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Story County Youth Volunteer Award Event Project

Heidi Darrington

Megan Huftalin

Jessica Kalahar

Emmaline McNeal

Bailee Person

Haley Rudish

Nick Voortmann
Organization Overview

The Volunteer Center of Story County (VCSC) inspires, educates, and mobilizes

volunteers to address community needs in Story County. They connect volunteers with volunteer

opportunities throughout Story County, promote volunteering and community involvement,

recognize volunteers, and educate volunteer leaders.

The vision of the Volunteer Center of Story County is To be the heart of volunteering

throughout Story County. The mission of the Volunteer Center of Story County is We build

strong community by inspiring, educating and mobilizing volunteers to address community

needs in Story County. To accomplish their mission, they connect volunteers with volunteer

opportunities throughout Story County, promote volunteering, community involvement,

recognize volunteers, and educate volunteer leaders.

The Volunteer Center of Story County values people. They respect the diverse talents,

perspectives, and contributions that each person brings to the community that creates an

environment where all lives are enriched. VCSC values engagement. As an organization, they

provide opportunities for service and personal growth through sharing skills, interests, and

talents. VSC also values community. The Volunteer Center of Story County encourages

collaboration and relationships between individuals and organizations in both giving and

receiving to achieve a stronger community.


Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats

Room to grow More funding Sponsorship United Way, and

Eco friendly theme Retention Iowa State University, other competition
Established set of Low awareness in students, campus Weather
volunteers community organizations and Economic crises
Experienced Non-tech perceptive clubs Gas prices
employees Generating new funds
involvement of Story
County residence


Social: health factors, attitudes, of the location due to the event, water or

environmentally concerned people of the power saving technologies, weather, ethical

community, volunteers of community issues

Technological: available technology, Political: government support organization,

emerging technology, social media, mobile wages, copyrights, grants and other funds,

technology, invites via social media/email pricing, environmental issues, government

(related to environmental factors of event), policies, public policies

Legal: tax codes and restrictions, banning or
marketing via different technological
limiting products, food and beverage safety
Economic: energy costs, taxation, regulations, employment laws, capacity
Ethical: confidentiality, impact of reputation
consumers concerned about the environment
Environmental: Recycling and waste on business
Demographic external factors: ethnic
management, having a green attitude, impact
diversity, age group, gender differences
Stakeholder identification/analysis:
Our event will have two types of stakeholders, primary and secondary stakeholders. The

primary stakeholders will be the two employees that work at the Volunteer Center of Story

County, as well as any interns that they decide to hire on during the season. Any past or retired

employees can be included in here as well. There is also the Board of Directors who are key

people towards our organization because VCSC is a nonprofit organization.

Our secondary stakeholders will be any members of the community that help volunteer at

the organization. This may include any schools, media aspects, and any other part of the

community that affects VCSC. The suppliers (listed below) also play a part in the stakeholder

aspect of our event. Finally, the government will be a stakeholder because of the permits, loans,

and other regulatory aspects that cannot be done by the organization.

Event Strategy and Evaluation

Level 0 - Statistics, scope, and volume:

From 2015-2016 more than 700 community members received training and resources for

volunteering and how to collaborate with volunteer programs. Almost 1,500 volunteers came out

for their VCSC days of service and community product. 6,451 hours were served during days of

service and other sponsored events. Nearly 6,500 hundred people were registered as community

volunteers through their online referral system. At the 10th Annual Awards Ceremony, VCSC

gave out 15 awards to individuals or groups in Middle School, High School, and college in

recognition of their volunteer service in the community. VCSC received national recognition and

received a 2016 Make A Difference Day Community Impact Award from Gannett Publishing and
Newmans Own Foundation. 413 students from Nevada High School participated in a

community wide day of caring in the Spring of 2016.

VCSCs sources of revenue come from contributions, in-kind donations, fee for service

programs, private sector grants, state and federal funds, local government funds and Story

County asset funds. Based off the number of volunteers and hour served in the community, they

have an estimated a value of service at $161,684 for the 2015-2016 year.

Level 1 - Reaction and satisfaction:

When past attendees and volunteers have been asked about past events of the volunteer

center of story county, reactions have been very positive. About 75% of previous volunteers with

the Volunteer Center of Story County would recommend to other to volunteer with them as well.

Volunteers appreciate the organization and commitment that the volunteer center supplies with

its opportunities as well as all the opportunities it provides. Past attendees of the events that the

volunteer center hosted would also recommend their events. This is because of the strong

recognition they give to their volunteers and the large amount of support they provide.
Level 2 - Learning:

Programs include Days of Service that bring national attention to volunteering on several

days of the year including: MLK Jr. Day of Service (January), Global Youth Service & Story

County Youth Volunteer Awards Day (April), 9/11 Day of Service & Remembrance (September),

Make a Difference Day (October), Family Volunteer Day (November), and Giving Tuesday

(December). Youth Engagement Programs include school based service projects that provide

connections to community needs and organizations as well as seed funds for project supplies.

During the 2015-2016 school year, this program was launched by collaborating with Nevada

High School, engaged with 422 students in one day of service. The Youth Volunteering Guide

was also created to connect youth with agencies and opportunities across the county. Instead of

calling each agency individually all the information is in one place. Silver Cord Support is a

program being worked on for the future. Every year there is a Back to School Blast that over

670 youth and their families can receive basic school supplies, necessary health, vision, and

dental screening that have 150 volunteers participating. There is also a rummage RAMPage

where students can discard their personal property instead of throwing it away and it ending up

in a landfill. They have a Community Action Poverty Simulation Sponsorship program where

donors can donate money. Lastly, they have a summer learning program where students can

educate themselves more on income and health issues during the summer months.

Level 3 - Application:

The Volunteer Center of Story County coordinates monthly meetings for networking and

uses these meetings for professional development for not only the center but other organizations

as well. Youth Engagement Programs will help students to set up for future volunteerism and
service to their communities. VCSC can educate students with the skills and tools to help them to

continue their volunteerism from childhood into young adulthood. Within two to three years,

students will treat their volunteerism as a part of their life rather than a requirement.

Organizations can use VCSCs program to learn how to use volunteer programs in their own

companies and apply it to their own company.

Level 4 - Impact:

Community service is being mobilized through various schools to provide future

generations with knowledge on how to service their community. VCSC educates the community

on poverty through simulations that give the community an idea on what poverty looks like in

their area and how to make a positive impact on others lives. The Volunteer Center of Story

County has allowed over 700 community members to receive training and other resources they

need for volunteering or to collaborate with an organization. The partnering agencies meet

monthly to learn from each other and gain beneficial information and skills. Locally, 1,484

volunteers were assembled for VCSC Days of Service and community projects which allowed

the community to better now only on a physical level but mentally as well. No client or volunteer

in the 2015 year had been turned away from any referral system, and some events such as the

2015 Winter Weatherization event were at a maximum capacity for volunteers. The actions of the

center do not go unnoticed. They have received recognition from the Points of Light Foundation,

Gannett Publishing, Newmans Own Foundation, and the Ames Tribune in the 2016 year. 152

local agencies, groups and nonprofit organizations were actively utilizing the online volunteer

referral service in the 2015 year. We have concluded this number is probably very similar for the

2016 year based on past data.

Level 5 - Return on Investment (ROI):

Per the Volunteer Center of Story County website, for every $1.00 and every hour

invested in VCSC programs and services, it generates a return on volunteer investment of $5.51

in the community. There were 8,036 hours of service in the 2015-2016 year among the 1,533

volunteers that came out to help at events and service projects. ASSET funds made up 85% of

the VCSC operating budget for the reporting period of July 1 - November 30, 2015. The

Volunteer Generation Funds have decreased to $15,000. They were at $20,000, which is a 25%

decrease in funds for the 2015 year.

Methods to Evaluate Event:

After the event of the awards ceremony for the Volunteer Center of Story County the

success of the event will be evaluated through a few different outlets. First will be the presence

of the Volunteer Center of Story County on social media outlets. Through the events the

volunteer center hopes to be able to advance their awareness and impacts through this outlet.

Because of this the volunteer center hopes to have increases in their followers, and online

impacts. Another way that this event will be evaluated will be through a post event survey that

attendees of the awards ceremony will be asked to complete. This survey will have the attendees

evaluate the atmosphere of the event, structure, and organization of the event, as well as the food

and beverage, and more. This will give the attendees an opportunity to provide feedback, but also

an opportunity for the Volunteer Center of Story County to evaluate itself and its events they

host. One last way that an evaluation could be made would be through the funds that are

collected at or through the event. One major aspect for the volunteer center will be for funds to
be raised because the center needs funds to function as an organization. Therefore, evaluating the

funds raised will serve as how successful the event has been.

Event Operations


For our event The Volunteer Center of Story County will send out invitations to the award

winners and their families to attend the event. Invitations will also be sent to past award winners.

Guests will be encouraged to RSVP online. If the guest does not respond online, they will be able

to register on site at the event. We also are wanting the VCSC to implement the use of their

social media more frequently. We would post the event on multiple social media platforms to get

the word out of our event. We would also like to use the Ames Tribune to promote the event

because of the previous help they have provided the center with promotion as well as reach out

to other newspapers such as the Story County Sun to notify people about the event and how to

register. To give back to the community, we would like attendees to bring a canned good as their

ticket into the event that can be donated back to the community.

Volunteer Program:

For our event, we will be using the website ivolunteer.com as an organized sign-up

source for all the interested volunteers to use. This website allows us to set up different time slots

for our volunteers to choose from. They will be able to simply create an account, go to our event

page, and pick when they would like to volunteer and what type of volunteer activity they would

like to do. We have broken our event into 3 different shifts. The first shift will be from 12pm to

3:30pm for set up. This shift will include set-up of the tables, placing signage around the orchard,
and set-up of the ABC sponsor wall. The second shift will be from 3:00pm to 6:30pm for general

things that need to be done during the event itself. This shift will include set-up of the caramel

apple bar, hayride operations, photo booth operations, and set-up for the award ceremony. The

third shift will be from 6:30pm to 9pm for aid during the ceremony and tear down. This shift will

include award ceremony operations, hayride operations, and tear down of the event. After

signing up for one of these shifts, the volunteers will receive periodic reminders from

ivolunteer.com on the upcoming event and what they have signed up for.

Wayfinding Map:

Part I:

Signs will be located at various points around Center Grove Orchard. There will be a sign

to direct attendees on where to park, where to check in, and welcoming them. Once they park

they will find a sign that points them in the right direction of registration. From registration, they

will see signs to the restrooms and the tent where the event will be held. Signs within the tent
will consist of a welcome sign with the Volunteer Center of Story County logo, a sign for drinks

and food, sponsors sign, and a sign with directions to the restrooms.

Part II:
Guests will drive in and park in the parking lots. Once they have parked they will enter in

through the Country Store. Guests will proceed from the Country Store to the tent where the

event will be held. Along the way there will be signs along the way directing them in the right

path to the tent where the event will be held.

Wayfinding Map - Tent:

Food & Beverage:

Hy-Vee West will provide the catering to the

Center Grove Orchard. Our event will have appetizers

instead of a formal dinner. Due to the available budget,

we concluded that this would be more reasonable. We

will be having mushrooms stuffed with a mixture of

sausage, onion, and cheese these will cost $175 per 100

guests. We will also be having spinach artichoke dip with fresh made tortilla chips. This will cost

$200 per 100 guests. Finally, for our last option we will be having fresh fruit kebabs with

pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, and grapes. These will cost $190 per 100 guests.

For our dessert option, we will have a

Make Your Own Caramel Apple Bar. Guests

will be encouraged to dip, drizzle, or dunk to

create their very own caramel apple, to either

take home or enjoy on the spot. Apples will

come directly from the Center Grove Orchard to

help save costs. This will include two different

types of sliced apples, with a variety of toppings. The toppings will include crushed nuts,

sprinkles, Oreo cookies, coconut, M&Ms, chocolate chips, and of course a lot of caramel. Pricing

will be around 100 dollars depending on the types of toppings that we decide to get.

Event Programming:
The focus of VCSCs Annual Awards Ceremony is to acknowledge the award recipients

but also have a family friendly event for the members of story county. During the event, there
will be a social hour where attendees can snack on hors d'oeuvres, have fun with the photo booth

and go on hayrides around Center Grove Orchard. Hayrides will be provided by employees of

the Center Grove Orchard and the hayrack rides will last for approximately an hour. The photo

booth will be nature themed since the theme for the event is environmental sustainability. There

will need to be volunteers to help maintain the appetizers, the dessert bar, the photo booth, and

the line for the hayrides. We intend to have minimal volunteers from VCSC because we want as

many people as possible to enjoy the evening.

The awards ceremony will begin with opening remarks from the board of directors. They

will introduce each of the recipients; speak on their behalf and present each volunteer with their

award. Finally, the ceremony will shift to a fundraising opportunity. Attendees will have the

chance to buy a tree to be later planted in honor of the person who bought it. All the proceeds

will go to VCSC.


Sponsorship Kit:

For the event, VCSC will reach out to Youth Volunteer Award Sponsors and Donors

which include, Iowa State University Student Activities Center, Greater Iowa Credit Union and

ILC Resources. VCSC will also reach out to in-kind support in the community to use as events

prizes and incentives. The in-kind sponsors will include Hy-Vee, Starbucks, Perfect Games,

Buffalo Wild Wings, Pancheros, and Fareway. We also would have other fun incentives such as

Adventureland tickets and movie passes donated by the community for youth attendees to win

throughout the night. This year we would like to do what is known as an ABCs of

Sponsorship wall banner. What this will be is a wall of the alphabet where sponsors or donors
for the event will get a letter corresponding with their name or company to show who is

supporting the event. An example would be Hy-Vee would get getting the H, and this would

show the attendees what companies support the community and this organization. To get on the

wall, a company or individual must donate $100 or more. We decided to do a lower amount so

we would be able to fill the wall better, and so it would be more of an incentive to sponsors to


Asset/Asset Valuation:

Being a sponsor for the Volunteer Center of Story County is very rewarding. This

organization strives to better the community, a company supporting this organization shows that

they care about the community and want to help make a better impact on the people living in it.

We would like to provide all our sponsors with the opportunity to be on our ABCs Wall of

Sponsorship to show the attendees who is in support of the community and this volunteer

organization. Sponsors will be recognized in many ways through the course of the event

including: their name on the ABCs Wall Banner, a verbal recognition, and a recognition on the

website. The higher up sponsors will also be recognized with their name and logo on a shirt,

social media recognition, an invitation to speak at the event, and a complimentary gift from the

Volunteer Center of Story County. We want our sponsors to know they are valued and that we are

very thankful for their general donations, so we want to promote sponsors as much as possible to

give them the recognition they deserve.

Packaging/Sponsorship Grid:

Sponsorship Level ABCs Sponsor Sustainable Sponsor Community Sponsor

($100) ($250) ($500+)

Name and Logo X X X

Printed on ABCs
Wall Banner at Event

Verbal Recognition at X X X
the Event

Recognition on the X X X

Name and Logo X X

Printed on Shirts

Recognition on Social X X

Invitation to Speak at X
the Event

Complimentary Gift X


We created three different forms of pricing for our sponsors. You can see these pricings in

the sponsorship grid (see above) about of $100 for an ABCs Sponsor, $200 for a Sustainable

Sponsor, and $500 for a Community Sponsor.


After we have received all our sponsors, we will then start the activation of the sponsors

and with that we will use our systematic plan for sponsorship: announce our sponsors on the

website, and create as much exposure for the sponsors on social media and during the event. We

will try to incorporate as many sponsors as possible during our event. There is a possibility for
the sponsor to have a table/booth at Center Grove Orchard if they want to show off their product

and/or show their support. We will also work on a social media campaign to not only advertise

VCSCs event but also highlight who our local sponsors are. After the event, we will mail letters

of appreciation to our sponsors as well. We plan to ensure our sponsors have been fully

recognized to the best of our ability to the community.


At this point in our relationship with our sponsors, we need to do a final evaluation of the

return on investment (ROI) for each organization. We will draw up a contract between VCSC

and our sponsor to show how serious we are about making this a partnership. This is where

VCSC needs to evaluate the relationship between the two organizations and how valuable they

were to each other. Post event, we will send out handwritten letters to give our thanks to sponsors

and any individuals who donated to our event. Our goal is to maintain the relationships with our

sponsors, this will ensure we can utilize their organization in the future.


Target Market:

The following segments discuss the profile of attendees who we are trying to gage this

event towards. It shows demographics, psychographics, behavioral, and more characteristics of

our prospective event attendees.


The demographic, psychographic and behavioral segments of the target market are all

dependent on one limiting factor: geographic location. The Story County Volunteer Center has
many opportunities for reaching their audience in the Story County area. The Ames area has the

potential to reach most the primary and secondary audience. Per Nielsens ZIP Code Lookup

Tool, this region contains everything from wealthy middle aged families with kids to low income

middle aged people without kids. The average income of this area ranges from less than $25,000

to just over $150,000. The figure below displays the age distribution of age in Ames, Iowa. Ames

is the best area to attract new members.

Demographics represent quantifiable characteristics of a population. Characteristics for

this event include age and gender. The

demographic for our event will be not be

gender specific and will focus on young

children to young families/couples. The

primary audience is ages 10-30 whereas

the secondary audience is ages 30-50.


Behavioral segmentation divides the market into groups based on their knowledge,

attitudes, and uses and responses to the product. For the Volunteer Center of Story County event

we are targeting families who have volunteered through VCSC or individuals who want to

benefit the community. Individuals who have volunteered for the VCSC are more likely to come

to this event because they have an interest in volunteering.

Psychographics are attitudes, beliefs and qualitative information that united a specific

audience. There is a range in ages, so it is crucial to understand different value systems for each

generation. The primary audience for the Story County Volunteer Centers event are individuals

or families who find value in volunteering or caring for the community in which they reside.

Promotion of Event:

Promotion of the event will be done through flyers, social media, local public relations,

and invitations. The primary audience can be reached using traditional media, such as the local

newspaper. A press release will be created for the Ames Tribune and Story County Sun. We will

be in contact with local news stations for radio and TV interview spots. The event will be

promoted through VCSCs social media pages and through flyers for the community. Also,

because one of the main audiences for the event is a younger generation, a Facebook event will

be created to invite guests, along with generic print invitations that will be sent in the mail.

Branding Discussion:

The brand theme for this event is sustainability. The emphasis on sustainability and

volunteering makes the personal connection to the guests through their volunteering experience

and effect on the community. This concept will be integrated into pre-event promotion; including

media relations, event materials, and invitations. The brand will be found throughout the entire

event the day-of with the green decorations, activities and more. The design for the event

brand will be simple, yet bold and effective.

Event Positioning:
The Ames/Story County area has many events, along with the many events that are held

by VCSC. This annual awards event for VCSC will be unique in many ways and will be a whole

new take compared to their previous awards events. This event will be a fun and family-friendly

which will attract people of all ages. The event will not be the traditional awards ceremony.

There will be fun activities, food, and more to make this event stand out from any other event

that VCSC has held in the past.

Fundraising is an extremely important component to our event. This is an important

aspect because VCSC needs funds to run their organization. Without these funds, they are

extremely limited on what they can do for the community. For the fundraising aspect of our

event, we decided to raise money through an auction. The auction will consist of three types of

tree saplings that will be sold at various starting prices. The first type of tree that will be

auctioned off is Flowering Crab Apple Tree. This sapling will have a starting price of $30.

The second type of tree will be the a Shumard Oak Shade Tree. This sapling will have a starting

price of $40. The third type of tree that will be auctioned off at our event is the Autumn Blaze

Maple Shade Tree. This tree sapling will have a starting price of $50.
Autumn Blaze Maple Shade Shumard Oak Shade Flowering Crabapple
Starting Price: $50 Starting Price: $40 Starting Price: $30

To make this auction more enticing to people, we will have a day after the event where

people who bought a sapling can go out and plant it themselves. We will also allow the people

who have purchased a tree to have the tree planted in honor of a person/persons. We will provide

complimentary plaques that can be placed near the location in which the person decides to plant

their tree. The planting will take place at the Ada Hayden Heritage Park in Ames. Through this

fundraiser, we will be promoting conservation and giving back to the community.

Event Technology

Technology is an ever-growing aspect of today's events world. Therefore, events today

feature technology in one way or another in new and unique ways. Through our awards

ceremony for the VCSC we are able to utilize technology in ways that the team best thought

would benefits the event. With the technology, we chose we could highlight the amazing work

that volunteers in Story county can do. We were also able to utilize the technology in a way that

shows VCSC in the best light.

With a large portion of the event attendees being the award attendees, children and young

adults, our team has aimed for this awards ceremony to be very friendly towards this audience.

Therefore, a fun and unique aspect that we have decided to bring into the awards ceremony is a

photo booth. This photo booth will be a great way to occupy our attendees while the awards

ceremony is not in service.

Once the awards ceremony is being held we are going to encompass more technology

into our event. During the event ceremony, we will have a slide show PowerPoint to help with

the outline of the program. This will help for the event attendees to have knowledge of the
organization of the event as well as a resource for attendees to follow along with the event. This

presentation will also be able to highlight the award recipients with a short entry as to why the

recipient was nominated, chosen, or just about the recipient themselves. This will keep the

audience engaged as well as being appealing watch through the ceremony.

Lastly, leading up to the event VCSC will make updates to their website to feature the

nomination process, this will be one aspect important aspect as the nominations will be detailed

on the website. The website will also be updated before the event with details of the awards

ceremony, this will be an outlet to let interested attendees know about the event. Along with the

website, social media of VCSC will be updated leading up to the event. The social media will

have updates of the nomination process and details of the event. The social media will be able to

be updated more frequently with news and detail of the event. This will keep the information

fresh in the followers of VCSC social media and up to date with the information. After the event,

has taken place the social media of VCSC can feature the award recipients to continue to

celebrate the great work of the volunteers that were chosen as recipients of the volunteer awards.

Event creativity

To make our event more unique we decided to host the awards ceremony at Center Grove

Orchard in the fall. The event is designed to be youth friendly, very personable and to inspire the

community to volunteer. To make it different than past years events we added fun prizes and

activities in hopes to draw more attention to volunteering and potentially increase attendance.

Our theme for the event is to be as sustainably as possible through our activities.

In efforts to make the event youth friendly we will have paper tablecloths with crayons and

markers for the youth to write or doodle on during the ceremony, this will occupy the younger
attendees of the event. To go along with having the freedom to draw on the tables there will also

be a giant piece of paper hanging with a word cloud asking, Why do you volunteer?. This will

get people involved and interactive in the event. The event will also feature unique center pieces

such as balloons, cotton candy, and assorted candy. A photo booth with props will be on site as

well to entertain our guests. Along with the photo booth we will also be purchasing a $10

snapchat filter or hashtag with live stream. This will serve as another outlet for our guests to be

active in the event.

During the event, we will also have a silent auction with potential trips, tickets to

Adventureland, Family Fun packages, movie packages, local vendor packages, signed ISU

basketball and gift cards to Hy-Vee, Starbuck, Perfect Games, Buffalo Wild Wings Pancheros

and Fareway are available. Another unique aspect of our event is that we having our attendees

use tickets to check into the event. This will serve as a donation back to the community as the

attendees ticket to the event will be a canned good. After the event, all the donations collected

will then be donated locally. At the event, we will display photos of volunteers and volunteer

events to share the recent work of the Story County Volunteer Center on a PowerPoint

presentation throughout the event. Lastly, towards the end of the event we will be giving away

bubbles as a take home gift for the young youth at the event, this is to ensure that the young

attendees had a night well spent at the ceremony.


Budget/ Income Statement

Bill to the master account VCSC Executive Board Member

Cost: Running Total:

Overall budget $3,000 $3,000


Tent Rental $400.00 $400.00

Stuffed Mushrooms $175.00 $575.00

Spinach Artichoke Dip/ Chips $200.00 $775.00

Fresh Fruit Kebabs $190.00 $965.00

Toppings for Caramel Apple Bar $100.00 $1,065.00

Sponsor Wall $50.00 $1,115.00

Photo Booth $150.00 $1,265.00

Complimentary Gift to $ 25.00 $1290.00

Community Sponsor

T-Shirts (20) $140.00 $1430.00

Space Rental at Center Grove $1000.00 $2430.00


AV/Technology $200.00 $2630.00

Security $100.00 $2730.00

Interactive Social Media $10 $2740.00

Miscellaneous Expense $50 $2790.00

***All numbers are an estimate***

Sponsorship Donations / Money:

Name: Item: Dollar Amount:

Iowa State University Forestry Trees $100


Hy-Vee $500

Starbucks Decorations $250

Perfect Games $100

Buffalo Wild Wings $250

Pancheros $100

Fareway Toppings for caramel $250

apple bar
***All numbers are an estimate***

Contact Sheet:

Name: Relationship: Phone Email: Address:


The Center Grove Location of 515-383-4354 fun@centergroveorchard 32835 610th Ave,

Orchard event .com Cambridge,
Iowa 50046

Celebrations of Provided the 515-268-9333 celebrations.ames@gmai 120 Kellogg Ave,

Ames Tent l.com Ames, Iowa

Hy-Vee West Provided the 515- 292-5580 1013cateringmgr@hy- 3800 Lincoln

appetizers vee.com Way Ames, Iowa

Anne Owens Main Contact 515-268-5323 anne.owens@vcstory.org 110 Crystal

Executive Board Street Ames,
Director Iowa 50010

Starbucks Provide 515- 232-1242 N/A 327 Lincoln Way

sponsorship and Ames, Iowa
decorations 50014

Buffalo Wild Provide 515-232-9464 N/A 407 south Duff

Wings sponsorship Ames, Iowa

Pancheros Provide 515- 233-4600 N/A 1310 S. Duff

sponsorship Ave. Suite 103
Ames, Iowa

Fareway Provide 515- 232-3543 N/A 619 Burnett Ave

sponsorship and Ames, Iowa
toppings for 50010
caramel apple

Perfect Games Provide 515-598-2695 moreinfo@perfectgamesi 320 Dickinson

sponsorship nc.com Ave Ames, IA

Nick Voortmann Planned the 641-430-7245 Nickv12@iastate.edu N/A

(Team) Event

Emmaline McNeal Planned the 712-310-4052 eemcneal@iastate.edu N/A

(Team) Event

Bailee Person Planned the 515-897-8348 boperson@iastate.edu N/A

(Team) Event

Jessica Kalahar Planned the 315-679-0317 jkalahar@iastate.edu N/A

(Team) Event

Heidi Darrington Planned the 402-686-9215 heidid@iastate.edu N/A

(Team) Event

Haley Rudish Planned the 515-720-4080 hkrudish@iastate.edu N/A

(Team) Event

Megan Huftalin Planned the 641-832-7277 mhuftali@iastate.edu N/A

(Team) Event

Function Sheet:

THE EVENT: The Story County Youth Volunteer Event Award Ceremony at the Center Grove
Orchard in Cambridge, Iowa

THE GUESTS: Our event will focus on the youth volunteers and their families that volunteer
specifically people under the age of 25.

THE ELEMENTS: Award ceremony recognizing the young youth who have made a difference
through volunteering. We will have appetizers and a caramel apple bar along with a photo booth,
and hayrack rides.

THE VENUES: The Center Grove Orchard, Celebrations of Ames, Hy-Vee West of Ames

October 20th Rental Company will set up the tent that will be outside the venue.
October - 21st (day of event)
12:00 pm Team will arrive at the Center Grove Orchard to begin set up the
2:00 pm Begin setup of Sponsor Wall
3:00 pm - Hy-Vee will arrive to begin setup of the appetizer station
3:30 pm- Staff will begin setup on Caramel apple bar
4:00 pm - Guests start arriving, Hayrack rides begins, food stations open, Photo Booth opens
6:00 pm - Ceremony begins
6:15 pm- Awards recipients honored
7:00 pm - Ceremony ends, Photo booth, hayrides, and food remain open
8:30 pm - Event clean up begins
9:00 pm All vendors depart the venue
October 22nd - Rental Company will tear down the tent.


October 20th (Day before event)

12:00 pm Celebrations of Ames will provide the setup and teardown of the tent (30x40 for

October 21st (Day of event)

12:00 pm Team, volunteers and VCSC staff will arrive to set up tables, linens, and chairs.
Place programs and crayons on the table. The crayons will be used to draw on the paper linens

1:00 pm - Place signage around the Center Grove Orchard to direct guests to parking lots and the
event space. Signs will also be placed to direct people to the hayrack rides, restrooms, and food.

2:00 pm Team and staff will set up the ABC Sponsor wall near the entrance of the tent, along
with the photo booth.

3:00 pm Hy-Vee will arrive with the stuffed mushrooms, fresh fruit kebabs, spinach artichoke
dip, and set up the food stations

3:30 pm - VCSC will set up the caramel apple bar. Slice and plate the toppings and apples.

4:00 pm -Guests start arriving. The hayrack rides will begin and run until the program starts. All
food is out and ready to be eaten. Photo booth will be open and guests will be encouraged to take
picture and enjoy some fun and games.
4:30 -6:00 pm - Announcements will be made to thank our sponsors, and encourage people to
use the photo booth, hayrack rides, and enjoy the food.

5:45-5:50 pm - Announcement will be made for people to start taking their seat and the program
will begin shortly.

6:00 pm - The program begins with the opening remarks and welcome from one of the VCSC
board members

6:10 pm - Awards for Middle School volunteers presented by VCSC Executive Director

6:20 pm - Awards for High School volunteers presented by VCSC Executive Director

6:30 pm Awards for College/University Level volunteers presented by VCSC Executive


6:40 pm Awards for Groups/ Community volunteers presented by the VCSC Executive

6:45 pm Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Service presented by the VCSC Executive Director

6:50 pm Video presentation about all the aspects that happened over the past year through

7:00 pm - Closing remarks by VCSC board member thanking sponsors, volunteers, and the
Center Grove Orchard. Board members will announce any upcoming events that the VCSC will
need help with, as the VCSC large events will be quickly approaching. Board of directors will
also announce that the caramel apple bar, photo booth and the hayrack rides will remain open
until all attendees have departed the event.

7:00- 8:30 pm - Guests will mingle and eat food, once attendees are ready to depart the hayrack
ride will take you back to the parking lot.

8:30 pm - Begin cleanup of tent. Pick up all trash and place it into the dumpster. Begin to stack
chairs, tables, take down sponsor wall, photo booth and clean up miscellaneous tasks as needed.

9:00 pm - All vendors depart from the Center Grove Orchard.

October 22nd (day after event)

12:00 pm Celebrations will come and take down the tent and haul away
Executive Summary

The proposed plan for the Volunteer Center of Story County youth event is to be unique

in the way that the event will be youth friendly and personable. We will make it different that it

has been in the past by adding fun prizes and activities at the event that will draw more attention

and potentially increase attendance. We hope to have this event be a stand-out success compared

to previous years.

This event will be held in October at the Center Grove Orchard in Cambridge, Iowa. The

theme for the event will be sustainability. People will be attracted to this event because of the

unique food options, fun games, the attractions at Center Grove Orchard, the interaction and

involvement opportunities at the event and more. Unique factors at this event will be a caramel

apple bar, hay-rack rides, customizable table cloths and more. Adults and children of any age will

enjoy this event because of all the interesting and exciting activities, in addition to the fall treats.

This event will be a fundraiser for the Volunteer Center of Story County. There will be

many opportunities to donate, sponsor, and support this great organization. Registration for this

event will be both online and by phone, making it simple for frequent users of technology to

quickly register for the event. We plan to attract a total of 100 adults and children to the Story

County Youth Volunteer event. Our goal is to have county officials, business owners, families,

students and more in attendance at this event. A goal that we have for this event is to really focus

on recognizing what the Volunteer Center of Story County does. We will show the

accomplishments that the VSSC have achieved, projects they have done, and more. We look to

making this event one to remember for all in attendance and for the Volunteer Center of Story


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