate if the counter exceeds L.
T h e mechanism is able to lower the total number of com- As seen from the expression for the blocking probability,
binations to reach false alarm, thus producing a lower false it accounts not only the packet decoding time with. a false
alarm rate, given particular TI and TO values. alarm, but also various other busy periods possible when not
T h e probability of false alarm is passing the verification; therefore, it is a more appropriate
criterion in the packet radio environment, while the constant
(7) false alarm rate (CFAR) assumes a fixed penality price.
where Q is the transition matrix of the Markov chain in CI. Other Techniques f o r Comparison
figure 5. Subscript (1,4) in the above equation denotes the
To put our results in perspective, we will compare our
first row, fourth column element in the matrix Q raised to
algorithm with the followings: the coincidence detector, and
power L.
two other techniques [4, 51 relying on additional threshold
El. Blocking Probability testings.
To derive the blocking probability, we use a similar ap- Iv. SIhWLATION RESULTSO N FLATFADING
proach as those in [9, IO]. T h e blocking probability is given
bv In our simulations, we have used a fade rate of IOOHz, and
a data rate of 16kbit/s. The fading is assumed to stay con-
stant during one symbol. Figure 6 shows simulation results
for a blocking probability of IOv5. Note that the SNRs refers
where A is the expected time measured from the end of a to the correlator output, not the received signal.
busy period to the next false alarm arrival, and B is the ex- We can make two observations from the results. First, the
pected busy time due to false alarm. Putting various possible on-off assisted keying scheme always performs better than
busy time into consideration, R can be expressed as the others, regardless of the SNR. Second, increasing the
preamble length will cause increase in throughput, except
for the conincidence detection where the extra busy time
encountered with increasing preamble length offsets the gain
in longer coincidence period.

where L D is the d a t a length, and T is one symbol (bit) du- v. FREQUENCY

ration, and z = (1 - Poo)(l - POI).
The first term in the equation (9) accounts for the time In a frequency selective channel, we receive mutipath sig-
decoding the whole packet due to false alarm; and the second nals each of them is subject to Rayleigh fading3. A RAKE
term accounts for various possible busy time periods for the receiver has been found effective to combat the multipath
receiver to reach the Reject state when the verification pro- effect.
cedure is not passed. T h e expected false alarm inter-arrival A. R A K E Receiver Structure
time A can be obtained based on a Poisson distribution and
given by equation In theory, two correlators are needed for each tap of the
RAKE receiver. However, when the digital matched filter (a
A = -,1, passive device) is used, the RAKE receiver can be obtained
T, is one chip duration. (IO)
Po 1 from the flat fading channel receiver by adding a memory
array and a processing unit, figure 7.
Having chosen the desired value of Po0 (TO is fixed), and with
a particular value of blocking probability Pb, the value of TI When using t h e CFAR criterion, t h e conincidence d e t e c t o r will
can be calculated with equations (8) - (10). also show a n increase in detection probability with preamble length.
3Simulations o n a multipath AWGN channel also proves t h e on-
When t h e preamble length is set t o L , t h e r e is n o reason t o search off schemes superior performanc t h a n o t h e r s based o n ideal power
for more t h a n L symbols. control
(a.) R e a m d signal s h d b i into memory locaoon

U - I PROCESSINGUNIT I (b ) Fusl ray ets ulb me firs1 memory laavon

and the prehmmnafy Ihmrhold ks aossed

(c.) Gel additional shifts unI3 the first ray llignr

Fig 7 RAKE receiver Implemented with Digital Matched Filter
with the last memory losation. In this way.
me lap-delay Line will COVCT all me pvhs

The sum of output of the correlators is shifted into an

array of memory locations with length equals the tap-delay (d.) Test agmst the second threshold

line. In this way, each value in the array represents one cor-
relator output, with the leftmost being the most recent one. Fig. 8. FLAKE Receiver Algorithm
T h e processor unit is responsible for summing up values in
the memory array according to the particular RAKE receiver
algorithm designed.
A. R A K E Receiver Algorithm
Assume that the received signal consists of several path
components. The correlator output will become high the
first time when the signal from the shortest path arrives, 051 I
0 100 200 300 400 So0 600 700 800
which is shifted into the first memory location. The receiver Samples
algorithm works in two stages as follows, see figure 8: i.) Fig. 9. Partial Correlation.
the processing unit continuously nionitors the value shifted
into the first memory location. When this value exceeds a
particular threshold, ~ ~ ~ ( a lower
~ threshold
l , set~ for , ~ ~ ~ ~
only one tap output), enough additional correlator outputs
are collected (more samples collected) until the value origi- I). Windowing Technique
nally in the first location has been shifted to the end loca-
tion. Now, the memory array will contain all the different Let us denote the RAKE receiver output as a sequence
path components with the first ray located a t the rightmost of [. . . , 0 - 2 , 0 - , , 0 0 , 0 1 , 0 2 , . . .] in which 00corresponds to
memory location, provided that the memory length ,is longer the correct acquisition. Suppose ~ ~ is crossed ~at ~ l

than the delay spread. ii.) T h e processing unit then selects index -2 and 0-, is also larger than r. Instead of treating -2
the largest five from the array, s u m them up and test the as the correct acquisition, we will look forward the outputs
value against another threshold which is set according to the [O-,+, , . . . , 0-,+~] and see if any of them is greater than 0-,.
scheme (on-off, coincidence ...) and the particular blocking If 01;is the largest value in the window that satisfies ( O k >
probability required. Passing both stages makes declaration 0-,,-i+ 1 5 k 5 z + l ) , and the single correlator output a t
of presence of signal. If the second stage is not passed, we index k is greater than rprellmtnaryr k will be treated as the
scan backwards from the last location to check if any exceeds correct acquisition.
~ ~ ~ and repeat
~ l the ,second
~ stage , if necessary.
~ ~ If~ no ~ T h e underlying working principle is as follows: The
~ ~ crossing may ~ be due~ to noise ori partial corre- , ~ ~
such value exists, the algorithm restarts again in checking the
first location continuously. T h e purpose of the first stage is lation. In the former case, 0-, will be unlikely greater than
T , while in the latter case, the first ray will be within one
to for aligning the first ray to the last memory location, so
that the RAKE receiver covers the whole delay spread, while symbol. As long as the value 1 is large enough, the window
the second stage does the actual threshold testing. will cover the actual acquisition position and the correspond-
ing RAKE output will be the largest because it sums up all
C. Problem of Partaal (:orrelation with PN Sequence the rays. Due to the finite length of the tap-delay line, the
For energy detection, we are faced with an abrupt change value of 1 is restricted to (1 symbol - tap-delay line) in
other methods, but (2 symbols - tap-lelay line) in the on-
from nothing to having a signal. Before the first symbol
(first P N code) has been shifted entirely into the correlator, off scheme (this is possible because the next symbol is noise
only). A larger 1 will imply higher chance of covering the
we have partial overlap between the incoming and the locally
generated PN sequence - partial correlation. Figure 9 shows actual acquisition and thus making the on-off scheme more
effective in using the windowing technique.
the correlator output for a train of bits 1 received which have
passed through a two-ray channel without any noise. We VI. SIMLJLATION
can see that in a period of 1 symbol (bit) before the first FADINGCHANNEL
match (high output), some additional noise caused by the
partial correlation is found, which can be as high as 15% of In our simulation studies, we use a two-ray frequency se-
the signal strength. This temporary increase in noise occurs lective Rayleigh fading channel [Ill. Three directions are
within one symbol (bit) before the first ray and may cause studied: 1 . ) various SNR, 2.) preamble length, and 3.)
the RAKE receiver to align incorrectly. In o u r experiments, different distribution among the two rays. Parameters are
we introduce a simple wiudowing technique to overcome this same as used in the flat fading channel and the two paths

~SrrbS- ..-Cain&W b a I 0.-011

Fig. 10. Simulation Results for: Pb = L = 5, Q u a l Power Fig. 12. Simulation Results for: pb = L = 5, Varying Power
Distribution. Distribution.

.. .......... ... ..... ..... CDMA packet radio system. T h e method involves overlaying
On-Off keying in the preamble section. Simulation results
... have shown that this method outperforms the other existing
0.4 ones, both in a flat fading and a frequency selective fading
channel. In the latter caae, we propose a particular RAKE
receiver algorithm to overcome the multipath effect and also
5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 I2 13 14 I5 a windowing technique to eliminate partial correlation prob-
-w lem.
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